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diplomats who wrote biography
Showing 1-8 out of 189 results
Harold Nicolson
Harold Nicolson (1886-1968)

horticulturist, politician, diplomat, diarist, journalist, biographer

  • University of Oxford, Wellington College
Some people
Benjamin Constant
Some people
The war years, 1939-1945
Paul Verlaine
Tennyson; aspects of his life, character and poetry
Diaries and letters, 1930-1964
Dwight Morrow
The later years, 1945-1962
Curzon: the last phase, 1919-1925
The development of English biography
King George the Fifth
Swinburne and Baudelaire
Tennyson's two brothers
Small Talk
The development of English biography. --
Paul Verlaine
The development of English biography
Diaries and letters
Diaries and letters
Peacemaking, 1919
The English sense of humour
The age of reason
The Congress of Vienna
Diaries and letters, 1930-1964
Sweet waters
The Congress of Vienna
The evolution of diplomatic method, being the Chichele lectures delivered at the University of Oxford in November 1953
The age of reason
Peacemaking 1919
Diaries and letters [of] Harold Nicolson
Small talk
Peacemaking, 1919
Another world than this ..
Diaries and letters
Good behaviour
Peacemaking, 1919, being reminiscences of the Paris peace conference
Kak delalsiĶ”aļø” mir v 1919 g
Portrait of a diplomatist
The Congress of Vienna
The Harold Nicolson diaries
Diaries and letters [by] Harold Nicolson
The meaning of prestige
The evolution of diplomatic method
Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart., First Lord Carnock
The Congress of Vienna A Study in Allied Unity
Friday mornings, 1941-1944
Peacemaking 1919
The Desire to please, a story of Hamilton Rowan and the United Irishmen. --
Dwight Morrow
The Congress of Vienna, a study in allied unity
Peacemaking, 1919
Le congrès de Vienne
Peacemaking, 1919
Marginal comment, January 6-August 4 1939
Die VerschwoĢˆrung der Diplomaten
The age of reason, the eighteenth century
Marginal comment
The desire to please
King George the fifth
The Harold Nicolson diaries and letters 1907-1964
The age of reason (1700-1789)
Peacemaking, 1919. --
Der Wiener Kongress
Helen's tower
Diaries and letters (of) Harold Nicolson
Diaries and letters 1939-1945
Diaries and letters 1945-1962
Public faces
Germany and the Rhineland
People and things
The new spirit in literature
Why Britain is at war
Journey to Java
Diaries and letters
National character and national policy
Good behaviour
The age of reason (1770-1789)
Benjamin Constant
The Congress of Vienna,: A study in allied unity
Tennyson, aspects of his life, character poetry
The age of reason (1700-1789)
The old diplomacy and the new
Swinburne and Baudelaire
The English sense of humour, an essay
The future of the English-speaking world
Tennyson, aspects of his life, character and poetry
Diaries and letters 1930-1939
The evolution of diplomacy
Journey to Java
The independent member of parliament
Public faces
Curzon: the last phase, 1919-1925
Politics in the train
L' évolution des méthodes en diplomatie
Jeanne de HeĢnaut
Diaries and letters
The poetry of Byron
Good behavior
La diplomacia
Paul Verlaine
Kings, courts and monarchy
The colonial problem
King George the fifth
The evolution of diplomatic method
La Diplomacia
Benjamin Constant
Time to flower
Dwight Morrow,
Diaries and letters, 1945-1962
Peacemaking, 1919
Helen's tower
Diaries and letters
The Congress of Vienna, a study in allied unity
Diaries and letters, 1945-1962
France talks with Hitler
The Congress of Vienna
Comments, 1944-1948
Some people
Dwight Morrow
Curzon, the last phase, 1919-1925
Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart., first Lord Carnock
Portrait of a diplomatist, Sir Arthur Nicolson, bart., first Lord Carnock
King George the fifth
King George V
Why Britain is at war
Kings, courts and monarchy
Tennyson's two brothers
The desire to please
Public faces
The evolution of diplomatic method
Helen's Tower
Sweet waters
People and things
Marginal comment
Good behaviour
Journey to Java
The future of the English-speaking world
Journey to Java
Public faces
Comments, 1944-1948
Diaries and letters, 1930-1939
The evolution of diplomatic method
The meaning of prestige
The desire to please
In search of the past
Why Britain is at War
Sweet waters
The desire to please
Tennyson's two brothers
The development of English biography
Some people
Byron, the last journey, April 1823-April 1824
Friday mornings 1941-1944
Why Britain is at war
The English sense of humour
Diaries and letters, 1939-1945
Byron: the last journey
Stephen Hagan
Stephen Hagan (born 1959)


