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theologians who wrote biography
Showing 121-128 out of 180 results
Christoph Markschies
Christoph Markschies (born 1962)

church historian, theologian

  • University of Tübingen
Forbidden Texts on the Western Frontier : the Christian Apocrypha in North American Perspectives
Origenes und sein Erbe (Texte Und Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Der Altchristlichen Literatur)
Valentinus Gnosticus?
Tauffragen und Bekenntnis
Ambrosius von Mailand und die Trinitätstheologie
Gibt es eine "Theologie der gotischen Kathedrale"?
Neue Christologische Untersuchungen
Kaiserzeitliche christliche Theologie und ihre Institutionen
Die Gnosis
Alta Trinita Beata. Gesammelte Studien zur altchristlichen Trinitätstheologie
Das Alte Testament-- ein Geschichtsbuch?
Alta Trinità beata
Hellenisierung Des Christentums Sinn Und Unsinn Einer Historischen Deutungskategorie
Zwischen den Welten wandern
Luther, zwischen den Zeiten
Antike Christliche Apokryphen in Deutscher Ubersetzung: I. Band in Zwei Teilbanden: Evangelien Und Verwandtes 7. Auflage Der Von Edgar Hennecke ... Apokryphen (German Edition)
Ist Theologie eine Lebenswissenschaft?
God's Body
Arbeitsbuch Kirchengeschichte
Räume - Bilder - Kulturen
Origenes und sein Erbe: gesammelte Studien
Alta Trinita beata: gesammelte Studien zur altkirchlichen Trinit atstheologie
The Monk's Haggadah
Kaiserzeitliche christliche Theologie und ihre Institutionen: Prolegomena zu einer Geschichte der antiken christlichen Theologie
Die Welt als Bild
Antike Christliche Apokryphen in Deutscher Ubersetzung: I. Band in Zwei Teilbanden: Evangelien Und Verwandtes (German Edition)
Warum hat das Christentum in der Antike überlebt?
Atlas der Weltbilder
Was von Humboldt noch zu lernen ist
What the hell is quality?
Estructuras del Cristianismo Antiguo
Hermeneutik Unter Verdacht
Heis Theos
Rationalization in Religions
Berlins Wilde Energien
Christian theology and its institutions in the early Roman Empire
Von der Anmut des Anstandes
Erinnerungsorte des Christentums
Zwischen Altertumswissenschaft und Theologie
Berliner Universitätsreformer aus zweihundert Jahren
Hans Freiherr von Campenhausen
Valentinianism : New Studies
Das antike Christentum
Christliche und Jüdische Mystik
Prädikation und Bedeutung
Patrum Nicaenorum Nomina, Latine, Graece, Coptice, Syriace, Arabice, Armeniace : (mit einem Nachwort von C. Markschies)
God's Body
Reformationsjubilaum 2017 und Judisch-Christlicher Dialog
Zitat, Paraphrase, Plagiat
Okumenische Kirchengeschichte
Text und Seine Kultur(en)
Pluralismus als religiöse Forderung?
Ehrenpromotion Sir Henry Chadwick
Geschichte der Alten Kirche
Kaiserzeitliche Christliche Theologie und Ihre Institutionen
Zur Freiheit befreit
Protokollbuch der Kirchenväter-Kommission der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1897 - 1928
¿Por qué sobrevivió el cristianismo en el mundo antiguo?
Vademekum der Inspirationsmittel
Gnosis und Christentum
Religious Responses to Modernity
Die Entstehung der Christlichen Bibel
Christentumsgeschichte Theologisch
Ptolemaeus Gnosticus
Origenes und Sein Erbe
Griechische und Lateinische Kirchenväter
¿Por qué sobrevivió el cristianismo en el mundo antiguo?
Kirchenhistoriker Als Herausgeber der »Theologischen Literaturzeitung«
Gnosis und Manichäismus
Register Zu Den Bänden I-III : (Ancoratus, Panarion Haer. 1-80 und de Fide)
Heilige Texte
Gnosis und Manichäismus
Karl Jaspers
Karl Jaspers (1883-1969)

