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critics who wrote fantasy
Showing 121-128 out of 165 results
Steve Almond
Steve Almond (born 1966)

journalist, literary critic

  • Wesleyan University
It's alive!
My life in heavy metal
The Evil B.B. Chow and other stories
Which brings me to you
God bless America
Candy Freak
(Not That You Asked)
Against football
The Best American Erotica 2005
Astoria to Zion
Best of the web 2008
Do Me
Notes from the underground
Bad stories
Rock and roll will save your life
Rock and roll will save your life
Mad Ducks and Bears
Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life
All the Secrets of the World
Truth Is the Arrow, Mercy Is the Bow
Körper in Extremsituationen
Pangyrus Five
Untitled Novel
John Williams' Stoner
My Life in Heavy Metal Proof
Untitled - Cancelled
Which Brings Me to You
John Williams' Stoner : William Stoner and the Battle for the Inner Life : Bookmarked
Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess (1917-1993)

journalist, translator, poet, composer, autobiographer, literary critic, literary scholar, librettist, dramaturge, pedagogue, teacher, man of letters

  • Xaverian College, Victoria University of Manchester
The Eve of St Venus
The land where the ice cream grows
Nothing like the sun
Earthly Powers
A Clockwork Orange
One Hand Clapping
A Dead Man in Deptford
Napoleon symphony
The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Cyrano de Bergerac
Any old iron
The Wanting Seed
The Pianoplayers
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Writing--Eleventh Edition
The end of the world news
You've Had Your Time
The complete Enderby
Man of Nazareth
Little Wilson and Big God
Honey for the Bears
One Man's Chorus
99 Novels
Beard's Roman Women
Ernest Hemingway and His World
Ernest Hemingway
The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories
Literature--Third Compact Edition
A Mouthful of Air
Tremor of Intent
New York
Malayan trilogy
On Mozart
The Language of Literature
A long trip to teatime
The devil's mode
Literature--Eighth Edition
English literature
Conversations with Anthony Burgess
Hommage a qwert yuiop
Here comes everbody
This man and music
Revolutionary Sonnets and Other Poems
Urgent Copy
The Kingdom of the Wicked
Enderby's Dark Lady
Flame Into Being
Mozart and the wolf gang
The Right to an Answer
Time for a Tiger
Language made plain
Clockwork Orange / Wanting Seed
Literature--Twelfth Edition
Devil of a State
Abba Abba
The Novel Now
The light fantastic
Enderby outside
The End of the World News
Oberon old and new
Oedipus the King
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Sixth Edition
A Vision of Battlements
The clockwork testament, or, Enderby's end
But do blondes prefer gentlemen?
The enemy in the blanket
Obscenity and the arts
The Doctor Is Sick
The Norton Reader -- Seventh Edition, Shorter
Future imperfect
On going to bed
Long Day Wanes a Malayan Trilogy
Beds in the East
The worm and the ring
Inside Mister Enderby
Coaching days of England... comprehending the years 1750 until 1850
One flew over the cuckoos nest and a clockwork orange 2 books collection set
Literature, For English 1020 at the Cuyahoga Community College
A Clockwork Orange and Honey for the Bears
The novel to-day
Cyrano de Bergerac and related readings
Der Rosenkavalier
Blooms of Dublin
Will and testament
Rencontre au sommet
Anthony Burgess reads from The eve of St. Venus and Nothing like the sun
Enderby (Enderby Outside / Inside Mr. Enderby)
Black Prince
The Norton Reader -- Seventh Edition
A Clockwork Orange - A play with music
Studies in the short story -- Fifth Edition
Drama -- Twelfth Edition
Splinters - Stories of The Macabre
The Norton Reader -- Ninth Edition
Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard
Otomatik portakal
The age of the Grand Tour
A Christmas recipe
Literature--An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama--Fourth Compact Edition
A vision of battelments
The Norton reader -- Shorter Tenth Edition
Selections from A Clockwork Orange (Single Cassette)
Collected Poems
Bir Elin Sesi Var
Murder to music
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Drama--Tenth Edition
Literature -- Tenth Edition
D. H. Lawrence and Italy
Otomatik Portakal ; Modern Klasikler Dizisi - 3
Mozart ve Deyyuslar
Mais les blondes préfèrent-elles les hommes ?
Literature -- Ninth Edition
Chatsky and Miser, Miser! Two Plays by Anthony Burgess
Bir elin sesi vier
Doktor Hastalandi
The long day wanes
Orange Mecanique
The Novel Now; A Student's Guide to Contemporary Fiction
The ink trade
Language Maid Plane
Novel Now a Guide To Contemporary Fiction
The Norton reader -- Shorter Eleventh Edition
Vindiciae Legis
Journal of the Plague Year
Cartas ao Planeta Brasil
20th Century Earthly Powers
Les Puissances des ténèbres -- Tome II
Literature -- Part 3. Drama -- Second Custom Edition for Anne Arundel Community College
Two Tales of the Future
L'homme de Nazareth
Piano Players
Clockwork Orange (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Devil's Mode
The Norton Reader -- Fourth Edition
Viajes De Gulliver
Poderes terrenales
Monsieur Enderby
Paul's last farewel, or, A sermon, preached at the funerall of ... Mr. Thomas Blake
Rome Sous La Pluie
The Norton reader -- thirteenth edition
A Clockwork Orange
Ink Trade
Anthony Burgess Reads From A Clockwork Orange and Enderby
Earthly Powers
The Norton reader -- Shorter Eighth Edition
The Maltese Islands and the Sea
Modus diaboli
The Norton Reader -- Third Edition
ha-Tapuz ha-mekhani
Mekhanicheskiĭ apelʹsin
Urgent copy
Robertson Davies
Robertson Davies (1913-1995)

