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critics who wrote biography
Showing 521-528 out of 691 results
Søren Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

philosopher, theologian, poet, literary critic

  • University of Copenhagen, Østre Borgerdyd school
Kierkegaard's journals and notebooks
Letters and documents
The point of view
The Los Angeles Diaries
The point of view, etc.
Kierkegaard Letters And Documents
James Brown
James Brown: A Biography
Dorset Harvest
Søren Kierkegaard Ausgewählte Journale
The portable Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks
Journale und Aufzeichnungen
Ghandi (Life & Times)
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 9
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 7
Fear and Trembling
Kærlighedens gerninger
Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift
Sygdommen til døden
Watch For The Light
Om begrebet ironi
Begrebet angest
A Kierkegaard anthology
Edifying discourses
The living thoughts of Kierkegaard
Purity of heart is to will one thing
The present age
Fear and trembling
After God
For self-examination and judge for yourself!
Selections from the writings of Kierkegaard
Christian discourses
The Moment and Late writings
Stadier paa livets vej
Fear and Trembling/Repetition
Three discourses on imagined occasions
The Corsair Affair
Junius and Philip Francis
Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses
Purity of Heart
Papers and Journals
Training in Christianity
Daniel Libeskind, Radix-Matrix
Wordsworth and the Lake District
The Point of view for my work as an author
The last years
For self-examination and Judge for yourselves!
Renewing higher education from within
Philosophical fragments
The difficulty of being Christian
Christelige taler
Philosophical Fragments/Johannes Climacus
The Gospel of suffering and The lilies of the field
Two ages
The humor of Kierkegaard
Without Authority
Stadier paa livets vei
Purify your hearts!
Philosophical fragments, or, A fragment of philosophy
Spiritual Writings Gift Creation Love Selections From The Upbuilding Discourses
Mit forhold til hende
Confidence games
Søren Kierkegaard's journals and papers
Atten opbyggelige taler
Philosophy of Mathematics
On becoming the truth
The picture in question
Kjerlighedens gjerninger
For self-examination
Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom," 1854-1855
Training in Christianity and the Edifying discourse which 'accompanied' it
The Year of the Bicycle
Journeys to selfhood
Upbuilding discourses in various spirits
For self examination and, Judge for yourselves and, Three discourses, 1851
Practice in Christianity
Parables of Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard's pseudonymous authorship
Traité du désespoir
The Concept of Anxiety
The Scandal of the Gospels
S. Kierkegaard's Bladartikler
Samlede vaerker
The Soul of Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard's writings
The other stars
About religion
Favourite Monsters
Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Buber and Barth.
Home and away
Gospel of sufferings
A Literary Review
Influential Ghosts
Johannes Climacus
Discourses at the Communion on Fridays
Advanced machining technology handbook
Turkish days and ways
Soren Kierkegaard's journals and papers
The diary of Soren Kierkegaard
The diary of Søren Kierkegaard
The forester
Post-scriptum aux Miettes philosophiques
The Quotable Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaards samlede værker; udgivne af A.B. Drachmann, J.L. Heiberg og H.O. Lange
Deconstructing theology
Fear and trembling
A Kierkegaard reader
The Journals of Soren Kierkegaard
Can a Man by Searching Find Out God?
Kierkegaards Writings XXVI
                Kierkegaards Writings Paperback
Opbyggelige taler 1843
Armed neutrality, and An open letter
Attack upon "Christendom"
The Seducer's Diary
Guds uforanderlighed
Soren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, Part 1 (Autobiographical, Part One, 1829-1848)
Sakura Park
Opbyggelige taler i forskjellig aand
El concepto de la angustia
Fear and Trembling
KIERKEGAARD Breve og notater fra Berlin, ved Jens Staubrand
Dømmer selv! til selvprøvelse
Tagebuch des Verführers
The Concept of Anxiety
KIERKEGAARD Den første Kærlighed og andre tekster om drama, ved Jens Staubrand
Diario de un seductor
Encounters With Kierkegaard A Life As Seen By His Contemporaries
Attack upon "Christendom," 1854-1855
The Book On Adler
The Sickness Unto Death
The concept of anxiety
The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air: Three Godly Discourses
James Brown - 20 All Time Greatest Hits
Tvende ethisk-religieuse smaa-afhandlinger
The seducer's diary
EVA Taschenbücher, Bd.25, Philosophische Brocken
Silver roses
Om min forfatter-virksomhed
Concluding unscientific postscript to The philosophical crumbs
Courage in the Midst of Crises
On authority and revelation
The L.A. Diaries
Armed neutrality, and An open letter, with relevant selections from his journals and papers
The present age and two minor ethico-religious treatises
Concluding Unscientific Postscript 2, Kierkegaard's Writings, VVol 12.2
Field notes from elsewhere
Concluding unscientific postscript to "Philosophical fragments"
Søren Kierkegaards skrifter
The prayers of Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard: I vinen er sandhed, ved Jens Staubrand
Kierkegaard 1834-1840
York Picture Map and Guide
Point of View for My Work As an Author a Report to
Étapes sur la chemin de la vie
Der einzelne und die kirche
Early Polemical Writings
Diario de Un Seductor
An appeal from the absurdities and contradictions which pervade, and deform the old theory of English grammar
Fear and trembling ; The book on Adler
The claim or title of Mr. James Brown, to a certain tract or gore of land
For self-examination, recommended for the times
Kierkegaard par lui-même
Penguin Classics Fear and Trembling
Les miettes philosophiques
Christian Discourses The Crisis And A Crisis In The Life Of An Actress
Journeys to selfhood, Hegel & Kierkegaard
Indvelse I Christendom
On authority and revelation: The book on Adler
He Comes!
