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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 489-496 out of 790 results
Melvyn Bragg
Melvyn Bragg (born 1939)

journalist, television presenter, politician, biographer, librettist, historian

  • University of Oxford, The Nelson Thomlinson School
Richard Burton
On Giants' Shoulders
Laurence Olivier
Speak for England
Speak for England
Speak for England
Andy Warhol
The Maid of Buttermere
A Place in England
A son of war
The Hired Man
For want of a nail
Crystal rooms
Crossing the Lines
The Soldier's Return
The Adventure of English
The silken net
Remember me--
A Place in England
Christmas Child
Love and glory
Soldiers Return Uk
Remember me
Great Artists
The nerve
12 Books That Changed the World
Josh Lawton
Kingdom come
The South Bank Show Final Cut
The Hired Man
The book of books
The sword and the miracle
Autumn manoeuvres
The second inheritance
The Cumbrian Trilogy
A time to dance
Cumbria in Verse
The Soldier's Return
The adventure of English
Now is the Time
Without a city wall
Die Erwählte
Land of the lakes
The book of books
For want of a nail
The adventure of English
Die Heimkehr. Roman
Great artists
Kingdom Come
Great artists
My favourite stories of Lakeland
South Bank - the final cut
Grace and Mary
Crystal Rooms
The seventh seal =
John Peel
Richard Burton
Place in England Spb
Crossing the lines
A son of war
The hired man
Routes of English Cds
The Soldier's Return
King Lear in New York Spb
Gai bian shi jie de 12 ben shu
Crossing the Lines (Author's Autobiography)
Josh Lawton
Laurence Olivier
The Adventure of English
The nerve
The Maid of Buttermere
Kingdom come
The Literary island
Crossing the Lines
Speak for England
Das fräulein vom See
Love and glory
Sword and the Miracle:, The
A time to dance
Poems for Alan Hancox
On Giants' Shoulders
The hired man
Land of the lakes
The Adventure of English 500 AD-2000
The second inheritance
Autumn manoeuvres
For want of a nail
A place in England
Crystal Rooms 36 Copy Floor Dispenser Spb
Without a city wall
Christmas Child
The silken net
Every inch a king and still playing to the gallery
Joseph Conrad's The Secret agent
Sectarianism and schism in Europe
Crystal rooms
A son of war
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)

