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diplomats who wrote biography
Showing 73-80 out of 189 results
T. E. Lawrence
T. E. Lawrence (1888-1935)

anthropologist, archaeologist, autobiographer, military officer, translator, castellologist, spy, diplomat, aircraft pilot, military personnel, world traveler

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
أعمدة الحكمة السبعة
Revolt in the desert
The mint
The letters of T.E. Lawrence
The essential T.E. Lawrence
T.E. Lawrence to his biographers, Robert Graves and Liddell Hart
Revolt in the desert
Lawrence de Arabia, la corona de arena
Seven pillars of wisdom
Crusader castles
Oriental assembly
T.E. Lawrence
Les Sept Piliers de la sagesse
Evolution of a revolt
Lawrence of Arabia, strange man of letters
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Diary Kept by T. E. Lawrence While Travelling in Arabia During 1911
Die sieben Säulen der Weisheit
Arabia Deserta
T.E. Lawrence to his biographer, Liddell Hart
Odyssey of Homer
The Selected Letters
From a letter of T.E. Lawrence
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
T. E. Lawrence in war and peace
Minorities; good poems by small poets and small poems by good poets
La matrice
Letters from T.E. Shaw to Bruce Rogers
Secret despatches from Arabia
Los Siete Pilares de La Sabiduria
Revolt in the Desert
Lawrence in war and peace
T.E. Lawrence to his biographers
Lawrence of Arabia
Bahrain Oil and Development 1929-1989
The home letters of T.E. Lawrence and his brothers
The Wilderness of Zin
27 Articles
Men in print
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
More letters from T.E. Shaw to Bruce Rogers
Rebelion En El Desierto
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Part 2
T E Lawrence
The letters
Aufstand in der wüste
The diary of T.E. Lawrence MCMXI ; and, An essay on Flecker
Bilgeligin Yedi Sutunu
The diary of T.E. Lawrence
Aufstand in der Wus̈te
Guérilla dans le désert 1916-1918
Seven Pillars of Wisdom : A Triumph
T e Lawrence in War and Peace
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Part 1
Selections from the seven pillars of wisdom
T.E. Lawrence to his biographer, Robert Graves
Seven pillars of wisdom, a triumph
Les textes essentiels
Crusader Castles
Carchemish : Report on the Excavations at Djerabis on Behalf of the British Museum
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T. E. Lawrence Illustrated Edition
Correspondence with E. M. Forster and F. L. Lucas
The Letters (Oxford Letters & Memoirs)
Crusader Castles (Hippocrene Insider's Guides Series)
Letters to E.T. Leeds
Selected letters of T.E.Lawrence
The diary of T.E. Lawrence MCMXI
Rebelión en el desierto
[Seven pillars of wisdom
The essential T. E. Lawrence
Oeuvres de T. E. Lawrence, tome 1
Oriental assembly
From a letter of T.E. Lawrence
Seven Pillars of Wisdom-V2
Towards 'an English fourth'
Letters edited by David Garnett
Les sept piliers de la sagesse
T.E. Lawrence to his biographier, Robert Graves! information about himself, in the form of letters, notes and answers to questions
An essay on Flecker
Selections from Seven pillars of wisdom
Chie no nanahashira
Chie no 7-hashira
ha-Mered ba-midbar
Seven Pillars of Wisdom-V1
Catalogue of an exhibition of paintings, pastels, drawings and woodcuts illustrating Col. T.E. Lawrence's book "Seven pillars of wisdom"
Some notes on the writing of the Seven pillars of wisdom
Selected letters of T.E. Lawrence
Los siete pilares de la sabiduría
Correspondence with Henry Williamson
Shivʻah ʻamude ḥokhmah
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Part 1 of 2
Colonel Lawrence and others on "Her privates we" by Private 19022
Czesław Miłosz
Czesław Miłosz (1911-2004)

