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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 105-112 out of 294 results
Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)

astronomer, physicist, mathematician, astrophysicist, researcher

  • University of Cambridge, Bingley Grammar School
Home is where the wind blows
Nicolaus Copernicus: an essay on his life and work
The small world of Fred Hoyle
The quasar controversy resolved
The Black Cloud
Diseases from space
Laughing Space
Into deepest space
Great Science Fiction
Lifecloud, the origin of life in the universe
Fifth planet
The inferno
Comet Halley
Our place in the cosmos
A for Andromeda
Commonsense in nuclear energy
Seven Steps to the Sun
Ten faces of the universe
Ossian's ride
A for Andromeda
Element 79
On Stonehenge
The physics-astronomy frontier
The Expert Dreamers
The molecule men
Highlights in astronomy
Man and materialism
A different approach to cosmology
Commonsense in nuclear energy
The incandescent ones
Astronomy and cosmology
The nature of the universe
Energy or extinction?
Life on Mars?
Rockets in Ursa Major
Andromeda breakthrough
Fifth planet
Astronomical origins of life
Of Men And Galaxies (Great Minds)
Nicolaus Copernicus
The incandescent ones
Archaeopteryx, the primordial bird
The intelligent universe
The Frontiers of Knowledge
The Westminster disaster
Frontiers of astronomy
Man in the universe
Seven Steps to the Sun
Le nuage de la vie
Fifth Planet
Man in the universe. --
The Nature of the Universe
Space travellers
A for Andromeda
Into deepest space
Common sense in nuclear energy
The theory of cosmic grains
From Stonehenge to modern cosmology
Evolution from space
Man in the Universe (Bampton Lectures in America)
A for Andromeda
The new face of science
Evolution from Space
Political Shakespeare
The relation of biology to astronomy
Astronomy today
Evolution from space
The Westminster disaster
Diseases from Space
Frontiers of astronomy
Steady-State Cosmology Re-Visited
The cosmogony of the solar system
The origin of life
Andromeda Breakthrough
Comet Halley
October the First Is Too Late
Cosmic life-force
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
The cosmagony of the solar system
Andromeda breakthrough
Some recent researches in solar physics
Of men and galaxies
Living comets
Vindication of Cosmic Biology
Some recent researches in solar physics
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
Home is Where the Wind Blows
Origin of Life
Origen y Destino de Las Estrellas
Action at a distance in physics and cosmology
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
October the first is too late
Evolution from space (the Omni lecture) and other papers on the origin of life
Ossian's Ride
Intelligent Universe
The physics-astronomy frontier
'Mathematics of Evolution'
Our Place in the Cosmos
Ice, the ultimate human catastrophe
Frontiers of astronomy
Three Classic Novels
Galaxies, nuclei, and quasars
Andromeda Breakthough
The Andromeda Anthology
October the first is too late
Man and Materialism
Encounter with the future
Frontiers Of Astronomy
From grains to bacteria
The Incandescent Ones
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
Viruses from space and related matters
Encounter with the future
A decade of decision
Andromeda breakthrough
Facts and dogmas in cosmology and elsewhere
A for Andromeda
Facts and Dogmas in Cosmology and Elsewhere
Man and materialism
October the First is Too Late
Evolucion de La Vida Desde El Espacio Exterior
Steady-state cosmology re-visited
Frozen Planet of Azuron
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus: The St. John's College Cambridge lecture 1962-63 delivered at the University of Hull 17 May 1963
The universe
Of Men and Galaxies
The Universe According to Hoyle
Nature of the Universe
Man and materialism
Rockets in Ursa Major
Man in the universe
Proofs that life is Cosmic
Astronomy Today
Les Incandescents
Energi eller undergang?
Living comets
October the First Is Too Late (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
Some recent advances in solar physics
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Home Is Where the Wind Blows
The Anglo-Austrian Telescope
The nature of the universe
Fifth Planet (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
The nature of the universe
Living Comets
Frontiers of astronomy
Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion
Ossian's ride
Our Place In The Cosmos
Of men and galaxies
The new face of science
Rockets in Ursa Major
The nature of the universe
Some recent researches in solar physics
Galazies, nuclei and quasars
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
A decade of decision
Andromeda Anthology
La nube negra
A for Andromeda
Viruses from space and related matters
La nube negra
The planet of death
The energy pirate
Man in the universe
Different Approach to Cosmology
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
The giants of universal park
Ankoku seiun
Moyez Gulamhussein Vassanji
Moyez Gulamhussein Vassanji (born 1950)

publisher, physicist

  • University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Place Within
Mordecai Richler
And home was Kariakoo
The in-between world of Vikram Lall
The book of secrets
The assassin's song
Contemporary African Short Stories
No new land
Uhuru Street
The gunny sack
The magic of Saida
The Magic of Saida
A Meeting of streams
Everything There Is
Elvis, Raja
The assassin's song
World of Wonders
Ella Lingens
Ella Lingens (1908-2002)

resistance fighter, physician, memoirist, scientist, jurist, psychoanalyst

  • University of Vienna
Gefangene der Angst
Eine Frau im Konzentrationslager
Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden (born 1983)

system administrator, intelligence officer, security guard, whistleblower, dissident, computer scientist, intelligence analyst

