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academics who wrote romance
Showing 153-160 out of 190 results
David Morrell
David Morrell (born 1943)

  • Pennsylvania State University
Inspector of the Dead
Assumed identity
Double image
The League of Night and Fog
The fraternity of the stone
Burnt sienna
The shimmer
Desperate measures
The fifth profession
Black evening
Extreme denial
The Totem
The protector
The covenant of the flame
The brotherhood of the rose
Long lost
Last Reveille
The spy who came for Christmas
Double image
Fifth Profession, The
First Blood
Blood oath
Brotherhood of the Rose, The
Covenant of the Flame, The
League of Night and Fog, The
Last penis up your ass
The league of night and fog
The fifth profession
First Blood
The brotherhood of the rose
Masters of Darkness III
Double image
The brotherhood of the rose
Fraternity of the Stone, The
Captain America
Assumed identity
The Successful Novelist
nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery and the Macabre
Echoes of Sherlock Holmes
La hermandad de la rosa
Blood oath
Night Visions/dead (Night Visions 2)
Tesseracts Thirteen Chilling Tales From The Great White North
John Barth
Lessons from a lifetime of writing
Fraternity of the Stone, The (Morrell, David)
Desperate measures
David Morrell's Tales from Nightscape
Leag Night & Fog-Om
The fraternity of the stone
Rambo III
Prime Evil
Long lost
Murder as a fine art
The shimmer
Murder as a fine art
The totem
Ruler of the night
Lessons from a lifetime of writing
Le Contrat Sienna
The Covenant of the flame
La Alianza De Las Sombras/ The League of the Night and Fog
Rambo III
Assumed Identity/Extreme Denial (Two in One)
The hundred-year Christmas
La Hermandad De La Piedra/ the Fraternity of the Stone
Fraternity of the Stone
Assumed identity.
Rambo 3
Brotherhood Omnibus
In extremis
Das Porträt
Usurpation d'identité
Le jeu des ombres
Fraternity of Stone
Scavenger (B)
First Blood; A Novel
The Fifth Profession
Whisper V
La cinquième profession
Der verschollene Bruder
Démenti formel
The Hundred-Year Christmas - Signed
First Blood
Das Ebenbild
Night Visions 2
Ruler of the night
Doble Imagen
Inspector of the dead
Disparition fatale
Les conjures de la flamme
The spy who came for Christmas
Der Nachruf
Ultima negación
Orden de ejecucion
Usurpation d'identité
Totem Testament David Morrell Npb
Extreme denial
Testament Nhb
Recurso Extremo - L.E. -
LA Hermandad De LA Rosa
Krai nie mery
Portrait de l'assassin en artiste
Rambo III
Ajojahti (First Blood)
Disparition fatale
Vlastelin nochi
Het vijfde beroep
Rambo Ii/Rambo
José Ortega y Gasset
José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

philosopher, pedagogue, sociologist, mathematician, literary critic, opinion journalist, politician, poet, translator, essayist

  • Universidad Central, University of Deusto
Estudios sobre el amor
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas
Obras completas. Tomo VIII (1926/1932) [Obra póstuma]
Misión de la universidad
Meditaciones del Quijote
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
La rebelión de las masas
El hombre y la gente
Ideas y creencias
Del Imperio Romano
Historia como sistema
Historical reason
Sobre la caza
Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos sobre ciencia y filosofía
¿Qué es conocimiento?
An interpretation of universal history
An Interpretation of Universal History
El espectador
The Dehumanization of Art; and other essays on art, culture, and literature.
Obras (Del realismo en pintura / Fragmentos / Goya / La deshumanización del arte / Sobre el punto de vista en las artes / Tres cuadros del vino / Velázquez)
Ensayos sobre la «Generacion del 98» y otros escritores españoles contemporáneos
Misión del bibliotecario y otros ensayos afines
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Obras completas
¿Qué es filosofía?