poet, diplomat, essayist, translator, pedagogue, literary historian

  • Vilnius University
Native realm
The land of Ulro
Beginning with my streets
Szukanie ojczyzny
A year of the hunter
Beginning With My Street
Beginning with My Streets
Zaczynając od moich ulic
Rok myśliwego
Native Realm
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Zniewolony umysł
Selected Poems
A Book of Luminous Things
The history of Polish literature
Bells in winter
The Issa Valley
Unattainable earth
Second Space
Zdobycie władzy
Visions from San Francisco Bay
Road-side dog
Milosz's ABC's
A treatise on poetry
New and collected poems 1931-2001
Świadectwo poezji
Nobel lecture
Native realm: a search for self-definition
Emperor of the Earth
Testimony to the Invisible
Dolina Issy
Legends of Modernity
Rodzinna Europa
New and Collected Poems 1931-2000
Czesław Miłosz
New And Collected Poems 19312001
The Captive Mind
To Begin Where I Am
The seizure of power
The collected poems, 1931-1987
Zaraz po wojnie
Témoignage de la poésie
The Separate Notebooks
The mountains of Parnassus =
Polish post-war poetry
Życie na wyspach
Selected and last poems, 1931-2004 / Czeslaw Milosz ; foreword by Seamus Heaney ; last poems translated by Anthony Milosz
The usurpers
Piesek przydrożny
Prywatne obowiązki
The history of Polish literature
On the Abolition of All Political Parties
Utwory poetyckie =
Metafizyczna pauza
Postwar Polish Poetry
Czesława Miłosza autoportret przekorny
Selected And Last Poems 19312004
El Pensamiento Cautivo
Ogród nauk
A book of luminous things
The Witness of Poetry (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures)
The witness of poetry
Traktat Moralny
Das Tal der Issa
Księga Psalmów
Das Tal der Issa. Die Andere Bibliothek - Erfolgsausgabe
El Valle Del Issa (Fbula)
Traktat poetycki
Hymn O Perle Michigan Slavic Materials 21 (Michigan Slavic Materials)
Zniewolony umyss
Orfeusz i Eurydyka
Miracle Fair
Sur les bords de l'issa
Collected Poems
Portret podwójny
Powroty do Litwy
La grande tentation
Poeticheskii Traktat
Księga psalmów
Conversations with Czeslaw Milosz
Visions de la baie de San Francisco
Die Straßen von Wilna
Proud to be a mammal
Człowiek wśród skorpionów
Rinktiniai eilerasciai/ Poezje wybrane  (Selected Poems)
Moj wilenski opiekun
Visions from San Francisco Bay
Podróżny świata
Księga mądrości
Otra Europa
Hymn o perle
El Valle Del Issa
Miasto bez imienia
Bells in Winter
La pensée captive
El Valle De Issa
O Rus! Studia Litteraria Slavica in Honorem Hugh McLean
Selected Poems
Widzenia Nad Zatoka
Ziemia Ulro
Poesies, tome 2. Les élements, autres poèmes symphonies..
Przeklady poetyckie
Abecadło Miłosza
Przekłady poetyckie wszystkie
Selected poems, 1931-2004
Empereur de la terre
La Terre d'Ulro
Mein ABC. Von Adam und Eva bis Zentrum und Peripherie
Zeugnis der Poesie
Gedichte 1933 - 1981
Poésies, tome 1. Le poème des décadences, les sept solitudes
Raporty dyplomatyczne Czesława Miłosza 1945-1950
Wypisy z ksiąg użytecznych
Swiadectwo poezji
Histoire de la littérature polonaise
The separate notebooks
Widzenia nad zatoka San Francisco
Poder Cambia de Manos, El
Le chien mandarin
Inne abecadło
Poezje wybrane
Tak zwane widoki ziemi
Zniewolony umysł
Miłoszova abeceda
Widzenia nad zatoka San Francisco
Legendy nowoczesności
Rosja, widzenia transoceaniczne
Zdobycie władzy
A Book of Luminous Things
Piesek przydrozny
Widzenia nad zatoką San Francisco
Kultura masowa
Josef Koudelka
Wiersze wszystkie
Pieśń niepodległa =
Trzy zimy
El poder cambia de manos
Nieobjęta ziemia
Road-Side Dog
Wiersze wszystkie
Podróżny świata
Księga Hioba
Król Popiel
Ogród nauk
Storia della letteratura polacca
Issa Vadisi
Ewangelia według Marka ; Apokalipsa
Spiżarnia literacka
Wiersze T. 2
Dalsze okolice
De la Baltique au Pacifique
Księga psalmów
Prywatne obowiązki
Book of Luminoua Things (Subrights)
Only the Dreamer Can Change the Dream
Le chien mandarin
Mountains of Parnassus
Coll Poems
Prywatne obowiazki
Księgi pięciu megilot
Na brzegu rzeki
Księgi biblijne
Piesn Niepodlegla the Invincible Song Poems Michigan Slavic Materials No. 18 (Michigan Slavic materials)
Pridorozhna︠i︡a sobachonka
Gdzie wschodzi słońce i kędy zapada
Światło dzienne
Abecedario. Diccionario de Una Vida
Przygody młodego umysłu
Tutsak Edilmis Akil
La prise du pouvoir
Księgi pięciu megilot
Czesław Miłosz, Ola Watowa
Rozmowy zagraniczne 1979-2003
La mente cautiva
Velyke kni︠a︡zivstvo literatury
Listy 1944-1981
DAS und andere Gedichte
Poezje wybrane =
Księga Mądrości
Dzieła zbiorowe
Le chien mandarin
Rodzina Europa
Gucio zaczarowany
Grįžimai Lietuvon
Il castigo della speranza
Wierszie wybrane
Polskie kontrasty
Noty o wygnaniu
Historia literatury polskiej
Milosz par Milosz
Zneiwolony umysł
Traktat poetycki z moim komentarzem
O podróżach w czasie
Król Popiel
Mowa wiązana
Lud da siłę swojemu poecie
Król Popiel i inne wiersze
Świat =
Zeichen im Dunkel
"Mój wileński opiekun"
The view
Aleksander Hertz
Jakiegoż to gościa mieliśmy
Wiersze ostatnie
Wiersze i ćwiczenia
Wielkie pokuszenie
Jasności promieniste i inne wierze
Wyprawa w dwudziestolecie
Wybór wierszy
Dialog o Wilnie
Poèmes 1934-1982
Traktat moralny; traktat poetycki
Hündchen am Wegesrand
Rozmowy Czesław Miłosz
Conversations with Czeslaw Milosz
Postwar Polish poetry
Une autre Europe
O podboju
Fyra dikter
Druga przestrzeń
Henry W. Shoemaker
Henry W. Shoemaker (1880-1958)

