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academics who wrote romance
Showing 1-8 out of 190 results
Janet Fitch
Janet Fitch (born 1955)


  • University of Keele, Reed College
The revolution of Marina M.
White oleander
Paint It Black
Chimes of a lost cathedral
Paint it black
Foreign devil
Laurier Blanc
Weißer Oleander
Weisser Oleander
The Art and Craft of Jewellery
Paint It Black
Art & Craft of Jewellery (Us)
Paint of Black
Chimes of a Lost Cathedral
Oleandro Blanco
Bai se jia zhu tao
Veneno Sutil
White Olander
Paint It Black A
Bialy Oleander by Janet Fitch (Paperback)
Vit oleander
Siyaha Boya
Witte oleander
Pierre Mertens
Pierre Mertens (born 1939)

lawyer, journalist, literary critic, jurist, researcher, playwright, librettist, poet

  • Free University of Brussels
Les chutes centrales
La fête des anciens
Uwe Johnson
La Passion de Gilles
Le droit de recours effectif devant les instances nationales en cas de violation d'un droit de l'homme
Les éblouissements
L' agent double
L' imprescriptibilité des crimes de guerre et contre l'humanité
Rilke, ou, L'ange déchiré
Lettres clandestines
Les phoques de San Francisco
L' Afrique de Pékin
Terre d'asile
L' Inde ou l'Amérique
Ombres au tableau
Les bons offices
Une paix royale
Voet aan de grond
Une seconde patrie
Le niveau de la mer
Le don d'avoir été vivant
Les éblouissements
Pierre Mertens, tout est feu
Paysage avec la chute d'Icare
Histoire et fiction
Pierre Mertens, l'arpenteur
Une paix royale
Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana
Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana (1908-1994)

poet, philosopher, linguist, politician

  • Kweekschool Fort de Kock, Rechtshoogeschool te Batavia
Pemikiran Islam dalam menghadapi globalisasi dan masa depan umat manusia
Language planning for modernization
Bahasa hukum beberapa sumbangan pikiran menuju ke arah pembentukan dan pemakaian bahasa yang baik
Pembangunan ekonomi & etik ekonomi Islam
Perkembangan sejarah kebudayaan Indonesia dilihat dari jurusan nilai-nilai
Puisi lama
Perdjuangan untuk autonomi dan kedudukan adat didalamnja
Pembimbing kefilsafat
Layar terkembang
Dari perjuangan dan pertumbuhan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa modern
Indonesian language and literature
Lagu pemacu ombak
Seni dan sastera ditengah-tengah pergolakan masyarakat dan kebudayaan
Values as integrating forces in personality, society and culture
Indonesia in the modern world
Kebudayaan sebagai perjuangan
Grotta Azzurra
Indonesia: social and cultural revolution
Grotta Azzura
Defeat and victory
Kebangkitan puisi baru Indonesia
Dian yang tak kunjung padam
Kalah dan menang
Sajak-sajak dan renungan
Socio-cultural creativity in the converging and restructuring process of the new emerging world
Amir Hamzah, penyair besar antara dua zaman, dan uraian Nyanyi sunyi
Tatabahasa baru bahasa Indonesia
Sedjarah bahasa Indonesia
Perjuangan tanggung jawab dalam kesusasteraan
Proses kreatif
Poeisi baru
Dari perdjuangan dan pertumbuhan bahasa Indonesia
Penilaian Chairil Anwar kembali
Ditengah tengah perdjuangan kebudajaan Indonesia oléh Gadis Rasid
Ta' poetoes diroendoeng malang
Dian jang ta' koedjoeng padam
Bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa daerah
Puisi lama
Mahasiswa dalam sorotan!
Grotta Azzurra
Perempuan di persimpangan zaman
Anak perawan disarang penjamun
Tatabahasa baru bahasa Indonesia
Dian yang tak kunjung padam
Tebaran mega
Arti bahasa, pikiran, dan kebudayaan dalam hubungan Sumpah Pemuda 1928
Soal kebudajaan Indonesia di-tengah²dunia
The Modernization of languages in Asia
Lajar terkembang
Puisi baru
Anak perawan disarang penyamun
Poeisi lama
Values as integrating forces in personality, society and culture
Tak putus dirundung malang
Joseph Bédier
Joseph Bédier (1864-1938)

