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political scientists who wrote biography
Showing 105-112 out of 119 results
Paul Goodman
Paul Goodman (1911-1972)

poet, psychotherapist, sociologist, literary critic, LGBTQ rights activist, political scientist, philosopher

  • University of Chicago, City College of New York
Kafka's Prayer
Gestalt Therapy
Utopian essays and practical proposals
Making Do
New reformation
The Empire City
The Structure of Literature
The galley to Mytilene
Drawing the Line Once Again
The society I live in is mine
The May Pamphlet
Like a conquered province
The facts of life
Compulsory mis-education
Seeds of liberation
Collected poems
Little prayers & finite experience
The break-up of our camp
Parent's Day
Our visit to Niagara
Nature heals =
Crazy hope and finite experience
Hawkweed; poems
Of One Blood
The moral ambiguity of America
Speaking and language: defence of poetry
The Paul Goodman Reader
Don Juan
Terapia Gestalt
Format & Anxiety
Work in a modern society
People or personnel
A ceremonial, stories, 1936-1940
Creator Spirit come!
The Grand piano
Information bulletin No.3
The community of scholars
Art and social nature
Freedom and order in the university
Creator Spirit Come
Homespun of oatmeal gray
Erziehung – Zwangsjacke oder Freiheit
Decentralizing power
The lordly Hudson
The Copernican revolution
The black flag of anarchism
The Democratic-Republicans of Massachusetts
The collected stories
Five years
Adam and his works
A Fragment of Victory in Italy
North Percy
The state of nature
La contre-éducation obligatoire
The dead of spring
Problemas de la juventud en la sociedad organizada
Tragedy and comedy: four cubist plays
La estructura de la obra literaria
A Message to the Military Industrial Complex
The open look
Making do
Dawson Turner
La nueva reforma
Tres Ciudades para El Hombre
New reformation
La des-educación obligatoria
Ensayos utópicos y propuestas prácticas
Gestalt Therapy
Mass education in science
Gestalt Therapy
Silence, speaking and language
Red jacket ...
Homecoming & departure
The Copernican revolution
Day and other poems
A warning at my leisure
Ten poems
The writings of Paul Goodman
Gestalt - Therapie. Wiederbelebung des Selbst
Gestalt - Therapie. Lebensfreude und Persönlichkeitsentfaltung
The drama of awareness
Three early stories
Nature Heals
The dead of spring
Michael Parenti
Michael Parenti (born 1933)

political scientist, historian, journalist

  • Brown University, City College of New York
Waiting for yesterday
Democracy for the few
Inventing Reality
America besieged
Make-Believe Media
The terrorism trap
The culture struggle
The Face Of Imperialism
To Kill a Nation
History as mystery
Power and the powerless
Land of idols
The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Against empire
The sword and the dollar
Dirty truths
The anti-communist impulse
The Face of Imperialism
Ethnic and political attitudes
Blackshirts and Reds
The sword and the dollar
Contrary Notions
God and his demons
Trends and tragedies in American foreign policy
Power and Pluralism
The anti-communist impulse
El asesinato de Julio César
White anxiety and the Negro revolt
Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

political scientist, mathematician, philosopher, economist, politician, historian, translator, in-home tutor, philosopher of law