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
En torno a Galileo
Una interpretación de la historia universal
Meditación del pueblo joven y otros ensayos sobre América
Phenomenology and Art
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos de estética
Misión del bibliotecario
Textos sobre el 98
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos sobre educación y pedagogía
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Viajes y países
Discursos políticos
Epistolario completo Ortega-Unamuno
España invertebrada
La vida alrededor
Obras (Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte)
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía y otros ensayos de filosofía
Meditación de la técnica
Espíritu de la letra
Europa y la idea de nación
Investigaciones psicológicas
José Ortega y Gasset
Rectificación de la república
Obras (Goya / Velázquez)
Vieja y nueva política
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Obras completas
La deshumanización del arte
Ortega y Gasset
Notas de andar y ver
Stern und unstern
Obras completas
Meditaciones sobre la literatura y el arte
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos afines
Meditación del pueblo joven
Prólogo para alemanes
Ensayos escogidos
Obras completas
Obras completas
Idea del teatro
Obras completas
La caza y los toros
Obras completas
Pasado y porvenir para el hombre actual
Obras completas
Meditación de nuestro tiempo
Obras completas
Obras completas
La redención de las provincias
Ideas sobre el teatro y la novela
Escritos pol¸ticos (Coleccioón El arquero)
Los escritos de Ortega y Gasset en La Nación
Espíritu de la letra
Kant, Hegel, Scheler
Obras completas
Sus mejores páginas
Le spectateur
España Invertebrada; Bosquejo de Algunos Pensamientos Historicos
Castilla y sus castillos
Goethe desde dentro
Meditación de Europa
Meditationen über die Jagd
Hombres, mujeres. 1926
Das Wesen geschichtlicher Krisen
El sentimiento estético de la vida
Vives, Goethe
Personas, obras, cosas
Vieja y nueva política y otros escritos programáticos
Mirabeau: O, El politico. Contreras
Meditaciones del Quijote e Ideas sobre la novela
Obras (La rebelión de las masas / Mirabeau o el político)
Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Esquema de las crisas
Las Atlántidas y Del imperio romano
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Teoría de Andalucía
La redención de las provincias y la decencia nacional
La idea del teatro y otros escritos sobre teatro
Méditations sur la chasse (Lisbonne, 1942)
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
Sobre la razón histórica
Obras (Goya / Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte / Velázquez)
Las Atlántidas
El Madrid de José Ortega y Gasset
Escritos políticos
Ortega y Gasset estética de la razón vital
La obra de Ortega y Gasset
De la política
Las Atlántidas con unas figuras del Sudán y de la China
Cartas de un joven español (1891-1908)
La Spagna e l'Europa
Obras completas
Mirabeau, an essay on the nature of statesmanship
Caracteres y circumstancias
Schriften zur Phänomenologie
Problemas Resueltos de Maquinas Electricas
Vergangenheit und Zukunft im heutigen Menschen
Apuntes sobre el pensamiento
The Idea of Principle in Leibnitz and the Evolution of Deductive Theory
Obras completas
Unas lecciones de matafísica
Signale unserer Zeit
Essais espagnols
La deshumanizacio n del arte, y otros ensayos este ticos
El libro de las misiories
José Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955
Theme de Notre Temps
Über die Liebe
Meditations on Hunting
Revolt of the Masses
Was ist Philosophie?
Cuerpo vivido
Concord and liberty
Invertebrate Spain
De opstand der horden
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Para la cultura del amor
Origin of Philosophy
Carta a un alemán pidiendo un Goethe desde dentro = Brief an einen deutschen = Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Meditaciones Del Quijote
Der Mensch ist ein Fremder
Kant - Hegel - Scheler (Obras de Jose Ortega y Gasset)
Del amor / Amor en Stendhal
Obras selectas
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Meditaciones del Quijote
Meditación de Europa y otros ensayos
Revista de occidente
El Espectador
Dos visiones de España
La rebelión de las masas
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Phenomenology and Art
Ideas Y Creencias, No. 151
Obras completas. Tomo V
Obras da José Ortega y Gasset
¿Qué es filosofía? y otros ensayos
Caracteres Y Circunstancias
Modern Theme; 0
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
El libro de las misiones
Modern Theme
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
Man and Crises
Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, Eledcion
cos'è filosofia
¿Qué es filosofía? lección X
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Concord and Liberty
Insan ve "Herkes"
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Triumph des Augenblicks - Glanz der Dauer
En tiempos de la sociedad de masas
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Autour de Galilée
Misiones jesuíticas guaraníes
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
The modern theme,
Dan Auta
Goethe, Dilthey
On love;
Invertebrate Spain,
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Misere et Splendeur de la Traduction
España invertebrada y otros ensayos
Concord and Liberty. Trans. by Helene Weyl
Appunti per un commento al Convivio di Platone
Sanatin Insansizlastirilmasi ve Roman Ustune Dusunceler
Obras completas. Tomo VI
The dehumanization of art
The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Writings on Art and Culture (Doubleday anchor book, A72)
Ortega y Gasset centennial
¿Qué es filosofía?
Triptico, No. 181
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones del Quijote
El Tema De Nuestro Tiempo (El ocaso e las revoluciones, el sentido historico de la teoria de einstein, ni vitalismo ni racionalismo)
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Actas del coloquio celebrado en Marburgo con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de J. Ortega y Gasset (1983)
Idea del teatro
Meditations On Quixote - A Seminal Discussion Of Literature
La Civiltà veneziana del Trecento
Jose Ortega Y Gasset Ideas Y Creencias
El libro de las misiones
Estética y creatividad en Ortega
Tarihsel Bunalim ve Insan - Ortega y Gasset'ten Secme Yazilar
Concord And Liberty
Concord and Liberty
El hombre y la gente
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
What is Philosophy?
Was ist Philosophie?
El tema de nuestro tiempo
El tema de nuestro tiempo. La rebelion de las masas
El hombre y la gente
Mirabeau, o, El político ; Contreras, o, El aventurero ; Vives, o, El intelectual
Mered ha-hamonim
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones Sobre La Literatura y El Arte (Clasicos Castalia)
The modern theme
The Revolt of the Masses
Man and people
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
History as a system, and other essays toward a philosophy of history
Misión de la universidad
The revolt of the masses
Idea del Teatro
Revolt of the Masses
Entre la Jerarquia y la Liberacion
Antología de textos sobre Estimativa y Valores
Concord and Liberty Translated from the Spanish by Helen Weyl
Misión de la universidad
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía
Vom Menschen als Utopischem Wesen. Vier Essays.
