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theologians who wrote fantasy
Showing 9-16 out of 20 results
Martin Buber
Martin Buber (1878-1965)

philosopher, existentialist, translator, pedagogue, literary editor, Bible translator, educator, zionist, theologian, librettist

  • University of Vienna, Humboldt University of Berlin
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Ich und du
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Pfade in Utopia
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Die Legende des Baalschem
Ein Land und zwei Völker
Between man and man
Der heilige Weg
Erzählungen der Chassidim
Israel and the world
Ten Rungs
Ben ʻam le-artso
Königtum Gottes
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
On the Bible
Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten
To hallow this life
Gog u-Magog
Martin Buber's 10 Rungs
Bilder von Gut und Böse
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Der grosse maggid und seine nachfolge
Der Glaube der Propheten
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Towards union in Palestine
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen, 1900-1915
The Ten Rungs & The Way Of Man
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung
Vom Geist des Judentums
On Judaism
Chinese Tales: Zhuangzi
Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied
The first Buber
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Hasidism and modern man
Que Es El Hombre ?
Zwei Glaubensweisen
Martin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy
The Great ideas today, 1967
L'éclipse de Dieu
The knowledge of man
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Lesser Ury
Die j©·udische Bewegung
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen 1900-1915
The way of response
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Scripture and translation
Ereignisse und Begegnungen
Chassidische Legenden Verbeeld [Een Suite van H.N. Werkman]
Der Jude und sein Judentum
Daniel, Gespräche von der Verwirklichung
The Martin Buber reader
Martin Buber Werke, 22 Bde., Bd.1, Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften (1898-1924)
Buber, The Writings of Martin
Ecstatic Confessions
Reden über das Judentum
Lesser Ury
Das dialogische Prinzip
Philosophical Library Existentialism Collection
I and Tao
Believng Humansm
La vie en dialogue
Schriften Zum Judentum
Chinese tales
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Or ha-ganuz
Hundert chassidische Geschichten
Das Problem des Menschen
Die chassidischen Bücher
Des Baal- Schem- Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott
l'homme au raifort
Schriften über das Dialogische Prinzip
GOOD AND EVIL. Two Interpretations.
Schriften Zur Zionistischen Politik und Zur Jüdisch-Arabischen Frage
On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Deutung des chassidismus
Israel and Palestine
The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers dialogue
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Martin Buber, a centenary volume
Yehudim ṿe-ʻArvim be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Politische Schriften
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
On the Bible
A Believing humanism
Good and Evil, Two Interpretations
La Relation, âme de l'éducation ?
Martin Buber and the theater, including Martin Buber's "mystery play" Elijah
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Schriften Zur Biblischen Religion
Schriften Zur Bibelübersetzung
Lesser Ury
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Tales of the Hasidim
El Camino del Hombre
Erets li-shene amim
Frühe Kulturkritische und Philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Les récits hassidiques, tome 2
Briefwechsel Martin Buber-Ludwig Strauss, 1913-1953
Der Knecht Gottes
The Knowledge of Man
Worte an die Zeit
Das verborgene licht
For the sake of heaven
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Königtum Gottes
Pirḳe ḥasidut
On the Bible
A believing humanism
Das dialogische Prinzip
The philosophy of Martin Buber
Die Rede, Die Lehre und das Lied
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel Zum 50. Geburtstag
On the Bible;
Chassidismus I
Schriften Zur Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Images of Good and Evil
L'Eclipse de Dieu
Ten Rungs
Gog und Magog
El principio dialógico
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Lesser Ury
Ben ve Sen
Eclipse of God
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Schriften Zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Eclipse de Dios
The Jew
Tales of the Hasidim Later Masters Vol. II
ha-Ruaḥ ṿeha-metsiʼut
Reden über Erziehung
Begegnung. Autobiographische Fragmente
Martin Buber, Bilanz seines Denkens (German Edition)
Tri reci o zidovství
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
An der Wende
Towards Union in Palestine
Einsichten. Aus den Schriften gesammelt
Vom Geist des Judentums
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
On Judaism
Chassidismus III
Vorlesungen Zu Judentum und Christentum
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Confesiones extáticas
Martin Buber
Dialogische Prinzip. Ich und du. Zwiesprache. Die Frage an Den Einzelnen. Elemente des Zwischenmenschlichen. Zur Geschichte des Dialogischen Prinzips
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Schriften Zu Philosophie und Religion
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Cheruth. Eine Rede über Jugend und Religion.
Martin Buber. Den Menschen erfahren
Chassidismus II
Way of Humanity
Schriften Zur Politischen Philosophie und Zur Sozialphilosophie
For the sake of heaven (Harper torchbooks. The Temple library)
Die Schrift
Martin Buber. Worte für jeden Tag
Schriften Zum Christentum
Les récits hassidiques, tome 1
El Conocimiento del Hombre
Die Josefslegende, in acquarellierten Zeichnungen eines unbekannten russischen Juden der Biedermeierzeit
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus
Die Jüdische Bewegung
[Die Schrift]
Die Schrift
Einsichten aus den Schriften Gesammelt (Insel-Bucherei Nr. 573)
Le problème de l'homme
ECLIPSE OF GOD a Critique of the Key 10th Century Philosophies - Existentialism, Crisis Theology, Jungian Psychology
On Judaism
Way of Man
Biblical humanism
Frühe Jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Eclipse of God a Critique of the Key 20th Cent. Philosophies Existentialism Crisis Theology and Jungian Psychology
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros I
Wer eine Seele rettet, rettet die Welt
To hallow this life
At the turning
Cuentos Jasidicos
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
Confesiones extáticas
Mythos und Mystik
Schriften Zur Chinesischen Philosophie und Literatur
Schriften Zu Literatur, Theater und Kunst
Recht und Unrecht
Darko shel Miḳra
Daniel; dialogues on realization
Hasidism and Modern Man
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Tales of the Hasidim
Two letters to Gandhi from Martin Buber and J. L. Magnes
Good and Evil Two Interpretations I Right and Wrong II Images of Good and Evil - Scholar's Choice Edition
Schriften Zum Messianismus
Eine jüdische Hochschule
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die judische bewegung = The Jewish Movement.
Sprachphilosophische Schriften
For the sake of heaven
The knowledge of man. Edited with an introductory essay by Maurice Friedman. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman and Ronald Gregor Smith.
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Encuentro En El Desfiladero
Juedische Kuenstler
Judíos en la U.R.S.S.
Der utopische Sozialismus
Encounter; autobiographical fragments
Vom Geist des Judentums
Deʻotaṿ ha-ḳedumot shel ha-noʻar
Colpa e sensi di colpa
Mystische Zeugnisse aller Zeiten und Völker
Leket I
Dialogisches Leben
Ben ʻam le-artso
Recht und Unrecht
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
גוג ומגוג
Bet-sefer-gavoha yehudi
Raʻyon ha-geʼulah ba-Ḥasidut
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
Humanismo hebreo y nacionalismo
Martin-Buber Werkausgabe (MBW)
Stationen des Glaubens
Aus Tiefen rufe ich Dich
Martin Buber
Il principio dialogico
On the Bible
Gog u-Magog
Me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Der Glaube der Propheten
Der Weg der Menschen
Rede über das Erzieherische
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Bet sefer gavoha Yehudi
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Gog und Magog
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel zum 50. Geburtstag
Pirḳe ḥasidut
Darko shel Miḳra
Das Buch der zwölf
Das Buch der Preisungen
Psalm 130
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Das Buch Rut
Worte an die Jugend
La leggenda del Baal-Scem
Martin Buber (JNUL-Jerusalem)
For the sake of heaven
Die Schrift, zu verdeutschen unternommen
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Das Buch der Preisungen
En la encrucijada
Yo y Tu y Otros Ensayos
Kingship of God
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros II
Cuentos Jasidicos. Primeros Maestros I
Recht und Unrecht. Deutung einiger Psalmen
Cuentos jasídicos, los maestros continuadores
A believing humanism
ha- Tsedeḳ ṿeha-ʻavel ʻal-pi tseror mizmore Tehilim
Lettres choisies de Martin Buber, 1899-1965
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. 1
Buber für Atheisten
Pene adam
Zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat
Paths in Utopia
I and thou
Tales of angels, spirits & demons
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
The way of man, according to the teaching of Hasidism
Entsiḳlopedyah ḥinukhit
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Tikvah le-shaah zo
Bücher der Kündung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebes-Geschichten
Auf die Stimme hören
Die Schriften über das dialogische Prinzip
Sionismo y universalidad
Ten rungs
The knowledge of man
Parola e scrittura
Schriften zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Or ha-ganuz
Die jüdische Bewegung
Zion als Ziel und als Aufgabe
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
Letters/martin Buber
Leḳet me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Les récits hassidiques
Die Vorurteile der Jugend
Leket I
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Martin Buber
On Judaism
Worte an die Zeit
Beʻayat ha-adam
Die Troestung Israels
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Opowieści chasydów
Brief an Gandhi
Königtum Gottes
Das Kommende
Ḥilufe igrot be-meshekh shivʻim shanah
Jewish Spirituality
Problem cz¿owieka
Die Juden in der UdSSR
Gog und Magog
Derko shel mikra
The way of man according to the teachings of Hasidism
Right and wrong
Völker/Staaten und Zion
Right and wrong
Martin Buber im Gespräch mit Gott und den Menschen
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Die frage an den einzelnen
Das Problem des Menschen
Gog şi Magog
Estudios sobre judaismo
Droga człowieka według nauczania chasydów
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Good and evil
Palestine, a bi-national state
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Kampf um Israel
Martin Buber
Die fünf Bücher der Weisung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Die Schriftwerke
Pene 'adam
Ben ʻam le-artso
From the treasure house of Hassidism
Die chassidische Botschaft
El camí de l'home
Deux types de foi
Imagenes del Bien y del Mal
Drei Legenden
Ekstatischer Konfessionen
Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Bücher der Geschichte
Die Schriftwerke
Tri besjede o židovstvu
Un experimento que no fracasó
Un experimento que no fracasó
Isreal and the World
Vom Geist des Judentums
Pointing the way
Darko shel adam ʻal-pi torat ha-ḥasidut
Das Problem des Menschen
München ehrt Martin Buber
Tales of the Hasidim, Vol. 2
Geschichten von Rabbi Bunam
Dva obraza very
Leket II
Frühe jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Or ha-ganuz
Bet sefer gavoah Yehudi
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. II
Khasidskie istorii
Die chassidischen Bücher
On Judaism
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
Zwiesprache. Traktat vom dialogischen Leben
Reden üUber das Judentum
Be-mashber ha-ruaḥ
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Be-sod śiaḥ
Cuentos jasídicos, los primeros maestros
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Zac mienie Boga
Kalewala das National-Epos der Finnen
Dialogisches Leben
Juedische Kuenstler
Das Buch der Preisungen
Or ha-ganuz
Eclipse de Dios
Opowieści chasydów
Marṭin Buber, meʾah shanah le-huladto
Das Buch im Anfang
Das Buch der Preisungen
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Opowieści chasydów
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Martin Buber
Malkhut shamayim
Ereignisse und begegnungen
Velenie dukha
Torat ha-neviʾim
Discorsi sull'educazione
Ich und du
El humanismo hebreo y nuestro tiempo
Niḳolai Ḳoperniḳus 1473-1543
Zu einer neuen Verdeutschung der Schrift
Frederick Buechner
Frederick Buechner (1926-2022)