reporter, playwright, professor, musicologist, journalist, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Upper Canada College
Murther & walking spirits
Murther Walking Spirits
The cat that went to Trinity
The manticore
Fifth business
The rebel angels
The lyre of Orpheus
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
The cunning man
World of wonders
High Spirits
The papers of Samuel Marchbanks
The Salterton Trilogy
A mixture of frailties
What's bred in the bone
A voice from the attic
The Deptford Trilogy
Fifty years of theatre in Canada
Animal U.
The Cornish trilogy
For your eye alone
Happy alchemy
Leaven of Malice
A gathering of ghost stories
At my heart's core ; &, Overlaid
One half of Robertson Davies
The merry heart
On the dangerous edge
The merry heart
Leaven of malice
The enthusiasms of Robertson Davies
Robertson Davies
Studies in Robertson Davies' Deptford trilogy
At my heart's core
Playwrights and plays
[Davies' response to the editor, Geraldine Anthony, on writing drama]
The Manticore
A voice from the attic
The Manticore
Mixed grill
The relevance and importance of the humanities in the present day
Fifth Business
World of Wonders
From A voice from the attic
Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed
Conversations with Robertson Davies
A masque of Aesop
Reading and writing
A Mixture of Frailties
Shakespeare's boy actors
Fortune, My Foe and Eros at Breakfast
Entre vous et moi: lettres 1976-1995
A chat about literacy
But why do you call it Canadian?
Curiosity Recaptured
The Canada of myth and reality
World of Wonders
The well-tempered critic
Stephen Leacock
Hunting Stuart and The Voice of the People
Shakespeare for young players
Selected Works On The Pleasures Of Readings
The mirror of nature
A Gathering of Ghost Stories
Hunting Stuart
The quotable Robertson Davies
The Salterton trilogy
It does no good to be afraid
The Mirror of Nature (Alexander Lectures, 1982)
Hunting Stuart & other plays
The diary of Samuel Marchbanks
La lyre d'Orphée
Le maître des ruses
Eros at breakfast
On being a professional
Four favourite plays
Curiosity - that's the secret
Un hombre astuto
Look at the clock
Graham Greene (1904-1991)
Delusions of literacy
The W. L. Grant Fellowship in adult education
Shakespeare over the port
Reading through Jung's spectacles
Fantômes et cie
Stephen Leacock
A jig for the gypsy
An introduction to the twenty-first Toronto Antiquarian Book Fair
A tough-minded imaginative Canadian with a vision of excellence
The table talk of Samuel Marchbanks
Leaven of malice
Question time
What do you see in the mirror?
The heart of a Merry Christmas
Changing fashions in Shakespearean production
Brothers in the black art
Dickens Digested
Hope deferred
Un homme remarquable
Conversations with Robertson Davies
Beyond industrial growth
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd
Education and literacy
L' objet du scandale
One half of Robertson Davies ; provocative pronouncements on a wide range of topics
The great Queen is amused
A dialogue
The art of fiction CVII
Ben Jonson and alchemy
Thirty years at Stratford
The personal art
The Deptford Trilogy
The theatre
Eros at breakfast, and other plays
King phoenix
Lira de Orfeo, La
Mundo de Las Maravillas
A mixture of frailities
General confession
The heart of a Merry Christmas
A masque of Aesop
Asesinato y ánimas en pena
Question time
Diary of Samuel Marchbanks (Shaw Festival)
Selected works on the art of writing
Robertson Davies 5th Business
Fortune, my foe
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd
Selected plays
Hope deferred
World of Wonders (Deptford Trilogy, Book 3)
Samuel Marchbanks' almanack
The voice of the people
Eros at breakfast
Fortune, my foe
A masque of Mr. Punch
La Memoria de La Sangre
Lira Orfe︠i︡a
Why I do not intend to write an autobiography
A mixture of frailties
At my heart's core
A jig for the gypsy
The Merry Heart Selections 1980 - 1995
At the gates of the righteous
A voice from the attic
Speech for Stratford students. --
Entre vous et moi
Hunting Stuart
El Hombre Astuto
A masque of Mr. Punch
The voice of the people
Marchbanks' almanack
A mixture of frailties
The diary and table talk of Samuel Marchbanks
Un heureux canular
From "The diary of Samuel Marchbanks"
Fifth business
Tzvetan Todorov
Tzvetan Todorov (1939-2017)

