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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 129-136 out of 180 results
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

mathematician, philosopher, theologian, physicist, French moralist, statistician

Great Books of the Western World
The Gospel of the Gospels
Great shorter works of Pascal
Abrégé de la vie de Jésus-Christ
Short life of Christ
Jésus: Abrégé de la vie de Jésus-Christ
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal
Les provinciales
Les lettres provinciales de Blaise Pascal
Pensées de Blaise Pascal
Thoughts on religion and other important subjects
The life of Mr. Paschal
Premiere, quatrieme et treizime lettres provinciales
The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal
Les provinciales, ou, Lettres de Louis de Montalte
Thoughts, tr. by W.F. Trotter
Thoughts on Religion, and Other Important Subjects: Recently Tr. from the ..
Œuvres de Blaise Pascal: publićes suivant Fordre chronologique, avec documents complémentaires ..
Texte primitif des Lettres provinciales: d'après un exemplaire in-40 (1656 ..
Monsieur Pascall's thoughts, meditations, and prayers, touching matters moral and divine
The Harvard Classics
Opuscules philosophiques, pub. avec une vie de Pascal
Pensées, fragments et lettres de Blaise Pascal
L' oeuvre de Pascal
Les pensées
Œuvres de Blaise Pascal
The mind on fire
Pascal par lui-même
Pensļæ½ees de Pascal: prļæ½ecļæ½edļæ½ees de sa vie par mme. Pļæ½erier, sa soeur, suivies d'un choix ..
Thoughts of Pascal
Pensees de Pascal
Les première, quatrième et treizième lettres provinciales
Thoughts on Religion, and Other Subjects
Selected "Pensees" and Provincial Letters/Pensees et Provinciales choisies
Oeuvres complètes
Entretien avec M. de Sacy sur EpicteĢ€te et Montaigne
Les provinciales ou Lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte a un provincial de ses amis, & aux RR ..
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal
Fragments philosophiques
Selections from Pascal
Pascal's Pensees
Texte primitif des Lettres provinciales: d'après un exemplaire in-40 (1656-1657) ou se trouvent ..
Pensées sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
The living thoughts of Pascal
Texte primitif des Lettres provinciales, d'après un exemplaire in-4 (1656-1657) ou se trouvent des corrections en écriture du temps
Aflame with love
Foundations of the Christian Religion (Foundations of Faith) (Foundations of Faith)
Pascal penseĢes
Provincial letters, containing an exposure of the reasoning and morals of the Jesuits to which is added A view of the history of the Jesuits and The late bull for the revival of the order in Europe
Pensées de Pascal, précédées de sa vie
The physical treatises of Pascal
Les pages immortelles de Pascal
The provincial letters, moral teachings of the Jesuit fathers opposed to the Church of Rome and Latin vulgate
Pensées de Blaise Pascal dans leur texte authentique et selon l'ordre voulu par l'auteur, précédées de documents sur sa vie et suivies de ses principaux opuscules
Les  provinciales, extraits
Blaise Pascal
Pages sur le Christ
The provincial letters ; Pensées ; Scientific treatises
Thoughts on religion and other subjects
Pensees/Lettres a Un Provincial
De l'autorité en matière de philosophie
Le manuscrit des Pensées de Pascal, 1662
Pensees and Other Writings
Blaise Pascal: Thoughts, Letters and Minor Works
Les provinciales
Pascal's Pensées
L' Entretien de Pascal et Sacy
Les pensées de Blaise Pascal
Pensées de Pascal
Daily readings with Blaise Pascal
Discours sur les passions de l'amour
Pensées et Opuscules, publiés avec une introd., des notices et des notes par Léon Brunschvicg
Pascal's Apology for Religion
La Machine arithmetique
Traitez de l'equilibre des liqueurs, et de la pesanteur de la masse de l'air
Sur le traiteĢ du vide
Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion
Les Provinciales ou les Lettres eĢcrites par Louis de Montalte aĢ€ un provincial de ses amis et aux RR. PP. JeĢsuites [par] Pascal
Provincial letters, containing an exposure of the reasoning and morals of the Jesuits
Lettres de A. Dettonville (Blaise Pascal) 1659
Entretien avec de Saci sur Épictète et Montaigne ; De l'autorité & du progrès en philosophie
De l'esprit geometrique
Oeuvres choisies de B. Pascal
Pascal's Pensées
PenseĢes sur la religion
Pensées de Pascal sur la vérite de la religion chrétienne
Opuscules et letters
Ludovici Montaltii Litterae provinciales de morali & politica Jesuitarum disciplina
Pensbees et Opuscules
Blaise Pascal's Gedanken
Oeuvres Completes
Les provinciales (texte de 1656-1657)
Pensées, extraits
Les provinciales, ou, Les lettres écrites par Louis de Montalte pseud., à un provincial de ses amis et aux RR. PP. jésuites sur la morale & la politique de ces pères
Provinciales, lettres I, IV et extraits
Discours sur les passions de l'amour attribué à Blaise Pascal
Entretien avec Sacy sur la philosophie
Blaise Pascal Thoughts
De l'art de persuader
Entretien avec M. de Saci sur Épictète et Monteigne
Pensées de Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
A Concordance to Pascal's Pensées
Logique de Port-Royal: suivie des trois fragments de Pascal sur L'Autorité ...
Monsieur Pascall's thoughts
Les pensées, et oeuvres choisies
Pensées de Pascal publiées dans leur texte authentique avec un commentaire suivi et une étude littéraire
Pensees sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Pensées; selections
Discurso Acerca De Las Pasiones Del Amor Y Otros Opusculos Discourse On The Passions Of Love And Other Booklets
EĢloge et penseĢes de Pascal
Ame et esprit de Pascal
Œuvres compleĢ€tes
Les Provinciales
L'expérience de Dieu avec Pascal
The Essential Pascal
Œuvres de Blaise Pascal
Les Pensees (3 Audio Compact Discs in French)
The Thoughts of Blaise Pascal - Primary Source Edition
Traitez de l'eqvilibre des liqvevrs, et de la pesantevr de la masse de l'air
The heart of Pascal
Gedanken. Über die Religion und einige andere Themen
Lettres provinciales 1, 4, 13, et Opuscules philosophiques
Pensées de B. Pascal
Les provinciales, ou, les lettres écrits par Louis de Montalte a un provinvial de ses amis et aux révérends péres Jésuites
Thoughts, tr. by W.F. Trotter; letters, tr. by M.L. Booth; minor works, tr. by O.W. Wight
Les passions dans l'oeuvre de Blaise Pascal
Größe und Elend des Menschen
Les Pensées de Pascal. Reproduites d'après le texte autographe disposées selon le plan primitif et suivies des Opuscules
PenseĢes ... sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets
Pacal's PenseĢes
Pascal. FeĢnelon
Pascal par lui-meme
Kleine Schriften zur Religion und Philosophie
De l'esprit géométrique. Entretien avec M. de Sacy, Ecrits
Deux pièces imparfaites sur la GrĢ‚ace et le Concile de Trente
Entretien avec M. de Saci sur EĢpicteĢ‚te et Montaigne
Les provinciales, ou, Lettres éscrittes [sic]
Les provinciales, ou, Les lettres eĢcrites par Louis de Montalte aĢ€ un provincial de ses amis
Pensées et opuscules
Philosophers of the Spirit
Les première, quatrième et treizième lettres provinciales
Les provinciales, or, The mystery of Jesvitisme
Les provinciales
Lettres provinciales
Opuscules et lettres (choix)
Pensées (Ed. de 1670)
Neuvie'me escrit des curez de Paris
Selected Readings from Blaise Pascal
Pensées sur la vérité de la religion chrétienne
Pensees (Thoughts)
Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion & sur quelques autres sujets
Pensées de m. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Lettres écrites à un provincial
¿uvres comple  tes
Discours da la condition de l'homme
Pensées sur la politique
Discours de la condition de l'homme
Solitudine e storia
Provincial Letters Containing an Exposure of the Reasoning and Morals of the Jesuits to Which is Added a View of the History of the Jesuits
PenseĢes de Blaise Pascal, suivies d'une nouvelle table analytique
Traitez de l'eqvilivre des liqvevrs et de la pesantevr de la masse de l'air
Les pensées sur la religion
Human Happiness
Deux pièces imparfaites sur la grâce et le Concile de Trente, extraites du MS de l'abbé PrĢˆier, son neveu
The miscellaneous writings of Pascal
Pensees (in French)
Selected thoughts
Pensées de m. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Pensées choisies de Blaise Pascal
Les pages immortelles de Pascal, choisies et expliquées
The living thoughts of Pascal
Les pensées
Les provinciales (texte de 1656-57)
Extraits des traités de l'équilibre des liqueurs et de la pesanteur de la masse de l'air
PenseĢes and other writings
The life of Mr Paschal, with his letters relating to the Jesuits
Réflexions sur la géométrie en général
L'Art de persuader précédé de L'Art de conférer
The Essential Pascal (Essentials)
Think. Small Works. (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) (Pensées / ŠœŃ‹ŃŠ»Šø. ŠœŠ°Š»Ń‹Šµ сŠ¾Ń‡ŠøŠ½ŠµŠ½Šøя. ŠŸŠøсьŠ¼Š°)
Oeuvres completes de Pascal
Oeuvres, Volume 2... (French Edition)
Blaise Pascal Briefe 1
Pensées sur la religion
Les provinciales de Blaise Pascal
Traités scientifiques
PrieĢ€re pour demander aĢ€ Dieu le bon usage des maladies
Pascal selections
Traite s de l'equilibre des liqueurs et de la pesanteur de la masse de l'air
Les penseĢes de Pascal
Pensées (Ed. de 1670)
Haįø³damah le-meįø„įø³ar Ź»al ha-įø„alal ha-reįø³ u-khetavim aįø„erim Ź»al į¹­evaŹ» ha-madaŹ» į¹æeha-sifrut
Les pense es
Oeuvres complète
Pensées sur la justice
Gospel of the Gospels
Septiesme eĢcrit des curez de Paris, ou Iournal de tout ce qui s'est passeĢ tant a Paris que dans les prouinces; sur le sujet de la morale de l'Apologie des Casuistes, iusquesaĢ€ la publication des censures de Nosseigneurs les archeuesques & euesques, & de laFaculteĢ de theologie de Paris.
Maximes et penseĢes
Pascal PenseĢes
Provincial letters, containing an exposure of the reasoning and morals of the Jesuits, by Blaise Pascal
Lettres de A. Dettonville
The Great Books of the Western World
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres Set 14 vols
Oeuvres Completes
Les provinciales
