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theologians who wrote fantasy
Showing 17-20 out of 20 results
Peter Kreeft
Peter Kreeft (born 1937)

theologian, philosopher

  • Fordham University, Yale University
The Philosophy of Tolkien
Between heaven & hell
A refutation of moral relativism
Socrates' children
Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Jesus Shock
Socrates meets Jesus
The best things in life
The unaborted Socrates
Christianity for modern pagans
Prayer for beginners
How to win the culture war
Love is stronger than death
The Journey
Socrates meets Marx
Making sense out of suffering
A shorter Summa
Heaven, the heart's deepest longing
Back to virtue
Everything you ever wanted to know about heaven-- but never dreamed of asking
Before I Go
Three approaches to abortion
Socrates Meets Machiavelli
Philosophy 101 by Socrates
C.S. Lewis for the third millennium
Between Allah & Jesus
Ecumenical jihad
Handbook of Catholic apologetics
The Shadow-lands of C.S. Lewis
You Can Understand The Bible
Letters to a Young Atheist
Practical Theology
Knowing the truth of God's love
Love Is Stronger Than Death
Socratic logic
The Sea Within
For heaven's sake
Fundamentals of the Faith
Yes or no?
The angel and the ants
Three philosophies of life
Catholic Christianity
An Ocean Full of Angels
Socrates Meets Sartre
C.S. Lewis, a critical essay
The philosophy of Jesus
Because God Is Real
Making choices
Letters to Jesus (answered)
If Einstein had been a surfer
Society and sanity
Socrates Meets Kant
Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Reading and praying the New Testament
How to Win the Culture War
Angels and demons
Socrates Meets Hume The Father Of Philosophy Meets The Father Of Modern Skepticism A Socratic Examination Of An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Prayer: The Great Conversation
Socrates meets Kierkegaard
One Catholic to Another
C. S. Lewis
A Socratic Introduction to Plato's Republic
Your questions, God's answers
Between One Faith and Another
I Surf, Therefore I Am
Exploring Faith and Discipleship
Ecumenical jihad
A Pocket Guide to the Meaning of Life (A Pocket Guide to)
One Catholic to Another
Wisdom from the Psalms
Three approaches to abortion
Socrates Meets Descartes
Catholic Christianity
Talking to your children about being Catholic
Christianity for Modern Pagans
Between Allah and Jesus
Socrates Meets Hume
On n'avorte pas socrate
Four Views on Heaven
A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist
Socrates meets Freud
Socrates' Children Complete Hardcover Volume
Socrates Sobre El Aborto/ the Unaborted Socrates
The Ever-Illuminating Wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas
You Can Understand the Old Testament
Doors in the Walls of the World
Food for the Soul
Jesus shock
Como Tomar Decisiones
The Snakebite letters
Snakebite Letters
Ecumenical jihad
Señor : ¡Quiero Seguirte!
Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God
Food for the Soul
The Mindful Catholic
Cristianismo Para Paganos Modernos
Socratic logic
Jacob's Ladder
Socratic Logic
How to Be Holy
The Platonic Tradition
A turn of the clock
I Burned for Your Peace
Socrates Meets Marx
Socrates' Children Volume 4
Catholics and Protestants
Cristianismo para paganos modernos
Why Does Everything Come in Threes?
C. S. Lewis
How to Win the Culture War
Ethics for Beginners
Símbolo o sustancia
Greatest Philosopher Who Ever Lived
Making Sense Out of Suffering
Symbol or Substance?
The Art of Living
Socrates' Children Volume 2
Between Allah and Jesus
Knowing the Truth of Gods Love the One T
So You Think Nobody Loves You
Pondering the Permanent Things
Cristianismo para paganos modernos
What Would Socrates Say?
