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political scientists who wrote biography
Showing 89-96 out of 119 results
Arthur Koestler
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983)

philosopher, journalist, autobiographer, political scientist

  • TU Wien
The invisible writing
The watershed
Arrow in the blue
Stranger on the square
Spanish Testament
La lie de la terre
Als Zeuge der Zeit
Arrow in the Blue
Arrow in the blue. --
Arrow in the blue. --
Yohans Ḳelper
The God that failed
Dialogue with death
Science fact/fiction
The age of longing
Sleep walkers
Arrival and Departure
The call-girls
The act of creation
The Roots of Coincidence
The Gladiators
The ghost in the machine
Reunion (Flamingo S.)
The heel of Achilles
The thirteenth tribe
The lotus and the robot
The gladiators
The gladiators
The case of the midwife toad
Thieves in the night
The Ghost in the Machine
The trail of the dinosaur
The Yogi and the Commissar
The sleepwalker
The Watershed
Les somnambules
Drinkers of infinity
Astride the two cultures : Arthur Koestler at 70
Face au néant
Réflexions sur la peine capitale
Le zéro et l'infini
Beyond reductionism
Astride the two cultures
Ein spanisches Testament
Bricks to Babel
Die Gladiatoren
Workbook - IB Diploma Math HL Part 1
Oeuvres autobiographiques
Los Gladiadores
The Challenge of our time
Beyond Reductionism New Perspectives In The Life Sciences
The trail of the dinosaur & other essays
Reflections on hanging
Case of the midwife toad
The Thirteenth Tribe
Œuvres autobiographiques
Le démon de Socrate (trad. de l'anglais par Remy Laureillard)
Au chat qui louche
Darkness at Noon
Un testament espagnol
Extranos en la plaza
The Age of Longing
L' Espagne ensanglantée
The God That Failed - Six Studies in Communism
Suicide of a nation?
The ghost in the machine
Menschenopfer unerhört
Promise and fulfilment
Le cri d'Archimède
Hanged by the Neck (Penguin Special)
The Yogiand the Commissar
L'Ami retrouvé
The Thirteenth Tribe
Croisade sans croix
Réflexions sur la peine capitale
Darkness at Noon
En busca de la utopía
Thieves in the Night by Arthur Koestler
Analyse d'un miracle
Dialogue with death (Macmillan paperbacks)
Als Zeuge der Zeit
Act of Creation
Roots of Coincidence
The Ethics of change
Die Erlebnisse des Genossen Piepvogel in der Emigration
Drinkers of Infinity
Darkness at Noon (Modern Library, 74.3)
Le zero et l infini
Trail of the Dinosaur & Other Essays
Ein spanisches Testament
The sleep walkers
De Menselijke Tweespalt
The Ghost in the Machine
Gun Ortasinda Karanlik
Le zéro et l'infini
Le zéro et l'infini
De Menselijke Tweespalt
On Ucuncu Kabile
The Watershed
TWILIGHT BAR - An Escapade in Four Acts
La pulsion vers l'autodestruction
Insight and outlook
Darkness At Noon
Spartacus - Ozgurluk Tarihinin Ilk Bireyi
Trail of the Dinosaur
Bricks to Babel
Broché - Un testament espagnol
De lotus en de robot
Dialogue with Death
Der Krötenküsser: Der Fall des Biologen Paul Kammerer
Buio a mezzogiorno
Le cheval dans la locomotive
Beyond Reductionism : New Perspectives in the Life Sciences
En Busca de Lo Absoluto - 2b0 Edicion
Der Sklavenkrieg
Arrival and Departure
Les militants
Reflections on Hanging
Thieves in the Night
The lotus and the robot
Reflections on hanging
The Lotus and the Robot.
Promise and fulfilment: Palestine, 1917-1949
En busca de la utopía
The Invisible Writing
Arrow In The Blue.
The Case of the Midwife Toad
Heel of Achilles
I sonnambuli. Storia delle concezioni dell'universo
Suicide d'une nation?