poet, theologian, autobiographer

  • Princeton University, Union Theological Seminary
On the road with the archangel
The sacred journey
The Son of Laughter
The wizard's tide
The Storm
Now and then
The book of Bebb
Telling the truth
Whistling in the dark
The alphabet of grace
Love feast
A room called Remember
The Eyes of the Heart
The magnificent defeat
Wishful thinking
A long day's dying
Secrets in the Dark
Telling Secrets
Beyond Words
Lion country
Peculiar treasures
Open heart
Speak What We Feel
The final beast
The hungering dark
Listening to Your Life
The Longing for Home
The clown in the belfry
Treasure hunt
The entrance to Porlock
Godric de Finchale
The return of Ansel Gibbs
Remarkable Ordinary
Crazy, Holy Grace
The Faces of Jesus
A Crazy, Holy Grace Participant Guide
One Life, Four Seasons
The yellow leaves
The season's difference
Faith That Matters
Learning to Speak
Christmas Tide
A long day's dying
The magnificent defeat
Family Album Boxed Set
John Gardner
John Gardner (1926-2007)

journalist, theologian, spy

  • University of Cambridge
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [18 stories]
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Copper Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
The 50 Greatest Mysteries of All Time
Win, lose or die
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Never send flowers
The Liquidator
Role Of honor
Day of Absolution
For special services
The art of fiction
License Renewed
No Deals, Mr. Bond
Bottled Spider
The revenge of Moriarty
The Streets of Town
The man from Barbarossa
Building Classic Small Craft
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Reader's Companion--Copper Level
The return of Moriarty
The secret houses
Troubled midnight
October Light
On Becoming a Novelist
Amber Nine
Ian Fleming's James Bond back in action
No human enemy
Death Is Forever
The werewolf trace
Pupils in Transition
Nobody lives forever
Complete Works of the Gawain Poet
Ian Fleming's James Bond in John Gardner's Seafire
The garden of weapons
The secret generations
Licence To Kill
The Nostradamus traitor
Ian Fleming's James Bond in license to kill
A complete state of death
Traitor's exit
The dancing dodo
The last trump
Founder member
The cornermen
The Sunlight Dialogues
Every night's a festival
Nickel Mountain
Ian Fleming's James Bond in licence to kill
The secret families
The Quiet Dogs
Angels Dining at the Ritz
The Wreckage of Agathon
A killer for a song
Freddy's Book
Spin the bottle
Ian Fleming's James Bond
To run a little faster
Unknown Fears
Angels Dining at the Ritz (Detective Sergeant Suzie Mountford Series)
Business for Intermediate Gnvq
Communist and Postcommunist Political Systems
Cold fall
Air Apparent
The King's Indian
Ian Fleming's James Bond in John Gardner's Goldeneye
John Gardner's Goldeneye
Ian Fleming's James Bond in John Gardner's Never Send Flowers
Self Renewal
Role of Honour
The Life and Times of Chaucer
James Bond in John Gardner's death is forever
Law As A Leap Of Faith Essays On Law In General
Nickel Mountain
Every night's a bullfight
Licence renewed
The Liquidator
Dory Book
James Bond
William Wilson
Ian Fleming's Master Spy James Bond in Cold Fall
Ian Flemings James Bond
Nobody Lives Forever (James Bond Adventures)
James Bond En Mision De Honor/Role of Honor
Master Spy James Bond in Seafire
JamesBond in John Gardner's Scorpius
Mickelsson's Ghosts
The Best American Short Stories 1982
Ian Fleming's master spy James Bond in Nobody lives forever
The airline pirates
Role Of Honor Int
Scorpius (James Bond Book)
Nobody Lives Forever
Mickelssons Ghost
The man from Barbarossa
Killer for a Song (Star)
The temptation game
Adult Literacy and Numeracy (SCRE Research Report)
FLAMINGO (by the author of the James Bond sequels)
For Special Serv Int
Role of honor
A Complete State of Death
License Renewed Int
Never Send Flowers
License Renewed (James Bond)
No Deals Mr Bond (James Bond)
Icebreaker (Ian Fleming's James Bond)
Licence renewed
Sunlight Dialogue
Rvuc lyua misen băng tuyret
Die Spur des Werwolfs
Death Is Forever (Price-Less Audio)
Nobody Lives Here Forever
The director
James Bond in John Gardner's 'Death is forever'
The game is up
Room in the Inn
On Writers & Writing
The Kings Indian
Personal Portable Computers and the Curriculum (SCRE Practitioner Minipaper)
The Art of Living&othr
Simulations of Machines Using MATLAB  and SIMULINK (Bookware Companion Series (Pacific Grove, Calif.).)
De wapentuin
The virtue of justice and the character of law
Bsa Gold Star Super Profile
Licence renewed
Ngàn cân treo svoi tóc
Licence to kill
Ruc lua mien bang tuyet
EVERY NIGHT'S A BULLFIGHT (by the author of the James Bond sequels)
L'opération Warlock
James Bond in John Gardner's The Man from Barbarossa
Fiction Maestro
The content of general education in technical and vocational education programmes in the United Kingdom
The censor
The Resurrection
Niemand lebt für immer
The Alliterative Morte Arthure
Mickelsson's Ghosts Part 1 of 2
Een kil complot
A brief consideration of the important services, and distinguished virtues and talents, which recommend Mr. Adams for the presidency of the United States
Mestʹ Moriarti
Sonata No. 2 for Oboe and Piano (Music for Oboe)
Sunlight Dialogues Part 2 of 2
Building Classic Small Craft Volume 2
Death is forever
License to Kill (James Bond Adventures)
Shanghai 1931
Reading recovery in Northern Ireland
Business for Intermediate GNVQ (Stanley Thornes GNVQ)
Sunlight Dialogues Part 1 of 2
Edwin Abbott Abbott
Edwin Abbott Abbott (1838-1926)

