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political scientists who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 119 results
James MacGregor Burns
James MacGregor Burns (1918-2014)

historian, political scientist

  • Williams College, Harvard University
George Washington
Roosevelt, the lion and the fox
Running Alone
The three Roosevelts
John Kennedy: a political profile
The three Roosevelts
Running alone
FDR's Last Journey
The three Roosevelts
Government by the people
The workshop of democracy
Edward Kennedy and the Camelot legacy
Roosevelt, the soldier of freedom
Transforming Leadership
State and local politics
The vineyard of liberty
Packing the Court
Uncommon sense
Congress on trial
John Kennedy
A people's charter
The deadlock of democracy
Presidential Government
Packing the Court
Packing the court
Ecce Romani I
The crosswinds of freedom
The power to lead
The Democrats must lead
The deadlock of democracy
Fire and light
John Kennedy
Encyclopedia of leadership
The American experiment
Cobblestone leadership
The American constitutional system under strong and weak parties
Democrats Must Lead
Definitive FDR : Roosevelt : the Lion and the Fox  and Roosevelt
The deadlock of democracy
The deadlock of democracy
Presidential Government
Government by the People, National Version, 2001-2002 Edition and Companion Website Access Card and Free Prentice Hall Authors Speak Out, September 11th and Beyond
John Kennedy
Presidential government
Dead center
Packing the court
Kennedy and Roosevelt
A People's Charter
The Workshop of Democrary (American Experiment, Vol 2)
Roosevelt - The Lion And The Fox, Volume One Of The First Complete Biography Of Fdr
Cobblestone Leadership
John Kennedy
Leadership and values
Blackboard Standard Access Code
Government by the People Brief Practice Tests
Crosswinds of Freedom
Government by the People Natl State and Local and 1Srch Pkg
George Washington : The American Presidents Series
Workshop of Democracy
Government by the People, Brief Edition and Political Science on the Internet 1999-2000 Pkg
Edward Kennedy and the Camelot Legacy
The embattled Presidency
Packing the Court
OneKey BlackBoard, Student Access Kit, Government by the People, National, State, and Local
Companion Website Access Code
Vineyard of Liberty
OneKey CourseCompass, Student Access Kit, Government by the People, National, State and Local
John Kennedy
Government by the People Basic Elect and Pract and Pol and Fed Pa Pk
Soldier of Freedom, 1940-1945
Government By the People Brief Edition Test Item File
Lion and the Fox, 1882-1940
Government by the People, Brief Edition and Write Stuff, 2/e Pkg
Govt by People Natn State and Local Version Practice Tests
John Fitzgerald Kennedy; a profile
Fire and Light
WebCT Standard Access Code
Presidential Government
Gov by Peo Natl and ver and Time
Up against the institutions
CourseCompass with Ebook
Transforming Leadership
Workshop of Democracy, 1863-1932
Crosswinds of Freedom, 1932-1988
CourseCompass Access Code Card
American Experiment
American Experiment
Study Guide to N/S/L Version (Alternate)
American Presidency
Government by the People Basic Elect Updated and 1Srch05 Pk
Encyclopedia of leadership
Government by the people; the dynamics of American National, State, and local government
Government by the People Brief Updated and Pol Sci 1Srch Pk
John Kennedy a Political Profile
Pierre Rosanvallon
Pierre Rosanvallon (born 1948)

historian, professor, economist, trade unionist, politician, political scientist

  • HEC Paris, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Notre histoire intellectuelle et politique
Le sacre du citoyen
Le peuple introuvable
La nouvelle question sociale
La société des égaux
La contre-d©♭mocratie
La question syndicale
Democracy past and future
La crise de l'Etat-providence
La monarchie impossible
La nouvelle critique sociale
L' âge de l'autogestion
Democracy Past And Future
Pour une nouvelle culture politique
Le capitalisme utopique
The demands of liberty
L' Etat en France de 1789 à nos jours
Democratic legitimacy
Science et démocratie
Le libéralisme économique
Le moment Guizot
La démocratie inachevée
Le libéralisme économique
Le bon gouvernement
Good government : democracy beyond elections
La crise de l'État-providence
Democratic legitimacy
Le Capitalisme utopique. Histoire de l'idée de marché
Pour une histoire conceptuelle du politique
La légitimité démocratique
Democracy past and future
Le parlement des invisibles
Le modèle politique français
Misère de l'économie
Les Conditions de travail
La république "une et divisible"
Gerd Langguth
Gerd Langguth (1946-2013)