diplomat, historian, folklorist, conservationist, archivist, newspaper proprietor

  • Columbia University
Some forgotten Pennsylvania heroines
Proceedings of dedication ceremonies, placing names of Wayne township soldiers of world war, 1917-1918, on monument at McElhattan, Clinton County, Pa., July 5, 1920. Ed. by Henry W. Shoemaker
The Pennsylvania deer and their horns
North Pennsylvania minstrelsy
The Black bear of Pennsylvania
Tales of the Bald Eagle Mountainsin Central Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania mountain stories
A week in the Blue Mountains
More Pennsylvania mountain stories
Wild life in western Pennsylvania
Juniata memories
South Mountain sketches
Pennsylvania wild cats
North Mountain mementos
The Indian steps
Allegheny episodes
The black moose in Pennsylvania
Allegheny episodes
Susquehanna legends
Black Forest souvenirs
Eldorado found, the central Pennsylvania highlands
The tree language of the Pennsylvania German Gypsies
Extinct Pennsylvania animals
Penn's grandest cavern
The West Branch and the Constitution
Indian folk-songs of Pennsylvania
Captain Logan, Blair County's Indian chief
The music and musical instruments of the Pennsylvania mountaineers
The panther of the North Woods
Black Forest souvenirs collected in northern Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania deer and their horns
North Pennsylvania minstrelsy as sung in the backwood settlements, hunting cabins and lumber camps in northern Pennsylvania, 1840-1923
The Cumberland Valley and the Highland regiments
A Pennsylvania bison hunt
A Catalogue of Early Pennsylvania and Other Firearms and Edged Weapons at ''Restless Oaks''
The man Pinchot
More Allegheny episodes
Eldorado found
Indian Folk-Songs Of Pennsylvania
A catalogue of early Pennsylvania and other firearms and edged weapons
Elizabethan days
The importance of marking historic spots
The Pennsylvania forest problem
The last of the war governors
Extinct Pennsylvania animals
Susquehanna legends; collected in Central Pennsylvania
Gipsies and gipsy lore in the Pennsylvania mountains
Juniata memories
Black forest souvenirs
A week in the Blue Mountains
The Panther of the Northwoods
Wildlife in Western Pennsylvania
Eldorado found, the central Pennsylvania highlands
In The Seven Mountains
F øe øl øi øs ø c øa øt øu øs ø in Pennsylvania?
Early potters of Clinton County
North Pennsylvania minstrelsy as sung in the backwoods settlements, hunting cabins and lumber camps in the "Black Forest" of Pennsylvania, 1840-1923
The music and musical instruments of the Pennsylvania Mountaineers
Pennsylvania mountain stories
A forgotten people--The Pennsylvania mountaineers
Mountain minstrelsy of Pennsylvania
In the Seven Mountains
Juniata memories
Thirteen hundred old time words of British, continental or aboriginal origins, still or recently in use among the Pennsylvania mountain people ...
Pennsylvania Indian folk-songs
A tour in Huguenot countries
The memoirs of James Ord, of Ord Rancho, California
Some stories of old deserted houses in the central Pennsylvania mountains
Western Pennsylvania Indian folk lore
Oscar Milosz
Oscar Milosz (1877-1939)