Europäische Kultur und europäische Völker
Masot ʻal ahavah
El libro de las misiones
On love ... aspects of a single theme
Man and Crisis
Ortega y Gasset Velazquez Goya The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays
Sistem Olarak Tarih
La Rebelion De Las Masas
Idea del Teatro
On love
Sevgi Ustune
La deshumanización del arte
Sistem Olarak Tarih
España invertebrada
What is Philosophy
Meditación del Pueblo Joven
Obras completas. Tomo IX (1933/1948) [Obra póstuma]
Cantos y cuentos del antiguo Egipto
Q̂ué es filosofía?
Historia como sistema
Toward a philosophy of history
What is philosophy?
¿Qué es filosofía?
Quijote Üzerine Düşünceler
Ensimismamiento y alteración. Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos
Mission of the university
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Introducción a una estimativa. ¿Qué son los valores?
The revolt of the masses;
Meditaciones Del Quijote [and] Ideas Sobre La Novela
Obras completas
Goethe, Dilthey
Mission of the University
The Revolt of the Masses, Man and Crisis
Qué malo tiene odiar
The dehumanization of art
El origen deportivo del Estado
Goethe desde dentro el punto de vista en las artes
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos estéticos
Caracteres y circunstancias
Meditaciones del Quijote
Pensare e credere
Esquema de las crisis y otros ensayos
El espectador
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Qué es filosofía?
Espíritu de la letra
Las etapas del cristianismo al racionalismo y ortros ensayos
Viajes y países
La caza y los toros
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Las Atlántidas
What is philosophy?
Beskhrebetnaya Ispaniya (Filosofiya. Psikhologiya)
Ensayos escogidos
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Del optimismo en Leibnitz
España invertebrada
Estudios sobre el amor
Um einen Goethe von innen Bittend
Prólogo para alemanes
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Una interpretación de la historia universal
El espectador de José Ortega y Gasset ...
El hombre y la gente
예술 의 비인간화 와 그 밖 의 미학 수필
Papeles sobre Velázquez y Goya
Edmund White
Edmund White (born 1940)

journalist, literary critic, biographer, memoirist, essayist, playwright

  • University of Michigan, Cranbrook Schools
The married man
The Other Persuasion
Nocturnes for the King of Naples
The Darker Proof
The Farewell Symphony
City Boy
A Boy's Own Story
Marcel Proust
States of Desire
Forgetting Elena
Gay Travels
My lives
Sketches from memory
Skinned alive
Inside A Pearl
The burning library
My Lives
Our Paris
Fresh men
The Beautiful Room Is Empty
The Penguin Book of Gay Short Stories
Jack Holmes and his friend
Our Paris
The flâneur
Forgetting Elena
Loss within Loss
The flaneur
Our young man
Terre haute
A boy's own story
The unpunished vice
Hotel de Dream
Arts and letters
The Faber book of gay short fiction
Inside a pearl
The Faber book of gay short fiction
Faber book of gay short fiction
The Unpunished Vice
A boy's own story ; and, The beautiful room is empty
The burning library
Nocturnes for the King of Naples
De gehuwde man
States of desire
Corps à corps
La historia particular de un muchacho
The first men
The farewell symphony
A Previous Life
La sinfonia dell'addio
Skinned alive
Sacred monsters
Parizh, progulki po Gorodu vechnoĭ vesny
Intrigue in the shadow of the guillotine
Forgetting Elena
La symphonie des adieux
Record time
A boy's own story
Oublier Elena
States of desire revisited
Toni Cade Bambara
Toni Cade Bambara (1939-1995)

poet, documentarian

  • City College of New York, Queens College
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
The salt eaters
The Situation of the Story
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Those bones are not my child
Deep Sightings & Rescue Missions
Gorilla, my love
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
The sea birds are still alive
Raymond's run
This bridge called my back
Daughters of the Dust
The InterActive Reader
The Black woman
Conversations with Toni Cade Bambara
Ce Cadavre n'est pas mon enfant
The Black woman
Toni Cade Bambara Reading the Organizers Wife
Tales and stories for Black folks
The Black woman
"Realizing the dream of a black university" & other writings
Selected Shorts from Symphony Space
Toni Cade Bambara, Interview With Kay Bonetti
Raymond's Run
Geraldine Moore
Southern Black Utterances Today
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (born 1940)

translator, essayist, journalist

  • University of Bristol, Aix-Marseille University
Le déluge
Diego y Frida
La fièvre
The Round and Other Cold Hard Facts
