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critics who wrote fantasy
Showing 129-136 out of 165 results
Nick Tosches
Nick Tosches (1949-2019)

journalist, poet, biographer, music critic

Me and the devil
Me and the Devil: A Novel
Where Dead Voices Gather
In the hand of Dante
Power on earth
Cut numbers
King of the Jews
The Last Opium Den
Dangerous dances
The Devil and Sonny Liston
Open City 13
Everything Is An Afterthought The Life And Writings Of Paul Nelson
The Nick Tosches reader
Unsung heroes of rock 'n' roll
Night Train
In the hands of Dante
Trinities Uk Edition
KIng of the Jews
Under Tiberius
Chaldea and I Dig Girls
Confessions d'un chasseur d'opium
More Rear Views
Never Trust A Loving God
Héros oubliés du rock'n roll
Dino. Rat- Pack, die Mafia und der große Traum vom Glück
Der Teufel und Sonny Liston. Aufstieg und Fall einer Boxlegende
Rear view
Les pièges de la nuit
Me and the Devil
Save the Last Dance for Satan
Night Train
Cut Numbers
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Where Dead Voices Gather
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Moi et le diable
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Johnny's First Cigarette - La première cigarette de Johnny
Roi des Juifs (le)
Unsung Heroes of Rock 'n' Roll
Geschaefte Mit Dem Vatikan Die Affaere S
La main de Dante
I Married an Artist
La religion des ratés
Where the Dead Voices Gather Proof
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Johnny's First Cigarette - La première cigarette de Johnny
In the Hand of Dante
Alain Vircondelet
Alain Vircondelet (born 1947)

biographer, literary critic

  • University of Paris, Lycée Bugeaud
La poésie fantastique française
Mortel amiante
Jean-Paul II
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Marguerite Duras
Les Chats de Balthus
L'Enfance de Jean-Paul II
Mémoires de Balthus
Séraphine de Senlis
Alger, Alger
Charles de Foucauld
Pour Duras
Les couples mythiques de l'art
Antoine et Consuelo de Saint Exupéry, un amour de légende
La maison devant le monde
Joris-Karl Huysmans
Le roman de Jacqueline et Blaise Pascal
Journal de résistance d'un chrétien dans le monde
Les derniers jours de Casanova
La traversée
Le monde merveilleux des images pieuses
Albert Camus, fils d'Alger
Bernadette, celle qui a vu
La Princesse de Lamballe
Albert Camus
Nulle part qu'à Venise
Jean Paul II, la biographie
L'art jusqu'à la folie
Une passion à Venise
Marguerite Duras
Maman la Blanche
Le Paris de Sagan
Marguerite Duras, une autre enfance
Alger, l'amour
Le grand guide de Venise - Sur les pas de Canaletto et des maitres venitiens
Venise, ou, l'innocence retrouvée
Sur les pas de Marguerite Duras
Extase de Tolède
C'étaient Antoine et Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry
La terreur des chiens
Auprès de Balthus
John Paul II
La nuit de Mayerling
Rencontrer Marguerite Duras
Juan Pablo II/ John Paul II
Guernica 1937
La vie la vie
Naissances d'un père
La véritable histoire du Petit prince
Tant que le jour te portera
Marie Noël
Le petit frère de la nuit
Balthus and Cats
La Cathédrale
Maman la Blanche
Balthus'un Anilari
Monde Merveilleux Des Images Pieuses
Saint Jean-Paul II
Éloge des herbes quotidiennes
Alger Alger
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Alger, ombres et lumières
Amore veneziano
Duras, Dieu et l'écrit
Les trésors du Petit Prince
Legendarnai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Huysmans, entre grâce et péché
Dans les pas de Saint-Exupéry
Albert Camus et la guerre d'Algérie
Cet été-là, de braise et de cendres
Dans les pas de Toulouse-Lautrec
Saint Exupéry dans la guerre
Devenir Venise
Un été à Long Island
Le Paris de Picasso
Die Rose des kleinen Prinzen. Erinnerungen an eine unsterbliche Liebe.
Duras, la traversée d'un siècle
Die Rose des kleinen Prinzen. Erinnerungen an eine unsterbliche Liebe.
Les enclos bretons
Renaissance de Saint Exupéry
De l'or dans la nuit de Vienne selon Klimt
Poéms pour détruire
La tisserande du Roi-Soleil
L'exil est vaste mais c'est l'été
Albert Camus, fils d'Alger
Eugène Ionesco
Eugène Ionesco (1909-1994)

