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diplomats who wrote biography
Showing 153-160 out of 189 results
Bronisław Geremek
Bronisław Geremek (1932-2008)

politician, diplomat, historian of Modern Age, historian, trade unionist, medievalist

  • University of Warsaw, École pratique des hautes études
Profesor to nie obelga
Lech Wałęsa
O średniowieczu
Le salariat dans l'artisanat parisien aux XIIIe-XVe siècles
The margins of society in late medieval Paris
Unfinished Peace
The Margins of Society in Late Medieval Paris (Past and Present Publications)
The common roots of Europe
La potence ou la pitié
Litość i szubienica
Szansa i zagrożenie
Les fils de Caïn
Les marginaux parisiens aux XIVe et XVe siècles
Bronislaw Geremek en diálogo con Juan Carlos Vidal
La Piedad y La Horca
Le salariat dans l'artisanat parisien aux 13e-15e siècles
Le salariat dans l'artisanat parisien aux XIIIe et XVe siècles. Etude sur le marché de la main-d'œuvre au Moyen-Âge
Szansa I Zagrozenie
Inutiles au monde. Truands et misérables dans l'Europe moderne
Intercultural Learning for Human Rights
La Rupture. La Pologne du communisme à la démocratie. Entretiens avec Jacek Zakowski
Najemna siia robocza w rzemiośle Paryza, 13-15 w
Ludzie, towary, pieniądze
Truands et miserables dans l'Europe moderne (1350-1600)
Construction européenne
Ludzie marginesu w średniowiecznym Paryżu, XIV-XV wiek
Kultura Polski średniowiecznej XIV-XV w.
Rok 1989--Bronisław Geremek opowiada, Jacek Żakowski pyta
Biedni i bogaci
The Idea of a civil society
Salariati e artigiani nella Parigi medievale secoli XIII-XIV
La pietà e la forca
Kaléidoscope franco-polonais
Le salariat dans l'artisanat parisien aux XIIIe-XVe siècles
Rok 1989, Bronisław Geremek opowiada, Jacek Żakowski pyta
La Pologne au XXe siècle
Ludzie marginesu w średniowiecznym Paryz̊u
Kultura elitarna a kultura masowa w Polsce późnego średniowiecza
La stirpe di Caino
Polen und Deutschland in Europa
Świat "opery żebraczej"
La Pologne au XXe siècle
Bronislaw Geremek
Mendicanti e miserabili nell'Europa moderna (1350-1600)
Inutiles au monde
Visions d'Europe
Truands et misérables dans l'Europe moderne (1350-1600)
Douglas James Roche
Douglas James Roche (born 1929)

politician, diplomat, political scientist, peace activist

Creative dissent
Politicians for peace
What development is all about
The Catholic revolution
Justice not charity
Global conscience
How We Stopped Loving the Bomb
Man to man
The ultimate evil
Justice not charity
Beyond Hiroshima
Unacceptable Risk Nuclear Weapons In A
The human right to peace
Building Global Security
Building global security
United Nations in the 21st Century
The human side of politics
Le Canada à la poursuite de la paix
The Catholic revolution
A bargain for humanity
The human side of politics. --
The Arctic
United Nations
Bread not bombs
A bargain for humanity
The human right to peace
Lay missionaries who? where? why?
Bread Not Bombs
Bargain for Humanity
Man to Man
Politicians for peace
Sergio Romano
Sergio Romano (born 1929)