historian, semiologist, literary critic, sociologist, geologist, literary theorist, essayist, critic, philosopher

  • Sofia University, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Introduction à la littérature fantastique. English
Introduction à la littérature fantastique
Conquête de l'Amérique
Facing the Extreme
Poétique de la prose
A passion for democracy
Symbolisme et interprétation
Théories du symbole
Grammaire du Décaméron
Conquête de l'Amérique
A French tragedy
On human diversity
Genres in discourse
Symbolism and interpretation
Mémoire du mal, tentation du bien
Les aventuriers de l'absolu
Imperfect Garden
Germaine Tillion
Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem
Voices from the Gulag
Life in Common
Les genres du discours
Face à l'extrême
Literature and its theorists
Une tragédie française
French literary theory today
Torture and the war on terror
The Limits Of Art Two Essays
Encyclopedic dictionary of the sciences of language
Literature and its theorists
Éloge de l'individu
Mikhail Bakhtin
La notion de littérature et autres essais
Essential Spanish for Kids
Duties and delights
The fragility of goodness
Frail Happiness
La conquête de l'Amérique
L' homme dépaysé
Nous et les autres
La peur des barbares
La vie commune
Hope and Memory
The morals of history
La littérature en péril
The Fragility of Goodness
The new world disorder
Mikhaïl Bakhtine
A French tragedy
The poetics of prose
Devoirs et délices
Theories of the symbol
Critique de la critique
Montaigne, ou, La découverte de l'individu
Benjamin Constant
Fragility of Goodness, The
Eloge du quotidien
Das Laokoon-Projekt
Memory as a remedy for evil
L' esprit des lumieres
Symbolisme et interprétation
El triunfo del artista
Mikhail Bakhtin
Poétique de la prose
The fear of barbarians
Littérature et signification
Le nouveau désordre mondial
Grammaire du Décaméron
L'art ou la vie!
Théorie de la littérature
Le jardin imparfait
Une tragédie française
Poetik der Prosa
Les abus de la mémoire
Litterature et signification
Poétique de la prose (choix)
On Human Diversity: Nationalism, Racism, and Exoticism in French Thought (Convergences: Inventories of the Present)
Mélanges sur l'œuvre de Paul Bénichou
Le triomphe de l'artiste
Le siècle de Germaine Tillion
The semiotic conquest of America
Fragilite Du Bien (La) (Histoire,) (English and French Edition)
Critica De La Critica
The inner enemies of democracy translated by Andrew Brown
Lumi©·res, un h©♭ritage pour demain
Enzyklopädisches Wörterbuch der Sprachwissenschaften