playwright, poet, literary critic, diarist, illustrator, graphic artist

  • University of Bucharest, Carol I National College
Story number 1
Jeux de massacre
The True Gen
Hunger and thirst, and other plays
Exit the king
Mise en train
Le roi se meurt
La cantatrice chauve
The killer, and other plays
Hugoliad, or, The grotesque and tragic life of Victor Hugo
Notes et contre-notes
The bald soprano, and other plays
Rhinoceros and Other Plays
The colonel's photograph
Rhinoceros - The Chairs - The Lesson
Maximilien Kolbe
Amedee and Other Plays
A stroll in the air
Three Plays
Exit the king, The killer, and Macbett
Rhinoceros ; The chairs ; The lesson
Story number 3; for children over three years of age
Four plays
Journal en miettes
LA Leccion - El Maestro
Goftegoohayi ba Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco va Jean-Louis Barrault dar bareye théâtre
Le roi se meurt
Fragments of a journal
Notes et contre-notes
Rhinoceros, and other plays
Notes et contre-notes
The chairs
Présent passé, passé présent
LA Cantatrice Chauve
Amedee, The New Tenant, Victims of Duty
Notes et contre-notes
Notes and counter notes
The hermit
La Lecon
La photo du colonel
Amedee.  The new tenant.  Victims of duty
Four plays
Journeys Among the Dead
Théâtre, tome 5
Les chaises; farce tragique, suivi de L'impromptu de l'Alma, ou, Le caméléon du berger
Cuentos 1·2·3·4
Journal en miettes
Theatre Complet
Le Roi Se Meurt
Exit the King, the Killer, and Macbett (Three Plays)
Victimes du devoir
Entre la vie et le rêve
Rhinoceros a Play In Three Acts
Journal En Miettes
La cantatrice chauve, anti-pièce
Théâtre, tome 2
Present Passe Passe Present
Oh what a bloody circus
Present past, past present
Tueur sans gages
Die Nashörner. Erzählungen
Padeshah Mimirad
Fragments of a journal
La cantatrice chauve
La leçon
Le roi se meurt
The Hermit
Present past, past present
Voyages chez les morts
Théâtre, tome 4
Pour la culture, contre la politique = Für Kultur, gegen Politik
Mezhdu zhiznʹi︠u︡ i snovideniem
El Rinoceronte
Tueur Sans Gages
La cantatrice chauve
LA Cantante Calva
The bald soprano
Le blanc et le noir
Présent passé
Absurd drama
Ruptures de silence
Man With Bags
Rhinoceros, and other plays
The killer, and other plays
Les Chaises
Journal en miettes
The Colonels photograph
Four Plays
Macbett, The mire, Learning to walk
Die Nashörner. Schauspiel in drei Akten
Pol Bury
The bald soprano
The Bald Soprano and The Lesson
Tagebuch. Journal en miettes. ( Sammlung Luchterhand im DTV)
El Asesino Sin Gajes
The bald soprano, and other plays
La\Cantatrice Chauve  La Lecon
La Improvisacion del Alma
The Killer, and Other Plays
Discours de réception d'Eugène Ionesco à l'Académie française et réponse de Jean Delay
The Bald Prima Donna
A hell of a mess
Théâtre, tome 1
Eugène Ionesco
La Cantatrice Chauve: Anti-Piece / La Lecon
Bedaha-gooy Alma
Les chaises - farce tragique suivi de L'impromptu de l'Alma ou le caméléon du berger
Pour la culture, contre la politique =
Théâtre, tome 3
Stories 1, 2, 3, 4
Rhinoce ros
The Lesson (Dramau'r Byd)
Three plays
The man with the luggage ; The duel ; Double act ; Why do I write?
Discours de re ception d'Eugene Ionesco a   l'Acade mie Francaise et reponse de Jean Delay
Ce formidable bordel
Ionesco lit Les chaises
Conte  Contes Numero 1 (Pour Enfants de Moins de Trois Ans)
Journal en miettes
The colonel's photograph
Eugène Ionesco, playwright
Absurdes Theater Stücke von Ionesco Arrabal Tardieu Ghelderode Audiberti
Contes Numero 1 et 2 (Pour Enfants de Moins de Trois Ans)
La Busqueda Intermitente (Esquinas)
Elegii pentru ființe mici
Das Abenteuer Ionesco
Ionesco à coeur ouvert
Notes et contre-notes
Story number 2
The bald prima donna
Ce formidable bordel!
Le blanc et le noir
La main peint
Le rhinocéros
Rhinoceros (in French)
Three plays
Killing game
Le solitaire
Notes et contere-notes
Plays (Calderbooks)
Le\Nouveau Locataire
Le roi se meurt
Le solitaire
A stroll in the air ; Frenzy for two, or more
La photo du colonel
Story number 4 for children of any age
Notes and counter notes
Contes et exercices
Exit the king
Le roi se meurt
Four plays
Tueur sons gages
The killer, and other plays
Notes and Counternotes (Calderbooks)
La photo du colonel
Le roi se meurt
Les\Murs Canadiens de Joseph Lliu
Rey Se Muere, El
The Chairs
Le solitaire
Sillas, Las
Le rhinocéros
Război cu toată lumea
The chairs
Conte  Contes Numero 4 (Pour Enfants de Moins de Trois Ans)
Discours de Reception et Reponse du Professeur Delay
Theatre Tome 2 / L'Impromptu d'Alma - Tueur sans Gages - Le Nouveau Locataire - L'Avenir Est dans les Oeufs - Le Maitre - La Jeune Fille a Marier
Ame de e; or, How to get rid of it. The new tenant. Victims of duty
Présent passé, passé présent
Hoṿehʻavar ʻavar hoṿeh
El Hombre Cuestionado
Présent passé, passé présent
Pour la culture, contre la politique
Hunger and thirst and other plays
O Rinokeros
De lire a   deux
Here comes a chopper
A stroll in the air
Teatro 5 - Eugene Ionesco
A stroll in the air
Discours d'ouverture du Festival de Salzbourg, 1972
Victimes du devoir and Une victime du devoir
La cantatrice chauve ; anti-pièce, suivi de La leçon ; drame comique
Notes and Counter Notes: Writings on the Theatre
La cantatrice chauve
La quête intermittente
La cantatrice chauve
Hunger and thirst ; The picture ; Anger ; Salutations
Journeys among the dead
Victimes du Devoir
Le roi se meurt
Busqueda Intermitente, La
Le Rhinoce ros
Story number 1
Tueur sans gage
Eugène Ionesco
Exit the king
Notes et contre-notes
Fragments of a journal
Exit the king
Story Number One, for Children Under Three Years of Age
Notes et contre-notes
La cantatrice chauve
Monsieur Tete
The lesson
Il re muore
Story Number Two
Un homme en question
The killer, and other plays
Les chaises
Les chaises; farce tragique
Rhinoceros ; The leader ; The future is in eggs, or, It takes all sorts to make a world
The hermit
Jeux de massacre
Four plays
La Cantatrice Chauve et La Lecon
Notes and counter-notes
Las Sillas, La Leccion, El Maestro
Fragments of a journal
La Cantante Calva
The chairs
Voyages chez les morts
LesChaises  L'Impromptu de l'Alma
The killer, and other plans
Conte  Contes Numero 3 (Pour Enfants de Moins de Trois Ans)
Jeux de massacre
L' homme aux valises
Story number 4
L' assurdo e la speranza
Bald Soprano And Other Plays
The Colonel's photograph
le solitaire
Conte numéro 4
Photo du Colonel
Voyages chez les morts
Antidotes (Gallimard Ser.)
The Killer, Improvisation, Maid to Marry, Rhinoceros, the Leader, the Future Is in Eggs (Collected Plays, Vol B)
Tueur Sans Gages
Le solitaire
Łysa śpiewaczka
Conte numéro 1
Le Rhinocéros
Présent passé, passé présent
The killer. Improvisation, or The shepherd's chameleon. Maid to marry
Rhinoce ros
The chairs
Gouachen, Lithografien
A stroll in the air.  Frenzy for two, or more
Here Comes a Chopper, the Oversight, the Foot of the Wall, Oh, What a Bloody Circus, the Hardboiled Egg (Collected Plays, Vol D)
Story number 3; for children over three years of age
A stroll in the air
Le Rhinocéros
Story number 4
Notes and counter notes
Plays: The chairs, The killer, Maid to marry
Mezhdu zhiznʹ︠i︡u i snovideniem
Conte nume ro 2 [i. e. deux], pour enfants de moins de trois ans
Plays. Volume IX
Délire à deux
La photo du colonel
Ce formidable bordel!
Un homme en question
Killing Game
Three plays: La cantatrice chauve, La leçon [et] Les chaises
The hermit
El juego de la peste
The Chairs, the Lesson, Jacques, the Bald Prima-Donna, the New Tenant, Amedee, Victims of Duty (Collected Plays, Vol a)
Plays Vol. 11
La cantatrice chauvre
Présent passé, passé présent
La Photo du colonel
Story number 1, for children under three years of age
Story Number One
Le détonnement
Pour la culture, contre la politique
L' homme aux valises suivi de Ce formidable bordel!
A stroll in the air [and] Frenzy for two
Amédée, or, How to get rid of it ; The new tenant ; Victims of duty
Ce formidable bordel!
Roi Se Meurt (Folio Theatre) (French Edition)
Hunger and thirst
Conte numéro 1, pour enfants de moins de trois ans
Pourquoi jʼécris =
A stroll in the air. Frenzy for two, or more
Rhinoceros, and other plays
Le solitaire; roman
Le rhinocéros
Le roi se meurt
Les chaises : farce tragique : suivi de L'impromptu de l'Alma
The killer, and other plays
Present past, past present
La cantatrice chauve
The lesson
Tueur sans gages
Tueur sans gages
Les chaises
Délire à deux
Les chaises; farce tragique
Le solitaire
The chairs
The lesson ; The chairs ; The bald prima donna ; Jacques, or, Obedience
Bazihaye Koshtare Hamagani
Chairs, The
The bald prima donna
Voyages chez les morts
Story number 2
Hunger and thirst, The picture, Anger [and] Salutations
Plays Vol. 10
Fragments of a journal
Notes et contre-notes
Ionesco's Tales for People Under 3 Years of Age
Littérature roumaine
Exit the king, Foursome [and] The motor show
Absurd Drama
The hermit
Mardi ba chamedanhayash
Four plays
Paul Theroux
Paul Theroux (born 1941)