nurse, statistician, politician, teacher, sociologist

Notes on nursing
Letters from Egypt
Florence Nightingale
Ever yours, Florence Nightingale
'I have done my duty'
The collected works of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece
Florence Nightingale's spiritual journey
[Notes written in pencil]
Florence Nightingale's European travels
Letters of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
Una and the lion
Suggestions for thought to the searchers after truth among the artizans of England
Directions for cooking by troops, in camp and hospital
Notes on hospitals
Notes on Nursing: What it Is, and what it is Not
Florence Nightingale to her nurses
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions, together with a proposal for organising an ..
Florence Nightingale's Indian letters
Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece
The Friendship of Florence Nightingale and Mary Clare Moore
Una and the Lion
Suggestions for thought
Observations on the evidence contained in the stational reports submitted to her by the Royal commission on the sanitary state of the army in India
Life or death in India
Florence Nightingale on health in India
Florence Nightingale on women, medicine, midwifery and prostitution
Florence Nightingale on hospital reform
The art of nursing
Florence Nightingale's theology
Notes on nursing
A contribution to the sanitary history of the British Army during the late war with Russia
Florence Nightingale in Rome
Notes on Hospitals
                Cambridge Library Collection  History of Medicine
Introductory Notes on LyingIn Institutions
                Cambridge Library Collection  History of Medicine
Selected writings
Florence Nightingale's theology
Notes on Nursing
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale's European travels
Florence Nightingale and the Birth of Professional Nursing (Western Influence on Japan)
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British army
Florence Nightingale's Notes on nursing
Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
Cassandra and Suggestions for Thought
Selected writings of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale at Harley Street: her reports to the governors of her nursing home, 1853-4
Lunatic asylums and the treatment of the insane
Organization of nursing
Florence Nightingale on women, medicine, midwifery and prostitution
Notes on Nursing What It Is, and What It Is Not
Note on the aboriginal races of Australia
Training of nurses and nursing the sick
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and war
Thermodynamik der Gase
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals
Notes on nursing
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions
The institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine
Exercises in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding by Florence Nightingale of the first training school for nurses
As Miss Nightingale said--
Letters of Florence Nightingale to Revd. Mother Clare Moore (co-workers during Crimean War)
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
To the probationer-nurses of the Nightingale Fund School at St. Thomas's Hospital
Construction of hospitals
Hospital statistics and hospital plans
Florence Nightingale's anmerkungen zur krankenpflege
Suggestions on a system of nursing for hospitals in India
Letters from Miss Florence Nightingale on health visiting in rural districts
Proposal for improved statistics of surgical operations
The dumb shall speak and the deaf shall hear, or, The ryot, the zemindar, and the government
Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
Sites and construction of hospitals
Health and local government
Notes on nursing for the labouring classes
Introductory notes on lying-in institutions
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army
Suggestions for thought to the searchers after truth among the artizans of England
Florence Nightingale on mysticism and eastern religions
Notes on hospitals
Letters from Greece
Address from Florence Nightingale to the probationer-nurses in the "Nightingale Fund" School at St. Thomas' Hospital and the nurses who were formely trained there, 23rd July, 1874
Our Indian stewardship
Health missioners for rural India
The people of India
Notes on nursing
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and in war
Florence Nightingale à travers ses écrits
Letters of Florence Nightingale in the History of Nursing Archive, Special Collections, Boston University Libraries
On trained nurses for the sick poor
To Her Nurses - Florence Nightingale
A contribution to the sanitary history of the British army during the late war with Russia
Letters from Egypt
The Nightingale pledge
Memorandum of instructions by matron to ward sisters on duties of probationers
Statements exhibiting the voluntary contributions received by Miss Nightingale
Sanitary statistics of native colonial schools and hospitals
Health teaching in towns and villages
Health and local government
Fourteen Nightingale letters
Note on different systems of nursing
Notes on nursing, and, Notes on hospitals
To commemorate Florence Nightingale
Suggestions on the subject of providing, training, and organizing nurses for the sick poor in workhouse infirmaries
Notes on nursing
Address from Miss Nightingale to the probationer-nurses in the "Nightingale Fund" School at St. Thomas' Hospital and the nurses who were formerly trained there
Hospital statistics and hospital plans
To the nurses and probationers trained under the Nightingale Fund
Note on the different systems of nursing
Florence Nightingale on wars and the War Office
Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the regulations affecting the sanitary condition of the army, the organization of military hospitals, and the treatment of the sick and wounded
Rural hygiene
The Holy Bible
How people may live and not die in India
Notes on nursing
Notes on nursing and other writings
Florence Nightingale calendar, 1921
A note on pauperism
Notes on nursing and notes on hospitals
Suggestions for improving the nursing service of hospitals and on the method of training nurses for the sick poor
Miss Nightingale and the War Office
Des soins a donner aux malades
The institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine, for the practical training of deaconesses, under the direction of the Rev. Pastor Fliedner, embracing the support and care of a hospital, infant and industrial schools, and a female penitentiary
Florence Nightingale to her nurses
Florence Nightingale on society and politics, philosophy, science, education and literature
Notes On Nursing Custom Imprint Edition
Subsidiary notes as to the introduction of female nursing into military hospitals in peace and in war
Florence Nightingale, curriculum vitae
Training of nurses and nursing the sick
Hospital construction
On trained nursing for the sick poor
Notes on matters affecting the health, efficiency, and hospital administration of the British Army
Peter Kropotkin
Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921)

geographer, explorer, philosopher, autobiographer, journalist, economist, anarchist, zoologist, politician