politician, biographer, pundit, political scientist

Angela Merkel
Kohl, Schröder, Merkel
Horst Köhler
Das Innenleben der Macht
Der grüne Faktor
Mythos '68
Wer regiert Nicaragua?
Suche nach Sicherheiten
Die Berlin-Politik der DDR
Protestbewegung am Ende
Jugend ist anders
Aspekte zur Reformpolitik
Hochschulreform in der Krise
Deutschland andenken
Die Protestbewegung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Offensive Demokratie
Bildungsreform - konkret
Jugend und Wertewandel
Macht bedeutet Verantwortung
Die Intellektuellen und die nationale Frage
Politik und Plakat
Die Entwicklung der Protestbewegung in der Bundesrepublik, 1968-1975
In Verantwortung für Deutschland
Autor, Macht, Staat
Politische Bildung heute
Carlos Taibo
Carlos Taibo (born 1956)

orator, political scientist

  • Autonomous University of Madrid
Como si no pisase el suelo
Anarquistas de ultramar
Para entender el conflicto de Kosova
Repensar la anarquía
Los olvidados de los olvidados
Estados Unidos contra Iraq
Crisis y cambio en la Europa del Este
Estados Unidos Contra Irak/ United States against Iraq
Historias antieconómicas
Marx y Rusia
Globalización neoliberal y hegemonía en Estados Unidos
En la estela de la guerra de Ucrania
La rebelión de los indignados
No Es Lo Que Nos Cuentan
Sobre el nacionalismo español
Rapiña global
Nacionalismo español
Las transiciones en la Europa central y oriental
Anarquistas y libertarias, de aquí y de ahora (Mayor) (Spanish Edition)
En defensa de la consulta soberanista en Cataluña
Hablando de Izquierda Unida
El 15-M en sesenta preguntas
Anarquismos. Ayer, hoy y mañana
España, un gran país
A Desintegracion De Iugoslavia
En defensa del decrecimiento
O castelo de fogos
Imperio norteamericano e capitalismo global
Los Cambios en el este
La Unión Soviética de Gorbachov
Ante el colapso
Decrecimiento, crisis, capitalismo
Su crisis y la nuestra
Izquierda Unida y sus mundos
De la Revolución de Octubre a Gorbachov
Las  fuerzas armadas en la crisis del sistema soviético
A tortilha de Betanços
Unión Soviética
La disolución de la URSS
Hacia dónde nos lleva Estados Unidos?
Jerarcas Sovieticos de Lenin a Gorbachov, Los
La Rusia de Yeltsin
La explosión Soviética
Iberia vaciada
La Europa oriental sin red
El 15-M
Europa sen folgos
Anarquismo y revolución en Rusia 1917-1921
Un nuevo orden internacional?
Neoliberales, neoconservadores, aznarianos
Union Sovietica 1917 / 1991, La
Voces contra la globalización
Para entender el TTIP
Fendas abertas
Cien preguntas sobre el nuevo desorden
Historia de la Unión Soviética, 1917-1991
Rusia de Yeltsin, La (Mundo de Finales de Siglo)
Rusia frente a Ucrania
OS Movementos De Resistencia Fronte a Globalizacion Capitalista (Ensaio)
Estado de alarma
Nada será como antes
El Acuerdo de los euromisiles de Reikiavik a Washington
El decrecimiento explicado con sencillez
Movimientos antiglobalización
Sobre política, mercado y convivencia
Joachim Perels
Joachim Perels (born 1942)

political scientist

  • Goethe University Frankfurt
Judentum und politische Existenz
Mit reinem Gewissen
Recht und Autoritarismus
Der Staat Der Klassengesellschaft: Rechts- Und Sozialstaatlichkeit Bei Wolfgang Abendroth (Staatsverstandnisse) (German Edition)
Entsorgung der NS-Herrschaft?: Konfliktlinien im Umgang mit dem Hitler-Regime
Das juristische Erbe des Dritten Reiches. Beschädigungen der demokratischen Rechtsordnung
Entsorgung der NS-Herrschaft?
Recht, Demokratie und Kapitalismus
Demokratie und soziale Emanzipation
Junge Christen befragen die Kirchen
NS-Täter in der deutschen Gesellschaft
Wider die "Normalisierung" des Nationalsozialismus
Nationalsozialismus Als Problem der Gegenwart
Leiden beredt werden lassen
Befreiung Aus Gesellschaftlicher Unmuendigkeit
Befreiung aus gesellschaftlicher Unmündigkeit
Das verdrängte Erbe der Bekennenden Kirche
Kapitalismus und politische Demokratie
Erfolgsgeschichte Bundesrepublik?
«Er Stoeßt Die Gewaltigen Vom Thron und Erhebt Die Niedrigen»
Normalität des NS-Täter?
Der Rechtsradikalismus, ein Randphänomen?
Grundrechte als Fundament der Demokratie
Neubeginn nach der NS-Herrschaft?
Bewahren ohne Bekennen?
Wolfgang Abendroth
Wolfgang Abendroth (1906-1985)

jurist, judge, labor historian, political scientist, scientist, resistance fighter, socialist