literary critic, professor

  • University of Massachusetts Amherst
My Other Life
Blinding light
Blinding Light
Millroy the magician
The Great Railway Bazaar
The kingdom by the sea
My secret history
Picture Palace
The Mosquito Coast
The consul's file
Sunrise with seamonsters
Dark star safari
The Elephanta suite
Hotel Honolulu
The Pillars of Hercules
The stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro and other stories
Doctor Slaughter
Sir Vidia's shadow
Kowloon Tong
Chicago loop
Deep South
Saint Jack
The end of the game
A Dead Hand
The Family Arsenal
Travelling the world
Millroy the magician
A Christmas card
Fresh air fiend
The Sea
Jungle lovers
Great humorous stories
The happy isles of Oceania
Riding the iron rooster
Old Patagonian Express, The
Sailing through China
Mother land
The London embassy
The black house
Girls at Play
The imperial way
Sinning with Annie, and other stories
London snow
Ghost Train to the Eastern Star
World's end and other stories
The Pen/O. Henry Prize Stories 2009
Today's best nonfiction
The collected stories
Fong and the Indians
To the Ends of the Earth
Under the Wave at Waimea
The Best American Travel Writing 2001
V.S. Naipaul, an introduction to his work
Mr. Bones
V.S. Naipaul
Riding the Iron Rooster By Train Through
The lower river
Eli Reed
Murder in Mount Holly
The Family Arsenal Paul Theroux
On the Plain of Snakes
The best American travel writing 2014
The Mosquito Coast
Figures in a landscape
Masterpieces of Modern Short Fiction
The tao of travel
Dr. Demarr
Deep south
The Mosquito Coast
The collected short novels
Sinning with Annie
Jan Morris : around the world in 80 years
Tierra madre
Riding the Iron Rooster:By Train Through China
Where the Roads All End
The Silk Road - China and the Karakorum Highway
The Greenest Island
World's end
Journey Without Maps
My Other Life
The lower river
Gentleman in the Parlour
Gentleman in the Parlour
Lower River
Picture Palace
Slow Trains to Simla
La Double vie de Lauren S.
The Cold World
Nurse Wolf & Dr Sacks
UC Riding the Iron Rooster
Down the Yangtze
Riding the Iron Rooster
Patagonie express
An den Gestaden des Mittelmeeres
Mein anderes Leben
Happy Iles of Oceania, the
Happy Isles of Oceania
Brazil Incarnate
The collected stories
Priya Ramrakha
Mother Land
Consul's File
The shortest day of the year
Les derniers jours de Hong Kong
Saint Jack
On the Plain of Snakes
Deep South
Hotel Honolulu
On the Edge of the Great Rift
Travelers' Tales Greece
What Maisie Knew
The white man's burden
LA Calle De LA Media Luna/Half Moon Street
Bad Angel Brothers
La Chine à petite vapeur
La Costa de los Mosquitos
Die glücklichen Inseln Ozeaniens
Hotel Honolulu
Figures in a Landscape
Saint Jack (Om-Asia)
The Consul's File
Hotel Honolulu
Blinding Light-O.M.
The Happy Isles Of Oceania   Part 2 Of 2
Zona Exterior
Bad Angel Brothers
Fresh-Air Fiend
My Other Life
Education by radio
Nature's Wonderlands
The Lower River
Family Arsenal
Strange Dispearance Imam Mousa Sadr
Paul Theroux Collected Stories
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Voyage excentrique et ferroviaire autour du Royaume-Uni
Ridng Iron Roostr-Opmkt
Der alte Patagonien- Express
Mi Otra Vida
Wiedersehen mit Patagonien
Lower River
Mi Historia Secreta
On the Plain of Snakes
De Laatste Dagen Van Hongkong
San Jack
Jechalem Zelaznym Kogutem
Saint Jack
De geschiedenis van een vriendschap
Mr. Bones
Der alte Patagonienexpress. 5 Cassetten
De geschiedenis van een vriendschap
Happy Isles of Oceania-Open Ma
Paul Theroux
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Nurse Wolf and Dr. Sacks (Front Lines)
The London embassy
Bad Angel Brothers
La Sombra de Naipaul
Happy Isles of Oceania Part 2
Happy Isles of Oceania
Steve McCurry Lesen
Foreign Affairs
Murder in Mount Holly
El Mago Millroy
Collected Stories
Railway bazaar
Traveling the World
Fresh Air Fiend
En la Llanura de Las Serpientes
Mr Bones
Mr. Bones
Figures in a Landscape
World's End and other Stories
Blinding Light
Belanger Brotherhood
The Happy Isles Of Oceania   Part 1 Of 2
Kowloon Tong.
My Other Life
Kowloon Tong
Poems for Travellers
On the Plain of Snakes
El geólogo
Riding the Rails with Paul Theroux
Milroy the Magician
Camp Echo
Riding the Iron Rooster
Hotel Honolulu
Millroy the Magician
Wāruzu endo (sekai no hate) =
Under the Wave at Waimea
El geólogo
Fresh-Air Fiend
The return of Bingo Humpage
Deep South
Mein geheimes Leben
Silk Road : Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran
Ultimi giorni a Hong Kong
Dispatches D1
Sailing Through China by Paul Theroux (1984-01-01)
Short Story International #34
Girls at Play
California the Other State
De Bendenrivier
Figures in a Landscape
Saint Jack
Millroy the Magician
Mother Land
Le Plaisir le plus triste
Kowloon Tong
Two Stars
Riding the Iron Rooster
Half Moon Street
The Consul's File
Jungle lovers
En el Gallo de Hierro
Happy Isles of Oceania Part 1
China per trein
Saint Jack
Sailing Through China
Collected Stories, the
Millroy the Magician
En El Gallo de Hierro
El último tren a la zona verde
Deep South
Asagi Nehir
Sunrise with Seamonsters
Luce accecante
Stary Ekspres Patagonski. Pociagiem przez Ameryki
Fresh-air fiend
Happy Isles of Oceania
A Dead Hand
Blinding Light
Consul's File
Fresh-Air Fiend : Travel Writings
My Other Life
De grote spoorwegcarrousel
De grote spoorwegcarrousel retour
Millroy de tovenaar
Sunrise with seamonster
Retour au Palazzo d'Oro
Spelende meisjes
China per trein
Murder in Mount Holly
Tren fantasma a la Estrella de Oriente
Docteur De Marr
De poort naar India
Verblindend licht
En Lower River
Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852)