philosopher, psychiatrist, physician, theologian, psychologist

  • Heidelberg University
The great philosophers
Die massgebenden Menschen
Philosophische Autobiographie
Die grossen Philosophen
Erneuerung der Universität
Strindberg und van Gogh
Vernunft und Freiheit
Die massgebenden Menschen
Von der Wahrheit
Grossen Philosophen
General psychopathology
Atombombe und die Zukunft des Menschen
Einführung in die Philosophie
Myth and Christianity
Vernunft und Existenz
Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus
Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte
Reason and anti-reason in our time
Die Atombombe und die Zukunft des Menschen
Man in the modern age
Man in the modern age
Great Philosophers Volume 4
Was ist der Mensch?
Einsamkeit, Kommunikation, Öffentlichkeit
Philosophy of existence
Gesammelte Schriften zur Psychopathologie
Philosophie und Welt
Die Schuldfrage
Die Frage der Entmythologisierung
Anselm and Nicholas of Cusa
Frage der Entmythologisierung
Strindberg and Van Gogh
Karl Jaspers
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
Plato and Augustine
Genio e follia
Bilan et perspectives
Philosophical faith and revelation
The future of Germany
The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers
Karl Jaspers on Max Weber
Nietzsche und das Christentum
Rechenschaft und Ausblick
Briefwechsel 1945-1968
Philosophie der Freiheit
Briefwechsel Karl Jaspers-Oskar Hammelsbeck, 1919-1969
Initiation à la méthode philosophique
Die Idee der Universität
Man in the Modern Age
                Routledge Revivals
Die geistige situation der zeit
Philosophische Logik
Einfu hrung in die Philosophie
Weltgeschichte der Philosophie
The Perennial Scope of Philosophy
Von der antiken zur christlichen Metaphysik
Nietzsche. Einführung in das Verständnis seines Philosophierens
Reason and Existenz
Der philosophische Glaube
Situation de l'homme et histoire de la philosophie dans l'œuvre de Karl Jaspers
The origin and goal of history
Way to wisdom
Nietzsche and Christianity
Karl Jaspers Denkwege
The atom bomb and the future of man
Psychologie der Weltanschauungen
Kleine Schule des philosophischen Denkens
Vom europäischen Geist
The idea of the university
Lao-tse, Nagarjuna
Notizen zu Martin Heidegger
Les Grands Philosophes, tome 3
Die Geistige Situation Der Zeit (Sammlung Goschen)
Die Sprache
La bombe atomique et l'avenir de l'homme
Truth and symbol
Bilan et perspectives
Chiffren der Transzendenz
Philosophy of Existence (Works in Continental Philosophy)
Three essays
Philosophische Glaube
Existentialism and humanism
Man in the modern age. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul
Felsefeye Giris
Heimweh und Verbrechen
Raison et existence
Psychologie der Weltanschauungen
General psychopathology
Karl Jasper - Philosophy, Volume 3
Philosophical faith and revelation
Einsamkeit - Kommunikation - Öffentlichkeit
Lebensfragen der deutschen Politik
Nikolaus Cusanus
Origine et sens de l'histoire
Nietzsche et le christianisme
Truth and symbol, from Von der Wahrheit
La questione della colpa
Der Arzt im technischen Zeitalter. Technik und Medizin - Arzt und Patient - Kritik der Psychotherapie
Freiheit und Wiedervereinigung
Nietzsche and Christianity
Vom lebendigen Geist der Universität und vom Studieren
Descartes und die Philosophie
Unsere Zukunft und Goethe
Zhe xue qian lun
The European spirit
Los Grandes Maestros Espirituales De Oriente Y Occidente
Wahrheit und Bewährung
Italienbriefe 1902
The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers
Vernunft und Widervernunft in unserer Zeit
Descartes et la philosophie
Philosophische Aufsätze
Los Grandes Filosofos: Los Hombres Decisivos
Serie Piper, Bd.54, Kleine Schule des philosophischen Denkens
Perennial scipe of philosophy
Die Grossen Philosophen, Erster Band
Über das Tragische
Über Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten eines neuen Humanismus
Descartes und die Philosophie (German Edition)
Introduction à la philosophie
Einführung in die Philosophie
Wahrheit, Freiheit und Friede
Freiheit und Wiedervereinigung. Über die Aufgaben deutscher Politik
Einführung in die Philosophie
Freiheit und Wirtschaft
Die geistige situation der zeit
Nietzsche und das Christentum
Strindberg et Van Gogh, Swedenborg, Höelderlin
Europa der Gegenwart
The nature of psychotherapy
Antwort zur Kritik meiner Schrift "Wohin treibt die Bundesrepublik?"
Grandes Filosofos III, Los
Die Schuldfrage ; Für Völkermord gibt es keine Verjährung
Der philosophische Glaube angesichts der Offenbarung
Wesen und Kritik der Psychotherapie
OnMax Weber
Die grossen Philosophen
filosofika kai politika dokimia
Lionardo als Philosoph
La Culpabilité allemande
Genio Artistico y Locura Strindberg y Van Gogh
Jaspers et la scission de l'être
Was ist Erziehung?
The nature of psychotherapy
The European spirit
Wohin treibt die Bundesrepublik. Tatsachen, Gefahren, Chancen
La bomba atomica y el futuro del hombre
Wohin treibt die Bundesrepublik?
La Fe Filosofica (Biblioteca de Obras Maestras del Pensamiento)
Ambiente espiritual de nuestro tiempo
Aus dem Ursprung denkende Metaphysiker
Max Weber. Gesammelte Schriften.
Aspekte der Bundesrepublik
Essais philosophiques
Les grands philosophes
Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte
Los Grandes Filosofos: Los Fundadores Del Filosofar
Was ist Philosophie?
La situation spirituelle de notre époque
Die Geistige Situation Der Zeit (Sammlung Gaschen) (German Edition)
Philosophy and the World
Aneignung und Polemik
Karl Jaspers, Philosophie und Politik
La situation spirituelle de notre époque. Postface de Xavier Tilliette
Three essays: Leonardo, Descartes, Max Weber
Max Weber, deutsches wesen im politischen denken
Offener Horizont
Psychologie der Weltanschauungen
Strindberg et Van Gogh, Swedenborg, Hoelderlin
Leonardo, Descartes, Max Weber
Philosophie I/ III
Der Arzt im technischen Zeitalter
Wahrheit und Wissenschaft
Strindberg y Van Gogh
Das Wagnis der Freiheit
La pensée de Descartes et la philosophie
Serie Piper, Bd.13, Einführung in die Philosophie
The great philosophers. Edited by Hannah Arendt. Translated by Ralph Manheim
Max Weber
Philosophie und Offenbarungsglaube
Karl Jaspers, 1883-1969
Reason and Existence
Hoffnung und Sorge
Karl Jaspers, vier Ansprachen anlässlich der Verleihung des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels
The question of German guilt
Hoffnung und Sorge
Truth and symbol
Hvad er filosofi?
General psychopathology
Über Bedingungen und Möglichkeiten eines neuen Humanismus
Die geistige situation der zeit (1931)
Nietzsche and Christianity
Tragedy is not enough
Origen y Meta de La Historia
Truth and symbol, from "Von der Warheit" [sic]
Einfuhrung in die Philosophie
Existentialism and humanism
Was könnte ich am Grabe sagen wenn Gertrude vor mir stürbe
Raison et déraison de notre temps
Three essays
Tragedy is not enough
Von der Wahrheit. --
Psychologie der Weltanschauungen
Was ist Erziehung? Ein Lesebuch.
The question of German guilt
Der philosophische Glaube angesichts der Offenbarung
The Philosophy of Karl Jaspers (The Library of living philosophers)
Die massgebenden Menschen
Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte
Vernunft und Existenz
Schicksal und Wille
Philosophy and the world
Strindberg und van Gogh
Von der Wahrheit
Die Sprache / Über das Tragische
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
Way to wisdom
La foi philosophique
Philosophie: Band 1: Philosophische Weltorientierung. Band 2: Existenzerhellung. Band 3
The origin and goal of history
Das Lachen
Pitanje krivnje
Reason and existenz
Plato and Augustine
Freiheit und Wiedervereinigung
Karl Jaspers werk und wirkung
Existentialism and humanism
Nikolaus Cusanus
Way to wisdom
Max Weber, Politiker, Forscher, Philosoph
Uber Bedingungen und Mo glichkeiten eines neuen Humanismus
Karl Jasper's Essays on Max Weber
Plato, Augustin, Kant
General psychopathology
Descartes und die Philosophie. --
Lionardo als Philosoph
Rechenschaft und Ausblick
Descartes und die Philosophie. --
Philosophie und Wissenschaft
Psychologie der Weltanschauungen
The origin and goal of history
The perennial scope of philosophy
The nature of psychotherapy
Plato and Augustine
Philosophy is for everyman
Plato, Augustin, Kant
Karl Jaspers (1883-1969)
Les grands philosophes
Man in the modern age
Der philosophische Glaube angesichts der Offenbarung
Die atombombe und die zukunft des menschen
Kuda ide SR Nemačka?
The great philosophers
Die Idee der Universität
La Practica Medica En La Era Tecnologica
Way to Wisdom
Einfu hrung in die philosophie
Philosophical faith and revelation
The question of German guilt
Eisagōgē stē philosophia
Jaspers et la scission de l'être
Der philosophische Glaube
Volontà e destino
Über das Tragische
The great philosophers
Psychologie der Weltanschauungen
La Filosofia
The question of German guilt
Die geistige Situation der Zeit
General psychopathology
Der philosophische Glaube
Autobiografia filosofica
Way to wisdom
The great philosophers
Karl Jaspers
Vernunft und Existenz
The philosophy of Karl Jaspers
Descarte y La Filosofia
Philosophische Logik
Myth and Christianity
Wohin treibt die Bundersrepublik [sic]?
Karl Jaspers zu Ehren
The future of mankind
Reason and anti-reason in our time
Nietzsche y el Cristianismo
The perennial scope of philosophy
Istoki istorii i ee t︠s︡elʹ
The nature of psychotherapy
Leonardo filosofo
Plato and Augustine
Plato and Augustine
Li shi de qi yuan yu mu biao
Tragedy is not enough
Truth and symbol
The idea of the university
Philosophie und Wissenschaft
Allgemeine Psychopathologie
Die  Atombombe and die Zukunft des Menschen
Scritti psicopatologici
Von der Wahrheit. --
Wahrheit, Freiheit und Friede
The idea of the university
The future of Germany
Philosophie und Welt
Autobiographie philosophique
Was ist Philosophie? Ein Lesebuch.
Was ist der Mensch? Philosophisches Denken für alle
Psicopatologia General - Jaspers -
Kleine Schule des philosophischen Denkens
La mia filosofia
Die philosophische Glaube
Friedrich Heer
Friedrich Heer (1916-1983)