Entretien avec M. de Saci dur Epictète et Montaigne
Les Pensées de Pascal, disposées suivant l'ordre du cahier autographe
Traitez de l'eqvilibre des liqvevrs..
Pensées. Éd. variorum
Moralistes français
L' œuvre de Pascal
The works of Pascal
Pensées sur la religion et sur qelques autres sujets
Selected thoughts of Blaise Pascal
Pensés de Pascal
Tratados Biase de Pascal
Oeuvres compleĢ€tes avec tous les documents biographiques et critiques, les oeuvres d'EĢtienne, de Gilberte et de Jacqueline Pascal et celles de Marguerite PeĢrier, la correspondance des Pascal et des PeĢrier
Pensées et opuscules
Pensees choises de Pascal
Abrégé de la vie de Jésus-Christ
Pages sur Crist
Discours sur les passions de l'amour attribué à Pascal, avec un commentaire de Émile Faguet
Pascal's Pensees
Lettres provinciales et Pensées
Lettres écrites à un provincial
Les lettres de Blaise Pascal
De l'esprit géométrique ; Entretien avec M. de Sacy ; Écrits sur la grâce ; et autres textes
Great shorter works
Opuscules philosophiques
Gedanken uĢˆber Gott und den Menschen
Pascal pensees
OEuvres choisies disposeĢes d'apreĢ€s l'ordre chronologique
The thoughts, letters, and opuscules of Blaise Pascal, tr
Les pensés de Blaise Pascal
Oeuvres complètes, avec tous les documents biographiques et critiques, les oeuvres d'Etienne, de Gilberte et de Jacqueline Pascal et celles de Marguerite Périer, la correspondance des Pascal et des Périer
Lettres provinciales et Pensées
Thoughts on religion, and other subjects; by Monsieur Pascal. Translated from the French
Les provinciales ou lettres écrites par Louis de Montalte a un provincial de ses amis et aux RR.PP.Jésuites sur le sujet de la morale et de la politique de ces pères
Textes inédits
Les provinciales
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal
Les provincials
Extraits des TraitŹ¹es de lŹ¹Ģ•equilibre des liqueurs et de la pesanteur de la masse de laĢ•ir
Maximes et Pensees
Pascal par lui-meĢ‚me*[eĢdition de]Albert BgĢuin
Pensées de Pascal
Pascal's apology for religion
L' impérieux amour de Blaise Pascal
Pensees (Fl)
The thoughts of Blaise Pascal
Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets
PenseĢes de B. Pascal (eĢdition de 1670)
Les trois nuits de Pascal
The thoughts of Blaise Pascal
Lettres ecrits a un provincial
Textes choisis et présentés par Jules Chaix-Ruy
Oeuvres choisies disposées d'après l'ordre chronologique avec introduction, bibliographie, notes, grammaire, lexique et illustrations documentaire [sic] par Victor Giraud
Discours sur les passions de lŹ¹amour de Pascal
Deux pièces imparfaites sur la Grâce et le Concile de Trente
Pascal mis au service de coux qui cherchent
Pensées de Blaise Pascal dans leur texte authentique et selon l'ordre voulu par l'auteur, précédées de documents sur sa vie et suivies de ses principaux opuscules
Thoughts on religion and other subjects
Provincial letters, containing an exposure of the reasoning and morals of the Jesuits
Pascal's Pensées
Thoughts on religion
Shen si lu
Lettres écrites a un provincial
Pensées et Opuscules
De l'esprit géometrique
Les provinciales
Pensées sur la justice et quelques autres sujets (édition Brunschvicg, articles I-VII)
Les provinciales
El pensamiento vivo de Pascal
Pensées choisies de Blaise Pascal
Textes inédits
Moralistes français du XVIIe siècle
Religiöse Schriften
Traités de l'équilibre des liqueurs et de la pesanteur de la masse de l'air
Moralistes françois
Pensées de Pascal: publiées dans leur texte authentique avec une introduction, des notes et des ...
Gedanken von Pascal
Ludovici Montaltii Litterae provinciales, de morali & politica Jesuitarum disciplina
Pensées, lettres et opuscules divers
Pensées sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Lettre escrite à vn Provincial par vn de ses amis svr le sviet des dispvtes présentes de la Sorbonne ... [Seconde - dix-huitième lettre. Response du Provincial aux deux premières lettres. Refutation de la Réponse à la douzième lettre.]
Thoughts of Pascal
Mysli Paskaliļø aļø”
Pensées de Blaise Pascal
Entretien avec M. de Saci sur Épictète et Monteigne
Les provinciales, ou, Les lettres écrites par Louis de Montalte à un provinciale de ses amis et aux RR. PP. Jésuites
Pascal par lui-même
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal
Oeuvres complètes
Lettres écrites à un provincial
Thoughts on religion and other subjects
Provinciales: lettres I, IV et XIII, publiées avec une introduction, des notes et un appendice
Oeuvres complètes
Thoughts on religion and other curious subjects
The provincial letters
Pensées de Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Thoughts on religion and philosophy
Pensées et Opuscules. --
Pensées retranchées de Pascal
The provincial letters
Textes inédits
Entretien avec M. de Saci sur Épictète et Monteigne
Provinciales: lettres I, IV et XIII, publiées avec une introduction, des notes et un appendice
Oeuvres complètes
Pensées et opuscules
Pascal e i giansenisti
Pensées [de] Pascal
Pensées de Pascal publiées dans leur texte authentique avec un commentaire suivi et une étude littéraire par Ernest Havet ...
The provincial letters ; Pensées ; Scientific treatises
Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal
Pensées sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Les provinciales, ou, Les lettres ecrites
Provincial letters
Pensées =
Textes inédits
Moralistes francŹ¹ais
The thoughts of Blaise Pascal
Thoughts on Religion and Philosophy
Pensbees et Opuscules
Les provinciales
Les provinciales, ou Lettres
Escritos escogidos
Czego uczą Jezuici?
Pascal pensées
The provincial letters
Thoughts on religion & other subjects [with pious reflections for every day in the month & prayers by Fénelon.].
The thoughts on religion and evidenced of Christianity of Pascal
Les lettres de Blaise Pascal
Pascal's Gedanken, Fragmente und Briefe
Les provinciales; ou, Lettres de Louis de Montalte
Les trois nuits de Pascal
Pensees de m. Pascal sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets
Pascal's pensées
Géométries de Port-Royal
Pensées de Pascal
Préface sur le Traité du Vide
Pensées sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
L'Entretien de Pascal et Sacy
Thoughts on religion and other curious sibjects
I. Entretien avec de Saci sur Épictète et Montaigne suivi d'extraits de Montaigne. II. De l'autorité & du progrès en philosophie suivi d'extraits et d'èclaireissements relatit's à l'histoire de l'idée de progrès
Lettres écrites à un provincial
The Provincial Letters of Pascal
Pensées sur la religion
Pasukaru zenshū
Pascal's pensées
Pensées de Pascal sur la vérite de la religion chrétienne
Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion & sur quelques autres sujets
Pensees, fragments et lettres de Blaise Pascal
Les lettres de Blaise Pascal
Les provinciales, ou, Lettres e crites par Louis Montalte
Monsieur Pascall's thoughts, meditations, and prayers, touching matters moral and divine, as they were found in his papers after his death
Pensées sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Haįø³damah le-meįø„įø³ar Ź»al ha-įø„alal ha-reįø³ u-khetavim aįø„erim Ź»al į¹­evaŹ» ha-madaŹ» į¹æeha-sifrut
PenseĢes de Pascal
Penseés De M. Pascal Svr La Religion Et Svr Qvelqves Avtres Sviets, Qui ont esté trouvées aprés sa mort parmy ses papiers. [Vignette]
Pensées de Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets: éd. de Port-Royal corrigée et ...
Les penseĢes de Pascal
The Living thoughts of Pascal
Pensées de Pascal
Pensees des SS. PP. sur la danse
The Provincial Letters of Blaise Pascal
Discours sur les passions de l'amour
Thoughts on religion, and other subjects ...
Pensées ... suivies des lettres écrités à un provincial
Abrégés de la vie de J.-C
Pensées sur la religion, et sur ... autres sujets, qui ont esté trouvées aprés sa mort parmy ses papiers ...
Discours sur les passions de l'amour
Œuvres complètes
Les provinciales
Discours sur les passions de l'amour
Oeuvres de Blaise Pascal
Thoughts of Blaise Pascal
Pascal pas lui-même
Additionals To The Mystery Of Iesvitisme
Pensées sur l'homme et Dieu
Les provinciales: ou, Les lettres écrites par Louis de Montalte [pseud.] à ...
Pensées choisies de Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal
Pascal's pensées
Œuvres complètes
Pensées, fragments et lettres de Blaise Pascal
Traitez de l'eqvilibre des liqvevrs et de la pesantevr de la masse de l'air ...
Les provinciales de Blaise Pascal
The mystery of Jesuitism, discovered in certain letters, written upon occasion of the present differences at Sorbonne between the Jansenists and the Molinists, displaying the pernicious maximes of the late casuists
Moralistes francŹ¹ais
Monsieur Pascall's Thoughts, Meditations, and Prayers, Touching Matters Moral and Divine, As they were found in his Papers after his Death. Together with a Discourse upon Monsieur Pascall's Thoughts, Wherein is shewn what was his Design. As also another Discourse On the Proofs of the Truth of the Books of Moses. And a Treatise, Wherein is made appear that there are Demon- strations of a different Nature, but as certain as those of Geometry, and that such may be given of the Christian Religion. Done into English by Jos. Walker. Licensed by R.M.
[Thoughts on religion, and other curious subjects ... Translated into English by Basil Kennet ... The third edition.].
Les pensées
Les Provinciales, Or, The Mystery Of Jesvitisme. Discovered in certain Letters, written upon occasion of the present Differences at Sorbonne, between the Jansenists and the Molinists
Les pensées de Blaise Pascal
PenseĢes de M. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets
Les provinciales
Pensées de Monsieur Pascal sur la religion & sur quelques autres sujets, qui on esté trouvées aprés sa mort parmy ses papiers
Original des Pensées de Pascal
Les provinciales de Pascal
Les provinciales, ou, Lettres éscrittes [sic]
Entretien avec M. de Sacy
Pascal par lui-même
Pensees sur la religion et sur quelques autre sujects
The life of Mr. Paschal
Billy Graham
Billy Graham (1918-2018)

