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scientists who wrote biography
Showing 113-120 out of 294 results
Herbert Tingsten
Herbert Tingsten (1896-1973)

political scientist, newspaper editor, publisher, journalist, politician

Viktoria och viktorianerna
NaĢˆr Churchill grep makten och andra essayer
Political behavior
The Swedish social democrats; their ideological development
Den svenska socialdemokratins idéutveckling
Mitt liv
Strid kring idyllen
The problem of South Africa
Demokratiens problem
Dagbok från Amerika
Gud och fosterlandet
Nazismens och fascismens idéer
Min politiska horisont och andra essayer
The problem of democracy
Det truede Israel
Perspektiv på näringslivsdebatten
Skall kungamakten stärkas?
Problem i U.S.A.
Folkomröstningsinstitutet i Nordamerikas Förenta Stater ...
Julian Assange
Julian Assange (born 1971)

Internet activist, hacker, programmer, computer scientist, television producer, television director, journalist, presenter, businessperson, whistleblower, television presenter

  • Central Queensland University, University of Melbourne
Julian Assange
When Google Met Wikileaks
Cypherpunks, Freedom, and the Future of the Internet
Cuando Google encontró a Wikileaks
Menace sur nos libertés
Charles V. Hamilton
Charles V. Hamilton (1929-2023)

political scientist

  • University of Chicago, Roosevelt University
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr
You Can Use Yellow for Leaves
Black Power
The Black preacher in America
The bench and the ballot
The Black experience in American politics
American government
Beyond racism
The struggle for political equality
Du Bois's "two-ness" and the dual agenda
Urban violence
Minority politics in Black Belt Alabama
The fight for racial justice
Urban violence
The social scene
Dialogue on violence
Peter Medawar
Peter Medawar (1915-1987)

physician, immunologist, zoologist, autobiographer, professor, biologist, physiologist, researcher

  • University of Oxford, Marlborough College
Memoir of a thinking radish
Aristotle to zoos
Pluto's Republic
The life science
The future of man
The uniqueness of the individual
The threat and the glory
The limits of science
The art of the soluble
Advice to a young scientist
The hope of progress
Advice to a young scientist
Induction and intuition in scientific thought
Life Science
Life Science
Advice to a young scientist
The strange case of the spotted mice and other classic essays on science
Induction and Intuition in Scientific Thought
The Art of the Soluble
Advice to a Young Scientist
The uniqueness of the individual
Historia De Un Rbano Pensante Autobiografa
The Threat and the Glory
Future of Man
Induction and intuition in scientific thought
The hope of progress
De Aristóteles a Zoológicos
Pluto's Republic
Art of the Soluble
Hope of Progress
Uniqueness of the Individual
Frontiers of Knowledge
Advice to a young scientist
The Future Of Man (A Mentor Book)
Essays on growth and form presented to D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
An Introduction to immunology
An Introduction to immunology
The art of the soluble
The future of man
La Amenaza y La Gloria
An unsolved problem of biology
Major histocompatibility system
Plutos  republic
Die Einmaligkeit des Individuums
Genç bilimadamina ögütler
The Limits of Science
Major histocompatibility system
The art of the soluble
Essays on growth and form presented to D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson
An Unsolved problem of biology
The future of man
Induction and intuition in scientific thought
The future of man
Walter Manoschek
Walter Manoschek (born 1957)

political scientist

  • University of Vienna
"Dann bin ich ja ein Mörder!"
„Es gibt nur eines für das Judentum
' Serbien ist judenfrei'
Die Wehrmacht im Rassenkrieg
Opfer der NS-Militärjustiz
Discursive Construction of History
John William Draper
John William Draper (1811-1882)

chemist, photographer, physicist, historian, philosopher, physiologist

  • University College London, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Life of Franklin
History of the conflict between religion and science
History of the intellectual development of Europe
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America
History of the American Civil War
Human physiology, statical and dynamical
A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants
Scientific memoirs
A text-book on chemistry
Scientific memoirs, being experimental contributions to a knowledge of radiant energy
A text-book on natural philosophy
Science in America
A text-book on physiology ..
History of the conflict between religion and science
Human physiology, statistical and dynamical
GennaiĶ”a inzheneriiĶ”a rasteniÄ­
The indebtedness of the city of New-York to its university
Human physiology, statical and dynamical, or, The conditions and course of the life of man
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America
A text-book on chemistry
The historical influence of the medical profession
The historical influence of the medical profession
History of the intellectual development of Europe
A text-book on natural philosophy for the use of schools and colleges
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America
Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry
The influence of physical agents on life
An introductory lecture on oxygen gas
Niza-yi ilim ve din
Human physiology, statistical and dynamical; or, The conditions and course of the life of man
Niza'i 'ilim ve din
University of New-York, Medical department
Niza'i 'ilim ve din
IstoriĢ„iĶ”aļø” umstvennago razvitiĢ„iĶ”aļø” Evropy
Geschichte der Conflicte zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft
Istoriia borotby viry z naukoiu
Niza'i 'ilim ve din
Christianity and civilisation
History of the intellectual development of Europe
Researches in actino-chemistry
A text-book on natural philosophy
History of the intellectual development of Europe
History of the conflict between religion and science
Experiments on absorption
[Medical education
History of the conflict between religion and science
Istorii Ła borot £by viry z navkoi Łu
History of the conflict between religion and science
History of the conflict between religion and science
Human physiology, statical and dynamical, or, The conditions and course of the life of man
Experiments on solar light
An introductory lecture on oxygen gas
History of the conflict between religion and science
History of the conflict between religion and science
Zong jiao yu ke xue zhi chong tu
John William Draper family papers
A treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants
A text-book on chemistry
A text-book on natural philosophy for the use of schools and colleges
Les Conflits de la science et de la religion
Vladimir Obruchev
Vladimir Obruchev (1863-1956)

