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historians who wrote historical fiction
Showing 1-8 out of 156 results
Saul David
Saul David (born 1966)

television presenter, military historian

  • University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow
Youssef Ziedan
Youssef Ziedan (born 1958)

historian, philosopher

  • Cairo University
Alexandre Herculano
Alexandre Herculano (1810-1877)

journalist, poet, historian, politician

Alexandre Herculano
Lendas e narrativas
História de Portugal
Historia de Portugal: desde o começo da monarchia até o fim do reinado de ..
Eurico, o Presbítero
O Monge de Cister
Historia de Portugal desde o começo da monarchia até o fim do reinado de Affonso III
A reacção ultramontana em Portugal; ou, A Concordata de 21 de fevereiro
Poesias por A. Herculano
O bobo
A Europa e nós--uma polémica de 1853
Cartas de Vale de Lobos
Consideraçoes pacificas sobre o opusculo, Eu e o clero
Alexandre Herculano, o historiador
O monasticon
Cenas de um ano da minha vida
Da origem e estabelecimento da inquisição em Portugal
História da origem e estabelecimento da inquisição em Portugal
O pároco de aldeia
Cartas de Vale de Lobos ao 3°é Cândido dos Santos
Cartas inéditas de Alexandre Herculano a Joaquim Felipe de Soure
Casamento civil
O Pároco Da Aldeia (Ilustrado)
Um homen e uma ideologia na construc ʹa o de Portugal
Leyendas y narraciones
Alexandre Herculano
Da Eschola Polytechnica e do Collegio dos Nobre
Alexandre Herculano: um homem e uma ideologia na construção de Portugal: antologia
Solemnia verba
A harpa do crente
A paixão segundo Eurico
Cartas inéditas de Alexandre Herculano a Joaquim Filipe de Soure
Composições várias de A. Herculano
Contos de Alexandre Herculano
O Bispo Negro (Ilustrado)
O Alcaide de Santarém (Ilustrado)
Lendas e Narrativas
Arras Por Foro de Espanha (1371-1372) (Ilustrado)
Dama Do Pé-De-Cabra
Cartas de Herculano publicadas em O instituto
Carta aos eleitores do circulo eleitoral de Cintra
Histórias heróicas
O monge de Cister (v.1) (Portuguese Edition)
Estudos sobre o casamento civil
Eurico o Presbitero o Bobo de Alexandre Herculano
Ode autographa e inedita de Alexandre Herculano
Dama Do Pé-De-Cabra (Ilustrado)
A dama pé-de-cabra
Histo ria de Portugal desde o comec ʹo da monarquia ate  o fim do reinado de Affonso III
Composições varias de A. Herculano
De Jerssey a Granville (Ilustrado)
Poesias de Alexandre Herculano
Eu e o clero, carta ao em. mo cardeal-patriarcha
Conto português
Algumas cartas e papéis de Alexandre Herculano
Abóboda (Ilustrado)
Herculano inédito
Arras Por Foro de Espanha (1371-1372)
Morte Do Lidador (Ilustrado)
Alexandre Herculano e "O Trovador": uma carta do grande historiador
Literatura, história e política em Portugal (1820-1856)
História de Portugal desde o começo da monarquia até ao fim do reinado de Afonso III
Poesias de Alexandre Herculano
O monasticon
História de Portugal desde o começo da monarquia até o fim do reinado de Afonso III
Estudos sobre o casamento civil
Historia de origem e establecimento da inquisição em Portugal
O monge de Cistér, ou, A epocha de D. João I
O bobo
Historia de Portugal
Contos de outros tempos
Cartas de A. Herculano
Cartas de A. Herculano
Eurico o presbytero
Historia de Portugal desde o começo da monarchia até o fim do reinado de ..
Katherine Howe
Katherine Howe (born 1977)

art historian

  • Boston University, Columbia University
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
The appearance of Annie van Sinderen
The house of velvet and glass
Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
The Lost Book of Salem
The daughters of Temperance Hobbs
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
Understanding advertising
The Penguin book of witches
House of Velvet and Glass
In the News
David Amico, Carole Caroompas, Mary Fish, Randall Lavender, Brian Longe
The Daughters of Temperance Hobbs
The Daughters of Temperance Hobbs
The Lost Book of Salem
The house of velvet and glass
Money Matters
Alfred Duggan
Alfred Duggan (1903-1964)