cultural historian, historian, pedagogue, dramaturge, theologian, opinion journalist

  • University of Vienna, Akademisches Gymnasium
Charlemagne and his world
Die Dritte Kraft
The intellectual history of Europe
Challenge of youth
Warum ich Christ, Atheist, Agnostiker bin
Heilige Römische Reich
Gottes erste Liebe
The fires of faith
The medieval world
The intellectual history of Europe
Europe, mother of revolutions
Scheitern in Wien
God's First Love
Das Heilige Römische Reich
Das Wagnis der Schöpferischen Vernunft
Der Kampf um die österreichische Identität
The medieval world, Europe, 1100-1350
Jugend zwischen Hass und Hoffnung
Fritz Wotruba
Dunkle Mutter Wien, mein Wien
Der Glaube des Adolf Hitler
Europe, mother of revolutions
Kreuzzüge--gestern, heute, morgen?
Katholiken sehen dich an
Aufgang Europas
Sieben Kapitel aus der Geschichte des Schreckens
The Fires of Faith (Milestones of History 2)
Réalités et vérité
Der Kampf um die österreichische Identität
The Fires of faith
Der König und die Kaiserin
Werthers Weg in den Underground
Begegnung mit dem Feinde
Abschied von Höllen und Himmeln
Glaube und Unglaube
Der Glaube des Adolf Hitler
Europa unser
Catholicité d'hier et de demain
Gespräch der Feinde
Sprechen wir von der Wirklichkeit
Europäische Geistesgeschichte
Europa ische Geistesgeschichte
Abendrot und Morgenröte
Koexistenz, Zusammenarbeit, Widerstand
Das Glück der Maria Theresia
Ausgewählte Werke in Einzelbänden
Aster und der Alte
The Holy Roman Empire
Europa, Mutter der Revolutionen
Erasmus von Rotterdam
Warum gibt es kein Geistesleben in Deutschland?
Gottes erste Liebe
Europäische Geistesgeschichte
Land im Strom der Zeit
Actitud del cristiano al comienzo de la era atomica
Europa ische Geistgeschichte
Europa--Rebellen, Häretiker und Revolutionäre
The intellectual history of Europe
Der Glaube des Adolf Hitler. Anatomie einer politischen Religiosität
Die Tragödie des Heiligen Reiches
Quellgrund dieser Zeit
Great documents of the world
Das Experiment Europe
Offener Humanismus
Europe, mother of revolutions
The medieval world
Österreich ein Leben lang
The fires of faith
The fires of faith
Land im Strom der Zeit
Sprechen wir von der Wirklichkeit
Grandes documentos de la humanidad
Aufgang Europas
Das experiment Europa
Wien in alten Reisebildern
Yeme ha-benayim ṿe-tarbutam
Gespräch der Feinde
Ein Neues Menschenbild?
Abendrot und Morgenröte
The intellectual history of Europe
Pravičnejši svet
Actitud del cristiano al comienzo de la era atomica
Catholicité, d'hier et de demain
Kirche und Zukunft
Der Mensch im Banne seiner Religionen
Oecumene der culturen
Karl der Grosse und seine Welt
Die Tragödie des Heiligen Reiches
Mensch unterwegs, europäische und christliche Situationen
Jean Gerson
Jean Gerson (1363-1429)