professor, literary critic, philologist, romanist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Roman de Tristan et Iseut
The romance of Tristram and Iseult
Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston Paris
Bibliographie de travaux de Gaston Paris
The romance of Tristan & Iseult
The romance of Tristan and Iseut
The romance of Tristan and Iseult
The romance of Tristan & Iseult
Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston Paris
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
Il romanzo di Tristano e Isotta
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
Tristan and Iseult
אהבת טריסטן ואיזולדה
The romance of Tristan and Iseult
Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston Paris
Bibliographie des travaux de Gaston Paris
The romance of Tristan and Iseult
Roman o Tristane i Izolʹde
Les légendes épiques
Les légendes épiques
Les fabliaux
Les fabliaux
Les légendes épiques
Discours de réception à l'Académie française, prononcé le 3 novembre 1921
Littérature française
Études critiques
How Germany seeks to justify her atrocities
Les chansons de croisade
Une amitié de jeunesse
Tristan and Iseult
De Nicolao Museto (Gallice : Colin Muset), francogallico carminum scriptore
Les crimes allemands
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
Les chansons de croisade
Les fabliaux
Pour la science
German atrocities from German evidence
Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut, par Joseph Bédier
Littérature française
Hommage à Gaston Paris
Hommage à Gaston Paris
Les chansons de croisade, publiées par Joseph Bédier, avec leurs mélodies publiées par Pierre Aubry
Tristan et Iseut
Philologie et humanisme
Tristan and Iseult
Gaston Paris
De Nicolao Museto (Gallice
German atrocities from German evidence
Histoire de la littérature française illustrée
How Germany seeks to justify her atrocities
Roland à Roncevaux
Les crimes allemands d'après des témoignages allemands
German atrocities from German evidence
La tradition manuscrite du Lai de l'ombre
La Chanson de Roland
I crimini tedeschi provati con testimonianze tedesche
How Germany seeks to justify her atrocities
Histoire des lettres
Comments l'Allemagne essaye de justifier ses crimes
Les fabliaux
Der Roman von Tristan und Isolde
Les légendes épiques
Les légendes épiques
Histoire des lettres
Hommage à Gaston Paris
Littérature franca̧ise
Roland à Roncevaux
Les légendes épiques
The romance of Tristan & Iseult
Litterature francaise
La historia de Tristán e Isolda
Tristan and Iseult
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
The romance of Tristram and Iseult
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
Tristan i Izolʹda
Roman pro Tristana ta Izolʹdu
Les deux poèmes de La folie Tristan
[Oxford Lectures on Literature, 1907-1922]
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
The romance of Tristan and Iseult
La chanson de Roland
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
The romance of Tristan and Iseult
Tristan et Iseut
Les chansons de croisade
La chatelaine de Vergy
The romance of Tristan and Iseult
Les crimes allemands d'après des témoignages allemands
The romance of Tristam and Iseult
The romance of Tristan & Iseult
Roland à Roncevaux
L'effort Français
La chanson de Roland
Tristan agus Iseut
Litterature Francaise
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
La chanson de Roland
La tradition manuscrite du Lai de l'ombre
Les légendes épiques
La Chanson de Roland
La Chanson de Roland
Le roman de Tristan et Iseut
The romance of Tristram and Iseult
La Chanson de Roland
La Chanson de Roland, publiee d'apres le manuscrit d'Oxford et traduite par Joseph Bedier
Ṭrisṭan ṿe-Izoldah
Études critiques ...
Les chansons de croisade
La Chanson de Roland commentée
La Chanson de Roland; publiée d'après le manuscrit d'Oxford et traduite par Joseph Bédier
Discours de réception à l'Académie française, prononcé le 3 novembre 1921
Littérature française
A. S. Byatt
A. S. Byatt (1936-2023)

poet, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Bryn Mawr College
The Game
Babel Tower
The Matisse Stories
Passions of the mind
Angels & insects
A whistling woman
Imagining characters
Still life
The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye
The tragedy of King Lear with related readings
Sugar and other stories
The biographer's tale
The virgin in the garden
The Children's Book
On histories and stories
Little black book of stories
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009
Iris Murdoch
Deadly Sins
The Virago Book Of Ghost Stories
Degrees of freedom
Selected Essays, Poems, and Other Writings
Peacock & vine
Unruly Times
Medusa's Ankles
On Histories and Stories
The Oxford Book of English Short Stories
Vintage Byatt
Writers on Artists
Wordsworth and Coleridge in their time
Grimm Reader
The Pocket Canons Bible
Portraits in fiction
New Writings 4 (Special Sale)
Geschichten von Feuer und Eis
Die Verwandlung des Schmetterlings
Konzernrecht und Kapitalmarktrecht
Des anges et des insectes
The virgin in the garden ; and Still life
Bülbül'ün Gözündeki Cin
Angels & Instincts
Bp Portrait Award 2003
Die Jungfrau im Garten
Shadow of a sun
Jack Milroy
New Writing
Medusa’s Ankles
Der verliebte Dschinn
Das Geheimnis des Biographen
Nature morte
Medusa's Ankles
Elaine Feinstein with A.S. Byatt
Angels & Insects: Two Novellas (Vintage International)
X 10 Djinn & the Nightingale Counterpack
Collected Stories
Kees Fens finding the place
Raw Material (Storycuts)
Stone Woman (Storycuts)
Still Life
Possessione / Posession
On Histories and Stories
Ángeles e insectos
Pocket Canons
Pink Ribbon (Storycuts)
Küçük Kara Hikayeler Kitabı
Thing in the Forest (Storycuts)
El libro de los niños
Angels and Insects
Future House
Untitled Novel 2 (Byatt)
Untitled Novel
Petits Contes noirs
English and German Cultural Encounters
Selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings
Stern- und Geisterstunden
The Song of Solomon
Natura morta
Song of Solomon
Angels and Insects
On the Conjugial Angel
El libro de los niños
Untitled A. S. Byatt
Le mal de peau
X5 Possession Reading Guide Exp
Naturaleza muerta
A. S. Byatt Boxed Set
Portraits in Fiction
A. S. Byatt Airport Pack
Das Buch der Kinder
Body Art (Storycuts)
Il libro dei bambini
Angels & Insects-Film Tie-In E
Middlemarch; Possession
Angeles E Insectos
Untitled Stories
Naturaleza muerta
Detskai͡a kniga
New writing
Le livre des enfants
Cesm-i bulbulun icindeki cin
Elia Levita
Elia Levita (1469-1549)

