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activists who wrote biography
Showing 1-8 out of 255 results
George Woodcock
George Woodcock (1912-1995)

literary critic, poet, historian, biographer, anarchist, peace activist

  • Sir William Borlase's Grammar School
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
The anarchist prince
Mohandas Gandhi
William Godwin
Peter Kropotkin
Thomas Merton, monk and poet
Walking through the valley
Dawn and the darkest hour
The paradox of Oscar Wilde
Beyond the blue mountains
Gabriel Dumont
Aphra Behn
Dawn and the darkest hour
Letter to the past
Faces from history
Oscar Wilde
Herbert Read
The Canadians
Wyndham Lewis in Canada
Gabriel Dumont (The Canadians)
Amor De Cosmos
Ivan Eyre
Malcolm Lowry
100 great Canadians
Malcolm Lowry: the man and his work
The Canadians
Thomas Merton, monk and poet
The crystal spirit
The Doukhobors
A Social History of Canada
Colony and confederation
Introducing Margaret Atwood's Surfacing
Power to us all
The Marvellous Century
Traditionen der Freiheit
Who killed the British Empire?
The writer and politics
Peoples of the Coast
Two plays
Poets and critics
Introducing Sinclair Ross's As for me and my house
The monk and his message
The Egoist
The century thatmade us
Odysseus ever returning
Civil disobedience
Canada and the Canadians
Northern spring
The Anarchist Reader
The mountain road
Railways and society
Canadian poets, 1960-1973
Into Tibet
The walls of India
British Columbia
South Sea journey
Caves in the desert
The British in the Far East
Anarchism and Anarchists
British poetry today
Faces of India
George Woodcock's introduction to Canadian fiction
Mordecai Richler
Incas and other men
To the city of the dead
Notes on visitations
Letter from the Khyber Pass, and other travel writing
Patrick Lane and His Works
Matt Cohen
Anarchy or chaos
Henry Walter Bates
Confederation betrayed
Moral predicament
Peoples of the coast
The benefactor
A George Woodcock reader
Taking it to the letter
Imagine the South
George Woodcock's introduction to Canadian poetry
The world of Canadian writing
Picture History of British Columbia
Orwell's message
A hundred years of revolution, 1848 and after
20th-century Fiction (Great Writers Library)
Hugh MacLennan's Barometer rising
The spirit wrestlers
Henry Walter Bates, naturalist of the Amazons
The centre cannot hold
Selected poems
The rejection of politics
Gabriel Dumont and the northwest rebellion
Neo-anarchism in the 1970s
The incomparable Aphra
Strange bedfellows
The meeting of time and space
Ravens and prophets
The Dry wells of India
Variations on the human theme
The sixties; writers and writing of the decade
British Columbia
No nation is a good nation
Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana & other poems
The Great Canadian Anecdote Contest
Introducing Hugh MacLennan's Barometer rising
The kestrel, and other poems of past and present
A choice of critics
Introducing Margaret Laurence's The stone angel
Powers of observation
The Hudson's Bay Company
El príncipe anarquista
New life to the land
The Orwell Tapes
Matt Cohen and his works
Patrick Lane and his works
Faces Form History
Memoirs of a Revolutionist (Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin)
Introducing Mordecai Richler's
Hugh MacLennan
Charles Heavysege and His Works
Into Tibet: the early British explorers
Skinned Activists Condemn the Horrors of the Fur Trade
Six poems
The island of demons
Introducing Hugh Maclennan's Barometer Rising
Collected poems
Selected poems of George Woodcock
The basis of communal living
A letter from George Woodcock
The Greeks in India
Malcolm Lowry
Above and below the 49th parallel
New Life to the Land
Asia, gods and cities
Thomas Merton
Alain-Fournier and the lost land
The University of British Columbia
Homes or hovels
Introducing Mordecai Richler's The apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Introducing Margaret Laurence's the Stone Angel
20th Century Fiction (St.James Reference Guide to English Literature)
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a Biography
The Cherry Tree on Cherry Street
The sometime sahibs
The incomparable Aphra
New life to the land
The Canadian novel in the twentieth century
Dry Wells of India
New life to the land
Anima: Or, Swann grown old
Railways and society
A choice of critics
The sixties ; writers and writing of the decade. A symposium to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Canadian literature
The Canadian Metis
Northern spring
The sixties
Selected poems of George Woodcock
Gabriel Dumont (Canadians)
Twentieth Century Fiction (Great Writers Library)
Northern spring
Introducing Hugh MacLennan's Barometer rising
Henry Walter Bates, naturalist of the Amazons
Incas and other men
Malcolm Lowry: the man and his work
A Place to stand on
British Columbia
20th century fiction
The Canadian novel in the twentieth century
The world of Canadian writing
Selected poems of George Woodcock
Is Big Brother Still Watching
The white island
Edmond Privat
Edmond Privat (1889-1962)

peace activist, journalist, poet, Esperantist, historian, playwright, esperantologist

  • University of Geneva
The life of Zamenhof
Vivo de Zamenhof
Esperanto in fifty lessons
Esperanto at a glance, the international language
L'insurrection polonaise de dix-huit-cent trente et ses echos a l'Occident
Bon voisinage
Vie de Gandhi
Historio de la lingvo esperanto ..
The clash of loyalties
Trois expériences fédéralistes
The English
Les Américains, des colons aux penseurs
Esprimo de sentoj en Esperanto
L' Europe et l'oddyssée de la Pologne au 19è siècle
Le choc des patriotismes
Esperanto at a glance
L'Europe et l'oddyssée de la Pologne au 19è siècle
L'Europe et l'odyssée de la Pologne au XIXe siècle
Shi jie yu shi
Życie dra Ludwika Zamenhofa
Maziar Bahari
Maziar Bahari (born 1967)

film director, journalist, human rights activist

  • Concordia University
Rose Water
Then they came for me
Transit Teheran
Judy Mikovits
Judy Mikovits (born 1958)

virologist, researcher, anti-vaccine activist, conspiracy theorist, biochemist, scientist

  • University of Virginia, George Washington University
Gretchen Dutschke-Klotz
Gretchen Dutschke-Klotz (born 1942)

politician, activist, theologian, nutritionist, journalist, biographer

Wir hatten ein barbarisches, schönes Leben
Jeder hat sein Leben ganz zu leben
Muss ein Christ Sozialist sein?
Waris Dirie
Waris Dirie (born 1965)

model, autobiographer, women's rights activist, film actor, goodwill ambassador, actor, humanitarian

Saving Safa: Rescuing a Little Girl from FGM
Amanecer en el desierto
Desert Children
Mijn Woestijn
Echte vrouwen denken anders
Dochter van de nomaden
Schwarze Frau, weißes Land
Waris Dirie Omnibus
Brief an meine Mutter
Aube du Desert (l')
Niñas del desierto
Anneme Mektup
Malalai Joya
Malalai Joya (born 1978)

politician, women's rights activist

A woman among warlords
Raising My Voice
Raising my voice
Ishah ben adone milḥamah
Una mujer contra los se–ores de la guerra
Waleed Al-Husseini
Waleed Al-Husseini (born 1989)

essayist, philosopher, blogger, organizational founder, teacher, women's rights activist

  • Arab American University