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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 481-488 out of 790 results
Mór Jókai
Mór Jókai (1825-1904)

playwright, politician, journalist

  • Grammar School of Reformed College
Jókai Mór
Jókai album
Jókaitól, Jókairól
Murder Most Foul
The nameless castle
The lion of Janina
A kőszívű ember fiai
Szomorú napok
Pretty Michal: A Romance
Tengerszemü hölgy
Dr. Dumany's Wife: A Romance
The Poor Plutocrats: A Romance
A Hungarian nabob
A magyar nemzet története
The baron's sons
Szegeny gazdagok
Halil the Pedlar
Magyarhon szépségei
Timar's two worlds
Az arany ember
Peter the priest
Jókai Mór levelezése
Ein Goldmensch
The green book
There is no devil
Pretty Michal
Dr. Dumany \'s Wife
Egy az Isten
Szélcsend alatt
Stories by Foreign Authors
Törökvilág Magyarországon
Öszi fény
A Damokosok, regényes történet
Dr. Dumany 's Wife
Told by the death's head
A két Trenk (1892)
The golden age in Transylvania
Politikai divatok
Felfordult világ
Die schöne Michal
Írói arcképek
Rab Ráby
Poor plutocrats
Eyes like the sea
Black diamonds
A Christian but a Roman
The corsair king
Öreg ember nem vén ember
Jókai Mór
Enyim, tied, övé
Életemböl, igaz történetek, örök emlékek, humor, útleírás
Debts of honor
The dark diamonds
Az istenhegyi székely leány
A lélekidomár
Egy ember, aki mindent tud (1874)
Az önkényuralom adomái
Forradalom alatt írt müvei, 1848-1849
A magyar nemzet története regényes rajzokban
Egy magyar nábob
És mégis mozog a föld, eppur si muove
A fehér rózsa
Timar's two worlds
Bárou-l dă cîgán
Három kisregény
The yellow rose
Rab Ráby, 1879
Tales from Jókai
Cikkek és beszédek
A Kráó ; Tégy jót (1895)
Aki a szívét a homlokán hordja (1886) ; Sárga rózsa : pusztai regény (1893)
Egy hírhedett kalandor a XVII. századból
De kár megvénülni!
Utazás egy sirdomb körül
Dr. Dumany's wife
Halil the Peddler
Dr. Dumány's wife
Börtön virága (1904)
Kertészgazdászati jegyzetek
Egy hírhedett kalandor
A lőcsei fehér asszony
Névtelen vár
Összes művei
Fráter György
The man with the golden touch
A cigánybáró
Felfordult világ (1863)
A három királyok csillaga
A fekete vér (1891)
A tengerszemű hölgy
The Baron's sons
Egy az Isten
A jövő század regénye (1872-1874)
A Damokosok
Rab Ráby (1879)
Törökvilág magyarországon
A mi lengyelünk (1903)
A Kráó ; Tégy Jót (1895)
Szeretve mind a vérpadig
Die armen Reichen
Synovʹi︠a︡ cheloveka s kamennym serdt︠s︡em
Rákóczy fia (1891)
Debts of honor
Jin ren
Van még új a nap alatt
Az új földesúr (1862)
Eppur si muove [or] És mégis mozog a föld
Túl a láthatáron
A huszti beteglátogatók
Kelet királynéja
Xiongnu qi shi lu
Akik kétszer halnak meg. régeny
A lőcsei fehér asszony
Minden poklon keresztül (1883)
Szerelem bolondjai
A régi jó táblabirák
Kárpáthy Zoltán
Fekete gyémántok, 1870
Bolan de gu shi
Névtelen vár, (1877)
Halil the pedlar
Erdély Aranykora (1851)
Tizenhárom magyar remekmű
Minden poklokon keresztül (1883)
Huang qiang wei
A magyar nép élcze szép hegedűszóban
A kiskirályok, 1885
Works of Maurus Jókai
Görögtüz, 1877
Szegény gazdagok ; Az arany ember
A gazdag szegények
A barátfalvi lévita (1898)
Debts of honor
Egy magyar nábob (1853-54)
Synové muže kamenného srdce
Die goldene Zeit in Siebenbürgen
A mi lengyelünk
Az én életem regénye
Egy az Isten (1876-1877)
A tengerszemű hölgy (1890)
Sárga rózsa
A szerelem bolondjai
Enyim tiéd öve
Nincsen ördög
Fekete gyémántok
Baráti emlékül, Jókai Mór
Ahol a pénz nem Isten
A régi jó táblabírák (1856)
Forradalmi és csataképek 1848 és 1849-ből
The green book, or, Freedom under the snow
The man with the golden touch
Forradalom alatt irt művek
A fehér rózsa (1854)
Asszonyt kísér-istent kísért
A három márványfej (1887)
Egy játékos, a ki nyer
"--őrültek házába akartatok záratni"
Egy hírhedett kalandor a XVII. századból (1879)
A barátfalvi lévita
A tábornok és az asztrálszellem
Félistenek bolondságai ; Sirkőalbum (kathlánneth)
Du noveloj
Jaan Kross
Jaan Kross (1920-2007)