playwright, historian, literary critic, teacher, poet, opinion journalist

  • Imperial St. Petersburg University
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Great Short Stories of the World [30 stories]
Мертвые души
Best Russian short stories
Short stories
Тарас Бульба
Forms of the Novella
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls
Shin el =
Petersburg tales
Sorotchintzy fair
The overcoat and other short stories
Dead Souls
The overcoat and The nose
Petersburg tales
Dead souls
Dead Souls
Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druzʹi︠a︡mi
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
Nouvelles de Petersbourg
Sochineniia N.V. Gogolia
The Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Dead Souls
Taras Bulba
Zapiski sumasshedshego
Four Great Russian Plays
Dead Souls
Diary of a Madman
The Inspector-General
[Nevskiĭ prospekt
Letters of Nikolai Gogol
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume six COURAGE
The Overcoat
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
Home life in Russia
The overcoat, and other tales of good and evil
Best Short Stories of All Time
Six Great Modern Short Novels
The collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Peterburgskie povesti
The theater of Nikolay Gogol
Dead Souls - Reavey Translation Background & Sources Essays in Criticism (Nce)
The Government Inspector (Hereford Plays)
Meditations on the divine liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
Dead Souls (Classiques Russes)
Dead souls
Christmas Classics 6 Copy Mixed Counter Display
Taras Buljba
The collected tales
The mantle
Evenings near Dikanka ; and, Mirgorod
Tchitchikoff's Journeys, or Dead Souls
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Inspector and 3 other plays
The inspector
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Great Conversations 2
The Diary of a Madman, and Other Russian Sketches
Evenings near the village of Dikanka
Vecheri na khutori bilia Dykanky
Christmas Classics
Taras Bulba
Das Bildnis
Dead souls
Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen. Erzählungen
And the Earth Will Sit on the Moon
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Si hun ling
Taras Boulba
Russian Short Stories : (Large Print Edition, Arial 18 Font)
19th Century Russian Drama
The Nose
The Government Inspector and Other Works
                Wordsworth Classics
The Nose
The Nose
Die toten Seelen. Ein Poem
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Polnoe sobranie sochineni
Podlinniki pisem Gogolia k Maksimovichu
The Nose
Tarass Boulba
Sochinenīi͡a N.V. Gogoli͡a
Diary of a Madman
The night before Christmas
The collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Dead Souls - (1842)
Der Revisor
Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
Les âmes mortes
Trās Būlbā
[The works of Nikolay Gogol]
Tarasa Bulba
Novelas de San Petersburgo - 3. edición.
Le nez
Almas Muertas
Taras Bulba
Collected tales and plays
The play as theater
Sbornik malenʹkikh pʹes russkikh klassikov
Evenings near the village of Dikanka
Ivan Fedorovych Shponʹka ta ïkhni͡a titonʹka
Les âmes mortes
Der Mantel
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki
Les joueurs
Petersburger Novellen
The inspector-general
Sobranie sochinenii
The divine liturgy of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Almas Muertas
Le nez
Old Russian stories
Diary of a Madman, The Government Inspector, & Selected Stories
Almas Muertas
Dead souls, 1842 (In Russian Language) / Die toten Seelen / Mertvye dushi : poema Mertvye dushi
LA Nariz Y Otros Cuentos
Die toten Seelen
The squabble
Ménage D'autrefois
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
Taras Bulba, and other tales
Mayis Gecesi - Portre
Dead Souls (Annotated)
Historias de San Petersburgo
La Brouille des deux Ivan
Tārās Bulbā
St. Johns Eve
Taras Bulba
The government inspector
Nose Illustrated
Vechory na khutori bili︠a︡ Dykanʹky
The Portrait
Portret =
Dead Souls Illustrated
Âmes Mortes (illustré)
Liang guo Yifan di chao jia
Pages du journal d'un fou
Dead Souls ( Illustrated Classics )
Cuentos de San Petersburgo
The inspector-general (or "Revizór")
Petersburg Öyküleri
Palto - Burun ve Fayton
Si hun ling can gao
Las almas muertas
Viy (English and Russian Language Edition)
Bir Delinin Güncesi
Der Zauberer
Taras Bulba
Theatre of Nicolai Gogol
Mertvye dushi. Revizor. Povesti
Zapiski sumasshedshego
The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol
St. John's eve
Cossacks Tales by Nikolai Gogol
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Shinyel (the Overcoat)
Nikolay Gogol - Öyküler
[Povestʹ o tom, kak possorilsi͡a︡ Ivan Ivanovich s Ivanom Nikiforovichem
Ölü Canlar Ciltli
Jie hun
Les ames mortes
The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovich
Palto-Burun-Bir Delinin Güncesi-Neva Caddesi-Fayton
Die toten Seelen. Erzählung
Mertvye dushi
Une terrible vengeance
Taras Bulba
Maĭskai︠a︡ nochʹ, ili Utoplennit︠s︡a
Les deux héritages: L'inspecteur général; Les débuts d'un aventurier
A Place Bewitched, and Other Stories
The overcoat
Der Mantel
The Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil
Le Manteau - Le Nez
Mysterious Portrait : (Annotated Edition)
Voprosy istorii, kulʹtury i prirody Verkhnego Poochʹi︠a︡
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki ; Mirgorod
Diary of a Madman : (Annotated Edition)
Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovich
Russische Weltliteratur : Schuld und Sühne - Die toten Seelen - Oblomow - Krieg und Frieden
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Dead Souls
Qin cha da chen
Si hun ling
The creation of Nikolai Goqoe
Revizor (Shkol'naya biblioteka)
Taras Bulba and other tales
Taichō Būriba
Petersburger Skizzen und andere Aufsätze
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
The theater of Nikolay Gogol
Die toten Seelen
Izbrannye sochinenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Peterburgskie povesti
Palto. Translated by Pinar Teber
Mantle and Other Stories
Die Geschichte vom großen Krakeel zwischen Iwan Iwanowitsch und Iwan Nikiforowitsch
Evlenme - Kumarbazlar
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem v semnadt︠s︡ati tomakh
Taras Bulba, and other tales. The Inspector General. Introduction by Nikolay Andreyev (Everyman's Library. no. 740.)
Dead Souls Annotated
Rossii︠a︡ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
Vybrannyi︠a︡ mi︠e︡sta iz perepiski s druzʹi︠a︡mi
Nuzhno lyubit Rossiyu
Capote. O Retrato - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Nos =
The Gamblers and Marriage
Pokhozhdenii͡a Chichikova
Die Toten Seelen (Illustrated)
Povesti. Mertvye dushi
Dead Souls
Dikanka Yakınlarında Bir Çiftlikte Akşam Toplantıları
Dead Souls
The overcoat
Fiche de lecture Le Révizor
Wu yue zhi ye
Diary of a madman, Nevski prospect.
Taras Bulba (Annotated)
Die Nase / Der Mantel
Gogolʹ o vi︠e︡ri︠e︡, mīri︠e︡ i zhizni
Mertvye dushi
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
The Mysterious Portait
Neva Bulvari
Mertvye dushi
Propala hramota
Dead Souls
Bir Delinin Anı Defteri, Palto-Burun, Petersburg Öyküleri ve Fayton
Âmes Mortes
[Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ
Meditations on the divine liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
Feng ren ri ji
Neva Caddesi
Wai tao
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