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
The Life of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Introduzione a "La guerra del Peloponneso" di Tucidide
De cive
Human nature
The English works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Great books of the Western World
A Dialogue between a Philosopher and a Student of the Common Laws of England
De homine
Three Discourses
Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan, parts one and two
Leviathan, part I
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
The Metaphysical System of Hobbes: In Twelve Chapters from Elements of Philosophy Concerning ..
On the citizen
Leviathan: Authoritative Text
The correspondence
Behemoth, or, The Long Parliament
The metaphysical system of Hobbes in twelve chapters from his "Elements of philosophy concerning body," together with briefer extracts from his "Human nature" and "Leviathan"
The ethics of Hobbes
Body, man and citizen
Elementa philosophica de cive
Opera philosophica, quae latine scripsit, omnia in unum corpus nunc primum collecta studio et labore Gulielmi Molesworth
Behemoth, the history of the causes of the civil-wars of England
The Essential Leviathan
Hobbes and Bramhall on Liberty and Necessity (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
Opera philosophica quæ latine scripsit omnia
Reason of state, propaganda, and the Thirty Years' War
Political Science
Leviathan Or The Matter Forme Power Of A Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall And Civill
Thomas Hobbes Leviathan
Leviathan (Great Books in Philosophy)
Del Ciudadano
The questions concerning liberty, necessity, and chance
Leviathan. Das Urbild des modernen Staates
The metaphysical system of Hobbes
De la nature humaine, ou, Exposition des facultés, des actions et des passions de l'âme, et de leurs causes déduites d'après des principes philosophiques qui ne sont pas communément ni reçus ni connus
Hobbes and Bramhall
The philosophy of Hobbes in extracts and notes collated from his writings
Thomas White's De mundo examined
Del ciudadano. Leviatan
Dialogue entre un philosophe et un légiste des common-laws d'Angleterre
Opera Philosophica
De corpore
Leviathan, sive, De materia, forma & potestate civitatis, ecclesiasticae et civilis
Human nature, or, The fundamental elements of policy ; De Corpore politico, or, The Elements of law
Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
Thomæ Hobbes Malmesburiensis opera philosophica quæ latine scripsit
Vom Menschen
Court traité des premiers principes : Le "Short Tract on First Principles" de 1630-1631
Elemente der Philosophie. Erste Abteilung. Der Körper
Leviatán, o La materia, forma y poder de una república, eclesiástica y civil
Man and Citizen. Hobbes' De Homine, Tr by C.T. Wood
Les Questions concernant la liberté, la nécessité et le hasard: (controverse avec Bramhall II)
Mythos München
The history of the civil wars of England
Manand citizen
The correspondence of Thomas Hobbes ; edited by Noel Malcolm
Leviathan, parts I and II
Elemente der Philosophie 2/3. Vom Menschen, vom Bürger
Elementos De Derecho Natural Y Politico
An historical narration concerning heresy, and the punishment thereof
French and English Philosophers
Del Leviatán de Hobbes
Human Nature and DeCorpore Politico
Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners, & religion of Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury
The history of the civil wars of England from the year 1640 to 1660
De Cive, ou, Les fondements de la politique
Du citoyen
Behemoth, or, An epitome of the civil wars of England, from 1640 to 1660
The last sayings, or, Dying legacy of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury
Humane nature, or, The fundamental elements of policy
Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury
Les éléments du droit naturel et politique
Critique du De mundo de Thomas White
Le Citoyen ou les Fondements de la politique
Of liberty and necessity
Six lessons to the professors of the mathematiques
Les elemens de la politiqve de Monsievr Hobbes
Thomae Hobbesii Malmesburiensis vita
De corpore politico
Dialog Zwischen Einem Philosophen Und Einem Juristen Ueber Das Englische Recht
Leviatán, o la materia, forma y poder de una república eclesiástica y civil
Epistola ..
Leviathan, or, The matter, form and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil
Of libertie and necessitie
Thomæ Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera Philosophica Quæ Latine Scripsit Omnia: In Unum Corpus Nunc Primum Collecta Studio Et Labore Gulielmi Molesworth
Behemoth, The History Of the Causes of the Civil-Wars Of England, And of the Councels and Artifices by which they were carried on, from the year 1640. to the year 1660
Hobbes's Leviathan
De eerste beginselen van een burger-staat aangewesen
Quadratura circuli, cubatio sphæræ, duplicatio cubi, breviter demonstrata
Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society, or, A dissertation concerning man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the member of a society, first secular, and then sacred
The Correspondence: Volume I
The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic (Dodo Press) (Oxford Worlds Classics)
The moral and political works, never before collected together
Tratado Sobre El Ciudadano
Historia ecclesiastica, carmine elegiaco concinnata
Elemens philsophiqves dv bon citoyen
Historia ecclesiastica (LPLC 31)
De corpore politico, or, The elements of law, moral and politick
The English works
Discursos Historico-Politicos
De corpore politico, or, The elements of the lavv, moral & politick
