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linguists who wrote biography
Showing 161-168 out of 239 results
Halldór Laxness
Halldór Laxness (1902-1998)

linguist, translator, playwright, poet, philosopher

Nína í krafti og birtu
Úngur eg var
Í túninu heima
Sjálfstætt fólk
Kristnihald undir jøkli
The great weaver from Kashmir
The Atom Station
Iceland's bell
Independent People
Asmunder Sveinsson
Gullkorn í greinum Laxness
The Fish Can Sing
The Fish Can Sing (Vintage International)
Independent People
Kŕvilla á Vestfjörđum og fleiri sögur
Salka Valka
La Base Atomica
Wayward heroes
The happy warriors
Johannes Sveinsonn Kjarval
World Light
Independent people
Gerska ævintýrið
Independent People
Paradise reclaimed
Seiseijú, mikil ósköp
Iceland's Bell
Laxness um land og þjđ́
Dáiđ er alt án drauma og fleiri kvæđi
N. Tryggvago ttir, serenity and power
Atom Station
Lumière du monde
Salka Valka
Asmundur Sveinsson
The Arctic
Salka Valka
Jóhannes Sveinsson Kjarval
Sendependaj homoj (romantraduko en Esperanto)
World light
Christianity at Glacier, [by] Halldór Laxness
Atomnaia stantsiia
Prodannaia kolybel'naia
Innansveitar kronika
World light (Heimsljós)
Undir Helgahnúk
Independent People
Atom Station
Fish Can Sing
Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír
The honour of the house
Í austurvegi
Ua ou chretiens du glacier
The happy warriors
Svavar Guðnason
Kristnihald undir Jökli
Og árin líða
Hid ljósa man
Gens indépendants
The honour of the house
Dagleiđ á fjöllum
Independent People
Världens ljus
Af menníngarástandi
Yfirskygdir stadir
Under the Glacier
Salka Valka
Das Fischkonzert
Snaefriđur islandssól
Independent people
Dagar hjá múnkum
The atom station
Himlens skönhet
Skáldsnilld Laxness
Independent People
Sommerlandets Slot
Vinlandsnotater og andre middelalderlige randbemaerkninger
Salka Valka
Vrije mannen
Fish Can Sing
Organistens hus
Ato msto ©ʻin
Kbenhavn braender
Christianity at Glacier
N. Tryggvadottir
Sjálfsagðir hlutir
Sjo stafkveri©ʻ
Af skáldum
Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír
Kórvilla á Vestfjörðum og fleiri sögur
Atom Station
Läpi harmaan kiven
Ásta Sóllilja
Salka Valka
Laxness um land og þjóð
Özgür Insanlar
Izlanda’nin Cani
Das Fischkonzert
The fish can sing
Independant People
A quire of seven
Gullkorn í greinum Laxness
Frie Maend
Undir Helgahnk
Atom Station Proof
Das wiedergefundene Paradies.
Independent people, an epic
Independent People
Samostoiatel'nye liudi
Perlur í skáldskap Laxness
Fótatak manna
Barn náttúrunnar
El Concierto De Los Peces (Literatura Y Memoria)
Sjálfstaett fólk
Under the Glacier
Dáið er alt án drauma og fleiri kvæði
A Quire of seven
Den gode frøken og huset
˜Dasœ wiedergefundene Paradies
Taḥanat ha-aṭom
Fugl á garðstaurnum og fleiri smásögur
Brennunjáls saga
Undir Helgahnúk
Eldur í Kaupinhafn
גם הדג ישיר
Alþýðubókin / Halldór Kiljan Laxness; [Formáli eftir Jón Helgason.]
A quire of seven
Dagleið á fjöllum
Salka Valka
The atom station
Barn náttúrunnar
Vettvangur dagsins
Sjálfsagđir hlutir
Verdens lys
Vettvángur dagsins
Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír
Snaefríður Íslandssól
Við heygarðshornið
The honour of the house
Upphaf mannúðarstefnu
Syrpa úr verkum Halldórs Laxness
Innansveitar kronika
Sjö töframenn
Barn náttúrunnar
Snaefríður Islandssól
La cloche d'Islande
Den lyse m
Jón í Brauðhúsum
Skáldið og ástin
Skáldið og ástin
Grosse nordische Erzähler des 20. Jahrhunderts
Vi islendinger
De islandske sagaer og andre essays
Upphaf mannúðarstefnu
Seiseijú, mikil ósköp
Sjálfstætt fólk
Christianity at Glacier
Islands klokke
Heiman eg fór
Liv og lagnad i brekkukot
Paraíso reclamado
Independent people
Brekkukots annáll
Dagur í senn
Yfirskygðir staðir
Auf der Hauswiese
Kristnihald undir Jökl
Prjónastofan Sólin
The happy warriors
Heiman eg fór
Het licht der wereld
Dagur í senn
Dagleið á fjöllum
Prjónastofan Sólin
Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír
Skeggrædur gegnum tídina
Le paradis retrouvé
Snæfríður Íslandssól
Elio Vittorini
Elio Vittorini (1908-1966)