translator, pedagogue, professor, poet lawyer, poet, politician

  • University of Tartu
Kallid kaasteelised
Omae luloolisus ja alltekst
The conspiracy & other stories
The czar's madman
Professor Martens' departure
The Ropewalker
The Czar's madman
Der Verrückte des Zaren
Kolme katku vahel
Dans l'insaisissable. le roman de juri vilms
Das Leben des Balthasar Rüssow
Le Fou Du Tzar
Professor Martens' Abreise
Sailing against the wind
The rock from the sky
Neli monoloogi Püha Jüri asjus
Professor Martens' Departure
Vihm teeb toredaid asju
Rakvereskiĭ roman ; Ukhod professora Martensa
Imperatorskiĭ bezumet︠s︡
Keisri hull
Czar S Madman
Voog ja kolmpii
Kamennye skripki
La Partida del Profesor Martens
Mesmeri ring
Lauljad laevavööridel
Klio silma all
Kogutud teosed
Wikmani poisid
Kivist viiulid
Na glazakh u Klio
Silmade avamise päev
Professor Martensi ärasõit
Kolmandad mäed
Kamienie Z nieba
Vuelo estático
Book of Falsehoods Between Three Plagues Volume 3
Ķeizara trakais
Uppiniskaisuuden kronikka
Professor Matensi arasoit
Kross. Üksikud head mehed
Polet na meste
Between Three Plagues
CERCLE DE MESSMER - Roman - Traduit de L'estonien par Jacques Tricot
Day Eyes Were Opened
Rakvere romaan
Vier Monologe Anno Domini 1506
Le départ du professeur Martens
Trzy bicze czarnej smierci, czyli opowiesc o Baltazarze Russowie
Treading Air
Book of Falsehoods
People Without a Past
Pim Fortuyn
Pim Fortuyn (1948-2002)

columnist, politician, sociologist, professor

  • Mendelcollege, University of Groningen
Onafhankelijk, ongrijpbaar, alleen
Onafhankelijk, ongrijpbaar, alleen
50 jaar Israël, hoe lang nog?
50 jaar Israël, hoe lang nog?
De puinhopen van acht jaar Paars
De puinhopen van acht jaar Paars
Zielloos Europa
Beklemmend Nederland
Stakingsrecht in Nederland
Tegen de islamisering van onze cultuur
Zielloos Europa
Voor en tegen de markt
Sociaal-economische politiek in Nederland, 1945-1949
Beklemmend Nederland
Ambtenaren in het jaar 2000
Het zakenkabinet Fortuyn
Stakingsrecht in Nederland
De islamisering van onze cultuur
De derde revolutie!
Ordening door ontvlechting
Ordening door ontvlechting
De islamisering van onze cultuur
De overheid als ondernemer
Sociaal-economische politiek in Nederland, 1945-1949
Kerncijfers 1945-1983 van de sociaal-economische ontwikkeling in Nederland
Tegen de islamisering van onze cultuur
De Nederlandse verzorgingsstaat
De overheid als ondernemer
Socialisten in no nonsense-tijd
Kerncijfers 1945-1983 van de sociaal-economische ontwikkeling in Nederland
Sam Houston
Sam Houston (1793-1863)

