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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 129-136 out of 514 results
Mircea Cărtărescu
Mircea Cărtărescu (born 1956)

literary critic, poet, journalist

  • Faculty of Letters (Bucharest University), Cantemir Vodă National College
Pururi tînăr, înfăşurat în pixeli
Postmodernismul românesc
Enciclopedia zmeilor
Poeme de amor
Frumoasele străine
Enciclopedia zmeilor
Dublu CD
Cincizeci de sonete de Mircea Cărtărescu cu cincizeci de desene originale de Tudor Jebeleanu
Frumoasele străine
Dublu CD
Cincizeci de sonete de Mircea Cărtărescu cu cincizeci de desene originale de Tudor Jebeleanu
Elías Castelnuovo
Elías Castelnuovo (1893-1982)

journalist, literary critic, poet

Psicoanálisis sexual y social
El sentido de clase en la novela del campo argentino
Jesucristo, montonero de Judea
Palabras con Elías Castelnuovo
Saunders Lewis
Saunders Lewis (1893-1985)

historian, politician, poet, literary critic, playwright, academic

  • University of Liverpool
Presenting Saunders Lewis
Letters to Margaret Gilcriest
Saunders Lewis
Braslun O Hanes Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg
Meistri A'u Crefft (Clasuron Yr Academi)
Tynged yr iaith
The plays of Saunders Lewis
Williams Pantycelyn
Canlyn Arthur
Selected poems
Siwan a cherddi eraill
Cerddi Saunders Lewis
Y Cyrnol Chabert ; a, 1938
Dramâu Saunders Lewis
Annwyl Kate, Annwyl Saunders
Meistri'r canrifoedd
Cerddi Saunders Lewis
Cymru fydd
Amlyn ac Amig
Dwy gomedi
" Is there an Anglo-Welsh literature?"
Daniel Owen
Ati, wŷr ifainc
Ysgrifau Dydd Mercher
Gramadegau'r penceirddiaid
'Gymerwch chi sigaret?
Buchedd Garmon [a] Mair Fadlen
An introduction to contemporary Welsh literature
Paham y llosgasom yr Ysgol Fomio
Problemau prifysgol
Esther a, Serch yw'r doctor
Saunders Lewis
Cymru wedi'r rhyfel
Dramâu'r parlwr
Merch Gwern Hywel
Dramau Saunders Lewis I Blant
A school of Welsh Augustans
A school of Welsh Augustans: being a study in English influence on Welsh literature during part of the 18th century
Ati, w^yr ifainc
Tri dramaydd cyfoes
Gwaed yr Uchelwyr
The plays of Saunders Lewis
Gramadegau'r penceirddiaid
Dramâu Saunders Lewis, y casgliad cyflawn
Robert Prutz
Robert Prutz (1816-1872)

literary historian, literary critic, journalist, poet, playwright, pedagogue, dramaturge

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Halle-Wittenberg
Vorlesungen über die geschichte des deutschen theaters
Der Göttinger Dichterbund
Der Göttinger Dichterbund
Deutsches museum
Göttinger Dichterbund
Das Engelchen
Schriften zur Literatur und Politik
Die deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart, 1848 bis 1858
Zehn jahre
Geschichte des deutschen Journalismus
Vorlesungen über die deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart
Vorlesungen über die Geschichte des deutschen Theaters
Das Jahr achtzehnhundert neun und vierzig
Kleine Schriften: Zur Politik und Literatur
Das Jahr achtzehnhundert neun und vierzig
Zwischen Vaterland und Freiheit
Moritz von Sachsen: Trauerspiel in fünf Akten. Mit einer Einleitung
Der Göttinger Dichterland
Ludwig Holberg, sein Leben und seine Schriften
Zu Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur
Aus der heimat
Die politische Wochenstube
Robert Eduard Prutz
Vorlesungen ueber die deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart
Gedichte von R. E. Prutz
Die politische poesie der Deutschen
Deutsches museum
Das Engelchen
Der musikantenthurm
Deutsches museum
Dramatische Werke
Die deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart
De fontibus quos in conscribendis rebus inde a Tiberio usque ad morten Neronis gestis auctores veteres secuti videantur
Judith Wright
Judith Wright (1915-2000)