linguist, translator, editor, opinion journalist, partisan

Elio Vittorini
Conversazione in Sicilia
Donne di Messina
The dark and the light: Erica and La Garibaldina
A Vittorini omnibus: In Sicily, The twilight of the elephant, La Garibaldina
In Sicily
Il garofano rosso
Uomini e no
I risvolti dei "gettoni"
Men and not men
Cultura e libertà
The dark and the light
Gli anni del Politecnico
Lettere 1952-1955
Letteratura, arte, società
Viaggio in Sardegna
Dario in pubblico
The red carnation
Le donne di Messina
Tune for an elephant
Le Simplon Fait Un Clin Doeil Au Frejus
Il brigantino del Papa
Erica und ihre Geschwister
Gespräch in Sizilien
I libri, la città, il mondo
Le opere narrative
Die rote Nelke
Le opere narrative / Elio Vittorini. A cura di Maria Corti
Uomini e no. Introduzione di Giansiro Ferrata
Uomini e no, romanzo
Piccola borghesia
Le città del mondo
In Sicily
Piccola borghesia
Vomini e no
Le citta   del mondo
Uomini e isole
Sardegna come un'infanzia
Il Sempione strizza l'occhio al Frejus
L'Oeillet rouge
Sardegna come un'infanzia
Diario in pubbico
Le due tensioni
Le donne di Messin
Le donne di Mesina
Opere di Elio Vittorini
Elio Vittorini
Journal en public
The twilight of the elephant
Scrittori Nuovi
Erica e i suoi fratelli
Conversazione in Sicilia (nome e lacrime)
Il Sepione strizza l'occhio al Frejus
Conversazione in Sicilia, nome e lagrime
Per conoscere Vittorini
Diario in pubblico
Conversation en Sicile
Sardegua come un'infanzia
Nome e lagrime e altri racconti
Il sempione strizze l'occhio al Frejus
A Vittorini Omnibus
In Sicily
Dai "Gettoni" al "Menabò"
In Sicily
Erica e i suoi fratelli ; La garibaldina
Erica e i suoi fratelli
Il sempione strizza l'occhio al Frejus
Mens of niet
Diario in pubblico
Si diverte tanto a tradurre?
Śiḥah be-Sitsilyah
La Polemica Vittorini-Togliatti e la linea culturale del PCI nel 1945-47
Women on the road
Uomini e no. Introduzione di Giansiro Ferrata
Sardegna come un'infanzia
In Sicily
Conversations in Sicily
The red carnation
Erica E I Suoi Fratelli Garibaldina
The dark and the light
Uomini e no
Conversazione in Sicilia
Vítězslav Nezval
Vítězslav Nezval (1900-1958)

linguist, poet, playwright, translator, visual artist, opinion journalist, dramaturge, librettist