theologian, philosopher, chancellor, poet

  • University of Paris
Jean Gerson
The Ad Deum vadit of Jean Gerson
Gersons Lärdom huru man skall dö
Oeuvres comple  tes
The letters of Giovanni Garzoni
La Passion nostre Seigneur
Six sermons français inèdit de Jean Gerson
De mystica theologia
Christianissimi doctoris Joannis de Gerson Sermo de Passione Domini
De sollicitudine ecclesiasticorum
Opusculum de cognitione peccatorum venialium [et] mortaliu[m]
Joannis Gersonii... Opera omnia
Oeuvres complètes
Joannis Gersonii, doctoris et cancellarii parisiensis, Josephina, carmine heroico decantata, duodecim libros continens
Joannis Gersonii ... Opera omnia ... ad manuscriptos codices quamplurimos collata, & innumeris in locis emendata; quaedam etiam nunc primum edita
Prima [-quarta] pars Joannis Gersonis studij Lutetiani cancelarij
Six sermons français inédits
Epístola de Gerson
Quarta pars operum Johannis Gerson prius non impressa
¿uvres comple  tes
Harengve faicte au nom de l'Vniversite de Paris
Summa theologica et canonica Ioannis Gerson..
Initiation à la vie mystique
Opusculum tripartitũ eiusdem De preceptis decalogi
Gerson bilingue
Excellente predication dv grand Gerson, chancelier de l'eglise de Paris
Six sermons francais inédits de Jean Gerson
Selections from A Deo exivit, Contra curiositatem studentium and De mystica theologia speculativa
De pollutione nocturna
A treatise on bringing children to Jesus Christ
Om djefvulens frestelse
De passionib[us] a[n]i[ma]e
Opusculum tripertitum
Instruction dels rictors, vicaris et autres ayants charge d'armas aus diocesis de Rodes & de Vabres
De mystica theologia, edidit André Combes
Libellus canonum moralium
De consolatione theologie
De perfectione cordis
Joannis Gersonii ... Opera omnia nova ordine digesta
Opera omnia Joannis Gersoni ..
Prima[-secunda] pars operum Iohannis Gerson
The Consolation of Theology
Prima pars operū Johannis Gerson
[ Opera]
Opera Johannis de Gerson
Joh. Gersons Bok om djefvulens frestelse öfversatt af Ericus Nicolai
Œuvres complètes
Ioannes Gerson De immitatione Christi et de contemptu mundi in uulgari sermone
Harengue faicte au nom de l'Vniuersite de Paris deua[n]t le roy Charles Sixiesme, & tout le conseil
De imitatione Christi [etc.]
Ioannis Gersonis cancellarii Parisiensis, Doctorísque celeberrimi, De imitatione Christi, déque mundi vanitatum contemptu, libri IIII
De imitatione Christi
Incipit tractatus venerabil[is] Magistri Ioh[annis]. Gerson Cancellarij parisien[sis] de Meditat[ion]e
Selections from A Deo exivit, Contra curiositatem studentium and De mystica theologia speculativa
[Writings on music]
De pollutione nocturna
A full deuout and gostely treatyse of the imytacion and folowynge the blessed lyfe of oure moste mercyfull sauyoure criste
Tripartito del christianissimo y consolatorio doctor Juan Gerson de doctrina christiana : a qualquiera muy p[ro]uechosa
Gersons mystische Theologie
De spiritualib[us] nupciis
De perfectione cordis
Heures de contemplacion sur la Passion de Nostre Seigneur Jhesucrist
Johannis Gersen S. Stephani Vercellensis Ordinis S. Benedicti abbatis De imitatione Christi libri quatuor
Quedam regule de modo titulandi seu apificandi pro novellis scriptoribus copulate
Contemptus mundi de Juan Gerson
Libellus canonum moralium
Harengue faicte au nom de l'Université de Paris devant le roy Charles Sixiesme et tout le conseil en 1405
Opus tripartitum, de preceptis dei, de confessione et de arte bene moriendi
A treatise on bringing children to Jesus Christ
La dance macabre des Saints Innocents de Paris
Opusculum tripartitu[m] Joannis Gerson De preceptis decalogi
Iohannis Carlerii dicti De Gersono De lavde scriptorvm tractatvs
Imitació de Jesucrist de Iohan Gerson
Œuvres complètes
Imitación de Cristo de Juan Gerson
Prima [-tertia] pars operũ Johannis Gerson
Tractatus de simonia
Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus
La dance macabre
Ioannis Carlerii de Gerson De mystica theologia
Harengue faicte au nom de l'Vniversite de Paris
Oeuvres complètes
Joannis Gersonii ... Opera omnia
La passion nostre seigneur
Six sermons français inédits de Jean Gerson
Des Durchleuchtigen Hochgebornen Fürsten und Herrn, Herrn Friderichen, Landtgraffen inn Düringen, Marggraffen zu Meychssen u. Dieses namens des ersten ehrliche geschicht und thaten
Practical Guide To Spiritual Prayer
[De pollutionibus nocturnis]
De custodia linguae et corde bene ruminanda
De passionib[us] a[nima]e
The Ad Deum vadit of Jean Gerson
De spiritualibus nuptiis
De passionib[us] a[n]i[ma]e
Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus, sive De regulis mandatorum
De mystica theologia
Ägidius Romanus' de Colonna, Johannes Gersons, Dionys des Kartäusers und Jakob Sadolets pädagogische schriften
The Snares Of The Devil
Mary Baker Eddy
Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910)