Die toten Seelen
Dead Souls Illustrated Edition
Cuentos rusos
Tina kahaniyam
Ölü Canlar
Tavas Bulba
Gogolʹ i teatr
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki
Sochinenii︠a︡ v trekh tomakh
Inspector-General; a Comedy in Five Acts. Translated by Thomas Seltzer
Polnoe sobranīe khudozhestvennykh proizvedenīǐ N.V. Gogoli͡a s bīografīeǐ
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
The Nose And A May Night - Stage 4
Dead Souls
Roi des Gnomes
Tchitchikoff's journeys
[The works of Nikolay Gogol]
Racconti di Pietroburgo
Diary of a Madman
Polnoe sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
De dode zielen of De lotgevallen van Tchitchikow
Collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Iki Ivan'in Münakasasi
Mrtve duse
Christmas Eve
Inspector General
Veillées de L'Ukraine
Taras Bulʹba
The Government inspector
Die Nacht vor Weihnachten
Sipurim Rusiyim nivḥarim
Dead souls
Taras Bulba
Sochinenii︠a︡ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Dead Souls
Chichikov's journeys, or, Home life in old Russia
Mertvye dushi - Мертвые души
Starosvetskie pomeschiki
Wu yue de ye
Nouvelles de petersbourg
Aksam Toplantilari - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Zapiski sumasshedshego
Pasajes escogidos de la correspondencia con los amigos
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ N. V. Gogol͡ia
Sochinenīi͡a︡ i pisʹma
Nevskiĭ prospekt
The overcoat & other stories
Dikanka Yakınlarında Bir Köyde Akşamlar
Dead Souls
Âmes Mortes
Dead Souls
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Taras Bulba
Diary of a Madman
Petersburg Oykuleri
Dead Souls
Tales of good and evil
How the two Ivans quarrelled
Gogol Nikolai
Taras Bulba
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikan'ki
World's Great Classic
Nuzhno li͡ubitʹ Rossii͡u
Tailai Bo'erba
Die Todten Seelen: Ein satyrisch-komisches Zeitgemaelde
Ölü Canlar
Taras Bulba
âmes Mortes (Édition Française Traduite Par Ernest Charrière Illustrée)
Mertvye dushi
Novels, the comedy "Auditor" poem "dead souls" (,  "",  " ")
Nouvelles de Petersbourg
Le journal d'un fou, suivi de, Le portrait, et, La perspective Nevsky
Mertvye dushi
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
Mémoires d'un Fou
Palto Burun
Iz pisem
Nochʹ pered pozhdestvom
The diary of a madman
The Government Inspector And Other Plays
Archwiliwr, Yr
dead Souls
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Pokhozdenīe Chichikova
Tarass Boulba
Taras Bulʹba
Taras Bulba and Five Other Tales
Taras Bulba
Zibranni︠a︡ tvoriv u semy tomakh
Tarass Boulba Illustree
Dead Souls. Everyman's Library No. 726
Le Revizor
Tarass Boulba
Mertuye dushi
Dead souls
The Night Before Christmas
Ménage D'autrefois
Taras Bul'ba
Mukashikatagi no jinushitachi
Taras Bulba
Las almas muertas
Liang ge Yifan de gu shi
El Capote y otros relatos
Bir Delinin Guncesi-Oda
Die toten Seelen
Ölü canlar
Starosvetskie pomeschchiki
Dead souls
Petersburger Erzählungen
Diary of a Madman (Annotated)
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol(Illustrated Edition)
Journal d'un fou/1k7
Vyechyera na chumorye bliz dukanki
Taras Bulba
Ölü Canlar
Eluosi ming zhu er ji
Le journal d'un fou ; suivi de Le portrait ; et La perspective Nevsky
Mémoires d'un Fou (illustré)
Tarass Boulba
Ölü Canlar; Ismail Güzelsoy'un Önsözüyle
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
Diary of a madman, the government inspector and selected stories
Taras Bulʹba
Dead Souls : (Annotated Edition)
La nariz
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri - Palto - Burun
Xun an shi ji qi ta
Müfettis Ciltli
Revizor A Comedy
Taras Bulba; A Tale of the Cossacks. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood, with an Introd
Die toten Seelen
Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanʹki
Récits de Pétersbourg
Hanz Kuechelgarten Leaving The Theater And Other Works Early Writings Essays Book Reviews Letters
Old-Fashioned Farmers
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Cuentos peterburgueses
Taras Bulʹba
El inspector
Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Holt lelkek
Mayis Gecesi
Overcoat and Other Short Stories
El Capote
Üc Hikaye
Olu Canlar
Bir Delinin Hatıra Defteri
Perspective Nevsky
A selection
Putʹ k Gogoli︠u︡
Ölü Canlar
Mufettis - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
The government inspector
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Tarass Boulba
Nose-Original Edition(Annotated)
The Inspector-General
Las Veladas De Dikanka
Taras Bulba, the classic epic of the Ukrainian Cossacks
Mertvye dushi
Taras Bulba
Gogolli chakpʻumsŏn
Taras Bulba : (Annotated Edition)
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Du gun
Taras Bulba
Razmyshlenii︠a︡ o Bozhestvennoĭ liturgii
Anime Morte
Mejska nóc
Memoirs of a Madman
Povesti ; Revizor ; Zhenitʹba
Las almas muertas
Hanz Kuechelgarten, Leaving the theater, & other works
Xun an
Taras Bulba A Tale of the Cossacks
Petersburg Tales
The Inspector-General
Butun Oyunlari
Xiao xiang
Evenings in little Russia
Dead Souls
Qin chai da chen
Shiseru tamashii
Sorochinska︠i︡a ︠i︡armarka
Dagboek van een gek en andere verhalen
Dead Souls
Brouille des Deux Ivan
Dead Souls
Dead Souls
El Abrigo
Tres relats de Sant Petersburg
Bir Delinin Ani Defteri
Sobranie sochineniǐ
Olu Canlar - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Olu Canlar
Nevskiĭ Prospekt
Vechera na khutore bliz dikan'ki
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
Ölü Canlar
Vechornyt︠s︡i na khutori bili︠a︡ Dykanʹky
Nefashot metot
Dead souls
Journal d'un fou
O Nariz
Dead Souls
Le portrait
Kritika, publit͡sistika, dukhovnai͡a proza
Inspector and Other Plays
Mrtvé duše
Inspector and Other Plays
Ukrainska noveller
Taras Bulba
âmes Mortes Tome 1
Der Pumpmajor
Bir Delinin Hatira Defteri
Tote Seelen
El Capote y Otros Relatos
How the two Ivans quarrelled
Dead Souls-Classic Original Edition(Annotated)
El inspector
The Inspector general (Revizor)
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ N.V. Gogoli︠a︡
Nuit de la Saint-Jean
N. V. Gogolʹ o literature
Fiche de lecture Le Révizor
Pages du journal d'un fou
Almas Mortas
Dead Souls Illustrated
Old Russian stories (A Perpetua book)
Mantle, and Other Stories
Manteau - le Nez
Pov♯s¿Æ o tom, kterak se rozhn♯vali pan Mat♯j s panem Matou¿Łem
Mysterious Portrait
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Nose Annotated
Taras Bulba (Annotated)
Sobranie sochinenii v semi tomakh
Hanz Kuechelgarten, Leaving the Theater and Other Works
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Dead Souls (illustrated)
Die Toten Seelen
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
Shinel' =
Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druz'yami
Les veillées de l'Ukraine
Evenings in Little Russia
Anime Morte
Cossack tales
Diary Of a Madman and Other Stories
Mertvye Dushi
Cuentos completos
Mantle and Other Stories
Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol (Annotated)
Selected Stories of Nikolai Gogol
Cloak Illustrated
Povesti, revizor
Vybrannyi︠a︡ mi︠e︡sta iz perepiski s druzʹi︠a︡mi Nikolai︠a︡ Gogoli︠a︡
Sorochinskai͡a︡ i͡a︡rmarka
Taras Bulʹba
Mysterious Portrait Annotaed
Âmes Mortes
[the Works of Nikolay Gogol] Volume 1; Series 2
Diary of a Madman
Vetlles en un veïnat de Dikanka
Nevsky Prospect
Sochineniia v dvvkh tomakh
Tarass Boulba, Illustree
