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linguists who wrote biography
Showing 233-239 out of 239 results
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky (born 1928)

philosopher, linguist, psychologist, anthropologist, human rights activist, educator, media critic, opinion journalist, computer scientist, historian, philologist

  • Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Getting Haiti right this time
Retargeting Iran
The science of language
Hegemony or Survival
The fateful triangle
Rogue States
Power and Terror
Pirates & emperors
Manufacturing consent
On Western Terrorism
Media control
World orders, old and new
Year 501
Failed States
Class Warfare
Keeping the rabble in line
Syntactic structures
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
A New Generation Draws the Line
Powers and prospects
Profit over People
Necessary illusions
Deterring Democracy
Why Only Us
Letters from Lexington
The culture of terrorism
The Pentagon Papers
Perilous power
On power and ideology
Rethinking Camelot
The Essential Chomsky
Cartesian linguistics
The umbrella of U.S. power
Secrets, lies and democracy
Die politische Ökonomie der Menschenrechte
Language and mind
The logical structure of linguistic theory
Turning the tide
The New Military Humanism
Rules and Representations
Language and politics
Imperial ambitions
American power and the new mandarins
Chomsky on miseducation
The sound pattern of English
On Palestine
Acts of aggression
What Kind of Creatures Are We?
Reflections on language
What Uncle Sam really wants
Understanding Power
Middle East Illusions
The common good
Radical priorities
Chronicles of dissent
After the cataclysm, postwar Indochina and the reconstruction of imperial ideology
Propaganda and the public mind
Hopes and prospects
The political economy of human rights
Towards a new cold war
The Chomsky reader
Lectures on government and binding
For reasons of state
Imperial Ambitions
The Washington connection and Third World fascism
Optimism over despair
Dialogues avec Mitsou Ronat
Topics in the theory of generative grammar
The prosperous few and the restless many
The Chomsky-Foucault Debate
Current issues in linguistic theory
Modular approaches to the study of the mind
Inside Lebanon
Chomsky notebook
Government in the future
On language
At war with Asia
Gaza in crisis
War Is Peace
Targeting Iran (Open Media)
Who Rules the World?
Chomsky On Anarchism
Angriff auf die Freiheit? Die Anschläge in den USA und die „Neue Weltordnung“
Arbeit, Sprache, Freiheit
Die neue Weltordnung und der Golfkrieg
Problems of knowledge and freedom
L' analyse formelle des langues naturelles
Masters of mankind
What We Say Goes
Langue, linguistique, politique
Global discontents
Powers and Prospects
Clintons Vision
Terrorizing the neighborhood
Chomsky on Mis-Education
Knowledge of language
Chomsky for Activists
The Cold War & the university
New Horizons in the Study of Language and the Mind
Dissidents of the International Left
Objectivity and liberal scholarship
A hated political enemy
Democracy and power
Making the future
Chomsky on Democracy and Education (Social Theory, Education, and Cultural Change)
Language and Problems of Knowledge
Interventions (City Lights Open Media)
The minimalist program
Power Systems
Requiem for the American dream
The generative enterprise revisited
Noam Chomsky on the Generative Enterprise
Le langage et la pensée
Censored 2001
Bare phrase structure
After the Cataclysm
Working Class History
The race to destruction
How The World Works
Language and Thought (Anshen Transdisciplinary Lectureships in Art, Science, and t)
Media Control
Peace in the Middle East?
Latin America
Optimismo contra el desaliento
La grammatica trasformazionale
Anarchismus & Marxismus/Anmerkungen zum Anarchismus
Human Nature Justice Vs Power The Chomskyfoucault Debate
El nuevo humanismo militar
The Responsibility of Intellectuals
Crime, social control and human rights
Year 501
After the cataclysm
Consequences of Capitalism
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
It is the Responsibility of Intellectuals to speak the truth and to expose lies
New Generation Draws the Line
Art under duress
A New World in Our Hearts
Because We Say So
Pocos prósperos, muchos descontentos
Sobre el anarquismo
Eine Anatomie der Macht
The emerging framework of world power
New world of indigenous resistance
Some concepts and consequences of the theory of government and binding
Esperanzas Y Realidades
On Nature and Language
What We Say Goes
Perspectives on power
El Nuevo Orden Mundial y El Viejo
Chomsky esencial
Trials of the resistance
The Architecture of Language
Media control
The Precipice
Acts of Aggression
Nature and language, with an essay on "The secular priesthood and the perils of democracy"
La deseducación
On Anarchism
La responsibilidad de los intelectuales
Studies in Semantics in Generative Grammar (Janua Linguarum - Series Minor)
Studies on semantics in generative grammar
Lectures on Government and Binding
Theory and practice
Le Champ du Possible
Noam Chomsky habla de América Latina y México
Die Herren der Welt
Lucha de clases
Entrevista a Noam Chomsky
Because we say so
What We Say Goes Conversations on Us Power in a Changing World
Cooperación o extinción / Cooperation or Extinction
LÀmérique et ses nouveaux mandarins
Como Nos Venden La Moto
Between Thought and Expression Lies a Lifetime
Modular Approaches to the Study of the Mind (Sdsu Distinguished Graduate Research Lecture Ser)
The backroom boys
Réflexions sur le langage
Superpowers in collision
Mei ti cao zong
Indispensable Zinn
Chomusukī shōjiten
Optimizm vopreki otchai︠a︡nii︠u︡
What we say goes
NATO rat i sukob na Kosovu
De la propagande
Structures syntaxiques.Trad. de l'anglais par Michel Braudeau
Year 501
Derivation by phase
Ch'omsŭk'i, nuga muŏt ŭro sesang ŭl chibae hanŭn'ga
Strukturen der Syntax. Eine kultur- und sozialhistorische Spurensuche
La guerra nuclear y la catástrofe ambiental
Failed State
Sintactica y Semantica En La Gramatica Generativa
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origins and Use
Dopo l'undici settembre
Syntactic structures
La Quinta Libertad
How the World Works
Consequences of Capitalism
Language and Thought (Anshen Transdisciplinary Lectureships in Art, Science and the Philosophy of Culture, Monograph 3)
Porque lo decimos nosotros
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew
Chomsky - Foucault Debate
Resistencias a la guerra global
De la guerre comme politique étrangère des États-Unis
Théories du langage, théories de l'apprentissage
Carter y la lo gica del imperialismo
Knowledge of Language
Doctrines and visions
Chiapas Insurgente
Raison contre pouvoir
Kampf oder Untergang!
11 de septiembre
Structures syntaxiques
Consequences of Capitalism
Théorie du gouvernement et du liage
Essential Chomsky
Propaganda y Opinion Publica
Permanence et mutations de l'université
La nouvelle syntaxe
Transformational analysis
Chomsky o Skinner?
Estados peligrosos
An American Addiction
How the World Works
A minimalist program for linguistic theory
Essential Chomsky
Notes on Resistance
The architecture of language
Reflections on Chomsky
La natura umana. Giustizia contro potere
Chomsky, selected readings
Rethinking Camelot
After the Cataclysm Vol. 2
Como mantener a raya a la plebe
Taming the Rascal Multitude
Topics in the theory of generative grammar
Because We Say So
Of minds and language
Ubú en Kosovo
Turning the tide
Drone Eats with Me
Instinct de liberté
Razones para la anarquia - 1.edición
Essays on form and interpretation
Ano 501
Two essays on Cambodia
Turning the Tide
i koultoura tis tromokratias
Los Guardianes De La Libertad
Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal
Chomsky on Democracy and Education (Education, Social Theory, and Cultural Change Series)
American Power and the New Mandarins
The menace of liberal scholarship
El control de nuestras vidas
La doctrine des bonnes intentions
On Language, Democracy, and Social Justice
Syntactic Structures
Language and Mind
Bains de sang constructifs dans les faits et la propagande
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Anarchia. Idee per l'umanità liberata
Il governo del futuro
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
Rugged Individualism and the Misunderstanding of American Inequality
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Global empire
Intellectuals and the State =
Peace in the Middle East?
Conoscenza e libertà
La scienza del linguaggio. Interviste con James McGilvray
Mathematische Linguistik
Wer beherrscht die Welt?
Sobre democracia y educacion / Chomsky on Democracy and Education
Chronicles of Dissent
Il nuovo umanitarismo militare. Gli insegnamenti del Kosovo
Massaker im Namen der Freiheit
Chomusukī to no taiwa
Los guardianes de la libertad
World Orders, Old and New
Las consecuencias del capitalismo
Cómo funciona el mundo
For Reasons Of State [Paperback] [Jul 07, 2003] Noam Chomsky
Masters of Mankind
Rethinking Camelot
Una Nueva Generacion Dicta Las Reglas
El beneficio es lo que cuenta
Demokrasi Gercek ve Hayal
New Generation Draws the Line
Centers of Power, Corona and I&I
Gendai gengogaku no kiso
Ju fa jie gou
La responsabilidad de los intelectuales
Distorted morality
Wirtschaft und Gewalt
Imperial Ambitions
Anarcho-Syndicalism (Libertarian Critique)
Not by Omission
Rogue States
El beneficio es lo que cuenta
La responsabilidad de los intelectuales
Strukturen der Syntax
Por qué Ucrania
Psicologia de La Liberacion
Medya Gercegi
La era obama
Imperial Ambitions
Le langage et la pensée
Noam Chomsky habla de América Latina
Un monde complètement surréel
Mei guo shuo liao suan
Iktidari Anlamak
After the cataclysm
Mantener la chusma a raya
Vida más allá del capitalismo
Hegemony or Survival
Who Rules the World?
Strukturen Der Syntax (Janua Linguarum Series Minor, No. 182)
Letters from Lexington
War and peace in the Gulf
Reflexionen über die Sprache
Hegemony or Survival
I nuovi mandarini. Gli intellettuali e il potere in America
Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind
Case Studies in Hyprocrisy
Noam Chomsky Open Media Collection
Medya Denetimi
Terör Ne? Terörist Kim? Cilt. 1 (ABD Emperyalizmi ve Latin Amerika )
I padroni dell'umanità. Saggi politici
Cartas de Lexington
Le nouvel humanisme militaire
Current issues in linguistic theory (Janua linguarum)
Culture of Terrorism
Problemas actuales en teoría lingüística
Los Vencedores
Lo que decimos, se hace
Year 501
Réponses inédites
Language and Mind
Devlet Ugruna
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Government in the Future
Malestar global
Year 501
Emperyal Arzular
Terorizm Kulturu
New Generation Draws the Line
Mailing Teriak Maling
Media Control. Von Macht und Medien
Vida más allá del capitalismo
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Sprache und Geist
Super powers in collision
analyse Formelle des Langues Naturelles : (Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Natural Languages)
Lo Que Realmente Quiere El Tio Sam
Syntactic Structures Janua Linguarum NR4
Noam Chomsky, Bush y los años del miedo
Conocimiento y libertad
Aspects of the theory of syntax (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronics. Special technical report)
Demokrasi ve Eğitim
Sound Pattern of English (Study in Language)
Chronicles of Dissent
Dilin Mimarisi
Saggi linguistici
Chomsky - Dünyayi Degistirmek Istiyorsaniz Onu Anlamaya Calismalisiniz
Illegitimate Authority
Filistin Üzerine Konusmalar
Dominer le monde ou sauver la planète
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Propaganda ve Toplumsal Zihin
How the World Works
Virtual objectivity
Kartezianskaja lingvistika
Rethinking Camelot
25 años de neoliberalismo
Review of 'Verbal behavior by B.F.Skinner'
Monkeywrenching the New World Order
Der Neue Militärische Humanismus
Crisis and Hope
On Nature and Language
Cómo funciona el mundo
Because We Say So
The politics of genocide
Masters of Mankind
PROBLEMS OF KNOWLEDGE AND FREEDOM (The Russell lectures) by Noam Chomsky (1971-01-01)
Conversaciones con Chomsky
Democracy in a neoliberal order
La poudrière du Moyen-Orient
Güc Kimin Elinde?
L' an 501
Yeni Askeri Humanizm
Le Bouclier américain
Working Class History
Of Minds and Language
European Union and Turkish Accession
Cómo funciona el mundo
Dil ve zihin
Lingwistyka i filozofia
Yasamla Olum Arasinda Gazze
Class Warfare
Ocupar Wall Street
Chomsky on MIS-Education
Rethinking Camelot
September 11
Escritos libertarios
For Reasons of State
Nukleer Savas ve Cevre Felaketi
Los guardianes de la libertad
Morphophonemics of modern Hebrew
On Language
Chomsky's Linguistics
Science of Language
Terörizm Kültürü
Because We Say So
Noam Chomsky na UFRJ
People Before Profit
Cómo funciona el mundo
Capire il potere
Essais sur la forme et le sens
Was Onkel Sam wirklich will
Chomsuki sesang ui murum e tapada
Power and Terror
Harvard Educational Review. Volume Sixty-five. Numer Two. Summer 1995. Special Issue
Questions of Form and Interpretation
Regards croisés sur le langage
Hablemos de terrorismo
Language and mind
American Power and the New Mandarins
Transformational analysis
Bati Terorizmi
Who Rules the World?
Essential Classics in Politics
El Gobierno En El Futuro
Selected Readings (Language & Learning Series)
Rethinking Camelot : JFK, the Vietnam War, and U.S. political culture
The Sound Pattern of English
Occupy - Isgal Et
Iklim Krizi ve Küresel Yesil Yeni Düzen
Syntactic Structures
Minimalist Program
Ambiciones Imperiales
Year 501 : the conquest continues
Sobre l'anarquisme
Discurs polític.