  • University of Southern Queensland
The N Word
Carl Schurz
Carl Schurz (1829-1906)

politician, military officer, diplomat, revolutionary, journalist, editor

  • University of Bonn, Dreikƶnigsgymnasium
Abraham Lincoln
Life of Henry Clay
The reminiscences of Carl Schurz
Carl Schurz
Sturmjahre; Lebenserinnerungen 1829-1852
Unter dem Sternenbanner
Flucht aus der Festung Rastatt
The reminiscences of Carl Schurz
Die Befreiung Gottfried Kinkels aus dem Zuchthaus in Spandau
Life of Henry Clay
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
The reminiscences of Carl Schurz ...
Reminiscences of a long life
Reminiscences of a long life
Aus den Lebenserinnerungen eines Achtundvierzigers
Reminiscences of a long life
Henry Clay
Der erste Eindruck des neuen Landes
Carl Schurz
Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869
Judge Douglas--the bill of indictment
Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz
American Imperialism: The Convocation Address Delivered on the Occasion of the Twenty-seventh ..
Life of Henry Clay
Speeches of Carl Schurz
American imperialism
Report on the Condition of the South
Douglas and popular sovereignty
The great issue of American politics
The policy of imperialism
For the great empire of liberty, forward
The new South
Charles Sumner, an essay
Speech of Hon. Carl Schurz, of Missouri, at Indianapolis, Indiana, July 20, 1880
Renewed struggles
Eulogy on Charles Sumner
American leadership for peace and arbitration
Annexation of San Domingo
Abraham Lincoln, a biographical essay
Intimate Letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869
An address delivered before the Archæan society of Beloit college, at its anniversary
Encouragements and warnings
The necessity and progress of civil service reform
For American principles and American honor
Address of Carl Schurz at Brooklyn, N.Y., August 5, 1884
Vormärz in Deutschland
Court of inquiry on Maj.-genl. Hooker's report of the night engagement of Wauhatchie
The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz 1829 to 1852
Life of Henry Clay
Speech of the Hon. Carl Schurz
Civil-service reform and democracy
Slavery at war with the moral sentiment of the world
Speech of Hon. Carl Schurz, at the mass meeting, Cooper Institute, New York, March 6, 1862
Die Anklage-Acte gegen Stephen A Douglas
Congress and the spoils system
A speech delivered by Gen. Carl Schurz, at Philadelphia, September 8, 1866
The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz 1829 to 1852 V1
Political disabilities
To business men
The New South
Report on the Condition of the South (American Negro His History and Literature No 3)
Election of Senator Caldwell
Sales of arms to French agents
Life of slavery, or, The life of the nation?: speech of Hon. Carl Schurz, at the mass meeting, Cooper Institute, New York, March 6, 1862
Speech of Carl Schurz, at Cooper Institute, New York, Thursday, September 13, 1860
The spoils system
Usurpation of the war powers
Die Briefe von Carl Schurz an Gottfried Kinkel
For truth, justice and liberty
Speeches (Notable American Authors) 6 Volumes
Speeches, Correspondence And Political Papers Of Carl Schurz V5
Intimate Letters of Carl Schurz, 1841 to 1869
Admission of Georgia
To the independent voter
Republican nominations
Abraham Lincoln, an essay
The democracy of the merit system
Aus den Lebenserinnerungen eines Achtundvierzigers