pastor, theologian, preacher, autobiographer

  • Wheaton College, Bob Jones University
Just As I Am
The secret of happiness
Billy Graham speaks
I Still Miss Someone
I saw your sons at war
Just as I am
The Holy Spirit
How to be born again
Peace with God
Till Armageddon
A biblical standard for evangelists
The Jesus generation
Answers to Life's Problems
Approaching Hoofbeats
Facing death and the life after
Breakfast with Billy Graham
Hope for the troubled heart
Storm warning
Peace With God The Secret Happiness
The secret of happiness
Living in God's love
Hope for Each Day
Billy Graham Talks to Teenagers
Unto the hills
Nearing Home
The Journey
Approaching hoofbeats
The evangelist and a torn world
The key to personal peace
The challenge
Death and the life after
Death and the Life After
My answer
The faithful Christian
The wit and wisdom of Billy Graham
World aflame
Billy Graham
The faith of Billy Graham
The Billy Graham Christian worker's handbook
Rules for Christian living
Life wisdom from Billy Graham
The enduring classics of Billy Graham
Parasubano marag
God's sacrifice for you
God's passion for you
The reason for my hope
La Jornada
Angels, God's secret agents
You His Witness
The Daily Prayer Journal with Billy Graham
Billy Graham in quotes
The Journey
The 7 Deadly Sins
Peace with God
Divine Inspiration
The Collected Works of Billy Graham
Heaven the Final Journey
God's blessing for you
Don't Be Left Behind
God's Love for You
Choose ye this day
The Holy Spirit
Just As I Am LP
Where I am
New Testament; Psalms; Proverbs
Living as a Christian
Building a Christ-Centered Home
Storm Warning
Led to believe
Led to Believe
Billy Graham, the Inspirational Writings
Learning to Pray
The reason for my hope
Nearing home
Secret of Happines
Hear my heart
Is God "dead"?
Joni Planner
The Billy Graham Training Center Bible
El Secreto De LA Paz Personal
Celebrate the Risen Christ (Today)
Wisdom for each day
Facing Death
The early Billy Graham
Searching for Hope
Billy Graham Christian Worker Handbook
So wie ich bin. Die Autobiographie
Finding Freedom
50 Years of Sermon and Song
Tal Como Soy
Freedom from the seven deadly sins
Revival in our time
America's hour of decision
The Journey Group Study Kit
Transforming Church
The King's Astronomer
Unto the Hills Daybrightener
God bless America
Enfrentando la muerte y la vida en el más allá
Confronting the Enemies Within
Words That Will Live Forever
The Pastor's Guide to Effective Preaching
Holy Spirit, The
Is Peace Possible?
Revival in our time
Billy Graham Magyarországon
The Collected Works of Billy Graham (Angels, How To Be Born Again, The Holy Spirit)
Dealing with Doubt
Esperanza Para El Corazon Afligido / Hope for the Troubled Heart
Leaving a Legacy
How to Be Born Again
Wld Aflame
Embracing the Good News
The cherished works of Billy Graham
The secret of happiness
Day by Day with Billy Graham
His greatest works
The Billy Graham Classic Library
The Last Crusade
The 7 deadly sins
The chance of a lifetime
Paz Con Dios/Peace with God
The cradle, cross, and crown
Church Humor Digest
El Mundo En Llamas/World Aflame
The Journey Facilitator's Guide
The quotable Billy Graham
Unto the hills
The Jesus generation
Wisdom for Each Day , Large-Print
Peace with God - The secret of happiness - Answers to life's problems
The secret of happiness
Como Obtener Paz Con Dios / Steps to Peace with God
El Papa Juan Pablo II
Storm Warning (Books on Cassette)
Nearing home
The Billy Graham Christian worker's handbook
Day by Day with Billy Graham-Calendar
Billy Graham's the Bible says
Make a Difference
A Christmas Message
Day by Day 2002 Calendar (Page-Per-Day Calendars)
Unto the Hills-Calendar
Till Armageddon:A Perspective on Suffering
Billy Graham/Eternal Praise
Friede mit Gott
Are You Ready
Onnellisen elaĢˆmaĢˆn avaimet
Billy Graham
Solving life's problem / Soluciones a los problemas de la vida
Great preachers
Leva-sof shalom
Peace with God
Billy Graham in Romania
Tanrı ile barışmak
Day by Day With Billy Graham (DayFramer Calendars)
The Secret of Soul Winning
The journey
Give this man place
The Holy Spirit
Hasta El Armageddon
Hope for the troubled heart
Your Disaster Checklist
The Holy Spirit: Personal Bible studies on the Holy Spirit
Freedom from the seven deadly sins
Billy Graham's - Christian Life & Witness Course
Soluciones a Los Problemas de
The challenge
La razón de mi esperanza
Manual de Billy Graham Para Obreros / Billy Graham Handbook for Christians
The illustrated Bible
El Espiritu Santo
Divine Inspiration Box Set
Peace with God
How to Be Born Again (with Built-In Study Guide)
The leader's guide to effective preaching
Billy Graham answers your questions
Nacer A Una Nueva Vida
My Answer (Cedar Book)
El Espiritu Santo/Holy Spirit
I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Storm warning
The quotable Billy Graham
World aflame
El Secreto De La Felicidad/Secret of Happiness
Billy Graham, God's Ambassador
Esperanza Para Cada Dia / Hope for Each Day
The Holy Spirit Activating God's Power In Your Life
So wie ich bin. Sonderausgabe. Die Autobiographie. Der Diplomat des Himmels
Angels (Calendar)
Passion with a purpose
Crusade hymn stories
Usted Es Testigo de Cristo
Angeles / angels
Words Of Wisdom
Unto the hills
The seven deadly sins
Aviso de Tormenta
Paz con Dios
Alone with the Savior
The wit and wisdom of Billy Graham
The classic writings of Billy Graham
Billy Graham 50 Years Sermon/Song
Billy Graham talks to teenagers
C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)