  • Pembroke Academy
Mary Baker Eddy
Science and health
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
What Christmas means to me
Unity of good
Christian healing
Prose Works
Pulpit and press
The First church of Christ, Scientist, and miscellany
No and yes
Retrospection and introspection
Rudimental divine science
Miscellaneous writings, 1883-1896
The Christian Science Hymnal
Christian science versus pantheism
Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany
Unity of Good
No and Yes
The First Church of Christ Scientist
Historical Sketch of Christian Science Mind-healing
Church Manual of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Inspiration for Life's Relationships
Science and health
Manual of the Mother Church: The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Pulpit and Press
Rudimental Divine Science
Miscellaneous Writings. 1883-1896
Science et santé avec la clef des écritures
Christian healing and
Moments of gratitude
Prose works other than Science and health
A complete concordance to Science and health with key to the scriptures
Science et santé: avec la clef des Écritures
Science and health with key to the Scriptures
Manual of the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusets
Christ and Christmas, a poem
Miscellaneous Writings
Christian Healing and The People's Idea of God
Mary Baker Eddy, Speaking for Herself
Wissenschaft und gesundheit mit schlüssel zur Heiligen Schrift
Science and health
Christian Science Versus Pantheism
Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures
Ciencia E Saude Com a Chave Das Escrituras
Old New England
Pulpit and Press
The first Church of Christ, scientist, and miscellany
Science et Sante
Christ and Christmas
Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures (Scienza E Salute Con Chiave Della Scritture)
Seven Sacred Solos
Manual of the mother church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Ciencia y Salud Con Clave de Las Escrituras
Poem by Mary Baker Eddy
Manual of the Mother Church
Church Manual of the First Church of Christ, Scientist
Vetenskap och hälsa med nyckel till Skriften =
Message to the First Church of Christ, Scientist: Or Mother Church, Boston, June 15, 1902
The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
Poems by Mary Baker Eddy
Handling Malicious Animal Magnetism
Handbuch der mutter-kirche
The people's idea of God
Manual Of The Mother Church
Christian Healing
The Christian Science Journal
Miscellaneous writings, 1833-1896
Wissenschaft Und Gesundheit: Mit Schlussel Zur Heiligen Schrift
Christian healing and the people's idea of God, sermons delivered at Boston
Science Of Man
Collected Works Of Mary Morse Eddy
Retrospection and introspection, Christian healing, Rudimental divine science
No and Yes, Pulpit and Press, Retrospection and Introspection, Rudimental Divine Science, and Unity of Good
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Veda a Zdravi S Klicem K Pismu)
The Christian Science Hymnal
Essays and Other Footprints
Unity Of Good
Manual of the Mother Church (The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts)
Rudimental Divine Science
Christ And Christmas
Divinity Course and General Collectanea
Historical Sketch Of Metaphysical Healing
True And Divine Mind
Christ, my refuge
Miscellaneous Writings
What Mrs. Eddy Said To Arthur Brisbane
Christian healing and people's idea of God
No And Yes
A Complete Concordance to the Writings of Mary Baker Eddy Other Than Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures. Together With an Index to the Chapter Sub-Titles, Headings, and Titles of the Poems, and an Index to the Scriptual Quotations Contained in
Unity of Good
Ciencia E Saude Com a Chave Das Escrituras/Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures
My little book about God
Message to the Mother Church, Boston Mass., June 1900
Science et santé
Christian Healing - A Sermon Delivered At Boston
Wissenschaft Und Gesundheit
Science and Health with Key to Scripture
                American Philosophy and Religion
Manuel de L'Église Mère, La Première Église Scientiste
Christian Science Journal; Volume 9
Unity of good
Unity of good and unreality of evil
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Aequus)
Big with blessings
Science and health with key to the scriptures = Science et santé avec la clef des écritures
Complete Concordance to Miscellaneous Writings (1915)
Sacred Solos by Donald Spies: 5 Sacred Solos
Historical Sketch Of Christian Science Healing
Christian Science
Letters of Mary Baker Eddy to Augusta E. Stetson, C.S.D., 1889-1909
Christian Science Versus Pantheism
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Miscellaneous Writings of Mary Baker Eddy 1883 to 1896
Message to the Mother Church: Boston, Mass., June, 1901
Pulpit and Press
The people's idea of God, its effect on health and Christianity
Seven messages to the Mother Church
Retrospection And Introspection
Complete Concordance to Writings of Mary Baker Eddy
People's Idea Of God
No and Yes
Poetical works of Mary Baker Eddy
Complete Concordance to Miscellaneous Writings, Part 1
Retrospection and Introspection
A Talking Book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Complete Concordance to Miscellaneous Writings, Part 2
Manual of the Mother Church
Editorial Comments On The Life And Work Of Mary Baker Eddy - Dicoverer And Founder Of Christian Science
Christian Healing, a Sermon Delivered at Boston
Retrospection and Introspection
Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896
Pulpit and Press
The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 20
Christian Science Hymnal
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 16
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 7
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Poems Including Christ and Christmas
Hymnal Notes. Being Brief Studies of the Hymns and Hymn Tunes, the Poets and Composers Represented in the Christian Science Hymnal
Unity of Good~Rudimental Divine Science~No and Yes~Retrospection and Introspection~Authorized Edition~Mary Baker Eddy~1919
Complete Concordance to the Writings of Mary Baker Eddy [to the Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures)
Science and Health With Key to the Scriptu
Retrospection and Introspection
Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896
Science And Health
Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Christ and Christmas
Science and Health
No and Yes
Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures; Volume 1
Prose Works, Other Than Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures
Miscellaneous Writings, 1833-1896
Retrospection and Introspection
What Christmas Means to Me and other Christmas Messages
Science & Health With Key To Scriptures
First church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany (1914)
Science and health, with key to the Scriptures ... Wetenschap en gezondheid met sleutel tot de Heilige Schrift
Christian science versus pantheism, and other messages to the mother church
Science and health, with key to the Scriptures,
Unity of Good
Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures
No and Yes
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 18
Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896
Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures
Mary Baker Eddy's Six days of revelation
Rudimental divine science by Mary Baker Eddy.
Miscellaneous Writings
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 36
Miscellaneous Writings 1883 1896
Retrospection and Introspection
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 7...
Science And Health
Miscellaneous Writings
Revelation of St. John
Christian healing, and The people's idea of God
Reading in a Year:
Miscellaneous Writings
The First church of Christ, Scientist, and miscellany
Science and health
Pulpit and Press
Message to the Mother Church
Historical Sketch of Christian Science Mind-Healing
Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures; Volume 1
Prose Works (Other than Science & Health0 (Miscellanous Writings)
Wissenschaft Und Gesundheit Mit Schlussel Zur Heiligen Schrift (Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures)
Painting a poem
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 9
Unity of Good & Other Writings
Rudimental Divine Science and Other Writings on Christian Science
Message to the Mother Church
No and Yes
Prose Works
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 14
Retrospection and Introspection
Christian Science Versus Pantheism
Christian Science Journal; Volume 37
Pulpit and Press
Pond and purpose
Christian Science Hymnal
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Poems, 1910
Unity of Good
Watches, Prayers, Arguments
Christian Healing and the People's Idea of God;
Christian Healing
Handbuch der Mutter-Kirche, der Ersten Kirche Christi, der Scientisten in Boston, Massachusetts
The Christian Science Hymnal
Christian science, no and yes
Science and Health : With Key to the Scriptures
The science of man, by which the sick are healed, or, Questions and answers in moral science
The First Church of Christ Scientist
Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
Science and Health; Volume II
Message to the First Church of Christ, Scientist or the Mother Church, Boston, June 15, 1902
Science et santé, avec la clef des Écritures, par Mary Baker Eddy ... Traduction reviseé
By Mary Baker Eddy - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Authorized, Trade (New Edition) (2000-07-16) [Paperback]
A Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 13
Retrospection and introspection
Christian Science Versus Pantheism
Ecrits Divers 1977 (Miscellaneous Writings)
Christian Healing and Other Writings on Christian Science
Christian Science Journal; Volume 39
The people's idea of God ;
Nauka i zdrowie z kluczem do l'isma świętego
Manual of the Mother Church
Complete Concordance to Miscellaneous Writings and Works other than Science and Health
Unity of Good and Unreality of Evil,
Christian Science Versus Pantheism
Miscellaneous Writings
Unity of Good and Unreality of Evil  Mary Baker G. Eddy
No and Yes
A complete concordance to Science and health with key to the Scriptures
Rudimental Divine Science
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 8
Historical Sketch of Christian Science Mind-Healing
Science and health with key to the Scriptures
Unity of Good
Manual of the Mother Church
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Tiede Ja Terveys Seka Avain Raamattuun)
Complete Concordance to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Christian Healing
Christian Science Journal; Volume 13
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
Christian healing
Rudimental divine science
Church Manual of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Christ and Christmas, a poem
Christ and Christmas
Poems By Mary Baker Eddy
[Questions and answers, 1867-1870]
Manual of the Mother Church
Science and Health, Volume II
Manual of the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Videnskab og helse med nøgle til skriften
Manual of the Mother Church
Science and health with key to the Scriptures
Retrospection and Introspection
Science and health
Manual of the Mother Church the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts
Seven messages to the Mother Church
Science and Health with Key to the Scrptures (Authorized Literature of the First Church of Christ, Boston)
Christian Healing, a Sermon Delivered at Boston
Science and health with key to the Scriptures. --
Rare Christian Science Hymnal Leatherbound 1937 Mary Baker Eddy
Escritos Miscelaneos
The people's idea of God
The Christian Science Journal, Volume 17
Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896
Science and Health
Scienza e salute con chiave delle scritture
First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany
Instruction in metaphysics
A complete concordance to the writings of Mary Baker Eddy
What Mrs. Eddy Said to Arthur Brisbane
Christian Science Journal; Volume 38
Science and health with key to the scriptures
The science of man, by which the sick are healed, or, Questions and answers in moral science
Rudiments and rules of divine science
Mrs. Eddy's letters to Augusta Stetson
The people's idea of God
Essays and Bible lessons ... with Repaid pages ; Footprints fadeless
Retrospekt︠s︡ii︠a︡ i introspekt︠s︡ii︠a︡
Mary Baker Eddy's Lessons of the seventh day (chapters I-IV)
The science of man, by which the sick are healed
Christian science versus pantheism
Science and health with key to the Scripturesd
Unity of good
Sacred Solos by Adrienne Tindall Vol. II: 14 Sacred Solos
Reminiscences of Mrs. Eddy
Reprint of The science of man by which the sick are healed
Notes on Mary Baker Eddy's Course in divinity
Pulpit and press
Story of the Christian science church manual
Items by and about Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer and founder of Christian Science and author of its textbook Science and health with key to the Scriptures
Vermischte Schriften 1883-1896
Mrs. Eddy's published writings (in addition to those in "Prose Works")
Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures
Retrospection and introspection
Rudimental divine science ; No and yes
Miscellaneous writings, 1883-1896
Freedom in forgiveness
Complete concordance to Science and health with key to the Scriptures, together with an index to the marginal headings, and a list of the scriptural quotations contained therein
Rudimental divine science
Pulpit and press
The personal and the impersonal Saviour
Science and health
The personal and the impersonal saviour
Church manual of the First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Mass
Nauka i zdorovʹe
Manual of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts
Christian science versus pantheism
Rudimental divine science
Science and health
In my true light and life
Notes from normal class, 1898
Pulpit and press
Miscellaneous writings, 1883-1896
Miscellaneous writings chronology
A collection of writings
Side lights on Mary Baker Eddy-Glover-Science church trustees controversy
Essays on Christian Science
Science and health, vol. 2
Copy of notes given by Mrs. Newcombe in her own handwriting
[Writings of Mrs. Mary M. Glover in the Covenant, a monthly magazine, devoted to the cause of Odd-fellowship, 1846 and 1847]
Christian healing
Church manual of the First church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts
Historical sketch of metaphysical healing
Notes on the course in divinity
Questions and answers
Christian Science songs
Christian healing
Personal contagion
Footprints fadeless
No and yes
Letters and excerpts from letters, 1889-1909 from Mary Baker Eddy to Augusta E. Stetson, C.S.D.
Rétrospection et introspection
Visions of Mary Baker Eddy
Collectanea of items by and about Mary Baker Eddy, discoverer and founder of Christian Science and author of its textbook Science and health with key to the Scriptures
Defence of Christian science
Church manual of the First church of Christ, Scientist
Christian Science songs
Miscellaneous writings, 1883-1896
Christ my refuge
Unity of good
Fragments gathered from unpublished items ascribed to Mary Baker Eddy
Science and health
Science et santé avec la clef des Écritures
Manual of the mother church
Watches, prayers, arguments
Retrospection and introspection
Retrospection and introspection
Science and health
Miscellaneous writings
Manual of the Mother church
The First Church of Christ Scientist
Science and health
Instruction in metaphysics
Early verse
Notes on the course in divinity given by Mary Baker Eddy ... at her home, Pleasant View, Concord, New Hampshire, during the years Nineteen Hundred Three, Nineteen Hundred Four, and Nineteen Hundred Seven
Unity of good
Shepherd, show me
Message to the mother church
Science and health with key to the scriptures
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956)

