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activists who wrote biography
Showing 153-160 out of 255 results
Marilyn French
Marilyn French (1929-2009)

women's rights activist, social critic, feminist

  • Hofstra University, Harvard University
A Season in Hell
The Bleeding Heart
The book as world
Our Father
The war against women
From Eve to Dawn
Her Mother's Daughter
The love children
The Women's Room
My summer with George
Shakespeare's division of experience
In the Name of Friendship
From Eve to Dawn, A History of Women in the World, Volume III
Beyond Power On Women Men and Morals
La fascination du pouvoir
From Eve to dawn
From Eve to Dawn : a History of Women in the World Volume II
Frauen. Roman
Tochter ihrer Mutter
Vater unser
From Eve to Dawn
Triumph of Capitalism in the 19th Century
La fascination du pouvoir
Frau en
History of Women in the World
From Eve To Dawn A History Of Women
Toilettes pour femmes
Les bons sentiments
Revolutions and the Struggles for Justice in the 20th Century
Toilettes pour femmes
Das blutende Herz
Mein Sommer mit George
Tochter ihrer Mutter. Roman
Mia madre non mi ha mai spazzolato i capelli
Der weiße Handschuh und andere Erzählungen
Women of Marilyn French
Tochter ihrer Mutter
Das blutende Herz
From Eve to Dawn
El cuarto de las mujeres
Das blutende Herz
Jenseits der Macht - Frauen, Männer und Moral.
Ruimte voor vrouwen
Kadinlara Mahsus
Solo para mujeres
From Eve to Dawn, a History of Women in the World
Women's History of the World
Jenseits der Macht
Telle mère telle fille
Haar Moeders Dochter
In naam van de vriendschap
Tagebuch einer Sklavin
Les bons sentiments
Haar moeders dochter
Onze vader
Die Zukunft den Frauen
The women's room
ha-Lev ha-shotet
Kinderen van de liefde
Het bloedend hart
Het Boek als Wereld
James Kelman
James Kelman (born 1946)

political activist

Born up a close
How late it was, how late
The good times
You have to be careful in the land of the free
The busconductor Hines
Translated accounts
Mo Said She Was Quirky
Not not while the giro
Greyhound for breakfast
Kieron Smith, boy
Translated Accounts
Mo Said She Was Quirky
Lean Tales
A chancer
Mo Said She Was Quirky
A disaffection
If It Is Still Your Life
Dirt road
How late it was, how late
The Burn
Lean tales
How Late It Was, How Late
That was a shiver
If it is your life
Close Season
Lean tales
Selected Stories
An old pub near the angel
You have to be careful in the land of the free
Some recent attacks
"And the judges said"
A chancer
Greyhound for breakfast
Review of Contemporary Fiction - Henry Green, James Kelman, Ariel Dorfman
Short tales from the night shift
The good times
Fighting for survival
And the Judges Said...
Untitled Novel (1995) P/B Kelman
Essays and Stories P/B Kelman
The busconductor Hines
An East End anthology
Untitled Novel (1997)
Naomi Wolf
Naomi Wolf (born 1962)

activist, political adviser, journalist, women's rights activist

  • Yale University, University of Oxford
The treehouse
Fire with Fire
The beauty myth : how images of beauty are used against women
The end of America
Vagina : una nueva biografía de la sexualidad femenina. - 1. edición
Give me liberty
Wolf whistle politics
Vom Ende der Unschuld. Oder Das sexuelle Drama, eine Frau zu werden
The Bodies of Others
War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports
Naomi Wolf Backlist
Two traditions
End of America
Power Feminism
Give Me Liberty
Facing the Beast
War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers' Reports EBook
Valse Verwachting
Feminist Revolution : A Story of the Three Most Inspiring and Empowering Women in American History
El mito de la belleza
Banner Fire with Fire
Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader (born 1934)

lawyer, historian, politician, lobbyist, environmentalist, political activist, journalist, columnist