Best Things in Life
The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
THE MODERN SCHOLAR : Faith and Reason
Letters to an Atheist
Socrates' Children Volume 3
Letters to an Atheist
Man Who Left His Mark
How to Destroy Western Civilization and Other Ideas from the Cultural Abyss
Food for the Soul : Food for the Soul
Making Choices
Socrates Meets Descartes
C. S. Lewis
Manual de apologética católica
Unaborted Socrates
Manual de apologética católica
Food for the Soul
Between Heaven and Hell
Confessions of a Cafeteria Catholic
Summa philosophica
Wisdom of the Heart
Pocket Guide to the Meaning of Life
Socrates Meets Machiavelli
Ethics for Beginners
Being Catholic
Between Heaven and Hell
Socrates Meets Jesus
Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Socrates Meets Sartre
Your Questions, God's Answers
Father Stonor's Love
Before I Die
What Would Socrates Do? The History of Moral Thought and Ethics
Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Socrates meets Kant
Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Socratic Logic 2e Paper
Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar Redeeming the Soul Redeeming the Mind
The Proverbs of Middle-earth
Socrates' Children Volume 1
Philosophy 101 by Socrates
Wisdom of the Heart
Does Suffering Make Sense
Thomas More
Thomas More (1478-1535)

philosopher, historian, theologian, politician, poet, statesperson, poet lawyer, judge, diplomat

  • Lincoln's Inn, University of Oxford
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More
The last letters of Thomas More
A dialogue of comfort against tribulation
16th Century, History and Literature
L' Utopie
More's Utopia and its critics
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
The essential Thomas More
His Witness Is True
Utopia (Selected Works of St. Thomas More Series)
Utopia with the 'Dialogue of comfort'
Utopia; [and] A dialogue of comfort
Utopia and Other Essential Writings of Thomas More
The four last things
Thomas More's prayer book
Ideal Commonwealths
More: Utopia
La republica nuovamente ritrovata, del governo dell'isola Eutopia
De optimo repvblicae statv
More's Utopia
Morus ad Craneveldium: litterae Balduinianae novae = More to Cranevelt: new Baudouin letters
The sadness of Christ
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
The " Utopia" and the History of Edward v
The common-vvealth of Utopia
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation With Modifications To Obsolete Language By Monica Stevens
Lettre à Dorp
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (Spiritual Masters)
Selected writings
Millennium, being the Utopia
Idée d'une république heureuse
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (More, Thomas, Sir, Saint//Complete Works of St Thomas More)
Utopia (Classics of World Literature) (Classics of World Literature)
The Prince; Utopia; Ninety-Five Theses
A dyaloge wherin be treatyd dyvers maters
De optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova insula Utopia, libri II
Sir Thomas More's Utopia
The co(n)futacyon of Tyndales answere
Utopia: Or the Happy Republic, a Philosophical Romance. To which is Added, the New Atlantis, by ..
Écrits de prison
La tristesse du Christ
Utopia  (Hackett Publishing Co.)
A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, and of the new isle called Utopia
The Prince, Utopia, Ninety-Five Thesis
Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia
The common-wealth of Utopia
Utopia (Selected Works of Sir Thomas More)
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More
The Tower works: Devotional writings (The Yale edition of the works of St. Thomas More : Selected works)
The Tower works
The apologye of Syr Thomas More, knight
History of King Richard III
A Concordance to the Utopia of St. Thomas More and a Frequency Word List (Alpha-Omega)
Utopia: or, The happy republic, tr. by G. Burnet
The history of King Richard the Third
English prayers
Conscience decides; letters and prayers from prison written by Sir Thomas More between April 1534 and July 1535
Het onbekent en wonderlijk eyland Utopia
Latin epigrams
The dialogue concerning Tyndale, reproduced in black letter facsimile from the collected edition, 1557, of More's English Works
The correspondence of Sir Thomas More
The supplication of souls
The life of Syr Thomas More
The complete works of St. Thomas More
Epistola Thomæ Mori ad Academiam Oxon
Three Early Modern Utopias: Thomas More: Utopia / Francis Bacon: New Atlantis / Henry Neville
Morus ad Craneveldium
Saint Thomas More's Utopia
Thomas More's Utopia
The wisdom and wit of Blessed Thomas More
Illvstris viri Thomae Mori ... De optimo reipvblicae statv de qve (sic) nova insula Vtopia, libri dvo
A Book for All Seasons
Utopia (Basica De Bolsillo)
Correspondence Sir Thomas More (Library of English Renaissance literature)
Four Last Things: The Supplication of Souls
Letter to Bugenhagen
De optimo reipublicae statv deqve nova insula Utopia, libri II
A dyaloge of Syr Thomas More knyghte ..