Syntactic Structures
Free Market Fantasies:Capitalism in T
Gelecegi Kurgulamak
Topics in the theory of generative grammar (Janua linguarum)
Karanlık Çökerken Umutsuzluğa Karşı İyimserlik
Because We Say So
Political Economy of Human Rights, Volume 2
El Lenguaje y Los Problemas del Conocimiento
Doga ve Dil Uzerine
Syntactic Structures (Janua Linguarum Series Minor, Volume 4) (Anua Linguarum Series Minor 4, Series Volume 4)
How the World Works
Selected readings on transformational theory
Elections 2000 Les Schemas Du Vote Et De L'Abstention
Dunyayi Kim Yonetiyor
Cambiar o morir
On Anarshism, Marxism and Hope for the Future
Questions on Form and Interpretation
El Lenguaje y La Mente Humana (Ariel Filosofia)
After the Cataclysm
Notes on anarchism
Postmodernizm ve Sol
Topics in the Theory of Generative Grammar
Problems of Knowledge and Freedom
Hegemonia o supervivència.
Dare ga sekai o shihai shite iru no ka
Bilgi ve Ozgurluk Sorunlari
Linguistics and revolutions
Porque lo decimos nosotros
Masters of Mankind
Piratas e Imperadores. Antigos e Modernos (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Critical Writings
El Miedo a la Democracia
Kadife Karanlik
Dues hores de lucidesa.
Bilim ve Postmodernizm Tartismalari
El mundo después de Iraq
Racing Toward the Abyss
Insan Dogasi Iktidara Karsi Adalet
Propagande, médias et démocratie
Quem Manda no Mundo?
Analyse Formelle des Langues Naturelles
Powers and Prospects
Les dessous de la politique de l'Oncle Sam
Trials of the resistance
Biz Ne Tür Yaratiklariz?
Tikslai ir vizijos
Essential Chomsky
Las sublevaciones democr‡ticas globales
Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew (Routledge Revivals)
Insanligin Efendileri
Human Rights and American Foreign Policy
The Withdrawal
Quel rôle pour l'État ?
Autodeterminacion y nuevo orden
Razón contra poder
Generative Enterprise Revisited
Líbano, desde dentro
New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind
Turning the Tide
Responsabilités des intellectuels
Peering into the abyss of the future
Problemi di teoria linguistica
Sobre el poder y la ideología
On nature and language
Kriz Kapitalizm Isyani
New Generation Draws the Line
Analyse Formelle des Langues Naturelles
Essential Chomsky
On Anarchism
Les conséquences du capitalisme - Du mécontentement à la rés
Gambito de torres
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
Los duenos del mundo
Secrets of Words
Anarsizm Uzerine
The Chomsky Quartet (The Real Story)
New Generation Draws the Line
Yil 501
La aldea global
Comprendre le pouvoir
On Anarchism
Olive Branch from Palestine
Sobre el anarquismo
Merge and the Strong Minimalist Thesis
El Terror Como Politica Exterior de Estados Unidos
Internationalism or Extinction
Kader Ücgeni
Los Limites de La Globalizacion
Regles i representacions
Cuba and the U. S. Empire
Como Mantener a Raya a la Plebe
Case Studies in Hypocrisy
Clinton Vision (CD)
Necessary Illusions
East Timor and the Western Democracies
Korsanlar ve Imparatorlar
O Lucro ou as Pessoas?
Media kontorōru
Ambicions imperials.
Prospects for Democracy
Presidente Bush
¿Quién Domina el Mundo?
Masters of Mankind
On Anarchism
Democrazia e istruzione
Minimalist inquiries
Language and Mind
Bilgi Sorunlari ve Dil
Propaganda & Control of the Public Mi
Amerikan Rüyası İçin Ağıt
Cartesian Linguistics
On Language
The Sound Pattern of English
Topics in the theory of generative grammar (Janua linguarum. Series minor)
Somurgecilikten Kuresellesmeye
Pirates and Emperors, Old and New
Year 501
Teoria Extandar Extendida, La
Science of Language
Syntactic structures (Janua linguarum)
On Western Terrorism
La educación
On Anarchism
La quinta libertad
Chiapas insurgente
El Bien Comun
Selected Readings on Transformational Theory
El Lenguaje y el Entendimiento
Syntaktické struktury
Sociedad Del Futuro
Rebellion oder Untergang!
Questions de sémantique
Language knowledge in bilinguals
Idéologie et pouvoir
Comprendre le pouvoir : l'indispensable de Chomsky
Toward a New Cold War
World Orders
U.S .A. & Timor Leste
Saggi di fonologia
Amerika Serikat dan dunia ketiga pasca perang dingin
La Sociedad global
For a Free Humanity
Un monde complètement surréel
USA: mito, realidad, acracia
L' analyse formelle des langues naturelles = Introduction to the formal analysis of natural languages
Estructuras Sintacticas
¿Quién domina el mundo?
De l'espoir en l'avenir
Problemi di teoria linguistica
Pribylʹ na li︠u︡di︠a︡kh
Actos de agresión
Imperial Presidency
Estados Canallas
La Naturaleza Humana
Programa Minimalista, El
Some methodological remarks on generative grammar
De Macht Van Amerika En De Nieuwe Mandarijnen
La Globalizacic"n de Los Derechos Humanos
Noam Chomsky
Los vencedores ; Una ironía de la historia
Collateral Damage or Unlawful Killings? The Amnesty Report (Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation: The Spokesman, No. 69)
Sobre la responsabilidad de los intelectuales
Le language et la pense e
Foro Social Mundial
Some empirical issues in the theory of transformational grammar
War Crimes & Imperial Fantasies
Review of Verbal Behavior by B. F. Skinner (Irvington Publishers Reprint Series in Social Science)
Al-Himana Am Al-Baqa' =
Language and thought
11 Settembre
Conocimiento del Lenguaje, El
Le langage et la pensee
Emerging Framework of World Power
America Latina
Big brother and the holding company
On innateness
Le pouvoir mis à nu
Im Krieg mit Asien I
Chomsky Library Hardback Pack
N. Chomsky
Yazdah I Septambr
Haben und Nichthaben
Al-hadi ashar min aylol
The Chomsky Trilogy
Politica y Cultura a Finales Siglo XX
DOS Horas de Lucidez
World order and its rules
Le nouvel humanisme militaire
Selected readings
Trials of the resistance
War Plan Iraq
Conditions on transformations
Nuestra pequeña región de por aquí
Guerre et paix au proche-orient
Deux heures de lucidité
Introduction to Logical structure of linguistic theory
Principes de phonologie ge ne rative
Guerre en Asie
Naturaleza Humana
Problems and mysteries in the study of human language
Dehshat gardi ki siqafat
Cavtesian lingusties
September 11 und die Folgen
Nuestro conocimiento del lenguaje humano
Lucha de Clases
Government In The Future (Open Media Pamphlet Series)
Sur le contrôle de nos vies
Actos de Agresion
Kunskap och frihet
Linguagem e mente
Strukturen der Syntax
Beyond explanatory adequacy
Before and After
In defence of the student movement
De la guerre comme politique-nouv édition
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

linguist, poet, translator, playwright, librettist

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
The letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Shelley Papers
Harriet & Mary
History of a six weeks' tour 1817
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Shelley papers
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Prentice Hall
Great Cat Tales
Shelley's poetry and prose
Prometheus unbound
The Complete Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Masque of anarchy
Experiencing Reading
Shelley in Italy
Essays, letters from abroad, translations and fragments
The Cenci
The necessity of atheism
Prose works
Familiar poems, annotated
The Norton Anthology of English Literature --Seventh Edition -- Volume 2A
The major works
Ausgewählte Dichtungen
Drafts for Laon and Cythna, cantos V-XII
With Shelley in Italy
A vindication of natural diet
A philosophical view of reform
The prose works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley on Blasphemy: Being His Letter to Lord Ellenborough, Occasioned by the Sentence which He ..
Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems
Miscellaneous poetry, prose, and translations from Bodleian MS. Shelley adds. c. 4, etc
The Shelley notebook in the Harvard College Library
Prometheus unbound with Adonais, The cloud, Hymn to intellectual beauty and An exhortation
The Faust draft notebook
Early Poems
Peter Bell The Third
An address to the Irish people
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Jane Clairmont
Poems, selected and arranged by S.A. Brooke
Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Homeric Hyms and Prometheus Drafts Notebook
Shelley on Love
The Cenci: A Tragedy in Five Acts
Queen Mab
Queen Mab, with Notes
Select poems of Shelley
Guía literaria de Roma
Select letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley on blasphemy
Hellas: a lyrical drama
Note books of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Relics of Shelley
Poems and Prose
The Homeric hymns and Prometheus drafts notebook
Poems from Shelley and Keats
Œuvres poétiques complètes de Shelley [microform]
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Thomas Jefferson Hogg
A choice of Shelley's verse
The Edinburgh Literary Journal, Or, Weekly Register of Criticism and Belles ..
The mask of anarchy 1832
The Hellas notebook
The Daemon of the World
Review of Hogg's "Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff"
Shelley's Skylark
A philosophical view of reform (now printed for the first time)
Shelley and Revolutionary Ireland
The sensitive plant
"Shelley's last notebook"
The Witch of Atlas notebook
Essays and letters
Bodleian MS. Shelley d. 3
Prometheus Bound, Prometheus Unbound
Zastrozzi ; and, St. Irvyne
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Shelley's Pisan winter notebook (1820-1821)
The Edinburgh Literary Journal; Or, Weekly Register of Criticism and Belles Lettres
The best letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Skylark And Adonais, With Other Poems
The Bodleian Shelley manuscripts
A proposal for putting reform to the vote throughout the kingdom
Posthumous fragments of Margaret Nicholson
The complete poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The wandering Jew
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Queen Mab, a philosophical poem, with notes. [reputed to have been given by the author to W ..
A letter to Lord Ellenborough
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. by mrs. Shelley
Select poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 2
Drafts for Laon and Cythna
Red Sky
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Monte Bianco. Le voci del sublime di P. B Shelley
Shelley's Juliaan en Maddalo
Shelley, The Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe
Selected poetry and prose
Shelley's prose
A letter from Percy B. Shelley to T. Peacock, July, MDCCCXVI
Works, in verse and prose, now first brought together with many pieces not before published
Flucht aus England
Fair-copy manuscripts of Shelley's poems in European and American libraries
Prologue to Hellas
Selected Poetry And Prose Of Shelley
St. Irvyne; or the Rosicrucian
The romantic poets
Poems selected from Percy Bysshe Shelley
Frankenstein and the Critics
The Prometheus unbound notebooks
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley's literary and philosophical criticism
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I
Verse and prose from the manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Select poems
Story of Julia Page, The
To a Sky-lark
English Popular Poetry and Popular Verse
The " Charles the First" draft notebook
Death and Its Mystery - Before Death - Proofs of the Existence of the Soul - Volume I;with Introductory Poems by Emily Dickinson & Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley Memorials
The Esdaile poems
Great Poets
Epipsychildion, 1821
Shelley's 1821-1822 Huntington notebook
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in verse and prose
Prometheus unbound: the text and the drafts
Original poetry
Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue, with other poems
Nature poems
The lyrical poems and translations of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poems for Mindfulness
Hellas, a lyrical drama, reprinted from the original edition of 1822
Letters, containing material never before collected
Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama
Lyrics and minor poems
Sight Singing Do Re Mi and Tikitiki Ti : Volume 1
Monte Bianco. Le voci del sublime di Percy Bisshe Shelley
Poetical works 2
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt
South Wind
Love's philosophy
Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems
The complete poetical works of Shelley
Alastor Or The Spirit Of Solitude
The Revolt Of Islam
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley
Selected prose works of Shelley
Shelley's "Devils" notebook
Percy Bysshe Shelley (Illustrated Poets)
Selected Poems
The Romantic Poets
Prometheus Bound & Prometheus Unbound
A Facsimile and Full Transcript of Bodleian MSS. Shelley adds. d. 6 and adds. c. 5 (2 Vol Set) (Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts, Vol 22)
St. Irvyne
Julian And Maddalo A Conversation
Selected Poems
Shelley's prose in the Bodleian manuscripts
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Bodleian Manuscript Shelley, d.3
Selected [works]
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ...