politician, lawyer

The autobiography of Sam Houston
Naval retiring board
Nebraska bill, Indian tribes
Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, on the subject of compromise
The Personal Correspondence of Sam Houston
Speech of Sam Houston, of Texas, on the bill for the relief of Yucatan
Speech of Mr. Houston, of Texas, favoring a Mexican protectorate
The compromise measures
Speech of the Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, in reply to, and in explanation of, articles published in the "Southern Press"
Speech of Mr. Houston, of Texas, on the Oregon question
Ever thine truly
Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, exposing the malfeasance and corruption of John Charles Watrous, judge of the federal court in Texas, and of his confederates
Speech of Senator Houston of Texas on the Nebraska and Kansas bill previous to the final passage of the same by the Senate of the United States Friday night March 3, 1854
Letter of General Sam Houston to General Santa Anna
Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, exposing the malfeasance and corruption of John Charles Watrous, judge of the federal court in Texas, and of his ... Senate of the United States, Feb. 3, 1859
The writings of Sam Houston, 1813-1863
Speeches of Sam Houston, of Texas, on the subject of an increase of the army, and the Indian policy of the government, delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 29 and 31, 1855
Life of General Sam Houston
Documents of Major Gen. Sam Houston, commander in chief of the Texian army, to His Excellency David G. Burnet, Pres. of the Republic of Texas
Speech of Sam Houston, of Texas, on the bill for the relief of Yucatan
The Personal Correspondence of Sam Houston, 1848-1852 (Personal Correspondence of Sam Houston)
The life of Sam Houston
Speech of Hon. Sam Houston, of Texas, on the Three Million Bill, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Friday, February 19, 1847
Ivan Olbracht
Ivan Olbracht (1882-1952)

linguist, translator, journalist, opinion journalist, editing staff, politician

  • Charles University
Cesta za poznáním
Skryté stopy
Zamřižované zrcadlo
The bitter and the sweet
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník
Podivné přátelství herce Jesenia
Hory a staletí
Indian fables
Nikola the outlaw
Der vergitterte spiegel
Marijka nevěrnice
Indian fables
Obrazy ze soudobého Ruska
O zlých samotářích
Indian fables
Dvě psaní a moták
Golet v údoli
Koliba nad Holatýnem
Pátý akt
Rezervistovy dopisy
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník ; Golet v údolí ; Hory a staletí
Golet v údolí
Nikola Suhaj, loupezník
Pryč s legendami
Píseň písní
The bitter and the sweet
Podivné přatelstvi herce Jesenia
Sorrowful Eyes of Hannah Karajich
Spisy Ivana Olbrachta
Mykola Shuhaĭ, rozbiĭnyk
Valley of exile
Padesát historek ze života Jaroslava Haška
Devět veselých povídek z Rakouska i republiky
První prózy
Ze staré paměti a moudrosti
O zlých samotářích
Die traurigen Augen. Drei Novellen.
Čtení z Bibli kralické
Bratr Žak
Žalář nejtemnější
Nikola Šuhaj, robber
Anna Proletár̆ka
Anna proletářka
Zamřížované zrcadlo
Čtení z Biblí kralické
Z rodinné korespondence Ivana Olbrachta
Z rané tvorby
Zamřížované zrcadlo
Golet v údolí
Mykola Shuhaĭ, rozbiĭnyk
Nikola Šuhaj loupežník
O umění a společnosti
Biblicke příběhy
Tārīktarīn zindān
O smutných očích Hany Karadžičové
Podivné přatelství herce Jesenia
Zlý voják a jiné povídky
Hory a staletí
Goleh ba-gai
Kim Manjung
Kim Manjung (1637-1692)