Thomae Mori, Angliae ornamenti eximij, lucubrationes
Utopia, or, The happy republic
More's History of King Richard III
The correspondence of Sir Thomas More
A frutefull, pleasaunt, & wittie worke
Thomae Mori Angli, viri eruditionis pariter
Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
Ecrits de prison
Epigrammata Thomæ Mori Angli
De optimo reipublicae statu, libellus verè aureus
The Latin epigrams of Thomas More
Von der wunderbarlichen Innsel Utopia genant
The supplycacyon of soulys
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, in Latin from the edition of March 1518, and in English from the 1st ed. of Ralph Robynson's translation in 1551
[De optimo reipvblicae statv
The dialogue concerning Tyndale by Sir Thomas More
The second parte of the co[n]futacion of Tyndals answere
L'Utopie, ou, Le Traité de la meilleure forme de gouvernement
Saint Thomas More
The history of the reigns of Edward V. and Richard III
A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion
Utopia in Latin and in English
Dissertatio epistolica, de aliquot sui temporis theologastrorum ineptiis
The historie of the pitifull life, and unfortunate death of Edward the Fifth, and the then Duke of Yorke, his brother
La Utopia
The apologye of Syr T. More, Knight
Thomae Mori Epistola ad Germanu[m] Brixiu[m]
Illustris viri Thomae Mori ... De optimo reipublicae statu, deque noua insula Vtopia libri duo
Utopia (1516)
The history of Utopia
L' Utopia; ovvero, dell'ottimo stato di repubblica e della nuova isola Utopia
Sir Thomas More, the Utopia
La description de l'isle d'Utopie ou est comprins le miroer des republicques du monde, & l'exemplaire de vie heureuse
The common-vvealth of Vtopia
[ De optimo reip. statu, deque noua insula Vtopia
The English works of Sir Thomas More ..
Richard III
Utopia, or, The best state of a commonwealth
Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
History of the passion
The last letters of Blessed Thomas More
Epigrammata clarissimi disertissimiq(ue) uiri Thomae Mori Britanni ad emendatu(m) exemplar ipsius autoris excusa
The apologye of Syr Thomas More, knyght
A fruteful and pleasant worke of the beste state of a publyqûe weale and of the newe yle called Utopia
The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 15, In Defense of Humanism
The answere to the fyrst parte of the poysened booke, which a namelesse heretyke hath named the souper of the lorde. By syr Thomas More knyght
Letters from the Tower of London
For her highness the most illustrious incomparabley virtuous and religious lady Elizabeth Princess Dowager. Given by a loyall true old friend, and most affectionately devoted servant. A funerall oration; or in a truth, a most just plain wrought panegyrick of the most mighty Lord Oliver Cromwell
Selected letters
Utopia di Tommaso Moro
The discourses of Raphael Hythloday
English prayers and treatise on the Holy Eucharist
St. Thomas More
Voyage à l'île d'Utopie
The Essential Thomas More (Essentials)
Book of All Seasons
For Her Highness ... Elizabeth, Princess dowager
The historie of the pitifull life, and unfortunate death of Edward the
Thomas Morus und sein berühmtes Werk Utopia
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (With Modifications to Obsolete Language by Monica Stevens)
Crumbs of comfort
Epigrammata Thomae Mori Angli
Epigrammata clarissimi disertissimiq́[ue] uiri Thomae Mori Britanni ad emendatũ exemplar ipsius autoris excusa
The vvorkes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England
Sir Thomas More
St. Thomas More
The Sadness of Christ
The boke of the fayre genty[l]woman that no man shulde put his truste, or confydence in
Leaves from the More blackletter folio
The heart of Thomas More
A frutefull pleasaunt, [and] wittie worke, of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle, called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson, sometime fellowe of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, and nowe by him at this seconde edition newlie perused and corrected, and also with diuers notes in the margent augmented
More's Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
The book of Sir Thomas More
Opera omnia latina
Fancies sports and merry tales
Thomas Morvs
The Yale edition of the works of St. Thomas More
A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion, made by Syr Thomas More Knyght, and set foorth by the name of an Hu[n]garie[n], not before this time imprinted
Funebris oratio, sive revera sine plicis textum panegyricum justissimum potentissimi domini Oliveri Cromwelli protectoris Angliae
De optimo reip. statu
Of pilgrimage
A dialogue of cumfort against tribulation, made by the right vertuous, wise and learned man, Sir Thomas More, sometime L. Chanceller of England, which he wrote in the Tower of London, An. 1534. and entituled thus: = A dialogue of cumfort against tribulation, made by an Hungarian in Latin, and translated out of Latin into French, [and] out of French into English
A most pleasant, fruitfull, and vvittie vvorke, of the best state of a publique weale, and of the new yle called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas Moore Knight: and translated into English by Raphe Robinson, sometime fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford
Poèmes anglais
A dialogue of cumfort, 1573
Il dialogo del conforto nelle tribolazioni
Part of the relation written by Sir Thomas More, concerning the death of K. Edward IV and of what happened consequentially to it
La Description de L'Isle D'Utopie (Classiques de la Renaissance en France)
Utopia [& Dialogue of comfort
La republica nuouamente ritrouata, del gouerno dell'isola Eutopia, nella qual si uede nuoui modi di gouernare stati, reggier popoli, dar leggi à i senatori
A dialogue of comfort againts tribulation
The dialogue of comfort against tribulation of St. Thomas More
Famous Utopias
The co[n]futacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chau[n]cellour of Englonde
L' Utopia
A ruful lamentatiō
The works of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England
Lvcubrationes, ab innumeris mendis repurgatæ
The history of King Richard III and selections from the English and Latin poems
More's Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
The Fame of Blessed Thomas More, being addresses delivered in his honour in Chelsea, July 1929
Prayers made by Sir Thomas More while he was prisoner in the Tower of London
A letter of syr Tho. More knyght impugnynge the erronyouse wrytyng of Iohn Fryth agaynst the blessed sacrament of the aultare
The Wisdom and Wit of Blessed Thomas More: Being Extracts from Such of His ..