âmes Mortes Illustree
Petersburgse vertellingen
Nose Illustrated
Government Inspector
The inspector-general
Dead Souls
Récits de Petersbourg
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Revizor, The government inspector
O Sobretudo
Taras Bulba
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedenii  v pyati tomakh
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled ILLUSTRATED
Nose-Original Edition(Annotated)
Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druz'yami
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
Diary of a Madman (Annotated)
Nikolai Gogol, Short Stories Collection
Die Toten Seelen
Dead Souls Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol a New Translation By Helen Michailoff. 1964
May Evening
Recits de petersbourg - le nez et autres nouvelles
Cloak Annotated
The overcoat
Government Inspector
Mantle, and Other Stories
Vetlles en un veïnat de Dikanka
Divine Liturgy of Russian Orthodox Church
Almas Muertas
Der Zauberer
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Taras Bulba : (Annotated)(Biography)
Le Anime morte
Por qué se pelearon los dos Ivanes
Dead Souls, 1842 (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / (Mertvye dushi / Die toten Seelen / Le anime morte /  )
Sobranie sochineniĭ v vosʹmin tomakh
Sochinenii v dvukh tomakh
Taras Bulba and Other Tales by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Polnoe sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeni
La Nariz
Nose (Annotated with Biography)
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
âmes Mortes
Manteau - le Nez
Tarasas Bulba
'The Overcoat' and Other Stories
Short Fiction
Taras Bulba
Cloak Annotated
Mertvye dushi
Diary of a Madman-Original Edition(Annotated)
Selected Tales
Old Russian Stories
Izbrannie proizvedeniya vovukhtomakh
The Viy
Taras Bulba (in Russian)
Polnoe sobran♯±e sochinen♯±♯Ư
The government inspector
Taras Bulba
Nouvelles Choisies de Nicolas Gogol. Traduites du Russe Par Louis Viardot
Tarass Bulba il Pastrano
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
Almas Mortas
Golol a nase doba
Mantle and Other Stories
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls : (Annotated)(Biography)
Meditations on the Divine Liturgy
Razmȳshlenīya o bozhestvennoĭ liturgīi
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba and Other Tales
The greatcoat
Pokhozhdeniia Chichikova
Diary of a Madman-Original Edition(Annotated)
Taras Bulba - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Taras Bulba Annotated
Diary of a Madman Annotated
Maĭskai͡a︡ nochʹ
St. John's Eve
Taras Bulbas
Las Almas Muertas
N.V. Gogol'
Inspector General
Almas Mortas
Tote Seelen
Die toten Seelen
Die Toten Seelen (Annotated)
Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
Pokhozhdenii͡a︡ Chichikova
The Diary of a Madman
Mirgorod being a continuation ofevenings in a village near Dikanka
Sochineniia N. V. Gogolia
Diary of a madman
ʻArve ha-kefar shele-yad Diḳanḳah
Tarass Boulba
The government inspector, and other plays
Noch' pered Rozhdestvom
Diary of a Madman Illustrated
Die Toten Seelen (illustriert)
The government inspector
Almas Mortas
Taras Bulba Annotated
Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends
Illi͡u︡strirovannoe polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Diary of a Madman Illustrated
Taras Bulba
The overcoat ; The government inspector
Tarass Boulba
Olu Canlar
âmes Mortes
Taras Bulba Annotated
Inspector General (Annotated)
Mysterious Portrait
âmes Mortes
The Government inspector
Diario de un Loco
Manteau - le Nez
Story of the Nose
The Overcoat
Dead Souls, 1842 (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / (Myortvyye dushi /  )
Noch' pered Rozhdestvom
Veillées du Hameau Près de Dikanka - Tome 1
Illi͡u︡strirovannoe izdanīe sochinenīĭ
âmes Mortes, Roman; Volume 01
Gogol Plays
Inspector General
Gogol Collected Tales
Sobranie sochinenii b shesti tomakh
Chichikov's journeys
Povesti, dramaticheskiye, proizvedenniya
St. John's Eve
La nuit de Noel ; suivi de La veille de la Saint-Jean
The Overcoat
[Les âmes mortes
Gogol Three Plays
U rizdvi Łanu nich
Taras Bulba
Sorochintsy Fair
Vechera Na Khutore
Tarass Boulba
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Inspector-General (illustrated)
The Nose (Annotated)
The tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarrelled with Ivan Nikiporovich
Place Bewitched and Other Stories (riverrun Editions)
Die Toten Seelen (Kommentiert)
Die abenteur Tschitschikows
Taras Bulba
Memoirs of a Madman
Government Inspector : The Inspector General
Mirgorad Four Tales
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Nevskii  Prospekt = Nevsky Prospect
Taras Bulʹba
Taras Bulba
Almas Mortas
Six Great Modern Short Novels (Laurel Edition, 7996)
[Rukopisʹ Gogoli︠a︡
Sorochyns £kyi  i Łarmarok
Government Inspector
Dead Souls (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
St. John's Eve
Diary of a Madman
Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Vechera na hutore bliz Dikan'ki
Journal d'un Fou
Dead Souls
Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil
Inspector General
Inspector General
Les aventures de Tchitchikov
Government Inspector
Government Inspector
The Mysterious Portrait
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls
Tote Seelen
Almas Muertas
âmes Mortes Illustree
Taras Bulba
Der Mantel
Mertvyi︠a︡ dushi
Anime Morte
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
Manteau (le)
Récits de Pétersbourg
Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol
Memoirs of a Madman (illustrated)
The gamblers
The Government Inspector
Nose Illustrated
Government Inspector and Other Russian Plays
Les ames mortes
Zakoldovannoe mîsto
Mërtvye dushi
Der Geistervogel
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Cloak Annotated
Inspector General
Perepiska N.V. Gogoli︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Perepiska N.V. Gogolya
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem v dvadt︠s︡ati trekh tomakh
Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ
The government inspector
Ṭaras Bulba
Мертвые души
Sobranie sochineniǐ
Sorochinskai︠a︡ i︠a︡rmarka
Strashna pomsta ta inshi opovidann︠i︡a
Pokhozhdeniia Chichikova, ili Mertvyia dushi
Izbrannye sochineni︠i︡a v dvukh tomakh
Dukhovnai︠a︡ proza
Taras Buljba.
Sobranie khudozhestvennykh proizvedeniĭ
1000 Ṭsherṿontses
Тарас Бульба
Poor folk
Peterburgskie povesti
Perepiska N.V. Gogoli︠a︡ s N.N. Sheremetevoĭ
Diary of a madman, Nevski prospect
Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Holt lelkek
The collected tales and plays of Nikolai Gogol
Meditations on the divine liturgy of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
Contes fantastiques
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
Almas Muertas, Las
The Government Inspector
Reviz�or: A Comedy
Cossack tales
Der reṿizar
Пропавшая грамота
Avtorskaiı̐ aı̐Ł ispoved £
Nikolai Gogol's Dead souls
The government inspector
Diary of a Madman
Dead Souls
Le Revizor (French Edition)
The government inspector
Sochineni︠i︡a v dvukh tomakh
Cuentos Petersburgueses
Taras Bulba
Dead Souls
Neizdannyĭ Gogolʹ
Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки
Mertvye dushi
Taras Bulba
The Government Inspector and other plays
Povest £ o tom, kak possorilsiı̐ aı̐Ł Ivan Ivanovich s Ivanom Nikiforovichem =
José Saramago
José Saramago (1922-2010)