Gelis ve Gidis
Invisible Writing
The Trail of the Dinosaur
Insight and Outlook
Twilight bar
The Age of Longing
En busca de lo absoluto
Thirteenth Tribe
Dialogue with death
The Act of Creation
Yogi et le Commissaire
The Invisible Writing
The Trail of the Dinosaur & other essays
Be-khavle ha-maʻarav
Reflections on hangings
Insight and Outlook an Inquiry Into the Common Foundations of Science, Art and Social Ethics
The Invisible Writing. An Autobiography
Dialogue with Death
Insight and outlook: an inquiry into the common foundations of science, art and social ethics
Bir Bilim Tarihi Kitabi
El cero y el infinito
Darkness at Noon
The Act of Creation. Unabridged. Pan HP116
Dialoog met de dood
The lion and the ostrich
Scum of the Earth
The watershed
The Ghost in the Machine
Thieves in the Night
Arrow in the Blue
The ghost in the machine
Scum of the earth,
De Menselijke Tweespalt
Scum of the Earth
The Thirteenth Tribe: Original Edition
Darkness at Noon
Krucjata bez krzyza
Arrival and Departure
Les racines du hasard
Promise and Fulfilment Palestine 1917-1949
Arrow in the Blue
Arrival and Departure
Thieves in the Night Chronicle of An Experiment
The yogi and the commissar
Les hommes ont soif
The Ghost in the Machine : The Urge to Self-Destruction
Arrival and departure (Grey arrow books)
The sleep walkers
Hanged by the neck
Thieves in the Night. Chronice of an Experiment
Dialogue with death
Thieves in the Night
The invisible writing;
Suicide of a nation?
Arrival and Departure
Croisade sans croix (texte intégral)
Der dreizehnte Stamm
Darkness at Noon (Time Reading Program)
The Act of Creation, a Study of the Conscious and Unconscious in Science and Art
The thirteenth tribe
The Yogi and the Commissar, and Other Essays
The Invisible Writing
Stranger on the Square
Trail of the Dinosaur
Dialogue with Death
Case of the Midwife Toad
THE AGE OF LONGING [First Edition] 1st
El Ártico desde la ventana de un zepelín
The sleep walkers
Darkness at Noon
The sleepwalkers
The Act of Creation
Arrow in the Blue
Twilight Bar
Sleepwalkers a History of Mans Changing
The invisible writing
Darkness at noon
The act of creation
Das rote Jahrzehnt
To miden ke to apiro
The gladiators
Les Call-girls
Dialogo con la morte
La quête de l'absolu
The lion and the ostrich
Suicide of a nation?
Die Nachtwandler
Autobiografia - Volumen 2 - La Escritura Invisible
Spartacus ; roman historique
Ciemność w południe
Der göttliche Funke
The ghost in the machine
Les hommes ont soif
Slep︠i︡ashcha︠i︡a tʹma
The invisible writing
Dialogue avec la mort (Un testament espagnol)
Thieves in the night
La Pena de Muerte
The age of longing. --
Twilight bar
The watershed
Ḥets li-sheme ha-tekhelet
Sōzō katsudō no riron
Insight and outlook
Sanbagaeru no nazo
La Tour d'Ezra
Face au néant
Enciclopedia del conocimiento sexual
LA Vida Despues De LA Muerte
La tour d'Ezra
היוגי והקומיסר
Slepi͡ashchai͡a tʹma
The age of longing. --
The sleep walkers
Gottes Thron steht leer
The invisible writing
Les call-girls
The invisible writing
Die Rache ist mein
Encyclopaedia of sexual knowledge
Autobiografia - Volumen 1 - Flecha En El Azul
Les Pensées communicantes
Afelah ba-tsohorayim
The gladiators
Les call-girls
Diesseits von Gut und Böse
Die Armut der Psychologie
La lie de la terre
Twilight bar
Ganavim ba-lailah
Olum cezasi ustune dusunceler
Raices del Azar, Las - 2da Edicion
Dinesh D'Souza
Dinesh D'Souza (born 1961)

political pundit, film director, journalist, politician, political scientist, conspiracy theorist