Aristotle's Treatise On Rhetoric, Literally Translated From The Greek
Dialogo Entre Un Filosofo Y Un Jurista Y Escritos Autobiograficos (Clasicos)
A letter about liberty and necessity
Memorable sayings of Mr. Hobbes in his books and at the table
The metaphysical system of Hobbes in twelve chapters from Elements of philosophy concerning body, together with briefer extracts from Human nature and Leviathan
The art of rhetoric
Stigmai ageōmetrias, agroichias, antipoliteas, amatheias, or, Markes of the absurd geometry, rural language, Scottish church-politicks, and barbarismes of John Wallis professor of geometry and doctor of divinity
Elementorum philosophiae sectio prima
Leviathan, 1651
Body, man, and citizen
Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geometry
Body, man, and citizen
An answer to a book published by Dr. Bramhall, late bishop of Derry; called the Catching of the leviathan. Together with an historical narration concerning heresie, and the punishment thereof. By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
The elements of law
Problemata physica
Dux vitae sive statera morum
Hobbes selections
Thom� Hobbes Malmesburiensis opera philosophica qu� latine scripsit omnia: in unum corpus nunc ...
An historical narration concerning heresie and the punishment thereof
An answer to a book published by Dr. Bramhall ... called, The Catching of the Leviathan
Decameron physiologicum, or, Ten dialogues of natural philosophy
Thomæ Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica, quæ Latinè scripsit, omnia
The metaphysical system of Hobbes [as contained] in twelve chapters from [his] "Elements of philosophy concerning body," together with briefer extracts from [his] "Human nature" and "Leviathan"
Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia
Decameron Physiologicum
Elementa Philosophica de Cive, Auctore Thom. Hobbes Malmesburiensi
Leviathan Parts I and II
Hobbes' Leviathan
Leviathan, sive, De materia, forma, & potestate civitatis ecclesiasticae et civilis
[Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica, quæ Latinè scripsit, omnia
Thomae Hobbes... Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia
Tratado Sobre El Cuerpo
Elemens philosophiqves du citoyen
Humane nature
De principiis et ratiocinatione geometrarvm
Computatio, sive, Logica =
Leviathan, Sive De Materia, Forma, & Potestate Civitatis Ecclesiasticae Et Civilis
Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia,: in unum corpus nunc primum collecta studio et ..
The metaphysical system of Hobbes as contained in twelve chapters from his "Elements of philosophy concerning body," and in briefer extracts from his "Human nature" and "Leviathan"
Scritti teologici
The Correspondence: Volume II
Thomæ Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis philosophi vita
Libertad y Necesidad
Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury
Elementorum philosophiae sectio prima de corpore
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica
The life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Epistola Thomæ Hobbes Malmsburiensis ad dominum Antonium à Wood authoreum Historie & antiquitatum Vniversitatis Oxoniensis, inserenda ad pag. 344, 345
The moral and political works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Ad nobilissimum dominum Gulielmum comitem Devoniæ, &c., de mirabilibus pecci
Examinatio & emendatio mathematicæ hodiernæ
The Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Le corps politiqve
The metaphysical system of Hobbes
Dialogus physicus, sive, De natura aeris
Le citoyen
Humane nature, or, The fundamental elements of policie
Philosophicall Rudiments Concerning Government and Society. Or, A Dissertation Concerning Man in his severall habitudes and respects, as the Member of a Society, first Secular, and then Sacred. Containing The Elements of Civill Politie in the Agreement which it hath both with Naturall and Divine Lawes. In which is demonstrated, Both what the Origine of Justice is, and wherein the Essence of Christian Religion doth consist. Together with The Nature, Limits, and Qualificati- ons both of Regiment and Subjection
Opera philosophica, quae latine   scripsit, omnia..
Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit
The English Works Of Thomas Hobbes V5
The moral and political works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
De mirabilibus pecci
Writings on Common Law and Hereditary Right (Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes)
Philosophicall rudiments concerning government and society
Principia et problemata aliquot geometrica
Three papers presented to the Royal Society against Dr. Wallis
Elements of philosophy
A true ecclesiastical history, from Moses to the time of Martin Luther
De principiis & ratiocinatione geometrarum
The Harvard Classics Volume 34
A catalogue of the works of Mr. Hobbes
Hobbes's Leviathan
Tracts of Thomas Hobb's ..
Critique der De Mundo de Thomas White
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica quae Latine scripsit omnia
Opera philosophica, quae latinè scripsit, omnia
Dialogus physicvs de natvra aeris
                Wordsworth Classics of World Literature
La Idea del contrato social en la tradición inglesa
De Corpore Politico. Or The Elements Of Law, Moral & Politick. With Discourses upon severall Heads; as Of {The Law of Nature. Oathes and Covenants. Several kinds of Government. With the Changes and Revolutions of them
Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury ...