theologian, school teacher, cleric, philologist

  • University of Cambridge
A  Shakespearian grammar
Johannine Vocabulary
Johannine Grammar
Francis Bacon
St. Thomas of Canterbury
How to parse
The  kernel and the husk
Latin prose through English idiom
How to write clearly
Silanus the Christian
Hints on Home Teaching
Bible lessons
The  Anglican career of Cardinal Newman
The  fourfold Gospel
Indices to diatessarica
Through nature to Christ
Bacon And Essex
The  spirit on the waters
Cambridge sermons preached before the University
Contrast, or, A prophet and a forger
Hints on home training and teaching
Light on the gospel from an ancient poet
The corrections of Mark adopted by Matthew and Luke
The good voices, a child's guide to the Bible
Via Latina
The  message of the Son of man
Miscellanea Evangelica
Paradosis Or In The Night In Which He Was Betrayed
Newmanianism: A Preface to the Second Edition of Philomythus ; Containing a ..
From letter to spirit
English lessons for English people
The  early life of Cardinal Newman
How to tell the parts of speech
Bacon's Essays V1
The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel
Promus of Formularies and Elegancies (being Private Notes, Circ. 1594, Hitherto Unpublished)
Speculative Science Fiction Classics (16 Books)
"The  Son of man"; or Contributions to the study of the thoughts of Jesus
The  common tradition of the synoptic gospels
Fourfold Gospel
Fourfold Gospel; Section II
Miscellanea evangelica (II)
Oxford sermons
St. Thomas of Canterbury
Johannine grammar
'Righteousness' in the Gospels
A Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope
The Fourfold Gospel; Section II
Fourfold Gospel; Section I
The Fourfold Gospel; Section V
Bacon's Essays; Volume 1
Düzlemler Ülkesi
Fourfold Gospel; Section III
Notes on New Testament criticism
Fourfold Gospel; Section IV
Philomythus, an antidote against credulity
The Son of Man, or, Contributions to the study of the thoughts of Jesus
Justin's Use of the Fourth Gospel
The common tradition of the synoptic Gospels
Parables for children
Hand-book of English grammar ...
Via latina
How to write clearly
English lessons for English people
The fourfold Gospel
Illusion in religion
Miscellanea evangelica
Alister McGrath
Alister McGrath (born 1953)

theologian, educator, church historian, chemist, philosopher, priest, biochemist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
Chosen ones
Darkness shall fall
Chosen ones
Reformation thought
Christian theology
In the beginning
Science of God
A life of John Calvin
A passion for truth
I believe
Scientific Theology
Iustitia Dei
What Was God Doing on the Cross?
A Brief History of Heaven
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelicalism and the future of Christianity
The Future of Christianity
The Genesis of Doctrine
Explaining your faith
Christianity's dangerous idea
The journey
J.I. Packer
The genesis of doctrine
The Unknown God
The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis
The reenchantment of nature
The making of modern German Christology
Christian spirituality
Understanding doctrine
The Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Modern Christian Thought
Science & Religion
Theology for Amateurs
Glimpsing the face of God
To Know and Serve God
Surprised by meaning
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
Beyond the Quiet Time
A Cloud of Witnesses
The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought
The renewal of Anglicanism
Roots That Refresh
The Christian theology reader
The J.I. Packer collection
What was God doing on the cross?
Thomas F. Torrance
Christian theology
Understanding Jesus
The twilight of atheism
The Living God
The enigma of the cross
Reformation Thought
Niv Bible Handbook
The Open Secret
Reformation thought
Suffering & God
Power religion
History of Apologetics
Darwinism and the divine
Re-Imagining Nature
The Christian Theology Reader
Understanding the Trinity
The foundations of dialogue in science and religion
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
The passionate intellect
The making of modern German christology, 1750-1990
A fine-tuned universe
Springboard of Faith
Justification by faith
The Complete Topical Guide to the Bible
The Christian Theology Reader
Lion, the Dove, and the Lamb, Revised Edition
Emil Brunner
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader Set
Darwinism and the Divine
Christian History: An Introduction
The Unknown God
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader
Iustitia Dei
Narrative apologetics
Faith And Creeds A Guide For Study And Devotion
Christian Literature
Luther's theology of the cross
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Dawkins delusion
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Christianity's Dangerous Idea
Science and religion
The order of things
Christian Theology
The Christian theology reader
Christian Theology Reader
Christian literature
Dawkins' GOD
Spirituality in an age of change
The Dawkins delusion?
Trinitarian Theology of Nature
Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification
Explaining your faith without losing your friends
Mere Discipleship
The mystery of the cross
Historical Theology
Reformation Thought
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths
Emil Brunner
Christian Theology, 6e National EPub Inclusive Access
Roots That Refresh
An introduction to Christianity
Emil Brunner
Lord and Saviour
Making sense of the cross
Christian History
Territories of Human Reason
Why Are We Here?
Open Secret
Jesus Christ
Theology Set
Christian Belief
Understand your Bible from Adam to Zion
Christian Life and Hope
Territories of Human Reason
Why God won't go away
Chosen Ones
Why Is There Suffering?
Order of Things
Re-Imagining Nature
Doubt in perspective
Darkness Shall Fall
C. S. Lewis
Science and the Doctrine of Creation
Spirit of Grace
Historical Theology
Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis
The Hodder dictionary of Bible themes
Studies in doctrine
Inventing the universe
The Futures of evangelicalism
Intellectuals don't need God and other modern myths
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought
Christian Spirituality
NIV Bible Commentary
The big question
Enriching Our Vision of Reality
Knowing Christ
Why god won't go away
Mere apologetics
Mere Apologetics
Brief History of Heaven
Flight of the Outcasts
The Zondervan handbook of Christian beliefs
The Landscape of Faith: An Explorer's Guide to the Christian Creeds
Roman Catholicism
Doing theology for the people of God
Christian History
Scientific Theology : Nature
Christian Theology
The Blackwell companion to Protestantism
The NIV Bible companion
Dawkins' GOD
The Re-enchantment of Nature
NIV Bible Commentary
The spirit of grace
The Christian life and hope
Bridge Building
El Acompañante biblico NVI
The future of Atheism
Historical theology
The enigma of the cross
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
Dawkins God
Christian Spirituality
The sunnier side of doubt
Passion for the Gospel
Knowing Christ
The Making of Modern German Christology
Arcic II and justification
NIV Thematic Reference Bible
Evangelical Anglicans
Doing theology for the people of God
C.S. Lewis
Understanding Doctrine
Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith
Journey Through Suffering
François Fénelon
François Fénelon (1651-1715)