historian, archaeologist

  • Eton College, University of Oxford
Historical Fiction
Count Bohemond
Winter quarters
The cunning of the dove
Family favourites
Three's Company
Knight with armour
Conscience of the King
Conscience of the King (Methven's Classic Historical Novels S.)
The little emperors
Founding fathers
Winter Quarters
The Little Emperors (Methven's Classic Historical Novels S.)
The Lady for Ransom
Founding Fathers
Family Favourites
Leopards and lilies
The lady for ransom
The Cunning of the Dove
God and My Right
Richard and Saladin
Three's company
Lord Geoffrey's fancy
My life for my sheep
The castle book
The right line of Cerdic
The Romans
The story of the Crusades, 1097-1291
Family favorites
Children of the wolf
The Falcon and the Dove
Arches and spires
God and my right
The Devil's Brood
He died old
Thomas Becket of Canterbury
Growing up in 13th century England
Alfred the Great
The castle book
Growing up with the Norman Conquest
The King of Athelney (Methven's Classic Historical Novels S.)
Besieger of Cities
Elephants and castles
The  King of Athelney
Devil's brood
Look at castles
Sword of Pleasure
The cunning of the dove
Three¦s company
Winter Quarters
Leopards and lilies
Leopards and lilles
God and My Right (Methven's Classic Historical Novels S.)
Conscience of the King (Ace Star, K-129)
Conscience of the King
He died old, Mithradates Eupator, King of Pontus
King of Pontus
Three's Company
The lady for ransom
Family favorites
Conde Bohemundo, El - La Primera Cruzada a Tierra Santa
The right line of Cerdic
Growing Up in Thirteenth Century England
Besieger of cities
Julius Caesar
The story of the Crusades, 1097-1291
Lord Geoffrey's Fancy
Knight with Armour
The Little Emperors
The story of the Crusades, 1097-1291
The Romans
Arches and spires
MY LIFE FOR MY SHEEP a Biography of St. Thomas a Becket
My life for my sheep
Look at churches
King of Pontus;
Count Bohemond
Growing up in the thirteenth century
Dios y Mi Ley
The Cunning of the Dove (Methven's Classic Historical Novels S.)
Julius Caesar; a great life in brief
He died old
Leopards and lilles
The story of the Crusades, 1097-1291
Étienne-Jean Delécluze
Étienne-Jean Delécluze (1781-1863)

painter, art historian

  • Collège de Lisieux, Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture
Dante Alighieri: ou, La poésie amoureuse
Florence et ses vicissitudes, 1215-1790
Louis David, son école et son temps, souvenirs
Romans, contes et nouvelles
Dona Olympia
Impressions romaines
Louis David, son école & son temps
Louis David, son école & et [sic] son temps
Two lovers in Rome
Carnet de route d'Italie (1823-1824)
Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Leopold Robert
Two lovers in Rome
Journal de Delécluze, 1824-1828
Souvenirs de soixante années
Journal de Delécluze, 1824-1828
Deux romans d'amour chez Madame Récamier
Louis David, son école et son temps, souvenirs
Mademoiselle Justine de Liron--Les deux prisonniers de Windsor
Mademoiselle Justine de Liron
Louis David son école et son temps
Impressions romaines
Bernard Palissy, 1500-1589
Les Beaux-arts dans les deux mondes en 1855
Mademoiselle Justine de Liron
Traité élémentaire de peinture. Contenant les principes du dessin, du modelé et du coloris, et leur application à l'imitation des objets à la composition ...
Dona Olympia
Philippe Brunellesco, 1377-1446
Le Vatican
Lettres écrites d'Italie
Two lovers in Rome
Kathleen O'Neal Gear
Kathleen O'Neal Gear (born 1954)