  • University of Oxford, Campbell College
Surprised by Joy
Letters of C. S. Lewis
Visionary Christian
Letters to an American lady
All My Road before Me
The Latin letters of C.S. Lewis
All My Road Before Me
Surprised by Joy
Surprised by Joy
Latin Letters of C. S. Lewis
All My Road Before Me
Surprised by Joy
All My Road Before Me
All My Road Before Me
Cautivado Por la Alegria
Surprised by
The Horse and His Boy
The Last Battle
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Mere Christianity
The Four Loves
Out of the Silent Planet
The Problem of Pain
The Silver Chair
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Till We Have Faces
A Grief Observed
The Kingfisher book of great boy stories
George MacDonald--An anthology
The dark tower, and other stories
That hideous strength
The pilgrim's regress
Prince Caspian
Watch For The Light
The allegory of love
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
A Mind Awake
The Abolition of Man
Reflections on the Psalms
The discarded image
Christian reflections
Easter Stories
One-Hundred-and-One Read-Aloud Classics
C. S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters
The Weight of Glory
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Spirits in bondage
The Great Divorce
C.S. Lewis letters to children
The Magician's Nephew
Selected literary essays
A Preface to Paradise Lost
Books, Broadcasts, and the War, 1931-1949
The Grand Miracle
The joyful Christian
Edmund and the white witch
Essays Presented to Charles Williams
The Cosmic Trilogy
Collected Letters
God in the dock
Novels (Screwtape Letters / Screwtape Proposes a Toast)
Studies in medieval and Renaissance literature
Five Best Books in One Volume (Case for Christianity / Christian Behaviour / Great Divorce / Miracles / Screwtape Letters)
Edmund and the White Witch
Letters to Malcolm
Paved with good intentions
Of other worlds
Daily readings with C.S. Lewis
Narrative poems
Virtue and vice
They stand together
The essential C.S. Lewis
Space Trilogy
Yours, Jack
Aslan's triumph
Hey! Listen To This
Lucy Steps Through the Wardrobe
The Chronicles of Narnia
The business of heaven
The light fantastic
Horse & Pony Stories
A Year with Aslan
Chronicles of Narnia (Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe / Magician's Nephew)
The world's last night, and other essays
What Christians Believe
On stories, and other essays on literature
An Experiment in Criticism
Made for Heaven
Image and Imagination
Signature Classics (Great Divorce / Grief Observed / Mere Christianity / Miracles / Problem of Pain / Screwtape Letters)
Beyond personality
Spenser's images of life
Words to Live By
The Return to Narnia
Christian behaviour
Present concerns
Fern-seed and elephants, and other essays on Christianity
The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3
Tales of Narnia (The Magician's Nephew / The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe / The Horse and His Boy)
The Chronicles of Narnia
The creatures of Narnia
Of This and Other Worlds
Works (Abolition of Man / Great Divorce)
The personal heresy
The wisdom of Narnia
Wood Between the Worlds
The Narnia Journal
Welcome to Narnia
C.S. Lewis on faith
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century
A Year with C. S. Lewis
The case for Christianity
The Signature Classics Audio Collection (Great Divorce / Mere Christianity / Problem of Pain / Screwtape Letters)
Essay collection
The Collected Works of C.S. Lewis
The Shadow-lands of C.S. Lewis
The quotable Lewis
C.S. Lewis's the Problem of Pain/a Grief Observed (Shepherd's Notes Christian Classics 2)
Studies in words
C.S. Lewis on love
The Inspirational Writings of C.S. Lewis
Selected Books
Christian Reunion and Other Essays
Apprendre la mort
Seeing Eye and Other Selected Essays from Christian Reflections
The Beloved Works of C. S. Lewis
Broadcast talks
The literary impact of the Authorised Version
Gospel in Dorothy L. Sayers
Perelandra (Viaje a Venus) (Creacion Literaria)
Illustrated Treasury of Modern Literature for Children
Compelling Reason
The Oxford history of English literature
A reader's companion to The hobbit and the lord of the rings
Le problème de la souffrance
Khroniki Narnii
The trouble with "X"
The How-to book
Lucy's Adventure / Quest for Aslan
Theism and Humanism
They asked for a paper
Na ni ya chuan qi
The Narnia Paper Dolls
Rehabilitations and other essays
Das Wunder von Narnia
Letters to Children
Studies in Words (Canto)
A Christian for all Christians
Essay collection & other short pieces
Six by Lewis
En Busca De Aslan
Über die Trauer
Till We Have Faces
The spirit of C.S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis; five best books in one volume
Más Allá Del Planeta Silencioso
Preparing for Easter
Das Gespräch mit Gott. Gedanken zu den Psalmen
Timeless at Heart
1963 Britannica Book of The Year A Record of the March of Events of 1962
The Problem of Pain
Pardon, ich bin ein Christ. Geschenkausgabe. Meine Argumente für den Glauben
The Magical Land of Narnia
The Magician's Nephew (One-Act)
El Leon, LA Bruja, Y El Ropero (Lewis, C. S. Chronicles of Narnia. Bk. 1.)
Poetry and Prose in the Sixteenth Century
Come boldly
The Timeless Writings of C.S. Lewis
Finding the Kingdom
C.S. Lewis on grief
Studies in Words
The Chronicles of Narnia Box Set
Cautivado por la Alegria
Letters to an American Lady
Le Monde de Narnia
Flucht aus Puritanien. Eine phantastische Reise
Problem of Pain
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The collected poems of C. S. Lewis
Following the Call
The Silver Chair
El Leon, La Bruja y El Armario
Chronicles of Narnia Complete 7-Book Collection : All 7 Books Plus Bonus Book
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Silver Chair
Mere Christianity/The Screwtape Letters (Collector's Box Set)
Die Chroniken von Narnia 1/7
Was man Liebe nennt. Zuneigung, Freundschaft, Eros, Agape
A viagem do caminheiro da alvorada
Screwtape proposes a toast
Collected Letters Volume Three Vol. 3
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Chronicles of Narnia #6 the Silver Chair
George MacDonald
Mere Christianity Journal
Plough Quarterly No. 9
How to Pray
On Writing
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
To quote C.S. Lewis
Thel ion, the witch and the wardrobe
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Board Book
Chronicles of Narnia (Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe / Prince Caspian / Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
How to Read
The C.S. Lewis journal
The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe
The Silver Chair
NRSV, the C. S. Lewis Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Comfort Print
Spirits in Bondage
Überrascht von Freude. Eine Autobiographie
Mind Awake
Shepherd's Notes
The World of Narnia Collection
Tea with Mr. Tumnus (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe)
El príncipe caspio
Voyage to Venus
The Lion, the Witch And The Wardrobe
Über die Trauer. Der Begleiter für schwere Stunden
Être ou ne pas être.  Le christianisme est-il facile ou difficile?
Complete Chronicles of Narnia
How to Be a Christian
C. S. Lewis`s Lost Aeneid - Arms and the Exile
The Problem of Pain
A Book of Narnians
Wunder. Möglich - wahrscheinlich - undenkbar?
C.S. Lewis on joy
The Silver Chair
The Abolition of Man
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
El Gran Divorcio
L'Armoire Magigue
Pardon, ich bin Christ. Meine Argumente für den Glauben
Letters to Malcolm
Gott auf der Anklagebank
El Problema del Dolor
Prince Caspian
Till We Have Faces
The Chronicles of Narnia
The lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe
The Wisdom of C.S. Lewis (The Wisdom Of... Series)
Cómo Orar
C.S.Lewis Signature Classics (C.)
Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis - Box Set
The Last Battle  [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] C. S. Lewis,C.S. Lewis
Plough Quarterly No. 15 - Staying Human
The Silver Chair
Contemporary Christianity
Great Divorce
The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe
La experiencia de leer
Die Chroniken von Narnia 1. Das Wunder von Narnia. ( Jugendbuch)
Grief Observed
Le prince Caspian le voyage de Lucy
Chrześcijaństwo po prostu
The quest for Aslan
A Grief Observed
World's Last Night
Weight of Glory
Great Divorce
Out of the Silent Planet
The Complete Chronicles of Narnia
The Silver Chair (Puffin Books)
Screwtape Letters
Diablo Propone un Brindis
Perelandra a Novel
Great Divorce
Xlion Witch and Wardrobe 2
Lo Eterno Sin Disimulo
Pilgrim's Regress
On The Incarnation
Screwtape Letters
Letters: C.S. Lewis, Don Giovanni Calabria
Spirits in Bondage
Tea with Mr. Tumnus
The Chronicles of Narnia - U.K. Box Set
Out of the Silent Planet
Surprised by Joy
El Perdon y Otros Ensayos Cristianos
Spirits in Bondage
Prince Caspian
Letters to Malcolm
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Story and Activity Book
Complete Poems
Compelling Reason
World of Narnia 32bk Bin+postcards
Reabilitations and other essays
La silla de plata
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Out of the Silent Planet
Una Pena Observada
Screwtape Letters
Silver Chair
Of other worlds
Till We Have Faces
A Grief Observed
Problema Del Dolor
Cómo Ser un Cristiano
Till We Have Faces
The Screwtape letters (Hardcover)
NRSV, the C. S. Lewis Bible
Christian Reflections
Prince Caspian
La travessia del Navegant de l'Alba
Weight of Glory
Screwtape Letters
El príncep Caspian
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prins Kaspian (4) [AFRIKAANS]
How to Be a Christian
World's Last Night
Out of the Silent Planet
Out of the Silent Planet
The Screwtape Letters
Return to Narnia : the Rescue of Prince Caspian
Los milagros
How to Pray
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Centenary (The Illustrated Chronicles of Narnia)
C. S. Lewis Bible
Reflections on the Psalms
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe A story for Children
Present Concerns
Le Prince Caspian
Cronicas de Narnia 2
Experimento de Crítica Literaria
Spirits in Bondage
Year with Aslan
Abolition of Man
The Allegory of Love by C. S. Lewis (1958-08-05)
The Allegory of Love
T/C - Esa Horrible Fortaleza 2 - Trilogia Cosmica Iii
De Otros Mundos
Miracles A Preliminary Study
Till We Have Faces
Le Cronache Di Narnia
The Problem of Pain
Christian Reflections
Preface to Paradise Lost
Travesía Del Viajero Del Alba
Out of the Silent Planet
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
The Lion, the Witch, And the Wardrobe (the Chronicles of Narnia, Book 2)
Reflections on Psalms
Prince Caspian CD
De descriptione temporum
Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics
Great Divorce
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century excluding Drama (The Completion of the Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1944)
That Hideous Strenght
Surprised by Joy
El Principe Caspian / Prince Caspian
Abolition of Man
Pilgrim's Regress
Screwtape Letters
Mere Christianity. A Revised and Enlarged edition with a new introduction, of the 3 books, The Case for Christianity and...
Letters to Malcolm
Prince Caspian
The silver chair
Der Ritt nach Narnia
Reflexões cristãs
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Mere Christianity
Problem of Pain
Perelandra - on Playaway
Mind Awake
Silla de Plata
The Silver Chair (The Chronicles of Narnia Ser., Bk.6)
Prince Caspian
Reflections on the Psalms
George MacDonald
Out of the Silent Planet
Preface to Paradise Lost
Problem of Pain
Cròniques de Nàrnia. El príncep Caspian
Die Vaart Van Die Dagbreker (5) [AFRIKAANS]
Surprised by Joy
"Miserable offenders"
Narna 6
Narnia Calendar 2009 Plus the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Picture Book
The Four Loves
Till We Have Faces
Die Silwer Stoel (6) [AFRIKAANS]
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Of Other Worlds
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
George MacDonald
La Trilogie Cosmique. Au-delà de la planète silencieuse perelandra cette hideuse puissance
The Silver Chair
Screwtape Letters
Grief Observed
Great Divorce
Year with Aslan
Out of the Silent Planet volume 1 (one)
A mind awake
A Grief Observed
How to Be a Christian
Peso de la Gloria
Prince Caspian the Return to Narnia
That Hideous Strength 1ST Edition Us
Reina Valera Revisada, Biblia Reflexiones de C. S. Lewis, Tapa Dura, Negro, Interior a Dos Colores, Comfort Print
La última batalla
Family Narnia
Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia, Book 4)
Year with C. S. Lewis
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The letters of C.S. Lewis to Arthur Greeves (1914-1963)
Reina Valera Revisada Biblia Reflexiones de C. S. Lewis, Tapa Dura, Interior a Dos Colores
Mere Lewis
Sobre Cuentos, Historias y Literatura Fantástica
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Movie Storybook
NARNIA 4 - El principe de Caspian
La Ultima Batalla
Screwtape proposes a toast and other pieces
Problem of Pain
Screwtape Letters
Undeceptions: essays on theology and ethics
World of Narnia Advent Calendar
Letters to Malcolm
Mero Cristianismo
Pardon, ich bin Christ
Wisdom of Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia : The Magician's Nephew
Pena en Observacion
The Problem of Pain
The Silver Chair ~ 1971 Paperback Edition ~
The Chronicles of Narnia Box Set
Image and Imagination
Space Trilogy
Complete Chronicles of Narnia
The Screwtape Letters & Screwtape Proposes a Toast
Mordaith Y Sioned Ann
The Last Battle
Listy starego diabla do mlodego 2020
Reading Life
Reflections on the Psalms
Mere Christianity
Esa horrible fortaleza
Narrative Poems
Abolition of Man
Yours, Jack
An Experiment in Criticism by C. S. Lewis (1961-01-01)
Lucy Steps Through the Wardrobe
Die Laaste Geveg (7) [AFRIKAANS]
La Travesia del Explorador del Alba
Cartas de Carl S. Lewis a Los Ninos
Christelijk leven
Problema del Dolor, El
On Stories
Christian Behaviour
Leon, la Bruja y el Ropero
A PREFACE TO PARADISE LOST - Being the Ballard Matthews Lectures
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Yours, Jack
Present Concerns
C. S. Lewis Collection : Complete Works
Magician's Npephew
Personal Heresy
By C. S. Lewis The Discarded Image
Problem cierpienia
Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set
C. S. Lewis Collection : Academic Works : The Eight Titles Include
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis Annotated
Las Crónicas de Narnia
O Trono De Prata
The Abolition of Man & The Great Divorce
The Tortured Planet  Specially Abridged by the Author
The Chronicles of Narnia
Chronicles of Narnia
First and Second Things
Mind Awake
Pilgrim's Regress
Last Battle
Last Battle
10 Best Books to Read for Easter : Selections to Inspire, Educate, and Provoke
Mere Christianity. A Revised and Amplified Edition, with a new Introduction, of the three books "Broadcast Talks", "Christian Behaviour" and "Beyond Personality". Fontana. 1956.
Una Pena en Observacion
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Allegory Of Love - A Study In Medieval Tradition
Les Chroniques De Narnia
Business of Heaven
Prince Caspian
By C. S. Lewis Reflections on the Psalms (New edition) [Paperback]
Four Loves
The Problem of Pain
Abolition of Man
Christian Reflections
The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Volume 2
Perelandra : (Space Trilogy, Book Two)
Allegory of Love
Caspian's Army
Cztery miłości
Prince Caspian
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Silver Chair
Year with Aslan
Sorprendido Por La Alegria
Silver Chair
The Reading Life
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis Annotated(illustrated Edition)
Illustrated Screwtape Letters
Spirits in Bondage
Yours, Jack
Sobrino Del Mago
Narnia 50th Anniversary 47bk Bin
Out of the Silent Planet
Preface to Paradise Lost
El sobrino del mago
Preface to Paradise Lost
Los Cuatro Amores
Preparing for Easter
Preparing for Easter
El lleó, la bruixa i l'armari
Beyond personality
Nellie Fisher 1 De breuk
Spirits in Bondage: a Cycle of Lyrics : (Illustrated)
Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the (Lions)
Lo Eterno Sin Disimulo
The Discarded Image
Reflexiones sobre los salmos
World's Last Night
Till We Have Faces
Letters to Malcolm
Th e Problem of Pain
Cronicas de Narnia 4. El principe Caspian
Words to Live By
Letters of C. S. Lewis
The voyage of the dawn treader, by C.S. Lewis
Reflections on the Psalms
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century (Excluding Drama)
