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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 137-144 out of 514 results
Lucy Sante
Lucy Sante (born 1954)

literary critic, art historian

  • Columbia University
The factory of facts
Walker Evans
Kill all your darlings
The Other Paris
Addams' Apple
Low Life
O.K. you mugs
Francesco Clemente
Against Nature
Take me to the water
Annie Leibovitz. The Early Years, 1970-1983
Making It Real
No Smoking
Folk photography
Godlis Streets
Low life
Lost Souls
Subjective Realities
Maybe the People Could Be the Times
American Vaudeville
Folk photography
Big Picture
Unknown Weegee
O.K. You Mugs
Nineteen Reservoirs
Making it real
Philip-Lorca diCorcia
Against Nature (riverrun Editions)
Some Collages
Gregory Crewdson Hover
The Other Paris
Öteki Paris
Rockabilly : The Twang Heard 'Round the World
Bajos fondos
Kill All Your Darlings
O. K. You Mugs
El populacho de París
Mata a tus ídolos
Het andere Parijs
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva (born 1941)

psychoanalyst, sociologist, philosopher, literary critic, linguist

  • Sofia University, Paris 8 University
Hannah Arendt
Seule, une femme
Le génie féminin
Th©♭r©·se, mon amour
Teresa my love
Teresa, My Love
Melanie Klein
Pouvoirs de l'horreur
The portable Kristeva
Strangers to ourselves
Tales of love
Murder in Byzantium
Proust and the Sense of Time
Black Sun
Julia Kristeva, interviews
La révolution du langage poétique
Time and Sense
Desire in language
Revolution in poetic language
Contre la dépression nationale
Le temps sensible
Des Chinoises
Langage, cet inconnu
Soleil noir
Au commencement était l'amour
The samurai
Le texte du roman
Adel Abdessemed
Revolt, She Said (Foreign Agents)
Histoires d'amour
The feminine and the sacred
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
Les nouvelles maladies de l'âme
Marriage As a Fine Art
New Maladies of the Soul
Inferno and paradiso
Au risque de la pensée
Etrangers à nous-mêmes
Enchanted Clock
Le plaisir des formes
The Sense And Nonsense Of Revolt The Powers And Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Hatred and forgiveness
The feminine and the sacred
Desire In Language A Semiotic Approach To Literature And Art
The sense and non-sense of revolt
Le langage, cet inconnu
Desire in language
Passions of Our Time
The old man and the wolves
The enchanted clock
Louise Bourgeois
Intimate Revolt The Powers And The Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
The Severed Head
Sēmeiōtikē : recherches pour une sémanalyse
The severed head
La haine et le pardon
Europe des cultures et culture européenne
(Re)découvrir l'œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir
Essays in semiotics
La révolte intime
The Kristeva reader
This Incredible Need to Believe
In the beginning was love
Understanding Through Fiction : A Selection from Teresa, My Love
Hannah Arendt
Diversité et culture
Grandir c'est croire
Strangers to Ourselves
Crisis of the European subject
Language - The Unknown
Meurtre à Byzance
Feminine and the Sacred
Lettre au président de la République sur les citoyens en situation de handicap
El texto de la novela
Passions of Our Time
Le Genie Feminin: La Vie, la Folie, les Mots (Folio Essais) (French Edition)
Cinq éloges de la rencontre
Murder in Byzantium
Les samouraïs
Severed Head
La cruauté au féminin
Guerre et paix des sexes
New maladies of the soul
Chroniques du temps sensible
Folle vérité
Stabat Mater
Sens Et Non-Sens de La Revolte
Lumières, religions et raison commune
Sēmeiōtikē = Semiótica
Essays in Semiotics
Sens et non-sens de la révolte
Je me voyage
Trabajo de la Metafora
Die Chinesin
Des expériences intérieures
L'avenir d'une révolte
Introdução à semanálise
História da linguagem
This incredible need to believe
Porvenir de la Revuelta
Langue, discours, société pour Emile Benveniste
Lettre ouverte à Harlem Désir
Tales of Love
Colette, un génie féminin
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Le vieil homme et les loups
La Revolte Intime
Shemesh sheḥorah
Pulsions du temps
La discriminación en Argentina
Essays in semiotics =
Visions capitales
Notre Colette
Kristeva Reader
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Intimate revolt
Langue, discours, société
Zarim le-ʻatsmenu
El lenguaje, ese desconocido
La Traversée des signes
Autour d'Émile Benveniste
Izbrannye trudy
Au risque de la pensée
Georgia O'Keeffe
Murder in Byzantium
L'horloge enchantée
Où en est la théorie littéraire
L'amour de soi et ses avatars
Pŭtuvam sebe si
Épistémologie de la linguistique
Des Chinoises
Owen Barfield
Owen Barfield (1898-1997)

philosopher, poet, linguist, literary critic

  • University of Oxford, Highgate School
Owen Barfield on C. S. Lewis
Poetic diction
Saving the appearances
What Coleridge thought
A Barfield reader
History in English words
A Barfield sampler
The rediscovery of meaning, and other essays
History, guilt, and habit
Unancestral voice
Speaker's meaning
The silver trumpet
The Year Participated
This ever diverse pair
Poetic diction, a study in meaning
Worlds apart
Eager Spring
Rhyming relics of the legal past
This ever diverse pair
Hist of English Words -Op/93
Worlds apart (a dialogue of the 1960's)
Romanticism comes of age
Romanticism comes of ages
Imaginative expression in literature
Light on C.S. Lewis
Poetic diction
Worlds apart
Light on C.S. Lewis
History in English words
Ruth Berlau
Ruth Berlau (1906-1974)

actor, literary critic, photographer, director

Living for Brecht
Brechts Lai-tu
Der Teufel ist ein schlechter Chauffeur
Jedes Tier kann es
Jedes Tier kann es
Viktor Dyk
Viktor Dyk (1877-1931)

politician, poet, chess player, playwright, journalist, literary critic, theatre critic, opinion journalist, translator