Shelley and His Circle (Volumes Three and Four)
Shelley VIII (Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics)
Oedipus Tyrannus, or, Swellfoot the tyrant
Necessity of Atheism Annotated and Illustrated
Percy Bysshe Shelley Selected by Fiona Sampson
Ode au vent d'Ouest. Adonaïs et autres poèmes
Entfesselte Prometheus. Lyrisches Drama in Vier Akten [and in Verse] ... Deutsch Von A. Graf Wickenburg
Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Volume I
Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Original poetry by Victor & Cazire (Percy Bysshe Shelley & Elizabeth Shelley)  Edited by Richard Garnett
Tales of Villa Diodati
Posthumous poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Poetical Works , Plays,Translations, and Longer Poems
Dipus Tyrannus Or Swellfoot the Tyrant a Tragedy in Two Acts Translated from the Original Doric A Satire in Verse on George IV and Queen Carol
A Lament
Selected Poetry
Adonais, an elegy on the death of John Keats, author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc
Shelley: poetry & prose
Harriet & Mary, being the relations between Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Shelley, Mary Shelley, and Thomas Jefferson Hogg, as shown in letters between them now published for the first time
Review of Hoggs's Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 2
Shelley's Defence of poetry; Browning's Essay on Shelley
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 1
Essays, Letters From Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 2
Prometheus Unbound : Prometheus Unbound
Dramatic poems
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; 5
Defense of Poetry
Select letters
Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne
Death and Its Mystery - after Death - Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dead; the Soul after Death - Volume III;with Introductory Poems by Emily Dickinson & Percy Bysshe Shelley
To a Sky-Lark 20-copy Multiple
Laon and Cythna; or, The revolution of the golden city
Poems of Shelley; an anthology in commemoration of the poet's death the 8th July 1822
Original poetry by Victor & Cazire (Percy Bysshe Shelley & Elizabeth Shelley)
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to William Godwin
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 1
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Robert Southey and other correspondents
Poetical works
The reader's Shelley
The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2
An address to the people on the death of the Princess Charlotte
On the vegetable system of diet
The Magic Garden of My Book House
The minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
The Cyclops
The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selections from the poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Posthumous Poems 1824 (Revolution and Romanticism, 1789-1834)
Essays; Letters From Abroad; Translations And Fragments By Percy Bysshe Shelley V2
Critical prose
The complete poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley : volume 2
The beauties of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, letters from abroad, translation and fragments
Prose works, from the original editions
Shelley's critical prose
Laon and Cythna
A defence of poetry, by P.B. Shelley
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume II
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Poetical Works , Lyrics and Shorter Poems
Prumithiyus taliqan
Selections from the Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
La mascherata dell'anarchia =
Poetry of Shelley
A Refutation of Deism
The Geneva Notebook of Percy Bysshe Shelly: Bodleian Ms. Shelley Adds. E. 16 and Ms. Shelley Adds. C. 4, Folios 63, 65, 71, and 72
A study of Shelley's 'A Defence of Poetry'
Posthumous poems 1824
OEuvres poétiques complètes
Shelley's Poems  (3 vol)
Poemas de convivencia
To A Skylark - Pamphlet
Poetical Works
Selected poems and prose
Adonais, an Elegy on the Death of John Keats
The Revolt of Islam
Literary and philosophical criticism
Alastor, ou, Le génie de la solitude
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 3
Shelley's Epipsychidion und Adonais
The Collected Works of Shelley
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, with his life
Poems and sonnets
El valor de la poesía
Note books
Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The necessity of atheism, and other essays
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 2
Poetical Works
Rosalind and Helen
Adone nella morte di Giovanni Keats, elegia di Percy Bische Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley (English Poets Series)
Shelley & Zastrozzi
The cloud
De l'amour (essais et préfaces choisis)
Poetical Works
Shelley's Defence of poetry
Laon and Cythna
Shelley VI (Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics)
Les Cenci
Selected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
La sensitiva
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 1 and 2] (Volumes 1 and 2)
With Shelley in Italy
Literary and philosophical criticism
Adonais : 1821
Political writings
Selected Works
Love poems of Shelley
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ...
St. Irvyne, or The Rosicrucian
Selected essays on atheism
Queen Mab; a Philosophical Poem
Necessity of Atheism Annotated
Adonais An Elegy On The Death
Ode to the West Wind
Complete Works ( 10 Volumes )
Epipsychidion, verses (ed. by H.B. Forman).: together with Shelley's manuscript draft
Select letters
Laon and Cynthia; or, The Revolution of the golden City
Selected poetry, edited by Neville Rogers.
The Geneva notebook of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley Lyrical Visionary (Illustrated Poetry Anthology Series)
Adone nella morte di Giovanni Keats, elegia di Percy Bische Shelley
Shelley's Poems Volume 1
Shelley's Revolutionary Year
Essays and Letters
Complete poetical works
Alastor, and other poems
Lines and fragments
The Witch of Atlas
Epipsychidion, 1821
Compositions from Shelley's Prometheus unbound
The dramatic poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley selected
The poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Necessity of Atheism
Esdaile Notebook a Vol of Early Poems
Poetry of Shelley
Selected Letters of the English Romantic Poets
Poetas románticos ingleses
Carta a Maria Gisborne y otros poemas
An Address, to the Irish People (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
OEdipus Tyrannus; Or, Swellfoot the Tyrant, a Tragedy [By P.B. Shelley. Ed. by H.B. Forman.].
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Volume 2
Selected poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poetical Works in Two Volumes
Defensa de la poesia
Letters, Volume 1
Defensa de la poesia
Tales of Villa Diodati
Crane Classics : Shelley
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Complete in One Volume
Shelley; (The Laurel poetry series)
Necessity of Atheism Illustrated
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 3
Selected Poems
The best letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Volume 3
Rosalind and helen, A Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Poems. Selected, with Pref. by Richard Garnett
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
New Shelley letters
A Letter to Lord Ellenborough, Occasioned by the Sentence which (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Prome the e de livre
Popular Songs
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Repr., With Mem., Notes &c
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume III
Trionfo Della Vita...
The complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Necessity of Atheism (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Witch of Atlas
Shelley Birthday Book and Calendar
The Rosicrucian
Mask of Anarchy
Paper on the Revolt of Islam
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 2
Alastor, or, the spirit of solitude, and other poems
Shelley's Prose or the trumpet of a prophecy
Oedipus Tyrannus Or Swellfoot the Tyrant
No despertéis a la serpiente
Shelley and Keats
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 1
Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Notes on sculptures in Rome and Florence
Vindication of Natural Diet
Prometheus Unbound
A Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Banquet of Plato and Other Pieces
The Shelley Birthday Book and Calendar
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Complete poetical works
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley
A lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Political writings including "A defence of poetry."
Two essays on vegetarianism
Shelley on love
Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant. A Tragedy. In Two Acts. Translated From the Original Doric (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Shelley companion
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Select Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Address to the Irish People
The Letters Of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Necessity of Atheism-Original Edition(Annotated)
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - the Original Classic Edition
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Bod XXI : Misc. Poetry, Prose, and Translations
Original Poetry; by Victor and Cazire (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Zastrozzi, A Romance (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
An Address to the Irish People (Shelley Society, Second Ser. ; No. 6)
Prometheus Unbound - A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts
Critica Filosofica Y Literaria (Clasicos Del Pensamiento)
Relics of Shelley
Complete Poetical Works, Volume 3
Queen Mab
The works of
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Béatrice Cenci
Prométhée délivré
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener
A defence of poetry
Percy Shelley Classics : a Defence of Poetry
Poetical Works
The Shelley Birthday Book And Calendar
Lírica de Shelley
The Poems of Shelley
Queen Mab, A Philosophical Poem, With Notes. [reputed To Have Been Given By The Author To W. Francis. Wanting The Title-leaf, Dedication And Part Of The Last Leaf]
Selected poems
Poems Written In 1819
The Wandering Jew (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The best of Shelley
A text of Shelley's Prometheus unbound
The Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2
Selections from the poems of Shelley
Selected Poetry and Prose
An essay on life
The Masque of Anarchy (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley,
Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (The World's Popular Classics)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Esdaile notebook
Prometheus unbound, and other poems (1820)
Prometheus Unbound
Bod XXI : Misc. Poetry, Prose, and Translations
OEuvres Poétiques Complètes; Volume 2
Queen Mab
Oedipus Tyrannus or Swellfoot the Tyrant
Prometheus Ontboeid Een Lyrisch Drama in Vier Bedrijven
Entfesselte Prometheus
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Promeṭeus, der goel
Selected poetry, prose and letters
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Defence of Poetry and the Four Ages of Poetry
The prose works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Vol 2
Epipsychidion (Shelley Society Second, No 7)
The Mask Of Anarchy Written On The Occasion Of The Massacre At Manchester
Letter to Lord Ellenborough
Prometheus unbound with Adonis, The cloud, Hymn to intellectual beauty, and An exhortation
The Esdaile Notebook
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt; Volume 2
Shelley's Adonais and Alastor
Percy Bysshe Shelley Complete Poems
The Cenci
English Romantic Poets on CD
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translation and Fragments; Volume 2
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt; Volume 2
Posthumous Fragments Of Margaret Nicholson
The Cenci : a Tragedy
Shelley's prose;
A Proposal for Putting Reform to the vote Throughout (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Queen Mab
The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Prose Vol 7
Geneva Papers
Adonais y Otros Poemas
Complete Works of Shelley
Shelley - Poetical Works
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley (Modern Library, 274.1)
Literary and Philosophical Criticism. Edited with an Introd. by John Shawcross
Alastor, Ou, le Génie de la Solitude; Poème Traduit en Prose Française Avec le Texte Anglais en Regard et des Notes Par A. Beljame
The dramatic poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Alastor, Prometheus Unbound, Adonais and Other Poems
Poems and Lyrics
Shelley's Adonais
Poems of Shelley
Address to the Irish People
Defence of Poetry
Queen Mab and other poems
Revolt of Islam
The wandering Jew, a poem
Shelley's Poetry and Prose
The Complete Poems of Keats and Shelley
Minor poems
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Seçme Şiirler
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Selected poems of P.B. Shelley
Queen Mab
Poetry. Idyls and Stories in Verse
Zastrozzi Annotated
Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. to Which Is Added, a Brief Memoir of the Author
Alastar or the Spirit of Solitude and Other Poems
Poetry of Shelley (Cdl 51059)
Shelley and Keats, contrasted by Guy Boas
Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley Read by Vincent Price (Cdl 51059)
A stage version of Shelley's Cenci
Laon and Cythna, or, The Revolution of the Golden City
Prometeo Liberado
Complete poetical works
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Oxford Edition)
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley's Lost Letters to Harriet
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
To a skylark
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Poetical works
Prometheus Unbound
Promeṭeus, der goyel
Poems published in 1820
OEuvres Poétiques Complètes; Volume 3
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Defensa de la poesia
Revolt of Islam
Necessity of Atheism, on Life, and on a Future State
The prose works of Percy Bysshe Shelley from the original editions
Shelley's lost letters to Harriet;
Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems
Laon and Cythna, or, the Revolution of the Golden City
Selected lyrics
Queen Mab
Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (The Cambridge edition of the poets)
Faust Draft Notebook
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley given from his own editions and other authentic sources, collated with many manuscripts and with all editions of authority, together with his prefaces and notes, his poetical translations and fragments and an appendix of Juvenilia
St. Irvyne; or the Rosicrucian
A letter to T. Peacock
The Cenci
A refutation of Deism in a dialogue
Faust Draft Notebook
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume III
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 7 and 8] (Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822)
Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Epipsychidion. Verses Addressed to the Noble and Unfortunate Lady Emilia V______Now imprisoned in the Convent_____ (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Shelley's Poetry (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The Letters Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 2
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 4
Rosalind and Helen, a Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems
Proposals for An Association of those Philanthropists, Who Convinced of the Inadequacy of the Moral and Political State of Ireland to produce Benefits which Are Nevertheless Attainable are Willing to Unite to Accomplish Its Regeneration (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Selected Poems (Everyman's Pocket Poets)
Selected poems and prose
Epipsychidion, together with Shelley's manuscript draft
Necessity of Atheism Original Edition(illustrated)
Poems selected and introduced by John Heath-Stubbs
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Complete in One Volume
Shelley Day by Day;
Shelley, Poetry & Prose
Ateizmin Gerekliliği
The selected poetry and prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments, Ed. by Mrs. Shelley
Italian idylls
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, from the original editions. Fourth series
Selected poems, essays and letters
The Esdaile notebook
Liberal, Volume 1, Issue 1
Selection from the Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited with a Memoir by Mathilde Blind
Necessity of Atheism
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley . . ; Volume 1
Complete works
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Reprinted From The Early Editions, With Memoir, Explanatory Notes, Etc
Poems and Lyrics
St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian. A Romance (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Bod XX
Defensa de la poesia
Queen Mab
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 5 and 6] (Volumes 5 and 6)
Complete Poetical Works, Vol 2
With Shelley in Italy
Shelley's Literary and Philosophical Criticism
Lines written among the Euganean Hills
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 9 and 10] (Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822)
Defense of Poetry
Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Volume II
Shelley in Italy; an Anthology
Shelley day by day
Selected Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley 2 volumes)
Defensa de la poesía
Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prometheus Unbound
Percy Bysshe Shelley - a Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
OEuvres Poétiques Complètes; Volume 1
Alastor, Or the Spirit Of Solitude
Poetry & prose
Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley: From the Originals in the Library of W.K. Bixby
Defence of Poetry
The Esdaile Notebook (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Tres piezas góticas
Poems and lyrics
Zastrozzi & St. Irvyne
A Philosophical View of Reform (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Cenci
Lyrical Poems and Translations of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics. Shelley (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley 3 volumes)
Six hymns of Homer
Peter Bell the Third
The poetical works ... with memoir, explanatory notes, etc
Romantic Poets
Complete works
Bod XIV (The Bodleian Shelley M)
Rosalind and Helen, a Modern Eclogue;
Skylark, and Adonais. with Other Poems . .