The witness of Kierkegaard
Armed Neutrality
The journals of Kierkegaard
Johannes Climacus, or, De omnibus dubitandum est
Søren Kierkegaard
In Vino Veritas
Leeds Picture Map
Søren Kierkegaard ausgewählte Aufsätze
Written Images
Katalog over Søren Kierkegaards bibliotek
Mystic bones
Forord: Morskabslæsning for enkelte Stænder efter Tid og Leilighed
A Promise to the Past
Ou bien-- ou bien--
The journals of Søren Kierkegaard
The Moment of Complexity
Soeren Kierkegaards papirer
Hvad Christus dømmer om officiel Christendom
En bladartikel
Attack upon "Christendom", 1854-1855
Winston Churchill
Philosophiske smuler
Sören Kierkegaard von Edvard Lehmann
Journal, extraits
Courage in Crises
La enfermedad mortal
Om Mozarts Don Juan
Af en endnu levendes papirer
They Tried to Kill My Dream!
The prayers of Kierkegaard, edited and with a new interpretation of his life and thought
The present age
The essential Kierkegaard
Oeuvres completes de Soren Kierkegaard
The journals
Edifying discourses, a selection
Frygt og bæven: dialektisk lyrik
L'Ospedale Di San Paolo a Firenze
Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Consider the lilies
Grave matters
Philosophy of Mathematics
Søren Kierkegaards samlede Værker: bind XI-XII
Refiguring the spiritual
The seducer's diary
Attack upon Christendom
Hot Wire
Zur Selbstprüfung der Gegenwart anbefohlen
Kedon kukka ja taivaan lintu
The gospel of suffering
O conceito de ironia, constamente referido a Sócrates
The point of view for my work as an author
Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air
O Conceito de Angustia
Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing
A grammatical treatise
Christian discourses ; and the lilies of the field and the birds of the air ; and Three discourses at the communion on Fridays
Temor y Temblor
Seducer's Diary
Star Wars-Rebellion-Game Manual
The mystique of prayer and pray-er
Either/Or, Part II (Kierkegaard's Writings, Vol. 4)
Cartas del noviazgo
S. Kierkegaard's Bladartikler: med bilag samlede efter forfatterens død
Deconstruction in Context
Le concept de l'angoisse
Entweder, Oder. Teil I und II
The grammatical reader
Purity of heart is to will one thing
Lilien paa marken og fuglen under himlen
Thoughts on crucial situations in human life
Temor Y Temblor / Fear and Trembling (Humanidades / Humanities)
To taler ved altergangen om fredagen
Søren Kierkegaards papirer
An exegesis of English syntax
Fear and Trembling
The sickness unto death
Filosofiskie krokhi, ili krupit Łsy  mudrosti
Objective tests
The gospel of our sufferings
Vie et règne de l'amour
Søren Kierkegaards Samlede Værker, Volumes 5-6 (Danish Edition)
Kierkegaard the Christian
Crisis in the life of an actress, and other essays on drama
The laughter is on my side
Kierkegaard's Writings, IX, Volume 9 : Prefaces
The present age and Of the difference between a genius and an apostle
Discours chrétiens
Das Tagebuch des Verführers
Der Pfahl im Fleisch
Christian discourses, and The lilies of the field and the birds of the air, and Three discourses at the communion on Fridays
Concluding Unscientific Postscript 2
Sexten opbyggelige taler
La difficulté d'être chrétien
Concluding Unscientific Postscripts to Philosophical Fragments (Kierkegaard's Writings)
The first part of the American system of English syntax
Back road home
Selected Essays
Chan li yu bu an
Las Obras del Amor
Armed Neutrality P
For self-examination
Concluding unscientific postscript
Fear and Trembling
Stadien auf des Lebens Weg. I.
