As a voracious reader of science-fiction, I realised that, with no exceptions that I can think of, my favourite books were written by people with a technical background. Many are physicists (my all-time favorite being Alastair Reynolds, who holds a PhD in astrophysics), mathematicians (like Vernor Vinge and Greg Egan), biologists (such as Peter Watts), and, to some extent, engineers (Liu Cixin) The worlds and stories created by them have a richness, rigour and embedding in the wider reality that, in my opinion, most works by non-technical authors lack.

This website was created after spending lots of time Googling for science fiction written by scientists. It has already helped me discover a few authors I enjoy (such us Charles Sheffield!), and I hope others will find it useful too.

I also hope it will be useful for other genres. I’ve included some "Suggested Searches" on the homepage as a starting point. I haven't explored this yet, since I am too busy reading Charles Sheffield.

--September 26th, 2024