  • University of Bern, Goethe University Frankfurt
Protestantismus und Antifaschismus vor 1933
Sozialgeschichte der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung
Ideengeschichte der sozialen Bewegung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Aufstieg und Krise der deutschen Sozialdemokratie
Intellektuelle in der Arbeiterbewegung
Das Grundgesetz
New directions in international law
Der Antifaschistische Auftrag des Grundgesetzes
Deutschland, Wandel und Bestand
Zwischen Arrestlokal und Verfassung
Arbeiterklasse, Staat und Verfassung
Die deutschen Gewerkschaften
Faschismus und Kapitalismus
Die Linke antwortet Jürgen Habermas
Einführung in die Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
Recht, Justiz, Kritik: Festschrift für Richard Schmid zum 85. Geburtstag (German Edition)
Antifaschistische Politik heute
Nationalsozialismus und die deutsche Universität
Einführung in die politische Wissenschaft
Die völkerrechtliche stellung der B- und C- mandate
Einführung in die Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung
Arbeiterbewegung und Wissenschaftsentwicklung
Justiz und Gewerkschaft
Wider die "herrschende Meinung"
Die Entwicklung der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands von einer revolutionären zu einer staatserhaltenden Partei
Sozialdemokratie und Sozialismus
Alternativen der Opposition
Recht und Arbeiterbewegung
Gegen den Strom -KPD-Opposition
Marx aktuell
Die Aktualität der Arbeiterbewegung
Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik
Der Kampf um das Grundgesetz
Nicht links, nicht rechts?
Aufsteig und Krise der deutschen Sozialdemokratie
Die Entwicklung der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschalnds von einer revolutionären zu einer staatserhaltendenPartei
El Estado social
SPD, jenseits von Godesberg
Oktoberrevolution 1917
40 Jahre danach
Hessische Gewerkschafter im Widerstand 1933-1945
Zahnmedizin und Faschismus
Friedensbewegung und Arbeiterbewegung
Marx aktuell
Antagonistische Gesellschaft und politische Demokratie
Antifaschismus, oder, Niederlagen beweisen nichts, als dass wir wenige sind
Sozialdemokratie und Sozialismus
Einfuhrung in die politische Wissenschaft
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956)

economist, politician, constitutionalist, barrister, jurist, sociologist, anthropologist, pedagogue, philosopher, social reformer, journalist, revolutionary, professor, political scientist, scholar, orator, freedom fighter, historian, newspaper editor, civil rights advocate, humanitarian, human rights activist, educational theorist, spiritual leader, peace activist, autobiographer, theologian, painter, women's rights activist, bibliographer, essayist, scholar

