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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 137-144 out of 180 results
Bart D. Ehrman
Bart D. Ehrman (born 1955)

philologist, theologian

  • Moody Bible Institute, Princeton Theological Seminary
Jesus before the Gospels
The New Testament
The New Testament and Other Early Christian Writings
The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
How Jesus Became God
Jesus, interrupted
Peter, Paul, & Mary Magdalene
Truth and fiction in the Da Vinci code
Lost Christianities
A Brief Introduction to the New Testament
Forgery and counter-forgery
Misquoting Jesus
God's Problem
Misquoting Jesus
Jesus, apocalyptic prophet of the new millennium
Lost Scriptures
The text of the fourth Gospel in the writings of Origen
The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot
Did Jesus Exist?
The Apocryphal Gospels
Didymus the Blind and the text of the Gospels
The text of the New Testament in contemporary research
Christianity in late antiquity, 300-450 C.E.
The reliability of the New Testament
The Apostolic Fathers, I, I Clement. II Clement. Ignatius. Polycarp. Didache
The orthodox corruption of Scripture
A Brief Introduction To The New Testament
The New Testament
Misquoting Jesus
After the New Testament
The triumph of Christianity
The Apostolic Fathers
Jesus No Dijo Eso / Misquoting Jesus
Cristianismos Perdidos
Studies in the textual criticism of the New Testament
Whose Word Is It?
The History of the Bible
The lost gospel of Judas Iscariot
After the New Testament
God's Problem CD
The Historical Jesus
New Testament Textbook and Reader Package: 2 Volume Set: includes New Testament: Historical Introduction to Early Christian Writings and New Testament and Other Early Christian Writings
The Gospel of Judas
Lost Christianities/ Lost Scriptures
A Brief Introduction to the New Testament
Apostolic Fathers
God's Problem
The History of the Bible
Misquoting Jesus Audio Set
God's Problem LP
The triumph of Christianity
How Jesus became God
La verita   sul Codice da Vinci
O que Jesus disse? o que Jesus na o disse?
After the New Testament: The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers Parts I and II (The Great Courses: Religion)
The Transformation of Jesus
Przeinaczanie Jezusa: kto i dlaczego zmieniał Biblię
Lost Christianities: Christian Scriptures and the Battles over Authentication
A Brief Introduction to the New Testament
Gesu   non l'ha mai detto
The New Testament
Lost Christianities
The history of the Bible
The historical Jesus
The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture
Pietro, Paolo e Maria Maddalena
Przeinaczanie Jezusa: kto i dlaczego zmieniał Biblię
The Gospel text of Didymus
Przeinaczanie Jezusa: kto i dlaczego zmieniał Biblię
Fernand Dumont
Fernand Dumont (1927-1997)

poet, philosopher, sociologist, essayist, theologian, literary scholar, man of letters

  • Laval University
Récit d'une émigration
Oeuvres complètes de Fernand Dumont
L'analyse des structures sociales régionales
The vigil of Quebec
Raisons communes
Fernand Dumont, un temoin de l'homme
Pour la conversion de la pensée chrétienne
La Société québécoise après 30 ans de changements
L' anthropologie en l'absence de l'homme
Les idéologies
Le sort de la culture
Littérature et société canadiennes-françaises
La vigile du Québec, octobre 1970
Traité des problèmes sociaux
La dialectique de l'objet économique
Initiation bibliographique à l'étude de la sociologie de la connaissance
L' avenir de la mémoire
Idéologies au Canada français
Le pouvoir dans la société canadienne-française
Genèse de la société québécoise
Une foi partagée
Cultures populaires et sociétés contemporaines
Situation de la recherche sur le Canada français
Situation de la recherche sur le Canada français
Le lieu de l'homme
Raisons communes
L'Éducation 25 ans plus tard! et après?
L'horizon de la culture
La vigile du Québec
Traité d'anthropologie médicale
La part de l'ombre
Littérature et société canadiennes-françaises
Pour la conversion de la pensée chrétienne, essai
Idéologies au Canada français
La vigile du Québec, octobre 1970: l'impasse?
Parler de septembre
Le lieu de l'homme
Parler de septembre
Histoire des chemins de fer
Une Société des jeunes?
Idéologies au Canada français, 1850-1900
The vigil of Quebec - Fernand Dumont
L' institution de la théologie
L' ange du matin
Traité des problèmes sociaux en bref
La pensée religieuse d 'Amadou Bamba
L'analyse des structures sociales régionales
Imaginaire social et représentations collectives
Le sort de la culture
L'Éducation 25 ans plus tard! et après?
Idéologies au Canada français
Le Merveilleux
Hélder Câmara
Hélder Câmara (1909-1999)

theologian, Catholic priest, Catholic bishop

The conversions of a bishop
Quién soy yo?
Las conversiones de un obispo
The desert is fertile
Into Your Hands Lord
Through the Gospel with Dom Helder Camara
The Gospel with Dom Helder Camara
Race against time
The church and colonialism
Thomas Aquinas and Karl Marx
Mille raisons pour vivre
Revolution through peace
Church and colonialism
The desert is fertile
Through the Gospel with Dom Helder Camara
The Gospel with Dom Hélder Câmara
The impossible dream
It's Midnight, Lord
Spiral of violence
Hoping against all hope
Les conversions d'un évêque
Spiral of violence
Espiral de violência
Revolução dento da paz
Church & Colonialism (Prayer & Practice)
A thousand reasons for living
L' Evangile avec Dom Hélder
Memória viva de Dom Helder Câmara
Revolução dentro da paz
Révolution dans la paix
Sister Earth
Revolution through peace
Une journée avec Don Helder Camara
Sister Earth
                7 X 4 A Meditation a Day for Four Weeks
Le Rosaire de Dom Helder
As noites de um profeta
Quem não precisa de conversão?
Church and colonialism
Spirale de violence
J'ai entendu les cris de mon peuple
Pour arriver à temps
El grito del Tercer Mundo en un pueblo marginado
Spirale de violence
The power of peaceforces
Questions for living
Revolution für den Frieden
Espiral de violencia
Cristianismo, socialismo, capitalismo
Hoping against all hope
Ideario de Hélder Câmara
Le combat mondial pour la justice et la paix
Into Your Hands, Lord
Des questions pour vivre
Une journée avec don Hélder Câmara
Révolution dans la paix
Spiral of Violence (Prayer & Practice)
Dom Hélder Câmara
Into your hands, Lord
Hélder Câmara y la justicia
La rebelión de los economistas
Le Tiers monde trahi ... Préface de Mgr. Pellegrino
La iglesia en el desarrollo de america latina
Spirale de violence
Desert Is Fertile
Terzo mondo defraudato
Helder Camara
Helder Câmara in der Schweiz
O deserto é fértil
Helder Camara
Sister Earth
Le désert est fertile
The church and colonialism
Desert Is Fertile
Spiral of Violence
J'ai entendu les cris de mon peuple
Mil razões para viver
Hoping Against All Hope
Utopias peregrinas
Um olhar sobre a cidade
A universidade e a integração nacional
Dom Helder Camara
Revolução dentro da paz
Palavras e reflexões
El  grito del Tercer Mundo en un pueblo marginado
Pobreza, abundancia y solidaridad
Structures of injustice
Hélder Câmara
El desierto es fertil
Meus queridos amigos
Mil razones para vivir
Violenza dei pacifici
Para llegar a tiempo
Iglesia y desarrollo
Revolution through peace
O Evangelho com Dom Hélder
Indagações sobre uma vida melhor
Espiral de violência
Complicità o resistenza?
Vaticano II
John Robinson
John Robinson (1919-1983)

priest, theologian, philosopher

  • University of Cambridge, Marlborough College
Joseph Barber Lightfoot
The priority of John
The body
The human face of God
Truth is two-eyed
Liturgy coming to life
Exploration into God
Honest to God
Redating the New Testament
Jesus and His coming
Wrestling with Romans
The roots of a radical
Can we trust the New Testament?
Twelve more New Testament studies
The body
Where three ways meet
The New Reformation?
On being the Church in the world
The difference in being a Christian today
But that I can't believe!
Christian freedom in a permissive society
In the end, God
Christ comes in
Twelve New Testament studies
Christian morals today
Layman's church
Ce que je ne crois pas
Abortion: beyond law reform
In the end, God...
The church's most urgent priority in today's world
In the end, God... a study of the Christian doctrine of the Last Things
Den nya reformationen?
Thou Who Art
Honest to God
But that I can't believe
In the end, God
Sin ege solchikhi
Honest to God, and, The 'Honest to God' debate
Liturgy coming to life
Christian morals today
Exploration into God
Jesus and His coming
On being the Church in the world
Athanasius Kircher
Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680)

linguist, mathematician, egyptologist, musicologist, music theorist, polymath, inventor, Catholic priest, astronomer, biologist, archaeologist, physicist, geologist, volcanologist, museologist, composer, historian, naturalist, orientalist, Catholic theologian, philosopher