Note books of Percy Bysshe Shelley, From the Orginials in the Library of W.K. Bixby (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Posthumous Fragments of margaret Nicholson;  Being poems found amongst the papers of that noted female who attempted the life of the King in1786.  Edited by Joh Fitzvictor (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Mask of Anarchy
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ... ed. by Nathan Haskell Dole
The Esdaile Poems (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley . . ; Volume 2
Prometheus Unbound
The Shelley note-book in the Harvard college library;
Poetry and prose (of) Shelley
New Shelley letters
Selected Poetry & Prose of Percy Bysshe
Wandering Jew. a Poem
Shelley, The Poems of Percy Bysshe (Poets)
Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selections from Shelley's poetry
Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. Reputed to Have Been Given by the Author to W. Francis. Wanting the Title-Leaf, Dedication and Part of the Last Leaf
Shelley's Prose; or, the Trumpet of a Prophecy
Rosalind and Helen
Poems of Shelley : Volume Five
Selected Poems and Prose
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prose Works, from the Original Editions. Edited, Prefaced and Annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd; 1
Note books of Percy Byshe Shelley
Selections from Shelley and Keats, (The College library) (The College library)
Shelley Selected Works - Shelley
Defence of Poetry an Essay
Narrative Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prometheus Unbound (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Helley's Poems
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translation and Fragments; Volume 1
Shelley in Italy;
Selected poems
The poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
We pity the plumage, but forget the dying bird
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Including Materials Never Before Printed in Any ..
The cloud, Skylark, and Ode to the west wind
Adonais XLII
Poems and sonnets
The Shelley notebook in the Harvard college library
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selected poems
The sensitive plant
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to William Godwin
A defense of poetry
Select letters
Queen Mab
Relics of Shelley: Edited by Richard Garnett
The beauties of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poems of Shelley
A una alondra = To a skylark
Queen Mab
The lyrical poems and translations of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Zui mei de shi ge =
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, including the dramas
Xuelai shi xuan
Essays and letters by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sanegoryah ʻal ha-shirah
The Cenci
Poetical works
The poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Alastor ou le génie de la solitude
Letters to Thomas Jefferson Hogg
The revolt of Islam
Poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The narrative poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selected poems
A selection from the poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Shelley library
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Xuelai xuan ji
Shi bian
The masque of anarchy
The lyric poems of Shelley
The letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Kŭndae Yŏngguk sisŏn
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Pisʹma, statʹi, fragmenty
Selections from Shelley and Keats
Xuelai shu qing shi xuan
Xiao ye qu
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Thomas Jefferson Hogg
The poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prométhée délivré
Poesie scelte
Laon and Cythna, or, The revolution of the golden city
The Complete poetical works of Shelley, including materials never before printed in any edition of the poems
The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in Verse and Prose, Now First Brought ..
Poetical works
Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts
Selected poems
Selected prose works of Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Jane Clairmont
Complete poetical works
Prose works
The divinity of poetry
Letters to Elizabeth Hitchener
Lyrics and minor poems
Selected poetry
An essay on the vegetable system of diet
The wandering Jew
From a poet's garden
Queen Mab
Posthumous poems of Shelley
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire
To a skylark
Shelley: 'Adonais' and 'A defence of poetry'
Review of Hogg's Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff
Shelley's poems
La Difesa Della Poesia
Shelley's poetical works
Lyrical poems
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, v perevodie K.D. Bal'monta
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley, the Man and the Poet: The Man and the Poet
The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley's lost letters to Harriet
Zastrozzi et St Irvyne
Sidney's Defense of poesy and die Poetik des Aristoteles
Shelley's literary and philosophical criticism
Shelley's poems. In 2 vols
Poetical works
St. Irvyne, or, The Rosicrucian
La sensitiva
Rosalind and Helen
We pity the plumage, but forget the dying bird
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
A refutation of deism
Il Prometeo liberato
Poésies choisies
Posthumous fragments of Margaret Nicholson
Select letters of Percy Bysshe Shelly
Lyrics of Shelley
Jean-François Lyotard
Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998)

philosopher, philologist, linguist, epistemologist, sociologist, literary theorist, literary critic, teacher

  • Lycée Louis-le-Grand, University of Paris
Signed, Malraux
La confession d'Augustin
Signé Malraux
Lessons on the analytic of the sublime
The postmodern explained
The assassination of experience by painting-Monoroy =
The confession of Augustine
Postmodern fables
Heidegger and "the jews"
Just gaming
The postmodern condition
L' enthousiasme
Het postmoderne uitgelegd aan onze kinderen
The postmodern condition
Soundproof room
The Lyotard reader
Libidinal economy
Au juste
The hyphen
The Inhuman
The Lyotard reader and guide
Sur la constitution du temps par la couleur dans les oeuvres recentes d'Albert Ayme
Vortrag in Wien und Freiburg
Heidegger et "les juifs"
Leçons sur l'Analytique du sublime
Flora danica
Chambre sourde
La condition postmoderne
El Entusiasmo
Économie libidinale
Karel Appel: ein Farbgestus
Discourse, figure
Political writings
L' inhumain
Moralités postmodernes
La phénoménologie
The postmodern explained to children
Le différend
Dérive à partir de Marx et Freud
La guerre des Algériens
Tombeau de l'intellectuel
Que peindre?
La partie de peinture =
Instructions païennes
Moralidades Posmodernas
Le travail et l'e crit chez Daniel Buren
Un trait d'union
The differend
Dérive à partie de Marx et Freud
Pacific Wall
Por Que Filosofar?/ Why Philosophy? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo / Contemporary Thought)
Des dispositifs pulsionnels
Que peindre?
Les transformateurs Duchamp
The Lyotard dictionary
Sam Francis
Dérive a partir de Marx et Freud
L' assassinat de l'expérience par la peinture, Monory
Karel Appel, un geste de couleur
Derives a Partire De Marx (Collection Debats)
Le phénoménologie
Lectures d'enfance
Heidegger y "Los Judios"
Discours, figure
Lecturas de Infancia
Inhumano, Lo
Rudiments païens
Sur la constitution du temps par la couleur dans les œuvres récentes d'Albert Ayme
Peregrinaciones / Peregrinations
Témoigner du différend quand phraser ne se peut
Discours, figure ed.2002
Postmodernus buvis
Duchamp's Transformers
Misère de la philosophie
Oedipe juif
Towards the postmodern
La Condicion Postmoderna/ Postmodern Condition (Teorema Serie Mayor)
La pittura del segreto nell'epoca postmoderna, Baruchello
Que Piendre Adami Arakawa Buren 2VOL (La Vue, le texte)
Récits tremblants
Les transformateurs Duchamp
Le Mur du Pacifique
Discours, figure
Ē metamonterna katastasē
Post-modern Explained for Children
Jean-Francois Lyotard
Discorso, figura
Condicion Postmoderna, La
Lesson of Darkness
Derive a partir de Marx et Freud
Over het interessante
Tre protagonisti della "scuola dello sguardo"
Das Elend der Philosophie.
Firmado Malraux
Economie libidinale
Les problèmes du savoir dans les sociétés industrielles les plus développées
Posmodernidad Explicada a Los Nios, La
Das postmoderne Wissen
La Posmodernidad Explicada a Los Ninos
L'assassinat de l'expérience par la peinture, Monoroy
La phénoménologie. --
La Partie de peinture = Partita di pittura
Sam Francis, leçon de ténèbres
Die Analytik des Erhabenen. Kant- Lektionen. Kritik der Urteilskraft 23-29
Lettres d'enfance
Traitement de textes
La Fenomenologia
La phe nome nologie
Jean-Francois Lyotard - Coll Writings
Rudiments païens
Pourquoi philosopher?
Der Widerstreit
"Discussions, or phrasing 'after Auschwitz'"
Letture d'infanzia
O pós-moderno
Le phénoménologie
Donna Jo Napoli
Donna Jo Napoli (born 1948)

linguist, linguistics teacher

  • Harvard University
Mama Miti
Alligator bayou
Stones in Water
The prince of the pond
The king of Mulberry Street
For the Love of Venice
Sly the Sleuth and the pet mysteries
When the water closes over my head
The smile
Daughter of Venice
Song of the Magdalene
Crazy Jack
On Guard
The Magic Circle
Friends everywhere
The Wager
Changing Tunes
Three days
On her own
Bravest Thing
Soccer shock
One leap forward
Sly the sleuth and the sports mysteries
Song of the Magdalene (Point)
Fire In The Hills
Playing games
Lies and lemons
Flamingo dream
Fish Girl
Shelley Shock
Ready to dream
How hungry are you?
Trouble on the tracks
Jimmy, the pickpocket of the palace
Hotel Jungle
Shark shock
Give and Take (Aladdin Angelwings)
Corkscrew counts
Bobby the bold
Little creatures
Jimmy, the pickpocket of the palace
Pink magic
Treasury of Greek Mythology
The Wager
Stones in water
Running away
Left out
The Great God Pan
Happy holidays
The hero of Barletta
No fair!
Hang in there
Sly the sleuth and the code mysteries
Gracie, The Pixie of the Puddle
Signs and voices
Language matters
April flowers
Mogo, the third warthog
Treasury of Egyptian mythology
The Wishing Club
Syntactic Argumentation
Sly the Sleuth and the Food Mysteries (Sly the Sleuth)
Primary movement in sign languages
Stones in Water
Lights on the Nile
New Voices (Aladdin Angelwings)
Treasury of Egyptian Mythology
Partners (Aladdin Angelwings)
Hands and hearts
Words to Make a Friend
Treasury of Norse Mythology
Deaf around the world
Give and take
Tales from the Arabian nights
Flucht nach Venedig.
Treasury of Greek mythology
Handy stories to read and sign
Not Fair! (Angelwings)
The Wager
Tales From the Arabian Nights
Elements of tone, stress, and intonation
Mogo, the Third Warthog
Treasury of Bible Stories
Playing Games (Aladdin Angelwings)
The crossing
Treasury of Greek Mythology
Predication theory
Treasury of Magical Tales from Around the World
Dark shimmer
Magic Circle
Earth Shook
Bridges Between Psychology and Linguistics
No Fair! (Aladdin Angelwings)
Treasury of Norse mythology
Mogo, the Third Warthog
Mama Miti
Hacia El Norte (Isla Del Tiempo)
Tongue's palette
The king of Mulberry Street
Friends Everywhere (Aladdin Angelwings)
Happy Holidays
Lies and Lemons (Aladdin Angelwings)
Daughter of Venice
New Voices
Das Hasenwunder. Die Geschichte von Laurel und Mümmel
Running Away
Una perla única
Song of the Magdalene
April Flowers (Aladdin Angelwings)
One Leap Forward
Bridges between psychology and linguistics
Lies and Lemons
Little Creatures
Happy Holidays (Aladdin Angelwings)
In a Flash
Hang in There (Aladdin Angelwings)
Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages
Breath (Golden Kite Honors (Awards))
The hero of Barletta
Left Out
On Her Own
No Fair!
April Flowers : (Spring Special)
Lies and lemons
Knowitall (Aladdin Angelwings)
Running Away (Aladdin Angelwings)
Playing Games
Hang in There
Fish Girl
Linguistic muse (Current inquiry into language and linguistics)
Lights on the Nile
Give and Take
Left Out (Aladdin Angelwings)
One Leap Forward (Aladdin Angelwings)
Friends Everywhere
On Her Own (Aladdin Angelwings)
Playing games
Predication Theory
Het gevecht met de duivels
April flowers
Crazy Jack
A single pearl
Speaking in tongues
Hero of Barletta, The
The wager
Deaf around the world
The two si's of Italian
Little Creatures (Aladdin Angelwings)
For the love of Venice
Lingua Franca
The bravest thing
Signs and voices
Petrarch (1304-1374)

philosopher, poet, translator, lyricist, mountaineer, autobiographer, philologist, humanist, Catholic cleric

  • University of Montpellier, University of Bologna
De viris illustribus
L' autobiografia, Il secreto, e Dell'ignoranza sua e d'altrui
De viris illustribus 4
Lettera ai posteri
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
De remediis utriusque fortunae
Anna Hume: Printed Writings 1641ÃÂ1700
The poetry of Petrarch
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca
Rime di Francesco Petrarca
Selections from the Canzoniere and other works
I sette salmi penitenziali di Dante Alighieri e
Selected sonnets, odes, and letters
Choix de sonnets
Petrarch's Secretum
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Petrarch and Petrarchism
Love rimes of Petrarch
Petrarch: a humanist among princes
Sonnets & songs
Petrarch's Canzoniere in the English Renaissance
de top van de ventoux, het geheim, godgewijde ledigheid
Petrarch's songbook =
The sonnets, triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch
Letters of old age =
De' rimedi dell'una e dill'altra fortuna
Scritti inediti
Lettere ... delle cose familiari libri ventiquattro, lettere varie libro unico, raccolte ..
Petrarch's letters to classical authors
La storia del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca
Poesie minori del Petrarca
Petrarch's lyric poems
I trionfi di messer Francesco Petrarca
La vita solitaria
Rerum familiarium libri
Franseren-hayeren dprotsʻakan baṛaran
Le rime del Petrarca
L' Africa
Lettere di Francesco Petrarca: delle cose familiari libri ventiquattro ..
Rime disperse
Petrarch's Africa
Le rime sparse
Petrarch's Book without a name
Petrarch's Guide to the Holy Land
The sonnets of Petrarch
The secret book
Opera Latina
De vita solitaria
Epistulae metricae = Briefe in Versen
My Secret Book
Lord Morley's "Tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke"
Rime de Francesco Petrarca
Il bucolicum carmen e i suoi commenti inediti
Petrarka v russkoĭ literature
Heilmittel gegen Glück und Unglück =
Il Codice degli abbozzi
Le vite degli uomini illustri di Francesco Petrarca
The Canzoniere, or, Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Sonnets and shorter poems
Vita degli uomini illustri
Petrarch's ascent of Mount Ventoux
Intorno alla obbedienza ed alla Fedelta della moglie novella
Petrarch's Secret: Or, the Soul's Conflict With Passion
The revolution of Cola di Rienzo
Lettres familieres t.3 t.3
Aufrufe zur Errettung Italiens und des Erdkreises. Ausgewählte Briefe
Contre la bonne et la mauvaise fortune
The essential Petrarch
I trionfi
Petrarch's Bucolicum carmen
I codici petrarcheschi della Biblioteca vaticana: seguono cinque appendici con testi inediti ..