Qu'est-ce que le structuralisme ?. Poétique, tome 2
Conquista de America, La
Goya à l'ombre des lumières
The replacement of ethics by aesthetics
Littérature et signification
Grammaire du Décamérone
El Nuevo Desorden Mundial (Con Una Cierta Mirada)
Frente Al Limite
Pensée de Rousseau
La signature humaine
Las Morales De La Historia/ The Morals of History (Paidos Basica / Basic Paidos)
Die verhinderte Weltmacht
Poetique de la prose
Qu'est-ce que le structuralisme?
La conquête de l'Amérique
L'esprit des Lumières
Les morales de l'histoire
Semiotika, retorika, stilistika
Hope and memory
Le nouveau désordre mondial
La Conqueste De L'Amerique
Teoría de los géneros literarios
Au nom du peuple
Ëloge du quotidien
Elogio Del Individuo/ the Individual's Praise
Frêle bonheur
Montaigne ou Le jardin imparfait
In defence of the Enlightenment
Eloge de l'individu
Les ennemis intimes de la démocratie
Deberes y Delicias
I formalisti russi
Die Eroberung Amerikas
Frêle bonheur
Teori as del si mbolo
Literatura y significación
Poetique de la Prose  Nouvelles Recherches sur le Recit
Los Abusos De La Memoria / Hope and Memory
I formalisti russi
Travail de Flaubert
El jardín imperfecto
Maqālāt fī al-tārīkh al-adabī
Face à l'extrême
El Hombre Desplazado
Krasotata shte spasi sveta
Teorias do símbolo
T︠S︡vetan Todorov za Bŭlgarii︠a︡
La Conquista de America
Guerre et paix sous l'Occupation
La peinture des Lumières
Sémantique de la poésie
Poetique de la prose par Tzvetan Todorov. --
Théorie de la littérature
Diccionario enciclopédico de las ciencias del lenguaje
Dukhŭt na Prosveshtenieto
Los usos de la memoria
Literatura y significación
Triumfŭt na tvoret︠s︡a
Intimnite neprii︠a︡teli na demokrat︠s︡ii︠a︡ta
El Jardin Imperfecto (Tratados y Manuales)
Esu xing shi zhu yi wen lun xuan
Poética da prosa
Theories du Symbole
Strakhŭt ot varvarite
The deflection of the enlightenment
The fear of barbarians
Fragil Felicidad
Simbolismo E Interpretacion
Lire et vivre
Gramática del Decamerón
Poetique de la prose par Tzvetan Todorov. --
Angesichts des Äußersten
The fear of barbarians
Cruce de culturas y mestizaje cultural
Muros caídos, muros erigidos
Memoria del Mal, Tentacion del Bien
Nedovŭrshenata gradina
poética estrudcturalista
Devoirs et délices
Chetene i zhivot
La pintura de la Ilustracion
Enzyklopaedisches Woerterbuch der Sprachwissenschaften
Taʼammulāt fī al-ḥaḍārah wa-al-dīmūqrāṭīyah wa-al-ghayrīyah
The poet's life (The Bennington chapbooks in literature)
La Conquista del'America
Los Generos del Discurso
Dolžnosti i nasladi
Eudora Welty
Eudora Welty (1909-2001)