philosopher, theologian, poet, Catholic priest, Catholic bishop

  • University of Paris
Aventures de Télémaque
Pious reflections for every day of the month
Les aventures de Télémaque
Telemachus, son of Ulysses
Selections from the writings of Fenelon
The Spiritual Letters Of Archbishop Fénelon
De l'éducation des filles
A demonstration of the existence and attributes of God
Let Go
Le avventure di Telemaco, figliuolo d'Ulisse
Fábulas del Mundo
The education of a daughter
Les aventures de T©♭l©♭maque, fils d'Ulysse
Spiritual letters of archbishop Fénelon. Letters to women, tr. by the author of 'Fénelon ..
Letters and reflections of François de Fénelon
A treatise on the education of daughters
Extracts from the writings of Francis Fenelon ... with some memoirs of his life. To which are ..
Œuvres de Fénelon, archevèque de Cambrai
Dialogues des morts
A treatise on the education of daughters
Lettres spirituelles
De l'éducation des filles: Dialogues des morts et Opuscules divers composée ..
Les aventures de T©♭l©♭maque
Part of the spiritual works of the celebrated Francis Fénelon
Let go
The archbishop of Cambray's pastoral letter concerning the love of God
Correspondance de Feńelon
Proper heads of self-examination for a king
The Existence of God
The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses, in 24 books written by the Archbishop of Cambray to which is added The adventures of Aristonous
Écrits et lettres politiques
Les aventures de T©♭l©♭maque
Lives of the ancient philosophers
Christian Perfection
Correspondance de Fénelon, archevêque de Canbrai
Dialogues concerning eloquence
Les aventures de Telemaque
Essai sur le gouvernement civil, où l'on traite de la nécessité, de l'origine, des droits, des bornes, & des differentes formes de la souveraineté
Spiritual letters of archbishop Fénelon. Letters to men, tr. by the author of 'Fénelon ..
Oeuvres complètes de Fénelon, archeveque de Cambrai
Les aventures de T©♭l©♭maque, fils d'Ulysse
Dialogues sur l'éloquence en général et sur celle de la chaire en particulier
Proper heads of self-examination for a king. Together with the author's life, a complete ..
Lettre à l'Académie
Fenelon's Letter to the French Academy
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Les aventures de Télémaque
Fables, composées pour l'éducation du duc de Bourgogne [par] De La Mothe-Fénelon
Ode of Fénelon
Les aventures de Télémaque fils d'Ulysse
Avantures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse, ou, Suite du quatrième livre de l'Odyssés d'Homère
Choix de fables et de dialogues
Les aventures de Télémaque
Instruction pastorale de Monseigneur l'Arch. Duc de Cambray au clergé et au peuple de son diocèse
Correspondance de Fénelon, archevêque de Canbrai
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Dialogues sur l'éloquence
Les aventures de Télémaque
Fenelon's reflections for every day in the month
Explication des maximes des saints sur la vie intérieure
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Sermon pour la fete de l'Epiphanie
Abregé des vies des anciens philosophes
Lettre à l'Académie
Oeuvres de Fénelon, archevêque de Cambrai
Instructions for the education of a daughter
Las Aventuras de Telémaco
Dialogues divers entre les cardinaux Richelieu et Mazarin et autres
Oeuvres de Fénelon, archevêque de Cambrai
Aventures de T©♭l©♭maque
Fenelon's Werke religiösen Inhalts
Les aventures de Télémaque
The Archbishop of Cambray's dissertation on pure love
Oeuvres choisies
Lectures spirituelles sur la vie intérieure disposées
Les aventures de Télémaque
Les premières rédactions de la Lettre à l'Académie par Fénelon
Les aventures de Télémaque et les aventures d'Aristonoüs
Letters from Cambrai
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
Les aventures de Télémaque
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Explication des maximes des saints sur la vie intérieure
L' éducation des filles
Fénelon's reflections for every day in the month
Education des filles
Spiritual Letters
Instruction pastorale de monseigneur l'archevesque duc de Cambray, en forme de dialogues
The spiritual letters of Archbishop Fénelon
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Lettres de direction
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Lettre de Fénelon à Louis XIV
On the use of the Bible
Éducation des filles
Collection de lettres chretiennes
Morceaux choisis
Pages choisies des grands écrivains
Les aventures de Télémaque
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Oeuvres spirituelles de Fénelon
Along the royal way
Les aventures de Télémaque
Fénelon's treatise on the education of daughters
Spiritual Letters Of Fenelon
A dissertation on pure love
Talking with God
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Instruction pastorale de Monseigneur l'Archevesque Duc de Cambray, au clergé& au peuple de son diocese
Fables de Fénélon
Aventures de Télémaque
Correspondance de Fénelon
Oeuvres choisies
Selections from Fénélon
A Guide To True Peace, Or, A Method Of Attaining To Inward And Spiritual Prayer
¿uvres choisies
The adventures of Aristonous
Dialogues des morts anciens et modernes, avec quelques fables
Some advice to governesses and teachers
The Existence of God
Histoire des idees et critique litteraire, vol. 428: Correspondance de Fenelon, tome XVIII
The complete Fénelon
Lettres Chretiennes et Spirituelles Sur Divers Sujets Qui Regardent la Vie Interieure, Ou l'esprit du Vrai Christianisme; Volume 5
Lettre à l'Académie française par Fénelon
Fʹenelon & Mme Guyon
Lettre à l'Académie
A new translation of Telemachus
An extract from a discourse on prayer
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
Lettres sur divers sujets concernant la religion et la metaphysique
A discourse upon Christian perfection
The spiritual letters of Franc̜ois de Salignac de La Mothe Fénelon
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse
Oeuvres choisies
The Archbishop of Cambray's dissertation on pure love, with an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the archbishop was banish'd from court ..
Oeuvres de Fénelon
Direction chrétienne
Letters to men and women
Directions pour la conscience d'un roi, ou, Examen de conscience sur les devoirs de la royauté
Dialogues on eloquence in general
Extracts from the writings of François Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray
Letters of love and counsel
Reflections and meditations selected from the writings of Fenelon
Fénelon on education
De l'existence et des attributs de Dieu
The tales and fables of the late Archbishop and Duke of Cambray, author of Telemachus; in French and English
Réfutation des erreurs de Benoit Spinosa
Oeuvres philosophiques..
The seeking heart
Traité de l'existence et des attributs de Dieu
Advice and consolation for a person in distress and dejection of mind, with some thoughts on the remedys of dissipation
Christian counsels
Oeuvres philosophiques ou demonstration de l'existence de Dieu...
Pious thoughts concerning the knowledge and love of God
A demonstration of the existence of God
Meditations and devotions from the writings of François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai
Les avantures de Telemaque
Lettre sur les occupations de l'Académie française, suivie des Lettres de Lamotte et de Fénelon sur Homère et sur les anciens
Le Télémaque des écoles, ou, Les aventures de Télémaque
Oeuvres de m. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-duc de Cambrai
Aventures de Télémaque
Les délices de l'homme de bien
Oeuvres de Fenelon, archeveque de Cambrai
Choix de dialogues des morts
Dialogues of the dead
Private thoughts upon religion, in several letters
Fragments from Fénelon concerning education
Selections from the writings of Fenelon
Oeuvres spirituelles
Spiritual progress, or, Instructions in the divine life of the soul
The Christian pilgrimage
Les Aventures de Télémaque
La vraie et solide vertu sacerdotale
Meditations and devotions from the writings of François de Fénelon
Spiritual counsels from the letters of Fénelon
Fenelon's pious reflections for every day of the month
Oeuvres spirituelles de François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénélon, à laquelle on a joint son traité de l'existence de Dieu et ses lettres sur la religion
Justifications de la Doctrine de Madame de la Mothe-Guion
Avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse, ou suite du quatre'me livre de l'odysse'e d'Homere
Pious reflections for every day of the month. Translated  from the French of the Archbishop of Cambray
Specimens of a new version of Telemachus
Fénelon's letters to men and women
An extract from a discourse on humility
The Archbishop of Cambray's dissertation on pure love
The maxims of the saints explained, concerning the interiour life
Traité de l'existence de Dieu
Fenelon's Dialogues on eloquence
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Œuvres de Fénelon, précédées d'études sur sa vie, par A. Martin
Lettres Chretiennes et Spirituelles Sur Divers Sujets Qui Regardent la Vie Interieure, Ou l'esprit du Vrai Christianisme; Volume 1
Le disciple de Fénelon
Letters and reflections
Important and interesting observations on the abolition of the slave trade
Instructions for the education of daughters
Les aventures de T©♭l©♭maque
Letters of Madame Guyon
Dialogues concerning eloquence
Let go; living by the cross and by faith
Réponse inédite `a Bossuet
Two essays on the ballance of Europe. The first written in French by the late Archbishop of Cambray, and translated into English. The second by the translator of the first essay