Le chercheur dór
The interrogation
Mondo et autres histoires
The Mexican dream, or, The interrupted thought of Amerindian civilizations
Poisson d'or
Celui qui n'avait jamais vu la mer, suivi de, La montagne du dieu vivant
Hasard: Suivi de, Angoli Mala
Printemps et autres saisons
Conversations avec J.M.G. Le Clézio
In the Eye of the Sun
Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam
Le rêve mexicain, ou, La pensée interrompue
Voyage au pays des arbres
Etoile errante
L' inconnu sur la terre
El Pez Dorado
Gens des nuages
Voyage à Rodrigues
L'extase matérielle
Peuple du ciel, suivi de 'Les Bergers"
Ein Ort fernab der Welt
La cuarentena
La Quarantaine
Manuscripts of Timbuktu
The African
Ritournelle de la faim
The Mexican dream, or, The interrupted thought of Amerindian civilizations
Coeur Brule
L' Extase matérielle
El Diluvio
Vers les icebergs
Fliehender Stern
La fête chantée, et autres essais de thème amérindien
Terra amata
L' Africain
La le caca et autres faits du style
Les musées sont des mondes
Correspondencia México Francia
Coeur brûlé et autres romances
El Sueo Mexicano O El Pensamiento Interrumpido
La\Ronde et Autres Faits Divers
Folio Junior
La Grande Vie. Nouvelle
Les années Cannes, 40 ans de festival
La Fièrre
L' extase materielle
Rififi en banlieue. Textsammlung. Für das 4. und 5. Lernjahr
Ritournelle de La Faim
The Mexican dream
Le Livre des fuites, roman d'aventures
Histoire du pied et autres fantaisies
Relation de Michoacan
Zolota︠i︡a rybka
Trois villes saintes
Voyages de l'autre cote
Bitna, sous le ciel de Séoul
Viaje A Rodrigues
Voyage a Rodrigues
Le livre des fruites
Relación de Michoacán
La Grande Vie suivi de "Peuple du ciel"
Peuple du ciel
Trois villes saintes
Voyages de l'autre côté
Villa Aurore
Le jour où Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur
Vòng xoáy
Chanson bretonne / L'enfant et la guerre
The Mexican dream, or, The interrupted thought of Amerindian civilizations
Lullaby (Folio - Junior Series No. 448)
Bitna, sous le ciel de Séoul
La conquista divina de Michoacán
Viaje a Rodrigues
Nebesnye zhiteli
La música de la fam
Omwentelingen (Dutch Edition)
Cin'de On Bes Sohbet
Música del Hambre
T'aorŭnŭn maŭm
Trois villes saintes
Trois villes saintes
La conquista divina de Michoacán
L'Africain (Nobel Prize Literature 2008) (French Edition)
Trois villes saintes
La grande vie ; suivi de, Peuple du ciel
Bretonisches Lied
Quinze causeries en Chine
Celui Qui N'Avait Jamais Vu La Mer/La Montagne Du Dieu Vivant
La conquista divina de Michoacán
Göcmen Yildiz
El éxtasis material
Ayagin Hikayesi ve Diger Fanteziler
In volle zee / druk 1
Der Yama-Baum und andere Geschichten
Le flot de la poésie continuera de couler
Trois villes saintes
El africano / The African Man
Agaclar Ulkesine Yolculuk
Photographies de Christophe Kuhn
Hwanggŭm mulkogi
La conquista divina de Michoacán
A Música da Fome (portugiesisch)
Lied vom Hunger
Nouvelles d'Afrique
Bitna bajo el cielo de Seúl / Bitna
Le Sixième grand-père
Une année à la campagne
Lente en andere seizoenen
La cuarentena
Canción de la Infancia / a Song from My Childhood
Chaka. Une épopée bantoue
Les ge ants
Trois villes saintes
L'extase matérielle.
Vandrande stjärna
Villa Aurore suivi de Orlamonde
Le jour òu Beaumont fit connaissance avec sa douleur
Villa Aurore ; suivi de, Orlamonde
La conquista divina de Michoacán
Refrein van de honger
Jin yu
Ou yu =
Wulaniya =
Jesmyn Ward
Jesmyn Ward (born 1977)


  • Stanford University, University of Michigan
Where the line bleeds
Dust tracks on a road
Salvage the Bones
Sing, Unburied, Sing
Jonah's gourd vine
Men We Reaped
The Fire This Time
The Fire This Time
Let Us Descend
Navigate Your Stars
Guernica #2
De mannen die we oogstten
Fire This Time
Vor dem Sturm
Kasırga Tutulması
Canteu, esperits, canteu
Navigate Your Stars
Fire This Time
The Best American Short Stories 2021
Het lied van de geesten
Söyle Hayalet Sarkini Söyle
Esta vez el fuego
Charles Kingsley
Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)

cleric, historian, poet

  • King's College London, University of Cambridge
Alton Locke
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet (Vol. II)
The water-babies
The heroes
Hypatia, or, New foes with an old face
Westward ho!
Two Years Ago
Hereward the Wake
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
The Roman and the Teuton
Health and Education
Sermons for the times
The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children
Discipline and Other Sermons
Charles Kingsley
Literary and general lectures and essays
What, then, does Dr. Newman mean?