Screwtape Letters
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century Excluding Drama ( Oxford History of English Literature Vol. III )
Screwtape Proposes a Toast (Fontana Religious)
Mientras No Tengamos Rostro
Four Loves
On Stories
Screwtape Letters
Oom tovenaar (De Kronieken van Narnia, 1)
Surprised by Joy
Hamlet the prince or the poem?
Chronicles of Narnia
The Abolition of Man - Reflections on Education (Riddell Memorial Lectures, Fifteenth Series)
Silver Chair
Esa horrible fortaleza
Space Trilogy, Omnib : Three Science Fiction Classics in One Volume
Present Concerns
Surprised by Joy/ the Four Loves
Spirits in Bondage; a Cycle of Lyrics, in Three Parts
Perelandra. Un viaje a Venus
The Screwtape Letters & Screwtape Proposes a Toast. ( Large Print )
2000 Narnia Calendar
Prince Caspian
That Hideous Strength
Transposition and Other Addresses
The Chronicles of Narnia : The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Reflections on the Psalms
Last Battle
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Surprised by Joy
Preparación para Pascua
Transposition and Other Addresses
Die Tur Nach Narnia
Transposition and Other Addresses
On Stories
Out of the Silent Planet
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Chronicles of Narnia
Pilgrim's Regress
Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass
The Chronicles of Narnia 7 Book Set
Song of the Morning
Virtue and Vice
Screwtape Letters
Great Divorce
Return to Narnia
Wisdom of Narnia
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis (annotated Edition)
Bóg na ławie oskarżonych
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe 1973 Collier PB
Dark Tower and Other Stories
Silla de Plata
C. S. Lewis Collection : Novels and Stories : The Nine Titles Include
Príncipe Caspian
C. S. Lewis Essay Collection
Silver Chair [Paperback] [Jan 01, 1976] Lewis, C.S.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe  [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] C S LEWIS
Mientras No Tengamos Rostro
Siostrzeniec Czarodzieja
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Novel by C. S. Lewis
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis Annotated Illustrated Edition
Till We Have Faces
Além Do Planeta Silencioso - Trilogia Cósmica  - Out of the Silent Planet
Will we lose God in outer space?
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Abolition of Man
Wisdom of C.S. Lewis
Business of Heaven
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Activity Book
Mere Christianity
Abolition of Man
Silver Chair, The
El sobrino del mago. Edición especial 5,95
El Caballo Y Su Nino (Lewis, C. S. Chronicles of Narnia. 5.)
Screwtape Letters
Studies in Words
Der silberne Sessel. Fantasy-Edition
El príncep Caspian
Surpreendido pela alegria
Discarded Image
The Screwtape Letters
Mere Christianity
Selected books
Screwtape proposes a toast, and otherpieces
Mere Christianity
Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino
Aquela Força Medonha I (Portuguese Edition)
Collected Letters Volume One
Great Divorce
Incendus Letters
The Silver Chair (The Chronicles of Narnia, Full-Color Collector's Edition)
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Torre Oscura y Otras Historias
Trilogía Cósmica
Mere Christianity; The Screwtape Letters; The Great Divorce
The Pilgrim's Regress
Mroczna Wieza
Transposition and Other Addresses
Prince Caspian
Esa Horrible Fortaleza
The Great Divorce (Third Printing)
The Pilgrim's Regress
George MacDonald
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Abolition of Man
Mere Christianity
Las cartas de Screwtape
Voyage of the "Dawn Treader"
Till We Have Faces
L'Ultima Battaglia
Christian Reflections by C. S. Lewis (1967-02-27)
Spirits in Bondage
Last Battle
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Reflections on the Psalms
Four Loves
Step into Narnia
Abolition of Man
How to Pray
Grief Observed
Four Loves
Mere Christianity Combining the Case For Christianity, Christian Behaviour, Beyond Personality
The Tales of Narnia
Jesus as a Boy
Movie Storybook
O modlitwie. Listy do Malkolma
Chronicles of Narnia Colouring Book
Crestinism, Pur Si Simplu
Out of the Silent Planet (Space Trilogy (Or Ransom Trilogy), volume 3)
The Problem of Pain
How to Be a Christian
O Grande Divorcio
Abolición Del Hombre
Chronicles of Narnia
Reina Valera Revisada, Biblia Reflexiones de C. S. Lewis, Tapa Dura, Turquesa, Interior a Dos Colores, Comfort Print
La travessia del Navegant de l'Alba
Dopóki mamy twarze
Callejon Sin Salida
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Cartas Del Diablo a Su Sobrino
Uncle Andrew's Troubles
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Collected Letters Volume Three
Libro de Los Narnianos
Made for Heaven
Great Divorce
Silver Chair
Mere Christianity
Last Battle
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
La Abolicion de todas las religiones
Lo Primero y lo Segundo
Un experiment de crítica literària
C. S. Lewis Collection : Biographical Works : The Eight Titles Include
Chronicles of Narnia
Weight of Glory
Gran Divorcio
Reflections on the Psalms
Gedankengänge. Essays zu Christentum, Kunst und Kultur
Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer
The Weight of Glory
A Abolicao do Homem
Great Divorce
Perelandra : (Annotated Edition)
Present Concerns
English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Excluding Drama
Las Crónicas de Narnia. Colouring book
El lleó, la bruixa i l'armari
Clásicos Selectos de C. S. Lewis
On the Incarnation (Sea Harp Timeless Series)
Clásicos Selectos de C. S. Lewis
Dark Tower
Spirits in Bondage
Dios En El Banquillo
C. S. Lewis' Little Book of Wisdom
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardobe/The Chronicles of Narnia 6 Vols
Preparing for Easter
The Discarded Image; an Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature.
Cronicas de Narnia VI - La Silla de Plata
Four Loves
Silver Chair
Surprised by Joy
Un experiment de crítica literària
Selected Literary Essays
Out of the Silent Planet
El nebot del mag
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
The Chronicles of Narnia Set
Pegasus: Providing Enrichment for the Gifted
Personal Heresy
Out of the Silent Planet : (Annotated Edition)
La trilogía cósmica
Mas Alla Del Planeta Silencioso (Trilogia Cosmica)
The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader"
Reflections on the Psalms
Pilgrim's Regress, Wade Annotated Edition
Las crónicas de Narnia. El león, la bruja y el armario
L'Armoire magique
Chronicles of Narnia Official Coloring Book
Reina Valera Revisada Biblia Reflexiones de C. S. Lewis, Leathersoft, Café, Interior a Dos Colores
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis
Till We Have Faces
Reflections on the Psalms
Cztery milosci
Made for Heaven
The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader" ~ C.S. Lewis ~ 1976 Paperback Edition ~
Esporas de Helecho y Elefantes
Complete Chronicles of Narnia Boxset
Grief Observed
Cautivado por la Alegría
Reading Life
Year with C. S. Lewis
Beyond Personality
2001 Narnia Calendar
El príncep Caspian
Rehabilitations and Other Essays
C. S. Lewis Collection : Signature Classics and Other Major Works : The Eleven Titles Include
Un Visage Pour L Eternite
Błądzenie pielgrzyma
The collected poems of C.S. Lewis
Prince Caspian [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] C. S. Lewis,C.S. Lewis
Reflections on the Psalms
Die Perd en Sy Seun (3) [AFRIKAANS]
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia) by C. S. Lewis (2007-08-14)
Die Chroniken von Narnia 05. Die Reise auf der Morgenröte
Four Loves
The Chronicles of Narnia
Screwtape Proposes a Toast
Paved with Good Intentions
Alegoría Del Amor
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Complete Chronicles of Narnia
The Discarded Image
The Best of C.S. Lewis
Till we have faces
Out of the Silent Planet
El príncep Caspian
Travesia Del Viajero Del Alba
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Los Milagros
Screwtape Letters
Letters to an American lady by C.S. Lewis; edited by Clyde S. Kilby
Dark Tower and Other Stories
Out of the Silent Planet
The silver chair
A Christian for all Christians
Los Milagros
Gültiges und Endgültiges. Essays zu zeitgemäßen und unzeitgemäßen Fragen
The Case For Christianity
El cavall i el noi
Votage of the Dawn Treader
Welcome to Narnia
Esa Horrible Fortaleza (Trilogia Cosmica)
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Andere werelden en de onze
A Grief Observed
Principe Caspian
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Las crónicas de Narnia. Libro desplegable
Le lion, la sorcière blanche et l'armoire magique
abolición del hombre
Le cronache di Narnia
George MacDonald
Chronicles of Narnia 7-In-1 Bundle with Bonus Book, Boxen
The Worlds Last Night
Reina Valera Revisada Biblia Reflexiones de C. S. Lewis, Leathersoft, Azul Marino, Interior a Dos Colores
Yours, Jack
Narnia I - El Sobrino del Mago
C.S. Lewis Centenary 27bk Bin
C. S. Lewis
última Batalla
Grief Observed
Collected Letters Volume Two
Mere Christianity
Business of Heaven
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis
Dios en el Banquillo
The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Volume 1
George MacDonald
George MacDonald
Las Criaturas de Narnia
The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Reina Valera Revisada Biblia Reflexiones de C. S. Lewis, Leathersoft, Azul Marino, con Índice, Interior a Dos Colores
What Christians Believe
Las crónicas de Narnia 2. El león, la bruja y el armario
The Silver Chair
Last Battle
Die Chroniken von Narnia 2. Der König von Narnia. ( Jugendbuch)
Experiment in Criticism
By C. S. Lewis Surprised by Joy (C. Lewis Signature Classic)
Letters to Malcolm
Chronicles of Narnia
Silver Chair
The Abolition of Man
Out of the Silent Planet
Reading Life
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Screwtape Letters
Beyond Personality
On the Incarnation (Sea Harp Timeless Series)
The Last Battle CD
C. S. Lewis at War
Out of the Silent Planet : (Space Trilogy, Book One)
Out of the Silent Planet
Prince Caspian
The Silver Chair  [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2007] C S Lewis
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The Four Loves
The Reading Life
That Hideous Strength : (Space Trilogy, Book Three)
Mind Awake, a
Het paard en zijn jongen (De Kronieken van Narnia, 3)
Xproblem of Pain Book People
Problem of Pain
Spirits in Bondage
The Chronicles of Narnia
What Christians Believe
English literature in the sixteenth century excluding drama
Four Loves
Prince Caspian the chronicles of narnia (movie images inside)
El nebot del mag
Chronicles of Narnia
Family letters 1905-1931
On Stories
Screwtape Letters Novel by C. S. Lewis (annotated Edition) (illustrated Edition)
Five Best Books in One Volume
The beloved works of C.S. Lewis (The family christian library)
ESA Fuerza Maligna
The voyage of the Dawn Treader / C.S. Lewis ; illustrations by Pauline Baynes
That Hideous Strength (Scribner Classics) by C.S. Lewis (1996-10-01)
Narnia Trivia Book
Más allá del planeta silencioso
Plough Quarterly No. 8
Of Other Worlds
Silver Chair
Till We Have Faces
Illustrated Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis Collection : Essays and Speeches : The Six Titles Include
Chronicles of Narnia
How to Pray
C. S. Lewis Bible
That Hideous Strength
Dark Tower, and Other Stories
C.S. Lewis' little book of wisdom
The Great Divorce
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis' Little Instruction Book
C. S. Lewis Signature Classics : An Anthology of 8 C. S. Lewis Titles
Letters to an American lady
That Hideous Strength
Christian Reflections
Les Chroniques de Narnia (French edition of The Chronicles of Narnia), 7 volumes
Broadcast Talks - Reprinted with some alterations from two series of Broadcast Talks (Right and Wrong: A Clue to the Meaning of the Universe and What Christians Believe) given in 1941 and 1942.
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Problem of Pain
Lo Eterno Sin Disimulo
Till We Have Faces
Narna 3
Abolition of Man
Mere Christianity -- A Revised and Enlarged Edition of the Books
Mas Alla del Planeta Silencioso
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
L'última batalla
Reflexiones sobre los salmos
Spencer's images of life
Great Divorce
Screwtape Proposes a Toast
Narna 7
The pilgrim's regress
Lucy Steps Through the Wardrobe
Last Battle
Four Loves
Great Divorce. a Novel
NRSV, the C. S. Lewis Bible, Hardcover, Comfort Print
Of Other Worlds
Prince Caspian
Full-Color World of Narnia Dangler
Last Battle
Literary Impact of the Authorized Version
Mere Christianity
Transposition and Other Addresses
Four Loves
Rozważania o psalmach
Chronicles of Narnia Box Set
El tron de plata
The Abolition of Man & the Great Divorce
God in the Dock
Space Trilogy
The Screwtape Letters
The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
Der innere Ring. Und andere Essays
Problem of Pain
Letters to an American Lady (Cat. No. 174)
Jidu tu de xing wei
Gümüş sandalye
Allegory of love: a study in medieval tradition
Om bön
A Severe Mercy
Saigo no tatakai
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe.
Brothers & Friends
Di yu lai hong
Las Cronicas de Narnia - Libro III -
CS Lewis box USE 0060653027
Voyage to Venus (Perelandra)
The last battle
A Preface to Paradise lost, being the Ballard Matthews lectures delivered at University College, North Wales, 1941
El león, la bruja y el ropero
La abolición del hombre
Favorite quotations from C.S. Lewis for Latter-day Saints
Reflections on the Psalms
Tactique du diable
Essays on the Death Penalty
Letters to Don Giovanni Calabria
Narna 5
The abolition of man
The world's last night, and other essays
Was man Liebe nennt
C. S. Lewis on punishment
Late Passenger
Über das lesen von Büchern
La travesía del viajero del alba
Daily Readings
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
Ne kaji sarang
Experiencia de Leer, La
The great divorce, a dream
Creatures of Narnia
Serebriļø aļø”noe kreslo
Poetry and prose in the sixteenth century
Jidu tu di xin yang
Susan's journey
The literary impact of the Autorized version
היפו×Øי ממלכ×Ŗ × ×Øניה
Hero and leander
Narnia III - El Caballo y El Muchacho
Tong ku de ao mi
Prinz Kaspian von Narnia
The Narnia Picture Book Audio Collection CD
Till we have faces
Le prince Caspian
Chronicling Narnia
El Leion, LA Bruja Y El Armario/Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
The Screwtape letters
Genesis of Hamlet
The silver chair
The literary impact of the Authorized version
Mere Christianity/Screwtape
Surpris par la joie
Zui hou yi zhan
Die Chroniken von Narnia 04. Prinz Kaspian von Narnia
Perelandra (Space Trilogy, Book 2)
Perelandra. Un Viaje a Venus
Narna 1
Chronicle of Navnia Cp1631
Na ni ya Zhuan qi
ESA Horrible Fortaleza
Letters to an American lady
Mark vs. Tristram
Narnia Activity Book
Out of the silent planet
Cronicas de Narnia I
The efficacy of prayer
Reis naar Venus
Si Dieu écoutait
The literary impact of the Authorized version
Out of the silent planet
ha-MasaŹ» be-derekh ha-shaįø„ar
The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set
An experiment in criticism by C.S. Lewis
Fan pu gui zhen
La última batalla
Chronicle of Narvia Cp1615
How to pray
Group Textual Study of Fiction in Primary and Middle Schools
The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.
Über den Schmerz
Gin no isu
Zui hou zhi zhan
Studies in words
Chronicles of Narnia Map Posters
Vergin martě
Khroniki Narnii, Pokoritel' zari, ili plavanie na krai sveta
Arshaloysi Tirakalin chambordutŹ»iwně
Narna 2
Chronicles of Narnia Trade
The Lion, the Withch and the Wardrobe
C.S.Lewis Reader
Out of the silent planet
Poslední bitva
The screwtape letters
Screwtape Writes Again
Beyond the bright blur
La Silla De Plata
Expérience de critique littéraire
Perelandra, a novel
Narna 4
Tian lu hui cheng
The Christian way
Crônicas de Nárnia - Volume Único, As
Essays on the eighteenth century
The essential C.S. Lewis
Le monde de Narnia
Broadcast talks, reprinted with some alterations from two series of broadcasts talks (Right and wrong: a clue to the meaning of the universe and What Christians believe) given in 1941 and 1942
The Timeless writings of C.S. Lewis
Raion to majo
CS Lewis box fill w/ 0060653027
× ×Øניה
The trouble with X
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)