  • Princeton University, Harvard Law School
Crashing the party
The Seventeen Traditions
The seventeen traditions
Crashing the Party
The seventeen traditions
Congress project
Unsafe at any speed
No contest
The big boys
Cutting Corporate Welfare
Action for a change
The Ralph Nader Reader
Collision course
The menace of atomic energy
More action for a change
The lemon book
Unsafe at any speed
The Good Fight
The people's business
The Seventeen Solutions Bold Ideas For Our American Future
Winning the insurance game
Civic Arousal
Power and land in California
The good fight
Canada firsts
In Pursuit Of Justice
The Case against "free trade"
The Frugal Shopper
The consumer and corporate accountability
Getting steamed
Return to sender
The Frugal shopper checklist book
The GMO Deception
Home Book: A Guide to Safety, Security and Savings in the Home
Breaking through power
Wrecking America
Censored 2015
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
The Frugal Shopper Checklist Book
What to do with your bad car
Taming the giant corporation
Who's poisoning America
Main basse sur le pouvoir
The Rape of the powerless
Animal envy
Day the Rats Vetoed Congress
You and your pension [by] Ralph Nader and Kate Blackwell
Who Runs Congress
Ralph Nader and Family Cookbook
The GMO deception
Constitutionalizing the corporation
Ralph Nader in Rüschlikon, 7.-8. September 1977
Murray Atomic Energy
Action for change
Corporate Power in America
Corporate power in America
Media for the Solar Age
Taming the giant corporation
Nader on Australia
Canada Firsts
You and your pension
To the ramparts
Whistle Blowing
Out of Darkness
First Class
The Big Boys Part 1 of 2
The Big Boys Part 2 of 2
Hidden History of Monopolies
Alimentos gene ticamente modificados
Verdicts on lawyers
Reflections from the Waiting Room
Fake President
Who's Poisoning America
How the Rats Re-formed Congress
Seventeen Solutions
Vanishing air
Alimentos Genéticamente Modificados : Cambiando la Naturaleza de la Naturaleza
Told You So
On Living in a Democracy
Collision Course
Cutting Corporate Welfare
Big Boy
Rebellious CEO
Courts and Congress
What to do with your bad car
Let's Start the Revolution
In Pursuit of Justice
What to Do?
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
Ces voitures qui tuent
I Lost My Bontalona
Lemon Books
Good Fight
Ecotactics the Sierra Club Handbook for Environment Activists
Direct Democracy
Crashing the Party
Ralph Nader and Family Cookbook
Who Runs Congress?
Unsafe at Any Speed.  The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile
Ralph Nader presents : students as if they matter
Breaking Through Power
Unsafe at any speed
Unsafe at Any Speed
Václav Havel
Václav Havel (1936-2011)

playwright, politician, director, poet, film director, human rights activist, dissident, essayist, philosopher, opinion journalist

  • Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Theatre, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Open letters
To the Castle and back
Letters from prison
O lidskou identitu
The art of the impossible
Dopisy Olze
Dálkový výslech
Letní přemítání
Largo desolato
The garden party and other plays
The beggar's opera
Disturbing the peace
Living in truth
Prosím stručně
Disturbing the peace
Open letters
Living in Truth
Versuch In Der Warheit Zu Leben
Letní přemítání
The Power of the Powerless
Living in truth
The anatomy of a reticence
Dopisy Olze, červen 1979-září 1982
Summer meditations
The increased difficulty of concentration
Letters to Olga
Summer Meditations On Politics Morality
The garden party
Dalkovy Vyslech
Responsibility, safety, stability
Redevelopment or slum clearance
Largo desolato
Summer meditations
Uzel pohádek
Selected plays, 1963-83
Largo Desolato (Havel, Vaclav)
L' amour et la vérité doivent triompher de la haine et du mensonge
Selected plays 1984-1987
Letters to Olga
The memorandum
Largo desolato
Dálkový výslech
Briefe an Olga
The View from Prague
Tge mond pitang
Václav Havel '94
Le conformisme par la peur
Projevy, leden-červen 1990
Angst vor der Freiheit. Reden des Staatspräsidenten. ( rororo aktuell)
Deset dopisů Olze
Open letters
Lettres à Olga
The increased difficulty of concentration
Václav Havel, or, Living in truth
Sommermeditationen. ( sachbuch)
Il est permis d'espérer
Do různých stran
Redevelopment, or, Slum clearance
Moral in Zeiten der Globalisierung
Dopisy Olze
Vaclav Havel, 1992 & 1993
Am Anfang war das Wort. Texte von 1969 bis 1990. ( rororo aktuell / Essay)
Václav Havel '95
To the Castle and Back
The memorandum
Das Gartenfest / Die Benachrichtigung. Zwei Dramen. Essays
Summermeditations on politics, morality and civility in a time of transition
Vážení občané
Sedm úvah
L'angoisse de la liberté
Garden Party - Ce 37
Die Gauneroper. Das Berghotel. Erschwerte Möglichkeit der Konzentration. Der Fehler. Theaterstücke
Three Vaněk plays
Do různých stran
Die Vanek- Trilogie
Largo Desolato. Schauspiel in sieben Bildern
Epizoda z 60. let
Temptation (Havel, Vaclav)
Quelques mots sur la parole
Drei Stücke
Essais politiques
Briefe an Olga, Identität und Existenz
Hôtel des Cimes
Výzva k transcendenci
Literature and tolerance
Vaclav Havel
Versuch, in der Wahrheit zu leben
Acceptance speech written on the occasion of the award of the Erasmus prize 1986
Žebrácká opera
Vaclav Havel
Václav Havel, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Prezident v Bratislave
Siła bezsilnych
Gewissen und Politik
Private View
Hovory s Havly
The garden party
Three Vanek Plays
Václav Havel 97
Václav Havel--František Janouch
Moc bezmocných
La politique et la conscience
Open Letters
L'Amour et la Verite Doivent Triompher de la Haine et du Mensonge
Zahradní slavnost
Bohumil Hrabal
Václav Havel '96
Assises de la Confédération européenne
Politics and conscience
O svobodě o moci
Largo desolato
Dopisy Olze
Audience. Vernissage. Pétition
A word about words
Selected plays, 1984-87
Ztížené možnosti
Prase, aneb, Václav Havel's hunt for a pig
Sila bessilʹnykh
Largo desolato
Wacky Rule Bk
Essais politiques
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841)

diplomat, translator, poet, opinion journalist, historian, political activist

  • Corps of Cadets
Żywoty znacznych w XVIII wieku ludzi
Dziennik z czynności moich w Ursinowie 1822-1831
Under their vine and fig tree
Pamiętniki czasów moich
Dzienniki 1837-1838
Śpiewy historyczne
Jan z Tczyna
Dzienniki 1835-1836
Śpiewy historyczne Niemcewicza
Dzieje panowania Zygmunta III, Króla Polskiego, Wielkiego Księcia Litewskiego, itd
Listy z Ameryki do Kazimierza Czartoryskiego (1798-1806)
Dzieje panowania Zygmunta III, Króla Polskiego ..
Skarbczyk polski
Powrót posła
Podróże po Ameryce, 1797-1801
Spiewy historyczne
Dzieje panowania Zygmunta III
Jan z Tęczyna. Opracował Jan Dihm
Dwaj panowie Sieciechowie
Dziennik, 1839-1841
Pamiętniki czasów moich
Bayki i powieści
Tryptyk piastowski "Kazimierz Wielki", "Jadwiga, królowa polska", "Piast" Juliana Ursyna Niemcewicza
Meine Gefangenschaft zu St Petersburg in denJahren 1794, 1795, und 1796
Leybe i Sióra, czyli Listy dwoch kochanków
Juliana Niemcewicza pism różnych wierszem i prozą
Johann von Tenczyn
J.U. Niemcewicza Pamiętniki z 1830-1831 roku
Śpiéwy historyczne z muzyką i rycinami
Śpiewy historyczne z muzyką i rycinami
The American diaries of Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, 1797-1799, 1805
Pamiętniki, 1804-1807
Notes sur ma captivité a Saint-Pétersbourg en 1794, 1795 et 1796
Levi und Sara
Demetrius der Erste
Lejbe i Siora, czyly, Listy dwóch kochanów
Powro t po¿a
Podróże po Ameryce, 1797-1807
Zbior pamiętnikow historycznych o dawnéy Polszcze
Dwaj panowie Sieciechowie; powieść
Podróże historyczne po ziemiach polskich
Mowy Sejmowe 1788-1792
Powrót posła
Pamietniki Juljana Ursyna Niemcewicza
Pamiętnik Juljana Ursyna Niemcewicza
Spiwy historyczne Juliana Ursyna Niemcewicza, a źyciorysem autora i objaśnieniami Wiktora Czermaka
Dzieje panowania Zygmunta III, Króla Polskiego, Wielkiego Ksicia Litewskiego, itd
Jan z Tęczyna
Leibe i Sióra czyli Listy dwóch kochanków
Lucy Aikin
Lucy Aikin (1781-1864)