  • Pontifical Gregorian University, Gymnasium Theodorianum
L'autobiographie d'Athanasius Kircher
Musurgia universalis
China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis
Toonneel van China
Athanasii Kircheri ... Prodromvs coptvs sive ægyptiacvs ..
Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis
Athanasii Kircheri ..
Musurgia universalis
Obeliscus pamphilius, hoc est interpretatio nova & hucusque intenta obelisci hieroglyphici quem non ita pridem ex veteri hippodromo Antonini Caracallae...
Phonurgia nova
Ars magna lvcis et vmbrae in decem libros digesta---
Zhongguo tu shuo
Ars magna sciendi
Athanasii Kircheri Fvldensis e Soc. Iesv presbyteri Mvsvrgia vniversalis
Athanasii Kircheri Fuldensis Buchonii, e Soc. Iesu ... Magnes, siue, De arte magnetica opus tripartitum
Athanasii Kircheri Fvldensis Ars magna lvcis et vmbrae
Mundus subterraneus, in X11 libros digestus---
Athanasii Kircheri ... Magnes
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Iesu Itinerarium exstaticum
Athanasii Kircheri Fvldensis Bvchonii, e Soc. Jesv ..
Iter extaticum coeleste---
Mvsvrgia vniversalis
Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis
Athanasii Kircheri Fvldensis Bvchonii e Soc. Iesv. Prodromvs Coptvs sive Ægyptiacvs ad eminentiss: principem S.R.E. Cardinalem Franciscum Barberinvm
Ars magna lucis et umbrae, in X. libros digesta
Athanasii Kircheri ... Scrvtinivm physico-medicvm contagiosae luis
Athanasii Kircheri iter extaticum coeleste
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Magneticum naturae regnum
Ars magna lucis et umbrae, in X. libros digesta ...
Athanasii Kircheri Phonurgia nova, sive, Conjugium mechanico-physicum artis & natvræ paranympha phonosophia concinnatum
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Mundus subterraneus
Athanasii Kircheri Fvldensis Magnes, siue, De arte magnetica
The volcano's, or, Burning and fire-vomiting mountains famous in the world, with their remarkables
Athanasii Kircheri Magneticum naturæ regnum, sive, Disceptatio physiologica de triplici in natura rerum magnete
Principis Christiani archetypon politicum
Athanasii Kircheri Fuldensis e Soc. Iesu presbyteri Musurgia universalis, sive, Ars magna consoni et dissoni  in X libros digesta
Athanasii Kircheri è Societ. Jesu, Sphinx mystagoga
Athanasii Kircheri Fvidensis Magnes, siue, De arte magnetica
Prodomus Coptus sive Aegyptiacus
Ars magna lucis et umbrae
Mogneticum naturae regnum---
Ad Alexandrvm VII. pont. max. Obelisci Aegyptiaci
Vita admodum Reverendi P. Athanasii Kircheri
Ars magna sciendi, in XII libros digesta, qua nova & universali mehtodo per articiosum combinationum contextum de omni re proposita plurimis & prope infinitis rationibus disputari, omniumque summaria quaedam cognitio comparari potest ..
Tariffa Kircheriana id est inventum aucthoris novum expeditâ, & mirâ arte combinatâ methodo, universalem Geometriae, & Arithmetica practicae summam continens
Athanasij Kircheri e Societate Iesu Arithmologia, siue, De abditis numerorum mysterijs
R.P. Athanasii Kircheri e Societate Jesu Iter extaticum coeleste
Athanasii Kircheri Oedipvs aegyptiacvs
Phonurgia nova---
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesv.  Magneticvm natvrae regnvm
Principis Christiani archtypon politicum, sive, Sapientia regnatrix
Musurgia universalis, Rome, 1650
Athanasii Kircheri ... Musurgia universalis, sive, Ars magna consoni et dissoni in X. libros digesta ...
Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus
Musaeum Kircherianum
Scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae luis quae dicitur, pestis, 1671
Mundus subterraneus
Athanasii Kircheri Fvldensis e Soc. Iesv presbyteri Mvsvrgia vniversalis
Oedipus aegyptiacus
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Magneticum naturae regnum, sive, Disceptatio physiologica de triplici in natura rerum magnete, juxta triplicem ejusdem naturae gradum digesto inanimato animato sensitivo
Athanasii Kircheri e soc. Iesu scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae luis, quae pestis dicitur
Athanasii Kircheri ... Magneticum naturae regnum sive disceptatio physiologica de triplici in natura rerum magnete, juxta triplicem ejusdem naturae gradum digesto inanimato animato sensetivo qua occultae prodigiosarum quarundam motionum vires et proprietates, quae in triplici naturae oeconomia nonnullis in corporibus noviter detectis observantur, in apertam lucem eruuntur, et luculentis argumentis, experientia duce, demonstrantur. Ad inclytum & eximium virum Alexandrum Fabianum ...
Le meraviglie della Cina
Itinerario del éxtasis, o, Las imágenes de un saber universal
Athanasii Kircheri ... Ars magna sciendi, in XII libros digefta, qua nova & universali methodo per artificiofum combinationum contextum de omni re propofita plurimis & prope infinitis rationibus difputari, omniumque fummaria quaedam cognitio comparari potest. ...
Primitiae gnomonicae catoptricae, hoc est, Horologiographiae nauae specularis ...
Phonurgia nova
Athanasii Kircheri ... Magneticum naturae regnum
Iconismi & mirabilia da Athanasius Kircher
China illustrata
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu China monumentis
Athanasii Kircheri è Societ. Jesu, Sphinx mystagoga
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Latium
Athanasius Kircher e il suo teatro di natura ed arte
Athanasii Kircheri Fuldensis e Soc. Iesu Presbyteri Musurgia universalis, sive, Ars magna consoni et dissoni
Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis
Tariffa Kircheriana
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Iesu Scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosæ luis, quæ pestis dicitur
Obeliscus Pamphilius
Musurgia universalis
La Chine d'Athanase Kirchere de la Compagnie de Jesus
Romani collegii Societatus Jesu musaeum celeberrimum
Athanasii Kircheri è Soc. Jesu Latium
Athanasii Kircheri ... Ars magna lucis et vmbrae in decem libros digesta
Prodromus coptus sive aegyptiacus
Athanasii Kircheri e Societate Iesu Historia Eustachio-Mariana
Athanasii Kircher ... Obeliscvs Pamphilivs
Athanasii Kircheri Fuldensis Buchonii e Soc. Iesu presbyteri ... Ars magna lucis et vmbrae in decem libros digesta
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Iesv, Oedipus aegyptiacus
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Turris Babel
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Iesu. Obeliscus pamphilius
Principis Christiani archetypon politicum, sive, Sapientia regnatrix
Aritmología, "historia real y esotérica de los números"
De arte magnetica
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Iesu Obeliscus Pamphilius
Athanasii Kircheri
Athanasii Kircheri è Soc. Jesu Scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae luis, quae dicitur pestis
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu China monumentis
Athanasii Kircheri e Societate Iesv Arithmologia
Athenasii Kicheri Fuldensis Buchonii e Soc. Iesu Presbyteri ... Ars magna lucis et umbrae in decem libros digesta
D'onder-aardse weereld ...
Mundus subterraneus in XII libros digestus
Athanasii Kircheri Mundus subterraneus, in xii libros digestus
Obeliscus aegyptiacus
Turris Babel
Organum mathematicum
Turris Babel
Athanasii Kircheri ... Ars magna lucis et umbrae, in X. libros digesta
Arca Noe
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu Mundus subterraneus, in XII libros digestus
Primitiae gnomonicae catoptricae
Athanasii Kircheri ... Magnes
Tariffa Kircheriana
Iter extaticum coeleste
Arca Noë
Ars magna sciendi
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu, Mundus subterraneus in XII libros digestus
Principis Christiani archetypon politicum
Ars magna sciendi
Ars magna lucis et umbrae in decem libros digesta
Sphinx mystagoga, sive Diatribe hieroglyphica de mumiis
Athanasii Kircheri ... Mvsvrgia vniversalis, sive, Ars magna consoni et dissoni in X. libros digesta
Athanasii Kircheri ... Magnes, sive, De arte magnetica opus tripartitum
Principis Christiani archetypon politicum, sive, Sapientia regnatrix
R. P. Athanasii Kircheri e. Societate Jesu iter exstaticum coeleste
Ars magna lucis et umbrae
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Iesv Iter extaticvm II. qui & mundi subterranei prodromvs dicitur
Itinerario del éxtasis, o, Las imágenes de un saber universal
Athanasii Kircheri è Soc. Jesu Arca Noë
Richard Baxter
Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