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
The Archbishop of Cambray's Dissertation on Pure Love, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Lady, for Whose Sake the Archbishop Was Banish'd from Court
The spiritual letters of Archbishop Fénelon
Christian perfection
Les aventures de Telemaque
Oeuvres de Fénélon
Sentimens de piété
Five pieces, written by the author of The evidence of the existence of God; supposed to be translated by Bishop Barclay, and taken from a work published by his relict, when in Dublin
Pages nouvelles pour servir à l'étude des origines du quiétisme avant 1694, publiées par Marcel Langlois
A New Translation of Telemachus in English Verse. by Gibbons Bagnall,
Fenelon's Werke Religiösen Inhalts, Erster Band
Nouveaux Dialogues des Morts, Contes & Fables
Extracts from the writings of Francis Fenelon
Abrégé des Aventures de Télémaque fils d'Ulysse
The Adventures of Telemachus the son of Ulysses. In Five Parts. The Sixth Edition
Lettre à l'Académie, publiée par Albert Cahen
Documentum pastorale tertium
On the faithfulness in little things
Dialogues of the Dead. Written in French by the Archbishop of Cambray, Translated Into English From the Best Paris Edition. The Fourth Edition, Corrected
Le gnostique de saint Clement d'Alexandrie, opuscule inedit de Fenelon
Oeuvres philosophiques de Fénelon
Fénélon's Conversations With M. De Ramsai On The Truth Of Religion
Golden thoughts
Education des filles
Oeuvres Complètes de François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénélon ...
Extracts from the writings of Francis Fenelon
The Existence of God
Directions pour la conscience d'un roi
Fenelon's letters to men and women
Traité de l'éducation des filles
The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses, King of Ithaca, in Greece, and One of the Princes Who Conducted the Siege of Troy Complete in ... by Francis Salignac de la Motte Fenelon
Traité de l'existence et des Attributs de Dieu
The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. Translated from the French of Messire François Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. by T. Smollett, ... of 2; Volume 1
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Written by the Archbishop of Cambray. A new Translation. ... The Second Edition. of 2; Volume 2
The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses, ... Complete in Twenty-Four Books. ... by Francis Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon, ... Now Newly Translated from the Best Paris and Other Editions
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
De l'existence et des attributs de Dieu
Dialogues concerning eloquence in general, and particularly that kind which is fit for the pulpit
Lettre de M. Francois de Salignac de La Mothe Fénélon...à M. l'évêque d'Arras sur la lecture de l'Écriture Sainte en langue vulgaire
Oeuvres de Fénelon, archevêque de Cambrai, précédées d'études sur sa vie par Aimé Martin
Dialogues on eloquence
The Adventures of Telemachus. in Blank Verse, from the French of M. Fenelon. ... by J. Y. ... of 3; Volume 1
Les aventures de Télemaque
Les premières rédactions de la Lettre à l'Académie
Spiritual letters of François de Salignac de La Mothe-Fénelon
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Written by the Archbishop of Cambray
Private thoughts upon religion, in several letters, written to His Royal Highness the Duke Regent of France
Abrége des vies des anciens philosophes
Les Aventures de Télémaque [par] Fénelon
L' expérience de Dieu avec Fénelon
L' homme et les quatre éléments
Dialogues of the Dead. by the Late M. de Fenelon, ... a New Translation. in Two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 1
Les aventures de Télémaque, suivies des Aventures d'Aristonous
Fábulas e historias maravillosas
De l'autorité du souverain pontife
Que Dieu est bon!
Oeuvres choisies
Fables and dialogues of the dead. Written in French by the late Archbishop of Cambray, ... and done into English from the Paris edition of 1718, then corrected and revised with the author's own original manuscript
Telemachiada, e gallico sermone Franc
Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses, by the Archbishop of Cambray
Les adventures de Te le maque
The existence of God
A guide to true peace
Directions for a holy life, and the attaining Christian perfection
Oeuvres choisies
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulisse
A Demonstration of the Existence, Wisdom and Omnipotence of God, Drawn from the Knowledge of Nature, Particularly of Man, and Fitted to the Meanest ... of Cambray, the Second Ed to Which Is Added
A Discourse Upon Christian Perfection. By Mr. de Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray
De l 'e ducation des filles
Les avantures de Télémaque
Fables, Composed for the use of the Duke of Burgundy. By M. Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. Newly Translated From the French by Mr. Elphingston
On the education of daughters
Oeuvres choisies
Lettres inédites à la duchesse de Chevreuse (née Colbert) et au duc de Chevreuse
Discourse on Christian Perfection, Written to a Person of Great Note, by the Archbishop of Cambray
Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Fénelon. Letters to Women, Tr. by the Author of 'fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai'.
Les aventures de Télemaque, fils d'Ulysse ..
The lives and most remarkable maxims of the ancient philosophers. Written by M. de Fenelon, ..
Les aventures de Te le maque, fils d'Ulysse
Fenelon's finest works
Fénelon ce méconnu
The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Translated From the French of Messire François Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, ... By John Hawkesworth, L.L.D. The Fourth Edition
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par feu Messire François de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, ... Augmentées, des Avantures d'Aristonous. ... original. of 2; Volume 1
The Archbishop of Cambray's Meditations and soliloquies on various religious subjects
Aventures de Télémaque
Aventures de Télémaque
Part of the spiritual works of the celebrated Francis Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray
Les  aventures de Télémache
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Adventures of Telemachus
Tercüme-'i Telem
Oeuvres choisies de Fénélon
Letters upon divers subjects concerning religion and metaphysics. Written by the late Archbishop of Cambray. Translated from the Paris edition in 1718
Tercüme-yi tercümesidir bu kitap
Directions for a Holy life
Reflections and meditations
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
Letters to the Duke of Burgundy
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. In two Volumes. Translated From the French of M. Francois Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, Archbishop ... by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. ... of 2; Volume 1
Dialogues Concerning Eloquence in General
Les aventures de Télémaque, suivies des Aventures d'Aristonoüs
Les principales propositions du livre des Maximes des saints
Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Fénelon. Letters to Men, Tr. by the Author of 'fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai'
Lettre A L'Academie
The lives and most remarkable maxims of the antient philosophers
On the education of daughters
Tales and fables, in French and English. Written originally for the instruction of a young prince, by Fr. de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, and translated by the late D. Bellamy, ..
Avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse
Lettres inédites de M. de Fénélon, archevêque de Cambrai, extraites des archives de Rome
Traité de l'Existence de Dieu
Lettre de M. l'archeveque dvc de Cambray a M. l'eveque de Meavx sur la charité
Oeuvres choisies
Die Begebenheiten des Prinzen von Ithaca
A demonstration of the existence and attributes of God, drawn from the knowledge of nature, from proofs purely intellectual, and from the idea of the Infinite Himself
Dialogues of the Dead. by the Late M. de Fenelon, ... a New Translation. in Two Volumes... . of 2; Volume 2
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Le auventure di Telemaco, figliuolo d'Ulisse
Demonstration de l'Existence de Dieu
Tercüme-i telemak
Oeuvres spirituelles
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Telem tercmesi
Doctrie Spirituelle
A discourse on Christian perfection
Lettre à l'Académie, avec les versions primitives
New Translation of Telemachus in English Verse. by Gibbons Bagnall, ... in Two Volumes... . of 2; Volume 2
Meditations for every day of the month
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Translated From the French of Messire François Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. ... Smollett, M.D. In two Volumes. of 2; Volume 2
Instructions for the Education of a Daughter. by M. Fénelon ... Translated from the French, and Revised by George Hickes, D. d
De l'education des filles
The education of a daughter
Aventuras de Telemaco, hijo de Ulisses
De l'éducation des filles
Dialogues sur l'éloquence
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par feu Messire Francois de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon. ... Nouvelle edition, revue et corrigée avec soin.
Les Aventures de Télémaque et celles d'Aristonoüs
Selections from the writings of Fenelon
Selections from Fénelon
Lettres de Monseigneur l'archevesque de Cambray, a quelques-uns de ses amis