historian, women's rights activist

Memoir of John Aikin, M.D.
Memoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth
Aesop's fables
Sandford and Merton
Memoirs of the court of King James the First
Epistles On Women
Juvenile correspondence, or, Letters designed as examples of the epistolary style
Memoirs of the court of King Charles the First
Memoirs Of The Court Of James The First V2
Memoirs Of The Court Of James The First V1
The life of Joseph Addison
The Life Of Joseph Addison V1
Memoir of John Aikin
Epistles on women and other works
Sandford and Merton in words of one syllable
Memoirs, miscellanies and letters
Evenings at home
Memoirs Of The Court Of King James The First V2
Epistles on Women, 1810
Memoirs of the court of King James the First
Epistles on women
Robinson Crusoe
Memoirs of the court of Queen Elizabeth
Evenings at home in words of one syllable
Memoirs, miscellanies and letters
Lorimer, a tale
Robinson Crusoe in words of one syllable
Memoirs of the court of Elizabeth
Poetry for children
Epistles on women, exemplifying their character and condition in various ages and nations
Juvenile correspondence
Æsop's fables in words of one syllable
Memoirs Of The Court Of King James The First Part Two
Robinson Crusoe in words of one syllable
Memoirs Of The Court Of King James The First V1
Memoirs Of The Court Of King James The First Part One
An English lesson book
The life of Joseph Addison
Poetry for children
Holiday stories
An English lesson book for the junior classes
The Swiss family Robinson
Memoirs; miscellanies and letters of the late Lucy Aikin; including those addressed to the Rev. Dr. Channing 1826 to 1842
Carmen de Burgo
Carmen de Burgo (1867-1932)

journalist, translator, women's rights activist, editor, suffragist

Hablando con los descendientes
Puñal de claveles
Los inadaptados y otros
El divorcio en España
La Hora del Amor
La rampa
La mujer en el hogar
La indecisa
Cuentos terroríficos
Gloriosa vida y desdichada muerte de Don Rafael del Riego
Cartas sin destinatario
Mis viajes por Europa I
La flor de la playa y otras novelas cortas
Nuevos modelos de cartas
"La ciudad encantada" de Carmen de Burgos
Notas del alma
Mis viajes por Europa II
En la guerra
Giacomo Leopardi I
Giacomo Leopardi II
Arte de saber vivir
La protección y la higiene de los niños
Quiere usted comer bien?
Senderos de vida
On Modern Women and Their Rights
La Hora del Amor
Siempre en tierra
Confidencias de artistas
El tesoro del castillo
La rampa
Quiere usted comer bien?
Quiere Usted ser Amada?
El retorno
La mujer en España
La mujer en España
Moderno tratado de labores
Las artes de la mujer
"La ciudad encantada" de Carmen de Burgos
"Fígaro" (revelaciones, "ella" descubierta
Quiere V. Conocer los Secretos del Tocador?
El veneno del arte
Quiero vivir mi vida
El honor de la familia
La justicia del mar
El arte de ser amada
Cuentos de Colombine
Puñal de claveles
Nuevos modelos de cartas ..
Los endemoniados de Jaca
La mujer fría
Mis viajes por Europa
Cuentos terroríficos
El perseguidor
Mis viajes por Europa
El extranjero
Confesiones de artistas
Mis viajes por Europa: Suiza, Dinamarca, Suecia, Noruega, Alemania, Inglaterra, Portugal
La que se casó muy niña
Los negociantes de la puerta del sol
La voz de los muertos
La miniatura
Novelas del ciclo de Rodalquilar
La princesa rusa
Mis mejores cuentos
El novenario
La mujer moderna y sus derechos
El hombre negro
Mis viajes por Europa ...
El hombre negro
La mujer jardinero
Dos amores
La pensión ideal
El Divorcio en España
El suicida asesinado
Los anticuarios
Hasta renacer
Quiero vivir mi vida
La malcasada