A dialogue between a philosopher and a student of the Common laws of England: by T.H. Hobbes. Specimen quaestionum philosophicarum ex lure collectarum. De casibus perplexis Doctrina conditionum. De legum interpretarione: by G.W. Leibniz
Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia
The philosophy of Hobbes in extracts and notes collated from his writings
The Plague of Ahtens [sic]: Which Hapened [sic] in the Second Year of the ..
Leviathan, or, The matter, form, and power of a commonwealth, ecclesiastical and civil
A supplement to Mr. Hobbes his works printed by Blaeu at Amsterdam, 1661
To the right honourable and others, the learned members of the Royal Society, for the advancement of the sciences...a confutation...
Leviathan, or, The matter, forme and power of a common-wealth, ecclesiasticall and civill
Humane Nature
Die Urform der "Computatio sive logica"
Hobbs's Tripos, In Three Discourses
Lun gong min
The English Works of Thomas Hobbes
Of Liberty And Necessity
Oeuvres philosophiques et politiques de Thomas Hobbes
Elementorum philosophiae sectio prima de corpore
The History Of The Civil Wars Of England. From the Year 1640, to 1660
Dialogus physicus de natura aeris
The life of Mr. Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
The collected English works of Thomas Hobbes
Great political thinkers
To the right honourable and others, the learned members of the Royal Society, for the advancement of the sciences...two propositions..
Elementos de Derecho Natural y Político
The Elements of law
The history of the civil wars of England, from the year 1640 to 1660
Elementorum philosophiae, sectio secvnda
De mirabilibus pecci
Thomas Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia
The moral and political works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
The metaphysical system of Hobbes in twelve chapters from "Elements of philosophy concerning body"
Hobbes, [Auszug] Das Naturreich des Menschen. Eingeleitet u. in neuer Uebersetzung, hrsg. v. Herman Schmalenbach
Emission controls in electricity generation and industry
De Homine ; traité de l'homme
Historia ecclesiastica carmine elegiaco concinnata ...
De la nature humaine, ou Exposition des facultés, des actions & des passions ...
The Correspondence of Thomas Hobbes
Vita ...
Dialogus physicus de natura aeris conjectura  sumpta  ab experimentis..
Of names
Elementy filozofii
Behemoth; Or An Epitome Of The Civil Wars Of England, From 1640. to 1660
A true and perspicuous explication of ye elements of lawes naturall & politicqall
Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia
Del ciudadano y Leviathan
The metaphysical system of Hobbes
Six Lessons To the Professors of the Mathematiques, One Of Geometry, The Other Of Astronomy
Behemoth, The History Of The Civil Wars of England, From the Year 1640, to 1660
Metaphysical writings
To the right honourable and others, the learned members of the Royal Society, for the advancement of the sciences...two propositions...
Elements of philosophy, the first section, concerning body
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia, in unum corpus nunc primum collecta studio et labore Gulielmi Molesworth
A true ecclesiastical history from Moses to the time of Martin Luther
Tracts Of Thomas Hobb's Containing I. His Life in Latine, part written by himself, since his death finish- ed by Dr. R.B. II. His Considerations on his Reputa- tion, Loyalty, Manners and Religion. III. His Whole Art of Rhetorick, in English. IV. His Discourse by way of Dia- logue, concerning the Common Laws of England. V. Ten Dialogues of Natural Philo- sophy. &c
Proposals for publishing by subscription the works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
Of liberty and necessity
Vom Menschen
Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civil
Man and citizen
Considerations upon the reputation, loyalty, manners, & religion, of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
The collected works of Thomas Hobbes
De mirablibus pecci
Human Nature of the Fundamental Elements of Policy Bound With De Corpore Politico
To the right honourable and others, the learned members of the Royal Society, for the advancement of the sciences...a confutation..
De principiis et ratiocinatione geometrarum
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera Philosophica, Quae Latinè scripsit, Omnia. Antè quidem per partes, nunc autem, post cognitas omnium Objectiones, conjunctim & accuratiùs Edita. (device)
A Letter About Liberty and Necessity
Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric: Literally Translated; with Hobbes' Analysis, Examination ..
Behemoth, or, The Long Parliament
The English works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury
An Historical Narration Concerning Heresie, And the Punishment thereof
Elements Of Philosophy, The First Section, Concerning Body
Die Urform der "Computatio sive logica"
Thomae Hobbes Angli Malmesburiensis Philosophi Vita. ... (11 lines)
Considerations Upon The {Reputation, Loyalty, Manners, & Religion, Of Thomas Hobbes Of Malmsbvry
A dialogue between a philosopher and a student of the Common laws of  England: by T.H. Hobbes. Specimen quaestionum philosophicarum ex iure  collectarum. De casibus perplexis. Doctrina conditionum. De legum  interpretatione: by G.W. Leibniz
The Leviathan/Disk 3.5 and 5.25
Sochinenii͡a v dbukh tomakh
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera philosophica quae latine scripsit omnia
Thomae Hobbes Malmesburiensis opera philosophica
The English works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, now first collected and ed. by Sir William Molesworth, bart
Norberto Bobbio
Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004)