journalist, playwright, translator, poet, chronicler, essayist, diarist, literary critic, dramaturge, revolutionary

The stone raft
Death with Interruptions
Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira
Ensaio sobre a lucidez
História do cerco de Lisboa
O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
The Elephant's Journey
The cave
Baltasar and Blimunda
The double
The history of the siege of Lisbon
Todos os nomes
Las pequenas memorias
Memorial do convento
Levantado del suelo
Viagem a Portugal
The tale of the unknown island
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Levantado del Suelo
The History of the Siege of Lisbon
As Intermitências da Morte
O Homem Duplicado
The cave
Raised from the ground
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis / O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis
Raised from the ground
Journey to Portugal
Deste mundo e do outro
The cave
Cuadernos de Lanzarote
Small memories
The Stone Raft
Saramago,"Soy un comunista integral"
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Viaje a Portugal
O caderno
Ensaio sobre a cegueira
La Caverna (Saramago, Jose. Works.)
The lives of things
El hombre duplicado
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Intermitencias da Morte, As
Blindness (Harvest Book)
El evangelio según Jesucristo
The Year Of The Death Of Ricardo Reis
Las Intermitencias de La Muerte
Jose Saramago en Sus Palabras  Jose Saramago in His Words
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis
José Saramago en sus palabras
Manual de pintura y caligrafía
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera
El cuento de la isla desconocida/ The Tale of the Unknown Island
El Nombre Y La Cosa (Cuadernos De La Catedra De Alfonso Reyes)
All the Names
El Ano de la Muerte de Ricardo Reis
La flor más grande del mundo
The Cave
Historia del Cerco de Lisboa
Hoffnung Im Roman Alentejo
Journey to Portugal
História do cerco de Lisboa
El Cuento de La Isla Desconocida
Death with interruptions
The Tale of the Unknown Island
Memorial do Convento
La caverna = A caverna
A segunda vida de Francisco de Assis
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Las maletas del viajero
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
El Viaje del Elefante  An Elephants Journey
L'Évangile selon Jésus-Christ
The Lives of Things
Memorial Do Convento
The Gospel accorinding to Jesus Christ
The Elephant's Journey
El cuaderno del año del Nobel
Folhas políticas, 1976-1998
The tale of the unknown island
La balsa de piedra
Baltasar and Blimunda
Death at intervals
Jesus Mateo
The year of the death of Ricardo Reis
El equipaje del viajero
Manual de Pintura y Caligrafía
El evangelio según Jesucristo
La Caverna
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Don Giovanni ou o dissoluto absolvido
Der Stuhl und andere Dinge
Das Todesjahr des Ricardo Reis
Todos os Nomes
Cuadernos de Lanzarote II
Casi Un Objeto/Almost an Object
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario III
Collected Novels of José Saramago
Das Wvangelium Nach Jesus Christus
The history of the siege of Lisbon
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Casi un objeto
José Saramago
All the Names
Das Zentrum
El hombre duplicado - 1. ed.
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Death With Interruptions
El evangelio según Jesucristo
Os Poemas Possiveis
A jangada de pedra
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Die Geschichte von der unbekannten Insel
Cândida Höfer
Manual de pintura e caligrafia
Cuadernos de Lanzarote I 1993-1995
Death with interruptions
El Hombre Duplicado
La caverna
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario V
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Geschichte Der Belagerung Von Lissabon
Handbuch der Malerei und Kalligraphie
Double : (Enemy)
Die portugiesische Reise
LA Flor Mas Grande Del Mundo/the World's Largest Flower (Historias Para Dormir)
Raised from the ground
Memorial do convento
Pequeñas Memorias
Uma longa viagem com José Saramago
Xiu dao yuan ji shi (Pu yu zuo jia cong shu)
L'Année de la mort de Ricardo Reis
Casi Un Objeto
Nas suas palavras
Das Steinerne Flor
Death with Interruptions
Journey to Portugal
Manual de Pintura y Caligrafia
The Double
Passport to Portugal
God smerti Rikardo Reĭsa
Alabardas / Halberds
El viaje del elefante
El viaje del elefante
A Viagem do Elefante
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
As pequenas memórias
Geschichte der Belagerung von Lissabon
Uma voz contra o silêncio
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo/the Gospel According to Jesus Christ
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
Saramago por José Saramago
A jangada de pedra
Os Apontamentos
Miasto ślepców
Manual of painting and calligraphy
Intermitencias de la Muerte
Objecto Quase
As pequenas memórias
Levantado del Suelo
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
El Cuento De La Isla Desconocida/the Tale of the Unknown Island
O conto da Ilha Desconhecida
O Lagarto
The Double
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario IV
Balsa de Piedra, La
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Baltasar and Blimunda
L'Autre comme moi (Cadre vert) (French Edition)
Memorial Del Convento/baltazar And Blimunda
A Bagagem do Viajante
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
Das Memorial
Memorial del Convento
All the names
Jangada De Pedra
Memorial Del Convento
Las Pequenas Memorias
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
Ensayo Sobre La Ceguera
Viagem a Portugal
Cadernos De Lanzarote Diario II
La Caverna
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis. - 2.ed.
Manual of painting & calligraphy
A caverna
Evangelio Segun Jesucristo, El
Evangelio Según Jesucristo / the Gospel According to Jesus Christ
The History of the Siege of Lisbon
Le dieu manchot
Ölümlü Nesneler
História do cerco de Lisboa
Het schijnbestaan
Caín / Cain
The tale of the unknown island
Objecto quase
Kleine Erinnerungen
Provavelmente Alegria
Ricardo Reis'in Oldugu Yil
Levantado do chão
Ewangelia wedlug Jezusa Chrystusa
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Ölüm Bir Varmis Bir Yokmus; 1998 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü
Manual de pintura e caligrafia
Memorial do Convento
Discursos Premios Nobel
El viatge de l'elefant
Death at Intervals
Memorial del Convento
Histoire du siège de Lisbonne
A viagem do elefante
i spilia / η σπηλιά
Butun Isimler
Ensayo sobre la ceguera
luz inesperada
Assaig sobre la ceguesa
O silêncio da água
Das Evangelium nach Jesus Christus
Cain / Cain
Historia del Cerco de Lisboa
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera (Spanish Edition)
El silencio del agua
Raised from the Ground
Levantado do cha o
Olum Bir Varmis Bir Yokmus
Small Memories
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
El viatge de l'elefant
La caverna
El Viaje del Elefante
Levantado Do Chao
Small Memories
El cuento de la isla desconocida
Ressamın Günlüğü
Journey to Portugal
Memorial do convento
Cuadernos de Lanzarote, (1993-1995)
Saramago na Universidade
Provavelmente alegria
The stone raft
Alabardas, alabardas, espingardas, espingardas
Assaig sobre la ceguesa
Deste Mundo e do Outro
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, the
cuento de la isla desconocida
Ensayo sobre la lucidez
Tale of the Unknown Island
Balsa de Piedra
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - The Gospel According to Jesus Christ - Blindness [3 Books in One]
Topragin Uyanisi
Conversaciones con Saramago
Un regard sur le monde. Anthologie
In nomine dei
Os Apontamentos
La balsa de piedra
Das steinerne Floß
Das Evangelium nach Jesus Christus
The Elephant's Journey
Provavelmente alegria
Año de la Muerte de Ricardo Reis
The Cave
L'home duplicat
Assaig sobre la lucidesa
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, The
Las Pequeas Memorias
History of the Siege of Lisbon
All the Names
Baltasar and Blimunda
L'Evangeli segons Jesucrist
A noite
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera / Blindness
Catidaki Pencere
Blindness (Movie Tie-In)
Le Radeau de pierre
Storia dell'assedio di Lisbona
Heykelden Tasa ve Nobel Konusmasi
Ensayo Sobre la Lucidez / Seeing
Le intermittenze della morte
Tale of the Unknown Island
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
Stone Raft
O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Edicao exclusiva com caligrafia da capa por SEBASTIAO SALGADO
O silencio da agua - Nova edicao
O homem duplicado
Manual de pintura y caligrafi a
Intermitencias De La Muerte, Las
Viaggio in Portogallo
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
Viaje del Elefante
Miasto ślepców
Bilinmeyen Adanin Öyküsü
1998 Nōberu-shō, 21-seiki e no eichi
Oggetto quasi
Viaje Del Elefante / the Elephant's Journey
A Segunda Vida de Francisco de Assis
Dunyanin En Buyuk Cicegi
Les intermitències de la mort
Memorial Do Convento
History of the Siege of Lisbon
A Noite
La viuda
Masaʻ ha-pil
Història del Cerco de Lisboa
14 canciones. El viaje del elefante
Yitik Adanin Oykusu
Levantado do Chão
Small memories
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
viaje del elefante (edición ilustrada). 20. º aniversario del Premio Nobel
Viagem a Portugal
Vospominanii Ła o monastyre
Alle namen
O Evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo
Memorial do convento
La Balsa de Piedra
Miji ŭi sŏm =
Evangelie ot Iisusa
Stone Raft
L'últim quadern
Double Proof
Real fiction
Levantado do chão
A maior flor do mundo
Vospominanii︠a︡ o monastyre
Uma luz inesperada
Claraboia oder Wo das Licht einfällt
Caim Edicao exclusiva com caligrafia da capa por MILTON HATOUM
Obras Completas - Volume 4
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira. Die Stadt der Blinden, portugiesische Ausgabe
O homem duplicado
Cave Proof
As intermitências da morte
Levantado del Suelo
La caverna
Alle Namen. Sonderausgabe
Il racconto dell'isola sconosciuta
Nobel Address
Provavelmente Alegria
Portekiz’e Yolculuk
Os poemas possíveis
Memoriale del convento
A maior flor do mundo
Raised from the Ground
Raised from the Ground
I neʻelam
L'uomo duplicato
Baltasar a Blimunda
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Il Vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo
Viagem a Portugal
Folhas Políticas
El Ultimo Cuaderno
History of the Siege of Lisbon, The
Que Haréis con Este Libro
Les intermittences de la mort
The stone raft
Journey to Portugal
Els poemes possibles
La balsa de piedra
El Cuento de la Isla Desconocida
De Este Mundo y Del Otro / Las Maletas Del Viajero
Viaje a Portugal
Death with Interruptions
Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Que Farei Com Este Livro
Mizraklar, Mizraklar Tüfekler, Tüfekler
El quadern
Os poemas possi veis
Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Le Conte de l'île inconnue
Isa'ya Gore Incil
Baltasar and Blimunda
Stone Raft
Filin Yolculugu
Cain - Jose SARAMAGO - Book in Portuguese
Todos Os Nomes
Democracia y universidad
Manuel de peinture et de calligraphie
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis
Blindness (film Tie-In)
Evangelie ot Iisusa
Las Intermitencias De La Muerte
Autre Comme Moi
Las intermitencias de la muerte
Tale of the Unknown Island
Het schijnbestaan (Dutch Edition)
A Viagem do Elefante
Evangelie ot Iisusa
L'Evangile selon Jésus-Christ
A jangada de pedra
Sularin Sessizligi
Tale of the Unknown Island
Le voyage de l'éléphant
In nomine Dei
Death at intervals
El Evangelio según Jesucristo
Lizbon Kusatmasinin Tarihi
Manual of Painting and Calligraphy
Gospel According to Jesus Christ
A bagagem do viajante
El año de la muerte de Ricardo Reis
isa'ya Göre İncil
CAIN (Spanish Edition)
Quaderns de Lanzarote II
As Intermitencias da Morte
Deste mundo e do outro
Ensayo sobre la ceguera
Casi un Objeto / Almost an Object
Belki de Nese
L'anno mille993
Di questo mondo e degli altri
Kücük Anilar; Cocukluk ve Ilkgenclik Anilari
Small Memories
A viagem do elefante
Godine smrti Rikardo Reiša
Viaje a Portugal
Elephant's Journey
El cuento de la isla deconocida
L'any de la mort de Ricardo Reis
A última entrevista de José Saramago
Kopyalanmis Adam
El hombre duplicado
Small Memories
Ensayo Sobre La Lucidez
Manuale di pittura e calligrafia
Collected Novels of Jose Saramago
El Viaje Del Elefante
Baltasar Ile Blimunda
La flor más grande del mundo
Kain (Dutch Edition)
Portugal (Pallas Guides)
Ricardo Reis’in Öldügü Yil
Uma Luz Inesperada
Quasi objets
Objecto quase
A estátua e a pedra
Stone raft
Caverna / the Cave
Objeto quase
Poesia Completa
El Ano de La Muerte de Ricardo Ries
Körlük - Görmek
The Tale Of The Unknown Island / (El Cuento De La Isla Desconocida)
Ensayo sobre la lucidez
Manual de pintura y caligrafía
A maior flor do mundo
As opiniões que o DL teve
De andere kant
El último cuaderno
Kamennyĭ plot
El Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
La balsa de piedra
Discurso de aceptación del Premio ante la Academia Sueca, 1998
Les Poèmes possibles (Os poemas possíveis)
Discursos de Estocolmo
Terra do pecado
Le cahier
Evangelio Segun Jesucristo
Baltazar i Blimunda
A bagagem do viajante
Os apontamentos
El evangelio segun Jesucristo 1ed.
Poesía completa
Que farei com este livro?
The elephant's journey
Os apontamentos
Die Stadt der Blinden
A viagem do elefante
Diálogos com José Saramago
Ensayo Sobre la Lucidez / Awakening
In nomine Dei
Las intermitencias de la muerte
Levantado do chão
A caverna
A noite
La balsa de piedra
Os poemas possíveis
El evangelio según Jesucristo 1ed.
Geschichte der Belagerung von Lissabon
La Caverne
Histoires tragico-maritimes
Viagem a Portugal
O ano de 1993
Os poemas possíveis
Su contu de s'ìsula disconnota
De man in duplo
Objecto quase
L'année de la mort de Ricardo Reis
El hombre duplicado
Viaje a Portugal
Baltasar and Blimunda
A jangada de pedra
El silencio del agua
Deste mundo e do outro
Nuestro libro de cada día
Cadernos de Lanzarote
Bayard Taylor
Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