Z mého života
Neviditelná Moskva
Antonín Slavíhcek, a great Czech painter
Antonín Slavíček, a great Czech painter
Depeše z konce tisíciletí
Edition 69
Nápisy na hroby
Básně na pohlednice
Moderní poesie
Sylvestrovská noc
Skleněný havelok
Schovávaná na schodech
Vyzvání na cestu
Kronika z konce tisíciletí
Menší růžová zahrada
Matka Naděje
Pět minut za městem
Šípková růže
Pražská domovní znamení
Vítězslav Nezval
Chtěla okrást lorda Blamingtona
Pražský chodec
Praha s prsty des̆tĕ
Veselá Praha
Valerie a týden divů
Slepec a labut̕
Hra v kostky
Balady Manoně
Izbrannai͡a︡ lirika
Posedlost [roman]
Nezařazené básně
Z domoviny
Dětství, domovu, Moravě
Moderní básnické směry
Pět prstů
Oči milenek
Dnes jes̆tĕ zapadá slunce nad Atlantidou
Manon Lescaut
Matka Naděje
Dobrodružství noci a vějíře
Zpívám zpěv míru
Zázračné proměny
52 hořkých balad věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Anička Skřítek a Slaměný Hubert
Balady a jiné básně věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Z meh́o života
Žena v množném čísle
Antonín Slaviček
Kniha básní v próze
Pan Marat
Depesche auf Rädern
Antilyrik and Other Poems (Green Integer: 86)
Valerie and her week of wonders
Jan ve smutku
Signály času
Snídaně v trávě
Josef Čapek
Básně noci.  Pět minut za městem
Řetěz štěstí
Žena v množném čisle
Vítězslav Nezval, podivuhodný kouzelník
Matka Naděje
Až se ti zasteskne
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Básně, alarmy a rány na buben
Depesche auf R adern: Theatertexte 1922 - 1927
Milenci z kiosku
100 [i.e. Sto] sonetu
Sbohem a šáteček
Písmena pohlednice nápisy
Moderní básnické smerý
Tři mušketýři
Prague with fingers of rain
Valérie a týden divů
Veliký orloj
Chrpy a města
Balady a Jine Basne Vecneho Studenta Roberta Davida
Jak vejce vejci
Absolutní hrobař
Antilyrik & other poems
Praha s prsty deště
Valerie a tyden divu
Menší ružová zahrada
Spolutvurce pokrokove kulturni politiky
Historický obraz
Padesát dva hořkých balad věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Ulice Gît-Le-Coeur
Dnes ještě zapadá slunce nad Atlantidou
Parrot on a motorcycle
Edison ; Podivuhodný kouzelník ; Neznámá ze Seiny
Bojím se jít domů, že uvidím kožené kabáty na schodech
Schovávaná na schodech
Zpáteční lístek
Falešný Mariáš
Manifesty eseje a kritické projevy z let 1931-1941
70 básní z podsvětí na rozloučenou se stinem věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Z domoviny
Pět minut za městem, 1939
Vítězslav Nezval
Moderní básnické směry
Básně vśedního dne
Scénické básně, hry, scenária a libreta, 1920-1932
Básně denniho světla a měsíčního svitu
Manon Lescaut
Pozůstalé básně
Pantomima 1919-1926
Nový Figaro
Sbohem a šátec̆ek
Matka Naděje
Dnes ještě zapadá slunce nad Atlantidou
Hry, rozhlasové hry a libreta (1935-1940)
Manon Lescaut
Básně, balady a sonety věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Sbohem a šáteček
100 sonetů zachránkyni věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Milenci z kiosku
Štyrský a Toyen
Menší růžová zahrada
Sbohem a šateček
52 hořkých balad věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Jiří Wolker
Sexuální nocturno
Zpěv míru
Pražský chodec
Pantomima 1919-1926
Historický obraz
Zpívám zpěv míru
Kronika z konce tisíciletí
Manifesty eseje a kritické projevy z poetismu, 1921-1930
Historický obraz, čast I-III
Podivuhodný kouzelník
Kůň a tanečnice
Kniha básní v próze
Bŭlgarskii︠a︡t roman na Vitezslav Nezval
Praha s prsty de*st*e
Jak vejce vejci
100 [i.e. Sto] sonetů
Pražský chodec
Tři mušketýři
Historický obraz ; Veliká pouť
Ani labut̕ ani lůna
Hra v kostky
Chrpy a mĕsta
Three Czech poets: Vitězslau Nezval
70 [i.e. Sedmdesát] básní z podsvětí na rozloučenou se stínem věčného studenta Roberta
Eseje a projevy po osvobození, 1945-1958
Dolce far niente
Básně noci
Dobrodružství Aničky skřítka a Slaměného Huberta
Sloky o Praze
100 sonetů zachránkyni věčného studenta Roberta Davida
Three Czech poets: Vitězslau Nezval
Básně noci
Básně, 1919-1926
Sexuální nocturno
Básně noci 1921-1929
Pan Marat
Dolce far niente
[Three Czech poets]
Ulice Gît-be-coeur
Luis de León
Luis de León (1526-1591)