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Saint Petersburg University, Page Corps
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Dnevnik P.A. Kropotkina
Kropotkin escapes
Dnevniki raznykh let
Autour d'une vie
Gesetz und Autorität
Internat︠s︡ionalʹnyĭ sbornik posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ desi︠a︡toĭ godovshchine smerti P. A. Kropotkina
Autour d'une vie
Dnevnik, P. A. Kropotkina
Zikhronot shel revolutsyonar
Eka krāntikāranī ātmakathā
Kakumeika no omoide
Mutual Aid
La conquête du pain
Поля, фабрики и мастерские
Russian Literature, Ideals and Realities
La Grande Révolution
Science moderne et l’anarchie
V russkikh i frant︠s︡uzskikh ti︠u︡rʹmakh
The state, its historic role
Paroles d’un révolté
The place of anarchism in socialistic evolution
Anarchistes en exil
Law and authority
La morale anarchiste
Evolution and environment
Orographie de la Sibérie
Selected writings on anarchism and revolution
The essential Kropotkin
L' agriculture
Act for yourselves
The terror in Russia
The conquest of bread and other writings
Anarchist communism, its basis and principles
Revolutionary studies
Di anarkhisṭishe filozofye
Origen y evolución de la moral
Idealen un ṿirḳlekhḳayṭ in der Rusisher liṭeraṭur
Aux jeunes gens
The wage system
Fugitive writings
The Commune of Paris
Selected Readings on Anarchism and Revolution
The coming revival of socialism
¿Y el arte?
Syndikalismus und Anarchismus
In Rusishe un Frantsoyzishe ṭurmes
Khli︠e︠b i voli︠a︠
Anarchism and Anarchist Communism
Khli︠e︡b i voli︠a︡
Perepiska Petra i Aleksandra Kropotkinykh
Direct Struggle Against Capital
Rechi buntovshchika
Haandens og Hjaernens Arbejde
Anarchists and War Between States
Polia, fabriki i masterskii︠a︡
Nravstvennyia nachala anarkhizma
The Direct Action of Environment and Evolution
Die Vorläufer
Spravedlivostʹ i nravstvennostʹ
Revolutionary government
Khleb i voli︠a︡ ; Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhii︠a︡
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Werter fun rewalutsioner
Socialism and politics
Zi zhuan
Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets
Das menschliche recht
Fugitive Writings (Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin,)
Marxism. Anarchism. Communism
Die Entwicklung der anarchistischen Ideen
Der Wohlstand für alle
Un siècle d'attente, 1789-1889
Anarchist Communism
The essential Kropotkin
Jin shi ke xue he Annaqi zhu yi
Izbrannye trudy
Estestvenno-nauchnȳe rabotȳ
Milḥomeṡ un kapitalizm
Nuzhna li voĭna?
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhizm
Die Entwiklung fun's treid yunionizmus
Communisme et anarchie
Pisʹma o tekushchikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Wo di zi zhuan
In Russian and French Prisons (The Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin, 6th V)
El anarquismo expuesto por Kropotkin
Gerechtigkeit und Sittlichkeit
Anarchism, Anarchist Communism, and the State
Curious One
Petr i Aleksandr Kropotkiny
Rus Edebiyati Üzerine 1
La literatura rusa
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Landwirtschaft, Industrie und Handwerk, Oder, Die Vereinigung Von Industrie und Landwirtschaft, Von
Kuropotokin zenshū
Anarchism and the State
L'idée révolutionnaire dans la révolution
Botsuraku no daigi seitai
L'anarchie dans l'évolution socialiste
Nōkōgyō no chōwa
Peter Kropotkin Collection
Di role fun anarkhizmus
Unzere ashires̀
Mutual aid among savages
Ai Giovani
Khli︠e︡b i voli︠a︡
Revolutionary pamphlets
Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow
Eguo wen xue shi
Ai Giovani
Jin shi ke xue he an na qi zhu yi
Kommunizm i anarkhīi︠a︡
Poli︠a︡, fabriki i masterskīi︠a︡ (zemledi︠e︡līe, promyshlennostʹ i remesla)
Anarchist communism
Die freie Vereinbarung
Den russiske litteraturens historie
Revolutionary studies
l'Organisation de la Vindicte appelee Justice
The Commune of Paris
The State
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Tuo'ersitai lun
Lavoro Intellettuale e Lavoro Manuale
Broyṭ un frayhayṭ
Les Temps nouveaux
The black flag
On Russian Literature Vol 1
Uzakonennai︠a︡ mestʹ nazyvaemai︠a︡ pravosudīem ...
ʻEzrah hadadit be-ʻolam ha-ḥai ṿeha-adam
Raspadenīe sovremennago stroi︠a︡
Die Pariser Kommune
Politicheskii︠a︡ prava
Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Roshia bungaku kōwa
Ri︠e︡chi buntovshchika
Den anarkistiske kommunisme
La loi & l'autorité
Ṿerṭer fun a reṿolutsyoner
Der Anarchismus in Russland