poet, translator, diplomat, playwright, essayist

  • École du Louvre, Lycée Janson-de-Sailly
The noble traveller
Miguel Mañara
Amorous initiation
Fourteen poems
Contes lithuaniens de ma mère l'Oye
Lietuviškos Pasakos
Saul de Tarse
O. V. de L. Milosz
Ars magne
Miguel Mañara
Lettres inédites à Christian Gauss dont une en fac-similé hors texte
La berline arrêtée dans la nuit
Soixante-quinze lettres inédites et sept documents originaux
Les Zborowski
O. V. de L. Milosz (1877-1919)
Trois symphonies
Deux messianismes politiques
L' amoureuse initiation
L' amoureuse invitation
The Noble Traveller - The Life and Writings of O. V. de L. Milosz
Connaissez-vous? Milosz
Baśnie i legendy litewskie
Centenaire de O.V. de L. Milosz
Milosz, 1877-1939
Ars magna
Los orígenes ibéricos del pueblo judío
Contes et fabliaux de la vieille Lithuanie
Les arcanes
Ars magna
Wybór poezji
Poèmes, 1895-1927
Textes inédits de O.V. de L. Milosz, suivis de lettres inédites de Paul Valéry, Antoine Bourdelle, André Suarès, Jules Supervielle
Le Cahier déchiré
Miguel manara
Septynios vienatvės
Escenas de "Don Juan"
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo (1828-1897)

politician, historian, diplomat

Problemas contemporáneos
Estudios del Reinado de Felipe IV
Biografia de D. Serafin Estébanez Calderón y critica de sus obras
La Campana de Huesca
Artes y letras
Historia de la decadencia de España
La campana de Huesca
Théâtre espagnol contemporain
Obras poeticas
"El Solitario" y su tiempo: Biografía de D. Serafín Estébanez Calderón y ..
La revolución liberal española
Lista alfabética y por materias de las papeletas que para la redacción de un catálog se encontraron en la biblioteca del Exemo. Señor D. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo ..
Discurso sobre la nación
Criterio histórico con que las distintas personas que en el descubrimiento de América intervinieron han sido después juzgadas
La casa de Austria
"El Solitario" y su tiempo
La campana de Huesca
Apuntes para la historia de Marruecos
Apuntes para la história de Marruecos
La campana de Huesca
Discurso pronunciado por el excmo. Señor D. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Lista alfabética y por materias de las papeletas que para la redacción de un catálogo se encontraron en la biblioteca del Excmo. Señor D. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo ..
El teatro español
La casa de Austria
La campana de Huesca
El teatro español
Bosquejo historico del la Casa de Austria en España
Problemas contemporáneos
Epistolario de la Restauración
Bosquejo histórico de la casa de Austria en España
Ideario de Cánovas
Cánovas, un hombre para nuestro tiempo
Discursos pronunciados por el Excmo. Señor Don Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, Presidente del Consejo de Ministros, en las sesiones celebradas en el Congreso de los Diputados, en los días 2, 3 y 4 de enero de 1877, con motivo del proyecto de ley levantando la suspensión de garantías
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Cánovas del Castillo (antología)
Artes y letras
Apuntes para la história de Marruecos
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Obras completas
Artes y letras
Obras poeticas
El solitario y su tiempo
Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de la Historia en la junta pública solemne del día 3 de diciembre de 1947 conmemorativa del cincuentenario del la muerte del que fue su director, el Excmo. Señor Don Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Matías de Novoa
Discursos parlamentarios
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Entre el sable y la tribuna
Bosquejo historico del la Casa de Austria en España
Sirindhorn, Princess Royal
Sirindhorn, Princess Royal (born 1955)