Sŏp'o manp'il
Sa Ssi namjŏnggi
The cloud dream of the nine
The cloud dream of the nine, a Korean novel [microform]
Sŏp'o Sŏnsaeng chip
Kuunmong charyo chipsŏng
Virtuous women
A  nine cloud dream
El sueño de las nueve nubes
Hyŏndaeyŏk Kuunmong
Wŏnmun kyoju Kuunmong
Sa Ssi namjonggi
Sŏpʻo manpʻil
Kim Man-jung chakpʼum sŏnjip
Jiu yun meng
Kim Man-jung chakpʼumjip
Kuunmong ; Sa ssi namjŏnggi
Sopo manpil
The cloud dream of the nine
The story of Mrs. Sah's journey to the south
Kim Man-jung chakpʻŭmjip
Kodae sosŏl yŏndyŏng Kuunmong
Kodae sosŏl Sa Ssi namjŏnggi
Hanʼguk kojŏn besŭtʻŭ 20
Sa Ssi namjŏnggi ; Yŏngyŏng chŏn
Sopo Kim Man-jung sosolchip (Kojon munhakson)
Sa Ssi namjonggi
Sa Ssi namjŏnggi.  Yong Mun chŏn.  Kim In-hyang chŏn
Sa Ssi namjonggi
Kim Man-jung chakpʻum sŏnjip
Sŏpʻo Sŏnsaeng munjip
Sŏp'o manp'il
Washington Gladden
Washington Gladden (1836-1918)

politician, pastor, journalist, poet

Witnesses of the light
Witnesses of the light
Witnesses of the light
Tools and the man
Who wrote the Bible?
Working people and their employers
The church and modern life
Where does the sky begin?
Applied Christianity
Ruling ideas of the present age
The forks of the road
The new idolatry
Ruling ideas of the present age
Social salvation
The Lord's prayer
The interpreter
The labor question
Commencement days
The Cosmopolis city club
Social facts and forces
Seven puzzling Bible books
The Church and the nation
Present day theology
From the Hub to the Hudson
Church and parish problems
The practice of immortality
Organized labor and capital
The Christian pastor and the working church
Ultima veritas, and other verses
Our nation and her neighbors
Commencement Days: A Book for Graduates
Burning questions of the life that now is, and that which is to come
Who Wrote the Bible?
Was Bronson Alcott's school a type of God's moral government?
Things new and old in discourses of christian truth and life
Tainted newspapers
The Christian league of Connecticut
The great commoner of Ohio
The Christian way
Christianity and socialism
Witnesses of the Light
A modern man's theology
The great war
How much is left of the old doctrines?
The young men and the churches
Live and learn
Christianity and socialism
Being a Christian
Being a Christian: what it means and how to begin
The Cosmopolis city club
The Christian pastor and the working church
The relations of art and morality
Recollections Of Washington Gladden
Parish problems
How Much Is Left Of The Old Doctrines? A Book For The People
The Great War
Social salvation
Commencement days
The church and the kingdom
A modern man's theology
Plain thoughts on the art of living
Catholic Child's Baptismal Bible-OE
Ruling ideas of the present age
Applied Christianity: Moral Aspects of Social Questions
Who Wrote the Bible? a Book for the People
The church and modern life
How much is left of the old doctrines?
The new idolatry and other discussions
Present day theology
The church and the kingdom
The labor question
Social facts and forces
Who wrote the Bible?
Burning questions of the life that now is and of that which is to come
Social facts and forces
Another war with Mexico?
The Christian pastor and the working church
The Washington Gladden papers
Applied Christianity
Plain thoughts on the art of living
The life unfailing
Church and parish problems
Applied Christianity
The interpreter
The Lord's prayer
Things new and old in discourses of Christian truth and life
Religion after the war
The social and industrial situation
Social facts and forces
Santa Claus on a lark
Another war with Mexico?
Moral gains and losses of the temperance reformation
Who wrote the Bible?
Ultima veritas, and other verses
Religion and the schools
Where does the sky begin
Present day theology
Plain thoughts on the art of living
The practice of Immortality
Varzhutʻiwn anmahutʻean
Things new and old in discourses of Christian truth and life
The Christian league of Connecticut
Working people and their employers
Parish problems
England and America
Burning questions of the life that now is and of that which is to come
The young men and the churches
How much is left for the old doctrines?
The great commoner of Ohio
Hurricane reform
Fifty years in the ministry
Addresses of Washington Gladden, D.D., "The relations of capital and labor", Hon. Benjamin Butterworth, "Higher citizenship", on the occasion of the Seventeenth Semi-annual Dividend Meeting at Ivorydale, O., February 3, 1896
Myrrh and Cassia
The Christian way
Santa Claus on a lark
Tools and the man
Tools and the man
Seven puzzling Bible books
Our nation and her neighbors
Ludwig Uhland
Ludwig Uhland (1787-1862)