The crisis in the life of an actress
O Lo Uno O Lo Otro - Un Fragmento de Vida I
Synspunktet for min forfatter-virksomhed
Cartas del noviazgo
Gospel of Sufferings P (Faith & Fame S.)
Gesammelte Werke
Le Concept de l'angoisse
Life of John Eadie
Der Einzelne
Para un examen de sí mismo recomendado a este tiempo
The Concept of Irony/Schelling Lecture Notes
Deutsche Soren-Kierkegaard-Edition Bd .1
Ölümcül hastalık umutsuzluk
Stadien auf des Lebens Weg II
The concept of dread
Hvad Christus dømmer om officiel Christendom
Training in Christianity
Sickness unto Death - a New Translation
Crainte et tremblement
To taler ved altergangen om fredagen
Powto rzenie ; Przedmowy
Meditations from Kierkegaard
Viettelijan Paivakirja
Fear and Trembling and the Sickness Unto Death
Zakl Łiuchitel £noe nenauchnoe posdesdovie k Filosofskim krokham
I Feel Good
Case studies on faculty development
Subject and object in modern theology
Im zwange des freien gewissens
Indøvelse i christendom
Concluding Unscientific Postscript
A treatise on the nature and reasons of the English grammar
Berliner Tagebücher
Fear and trembling ; Repetition
Skrifter i udvalg
Gold mining in the 1980's
Crisis on campus
Rewiring the real
The gospel of our sufferings
Gold mining in the 1990's
Temor Y Temblor
Enten - Eller
A professional gold dredgers handbook
Søren Kierkegaard's journals and papers (Past masters)
Christian discourses
Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Buber and Barth
Religiöse Reden
Fear and Trembling; Repetition
" Ypperstepræsten" - "Tolderen" - "Synderinden"
For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourselves!
Advanced dredging techniques
Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing
To opbyggelige taler
Tanrı'ya İhtiyaç Duymak
Fear and trembling and the sickness unto death
Til selvprøvelse
So spricht Sören Kierkegaard
Tratado de la desesperación
The Present Age and Of the Difference Between a Genius and an Apostle (The Fontana Library: Theology and Philosophy)
A second edition of The debate in the ship about Imparity among pastors. Wherein the first edition by an episcopal-divine is corrected and amended. And his arguments are clearly exposed and answered. By the Presbyterian concerned therein
EVA Taschenbücher, Werke, 5 Bde
Temor Y Temblor/fear And Trembling
Crainte et tremblement
Essential Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaards Samlede Værker; Udgivne Af A. B. Drachmann, J. L. Heiberg Og H. O. Lange
St. Michael's, Highgate
Diario de un seductor
The Concept of irony, with constant reference to Socrates
Den bevæbnede neutralitet
Training in Christianity and the Edifying discourse which `accompanied' it
Training in Christianity and the Edifying discourse which 'accompanied ̓it,
Kierkegaard's Writings, II, Volume 2
Ironi Kavrami
Af en endnu levendes papirer
Erbauliche Reden, 1850/51
Ou bien .
Estetica del Matrimonio
Christelige taler
Zwei Ethisch-Religiöse Abhandlungen
Discourses at the Communion on Fridays
Quotable Kierkegaard
The Book on Adler
Søren Kierkegaard og Emil Boesen
Svidanie v Adu. Roman. / Rendez-vous Aux Enfers. (Russian edition) (La fin des hommes)
Øieblikket nr. 1-10 ; Hvad Christus dømmer ; Guds uforanderlighed
Works of love
Stages on Life's Way
Søren Kierkegaard's pilgrimage to Jutland
Kierkegaard's Writings, X, Volume 10
Fear and Trembling
La dialectique de la communication éthique et éthico-religieuse
Søren Kierkegaards røst
Traité du désespoir -Idées
"Öfwerstepresten" - "Publikanen" - "Synderskan"
Diario Del Seduttore
Fear and Trembling the Sickness Unto Death (41) by S Oren Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard's Writings, XXII, Volume 22
The Sickness Unto Death
Purity of heart is to will one thing
Kierkegaard par lui-me me
Temor y Temblor
Ypperstepraesten, Tolderen, Synderinden
Etikerens brev
The wisdom of Kierkegaard
Gesammelte Werke
Purity of Heart
Sygdommen til døden
Begrebet angest
Aus Den Tiefen der Reflexion
Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing
Kierkegaard Yazilarindan Seçmeler
Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing
Über den Begriff der Ironie mit ständiger Rücksicht auf Sokrates
Die Krankheit zum Tode
Indøvelse i Christendom
Korte stykker af Søren Kierkegaard
Spiritual Writings
Literary Review
Religion der Tat
Opbyggelige taler i forskjellig aand
Geheime Papiere
Le journal du séducteur
I gigli dei campi e gli uccelli del cielo
La malattia mortale
Either/Or vol 2
Die Tagebücher
Post scriptum
Die Krankheit zum Tode
Een passieloze tijd
The Journals, 1853-1855, The Last Years. Edited and translated by R.G. Smith. Collins/Fontana. 1968.