linguist, poet, translator, friar

  • University of Salamanca, University of Alcalá
Fray Luis de León
De la vida, muerte, virtudes y milagros de la Santa Madre Teresa de Jesús
Obras del maestro fray Luis de León
The names of Christ
La perfecta casada
De los nombres de Cristo
La perfecta casada
El Cantar De Los Cantares De Salomon / The Chant of the Songs of Solomon
Obra mística de fray Luis de León
Cantar de cantares de Salomón
Obras del maestro Fray Luis de León: Precédelas su vida
De los nombres de Cristo
Poesias Completa / Escuela Salmantina
Exposición del Libro de Job
Que Me Muero Porque No Muero
El Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón
The perfect wife
La perfecta Casada
The unknown light
Fragmentos de la Biblia
Poesia/ Poetry (Biblioteca Clasica / Classical Library)
De los nombres de Cristo
Obras propias y traduciones latinas, griegas, y italianas
Exposición del Libro de Job (Extasis)
The names of Christ
Cantar de los cantares de Salomón
De los nombres de Cristo
Poems from the Spanish of Fra Luis Ponce de Leon
Poemas de fray Luis de León (Extasis)
De los nombres de Cristo (Extasis)
De los nombres de Cristo
Obras poéticas del maestro Fray Luis de Leon
Poesia Original (Castalia Didactica)
Poesia / Poetry
Obras completas castellanas de Fray Luis de León
Poesía renacentista
La Poesía de Fray Luis De Leon
Los nombres de Cristo
Obra poetica completa
Misticos españoles
La perfecta casada y poesias
Poesías originales de fray Luis de León, revisadas por Don Federico de Onís
Obras completas castellanas de Fray Luis de Leon
Fray Luis de Leon (Cuadernillos de Poesia)
Escritos sobre América
Cantar de los cantares
De los nombres de Cristo
Exposicion del Miserere
Lyrics of Luis de Leon
La perfecta casada
Escritores místicos españoles
Poesías escogidas
Musika ixilla =
Original poems
Salmo 103
The names of Christ
De los nombres de Cristo
Obras del P. Mtro. Fr. Luis de León
Escritos Sobre America (Clasicos)
De los nombres de Cristo
Poesia Completa
Edición facsimilar de La perfecta casada
The original poems of Fray Luis de Leoṅ
Ausgewahlte Gedichte
Poesias - Fray Luis de Leon
Educacion Y Democracia
Comentario sobre el Génesis =
La perfecta casada
Obras completas castellanas
La perfecta casada y poesías selectas
De legibus
La Perfecta Casada
De los nombres de Cristo
Obras propias y traducciones de latin, griego, y toscano
The Unknown Light
Declaración del Salmo 26
Bucólicas de Virgilio
Cantar de Cantares
Comentario sobre el Génesis =
Escritos en prosa
De Los nobmres de Cristo
Original poems
Sämmtliche Originalgedichte
Poesías inéditas
El cantar de los cantares...
Obras del M. Fr. Luis de Leon
La perfecta casada
Obras propias i traducciones de Latin, Griego, i Toscano
Musika ixilla =
Fray Luis de León y la escuela salmantina
Poesias del Mtro. Fr. Luis de Leon por don Ramon Fernandez
Exposición del Miserere
Escritos desde la carcel
Original poems
Poesías originales del Fr. Luis de León
A bilingual edition of Fray Luis de León's La perfecta casada
Poems from the Spanish
Poesías ; El Cantar de los cantares ; La Perfecta casada
Fray Luis de Léon
Poesias originales
Poesías [por] Luis de Leon
Forma de vivir los frailes agustinos descalzos, de fray Luis de León
La perfecta casada, Cantar de los cantares, Poesias originales
Poesías originales ..
La poesía de fray Luis de León
Cantar de cantares de Salomón
Obras completas castellanas de Fray Luis de León
De los nombres de Cristo
De los nombres de Christos en dos libros
De los Nombres de Cristo
Páginas escogidas
Obras completas castellanas de Fray Luis de Leon
El Líbro de Job
Obras poéticas
Poesias Completas
Lyrics of Luis de Léon
Poesías de fray Luis de León
Libro de oro
Obras completas castellanos
The original poems of Fray Luis de León
Los nombres de Christo
Sämmtliche Originalgedichte
The names of Christ
León Gieco - Tesoro
Exposición del libro de Job
Poesias del Mtro. Fr. Luis de Leon
Lucian Blaga
Lucian Blaga (1895-1961)

linguist, translator, philosopher, journalist, diplomat, essayist, poet, librarian, playwright

  • University of Vienna
Peisaj și amintire
Trilogia culturii
Complete poetical works of Lucian Blaga, 1895-1961
Poemele luminii
At the court of yearning
Lucian Blaga
Trilogia valorilor
Hronicul si cintecul vîrstelor
Domnița Nebănuitelor trepte
Orizont si stil
Ce aude unicornul
Nouăzeci de poezii
Zări și etape
Gîndirea românească în Transilvania în secolul al XVIII-lea
Încercări filosofice
Scieri despre artǎ
Teatru ; Proză autobiografică
Gedichte =
Eonul dogmatic
Ființa istorică
Experimentul și spiritul matematic
Aspecte antropologice
Scrieri despre artă
L' éon dogmatique
Meșterul Manole
Despre conștiința filozofică
Din lirica engleză
Cunoașterea luciferică
Artă și valoare
Gîndirea românească in Transilvania în secolul al XVIII-lea
Ceasornicul de nisip
Hronicul si cintecul vîrstelor
Hronicul și cîntecul vîrstelor
Opera poetică
Luntrea lui Caron
Tólv yrkingar
Din activitatea diplomatică
Elogiul satului românesc
Cǎrǎbuşul de aramǎ
Lucian Blaga
Elanul insulei
Nekhozhenye stupeni =
Les différentielles divines
Poemele luminii
Din lirica engleză
L'Etoile la plus triste
Dimensiunea metafizică a operei lui Lucian Blaga
De amicitia
Patru milenii de poezie în tălmăcirea lui Lucian Blaga
Poemele luminii
The great transition
Orizzonte e stile
Pesnite na svetlosta
Die luziferische Erkenntnis
Strofe de-a lungul anilor
Stanzas along the years
Trilogia culturii: Orizont si stil
Filozofia stilului
Vederi și istorie
Puizii aleapti
Nouăzeci de poezii
Poèmes choisis
Meşterul Manole
Das dogmatische Weltalter
La trilogie de la connaissance
Mirabila sămînţă
Antologie de poezie populară
William Smith
William Smith (1813-1893)