philosopher, jurist, historian, politician, journalist, political scientist, historian of ideas

  • University of Turin, Liceo Classico Massimo D'Azeglio
A political life
La mia Italia
Italia fedele
Italia civile
Saggi su Gramsci
Maestri e compagni
Scritti di Bobbio, Fubini, Galante Garrone, Quazza, Sapegno su Antonicelli
Italia civile
Gaetano Salvemini
Stato, governo, società
Quale socialismo?
Destra e sinistra
Futuro della democrazia
Thomas Hobbes and the natural law tradition
Old Age and Other Essays
Ideological profile of twentieth-century Italy
Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia
Elogio della mitezza e altri scritti morali
Le ideologie e il potere in crisi
The age of rights
Il problema della guerra e le vie della pace
Liberalism and democracy
Tra due repubbliche
Thomas Hobbes
In Praise of Meekness
Giusnaturalismo e positivismo giuridico
Dalla struttura alla funzione
Eguaglianza e libertà
Studi per una teoria generale del diritto
Il futuro della democrazia
Italiani, amici nemici
Diccionario de política
Teoria generale del diritto
Profilo ideologico del Novecento
Liberalism and Democracy (Radical Thinkers)
Lettere 1937-1968
El Existencialismo
Crisi della democrazia e neocontrattualismo
Politica e cultura
Contributi ad un dizionario giuridico
De senectute e altri scritti autobiografici
Studi hegeliani
Teoria general de la politica/ General Theory of Politics
Il dubbio e la scelta
On Mosca and Pareto
Derecha E Izquierda - Bolsillo
Studi hegeliani
Il dizionario di politica
Giaime Pintor e la sua generazione
El Positivismo Juridico
L' Etat et la démocratie internationale
Le futur de la démocratie
Locke e il diritto naturale
Società e Stato nella filosofia politica moderna
Da Hobbes a Marx
Dialogo intorno alla repubblica
Luigi Einaudi
Dalla struttura alla funzione
El Problema de La Guerra y Las Vias de La Paz
Verso la seconda Repubblica
El Tercero Ausente
Per una teoria generale della politica
Gramsci e la concezione della società civile
Trent'anni di storia della cultura a Torino
Fundamento y futuro de la democracia
Profilo ideologico del Novecento italiano
Democrazia, maggioranza e minoranze
Rechts und Links. Gründe und Bedeutungen einer politischen Unterscheidung
Diccionario de política
Das Zeitalter der Menschenrechte. Ist Toleranz durchsetzbar?
Una guerra giusta?
Contro i nuovi dispotismi
Introduzione alla Costituzione
The philosophy of decadentism
Nicola Abbagnano
Il positivismo giuridico
Dal fascismo alla democrazia
El Futuro de La Democracia
L' età dei diritti
Cent'anni di Giornale storico della letteratura italiana
Teoria generale della politica
Il terzo assente
Teoria do Ordenamento Jurídico
Diritto e stato nel pensiero di Emanuele Kant
Una filosofia militante
La consuetudine come fatto normativo
La teoria delle forme di governo nella storia del pensiero politico
Diccionario de Ciencia Politica
La sinistra nell'era del karaoke
Vom Alter. De senectute
Carteggio su marxismo, liberalismo e socialismo
Igualdad Y Libertad
Liberalismo e democrazia
Studi sulla teoria generale del diritto
Il contratto sociale, oggi
L' utopia capovolta
Contribución a la teoría del derecho
Gaetano Mosca e la scienza politica
Derecho y lógica
Norberto Bobbio, Andrea Viglongo
Né con Marx, né contro Marx
Eguaglianza e egualitarismo
Il giusnaturalismo moderno
Metodo, linguaggio, scienza del diritto
Existe una teoría marxista del Estado?
Bobbio no Brasil
Giusnaturalismo e positivismo giuridico
Quale democrazia?
Politica e cultura
Commemorazione di Ferdinando Neri nel centenario della nascita, 1a aprile 1980
Che cosa fanno oggi i filosofi?
Giustizia, democrazia, rivoluzione
Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia
Scritti su Marx
La consuetudine come fatto normativo
Das Zeitalter der Menschenrechte
Compromesso e alternanza nel sistema politico italiano
The philosophy of decadentism
Soggetti e potere
Organizzazione dello Stato e democrazia
Elementi di politica
What's left?
Diccionario de política. l-z
Saggi sulla scienza politica in Italia
Ricerche politiche
Dizionario di politica
Introduzione alla scienza politica
La Guerre et ses théories
Il dubbio e la scelta
Gaetano Salvemini nel centenario della nascita
Teoria de Las Formas de Gobierno En La Historia (Seccion de Obras de Politica y Derecho)
Socialismo liberale
Saggi sulla scienza giuridica
Dialogo sulla politica della cultura
Incentivi C.E.E. per la riforma delle strutture economiche
La democracia socialista
Etica e politica
Stato, governo, società
Studi juvarriani
Giusnaturalismo e positivismo giuridico
Il Sistema politico italiano tra crisi e innovazione
Dicionário de política
Italia civile
Ni Con Marx Ni Contra Marx
Balanço do século
Liberalismo y Democracia
Dizionario di politica
Etica e politica
Progetto per la sinistra del duemila
Della stessa leva
Sulla rivoluzione
Las Incertidumbres de la democracia
Che leggere?
Liberalismo e democrazia
Eravamo ridiventati uomini
La Teoria generale del diritto
Il Problema dell'azione e le sue diverse concezioni
Autobiografia (Pensamiento)
Umberto Morra di Lavriano e l'opposizione etica al fascismo
Dictionary of Politics  Diccionario de Politica 2 vols
Droite et gauche
Locke e il diritto naturale
Perfil Ideologio del Siglo XX En Italia
Il Marxismo e lo Stato
Diritto e potere
Trent'anni di storia della cultura a Torino (1920-1950)
Norberto Bobbio - El Filosofo y La Politica
Sulla guerra civile
Idea of the Republic
Mutamento politico e rivoluzione
Studi per una teoria generale del diritto
Estado, gobierno, sociedad
Il federalismo
La consuetudine come fatto normativo
La Cultura filosofica italiana dal 1945 al 1980 nelle sue relazioni con altri campi del sapere
Studi per una teoria generale del diritto
Filosofia, scienza e vita civile nel pensiero di Ludovico Geymonat
La Duda Y La Eleccion
Costituzione, democrazia, antifascismo
Utopia y Realidad En Bobbio
Diccionario de Politica   Vol. 2 /  K Z
Teoria della giustizia
Dalla struttura alla funzione
John W. Dower
John W. Dower (born 1938)