Iber der anarkhisṭisher beṿegung in Rusland
Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Volume II
Mian bao yu zi you
Pan no ryakushu
Ideario anarquista
Di geshikhṭe fun der groyser Frantsoyzisher reṿolutsye
Lun li xue di qi yuan he fa zhan
La Révolution sera-t-elle collectiviste?
Der Staat
Guo jia lun
Zapiski revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionera
Spravedlivostʹ i nravstvennostʹ
Ostatnie zapiski
Zapiski z ostatnich dni
Organised Vengeance Called 'Justice.'.
Davar el ha-dor ha-tsaʻir
Pamiati Petra Alekseevicha Kropotkina
Aux jeunes gens
Vzaimnai︠a︡ pomoshchʹ sredi zhivotnykh i li︠u︡deĭ
Di eṭiḳ
Aux jeunes gens
Paroles d'un révolté
La guerre
Russian literature,
Rus Edebiyati Üzerine 2
Memoirs of a Revolutionist; Volume 2
Khleb i voli︠a︡
Small Communal Experiments And Why They Fail
Ostatnie zapiski
Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin
Bir Isyancinin Sözleri
Nashi bogatstva
Paroles d´un RÉvoltÉ
Russian literature
Der Anarchismus
Reṿolutsyonere regierung
Rapporti al Congresso di Parigi
Die Gefängnisse
In Russian and French Prisons (Studies in the Libertarian and Utopian Tradition)
Worte eines Rebellen
Lebens beshraybung
ha-Musar shel anarkhyah
Tsum yungen dor
Redes fun a bunṭar
Den Store Franske Revolusjon
Sbornik stateĭ posvi︠a︡shchennyĭ pami︠a︡ti P.A. Kropotkina
Revolutionäre Regierungen
Selected Writings
Die Große Französische Revolution 1789–1793
Revolutionary government
Tsum yungen dor
Memoiren Eines Revolution�rs
Zapiski revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionera
La Moral anarquista y otros escritos
Le salariat
My Life : Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Eguo wen xue shi
Reṿolutsyonere regierung
Hōritsu to kyōken
On Russian Literature Vol 2
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡tsii︠a︡ i anarkhizm
Russian Literature
Esprit de révolte
Guo jia lun
Di enṭṿiḳlung fun's treyd yunyonizmus
Fields, Factories and Workshops : (Graphyco Editions)
Gezamelṭe shrifṭen
Le salariat
Eguo wen xue shi
Gerechtigkeit und Sittlichkeit
Le procès de Solovieff
Mian bao yu zi you
Die Große Französische Revolution 1789–1793
Otryvki iz dnevnika Dmitrīi︠a︡ Bri︠a︡nskago
La literatura rusa
Terror in Russia
A los jóvenes
Mutual Aid
Khleb i voli︠a︡
Bilim ve Anarsizm
In Russian and French Prisons
Paroles d'un Révolté
Russian literature,
Bir Devrimcinin Anilari
Memoirs of a revolutionist
Lo spirito di ribellione
Primary Sources, Historical Collections
Ekmegin Fethi
Fields, Factories, and Workshops; or, Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
La moral Anarquista
Polia, Fabriki I Masterskiia; Zemledielie, Promyshlennost I Remesla
Novyĭ Internat︠s︡īonal
A los jóvenes
Bhūkhamarāno upāya
Cagdas Bilim ve Anarsi
La moral Anarquista
Fields, Factories and Workshops or Industry Combined with Agriculture and Brain Work with Manual Work
Karþilikli Yardimlaþma - Evrimin Bir Faktörü
Law and Authority
Khleb i volia
Law and authority
Pisʹma o tekushchikh sobytīi︠a︡kh
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡tsīi︠a︡ i anarkhizm
Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt
Russkai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi︠a︡
Vzaimnai︠a︡ pomoshch' sredi zhivotnykh i li︠u︡deĭ
Raspadenīe sovremennago stroi︠a︡
The wage system
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhizm
The conquest of bread
La loi et l'autorité
Memoiren eines revolutionärs
Khlieb i volia
Esprit de révolte
Бунтовской дух
The place of anarchism in socialistic evolution
Sovremennai︠a︡ nauka i anarkhii︠a︡
La conquête du pain
Zavoevanīe khli︠e︡ba
L'anarchie dans l'évolution socialiste
Rasprostranenīe radikalʹno-sot︠s︡īalisticheskikh ideĭ
Petropavlovskai︠a︡ kri︠e︡postʹ i moĭ pobi︠e︡g
The wage system
Historia de la revolución francesa
Ethics, origin and development
Ssylka v Sibirʹ
Ideals and realities in Russian literature
Государство, его роль в исторіи
Un siècle d'attente, 1789-1889
An appeal to the young
Les prisons
V russkikh i frant︠s︡uzskikh ti︠u︡rʹmakh
The Commune of Paris
Rasprostranenīe radikalʹno-sot︠s︡ialisticheskikh ideĭ
Velikai︠a︡ frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ 1789-1793
Gosudarstvo, ego rolʹ v istorīi Petra Kropotkina
Le salariat
Pisʹma iz Vostochnoĭ Sibiri
Moi vospominanīi︠a︡ o Peterburgi︠e︡
Vzaimnaia pomoshchʹ, kak faktor evoliutsii
Ti︠u︡rʹmy, ssylka i katorga v Rossīi
Jean Price-Mars
Jean Price-Mars (1876-1969)