  • Dartmouth College, St. Stanislaus School
The Catholic classics
Falwell, before the millennium
Stealing America
The Roots of Obama's Rage
The roots of Obama's rage
Illiberal Education
The end of racism
The Enemy at Home
Letters to a Young Conservative
Ronald Reagan
What's So Great about Christianity
What's so great about America
The virtue of prosperity
United States of Socialism
Life after death
Letters To A Young Conservative (The Art of Mentoring)
The Virtue of Prosperity
My dear Alex
Obama's America
Ronald Reagan
Hillary's America
The big lie
The Virtue Of Prosperity
What's So Great about Christianity
One-Party State
Life After Death
Life After Death
Death of a nation
What's So Great About Christianity
What's So Great About America
What's So Great about God
10 Answers for Skeptics
Illiberal Education
Obama's America
Death of a Nation
The Big Lie
Letters Young Conservative (Art of Mentoring)
Letters to a Young Conservative
What's So Great about America
That's Not Fair!
Hillary's America
What's So Great about Christianity Study Guide
L'éducation contre les libertés
Voting As a Christian
The Roots of Obama's Rage
2000 Mules
Party of Hypocrites
What's So Great About America 12-Copy Floor Display
Stealing America Lib/E
The Catholic Classics II
Obama's America
Clarence Lusane
Clarence Lusane (born 1953)

political scientist

  • Howard University
The Black history of the White House
Pipe dream blues
African Americans at the crossroads
Hitler's Black Victims
Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice
Race in the global era
No easy victories
The struggle for equal education
New beginnings and a cautious celebration
James C. Scott
James C. Scott (1936-2024)

anthropologist, political scientist

  • Williams College, Yale University
A history of the lives of the Protestant reformers in Scotland
The life and work of Dr. Alister MacKenzie
Domination and the Arts of Resistance
Against the Grain
Weapons of the weak
Two Cheers for Anarchism
The moral economy of the peasant
The Art of Not Being Governed
Comparative political corruption
Political ideology in Malaysia
The Music of James Scott
The attack on the Liberty
The Politics Of Food Supply Us Agricultural Policy In The World Economy
The Other Side of Home
Exploitation in rural class relations
Everyday forms of resistance
State simplifications
Transatlantic Rebels
The Documents, reasons and proceedings connected with the formation of said order
Mission Accomplished
Decoding subaltern politics
Trade, poverty, development
Seeing Like a State
Homo Domesticus
Health and agriculture in China
The settlement of Huron County. --
Of mud and dreams
The Old Man Who Danced Naked Around the Flag Pole
Corruption, machine politics, and political change
Agrarian studies
Remarks on a passage to Botany bay, 1787-1792
The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Others
A bibliography on land, peasants, and politics for Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines
A Streetcar Named Desire
The Christian vision
A bibliography on land, peasants, and politics for Burma and Thailand
Report of the Commissioner of Health, Kingston, Jamaica
Bridge to Terabithia
Political ideology in Malaysia
Disputatio medica inauguralis de dysenteria ; quam, annuente summo numine
Politics of Food Supply
The Indiana gazetteer, or, Topographical dictionary
A hand-book of English orthography
Note Taking and Outlining Skills (Language Arts Skills)
English-Corean dictionary
The Chosen
All-American Ragtime
Teen love
The Collected Works of Scott Joplin
Douglas James Roche
Douglas James Roche (born 1929)

politician, diplomat, political scientist, peace activist

Creative dissent
Politicians for peace
What development is all about
The Catholic revolution
Justice not charity
Global conscience
How We Stopped Loving the Bomb
Man to man
The ultimate evil
Justice not charity
Beyond Hiroshima
Unacceptable Risk Nuclear Weapons In A
The human right to peace
Building Global Security
Building global security
United Nations in the 21st Century
The human side of politics
Le Canada à la poursuite de la paix
The Catholic revolution
A bargain for humanity
The human side of politics. --
The Arctic
United Nations
Bread not bombs
A bargain for humanity
The human right to peace
Lay missionaries who? where? why?
Bread Not Bombs
Bargain for Humanity
Man to Man
Politicians for peace
Raymond Aron
Raymond Aron (1905-1983)