philosopher, theologian, translator, pedagogue

  • University of Halle-Wittenberg
The Life of Jesus
Aus Schleiermacher's leben
Briefwechsel 1774-1796
Briefwechsel 1801-1802 (Briefe 1005-1245)
Das leben Jesu ...
UĢˆber die Religion
On what gives value to life
Kritische Gesamtausgabe
Christliche Glaube
Friedrich Schleiermacher's sämmtliche werke
On the Glaubenslehre
Exegetische Schriften
Christmas Eve
Theologische EnzyklopaĢˆdie (1831/32)
Hermeneutics and criticism and other writings
Briefwechsel 1799-1800
Schriften Aus Der Berliner Zeit
Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen
Selected sermons of Schleiermacher
Grundlinien einer Kritik der bisherigen Sittenlehre
Friedrich Schleiermachers Grundriss der philosophischen Ethik
Ethik (1812/13)
Christliche Sittenlehre in Vorlesungen
Schriften Aus Der Stolper Zeit (1802-1804) (Kritische Gesamtausgabe, Vol 4)
Reformed but ever reforming
Kirchenpolitische Schriften
Schriften aus der Hallenser Zeit 1804-1807
The theology of Schleiermacher
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt (1821/22)
Theologisch-Dogmatische Abhandlungen Und Gelegenheitsschriften (Kritische Gesamtausgabe)
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Servant of the Word
Christliche Sittenlehre
A debate on Jewish emancipation and Christian theology in old Berlin
Kurze Darstellung Des Theologischen Studiums (1811/1830) (De Gruyter Texte)
On Religion Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers
The Christian household
Letters on the Occasion of the Political Theological Task and the Sendschreiben (Open Letter) of Jewish Heads of Households (Schleiermacher Studies & Translations)
Monologen nebst den Vorarbeiten
Schleiermachers Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums
Brouillon Zur Ethik/Notes on Ethics (1805/1806): Notes on the Theory of Virtue (1804/1805) (Schleiermacher Studies and Translations, 22)
Kleine Schriften und Predigten
Ueber die Schriften des Lukas
Die Weihnachtsfeier. Ein Gespräch
Brouillon zur Ethik (1805/1806) =
On freedom
Zur Darstellung des theologischen Studiums
Friedrich Schleiermacher On Creeds, Confessions And Church Union
Der christliche Glaube
The Christian faith in outline
Schleiermacher: Hermeneutics and Criticism
Christian caring
Schriften aus der Berliner Zeit, 1800-1802
Über die Religion
Über den Ersten Brief Pauli an Timotheus
Friedrich Schleiermacher's interpretation of the Epistle to the Colossians
Gelegentliche gedanken über universitäten in deutschem sinn
Predigten für den christlichen Hausstand
Vorlesungen über die kirchliche Geographie und Statistik
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt
Bis naĢˆchstes Jahr auf RuĢˆgen
Der christliche Glaube 1821/22
Introduction to Christian ethics
Selections from Friedrich Schleiermacher's Chrisitian ethics
Kritische Gesamtausgabe: Abt 1: Schriften Und Entwurfe. Bd9
Christliche Festpredigten
Schleiermacher's Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato
Christmas Eve; dialogue on incarnation
On the highest good
Friedrich Schleiermacher's Reden ueber die Religion
Vertraute briefe über Friedrich Schlegels Lucinde
Reden über die Religion
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der Evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhang dargestellt
Die Leitsaā–”tze der ersten und der zweiten Auflage von Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre nebeneinandergestellt
Friedrich Schleiermacher und die Trinitätslehre
Register Zur I. Ateilung
Schleiermacher als mensch
Schriften aus der Stolper Zeit (1802-1804)
Philosophische Schriften
Predigten uĢˆber den christlichen Hausstand
PaĢˆdagogische Schriften
"Essays and reviews" anticipated
Briefwechsel, 1806-1807
Hermeneutik, nach den Handschriften neu hrsg. und eingeleitet von Heinz Kimmerle
Brief outline of theology as a field of study
Dialectic, or, The art of doing philosophy
Brief outline on the study of theology
Brouillon zur Ethik (1805/06)
Reden ueber die Religion
Briefwechsel, 1804-1806
Friedrich Schleiermacher harmonie
Die Leitsätze der ersten und der zweiten Auflage von Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre
Brief outline of the study of theology
Monologen. Eine Neujahrsgabe
UĢˆber die Philosophie Platons
Christian Faith
Des différentes méthodes de traduire et autre texte
Praktische Theologie Nach Den Grundsatzen Der Evangelischen Kirche Im Zusammenhange Dargestellt
Hermeneutik und Kritik mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Neue Testament
Vorlesungen uĢˆber die Aesthetik
Einleitung ins neue Testament
Der christliche glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im ..
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Briefwechsel 1796-1798
Friedrich Schleiermacher's, On the highest good
Bruchstücke der unendlichen Menschheit
Sämmtliche Werke, 1. abth
The life of Schleiermacher as unfolded in his autobiography and letters
AĢˆsthetik (1819/25) ; UĢˆber den Begriff der Kunst (1831/32)
Texte zur Pädagogik 2. Kommentierte Studienausgabe
Werke Schleiermachers
Predigten uĢˆber das Evangelium Marci und den Brief Pauli an die Kolosser
Geschichte der christlichen kirche
Briefwechsel 1800 (Briefe 850-1004)
Schleiermachers pädagogische Schriften
Briefe bei Gelegenheit der politisch theologischen Aufgabe und des Sendschreibens jüdischer Hausväter
Sammlung zerstreuter theologischer Aufsaetze
Friedrich Schleiermacher, die Darstellung der Idee eines sittlichen Ganzen im Menschenleben anstrebend
Occasional thoughts on universities in the German sense
SaĢˆmmtliche Werke, 3. abth
Die Leitsätze der ersten und der zweiten Auflage von Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre
On the doctrine of election
Vorlesungen über die Dialektik
On the Academy (Schleiermacher Studies, Vol 2)
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der Evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt
Schleiermacher's Early Lectures on Hermeneutics (Schleiermacher Studies and Translations, 17)
Theologische Schriften
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Schleiermachers letzte Predigt
Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato
Hermeneutik und Kritik mit besonderer Beziehung auf das Neue Testament
Die christliche Sitte nach den GrundsaĢˆtzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhang dargestellt
A critical essay on the Gospel of St. Luke
Brief outline of the study of theology, drawn up to serve as the basis of introductory lectures
Werke, Auswahl in vier Bände
Die christliche Sitte nach den GrundsaĢˆzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt
Schleiermachers Sendschreiben über seine Glaubenslehre an Lücke
Religioni, etica mondiale, destinazione dell'uomo
The Christian faith
On Music (Schleiermacher Studies & Translations)
Monologen nebst Vorarbeiten
Etica ed ermeneutica
Über die Religion
SaĢˆmmtliche Werke
Predigten 1822-1823
Christliche Sittenlehre (Vorlesung im Wintersemester 1826/27)
Brief outline of the study of theology, drawn up to serve as the basis of introductory which are prefixed Reminiscences of Schleiermacher
Vorlesungen über die Lehre vom Staat
Zur Theologie
The Christian faith in outline
Schleiermacher's Soliloques
Über die Religion. Reden an die Gebildeten unter ihren Verächtern ( 1799)
Vorlesungen über die Kirchengeschichte
Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen
Brief outline of theology as a field of study
Ausgewählte pädagogische Schriften
Lectures on philosophical ethics
Psychologie .
Der Christliche Glaube
Fifteen Sermons of Friedrich Schleiermacher Delivered to Celebrate the Beginning of a New Year (Schleiermacher Studies and Translations, V. 23)
Aus Schleiermacher's Leben
Ungedruckte Predigten Schleiermachers aus den Jahren 1820-1828
Schleiermachers Sendschreiben über seine Glaubenslehre an Lücke
Vortraute briefe über Friedrich Schlegels Lucinde
Briefwechsel Friedrich Schleiermachers mit August Boeckh und Immanuel Bekker, 1806-1820. Für die Litteraturarchivgesellschaft in Berlin Hrsg
Die Leitsätze der ersten und der zweiten Auflage von Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre nebeneinandergestellt
Ideen, Reflexionen und Betrachtungen aus Schleiermachers Werken
Friedrich Schleiermacher's Reden ueber die Religion
Aus Schleiermacher's leben.  In briefen
La foi chrétienne d'après les principes de la reforme
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Vaterländische Predigten
Briefe Friedrich Schleiermachers an Ehrenfried und Henriette von Willich geb. von Mühlenfels, 1801-1806
Friedrich Schleiermachers Briefwechsel mit seiner Braut
Zur Darstellung des theologischen Studiums
Predigten in den Jahren 1789 bis 1810
Schleiermacher's Darstellung vom Kirchenregiment
Schleiermacher als Mensch, sein Werden
Friedrich Schleiermacher's sämmtliche werke
Konfirmationsrede am 31. März 1831 in der Dreifaltigkeitskirche zu Berlin bei der Einsegnung des Fürsten Bismarck gehalten von Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher
Die leitsätze der ersten und der zweiten auflage von Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre nebeneinandergestellt. Von d. Martin Rade
On religion
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Christian faith
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Friedrich Schleiermachers Weihnachtsfeier
Theologische Schriften
Hermeneutik Nachbericht
Über die Religion
Konfirmationsrede am 31. März 1831 in der Dreifaltigkeitskirche zu Berlin bei der Einsegnung des Fürsten Bismarck gehalten von Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher
Schleiermacher's Handschriftliche Anmerkungen zum ersten Theil der Glaubenslehre
Die christliche Sitte
Schleiermachers Dialektik
Brief outline of the study of theology
Schleiermacher's soliloquies
Fr. Schleiermacher's Briefwechsel mit J. Chr. Gass
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsäzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt
Zwei unvorgreifliche Gutachten in Sachen des protestantischen Kirchenwesens zunächst in Beziehung auf den preussischen Staat
Über die Religion
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
A critical essay on the Gospel of St. Luke
The life of Schleiermacher
Das Christliche Leben nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche
Grundlinien einer Kritik der bisherigen Sittenlehre
Schleiermacher's christliche Lebensanschauungen
Geschichte der christlichen Kirche
Christliche Sittenlehre (Vorlesung im Wintersemester 1826/27)
Dr. Friedrich Schleiermacher's philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Bis nächstes Jahr auf Rügen
Werke Schleiermachers
Schleiermacher's Pädagogische Schriften
Briefe bei Gelegenheit der politisch theologischen Aufgabe und des Sendschreibens jüdischer Hausväter
Friedrich Schleiermachers Grundriss der philosophischen Ethik
Die lehre vom staat ...
Friedrich Schleiermacher on creeds, confessions, and church union
Selected sermons of Schleiermacher
Schleiermachers Reden über die Religion
Hermeneutik und Kritik
Reden und Abhandlungen, der Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften
Schleiermacher, ein deutscher Mann
Homilien über das Evangelium des Johannes in den Jahren 1823 und 1824
Grundriss der philosophischen Ethik
Ungedruckte Predigten Schleiermachers aus den Jahren 1820-1828
Des différentes méthodes du traduire =
Über die Religion
Schleiermacher's christliche Lebensanschauungen
Schleiermacher's Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato
The Christian faith
A facing-page translation from German into English of Friedrich Schleiermacher's Kurze Darstellung Des Spinozistischen Systems, and, Spinozismus
Predigten für den christlichen Hausstand
Friedrich Schleiermacher's Monologen
Kleine Schriften und Predigten
Die Weihnachtsfeier
Homilien über das Evangelium des Johannes
Grundlinien einer Kritik der bisherigen Sittenlehre, 1803, 1834, 1846
Briefe Friedrich Schleiermachers an Ehrenfried und Henriette von Willich geb. von Mühlenfels, 1801-1806
Ungedruckte Predigten Schleiermachers aus den Jahren 1820-1828
Aus Schleiermacher's leben. In briefen
Die Weihnachtsfeier
The theology of Schleiermacher
Zur Theologie
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Predigten über das Evangelium Marci und den Brief Pauli an die Kolosser
On religion
Über die Religion
Hermeneutik und Kritik
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsäzen der evangelischen Kirche
Vaterländische Predigten
Der christliche Glaube
On the discrepancy between the Sabellian and Athanasian method of representing the doctrine of a trinity in the Godhead
Konfirmationsrede am 31. März 1831 in der Dreifaltigkeitskirche zu Berlin bei der Einsegnung des Fürsten Bismarck gehalten
Gespräch zweier selbst überlegender evangelischer Christen über die Schrift
Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen entworfen ; Ueber die Religion : Reden an die gebildeten unter ihren Verächtern ; Die Weihnachtsfeier
Friedrich Schleiermachers ästhetik
Das Christliche Leben
The theology of Schleiermacher
Friedrich Schleiermacher's Reden ueder die Religion
Schleiermacher's soliloquies
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt
Kirchliche Geographie und Statistik
Brief outline on the study of theology
Schleiermachers Briefe an die Grafen zu Dohna
Schleiermacher's Handschriftliche Anmerkungen zum ersten Theil der Glaubenslehre
Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen kirche
Aus Schleiermacher's Leben
Friedrich Schleiermacher's philosophische Sittenlehre
Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik
Werke, Auswahl mit einem Bildnis Schleiermachers und einem Geleitwort von Aug. Dorner
Lichtstrahlen aus seinen Briefen und sämmtlichen Werken
Die Weihnachtsfeier
Philosophische sitterlehre
Christliche Sittenlehre
Brief outline of the study of theology, drawn up to serve as the basis of introductory lectures ... to which are prefixed Reminiscences of Schleiermacher
Vorlesungen zur Hermeneutik und Kritik
Ueber die Religion
Briefe Schleiermachers
Schleiermachers Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums
Schleiermacher's Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato
Schleiermachers pädagogische Schriften
Schleiermachers Vertraute Briefe über die Lucinde
Texte zur Pädagogik 1. Kommentierte Studienausgabe
Ueber die Schriften des Lukas
Der christliche Glaube nach den Grundsätzen der evangelischen Kirche im Zusammenhange dargestellt, zweite Auflage (1830/31)
Vertraute Briefe u ber die Lucinde
Friedrich Schleiermacher
Schleiermacher über Freundschaft, Liebe und Ehe
Fr. Schleiermacher's Briefwechsel mit J. Chr. Gass
Bruchstücke der unendlichen Menschheit
Geschichte der Philosophie
Tabulae librorum e bibliotheca defuncti Schleiermacher, praecepta theologica muniis legitimis in litterarum Universitate Berolinensi olim professi, derelictorum qui A.D. XII. Calen. April. A. MDCCCXXXVI et diebus subsequentibus horus matutinis itemque pomeridianis per D. Rauch
Philosophische und vermischte Schriften
Ueber die religion
Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik
Philosophische Sittenlehre
Schleiermacher über Freundschaft, Liebe und Ehe
Dem Andenken Schleiermachers!
Schleiermacher's soliloquies, an English translation of the Monolologen, with critical introduction and appendix
Einleitung ins Neue Testament
Briefwechsel mit seiner Braut
Werke, Auswahl in vier Bände
Antoine Arnauld
Antoine Arnauld (1612-1694)

