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activists who wrote biography
Showing 145-152 out of 255 results
Fernando Savater
Fernando Savater (born 1947)

professor of philosophy, activist, philosopher, politician

  • Complutense University of Madrid
Mira por doĢnde
ApoĢstatas razonables
Jorge Luis Borges
Mira por dónde
Aquí viven leones
Ética para Amador
Etica, Politica, Ciudadania
El Valor De Elegir
Ética a Amador
Childhood regained
Perdonen las molestias
Preguntas de la vida
Pensamientos arriesgados
A decir verdad
Etica, política, ciudadanía
Ética para Amador
Etica Como Amor Propio
El contenido de la felicidad
Ensayo sobre Cioran
El Jardin De Las Dudas
Los Siete Pecados Capitales
Siete Pecados Capitales
El contenido de la felicidad
La Infancia Recuperada
El Valor de Educar
Último desembarco
La filosofiĢa como anhelo de la revolucioĢn y otras intervenciones
Ethique à l'usage de mon fils
El dialecto de la vida
Idea de Nietzsche
Las Razones del Antimilitarismo
El Jardin De Las Dudas
Ética para Amador
Los diez mandamientos en el siglo XXI
Childhood Regained: The Art of the Storyteller (European Perspectives:  a Series in Social Thought and Cultural Ctiticism)
Contra las patrias
Perdonadme, ortodoxos
San SebastiaĢn
A caballo entre milenios
La filosofiĢa tachada
Politica Para Amador
La lectura apasionada
Sobre vivir
La vida eterna
Instrucciones para olvidar el Quijote y otros ensayos generales
TeoriĢa y presencia de la tortura en EspanĢƒa
El jardiĢn de las dudas
Filosofia y Sexualidad
El juego de los caballos
Diez Mandamientos En El Siglo XXI, Los
Penser sa vie
A caballo entre milenios
Panfleto contra el todo
Ethique à l'usage de mon fils - Politique à l'usage de mon fils
Misterios gozosos
El gran laberinto
Sei kein Idiot
Ultimo Desembarco - Vente a Sinapia
Los siete pecados capitales
El Juego de Los Caballos (Libros del Tiempo)
La Dimension Etica de La Empresa
El Jardin De Las Dudas
Los siete pecados capitales/ The Seven Deadly Sins
Lo universal y lo nacional
Política para Amador
InvitacioĢn a la eĢtica
La infancia recuperada
Tu, was du willst
Para la anarquiĢa
Último desembarco ; Vente a Sinapia
Etica Para Amador - Edicion Corregida y Aumentada
Juliano en eleusis (misterio dramaĢtico en un proĢlogo y dos retablos)
Las Preguntas de La Vida
Etica y ciudadaniĢa
Panfleto Contra El Todo
El estado y sus criaturas
El jardín de las dudas
Tu was du willst. Ethik für die Erwachsenen von morgen
La Infancia Recuperada
Sin contemplaciones
Mira Por Donde
Heterodoxias y contracultura
El Dialecto De LA Vida/the Dialect of Life (Plaza & Janes literaria)
Criaturas del aire
La Tarea del Hiroe
La escuela de PlatoĢn
Loor al leer
Caronte aguarda
El mito nacionalista
ApologiĢa del sofista y otros sofismas
Diccionario del ciudadano sin miedo a saber
Episodios pasionales
Conocer Nietzsche y su obra
Sobras completas
Inpertinencias y desafios
Invitacion a la Etica
Historia de la filosofía sin temor ni temblor
Diccionario filosoĢfico
Caronte Aguarda - Bolsillo
Pour l'éducation
Saliendo al paso
Escritos politeiĢstas
Idea de Nietzche
El jardiĢn de las dudas
Misterio, emoción y riesgo
Dictionnaire philosophique personnel
Instrucciones Para Olvidar El Quijote
Impertinencias y desafiĢos
La tarea del heĢroe
Diario de Job
La Hermandad de la Buena Suerte  The Brotherhood of Good Luck
                Autores Espanoles E Iberoamericanos
De los dioses y del mundo
Libre mente
Ética de urgencia
Asi Hablaba Nietzsche
Humanismo Impenitente
La libertad como destino
El gran laberinto. - 1.ed.
La piedad apasionada
Contra Las Patrias (Cuadernos infimos)
El gran fraude
Nihilismo y acción
Tarea del Heroe, La
Despierta y lee
Literatura Y Derecho Ante La Ley
La voluntad disculpada
El traspié
Ο μεγĪ¬λος λαβĻρινθος
La hermandad de la buena suerte
Los invitados de la princesa
La aventura de pensar
Ultimo desembarco ; Vente a Sinapia
Malos y malditos
Malos y malditos
La música de las letras
Sarcasmos y Agudezas
Darum Erziehung
Las mejores historias sobre caballos
Conciencia y ciudadanía
El arte de ensayar
Homenaje a la Constitución
Solo integral
Perdoname Ortodoxos
La voluntad disculpada
El jardín de las dudas
Contra el separatismo
Dziennik Hioba
Solo integral
De tien geboden
Política para Amador
Die Fragen des Lebens. Fernando Salvater lädt ein in die Welt der Philosophie
Eseu despre Cioran
Despierta y lee
XXII Pregón Taurino de Sevilla
Fernando Savater
James Forman
James Forman (1928-2005)