photographer, literary critic, autobiographer, artist

  • University of Cambridge, University of Wisconsin–Madison
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Great Short Stories of the World
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
The United States in Literature
The Rinehart Book of Short Stories
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
One writer's beginnings
The Evil Image
Great American Short Stories [34 stories]
Delta wedding
Great American Short Stories
The Ponder heart
The optimist's daughter
The Situation of the Story
The golden apples
The robber bridegroom
Thirteen Stories
The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty
Stories from the New Yorker, 1950-1960
Losing battles
Stories, essays & memoir
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Curtain of green and other stories
One time, one place
Twice-Told Tales
A worn path
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Second Edition
The eye of the story
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
Eudora Welty
The shoe bird
Meanwhile there are letters
The wide net and other stories
One Writer's Beginnings (The William E. Massey Sr. Lectures in the History of American Civilization)
The robber bridgegroom
Bride Of Innisfallen & Other Stories
The wide net
Eudora Welty as photographer
Passionate observer
Understanding fiction -- Second Edition
Early escapades
A writer's eye
On writing
Essential Welty CD
Eudora Welty Reads
The Norton Book of Friendship
Eudora Welty's World (Words on Nature)
On William Faulkner
The Optimist's Daughter LP
The bride of the Innisfallen, and other stories
Delta wedding
Conversations with Eudora Welty
The bride of the Innisfallen
Country churchyards
A curtain of green, and other stories
The first story
Why I Live at the P.O
June Recital
Ida M'Toy
A curtain of green
Some notes on river country
Fairy tale of the Natchez Trace
A Curtain of Green
                HBJ Modern Classic
Las Manzanas De Oro / the Golden Apples
Eudora Welty, Other Places
In Black and White
Novia del Bandido, La
Powerhouse and Petrified Man
Tell about night flowers
The eye of the story : selected essays and reviews
Eudora Welty's The Hitch Hikers
Music from Spain
Selected stories
Nozze Sul Delta
Selected stories
What there is to say we have said
A sweet devouring
ha-Lev shel Ponder
The robber bridgegroom
Les débuts d'un écrivain
Eudora Welty reading from her works
Eudora Welty reads her stories Powerhouse and Petrified Man
Eudora Welty
A flock of guinea hens seen from a car
Acrobats in a park
Moon Lake and other stories
One time, one place
A pageant of birds
Acrobats in a park
L'Homme pétrifié
One Writer's Beginnings (William E. Massey, Sr. Lectures in the History of American C)
Three papers on fiction
Eudora Welty Reads Why I Live at the P. O. and Others (V1010)
Learning to Write Fiction
The collected stories
The Democratic Forest
Losing battles
The robber bridegroom
Images of the South
Eine Stimme finden
Short stories
John Rood
The Welty Collection
Selected stories
Thirteen stories
More conversations with Eudora Welty
Place in fiction
Place in fiction
A curtain of green
Cuentos completos
The collected stories of Eudora Welty
A curtain of green
Selected stories, containing all of A curtain of green, and other stories, and The wide net, and other stories
Oncle Daniel, le Généreux
Zolotoĭ dozhdʹ
Acrobats in a park
Women!! Make turban in own home!
What there is to say we have said
The eye of the story
The golden apples
Eudora Welty Reads "Why I Live at the P.O." and Others/Audio Cassette (A1010)
Why I Live at the P.O. and More
One Writer's Beginnings / Eudora Welty
Bye-bye Brevoort
Die goldnen Äpfel
Three papers on fiction
Eudora Welty Photographs
A flock of guinea hens seen from a car
אהבה ראשונה
Boda En El Delta
The Hitch-Hikers
The wide net, and other stories
Golden Apples (Harvest Book)
Twenty photographs
In my beginning was the word
The little store
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Alain Robbe-Grillet (1922-2008)

actor, film director, audiobook narrator, literary critic, essayist, agricultural engineer, director