Les aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulisse
Premiere[-Seconde] lettre de M. l'arch. d. de Cambray povr servir de reponse a la Lettre pastorale de M. l'ev. de Chartres
Three dialogues on pulpit eloquence
The Adventures of Telemachus
Best of Fenelon
Les aventures de Te le maque
Spiritual Letters of Archbishop Fénelon. Letters to Women, Tr. by the Author of 'fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai'. (Half-A-Crown Eds. of Devotional Works)
The adventures of Telemachus
Aventures de Télémaque
Dialogues of the dead, ancient and modern
Letters to the Duke of Burgundy, from MR de Fenelon Archbishop of Cambray
Fables et opuscules divers
Ordonnance et instruction pastorale et monseigneur l'archevêque de Cambray, au clergé et au peuple de son diocese, portant condamnation d'un imprimé intitulé Cas de conscience ...
Lettre a l'Académie
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Les aventures de Telemaque extraits avec une notice biographique, une notice litteraire et des notes explicatives
Christian counsels
The Adventures of Telemachus Son of Ulysses from the French of Fenelon by the Celebrated Jno. Hawkesworth L.L.D. by G. Gregory. D.D. with a Life of ... Historical and Geographical. of 2; Volume 2
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par Messire François de Salignac de la Mothe Fenelon, ... Nouvelle edition, revuë sur les meilleures editions precedentes. of 2; Volume 1
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
The uncertainty of a death-bed repentance, illustrated under the character of Penitens
Le christianisme présenté aux hommes du monde
Pious reflections for every day of the month. Translated from the French of the Archbishop of Cambray.
Huit livres de Télémaque
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Par feu Messire Francois de Salignac, de la Mothe Fenelon, ... Nouvelle edition, revuë exactement sur ... soin, & enrichie de figures.
Selections from Fénelon
The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses
Pious reflections for every day of the month
Thoughts on spiritual subjects
The existence of God
Fénelon's treatise on the education of daughters
Stranstvovanīi︠a︡ Telemaka, syna Ulissova
Aventures de Télémaque Tome 1
Traité de l'éducation des filles
Five Pieces, Written by the Author of The Evidence of the Existence of God; Supposed to be Translated by Bishop Barclay, and Taken From a Work Published by his Relict, When in Dublin
The Education of A Child from The Wisdom of Fenelon 1687
Lettre à Louis XIV
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
The Archbishop of Cambray's Dissertation on Pure Love. with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Lady, for Whose Sake the Archbishop Was Banished from Court
The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses. in XXIV Books. Written by the Archbishop of Cambray. the Sixteenth Edition, Carefully Revised and Corrected. of 2; Volume 2
Premiere lettre de M. l'arch. d. de Cambray pour servir de reponse a celle de M. l'ev. de Meavx
Fénélon's Conversations with M. de Ramsai on the Truth of Religion
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. By the Archbishop of Cambray. Translated Into English by Mr. Des Maizeaux, F.R.S. The Seventh Edition, Corrected
Fenelon on education
Explication des articles d'Issy
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Écrits spirituels
Explication des Maximes des Saints Sur la Vie Intérieure
Les avantures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. By the Archbishop of Cambray. Translated Into English by Mr. Des Maizeaux, F.R.S. A new Edition, Revised and Corrected
Fenelon's Pious reflections for every day in the month
An essay, founded upon arguments natural and moral, proving the immortality of the soul. Translated from the original manuscript of the Archbishop of Cambray
Fe nelon's letters to men and women
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
On faithfulness in little things
The Adventures of Telemachus, Son of Ulysses. the First Book. Translated from the Original French Prose Into English Verse
Seconde[-Cinqvieme] lettre de Monseigneur l'archevêque duc de Cambray a Monseigneur l'évêque de Meaux
A letter from the Archbishop of Cambray to the French Academy, concerning rhetoric, poetry, history: and a comparison between the antients and moderns
Les aventures de Télémaque
Selections from Fénelon
Key to the First Eight Books of the Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses
A letter to the Bishop of Arras, on reading the Holy Scriptures in the vulgar tongue
Dialogues concerning eloquence in general
Oeuvres choisies
Les Oeuvres Oratoires Completes
Aventures de Télémaque, Fils d'Ulysse. Par M. de Fénélon, Archevêque de Cambrai. Nouvelle édition Soigneusement Corrigée
The Christian pilgrimage: or, a companion for the holy season of Lent: being meditations upon the passion, death, resurrection, and ascension of ... Jesus Christ. ... Written originally in French, ... by ... Mons. de Fenelon, ... Made English by Mrs. Jane Barker, ..
Pages nouvelles pour servir a l'étude des origines du quiétisme avant 1694
A guide to true peace
Fables et opuscules divers composés pour l'éducation du Duc de Bourgogne
Dialogues of the Dead; Together with Some Fables, Composed for the Education of a Prince. by the Late M. de Fenelon, ... Newly Translated from the French by Mr. Elphingston... . of 2; Volume 1
The Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses, by the Archbishop of Cambray. Revised by Mr. Des Maizeaux, F.R.S. Embellished With Cuts
The Adventures of Telemachus, an Epic Poem From the French of Fenelon With Alterations. By the Revd. Mark Anthony Meilan. The Second Edition. of 2; Volume 1
Oeuvres de Fe nelon
Aventures de Télémaque, Fils d'Ulysse; Par Messire François de Salignac de la Motte Fénelon. Nouvelle édition, . . Revu et Corrigé . . Par N. Wanostrocht, ...
Oeuvres de Fenelon, Archevèque de Cambrai
Fables and Dialogues of the Dead. Written in French by the Late Archbishop of Cambray, ... and Done Into English From the Paris Edition of 1718, Then ... Manuscript. The Second Edition Corrected
Letters to men
Lettre de Fénélon sur l'Ecriture Sainte en langue vulgaire
Morceaux choisis
Selections from the writings of Fenelon
The adventures of Melesicthon
Dialogues on eloquence in general; particularly that kind which is fit for the pulpit
The Archbishop of Cambray's meditations and soliloquies, on various religious subjects; with Directions for a holy life. Also a letter concerning religion, in French and English, by the same author
Œuvres de Fénelon, archévêque de Cambrai
Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
Pages choisies des grands écrivains
Les aventures de Télémaque
Œuvres spirituelles
Les aventures de Télémaque: fils d'Ulsse
Les aventures de Télemaque, fils d'Ulysse
Letters to women
Les aventures de Télemaque
Fenelon ce meconnu
De l'éxistence et des attributes de Dieu
A demonstration of the existence, wisdom and omnipotence of God
A mandat of the Archbishop of Cambray (the famous author of Telemachus,) ordaining prayers for peace
Fables and dialogues of the dead
Correspondence de Fénelon
Counsels to those who are living in the world
[non-roman characters]
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse
Reponse de m. l'archeveque de Cambray a l'ecrit de m. l'eveque de Meaux
Aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
Dialogues des morts composés pour l'éducation d'un prince
Die Begebenheiten des Prinzen von Ithaca
The Adventures of Telemanchus, The son of Ulysses
The God-Centered Life
Les aventures de Télémaque: le duc de Bourgogne
Fénelon inédit d'après les documents de Pistoia
Lettres inédites de Fénelon
Lettre de Fénélon à Louis XIV
The Unabridged Collected Works
Fénelon letters
Nouveaux dialogues des morts, contes & fables
Dialogues des morts anciens et modernes ; avec quelques Fables
De l'éducation des filles
Avventure di Telemaco, figliuolo di Ulisse.: Del signor di Fenelon
Refutation des erreurs de Benoit de Spinosa
Fénelon, choix de textes et préf. par Marcel Raymond
Les aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse
Éducation des filles de Fénelon
Correspondance de Feńelon: archeveq̂ue de Cambrai
Lectures spirituelles sur la vie intérieure disposées
Oeuvres de M. François de Salignac de La Mothe Fénélon, précepteur des enfants de France, archevêque-Duc de Cambrai
Lettre sur les occupations de l'Académie française
Abrégé de la vie des plus illustres philosophes de l'antiquité
Aventures de Télémaque
The maxims of the saints explained
La pensée de Fénelon d'après ses œuvres morales et spirituelles
Les avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse
Oeuvres complètes de Fénelon, archevêque de Cambrai
Oeuvres choises de Fénelon
Selections from the Writings of Fenelon: With a Memoir of His Life
Lettres sur divers sujets concernant la religion et la metaphysique
Tales and fables, invented (for the education of a prince.) By the late celebrated Archbishop of Cambray, ... Digested into sections and periods, and dispos'd (after a new manner) for the use of schools, ..
Oeuvres spirituelles de François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénélon, à laquelle on a joint son traité de l'existence de Dieu et ses lettres sur la religion
Kevod melakhim
Aventures de Télémaque, fils d'Ulysse
On faithfulness in little things
Lettre à Louis XIV
Fénelon's Letters to men and women
Fénelon ce méconnu
L' Éducation des filles. Fables choisies
Telemachus versified
Tim LaHaye
Tim LaHaye (1926-2016)