militant, human rights activist, political activist, journalist, essayist

  • Cornell University, Roosevelt University
The making of Black revolutionaries
Sammy Young Jr
Law and disorder
My Enemy, My Brother
Liberation will come from a black thing
High tide of black resistance and other political & literary writings
Self Determination
La libération viendra d'une chose noire
James Forman papers
The political thought of James Forman
Self-determination & the African-American people
Code Name Valkyrie
Manifesto to the white Christian churches and the Jewish synogogues [sic] in the United States of America and all other racist organizations
The Direction of Change for the Black Liberation Movement
So Ends This Day
Ernst Friedrich
Ernst Friedrich (1894-1967)

opinion journalist, peace activist, pacifist, resistance fighter

Vom Friedens-Museum zur Hitler-Kaserne
Krieg dem Kriege
Nnimmo Bassey
Nnimmo Bassey (born 1958)

politician, architect, poet, climate activist, environmentalist

  • New York University
Beyond simple lines
To Cook a Continent
Patriots and cockroaches
The management of construction
Poems on the run
Oil politics
Stopping the Continent Grab and the REDD-Ification of Africa
Pas de Redd en Afrique
Politics of Turbulent Waters
We thought it was oil-- but it was blood
I See the Invisible
Stéphane Hessel
StƩphane Hessel (1917-2013)

diplomat, political activist, French resistance fighter, poet, resistance fighter

  • Ɖcole Normale SupĆ©rieure, Ɖcole alsacienne
Danse avec le sieĢ€cle
Tous comptes faits-- ou presque
Vivez !
Power of Indignation
L'engagement à travers la vie de Germaine Tillion
Tanz mit dem Jahrhundert
Citoyen sans frontieĢ€res
Mi filosofía
Dix pas dans le nouveau siècle
Citoyen sans frontières
Manifeste Utopia
Le Rescapé et l'Exilé
Ma philosophie
An die Empörten dieser Erde!
Indignez-vous ! édition revue et augmentée (French Edition)
Punno hara
Engagiert Euch!
Gerechter Zorn!
Engagiert Euch!
Umut Yolu
Time for Outrage
Mi baile con el siglo
Wege der Hoffnung
Le chemin de l'espérance
Kayitsiz Kalmayin Mucadeleye Katilin
Le programme du Conseil national de la résistance
The path to hope
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)

actor, women's rights activist, abolitionist

  • Emma Willard School
The selected papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Eighty years and more
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, feminist as thinker
Eighty years and more (1815-1897)
Our famous women
Eighty years and more (1815-1897)
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Words of Ages
The woman's Bible
Scarlet Letter with Connections
History of woman suffrage
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Susan B. Anthony reader
The original feminist attack on the Bible
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, correspondence, writings, speeches
The slaves's appeal
The papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Solitude of self
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Address of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, on the divorce bill
Speeches that Changed the World
Declaration of Sentiments (Little Books of Wisdom)
Address to the Legislature of New-York
Address of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Bible and church degrade woman
History of woman suffrage
Eighty Years And More Reminiscences 1815 To 1897
The original attack on the Bible
A declaration of sentiments and resolutions
The slave's appeal
History of Women Suffrage
Eighty Years And More; Reminiscences 1815-1897
Bible and church degrade women
The slave's appeal
The woman's Bible
The Christian church and women
The Woman's Bible
Study guide to The woman's Bible
Suffrage, a natural right
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on her 80th birthday (Voices of feminism)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton as revealed in her letters, diary and reminiscences
Address ... delivered at Seneca Falls and Rochester, N.Y., July 19th and August 2d, 1848
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the matriarchate or mother-age (Voices of feminism)
Address in favor of universal suffrage, for the election of delegates to the constitutional convention
Address to the legislature of New-York, adopted by the State Woman's Rights Convention, held at Albany, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 14 & 15, 1854
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on socialism (Voices of feminism)
"I have all the rights I want."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on prisons and capital punishment (Voices of feminism)
History of woman suffrage
Address of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, delivered at Seneca Falls and Rochester, N.Y., July 19th and August 2d, 1848
Coup-d'œil analytique sur l'histoire du suffrage de la femme aux États-Unis d'Amérique
Elizabeth Cady Stanton on socialism
History of woman suffrage
History of woman suffrage
Memorial of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Matilda Joslyn Gage, and Susan B. Anthony, officers of the National Woman Suffrage Association
Solitude of self
Suffrage of a natural right
[Letter to] Dear Fanny and Frank
Bible and church degrade women
Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth C. Stanton, to the Woman's Rights Convention, held at Worcester, Oct. 1850
The pleasures of age
Memorial of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Elizabeth L. Bladen, Olympia Brown, Susan B. Anthony and Josephine L. Griffing, to the Congress of the United States, and the arguments thereon before the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. Senate
[Letter to] Mr. Garrison, Dear Friend
Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Woman's rights tracts
Address to the Legislature of New-York, adopted by the State Woman's Rights Convention, held at Albany, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 14 & 15, 1854
History of woman suffrage
The Christian church and women
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony
Solitude of self
The woman's Bible
Elizabeth Cady Stanton as revealed in her letters, diary and reminiscences
Address in favor of universal suffrage, for the election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention, before the Judiciary Committee of the Legislature of New York, in the Assembly Chamber, January 23, 1867, in behalf of the American Equal Rights Association
Address of Elizabeth Cady Stanton on the divorce bill before the Judiciary Committee of the New York Senate in the assembly chamber, Feb. 8, 1861
Eighty years and more, 1815-1897
Address to the legislature of New-York
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Autograph and commonplace book
Coup-d'oeil analytique sur L'histoire du suffrage de la femme auz États-Unis d'Amérique
Frances Power Cobbe
Frances Power Cobbe (1822-1904)