economist, politician, constitutionalist, barrister, jurist, sociologist, anthropologist, pedagogue, philosopher, social reformer, journalist, revolutionary, professor, political scientist, scholar, orator, freedom fighter, historian, newspaper editor, civil rights advocate, humanitarian, human rights activist, educational theorist, spiritual leader, peace activist, autobiographer, theologian, painter, women's rights activist, bibliographer, essayist, scholar

  • Columbia University, London School of Economics and Political Science
Asā mī jagalo
The homage
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcī ātmakathā
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Pakistan or partition of India
Annihilation of caste
The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar
Ranade, Gandhi & Jinnah
The Buddha and his Dhamma
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Hindūñcī jātīprathā va tī moḍaṇyācā mārga
Annihilation of caste with a reply to Mahatma Gandhi
The untouchables
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
States and minorities
Who were the Shudras?
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhārata, 1927-1929, āṇi Mūkanāyaka, 1920
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Ambeḍakarāñcī vilāyatehūna ālelī patre
Maharashtra as a linguistic province
"Janatā" patrātīla lekha
The evolution of provincial finance in British India
Thoughts on linguistic states
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcā janatelā upadeśa va Gopāḷabuvā Valaṅgakara yāñce uccavarṇīyāvirūddhace jagātale pahile vinantī-patraka
The untouchables [by] B.R. Ambedkar
Constitution of India
Dalitānnī ārthika unnatī kaśī sādhāvī?
Annihilation of caste
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
Dalitāñce rājakīya astitva sampushṭāta āṇaṇārā Puṇe karāra
Gandhi and Gandhism
Ambedkar speaks
Poona pact
The problem of the rupee
Ambedkar writes
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables
Mr. Gandhi and the emancipation of the untouchables
Why go for conversion?
Three historical addresess of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
ʻBahishkr̥ta Bhāratāʼ tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarāñce sphuṭa lekha
Thoughts on Pakistan
Federation versus freedom
Social justice and political safeguards for depressed classes
History of Indian currency & banking
Conditions precedent for the successful working of democracy
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
Pakistan or the Partition of India
Bharata ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution
Christianizing the untouchables
Thoughts on Pakistan
Pali sabdakoda
Communal deadlock & a way to solve it
Untouchables and the Indian Constitution
Buddhist revolution and counter-revolution in ancient India
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the man and his message
India and the prerequisites of communism
'Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratā' tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarañce sphuṭa lekha
Pakistan or partition of India
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī bhāshaṇe
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
The essential Ambedkar
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar's the Kathmandu speech
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī patre
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
100 essential quotations of Babasaheb Ambedkar
Triumph of Brahminism
Annihilation of caste with reply to Mahatma Gandhi
Philosophy of Hinduism
A scheme of political safeguards for the protection of the depressed classes in the future constitution of a self-governing India
Letters of Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Christianising the untouchables
Prajñā mahāmānavācī
Thoughts on Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar, architect of the Indian constitution
Castes in India
Christianizing the untouchables
India and communism
Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
Bar Hebraeus
Bar Hebraeus (1226-1286)