De optimo reipu. statu, deque noua insula Vtopia, libellus vère aureus, nec minus salutaris quàm festiuus
Ad lectorem. Habes candide lector opusculum illud vere aureu[m] Thomæ Mori no[n] min[us] vtile q[uam] elega[n]s de optimo reipublic[a]e statu, deq[ue] noua insula Vtopia, iam iteru[m], sed multo correcti[us] q[uam] pri[us], hac enchiridij forma vt vides multo[rum] tu[m] senatoru[m] tu[m] alioru[m] grauissimoru[m] viro[rum] suasu æditu[m], quod sane tibi [a]edisce[n]dum no[n] modo in manib[us] quotidie habendu[m] ce[n]seo
A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the state of a public weal, and of the new isle called Utopia
Thomas More's humanistic defenses
The Yale edition of the works of St. Thomas More
St. Thomas More's History of the passion
The workes of Sir Thomas More..
Dialogue Concerning Heresies
Life in Utopia
A fruteful and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle called Utopia
A fruteful, and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Vtopia
De optimo reipv. statv, deqve nova insvla vtopia, libellus verè aureus, necminus salutaris quàm festiuus, clarissimi disertissimique viri Thomae Mori inclytae ciuitatis Londinensis ciuis & vicecomitis
De optimo reip. statv. deqve noua insula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, nec minus salutaris quàm festiuus ..
De optimo reip. statu, deque noua insula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, nec minus salutaris quám festiuus
Libellus vere aureus nec minus salutaris quam festivus de optimo reip. statu, deq; nova insula Utopia
Opera omnia
Utopia ; and A dialogue of comfort
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, including Roper's Life of More, and letters of More and his daughter Margaret
Selections from his English works and from the Lives by Erasmus & Roper
Leaves from the More blackletter folio
De optimo reipublicae statu
Le Traité de la meilleure forme de gouvernement, ou l'Utopie
A translation of St. Thomas More's Responsio ad Lutherum
Trost im Leid
The common-wealth of Utopia
Utopia with the 'Dialogue of comfort' by Sir Thomas More
A Sir Thomas More reader
Lucubrationes, ab innumeris mendis repurgatae
Selections from his English works and from the Lives
A mery gest how a sergeau[n]t woldel erne [sic] to be a frere
The English works of Sir Thomas More
Eruditissimi viri Guilielmi Rossei opus elegans, doctum, festiuum, pium, quo pulcherrime retegit, ac refellit insanas Lutheri calumnias
The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance
Epigrammata Thomæ Mori Angli, viri eruditionis pariter ac virtutis nomine clarissimi, Angliæq́[ue] olim Cancellarii
The godly instructions and prayers of blessed Sir Thomas More
La agonia de Cristo
Die Briefe des heiligen Thomas More aus dem Gefängnisse
L' Utopia
The XII propertees or condicyons of a lover
Neue Briefe
English works
The workes of Sir Thomas More knyght,sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge
The XII propertees or condicyons of a lover by Johan Picus, erle of Myrandula, a grete lord of Italy
Sir Thomas Moore's Vtopia
Thomae Mori ... Opera omnia qvotqvot reperiri potuerunt
Thoughts of a martyr, blessed Thomas More
A letter from Sir Thomas More to Conrad Goclenius, London (c. November 1522)
A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, andof the new isle called Utopia
Utopia and poems
Idée d'une république heureuse: ou L'Utopie de Thomas Morus ...: Contenant le plan d'une ..