poet, human rights activist, historian, literary critic, environmentalist

  • University of Sydney
Half a lifetime
Charles Harpur
The generations of men
Tales of a great aunt
The double tree
Born of the conquerors
The cry for the dead
The equal heart and mind
We call for a treaty
Collected poems, 1942-1970
A human pattern
With love & fury
Fourth quarter
The gateway
The other half
Going on talking
Because I was invited
Preoccupations in Australian poetry
Five senses
Alive: poems 1971-72
The moving image
A human pattern
The coral battleground
Conservation as an emerging concept
Range the mountains high
The day the mountains played
The nature of love
A book of Australian verse
The river and the road
Judith Wright reads from her own work
Woman to man
Phantom dwelling
A book of Australian verse
Selected Poems
Judith Wright
Conrad Busken Huet
Conrad Busken Huet (1826-1886)

literary critic

  • Gymnasium Haganum
Portretten van Nederlanders
Een vastgeraakte lokomotief
Het land van Rembrand
Het land van Rembrand, studiën over de Noordnerdelandsche beschaving in de zeventiende eeuw
Met de humor van een haai
Potgieter, 1860-1875: Persoonlijke herinneringen
Parijs en omstreken
Nieuwe Litterarische fantasiën
Litterarische Fantasien
Litterarische Fantasien
Het land van Rembrandt: studien over de Noordnederlandsche beschaving in de zeventiende eeuw
Litterarische Fantasien
Litterarische Fantasien
Litterarische Fantasien
Litterarische fantasiën
Het land van Rembrandt: Studien over de noordnederlandsche beschaving in de 17. eeuw
Litterarische fantasien en Kritieken
Aandacht voor Groen van Prinsterer
Schetsen en Verhalen
Litterarische fantasien en kritieken
Het land van Rubens
Verzamelde werken ...
Het land van Rembrand
Het land van Rubens
Brieven aan E.J. Potgieter
Van Napels naar Amsterdam
Ongevraagd advies
Oude romans
Litterarische Fantasien
Toespraken gehouden in de concertzaal te Haarlem
Nederlandsche bellettrie 1857-1876 kritieken
Jacques Saurin en Théodore Huet
The land of Rubens
Rembrandt's Heimath
Italo Alighiero Chiusano
Italo Alighiero Chiusano (1926-1995)

journalist, literary critic, translator, Germanist, poet

  • Sapienza University of Rome
Vita di Goethe
Altre lune
Inchiesta sul mio amore
Consideratemi un sogno
Questione di età
La banda di Pipin Bertuccia
La vita come ordalia
Il teatro tedesco dal naturalismo all'espressionismo (1889-1925)
Storia della letteratura tedesca
Storia del teatro tedesco moderno, dal 1889 ad oggi
Eroi di vetro
Konradin der letzte Staufer
Note di un contemporaneo
Inchiesta sul mio amore
Le notti della Verna
La prova dei sentimenti
Preghiere selvatiche
L' ordalia
Il vizio del gambero
Voci discordi
Bacche amare
Tre notturni teatrali
Preludio e piccola fuga
Piccola umanità
La derrota
Walter Siti
Walter Siti (born 1947)

essayist, literary critic, television presenter

  • University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
Troppi paradisi
Il realismo dell'avanguardia
Il realismo dell'avanguardia
Il neorealismo nella poesia italiana, 1941-1956
Il canto del diavolo
La magnifica merce
Bruciare tutto
Il realismo è l'impossibile
La natura è innocente
La voce verticale
Exit strategy
Autopsia dell'ossessione
Scuola di nudo
Resistere non serve a niente
Un dolore normale
Il contagio