Attack upon Christendom
Flesh And The Machine
Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift til de philosophiske smuler
Mozarts Don Juan
Shi ni itaru yamai
A stone returning upon him that roll'd it
Soeren Kierkegaards Roest
Kierkegaard's Writings, XXV, Volume 25
Traité Sur le Désespoir
The Last Years
Frygt Og Bæven
Kierkegaard's Attack Upon Christendom, 1854-1855 (Beacon Paperback Series, No. BP28)
Poems, songs and recitations in the Lancashire dialect
Soren Kierkegaards Samlede vaerker
Kierkegaard's Writings, VII, Volume 7
Kierkegaard's Writings, I, Volume 1
The gospel of suffering and The lilies of the field
The Difficulty of Being Christian
Sören Kierkegaard Gesammelte Werke
Purity of the heart is to will one thing
Til selvprøvelse samtiden anbefalet
Present Age
Kierkegaard's Writings, XX, Volume 20
Vom wundersamen Streit im Gebet
Der Einzelne und sein Gott
Discursos cristians
Either / Or Volume II
La pureza de corazón es querer una sola cosa
Kierkegaard's Writings, XVI, Volume 16
Tvende ethisk-religieuse smaa-afhandlinger
Selections from the writings of Kierkegaard; (Anchor books)
Point of View for My Work As an Author a Report T
Über die geduld und die erwartung des ewigen
Fear and Trembling and the Sickness unto Death
Kierkegaard's concept of dread
Kendinizi Sevmeyi Unutmayin
Kierkegaard's Writings, VI, Volume 6
Vom wundersamen Streit im Gebet
The concept of dread
Soren Kierkegaard: The Mystique of Prayer and Pray-Er
de La Tragedia
Philosophical fragments, or, A fragment of philosopy
Fear and trembling, a dialectical lyric
La répétition
Felsefe Parçaları ya da Bir Parça Felsefe
Diary of Soren Kierkegaard
Training in Christianity and the Edifying Discourse which 'Accompanied' it
Tanri'ya Ihtiyaç Duymak
Kaygi Kavrami - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Tratado de La Desesperacion
Ask Eserleri
En bladartikel
Guds uforandersighed
Christian discourses, and The Lilies of the field and the birds of the air, and Three discourses at the Communikon on Fridays
Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom"
Timore e tremore
Soul of Kierkegaard
Daily readings with Sören Kierkegaard
Oeieblikket nr. 1-10
Training in Christianity and the edifying discourse which accompanied it
Thoughts on Crucial Situations in Human Life
Synspunket for min forfatter-virksomhed
L' instant
Kierkegaard's Writings, XIX, Volume 19 Vol. 19 : Sickness unto Death
Parables of Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard's Writings)
Temor i tremolor
Crainte et tremblement
A Kierkegaard anthology (The Modern library of the world's best books)
On authority and revelation: The book on Alder
Begrebet Angest
Eighteen Upbuilding Discourses (International Kierkegaard Commentary)
The concept of irony, with constant reference to Socrates
Eine literarische Anzeige
Kjerlighedens Gjerninger...