Omnia. Latina opera
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, in Latin from the edition of March 1518, and in English fromthe first edition of Ralph Robynson's translation in 1551
A dialogve of cumfort against tribulation
Thomae Mori Opera omnia Latina
L'Utopia: ovvero, La repubblica introvabile
Slavoj Žižek
Slavoj Žižek (born 1949)

philosopher, psychologist, cultural studies scholar, sociologist, essayist, psychoanalyst, cultural critic, politician, theologian, opinion journalist, actor

  • Bežigrad Grammar School, University of Ljubljana
Defense, security of military information
Agreement Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Albania on Co-Operation ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1994: 2669: No. 50)
The Plague of Fantasies
Der Ärger mit dem Realen =
Pasuri e paluajtshme
The Žižek reader
The Abyss of Freedom
Looking awry
Kodi detar dhe akte për detin
Theology and the Political
Kodi i punës i Republikës së Shqipërisë
Constitution of the Republic of Albania
Constitution of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania
La loi sur le plan biennal 1949-1950
The indivisible remainder
Kushtetuta e Republikës së Shqipërisë
On Belief
For They Know Not What They Do
Investment guaranties
Opera's second death
The fragile absolute or, Why is the Christian legacy worth fighting for?
Defense, assistance
Absolute Recoil
Organs without Bodies
Kodi i familjes dhe legjislacioni për birësimet i Republikës së Shqipërisë
Agreement on Co-Operation in the Field of Tourism Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1994: 2652: No. 42)
Jacques Lacan
Lubitsch Can't Wait
Against the double blackmail
Interrogating the real
How to read Lacan
Less than nothing
The Universal Exception
Constitution of the Albanian Republic
The Ticklish Subject The Absent Centre Of Political Ontology
Contingency Hegemony Universality Contemporary Dialogues On The Left
In Defense of Lost Causes
Das fragile Absolute. Warum es sich lohnt, das christliche Erbe zu verteidigen
For they know not what they do
Fundamental statute of the Kingdom of Albania
The Indivisible Remainder
Lacanian Ink 26 - Anxiety
The Puppet and the Dwarf
Cogito and the unconscious
Lenin reloaded
What does Europe want?
Did somebody say totalitarianism?
The courage of hopelessness
Conversations with Žižek
Ieks Jokes Did You Hear The One About Hegel And Negation
The Most Sublime Hysteric Hegel With Lacan
Subject Lessons
The parallax view
The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime
Ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font
El Sublime Objeto de La Ideologia
Druga smrt Josipa Broza-Tita
First as tragedy, then as farce
Living in the end times
For they know not what they do
What Does Europe Want The Union And Its Discontents
Mapping ideology
Trouble in paradise
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
Enjoy your symptom!
Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
NATO kao lijeva ruka Boga? =
Lacan. Los interlocutores mudos
¿Quién dijo totalitarismo?
Jezik, ideologija, Slovenci
Kako biti nihče
Welcome to the desert of the real
The Monstrosity Of Christ Paradox Or Dialectic
The Idea of Communism
Subversions du sujet
Draft--Constitution of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Opera's Second Death
Pandemic! 2
Incontinence of the Void
Kodi rrugor i Republikës së Shqipërisë
El Espinoso Sujeto
The universal exception
Sex and the Failed Absolute
The year of dreaming dangerously
When humour becomes painful
The Essential Zizek The Complete Set
                Essential Zizek
God in pain
Left That Dares to Speak Its Name
Great Regression
Welcome to the desert of the real
Mirando Al Sesgo
Kodi penal i Republikës së Shqipërisë
Las Metastasis del Goce
Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
The metastases of enjoyment
Lacanian Ink 23
Suspect (Alphabet City)
Tarrying with the negative
The Ticklish Subject
Tarrying with the negative
Demanding the Impossible
Johan Grimonprez: It's a Poor Sort of Memory that Only Works Backwards
Perversion and the social relation
Did somebody say totalitarianism?
13 opytov o Lenine
Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism Five Interventions In The Misuse Of A Notion
Primero como tragedia, después como farsa
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan
The neighbor
Bolečina razlike
Lacanian Ink 10
Lacan in Hollywood
Privatization of Hope
The neighbor
Žižek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
The Sublime Object of Ideology
La Suspension Politica de La Etica (Seccion de Obras de Filosofia)
La nueva lucha de clases
Plaidoyer en faveur de l'intolérance
La Revolucion Blanda
Comradely Greetings
El Acoso de las Fantasias / The Plague of Fantasies
La parallaxe
El Titere y El Enano
Lenin Reloaded
Stop, Repair, Prepare
Hegel in a Wired Brain
Por Que No Saben Lo Que Hacen
Der erhabenste aller Hysteriker
Nato As The Left Hand Of God?
En defensa de la intolerancia
Demanding the Impossible
The ticklish subject
Die Furcht vor echten Tränen. Krysztof Kieslowski und die 'Nahtstelle'
Mis chistes, mi filosofía
Interrogating the Real
Virtue and Terror
Repetir Lenin (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Reading Marx
Lacanian Ink 2
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Problemas en el paraíso : del fin de la historia al fin del capitalismo - 1. edición
Liebe Dein Symptom wie Dich selbst!