Sir Walter Raleigh and his time, with other papers
The works of Charles Kingsley
Twenty-five village sermons
Town geology
Glaucus, or, The wonders of the shore
Alton Locke
Hereward, the Last of the English
The good news of God
The Water of Life and Other Sermons
Alexandria and Her Schools
At last
The hermits
Madam How and Lady Why
Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Historical lectures and essays
At Last
All Saints' Day and Other Sermons
Prose idylls, new and old
Town and Country Sermons
Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays
Scientific lectures and essays
Village sermons and Town and country sermons
The water-babies: a fairy tale for a land-baby
The Gospel of the Pentateuch
Westminster sermons
Westward ho! or, The voyage and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh
The eternal goodness, and other sermons
Yeast: A Problem
Sermons on national subjects
Water-Babies, The
Heroes of Greek Mythology
Plays and Puritans
Andromeda and Other Poems
The water of life
Hypatia  or New Foes With An Old Face (Vol II)
All saints' day
The Gospel of the Pentateuch (A set of Parish Sermons)
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
Westminster sermons, with a preface
Village sermons
Song of the river
Westward ho! : or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh
Madam How and Lady Why, or, First lessons in earth lore for children
The limits of exact science as applied to history
Sir Walter Raleigh And His Times
Madam How and Lady Why; or
Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of His Life
Out of the Deep
Selections from Some of the Writings of the Reverend Charles Kingsley
Scientific Essays And Lectures
Charles Kingsley, His Letters, and Memories of His Life (Vol. II)
Hypatia, or New Foes with an Old Face (Vol. I)
Three lectures delivered at the Royal institution
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 5
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 4
Hereward the Wake, "Last of the English"
Hereward the Wake: "last of the English"
He, maʻaravah!
Westward Ho! (Vol. I)
Westward Ho! (Vol. II)
American notes
Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memoires of His Life
Works Of Charles Kingsley: Alton Locke, Tailor And PoetL
Out of the Deep: Words for the Sorrowful
Charles Kingsley, His Letters, and Memories of His Life (Vol. I)
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 14
Hereward the Wake (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet: An Autobiography
Westward Ho, Part 2 (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
The Heroes; or, Greek Fairy Tales
The King of the earth
Froude's History of England
Two Years Ago, Volume II
Phaethon Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 1
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 2
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 6
Westward Ho, Part 1 (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
The tutor's story
Hypatia, Or, New Foes with an Old Face: Or, New Foes with an Old Face
Hereward the Wake (Vol I)
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 3
The Works Of Charles Kingsley V28
The saint's tragedy, or, The true story of Elizabeth of Hungary, landgravine of Thuringia, saint of the Romish calendar
Westward ho!, or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight
Prose Idylls
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 9
Westward Ho!: or The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the ..
Westward ho! Or, The voyages and adventures of sir Amyas Leigh
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 11
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 10
The Works of Charles Kingsley: Volume 8
From death to life
Two Years Ago V2
The Greek Fairy Tale Of Theseus
Phaethon; or, Loose thoughts for loose thinkers
[The message of the Church to labouring men
Madame How and Lady Why
The life and works of Charles Kingsley ..
The Heroes (1903)
Westward Ho! Or, The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight of Burrough, in the ..
Hereward the Wake, L̀ast of the English'
The poetical works of Charles Kingsley
Hypatia, or, New foes with old faces
Good News of God, the
Sir Walter Raleigh and His Time
Spee ch of Lord Dundreary in Section D, on Friday last
The Life of Saint Paul the First Hermit
The Good News of God: Sermons
New Miscellanies
The Ancien Regime
Literary and General Lectures and Literary Collections
Two Years Ago (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
Alton Locke
Hypatia, Andromeda, and Other Poems
The Roman and the Teuton
Daily Thoughts
Westward Ho!: The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of ..
Yeast (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
Poems (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
Out of the deep: words for the sorrowful from the writings of C. Kingsley [ed. by F.E. Kingsley]
Three Lectures on the Ancient Regime As It Existed on the Continent Before the French Revolution
Greek Fairy Tales
Shepherd's Hill
Charles Kingsley's American notes
Glaucus or Wonders of the Shore
Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley
Poems: Including The Saint's Tragedy, Andromeda, Songs, Ballads, &c
The Works Of Charles Kingsley V1
Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the country of Devon in the reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Hypatia (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
The message of the church to the labouring men ..
Hypatia : new foes with an old face
Los Ninos del Agua / The Water-Babies
Charles Kingsley's Works
Alton Locke (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
"What, Then, Does Dr. Newman Mean?": A Reply to a Pamphlet Lately Published by Dr. Newman
The Poetry of Sacred and Legendary Art
Hereward the Wake: The Last of the English
The Ancient Regime
Living truths
The water babies, and Glaucus
Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the region of her most glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Alexandria and Her Schools; four lectures delivered at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh
Collected Works of Charles Kingsley
The Greek heroes
(Eversley edition of Charles Kingsley's novels)
Hereward the Wake, 'last of the English': "last of the English"
Sanitary and Social Lectures
The heroes (complete)
Water Babies
Historical Lecturers and Essays
Westward Ho!: Or, The Voyagews and Adventure of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of ..