linguist, poet, lyricist, politician, lawyer, literary historian, poet lawyer

  • University of Tübingen
Ludwig Uhland, 1787-1862
Uhlands schriften zur geschichte der dichtung und sage
Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder
Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder
Walther von der Vogelweide, ein altdeutscher Dichter
Der Mythus von Thôr nach nordischen Quellen
Selections from Ballads and Romances
Schriften zur Geschichte der Dichtung und Sage
The songs and ballads of Uhland
Der Mythus von Thôr nach nordischen Quellen
Uhlands Werke
Schriften zur Geschichte der Dichtung und Sage
Gedichte und Dramen
Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder
Ludwig Uhland
The poems of Uhland
Graf Eberhard der Rauschebart
Hundert Gedichte
Ernst, Herzog von Schwaben
Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de juris romani servitutum natura dividua vel individua
Uhland's Gedichte
Selections from Ballads and Romances
Uhlands Werke in vier bänden
Gesammelte Werke, in sechs Bänden
Walther von der Vogelweide: Ein altdeutscher Dichter
Uhlands Gedichte und Dramen
Uhland als dramatiker
Uhlands Tagebuch, 1810-1820
Gedichte von Ludwig Uhland
Uhlands Briefwechsel
Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche volkslieder, mit abhandlung und anmerkungen
Sagengeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Völker
Tagbuch, 1810-1820
Ausgewählte Gedichte
Selections from Uhland's Ballads and Romances
Ernst von Schwaben
Wettgesang zwischen Uhland und Rückert
Gesammelte Werke in sechs Ba nden
Gesammelte Werke, in sechs Bänden
Lichstrahlen aus seinen werken
Vaterländische Gedichte
Ludwig Uhland poem
Ludwig Uhlands freiheitliches Vermächtnis
Dramatische Dichtungen
Tagbuch, 1810-1820
Ludwig Uhland Werke
Uhlands gesammelte Werke in sechs Ba nden
Uhlands Werke ...
Review of the life of Ludwig Uhland
Ludwig Uhlands Werke
Uhlands schriften zur geschichte der dichtung und sage
Der Mythus von Thôr nordischen Quellen
Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche volkslieder, mit abhandlung und anmerkungen
Dramatische Dichtung
Deutsche heldensagen
Gedichte, nebst dessen
Sechs vaterländische Gedichte
Uhland's Gedichte
Uhlands Gedichte und Dramen
Gesammelte Werke
Gedichte und dramen
Uhlands gesammelte werke
Deutscher Dichterwald
Ernst, Herzog von Schwaben
Lieder und Balladen
Keine Adelskammer!
Schwäbische Sagenkunde. Bd. 1. Suevisch-alamannische Vorzeit
Ludwig der Baier
Dichtungen, Briefe, Reden
Uhlands gesammelte werke
Ludwig Uhland sämtliche werke
Gedichte von Ludwig Uhland
Gedichte und Dramen
Ludwig Uhland