journalist, philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, professor, economist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Sciences Po
Le spectateur engagé
Sur Clausewitz
Raymond Aron, 1905-1983
Etapes de la pensée sociologique
The century of total war
On war
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe décadente
République impériale
Paix et guerre entre les nations
Penser la guerre, Clausewitz
Sociologie allemande contemporaine
Diversity of worlds
Politics and history
Histoire et dialectique de la violence
Thinking politically
History, truth, liberty
Introduction to the philosophy of history
La philosophie critique de l'histoire
Marxism and the existentialists
La sociologie allemande contemporaine
The committed observer
World technology and human destiny
Gaulle, Israël, et les juifs
France, steadfast and changing
The new economics of health care
The great debate
The industrial society
In defense of political reason
An essay on freedom
Révolution introuvable
La lutte de classes
Political reason in the age of ideology
War and industrial society
Une histoire du vingtième siècle
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire
Opium des intellectuels
Jouir entre ciel et terre
Dix-huit leçons sur la société industrielle
Leçons sur l'histoire
De Giscard a Mitterrand
18 lectures on industrial society
France, steadfast and changing: the Fourth to the Fifth Republic
De Gaulle, Israël et les juifs
La guerre froide
La révolution introuvable
Les articles de politique internationale dans Le Figaro de 1947 à 1977
Clausewitz: philosopher of war
The dawn of universal history
Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes
France, the new Republic
Sociologie des sociétés industrielles
Dimensions de la conscience historique
Les desillusions du progres
Les désillusions du progrès. English
Las Etapas Del Pensamiento Sociologico
The great débate
Démocratie et totalitarisme
Etudes sociologiques
La société industrielle et la guerre
The Soviet economy
République impériale; Les États-Unis dans le monde, 1945-1972
La querelle de la C.E.D.
España en el desarrollo mediterráneo
L' Algerie et la Republique
Asia between Malthus and Marx
La revolution introuvable
Introduction à la philosophie politique
Progress and disillusion
L' opium des intellectuels
Les etapes de la pensee sociologique
Les étapes de la pensée sociologique
De la condition historique du sociologue
La lutte des classes
The Gaullist Republic
Espoir et peur du siècle
La France dans la competition economique
D'une Sainte Famille à l'autre, essais sur les marxismes
Introduction a   la philosophie de l'histoire
Les crises
Power, Modernity, and Sociology
Le Marxisme de Marx
Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu
L' homme contre les tyrans
Die deutsche Soziologie der Gegenwart
La coexistence
Les dernières années du siècle
Society and Democracy in Germany
Les Étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu. Comte. Marx. Tocqueville. Durkheim. Pareto. Weber
Über Deutschland und den Nationalsozialismus
Études politiques
D'une Sainte Famille  a l'autre
Les grandes doctrines de sociologie historique
Essais sur la condition juive contemporaine
Le grand débat
Essai sur les libertés
Chroniques de guerre
Scientists in search of their conscience
Les Désillusions du progrès
Essai sur la condition juive contemporaine
Die industrielle Gesellschaft
Essai sur les liberte s
Sosyolojik dusuncenin evreleri
Auguste Comte et Alexis de Tocqueville, juges de l'Angleterre
Les éléctions de mars et la Ve République
Les e lections de mars et la Ve re publique
Social Structure & the Ruling Class
La tragédie algérienne
France and Europe
Raymond Aron, intervista
La Révolution introuvable, réflexions sur les événements de mai
Le développement de la société industrielle et la stratification sociale
Leçon inaugurale faite le ... ler décembre 1970
La trage die alge rienne
Trois essais sur l'âge industriel
Culture and its creators
L' histoire et ses interpre tations