diplomat, translator, poet, instrumentalist, historian, philanthropist, singer, illustrator, environmentalist, comics artist, photographer, linguist, social worker, dancer, military officer, composer

  • Chulalongkorn University, Srinakharinwirot University
Singkhapō sančhō̜n
Pā sūng nām sai
Thatsana čhāk ʻIndīa
"Chom chō̜ mālatī"
Yam dǣn mangkō̜n
Khō̜ hai čhaophāp čhong čharœ̄n
Thūa nō̜ng čhō
Yen sabāi chāinam
Thawiphāk sančhō̜n
Manī phlō̜i rō̜i sǣng
Somdet mǣ kap kānsưksā
Chom dō̜kmai klai bān
Rāingān wičhai kānsưksā khwāmthūktō̜ng khō̜ng phǣnthī kānchai thīdin čhāk phāpthāi dāothīam rāilaʻīat sūng sưng čhamnǣk dōi khō̜mphiutœ̄ bō̜riwēn Čhangwat Narāthiwāt =
Rūam botkhwām prakō̜p kānbanyāi phisēt wichā phūmisāt 154762
Sinlapakam fīphrahat Somdet Phrathēprattanarātchasudā Sayāmbō̜rommarātchakumārī
Kæ rō̜i sōm
ʻAnam Sayāmmit
Lat fā lā wichā hā ʻāčhān
ʻAi rak khư̄ ʻarai?
Khamēn sām yok
Pœ̄t saphān mittraphāp Thai-Lāo
Thai thīeo Phamā
Dang dūang kǣo
Yư̄an thin ʻIndīan Dǣng
Bungā rampai
Mūansư̄n Mư̄ang Lāo
Lāo tō̜n tai
Bœ̄ng bō̜ than bœ̄ng bō̜ mot
Mung klai nai rō̜i sāi
Pramūan phrarātchadamrat læ phrabō̜rommarāchōwāt Somdet Phrathēprattanarātchasudā-- Sayāmbō̜rommarātchakumārī
Kānphatthanā nawattakam sœ̄m thaksa kānrīan kānsō̜n phāsā Thai samrap nakrīan chan matthayommasưksā tō̜n plāi
Phutthasāsanasuphāsit khamkhlōng
Chalœ̄m phrakīat læ rūam phrarātchaniphon (Phō̜. Sō̜. 2510-2520)
Botphraniphon bāng rư̄ang
Lāo klai bān
Khāo Thai =
Mư̄a khāphačhao pen nakrīan nō̜k
Kānwēlā thī phānlœ̄i
Rōman sančhō̜n
James Madison
James Madison (1751-1836)

