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activists who wrote biography
Showing 9-16 out of 255 results
C. L. R. James
C. L. R. James (1901-1989)

historian, journalist, trade unionist, philosopher, activist, political activist, translator

  • Queen's Royal College
The Black Jacobins
Beyond a boundary
Special delivery
At the Rendezvous of Victory
Minty Alley
World revolution
Modern politics
Fighting racism in World War II
Nkrumah and the Ghana revolution
A history of pan-African revolt
Marxism for Our Times
You Don’t Play With Revolution
Mariners, renegades, and castaways
The future in the present
A Majestic Innings
C.L.R. James on the "Negro question"
Toussaint Louverture The Story Of The Only Successful Slave Revolt In History A Play In Three Acts
American civilization
Spheres of existence
The case for West-Indian self government
Life of Captain Cipriani
History of the Negro Revolt
State capitalism and world revolution
A New Notion : Two Works by C. L. R. James
The C.L.R. James Reader
C.L.R. James's 80th birthday lectures
The Nobbie stories for children and adults
Notes on dialectics: Hegel and Marxism
Letters from London
The invading socialist society
Marxism and the intellectuals
Facing Reality
80th birthday lectures
Basic documents on the Black struggle
Why Negroes should oppose the war
Dialectics of State Capitalism
Wilson Harris
New Notion
Party politics in the West Indies
Facing reality
C.L.R. James
Walter Rodney and the question of power
Every Cook Can Govern and What Is Happening Every Day
A convention appraisal
Facing Reality
Émancipation, guerre et révolution
Perspectives and proposals
C.L.R. James and revolutionary Marxism
Antología del pensamiento crítico caribeño contemporáneo
Chasten Buttigieg
Chasten Buttigieg (born 1989)

school teacher, LGBTQ rights activist

  • DePaul University, Traverse City West Senior High
Aaron Bernstein
Aaron Bernstein (1812-1884)

journalist, editor, publisher, translator, social activist

Popular books on natural science
Bernshteyn's naṭur-ṿisenshafṭlikhe folḳs-bikher
Mendel Gibbor
Mendel Gibbor: Novelle aus dem Kleinleben einer jüdischen Gemeinde
Bernshṭeyns nayer Yudisher folḳ's-brifenshṭeler
Die Jahre der Reaktion: Historische Skizze
Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbücher
Yedi'ot ha-teva'
Ursprung der sagen van Abraham, Isaac und Jacob
Aus dem reiche der naturwissenschaft
Yediʻot ha-ṭevaʻ
Naṭur-ṿisenshafṭlikhe folḳs-bikher
Alexander von Humboldt and the spirit of two centuries
Revolutions- und Reaktions-Geschichte Preussens und Deutschlands
Ueber die Prinzipien der Jüdischen Reformgemeinde zu Berlin
Fra "Gaden" II
Vögele der maggid
1849. Verfassungskämpfe und Kabinets-Intriguen
Die Jahre des Volkes
A. Bernstein in seiner Zeit
Yedi  ot ha-t Đeva  .
Ursprung der Sagen von Abraham, Isaac und Jacob
Vögele der Maggid ; Mendel Gibbor
Revolutions- und Reaktions-Geschichte Preussens und Deutschlands von den Märztagen bis zur neuesten Zeit
Markar Melkonian
Markar Melkonian

activist, lecturer

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
Fernand Clerget
Fernand Clerget (1865-1931)

sociologist, activist

Paul Verlaine et ses contemporains
Littérateurs et artistes: Émile Blémont
Barbey d'Aurevilly
Émile Blémont
Léon Riotor
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Le romantisme (1757-1902)
Ernest Raynaud
Barbey d'Aurevilly
Barbey d'Aurevilly
Émile Blémont
Le romantisme (1757-1902)
Émile Blémont
Behrouz Boochani
Behrouz Boochani (born 1983)

journalist, poet, film producer, political activist

  • Tarbiat Modares University
Sharda Mehta
Sharda Mehta (1882-1970)

education activist, social reformer, social worker, autobiographer, translator

  • Gujarat College
George Hajjar
George Hajjar

political activist