Liber sine nomine. Testo originale a fronte
The portable Petrarch
For love of Laura
Antologia Petrarchesca
Letters on Familiar Matters
Poesie (a Cura DI S Maffei)
Triunfos/ Triumphs
Poesie minori del Petrarca sul testo latino ora corretto volgarizzate da poeti viventi o da poco defunti
Lettres familières, tome 1
Francesco Petrarca
Longing for Laura
The Canzoniere (Troubador Italian Studies)
Los sonetos del cancionero
Mon secret
Rime e trionfi
Invective contra medicum ; Invectiva contra quendam magni status hominem sed nullius scientie aut virtutis
Early Black voices
Lettres de la vieillesse =
Le remede aux deux fortunes
Das lyrische Werk. Canzoniere - Triumphe - Verstreute Gedichte
Die schönsten Liebesgedichte. Vierzig Sonette und Canzonen. Italienisch und deutsch
Cancionero, I
Rime sparse
Il mio segreto
The Triumphs of Francesco Petrarch
Le postille del Virgilio Ambrosiano
Die Besteigung des Mont Ventoux
Il canzoniere e I trionfi
Petrarch at Vaucluse
Senile V 2
Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo
Cancionero II / Collection of Poems
The secret
Sine nomine
A dialogue between reason and adversity
Canzoniere =
Ascension du mont ventoux
Le senili
On the death of Madonna Laura
La Vita di Romolo
Petrarch's Remedies for fortunefair and foul
Itinerarium breve de Ianua usque ad Ierusalem et Terram Sanctam
Lettres familières, tome 2
Canzoniere. Eine Auswahl
mga tulang pasalaysay
Invective contra medicum
A dialogue between reason and adversity
Petrarca a Milano
Il Codice vaticano lat. 3196
Il Petrarca con nuove, e brevi dichiarationi
L' autobiografia
On religious leisure
Select sonnets of Petrarch
Quattordici sonetti nelle letterature europee
Los sonetos y canciones
Hülff, Trost vnd Rath in allem Anligen der Menschen
Rime di Francesco Petrarca e d'altri del trecento
Opera ..
Song and sonnets from Laura's lifetime
Opera quae extant omnia
The Renaissance philosophy of man
In difesa dell'Italia
Petrarca il viaggiatore
Il bucolicum carmen e i suoi commenti inediti
Il Codice degli abbozz, (Vat. Lat. 3196) di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae ..
Rime de Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarche ..
Le vite di Numa e T. Ostilio
I trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
Canzoniere, Trionfi, Rime varie, e una scelta di versi latini
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri)
Padova in onore di Francesco Petrarca, MCMIV
Letters from Petrarch
Selected poems [of] Petrarch
The ascent of Mount Ventoux
Canzionere - Triumphe - Verstreute Gedichte
Il Canzoniere di
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, sonety, razmyshlenii︠a︡
Petrarch: four dialogues for scholars
Medida del Hombre, La Remedios Contra La Buena y
Rime disperse di Francesco Petrarca, o a lui attribuite
Ode to the people of France
Physicke against fortune
Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Cæsaris
[Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisque clarissimi De remediis vtriusque fortunae ad Azone[m] libri duo
The triumphs of Petrarch
Petrarcas 'Buch ohne Namen' und die päpstliche Kurie
Rime Di Petrarca
Trostspiegel in Glück end Unglück
Petrarchs seuen penitentiall psalmes
Essais sur les sonets du divin Petrarque
Librorum Francisci Petrarchae Basileae Impressorum Annotatio
Francisci Petrarchae ... Opera que extant omnia ..
Sonetti, canzoni, e triomphi
Some sonnets from "Laura in death" after the Italian of Francesco Petrarch
On Solitude (Dunquin Series , No 26)
Petrarca e il petrarchismo
Four dialogues for scholars
Historia Iulii Caesaris
Li sonetti, canzone e trivmphi del Petrarcha
Le vite degli uomini illustri di Francesco Petrarca
Epistolae de rebus familiaribus et variae, tum quae adhuc tum quae nondum editae
Petrarchas Griseldis
Rime, trionfi, e poesie latine
L' Afrique
Il "De otio religioso"
Lettera a Cola di Rienzo e al popolo romano
Opera quȩ extant omnia
Il Petrarca con nuove spositioni
Opera, con el cōmento de Bernardo Lycinio sopra li Triūphi, con Frācescho Philelpho, Antonio de Tempo, Hieronymo Alexādrino sopra li Soneti & Canzone
Francesco Petrarca
Il Petraraca [sic]
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Vie de César
L'originale del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, codice Vaticano latino 3195
Opere filosofiche
De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia =
Petrarch's view of human life
Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca
De los sonetos, canciones, mandriales y sextinas
Phisicke against fortune, as well prosperous as aduerse
Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Caesaris
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Epistolae de rebus familiaribus et variae, tum quae adhuc tum quae nondum editae v. 3, 1863 ..
Rime di Francesco Petrarca sopra argomenti storici morali e diversi
Res seniles
Francisci Petrarche laureati Rerum senilium liber XIIII
Los sonetos =
Opere italiane
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, riordinato da Luigi Domenico Spadi con le interpretazioni di Giacomo Leopardi
Il Petrarca nuovamente ridotto alla vera lettione
Rime scelte
Lettere dell'inquietudine
Trionfi, Rime estravaganti, Codice degli abbozzi
Les oeuvres amoureuses de Pétrarque
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca riprodotto letteralmente dal cod. vat. lat. 3195
Petrarca - El Cancionero - 2 Tomos
Fioretti de' Rimedii contro fortuna
Il Bucolicum carmen di Francesco Petrarca
Cancionero . Triunfos
Itinerario al sepolcro del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo
The rhymes of Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae poëtae oratorisque clarissimi De remediis utriusque fortunae libri duo
L' originale del Canzoniere
The Triumphes of Petrarch
Francisci Petrarcae Epistolæ de rebus familiaribus et variæ : tum quae adhuc tum quae nondumeditæ
Opere latine
Rerum memorandarum libri
Le vite degl'imperadori et pontefici romani
Rime e Trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
Bucolicum Carmen
De insigni obedientia et fide uxoria
Rime scelte dal canzoniere
Il codice Orsini-da Costa delle Rime e dei Trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae operum
Le rime di Franceso Petrarca
Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Le rime di Francesco Petrarcha
Letters of Old Age (Rerum Senilium Libri)
Tovtes les evvres vulgaires de Francoys Petrarqve
Petrarch in English
Rime di Francesco Petrarca, con l'interpretazione di Giacomo Leopardi
Il Petrarcha con l'espositione di M. Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo
Il Petrarca essenziale
Phisicke against Fortune
Pétrarque et la pensée latine
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, & Poëtae clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturae Latinaeq[ue] linguae, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatae ac penc sepultae, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera que extant omnia
Il Petrarcha con l'espositione di M. Gio. Andrea Gesvaldo
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, philosophi, oratoris, et poetae clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturae Latinaeq́ue linguae, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatae, ac penè sepultae, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera quae extant omnia
Le "De viris illustribus" de Pétrarque
L' originale del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca
Canzoniere, Trionfi, opere latine
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca restituite nell' ordine e nella lezione del testo originario sugli autografi, col sussidio di altri codici e di stampe e corredate di varianti e note da Giovanni Mestica
Collatio inter Scipionem, Alexandrum, Annibalem et Pyrhum
Le rime de Francesco Petrarca
Die Triumphe
Edizione nazionale delle opere
Izbrannai︠a︡ lirika
Opere di Francesco Petrarca
Poesie minori
Sonnets for Laura
Itinerario in Terra Santa, 1358
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
Le rime de Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Les psaumes pénitentiaux
Les psaumes pénitentiaux
Il mio segreto
Reisebuch zum Heiligen Grab
La Vita di Romolo
Il "De otio religioso" di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae Epistolae selectae
One hundred sonnets of Petrarch, together with his Hymn to the Virgin
Incipit epistola Francisci Petrarche de insigni obedientia et fide vxoria Griseldis in Waltherum
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Twenty-six sonnets of the divine poet M. Francesco Petrarca made on Laura dead
Rerum memorandarum libri
Libro senza titolo =
Francisci Pertrarche Opera omnia Latina
Fioretti De' rimedii contro fortuna
Dal canzoniere
Rime Scelte di Francesco Petrarca
Rime di Messer Francesco Petrarca giusta l'edizione del Parnaso Italiano del ..
The triumphs of Petrarch
Il Petrarca corretto da Lodovico Dolce, et alla sva integrità ridotto
Historia Griseldis
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
Viaggio in Terrasanta
Petrarch's view of human life
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, & Poëtae clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturae Latinae[us] linguae, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatae ac pene sepultae, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera que extant omnia
Poesie latine
Le rime
Canzoniere (Poesie/Gallimard) (French Edition)
[Trionfi e Canzoniere]
Diss is ain epistel francisci petrarche, vō grosser stätigkeit ainer frowen. Grisel gehaissen
Dichtung und Prosa
Il Petrarcha con l'espositione d'Alessandro Vellvtello di novo ristampato con le figvre a i triomphi, et con piv cose vtili in varii lvoghi aggivnte
Le senili
L'art de traduir Petrarca
De los sonetos, canciones, mandriales y sextinas del gran poeta y orador Francisco Petrarca
Le rime del Petrarca
Il Petrarcha Con L'Espositione D'Alessandro Vellvtello di
Petrarch's Testament
Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, secondo l'autografo
Canzoniere, Trionfi, rime varie
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
Certain sonnets to Laura in life and death
Il "De otio religioso" di Francesco Petrarca
Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca
Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
Francesco Petrarca
Lettres de François Pétrarque à Jean Boccace
Francisci Petrarchae De remediis utriusque fortunae, libri duo
La vita di Scipione l'Africano
Il Petrarca corretto da M. Lodovico Dolce
Some love songs of Petrarch
De Historie vā der duldicheit der vruwen Griseldis
Le rime de Francesco Petrarca riscontrate co i testi a penna della libreria Estanse
Aus Franz Petrarkas Poetischen Briefen
Excelencia de la vida solitaria
Commento a Le volgari opere del Petrarcha
Opera di M. Francesco Petrarca
I Trionfi del Petrarcha
Selected Sonnets, Odes, and Letters of Petrarch
Lettere all'imperatore
Lettere di Francesco Petrarca
Lettre ... sur son ascension au Mont Ventoux
De remediis uttiusque [sic] fortunae
So ich aber von stätikait vnd getreuwer gemahelschafft so manger frauwen geschriben habe, vnd von keiner grössern ̈vber die grisel
Il Petrarca
Traduzioni dall'italiano
Volgarizzamento meridionale anonimo di Francesco Petrarca Itinerarium breve de Ianua usque ad Ierusalem et Terram Sanctam
Francisci Petrarchæ des vornemen Florentinischen Poeten, Sechs Triumphi
Le rime
Briefe des Francesco Petrarca
Sonnets de Pétrarque
"La lettera del Ventoso"
Poésies de Pétrarque
Raccolta di rime attribuite a Francesco Petrarca che non si leggono nel suo canzoniere
Tovtes les evvres vulgaires de Francoys Petrarque
Il codice Orsini-da Costa delle Rime e dei Trionfi
Le rime sparse
Translations from the Italian
Il Petrarca
Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo, lo incarica di procurargli libri
So ich aber von stetikeit vnd getrüwer gemahelschafft, so manger frowen geschriben habe, vnd von keiner grössern über die Grisel
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, secondo l'autografo
Secreto de Francesco Petrarcha in dialogi di latino in vulgar & in lingua toscha tradocto nouamente cum exactissima diligentia stampato & correcto
[Trionfi e canzoniere]
Le rime di M. Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae Poëmata minora quae exstant onmia nunc primo ad trvtinam revocata ac recensita
Brief an die Nachwelt
Je vois sans yeux et sans bouche je crie
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Madrigals & odes from Petrarch
De ocio religiosorum
Chronica de le vite de pontefici et imperadori romani
Petrarch's letters to classical authors
Rime scelte e il Trionfo della morte
Translations chiefly from the Italian of Petrarch and Metastasio
Dalle rime e dai trionfi e dalle opere minori latine
Il Petrarcha
Opere di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, philosophi, oratoris, & poëtæ clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturæ Latinæq[ue]; linguæ, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatæ ac penè supultæ, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera que extant omnia. ..
Il Petrarca
Das is eyn epistel Francisci Petrarche, von grosser stätigkeit einer frowen. Grisel geheissen
Some love songs of Petrarch
De insigni obedientia et fide uxoria
Madrigals & odes from Petrarch
Les sonnets amoureux de Pétrarque
Salmi penitenziali
Briefwechsel mit deutschen Zeitgenossen
De viris illustribus
Epistole autografe
Francisci Petrarche laureati Rerum senilium liber XIIII
I trionfi
One hundred sonnets
Francisci Petrarchae florentini poetae et oratoris clarissimi poëmata omnia recens quam emedatissimè edita ..
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Nel tempo che rinoua ...