theologian, philosopher, poet, pastor

A grief sanctified
The autobiography of Richard Baxter
Reliquiæ Baxterianæ: or, Mr. Richard Baxter's narrative ofthe most memorable passages of his life and times
The life of Rev. Richard Baxter
Historymakers (History Makers)
Additional notes on the life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, the late universally honoured and loved Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench
Unum  necessarium: or, Christ's justification of Mary's choice
A grief sanctified
The practical works of Richard Baxter
Poetical fragments
A call to the unconverted to turn and live
Plain Scripture proof of infants church-membership and baptism
A treatise of conversion
Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated
Now or never
Tragywyddol orphwysfa 'r saint; neu, Draethawd am ddeddwydd gyflwr y saint, a Gymreigiwyd [and ..
A holy commonwealth
Select practical writings of Richard Baxter
The cure of church-divisions, or, Directions for weak Christians to keep them from being dividers or troublers of the church
The poor man's family book
A paraphrase on the New Testament
What we must do to be saved
Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion
Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel-invitations
Man's true guide to Heaven
Two papers of proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the Church of England
Making light of Christ and salvation
Catholick unity, or, The only way to bring us all to be of one religion
Aphorismes of justification
A call to the unconverted to turn and live, and accept of mercy while mercy may be had, as ever they would find mercy in the day of extremity, from the living God
The cure of church-divisions
The Saint' everlasting rest: or, a treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in heaven
Reformed Pastor
Five disputations of church-government, and worship
The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ
Richard Baxter & Puritan politics
The unreasonableness of infidelity
Roman tradition examined
A treatise of knowledge and love compared
The description, reasons and reward of the believer's walking with God
A reply to Mr. Tho. Beverley's answer to my reasons against his doctrine of the thousand years middle kingdom, and of the conversion of the Jews
The godly home
Richard Baxters answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's charge of separation
A key for Catholicks, to open the jugling of the Jesuits
The life of faith
A second true defence of the meer nonconformists against the untrue accusations, reasonings, and history of Dr. Edward Stillingfleet ..
Compassionate counsel to all young-men
A search for the English schismatick
A second admonition to Mr. Edward Bagshaw
Richard Baxter and Margaret Charlton, a Puritan love-story
How far holinesse is the design of Christianity
The divine life
Christian concord
Watch Your Walk
Converse with God in solitude
A treatise of death, the last enemy to be destroyed
A treatise of justifying righteousness
A Saint Or a Brute.: The Certain Necessity and Excellency of Holiness, &c ..
A Christian directory
Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion
Aphorismes of justification
Which is the true church?
Reliquiae Baxterianae
Sacrilegious desertion of the holy ministery rebuked, and tolerated preaching of the gospel vindicated
Aphorismes of justification, with their explication annexed
Jesuit juggling
Three treatises tending to awaken secure sinners
A treatise of episcopacy
Full and easie satisfaction which is the true and safe religion
The certainty of the worlds of spirits, and consequently, of the immortality of souls. of the malice and misery of the devils, and the damned. And of the blessedness of the justified
The right method for a settled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort
The true and only way of concord of all the Christian churches
Fois shìorruidh nan naomh
The Scripture Gospel defended, and Christ, grace, and free justification vindicated against the libertines ..
Universal redemption of mankind, by the Lord Jesus Christ
Compassionate warning and advice to all, especially to young persons
Cain and Abel malignity, that is enmity to serious godliness, that is, to an holy and heavenly state of heart and life
The mischiefs of self-ignorance and the benefits of self-acquaintance
Of justification
Roman tradition examined, as it is urged as infallible against all mens senses, reason, the Holy Scripture, the tradition and present judgment of the far greatest part of the Universal Church, in the point of transubstantiation
Directions to slave-holders, revived
The reasons of the Christian religion
True History of Councils Enlarged and Defended, Against the Deceits of a Pretended Vindicator of the Primitive Church, but Indeed of the Tympanite and Tyranny of Some Prelates Many Hundred Years after Christ. with a Detection of the False History Of...
Of the immortality of man's soul, and the nature of it, and other spirits
A sermon of judgment
The successive visibility of the church of which the Protestants are the soundest members
A sermon of repentance
The true and only way of concord of all the Christian churches ...
Some Unpublished Correspondence of the Reverend Richard Baxter and the Reverend John Eliot, the Apostle of the American Indians, 1656-1682
The certainty of Christianity without popery
Gildas Salvianius
Directions to justices of peace, especially in corporations, for the discharge of their duty to God
Practical works
Roman Tradition Examined, As It Is Urged As Infallible Against All Mens Senses, Reason, the Holy Scripture, the Tradition and Present Judgment of the Far Greatest Part of the Universal Church, in the Point of Transubstantiation. in Answer to a Book...
An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke, confuting an universal humane church-supremacy aristocratical and monarchical, as church-tyranny and popery : and defending Dr. Isaac Barrow's treatise against it
The duty of heavenly meditation
Rich. Baxters apology against the modest exceptions of Mr T. Blake
The reformed pastor
A third defence of the cause of peace, proving 1. the need of our concord
The vain religion of the formal hypocrite, and the mischief of an unbridled tongue ..
The unreasonableness of infidelity
Dying Thoughts
The divine life, in three treatises
Two treatises tending to awaken secure sinners
Fois shìorruidh nan naomh
Church-history of the government of bishops and their councils abbreviated
Methodus theologiæ Christianæ
Obedient patience in general
The Christian religion
How to be certainly saved. Instructions for a holy life
Certain disputations of right to sacraments
Directions for weak distempered Christians
Successive Visibility of the Church of Which the Protestants Are Soundest Members
Mr. Baxters rules & directions for family duties
A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians
A treatise of self-denial
Full and easie satisfaction which is the true and safe religion
The ready way of confuting Mr. Baxter
More proofs of infants church-membership and consequently their right to baptism, or, A second defence of our infant rights and mercies
The certainty of the worlds of spirits and, consequently, of the immortality of souls
The vain religion of the formal hypocrite, and the mischief of an unbridled tongue (as against religion, rulers, or dissenters)
Saints everlasting rest
Excellent memorables for all mourners
English Nonconformity, As under King Charles II, and King James II
Roman tradition examined
Naked Popery
Richard Baxter and Margaret Charlton
Naked popery
Rich. Baxters account given to his reverend brother Mr T. Blake of the reasons of his dissent from the doctrine of his exceptions in his late treatise of the covenants
The English nonconformity, as under King Charles II, and King James II
Cain and Abel malignity, that is enmity to serious godliness, that is, to an holy and heavenly state of heart and life
A defence of the principles of love
Catholick communion defended against both extreams, and unnecessary division confuted
A petition for peace
Englands warning-piece. To all sleepy secure sinners, Or, The true Christians subjection to Christ as their King and Saviour
The true Catholick, and Catholick Church described
Against the revolt to a foreign jurisdiction
Gods goodness vindicated
A second true defence of the meer nonconformists, against the untrue accusations, reasonings and history of Dr. Edward Stillingfleet ...
The Pastor's manual
Of the immortality of mans soul, and the nature of it and other spirits
Devotions and prayers
Christian's Converse with God
Imputative righteousness truly stated, according to the tenour of the Gospel
Account to his dearly beloved, the inhabitants of Kidderminster, of the causes of his being forbidden by the Bishop of Worcester to preach within his diocess
Richard Baxter's farewel sermon
End of Doctrinal Controversies Which Have Lately Troubled the Churches by Reconciling Explication, Without Much Disputing
As silver is tried
More proofs of infants church-membership and consequently their right to baptism
A defence of the principles of love, which are necessary to the unity and concord of Christians, and are delivered in a book called The cure of church-divisions ...
Richard Baxter's answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's charge of separation: containing
The Right Method for a Settled Peace of Conscience and Spiritual Comfort in 32 Directions
Methodus theologiae christianae, 1. Naturae rerum
Against the revolt to a foreign jurisdiction, which would be to England its perjury, church-ruine, and slavery
Reliquiae Baxterianae, or, Mr. Richard Baxter's narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times
A door of salvation opened unto all men, or, A short treatise discovering that all man-kinde as they are considered under the fall of Adam have an equal and a like respect with almighty God ...
Obedient patience in general, and in XX particular cases
Richard Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. I. xxiii
Of saving faith
A treatise of justifying righteousness
The Christian's converse with God
The divine appointment of the Lords day
The cure of church divisions
Two Treatises Tending to Awaken Secure Sinners
The difference between the power of magistrates and church-pastors and the Roman kingdom & magistracy under the name of a church & church-government usurped by the Pope, or liberally given him by popish princes
The poor man's family book
Directions and Perswasions to a Sound Conversion
Whether parish congregations be true Christian churches
The life of faith, as it is the evidence of things unseen
The nature and immortality of the soul proved
Universal concord
The divine appointment of the Lords Day proved
The Right Place at the Wrong Time
The true history of councils enlarged and defended, against the deceits of a pretended vindicator of the primitive church, but indeed of the tympanite & tyranny of some prelates many hundred years after Christ
Confirmation and restauration, the necessary means of reformation, and reconciliation
The substance of Mr. Cartwright's Exceptions considered
Catholick communion doubly defended by Dr. Owens, vindicator, and Richard Baxter
A call to the unconverted
Of Justification
Select arguments and reasons against popery
Dying Thoughts Upon Philippians I.23
An extract of Mr. Richard Baxter's Aphorisms of justification
The nonconformists plea for peace: or An account of their judgement. In certain things in which they are misunderstood: written to reconcile and pacifie such as by mistaking them hinder love and concord ...
The one thing necessary: or, Christ's justification of Mary's choice
A second true defence of the meer nonconformists, against the untrue accusations
Faithful souls shall be with Christ, the certainty proved and their Christianity described and exemplified in the truly Christian life and death of that excellent amiable Saint, Henry Ashhurst, Citizen of London, briefly and truly published for the conviction of hypocrites and the malignant, the strengthning of believers and the imitation of all; especially the matters of families in London
The glorious kingdom of Christ, described and clearly vindicated
More proofs of infants chruch-membership and consequently their right to baptism: or A second defence of our infant rights and mercies
Naked Popery, or
The certainty of the worlds of spirits, fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, &c
Memorables of the life of faith
The dying thoughts of the Rev. Richard Baxter
A moral prognostication
A letter from a minister to a person of quality
The poor man's family book ...
The practical works of the Rev. Richard Baxter, with a life of the author, and a critical examination of his writings
The defence of the nonconformists plea for peace, or, An account of the matter of their nonconformity
Richard Baxter & Puritan Politics
Second True Defence of the Meer Nonconformists, Against the Untrue Accusations, Reasonings and History of Dr. Edward Stillingfleet . .
Of justification
Of the imputation of Christ's righteousness to believers
The life of faith.  In three parts, the first is a sermon on Heb. 11, 1 ..
Certain disputations of right to sacraments, and the true nature of visible Christianity
More proofs of infants church-membership and consequently their right to baptism, or, A second defence of our infant rights and mercies
Of the Immortality of Man's Soul, and the Nature of It, and Other Spirits
The Grotian religion discovered, at the invitation of Mr. Thomas Pierce in his vindication
Richard Baxter's penitent confession and his necessary vindication in answer to a book called The second part of the mischiefs of separation, written by an unnamed author
Richard Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. I, 23
Nonconformists plea for peace
The Safe Religion
A Christian directory , or, a summ of practical theologie, and cases of conscience. ... In four parts. I.Christian ethicks (or private duties.) II. Christian oeconomicks (or family duties.) III. Christian ecclesiasticks (or Church duties) IV. Christian politicks (or duties to our rulers and neighbours.)
Richard Baxter's Answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's Charge of Separation
Directions for weak distempered Christians, to grow up to a confirmed state of grace
Plain Scripture proof of infants church-membership and baptism
Two treatises tending to awaken secure sinners
The Grotian religion discovered, at the invitation of Mr. Thomas Pierce in his vindication
More reasons for the Christian religion, and no reason against it
The reasons of the Christian religion
The poetical fragments of Richard Baxter
The reduction of a digressor: or Rich. Baxter's reply to Mr George Kendall's digression in his book against Mr Goodwin
A treatise of self-denyall
An explication of some passages in the foregoing propositions and profession
Confirmation and restauration, the necessary means of reformation, and reconciliation; for the healing of the corruptions and divisions of the churches
Two papers of proposals concerning the discipline and ceremonies of the Church of England; humbly presented to His Majesty, by the Reverend Ministers of the Presbyterian perswasion