anthropologist, diplomat, ethnologist, ethnographer, politician, historian

Silhouettes de nègres et de négrophiles
Antenor Firmin
Ainsi parla l'oncle
La vocation de l'élite
Ainsi parla l'oncle suivi de revisiter l'oncle
Formation ethnique, folklore et culture du peuple haitien
Une étape de l' évolution haïtienne
Ébauches, 2. série
Lettre ouverte au Dr. Rene Piquion
La Re publique d'Hai ti et la Re publique dominicaine
De Saint Domingue à Haïti
Vocation de L'élite
Une étape de l'évolution haïtienne
Folklore et patriotisme
Femme de Demain
La república de Haití y la República Dominicana
Jean-Pierre Boyer Bazelais et le drame de Miragoâne
Le sentiment et le phénomène religieux chez les Nègres de St. Domingue
Vilbrun Guillaume Sam, ce méconnu
La République d'Haïti et la République dominicaine
Ainsi parla l'oncle
Formation ethnique, folk-lore et culture de peuple haïtien
Haïti et la restauration de l'indépendance dominicaine
La República de Haití y la República Dominicana
Mario Soldati
Mario Soldati (1906-1999)

film director, politician, journalist

  • University of Turin, Sociale
Lo specchio inclinato
The Capri letters
The American bride
Le lettere da Capri
Ah! il Mundial!
L' avventura in Valtellina
L' avventura in Valtellina
Busta arancione
The malacca cane
Il vero Silvestri
The confession
The emerald
L'enveloppe orange
Lettres de capri
La madre di Giuda
Rami secchi
Il padre degli orfani
La sposa Americana
The octopus and the pirates
Lo specchio inclinato
La fenêtre
El Paseo de Gracia
El Paseo de Gracia
La Confessione
The Real Silvestri
Orta mia e altre pagine novaresi e piemontesi disperse
Le sere
La confession
Addio diletta Amelia
L' architetto
America primo amore
I racconti, 1927-1947
Canzonette e viaggio televisivo
Die grüne Jacke
Fuga in Italia
Un viaggio a Lourdes
Romanzi brevi e racconti
La finestra
Les lettres de Capri
La verità sul caso Motta
La busta arancione
Fuga in Italia e altri racconti
Le festin du commandeur
L' amico gesuita
Da spettatore
Amérique, premier amour
I disperati de Benessere
Les deux villes
Nuovi racconti del maresciallo
La Confessione
Amori miei
Un viaggio a Lourdes
Cinque Novelle
L' amico gesuita
Natale e satana e altri racconti
Vino al vino
44 novelle per l'estate
La sposa americana
I racconti : 1927-1947
Le lettere da Capri
44 novelle per l'estate
Lo smeraldo
Il vero Silvestri
L' attore
The octopus and the pirates
La carta del cielo
Mario Soldati e il cinema
Le due città
Cinque Novelle (Facili Letture)
Le Dernier rôle
L' incendio
L' attore
America, primo amore
La Busta arencione
44 [i.e. Quarantaquattro] novelle per l'estate
Storie di spettri
I racconti del maresciallo
Addio diletta Amelia
Da spettatore
Fuga in Italia e altri racconti
A cena col commendatore
Un prato di papaveri
The Capri letters
La busta arancione
America e altri amori
The orange envelope
55 [i.e. cinquantacinque] novelle per l'inverno
The real Silvestri
Regione regina
Un prato di papaveri
Le due citta
Il polipo e i pirati
I racconti del maresciallo
La veste verte
A cena col commendatore
24 ore in uno studio cinematografico
I racconti
Corrispondenti di guerra
Storie di spettri
La finestra
La messa dei villeggianti
L' architetto
55 novelle per l'inverno
24 ore in uno studio cinematografico
Dinner with the commendatore
Le due città, romanzo
A cena col commendatore
I disperati del benessere
The commander comes to dine
L' incendio
Canzonnette e viaggio televisivo
La confessione, romanzo
Quarante-quatro novelle per l'estate
Lo smeraldo
El Incendio/the Fire
Sua maestà il Po
La casa del perché
La messa dei villeggianti
Il vero silvestri
55 novelle per l'inverno
La giacca verde
La confessione
24 ore in uno studio cinematografico
La casa del perché
Un sorso di Gattinara
La verità sul caso Motta
Le due città
La confessione
La busta arancione
Mario Soldati
The Commander comes to dine
Le lettere da Capri
America primo amore
Un viaggio a Lourdes
L'amico gesuita
The orange envelope
Da leccarsi i baffi
I racconti del maresciallo
Il racconti
La sposa americana
La giacca verde
Lo scopone
La busta arancione; romanzo
Vassilis Vassilikos
Vassilis Vassilikos (1933-2023)