theologian, poet, philosopher, mathematician, essayist, logician, statistician

  • University of Paris, College of Sorbonne
Historia et concordia Euangelica
Perpétuité de la foi de l'Église catholique sur l'eucharistie
La logique
Des vrayes et des fausses idées, contre ce qu 'enseigne l'auteur de la ..
Des vrayes et des fausses ideĢes
On true and false ideas
Oeuvres philosophiques d'Arnauld, comprenant les Objections contre les ..
Logique de Port Royal
Leibniz-Arnauld Correspondence
La logique, ou, L'art de penser
The perpetuity of the faith of the Catholic Church on the Eucharist
Apologie pour les catholiques
Mystérion tés anomias
La logique
ReĢflexions sur l'eĢloquence des preĢdicateurs, 1695
Oeuvres philosophiques de Antoine Arnauld
An entire body of philosophy according to the principles of the famous Renate Des Cartes
Textes philosophiques
An Entire Body of Philosophy, according to the principles of the famous Renate Des Cartes
Antonii le Grand Institutio philosophiæ
The art of thinking
L' art de penser
Logique de Port-Royal, suivie des trois fragments de Pascal sur l'autorité en matière de philosophie, l'esprit géométrique et l'art de persuader
On true and false ideas ; New objections to Descartes' Meditations ; and Descartes' replies
Antoine Arnauld's Des vrayes et des fausses idées
The new heresie of the Jesuits
Antonii Le Grand Historia naturae
La perpetuiteĢ de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'eucharistie
General and rational grammar : the Port-Royal grammar
Extraits des lettres de Mr Arnauld, docteur de Sorbone, concernant les JeĢsuites
Histoire des differens entre les missionaires jesuites d'une part et ceux des ordres de St. Dominique et de St. Francois de l'autre
La logiques; ou, L'art de penser
Historia naturæ, variis experimentis & ratiociniis elucidata
MeĢmoires de m. l'abbeĢ Arnauld
ProceĢs de calomnie intenteĢ devant le Pape & les eveĢ‚ques, les princes & les magistrats
Historia naturæ
The king-killing doctrine of the Jesuites
L'e Ģpicure spirituel
Man without passion, or, The wife stoick, according to the sentiments of Seneca
Les Jesuites marchands, usuriers, usurpateurs, et leurs cruautés dans l'ancien & le nouveau Continent
Theologie morale des Jesuites
Œuvres philosophiques de Antoine Arnauld
Oeuvres Philosophiques d'Arnauld
Grammaire générale et raisonnée
La logique ou l'art de penser
Antoni Le Grand Apologia pro Renato Des-Cartes contra Samuelem Parkerum ..
Logique de Port-Royal: suivie des trois fragments de Pascal sur L'Autorité ...
Apologie pour les Saincts Peres de l'Église, défenseurs de la grace de Iesus-Christ contre les erreurs qui leur sont imposées
Antonii Le Grand Censura justissima responsi
La Perpétuité de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'Eucharistie, déffendue contre les livres du Sieur Claude, ministre de Charenton
Antonii le Grand Historia naturæ
Lettres de Monsieur Antoine Arnauld, docteur de Sorbonne
Mysteriou tes ayomias, that is, Another part of the mystery of Jesuitism
An entire body of philosophy, according to the principles of the famous Renate des Cartes, in three books
In decretvm romanae inqvisitionis de avtoritate principvm apostolorvm Petri & Pauli notationes
Oeuvres de messire Antoine Arnauld
Histoire de dom Jean de Palafox ... et des differens qu'il a eus avec les PP. Jesuites
Le franc discours
Des vrayes et des fausses ide'es, contre ce qu'enseigne l'auteur de la Recherche de la verite'
Oeuvres de messire Antonine Arnauld
Grammaire générale et raisonneé
Grammaire generale et raisonnée ..
Antonii Le Grand Curiosus rerum abditarum naturaeq[ue] arcanorum perscrutator, sive, Compendium rerum jucundarum & memorabilium
Grammaire générale et raisonnée de Port-Royal par Arnauld et Lancelot
Continuation de la Nouvelle defense de la traduction du Nouveau Testament imprimeĢe aĢ€ Mons
Le renversement de la morale de Jésus-Christ par les erreurs des Calvinistes, touchant la justification
Antonii Le Grand Dissertatio de ratione cognoscendi
Apologie de monsieur Iansenius, évesque d'Ipre
The art of thinking; Port-Royal logic
The divine Epicurus, or, The empire of pleasure over the vertues
Grammaire générale et raisonnée, contenant les fondemens de l'art de parler ... [par] Antoine Arnauld [et Claude Lancelot]
Antonii le Grand Institutio philosophiæ, secundum principia domini Renati Descartes
Instructions sur la grace selon l'Ecriture et les peres
Perpétuité de la foi de l'Église catholique sur l'eucharistie
Nouvelle méthode pour apprendre facilement la langue latine
Port-royal Logic
La perpetuité de la foy de l'Église catholique touchant l'Eucharistie
Nouvelle heresie dans la morale
Logica, sive ars cogitandi
La perpetuité de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'Eucharistie
Oeuvres philosophiques d'Arnauld
De la frequente Communion
Logique de Port-Royal
Mémoires de m. l'abbé Arnauld
Logique de Port-Royal Art de Penser
De freqventi commvnione liber
The Royal Convert
Grammaire générale et raisonnée (1660)
Antoine le Grand
Mémoires de m. l'abbé Arnauld
OEuvres philosophiques
Perpétuité de la foi de l'Église catholique sur l'eucharistie
La perpetuité de la foy de l'Église catholique touchant l'Eucharistie
Oeuvres philosophiques de Antione Arnauld
Dissertatio de carentia sensus & cognitionis in Brutis
La perpetuité de la foy de l'eglise catholique touchant l'eucharistie
Œuvres philosophiques d' Arnauld
Re flexions sur l'e loquence des pre dicateurs (1695)
La logique de Port-Royal
La perpetuité de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'Evcharistie
A general and rational grammar
Grammaire generale et raisonnee de Port-Royal
Les enluminures du fameux almanach des pp. Jesuites
Instructions Sur la Grâce Selon l'ecriture et les Pères...
The Port-Royal art of thinking
Grammatika obšÄaja i racional'naja Por-Rojalja
La perpetuité de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'Eucharistie [microform] :defendue contre le livre du Sieur Claude
Nouveaux elemens de geometrie
Historia naturae, varus experimentis..
The Port-Royal logic
An entire body of philosophy, according to the principles of the famousRenate des Cartes, in three books..
Supplément à la Statistique botanique du Forez
The constant belief of the Catholick Church in all ages, concerning the eucharist
Logique de Port-Royal, suivie des trois fragments de Pascal sur l'autorité en matière de philosophie, l'esprit géométrique et l'art de persuader
La logique, ou L'art de penser, contenant, outre les règles communes, plusieurs observations nouvelles, propres à former le jugement
Ecrits sur le systeme de la grace generale
Grammaire générale et raisonnée de Port-Royal
La logica o el arte de pensar
Constatation de deux espèces d'Elatine nouvelles pour le plateau central de la France
Oeuvres philosophiques d'Arnauld
La logique ou L'art de penser
Histoire des differens entre les missionaires jesuites d'une part et ceux des Ordres de St. Dominique et de St. Francois de l'autre touchant les cultes que les Chinois rendent
Logique, Ou l'art de Penser
La perpetuité de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'eucharistie defendue contre le livre du Sieur Claude, Ministre de Charenton
Grammaire générale et raisonnée, contenant les fondemens de l'art de parler, expliqués d'une manière claire & naturelle
Logic, or, The art of thinking
Mémoires de m. l'abbé Arnauld
La Logique, Ou L'art De Penser...
Curiasus rerum abditarum natwaeq..
De la lecture de l'Ecriture Sainte
Discours sur l'amour de dieu
Lettres de Monsieur Antoine Arnauld, docteur de Sorbonne
Les caracteres de l'homme sans passions, selon les sentimens de seneque
Grammaire générale et raisonnée, ou La grammaire de Port-Royal
Héresie impie contre le commandement d'aimer Dieu
La perpétuité de la foi...tome troisième
Grammaire générale et raisonnée de Port-Royal
Le renversement de la morale de Jesus-Christ par les erreurs des Calvinistes
Lettre d'vn bachelier à vn doctevr de la Sorbonne
Logique de Port-Royal, suivie des trois fragments de Pascal sur l'autorité en matière de philosophie, l'esprit géométrique et l'art de persuader
De la frequente communion, ou, Les sentimens des peres, des papes, et des conciles, touchant l'usage des sacremens de penitence & d'eucharistice, sont fidellement exposez
La perpétuité de la foi...tome second
Apologie pour les Catholiques, contre les faussetez & les calomnies d'un livre intitulé
Oeuvres philosophiques de Antoine Arnauld
Œuvres philosophiques d' Arnauld
Logique de Port-Royal
Considerations svr l'entreprise faite par Maistre Nicolas Cornet Syndic de la Faculte  de theologie de Paris, en l'assemble e du premier iuillet 1649
Grammaire generale et raisonnee (1660) suivie de la logique, ou L'Art de penser (1662)
Delle proibizioni de' libri
General and rational grammar
La logique, ou, L'art de penser
Logic; or, The art of thinking
Historia et concordia evangelica
Lettres de Monsieur Antoine Arnauld, docteur de Sorbonne
Logic, or, The art of thinking. In which besides the common, are contain'd many excellent new rules, very profitable for directing of reason, and acquiring of judgment, in things as well relating to the instruction of a man's self, as of others, in four parts. I. Consisting of reflections upon ideas, or upon the first operation of the mind, which is called apprehension, &c. II. Of considerations of men about proper judgments, &c. III. Of the nature and various kinds of reasoning, &c. IV. Treats of the most profitable method for demonstrating or illustrating any truth. To which is added an index to the whole book. For the excellency of the matter, printed many times in French and Latin, and now for publick good translated into English by several hands
Grammaire generale et raisonnée
Des vraies et des fausses idées
Œuvres philosophiques d'Arnauld
Géométries de Port-Royal
Le veritable portrait de Guillaume-Henri de Nassau
Logic, or, The art of thinking
La perpétuité de la foi...tome premier
Grammaire générale et raisonnée de Port-Royal
De la frequente communion. Ou les sentimens des peres, des papes, et des conciles, touchant l'usage des Sacremens de Penitence & d'Eucharistie, sont fidelement exposez
L'art de penser
Lettres de Monsieur Antoine Arnauld, docteur de Sorbonne
Traduction d'vn escrit intitule , In decretum Romanae inquisitionis, de autoritate principum apostolorum Petri & Pauli, notationes
The art of thinking
La Perpetuité de la foy de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'Eucharistie
Vita del venerabile servo di Dio monsignor D. Giovanni di Palafox vescovo d' Angelopoli e poi d' Osma
Censura sacrae Facultatis theologicae parisiensis, lata in libellum, cui titulus
The Port-Royal logic, tr. from the French
Quartrième denonciation de l'heresie du péché philosophique, qui continent La Réponse à la troisiême lettre des PP. Jesuites
Le renversement de la morale de Jesus-Christ par les erreurs des Calvinistes, touchant la justification
Second dénonciation de la nouvelle héresie du péché philosophique ...
Réflexions sur l'éloquence des prédicateurs (1695)
Troisiéme denonciation de la nouvelle heresie du peché philosophique, ou, L'on répond à la lettre des Jesuites sur le même sujet
Oeuvres de messire Antoine Arnauld
Logica, sive Ars cogitandi
Oeuvres de messire Antoine Arnauld
The royal convert
Nouveaux elemens de geometrie
Apologie pour les catholiques contre les faussetez et les calomnies d'un livre intitulé
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815-1881)

church historian, theologian, priest, academic

  • University of Oxford, Rugby School
The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D
The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold
Scripture portraits and other miscellanies
John Keble
Memoirs of Edward and Catherine Stanley
Scripture portraits and other miscellanies
Scripture portraits
The Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D.
Historical memorials of Canterbury
Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey
Sinai and Palestine
Lectures on the history of the Jewish church
Addresses and Sermons Delivered at St. Andrew's in 1872, 1875 and 1877
Christian institutions
Addresses and Sermons Delivered During a Visit to the United States and Canada in 1878
Lectures on the history of the Eastern church: With an Introduction on the Study of ..
The National Thanksgiving: Sermons Preached in Westminster Abbey: 1. Death ..
Sermon Preached
Essays Chiefly on Questions of Church & State: From 1850 to 1870
Lectures on the history of the Eastern church
The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D. D.: Late Head-master of Rugby School, and ..
Westminster Sermons: Sermons on Special Occasions Preached in Westminster Abbey
Sinai and Palestine: In Connection with Their History
Thoughts that breathe
Essays chiefly on questions of church and state
Sermons for children
Unity of Evangelical and Apostolical Teaching: Sermons Preached Mostly in ..
Stanley's Life of Thomas Arnold, D. D.: Head-master of Rugby
Addresses and sermons
Sermons for Children: Including the Beatitudes and the Faithful Servant
Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church: With Introd. on the Study of ..
Christian Institutions: Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects
Sermons preached before ... the prince of Wales during his tour in the East, 1862. With notices ..
Sermons and essays on the apostolical age
Historical Memorials of Canterbury: The Landing of Augustine. The Murder of Becket. Edward the ..
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church
Sermons on Special Occasions: Preached in Westminster Abbey
The Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians
Sermons preached before His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history
Historical Memorials of Canterbury
The history of the Jewish church
Lectures on the history of the Church of Scotland
The Lord's prayer and the ten commandments
A sermon preached in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, on Sunday, June 19th, 1864, after the death of the Rev. William Cureton, D.D., F.R.S., foreign associate of the Imperial Institute of France, &c. &c., Canon of Westminster, and Rector of St. Margaret's
Three introductory lectures on the study of ecclesiastical history
The vitality of Christian faith
The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold D.D
Letters and verses
The study of modern history
The beatitudes, sermons to children
The Athanasian creed
Westminster sermons
The Bible
The gipsies
Supplement to the first and second editions of Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey
Letters and verses of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D
Lectures On The History Of The Jewish Church V1
Lectures On The History Of The Eastern Church With An Introduction On The Study Of Ecclesiastical History
Letters and verses...between the years 1829 and 1881
Lectures On The History Of The Church Of Scotland Delivered In Edinburgh In 1872
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, Part 2
The Emperor Constantine and the History of the Eastern Church
The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D., late head-master of Rugby School, and Regius Professor of modern history in the University of Oxford
This is God's host
Lectures On The History Of The Jewish Church V2
A Selection From The Writings Of Dean Stanley
A sermon preached in Westminster Abbey, Jan. 28, 1872
Sermons Preached Mostly In Canterbury Cathedral
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, Part 1
Life of Thomas Arnold, D.D., head-master of Rugby. --
Letters and verses of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D., between the years 1829 and 1881
Unity of evangelical and apostolical teaching
Lectures On The History Of The Jewish Church V3
Mohammedism in Its Relation to the History of the Eastern Church
The national thanksgiving
Sermons Preached Before His Royal Highness, The Prince Of Wales, During His Tour In The East In The Spring Of 1862
Dedication of Westminster Abbey
Lectures on the history of the Jewish Church
Lectures on the history of the Jewish church
Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, Part 3
Athanasius and the History of the Eastern Church
Lectures on the history of the Eastern church
Peter the Great and the Modern Church of Russia
Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, Part 1
A reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice
Sermons on special occasions
The Advantages of Ecclesiastical History
The Russian Church and Its Relation to the History of the Eastern Church
Charles Kingsley
Human corruption
Memoirs of Edward and Catherine Stanley
Historical memorials of Canterbury : the landing of Augustine, the murder of Becket, Edward the Black Prince, Becket's shrine
Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey
Lectures on the history of the Eastern church...
The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D. D.: Late Head-master of ...
The encouragements of ordination
Memoir of Thomas Arnold, of Rugby, England
Essays chiefly on questions of church and state from 1850 to 1870
Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey
Sermons preached before His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
The life of Thomas Arnold, D.D.
Addresses and charges of Edward Stanley, with a memoir by A.P.Stanley
The Ammergau mystery
Life of Thomas Arnold
The Bible: its form and its substance
Sermons and essays on the apostolical age
The Recovery of Jerusalem
The life of Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby
The Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D., Late Head-master of ...
Sermons for children, including the Beatitudes and The faithful servant
Stanley's life of Thomas Arnold, D.D., head-master of Rugby
The life of Thomas Arnold, D.D
The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D.
Great opportunities
Sermon preached by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley... in Westminster Abbey, June 19, 1870 (the first Sunday after Trinity) being the Sunday following the funeral of Charles Dickens
Addresses and sermons delivered during a visit to the United States and Canada in 1878
The recovery of Jerusalem
Sinai and Palestine
Sinai and Palestine
Scipture Portraits and Other Miscellanies, Collected from the Published Writings of A.P. Stanley
The study of modern history in London
The three Irish churches
As dying, and behold we live
Christian institutions
An inaugural address delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, on the 16th of December, 1878
Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their history
The council of Nicea
Sermons preached before His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales during his tour in the East in the spring of 1862
Historical memorials of Canterbury
The east and the west
The Bible in the Holy Land
Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their history
Ecclesiastical vestments
A selection from the writings of Dean Stanley
Lectures on the history of the Jewish church
Addresses & sermons
Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, sometime head-master of Riugby School ...
Lectures on the history of the Eastern church
The distress of Paris
Sinai and Palestine, in connection with their history
Sinai and Palestine
The historical aspect of the American churches
The Greek massacre
The Epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians
A Victorian dean
Historical memorials of Westminster abbey
A letter to the Lord Bishop of London on the state of subsciption in the Church of England and in the University of Oxford
The epistles of St. Paul to the Corinthians
A speech delivere din the House of Congregation, Nov. 20, 1861, on the endowment of the Regious Professorship of Greek
The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold
The child Jesus
Historical memorials of Canterbury
Our common Christianity
Lectures on the history of the Church of Scotland
Charles Kingsley
The days of old
Let there be light
Lectures on the history of the Jewish church
The Russian church
The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. ...
Memoirs of Edward and Catherine Stanley
Freedom and labour
The work of an evangelist
Historical monuments of Westminster Abbey
Historical memorials of Westminster abbey
The history of the Jewish church
Lectures on the history of the Jewish church
The three Irish Churches
The prospect of Christian missions
A letter to the Lord Bishop of London on the state of subscription in the Church of England and inthe University of Oxford
Thomas Arnold
Follow Paul and follow Christ
A review of the third series of Dean Stanley's "Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church"
The creation of man
The national thanksgiving
Historical memorials of Canterbury
Letters and verses of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
An address on the connection of church and state
Sermons and essays on the apostolic age
Lectures on the history of the Eastern church, with an introduction on the study of ecclesiastical history
The Bible, its form and its substance
Historical memorials of Canterbury
Biblia pauperum
Sermons for children
Historical memorials of Westminster Abbey
The rest of a good and faithful servant
Frederick William Faber
Frederick William Faber (1814-1863)