So ich aber von stätikeyt vnd getreüwer gemahelschafft so manger frauwen geschriben habe, v̄n von keyner grössern über die grisel
De otio religioso
Il Petrarca con dichiarationi non piv stampate
Lettera Giovanni Anchiseo, lo incarica di procurargli libri
The tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke, translated out of Italian into English by Henrye Parker knyght, Lorde Morley. The tryumphe of loue. Of chastitie. Of death. Of fame. Of tyme. Of diuinitie
Sonetti, canzoni, e triomphi di Messer Francesco Petrarcha
Ėsteticheskie fragmenty
Edizione nazionale delle opere di Francesco Petrarca
The ascent of Mount Ventoux
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
The triumphs of Francesco Petrarch, Florentine poet laureate
Il Petrarca con l'espositione di M. Alessandro Velutello. Di nuono ristampato con le Figure a i Trionfi con le apostille, e con piu cose utili aggiunte
Thoughts from the letters of Petrarch
Lettere senili ... volgarizzate e dichiarate con note da Giuseppe Fracassetti
Liborum Francisci Petrarche Impressorum Annotatio
Some sonnets & songs of the divine poet M. Francesco Petrarca, made in Laura's lifetime
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, & Poëtae clarissimi ... opera que extant omnia ..
Le vite de gli huomini illustri
Viaggio in Terrasanta
Rimedi all'una e all'altra fortuna
Il Petrarcha
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, et Poetae clarissimi ... Opera quae extant omnia ..
Les triomphes
Invettive contro un medico
Rimes de Pétrarque
Reisroute naar Jeruzalem
Il Petrarca
Pétrarque: Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
In Praise of the Blessed Virgin
[Selected volumes from the Petrarch collection at Cornell University]
Laurea occidens
Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters: A Selection from His Correspondence with ..
Petrarch, the first modern scholar and man of letters
Invectiva contra quendam magni status hominem sed nullius scientie aut virtutis
Eighteen sonnets of Francis Petrarch
Zur entwickelung italienischer dichtungen Petrarcas
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
So ich aber vō stätigkeyt v̄n getrëwer gemahelschafft so manger frawē geschribē hab, v̄n vō keiner grössern über die Grisel
Volgarizzamento meridionale anonimo
Frants'esḳo Peṭrarḳa
Mi secreto ; Epístolas (selección)
Obras de Luiz de Camões: precedidas de um ensaio biographico, no qual se ..
Le rime del Petrarca
Zur entwickelung italienischer dichtungen Petrarcas
Le rime di M. Francesco Petrarca
Incipit epistola Francisci Petrarche de insigni obedentia et fide vxoria Griseldis in Walthervm
Poetische Briefe
Le rime
Sonette des Petrarca
Le cose volgari di messer Francesco Petrarcha
Dalle Rime e dai Trionfi e dalle opere minori latine
De remediis uttiusque [sic] fortunae
Sonnets and odes
Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca restituite nell'ordine e nella lezione del testo originario sugli autografi, col sussidio di altri codici e di stampe e corredate di varianti e note
Das lyrische Werk
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri): Vol. 3
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri): Vol. 2
Cum res fortunasq[ue] hominu[m] cogito incertos [et] subitos reru[m] mot[us] nichil fe[r]me fragili[us] mo[r]taliu[m] vita ...
Il meglio del Petrarca
La lira y el laurel
Sonety do Laury
Trionfi (comm: Bernardo Lapini da Siena) e Canzoniere (comm: Franciscus Philelphus and Hieronymus Squarzaficus)
Pisma podróżnicze
A few sonnets attempted from Petrarch in early life
Dialogue intérieur
Il codice vaticano lat. 3196. autografo del Petrarca
Rerum Familiarum
Le c hansonnier
Li sonetti, canzoni et triomphi
Le osservationi di M. Francesco Alvnno da Ferrara sopra il Petrarca
Intorno alla obbedienza ed alla Fedelta della moglie novella
Historia Griseldis
Rime di Francesco Petrarca
Letters from Petrarch
Res seniles
Francesco Petrarca
Los sonetos y canciones del poeta Francisco Petrarcha
Il canzoniere
Rime disperse di Francesco Petrarca o a lui attribuite
La vita religiosa
Francesco Petrarca's sämmtliche Canzonen, Sonnette, Ballaten, und Triumphe
Parma liberata dal giogo di Mastino della Scala addi 21 maggio 1341
Lettere di viaggio
The triumphs of Francesco Petrarch
So jch aber von stätigkeÿt vnd getreüwer gemahelschafft, so manger fraauwen geschriben habe, vnd vō keiner grössern über die Grisel
Francisci Petrarchae, De remediis vtriusque Fortunae
Le rime ...
Francesco Petrarca
Franc. Petrarchae philosophi, oratoris et poetae clarissimi Epistolarum familiarum libri XIV. variarum lib. I. sine titulo lib. I. ad quosdam ex veteribus illustriores li I.
Epistole familiares
Feliciano, Petrarca e gli altri
Scritti inediti
Lettres de Vaucluse
Le vite degl'imperadori et pontefici romani
Fioretti de rimedii contro fortuna
Dal canzonière dai Trionfi
Un inedito petrarchesco
Petrarch translated
Francois Petrarque
I rimedi per l'una e l'altra sorte
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri): Vol. 1
Viaggio in Terrasanta: volgarizzamento inedito del Quattrocento
Omaggio al Petrarca
Selected sonnets, odes, and letters
Francisci Petrarcae Epistolæ de rebus familiaribus et variæ : tum quae adhuc tum quae nondum editæ
Epistole di Francesco Petrarca
Rime di F. Petrarca
Il canzoniere
La vita solitaria
Il Petrarcha, colla spositione
Il bucolicum carmen e suoi commenti inediti
The 1501 Aldine edition of Le cose volgari
Epistole familiares
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca: restituite nell'ordine e nella lezione del testo originario sugli ..
Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Historia Griseldis
Il Petrarca
Sonnets & songs
I sette salmi
Lettres de François Pétrarque a Jean Boccace
Francisci Petrarchae Ascensus Montis Ventosi
El secreto di messer Francesco Petrarca ĩ prosa uulgare
The life of solitude
Rime; canzoniere, trionfi, estravaganti
Il Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca
Due canzoni
Bucolicum Carmen
Epistolae familiares
Trionfi, Rime estravaganti, Codice degli Abbozzi
Opera latina
Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisque clarissimi de remediis utriusque fortunae libri II
Les psaumes de la pénitence
Francisci Petrarchae De viris illvstribvs nondum editi pars secvnda [et qvarta] ...
Sur ma propre ignorance et celle de beaucoup d'autres
Rerum familiarum libri
Psalmi penitentiales
Dell'Africa di Francesco Petrarca libro primo
Los sonetos y canciones del poeta Francisco Petrarcha
Rime ; e, Trionfi
Le vite di Numa e T. Ostilio
Trionfi e Canzioniere
Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca ..
Pétrarque vu par lui-même
Librorum Francisci Petrarche impressorum annotatio ..
Le rime ...
The sonnets and stanzas of Petrarch
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Rime di Francesco Petrarca
Henry Parker, Lord Morely
L'Africa (Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Francesco Petrarca)
De vita solitaria. Add : De dispositione vitae suae ad gubernatorem patriae. Ed
Sonetti, canzoni e triomphi
A few sonnets attempted from Petrarch in early life
So jch aber von stetikait vnd getreüwer gemahelschafft, so manger frauwen geschriben habe, vnnd von keiner grössern über die Grisel
The Life of Solitude (The Hyperion library of world literature)
Selected letters
Il Petrarca di nvovo ristampato, et di bellissime figvre intagliate in rame adornato e diligentemente corretto
Francisci Petrarchae florentini ... Opera quae extant omnia
Le vite de gli hvomini illvstri di messer Francesco Petrarcha
La lettera del Ventoso
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Res seniles
Petrarca e la cultura del Trecento
Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca
Sonetti, e conzoni, (e triomphi)
Choix de sonnets de divers auteurs
La collatio laureationis
I trionfi di Messer Francesco Petrarca riscontrati con alcuni codici e stampadel secola XV
Sonetti e canzoni
The essential Petrarch
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
La vita di Romolo
Contra eum qui maledixit Italie
Sonnets from Petrarch
Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca
Il Petrarca
Francesco Petrarch: Collatio inter Scipionem, Alexandrum, Annibalem et Pyrhum
Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney (1939-2013)

playwright, translator, linguist, poet, actor

  • St Columb's College, Queen's University Belfast
Robert Lowell
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Reader's Companion -- Bronze Level
Prentice Hall
The Burial at Thebes
Opened Ground
The Spirit Level
Field work
Poems, 1965-1975
Crediting poetry
Selected Poems 1966-1987
Door into the dark
The government of the tongue
Seeing things
The cure at Troy
Death of a naturalist
Door into the dark
The redress of poetry
Finders Keepers
District and circle
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
Sweeney's flight
Wintering out
New selected poems, 1966-1987
The place of writing
Going Back
Station Island
Sweeney astray
Death of a naturalist
The spirit level
The cure at Troy
Opened ground
The government of the tongue
The government of the tongue
W. B. Yeats
The burial at Thebes
Sounding lines
Sweeney's Flight
Sweeney astray
Station Island
The midnight verdict
Selected Poems 1966-1987
Finders keepers
Electric light
Electric light
100 Poems
The makings of a music
New and Selected Poems
Selected poems, 1965-1975
Selected Poems 1988-2013
Seamus Heaney in conversation with Karl Miller
The fire i' the flint
Anything can happen
Aeneid Book VI
The tree clock
Human Chain
Canadian Writ Ref 5e&Writing about Lit 2e 09 MLA UPD&Bedford Gloss Crit&Lit 3e&Day in Life Ivan Den&Opened Ground&Taming of Shrew
The haw lantern
The Printer's Devil
Selected Poems of T. S. Eliot
'Mirror up to Nature'
People of the Sea
Room to rhyme
Human Chain
In memoriam: Sean O'Riada
de La Emocion a Las Palabras
Place and displacement
Elektrisches Licht
District and Circle
Aeneid Book VI : A New Verse Translation
Dylan the Durable?