lexicographer, linguist, classical philologist, translator, literary editor

  • University College London
A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography
A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
A dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines
A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography
A dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines
A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography
A dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines
A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography
A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
A dictionary of the Bible
A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
Principia latina
Smith's Bible Dictionary
A Dictionary of Christian antiquities
The Wordsworth classical dictionary
A concise dictionary of the Bible
A smaller dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
A Dictionary of Christian antiquities
A smaller grammar of the Latin language
A first French reading book
A dictionary of the Bible, comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, natural history and literature
A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
A first Greek reading book
A Smaller History of English and American Literature for the Use of Schools
Super Review All You Need To Know Illustrated Bible Dictionary
A history of Greece
A Smaller History of Rome,from the Earliest Times to the Establishment of the Empire: With a ..
Old Yorkshire
The student's scripture history
The Prophets of Israel and Their Place in History
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A smaller Scripture history
Speech of the Hon. William Smith, of South-Carolina, in the Senate of the ..
A Latin-English dictionary
Peloubet's Bible dictionary
Athelwold: A Tragedy in Five Acts
A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest
Stratigraphical System of Organized Fossils,
Bible dictionary
A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary
A First Latin Course
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The History of the Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of Those Blessed Christians, who Were Cotemporary ..
A classical dictionary of biography [&c.]
Literae de Re Nummaria: In Opposition to the Common Opinion, that the Denarii Romani Were Never ..
A smaller Latin-English dictionary. Abridged from the larger dictionary
Tri Power
A smaller Scripture history
A school dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography ..
Works of William Smith, D.D., late Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia
Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible
Additional Exercises with Examination Papers on Initia Graeca--Part I., with and Introduction to ..
A New Voyage to Guinea (Library of African Study)
A First Latin Course: Comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-book, with Vocabularies
Discourses on public occasions in America
A first Latin course
Adventures with my alpen-stock and carpet-bag, or A three weeks' trip to France and Switzerland
Innocency and conscientiousness of the Quakers asserted and cleared from the evil surmises, false aspersions, and unrighteous suggestions of Judge Keeling
A first Greek course
Smith's Bible dictionary
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography
Smiths Bible Dict
Dictionary of the Bible
A true relation of the cruel dealings of William Pocklington of North Collingham in the county of Nottingham, with the innocent people of God, called Quakers, in the same county
A first Latin course
A briefe answer unto a book intituled Shetinah, or, A demonstration of the divine presence in places of religious worship
A smaller Scripture history in three parts
Contrivances of the fanatical conspirators in carrying on their treasons under the umbrage of the Popish Plot, laid open
The standing truth
A First Latin Course: Comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-book, with Vocabularies
A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography
Qui non credit condemnabitur, 1625
A Smaller History of Rome
Joyful tidings to the begotten of God in all
A School Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Abridged from the Larger ..
A concise dictionary of the Bible
Intrigues of the Popish Plot laid open
Ingratitude reveng'd, or, A poem upon the happy victory of His Majesties naval forces against the Dutch, June the 3 and 4, 1665
A smaller history of Rome
A smaller history of Greece
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
A Natural History of Nevis, and the Rest of the English Leeward Charibee Islands in America ..
Augustissimo et invictissimo Principi Jacobo II ̊Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae Regi, fidei defensori, carmen panegyricum
A epistle to the flock of Christ
A First Latin Course: Comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-book, with Vocabularies. For ..
A letter from William Smith of Montreal to his friend John Brown of London, in which is detailed some of the grievances under which Canada labors
A dictionary of the Bible, comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history
Segmented Wood Turning
Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes pour servir à l'intelligence des ..
A concise dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities: Abridged from the ..
A smaller dictionary of the Bible
Smith's English-Latin dictionary
Entre Los Dos Testamentos/ Between Both Testaments
A Smaller Scripture History
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines T to Z Part Eight
Adventures With My Alpen-Stock And Carpet-Bag
A Smaller Classical Mythology: With Translations from the Ancient Poets, and Questions Upon the Work
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines A to D Part Two
First Latin Reading Book
Principia Latina: A first Latin course, comprehending grammar, delectus, and exercise-book. With ..
A dictionary of the Bible
The banner of love, under which the Royal Army is preserved, and safely conducted
The Wordsworth classical dictionary
Chambers Murray Latin-English Dictionary
Principia latina.--Part 1
Classical Dictionary
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines Hermogenes to Julianus V5
The everlasting truth exalted
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines A to D V2
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines Julianus to Myensis Part Six
Dictionary of the Bible
A smaller Latin-English dictionary
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A New Classical Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Biography, Mythology And Geography V2
The Jeff Davis piracy cases. Full report of the trial of William Smith for piracy, as one of the crew of the Confederate privateer, the Jeff Davis. Before ... United States, for the Eastern District of
The Student's Scripture History: The New Testament History, with an Introduction, Connecting the ..
A dictionary of Christian antiquities
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines Falvax to Hermocrates Part Four
A Smaller History Of Greece, From The Earliest Times To The Roman Conquest
A Yorkshireman's trip to the United States and Canada
Two treatises
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines N to S Part Seven
Some clear truths particularly demonstrated unto the King and council, and both houses of Parliament
A mickle, a muckle, a malt and the moon
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines Hermogenes to Julianus Part Five
A short manifestation of the main end of outward government
The Jeff Davis piracy cases
A Smaller History of Greece
A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest, with Supplementary Chapters ..
Causes of fatal accidents on highways