translator, Bible translator

Sefer ha-Tishbi
Das altjuddische Epos Melokîm-Bûk
The Massoreth ha-Massoreth of Elias Levita
Pariz un' Viyeneh
Poeṭishe shafungen in yidish
The Massoreth ha-massoreth of Elias Levita
Meturgeman  Lexicon Chaldaicum..
ha- Baḥur
The Massoreth ha-massoreth
Ṭuv ṭaʻam
Shemot devarim
Pirḳe Rabi Eliyah
Pirḳe Eliyahu
he- Baḥur
Bove bukh
Poetishe shafungen in Yidish
[Meturgeman] =
Paris un viene
Paris un Wiene
Sefer harkavah
(Massoret ha-massoret) Accentuum Hebraicorum liber unus
Masoret ha-masoret
Diḳduḳim eleh hem arbaʻah ḥiburim ...
Lexicon hebraicvm vtilissimvm, sexcentorvm vocabvlorvm copia ... primum ante paucos annos à doctissimo Iudaeo Elia Leuita ... hebraicis verbis exposita ... latino sermone versa, atque in lucem aedita ...
Pirḳe Eliyahu
Due canti yiddish
Sefer ha-harkavah
Ṭuv ṭaʻam
Sefer ha-Baḥur
Grammatica Hebraea Eliae Levitae Germani
Sefer Harkavah
Sefer ha-Ṭaʻamim ṿe-sefer Masoret ha-masoret
Sefer ha-dikduk
Uebersetzung des Buchs Massoreth Hammassoreth
The Massoreth ha-massoreth of Elias Levita
Elye Bokher, poeṭishe shafungen in Yidish
Diḳduḳ Eliyahu ha-Leṿi ha-Ashkenazi asher shemo Sefer Baḥur ... .
Das altjiddische Epos Melokîm-Bûk
Pirḳe Eliyahu
Opusculum recens Hebraicum a doctissimo hebraeo Eliia Levita Germano Grammattico elaboratum, cui titulum fecit [Tishbi] id est, Thisbites
Minkoṿ, Naḥum Borukh
Compendium Hebraicae grammaticae ex Eliae Iudaei uarijs & optimis libris per Sebastianu[m] Munsterum concinnatum & iam denuo auctum & recognitum
Sefer diḳduḳ Eliyahu ha-Leṿi ha-Ashkenazi asher shemo sefer Baḥur
Sefer ha-Peʼer
Sefer Masoret ha-masoret
Mesorat ha-masoret
ספר פרקי רבי אליה
Shemot devarim
Opusculum recens Hebraicum a doctissimo Hebraeo Eliia Leuita Germano grammatico elaboratum, cui titulum fecit Tis︠h︡bī, id est, Thisbites
Sefer Masoret ha-masoret ; ʻim Sefer Ṭuv ṭaʻam
Sefer ha-dikduk
Sefer ha-Tishbi
Sefer harkavah
Sefer ha-harkavah =
Sefer Ṭov ṭaʻam
Sefer ha-diḳduḳ
Shemot devarim
Eloisa James
Eloisa James (born 1962)