theologian, lobbyist, pastor

  • Western Seminary, Liberty University
Left Behind
The Indwelling
Kingdom Come - The Final Victory
The rapture
Left behind
Left behind
Deceiver's game
Left Behind Collection
Glorious Appearing
Left Behind
The Rising
The Mark
Soul Harvest
Tribulation Force
The Remnant
Babylon Rising
Glorious appearing
Babylon rising
Transformed temperaments
Spirit-controlled temperament
Luke's story
Left behind
The edge of darkness
Come spring
How to win over depression
Black Friday
Are We Living in the End Times?
The act of marriage
Faith of our Founding Fathers
Anger is a choice
All the rave
The ark on Ararat
KJV Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible
The last dance
Understanding the male temperament
Matthew's story
Matthew's story
The Merciful God of Prophecy
Comando Tribulación
Left behind, the kids
The Europa Conspiracy
Mark's story
Embracing Eternity
Revelation unveiled
I love you, but why are we so different?
The act of marriage after 40
Transforming Your Temperament (Guidelines for Living)
How to study the Bible for yourself
The battle for the public schools
Prophecy Study Bible
The Bible's influence on American history
Why you act the way you do
Soul Harvest The World Takes Sides
Hitler God The Bible
Discussion guide for How to Be Happy Though Married
Soul Harvest
Mark's Story
How to manage pressure before pressure manages you
Left Behind the kids
The battle for the mind
Left Behind, the Kids: Battling the commander # 15
The merciful God of prophecy
Mind siege
The hidden censors
The battle for the family
The Remnant
How to be happy though married
Left Behind the kids
The essential guide to Bible prophecy
The beginning of the end
Revelation, Illustrated and Made Plain
Edge of Apocalypse
The popular handbook on the Rapture
The act of marriage
What Should I Do, Lord
Biblia De Estudio De Profecia
Global warning
Mark Of Evil
Against the tide
The race for the 21st century
Thunder of heaven
The Remnant
Marks Story
                Jesus Chronicles Berkley
Left Behind
Brink of chaos
Left Behind the kids: Darkening skies # 18
Usted se Enoja porque Quiere
The act of marriage
A Quick Look at the Rapture and the Second Coming
Prophecy Study Bible/Biblia De Estudio De Profecia
How to Manage Pressure Before Pressure Manages You
The Regime
Apocalipsis Sin Velo
Left Behind
Always Grace
Life in the afterlife
Rapture Under Attack
The Rising
Attack of Apollyon
Babylon rising
Glorious Appearing
These will not be left behind
Transforming Your Temperament
Why Believe in Jesus (Lahaye, Tim)
Tribulation Force
NKJV Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible
The mind siege project
El Acto Matrimonial / Act of Marriage
The popular Bible prophecy commentary
Understand Your Man
Ten Steps to Victory over Depression
Cómo Vencer la Depresión
Poder de la Cruz, El
How to Study the Bible for Yourself
Te Amo, pero, por qué Somos tan Diferentes?
The mark of evil
Asesinos - Mision
The unhappy gays
Dangerous Plan (Left Behind)
John's Story
Left Behind 25th Anniversary Edition
The Sacrilege
Rapture's witness
Your temperament
Babylon Rising Book 3
Pursued (Left Behind: The Kids Collection Book 2)
Homosexualidad Lo Que Hace Y Como Supera
Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself (Tim Lahaye Prophecy Library)
Rescued (Left Behind: The Kids Collection)
What everyone should know about homosexuality
Assassins Assignment Jerusalem Target Antichrist
Cómo Estudiar La Profecía Bíblica Por Sí Mismo
Who Will Face the Tribulation?
Alike in Love
Against the Tide
Tribulation Force
Temperamentos Controlados
Finding the Will of God in a Crazy, Mixed-Up World
World's end
Thunder of heaven
Soul Harvest by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins  from Books In
Life in the Afterlife
La Profecia De Babilonia
La escritura en la pared
Como Estudiar La Profecia Biblica Por Si Mismo
Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself (Tim LaHaye Prophecy Library)
Tribulation Force The Continuing Drama Of Those Left Behind
What lovemaking means to a woman
Sex education is for the family
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (Left Behind, 11)
The Secret on Ararat (Babylon Rising)
Left Behind
Left Behind A Novel Of The Earths Last Days
Soul Harvest (Left Behind)
Brink of chaos
The authorized Left behind handbook
Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible
Black Friday
Rapture's Witness
Left Behind
Babylon Rising Book 2
The Harvest Handbook™ of Bible Prophecy
Prophecy Study Bible-KJV
How to study Bible prophecy for yourself
El Varón Y Su Temperamento
Battle for the Mind
The mark
Mark of evil
Left Behind
Temperamentos Transformados
Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself (Tim LaHaye Prophecy Library)
Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days
Arrebatamiento, El
Manual del Temperamento
C Mo Hallar La Voluntad de Dios En Un Mundo En Crisis
How to Win over Depression
How to Study the Bible for Yourself Youth Edition
Tribulation Force
Bible Prophecy
Are we living in the end times?
Kingdom Come
The Rapture
Best of Christian Living: The Church, Jesus: What Is He?, More Than a Carpenter, Prayer
Glorious Appearing
The end times controversy
Facing the Future
Are We Living in the End Times?
Party of two
Raising Sexually Pure Kids
The Mark
La Profecia De Babilonia/Babylon Rising (Bestseller (Booket Numbered))
Matthew's Story
Hidden (Left Behind: The Young Trib Force Book 3)
Martin Chuzzlewit
Trueno Del Cielo
Left Behind Collection, Volume 1
Seduction of the heart
Understanding the last days
Book of Revelation Made Clear
Second Chance
The Rising
Tribulation force
Prophecy Study Bible-NKJV
The Secret on Ararat
Biblia de estudio de la profecía
Why you act the way you do
The best Christmas gift
Die Oorblyfsel
Como hallar la Voluntad de Dios
Edge of Apocalypse
Rescued (Left Behind: The Young Trib Force Book 4)
Soul harvest: the world takes sides
How to Be Happy Though Married
Fresh Air : Faith, Reason and Doubt Lib/E
Cómo Estudiar La Biblia Por Sí Mismo
If ministers fall, can they be restored?
Left Behind Collection, Volume 2
Bible prophecy for everyone
Mind siege
Soul Harvest
Nicolae the Rise of the Antichrist (Left Behind)
Al Borde Del Apocalipsis
Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages (Left Behind, 11)
The Rapture
How to Win Over Depression
Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days
Nicolae High
Through the Flames
Assassins : Assignment : Jerusalem, Target
Gathering Lilies from Among the Thorns
Praying with God's Many Names
Mo shi mi zong =
Anger Is a Choice
O possuído
A nation without a conscience
End Times Controversy
La profecia de Babilònia
Black Friday-Mass
Spirit-controlled temperament
Evil's edge
Revelation Unveiled
Six Keyes to a Happy Marriage
Cómo Estudiar la Biblia por Sí Mismo
Hitler, God, and the Bible
Jesus, Who Is He
How to Study the Bible for Yourself
How to Win over Depression
The Act of Marriage
Dian fu zhi shen
La nostra felicitat
Men of Integrity
Merciful God of Prophecy
Biblia de Estudio de la Profecía
The act of marriage : the beauty of sexual love
How to Be Happy Though Married
No Fear of the Storm
Soul Prescription
No Temas a la Tormenta
The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy
What everyone should know about homosexuality
El Secreto Del Monte Ararat / Babylon Rising
Edge of Apocalypse
Storming Toward Armageddon
Harvest Handbook of Bible Prophecy
Power of the Cross
Left Behind Prequels Collection
Le rébus de Mathusalem
Seduction of the Heart
All the Rave
Left Behind Boxed Set 2
Antidoto de La IRA
Left Behind (Left Behind, 1)
Finding the will of God in a crazy, mixed-up world
What lovemaking means to a man
Thunder of Heaven
Brink of Chaos
Finding the Will of God in a Crazy, Mixed-Up World
Act of Marriage
Assassins: Assignment: Jerusalem, Target
Biblia de Estudio de la Profecía - Negro
Spirit Controlled Temperament
De Here tegemoet
Understanding the Male Temperament
Dian fu zhi shen
Biblia de Estudio de la Profecia - Tapa Dura Con índice
Why You Act the Way You Do
The act of marriage
Babylon rising
Spirit-Controlled Temperament
The act of marriage
Raising sexually pure kids
The secret on Ararat
Faith of Our Founding Fathers
Why Christians should study bible prophecy
End Collection
Merciful God of Prophecy
Jesus, who is he?
Party of Two
The Spirit-filled family
Jesus Who is He-Endcap Display
Arrestada 7 (Dejados Atras los Chicos)
Cuatro Pasos Hacia La Intimidad/Matrimonio - 4 Steps to Intimate Marriage
Trueno Del Cielo
Trifunto Sabre La Depresion
Handbook for Minister's Wives
Battling the Commander
The coming peace in the Middle East
God's Precious Promises
Exploring Bible prophecy from Genesis to Revelation
Last Dance
No fear of the storm
Cómo Vencer la Depresión
What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality
Increase Your Personality Power
Left Behind
Revelation Unveiled
Maîtrisez votre colère
Die Entrückung
Mind Siege Project
Faith of Our Founding Fathers
Comienzo del Fin (The Beginning of the End)
Act of Marriage After 40
Understanding Bible Prophecy for Yourself (Tim Lahaye Prophecy Library)
Charting the end times
Deixados para trás 4
Deceiver's game
El Acto Matrimonial Despues De Los 40
Mark of Evil
Cómo Hallar la Voluntad de Dios en un Mundo en Crisis
Turn your life around
The Mark
Duo ming shi ke
Opposites attract
Spirit-controlled temperament
The coming peace in the Middle East
Spirit-controlled family living
Practical answers to common questions about sex in marriage
How to Study the Bible for Yourself
Al Borde Del Apocalipsis
i love you but why are u so different
Your Temperament Can Be Changed
Edge of Apocalypse
The Popular Handbook on the Rapture: Experts Speak Out on End-Times Prophecy
Edge of Apocalypse
El reino
Evil's edge
Mind Siege
Contra la Corriente
Edge of Darkness
Asedio de la Mente
Heart Attacked
Matthew's story
Charting the End Times
Babylon Rising
Complete Bible Prophecy Chart
Mind Siege
Rapture's witness
The popular Bible prophecy workbook
Deceiver's game
World's end
Four Steps to an Intimate Marriage
Left Behind : The Kids
Edward Everett Hale
Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)