anthropologist, historian, archaeologist

  • California State University, Chico, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
People of the Weeping Eye (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Fifteen)
People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past, Book One)
People of the Sea (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Five)
The Visitant
People of the Silence (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Eight)
People of the Moon (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Thirteen)
People of the Lakes (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Six)
People of the River (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Four)
People of the Fire (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Two)
People of the Lightning (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Seven)
People of the Nightland (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Fourteen)
People of the raven
People of the Thunder (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Sixteen)
People of the Mist (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Nine)
People of the Earth (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Three)
Morning River
Fire the sky
People of the Owl (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Eleven)
People of the Longhouse (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Seventeen)
Coyote Summer
Bone Walker
Thin moon and cold mist
The morning river
People of the Masks (The First North Americans, Book 10)
The Betrayal: The Lost Life of Jesus
The broken land
People of the mist
People of the lakes
People of the masks
People of the Fire (The First North Americans series, Book 2)
People of the Sea (The First North Americans series, Book 5)
A searing wind
People of the Earth
The dawn country
People of the moon
People of the Morning Star: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book One of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past 21)
People of the Nightland (First North Americans)
This widowed land
People of the owl
People of the lightning
Thin moon and cold mist
People of the Fire
People of the river
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
People of the Lakes
People of the Wolf Special Intro Edition (First North Americans)
Coming of the Storm : Book One of Contact
People of the Black Sun
People of the Thunder
People of the Wolf
People of the Mist
People of the Sea
People of the Lightning
People of the Wolf
The Broken Land
People of the Black Sun
Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Three of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Earth
People of the Morning Star
People of the Weeping Eye
Sun Born: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Two of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Canyons
The dawn country
Moon Hunt
Sun Born: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Two of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Longhouse: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
People of the Earth
People of the River
The visitant
People of the Sea
It Sleeps in Me
Copper Falcon
The summoning God
People of the Fire
People of the Weeping Eye
Fire the Sky : Book Two of Contact
Thin Moon and Cold Mist
People of the Songtrail
People of the Thunder
Mourning War
People of the Lightning
It Wakes in Me
Raising Abel
Big Horn Legacy
Children of the Dawnland
Dark inheritance
It Sleeps in Me
Long Ride Home
Relic of empire
The Athena factor
Requiem for the Conqueror
Sand in the Wind
The morning river
The summoning God
The Athena factor
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
It Dreams in Me
People of the Wolf (First North Americans)
The Visitant (The Anasazi Mysteries, Book 1)
It wakes in me
The betrayal
Starstrike (Daw Book Collectors)
Die Weide am Fluß
Relic of Empire (Forbidden Borders)
The Summoning God (The Anasazi Mysteries, Book 2)
Die Weide am Fluß. Roman
People of the Fire
Moon Hunt
Das Volk vom Fluß. Die große Vorzeitsaga
People of the Lightning
People of the Earth (The First North Americans series, Book 3)
People of the Lakes (The First North Americans series, Book 6)
Ice Orphan
Im Zeichen des Wolfes. Roman
People of the Sea
Maze master
People of the Owl
Das Volk des Feuers. Roman
It Sleeps In Me
Tribu del Fuego, La
People of the Wolf (The First North Americans series, Book 1)
People of the Lightning (The First North Americans series, Book 7)
Das Volk an der Küste
The Foundation
People of the Silence
Das Volk der Stille
Das Volk an den Seen
Star Path
Redemption of light
People of the Fire
Raising Abel
Maze Master
Das Volk der Blitze
Das Volk des Nebels
Children of the Dawnland
Coming of the storm
Broken Land
People of the Longhouse
People of the Lakes
People of the Songtrail
Fire the Sky Bk. 2 : Book Two of Contact
Vikings in North America
People of the Fire: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
Thin Moon and Cold Mist
It Dreams in Me
People of the River: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
This Widowed Land
Raising Abel
Sand in the Wind
People of the Sea
It Wakes in Me
Rebel Hearts Anthology
People of the Silence (The First North American Series)
People of the Earth
Star Path
Dawn Country
Novels of North America's Forgotten Past
People of the Moon
The Ice Lion
People of the Weeping Eye
It Sleeps in Me
Summoning God
Das Volk der Erde
People of the Nightland
Ice Ghost
People of the Masks
People of the Nightland
Betrayal : The Lost Life of Jesus
People of the Longhouse
People of the Wolf
People of the Mist
Lightning Shell
Dead Man's Doll
People of the Fire
People of the Wolf
It Dreams in Me
Broken Land
Fracture Event
Ice Ghost
Bone Walker
People of the Lakes
Der Schatten Gottes
Cries from the Lost Island
Dark Inheritance
People of the Earth (First North Americans (Audio))
It wakes in me
People of the Silence
People of the Thunder
Cries from the Lost Island
Children of the Dawnland
People of the Morning Star
People of the Owl
The Betrayal : The Lost Life of Jesus
An Abyss of Light (Powers of Light)
First North Americans
George Payne Rainsford James
George Payne Rainsford James (1799-1860)