Catholick communion defended against both extreams: and unnecessary division confuted, by reasons against both the active and passive ways of separation
A true believers choice and pleasure
A call to the unconverted ; Converse with God in solitude, or The Christian ; The dying thoughts of the Reverend learned and holy Mr. Richard Baxter
The certainty of Christianity without popery, or, Whether the Catholick-Protestant or the papist have the surer faith
More reasons for the Christian religion and no reason against it, or, A second appendix to the Reasons of the Christian religion
The English nonconformity as under King Charles II and King James II truly stated and argued
An abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his life and times
Answer to Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's charge of separation ...
A Christian Directory Part III, V5
Imputative Righteousness Truly Stated, According to the Tenour of the Gospel
Schism detected in both extreams, or, Two sorts of sinful separation
A treatise of Episcopacy
Rich. Baxter's admonition to Mr. William Eyre of Salisbury
Man's True Guide to Heaven [microform]
The safe religion
One Sheet against the Quakers
Gairm doʹn t-sluagh neo-iompaichte pilleadh agus a bhi beò
Richard Baxter's Catholick theologie
A second admonition to Mr. Edward Bagshaw
A Call to the Uncoverted
Die ewige Ruhe der Heiligen
A holy commonwealth
Sacrilegious desertion of the holy ministery rebuked
An accompt of all the proceedings of the Commissioners of both perswasions, appointed by his sacred Majesty, according to letters patents, for the reveiw [sic] of The book of common prayer, &c
The catechizing of families
A defence of the principles of love
Crucifying of the World, by the Cross of Christ
Religious emblems
The Scripture Gospel defended, and Christ, grace and free justification vindicated against the libertines ...
Obedient patience in general
Two sheets for poor families ..
Two treatises
Monthly Preparations for the Holy Communion
Naked popery
A sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful minister of Christ, Mr. John Corbet
The Quakers catechism, or, The Quakers questioned, their questions answered, and both published for the sake of those of them that have not yet sinned unto death
Wehkomaonganoo asquam peantogig
The judgment of non-conformists about the difference between grace and morality
An apology for the nonconformists ministry
Pastoral Ministry An Anthology From The Reformed Pastor
An excerpt from Reliquiæ Baxterianæ
Chapters from A Christian directory
The Life of Faith: In Three Parts, the First is a Sermon on Heb. 11, 1, Formerly Preached Before ..
An accompt of all the proceedings of the commissioners of both persvvasions appointed by His Sacred Majesty, according to letters patent, for the review of the Book of common prayer, &c
The poetical fragments of Richard Baxter
Sacrilegious desertion of the holy ministery rebuked
Of justification
The last work of a believer
The catechizing of families: a teacher of housholders how to teach their households
The mischiefs of self-ignorance, and the benefits of self-acquaintance
The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity
Plain Scripture proof of infants church-membership and baptism
Mr. Baxter's vindication of the Church of England in her rites and ceremonies, discipline, and church-orders
The character of a sound confirmed Christian
The true history of councils enlarged and defended, against the deceits of a pretended vindicator of the primitive church [i.e. Henry Maurice] ..
Mr. Baxter's judgment and reasons against communicating with the parish-assemblies, as by law required, impartially stated and proposed
Rich. Baxters apology against the modest exceptions of Mr. T. Blake and the digression of Mr. G. Kendall
A true believer's choice and pleasure instanced in the exemplary life of Mrs. Mary Coxe ...
A treatise of death
Catholick theologie
Rich. Baxter's Review of the state of Christian infants
An end of doctrinal controversies, which have lately troubled the churches, by reconciling explication without much disputing
The life of faith
The crucifying of the world, by the Cross of Christ
The reasons of the Christian religion
A call to the unconverted
An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke
The safe religion, or, Three disputations for the reformed catholike religion against popery
Fair-warning, or, XXV reasons against toleration and indulgence of popery
Poetical Fragments: Heart-imployment with God and it Self, the Concordant Discord of a Broken ..
The true history of councils enlarged and defended
Imputative righteousnes truly stated, according to the tenour of the Gospel
Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion
A sermon of judgment
Treatise of Episcopacy; Confuting by Scripture, Reason, and the Churches Testimony, That Fort of Diocesan Churches, Prelacy, and Government . . ; 1-2
A treatise of self-denial. By Richard Baxter, pastor of the church at Kederminster
A winding-sheet for popery. By Richard Baxter
A Christian directory, or, A summ of practical theologie and cases of conscience
Faithful souls shall be with Christ
A treatise of self-denyall
The life of faith
The nonconformists advocate, or, A farther account of their judgment in certain things in which they are misunderstood
The grand question resolved, what we must do to be saved
The church told of Mr. Ed. Bagshaw's scandals and warned of the dangerous snares of Satan now laid for them in his love-killing principles
A sermon of judgment, preached at Pauls before the honourable Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London, Dec. 17. 1654
Certainty of the World of Spirits Fully Evinced. by Richard Baxter. to Which Is Added the Wonders of the Invisible World by Cotton Mather. the Former Taken from the Edition Published by Mr. Baxter, 1691 ... the Latter from The 'Ecclesiastical...
The judgment of Mr. Baxter concerning ceremonies and conformity in the points of difference betwixt the Church of England and the dissenters
A second sheet for the ministry iustifying our calling against Quakers, seekers, and papists and all that deny us to be the ministers of Christ
The VVorcester-shire petition to the Parliament for the ministry of England defended, by a minister of Christ in that county; in answer to XVI queries, printed in a book called, A brief discovery of the threefold estate of antichrist: whereunto is added, XVII. counter-queries, and an humble monition to Parliament, people, and ministers
The Protestant religion truely stated and justified
Rich. Baxter's Confession of his faith
La voix de Diev qvi appelle les pecheurs à la repentance & à la conversion
The successive visibility of the church of which the Protestants are soundest members
Of national churches
Catholick communion defended
The divine life in three treatises ..
The certainty of the worlds of spirits
A petition for peace [with the reformation of the liturgy
Rich. Baxter's review of the state of Christian's infants
Two disputations of original sin
Compassionate warning and advice to all, especially to young persons
Reliquiæ Baxterianæ
The right method of a setled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort
An account of the life and death of that excellent minister of Christ, the Rev. Joseph Alleine
Dying thoughts
R. Baxter's sence of the subscribed articles of religion
A third defence of the cause of peace
Naked popery, or, The naked falshood of a book called The Catholick naked truth, or, The Puritan convert to apostolical Christianity, written by W.H
El reposo eterno de los santos
An end of doctrinal controversies which have lately troubled the churches by reconciling explication, without much disputing
The works, moral and religious
A Winding-sheet for Popery
The divine appointment of the Lords Day proved
Jesuit juggling
Some unpublished correspondence of the Reverend Richard Baxter and the Reverend John Eliot, the apostle of the American Indians, 1656-1682
Defence of the Principles of Love, Which Are Necessary to the Unity and Concord of Christians; and Are Delivered in a Book Called the Cure of Church-Divisions ... Written to Detect and Eradicate All Love-killing, Dividing, and Church-destroying...
The Christians converse with God, or, The insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship and the improvement of solitude in converse with God
An  excerpt from Reliquiae Baxterianae
Church concord
The grand debate between the most reverend bishops and the Presbyterian divines
The Grotian religion discovered
Compassionate Warning and Advice to All, Especially to Young Persons
The judgment of non-conformists of the interest of reason in matters of religion
Life and death of the Rev. Joseph Alleine--
How to do good to many, or, The publick good is the Christians life
Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion
A sermon of iudgement
Five disputations of church-government, and worship
Protestant Religion Truly Stated and Justified
Mr. Richard Baxter's last legacy
The dying thoughts of the Rev. Richard Baxter
Der Prediger des Evangeliums
Pneumatou diakonia, or, Gospel-churches
The true history of councils enlarged and defended
The right method for a settled peace of conscience and spiritual comfort
Of saving faith
Naked popery; or, The naked falshood of a book called The Catholick naked truth, or The Puritan convert to apostolical Christianity; written by W.H. [i.e. William Hubert] Opening their fundamental errour of unwritten tradition, and their unjust description of the Puritan, the prelatical Protestant, and the papist, and their differences ...
The dangerous schismatick clearly detected and fully confuted
The arrogancy of reason against divine revelations, repressed, or, Proud ignorance the cause of infidelity, and of mens quarrelling with the word of God
Catholick vnity, or, The only way to bring us all to be of one religion
Ktābā d-makrzānā mhúmnā
Now Or Never, The Holy, Serious, Diligent Believer Justified, Encoura- ged, Excited and Directed
The dying thoughts of the late Rev. Richard Baxter
Full and Easie Satisfaction Which Is The True And Safe Religion. In a Conference Between} {D. A Doubter, P. A Papist, and R. A Reformed Ca- tholick Christian. In Four Parts : I. The true stating of our Difference, and opening what each Religion is. II. The true easie and full Justification of the Reformed or Protestant Religion. III. The Protestants Reasons and Charges against Popery, enumerated. IV. The first Charge, viz. Against Transubstantiation made good
The Glorious Kingdom of Christ, Described and clearly Vindicated, Against the bold Asserters of a Future Calling and Reign of the Jews, and 1000 years before the Conflagration. And the Asserters of the 1000 years Kingdom after the Conflagration. Opening the Promise of the New Heaven and Earth, and the Everlastingness of Christ's Kingdom, against their debasing it, who confine it to 1000 years, which with the Lord is but as One day. Answering Mr. Tho.Beverley, who imposed this Task, by his oft and earnest Challenges of all the Doctors and Pastors, and his Censure of Dissenters as Semi- Sadduces of the Apostasie, in his Twelve Principles and Catechisms, &c
Richard Baxter His Account To his dearly beloved, the Inhabitants Of Kidderminster, Of the causes of his being forbidden by the Bishop of Worcester to preach within his Diocess. With The Bishop of Worcester's Letter in Answer thereunto. And Some short Animadversions upon the said Bishops Letter. (ornament)
Rich. Baxter's Admonition To Mr William Eyre Of Salisbury; Concerning his Miscarriages in a Book lately Written for the Justification of Infidels, Against M. Benj. Woodbridge, M. James Cranford and the Author. ... (8 lines)
The Judgment Of Non-conformists, Of The Interest Of Reason, In Matters Of Religion. In Which It is proved against Make-bates, that both Conformists, and Non-conformists, and all Parties of true Protestants are herein real- ly agreed, though unskilful Speakers differ in Words
The unreasonableness of infidelity : manifested in four discourses. I. The spirits extrinsick witness to the truth of Christianity, on Gal. 3. 1, 2, 3.... II. The spirits internal witness to the truth of Christianity, on 1 John 5. 10. III. For prevention of the unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost
More reasons for the Christian religion, and no reason against it
Mr. Baxter's Judgment And Reasons Against Communicating with the Parish-Assemblies, As by Law Required. Impartially Stated and Proposed. ... (5 lines)
The autobiography
The Successive Visibility Of The Church Of Which the Protestants are the soundest Members. I. Defended against the Opposition of Mr.William Johnson. II. Proved by many Arguments
The Reasons of the Christian Religion: The First Part, of Godliness, Proving by Natural Evidence ..
The true Catholick and Catholic Church described, and the vanity of the papists and all other schismaticksthat confine the Catholick Church to their sect discovered and ashamed...
The dying thoughts of the Rev. Richard Baxter
A sermon preached at the funeral of that faithful minister of Christ Mr. John Corbet
Right Rejoycing
Rich[ard] Baxter's apology against the modest exceptions of Mr. T. Blake and the digression of Mr. G. Kendall
The life of Rev. Richard Baxter
The Judgment Of Non-Conformists Of Things Indifferent Commanded by Authority, As far as Subscribers are acquainted with it. Written to save the Ignorant from the temptations of Diabolism, (described 2 Tim 3.3. and I Joh. 3.10. 12.15. Joh. 8.44) ... (2 lines)
Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel invitations ...
The Reduction Of A Digressor
Richard Baxter's Penitent Confession, And His Necessary Vindication, In Answer to a Book, called, The Second Part of the Mischiefs of Separation, Written by an Unnamed Author. With a Preface to Mr. Cantianus D Minimis, in An- swer to his Letter which extorted this Publication. ... (16 lines)
Zuruf an Unbekehrte
The saints' everlasting rest
Poetical Fragments : Heart-Imployment With God and It Self. The Concordant Discord of a Bro- ken-healed Heart
Aphorismes of Justification, With their Explication annexed. Wherein also is opened the nature of the Covenants, Satisfaction, Righteousnesse, Faith, Works, &c
Vindiciae Anti-Baxterianae
The true and only way of concord of all the Christian churches
The life of Rev. Richard Baxter, A.D. 1615-A.D. 1691
One Sheet against the Quakers
The dying thoughts of the reverend, learned and holy Mr. Richard Baxter ...
Gairm do'n t-sluagh neo-iompaichte
True Christianity: or, Christs absolute dominion
An abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his life and times
The poor man's family-book. I. Teaching him how to become a true Christian. II. How to live as a Christian towards God, himself, and others, in all his relations; especially in his family. III. How to die as a Christian in hope and comfort, and so to be glorified with Christ for ever. In plain familiar conference between a teacher and a learner. With a form of exhortation to the sick; two catechisms; a profession of Christianity; forms of prayer for various uses, and some psalms and hymns
Plain Scripture Proof Of Infants Church-membership And Baptism
The mischiefs of self-ignorance, and the benefits of self-acquaintance. Opened in divers sermons at Dunstan's-West, and published in answer to the accusations of some, and the desires of others