poet, journalist, diplomat, politician

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Anatolia College
Hē mnēmē epistrephei me lastichenia pedila
"Hē zoē mou holē"
"Hē zōē mon holē"
Hē zōē mou holē
Mnēmē apo melani
Stelios Kazantzidēs 1931-2001
290 prosōpa
Mnēmē apo melani
Outside the walls
The photographs
The few things I know about Glafkos Thrassakis
The Monarch
--And dreams are dreams
The monarch
The plant, the well, the angel
O komitis tou Halley, iparhoun oneira
The few things I know about Glafkos Thrassakis
To teleftaio antio
I zoi mou oli
Tesseris prosanatolismenes polis
Kath Odon
O Komitis tou haley
The harpoon gun
I trilogia
I Trilogia
To strato
The coroner's assistant
O iatrodikastis
Lounik II
To psarotoupheko
To Gramma tēs agapēs
25 etia
To limani tēs agōnias (kai alla diēgēmata)
E  kathodos
Oi phōtographies
To helikoptero
Hē dikē tōn ex
To portraito enos agōnistē
Tesseris prosanatolismenes poleis
O iatrodikastēs
To paravan
To kalokairi tou Erōtokritou
Ta silō
Kapheneion "Eminkrek"
To magnētophōno
To psarotoupheko
Anamnēseis apo ton Cheirōna
Ho asvos, hē, Hoi peripeteies mias dyskolēs anarrōsēs
O thanatos tou Amerikanou
Bella ciao
To sphrato
Ho monarchēs
Lounik II
Ē kathodos tou Makedona
Hē vathia hellēnikē krisē
Anepidotē epistolē ston Alexandro Panagoulē
Ho Chordistēs
Ta chaza boutia
Ho tromeros mēnas Augoustos (13.8.78-30.9.78)
To Teleutaio Antio
Glaukos Thrasakēs, mythistorēma
Hē asprē arkouda
Ē mythologia tēs Amerikēs
Chrono graphēmata
To magnētophōno dyo
Ho Eurōpeos kai hē hōraia tou hyperperan
Ho iatrodikastēs
To elikoptero
Thymata eirēnēs
Autoktonia me ero te matiko
E  zo e  mou ole
To phyllo ; To pēgadi ; T' angeliasma
Ektos tōn teichōn
Anamnēseis apo ton cheirōna, kai alles istories
To teleutaio antio
Ho planodios plasie
Ta "Kamakia"
Ho anthrōpos me to adeio
Ē asprē arkouda
Hē kathodos
20:20 ́
Anamnēseis apo ton Cheirōna, kai alles histories
Hē m ythologia tēs Amerikēs
Le journal de Z
Oi lōtophagoi
Hēlie mou, Artaxerxē mou
Pascha stous Gargalianous
To vrachioli
Peri logotechnias kai allōn daimōniōn
Hoi rempetes, kai alla diēgēmata
Thymata eirēnēs
To magnētophōno dyo
Ē phloga tēs agapēs (foco d'amor)
To teleutaio antio
Kapheneion "Eminkrek"
O tromeros mēnas Augoustos (13.8.78-30.9.78)
Hena-hena-tessara metōkēsen eis agnōston dieuthynsin
Hoi phōtographies
To "nero", to "helion" tēs Kō
Hors les murs
Mathēma anatomias, 1965-1978
Metōkēsen eis agnōston dieuthynsin
To phyllo
To lacheio
Ē dikē tōn ex ..
Aisthēmatōn nomismata
Ta silo
Anepidote  epistole  ston Alexandro Panagoule
Ho Apostolos Paulos stē philakē tōn Philippōn
Metōkēsen eis agnōston dieuthynsin
To kalokairi tou erōtokritou
Hē diēgēsē tou Iasona
To phyllo
He doloktonia
Hoi " Prosōkratikoi"
Ta apokrypha tou Glaukou Thrasakē
Se gnōrizō apo tēn kopsē--
O monarchēs
Aftokonia me erotimatiko
Ho thanatos tou Amerikanou
Mia historia agapēs
To "Nero" (to "helion" te s Ko )
To phyllo
Hoi lōtophagoi
To magnētophōno
Ē " doloktonia"
Autoktonia me erōtēmatiko
Ē diēgēsē tou Iasona
Yparchoun oneira
Glaukos Thrasakēs
Pascha stous Gargalianous
Dyo syngrapheis, mia dekaetia
To limani tēs agōnias
O apostolos Paulos stē phylakē tōn Philippōn
O planodios plasie
To limani tes agonias (Kai alla dingnmata)
Ektos tōn teichōn
To prōto kai teleutaio poiēma tou L.K. Ligo prin autoktonēsei sta dekaennia tou chronia
Tesseris prosanatolismenes poleis
To hēmerologio tou "Z"
Enklēma stēn Kopenchagē
Se gnōrizō apo tēn kopsē ...
Parisi - korydallos
Ta poiēmata (1948-1949)
Erga Vasilē Vasilikou
To " nero"
O chordistēs
Hē ateleiōtē epistolē
Ē  ateleiōtē epistolē
To Lacheio
20.20' [i.e. Eikosi.eikosi] kai Phiphty phiphty
Neanikē allēlographia, 1954-1960
Thymata eirēnēs
Hē apologia tou Z
Poste restante
Ho monarchēs
Hoi ōraioi oreoi
To psarotoupheko ; Hē "doloktonia"
Un po©·te est mort
Hēmerologio Thasou
Hoi phōtographies
Onar hēmerophanton
Les photographies
Les soleils couchants
Hē diēgēsē tou Iasona
Ho monarchēs
Dyo syngrapheis, mia dekaetia
Lyra Hellēnikē
Hē mythologia tēs Amerikēs
Ta silo
To phyllo, to pēgadi, t'angeliasma
Le Monarque ...
Esy ki egō
Ta poiēmata
Hoi rempetes
En ptēsei
Hoi gates tēs Rue d'Hauteville
Lunik II
To psarotoupheko ; Hē "doloktonia"
8 1/2
Boubou Hama
Boubou Hama (1906-1982)