Hereward The Wake, Last Of The English V1
Lectures delivered in America in 1874
True Words for Brave Men
The Greek Fairy Tale Of The Argonauts
Short Works of Charles Kingsley
Letters and Memories (Novels, Poems and Letters of Charles Kingsley)
The gospel of the Pentatench
Prose Idylls, New and Old: New and Old
Two Years Ago, Volume I
Sanitary and Social Lectures, etc
The Greek Fairy Tale Of Perseus
The Saint's Tragedy
The Temple of Wisdom
The Massacre of the Innocents
The Water Babies/Peter Pan
Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh knt. of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth, rendered into modern English
The Example of the Early Navigators
Hereward the wake "last of the English."
Cheap clothes and nasty
Companion to Mr. Kingsley's "Glaucus,": Containing Coloured Illustrations of the Objects ..
At las
God's Feast
Novels And Poems Of Charles Kingsley
Frederick Denison Maurice
Mr. Kingsley and Dr. Newman
Westward ho!
Electric Machinery
Charles Kinsgley
Water Babies (Children's Treasury)
Charles Kingsley and Wellington College
The History and Life of the Reverend Doctor John Tauler of Strasbourg: With Twenty-five of His ..
The Water Babies
Women and politics
The saint's tragedy
Hereward the Wake
Apologia Pro Vita Sua : A Reprint of the First Edition , Together with the Two Preliminary Pamphlets : Mr. Kingsley and Dr. Newman
"Beautiful thoughts"
The Heroes; or, Greek Fairy Tales for My Children (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Discipline and Other Sermons (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Cuentos de Hadas Griegos - Los Heroes
Letter to a Public School Boy, on Betting and Gambling (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
His letters and memories of his life
Brave Words for Brave Soldiers and Sailors (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Historical lectures and essays
Alton Locke, tailor and poet : an autobiography
Hypatia, or, New foes with an old face
The water-babies
Novels and poems
The Teuton and the Roman
Letters to Young Men on Betting and Gambling (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Miscellanies (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Madam Howe and Lady Why
Speech of Lord Dundreary in Section D on Friday Last. On the Great Hippocampus Question (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
See the land her Easter keeping
The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children
The water-babies
The Address on Education, Read before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
The King of the Earth, and Other Sermons Preached in a Village Church (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Sea Sermons (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Alton Locke, tailor and poet
Alexandria and Her Schools (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
No Title Exists
The application of associative principles and methods to agriculture
"What, Then, Does Dr. Newman Mean?" (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
The water-babies
Charles Kingsley's only short story
New Miscellanies (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
His letters and memories of his life
Westward Ho; or; The voyages and adventures of Sir Amys Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in thereign of her most glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth
The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes)
The water-babies
The Application of Associative Principles and Methods to Agriculture (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Health and Education (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Selections from some of the writings of the Rev. C. Kingsley, M.A
Sermons for Sailors (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
The water babies
Why Should We Pray for Fair Weather? A Sermon (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Words of Advice to Schoolboys, Collected from Hitherto Unpublished Notes and Letters (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Three Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution on the Ancien Regime before the French Revolution (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Westward Ho! Or, The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knt., of Burrough, in the County ..
The water babies, and selected poems
The goldenfleece with, Theseus and, Perseus
Hints to Stammerers, by a Minute Philosopher (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
The Irrationale of Speech, by a Minute Philosopher (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
A Sermon on the Death of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Hereward the Wake
Westward Ho! Or, The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon, in the Reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Westward ho!
Glaucus; or, The Wonders of the Shore (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Plays and Puritans, and other historical essays
Madam How and Lady Why; or, First Lessons in Earth Love for Children (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Prose Idylls, New and Old (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Poems of Charles Kingsley
The Hermits (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Selections from some of the writings
The Water Babies (Good Night, Sleep Tight Storybook)
The Heroes of Greek Fairy Tales for My Children
True words for brave men
Cheap Clothes and Nasty (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Who Are the Friends of Order? (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Ode Performed in the Senate-House Cambridge, Composed for the Installation of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor of the University (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Shui hai zi =
Literary and general essays and lectures
Sermons on National Subjects (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Westward Ho!, or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, in the reign ofQueen Elizabeth
Masterpieces from Charles Kingsley
All Saints' Day and Other Sermons (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Introductory Lectures, Delivered at Queen's College, London (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Westminister Sermons (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Heroes or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children (Facsimile classics series)
Who Causes Pestilence? (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Health and education
Phaeton; or, Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Westwood Ho!
True Words for Brave Men (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Lectures Delivered in America in 1874 (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Town Geology (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
The gospel of the Pentateuch
Charles Kingsley, his letters and memoirs of his life
Apologia Pro Vita Sua: Being a Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled "What, Then ..