poet, diplomat, literary critic, journalist, critic, translator, politician, explorer, lyricist

Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Joseph and His Friend
The Late Great Ape Debate
Central Asia
At home and abroad
The  poetical works of Bayard Taylor
The  dramatic works of Bayard Taylor
Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor ..
The Story of Kennett
A  visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853
Life and letters of Bayard Taylor
Hannah Thurston
Beauty and the Beast
Travels in Arabia
Blah, blah, blah
The Lands of the Saracen
Views a-foot: or, Europe seen with a knapsack and staff
Boys of other countries
Ghostly Clients and Demonic Culprits
American Short Stories
The  echo club, and other literary diversions
The  ballad of Abraham Lincoln
Colorado: a summer trip
John Godfrey's fortunes; related by himself
Poems of the Orient
Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures : Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland
A School History of Germany: From the Earliest Period to the Establishment ..
Japan in our day
Cyclopaedia of modern travel
The  poems of Bayard Taylor
Travels in South Africa
Cyclopædia of modern travel
Eldorado Or Adventures In Path Of Empire
A  sheaf of poems
By-ways of Europe
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874
The Annotated Joseph and His Friend
Travels in Greece & Russia with an excursion into Crete
Studies in German literature
Home ballads
Poems of home and travel
The  prophet
The  American legend
Melodies of verse
Poetical works
The  masque of the gods
The  national ode
The Poet's Journal
Critical essays and literary notes
A  history of Germany from the earliest times to the present day
La  República dels Pirineus =
The Life, Travels And Books Of Alexander Von Humboldt
The  correspondence of Bayard Taylor and Paul Hamilton Hayne
A  school history of Germany
Lars a Pastoral of Norway
The  works of Bayard Taylor
Rhymes of Travel: Ballads and Poems
Selected letters of Bayard Taylor
The  lands of the Saracen ; John Godfrey's fortunes
Eldorado ; The story of Kennett
John Godfrey's Fortunes V1
Home pastorals, ballads and lyrics
The  picture of St. John
A Visit to India, China, and Japan (Ganesha - Japan in English: Key Nineteenth-Century Sources on Japan)
The  late great ape debate discussion guide
Views of old Europe
Beauty and The Beast, Etc.
Hand-book of literature and the fine arts
Beauty and the beast [a story of old Russia]; and, Tales of home
Picturesque Europe
Northern travel ; Travels in Greece and Russia
Views a-foot ; Beauty and the beast
Life And Letters Of Bayard Taylor V1
A Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs
Life And Letters Of Bayard Taylor V2
Beauty And The Beast And Tales From Home
Journey To Central Africa, A
By-ways of Europe ; Hannah Thurston
Beauty and the beast and other tales
Prince Deukalion
The Golden Wedding
The lake regions of Central Africa
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales from Home
Northern Travel
Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home (Annotated)
Joseph and His Friend
Ximena, or, The battle of the Sierra Morena
The lake regions of Central Africa
A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853, Volume 10
Travels to Arabia
Home ballads
Studies in German Literature. with an Introd. by George H. Boker
Boys of other countries
Travel in Kashmir Ladakh & Central Asia
Egypt and Iceland
Independence Day Orations and Poems
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama, ...
Novels-Hannah Thurston
Poet's Journal
Central Asia
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 1
Banard Taylor, Geschichte Von Deutschland
The poetical works of Bayard Taylor
Story of Kennett
Lands of the Saracen
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales
Journey to Central Africa
Travel and Miscellaneous-View Afoot
Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure Central Asia Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet
A School History of Germany
History of Germany from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
Japan in our day (Illustrated library of travel, exploration, and adventure)
World's Great Classics : Northern Travel
La bella y la bestia
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Two German Giants
Northern Travel (Esprios Classics)
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 5
Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure Central Asia Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet
Byeways of Europe
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Joseph and His Friend
Studies in German Literature with an Introd by George H Boker
Joseph and His Friend
The picture of St. John 1867 [Leather Bound]
Ximena and Other Poems
Visit to India
Northern Travel
Hannah Thurston
Echo Club, and Other Literary Diversions
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 4
Studies in German literature
Better Angels : A Retelling of Joseph and His Friend
Unpublished Letters
Northern Travel Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland
Travels in Greece and Russia; with an excursion to Crete. Household edition
The Dramatic Works of Bayard Taylor
Late Great Ape Debate
Home authors and home artists
Lands of the Saracen
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire
Following Jesus
Christians on the move
Life of Jesus
The Poetical Works of Bayard Taylor (Household Edition)
Travels; Volume 6
Greek Travel Diaries by 19th-Century Writers
Story of Kennett
The story of Kennett,
Eldorado, Or, Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama, ...
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 1
Boys of Other Countries
New pictures from California
The  unpublished letters of Bayard Taylor in the Huntington library
Prince Duekalion
Faust (illustrated)
At Home and Abroad
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 2
The  Quaker widow
Bismarck : His Authentic Biography
Poems of Home and Travel
Travels in Arabia
On leaving California
By-Ways of Europe
Eldorado Or Adventures in the Path of Em
The dramatic works of Bayard Taylor;
Poems of the Orient
Germany; rev. and ed. from the work of Bayard Taylor
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 2
Travels in Greece and Russia, with an Excursion to Crete
Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs
Story of Kennett
Eldorado; or, Adventures in the path of empire;
Beauty and the Beast
Cyclopaedia of Modern Travel : A Record of Adventure, Exploration and Discovery, for the Past Fifty Years
TRAVELS in ARABIA Ancient Rare and Interesting Story the Book Gives an Overview of the Most Important European Travelers
Northern travel ...
Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853
Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor
Travels in Greece and Russian
Bayard Taylor's Works
Bismarck: His Authentic Biography: Including Many of His Private Letters and Personal Memoranda ..
Japan in our day
New pictures from California
Japan in our day
Hannah Thurston
Poems of the orient
By-ways of Europe
The echo club, and other literary diversions
Ximena, or, The battle of the Sierra Morena
Travels in Greece and Russia, with an excursion to Crete
Eldorado or, Adventures in the path of empire
Travels in Arabia
The lake regions of Central Africa
Boys of Other Countries (juvenile)
The poetical works of Bayard Taylor
Melodies of verse
Studies in German literature
India, China, and Japan ; studies in German literature
The story of Kennett
The story of Kennett
Hannah Thurston (Berkshires - Collected Works of Federal Writers Project)
A visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853
Poems, by Bayard Taylor
[Letter to] My dear Mr. Garrison
Dramatic Works and Poetical Works
A visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853
Northern travel
National ode
The ballad of Abraham Lincoln
Critical essays and literary notes
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the path of empire
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874
Hannah Thurston (The Muckrakers Ser.)
The golden wedding
Northern travel
The American Legend: A Poem Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard ..
The centennial ode
Goethe, August 28th, 1875
Life and letters of Bayard Taylor
At home and abroad
Travels in South Africa
Alla gloriosa memoria di Vittorio Emanuele, primo re d'Italia, gli Italiani residenti in New York convenuti in publica assemblea offrivano in omaggio di lutto e di riconoscenza il XIV di gennajo MDCCCLXXVIII
Central Asia
Lisa Appignanesi
Lisa Appignanesi (born 1946)

journalist, linguist, literary critic, television producer, scholar of English

  • McGill University
Dreams of innocence
Femininity & the creative imagination
The cabaret
Freud's women
Losing the dead
Mad, Bad and Sad
Simone de Beauvoir
Memory and desire
Kicking fifty
The dead of winter
Simone de Beauvoir (Life & Times S.)
Paris requiem
The Memory Man
Unholy Loves (Belle Epoque Mysteries)
The Things We Do for Love
Sad, mad and bad
All about love
A good woman
Kalt ist die See
In der Stille des Winters
Die andere Frau
Ideas from France: The Legacy of French Theory
Simone De Beauvoir (Life & Times)
Das Kabarett
Freud's Women
All about love
Unholy loves
A Good Woman and The Things We Do For Love
Freud's Women