geologist, explorer, paleontologist, geographer, scientist

  • Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Za taÄ­nami Plutona
Istoriiļø aļø” geologicheskogo issledovaniiļø aļø” Sibiri
Eduard Suess
Zemliļø aļø” Sannikova
Fundamentals of Geology
Sannikov Land
Fundamentals of geology
Plutoniya. Zemlya Sannikova. (My First Collection)
PolevaiĶ”aļø” geologiiĶ”aļø”
Moi puteshestviya po Sibiri
Vostochnaia Mongoliia
GrigoriÄ­ Nikolaevich Potanin
Po goram i pustyniĶ”aļø”m SredneiĢ† Azii
V debriļø aļø”kh Tļø Sļø”entralŹ¹noÄ­ Azii
Dikie zhivotnye Rossii
Ot Kiļø aļø”khty do KulŹ¹dzhi
ZanimatelŹ¹naiĶ”aļø” geologiiĶ”aļø”
Zemlya Sannikova
Moi puteshestviya po Sibiri
Programma izdaniĢ„iĶ”aļø” trudov IĶ”Aļø”kutskoiĢ† eĢ‡kspeditĶ”sļø”iĢ„i, snariĶ”aļø”zhennoiĢ†  na sredstva I.M. SibiriĶ”aļø”kova
KratkiĢ„iĢ† geologicheskiĢ„iĢ† ocherk karavannago puti ot KyakhtyĢ„ do Kalgana
Osnory geologii
Zolotoiskateli v pustyne
Puteshestviia v proshloe i budushchee
Moi puteshestviiĶ”aļø” po Sibiri
Izbrannye raboty po geografii Azii
PuteshestviiĶ”aļø” Potanina
Osnovy geologii
V staroiĢ† Sibiri
Izbrannye trudy
Proiskhozhdenie gor i materikov
Plutoniiļø aļø” ; Zemliļø aļø” Sannikova
Voprosy geologii Sibiri
Plutaniiļø aļø” ; Zemliļø aļø” Sannikova
Sbornik instruktĶ”siÄ­ i programmnykh ukazaniÄ­ po izucheniiĶ”u merzlykh gruntov i vechnoÄ­ merzloty
Ot KĶ”iakhty do KulŹ¹dzhi
Über die systematik der erzlagerstätten
Zeml i a Sannikova
Geologie von Sibirien
Shiberia shigen kenkyū
GeologicheskÄ«iļø aļø” izsliļø eļø”dovanÄ«iļø aļø” v zolotonosnykh oblastiļø aļø”kh Sibiri
Akademiku V.A. Obruchevu k piĶ”atidesiĶ”atiletiiĶ”u nauchnoÄ­ i pedagogicheskoÄ­ deiĶ”atelŹ¹nosti
Die metallogenetischen epochen und gebiete von Sibirien
PolevaiĶ”a geologiiĶ”a
Erets Saniįø³ov
Materialy po geomorfologii i paleontologii
Jan Terlouw
Jan Terlouw (born 1931)

physicist, politician, astrophysicist, nuclear physicist

  • Utrecht University
Naar zeventien zetels en terug
How to become king
Winter In Wartime
Invierno En Tiempo de Guerra
Oosterschelde windkracht 10
Carta En Clave, La
Voor alle kinderen
Barrotes de Bambu/ Bars of Bambu
Morgen brengen
Tony van Verre ontmoet Jan Terlouw
Eigen rechter
Tio Willibrord El - B.V.N
De kloof
Nu het nog kan
Barrotes de Bambu
Keuzen maken
Zoektocht in Katoren
De Derde Kamer
Piotr - B.V.R -
Rey de Katoren, El
Gevangenis Meet Een Open Deur
Hoed u voor mensen die iets zeker weten
En broederschap?
RiĢ na CatoĢire