  • Anne Arundel Community College, University of Liverpool
Permanent Record
Untitled Holt Nonfiction Winter 2021
PamiÄÄ nieulotna - Edward Snowden [KSIÄĹťKA]
Sistem Hatasi
Mémoires vives
Gerhard Kraiker
Gerhard Kraiker (1937-2015)

political scientist, editor

Carl von Ossietzky
Konstitutionsbedingungen des bürgerlichen Staates und der sozialen Revolution bei Marx und Engels
Raum der Freiheit
Einspr uche: Politik und Sozialstaat im 20. Jahrhundert. Festschrift f ur Gerhard Kraiker
[Paragraph] 218
Politischer Katholizismus in der BRD; eine ideologiekritische Analyse
Rowohlt Bildmonographien (Rowohlts Monographien)
Carl von Ossietzky und die politische Kultur der Weimarer Republik
1945, die Stunde Null?
Politischer Katholizismus in der BRD
Antje Schrupp
Antje Schrupp (born 1964)

journalist, translator, political scientist, blogger, opinion journalist

Victoria Woodhull.
A Brief History of Feminism
Nicht Marxistin und auch nicht Anarchistin
Methusalems Mütter
Reproduktive Freiheit
Was wäre wenn?
Weibliche Spiritualität und politische Praxis
Justinus Kerner
Justinus Kerner (1786-1862)

poet, physician, scientist, magnetizer

  • University of Tübingen
Das Bilderbuch aus meiner Knabenzeit: Erinnerungen aus den Jahren 1786 bis 1804
Bilderbuch aus meiner Knabenzeit
Das Bilderbuch aus meiner Knabenzeit
Justinus Kerner
Justinus Kerner, 1786-1862
Die somnambülen Tische. Zur Geschichte und Erklärung dieser Erscheinung
Eine Erscheinung aus dem Nachtgebiete der Natur,
Magikon. Archiv für Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der Geisterkunde
Die Dichtungen
Seherin von Prevost
Geschichte des Mädchens von Orlach
Die somnambülen tische
Briefwechsel 1853 bis 1862
Nur wenn man von Geistern spricht
The seeress of Prevorst
Franz Anton Mesmer aus Schwaben, Entdecker des thierischen Magnetismus: Erinnerungen an ..
Die Seherin von Prevorst
Justinus Kerners Briefwechsel mit seinen Freunden
Das Wildbad im Königreich Würtemberg
Die Reiseschatten
Sämtliche poetische Werke
Die Seherin von Prevorst
Kerners Werke
Letters of Justinus Kerner to Graf Alexander von Württemberg
Das Leben des Justinus Kerner
Justinus Kerners sämtliche poetische Werke
Justinus Kerners sa mtliche poetische Werke
Nachricht von dem Vorkommen des Besessenseyns
Justinus Kerner
Die Seherin von Prevorst
Blätter aus Prevorst, Originalien und Lesefrüchte für Freunde des innern Lebens
Justinus Kerners ausgewählte poetische Werke
Ausgewählte poetische Werke
Ausgewählte Werke
Nachricht von dem Vorkommen des Besessenseyns eines dämonisch-magnetischen Leidens
Das Fettgift oder die Fettsäure und ihre Wirkungen auf den thierischen Organismus
Das Wildbad im Königreich Württemberg
Ernster Blick in das k©ơnftige Leben, oder, das Reich der Geister
Briefwechsel mit seinen Freunden
Poetischer Almanach für das Jahr 1812
Der letzte Blüthenstrauss
Die lyrischen Gedichte
Die Seherin von Prevorst
Revelations of the invisible world
Letters of Justinus Kerner to Graf Alexander von Württemberg
Deutscher Dichterwald
Die Reiseschatten
Sinnliches und Übersinnliches
Die lyrischen Gedichte
Die Seherin von Prevorst
Geschichten Besessener neuerer Zeit
Das Wildbad im K©œnigreich W©ơrtemberg beschrieben
Geschichte zweyer Somnamb©ơlen. Nebst einigen andern Denkw©ơrdigkeiten aus dem Gebiete der magischen Heilkunde und der Psychologie
Briefwechsel zwischen Justinus Kerner und Ottilie Wildermuth
Justinus Kerner's sa mtliche Werke
Tomas M. Milich
Tomas M. Milich (born 1932)

physicist, astronomer, astrophysicist, historian, faculty member, political activist, lecturer, lawyer

  • Cornell University, New York University
A view from the year 3000
The 100
The 100
The One Hundred: The 100
Extraterrestrials Where Are They?
Understanding human history
Extraterrestrials--where are they?
Big-time baseball
100 Maiores Personalidades da Historia (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Preserving western civilization
En Etkin 100
Dünyaya Yön Veren En Etkin 100
Puzzles and Paradoxes
The 100. A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History