Gods Goodness, Vindicated For the help of such (espe- cially in Melancholy) as are Tempted to deny it, and think him Cruel, because of the Pre- sent and Future Misery of Man- kind; With respect to the Doctrine of Reprobation and Damnation
The Nonconformists Advocate
Converse with God in solitude
Incidents in the Life of Matthew Hale: Exhibiting His Moral and Religious ...
Catholick Communion Doubly Defended
[Editorial matter with contents and index for volume three.]
The duties and responsibilities of the pastoral office
A treatise of self-denyall
Eleven sermons on special occasions
The Reverend Richard Baxter's last treatise
Whether Parish Congregations Be True Christian Churches, And the Capable Consenting Incumbents, be truly their Pastors, or Bishops over their Flocks. And so, Whether the old Protestants, Conformists, and Noncon- formists, or the Brownists, were in the right herein. And how far our present Case is the same. Written by Richard Baxter, as an Explication of some Passages in his for- mer Writings; especially, his Treatise of Episcopacy, misunderstood and misapplied by some; and answering the strongest Objections of some of them; especially a Book called, Mr. Baxters Judgment and Reasons against Communicating with the Parish Assemblies, as by Law required. And another called, A Theological Dialogue. Or, Catholick Communion once more Defended, upon mens necessitating importunity
Works,with an essay on his life, ministry and theology
Catholick unity, or, The only way to bring us all to be of one religion ...
How to do good to Many
A Reply To Mr. Tho. Beverley's Answer To My Reasons Against his Doctrine of the Thousand Years Middle Kingdom, and of the Conversion of the Jews
Christ the pearl of great price
Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion
Fair warning
Fifty reasons why a sinner ought to turn to God this day, without delay
An answer to the Quakers queries
Rich. Baxters Account Given to his Reverend Brother Mr T. Blake Of The Reasons of his Dissent From The Doctrine of his Exceptions in his late Treatise of the Covenants ... (6 lines; ornament)
Compassionate counsel to all young-men, especially
The Difference Between the Power Of Magistrates And Church-Pastors, And The Roman Kingdom & Magistracy Under the Name of a Church & Church-Government Usurped by the Pope, or liberally given him by Popish Princes
The divine life
Richard Baxter, his account to his dearly beloved, the inhabitants of Kidderminster
A Search For The English Schismatick
True Christianity
How to do good to many
Richard Baxter's Farewel Sermon, Prepared to have been Preached to his Hearers At Kidderminster At his departure, but forbidden. (ornament)
The VVorcester-shire Petition to the Parliament For The Ministry of England Defended, By a Minister of Christ in that County; In Answer to XVI Queries, Printed in a Book, called, A Brief Discovery of the threefold Estate of Antichrist
What is heaven?
A Paraphrase On The New Testament, With Notes, Doctrinal and Practical. By Plainness and Brevity fitted to the Use of Religious Families, in their daily Reading of the Scriptures; and of the younger and poorer sort of Scholars and Ministers, who want fuller helps. With an Advertisement of Difficulties in the Revelations
The Saints Everlasting Rest. The Fourth Part. Containing a Directory for the getting and keeping of the Heart in Heaven. By the Diligent Practice of that excellent unknown Duty of Heavenly Meditation. Being the main thing intended by the Au- thor, in the writing of this Book; and to which all the rest is but subservient. ... (9 lines)
The Protestant religion truly stated and justified
On the mischiefs of self-ignorance
Vozzvanīe k neobrashchennym
A paraphrase on the New Testament
A call to the unconverted
Richard Baxter and Margaret Charlton
The life of Rev. Richard Baxter
An Explication of some Passages in the foregoing Propositions And Profession. With an Answer to some Objections that are like to be made against them
Mr. Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. 1. 23. Written for his own use in the latter times of his corporal pains and weakness
Right rejoicing
Converse with God in desertion and solitude
The Right Method For a settled Peace Of Conscience, and Spiritual Comfort. In 32 Directions. Written for the use of a troubled friend
A search for the English schismatick by the case and characters
An answer to Dr. Tullies angry letter (on two disputations of original sin)
Fois shrruidh nan Naomh, no, Solus air staid bheannaichte nan Naomh a' mealtuinn Dhair Nmh
The saints' everlasting rest, or a treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in glory
The Saints Everlasting Rest. The Second Part. Containing the Proofs of the Truth, and certain Futurity of our Rest. And that the Scripture promising that Rest to us, is the Perfect Infallible Word, and Law of God. ... (13 lines)
The vain religion of the formal hypocrite, and the mischief of an unbridled tongue (as against religion, rulers, or dissenters) described, in several sermons, preached at the abby in Westminster, before many members of the honourable House of Commons. 1660. And the fools prosperity, the occasion of his destruction. A sermon preached at Covent-Garden
The life of Rev. Richard Baxter
Fois shiorruidh nan naomh
Three Treatises Tending to awaken Secure Sinners. viz. 1. The terror of the day of Judgement. 2 Cor,5.10. 2. The danger of slighting Christ and his Gospel, Matt.22.5. 3. True Christianity, or Christs absolute Dominion, 1 Cor.6.19,20. And mans necessary Self-Resignation and Subjection unto Christ, Psa.2. 10, 11, 12
For ever!
A call to the unconverted to turn and live
Baxter's directions to slave-holders, revived
Confirmation and restauration, the necessary means of reformation, and reconciliation
A Treatise Of Conversion. Preached and now Published for the Use of those that are strangers to a true Conversion, especially the grosly ig norant and ungodly
Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion
An examination of the protestant's reasons for the independence of the ancient British church
The Quakers Catechism, Or, The Quakers questioned, Their Questions Answered, And Both Published, For the Sake of those of them that have not yet sinned unto Death; And of those ungrounded Novices that are most in danger of their Seduction
A Sermon Of Repentance, Preached before the Honou- rable House of Commons, Assembled in Parliament at Westminster, at their late so- lemn Fast for the settling of these Nations, April 30. 1660
Making light of Christ and salvation
Der Prediger des Evangeliums
The Safe Religion. Or Three Disputations For the Reformed Catholike Religion, Against Popery. Proving that Popery is against the Holy Scri- ptures, the Unity of the Catholike Church, the consent of the Antient Doctors, the plainest Reason, and common judgment of sense it self
The Nonconformists Plea for Peace : Or An Account of their Judgment. In certain things in which they are mis- understood
The right method for a setled peace of consciousness and spiritual comfort. In XXXII directions
Sacrilegious Desertion Of The Holy Ministery Rebuked, And Tolerated Preaching of the Gospel Vindicated, Against the Reasonings of a Confident Questionist, in a Book called [Toleration not to be abused.] With Counsel to the Nonconformists, And Petition to the Pious Conformists
Nyāḥtā d-qadíše d-hal ʼābād
A Defence Of The Principles Of Love, Which are necessary to the Unity and Concord of Christians; and are delivered in a Book called The Cure of Church-Divisions. I. Inviting all sound and sober Christians, (by what name soever called) to receive each other to Com- munion in the same Churches. II. And where that (which is first desirable) cannot be attained, to bear with each other in their distinct Assemblies, and to manage them all in Christian Love. Written to detect and eradicate all Love-killing, dividing, and Church-destroying Principles, Passions and Practice, and to preserve the weak in this hour of manifold temptation
A Holy Commonwealth, Or Political Aphorisms, Opening The true Principles of Government : For The Healing of the Mistakes, and Resolving the Doubts, that most endanger and trouble England at this time
The Christian Religion. Expressed I. briefly, in the ancient Creeds, the ten Creeds, the ten Com- mandments, and the Lords Prayer. And II. more largely in a Professi- on taken out of the holy Scriptures; Containing I. The Articles of the Christian Belief. 2. Our Consent to the Gospel Covenant. 3. The sum of Christian Duty. According to the Primitive Simplicity, Purity, and Practice
The true Catholick, and Catholick church described. And the vanity of the papists, and all other schismaticks, that confine the Catholick church to their sect, discovered and shamed
Mr. Baxter's Vindication Of The Church of England In her Rites and Ceremonies, Discipline, And Church-Orders. As faithfully taken out of his own Writings, without either false Citation, or fraudulent Alteration. To which is prefixed : His Epistle to the Non-Conformists
Preservatives against melancholy and over-much sorrow, or, The cure of both by Faith and Physick
Devotions and prayers
Directions And Perswasions To A Sound Conversion. For Prevention of that Deceit. and Damna- tion of Souls, and of those Scandals, Here- sies, and desperate Apostasies, that are the Consequents of a Counterfeit, or Su- perficial Change
Imputative Righteousnes Truly Stated, According to the Tenour of the Gospel : Manifesting, In what Sence sound Prote- stants hold it
Naked Popery; Or, The Naked Falshood Of a Book called the Catholick Naked Trvth, Or The Puritan Convert to Apostolical Christianity; written by W.H. Opening their Fundamental Errour of Unwritten Tradi- tion, and their unjust Description of the Puritan, the Prelatical Protestant, and the Papist, and their differen- ces; and better acquainting the ignorant of the true difference, especially what a Puritan and what a Papist is
Praefestinantis Morator. Or, Mr. Tombs His Praecvrsor, Staid and Examined, and Proved not to be from Heaven, but of Man. ... (13 lines)
The Arrogancy Of Reason Against Divine Revelations, Repressed. Or, Proud Ignorance the cause of Infidelity, and of Mens Quarrelling with The Word of God. (ornaments)
Directions For VVeak distempered Christians, To Grow up to a confirmed State Of Grace. With Motives opening the lamentable Effects of their Weaknesses and Distempers. The First Part. Published also to further that Repentance, which Wars, and Plagves, and Flames, and Chvrch- Convulsions, have so long and loudly Preached to England
Two Treatises
A Treatise Of Self-Denial
The Reasons Of The Christian Religion. The First Part, Of Godliness : Proving By Natural Evidence The Being Of God, The Necessity Of Holiness, And A Future Life Of Retribution.... The Second Part, Of Christianity
Which Is The True Church? The whole Christian World, as Headed only By Christ, (Or which the Reformed are the soundest part) Or, The Pope of Rome And his Subjects as such? In three Parts. I. The Papists Confusion in explaining the terms of the Questions; not able to bear the light. II. A Defence of a Disputation concerning the continued Visibility of the Church of which the Protestants are members. III. A Defence of the several Additional proofs of the said Visibility
The papers that passed between the commissioners appointed by His Majestie for the alteration of the Common Prayer, etc
Converse with God in solitude, or, The christian improving the insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship for conversing with God in secret
The poor man's family book ...
Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion
R.Baxter's Sence of the Subscribed Articles Of Religion
Biographical collections
The Divine Life
Man's true guide to Heaven
An Apology For The Nonconformists Ministry
The Last Work Of A Believer. His Passing-Prayer, recommending his departing Spirit to Christ to be Re- ceived by him. Prepared for the Funerals of Mary the Wi- dow first of Francis Charlton Esq; and after of Thomas Hanmer Esq;
A holy commonwealth
Le voix de Dieu qui appelle les pecheurs a la repentance et a la conversion
The Judgment And Advice Of The Assembly Of The Associated Ministers Of VVorcester-Shire, Held at Worcester Aug.6th 1658. Concerning the Endeavours of Eccle- siasticall Peace, and the Waies and Meanes of Christian Unity, which Mr John Durey doth pre- sent; sent unto him in the Name, and by the ap- pointment of the aforesaid Assembly
The causes and danger of slighting Christ and his gospel
Rich. Baxter's confesssion [sic] of his faith
Directions and persuasions to a sound conversion
The Church Told Of Mr. Ed. Bagshaw's Scandals, And Warned of the dangerous snare of Satan, now laid for them, in his Love-Killing Principles
An Appendix Containing Some Brief Animadversions On a Tractate lately published by Mr. Thomas Bedford
Dialogues on personal and family religion between a minister and one of his parishioners
A holy commonwealth, or political aphorisms, opening the true principles of government
Gildas Salvianus
Man's true guide to Heaven
[Editorial Matter With Contents And Index For Volume Four.]
Of Justification
Gairm do'n t-sluagh neo-iompaichte pilleadh agus a bhi be
A call to the unconverted to turn and live
The Protestant Religion Truely Stated And Justified
The dying thoughts of the reverend, learned and holy Mr. Richard Baxter
Richard Baxter's Catholick theologie
The practical works of Richard Baxter
A saint or a brute. The certain necessity and excellency of holiness, &c. So plainly proved, and urgently applyed, as by the blessing of God may convince and save the miserable, impenitent, ungodly sensualists, if they will not let the Devil hinder them from a sober and serious reading and considering. To be communicated by the charitable, that desire the conversion and salvation of souls, while the patience of God, and the day of grace and hope continue
Directions for weak distempered christians to grow to a confirmed state of grace
Wäckelserop till de oomwände, att omwända sig och lefwa
More Proofs Of Infants Church-membership And Consequently their Right to Baptism
Christian biography
The Causes, evils, and cures, of heart and church divisions
Of Saving Faith
Fois shı̀orruidh nan Naomh; no, Solus air staid bheannaichte nan Naomh a'mealtuinn Dhé air Nèamh
An Appeal To The Light, Or, Richard Baxter's Account Of Four accused Passages of a Sermon on Eph. 1.3. Published in hope either to procure the convincing instructions of the wise, or to humble and stop the erroneous Resisters of the Truth. ... (1 lines)
An Answer To The Quakers Queries
An extract of Mr. Richard Baxter's Aphorisms of justification
A call to the unconverted to turn and live
Rich. Baxter's Review of the state of Christian infants
Reliquiæ Baxterianæ, or, Mr. Richard Baxter's narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times
The signs and causes of melancholy
The causes, evils, and cures, of heart and church divisions
Roepstem tot de onbekeerden