A second relation from Hertford
A nevv primmer
A New Classical Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Biography, Mythology And Geography V1
Firmly Rooted
The wisdom of the earthly wife confounded, or, A manifestation of the spirits of some envious professors
Common Sense Revisited
German Principia, Part II
A Dictionary of the Bible
Smith's comprehensive dictionary of the Bible
Wonders in Weeds (Health Master)
A copius and critical English-Latin dictionary
New Smith's Bible Dictionary
The Book Of Moses V1
Automotive Air Bag Technology '96: First Annual Conference
A dictionary of Christian antiquities
The Nature And Institution Of Government V1
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines T to Z V8
Indebted as Lord Chom
Faith and Belief
German Principia, Part I
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines Eaba to Fallamhain Part Three
Tube substitution handbook
A full account of the late ship-wreck of the ship called The President which was cast away in Montz-Bay in Cornwal on the 4th of February last
A Smaller Grammar of the Latin Language ... For the Use of the Middle and Lower Forms in Schools
Dr. William Smith's dictionary of the Bible
Archbishop Smith and the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch
Patterns of Faith Around the World
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines Julianus to Myensis V6
Conscientizacao and Simulation Games (Technical Notes)
An atlas of ancient geography, biblical & classical
The day-spring from on high visiting the world, or, Gods salvation revealed and the way of redemption declared, and the way opened into the everlasting rest
Balm from Gilead
A new primmer, wherein is demonstrated the new and living way
The true light shining in England, to give unto all her inhabitants the knowledge of their ways
A free flowing of the father's love to the heirs of the kingdom, with all that are seeking the peace and righteousness of it
Khảo sát nhu cà̂u cơ bản
Billy Smith's war
The nevv-creation brought forth, in the holy order of life
Thorndale; or, The conflict of opinions
The Old Testament history
Sweet oyle poured forth through the horn of salvation, and is freely sent abroad to search the wounded spirits, and to relieve the weak and feeble travellers
Dance and Technology One
An alphabetical list of all the shipping registered at Saint John, N.B. on the 1st of January, 1867
State of the gaols in London, Westminster and the Borough of Southwark
Computers and the chemical engineer
Something written concerning the worlds creed, or, What they teach their children to believe
A poem on the famous ship called the Loyal London
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology
Account of the college, academy and charitable school of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania
A few words unto a particular people
Art of Conversation
An epistle from the spirit of love and peace, unto all the upright Israelites, who are born of the seed that is blessed for evermore
Ethical reflections
The Old Testament history from the creation to the return of the Jews from captivity ..
The new Smith's Bible dictionary
A catechism for bishops, deans, prebends, doctors, vicars, curates, and all prelaticals, for them to read in the fear of the Lord God, and with a meek and quiet spirit
A consecutive history of the rise, progress, and present state of Wesleyan Methodism in Ireland
A true, short, impartial relation, containing the substance of the proceedings at the assize held the 12th and 13th day of the moneth called August, 1664, at the town of Hertford (Orlando Bridgman being judge)
Advertise. How? When? Where?
The glory of the new covenant
Inflation, income and family size
A dictionary of the Bible
Historical Memoirs from 16 March 1763 to 25 July 1778 of William Smith
Rock Music Handbook
A first Latin course..
A message from the Spirit of Truth unto all the world
A smaller classical dictionary
An holy kiss of peace, sent from the seed of life, greeting all the lambs and little ones with a tender salutation
Practical guide to dairying
To all the faithfull in Christ Jesus
The Education Game (Technical Notes)
Nature studied with a view to preserve and restore health
A smaller Latin-English dictionary with a dictionary of proper names
A new classical dictionary..
Christendoms call to repentance
The Quarterly Review
An introduction to Latin prose composition..
A grammar of the Latin tongue for the use of colleges and the upper forms in schools
Some queries propounded to this professing generation the people called Baptists, or any of the professors upon the earth for them to answer, and heedfully to weigh and consider
A smaller Latin-English dictionary
The morning-watch, or, A spiritual glass opened
A classical dictionary of biography and geography based on the larger dictionaries. --
Joyfull tidings to the begotten of God in all with a few words of counsel unto Friends concerning marriage
Some queries proposed to the bishops and ministers of England, for them, or any of them, to answer
Carmen triumphale, or, Englands triumph for her restored libertie
On the christian pursuit and prefernece for heavenly objects
Napoleon III
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines
De urbis Londini incendio elegia
Clinical orthoptic procedure
A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
Amongst the Autumn Morning
An epistle to all the called and chosen of God
A comprehensive dictionary of the Bible
A smaller history of Rome
A general summons from the authority of truth, unto all ecclesiastical courts and officers
Sacred lessons and exercises in English and Gaelic
Rambles about Morley
A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest. With Supplementary Chapters ...
A smaller dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
Chambers Murray Latin-English dictionary
A first Greek course..
Smaller classical dictionary
A manifestation of the love of God unto all such as are convinced of truth
Chambers/Murray Latin-English dictionary
A new & compendious history of the County of Warwick, from the earliest period to the present time, comprising views of the principal towns, buildings ...
The Holy Bible, containing the King James and the revised version of the old and new testaments, arranged in parallel columns, with a complete concordance, embracing every passage of scripture in the largest editions, the psalms in metre, 100,000 marginal references and readings, and, Dr. Wm. Smith's standard bible dictionary ... the study of the word of God
A Christian life manifested
A manifestation of prayer in formality, and prayer in the spirit of God
A new & compendious history, of the county of Warwick
Poema, in honorem dignissimi Dom. Di. Guilhelmi Turner equitis aurati
A new catechism
A dictionary of the Bible, comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history
A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A tender visitation of the Fathers love, to all the elect-children, or, An epistle unto the righteous congregations
The faithful witness, or, A hand of love reached forth, that the blind may be guided, and the scattered gathered
The work of Gods power in man
A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A right dividing, or, A true discerning
Pio, invicto, fælici principi Johanni Poloniæ regi
A new and complete history of the county of Warwick
A smaller history of Rome..
Dr. Smith on the Pentateuch
A smaller history of Greece
A spiritual prospective glass
Some remarks on the "Toleration Act" of 1819
Mr. Smyth's discovery of the Popish sham-plot in Ireland, contrived to correspond with their sham-plot in England
A smaller classical dictionary
Make-Up Book
Ad ictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
International business