theologian, poet, hagiographer, Catholic priest

  • Harrow School, University of Oxford
The creator and the creature
Spiritual conferences
All for Jesus
The foot of the cross
The Precious Blood
Notes on doctrinal and spiritual subjects
The Precious Blood; or, The price of our salvation
All for Jesus
The Cherwell Water-lily and Other Poems
The Blessed Sacrament
Hymns selected from Frederick William Faber, D.D
An essay on beatification, canonization and the processes of the Congregation of rites
The creator & the creature or, the wonders of divine love
All for Jesus
The blessed sacrament: or, The works and ways of God
Sir Lancelot: A Legend of the Middle Ages
Growth In Holiness Or The Progress Of The Spiritual Life
Growth in holiness
The life of S. Alphonso Maria de Liguori, bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths, and founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer
The Spiritual Doctrine Of Father Louis Lallemant, Of The Company Of Jesus, Preceded By Some Account Of His Life
On thanksgiving
Sights and thoughts in foreign churches and among foreign peoples
The spirit of Father Faber, Apostle of London
Jesus and Mary
Grounds for remaining in the Anglican Communion
The Foot of the Cross
Pilgrims of the night
Sigths and thoughts in foreign churches and among foreign peoples
Thoughts on great mysteries, selected from the works of Frederick William Faber
An Essay On Beatification, Canonization And The Processes Of The Congregation Of Rites
A Father Faber heritage
Ethel's book
Sir Lancelot
The Reformation and the duty of keeping to its principles
Examination of conscience
The Blessed Sacrament, or, the works and ways of God
The foot of the cross; or, The sorrows of Mary
The life of Saint Rose of Lima
The Cherwell water-lily
Holy souls
Biographical Notice of Atticus Herodes, Prefect of the Free Cities of Asia [by F. W. Faber]
Esprit du p. Faber
The Sacred Humanity Of Jesus
Our Blessed Lady And The Saints
The Faith
An essay on the interest and characteristics of the lives of the saints
St. Wilfrid, bishop of York
Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects; The Faith and the Spiritual Life, Part 2
Esprit du p. Faber
Selections from the writings of Frederick William Faber
The Spiritual Life
Tracts on the church and her offices
Our Lord in the Eucharist
Abiding sorrow for sin
The Styrian lake, and other poems
Faber, poet and priest
God And The Most Holy Trinity
Our Lady and the Eucharist
Notes on community life in the Oratory
The Last Things
Creator and Creature
St. Paulinus
Growth in holiness or
Blessed Sacrament
Hymns selected from Faber
Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects; Mysteries and Festivals, Part 1
The Life of Saint Rose of Lima
True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Your special vocation
Spirit and Genius of St. Philip Neri
L' Oraison mentale
Spiritual Conferences
Ethel's Book; Or, Tales of the Angels
Lives of the English Saints
All for Jesus
Life of S. Alphonso Maria de Liguori, Bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths, and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Volume 5
Devotion to the Pope
Lives of Father Paul Segneri, S. J. , Father Peter Pinamonti, S. J. , and the Ven. John de Britto, S. J. , with an Essay on Catholic Home Missions, by the Rev. F. Faber, Priest of the Oratory
Ethel's Book; or, Tales of the Angels
The Blessed Sacrament
Foot of the Cross
Faber's Hymns
Selections from the Writings of Frederick William Faber
Growth In Holiness, Or, The Progress Of The Spiritual Life
Spiritual conferences
Hymns Selected from Frederick William Faber, D. d
Cherwell Water Lily
Growth in holiness, or, The progress of the spiritual life
Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sir Lancelot
Thoughts on Great Mysteries, Selected from the Works of Frederick William Faber
The Prayer-Book, A Safeguard Against Religious Excitement
Essay on Beatification, Canonization, and the Processes of the Congregation of Rites
Hymns From Faber
The Creator and The Creature or The Wonders of Devine Love
Faber's Hymns
Growth in holiness; or, The progress of the spiritual life
The "CiviltaĢ€ Cattolica" on Father Faber's Spiritual Works. translated, by permission, from the numbers for August 3 and 17
Alles Für Jesus, Oder Die Leichten Wege Zur Liebe Gottes. ein Betrachtungsbuch Für Fromme Christen und Die Es Werden Wollen. Vierte, Verbesserte und ... Vermehrte Auflage
Growth in Holiness
The Spiritual Doctrine of Father Louis Lallemant of the Company of Jesus
Growth in Holiness
Hymns Selected from Frederick William Faber, Part 4
True Devotion to Mary, 1863 to 2013 Commemorative Edition
Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Von der GuĢˆte
The autobiography of dr. William Laud, collected from his remains [by F.W. Faber].
The Life of St. Francis Xavier
Hymns Selected from Frederick William Faber, D.D
True Devotion to Mary
Selected poetry of Father Faber
Thoughts on Great Mysteries
Life of Saint Rose of Lima
Ethel's Book
Spiritual Conferences
The spiritual doctrine of ... Louis Lallemant [collected by J. Rigoleuc, ed. by P. Champion ...
The Cherwell water-lily, and other poems
The Lives Of Father Paul Segneri, S.J., Father Peter Pinamonti, S.J., And The Ven. John de Britto, S.J.
A Biographical Notice of Atticus Herodes, Prefect of the Free Cities of Asia [by F.W. Faber]
All for Jesus
The Precious Blood;
Jesus and Mary
Spiritual Conferences
Creator and the Creature; or the Wonders of Divine Love
Characteristics from the writings of Father Faber
The Rosary, And Other Poems
A Father Faber Heritage
Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects
Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects; Volume 1
Rosary, and Other Poems
Sir Lancelot
Oratory Hymns
Selections From the Writings of Frederick William Faber
Blessed Sacrament
Faber's hymns
Spiritual Conferences
Life of S. Alphonso Maria de Liguori, Bishop of St. Agatha of the Goths, and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, Volume 3
Foot of the Cross; or, the Sorrows of Mary
Growth in Holiness
The spirit and genius of St. Philip Neri, founder of the Oratory
May readings from Father Faber
The Knights of St. John
God is love
Oratory hymns
The ancient things of the Catholic Church in England
The Knights of St. John: a prize poem recited in the Theatre, Oxford
Sights and thoughts in foreign churches and among foreign peoples
The first Christmas, "the infant Jesus"
Opferwillige Hingebung für den Papst
The Precious Boood
Jesus and Mary, or, Catholic hymns, for singing and reading
The foot of the Cross, or, The sorrows of Mary
Precious blood
Growth in holiness, or, The progress of the spiritual life
The lives of St. Rose of Lima, the Blessed Colomba of Rieti, and of St. Juliana Falconieri
The spirit and genius of St. Philip Neri, founder of the Oratory
Ethel's book
Jesus and Mary
Rush-bearing Sunday
Thanksgiving After Communion, From "All For Jesus"
Growth in holiness
Progress in the Spiritual Life
The first Christmas
The office of this generation in the church of Christ
Oratory hymns
Die schule des heiligen Philipp Neri fur geistlich und weltlich
The prayer-book
Growth in holiness
The Blessed Sacrament, or, The works & the ways of God
Thoughts on great mysteries
The saints and servants of God
Hymns selected from Faber
Styrian Lake
The burial service, its doctrine and consolations
Samuel Rolles Driver
Samuel Rolles Driver (1846-1914)

theologian, philologist, Hebraist, biblical scholar, Anglican priest

  • Winchester College, University of Oxford
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
The ideals of the prophets
A critical and exegetical commentary on Deuteronomy
Sermons On Subjects Connected With The Old Testament
Notes on the Hebrew text and the topography of the books of Samuel
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions
Studies in the Psalms
Modern research as illustrating the Bible
A Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew
The Book of Daniel
Critical notes on the International Sunday school lessons from the Pentateuch for 1887 (January 2-June 26)
Notes on the Hebrew text of the books of Samuel
A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Job
The higher criticism
Modern Research as Illustrating the Bible
The book of Isaiah
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew
The "Suffering Servant" of Isaiah According to the Jewish Interpreters
A critical and exegetical commentary on the Book of Job, together with a new translation
Treatise on the Use of Tenses in Hebrew
The Minor Prophets
Christianity and other religions
The Book Of Daniel
An Introduction To The Literature Of The Old Testament
A critical and exegetical commmentary on Deuteronomy
The Minor Prophets : Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Additions and corrections in the seventh edition of the book of Genesis
The book of Genesis
Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica, 5 Volumes Vols. 5
The parallel history of the Jewish monarchy, printed in the text of the Revised version 1885
The parallel Psalter
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
The Book of Job in the revised version
The book of Daniel
The Books Of Joel And Amos
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
Isaiah, his life and times and the writings which bear his name
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy; Volume 5
The higher criticism
Notes on the Hebrew Text of Samuel
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
The Book of Leviticus: A New English Translation, Printed in Colors Exhibiting the Composite ...
Suffering Servant of Isaiah
The Book Of Exodus
The international critical commentary
The Book Of Genesis
The Book Of The Prophet Jeremiah
Isaiah, his life and times
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy; Volume 5
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
The Book of Leviticus: A New English Translation, Printed in Colors Exhibiting the Composite ...
The Book of Genesis
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and ...
Notes On The Hebrew Text Of The Books Of Samuel With An Introduction On Hebrew Paleography And The Ancient Versions And Facsimiles Of Inscriptions
Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Samuel: With an Introduction on Hebrew Palaeography and ...
A dictionary of the Bible
The Books of Joel and Amos with Introduction and Notes: With Introduction ...
The book of Genesis
An Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament
Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Job, Together With a new Translation
The book of Exodus in the revised version
Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew
The Higher Criticism
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Job
A critical and exegetical commentary on Deuteronomy
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
The Book of Exodus in the Revised Version
The International Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Job, Together with a New Translation
Isaiah, His Life and Times
The Book of the prophet Jeremiah
The Book of Job in the revised version
Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Samuel
Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament
Minor Prophets
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
Books of Joel and Amos
Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament
Studies in Biblical and Patristic Criticism
The books of Joel and Amos
Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Books of Samuel: With an introd. on Hebrew ...
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions
Book of Exodus
Notes on the Hebrew text and the topography of the books of Samuel
Critical notes on the International Sunday-School Lessons from the Pentateuch for 1887 (January 2-June 26)
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
The Minor Prophets
Studies in the Psalms
The book of Job in the Revised version
Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament
An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
The book of the prophet Jeremiah
The minor prophets
The book of Daniel
Appendix to the fifth edition of An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament
Studia biblica
The Book of the prophet Jeremiah
Christianity and other religions
Notes on the Hebrew text and the topography of the books of Samuel
The book of Exodus in the revised version
The book of Exodus
The books of Joel and Amos
The books of Joel and Amos
... A Critical and exegetical commentary on Deuteronomy
Authority And Archaeology, Sacred And Profane
The book of Genesis
A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Job
Notes on the Hebrew text and the topography of the Books of Samuel with an introduction on Hebrew palaepography and the ancient versions and facsimiles of inscriptions and maps
Modern research as illustrating the Bible
Isaiah, his life and times
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew
A Critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Job, together with a new translation
Sermons on subjects connected with the Old Testament