Women and Politics (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Phaeton or loose thoughts for loose thinkers
Twenty-five Village Sermons (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
Hereward the Lake
The defence of Ely: taken from the novel entitled Hereward the wake
The address on education read before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, at Bristol, on the 1st October, 1869
Hypatia; or, New Foes with an Old Face (The Works of Charles Kingsley, volume 4 (28 Volumes))
The Water of Life and Other Sermons (The Works of Charles Kingsley (28 Volumes))
The two breaths
Shui hai
Glaucus, or, The wonders of the shore
The water-babies
Sermons on national subjects
Town geology
Glaucus, or, The wonders of the shore
Westward ho!
Who are the friends of order?
The heroes
Twenty-five village sermons
The saint's tragedy
Sanitary and social lectures and essays
The limits of exact science as applied to history
The massacre of the innocents!
The good news of God
The water-babies
Charles Kingsley
All saints' day, and other sermons
Westward ho!, or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight, of Burrough in the County of Devon
The heroes
Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the County of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty, Queen Elizabeth, rendered into modern English
Glaucus, or, the wonders of the shore
Hereward, the last of the English
The heroes
Village sermons and town and country sermons
Shui haizi
Alton Locke, tailor and poet
Two years ago
Xi fang sou shen ji
Alton Locke, tailor and poet
The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales for my children
The saint's tragedy
Sermons on national subjects
The water-babies
Scientific lectures and essays
Poems of Charles Kingsley
Westminster sermons
The gospel of the Pentateuch
Charles Kingsley
All saints' day, and other sermons
Westward ho!
The limits of exact science as applied to history
Two years ago
Prose idylls new and old
The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my children
The heroes
The heroes
Westward ho
Shui hai zi
At last
Sermons for the times
The hermits
Kingsley's water-babies
At last
What, then, does Dr. Newman mean?
Westminster sermons
Town geology
Historical lectures and essays
At last
Charles Kingsley
The water of life
Westward ho
Madam How and Lady Why
Westward ho
The works of Charles Kingsley
The application of associative principles and methods to agriculture
The heroes
The water of life, and other sermons
Hereward the Wake, "last of the English,"
Christmas day
Sermons for the times
Westminster sermons
Hereward the Wake
The heroes
Women and politics
Na laochra =
The works of Charles Kingsley ...
Charles Kingsley
The water babies and Madam How and Lady Why
The hermits
Alton Locke, tailor and poet
Sir Walter Raleigh and his time
Village sermons and Town and country sermons
Town geology
Madam How and Lady Why
The gospel of the Pentateuch, a set of parish sermons
Two years ago
The heroes
"What, then, does Dr. Newman mean?"
True words for brave men
Charles Kingsley, his letters and memories of his life
Three lectures delivered at the Royal institution
Westminster sermons
Health and education
The Roman and the Teuton
The Roman and the Teuton
Xila ying xiong zhuan
The heroes
The water-babies
Madam How and Lady Why
Charles Kingsley
The water-babies
Westward ho!, or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of Her Most Glorious Majesty, Queen Elizabeth
The heroes
The message of the church to labouring men
Charles Kingsley
Sermons for the times
Yalde ha-mayim
The water of life
The hermits
Westminster sermons
Two sermons of Charles Kingsley
Hereward, the last of the English
Glaucus, or, The wonders of the shore
The water-babies
Ying xiong
Plays and Puritans, and other historical essays
The good news of God
Westward ho!
Sermons for the times
Hypatia, or, New foes with an old face
Madame How and Lady Why
Sanitary and social lectures and essays
Sanitary and social lectures and essays
Glaucus, or, The wonders of the shore
Out of the deep
Westward ho! or, The voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, knight of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the region of her most glorious Majesty Queen Elizabeth
From death to life
Historical lectures and essays
The water-babies
The water babies
The hermits
Town and country sermons
The message of the church to labouring men
Lectures delivered in America in 1874
From death to life
¡Rumbo a Poniente! O los viajes y aventuras de Sir Amyas Leigh, Caballero de Burrough, en el condado de Devon, durante el Reinado de su más gloriosa majestad, la Reina Isabel
Scientific lectures and essays
The water-babies
Las criaturas acuáticas
Shui ying hai
Village sermons and town and country sermons
Westward ho!