  • Columbia University, London School of Economics and Political Science
Asā mī jagalo
The homage
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcī ātmakathā
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Pakistan or partition of India
Annihilation of caste
The essential writings of B.R. Ambedkar
Ranade, Gandhi & Jinnah
The Buddha and his Dhamma
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Hindūñcī jātīprathā va tī moḍaṇyācā mārga
Annihilation of caste with a reply to Mahatma Gandhi
The untouchables
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
States and minorities
Who were the Shudras?
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñce Bahishkr̥ta Bhārata, 1927-1929, āṇi Mūkanāyaka, 1920
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Ambeḍakarāñcī vilāyatehūna ālelī patre
Maharashtra as a linguistic province
"Janatā" patrātīla lekha
The evolution of provincial finance in British India
Thoughts on linguistic states
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara yāñcā janatelā upadeśa va Gopāḷabuvā Valaṅgakara yāñce uccavarṇīyāvirūddhace jagātale pahile vinantī-patraka
The untouchables [by] B.R. Ambedkar
Constitution of India
Dalitānnī ārthika unnatī kaśī sādhāvī?
Annihilation of caste
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
Dalitāñce rājakīya astitva sampushṭāta āṇaṇārā Puṇe karāra
Gandhi and Gandhism
Ambedkar speaks
Poona pact
The problem of the rupee
Ambedkar writes
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables
Mr. Gandhi and the emancipation of the untouchables
Why go for conversion?
Three historical addresess of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
ʻBahishkr̥ta Bhāratāʼ tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarāñce sphuṭa lekha
Thoughts on Pakistan
Federation versus freedom
Social justice and political safeguards for depressed classes
History of Indian currency & banking
Conditions precedent for the successful working of democracy
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the constituent assembly
Pakistan or the Partition of India
Bharata ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Indian Constitution
Christianizing the untouchables
Thoughts on Pakistan
Pali sabdakoda
Communal deadlock & a way to solve it
Untouchables and the Indian Constitution
Buddhist revolution and counter-revolution in ancient India
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the man and his message
India and the prerequisites of communism
'Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratā' tīla Ḍô. Āmbeḍakarañce sphuṭa lekha
Pakistan or partition of India
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī bhāshaṇe
What Congress and Gandhi have done to the untouchables
The essential Ambedkar
Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar's the Kathmandu speech
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakarāñcī patre
Ḍô. Bābāsāheba Āmbeḍakara gaurava grantha
100 essential quotations of Babasaheb Ambedkar
Triumph of Brahminism
Annihilation of caste with reply to Mahatma Gandhi
Philosophy of Hinduism
A scheme of political safeguards for the protection of the depressed classes in the future constitution of a self-governing India
Letters of Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, writings and speeches
Christianising the untouchables
Prajñā mahāmānavācī
Thoughts on Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar, architect of the Indian constitution
Castes in India
Christianizing the untouchables
India and communism
Bahishkr̥ta Bhāratātīla agralekha
Walter Bagehot
Walter Bagehot (1826-1877)

journalist, economist, political scientist, sociologist, engineer, politician, businessperson, essayist

  • University College London
Biographical studies
Bagehot's historical essays
Biographical studies
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard Street
Physics and politics
Literary studies
Shakespeare the man
The Works of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
The collected works of Walter Bagehot
The postulates of English political economy
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money
Lombard Street
Some articles on the depreciation of silver and on topics connected with it
Shakespeare, the Man: An Essay
Literary Studies: With a Prefatory Memoir
Essays on parliamentary reform
A Practical Plan for Assimilating the English and American Money: As a Step ..
Physics and Politics: Or, Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "natural Selection ..
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Estimations in criticism
A practical plan for assimilating the English and American money as a step towards a universal money
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la ..
La constitution anglaise
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen
The best of Bagehot
The English constitution, and other political essays
Der Ursprung der Nationen: Betrachtungen über den natürlichen Zuchtwahl und der Vererbung auf ..
Historical essays
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen, a series of articles reprinted by permission principally from the National Review
Literary studies by the late Walter Bagehot
Parliamentary reform
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The love-letters of Walter Bagehot and Eliza Wilson
Walter Bagehot: a study of his life and thought
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes IX, X, XI
The Postulates of the English Political Economy
Literary Studies V2
The English Constitution (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Walter Bagehot
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes III and IV
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
The Works And Life Of Walter Bagehot V10
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes I and II
Works and life
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes VII and VIII
The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot: Volumes V and VI
Collected works
Der Ursprung der Nationen
Economic Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
The English constitution
Essays on parliamentary reform
Physics and politiics
Lombard street
The postulates of English political economy
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of natural selection andinheritance to political society
Die englische Verfassung
Literary Studies (The Works Of Walter Bagehot)
Postanak i razvitak naroda
The English constitution
La Constitución inglesa
Lombard Street
Shakespeare the man
Selected essays of Walter Bagehot
Literary studies
Physics and politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political science
La costituzione inglese
Lombard Street
Lombard street
Physics and politics
The English constitution, by Walter Bagehot
Der Ursprung der Nationen
The English constitution
Shizen kagaku to seijigaku
Lombard Street
The English constitution
Lombard Street. A Description of the Money Market
Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
The English constitution
Bajotto, Rasuki, Makkīvā
The English Constitution, and other political essays
The English constitution
Lombard street
Lombard Street
Wu li yu zheng li
Literary studies
Early Law and Crime, 87 books on CD
The postulates of English political economy
Dustūr-e salt̤anat-e Inglishīya
The works and life of Walter Bagehot
Economic studies
Lombard Street
Literary studies
Lois scientifiques du développement des nations dans leurs rapports avec les principes de la sélection naturelle et de l'hérédité