historian, theologian, philosopher

Tarihi muhtasarüddüvel
Abû'l Farac tarihi
Tarihi muhtasarüddüvel
Abûʼl Farac tarı̇hı̇
Nubdhah fī tarjamat wa-taʾālīf al-ʻallāmah Ghrīghūryūs Abī al-Faraj ibn Hārūn al-Ṭabīb al-Milaṭī al-maʻrūf bi-Ibn al-ʻIbrī
Le livre des splendeurs
Barhebraeus' scholia on the Old Testament ..
Tārīkh mukhtaṣar al-duwal
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Aboul'faradj dit Barhebraeus
Psychologie de Grégoire Aboulfaradj dit Barhebraeus
Oriental wit and wisdom
Scholia in Librum Iobi
Scholia in libros Samuelis
Scholia in libros Josuae [and] Judicum ..
The chronography of Gregory Abû'l Faraj, the son of Aaron, the Hebrew physician, commonly known as Bar Hebraeus
Manārat al-aqdās
Ethicon, Mēmrā I
The laughable stories collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar Hebræus
Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfarag Barhebraeus genannt zum Buch der Könige (I und II)
Le candelabre du sanctuaire de Grég Abouʹlfaradj dit Barhebraeus
Buch der Strahlen
Scholia on the Old Testament
Bar Hebraeus's Book of the dove
Die syrische Massora nach Bar-Hebraeus
Gregorii Abulfarag bar Ebhraya in Evangelium Matthaei commentariorum capita 1-8
Ketaba demadat bezat nbna desim le-mari Grigorios Bar Evraye = Chronicon syriacum, e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum
Gregorii Bar-Hebraei Scholia in librum Iobi ex codd. mss. emendata denuo edidit, difficiliorum locorum interpretatione illustravit, notis criticis instruxit
Jakobitische Sakramententheologie im 13. Jahrhundert
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Gregoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebræus
L' entretien de la sagesse
The laughable stories
Le livre de l'ascension de l'esprit sur la forme du ciel et de la terre
The Book of the Dove of Bar Hebraeus
Traité sur l'ame
The chronography of Gregory Abû'l-Faraj 1225-1286, the son of Aaron, the Hebrew physician commonly known as Bar Hebraeus, being the first part of his political history of the world
Scholia in Leviticum ex quattuor codicibus Horrei mysteriorum in Germania asservatis
Ethicon; seu, Moralia
Historia compendiosa dynastiarvm
Ethicon, Mēmrḡ I
Biblische Synchronistik
De rebus gestis Richardi Angliæ regis in Palæstina
Biblische Synchronistik
Traité sur l'âme
Ketaba demadat bezat nbna desim le-mari Grigorios Bar ʻEvraye
Tārīkh al-zamān
Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfarag Barhebräus zum Buche Numeri
Tarikh ed-Duwal
The chronography of Gregory Abû'l Faraj the son of Aaron
Tārīkh mukhtaṣar al-duwal
Commentary on the Gospels from the Horreum mysteriorum
Specimen historiae Arabum, sive, Gregorii Abul Farajii Malatiensis
Psychologie de Gregoire Aboulfaradj
Die scholien des Gregorius Abulfarag Barhebräus zum buche Numeri ...
... Kithâbhâ dhiyaunâ, seu, Liber columbae
Tārīkh mukhtaṣr al-duwal =
Specimen historiae Arabum
Gregorii Abulpharagii sive Bar-Hebraei Chronicon Syriacum
Nravouchitelʹnye rasskazy
The chronography of Gregory Abû'l Faraj, the son of Aaron, the Hebrew physician, commonly known as Bar Hebraeus
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebraeus
Des Gregorius Abulfaradsch kurze Geschichte der Dynastien, oder, Auszug der allgemeinen Weltgeschichte, besonders der Geschichte der Chalifen und Mogolen
Scholia in Psalmum, quintum et decimum octavum e codicis Bibliothecae Bodleianae apographo Bernsteniano edidit, interpretatus est et annotationibus prolegomenisque
Le candélabre des sanctuaires
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebraeus
al-Qaṣīdah al-ḥikmīyah
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebraeus. Douzième base, Du Paradis
Chronicon ecclesiasticum quod e codice musei Britannici descriptum conjuncta opera ediderunt
Die Scholien des Bar-Hebraeus zu Ruth und den apokryphischen Zusätzen zum Buche Daniel nach den vier in Deutschland befindlichen Handschriften ...
Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfaragius Bar Hebraeus zum Weisheitsbuch des Josua ben Sira nach vier Handschriften des Horreum mysteriorum
Gregorii Abulfaragii bar Ebhraya in Actus Apostolorum et Epistulas Catholicas adnotationes
Gregorii Abulfaragii Bar-Hebraei Scholia in libros Samuelis
Specimen historiae Arabum, sive, Gregorii Abul Farajii Malatiensis, De origine & moribus Arabum
Lumaʻ min akhbār al-ʻArab
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebraeus ; Septième base: Des Démons
Jakobitische Sakramententheologie im 13. Jahrhundert
Gregorii bar Ebhraya In Evangelium Iohannis commentarius
A list of plants and their properties from the Menârat kudhšê of Gregorius bar ʼEbhrâyâ
Le candélabre des sanctuaires de Grégoire Aboulfaradj dit Barhebraeus
Tārīkh-i Īrān-i bāstān
Œuvres grammaticales
Scholia in libros Samuelis
Book of guides (Hudaya), or, Nomocanon
... Grammatica linguae syriacau in metro Ephraemeo
Specimen historiæ Arabum
Târîhu muhtasari'd-düvel
Le Livre de l'ascension de l'esprit sur la forme du ciel et de la terre
Gregorii Abulfaragii Bar Ebhraya in Actus apostolorum et epistulas catholicas
[Gramaṭiḳi bi-meshuḥta Afremayta
Kitabā de hūdāyā
Makhtevanut zavne men risha davrita ʻedama la-shant 1285
The metrical grammar of Gregory Bar Hebraues
Manārat al-aqdās
Gregorii Abulfaragii Bar-Hebraei Scholia in Leviticum ex quattuor codicibus Horrei mysteriorum in Germania asservatis edita
Die scholien des Gregorius Abulfarag Barhebraeus zur Genesis capitel 21 bis 50
Des Gregorius Abulfarag, gen. Bar-Hebräus, Scholien zum Buche Daniel
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Aboul'faradj dit Barhebraeus
Gregorii Abulpharagii sive Bar-Hebraei Chronicon Syriacum
The ecclesiastical chronicle
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon ecclesiasticum
Le Livre des splendeurs
Buch der strahlen
Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfaragius Bar Hebraeus zum Buche Ezechiel nach vier Handschriften des Horreum mysteriorum mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen herausgegeben
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebræus
Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque lccupletatum
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebraeus ; Cinquième base: Des anges
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abouʼlfaradj dit Barhebræus
Gregorii Bar-Hebraei Carmina
Le candélabre des sanctuaires de Gregoire Aboulfaradj dit Bar Hebraeus
Le candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou'lfaradj dit Barhebraeus ; Troisième base ; De la théologie
Păkhimi durlai︠a︡n khem-de gam-gussany den ėdĭăn khekai︠a︡tlar
Specimen historiae Arabum, sive, Gregorii Abul Farajii Malatiensis
Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfaraǵ Bar-Hebraeus zum Evangelium Lukas
Gregorii Bar Hebraei qui et Abulpharaǵ Grammatica linguae Syriacae
Gregorii Abulfaragii bar Ebhraya in Epistulas Paulinas adnotationes syriace
Des Gregorius Abulfarag genannt Bar Ebhroyo Anmerkungen zu den Salomonischen Schriften
الأحاديث المطربة
Tarikh ed-Duwal
Jakobitische Sakramententheologie im 13. Jahrhundert
Luma‘ min akhbār al-ʿArab
Die Scholien des Gregorius Abulfarag Barhebraeus genannt zum Buch der Könige (I und II)
Lúqāṭē d-túnāye mgaḥkāne d-Bar ʻEbrāyā
Ketawa de eetheecon
Maroqli rivoyatlar
Horatius Bonar
Horatius Bonar (1808-1889)