Diario de un seductor
En opbyggelig tale
Kahkaha Benden Yana
From radicalism to socialism
Müzikal Erotik
Pisma pozne
Seducer's Diary
The Difference Between a Genius and an Apostle
For self-examination
Die unmittelbaren erotischen Stadien, oder, Das Musikalisch -erotische
Papers and Journals
Armed neutrality, and An open letter
Nutidens religieuse forvirring
Kirdaki Zambak ve Gökteki Kus; Üc Dini Sohbet
Bastan Cikaricinin Gunlugu
On authority and revelation
Johannes Climacus, or De Omnibus Dubitandum Est and A Sermon
Breve og Aktstykker vedroerende Soeren Kierkegaard
Œuvres complètes
Itirazlara Cevaben Evlilik Üzerine Muhtelif Gözlemler; Bir Kocanin Kaleminden
The Big Bad "Loaded" Book
Soren Kierkegaard, le philosophe danois
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 11, Part 1
The last years
Humor of Kierkegaard
Om begrebet ironi
Dette skal siges
Either/Or 1
Attack Upon "Christendom" 1854-1855
Pasión femenina
EVA Taschenbücher, Bd.21, Der Begriff Angst
Fear and trembling
Index Verborum Til Kierkegaard's Samlede Vaerker
Poems by J. B. Selkirk
Migajas Filosoficas O Un Poco de Filosofia
Kierkegaard's Writings, VIII, Volume 8 Vol. 8 : Concept of Anxiety
Philosophiske smuler, eller, En smule philosophi
For self-exaaminiation and Judge for yourselves!
Parables of Kierkegaard
Johannes Climacus, ou, Il faut douter de tout
Kierkegaard's Writings, V, Volume 5
Diario Del Seductor
Samlede værker
Søren Kierkegaard, ideens politispion
Kierkegaard's Writings, XII, Volume II
Edifying discourses, a selection
Crisis in the life of an actress, and other essays on drama
Either/Or 2
Om min forfatter-virksomhed
Der Augenblick. Aufsätze und Schriften des letzten Streits
" Skyldig?" - "Ikke-Skyldig?"
The living Thoughts of Kierkegaard
Christian Discourses, Etc
Edifying Discourses a Selection
Buch über Adler
Dette skal siges, saa vaere det da sagt
Training in Christianity and the Edifying discourses which "accompanied" it
Wie herrlich es ist
The Concept of Anxiety
Forførerens dagbog
Postcriptum no científico y definitivo a migajas filosóficas
Ou bien...Ou bien...Trad. du danois par F. et O. Prior et M.H. Guignot. Introduction de F. Brandt
Kierkegaard's Writings, XIII, Volume 13
Tre taler ved taenkte leiligheder
Essential Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard's Attack upon Christendom, 1854-55. Translated, with an Introduction, by W. Lowrie. Princeton University Press. 1946.
Edifying Discourses. Volume II
For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourselves!
The Moroccan
The concept of dread
At være samtidig med sig selv
Einübung im Christentum
Philosophische Brocken
Thoughts on crucial situations in human life
The life and times of Leonardo Da Vinci
Die Krankheit zum Tode... (German Edition)
Los lirios del campo y las aves del cielo
Der Begriff der Angst
Purity of Heart
Gesammelte Werke
Una recensión literaria
Kierkegaard's Attack Upon "Christendom" 1854-1855
ha-ʻEt ha-zot
Fear and Trembling
Edifying Discourses
Kierkegaard's Writings IV, Part II
Mah yagidu shoshane ha-śadeh
Temor y temblor
Zur Selbstprüfung der Gegenwart Empfohlen
Kierkegaard's Writing, III, Part I
For self-examination and Judge for yourselves
Writings of Kierkegaard
You ju zhi gai nian
Concepto de la Angustia
Migajas Filosoficas
En opbyggelig tale
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 2
A Kierkegaard anthology (The Modern library of the world's best books)
Drei Beichtreden
Prayers of Kierkegaard
Wisdom of Kierkegaard
Training in Christianity and the Edifying discourse which 'accompanied' it
Fear and Trembling
Unfinished Essays in Honor of Ray L. Hart
Temor y temblor
Crisis in the Life of an Actress, and Other Essays on Drama
The new Deeside guide
Sheffield Picture Map and Guide
Begrebet angst
La enfermedad mortal
Lincoln Picture Map and Guide
The Round Table Club
Kierkegaard's Writings, XXIII, Volume 23
Sickness unto Death
Kierukegōru senshū
La reprise
Ausgewählte christliche Reden
Wie herrlich es ist
Mary Queen of Scots
Die Tagebücher, 1834-1855
Kierkegaard's Writings, XV, Volume 15
Kierkegaard's Writings, XIV, Volume 14 Vol. 14 : Two Ages
Kierkegaard's Writings, XXIV, Volume 24
מבחר כתבים
Diario de un seductor
Preparation for a Christian Life
The concept of irony, with constant reference to Socrates
Original poems upon subjects of a religious nature
Ce que nous apprennent les lis des champs et les oiseaux du ciel
Bastan Cikaricinin Günlügü