politician, teacher, researcher

  • École normale supérieure William Ponty
Askia Mohammed Aboubacar, l'élhadj et le khalife, à travers la tradition et le "Fettach"
Boubou Hama
Cet "autre" de l'homme
Histoire du Gobir et de Sokoto
Histoire du Niger
Le retard de l'Afrique
Hon si suba ben (Aujourd'hui n'épuise pas demain)
L'Essence du verbe
Le Double d'hier rencontre demain
Histoire des Songhay
Enquête sur les fondements et la genèse de l'unité africaine
L' empire Songhay, ses ethnies, ses légendes et ses personnages historiques
Contes et légendes du Niger
Recherches sur l'histoire des Touareg sahariens et, soudanais
Histoire traditionnelle d'un village songhay, Fonéko
Ecrits sur le Soudan (septembre 1978)
Le Double d'hier recontre demain
Écrits sur le Soudan (September 1978)
Les grands problèmes de l'Afrique des indépendances
Contribution à la connaissance de l'histoire des Peul
Kotia-Nima, recontre avec l'Europe .
Les problèmes brûlants de l'Afrique
L' Histoire traditionnelle d'un peuple, les Zarma-Songhay
Essai d'analyse de l'éducation africaine
Essai d'analyse de l'education africaine
Histoire des Songhay
L'Essence du verbe
L'aventure d'Albarka
Le Lièvre, l'éléphant et le chameau (KALEIDOSCOPE)
Les problèmes brûlants de l'Afrique, Tome 3 "Prospective"
L'essence du verbe II
Contribution à la connaissance de l'histoire des "Zarma"
Merveilleuse Afrique
Mikhail Lomonosov
Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765)

astronomer, geologist, physicist, chemist, linguist, poet, historian, philosopher, inventor, mosaicist, geographer, mathematician, politician, painter, scientist, translator