historian, diplomat

Richelieu : a tale of France in the reign of King Louis XIII
De l'Orme, histoire du temps de Louis XIII
Lord Montagu's page
The smuggler
Forest days, III
Henry of Guise, or The states of Blois
Philip Augustus, or, The brothers in arms
Forest days, I
Forest days, II
Philip Augustus Or The Brothers In Arms V1
Philip Augustus Or The Brothers In Arms V2
The history of chivalry
The history of Charlemagne
Dark scenes of history
The life and adventures of John Marston Hall ..
Darnley, or, The field of the cloth of gold
The Huguenot
The fate
Mary of Burgundy
Blanche of Navarre
One in a thousand
Forest days
The Ancient Regime: A Tale
Arabella Stuart
Agnes Sorel
Henry Smeaton
Gowrie, or, The king's plot
Thirty years since
The old oak chest
The vicissitudes of a life
The robber
The King's Highway
The works of G.P.R. James, revised and corrected by the author
Charles Tyrrell
The gentleman of the old school
The life and times of Louis the Fourteenth
On the educational institutions of Germany
The life of Henry the Fourth
A History Of The Life Of Richard Coeur-De-Lion V4
The castle of Ehrenstein
A history of the life of Edward the Black Prince and of various events connected therewith, which occurred during the reign of Edward III, King of England
Margaret Graham, or, The reverses of fortune
Bernard Marsh
The forgery
The woodman
Memoirs of great commanders
Henry Masterton
The last of the fairies
The Life Of Henry The Fourth V3
Adra; Or, The Peruvians; The Ruined City &c
Corse de Leon
Morley Ernstein, or, The tenants of the heart
Mary Of Burgundy V1
Lives of the Cardinal de Richelieu, Count Oxenstiern--Count Olivarez and Cardinal Mazarin
Eva St. Clair and other collected tales
Novels and Romances, Viz
Leonora d'Orco
The ancient régime
France in the Lives of Her Great Men
Revenge: A Novel
The jacquerie
A History of the Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion, King of England
The step-mother
My Aunt Pontypool
The false heir
The Life Of Henry The Fourth V2
A life of vicissitudes
The commissioner, or, Travels and adventures of a gentleman
The Old Dominion
The desultory man
[The works
A brief history of the United States boundary question
The gipsy, a tale by the author of "Richelieu," "Mary of Burgundy," &c. &c
A whim, and its consequences ..
Forest Days 1, Volume IV; Robin Hood; Classic Fiction Library
The convict, or, The hypocrite unmasked
Henry Smeaton: a Jacobite Story of the Reign of George the First
Castelneau, or, The ancient régime
Adrian, or, The clouds of the mind
The Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre
The string of pearls
Leonora D'orco
The Convict V3
A History of the life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion
Some remarks on the corn laws, with suggestions for an alteration in the sliding scale, in a letter to Col. Charles Wyndham, M.P
Memoirs Of Celebrated Women V2
Russell: A Tale of the Reign of Charles II
Heinrich Von Cerons
Agnes Sorel V1
De L'Orme; Volume 3
Rose d'Albret
The man at arms, or, Henri de Cerons
The Fate V2
Arrah Neil
Memoirs of celebrated women
The Ancient Regime, Vol. 1 of 2: A Tale (Classic Reprint)
The King's Highway
The Gipsy, Vol. 3 of 3: A Tale (Classic Reprint)
John Marston Hall [; or, Little ball o'fire]
Old Dominion
Delaware : The Ruined Family. Vol. 1
Camaralzaman, a drama [in verse].
A history of the life of Richard Cœur-de-lion, king of England
Lives of the Cardinal de Richelieu, Count Oxenstiern--Count Olivarez and Cardinal Mazarin; Volume 2
The History of Chivalry
History of the Life of Richard Coeur-De-Lion, King of England
History of the Life of Edward the Black Prince
Lives of Cardinal de Retz, Jean Baptiste Colbert, John de Witt and the Marquis de Louvois
Henry of Guise : The States of Blois,Vol. 1
A book of the passions
Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre; 1
Henry Smeaton
The solitary horseman
The Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre, Volumes 1-2
The Huguenot
One in a tousand; or, The day of Henry Quatre
Sir Theodore Broughton
Corse de Leon : Or, the Brigand
Ticonderoga A Story of Early Frontier Life in the Mohawk Valley
The Club-book: Being Original Tales
The fight of the fiddlers
Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre; 3
The Vicissitudes Of A Life V3: A Novel (1853)
Delaware or The Ruined Family A Tale in Three Volumes Volume II
Darnley or the Field of the Cloth of Gold; Volume I
The Novelist's Magazine.
The works of G.P.R. James, esq
Prince Life
Remorse, and other tales
The Cavalier
The bride of Landeck
The works of G.P.R. James, esq
A history of the life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion, King of England
An oration on the character and services of the late Duke of Wellington