cleric, poet, theologian

  • University of Aberdeen, University of Edinburgh
Life of the Rev. John Milne of Perth
"Christ is all"
The life and work of the Rev. G. Theophilus Dodds
Hymns of faith and hope
Hymns of faith and hope
The morning of joy
Light and Truth: Or, Bible Thoughts and Themes
Night of weeping
Hymns of the Nativity, and other pieces
Prophetical Landmarks: Containing Data for Helping to Determine the Question of Christ's Pre ..
God's Way of Peace
Communion hymns
Light and truth
Days and nights in the East; or, Illustrations of Bible scenes
God's Way of Peace: A Book for the Anxious
The desert of Sinai
Family sermons
Christ the healer
The New Jerusalem: A Hymn of the Olden Time
Words to winners of souls
The Song of the new creation, and other pieces
Words to the winners of souls
The white fields of France, or, The story of Mr. M'All's mission to the working-men of Paris and Lyons
God's way of peace: a book for the anxious
The Bible Hymn-book
The song of the new creation
The rent veil
Thoughts on Genesis
Studies in the Gospel of John
Earth's morning
The Night Of Weeping Or Words For The Suffering Family Of God
Words of peace and welcome
Does God Care For Our Great Cities? The Question And Answer From The Book Of Jonah
Notes to genealogical chart or pedigree of the descendants of James Pyott, merchant, Montrose
God's Way of Peace
Follow the Lamb; or, Counsels to converts
Hymns of faith and hope
Words to the winners of souls
Hymns of the nativity
Light and Truth: Or, Bible Thoughts and Themes. The Lesser Epistles
Longing for heaven
Longing For Heaven
The Land of promise
Everlasting Righteousness
The life and work of G. Theophilus Dodds, missionary in connection with the McAll mission, France
Truth And Error Or, Letters To A Friend On Some Of The Controversies Of The Day
How shall I go to God?
God's Way of Holiness
The Land of Promise
God's way of peace
Words Old and New
Catechisms of the Scottish Reformation
Abend des Weinens
Words to Winners of Souls
The Rent Veil
Family Sermons
Catechisms of the Scottish reformation
The everlasting righteousness, or, How shall man be just with God?
The blood of the cross
God's way of holiness
Hymns of faith and hope, second series
God's way of peace
The Morning of Joy
The land of light and other hymns of faith and hope
The Bible Hymn-Book
The Everlasting Righteousness; Or, How Shall Man Be Just with God?
Night of Weeping
Hymns of Faith and Hope
The schools of the prophets
Earth's Morning or Thoughts on Genesis
Historical collections relating to remarkable periods of the success of the gospel
Words old and new
God?s Way of Peace
Hymns of Faith and Hope First Series
Life of the Rev. John Milne of Perth
The Lord's Supper
Absolutely Basic
Family Sermons
Prophetical Landmarks
Speech on the union question
Absolutely Basic
                Great Christian Classics
God?s Way of Holiness
God's Way of Holiness
Bible Thoughts & Themes Volume 2 the Gospels
Redeem the time
When God's Children Suffer
Historical Collections Relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the Gospel
Catechisms of the Scottish Reformation
Light and Truth, or, Bible Thoughts and Themes
A missionary of the apostolic school
The Everlasting Righteousness
Sermons of Horatius Bonar
Light and truth: or, Bible thoughts and themes
The Song of the New Creation and Other Pieces
A Stranger Here
White fields of France
Days and nights in the East; or, illustrations of Bible scenes
Words to the Winners of Souls
Family sermons
Does God care for our great cities?
Hymns of the nativity and other pieces
Not what my hands have done
The five points of Calvinism in a series of letters
Words to the winners of souls
Hymns of faith and hope
Man, his religion and his world
Hymns of faith and hope
Rathad Dhe gu sith
Union with Christ, not a church
Hymns of faith and hope
The everlasting righteousness, or, How shall man be just with God?
God's way of peace
Hymns of faith and hope
Rathad Dhe gu sith
My old letters
Hymns of faith and hope
The morning of joy
My old letters
Words to the winners of souls
The New Jerusalem
Entire consecration to the Lord
"Until the day break"
The night of weeping, or, Words for the suffering family of God ...
Hymns of faith and hope
Hymns of faith and hope
The Bible hymn-book
Follow the lamb or , Counsels to converts
My old letters
The desert of Sinai
Hymns of faith and hope
Horatius Bonar, D. D.
The song of the new creation
God's way of peace
Hymns of faith and hope
Truth and error, or, Letters to a friend on some of the controversies of the day
God's yearnings over unbelieving man
Hymns of faith and hope
Lyra consolationis
God's way of peace
Prophetical landmarks
Follow the Lamb; or, Counsels to converts
Kelso tracts
The Song of the new creation, and other pieces
When God's children suffer
Hymns of faith and hope
Songs of the dawn
The old gospel
Hymns of faith and hope
Hymns of faith and hope
The morning of joy
The song of the new creation
The eternal day
Words for the inquiring
Truth and error
Hymns of faith and hope
The Bible hymn book
Earth's morning, or, Thoughts on Genesis
My old letters
A memorial
Speech on the union question
Life of the Rev. John Milne of Perth
Christ is all =
The Christ of God
The story of grace ...
Light and truth
Lyra consolationis
The everlasting righteousness
Light and truth, or, Bible thoughts and themes
The past and the future
Hymns of faith and hope