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diplomats who wrote biography
Showing 57-64 out of 189 results
Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu
Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu (1916-1992)

diplomat, Eastern Orthodox priest, poet, journalist

  • Heidelberg University, University of Bucharest
L'epreuve de la liberte
L' épreuve de la liberté
Meurtre de Kyralessa
La Vie de Mahomet
Christ au Liban
Le peuple des immortels
La jeunesse du docteur Luther
Les inconnus de Heidelberg
La vingt-cinquième heure
La Corée
La seconde chance roman
De la vingt-cinquième heure a l'heure éternelle
Les immortels d'Agapia
Les mendiants de miracles
Les sacrifiés du Danube
Vie de Mahomet [par] C.-Virgil Gheorghiu
The immortals of the mountain
De la 25ème heure à l'heure éternelle
L' homme qui voyagea seul
La Tunique de peau et la Cravache
La vie du patriarche Athenagoras
La Coree
Les inconnus de Heidelberg
Les mendiants de miracles
Reportaje de război
La Tunique de peau
La vie de Mahomet
Les amazones du Danube
Omul care călătorea singur
Le Grand exterminateur
The Twenty-fifth hour
Pourquipoi m'a-t'on appele Virgil?
La seconde chance
La Condottiera
[al-Sāʻah al-khāmisah wa-al-ʻishrūn
Câ̂ntece finale de faun
La seconde chance
Dieu ne reçoit que le dimanche
L' oeil américain
La cravache
Cîntece finale de faun
The twenty-fifth hour
Ora 25
Le meurtre de Kyralessa
La maison de Petrodava
Dieu à Paris
The twenty-fifth hour
Les immortels D'Agapia
L'oeil américain
La vingt-cinquième heure
Pourquoi m'a-t-on appelé Virgil?
James Jackson Jarves
James Jackson Jarves (1818-1888)

journalist, diplomat, art collector, newspaper editor, critic, art historian

Pepero, the boy-artist
The art-idea
Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands, and a trip through Central America
A glimpse at the art of Japan
Art studies: the old masters of Italy
Art Studies
Art thoughts
Parisian sights and French principles, seen through American spectacles
Italian sights and papal principles
Parisian sights and French principles
History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands
Pepero, the boy-artist
A glimpse at the art of Japan
History of the Hawaiian islands
Parisian sights and French principles, seen through American spectacles
Why and what am I ?
Why And What Am I? The Confessions Of An Inquirer V1
The Art-Idea (The John Harvard Library)
The art-idea
Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands, and a trip through Central America: being observations from my note-book during the years 1837-1842
Handbook for visitors to the collections of old art of the Boston Foreign Art Exhibition
History of the Hawaiian Islands
The art-idea
Parisian sights and French principles, seen through American spectacles
Italian sights and papal principles
A Brief memoir of James Jackson Jarves, Jr
Why and what am I? The confessions of an inquirer
History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands
Why and what am I? The confessions of an inquirer : in three parts : Part I. Heart-experience; or, The education of the emotions
Italian rambles
Descriptive catalogue of "old masters,"
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu (1889-1974)

journalist, diplomat, politician

Diplomat ponevole
Politikada 45 yıl
Vatan yolunda
Yakup Kadri'den Hasan-Âli Yücel'e mektuplar
Gençlik ve edebiyat hatıraları
Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu
Sodom ve Gomore
Politikada 45 yil
Hep o şarkı (bir eski devir hanımının defterinden)
Sodom ve Gomore
Bir serencām
Bir sürgün
Hüküm gecesi
Kiralik konak
Hep o şarkı (bir eski devir hanımının defterinden); roman [yazan] Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu
Nur baba
Erenleriñ bāġindan
Erenlerin baǧindan
Tiyatro eserleri
Ahmet Haşim
Erenlerin bağından
Millı̂ savaş hikâyeleri
Zoraki diplomat
Bir serencam
Kiralik konak [yazan] Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu
Anamın kitabı
Ankara [yazanlar] Yakup Kadri
Kiralık konak
Ergenekon, millî mücadele yazilari
Tiyatro eserleri
Erenlerin bagından
Alp dağlarından ; ve Miss Chalfrin'in albümünden
Flamme und Falter
Anamĭn kitabĭ
Zorăn diplomat
Hep o şarkı, bir eski devir hanımının defterinden
Kiralık Konak
Seçme yazılar
Okun ucundan
Kadınlık ve kadınlarımız
Yad adam
Hüküm gecesi
Nur Baba
Kiralik konak
Reşat Nuri Güntekin
Reşat Nuri Güntekin (1889-1956)

diplomat, politician, playwright

  • Istanbul University
Hadiye'ye mektuplar
Korolek-ptichka pevchaya. Chalykushu
Reşat Nuri Güntekin
Anadolu notlari
Yeşil gece, roman
Eski ahbap
Yaprak dökümü
Bir kadin düşmani
Hülleci, 4 perde halk komedisi
Olaǧan işler
Deǧirmen, roman
Sönmüş yıldızlar
Kan davasi, roman
Eski hastalik
Harabelerin çiçeǧi, Eski ahbap ve Boyunduruk
Eski rüya
Kavak yelleri
Balıkesir muhasebecisi ; Tanrı dağı ziyafeti
Eski hastalık
Taş parçasi
Balikesir muhasebecisi [ve] Tanri daǧi ziyafeti
Tanri misafiri
Yeşil gėce
Son siǧinak, roman
Yaprak dökümü
Miskinler tekkesi, roman
Akşam güneşi
Gizli el
Gizli el
Leylā ile Mecnūn
Dudaktan kalbe
Korolek--ptichka pevchai͡a
Yeşil gece
Ateş gecesi, millî roman
Tañri misāfiri
Bir köy hocası
Akşam güneşi
Yeşil gece
Sönmüş yıldızlar
Kizilcik dallari
Bir kadın düşmanı
Miskinler tekkesi
Leylâ ile Mecnun
Dodagdan gălbă ; Damgha
Anadolu notlari
ʻArabca değilmi? Uydur uydur söyle
Ateş gecesi
Johannes Urzidil
Johannes Urzidil (1896-1970)