historian, political scientist

  • Amherst College, Harvard University
Empire and aftermath
Embracing Defeat
Japan in War and Peace
War without mercy
Japanese history and culture from ancient to modern times
Cultures of war
The elements of Japanese design
Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
The violent American century
Ways of forgetting
Shomei Tomatsu
Peace with China? U.S. decisions for Asia
Reinventing Tokyo
Origins of the Modern Japanese State
Cultures of war
Hidden Horrors
Culturas de guerra
Haiboku o dakishimete
Poisoning the Pacific
Embracing Defeat Japn in the Wake of World War 11
Peace with China ?
Bōkyaku no shikata kioku no shikata
The Hiroshima murals
Tenkanki no Nihon e
Ways of Forgetting, Ways of Remembering
Cass Sunstein
Cass Sunstein (born 1954)

jurist, political scientist, economist, lawyer, philosopher

  • Harvard Law School, Harvard College
The Second Bill of Rights
Legal Reasoning & Political Conflict
The partial Constitution
Worst-Case Scenarios
One Case at a Time
Democracy and the problem of free speech
Why Societies Need Dissent (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures)
Radicals in Robes
Laws of Fear 2.0
Free markets and social justice
After the rights revolution
Why nudge
The Cost-Benefit State
Designing democracy
Clones and clones
The offensive Internet
On rumors
Risk and Reason
Constitutional Law
The Bill of Rights in the modern state
Acuerdos carentes de una teoría completa en Derecho Constitucional y otros ensayos
Punitive Damages
The Cost of Rights
First Amendment
#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media
El costo de los derechos
The world according to Star Wars
Too Much Information /
Nudging Health
Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value of Choice
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy
A constitution of many minds
Un pequeño empujón (nudge)
Going to extremes
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy 2007-2008 Case Supplement
Feminism & political theory
Clones and clones : facts and fantasies about human cloning
Behavioral law and economics
Assessing punitive damages
How Change Happens
Constitutional Law 2002 Supplement
Constitutional myth-making
Democracy and the problem of free speech
Constitutional Law 1993 Supplement
Casenote Legal Briefs
Animal rights
La filosofia Nudge
Are judges political?
Valuing life
Animal rights
Nudge. La spinta gentile
Trusting Nudges
Animal Rights
The vote
Constitutional personae
The Federalist
Republiccom 20
Preferences and politics
Economics of Nudge
Can it happen here?
Constitutional Law 2007 (Case Supplement)
Pornography, abortion, surrogacy
Worst-case scenarios
Going to Extremes
Bounded Rationality
This Is Not Normal
Echo Chambers
On Rumors
Punitive damages
Are Judges Political?
Law and Leviathan
The New Gatekeepers
The World According to Star Wars
Do people want optimal deterrence?
The Cost-Benefit Revolution
Riesgo y Razon - Seguridad Ley y Medioambiente
How Change Happens
Constitution of Many Minds
Constitutional law
NSA Report
Animal Rights
Un pequeño empujón
Behavioral Law and Economics
How to Interpret the Constitution
Czy powstanie klon człowieka?
On Freedom
Why groups go to extremes
Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech
Free Markets and Social Justice
Constitutional Law
Dōbutsu no kenri
Interest groups in American public law
Can It Happen Here? Lib/E
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Normal Rationality
Pequeño Empujón : el Impulso Que Necesitas para Tomar Mejores Decisiones Sobre Salud, Dinero y Felicidad/ Nudge
Conspiracy theories & other dangerous ideas
Human Agency and Behavioral Economics
Constitutional Law 2022 Supplement
Can It Happen Here? Authoritarianism in America
Research Handbook on Nudges and Society
Why Nudge?
Why Societies Need Dissent
Advanced Introduction to Behavioral Law and Economics
Default Nudges
Free Markets and Social Justice
Behavioral Science and Public Policy
Averting Catastrophe
Rumorología / On Rumors
Star Wars'a Göre Dünya
Free Markets and Social Justice
Second amendmentmMinimalism
Risk vs. Risk
Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
Cost-Benefit Revolution
Too Much Information
Leyes de miedo
Rumorología / On Rumors
Worst-Case Scenarios
Gesetze der Angst
Does Red Lion still roar?
Valuing Life
Laws of Fear
Laws of Fear
Rumorología / On Rumors
Why Groups Go to Extremes
Leyes de miedo
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Punitive Damages
On Rumours
World According to Star Wars
On Rumours
How to Humble a Wingnut and Other Lessons from Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Law and Economics
Ethics of Influence
Riesgo y razón
Choosing Not to Choose
Constitutional Law, Eighth Edition
Rumorología / On Rumors
Las cuentas pendientes del sueño americano
Decisions about Decisions
On Freedom
La revolución en los derechos
Paternalismo libertario
Are Judges Political?
Republic. com 2. 0
Designing Democracy
Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
Law and happiness
Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas
Leyes de miedo
Can It Happen Here?
Economics of Nudge
Punitive damages
Ethics of Influence
Julius H. Schoeps
Julius H. Schoeps (born 1942)