philanthropist, women's rights activist, philosopher, suffragist, suffragette, editor

Life of Frances Power Cobbe
Life of Frances Power Cobbe, by herself (Thoemmes Press- Thoemmes Library of Social Thought)
Darwinism In Morals And Other Essays
The duties of women
Religious duty
The Cities Of The Past
The hopes of the human race
Broken lights
The modern rack
The hopes of the human race, hereafter and here
Darwinism in morals
Rejoinder to Mrs. Stowe's reply to the address of the women of England
Hours of Work and Play
The red flag in John Bull's eyes
The moral aspects of vivisection
The friend of man, and his friends, the poets
Dawning lights
A faithless world
Essays on the pursuits of women, reprinted from Fraser's and Macmillan's magazines
The confessions of a lost dog
The peak in Darien
Alone to the alone
Studies New and Old of Ethical and Social Subjects
Studies New and Old of Ethical and Social Subjects
The Rights of Man and the Claims of Brutes
Alone to the Alone: Prayers for Theists by Several Contributors. Ed., with a Preface
Vivisection in America
Alone to the alone
Self-development and Self-abnegation
Theory of morals
A faithless world ; and, Heath and holiness
Essays On The Pursuits Of Women And A Paper On Female Education
Religious Demands of the Age: A Reprint of the Preface to the London Edition ..
An essay on intuitive morals
An essay on intuitive morals [by F.P. Cobbe] 2 pt
Essays on the pursuits of women
Essays on the pursuits of women. Also a paper on Female education
The Hierarchy of Art
The Philosophy of the Poor-laws
The Friend of Man
The Sacred Books Of The Zoroastrians
Practice of morals. Book 1, Religious duty
Rest in the Lord
The scientific spirit of the age
Thanksgiving, a chapter of religious duty
The Morals of Literature
Life Of Frances Power Cobbe V1
Christian Ethics and the Ethics of Christ
The higher expediency
The study of physiology as a branch of education
The right of tormenting
Public money
Vivisection in America
The modern rack; papers on vivisection
The future of the lower animals
What is progress, and are we progressing?
Criminals, idiots, women, and minors, is the classification sound?
The theory of intuitive morals
Illustrations of vivisection, or, Experiments on living animals
The Janus of science
The moral aspects of vivisection
The workhouse as an hospital
Friendless girls, and how to help them
The hopes of the human race, hereafter and here
The hope of the human race
False beasts and true
Studies new & old of ethical & social subjects
Life of Frances Power Cobbe
The moral aspects of vivisection
Science in excelsis
Why women desire the franchise
[Robertson's life and letters]
An essay on intuitive morals
Concerning immortality
The red flag in John Bull's eyes
An essay on intuitive morals
The hopes of the human race
Frances Power Cobbe said "Hang the doctors."
The house on the shore of eternity
The modern rack; papers on vivisection
Alone to the alone
The sick in workhouses, who they are, and how they should be treated
An essay on intuitive morals
Rejoinder to Mrs. Stowe's reply to the address of the women of England
The peak in Darien
Our policy
VI. - The life after death
Religious duty
Light in dark places
False beasts and true
H. Rap Brown
H. Rap Brown (born 1943)

activist, political activist

Die, nigger, die!
Revolution by the book
SNCC speaks for itself