A true, short, impartial relation containing the substance of the proceedings at the Assize... at the town of Hertford ... chiefly with and against nine prisoners called Quakers ..
The ravenous beast discovered and the devourer pursued
The Concise Classical Dictionary
A smaller classical dictionary
The Baptists sophistry discovered
A dictionary of Christian antiquities
Windows custom controls
The banner of love
A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A dictionary of Christian antiquities
a history of Freece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest, with supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art
A real demonstration of the true order in the spirit of God
A smaller grammar of the Latin language
A dictionary of the Bible
Planning Guide for Information Systems Evaluation Studies
Liberty of conscience pleaded by several weighty reasons on the behalf of the people of God called Quakers
To the present authority or heads of the nation of England
News from Ireland
Pursuit Driving for the Police Officer
Just for You and Me
An epistle to Friends
The history of the post office in British North America, 1639-1870
A proclamation
Views of Campbelton and neighbourhood
The reign of the whore discovered and her ruine seen
School dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A short testimony on the behalf of truths innocency
A dictionary of the Bible
A smaller history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
A dictionary of the Bible
Innovation and diffusion, a supply oriented example
A new primmer
Univeral love
A dictionary of the Bible, comprising its antiquities, biography, geography, and natural history
A school manual of English grammar
Dictionary of Christian Biography Literature Sects
The Quarterly Review
The student's Latin grammar
A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography...revised...
The Oxford dictionary of English proverbs
A smaller English-Latin dictionary
Journal of a Voyage in the Missionary Ship Duff to the Pacific Ocean in the Years 17961802
The German principia
The universal Bible dictionary
The concise classical dictionary of biography, mythology and geography
The Quarterly Review
A Complete Manual of English Literature
A history of France
A dictionary of the Bible ...
The Old Testament history
Die neue illustrirte Heilige Schrift
Short Tales And Anecdotes From Ancient History
A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
A smaller Latin grammar for middle and lower forms
The act of writing
Old Testament history, from creation to the return of the Jews from captivity
A copious and critical English-Latin (and Latin-English) dictionary
A first Greek course
The Quarterly Review
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A smaller history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
A smaller history of Greece
Longinus On the Sublime; the Greek text edited after the Paris manuscript, with introduction, translation, facsimiles and appendices, by W. Rhys Roberts
A smaller history of Rome, from the earliest times to the establishment of the empire
Smiths Bible Dictionary By William Smith
The Old Testament history
The Quarterly Review
Dictionary of Christian antiquities, comprising the history, institutions, and antiquities of the Christian church from the time of the apostles to the age of Charlemagne
The student's manual of ancient geography, based upon the dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
Some account of presbyterianism in Rochdale
A new classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography
A smaller history of Rome from the earliest times to the death of Trajan
The Quarterly Review
The Quarterly Review
The Quarterly Review
The Quarterly Review
A smaller history of England from the earliest times to the year 1887
The Student's Scripture history
A dictionary of the Bible
A school manual of English grammar ...
The Quarterly Review
A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography
A dictionary of Greek and Roman culture
A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography, partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
The Quarterly Review
A dictionary of Christian antiquities...
A dictionary of the Bible
The Quarterly Review
Old Testament history, from creation to the return of the Jews from captivity
Segmented wood turning
A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography
The Quarterly Review
A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A smaller dictionary of the Bible
The Quarterly Review
The student's Greece
A school manual of grammar of the English language ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
The student's Greece
The New Testament history
The Quarterly Review
Initia græca
A smaller history of Rome from the earliest times to the death of Trajan
A smaller history of Rome from the earliest times to the death of Trajan
Everyman's smaller classical dictionary
The Quarterly Review
A classical dictionary
A copious and critical English-Latin dictionary
Die neue illustrirte Heilige Schrift für häusliche Erbauung und Belehrung
The Quarterly Review
Peloubet's Bible dictionary
A smaller history of Rome from the earliest times to the death of Trajan
From Paul to Polycarp
Principia Latina, part one
The Quarterly Review
The Quarterly Review
The Quarterly Review
A school manual of English grammar
The international Bible dictionary
A history of Greece
A dictionary of Christian antiquities
A smaller classical dictionary
The Quarterly Review
A dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities...
The new Smith's Bible dictionary
A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography
Smith's comprehensive dictoionary of the Bible
A smaller history of Rome
A smaller Scripture history in three parts
A smaller dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A school dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible
A grammar of the Latin tongue for the use of colleges and the upper forms in schools
Principia latina. --Part 1. A first Latin course
Smith's comprehensive dictionary of the Bible
Act of Writing
Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities
A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and geography
A dictionary of Christian antiquities
A smaller history of Greece from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
A new classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography, partly based on the "Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology."
A first Latin reading book
The student's manual of ancient geography, based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
Oxford Dictionary of English proverbs
Smith's English-Latin dictionary
A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography based on the larger dictionaries
A study in Canadian immigration
A dictionary of the Bible
A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography based on the larger dictionaries
Chambers/Murray Latin-English dictionary
Naaman no hanashi =
A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
The universal Bible dictionary
A smaller history of Greece from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
The new Smith's Bible dictionary
A copius and critical English-Latin dictionary
A dictionary of the Bible
Bible dictionary
A dictionary of the Bible
Smith's comprehensive dictionary of the Bible
A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography
A dictionary of the Bible
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de febribus intermittentibus, potentissimum tertianis: quam, sub ...
German principia
Old Testament history, from creation to the return of the Jews from captivity
A Grammar Of the Latin Language.
A smaller history of England, from the earliest times to the year 1887
Sara Coleridge
Sara Coleridge (1802-1852)