Can the South solve the Negro problem?
Als Amerika noch jung war
Jugendjahre in Deutschland (Lebenserinnerungen)
Reminenisence of Carl Schurz ( 3 Volumes)
Henry Clay (American statesmen)
Henry Clay
Honest money and labor
Report of the George William Curtis Memorial Committee
Die Briefe von Carl Schurz an Gottfried Kinkel. Eingeleitet und hrsg. von Eberhard Kessel
Junglingsjahre in Deutschland
The Autobiography of Carl Schurz
Intimate letters of Carl Schurz, 1841-1869
Charles Sumner
Henry Clay
The reminiscences of Carl Schurz ... illustrated with portraits and original drawings
Henry Clay
Address of Hon. Carl Schurz
Können ehrliche Amerikaner für James G. Blaine stimmen?
Rede des Herrn Carl Schurz
Jünglingsjahre in Deutschland
Some object lessons
The warning cry
Speech of the Hon. Carl Schurz, delivered at Central Music Hall, September 5, 1896, under the auspices of the American Honest Money League, Chicago, Ill
Lebenserinnerungen von Carl Shurz
Abraham Lincoln
Sales of arms to French agents, and how they are officially justified
Carl Schurz über die Silberfrage
Die Rede des Ministers Carl Schurz, abgehalten zu Cincinnati, O., am 20. August 1879
Speech of Carl Schurz
Reform. Speech of Hon. Carl Schurz
To the independent voter
Judge Douglas
The currency, specie payments
Message of the President of the United States
Civil service reform
The reminiscences of Carl Schurz ..
The currency question
Admission of Georgia
Abraham Lincoln
Judge Douglas--the bill of indictment
Rufer im Streit
Ganz kurz
Speech of Carl Schurz at Cooper Institute, New York, Thursday, September 13, 1860
Usurpation of the war powers
The life of Henry Clay
American leadership for peace and arbitration
Removal of the Ponca Indians
Carl Schurz über die Silberfrage
Speech of Carl Schurz, delivered at Verandah Hall, St. Louis, Aug. 1, 1860
Karol Schurz o naszej monecie
Carl Schurz' Rede in Rochester N.Y.
Address of Carl Schurz at Brooklyn, N.Y., August 5, 1884
The condition of the South
Election of Senator Caldwell
Rede von Carl Shurz, gehalten am 5. September, 1896 in Chicago
For the republic of Washington and Lincoln
Speech of the Hon. Carl Schurz
Slavery at war with the moral sentiment of the world
Douglas and popular sovereignty
Unanswerable exposition of the folly of fiat money
Rede des Achtbaren Carl Schurz, gehalten zu Indianapolis, Ind., am 20. Juli 1880
United States export almanac
Douglas und Volks-Sonveränität
Currency--national banks
Enforcement of fifteenth amendment
The irrepressible conflict and the dissolution of the union
Can honest Americans vote for Jas. G. Blaine?
Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz
Address of Mr. Schurz
Schurz over ons geld
Speech ... delivered at Central Music Hall, September 15, 1896
Die Anklage-Acte gegen Stephen A. Douglas
Oceans apart?
The life of slavery, or the life of the nation?
Henry Clay
Rede des Herrn Schurz
Address of Carl Schurz at Brooklyn, New York, August 5, 1884
Henry Clay
Honest money and labor
Douglasism exposed and Republicanism vindicated
Woman suffrage
Speech of Carl Schurz at the Greeley ratification meeting, at St. Louis, July 22
Douglas and popular sovereignty
Autobiography of Carl Schurz
General amnesty. Speech of Hon. Carl Schurz, of Missouri
Silver and farm prices
The reminiscences of Carl Schurz, [1829-1869]
The True issue
Abraham Lincoln
Ève Curie
ƈve Curie (1904-2007)