  • Lycée Saint-Louis, Institut national agronomique
Le Rendez Vous
Le voyeur
Les gommes. English
La Jalousie
La maison de rendez-vous
Dans le labyrinthe
Topology of a Phantom City
Project for a revolution in New York
Last year at Marienbad
Two novels
La belle captive
Souvenirs du triangle d'or
Les gommes
Le Voyageur
Miroir qui revient
For a new novel: essays on fiction
Pour un nouveau roman
La Jalousie (Twentieth Century French Texts)
Recollections of the Golden Triangle (Robbe-Grillet, Alain)
Las Gomas
A Sentimental Novel
Why I love Barthes
Djinn ; and, La maison de rendez-vous
Le miroir qui revient
Un roman sentimental
Topologie d'une cite fantome
Snapshots (European Classics)
Glissements progressifs du plaisir
L' immortelle
Immortal One
Last year at Marienbad
Project for a revolution in New York
In The Labyrinth (Calderbooks)
Préface à une vie d'écrivain
Instantane s
La forteresse
Projet Pour Une Revolution a New York
Angelica O El Encantamiento
Dans Le Labyrinthe
For a New Novel
Topologie d'une cité fantôme
La reprise
The immortal one
Two novels by Robbe-Grillet
Les derniers jours de Corinthe
La Maison de Rendez-Vous and Djinn
L'Annee Derniere a Marienbad
Der Augenzeuge
Topology of a Phantom City
Les Gommes
In the labyrinth
L' année dernière à Marienbad
Corinthes letzte Tage
Le voyeur
Die Wiederholung
Pour Un Nouveau Roman
Por una novela nueva
Projet pour une révolution à New York
Un régicide
Topologie d'une cité fantôme
The Immortal One (Calderbooks)
La Jalousie
Jealousy (Jupiter Books)
Voyeur  Roman
The voyeur
Topologie d'une Cite Fantome
La\Jalousie  Roman
Projet pour une révolution à New York
The house of assignation
Projet pour une révolution a New York
A Regicide
La\Maison de Rendez­Vous  Roman
L'\Immortelle  Cine Roman
Souvenirs du Triangle D'Or
Pour un Nouveau Roman  Critique Litteraire
For a new novel
Die Radiergummis
Projet pour une révolution a New York
Alain Robbe-Grillet
Projet pour une revolution a New York
Angélique, ou, L'Enchantement
The Voyeur
Projet pour une révalution à New York
The Erasers
Un re gicide
Correspondance, 1951-1990
Dans le Labyrinthe
La maison de rendez-vous
Temple Aux Miroirs
Jealousy and the Labyrinth
C'est Gradiva qui vous appelle
Annee Derniere a Marienbad  Cine Roman
Maison de Rendez-Vous
UN Regicide
Topologie d'une cite fantome
The Erasers
Scénarios en rose et noir
Generative literature and generative art
Snapshots AND Towards a New Novel
L' année dernière a Marienbad
Snapshots, and
El Espejo Que Vuelve/the Recurring Mirror
In the Temple of Dreams
Le rendez-vous
Hiroshima, Mon Amour and Last Year at Marienbad
La jalousie
Les gommes
Recurring Mirror
Instantanees  Roman
La maison de rendez-vous
Projet pour une Revolution a New York
Project for a revolution in New York
Last Year in Marienbad
Erasers, the
V labirinte
Kairaku no zenshinteki yokosuberi
L'annee derniere a Marienbad
La jalousie
Last year at Marienbad
Dans le labyrinthe
La jalousie
Neuer Roman und Autobiographie
The erasers
La jalousie
Pour un nouveau roman
Dans le labyrinthe
Two novels by Robbe-Grillet
Réinventer le roman
Last year at Marienbad
Topology of a phantom city
Les gommes
In the labyrinth, a novel
Moi, Armand, né sourd et muet
Dans le labyrinthe
La maison de rendez-vous
L'année dernière à Marienbad
La belle captive
The voyeur
Entretiens complices
Roxane Gay
Roxane Gay (born 1974)