Kierkegaard's Attack Upon "Christendom" 1854-1855
EVA Taschenbücher, Bd.23, Furcht und Zittern
El concepto de la angustia
The Difficulty of Being Christian
La repetición. Temor y temblor
Fear and trembling: a dialectical lyrics
Konkordans Til Kierkegaard's Samlede Vaerker
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks: Volume I
Selected Readings from Soren Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 1
Philosophiske smuler, eller, En smule philosophi
De una mujer
Kaygı Kavramı
Gospel of sufferings
A collection of critical essays
For self-examination and Judge for yourselves! and three discourses, 1851
Consider the lilies, being the second part of "Edifying discourses in a different vein," published in 1847 at Copenhagen
De una mujer
Post scriptum
Edifying Discourses- Volume IV
Zur Psychologie der Sünde, der Bekehrung und des Galubens
Audio Visual Instruction
Lilien paa marken og fuglen under himlen
Krisen og en krise i en skuespillerindes liv
Evliligin Estetik Gecerliligi
Diario De Un Seductor/the Seducer's Diary
Gospel of sufferings = Lidelsernes evangelium
Abschließende unwissenschaftliche Nachschrift I zu den Philosophischen Brocken
Point de explicatif de mon oeuvre
Entweder / Oder. Zweiter Teil, Bd. 2. Zwei erbauliche Reden. 16.5.1843
Om mig selv
Selections From the Writings of Kierkegaard
Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard
Furcht und Zittern
Training in Christianity and the Edifying Discourse
Fear and trembling and The sickness unto death
Ejercitación del cristianismo
Las obras del amor y otros textos
The Last Years
Kierkegaard's Writings, XVIII, Volume 18
Repetition & Notes on the Eternal Recurrence (Living Time Thought)
A Kierkegaard Anthology, edited by Robert Bretall.
Christian Discourses (And The Lillies Of The Field And The Birds Of The Air And Three Discourses At The Communion On Fridays)
Kierkegaard's Writings, XI, Volume 11
Søren Kierkegaard for dig og mig
Leben und Walten der Liebe, Von Sören Kierkegaard
Le stade esthétique
Die Krankheit zum Tode
L' attrice
The prayers
El amor y la religión
Die Tagebücher
Soren Kierkegaard - Escritos - Tomo 1
Søren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, 3. 1
Gospel of Sufferings
The second book of the rational system of English grammar, designed to enable one to parse the words of an English sentence with sound judgment, and to use the English language with grammatical propriety
Ausgewählte Christliche Reden : Mit Einem Anhang
La pureza de corazón es querer una sola cosa
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks Volume 10
Kierkegaard's Writings, XVII, Volume 17 Vol. 17 : Christian Discourses
The life and times of Winston Churchill
Bei ju
Kierkegaard's Writings, XXI, Volume 21
Kritik der Gegenwart
Stages on life's way
The diary of Soren Kierkegaard
Riens philosophiques ; trad. du danois par K. Ferlov et J.J. Gateau
Soren Kierkegaard
The first book of the rational system of English grammar ...
Kjerlighedens gjerninger
Ya - Ya da
L' Existence
Discursos edificantes
Kierkegaard, ausgewa̤hlt und eingeleitet von Hermann Diem
Miettes philosophiques
For Self-Examination and Judge for Yourselves! And Three Discourses 19851
Philosophische Bissen
Purity of heart is to will one thing
Christian discourses, and The lilies of the field and the birds of the air, and Three discourses at the communion on Fridays. Translated with an introd. by Walter Lowrie
Le banquet (In vino veritas)  Traduit du danois par P.H. Tisseau
Oeuvres complètes
Moment and Late Writings
Stage on Life's Way
The Life and Times of Horatio Nelson
Seducer's Diary
Fear and Trembling
Værker i udvalg
Riens philosophiques
Das Tagebuch des Verführers
Sevginin Isleri
Management education
Nelson Mandela (Life & Times)
Über Den Begriff der Ironie
The Gospel of suffering and the Lilies of the field
Purity of heart is to will one thing;
El Instante
La pureza de corazón es querer una sola cosa
Temor y temblor
Johannes Climacus o De todo hay que dudar
Kierkegaard: Hør, hør, hør Mozarts Don Juan, ved Jens Staubrand
Sören Kierkegaards Verhältnis zu seiner Braut
Discours édifiants
Kierkegaard: Johannes Forførerens Dagbog, ved Jens Staubrand
Kierkegaard für Gestreßte
Soeren Kierkegaards dagboeger
Crisis in the life of an actress
Fear and Trembling
Tratado de la Desesperación (Spanish Edition)
For self-examination
Fear and Trembling The Sickness Unto Death
Dømmer selv!