poet, journalist, diplomat, art critic

Goethe in Böhmen
Život s českými malíři
Goethe v Čechách
The living contribution of Jewish Prague to modern German literature
Prag - Glanz und Mystik einer Stadt
Bekenntnisse eines Pedanten
Das Glück der Gegenwart
Da geht Kafka
Prag als geistiger Ausgangspunkt
There goes Kafka
Über das Handwerk
Der Trauermantel
Das Grosse Halleluja
Bist du es, Ronald? Erzählungen
Prager Triptychon
Entführung und sieben andere Ereignisse
Prag - Glanz und Mystik einer Stadt
Väterliches aus Prag und Handwerkliches aus New York
Die letzte Tombola
Morgen fahr' ich heim
Die verlorene Geliebte
Goethe in Böhmen
Väterliches aus Prag und Handwerkliches aus New York
Sturz der verdammten
Die erbeuteten Frauen
Introduzione a Kafka
Ángel Ganivet
Ángel Ganivet (1865-1898)

diplomat, sociologist, journalist, poet

  • Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Granada), Universidad Central
Angel Ganivet
Idearium español
Idearium Español. el Porvenir de España
Idearium espa©łol
Idearium español y el porvenir de España
La conquista del reino de Maya
Las cartas de Angel Ganivet
Ángel Ganivet, poeta y periodista
Idearium español
Cartas finlandesas
Los trabajos del infatigable creador Pío Cid
Cartas finlandesas
La conquista del reino de Maya por el ultimo conquistador español, Pío Cid
La conquista del reino de Maya por el último conquistador español, Pío Cid
Granada la bella ; Idearium español ; El porvenir de España ; Hombres del norte
Cartas finlandesas y Hombres del norte
Idearium español
... Obras completas
Spain: an interpretation
Ideario de Angel Ganivet
El porvenir de España
Idearium español el porvenir de España
La conquête du royaume de Maya
La conquista del reino de Maya por el último conquistador español Pío Cid ; Los trabajos del infatigable creador Pío Cid
Angel Ganivet, universitario y cónsul
España filosofica contemporanea
España filosífica contemporánea
Angel Ganivet (antología)
Finnish letters
El escultor de su alma
Granada la bella
Ideario de Angel Ganivet
Granada la bella
El escritor de su alma
Idearium español
Ideario espanõl
Angel Ganivet, universitario y cónsul
Obras completas, prólogo de Melchor Fernández Almagro
Spaniens weltanschauung und weltstellung
La conquista del Reino de Maya
Cartas finlandesas
La conquista del reino de Maya
Hombres del norte y el porvenir de España
Obras completas de Angel Ganivet ..
Ideario de Ganivet
Correspondencia familiar
Epistolario de Angel Ganivet
Los trabajos del infatigable creador Pio Cid
Le fatiche dell'infaticabile creatore Pio Cid
Granada la Bella
Estudios y textos ganivetianos
Granada la Bella
Pensamientos de Ganivet
La cofradía del Avellano
Angel Ganivet, 1898-1998
El escultor de su alma
Obras completas
Le fatiche dell'infaticabile creatore Pío Cid
Idearium espan︢ol
Cartas de Angel Ganivet y prólogo de Nicolás María López a las "Cartas finlandesas" de Angel Ganivet
E. R. Braithwaite
E. R. Braithwaite (1912-2016)


  • University of Cambridge, Queen's College, Guyana
To Sir, with Love
To Sir, with love
To Sir, with love
To Sir, with Love
To Sir, with Love
Choice of straws
To Sir, with love
Reluctant Neighbours
'Honorary white'
To Sir, with love
To Sir, with love
A kind of homecoming
To Sir, with Love
Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Oleksandr Dovzhenko (1894-1956)

film director, film producer, film editor, diplomat, director

  • Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University of Oleksandr Dovzhenko
"I︠A︡ syn svoho chasu-- "
Зачарована Десна
Ukraïna v ohni
Bachyty zavz͡hdy zori
Memorie degli anni di fuoco
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Na koli͡uchomu droti
Potomky zaporoz͡htsiv
Kinopovisti, opovidanni͡a
Tvory v p'i͡aty tomakh
The poet as filmmaker
Vybrani tvory
"~I¬A prinadlezhu k lager~i¬u poėticheskomu ..."
"Ya prinadlezhu k lageryu poéticheskomu ..."
Hospody, poshly meni syly
Pro krasu
Kinopovisti, st͡senariï, dyktorsʹki teksty
Dumy u karty rodiny
Vybrani tvory
Dumy u karty Rodiny
Povest' plamennykh let
Tvory v p'i︠a︡ty tomakh
Sobranie sochinenii
Zacharovana desna; poema pro more
Poema pro more