historian of religion, historian, political scientist

Theodor Herzl, 1860-1904
Theodor Herzl
Bismarck und sein Attentäter
Theodor Herzl and the zionist dream
Das Erbe der Mendelssohns
Der Sexualreformer Magnus Hirschfeld
Mein Weg als deutscher Jude
Der Soldatenkönig
Bürgerliche Aufklärung und liberales Freiheitsdenken
Fort von Hain und Haus
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)
Der verkannte Monarch
Neues Lexikon des Judentums
Alphons Silbermann
Der König von Midian
Neu-alter Judenhass
Justiz und Nationalsozialismus
Preussens Himmel Breitet Seine Sterne--: Beitrage Zur Kultur-, Politik- Und Geistesgeschichte Der Neuzeit
Jews in Berlin
Du Doppelg anger, du bleicher Geselle ... : deutsch-j udische Erfahrungen im Spiegel dreier Jahrhunderte 1700 - 2000
Handbook of Israel
Juden in Europa
Konservativismus, Liberalismus, Sozialismus
Jüdischer Widerstand in Europa
Das Gewaltsyndrom
Religion und Zeitgeist im 19. Jahrhundert
Politics and resentment
Complicated Complicity
Pioneers of Zionism: Hess, Pinsker, Rülf
Handbuch der Geschichte der Juden in Europa; Bd. 1 L ander und Regionen/Bd. 2 Religion, Kultur, Alltag: 2 Bde in Schuber
Leben im Land der Täter
Road to Nowhere?
Halte fern dem ganzen Lande jedes Verderben--: Geschichte und Kultur der Juden in Pommern : ein Sammelband (Haskala) (German Edition)
Antisemitismus nach dem Holocaust: Bestandsaufnahme und Erscheinungsformen in deutschsprachigen Ländern (German Edition)
Eine Debatte ohne Ende?
Der Nationalsozialismus als politische Religion
Typisch deutsch, die Jugendbewegung
Mein Weg als deutscher Jude
Du Doppelgänger, du bleicher Geselle--
Theodor Herzl und die Dreyfus-Affäre
Philo des 19. Jahrhunderts
A road to nowhere?
Deutsch-jüdische Symbiose, oder, Die missglückte Emanzipation
Ein Volk von Mördern?: Die Dokumentation zur Goldhagen-Kontroverse um die Rolle der Deutschen im Holocaust (Campe Paperback) (German Edition)
Leiden an Deutschland
„Verkannte Brüder?“
Orte der Bücherverbrennungen in Deutschland 1933
Eine Debatte ohne Ende?: Raubkunst und Restitution im deutschsprachigen Raum
Menora: Jahrbuch f ur deutsch-j udische Geschichte, Bd. 16 (2005/2006): Tradition, Emanzipation und Verantworung: Moses Mendelssohn, die Aufkl arung und die Anf ange ...
Die mißglückte Emanzipation. Wege und Irrwege deutsch-jüdischer Geschichte
Geliebter Feind, gehasster Freund
Ein neues Judentum in Deutschland?
Max Liebermann und die französischen Impressionisten (German Edition)
Herzls Utopie - Israels Gegenwart
Von Olmütz nach Desden
Manès Sperber als Europäer
Bauen und Zeitgeist
Handbook of Israel
Deutschland, die Juden und der Staat Israel
Die Zwiespältige Generation
Die rebellischen Studenten
Im Streit um Kafka und das Judentum
Max Brod (1884-1968)
Mein Weg als deutscher Jude.
Deutsch-jüdische Passagen
Dorothea Veit / Schlegel
Jewish Christian Argument
Juden in Deutschland: Von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart (Serie Piper) (German Edition)
Juden im Vormärz und in der Revolution von 1848
Von Olmütz nach Dresden: 1850-51
Aus zweier Zeugen Mund
Der Orient im Okzident
Vom Hekdesch zum Hightech
From heqdesh to hightech
Neues Lexikon des Judentums
Juden in der Weimarer Republik
Nowy leksykon judaistyczny
Zionismus, Texte zu seiner Entwicklung
Verfemt und Verboten
Wegweiser durch das jüdische Rheinland
Arbeit und Alltag im Revier
Juden als Träger bürgerlicher Kultur in Deutschland
Das Wilkomirski-Syndrom
Von kommenden Zeiten
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Aufbruch in die Moderne
Hat der Siedlungsgedanke in der zionistischen Ideologie noch eine Zukunft?
Aufbau nach dem Untergang
Neues Lexikon des Judentums
Spinoza in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte
Geschichte in der Gegenwart
Menora: Jahrbuch f ur deutsch-j udische Geschichte, vol. 13 (2002): Deutsch-j udischer Parnass
Deutschsein heute
Dreyfus und die Folgen
Enteignet durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Gérard Chaliand
Gérard Chaliand (born 1934)