A Treatise Of Episcopacy. Confuting, by Scripture, Reason, And the Chvrches Testimony, That sort of Diocesan Churches, Prelacy and Government, which casteth out the Primitive Church-species, Episco- pacy, Ministry and Discipline, and confoundeth the Christian worldby Corruption, Usurpation, Schismes, and Persecution. Meditated 1640 when the &c. Oath was imposed : Written. 1671 and cast by : Published 1680 by the Call of Mr.H. Dodwel, and the Importunity of our Superiors, who de- mand the Reasons of our Nonconformity. The designe of this book is not to weaken the Church of England, its Government, Riches, Honour or Unity : But to strengthen and se- cure it, 1. By the concord of all true Protestants who can never u- nite in the present Impositions
A paraphrase on the New Testament, with notes, doctrinal and practical
Catholick Communion Defended against both Extreams : And Unnecessary Division Confuted, by Reasons against both the Active and Passive ways of Separation : Occasioned by the Racks and Reproaches of One sort, and the Impatience and Censoriousness of the other; and the Erroneous, tho Confident Writings of Both. And written in Compassion of a Distracted, Self- tearing People, tho with little hope of any great success. In Five Parts
Church Concord : Containing. I. A Disswasive from unnecessary Division and Separation, and the Real Concord of the Moderate Independents with the Presbyterians, instanced in Ten seeming Differences. II. The terms Necessary for Concord among all true Churches and Christians. The First Part written 1655. The Second Part 1667. And Published this 1691. To second a late Agreement of the London Protestant Nonconformists
A treatise on conversion
De heligas ewiga hwila
A Christian Directory
Two treatises
The preacher and pastor
Christian Concord
Tragywyddol orphwysfa y saint
A Plea For Congregationall Government
Zuruf an Unbekehrte
An Answer To Mr. Tombes His Valedictory Oration to the People of Bewdeley
Poetical Fragments: Heart-Imployment with God and It Self
Two Disputations Of Original Sin. I. Of Original sin, as from Adam. II. Of Original Sin, as from our Neerer Parents. Written long ago for a more private use; and now published (with a Preface) upon the invitation of Dr. T. Tvllie
Chapters from A Christian directory
The Right Method For a setled Peace Of Conscience And Spiritual Comfort. In XXXII Directions. Written for the use of a troubled Friend
Directions for weak distemper'd Christians, to grow up to a confirmed state of grace. With motives, opening the lamentable effects of their weaknesses and distempers. Published also to further that repentance, which wars, and plagues, and flames, and church-convulsions, have so long and loudly preached to England
An epistle consolatory to the honourable and pious Countess of Balcarres
Man's true guide to Heaven
A treatise of conversion, preached and now published for the use of those that are strangers to a true conversion, especially the grossly ignorant and ungodly. [With] A call to the unconverted to turn and live, and accept of mercy while mercy may be had, as ever they would find mercy in the day of their extremity
Of National Churches : Their Description, Institution, Use, Preser- vation, Danger, Maladies and Cure
Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion
Directions To Justices Of Peace, For The Discharge Of Their Duty To God. Written At The Request Of A Magistrate, And Published For The Use Of Others That Need It, By Richard Baxter
Pneumatou Diakonia
The divine appointment of the Lord's day, proved; as a separated day for holy worship, especially in the church-assemblies
Church-History Of The Government Of Bishops And Their Councils Abbreviated. Including the chief part of the Government of Christian Princes and Popes, and a true account of the most troubling Controversies and Heresies till the Reformation. Written for the use especially of them
The autobiography of Richard Baxter
A Breviate Of The Life Of Margaret, The Daughter of Francis Charlton, of Apply in Shropshire, Esq; And Wife of Richard Baxter. With the Character of her Mother, truly described in her Published Funeral Sermon, Re- printed at her Daughters Request, called, The Last Work of a Believer, His passing prayer, re- commending his departing Spirit to Christ, to be re- ceived by him. For the use of all, but especially of their Kindred. There is published also Mr.John How's Sermon at Mrs. Baxters Funeral
Additions to the poetical fragments of Rich. Baxter
Richard Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. 1. 23...
Obedient patience
Compassionate Counsel To All Young Men, Especially, I. London Apprentices. II. Students Of Divinity, Physick And Law. III. The Sons Of Magistrates And Rich Men
How Far Holinesse Is The Design Of Christianity. Where the Nature of Holiness and Morality is o- pened, and the Doctrine of Justification, Imputa- tion of Sin and Righteousness, &c. partly cleared, and Vindicated from Abuse. In certain Propositions, returned to an unknown Person, referring to Mr. Fowlers Treatise on this Subject
Reliquiae Baxterianae
The Judgment Of Non-Conformists About the Difference Between Grace And Morality
A Vindication Of the Late Reverend and Learned John Owen D.D. By A Friendly Scrutiny Into the Merits, and Manner of Mr. Rich. Baxters Opposition to Twelve Arguments concern- ing Worship by the Lyturgy, said to be Dr. Owens
What we must do to be saved
Monthly Preparations For The Holy Communion, By R.B. To which is added Suitable Meditations be- fore, in, and after Re- ceiving. With Divine Hymns, In Common Tunes; Fitted for Publick Congregati- ons, or Private Families
A Friendly Accomodation In the fore-debated Controversie Between Mr. Bedford, And the Avthor
Man's true guide to Heaven
Galwad ir annychweledig idroi a byw
The Cure Of Church-divisions
Directions and perswasions to a sound conversion, for prevention of that deceit and damnation of souls, and of those scandals, heresies, and desperate apostasies, that are the consequents of a counterfeit or superficial change
Tragywyddol orphwysfa y saint
Making light of Christ and salvation too oft the issue of gospel-invitations. Manifested in a sermon preached at Lawrence Jury in London
The Divine Appointment Of The Lords Day Proved
One Sheet for the Ministry, Against the Malignants Of all sorts
A Treatise Of Knowledge and Love Compared. In two Parts : {I. Of Falsly Pretended Knowledge. II. Of True Saving Knowledge and Love. I. Against Hasty Judging, and False Conceits of Knowledge, and for necessary Suspension. II. The Excellency of Divine Love, and the Happiness of being Known and Loved of God. Written as greatly needful to the Safety and Peace of every Christian, and of the Church. The only certain way to escape false Religions, Heresies, Sects, and Malignant Prejudices, Persecutions and Sinful Wars
The practical works of the late Reverend and pious Mr. Richard Baxter
Five Disputations Of Church-Government, And Worship. I. Whether it be Necessary or Profitable to the right Order or Peace of the Churches of England, that we Restore the extruded Episcopacy? Neg. II. Assert. Those who Nullifie our present Ministry and Churches, which have not the Prelatical Ordination, and teach the People to do the like, do incur the guilt of grievous Sin. III. An Episcopacy desirable for the Reformation, Preservation and Peace of the Churches. IV. Whether a stinted Liturgie or Form of Worship be a desire- able means for the Peace of these Churches? V. Whether Humane Ceremonies be Necessary or Profitable to the Church?
The one thing necessary
The English Nonconformity, As under King Charles II. and King James II. Truly Stated and Argued
The life of Rev. Richard Baxter
God's goodness vindicated, for the help of such (especially in melancholy) as are tempted to deny it, and think him cruel, because of the present and future misery of mankind; with respect to the doctrine of reprobation and damnation
An Account Of The Reasons Why The Twelve Arguments, Said to be Dr. John Owen's, Change not my Judgment about Communion with Parish-Churches
The preacher and pastor
The Second Part Against Schism
An Answer To Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke; Confuting an Universal Humane Church-Supre- macy, Aristocratical and Monarchical; as Church-Tyranny and Popery
Der Prediger des Evangeliums
What we must do to be saved
Farewel Sermons, Preached by Mr. Calamy. Dr. Manton. Mr. Caryl. Mr. Case. Mr. Jenkin. Mr. Baxter. Dr. Jacomb.} Dr. Bates. Mr. Watson. Mr. Lye. Mr. Mede. Dr. Seaman. Mr. Venning. Mr. Newcomen.} Mr. Brooks. Mr. Collins. Mr. Beerman. Mr. Cradocott. Mr. Bull. Mr. Pledger. Mr. Sclater. Together with, Mr. Calamies Sermon at the Fun. of Mr. Ash. - His Serm. Decemb. 28. at Aldermanbury. Dr. Hortons Serm. at the Fun. of Mr. Nalton Mr. Lyes Summary rehearsal at the conclusion of the last Morning-Exercise at All-hallows Lumber-street. And their several Prayers prefixed to each Sermon. Revised and Corrected from the many faults of former Editions, and now collected into one entire Volume, for publick Benefit
A sermon of judgement
The true and only way of concord
Reflections Upon Mr. Baxter's Last Book, Entituled, The English Non-conformity, As Under King Charles II. and King James II. Truly Stated and Argued. In a Letter to a Friend. ... (2 lines)
The crucifying of the world by the cross of Christ
A Second Sheet for the Ministry Iustifying our Calling Against Quakers, Seekers, and Papists, and all that deny us to be the Ministers of Christ
De helliges evige hvile
A treatise of knowledge and love compared. In two parts I. Of falsly pretended knowledge. II. Of true saving knowledge and love. I. Against hasty judging, and false conceits of knowledge; and for necessary suspension. II. The excellency of divine love, and the happiness of being known and loved of God
The Crucifying of the world, By The Cross of Christ. With a Preface to the Nobles, Gentlemen, and all the Rich, directing them how they may be Richer
Richard Baxter's Catholick Theologie : Plain, Pure, Peaceable
The True And Only Way Of Concord Of all the Christian Churches
Vindiciae Revindicatae Being An Answer To Mr. Baxters Book, Intituled, Catholick Communion doubly Defended, by Dr. Owen's Vindicator, and Richard Baxter And Mr. Baxter's Notions Of The Saints Repentance And Displeasure in Heaven, Considered
Christ the pearl of great price, or, The excellency of Christ to believers set forth ...
The practical works of the Rev. Richard Baxter
The Second Part Of The Nonconformists Plea For Peace. Being an Accovnt of their Principles about Civil and Ecclesiastical Authority and obedience, , and about Things Indifferent, and evil by Accident or Scandal; and what their Nonconformity is not : and whether the Ministers encourage Sects and Schism
Richard Baxter's Confvtation Of A Dissertation For the Justification of Infidels
Poetical fragments
Universal Redemption Of Mankind, By The Lord Jesus Christ
Baxter's directions to slave-holders revived
The catechising of families
A Determination Of This Question, Whether the Miraculous works of Christ and his Disciples, do oblige those to believe who never saw them? ...(2 lines)
The Substance Of Mr. Cartwright's Exceptions Considered
The practical works of the Rev. Richard Baxter, with a life of the author, and a critical examination of his writings
The certainty of the world of spirits fully evinced. By Richard Baxter. To which is added The wonders of the invisible world by Cotton Mather. The former taken from the edition published by Mr. Baxter, 1691 ... The latter from the 'Ecclesiastical history of New England', published 1702
The Saints Everlasting Rest. The Third Part. Containing several Uses of the former Doctrine of Rest. ... (16 lines)
For ever!!
The Grotian Religion Discovered, At the Invitation of Mr. Thomas Pierce in his Vindica- tion. With a Preface, vindicating the Synod of Dort from the calum- nies of the New Tilenus; and David, Peter, &c. And the Puritanes, and Sequestrations, &c. from the cen- sures of Mr.Pierce
Abridgment of ... [his] history of his life and times
Rich. Baxters Apology Against the Modest Exceptions Of Mr T. Blake. And The Digression Of Mr G. Kendall. Whereunto is added Animadversions on a late Dissertation Of Ludiomaeus Colvinus, aliàs, Ludovicus Molinaeus, M. Dr Oxon. And An Admonition of Mr W. Eyre of Salisbury. With Mr Crandon's Anatomy for satisfaction of Mr Caryl. ... (6 lines)
Of The Nature Of Spirits; Especially Mans Soul. In a placid Collation with the Learned Dr. Henry More, In a Reply to his Answer to a private Letter, Printed in his second Edition of Mr. Glanviles Sadduceismus Tri- umphatus
As silver is tried
Aphorismes Of Justification, With their Explication annexed. Wherein also is opened the nature of the Covenants, Satis- faction, Righteousnesse, Faith, Works, &c. Published especially for the use of the Church of Keder- minster in Worcestershire
[Editorial Matter With Contents and Index For Volume Two.]
Right rejoycing: or The nature and order of rational and warrantable joy
Richard Baxters Answer To Dr. Edward Stillingfleet's Charge of Separation : Containing, I. Some Queries necessary for the understanding of his Accusation. II. A Reply to his Letter which denyeth a Solution. III. An Answer to his Printed Sermon. Humbly tendred, I. To Himself; II. To the Right Honou- rable the Lord Mayor and the Court of Aldermen, III. To the Readers of his Accusation
A Treatise Of Justifying Righteousness, In Two Books : I. A Treatise of Imputed Righteousness, opening and defending the True Sense, and confuting the False, with many of Dr. Tullies Reasonings against Truth, Peace, and Me : With an Answer to Dr. Tullies Letter, adjoyned. II. A Friendly Debate with the Learned and Worthy Mr. Christopher Cartwright, con- taining
A Treatise Of Self-Denyall
Rich. Baxters Apology Against the Modest Exceptions Of Mr T. Blake. And The Digression Of Mr G. Kendall. Whereunto is added Animadversions on a late Dissertation Of Ludiomaeus Colvinus, aliàs, Ludovicus Molinaeus, M. Dr Oxon. And An Admonition of Mr W. Eyre of Salisbury. With Mr Crandon's Anatomy for satisfaction of Mr Caryl. ... (6 lines)
[Editorial matter for the collection, with a life of the author.]
The Certainty Of Christianity Without Popery
A Sermon Of Repentance. Preached before the Ho- nourable House of Commons, Assembled in Parliament at Westminster, at their late so- lemn Fast for the setling of these Nations, April 30.1660
Animadversions upon a sheet of Mr Baxters Entituled An Appeal to the Light, Printed 1674. For the farther Caution of his Credulous Readers. ... (2 lines)
Confirmation and restauration
Faithful Souls Shall Be With Christ, The Certainty Proved and their Christianity Described, and Exemplified in the truly-Christian Life and Death of that excellent amiable Saint, Henry Ashhvrst Esq; Citizen of London. Briefly and truly Published for the Con- viction of Hypocrites and the Malignant, the Strengthning of Believers, and the Imitation of all; especially the Masters of Families in London
A call to the unconverted
Extract from a narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times
A Treatise Of The Knovvledge Of God. And The Impression which it must make upon the Heart
Universal Concord. The first Part. The Sufficient Terms Proposed for the Use of those that have liberty to use them