historian, journalist, diplomat

  • University of Milan
Giovanni Gentile
Attraverso il secolo
Giuseppe Volpi
Il mondo di Sergio Romano
Memorie di un conservatore
Giuseppe Volpi et l'Italie moderne
Le altre facce della storia
Morte e riscoperta dello Stato-nazione
Guida alla politica estera italiana
An outline of European history from 1789 to 1989
La politica italiana
Tra due repubbliche
Histoire de l'Italie du Risorgimento à nos jours
L' Italia scappata di mano
La Russia in bilico
Disegno della storia d'Europa dal 1789 al 1989
L' Europa
Il rischio americano
Lo scambio ineguale
I luoghi della storia
Lettera a un amico ebreo
Il declino dell'URSS come potenza mondiale e le sue conseguenze
L'Italia disunita
Le Italie parallele
I volti della storia
L' Italia negli anni della guerra fredda
I confini della storia
La Francia dal 1870 ai nostri giorni
La pace perduta
La storia sul comodino
Con gli occhi dell'islam
La lingua e il tempo
Confessioni di un revisionista
La quarta sponda
I falsi protocolli
Cinquant'anni di storia mondiale
Libera Chiesa, libero Stato?
Vademecum di storia dell'Italia unita
Saremo moderni?
Elezioni, istruzioni per l'uso
La lingua e la cultura italiane nel mondo d'oggi
I falsi protocolli
De Gaulle a Milano, 23 giugno 1959
Disegno della storia d'Europa dal 1789 al 1989
Storia di Francia
Il paese delle molte storie
La crisi del bipolarismo
Storia d'Italia dal Risorgimento ai nostri giorni
La città europea fuori d'Europa
Addio alle armi
Storia di Francia
I giudizi della storia
Storia d'Italia dal Risorgimento ai nostri giorni
Il suicidio dell'Urss
Morire di democrazia
La Russia imperiale di Putin
La Chiesa contro
Per la conoscenza di Croce in Francia
In lode della guerra fredda
Desert Storm
Breviario dei politici secondo
Gli spagnoli e l'Italia
Gli Americani e l'Italia
Disegni per una esposizione
Il declino dell'impero americano
Finis Italiae
L'arte in guerra
La Politica estera italiana, 1860-1985
Felo de se
Il giorno in cui fallì la rivoluzione
Guerre, debiti e democrazia
La scommessa di Putin
John Hay
John Hay (1838-1905)

diplomat, journalist, biographer, politician, secretary, historian

  • Brown University, Carthage College
At Lincoln's side
An idler
The bread-winners
Lincoln and the Civil War in the diaries and letters of John Hay
The balance sheet of two parties
Inside Lincoln's White House
A poet in exile
Pike County ballads and other pieces
Lincoln's journalist
The complete poetical works
The Pike County ballads
Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle, and Little Breeches
The Republican party
Letters of John Hay and extracts from diary
The complete poetical works of John Hay
Abraham Lincoln
William McKinley
Pike county ballads
Pike County ballads
Addresses of John Hay
Chapters I to XI, inclusive, of The bread-winners
Memorial address on the life and character of William McKinley
Speech of the Honorable John Hay, Secretary of State
John Hay--Howells letters
William McKinley; memorial address by John Hay, delivered in the Capitol February 27, 1902 by invitation of the Congress
John Hay's Pike County
Castilian days
The Pike County ballads
Fifty years of the Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln
Little breeches
Pike County ballads and other poems by John Hay
In praise of Omar
Castilian days
Not pretty, but precious
Robert Burns
Sketch of "Tad" Lincoln
A college friendship
The bread-winners
Addresses of John Hay
Pike County ballads and other poems
Speech of John Hay at the unveiling of the bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster Abbey, May 21, 1897
The pioneers of Ohio
The pioneers of Ohio
Speech of John Hay at the unveiling of the bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster abbey, May 21, 1897
Life in the White House in the time of Lincoln
The complete poetical works of John Hay
The complete poetical works of John Hay
William McKinley
Lincoln and some Union generals
In praise of Omar
With Lincoln at the White House
Jim Bludso of the Prairie Belle
The enchanted shirt
Washington after the war
John Hay papers
Not pretty, but precious, and other short stories
Thirteenth International Peace Congress
Lucien Bonaparte
Lucien Bonaparte (1775-1840)