theologian, Christian minister

  • Harvard University, Harvard College
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
The Brick Moon and Other Stories
The Man Without a Country
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
James Russell Lowell and his friends
In His name
A New England boyhood
Franklin in France
How to Do It
The Man Without a Country and Other Stories
The Best American Tales
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
Memories of a hundred years
Our new crusade
Classic Short Stories
What career?
Philip Nolan's friends
Early maps of America
East and West
Cuentos clásicos del norte
June to May
Historic Boston and its neighborhood
The contribution of Boston to American independence
The story of Spain
The Ingham papers
Boys' heroes
The Associated Charities: A Sermon Preached in the South Congregational Church, Boston, February ..
The Life of Christopher Columbus
Ups and downs
Stories of war told by soldiers
Four and five
The man without a country
Seven Spanish Cities And The Way To Them
The Man Without a Country
James Russell Lowell
From thanksgiving to fast
New England history in ballads
The elements of Christian doctrine
Edward Everett in the ministry of reconciliation
Christmas in Narragansett
Ten times one is ten: the possible reformation
Stories Of Invention
The Rosary Of Illustrations Of The Bible
If, yes, and perhaps
Our Christmas in a palace
Stories Of Adventure
Indepndence day
Kanzas and Nebraska
The new Harry and Lucy
Susan's escort
Silhouettes and songs illustrative of the months
Types of the Short Story
A family flight through Mexico
Prospero's Island
Mohonk addresses
My friend the boss
Letters on Irish emigration
A family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland
How they lived in Hampton
One hundred years ago
Stories Of The Sea
The story of Columbus
"We, the people"
Prayers in the Senate
Sybil Knox Or, Home Again
Six of one by half a dozen of the other
Margaret Percival In America
Mr. Tangier's vacations
History of the United States
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1952
Mrs. Merriam's scholars
Old and New
Tarry at home travels
If Jesus came to Boston
For Fifty Years Verses Written on Occasion in the Course of the Nineteenth Century
Books That Have Helped Me
In His Name And Christmas Stories
His level best
Crusoe in New York and other tales
Sybaris and other homes
Cuentos clásicos del Norte
The Christian Examiner
The public duty of a private citizen
Lights of two centuries
Two texts by Edward Everett Hale
The Works of Edward Everett Hale
A family flight around home
Atlantic Tales: A Collection of Stories from the Atlantic Monthly
First captured, last freed
Sketches of the lives of the brothers Everett
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The desert and the promised land
How to Study Shakespeare: With Articles on General Literature and Directions for Forming and ...
Christian duty to emigrants
Every-day sermons
Sybaris and other homes, to which is added How they lived in Hampton
Christmas Crackers
Workingmen's homes
The great harvest year
Science Fiction of America's Gilded Age
The President's death
Memories Of A Hundred Years V2
Ninety days' worth of Europe
Young Americans abroad
The Age of Chivalry; Or, Legends of King Arthur; King Arthur and His Knights, the Mabinogeon, the Crusades, Robin Hood, Etc
The story of Massachusetts
Thomas Starr King
Christianity is a life
How to conquer Texas, before Texas conquers us
The kingdom of God ..
American Fiction
The relief of the poor by individuals, by the state, and by benevolent societies
One good turn
The life and letters of Edward Everett Hale
The works of Edward Everett Hale
Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories
Addresses and essays on subjects of history, education, and government
George F. Hoar, Late A Senator From Massachusetts
Thomas Carlyle
Biographical sketch of James Edward Root
The life in common, and twenty others sermons
The new Ohio
The Channing centennial
For Christmas and New Year
Stories of discovery as told by discoverers
Hands off
The man without a country and other naval writings
The life in common
Life of George Washington studied anew
The fortunes of Rachel
How to live
Mental discipline
Col. Clipsham's calendar
Daily bread
Summer service
Back to back
Gosnold at Cuttyhunk
Bringing in the kingdom of God
The real presence of the living God
Red and white
Hawkins and Drake
I Hans navn
The results of Columbus's discovery
Capt. Nathan Hale
Song of Hiawatha
The people heard him gladly
Parochial sermons for the Christian year
The man without a country, and My double
The foundations of the republic
The religion of America
The Bible
Sunday-school stories on the golden texts of the international lessons of 1889
The only true Mother Goose melodies
The United States of America
Afloat and ashore
Christian Examiner; No. 246
Order of exercises at the installation of the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, as pastor of the South Congregational Society, Boston ...
Complete Biography of Christopher Columbus
General Sir William Howe's Orderly Book, at Charlestown, Boston and Halifax, June 17, 1775 to 1776, 26 May; to Which is Added the Official Abridgment ... During the Siege of Boston, and Some Militar
The Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale: (V.1) (1917)
Christian Examiner
Theism and the Christian Faith
The Arabian nights
My double & how he undid me
Old and New, Volume 4
Old And New, Volume 9
Sermons of the winter
A safe deposit
Old and New; Volume 6
The Ten Times One Is Ten and Lend A Hand clubs
Works of Edward Everett Hale; Volume 8
The Unitarians
What is the worth of doctrine?
The Great Design of Henry IV
Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale
What it is to be catholic
Works of Edward Everett Hale
Christian Examiner; No. 248
History of Robins
Unitarianism and original congregationalism in New England
Hale Literary Readers, Book One
Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale Volume Two
Class album
In memoriam
Old and New, Volume 10
Notebook Kept By Thomas Lechford
Young folks' treasury
The gospel of to-morrow
A market for books
The Unitarian principles
The psychological elements of religious faith
Christian Examiner; No. 247
The Future civilization of the South
Tales for travellers
Old and New, Volume 8
The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe from 1678 to 1697
A family flight over Egypt and Syria
[the French in the Mississippi Valley and Spanish Explorations and Colonization
The After School Library...
The maltese cross
The Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale
Miller's Holiday; Short Stories from the Northwestern Miller
The Lords̓ Supper: And Its Observance
Luther memorial
Modern achievement ...
National Convention of Unitarian Churches
The Man Without a Country and other great stories
Select Poems of Matthew Arnold
Two Unpublished Essays
Helpful words...
The last voyage of the Resolute
James Freeman Clarke
Man Without a Country and Its History
Across lots
Aunt Caroline's present
James Russell Lowell and his friends
The Pilgrim covenant of 1602
Peace on earth
The Bible
Über eine zweifelhafte ausnahme der frühme. Dehnung von AEO in offenen silben
Collected Works Of Edward Everett Hale (Notable American Authors)
A History of the Kansas Crusade: Its Friends and Its Foes
Franklin In France V1
Soulé philosophic practical mathematics
The seventy returned
New England in the colonization of Kansas
The Lord visits and redeems his people
Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
The Wade College of Religious Philosophy
The later Pharisees
The Pilgrim covenant of 1602
Tom Torrey's tariff talks
Poems And Fancies (Notable American Authors)
Sunday afternoon stories for home and school
Civil war papers read before the commandery of the state of Massachusetts, Military order of the loyal legion of the United States ...
The gospel of freedom extended by the organization of emigration
The Last of the Peterkins, with Others of Their Kin
The future of New England
New life
Five prophets of to-day
From Fast to Christmas
The capture of Havana in 1762 by the forces of George III
Public worship
The ideas of the founders
Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen
How to seek God
A summer vacation
The Man Without a Country/A Message to Garcia and Other Essays (Cosy Corner)
Edward Everett in the ministry of reconciliation
Prize essays on juvenile delinquency
Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Worcester Conference of Congregational (Unitarian) and other Christian Societies
The revision of the Bible
Franklin In France V2: From Original Documents Most Of Which Are Now Published For The First Time
Selections from Hale and Whitman
The Bible and its revision
One hundred years ago, how the war began
New Year to midsummer
What is the American people?
Union and communion
A sermon delivered before His Excellency Nathaniel P. Banks, governor
The abolition of pauperism
Puritan politics in England and New England
The First true gentleman
Aggressive Christianity
The Collected Works of Edward Everett Hale
Emigration to Kansas
The great treaty
They saw a great light
Personal purity
Life and its enemies
Parable and Bible
Why I believe in foreign missions
Social problems
The life in common, and twenty others sermons preached in the South Congregational Church, Boston
The emigration of women to Oregon