Mapping Ideology
A travers le réel
The Spectre Is Still Roaming Around!
Lacanian Ink 22
Lacanian Ink 20 (Spring 2002, Voyeurism)
How to Read Lacan (How to Read)
Cogito and the Unconscious
Arte, ideología y capitalismo
Tarrying with the Negative
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lacan
Visin De Paralaje
States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios
Le spectre rode toujours
Lacrimae Rerum
American Utopia
The sleeping giant has awoken : the new politics of religion in the United States
Der nie aufgehende Rest
Like a Thief in Broad Daylight
The Idea of Communism
Der zweite Tod der Oper
Birokratija i uživanje
Cogito and the unconscious
Lacans Politische Klinik
Reading Hegel
Žižek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
To, c to vy vsegda hoteli znat' o Lakane no boa lis' sprosit' u Hic koka
Das Kommunistische Manifest. Die verspätete Aktualität des Kommunistischen Manifests
Agitating the frame
Die Revolution steht bevor
Um mapa da ideologia
Arriesgar Lo Imposible - Conveersaciones Con Glyn Daly
Interrogating the real
Min gan de zhu ti
Conversations with Zizek
Repeating Lenin
Przeklen stwo fantazji
Amor Sin Piedad. Hacia una politica de la verdad.
Zizek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Bog na mukama
O espectro segue a roldar
Lenin 2017
Die Tücke des Subjekts
Craigie Horsfield
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan
Škakljivi subjekt
Weniger als nichts
Wie ein Dieb bei Tageslicht
Pervertitov vodic  kroz film
A Proposito de Lenin
신을 불쾌하게 만드는 생각들
For Badiou
Die drei Leben der Antigone
Throwing the Moral Dice
Goza Tu Sintoma - Lacan Dentro y Fuera de Hollywoo
#i#ek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
Interrogating the real
How to read Lacan
Ärger im Paradies - Vom Ende der Geschichte zum Ende des Kapitalismus
Hegel and the Infinite
Monstrosity of Christ
Bienvenidos al desierto de lo real
Vivere alla fine dei tempi
Incontinencia del vacío
Què se n'ha fet de la veritat? Què se n'ha fet de la veritat?
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan
Lenin reactivado
Ustrojstvo razryva
Žižkovi vici
Das Jahr der gefährlichen Träume
Gaze and voice as love objects
Der erhabenste aller Hysteriker
Žižek on Race
The Plague of Fantasies
Heaven in Disorder
Gaze and Voice As Love Objects
Poskusiti znova-spodleteti bolje
Idea of Communism 3
Ein Plädoyer für die Intoleranz
Porque no saben lo que hacen
Relevance of the Communist Manifesto
Construcción de una nueva normalidad
Was ist ein Ereignis?
Absoluter Gegenstoß
Lacrimae Rerum.Cinq essais sur kieslowski Hitchcock Tarkovski et
Sveiki atvykę i tikroves dykuma
Idea of Communism 2 Vol. 2
Heaven in Disorder
Die politische Suspension des Ethischen
Territorios inexplorados
El coraje de la desesperanza
Ein Triumph des Blicks über das Auge
Dunyadaki Isyanlarin Anlami
Welcome to the desert of the real
Is It Still Possible to Be a Hegelian Today?
Eppur si muove
¡Goza tu síntoma!
Bedensiz Organlar
Difesa dell'intolleranza
Como Ler Lacan
Ideolojinin Yuce Nesnesi
El sublime objeto de la ideología
Adini Söylemeye Cesaret Eden Bir Sol - 34 Zamansiz Müdahale
El acoso de las fantasías
Organs Without Bodies
Irak. La Tetera Prestada
Kaybedilmis Davalarin Savunusu Adina
Antroposen'e Hosgeldiniz
Zizek'ten Nukteler
Chocolate sin grasa
Sur pide la palabra
Hegel hoy
Robespierre. Virtud y terror
Time to Awaken
Le sujet qui fâche
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Hegel ve Freud
Antigone'nin Uc Yasami
La idea de comunismo
¿Qué pasa con Kansas?
Olumsuzla Oyalanma
Yamuk Bakmak
Idea of Communism
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Ahir Zamanlarda Yasarken
El dolor de Dios
El sexo y el fracaso del absoluto
Global Manifestos for the Twenty-First Century
Day after the Revolution
Inklusion, Exklusion
Hegel y el cerebro conectado
Ein Plädoyer für die Intoleranz
Il godimento come fattore politico
El año que soñamos peligrosamente
Umutsuz Olma Cesareti
Universal Exception
God in Pain
Gestalten der Autorität
Şiddet Altı Yan Düşünce
Polygraph 22
Hitchikokku ni yoru Rakan
What Does Europe Want?