politician, diplomat, collector

Mémoires secrets
Muséum étrusque de Lucien Bonaparte, prince de Canino, fouilles de 1828 à 1829
Rapport de Lucien Bonaparte sur l'organisation des cultes
Charlemagne, ou l'Eglise délivrée
Memoirs of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino
La vérité sur les cent-jours
Charlemagne, ou, L'église délivrée
Charlemagne, ou, L'église délivrée
Charlemagne, or, The church delivered
Notice d'une colleciton de vases antiques en terre peints provenant des fouilles faites en Étrurie par feu le Prince de Canino...
Les "Voyages en Italie" (1804)
Discours prononce  dans le temple de Mars par L. Bonaparte, ministre de l'Inte rieur, le 25 messidor an 8, pour la fe te du 14 juillet et de la Concorde
Opinion de Lucien Bonaparte, sur la situation de la Re publique
Rapport et projet de re solution pre sente s par Lucien Bonaparte, sur la fin des proscriptions civiles
Memoirs of the private and political life of Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino
Discours prononce  par le tribun Lucien Bonaparte, a   la tribune du Corps-le gislatif, sur la religion
Memoirs of Lucien Bonaparte (prince of Canino)
Motion d'ordre faite par Lucien Bonaparte au nom de la Commission des dilapidations
Chassez-moi les Jacobins, plus d'e chafauds, plus de terreur, plus de tribunaux re volutionnaires, plus de re gime de 93
Opinion de Lucien Bonaparte sur l'impo t du sel
Motion d'ordre faite par L. Bonaparte, pour la veuve et les enfans de Te obald-Wolf-Ton
Notice d'une collection de vases antiques en terre peints provenant des fouilles faites en Etrurie par feu M. le Prince de Canino
Fe te de la Re publique
Discours prononce  dans le temple de Mars par L. Bonaparte, ministre de l'Inte rieur, le 1er. vende miaire an 9, pour la fe te de la Re publique
Réponse aux Mémoires du général Lamarque
Rapport fait par Lucien Bonaparte, au nom de la Commission des onze, sur le message du Directoire exe cutif du 29 prairial an 7
Discours de clo ture prononce  par L. Bonaparte, pre sident du Conseil des cinq-cents, dans la nuit du 19 brumaire an 8.
Rapport et projet d'arrêté, présentés par Lucien Bonaparte, au nom de la Commission des inspecteurs
Observations de Lucien Bonaparte sur l'opinion du cit. Creuze -Latouche
Discours de Lucien Bonaparte, sur la Le gion d'honneur
La Cirnéide
Rapport fait par Lucien Bonaparte au nom d'une commission spe ciale sur les secours a   accorder aux veuves & enfans des militaires & employe s publics des arme es de terre & de mer
George S. Boutwell
George S. Boutwell (1818-1905)

politician, lawyer, diplomat

Eulogy on the death of Abraham Lincoln
Why I am a Republican
The Constitution of the United States at the end of the first century
Speeches and papers relating to the rebellion and the overthrow of slavery
The President's policy
Senator from Louisiana
Reminiscences of sixty years in public affairs
Why I am a Republican
The progress of American independence
Thoughts on educational topics and institutions
Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell ..
Reconstruction and its relations to the business of the country
Address by the Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell
Speech of the Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts
Confiscation of rebel property
The usurpation
Speeches and papers relating to the rebellion and the overthrow of slavery
The Reciprocity Treaty with Hawaii
Elements of agricultural success
Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs, Volume 1
The lawyer
Reden von gouv. Boutwell, achtb. Thaddeus Stevens und gen. Schenck
Speeches and papers relating to the rebellion and the overthrow of slavery
An address delivered before the Franklin County Agricultural Society, Greenfield, Oct. 4, 1855
Reminiscences Of Sixty Years In Public Affairs V1
A manual of the direct and excise tax system of the United States
The crisis of the republic
Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs, Volume 2
Hawaiian annexation
The Venezuelan question and the Monroe doctrine
Mr. Boutwell's argument in the matter of the Pacific National Bank of Boston, Mass
Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell of Massachusetts on the constitutional amendment reported from the Joint Committee on Reconstruction
The lawyer, the statesman and the soldier
Mr. Boutwell's speech on the Mint Bill of 1873
Thoughts on educational topics and institutions
Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell of Massachusetts on suffrage in the District of Columbia
Speech of Hon. G.S. Boutwell, delivered before the National Union League Association, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1863
Maritime interests of the United States
Mass meetings of protest against the suppression of truth about the Philippines, Faneuil Hall, Thursday, March 19, 3 and 8 p.m.
Protection as a public policy, compared with the system of free-trade, or a tariff for revenue only / by George S. Boutwell
Mass meetings of protest against the supression of truth about the Philippines
The Democracy and its policy. A new rebellion threatened---Frank P. Blair's treason
The tax-payer's manual
Opinion of Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell upon the question "Whether W.W. Belknap, the respondent, is amenable to trial by impeachment for acts done as Secretary of War, notwithstanding his resignation of said office"
International arbitration and International bimetallism
Remarks of Mr. Boutwell before the Joint Committee on Taxation of the Legislature of Massachusetts, February 18, 1898
Address to the laboring and producing classes of the United States ...
The tax-payer's manual
Right of suffrage
The currency, specie payments
The Organic laws of the United States of America
An address upon secession
The enslavement of American labor
A manual of the direct and excise tax system of the United States
Address by Gov. Boutwell at the Davis Monument, at Acton, October 29th, 1851
Address of Hon. George S. Boutwell
The gold standard, the revenues and the navy
Arguments before the committee on banking and currency of the Forty-fifth congress in favor of Bill H.R. no. 1808
Mr. Boutwell's speech on the Mint Bill of 1873, delivered before the Twentieth Century Club, Boston, October 14, 1896
Herbert Giles
Herbert Giles (1845-1935)