  • Slavic Greek Latin Academy, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Pervyĭ russkiĭ akademik
Lomonossov, 1711-1765, sa vie, son oeuvre
Lomonossov, 1711-1765, sa vie, son oeuvre
Physikalisch-chemische abhandlungen M. W. Lomonossows, 1741-1752
Drevni͡ai͡a rossiĭskai͡a istorii͡a ot nachala rossiĭskogo naroda do konchiny velikogo kni͡azi͡a I͡Aroslava Pervogo, ili do 1054 goda
Mikhail Vasilʹevich Lomonosov. Iz nasledii︠a︡ Lomonosova. Slovo sovremennikov o Lomonosove. Pami︠a︡tʹ vechna
Alte russische Geschichte von dem Ursprunge der russischen Nation
Sochinenie Lomonosova
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii Mikhaila Vasilevicha Lomonosova
Izbrannye filosofskie sochinenii͡a︡
Mikhail Vasilʹevich Lomonosov on the corpuscular theory
Pisḿa ; Perevody ; Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ ; Ukazateli
Poltavskai͡a︡ batalii͡a︡
Pervye osnovanii︠a︡ gornoĭ nauki
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Izbrannye trudy po khimii i fizike
Ausgewählte Schriften
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii͡a︡
Rossiǐskaia grammatika
O vospitanii i obrazovanii
Zapiski po russkoĭ istorii
Izbrannye sochinenii͡a
Meditationes de solido et fluido solemnibus sacris Augustissimi nominis serenissimae potentissimae magnae dominae imperatricis Elisabetae Petri Magni filiae autocratoris omnium Rossiarum praelectae in Academiae Scientiarum Petropolitanae conventu publico, die VI. sept. a. MDCCLX
On the strata of the Earth
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ Mikhaĭla Vasilʹevicha Lomonosova
Estestvennye nauki i filosofii͡a︡
A chronological abridgement of the Russian history
Izbrannyi︠a︡ sochinenīi︠a︡
Izbrannai︠a︡ proza
Sochinenīi︠a︡ M.V. Lomonosova v stikhakh
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Elemens de la langue russe, ou, Methode courte et facile pour apprendre cette langue conformement a l'usage
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Slovo o proiskhozhdenīi svi︠e︡ta
Russische Grammatick
Oratio de origine lucis
Rossīĭskai︠a︡ grammatika
Sochinenii︠a︡ v stikhakh
Obozrenie rukopiseĭ lomonosova i materialov o nem, khrani︠a︡shchikhsi︠a︡ v moskovskikh i leningradskikh arkhivakh, muzeĭakh i bibliotekakh
Sochinenii͡a v stikhakh
Sochinenīi︠a︡ Lomonosova
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Sobranīe sochinenīĭ Mikhaila Vasilʹevicha Lomonosova
Pokoĭnago statskago sovetnika i professora Mikhaily Vasilʹevicha Lomonosova sobranīe raznykh sochinenīĭ v stikakh i v prozi︠e︡
Izbrannyi͡a sochinenīi͡a
Sobranīe raznykh sochinenīĭ v stikhakh i v prozi︠e︡ Mikhaĭly Vasilévicha Lomonosova
Rossiĭskai︠a︡ grammatika
Dukhovno-nravstvennyi︠a︡ pi︠e︡snopi︠e︡ni︠a︡ Lomonosova, Derzhavina i Karamzina
Drevni︠a︡i︠a︡ rossiĭskai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ ot nachala rossiĭskago naroda do konchiny velikago kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ I︠A︡roslava Pervago ili do 1054 goda
A chronological abridgment of the Russian history
Na doroge v Petergof
Sochinenīi︠a︡ Lomonosova
Istorii͡a︡, filologii͡a︡, poėzii͡a︡
L'apothéose de Pierre le Grand, etc
Sistema "Planeta Zemli︠a︡"
Rassuzhdenīe o bolʹsheĭ tochnosti morskago puti
Kratkoĭ rossīĭskoĭ li︠e︡topiset︠s︡ s rodoslovīem