political scientist, orientalist, professor, geostrategist, poet

  • Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris Descartes University
Les Kurdes et le Kurdistan
Les bâtisseurs d'histoire
Les batisseurs d'histoire
Fragments d'Arménie
Le savoir de la peau
The struggle for Africa
Mythes révolutionnaires du Tiers monde
A Strategic Atlas
Armed struggle in Africa
Nomadic empires
The palestinian resistance
The Penguin atlas of diasporas
Atlas stratégique
The Penguin Atlas of the Diasporas
Terrorismes et guérillas
D'une guerre d'Irak à l'autre
Mémoire de ma mémoire
The Kurdish tragedy
A Global History of War
Anthologie mondiale de la stratégie
Chaliand, un itinéraire combattant
The Armenians, from genocide to resistance
Mirrors of a disaster
The Art of War in World History
Miroirs d'un désastre
Etat de crise
Atlas de la découverte du monde
Le malheur kurde
L' Amérique en guerre
L'Arme du terrorisme
Guerrilla Strategies
Dictionnaire de stratégie militaire
L' enjeu africain
Report from Afghanistan
America Is Back
2000 ans de chrétientés
Cuisines d'ailleurs
Les stratégies du terrorisme
De l'esprit d'aventure
Les empires nomades de la Mongolie au Danube
Atlas politique du XXe siècle
1915, le génocide des arméniens
Les faubourgs de l'histoire
Strategies de la guerilla
Lutte armée en Afrique
Dictionnaire des Termes Militaires Anglais - Fancais
Food Without Frontiers (Big Red Cookbook)
The Palestinian resistance movement (in early 1969)
Paysans du Nord-Vietnam et la guerre
A resistência palestiniana
Memory of My Memory
The stubborn march =
Guerres et civilisations
A people without a country
L' Algérie indépendante
Les Paysans du Nord-Vietnam et la guerre ..
Los Angeles
Atlas historique des migrations
Atlas politique du XXe siecle
Le nouvel art de la guerre
Le génocide des Arméniens
Atlas du nucléaire civil et militaire
Anthologie de la poésie populaire kurde
Atlas historique du monde méditerranéen chrétiens, juifs et musulmans de l'antiquité à nos jours
People without a country
Atlas De Los Imperios
Guerres et civilisations
Poésie populaire des Turcs
Atlas des diasporas
La marche têtue
La résistance palestinienne
La Persuasion de masse
L' Algérie est-elle socialiste?
Stratégies de la guérilla
Mice;struggle for Africa Hc Chaliand
Où va l'Afrique du Sud?
Histoire du terrorisme
Atlas des Européens
Repenser le tiers-monde
Atlas politique du xx siècle
Mon premier atlas
Vers un nouvel ordre du monde
The art of war in world history
Rapport sur la résistance afghane
Voyage dans vingt ans de guérillas
Le Crime de silence
Aux confins de l'Eldorado
Géopolitique des empires
The history of terrorism : from antiquity to al Qaeda
Minority peoples in the age of nation-states
Le Crime de silence
Les Kurdes et le Kurdistan
L'Héritage occidental
Atlas des Européens
Guerrilla strategies
Minority Peoples in the Age of Nation States
La question kurde
Les Minorités à l'âge de l'etat-nation
Les Voix du sacré
Les guerres irrégulières
L'héritage occidental
De l'esprit d'aventure
L'impasse afghane
The Stubborn March/LA Marche Tetue
Atlas du millénaire
Poésie populaire des Turcs et des Kurdes
Les paysans du Nord-Vietnam et la guerre
Atlas historique du monde mediterraneen
Strategic Atlas: A Comparative Geopolitics of the World's Powers (Strategic Atlas: a Comparative Geopolitics of the World's Powers)
Viêt-nam 1940-1975
Anthologie de la poésie populaire kurde
Voyage dans quarante ans de guérillas
La dépendance pétrolière
Bis an die Grenzen von Eldorado
Puissances et Influences, Annuaire géopolitique et géostratégique 2000 et 2001
Deux mille ans de chrétientés. Guide historique
Les paysans du Nord-Vietnam et la guerre
Atlas del Descubrimiento del Mundo
A people without a country
The history of terrorism
Atlas des empires
L'Algérie indépendante
The Armenians