sinologist, diplomat, translator

  • Charterhouse School
A Chinese biographical dictionary
Antología de la literatura fantástica
A history of Chinese literature
China and the Manchus
The Civilization of China
China and the Chinese
Chinese Sketches
Religions of ancient China
Gems of Chinese literature
A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East
Historic China
A Dictionary Of Colloquial Idioms In The Mandarin Dialect
Chinese poetry in English verse
Historic China, and other sketches
A Short History of Koolangsu
A Chinese-English dictionary
Chinese without a teacher
Confucianism and its rivals
Chinese without a teacher, being a collection of easy and useful sentences in the Mandarin dialect, with a vocabulary
Chinese fairy tales
On some translations and mistranslations in Dr. Williams' Syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language
Synoptical studies in Chinese character =
Arcana Saitica Briefly Discussed in Three Essays on the Masonic Tracing Boards
An introduction to the history of Chinese pictorial art
Confucianism And Its Rivals 1915
Strange Stories From A Chinese Studio V1
Gems of Chinese literature, prose
Adversaria Sinica
Great religions of the world
Chinese without a teacher: being a collection of easy and useful sentences in the Mandarin ..
Short cuts to Chinese
Synoptical studies in the Chinese character
Herbert A. Giles and China
Some truths about opium
Ying i Chung-kuo ko shih hsüan
China on CD
Great religions of the world
Chaos in China
Religions of Ancient China
Select Chinese verses
Great religions of the world
How to begin Chinese
Librivox Short Story Collection 088
A glossary of reference on subjects connected with the Far East
Great religions of the world
The civilisation of China
Quips from a Chinese jest-book
An introduction to the history of Chinese pictorial art
Polnyĭ kitaĭsko-russkīĭ slovarʹ
Chinese self-taught
Synoptical studies in the Chinese character
The San tzu ching
A Chinese-English dictionary
Religions of ancient China
The Civilization of China & Religions of Ancient China
Adversaria Sinica
A Chinese-English dictionary
Confucianism and its rivals
Musings of a Chinese Mystic: Selections from the Philosophy of Chuang Tzŭ
Ying yi Zhongguo ge shi xuan
San Tzu Ching
The hundred best characters
Zhongguo wen mai
Handbook of the Swatow dialect
Short stories from Giles' Historic China
A history of Chinese literature
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio
Whitelaw Reid
Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912)

diplomat, politician, journalist

  • Miami University
Ohio in the war
Abraham Lincoln
Two witnesses at Gettysburg
Lotos Leaves
Schools of journalism
Some newspaper tendencies
Later aspects of our new duties
Problems of expansion
Education in England
University tendencies in America
Our new interests
The greatest fact in modern history
Continental union
Some consequences of the last treaty of Paris
Making peace with Spain
Our new duties
A commenment address before the [Phi Beta Kappa] society of Vassar Collge, June 8, 1903
One Welshman
One Welshman: a glance at a great career
A radical view
A Political History Of Slavery
American and English studies
Great Britain and the United States need each other
How the United States faced its educational problem
The Scot in America, and the Ulster Scot
Two speeches at the Queen's Jubilee, London, 1897
Rise to world power
The Monroe doctrine, the Polk doctrine and the doctrine of anarchism
Continental Union: Civil Service for the Islands; An Address at the Massachusetts Club, Boston ..
After the war
American And English Studies V2
Colossal philanthropy
Horace Greeley
Problems of expansion, as considered in papers and addresses
Our new duties: a commencement address at the seventy-fifth anniversary of Miami university, Thursday, June 15, 1899
The "practical side" of American education
The Scot in America
London commemorations
Town Hall Suggestions: An Address at the Opening of a New City Hall, Xenia, Ohio, February 16, 1881
Great Britain and the United States
The story of San Francisco for English ears
The rise of the United States
After the war
"Our foremost friend in Great Britain."
After the war: a tour of the Southern States, 1865-1866
After the war, a southern tour
Careers for the coming men
Some newspaper tendencies
The Thing to do
One Welshman
Lincoln as I knew him
American and English studies
The cipher dispatches
An address by Whitelaw Reid at the unveiling of a tablet in memory of Edmund Burke, placed on his old residence at Bath by the municipality, October 22nd, 1908
Making peace with Spain
Ohio in the war
Schools of journalism
American and English studies
Later aspects of our new duties
After the war, a southern tour
Ohio in the war