The Humble Petition Of Many thousands, Gentlemen, Freeholders, and others, of the County of Worcester, To the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. In behalf of the Able, Faithful, Godly Ministry of this Nation. Delivered by Colonel John Bridges, and Mr. Thomas Foly, December 22. 1652. VVith the Parliaments Answer theeunto
Of The Imputation Of Christ's Righteousness To Believers
Making light of Christ and salvation
Full and easy satisfaction which is the true and safe religion
Observations on some important points in divinity
Universal concord
Of The Immortality Of Mans Soul, And the Nature of it, and other Spirits. Two Discourses
The certainty of the world of spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable histories of apparitions and witchcrafts, operations, voices, etc. Proving the immortality of souls, the malice and miseries of the devils and the damned, and the blessedness of the justified
Cain and Abel Malignity, That is Enmity to Serious Godliness, That is, To an Holy and Heavenly State of Heart and Life
A Christian directory
Now or never
The practical works of the late reverend and pious Mr. Richard Baxter
Now or never. The holy, serious, diligent believer justified, encouraged, excited and directed. And the opposers and neglecters convinced by the light of scripture and reason
An End of Doctrinal Controversies Which have Lately Troubled the Churches By Reconciling Explication, Without Much Disputing
Richard Baxter's Account Of His present Thoughts Concerning the Controversies about The Perseverance of the Saints. Occasioned by the gross misreports of some passages in his Book, called, The Right Method for Peace of Conscience, &c; which are left out in the last Impression to avoid offence, and this here substituted, for the fuller ex- plication of the same Points. ... (5 lines)
What Meer Non-Conformity is not
A treatise on conversion
The Life of Faith. In Three Parts. The First is a Sermon on Heb. 11.1. formerly preached before His Majesty, and published by his Command; with another added for the fuller Application. The Second is Instructions for confirming Be- lievers in the Christian Faith. The Third is Directions how to live by Faith; or how to exercise it upon all occasions
Making light of Christ and salvation ...  A call to the unconverted to turn and live.  The last work of a believer ...  Of the shedding abroad of God's love ...
Imputative righteousnes (sic) truly stated
Richard Baxter's Catholick theologie
Preservatives against melancholy and overmuch sorrow
An Ansvver To Dr. Tullies Angry Letter
A Sermon Of Judgment, Preached at Pauls before the Honourable Lord Major and Aldermen of the City of Lon- don, Decemb. 17. 1654. And now Enlarged
For Prevention Of The unpardonable sin against The Holy-Ghost; A Demonstration, that the Spirit and Works of Christ were the finger of God. (ornament)
An excerpt from Reliquiæ Baxterianæ
Letters That passed between Mr. Baxter And Mr. Tombes Concerning the Dispute. (ornaments)
Jesuit juggling
A Treatise of Death, The last Enemy to be destroyed. Shewing wherein its enmity consisteth, and how it is destroyed Part of it was Preached at the Funerals of Eli- zabeth the late Wife of Mr. Joseph Baker, Pastor of the Church at Saint Andrews in Worcester
An Account Of My Dissent From Dr. Sherlocke, His Doctrine, Accusations, & Argumentation. Especially About the Essence of the Universal, Nati- onal and single Church, and the nature of Schism, and the terms of Christian Concord. As also of my Dissent from the French, from Bishop Gunning, and his Chaplain Dr.Saywell, Mr.Thorndike, Bishop Bram- hall, Bishop Sparrow, Mr.Dodwell, &c. on the same Subject
The reasons of the Christian religion
One Sheet for the Ministry, against the Malignants of all sorts
Rich. Baxter's confesssion [sic] of his faith
[Baxter's directions to slave-holders revived ...]
An extract of the Rev. Mr. Baxter's Aphorisms of justification
Against the Revolt to A Foreign Jurisdiction, Which would be to England its Perjvry, Chvrch-Rvine, and Slavery. In Two Parts. I. The History of Mens Endeavors to introduce it. II. The Confutation of all Pretences for it. Fully stating the Controversie, and Proving, That there is no Soverain Power of Legislation, Judgment and Execution over the whole Church on Earth, Aristocratists who place it in a Council or Colledge
Compassionate Counsel To All Young-Men. Especially, I. London-Apprentices. II. Students of Divinity, Physick, and Law. III. The Sons of Magistrates and Rich Men
The correspondence of Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
Five disputations of church-government, and worship
An end of doctrinal controversies which have lately troubled the churches by reading explication without much disputing
The Poor Man's Family Book. 1. Teaching him how to become a true Christian. 2. How to live as a Christian, towards God, himself, and others in all his Re- lations; especially in his Family. 3. How to die as a Christian in Hope and Comfort, and so to be Glorified with Christ for ever. In plain familiar Conference between a Teacher and a Learner. With a Form of Exhortation to the Sick, Two Catechisms, a Profession of Christianity, Forms of Prayers for various uses, and some Psalms, and Hymns for the Lords Day
Certain Disputations Of Right to Sacraments, and the true nature of Visible Christianity; Defending them against several sorts of Oppo- nents, especially against the second assault of that Pious, Reverend and Dear Bro- ther Mr Thomas Blake
The divine life, in three treatises
Preservatives against melancholy and overmuch sorrow; or, The cure of both by Faith and physick
True Christianity, or Christs absolute dominion and mans necessary self-resignation and subjection [and other sermons]
Methodus Theologiae Christianae, 1. Naturae Rerum, 2. Sacrae Scripturae, 3. Praxi,} Congrua conformis adaptata Plerumque  Non , & Pastorum Ju- niorum parti, , sedulae, indefessae. 2. Ingeniosae, docili, veritatem & ordinem sitienti. 3. Humili, candidae, Deo devotae
Peri tēs aiōniou anapauseōs tōn pistōn ...
Additions to the saints everlasting rest, to be put before the second part
Am I going to heaven?
The Invaluable Price Of An Immortal Soul. Shewing the Vanity of most People, in taking care for the Body, but neglect their Duty as to the preservation of their never-dying Souls. VVith advice to secure Sinners, to examine themselves before it be too late, that when Death shall come to separate their Souls from their Bodies, they may be in a condition to Welcome Death for that happy Change which all prepared Christians will for ever rejoyce in. Very necessary for all People to Read and consider, who would Willingly be ac- counted true Christians. With large Admonition to Prayer, as a du- ty most incumbant upon all who desire to obtain e- verlasting life, through Christ Jesus
The Certainty of the World Of Spirits. Fully evinced by unquestionable Histories of Apparitions And Witchcrafts, Operations, Voices, &c. Proving the Immortality of Souls, the Malice and Miseries of the Devils and the Damn- ed, and the Blessedness of the Justified. Written for the Conviction of Sadduces and Infidels
A Petition for Peace
The life of faith. In three parts
The Farewell Sermons Of the Late London Ministers, Preached August 17th 1662
Richard Baxter's confession of his faith
A Second Admonition To Mr. Edward Bagshaw; Written to call him to Repentance for many false Doctrines, Crimes, and spe- cially fourscore palpable untruths in matter of fact, deliberately published by him in two small Libels; In which he exemplieth the Love-killing and depraving Principles of Church- dividers : and telleth the World to what men are hasting, when they sinfully avoid Com- munion with true Churches and Chri- stians, for tolerable faults. With a Confutation of his Reasons for Separation
The True History Of Councils Enlarged and Defended, Against the Deceits of a pretended Vindicator of the Pri- mitive Church, but indeed of the Tympanite & Tyran- ny of some Prelates many hundred years after Christ. With a Detection of the false History of Edward Lord Bishop of Corke and Rosse in Ireland. And a Specimen of the way by which this Generation confuteth their Adversaries in several Instances. And a Preface abbrevating much of Ludolphus's Histo- ry of Habassia. Written to shew their dangerous Errour, who think that a gene- ral Council, or Colledge of Bishops, is a supream Governour of all the Christian World, with power of Universal Legisla- tion, Judgment and Execution, and that Christs Laws with- out their Universal Laws, are not sufficient for the Churches Uni- ty and Concord
A call to the unconverted to turn and live and accept of mercy
A Moral Prognostication, I. What shall befall the Churches on Earth, till their Concord, by the Restitution of their Primitive Purity, Simplicity, and Charity. II. How that Restitution is like to be made, (if ever) and what shall befall them thence-forth unto the End, in that Golden-Age of Love
The Good Catholick no Bad Subject. Or, A Letter From A Catholick Gentleman To Mr. Richard Baxter. Modestly accepting the Challenge by him made in his Sermon of Repentance, Preached be- fore the Honorable House of Commons, 30 April, 1660. ... (3 lines)
Now or never
Cain and Abel malignity, that is enmity to serious godliness, that is, to an holy and heavenly state of heart and life
The Mother's Catechism
Mr. Richard Baxter's paraphrase on the Psalms of David in metre
A Corrective For a Circumforaneous Antidote Against the Verity of a Passage in the Epistle before my Treatise of Rest. ... (7 lines; ornament)
Plain Scripture Proof Of Infants Church-membership And Baptism : Being The Arguments prepared for  the publick Dispute with Mr. Tombes at Bewdley on the first day of Jan. 1649. With a ful Reply to what he then answered, and what is contained in his Sermon since preached, in his Prin- ted Books, his M.S. on I. Cor. 7.14. which I saw, against Mr. Marshall, against these Arguments. With a Reply to his Valedictory Oration at Bewdley; And a Corrective for his Antidote. By Richard Baxter, A Minister of Christ for his Church at Kederminster. Constrained unavoidably hereto by Mr. Tombes his importunity
Gildas salvianus
The Reverend Richard Baxter's last treatise
Mr. Richard Baxter's Paraphrase On The Psalms of David In Metre, With other Hymns. Left fitted for the Press under his own Hand. Licensed June 2d. 1692
Confirmation and restauration, the necessary means of reformation, and reconciliation, for the healing of the corruptions and divisions of the churches
The cure of church-divisions; or, Directions for weak Christians...
The saints' rest
The Catechizing Of Families
Confirmation And Restauration, The necessary means of Reformation, And Reconciliation; For the Healing of the Corruptions and Divisions of the Churches
Mr. Baxter's dying thoughts
The Judgment Of Non-Conformists Of Things Sinful by Accident, And Of Scandal. Published To save Mens Souls from the Guilt of Believing those Men who tell them, that the Non-Conformists As- serted, that, [Whatever may be the occasion of Sin to any must be taken away; or that, Nothing may be imposed which Men may take Scandal at, or by Accident turn to Sin.] And to help those to Repentance, who have polluted their Souls with Falshood and Uncharitableness by Believing them, and seconding their Reports
Opfordring til den Vombendte
The English Nonconformity, As under King Charles II. and King James II. Truly Stated and Argued By Richard Baxter. Who earnestly beseecheth Rulers, and Clergy, not to Divide and Destroy the Land, and cast their own Souls on the dreadful Guilt and Punishment of National Perjvry, Lying, deliberate Co- venanting to Sin against God, corrupt his Church and not amenc, nor by Laws or blind Malignity, to reproach faithful Ministers of Christ, and Judge them to Scorn and Beggery, and to Lie and Die in Jails as Rogues, and so to strengthen Profaneness, Popery and Schism, and all for want of Willingness and Pa- tience to Read and Hear their Just Defence; while they can spend much more time in Sin and Vanity. The Author humbly begs that he and his Books of unconfutable Defence of a Mistaken persecuted Cause may not be Witnesses against them for such great and wilful Sin to their Condemnation
The judgment of several learned men, both Conformists and Nonconformists, concerning the Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter deceased
Catholick unity
Poetical fragments
The poor man's family book
Plain Scripture Proof Of Infants Church-membership And Baptism, Being The Arguments prepared for (and partly managed in) the publike Dispute with Mr. Tombes at Bewdley on the first day of January, 1649. With a full Reply to what he then Answered, and what is contained in his Sermon since Preached, in his printed Books, his M.S. on I Cor. 7.14. which I saw, against Mr. Marshal, against these Arguments. With a Reply to his Valedictory Oration at Bewdley; And a Corrective for his Antidote
The True Catholick, And Catholick Church Described. And The vanity of the Papists, and all other Schismaticks, that confine the Catholick Church to their Sect, dis- covered and shamed
A Call To The Unconverted To Turn and Live, And Accept of Mercy while Mer- cy may be had, as ever they would find Mercy in the day of their extremity. From the living God
The Reasons Of The Christian Religion. The First Part, Of Godliness : Proving by Natvral Evidence the Being of God, the Necessity of Holiness, and a future Life of Retribution; the Sinfulness of the World; the Desert of Hell; and what hope of Recovery Mercies intimate. The Second Part, Of Christianity : Proving by Evidence Supernatural and Natural, the certain Truth of the Christian Belief
An Unsavoury Volume Of Mr Jo. Crandon's Anatomized
The Christian directory or sure guide to present and essential happiness
The practical works of Richard Baxter
Some letters written on special occasions
The Ready Way Of Confuting Mr. Baxter, A Specimen Of The Present Mode Of Controversie in England
The Judgment Of M. Cartwright And M. Baxter Concerning Separation And the Ceremonies
A Second True Defence Of The Meer Nonconformists, Against The Untrue Accusations, Reasonings and History of Dr. Edward Stilling- fleet, Dean of St. Pavls, &c. Clearly proving that it is (not sin but) duty {I. Not wilfully to commit the many sins of Conformity. 2. Not Sacrilegiously to forsake the Preaching of the Gospel. 3. Not to cease publick worshipping of God. 4. To use needful Pastoral helps for salvation, though men forbid it, and call it Schism
A determination of this question, whether the miraculous works of Christ and his disciples do oblige those to believe who never saw them? [and other sermons]
Of justification
Richard Baxter's Dying Thoughts Upon Phil.I.xxiii. Written for his own Use in the latter Times of his Corporal Pains and Weakness
An Accompt of all the Proceedings Of the Commissioners of both Presvvasions, Appointed by his Sacred Majesty, According To Letters Patents, for the Review of The Book of Common-Prayer, &c. (ornament)
The scripture gospel defended, and Christ, grace and justification vindicated against the libertines ... In two books
Humble Advice
A treatise of death, the last enemy to be destroyed
Dialogues on personal and family-religion
The Life of Faith, As It Is The Evidence of things unseen. A Sermon Preached (contractedly) before the King at White- Hall, upon July the 22th. 1660
John Keble
John Keble (1792-1866)