Mad World
Too Late to Awaken
Hicten Az
Kadife Karanlik
Kirilgan Temas
Mesih Garabeti-Paradoks mu Diyalektik mi?
On Belief
Lacrimae rerum
On Belief
Utterly Dark Spot
Desire of Psychoanalysis
On Belief
Contragolpe absoluto
Imkansizi Istemek
Druga smrt neoliberalizma
Como un ladrón en pleno día
Cinsel Olan Politik midir ?
Kiyametin Versiyonlari
Komunist Ufuk
Mao. Sobre la práctica y la contradicción
Mythology, Madness, and Laughter
Sobre la violencia
Sanat - Konusan Kafalar
ברוכים הבאים למדבר של הממשי
Marx Okumak
Hegel Ve Bagli Beyin
Kendini Tutamayan Bosluk
Tarrying with the Negative
Umudun Mahremlestirilmesi - Ernst Bloch ve Ütopyanin Gelecegi
El frágil absoluto
Opera's Second Death
Gunumuz Ideolojisinden Kesitler
Porque no saben lo que hacen
The Wagnerian sublime
Önce Trajedi Sonra Komedi
Lacan Hakkinda Bilmeyi Hep Istediginiz Ama Hitchcock'a Sormaya Korktunuz Her Sey
Disparen contra Marx
Interrogating the Real
Mutlak Geritepme
Defence of History and Class Consciousness
Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Lacan sans jamais oser le demander à Hitchcock
Was Sie immer schon über Lacan wissen wollten und Hitchcock nie zu fragen wagten.
Eugen Drewermann
Eugen Drewermann (born 1940)

psychologist, lecturer, psychotherapist, Catholic theologian, priest, peace activist, YouTuber

Boule de cristal (la). lecture psychanalytique d'un conte de grimm
Der Weg des Herzens. Gewaltlosigkeit und Dialog zwischen den Religionen
Tiefenpsychologie und Exegese Band I
Von Tieren und Menschen
Reden gegen den Krieg
Glauben in Freiheit 1. Tiefenpsychologie und Dogmatik. Dogma, Angst und Symbolismus
Der tödliche Fortschritt
Discovering the royal child within
Das Markusevangelium
Der Trommler. Märchen Nr. 193 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung
Schneeweisschen und Rosenrot
Der Weg des Herzens
Discovering the God child within
Das Johannesevangelium
Der Krieg und das Christentum
Atem des Lebens
Die kluge Else
Und gäbe dir eine Seele ..
Tiefenpsychologie und Exegese, 2 Bde., Bd.2, Wunder, Vision, Weissagung, Apokalypse, Geschichte, Gleichnis
Der Froschkönig. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Gedanken des Friedens, nicht des Leidens
Wege und Umwege der Liebe
Glauben in Freiheit 3/2. und es geschah so. Die moderne Biologie und die Frage nach Gott
Open heavens
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein / Der Wolf und der Fuchs. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Der Mensch braucht mehr als nur Moral. Über Tugenden und Laster
Die Botschaft der Frauen
Die Kristallkugel
Glauben in Freiheit 2. Jesus von Nazareth. Befreiung zum Frieden
Zeitreisen, Reisezeiten
" Ich steige hinab in die Barke der Sonne"
Worum es eigentlich geht
Das Matthäus-Evangelium, Tl.1, Matthäus 1,1-7,29
Strukturen des Bösen
" --auf dass ihr wieder leben sollt"
Voller Erbarmen rettet er uns
Glauben in Freiheit
Dying we live
Die zwei Brüder
Das Eigentliche ist unsichtbar
Lo esencial es invisible
Strukturen des Bösen, Tl.2, Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in psychoanalytischer Sicht
Und der Fisch spie Jona an Land
Moby Dick, oder, Vom Ungeheuren, ein Mensch zu sein
De l'immortalité des animaux
Lieb Schwesterlein, lass mich herein
Psychoanalyse und Moraltheologie
Dein Name ist wie der Geschmack des Lebens
Tiefenpsychologie und Exegese I/ II. Sonderausgabe. Die Wahrheit der Formen / Die Wahrheit der Werke und der Worte
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, lass dein Haar herunter
Die Spirale der Angst. Der Krieg und das Christentum
Daß auch der Allerniedrigste mein Bruder sei. Dostojewski - Dichter der Menschlichkeit
Glauben in Freiheit 3/3. Im Anfang... Die moderne Kosmologie und die Frage nach Gott
De la naissance des dieux à la naissance du Christ
Der gefahrvolle Weg der Erlösung
An ihren Früchten sollt ihr sie erkennen
Das Vaterunser
Dieu en toute liberté
Jesus von Nazareth