Trattato Sulla Disperazione
O lo uno o lo otro. Un fragmento de vida II
Journal (Extraits) Trad. du danois par Knud Ferlov et Jean-J. Gateau
Qu'est-Ce Que l'Humour?
Dolayimsiz Erotik veya Müzikal Erotik Evreler
Challenges in Arms Control for the 1990s
Die Wiederholung
Den vittige Søren Kierkegaard
En literair anmeldelse
Bastan Cikaricinin Gunlugu
Privé-domein 174
Concluding Unscientific Postscript 1
Korku ve Titreme
The rise, progress and military improvement of the Bristol volunteers
Writings of Soren Kierkegaard
Das Buch über Adler
Privé-domein 174
Fear and Trembling
Esercizio der cristianesimo
En literair anmeldelse
Stadier paa livets vei
J.F.K. (Life & Times)
A Kierkegaard anthology
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 11, Part 2
Post-Scriptum aux Miettes philosophiques
Dieu et la pécheresse
The present age,
EVA Taschenbücher, Bd.24, Die Krankheit zum Tode
The Sickness Unto Death. A Christian Psychological Exposition for Upbuilding and Awakeing
Vie et régne de l'amour
Begrebet angest
Einübung im Christentum zwei ethisch-religiöse abhandlungen das buch Adler oder der Begriff des Auserwählten
Die Tagebücher, 1834-1855
Søren Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, 3. 2
Ethics and aesthetics of modern poetry
Klein Schriften, 1848/49
Meditations from Kierkegaard
Søren Kierkegaards Samlede Værker
Mikhtavim le-Kordelyah
Felsefe Parcalari ya da Bir Parca Felsefe - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Una recensión literaria
Fear and trembling, and, The sickness into death
Upbuilding Discourses in Various Spirits
Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard
Edifying Discourses (Volume III)
Etapes sur le chemin de la vie
Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks - Loose Papers, 1830-1844
Selections From The Writings of Kierkegaard
Sickness unto Death
The journals; a selection edited and translated by Alexander Dru
Atten opbyggelige taler
Edinburgh Picture Map and Guide
L' erotico nella musica
Crowd Is Untruth
Fear and trembling, and The sickness unto death;
Étapes sur le chemin de la vie
Le concept d'angoisse
Johannes Climacus
Edifying Discourses volume 2
Enten - Eller
Harry Tate's Navy
L' école du christianisme, précédé du point de vue explicatif de mon oeuvre
The Sickness Unto Death
Christian Discourses & The Lilies of the Field and the Birds of the Air & Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays
Edifying Discourses;A Selection
Tratado Sobre o Desespero
Les miettes philosophiques
No no yuri, Sora no tori
Kongpʻo wa chŏnnyul
Forførerens dagbog
Religion der Tat
Discourses at the Communion on Fridays
Kierkegaard's Writings, XII, Volume I
Ya / Ya Da
Bastan Cikaricinin Günlügü
Felsefe Parcalari ya da Bir Parca Felsefe - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift til de philosophiske smuler
Kierkegaard, chrétien incognito
S. Kierkegaard's Bladartikler
Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Concept of Anxiety
Enten-eller, et livs-fragment
Ceng jing nan ren de san shao nü
Diary of a Seducer
Diario de un Seductor (Spanish Edition)
The Journals of Kierkegaard
La maladie à la mort
Wybór pism
Hakikat Saraptadir
The point of view, etc.,
Christian discourses, and The lilies of the field and the birds of the air, and Three discourses at the communion on Fridays,
The concept of irony
Stages on life's way
"Was ihr den Geist der Zeiten heisst"
Aus dem tagebuch des verführers
The sickness unto death
Lun huai yi zhe
Sören Kierkegaard und sein Verhältnis zu "ihr"
Philosophische Brosamen und unwissenschaftliche Nachschrift
Synspunktet for min forfatter-virksomhed
Die Tagebücher
Afsluttende uvidenskabelig eftirskrift
The last years
Af Søren Kierkegaards efterladte papirer
Zur Selbstprüfung der Gegenwart anbefohlen
Stadier paa livet vei
Forførerens dagbog
Pour un examen de conscience à mes contemporains
Il problema della fede
