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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 993-1000 out of 2305 results
Evan Wright
Evan Wright (1964-2024)

war correspondent, journalist

  • Vassar College, Hawken School
Hella nation
American desperado
Generation Kill
Journey Defines You
How to Get Away With Murder in America
Aleksandar Hemon
Aleksandar Hemon (born 1964)


  • Northwestern University, University of Sarajevo
The book of my lives
Moji roditelji
Knjiga mojih života
The Question of Bruno
Love and obstacles
Nowhere man
The Lazarus Project
The Best of Mcsweeney's - Volume 2
The making of zombie wars
Best European Fiction
                Best European Fiction
El Hombre de Ninguna Parte / Nowhere Man
Best European Fiction
                Best European Fiction
De l'esprit chez les abrutis
The World and All That It Holds
Proekt "Lazarʹ"
Pitanje Bruna
Život i djelo Alphonsea Kaudersa
Cómo se hizo La guerra de los zombis
L'espoir est une chose ridicule
Love and Obstacles
Projekat Lazarus
Die Sache mit Bruno
Sadie Benning
Nije ovo tvoje
Ahavah u-mikhsholim
Povratak u Hemonwood
El libro de mis vidas
Hemonwood 2
Proyeḳṭ Lazaros
Nowhere man
Zui jia Ouzhou xiao shuo (2011)
Ljubav i prepreke
Pretext 7
Patrick Spät
Patrick Spät (born 1981)

journalist, literary editor

  • University of Freiburg, University of Mannheim
Der König der Vagabunden
Zur Zukunft der Philosophie des Geistes
Das Leben - und der Sinn des Ganzen
Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Hirn allein
Und, was machst du so?
Monika Sperr
Monika Sperr (1941-1984)

journalist, dramaturge

„Ich hab nichts zum Sagen“
Petra Karin Kelly
Die Freundin
Liebe Mutter, liebe Tochter
Das Grosse Schlager-Buch
Der Tag beginnt mit der Dämmerung
Was wir von unsern Eltern halten
Die dressierten Eltern
Kevin B. MacDonald
Kevin B. MacDonald (born 1944)

psychologist, journalist, professor

  • University of Wisconsin–Madison, University of Connecticut
Emeric Pressburger
Social and personality development
The culture of critique
Evolutionary perspectives on human development
A people that shall dwell alone
Understanding Jewish Influence
Separation and its discontents
Cultural insurrections
Parent-Child Play
Separation and Its Discontents
The Culture of Critique
Understanding Jewish influence
The Occidental Quarterly
Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition
Die Kultur der Kritik
Cultural insurrections
Sociobiological perspectives on human development
Cultura de la Crítica
Occidental Quarterly
Imagining Reality
Informe Postmortem
Imagining Reality
Metamaterials X
Metamaterials IX
Postmortem Report
Influenţa evreilor în lume
Fenomen żydowski?
Uri Avnery
Uri Avnery (1923-2018)

journalist, politician, newspaper editor, peace activist, human rights activist, opinion journalist

My friend, the enemy
Bi-śedot Peleshet 1948
Israel's vicious circle
Israel without Zionists
Chronique d'un pacifiste israélien pendant l'intifada (Octobre 2000-septembre 2002)
Die Jerusalem Frage
Israel without Zionism
Zwei Völker, zwei Staaten
Israel without Zionists
Lenin lo gar poh yoter
Mon frère, l'ennemi
Mein Freund, der Feind
Guerre du Liban, un Israélien accuse
Israel without Zionism
Wir tragen das Nessos-Gewand
ha- Tsad ha-sheni shel ha-matbeʻa
Ein Leben für den Frieden
Von Gaza nach Beirut
Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
Truth against truth
Milḥemet ha-yom ha-sheviʻi
Bomben auf Bagdad
Reale Utopien
Friedenskrafte in Israel
Israel and the Palestinians
ha-Tsad ha-sheni shel ha-maṭbeʻa
Israel without Zionists
Los zorros de Sansón
Oyf di felder fun Negev
Israel sin sionistas
Bi-śedot Peleshet 1948
Me-hitgonenut le-milḥamah
"Two states or one state?"
André Bazin
André Bazin (1918-1958)

film theorist, film critic, journalist, film director

  • École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud
Orson Welles
Qu'est-ce que le cinéma?
Orson Welles
The cinema of cruelty
Jean Renoir
Jean Renoir
French Cinema from the Liberation to the New Wave, 1945-1958 (Framing Film, Vol. 1)
André Bazin and Italian neorealism
O cinema
French cinema of the occupation and resistance : the birth of a critical esthetic
Le cinéma français de la libération à la nouvelle vague (1945-1958)
A política dos autores
La France: les pays de la communauté d'expression française [par] A. Bazin [et al.]
French cinema of the occupation and the resistance
La France
Eiga to wa nani ka
Le cinéma de l'occupation et de la résistance
Essays on Chaplin
Vittorio de Sica
Ōson Ueruzu
Orson Welles
Dian ying shi sheng yao?
What is cinema?  Essays selected and translated by Hugh Gray
Charlie Chaplin
Le cinéma de la cruauté
André Bazin on French cinema, 1938-1958
Aminatta Forna
Aminatta Forna (born 1964)

poet lawyer, journalist

  • University College London
The devil that danced on the water
Ancestor Stones
The Memory of Love
The hired man
The Window Seat
One World Two
Mother of all myths