poet, philosopher, theologian, priest

  • University of Oxford
The life of the right reverend father in God, Thomas Wilson, D.D., lord bishop of Sodor and Man
The Christian year
Lyra innocentium
The Christian year, thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays throughout the year [by J ..
Primitive tradition recognised in Holy Scripture
Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
Sermons, academical and occasional
Village sermons on the Baptismal service
Sermons for the Christian Year
Sermons for the Sundays after Trinity
Sermons for Lent to Passiontide
Sermons for Septuagesima to Ash-Wednesday
The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays ..
On the mysticism attributed to the early fathers of the church
The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse ..
The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse For the Sundays and Holydays Throughout the Year
Lyra innocentium: thoughts in verse on Christian children, their ways, and their privileges [by ..
The Christian Year: Thought in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays
Sermons for Advent to Christmas Eve
On eucharistical adoration
Studia Sacra: Commentaries on the Introductory Verses of St. John's Gospel ..
The first edition of Keble's Christian year
National apostasy considered
Sermons for the Holy Week
Keble's poem
Praelectiones academicae
Sermons for Ascension Day to Trinity Sunday
National Apostasy
De poeticae vi medica
Sermons, occasional and parochial
A sermon, preached at St Paul's church, Brighton
Heads of consideration on the case of Mr. Ward
Church matters in 1850
Sermons on the litany
The rich and the poor one in Christ
Letters of spiritual counsel and guidance
Against profane dealing with holy matrimony
Lyra Innocentum: Thoughts in Verse on Christian Children, Their Ways, and Their Privileges
The state in its relations with the church
Lyra innocentium: thoughts in verse on Christian children, their ways, and their privileges ..
A pastoral letter to the parishioners of Hursley, in the county of Southampton
Pentecostal fear
De poeticae vi medica: Praelectiones academicae Oxonii habitae, annis MDCCCXXXII-MDCCCXLI
Sermons for Easter to Ascension Day
The strength of Christ's little ones
Outlines of instructions or meditations for the church's seasons
Easter joy and Easter work
Church matters in MDCCCL
Women labouring in the Lord
Miscellaneous poems
A few very plain thoughts on the proposed admission of dissenters to the University of Oxford
Sunday lessons
Letters of Spiritual Counsel
Sermons for the Christian year
An argument against immediately repealing the laws which treat the nuptial bond as indissoluble
An  argument for not proceeding immediately to repeal the laws which treat the nuptial bond as indissoluble
Praelectiones academicae Oxonii habitae annis 1832-1841
Mss. verses, chiefly on sacred subjects
Plain sermons
Plain sermons
Sermons for the Christian year
The Christian Year (Echo Library)
Sermons for the Advent to Christmas Eve
Sequel of the argument against immediately repealing the laws which treat the nuptial bond as indissoluble
Sermons for the Saints' Days and other festivals
Tract Xc on Certain Passages in the XXXIX Articles
Lectures on poetry, 1832-1841
The first edition of Keble's Christian year
Plain sermons
Considerations suggested by a late pastoral letter on the doctrine of the most Holy Eucharist
A library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, anterior to the division of the East and West
National apostasy considered in a sermon
A letter to Sir Brook W. Bridges, Bart. M.P. &c &c
The case of Catholic subscription to the Thirty-nine articles considered
The child's Christian year: hymns for every Sunday and holy-day, compiled for the use of ...
The Christian year
Keble's Lectures on poetry, 1832-1841
A concordance to "The Christian year"
Praelectiones academicae Oxonii habitae annis 1832-1841
Plain sermons
Letters Of Spiritual Counsel And Guidance
Letter to a member of convocation
Sermons preached on various occasions
Miscellaneous poems
The psalter in English verse
Mss. verses, chiefly on sacred subjects
Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany
The Christian year
The christian year
Village sermons on the baptismal service
The case of Catholic subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles considered
National apostasy considered
Letters of spiritual counsel and guidance
The Christian year
Lyra innocentium
Sermons for Ascension Day to Trinity Sunday
Lyra innocentium
The Christian year
The Christian year
Primitive tradition recognised in Holy Scripture
Christian year
Village sermons on the baptismal service
Considerations suggested by a late pastoral letter on the doctrine of the most Holy Eucharist
Primitive tradition recognised in Holy Scripture
The original draft of the Christian Year, in the author's handwriting
Sermons for Lent to Passiontide
The strength of Christ's little ones
Occasional papers and reviews
Church matters in MDCCCL
Hymns for Holy Week and Easter
Sermons, academical and occasional
Sermons for the Christian year
The Psalter, or, Psalms of David in English verse
The Christian year
Adherence to the apostolical succession the safest course
Miscellaneous poems
Against profane dealing with holy matrimony, in regard of a man and his wife's sister
Sermons for the Sundays after Trinity
Sermons, occasional and parochial
The Christian year
Lyra innocentium
The Christian year
On the mysticism attributed to the early Fathers of the Church
The child's Christian year
A postscript to the third edition of the sermon entitled, "Primitive tradition recognised in Holy Scripture"
Sermons for the saints' days and other festivals
Sermons for the Christian year
On eucharistical adoration
Miscellaneous poems
The Church's year
Sermons for Advent to Christmas eve
The Christian year
The psalter, or, Psalms of David
The Psalter or Psalms of David
Sermons, occasional and parochial
The Christian year
Studia sacra
Heads of consideration on the case of Mr. Ward
The Christian year
The Christian year
The Christian year
[Pentecostal fear
Sequel of the argument against immediately repealing the laws which treat the nuptial bond as indissoluble
Tracts for the times
Outlines of instructions
Sermons for Septuagesima to Ash-Wednesday
On the representation of the University of Oxford
Selections from the writings of John Keble
The Christian year
The Christian year
The Christian year
Christian year
Sermons for the Holy Week
Letter, by the author of The "Christian year," on the ritual of the Church of England
Miscellaneous poems
The Christian year
The Psalter, or, Psalms of David
The Christian year
Keble's evening hymn
The Psalter or Psalms of David
Outlines of instructions or meditations for the church's seasons
On Eucharistical adoration
The life of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wilson
Occasional papers and reviews
Selections from the writings of John Keble
'Anni Christiani' quæ ad clerum pertinent
Christian year
Sermons, academical and occasional
De poeticae vi medica
The Psalter, or Psalms of David
Eugen Drewermann
Eugen Drewermann (born 1940)

psychologist, lecturer, psychotherapist, Catholic theologian, priest, peace activist, YouTuber

Discovering the God child within
Dein Name ist wie der Geschmack des Lebens
Der Weg des Herzens. Gewaltlosigkeit und Dialog zwischen den Religionen
Tiefenpsychologie und Exegese Band I
Von Tieren und Menschen
Reden gegen den Krieg
Glauben in Freiheit 1. Tiefenpsychologie und Dogmatik. Dogma, Angst und Symbolismus
Der tödliche Fortschritt
Discovering the royal child within
Das Markusevangelium
Der Trommler. Märchen Nr. 193 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung
Schneeweisschen und Rosenrot
Der Weg des Herzens
Das Johannesevangelium
Der Krieg und das Christentum
Atem des Lebens
Die kluge Else
Und gäbe dir eine Seele ..
Tiefenpsychologie und Exegese, 2 Bde., Bd.2, Wunder, Vision, Weissagung, Apokalypse, Geschichte, Gleichnis
Der Froschkönig. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Gedanken des Friedens, nicht des Leidens
Wege und Umwege der Liebe
Glauben in Freiheit 3/2. und es geschah so. Die moderne Biologie und die Frage nach Gott
Open heavens
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein / Der Wolf und der Fuchs. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Der Mensch braucht mehr als nur Moral. Über Tugenden und Laster
Die Botschaft der Frauen
Die Kristallkugel
Glauben in Freiheit 2. Jesus von Nazareth. Befreiung zum Frieden
Zeitreisen, Reisezeiten
" Ich steige hinab in die Barke der Sonne"
Worum es eigentlich geht
Das Matthäus-Evangelium, Tl.1, Matthäus 1,1-7,29
Strukturen des Bösen
" --auf dass ihr wieder leben sollt"
Voller Erbarmen rettet er uns
Glauben in Freiheit
Dying we live
Die zwei Brüder
Das Eigentliche ist unsichtbar
Lo esencial es invisible
Strukturen des Bösen, Tl.2, Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in psychoanalytischer Sicht
Und der Fisch spie Jona an Land
Moby Dick, oder, Vom Ungeheuren, ein Mensch zu sein
De l'immortalité des animaux
Lieb Schwesterlein, lass mich herein
Boule de cristal (la). lecture psychanalytique d'un conte de grimm
Psychoanalyse und Moraltheologie
Tiefenpsychologie und Exegese I/ II. Sonderausgabe. Die Wahrheit der Formen / Die Wahrheit der Werke und der Worte
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, lass dein Haar herunter
Die Spirale der Angst. Der Krieg und das Christentum
Daß auch der Allerniedrigste mein Bruder sei. Dostojewski - Dichter der Menschlichkeit
Glauben in Freiheit 3/3. Im Anfang... Die moderne Kosmologie und die Frage nach Gott
De la naissance des dieux à la naissance du Christ
Der gefahrvolle Weg der Erlösung
An ihren Früchten sollt ihr sie erkennen
Das Vaterunser
Dieu en toute liberté
Jesus von Nazareth
Kleriker. Psychogramm eines Ideals
Der Weg des Herzens
Aschenputtel. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Das Matthäus-Evangelium, Tl.3
Rapunzel Rapunzel Lass Dein Haar Herunte
Wenn die Sterne G otter w aren...: moderne Kosmologie und Glaube
Hänsel und Gretel. Aschenputtel. Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Von Tieren und Menschen. Moderne Fabeln
Goethes Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet, oder, Die Liebe herrscht nicht
Hänsel und Gretel. Märchen Nr. 15 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung
Schneewittchen. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Wenn der Himmel die Erde berührt
Gespräche über die Angst
Das Eigentliche ist unsichtbar. Der Kleine Prinz tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Ich lasse Dich nicht, Du segnest mich denn
Strukturen des Bösen, Tl.3, Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in philosophischer Sicht
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen
Giordano Bruno oder Der Spiegel des Unendlichen
Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk
Über die Unsterblichkeit der Tiere. Hoffnung für die leidende Kreatur
Glauben in Freiheit 3/1. Der sechste Tag. Die Herkunft des Menschen und die Frage nach Gott
Den eigenen Weg gehen
Das Individuelle gegen das Normierte verteidigen
Le testament d'un hérétique, ou, La dernière prière de Giordano Bruno
Aschenputtel. Märchen Nr. 21 aus der Grimmschen Sammlung
Psychanalyse et Exégèse, tome 2
Dame Holle
Und der Fisch spie Jona an Land. Das Buch Jona tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Die Botschaft der Frauen. Das Wissen der Liebe
Zeiten der Liebe
Das Markusevangelium, Tl.2, Mk 9,14 bis 16,20
L'Évangile des femmes
Dokumentation zur jüngsten Entwicklung um Dr. Eugen Drewermann
Le mal
Das Matthäusevangelium
Worte für ein unentdecktes Land
Liebe, Leiden und Unsterblichkeit. Das Märchen von der Kleinen Meerjungfrau
A contre-courant
Das Königreich Gottes in unserer Seele
Was uns Zukunft gibt. Vom Reichtum des Lebens
Freispruch für Kain?
Hat der Glaube Hoffnung? Von der Zukunft der Religion am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
La barque du soleil
Schneewittchen. Die zwei Brüder. Grimms Märchen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Psicologia del profondo e esegesi
Das Matthäus-Evangelium, Tl.2, Mt 8,1-20,19
Wenn die Sterne Götter wären -
Dios Inmediato
Ein Mensch braucht mehr als nur Moral:  uber Tugenden und Laster
Der Froschk onig: Grimms M archen tiefenpsychologisch gedeutet
Strukturen des Bösen. Sonderausgabe
Wort des Heils, Wort der Heilung
Was uns Zukunft gibt
Jesus von Nazareth - Bild eines Menschen
Der Herr Gevatter. Der Gevatter Tod. Fundevogel. Arzt und Tod im Märchen
Milomaki oder vom Geist der Musik. Eine Mythe der Yahuna-Indianer
Religiös bedingte neurotische Erkrankungen
Der sechste Tag
Clerigos - Psicograma de Un Ideal
Zwischen Staub Und Sternen
Fonctionnaires de Dieu
Das Lukas-Evangelium
Sind Propheten dieser Kirche ein Ärgernis?
Psychoanalyse und Moraltheologie, Bd.3, An den Grenzen des Lebens
Tod oder Leben
Wozu Religion: Sinnfindung in Zeiten der Gier nach Macht und Geld: im Gespr ach mit J urgen Hoeren
Welches Credo?
Und legte ihnen die Hände auf
Das Markusevangelium
Wie zu leben wäre
Daß alle eins seien
Psychanalyse et théologie morale
Dieptepsychologie en exegese
"Petit-Frère et Petite-Soeur"
Das Eigentliche ist unsichtbar
La peur et la faute
L'Essentiel est invisible - Une lecture psychanalytique du Petit Prince
Neigeblanche et Roserouge
Jesus von Nazareth - Bild eines Menschen
Le mensonge et le suicide
Krieg ist Krankheit, keine Lösung
Wozu Religion?
Das Lukas-Evangelium
Zeiten der Liebe
Dieu guérisseur
Näher zu Gott-- nah bei den Menschen
L'Evangile de Marc : Images de la rédemption, tome 1
Der Trommler : Marchen Nr. 193 aus d. Grimmschen Sammlung