linguist, poet, translator, editing staff

Memoir and letters
January brings the snow
The Months
Historia de Abiponibus equestri bellicosaque Paraguariae natione
The Poems of Sara Coleridge
Christmas tyde, a series of sacred songs and poetical pieces [by S. Coleridge]
Sara Coleridge and Henry Reed
Right Joyous and Pleasant History of the Feats, Gests, and Prowesses of the Chevalier Bayard
Biographia Literaria
Autograph letter. Signed to" My dear Sir", 24 May 1849
Biographia Epistolaris
Notes and Lectures upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and Dramatists
Essays on His Own Times, Forming a 2Nd Series of the Friend, Ed. by His Daughter S. Coleridge
Pretty lessons in verse for good children
Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge : On the Constitution of the Church and State, Ed. from the Author's Corrected Copy, with Notes, by H. N. Coleridge. a Lay Sermon, Addressed to the Higher and Middle Classes
Lisa Appignanesi
Lisa Appignanesi (born 1946)

journalist, linguist, literary critic, television producer, scholar of English

  • McGill University
Losing the dead
Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir (Life & Times S.)
Simone De Beauvoir (Life & Times)
Femininity & the creative imagination
The cabaret
Dreams of innocence
Freud's women
Mad, Bad and Sad
Memory and desire
Kicking fifty
The dead of winter
Paris requiem
The Memory Man
Unholy Loves (Belle Epoque Mysteries)
The Things We Do for Love
Sad, mad and bad
All about love
A good woman
Kalt ist die See
In der Stille des Winters
Die andere Frau
Ideas from France: The Legacy of French Theory
Das Kabarett
Freud's Women
All about love
Unholy loves
A Good Woman and The Things We Do For Love
Freud's Women