journalist, pianist, music critic, biographer, diplomat, French resistance fighter, war correspondent

  • CollĆØge SĆ©vignĆ©
Madame Curie
Madame Curie
Juli fu ren
Kyurī Fujin den
Juli fu ren zhuan
Journey among warriors
Reader's Digest Best Loved Books for Young Readers--Volume One
Journey among warriors.
Madame Curie
Eine Frau an der Front
Voyage parmi les guerriers
Voyage parmi les guerriers (Journey among warriors) ..
Madame Curie. Eine Biographie
They Speak For A Nation - Letters From France
145, Wall Street
Madame Currie
Vita di Madame Curie
MariiĶ”aļø” KiĶ”uļø”ri
Madame curie, a biography by Eve Curie
Madame Curie
Madame Curie
The price of freedom
Journey among warriors
Maria Curie
The price of freedom
Zhan di xing
Madame Curie
They speak for a nation
Shevah Weiss
Shevah Weiss (1935-2023)

diplomat, politician, pedagogue, political scientist

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Juan María Gutiérrez
Juan Marƭa GutiƩrrez (1809-1878)

statesperson, historian, diplomat, mathematician, naturalist

  • National School of Buenos Aires
La literatura de Mayo y otras paĢginas criĢticas
De la poesiĢa y elocuencia de las tribus de AmeĢrica y otros textos
Noticias histoĢricas sobre el origen y desarrollo de la ensenĢƒanza puĢblica superior en Buenos Aires, desde la eĢpoca de la extincioĢn de la CompanĢƒiĢa de JesuĢs en el anĢƒo 1767, hasta poco despueĢs de fundada la Universidad en 1821 : con notas, biografiĢas, datos estadiĢsticos y documentos curiosos, ineĢditos o poco conocidos
Letras argentinas
Cartas de un porteño
Origen y desarrollo de la enseñanza pública superior en Buenos Aires
Catecismo de la ConstitucioĢn de la RepuĢblica argentina
Juan Cruz Varela
Archivo del doctor Juan María Gutiérrez
ColeccioĢn Doctor Juan MariĢa GutiĢerrez
Historia y crítica
Apuntes biograficos de escritores, oradores y hombres de estado de la Republica Arjentina
Pensamientos, maximas, sentencias, etc. de escritores, oradores y hombres de estado de la Republica Argentina
Bernardino Rivadavia
Biografía del general don José de San Martín
Escritos histoĢricos y literarios
Epistolario de don Juan MariĢa GutieĢrrez
Estudios histórico-literarios
A través de una correspondencia Don Juan Maria Gutiérrez
El hombre hormiga, artículo sobre costumbre de Buenos Aires en 1838
Origen y desarrollo de la enseñanza pública superior en Buenos Aires
Los poetas de la revolucioĢn
Origen y desarrollo de la enseñanza públia cuperior en Buenos Aires
Criticas y narraciones
CriĢticas y narraciones
Apuntes biograficos de escritores, oradores y hombres de estado de la ..
Sobre las "Rimas" de EcheverriĢa
Elojio del profesor de filosofía Dr. D. Luis José de la Peña
Escritores coloniales americanos
A través de una correspondencia
Estudios histórico-literarios
El lector americano
Carlos Pereyra
Carlos Pereyra (1871-1942)

diplomat, jurist, ambassador, historian, Hispanist

Hernán Cortés
Las huellas de los conquistadores
Breve historia de AmeĢrica
El crimen de Woodrow Wilson
La ConstitucioĢn de los Estados Unidos
Rosas y Thiers
Historia de AmeĢrica espanĢƒola ..
La conquista de las rutas oceaĢnicas
Herna n Corte s
Sobre la democracia
El mito de Monroe
L' oeuvre de l'Espagne en AmeĢrique
El pensamiento poliĢtico de Alberdi
La Tercera Internacional
La obra de España en América
Humboldt en AmeĢrica
Francisco Solano LoĢpez y la guerra del Paraguay
Carlos Pereyra
Obras completas
La conquista de las rutas oceánicas
El sujeto de la historia
De barradas à Baudin: Un libro de polemica historial
La juventud legendaria de BoliĢvar
Historia del pueblo mejicano ..
MeĢxico falsificado
El general Sucre
SemiologiĢa y psicopatologiĢa  de los procesos de la esfera intelecual
Cosas de Coahuila
Lecturas histoĢricas mejicanas
Documentos inéditos ó muy raros para la historia de México
JuĢarez discutido como dictador y estadista
Solano LoĢpez y su drama
Francisco Pizarro y el tesoro de Atahualpa
Breve historia de America
La obra de España en América
El mito de Monroe
Historia de América española ...
Rosas y Thiers
La tercera Internacional
Documentos inéditos ó muy raros para la historia de México
Carlos Pereyra, antología de sus obras
Francisco Solano López y la guerra del Paraguay
La doctrina de Monroe
El mito de Monroe, 1763-1860
Documentos inéditos o muy raros para la historia de México
La conquista de las rutas oceánicas
Historiens chiliens, pages choisies
El fetiche constitucional americano
Monardes y el exotismo medico en el siglo XVI
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
Claude Petiet
Claude Petiet


  • Ɖcole nationale des langues orientales vivantes