  • University of Oxford, Harvard University
The Lady Most Likely
Duchess By Night
The Lady Most Willing
When the Duke Returns
Enchanting Pleasures
Duchess in Love
The Taming of the Duke
A Wild Pursuit
Potent Pleasures
Your Wicked Ways
Fool for Love
Much Ado About You
Desperate Duchesses
An Affair Before Christmas
A Kiss at Midnight
Pleasure for Pleasure
The One That Got Away
Midnight Pleasures
Kiss Me, Annabel
This Duchess of Mine (Desperate Duchesses)
The Ugly Duchess
The Duke is Mine
Once Upon a Tower
Four Nights with the Duke
Wilde Child
Desperate Duchesses
Three Weeks With Lady X
Three Weeks With Lady X
A Duke of Her Own
Yüregime Ask Düstü
Say No to the Duke
When beauty tamed the beast
My Last Duchess
Talk of the Ton
My American Duchess
Say Yes to the Duke
Born to be Wilde
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Pleasure for Pleasure
When beauty tamed the beast
Say Yes to the Duke
Three Weeks With Lady X
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Winning the Wallflower
Seven Minutes in Heaven
When beauty tamed the beast [electronic resource]
Too Wilde to Wed
Three Weeks With Lady X
A Gentleman Never Tells
Seduced by a Pirate
Wilde in Love
Mistletoe Christmas
Plaisirs interdits
Wilde in Love: The Wildes of Lindow Castle
Gentleman Never Tells
Ein unerhörter Ehemann
Wilde in Love (Wildes of Lindow Castle)
Three Weeks with Lady X
Too Wilde to Wed
Born to Be Wilde
Kiss Me, Annabel
Desperate Duchesses
Wilde in Love
How to Be a Wallflower
Wilde in Love
It Happened One Valentine's Day
Seduced by a Pirate
With This Kiss
Too Wilde to wed
When Beauty Tamed the Beast
Say No to the Duke
Wilde in Love
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Too Wilde to Wed
Kiss Me, Annabel
This Duchess of Mine
Gentleman Doesn?'t Tell
Born to Be Wilde
Midsummer Night's Disgrace
La princesse au petit pois
With This Kiss
Year of Loving Dangerously
Paris in Love
This Duchess of Mine
Paris in Love
Desperate Duchesses
Say Yes to Duke
The Lady Most Willing A Novel In Three Parts
Paris in Love
Parizh v liubvi
Une si vilaine duchesse
This Duchess of Mine
When Beauty Tamed the Beast
Paris in love
Three Weeks With Lady X
Duquesa enamorada
As You Wish
Ladies Most... : The Collected Works
Kiss me, Annabel
As you wish
This Duchess of Mine
Not That Duke
The Reluctant Countess
Born to Be Wilde
At Midnight
When beauty tamed the beast
Una persecución salvaje
Passion d'une nuit d'ete
Storming the Castle
Ekstase der Liebe
Jemma de Beaumont
This Duchess of Mine
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Les soeurs Essex (Tome 1) - Le destin des quatre soeurs (Les sœurs Essex) (French Edition)
Wiele halasu o milosc
Tus malas costumbres
Yuregim Seni Secti
Heiße Nächte der Leidenschaft
Wilde in Love
Kiss Me Annabel
Storming the Castle
Ein delikater Liebesbrief
La coqueluche de ces dames
Pleasure for Pleasure
Talk of the Ton
passion d'une nuit d'été
Midsummer Delights
The Lady Most Likely
In einem fernen Schloss
Wieza milosci
Seven Minutes in Heaven Lib/E
Il bacio di mezzanotte
Born to Be Wilde
Quatre nuits avec le duc (Les duchesses (8)) (French Edition)
Le destin des quatre soeurs
Embrasse-moi, Annabelle
Duas irmãs, um duque
Year of Loving Dangerously
Le Frisson de minuit
Besame, Annabel/ Kiss Me Annabel (Las Hermanas Essex)
Untitled Eloisa James 3
With This Kiss?
Yuregim Sana Ait
Yuregimdeki Arzu
Plaisirs interdits
Au douzième coup de minuit
Fool Again
Yuregimdeki Son Perde
O beijo encantado
Los Maridos Tambin Se Enamoran
With This Kiss
Born to Be Wilde Lib/E
La débutante
Poglupevshiĭ ot li͡ubvi
A Wild Pursuit / Your Wicked Ways (An Exclusive 2-In-1 Edition)
Storming the Castle
Paris in love
Say No to the Duke
le frisson de minuit (nc)
Piękna ujarzmia bestię
La belle et la bête
Bésame Annabel
Midsummer Night's Disgrace
How to Be a Wallflower
Kiss Me, Annabel
Izbranni︠t︡sa  ger︠t︡soga
Yuan shen qing wei liao
Ali Hazelwood
Ali Hazelwood (born 1989)

professor, neuroscientist

The Love Hypothesis
La hipótesis del amor
Under One Roof
Ali Hazelwood Bestselling 5 Books Set
Love on the Brain
Loathe to Love You
Love Theoretically
Check & Mate
La química del amor
Not in Love
La teoria de l'amor
Check and Mate SIGNED 9-Copy Floor Display W Riser
L'équation amoureuse
La hipòtesi de l'amor
La teoría del amor
Love to Loathe You