essayist, journalist, editing staff, literary critic

  • Michigan Technological University, Phillips Exeter Academy
Difficult Women
Bad Feminist
An Untamed State
The Selected Works of Audre Lorde
Woman's Right to Pleasure
The Best American Short Stories 2018
Not that bad
Black Panther
Sacrifice of Darkness
Dress like a woman
Drawing Power
Love and Resistance
Mickalene Thomas
Power Book
Women of the 116th Congress
The Banks Box Set
Original Sisters
The New Black: A Neo-Noir Anthology
Tage der Furcht
Frick Madison
Best Actress
Kötü Feminst
Urgent, Unheard Stories
Radicals, Volume 1 : Fiction, Poetry, and Drama
Writing into the Wound
Dawn of the Midnight Angels
Balance ta bulle - 62 dessinatrices témoignent du harcèlement et de la violence sexuelle
Year I Learned Everything
Moon Milk Review 2011
No es para tanto
Unti on Writing
How to Be Heard
Do the Work
Carl Clinton Van Doren
Carl Clinton Van Doren (1885-1950)

literary critic, biographer, journalist

  • University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, Columbia University
James Branch Cabell
Benjamin Franklin
The great rehearsal
James Branch Cabell
Contemporary American novelists, 1900-1920
Fireside Book of Favorite American Songs
Carl Van Doren
Many minds
Secret history of the American Revolution
The great rehearsal
Three worlds
Secret history of the American Revolution
American and British literature since 1890
The American novel
Sinclair Lewis, a biographical sketch
American scriptures
Travel and tourism
An Illinois boyhood
Sinclair Lewis
Indian treaties printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762
The life of Thomas Love Peacock
The roving critic
The American novel, 1789-1939
The Cambridge history of American literature
What is American literature?
Sinclair Lewis, a biographical sketch
Modern American prose
The great rehearsal
Jane Mecom
Mutiny in January
What is American literature?
Mark Twain and Bernard Shaw
An anthology of world prose
Some days with Washington
Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards
Other provinces
The Life Of Jonathan Swift
Jane Mecom, the favorite sister of Benjamin Franklin
Youth and wings
Fools of God and doctors of the Church
La novela norteamericana, 1789-1939
Carl Van Doren
American literature
An American Omnibus
The Cambridge history of American literature
The Borzoi reader
Contemporary American Novelists
The Cambridge history of American literature
The Borzoi reader
Americana esoterica
The Cambridge history of American literature
Cato's moral distichs
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Borzoi reader
The patriotic anthology
The American novel, 1789-1939
An American omnibus
The Cambridge history of Amrican literature
The ninth wave
The Cambridge history of American literature
Mutiny in January
Many minds
The Secret History of America
James Branch Cabell
Contemporary American novelists 1900-1920
Letters from Carl
What is American literature?
American and British literature since 1890
Secret history of the American Revolution
Kısa Amerikan edebiyatı tarihi (What is American litterature [!])
The roving critic
The patriotic anthology
American scriptures
The London omnibus
The patriotic anthology
James Branch Cabell
The Cambridge history of American literature
Benjamin Franklin
William Butler Yeats as an interpreter of modern life
Modern American prose
James Branch Cabell
Sinclair Lewis
The travels of Baron Munchausen
Three worlds
The Cambridge history of Amrican literature
Benjamin Franklin
An anthology of world prose