La Philosophie critique de l'histoire, essai sur une théorie allemande de l'histoire
Dix-huit lecons sur la societe industrielle
Raymond Aron et la liberté politique
De l'armistice à l'insurrection nationale ..
The two cultures and the rebellion of the students
Scientists in Search of Their Conscience
D'une sainte famille à l'autre
L' Algérie et la République
Immuable et changeante
Les élections de mars et la Ve République
Essai sur la théorie de l'histoire dans l'Allemagne contemporaine
L'Histoire et ses intè̀rpretations
L' historie et ses interprétations
De mocratie et totalitarisme
Ensayo Sobre Las Libertades
Trois essais sur l'age industriel ..
Les guerres en chaine
Introduccion a la Filosofia de La Historia
Leçon inaugurale faite le mardi 1er décembre 1970
Betrachtungen zur Entwicklung der sozialistischen Idee
Aspects sociologiques des notions de quantité de qualité en fait d'education
L' âge des empires et l'avenir de la France
Imperialism and colonialism
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe decadente
Philosophie mathématique. Troisième cycle et recherche
Main currents in sociological thought
Le socialisme francais face au marxisme
Etudes politiques
Social structure and the ruling class
Le grand schisme
The opium of the intellectuals
Les guerres en chaîne
Estudios Politicos (Seccion de Obras de Politica y Derecho)
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire ; essai sur les limites de l'objectivité historique
Les Guerres en chaîne
Main Currents in Sociological Thought, V
Etapas del Pensamiento Sociologico, Las
As etapas do pensamento sociológico
Les Grandes Heures De La Troisieme Republique
Etapas del Pensamiento Sociologico, Las - 2 Vol
The century of total war
The Tanner lectures on human values
Lecciones Sobre La Historia
Main currents in sociologial thought
Eighteen Lectures on Industrial Society
L'Église sous leurs regards
La lutte de classes ; nouvelles leçons sur les sociétés industrielles
Estudios Sociologicos (Nueva Austral Series : No. 97)
Main currents of sociological thought
Tocqueville et l'esprit de la démocratie
Tragédie algérienne
Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire
Hans Mayer zum 19. März 1977
Colloques de Rheinfelden
Sociologie des sociétés industrielles
The Soviet economy
The century of total war
La Démocratie à l'épreuve du XXe siècle
La tragédie algérienne
ha-Ṭragedyah ha-Alg'iraʼit
Essai sur les libertés
Culture, science et développement
The industrial society
Science et conscience de la société
Ekonomia wobec potrzeb ludzkich
Dimensions de la conscience historique
España en el desarrollo mediterráneo
Espoir et peur du siècle
Hat Europa noch Aufbaukräfte?
L'Unification économique de l'Europe
Liberté et égalité
Raymond Aron
Le grand schisme
Main currents in sociological thought
War and industrial society
Lun zhi shi
Opium intellektualov
Ranimer l'Europe
Peace and war
Machiavelli nel V ̊centenario della nascita
E tapy razvitii Ła sot Łsiologicheskoi  mysli
Penser dans le temps
Inventaires III
La Querelle de la C.E.D.
Frnce, the new republic
Introduction to the philosophy of history
Leçons sur l'histoire
The Great Debate; Theories of Nuclear Strategy. Translated From the French by Ernst Pawel
German sociology
Democracia y totalitarismo
Le marxisme de Marx
Les sociétés modernes
L'abécédaire de Raymond Aron
Le France dans la compétition économique
The industrial society
Le développement de la société industrielle et la stratification sociale
Evidence and inference
Paix et guerre entre les nations
Marxismes imaginaires
War and peance between the nation
The century of total war /Raymond Aron
הקידמה ואכזבותיה
La Philosophie critique de l'histoire
Les Rapports russo-américains et les rapports franco-russes, convergences ou contradictions?
Frieden Und Krieg Eine Theorie Der Staat
Widz i uczestnik
Estudos politicos
Démocratie et totalitarisme
The opium of the intellectuals
Estudos sociológicos
Progress and disillusion
La sociologie Allemande contemporaine
Bertrand de Jouvenel
Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987)