politician, diplomat, philosopher, lawyer, statesperson

  • Princeton University
The papers of James Madison
The papers of James Madison
The papers of James Madison
The Federalist papers
The mind of the founder
The Federalist papers
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The writings of James Madison
All impressments unlawful and inadmissible
Review of a statement attributed to Gen
Letters and other writings of James Madison, fourth president of the United States
Madison's famous original letter against nullification, 1832 ..
Jonathan Bull and Mary Bull
The papers of James Madison, purchased by order of Congress
Calendar of the correspondence of James Madison
The complete Madison; his basic writings
The deerslayer
James Madison's "Advice to my country"
The Federalist papers
Basic documents relating to the religious clauses of the First amendment.
Selections from the private correspondence of James Madison, from 1813 to 1836
By the President of the United States of America
The Federalist
Washington-Madison papers collected and preserved by James Madison, estate of J. C. McGuire ... containing highly important letters from General Washington ... also letters of Edmund Randolph, Edmund Pendleton, Joseph Jones, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, Jonathan Dayton, General John Armstrong, Henry Clay, and other eminent statesmen, to James Madison, as well as James Madison's own letters embracing the period of the stamp-act trouble, revolutionary war, constitutional convention, war of 1812, and Jackson's administration.  Also the remainder of the extraordinary collection of American historical letters and documents, gathered for the purpose of illustrating  Bancroft's History of the United States, and Parkman's Works ... Rev. Jacob Duché's letter to General Washington, relics of Washington, oil portraits, etc.  To be sold ... December 6th and 7th, 1892 ... Catalogue compiled and sale conducted [by] Stan. V. Henkels.  Thomas Birch's sons, auctioneers ..
New Hampshire Patriot extra
The Federalist Papers
Letters of Helvidius
The Federalist papers
Canadian Courant Extra
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist papers
The papers of James Madison
To the Honorable the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A memorial and remonstrance
Message from the president of the United States to both houses of Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the twelfth Congress
The Federalist
Message from the President of the United States [i.e. Madison], transmitting copies of a correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. Foster
The Federalist
A memorial and remonstrance, on the religious rights of man
The complete Madison
Memorial and remonstrance
The Federalist
Message from the President of the United States [i.e. Madison], transmitting a letter from the Secretary of War
Message from the president of the United States, transmitting communications from the plenipotentiaries of the United States, charged with negotiating peace with Great Britain
The mind of the founder: sources of the political thought of James Madison
The federalist
The Federalist papers
Selections from the private correspondence of James Madison
federalist PAPERS
President Madison's inaugural speech
The Federalist
The Federalist
Mr. Madison's motion for commercial restrictions
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788, by Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Madison, and Mr. Jay: with an appendix, containing the letters of Pacificus and Helvidius, on the Proclamation of neutrality of 1793; also, the original Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments made thereto
Extract of a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, relative to impressments
Letters from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, on the subject of impressments, &c
The Federalist
Letters from the Secretary of State to Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney, on subjects committed to their joint negotiations
Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
The Federalist papers
The Federalist papers
Journal of the Federal Convention
The Federalist
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
James Madison, 1751-1836
Political observations
Speech, in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, delivered January 14, 1794
The reply of Mr. Madison, in answer to Mr. Rose, in discussing the affair of the Chesapeake
The Federalist
The forging of American federalism
Notes of debates in the Federal Convention of 1787
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The Federalist
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
James Madison papers
Message from the president of the United States, transmitting copies of certain documents obtained from a secret agent of the British government, employed in fomenting disaffection to the constituted authorities, and in bringing about resistance to the laws, and eventually, in concert with a British force, to destroy the union of the United States
Letters on the constitutionality and policy of duties, for the protection and encouragement of domestic manufacturers
Further and still more important suppressed documents
American State papers
The papers of James Madison
An examination of the British doctrine, which subjects to capture a neutral trade, not open in time of peace
The Federalist
The Federalist on the new constitution
A memorial and remonstrance, presented to the General Assembly of the state of Virginia, at their session in 1785, in consequence of a bill brought into that Assembly for the establishment of religion by law
The Federalist, On the New Constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Constitution a pro-slavery compact, or, Selections from the Madison papers, &c
The last day of the Constitutional convention
The Federalist
The vital federalist papers
The Federalist
To the Republicans of the state of New York, reasons of the government of the United States for laying an embargo
Letters and other writings of James Madison
The Kentucky-Virginia resolutions and Mr. Madison's report of 1799
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in 1788
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist
An examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade, not open in time of peace
To the Republicans of the state of New York
The Federalist, or, The new Constitution
The Federalist, on the new Constitution, written in the year 1788
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe on the subject of the attack on the Chesapeake
El Federalista
The forging of American federalism
The Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
The Federalist
El Federalista
The Federalist
Two letters <addressed to Joseph C. Cabell, esquire> on the constitutionality of the power in Congress to impose a tariff, for the encouragement of manufactures
The Federalist papers
The Federalist
The Federalist papers
An Address and instructions from the people of Spotsylvania County to James Madison, Esquire
Further and still more important suppressed documents
Message from the president of the United States, transmitting the treaty of peace and amity between the United States and His Britannic Majesty
Further and still more important suppressed documents
El Federalista
The Federalist
Considerations in favour of a national bank, independent of government influence, with checks and balances to guard against illegitimate speculations, and the dangerous consequences of a vicious administration of its affairs
Religious freedom
The Federalist on the new constitution
The Federalist
The Federalist
The writings of James Madison
The Federalist
Letters on the constitutionality of the power in Congress to impose a tariff for the protection of manufactures
Letter to Oliver Fowler of Spotsylvania, Virginia, lamenting he is unable to pay his debts
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The Federalist
The complete Madison
The writings of James Madison
The Federalist, on the new constitution, written in 1778
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
The writings of James Madison
In Senate of the United States, December 6, 1816
Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
Letters on the constitutionality of the power in Congress to impose a tariff for the protection of manufactures
Drafting the Federal Constitution
The Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky
The Federalist
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
The Federalist, a commentary on the Constitution of the United States
Who speaks for the Constitution?
The federalist papers, or, How government is supposed to work
El Federalista
The Federalist, on the new Constitution
Examination of the British doctrine which subjects to capture a neutral trade, not open in time of peace
The Federalist and other constitutional papers
James Madison papers
The Federalist
Letters on the constitutionality and policy of duties, for the protection and encouragement of domestic manufactures
Political observations
Francesco Guicciardini
Francesco Guicciardini (1483-1540)

historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher

  • University of Padua
Autodifesa di un politico
Ricordi, diari, memorie
Historia d'Italia
Storie fiorentine dal 1378 al 1509
The history of Florence
Scritti politici e ricordi
Maxims and Reflections
Dialogue on the government of Florence
The history of Italy written in Italian in twenty books
La storia d'Italia
Della istoria d'Italia
Le cose fiorentine
Ricordi politici e civili
Counsels and reflections
Bellezze della storia d\'Italia
Opere di Francesco Guicciardini
The maxims of Francis Guicciardini
Istoria d'Italia di messer Francesco Guicciardini
Maxims and reflections of a Renaissance statesman (Ricordi)
Storie fiorentine
Compendio della Cronica di Froissart
Istoria d\'Italia
La historia di Italia
Vom politischen und bürgerlichen Leben "Ricordi."
Das politische Erbe der Renaissance <"Ricordi">
Two discourses of Master Frances Guicciardin
[The historie of Gvicciardin
La historia d'Italia ...
La storia d'Italia
Selected writings
Dell'epitome Dell'historia d'Italia libri XX
Aforismos políticos y civiles
Diario del viaggio in Spagna
Dialogo del reggimento di Firenze
Scritti inediti di Francesco Guicciardini sopra la politica di Clemente VII dopo la battaglia di Pavia
I quattro vltimi libri dell' historie d'Italia
Ricordanze inedite di Francesco Guicciardini
Dialogo e discorsi del reggimento di Firenze
Francesco Guicciardini
Opere inedite di Francesco Guicciardini
La historia d'Italia di M. Francesco Guicciardini, gentil'huomo fiorentino
Maxims and reflections of a Renaissance statesman
[A briefe collection or epitomie of all the notable and material things contained in the hystorie of Guicchiardine
Histoire d'Italie, tome 1
Opere ; a cura di Vittorio de Caprariis. --
I Guicciardini e le scienze occulte
BOMEX: period III high-level cloud photography atlas
Dall'assedio di Firenze al secondo convegno di Clemente VII e Carlo V 28 giugno 1530 - 2 dicembre 1532
Storie fiorentine ; Ricordi
Dell'historia d'Italia
Le lettere
La historia d'Italia di M. Francesco Guiciardini, gentil'huomo fiorentino
History of Italy and History of Florence
Histoire d'Italie
Scritti politici e ricordi
The historie of Guicciardin containing the warres of Italie and others parts..
History of Italy and history of Florence
Selected writings
The history of Italy
Gli ultimi qvattro libri dell'historie d'Italia
Loci dvo, ob rerum quas contenent grauitatem cognitione dignissimi: qui ex ipsius historiarum libris III. & IIII. dolo malo detracti, in exemplaribus hactenus impressis non leguntur. Nunc tandem ab interitu vindicati & Latinè, Italicè, Gallicéque editi
La historia d'Italia
Scritti autobiografici e rari