Grotus and Coventina
Extending the alphabet
Field work
Robert Lowell
Ausgewhlte Gedichte, 1965-1975 =
An upstairs outlook
Die Hagebuttenlaterne. The Haw Lantern. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Englisch / deutsch
The poetry of John Hewitt
Verses for a Fordham commencement
Buile Suibhne
Haw Lantern
Towards a collaboration, October 1986
The Cure of Troy
Lenten Parish Programme
The Word Exchange: Anglo-Saxon Poems in Translation
Human chain
Selected poems, 1966-1987
Explore Harvard
A lough neagh sequence
Poèmes, 1966-1984
Eclogues in extremis
The makings of a music
Luz eléctrica =
Advent Parish Programme
In their element
Sweeney reminisces [and] Sweeney in the chestnut tree
Hedge school
Among schoolchildren
Joy or night: Last things in the poetry of W.B. Yeats and Philip Larkin
Field Work
District and Circle
The poetry of Richard Murphy
School Bag
Envies and identifications
The riverbank field
Poems, 1965-1975
Extending the alphabet
Norden. Gedichte. Englisch - deutsch
Field Work (Faber Poetry)
Among schoolchildren
The underground
Al Buen Entendedor
Electric Light
Burial at Thebes
Letters of Seamus Heaney
Two poems
Easy rider
Collected Poems
New Selected Poems 1988-2013
Wintering Out
Wintering Out
A boy driving his father to confession
Seamus Heaney Collected Poems
Death of a Naturalist
There You Are
Redress of Poetry
Opened Ground
The little canticles of Asturias
North (Faber Library)
Door into the Dark
BEOWULF *BILINGUAL ED* (Bilingual Edition)
The thatcher
Seamus Heaney
The sounds of rain
Spelling it out
A postcard from North Antrim (In memory of Sean Armstrong)
In small townlands, for Colin Middleton, The early purges, [and] Poem, for Marie
Electric light/Llum elèctrica
The Complete Translations
Sweeney and the cleric ; [and], Sweeney and the scribes
Seamus Heaney - New Selected Poems, 1988-2013
Selected Poems 1966-1987
From the Republic of Conscience
Human Chain
Station Island
Human Chain
Ta poiemata tou valtou
Dit man hor
Attraversamenti =
Die Hagebuttenlaterne =
By Seamus Heaney - Selected Poems 1966-1987 (1990-08-16) [Hardcover]
Sepelio en Tebas
Follower ;[and], Scaffolding
Beowulf - Seamus Heaney'in Modern Ingilizcesinden
Rare Seamus Heaney / Field Work Signed 1st Edition 1979
Translations of Seamus Heaney
Sweeney Astray
Summer schools the poets' place
A drink of water
Two poems and a verse letter
January god
100 Poems
Leavings [and] The skunk
Seamus Heaney and Tom Paulin
At a potato digging
Hedge School
Seeing Things
The haw lantern
Dennis O'Driscoll Dear Life
New and Selected Poems
Arvon Foundation poetry competition
Electric Light
Spirit Level
Limbo [poem]
A cura en Troia
District and Circle
A summer night
Finders Keepers
Die Herrschaft der Sprache. Essays und Vorlesungen
Crediting Poetry
Translations of Seamus Heaney
La reparación de la poesía
Station Island
Haw Lantern
Field Work 1ST Edition
La lanterne de l'aubépine
An Ulster twilight
An open letter
Eleven poems
From Glanmore sonnets
Death of a Naturalist
Redress of Poetry
Belfast snapshots
Ausgewahlte gedichte
Beowulf : a Verse Translation
Door into the Dark
Eleven poems
William Wordsworth
Rattle Bag
Sea-wife [and] Woodcut
Testament of Cresseid and Seven Fables
Talking with Poets
A kite for Michael and Christopher ;[and] Widgeon
Death of a Naturalist
Die Amsel von Glanmore
A vision of Master Murphy on Station Island
The singer's house ;[Oysters, and A strange house]
The Poet and the Piper
Einmal und nicht mehr. Schriftsteller über das Alter
Midnight Verdict
Beowulf; Othello
Ploughshares Spring 1984
A Bibliographical checklist
Stepping Stones (Audio, Faber)
A tribute to Michael McLaverty
New selected poems 1966-1987
The nerves in leaf
Poems, 1965-1975
Crediting Poetry
Burial at Thebes
Die Hagebuttenlaterne =
After summer
Bog poems
The tree clock
Poems and a memoir
Government of the Tongue
Remembering Malibu
100 poemas
The last mummer
The school bag
Selected Poems 1988-2013
Government of the Tongue
The sense of place
After summer
Maighdean Mara, Limbo [and] As we roved out
Cure at Troy
44 wiersze
Field Work
New Selected Poems 1988-2013
The Strand at Lough Beg
Sweeney Astray
Finders Keepers
Cure at Troy
Campo Abierto
Night drive
Seamus Heaney Box Set
Opened Ground
A dream of jealousy
El nivel
Faber Poetry
Traballo de campo
Gront ljus
Ojanpiennarten kuningas
Speranza in reading on 'The ballad of reading gaol'
Felim Egan
Sweeney's waanzin
Horace and the thunder
Sweeney praises the trees
The sounds of rain
The Water's Edge
Bpata b mpaka
Austin Clarke remembered
Five fables
From the republic of conscience
Human chain
Eleven poems
Extending the alphabet
Hē hellēnikē empeiria
Touched by Robert Burns
May Anthology of Oxford
Field of vision
Pa vag
A personal selection
Poems and a memoir
Pinuccio Sciola
Ausgewählte Gedichte
A grace note for Michael
School Bag
Cadena humana
The lift
The settle bed
One on a side
Die Wasserwaage. The Spirit Level
Hedge School
Jan Hendrix
New Selected Poems
Faber & Faber poetry diary 2016
Collected poems 1966-1991
Death of a naturalist
A hazel stick for Catherine Ann
Amnesty International
Jacob Grimm
Jacob Grimm (1785-1863)

jurist, lexicographer, anthropologist, linguist, philologist, mythologist, librarian, translator, law librarian, literary scholar, legal historian, secretary of legation, poet lawyer, mythographer, politician, collector of fairy tales, historian

  • University of Marburg
Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm
Kasseler Vorträge
Jacob Grimm und Vuk Karadžić
Jacob Grimm über seine Entlassung
Drei Brüder Grimm
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
The juniper tree, and other tales from Grimm
Canterbury Classics Box Set
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Grimm Tales
The wedding of Mistress Fox
Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm: A New English Version (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Hansel and Gretel
About wise men and simpletons
Fairy Tales From the Brothers Grimm
Nimm's leicht
Fairy tales
The bearskinner
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
Hans in Luck (English and German Edition)
Grimms' fairy tales
Librivox Short Story Collection 033
Grimms' Fairy Stories
Snow-White and the seven dwarfs
The bear and the kingbird
Little Red Riding Hood =
Lateinische Gedichte des x. und xi. Jh.
Deutsche Grammatik
The best of Grimm's fairy tales
Brave little tailor
I Am Death, and I Make All Equal
Snow White
The twelve dancing princesses
Snow White
Fairy tales
The goose girl
The wishing table
Sleeping beauty
Classics Reimagined, Grimm's Fairy Tales
Rackham's Fairy tale coloring book
Hansel and Gretel
Little Red Cap
The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
The Bremen town musicians
Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
Hansel y Gretel
Hansel and Gretel
Barbie Rapunzel
Cuentos de Los Hermanos Grimm
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Selected Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Household Stories
Snow White
Hansel and Gretel
The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Favorite fairy tales
The annotated Brothers Grimm
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The three feathers
Grimm's Household Stories (Facsimile Classics Series) (English and German Edition)
Grimms' Fairy Tales - Illustrated: Tolkien's Bookshelf #10 (Volume 10)
The Bremen town musicians
The Fisherman and his wife
El amadísimo Rolando
Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Snow White and Rose Red (adaptation)
Snow White and Other Stories
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Snow White and Rose Red
Snow White
Meine wunderbare Märchenwelt in Erzählbildern
Grimms' Fairy Tales Annotated
Deutsche Sagen
Kleinere Schriften
Grimm's Fairy Stories - 1st Edition
Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm
Silva de romances viejos. - Edición facsímil
Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales
Grimms Brothers Fairy Tales
Lucky/Happy Hans
Les contes de Grimm
Cuentos tradicionales / Folk Tales
Cuentos completos, 4
Deutsche Grammatik
How six men got on in the world
Favourite Collection of Grimm's Fairy Tales
Rare treasures from Grimm
The complete Brothers Grimm fairy tales
Cuentos completos, 1
Animal Fables
El lobo y las siete cabritas
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Selected Folktales/Ausgewählte Märchen
Arme Heinrich
Iron Hans
Household Tales
Die Beiden Ältesten Deutschen Gedichte
Household Stories
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Grimm's Fairy Tales (Classics Reimagined)
Hansel and Gretel
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
Snow White and Rose Red
The Elves and the shoemaker
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Iron Hans
Itchy Coo Book o Grimms Fairy Tales in Scots
Grimm S Fairy Tales
Grimms' Complete Fairy Tales
Los mejores cuentos de los hermanos Grimm
Grimms' Fairy Tales Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Kleinere Schriften. 8 Bde. [in 5].
Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm
Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer
Fairy tales
The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids
Snow White & Rose Red
The Fisherman & his wife
Snow White
Der süße Brei
Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Frog Prince
Grimms' tales for young and old
Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Grimms' fairy tales
Der Froschkönig
Les contes de Grimm
The Frog Prince, or, Iron Henry
The Wolf And The Seven Kids
Kinder und Hausmärchen, Erster Band
Grimm's Fairy Tales (Illustrated)
Tiermärchen der Brüder Grimm
Hansel i Gretel
Grimm's fairy tales
Hänsel and Grethel / Hänsel und Gretel
Brüder Grimm Vol.2
Grimm's Fairy Tales - Kid Classics
Jorinde und Joringel
Favorite Fairy Tales
Sprookjes : Tweede Verzameling
Tom Thumb
Household Tales by Brothers Grimm
Snowdrop and Other Tales
Snow white
Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Best Children's Stories
Draw Your Own Story, Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Frau Holle
Grimm's Fairy Tales (Luxurious Classics)
Jacob Grimm
Altdeutsche Wälder. Erster Band
Kinder- Und Hausmärchen
Little Red Riding Hood
The Bremen town musicians
Kinder- Und Hausmärchen Der Brüder Grimm
Grimms Fairy Tales
Private und Amtliche Beziehungen der Brüder Grimm Zu Hessen
Golden Goose
Grimms' Fairy Tales (Large Print)
Grimm's grimmest
The Brothers Grimm fisherman and his wife
Grimms' Household Fairy Tales
Snow White and Other Fairy Tales
Hansel and Gretel
Cuentos de los hermanos Grimm
The Shoemaker and the elves
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Complete Fairy Tales
The complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
German Fairy Tales (German Library)
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Grimm's Fairy Stories - Original Version
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Hansel and Gretel
Frog King or Iron Heinrich
Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales Annotated
Twenty Stories from Grimm
Deutsches Wörterbuch, Volume 4, Parts 1-3
Brothers Grimm Vol.2
Household Tales by Brothers Grimm
El Mago de Oz; La Cenicienta
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Lieder der Alten Edda
Irische Elfenmärchen
The sleeping beauty
Folk-Lore and Fable
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Grimms Märchen
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs : The Old Woman in Luck
Grimms' Fairy Tales
The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
The frog prince, or, Iron Henry
Children Collection
German Stories Retold (Grimms Märchen)
The six servants
Die 100 schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
Grimms Märchen : Kinder- und Hausmärchen
The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of Grimm Brothers
Blanche neige
Grimms' Tales for young and old
Complete Fairy Tales
Caperucita Roja
The fisherman and his wife
The Bremen Town Musicians
Los mu sicos de Bremen
Little Red Riding-Hood
Briefwechsel Zwischen Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm Aus der Jugendzeit
Reinhart Fuchs
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Treasury of Fairy Tales
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Little brother & little sister
The brave little tailor
Hans in luck
Best Fairy Tales Aesop Hans Christian Andersen The Brothers Grimm Celtic Fairy Tales
Snow White
Hansel & Grettel
Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm
A Bedtime story
The queen bee
Deutsches Wörterbuch
Fairy Tales
The Fisherman and his wife
Altdeutsche Wälder Herausgegeben Durch Die Gebrüder Grimm. Zweiter Band
Grimms Märchen : Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Grimm's Fairy Stories
Sixty fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Complete Brothers Grimm's Fairy Tales
Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer
Snow White
The town musicians of Bremen
Le loup et les sept petits chevreaux
Weisthümer, Volume 5. Fuenfter Theil
Ueber Den Altdeutschen Meistergesang
Tom Thumb
German popular tales
Snow White and other fairy tales
Volksmärchen der Serben
Caperucita Roja
The story of Snow-White and the seven dwarfs
The Bremen town musicians
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Little Red-Cap; story by the brothers Grimm
Grimm Kardeslerden Secme Masallar
Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache
Register Zu J. Grimms Deutscher Grammatik
Grimms Märchen
Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Hansel and Gretel
Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache, Zweiter Band, Zweite Auflage
Teutonic Mythology
The story of Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs
Favourite tales from Grimm and Andersen
Folk-lore and fable
Grimm's fairy stories
Grimm's Fairy Tales : (Annotated)
Little Red Cap
The elves and the shoemaker
Six fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm
Weisthümer Gesammelt Von Jacob Grimm, Sechster Band
Jacob Grimms Grammatik der Hochdeutschen Sprache Unserer Zeit
Hansel and Gretel
Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache
The frog prince
Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Hansel and Gretel
Snow White and the seven dwarfs
The complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
The Shoemaker and the elves
Contes Choisis Des Freres Grimm
Tom Thumb
Khrabryĭ portni︠a︡zhka
The Grimm Brothers Cinderella
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 1
˜Dieœ schönsten Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Six fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm
Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer
Novogodn︠i︡a︠i︡a shkatulka skazok
Kleine serbische Grammatik
Kleinere Schriften. 8 Bde. [in 5].
The Bremen Town Musicians
Little Red Cap
Kleinere Schriften. 8 Bde. [in 5].