Charles A. Beard
Charles A. Beard (1874-1948)

historian of Modern Age, historian, peace activist

  • DePauw University, Columbia University
The rise of American civilization,
An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
America in midpassage
Presidents in American history
American government and politics
The rise of American civilization
The republic; conversations on fundamentals
The devil theory of war
American citizenship
Contemporary American history, 1877-1913
The Supreme Court and the Constitution
The economic basis of politics
The American leviathan
Basic history of the United States
The office of justice of the peace in England in its origin and development
Economic origins of Jeffersonian democracy
The republic
President Roosevelt and the coming of the war, 1941
Documents on the state-wide initiative, referendum and recall
American city government
A first book in American history
Whither mankind
The future comes
National governments and the world war
The Industrial Revolution
The idea of national interest
America faces the future
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
American City Government: A Survey of Newer Tendencies
The office of justice of the peace in England in its origin and development
Cross currents in Europe to-day
The history of the American people
An introduction to the English historians
Politics a lecture delivered at Columbia university in the series on science, philosophy and art
The open door at home
American foreign policy in the making, 1932-1940
Readings in American government and politics
The industrial revolution
Readings in American government and politics
Our old world background
The office of justice of the peace in England
Outlines of European History Volume 2
Outlines of European History Volume 1
New basic history of the United States
Outlines Of European History
The Republic
Current problems of public policy
The Beards' new basic history of United States
History Of The United States
Economic Origins Of Jeffersonian Democracy
Readings in American government and politics
President Roosevelt and the coming of war, 1941
Toward civilization
The old deal and the new
The Party battle
The Office of Justice of the Peace in England in Its Origin and Development
Documents on the state-wide initiative, referendum and recall
A History Of The United States
The american leviathan
European sobriety in the presence of the Balkan crisis
The Beards' new basic history of the United States
The idea of national interest
Industrial Revolution
The economic basis of politics, and related writings
Contemporary American history, 1877-1913
The making of American civilization
Whither Mankind a Panorama of Modern Civilization
How American citizens govern themselves
Economic origins of Jeffersonian democracy
A century of progress
The enduring Federalist
Whither Mankind
Economic Basis of Politics
Charles A. Beard's The Presidents in American history
Readings in American government and politics
The future comes; a study of the New Deal
History of the United States
Jefferson, corporations and the Constitution
Loose leaf digest of short ballot charters
Whither Mankind a Panorama of Modern Civilization
The rise of American civilization
An introduction to the English historians
Charles A. Beard and the social studies
New basic history of the United States
Our Old World Background
How Can American Democracy Be Improved
The administration and politics of Tokyo
History of the United States
The office of Justice of the Peace in England in its origin and development
The nature of the social sciences in relation to objectives of instruction
Address delivered by Charles Austin Beard ...
Une relecture économique de la Constitution des États-Unis
American Government and Politics (Classic Reprint)
The Republic
The Economic Basis of Politics
Readings in American Government and Politics
History of the United States
Schools in the story of culture
An introduction to the English historians
The Lincoln of Carl Sandburg
A foreign policy of America. --
The nature of the social sciences
The discussion of human affairs
Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy
An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
Annual (1941) supplement to American government and politics, 8th edition
Whither mankind
Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy
American City Government
The making of American civilization
Readings in American government and politics
American government and politics
The open door at home
The myth of rugged American individualism
Public policy and the general welfare
The nature of the social sciences
The open door at home
The Development of Modern Europe: An Introduction to the Study of Current History
The enduring Federalist
Trinity Sunday
The Beards' Basic History of the United States
The office of Justice of the Peace in England
American foreign policy in the making, 1932-1940
The American spirit
The American party battle
Philosophy, science and art of public administration
The Journal Of William Maclay United States Senator From Pennsylvania 1789 To 1791
Loose leaf digest of short ballot charters
Economic Basis of Politics
Una interpretación económica de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos
History of Europe : Our Own Times, the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
American Government and Politics
Toward Civilization
Century of Progress
The Beards' new basic history of the United States
Written history as an act of faith
History of the United States: a study in American civilization
The Rise Of American Civilization Volume I The Agricultural Era 1927 1927 [Leather Bound]
Documents on the state-wide initiative, referendum and recall
American citizenship
The economic basis of politics and related writings
The Lincoln of Carl Sandburg : Some Reviews of Abraham Lincoln
The idea of national interest
Ren lei de qian cheng
A foreign policy for America
America in Midpassage Volume I and Volume II
The navy
The American spirit
Toshi zaisei ni okeru tokubetsu fuka mondai
Documents on the state-wide initiative
Histoire des E tats-Unis
Schools in the story of culture
Economic origins of Jeffersonian democracy
American city government
Supreme Court and the Constitution
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
The American party battle
Zheng zhi de jing ji ji chu
The Balkan pivot: Yugoslavia
Bīado Hakushi Tōkyō fukkō ni kansuru iken.
The Lincoln of Carl Sandburg
The rise of American civilization
Should the Constitution Be Revised
The development of modern Europe
American Spirit
A manual to accompany The history of the American people
The American spirit
Education under the Nazis
America in midpassage
The economic basis of politics
Giddy minds and foreign quarrels
Supreme Court and the Constitution
History of the United States
History of the United States
The Lincoln of Carl Sandburg : Some Reviews of "Abraham Lincoln
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War 1941
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
Contemporary American History, 1877-1913
America in midpassage
Meiguo zheng dang dou zheng shi
President Roosevelt and the coming of the war 1941: a study in appearances and realities
Contemporary American History 1877-1913
History of the United States: a study in American civilization
The American party battle
Readings in American government and politics
America faces the future
Elementary world history
Zheng zhi de jing ji ji chu
The city manager plan of municipal government
The American party battle
An economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States
The Office of Justice of the Peace in England in Its Origin and Development (Columbia University Studies in the Social Sciences; No. 52)
The budgetary provisions of the New York constitution
Charles A. Beard exposes anti-semitic forgery about BenjaminFranklin
American government and politics. --
An economic interpretation of the constitution of the United States
American government and politics
America in midpassage
The rise of American civilization