  • Charles University
Ovzduší mých studentských románů
Vzpomínky a komentáře, 1893-1918
Ovzduší mých studentských románů
Zápas Jiího Mack
Revoluní trilogie, 1907-1909
A porta inferi: 1895-1897
Tichý dum
Píseň o vrbě
Poslední rok
Buřiči a smíření
Anebo a jiné básně
Prosinec; akta působnosti Čertova kopyta; napsal
Prsty Habakukovy
Lehke  a te z ke  kroky
Holoubek Kuzma
Okno, 1916-1917
Lyrické zrání
Pan poslanec
Prohrané kampaně
Zmoudření Dona Quijota
Zlý vítr
Tichý dům
Inter arma
Dobré slovo příštím
Milá sedmi loupežníků
Opustíš-li mne-
Satiry a sarkasmy
O národní stát, 1917-1931
Ondřej a drak
Bur ic i
Viktor Dyk, St.K. Neumann, bratři Čapkově
Dramata a prózy
Tajemná dobrodružství Alexeje Iványče Kozulinova
Promenáda Diogenova
Veliký mág
Vybraná lyrika
Povídky Emila Šarocha
Buii, 1901-1902
Ad usum pana presidenta republiky
Pohádky z naší vesnice, 1904-1910
Milostná juvenilia
Země mluví
Devátá vlna
Konec Hackenschmidův
Giuseppe Moro
Válečná tetralogie
Pohrané kampaně
Anebo, verse Viktora Dyka
Kruté díte
Konec Hackenschmidův
Krysař a jiné prózy
Země mluví
Deset českých novel
Revoluční trilogie, 1907-1909
Zapomenuté básně
Noci chiméry
Tajemná dobrodružství Alexeje Iványče Kozulinova
Ad usum pana presidenta republiky
Pan poslanec
Země mluví
Tři zpěvy
Zmoudření Dona Quijota
Dĕs z prázdna
Můj přítel Čehona
Prsty Habakukovy
Zmouďreni Dona Quijota
Básník a politik
Píseň o vrbě
Devátá vlna
Válečná tetralogie
Inter arma
Prohrané kampaně
Můj přítel Čehona
Lehké a těžké kroky ; Anebo
Giuseppe Moro
Krysař a jiné prózy
Výpravná próza
Prohrane  kampane .
Milá sedmi loupežníků
Soykovy děti
Pout svatého Antonína
Hučí jez, a jiné prosy
Z básní Viktora Dyka
Okno ; Poslední rok
Felix Aderca
Felix Aderca (1891-1962)

poet, linguist, playwright, diarist, literary critic, biographer, music critic, translator

Oamenii excepționali ; Jurnal intim
Petru cel Mare
Mihail Sebastian
Personalitatea, drepturile ei în artă și viață
Femeia cu carnea albă
Oameni și idei
Aventurile d-lui Ionel Lăcustă-Termidor
Domnisoara din str. Neptun
Contribuții critice
Personalitatea, drepturile ei în artă și viață
Murmurul cuvintelor
Moartea unei republici roşii
Camil Petrescu
Mărturia unei generații
Geo Bogza
Orașele scufundate
Al doilea amant al doamnei Chatterley
Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu
Mic tratat de estetică, sau, Lumea văzută estetic
John Rechy
John Rechy (born 1931)

playwright, literary critic, journalist

  • University of Texas at El Paso
The sexual outlaw
About my life and the kept woman
City of Night
The Life and Adventures of Lyle Clemens
The fourth angel
Marilyn's Daughter
The Coming of the Night
Gay roots
Bodies and Souls
After the blue hour
This day's death
The miraculous day of Amalia Gómez
The Vampires
Beneath the skin
Our lady of Babylon
Fourth Angel
Mysteries and Desires - Searching the Worlds of John Rechy
George Călinescu
George Călinescu (1899-1965)

historian, journalist, literary historian, literary critic, biographer, playwright, high school teacher, librarian

  • Faculty of Letters (Bucharest University), Gheorghe Lazăr National College
Viața lui Mihai Eminescu
Viaţa lui Mihai Eminescu
Viața lui Mihai Eminescu
Studii și comunicari
Studies in poetics
Universul poeziei
Texte social-politice, 1944-1965
Principii de estetica
Ion Creangă
Viaţa lui Mihai Eminescu [de] G. Cǎlinescu
Pagini de estetică
Gîlceava înteleptului cu lumea
G. Cǎlinescu și contemporanii săi
Istoria literaturii române de la origini până în prezent
Mihai Eminescu
Studii și cercetări de istorie literară
Principii de estetică
La commode noire
Scrinul negru [de] G. Călinescu
Cartea nunţii
Curs de poezie
Cultură și națiune
Istoria literaturii romîne
Bietul Ioanide
Ion Vinea
G. Călinescu și contemporanii săi
Enigma Otiliei
Cartea nunții
Cronicile optimistului
Aforisme și reflecții
Istoria literaturii române
Scrinul negru