Hansel and Gretel
Grimm's complete fairy tales
Fitcher's bird
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Grimm's Fairy Tales Illustrated
Hui gu niang
The complete Brothers Grimm fairy tales
The Bremen town musicians
Grimm(Chinese Edition)
Über Den Ursprung der Sprache, Vierte Auflage
Contes choisis de la famille
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 1
Kleinere Schriften
Shi er xiong di
The German legends of the Brothers Grimm
Grimms' Fairy Tales
Snowdrop and Other Tales
Volksmärchen der Serben
Contes Merveilleux - Tome I
The Junior Great Books -- Series two, volume one
A treasury of stories from the Brothers Grimm
Deutsche Mythologie Von Jacob Grimm
El erets ha-agadot
German Popular Stories
Les contes de mon enfance
De Bremer stadsmuzikanten
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 4
The falling stars
Yong yuan de mi mi hua yuan
Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Contos de Fadas em Suas Versões Originais Wish EditoraBloqueado para consignação
Hansel and Gretel
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 3
Deutsche Grammatik Von Jacob Grimm. Erster Theil. Dritte Ausgabe
Les contes
Household tales
Hansel and Gretel and other stories
The complete Brothers Grimm fairy tales
Teutonic Mythology, Volume 1
Snow White and Rose Red
Household Tales by Brothers Grimm
Kinder-Und Hausmärchen, Gesammelt Durch Die Brüder Grimm;
Weisthümer Gesammelt Von Jacob Grimm, Erster Theil
Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache
Gelin tong hua
Selected tales
Home Stories
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Walt Disney's three little pigs
Hansel y Gretel
Enchanted Nightingale
25 Classic Fairy Stories
The complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
Snowdrop & Other Tales
Deutsche Sagen
Snow White
Waratte bakari de gomennasai
Les Musiciens de Brême
The twelve dancing princesses
The brave little tailor
Teutonic Mythology 4 Volume Set
Hansel & Gretel
Kazky našoho dytynstva
Briar rose
Brothers' Grimm fairy tales
Hansel and Gretel
Grimm's Fairy Tales Illustrated
Grimms' Fairy Tales:(Annotated Edition)
Altdeutsche Wälder, Dritter Band
Briar Rose; the story of the sleeping beauty
Mein zauberhafter Märchenschatz
Teutonic mythology
The wolf and the seven little kids
Contes Choisis Des Freres Grimm
Disney Cinderella
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 2
Contes choisis de la famille
Thorn Rose
Teutonic Mythology, Volume 4
Russische Volksmärchen in Den Urschriften Gesammelt und Ins Deutsche Übersetzt
The wolf and the seven little kids
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The traveling musicians
Irische Elfenma rchen
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 1
Wiegen- und Kinderlieder
Brüder Grimm
Hansel and Gretel and Other Stories
Skazki bratʹev Grimm
Hansel and Gretel
Dame Hiver
Fairy Tales
Grimms' tales for young and old
The wolf and the seven little kids
Reinhart Fuchs
Stories from Grimm
Weisthümer, Sechster Theil
The musicians of Bremen
Grimm's fairy tales
Teutonic Mythology; Volume 2
Snow White and Rose Red
The elves and the shoemaker
Shui mei ren =
Irmenstrasse und irmensäule
The complete illustrated stories of the Brothers Grimm
The Bremen town musicians
Briar Rose, the sleeping beauty
Contes Choisis Des Freres Grimm
Kleinere Schriften, Volume 2. ZWEITER BAND
Grimms Märchen
Little brother and little sister
Grimm's Fairy Tales (Illustrated)
Kleinere Schriften Von Jacob Grimm, Fuenfter Band
The Golden goose
Grimms Märchen und ihre Quellen
Rapunzel and other fairy tales
The Complete Fairy Tales Of The Brothers Grimm
The fisherman & his wife
Neigeblanche et Roserouge
The complete fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
Henzeru to Gurēteru
Mein goldener Märchenschatz
You er zhen bian de Gelin tong hua
Grimm's fairy tales
El señor Korbes y otros cuentos de Grimm
German fairy tales and popular stories
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Grimms Märchen
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Zajecʹ ta i͏̈žak
Grimm's animal stories
Les trois fils du tailleur
Fairy tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Tsipor ha-zahav
Briefe der Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm an Georg Friedrich Benecke aus den Jahren 1808-1829
Über den Ursprung der Sprache
Meijiki Gurimu dōwa hon'yaku shūsei
Aus den Schriften von Jacob Grimm
Lieder der alten Edda
Little Red Riding Hood =
Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm
Deutsche Sagen
Hansel & Grethel
The Fisherman and his wife
Hans im Glück
Rede auf Wilhelm Grimm, und Rede über das Alter
Mother Carey
Gelin tong hua
Le petit cordonnier
Der Froschkönig
Gelin tong hua
Briefe von Jakob Grimm an Hendrik Willem Tydeman
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Jorinda and Joringel
Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Pesari keh seh zabân midânest
Hans im Glück
Deutsche Sagen
Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Über den Ursprung der Sprache
Aus den Kleineren schriften
Tom Pouce
Les sept corbeaux
The Valiant little tailor
Desi︠a︡tʹ skazok dli︠a︡ deteĭ
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Der Gestiefelte Kater ; Das Tapfere Schneiderlein
Le vaillant petit tailleur
Chao hao kan Gelin tong hua
Antarin tnake
Little Red Riding Hood
Agadot ha-yaʻar ha-mekhushaf
Kinder- und Hausmarchen
Brãwadë bracy Grimm
The fairy tales of the brothers Grimm
The illustrated treasury of the Brothers Grimm
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Yu fu he ta de qi zi
El enano saltarin
Kinder- und Hausmärchen gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm
Fairy tales of the Brother Grimm
Ge lin tong hua
Cai tu Gelin tong hua
Snowdrop & other tales
Volšebnyj mir Bratʹev Grimm
Da mu zhi Tangmu
Harpatḳaʼot Etsbeʻoni
Brothers Grimm folk tales
Über das Pedantische in der deutschen Sprache
Der Froschkönig gezeichnet von Professor Ernst Liebermann, München
Hansel & Grethel & other tales
אגדות גרים
Die Beiden ältesten Deutschen Gedichte aus dem achten Jahrhundert
Kinder- und Hausm archen
Lieder der alten Edda
Hänsel und Gretel
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
Deutsche Mythologie
Favorite household tales
Über seine Englassung
Hansel and Gretel
Zolota skarbnycja kazok Brata Grimm
King Thrushbeard
The complete Grimm's fairy tales
Le Petit Chaperon rouge
Grimms Märchenschatz
7 Märchen
[Grimm's fairy tales]
ha-Yefehfiyah ha-nirdemet
Briefe der Brüder Grimm an Savigny
Deutsche Grammatik
Grimms Märchen in neuer, sorgfältiger Auswahl
Ṭaʻm-i shīnrīn dūstī
Geliemu tong hua ji
Vom Wesen der Volkheit
Deutsche Sagen
Über den altdeutschen Meistergesang
Briefwechsel zwischen Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, Dahlmann und Gervinus
Malenʹkie chelovechki
The complete folk & fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
Three favorite fairy tales
˜Derœ gestiefelte Kater
he-Ḥatul be-magafayim
Briefe von Jakob Grimm an Hendrik Willem Tydeman
The sleeping beauty and other tales
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
ha-Nesikhah ṿeha-tsefardeʻa
Le prince grenouille
The Bremen town musicians
Von der Poesie im Recht
Household stories
Die Sterntaler
Le petit chaperon rouge ; Les musiciens de la ville de Brem̂e
Gelin tong hua
Russische Volksm©Þrchen in den Urschriften gesammelt und ins Deutsche ©ơbersetzt ...
Die deutschen Sagen der Brüder Grimm
Märchen aus dem Nachlass der Brüder Grimm
The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm
עמי ותמי
Drôle d'oiseau
The king of the swans
Briefe an Hendrik Willem Tydeman
Grimm's fairy tales
Deutsche Grenzalterthümer
Lieder der alten Edda
Hansel and Gretel
On the origin of language
Zen'yaku Gurimu dōwashū
Wo de di yi ben
The Shoemaker and the elves
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Grimm's household tales
Lex Salica
Snow-White and other tales
Boucle d'Or et les trois ours
Home stories
Tri brata
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Deutsche Grenzalterthümer
L'oie d'or
The Bremen town musicians
ʻAlilot Grim
Die niederdeutschen märchen der brüder Grimm
Hansi yü Geleidi
Gelin tong hua ji
Qing wa wang zi
Dva braty
Grammatik der neuhochdeutschen Sprache nach Jacob Grimms deutscher Grammatik
Lateinische gedichte des X. und XI. Jahrhunderts
Gelin tong hua
Gelin tong hua =
Rede auf Lachmann
The complete Grimm's fairy tales
Irische elfenmärchen
Snow White and other fairy tales
Grimms' goblins
ha-Or ha-kaḥol
Blancanieves y los siete enanitos
Tales of Grimm and Andersen
Les musiciens de Brême
Cuentos de hadas de los hermanos Grimm
Caperucita Roja
Sipure ha-ḳesem shel ha-aḥim Grim
Grimms Märchen
100 fairy tales
Les Plus beaux contes
German household tales
O dvestagodišnjici Jakoba Grima
Agadot ha-armon ha-ḳasum
Der Goldene Vogel
Maḳhelat ha-ḥayot
Über Iornandes und die Geten ...
Die Drei Federn
Das Singende springende Löweneckerchen
Grimm's Golden goose
Rede auf Schiller
Bremenskie muzykanty
Ankoku gurimu dōwashū
The Best fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Andersen
Hans in luck
ha-ʻEz ṿe-shivʻat ha-gedayim
The sleeping beauty, from the Brothers Grimm
Mes plus beaux contes anglais - français
Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen
Fu nfundfu nfzig vergessene Grimmsche ma rchen
Geliemu tong hua ji
Zeʼev, nesikhah ṿe-shivʻah gamadim
German popular stories
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geisslein
The sleeping beauty
Six companions find their fortune
Tom Pouce
Little Snow-White and the seven dwarfs
Household tales
Xiao hong mao
Le tailleur et ses trois fils
Household stories from the collection of the Bros. Grimm
Grimm's popular tales
Gelin tong hua quan ji
Hätt ich dich, so wollt ich dich!
Rede auf Wilhelm Grimm
Hansel et Gretel
Izabrane bajke
Baśnie wybór
Märchen von Kindern
Hansel et Gretel
Deutsches Wörterbuch
Agadot ha-yaʻar ha-mekhushaf
Skazki bratʹev Grimm
Hänsel und Gretel
Über den Ursprung der Sprache
Fairy tales
Clever Hans
Stray leaves from fairy land
Basnie braci Grimm
Über Diphthonge nach weggefallnen consonanten
Aḥ ṿe-aḥot
The Bremen town musicians
Recueil de contes de Grimm
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Die wahren Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Xue po po
Jacob Grimm über seine Entlassung 1838
German household stories
Grimms' fairy tales
Household stories
al-Khayyāṭ al-ṣaghīr al-shujāʻ
[Henjel kwa Gŭretʻel
Królewna Śnieżka
Agadot ha-Aḥim Grim
Tselile Grim
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Tales of Grimm and Andersen
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Contes clàssics de Grimm
Sagarats aghjikě
German popular stories and fairy tales
ha-Aḥim Grim mesaprim
Grimm's fairy tales
Deutsche Mythologie
Grimm's fairy tales
Sept d'un coup
Grimms Märchen
Über den ursprung der sprache
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Little Red Riding Hood
Kleinere schriften
Kinder- und Hausmärchen; gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm
Grimm's fairy tales
ʻUts li guts li
Tom Thumb
Snow White and other stories by the brothers Grimm
Grimm's fairy tales
German popular tales and household stories
Von Vertretung männlicher durch weibliche Namensformen
Deutsche Märchen vor Grimm
Geschichte der deutschen Sprache
Grimms' popular stories
The crystal ball
Briefwechsel der Brüder Grimm mit Hans Georg von Hammerstein-Equord
Grimm's household tales
Lucky Hans
Deutsche Sagen
Geschichte der deutschen sprache
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
King Thrush-beard
The brave little tailor
Deutsche Sagen
Grimms' fairy tales
Contes de Grimm
Hymnorum veteris ecclesiae XXVI. interpretatio Theotisca nunc prima edita
Sipure Grim-Andersen
Briefwechsel von Jakob Grimm und Hoffmann-Fallersleben mit Hendrik Van Wyn
Le Petit Chaperon rouge
Roʻat ha-aṿazim
Deutsche grammatik
La casita de chocolate
Yattsu yagi
Agadot ha-armon ha-Ḳasum
Lucky Hans
Baśnie braci Grimm
Auswahl aus den Kleineren Schriften
Blanche neige
Les plus beaux contes de Grimm
Cinderella and other fairy tales
Gelin tong hua
The Brave little tailor
Acht Märchen der Brüder Grimm
Kinder-und Hausma rchen gesammelt durch die Bru der Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm
Nemureru mori no hime
Agadot ha-aḥim Grim
Hansel & Grethel & other tales
Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge
Little Red Riding Hood
The story of what happened to Hansel and Gretel
Sleeping beauty
Khrabryĭ portni͡azhka
Bai she
Märchen der Brüder Grimm
˜Dieœ Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm
Deutsche Mythologie
The house in the wood
Tales from the Brothers Grimm
Grimm's fairy tales
Ayalah ṿe-ahihah
Die zwei Brüder
The soaring lark
King Thrushbeard
The Frog Prince
Rede auf Schiller
סינדרלה ואחיותיה
Mañjina maṇi
Shestʹ lebedeĭ
Onsterfelijke sprookjes
Über den ursprung der sprache
Amhránaithe Bhremen
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Gelin tong hua
Les trois fileuses
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Auswahl aus den kleineren Schriften
Bat ha-ṭoḥen
Briefwechsel der Gebrüder Grimm mit nordischen Gelehrten
Fairy tales
Die 7 Raben
Lang he qi zhi xiao yang
Koroleva utka. Dîvchynka-chervena shapochka y vovk-nenaz͡hora
Maʻaśeh be-ʻez ṿe-shivʻah gedayim ṿe-ʻod sipurim
Deutsche Sagen
Kipah adumah
Kinder- und Hausmärchen
Geliemu tong hua ji
Kinder- und Hausmärchen, gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm
Kipah adumah
One hundred fairy tales
The musicians of Bremen
Deutsche Mythologie
King Thrushbeard
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Sipure maʻaśiyot shel ha-aḥim Grim
Briefe der brüder Grimm
Malenʹkie čelovečki
The House in the wood
הסנדלר והגמדים
Shishah she-enam yodʻim mikhshol mahu
Schiller-Reden gehalten
The elves and the shoemaker
German popular stories
Luchshie skazki
Briefwechsel zwischen Jacob Grimm und Friedrich David Graeter aus den Jahren 1810-1813
Rede auf Schiller
Oysgeḳlibene mayśelekh
Contes de Grimm
ʻAmi ṿe-Tami
Jacob Grimms Grammatik der hochdeutschen Sprache unserer Zeit
Kazky brativ Grimmiv
Gha-rim gyi byis sgruṅ źes bya ba bźugs so
Household stories
Kinder- und Hausmärchen gesammelt durch die Brüder Grimm
Teutonic mythology
Fairy tales from Grimm
Les musiciens de Brême
Elves and the Shoemaker, The (North-South Picture Book)
Selected tales
Es war einmal --
Fairy tales from Grimm
Über einige Fälle der Attraction
Über das Deutsche
Genzelʹ i Gretelʹ
Cherry Blossom
German popular stories
Household tales
Le vaillant petit tailleur suivi de Tom Pouce et Le prince grenouille
Falling Stars
ha-Ḥayaṭ ha-gibor
Kinder-und Hausmärchen gesammelt durch die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm
Grimm's märchen
Grimms Märchen
Kinder- und Hausmärchen nach Sammlung der Brüder Grimm
Siḥot ha-aḥim Grim
Penine Grim
Cippigana sāhasa
Grimm's fairy tales
Ḳisme Grim
Grimm's fairy tales