journalist, economist, philosopher, political scientist, jurist

Revoir Hélène
Marx et Engels la longue marche
Du pouvoir
Rent Control – a Popular Paradox
The ethics of redistribution
Economics and the good life
The Nature of politics
On power, its nature and the history of its growth
Un voyageur dans le siècle
Napoléon et l'économie dirigée
The pure theory of politics
The art of conjecture
Vers les états-unis d'Europe
Vie de Zola
Les débuts de l'état moderne
Cours d'histoire des idées politiques à partir du XIXe siècle ..
L'e ́conomie mondiale au XXe siècle
Du pouvoir, historie naturelle de sa croissance
Le réveil de l'Europe
Itinéraire, 1928-1976
De la politique pure
De la souveraineté ; à la recherche du bien politique
Efficiency and amenity
La dernière année
L' Amérique en Europe
Jenseits der Leistungsgesellschaft
Napoleon et l'economie dirigee
De la Souverainté, à la recherche du bien politique
Du pouvoir ; histoire naturelle de sa croissance
De la souveraineté
Quelle Europe?
L' art de la conjecture
Nach der Niederlage
La crise du capitalisme américain
Les Francais
Du principat et autres réflexions politiques
D'une guerre à l'autre
El principado
Framtidsstudier och strategisk planering
The art of conjecture
Le re veil de l'Europe
Napoléon et l'économie dirigée, le blocus continental
Après la défaite
Arcadie, essais sur le mieux-vivre
Fī al-sulṭah
Sobre el poder
Les Français
Problems of socialist England
La civilisation de puissance
Über die Staatsgewalt
L'economie dirigée
Problèmes de l'Angleterre socialiste
Sovereignty; an inquiry into the political good
Problèmes économiques de notre temps
No vacancies
Du pouvoir
Abdullah Öcalan
Abdullah Öcalan (born 1949)