Kleriker. Psychogramm eines Ideals
Der Weg des Herzens
Aschenputtel. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Das Matthäus-Evangelium, Tl.3
Rapunzel Rapunzel Lass Dein Haar Herunte
Wenn die Sterne G otter w aren...: moderne Kosmologie und Glaube
Hänsel und Gretel. Aschenputtel. Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Von Tieren und Menschen. Moderne Fabeln
Goethes Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet, oder, Die Liebe herrscht nicht
Hänsel und Gretel. Märchen Nr. 15 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung
Schneewittchen. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Wenn der Himmel die Erde berührt
Gespräche über die Angst
Das Eigentliche ist unsichtbar. Der Kleine Prinz tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Ich lasse Dich nicht, Du segnest mich denn
Strukturen des Bösen, Tl.3, Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in philosophischer Sicht
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
Giordano Bruno oder Der Spiegel des Unendlichen
Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk
Über die Unsterblichkeit der Tiere. Hoffnung für die leidende Kreatur
Glauben in Freiheit 3/1. Der sechste Tag. Die Herkunft des Menschen und die Frage nach Gott
Den eigenen Weg gehen
Das Individuelle gegen das Normierte verteidigen
Le testament d'un hérétique, ou, La dernière prière de Giordano Bruno
Aschenputtel. Märchen Nr. 21 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung
Psychanalyse et Exégèse, tome 2
Dame Holle
Und der Fisch spie Jona an Land. Das Buch Jona tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Die Botschaft der Frauen. Das Wissen der Liebe
Zeiten der Liebe
Das Markusevangelium, Tl.2, Mk 9,14 bis 16,20
L'Évangile des femmes
Dokumentation zur jüngsten Entwicklung um Dr. Eugen Drewermann
Le mal
Das Matthäusevangelium
Worte für ein unentdecktes Land
Liebe, Leiden und Unsterblichkeit. Das Märchen von der Kleinen Meerjungfrau
A contre-courant
Das Königreich Gottes in unserer Seele
Was uns Zukunft gibt. Vom Reichtum des Lebens
Freispruch für Kain?
Hat der Glaube Hoffnung? Von der Zukunft der Religion am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
La barque du soleil
Schneewittchen. Die zwei Brüder. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Psicologia del profondo e esegesi
Das Matthäus-Evangelium, Tl.2, Mt 8,1-20,19
Wenn die Sterne Götter wären -
Dios Inmediato
Ein Mensch braucht mehr als nur Moral:  uber Tugenden und Laster
Der Froschk onig: Grimms M archen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Strukturen des Bösen. Sonderausgabe
Wort des Heils, Wort der Heilung
Was uns Zukunft gibt
Jesus von Nazareth - Bild eines Menschen
Der Herr Gevatter. Der Gevatter Tod. Fundevogel. Arzt und Tod im Märchen
Milomaki oder vom Geist der Musik. Eine Mythe der Yahuna-Indianer
Religiös bedingte neurotische Erkrankungen
Der sechste Tag
Clerigos - Psicograma de Un Ideal
Zwischen Staub Und Sternen
Fonctionnaires de Dieu
Das Lukas-Evangelium
Sind Propheten dieser Kirche ein Ärgernis?
Psychoanalyse und Moraltheologie, Bd.3, An den Grenzen des Lebens
Tod oder Leben
Wozu Religion: Sinnfindung in Zeiten der Gier nach Macht und Geld: im Gespr ach mit J urgen Hoeren
Welches Credo?
Und legte ihnen die Hände auf
Das Markusevangelium
Wie zu leben wäre
Daß alle eins seien
Psychanalyse et théologie morale
Dieptepsychologie en exegese
"Petit-Frère et Petite-Soeur"
Das Eigentliche ist unsichtbar
La peur et la faute
L'Essentiel est invisible - Une lecture psychanalytique du Petit Prince
Neigeblanche et Roserouge
Jesus von Nazareth - Bild eines Menschen
Le mensonge et le suicide
Krieg ist Krankheit, keine Lösung
Wozu Religion?
Das Lukas-Evangelium
Zeiten der Liebe
Dieu guérisseur
Näher zu Gott-- nah bei den Menschen
L'Evangile de Marc : Images de la rédemption, tome 1
Der Trommler : Marchen Nr. 193 aus d. Grimmschen Sammlung