politician, activist, political scientist

  • Ankara University Faculty of Political Science, Ankara University
Devrimin dili ve eylemi
Kürdistan'da halk kahramanlığı
Kürdistan'da halk kahramanliǧi
Kürt sorununa demokratik çözüm manifestosu
Abdullah Öcalan ile görüşme
Önderlik Gerçeği ve Apocu Siyaset
Din Sorununa Devrimci Yaklaşım
Gerçeğin dili ve eylemi
Prison writings
Kürdistan’da Kişilik Sorunu, Devrimci Militanın Özellikleri ve Parti Yaşamı
Özgür insan savunması
The PKK and the Kurdish Question in the 21st Century
Krieg und Frieden in Kurdistan
Din sorununa devrimci yaklaşım
Dirilişin öyküsü
Prison Writings
Kadın ve aile sorunu
Bir Halkı Savunmak
Tarih günümüzde gizli ve biz tarihin başlangıcında gizliyiz
Kapitalist Uygarlık
Sosyal devrim ve yeni yaşam
12 Eylül Faşizmi ve PKK Direnişi
To Dare Imagining
Kürt bahçesinde sözleşi
Özgürlük Sosyolojisi
Kürdistan'da Kişilik Sorunu, Devrimci Militanın Özellikleri ve Parti Yaşamı
War and Peace in Kurdistan
Ortadoğu'da Uygarlik Krizi ve Demokratik Uygarlık Çözümümü
Roma Konuşmaları
Seçme yazılar, Cilt 1
PKK 5. Kongresi'ne sunulan politik rapor
Zafer perspektifleri
Democratic Confederalism
The Road Map to Negotiations
Gilgameschs Erben 1
Gilgameschs Erben 2
Sosyalizm ve Devrim Sorunları
Özgür yaşamla diyaloglar
Barış Umudu
Plädoyer für den freien Menschen
Türkiye Sosyalist ve Demokratik Hareketi
Politik rapor
Halk savaşında militan kişilik
Erkeği Öldürmek
Dadgay mêjû
Serok û Însan
PKK IV. Kongresi'ne sunulan politik rapor
Nasıl yaşamalı?
Democratic Confederalism
Oligarşik cumhuriyet gerçeği
Liberating Life
Güney Kürdistan'da egemenlik mücadelesi ve devrimci demokratik tutum
Özgürlük kazanacak
Seçme yazılar, Cilt 2 (Düşünce dizisi)
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan
Çeteciliğe karşı mücadele
Çepkêk le wutekanî serok Apo
Abdullah Öcalan ile görüşme
Kürt-Türk iliskileri üzerine baris ve Demokrasi konusmalari 1988-1998 (Söylesi dizisi)
Kürdistan Devriminin Yolu
19. yüzyıldan günümüze Kürdistan gerçeği ve PKK hareketi
Sanat Edebiyat ve Kürt Aydınlanması
Erkeği Öldürmek
12 Eylül faşizmi ve PKK direnişi
Kürt-Türk ilişkileri üzerine barış ve demokrasi konuşmaları, 1988-1998
Bir halkı savunmak
Kurdische Frage und Europäisches Recht
Sosyalizmde ısrar insan olmakta ısrardır
Demokratik devrimde halk serhıldanları
Kürt sorununda demokratik çözüm bildirgesi
Dastan-i dubarah zistan
Sümer rahip devletinden halk cumhuriyetine doğru
Gilgameschs Erben 1
Kürt hümanizmi ve yeni insan
Kürdistan'da işbirlikçilik-ihanet ve devrimci direniş
Der 1. Mai, der Sozialismus und die sich entwickelnde Lösung innerhalb der PKK
Urfa - Segen und Fluch einer Stadt
Dāstān-i zhiyānawa
Başkan Apo'dan Özgürlük Perspektifleri
Kürdistan'da zorun rolü
Sociology of Freedom
Dāstān-i dūbārah zīstan
Berxwedan. La storia del movimento kurdo attraverso la storia di Koma Berxwedan
Orígenes de la civilitzación
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan
The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan
Mānify̌stǒ-y chārasar-i Dimukrātiyāna bǒ ky̌sha-y gal-i Kurd
al-Taḥawwul al-kabīr
Kürdistan'da halk kahramanlığı
Dastan-i dubarah zistan
12 Eylül faşizmi ve PKK direnişi
Kapitalist Uygarlık
Mukhtārāt min taḥlīlāt ʻAbd Allāh Ūjalān
ʻIshq-i Kurd
al-Ummah al-dīmuqrāṭīyah
Democratic Nation
Pirsî kesayetî le Kurdistan'da
Dirilişin öyküsü
Civilización Capitalista
Kürt aşkı
Min dawlat al-kahanah al-Sūmarīyah naḥwa al-ḥaḍārah al-Dīmuqrāṭīyah
Sosyalizmde Israr İnsan Olmakta Isrardır
Civilització capitalista
Kürt Sorunu ve Demokratik Ulus Çözümü
Tawjīhāt bi-shaʼn marḥalat al-taḥawwul
Welatparêziya Kurdistan
Beyond State, Power, and Violence
Prison Writings
Demokratik Ulus
Sümer rahip devletinden halk cumhuriyetine doğru
Hoja de ruta
Chapkyk la-wutakan-i sarok Apo
Kürdistan'da Halk Kahramanlığı
Demokratik uygarlık manifestosu
Partileşme sorunları ve görevlerimiz
Seçme yazılar
Demokratik Ulus
Kürt hümanizmi
Kayfa naʻīsh?
Demokratik uygarlık çözümü
Parastina Gelekî
Li-nastawʻib qaḍāyānā wa-nuṣbiḥ qūwat al-ḥall la-hā
Partileşme sorunları ve görevlerimiz
Sociology of Freedom
Kürt sorununda çözüm ve çözümsüzlük ikilemi
Tasfiyeciliğin Tasfiyesi
3. Kongre Konuşmaları
Liberando la vida
Kürt sorununda çözüm ve çözümsüzlük ikilemi
Barış umudu
Demokratik Ulus
Guerra y paz en el Kurdistán
Dāstān-i zhiyānawa
Confederalismo Democrático
Bir muhatap arıyorum
İlk konuşmalar
The Third Domain
Wege zu einer Lösung der kurdischen Frage
Kürt Aşkı