Training in Christinaity, and the edifying discourse which 'accompanied' it
Die Tagebücher, 1834-1855
Philosophiske smuler, eller, En smule philosophi
Philosophische Brocken
In vino veritas
L'école du christianisme
Samlede Værker
Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom," 1854-1855
Sören Kierkegaards Angriff auf die Christenheit
Zur psychologie der sünde, der bekehrung und des galubens
Le droit de mourir pour la vérité
Entweder / oder
Atten opbyggelige taler
Samlede værker
Auswahl aus seinen Bekenntnissen und Gedanken
Der Begriff der Angst
Lun fan feng gai nian
Til selvprøvelse
Ke'erkaige'er ri ji xuan
Begrebet angest
Sygdommen til døden
Søren Kierkegaards samlede værker; udgivne af A.B. Drachmann, J.L. Heiberg og H.O. Lange. 2. udg
Existenz im Glauben
Philosophiske smuler
Kjerlighedens gjerninger
Søren Kierkegaards papirer
Jidu tu de ji qing
Buch des richters
Shi ba xun dao shu
Ai zhi you huo
Atten opbyggelige Taler
Tre taler ved tankte leiligheder
Die Krankheit zum Tode
Atten opbyggelige Taler
Prières et fragments sur la prière
Bewahre Deinen Fuss, wenn Du zum Hause des Herrn gehst
Die Lilien auf dem Felde und die Vögel unter dem Himmel
Die Schriften über sich selbst
Die Krankheit zum Tode
Riens philosophiques par Soeren Kierkegaard
Richtet selbst!
Das Tagebuch des Verführers
Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift til De philosophiske smuler
Huo ci huo bi
Nü xing de mei li shi wu qiong jin de
Opbyggelige taler i forstjellig aand
Ḥil u-reʻadah
Indøvelse i christendom
Rewiring the real
Johannes Climacus
Abschliessende unwissenschaftliche Nachschrift zu den Philosophischen Brocken
Gesammelte Werke
Zhi si de ji bing
Christelige taler
En opbyggelig tale
La prueté du coeur
Stadien auf dem Lebensweg
Bai he, fei niao, nü yan yuan
Wybór pism
Bojaźń i drżenie
Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift til de philosophiske Smuler
Kierkegaard für Christen
Wybór pism
Entweder - oder
L'évangile des souffrances
Philosophische Brosamen und Unwissenschaftliche Nachschrift
Der Begriff Angst
Gesammelte Werke
Der Begriff der Ironie
Søren Kierkegaard
Die Krankheit zum Tode ; Furcht und Zittern ; Die Wiederholung ; Der Begriff der Angst
Fei ci ji bi
Le concept de l'angoisse
Traité du désespoir ( La maladie mortelle)
Min Regine!
Sören Kierkegaards agitatorische Schriften und Aufsätze, 1851-1855
Der Begriff der Angst
Indovelse i christendom
Le souverain sacrificateur, Le péager, La pécheresse
Fear and trembling
Works of love
Kierkegaard's Concluding unscientific postscript
Kong ju yu chan li
Breve og aktstykker vedrørende Søren Kierkegaard
Zur Selbstprüfung der Gegenwart empfohlen
Jane Smiley
Jane Smiley (born 1949)

literary critic, journalist

  • University of Iowa, Vassar College
Charles Dickens
Thirteen ways of looking at the novel
The Man Who Invented the Computer
13 Ways of Looking at the Novel
The man who invented the computer
Charles Dickens
13 Ways of Looking at the Novel
Charles Dickens
A thousand acres
Good faith
Barn Blind
The all-true travels and adventures of Lidie Newton
Horse heaven
Duplicate keys
At Paradise Gate
Ten Days in the Hills
Ordinary love
The Greenlanders
Private life
The Georges and the Jewels
Twenty Yawns
Horse Heaven
Catskill crafts
Gee Whiz
True Blue
The Best American Short Stories 1995
March Sisters
A Year at the Races
A thousand acres
Some luck
A Thousand Acres (Flamingo Originals)
The age of grief
Ordinary Love
Some luck
Golden age
Horse heaven
Ten Days in the Hills
Early warning
A good horse
A Thousand Acres (Movie Tie-in Reissue) Cassette
All True Travels and Adventures of Lidie N
Golden age
The age of grief.
Private life
Duplicate keys
Ordinary love and Good will
A thousand acres
A Thousand Acres
Early warning
The age of grief
The sagas of Icelanders
Pie in the Sky
The all-true travels and adventures of Lidie Newton
El Paraiso De Los Caballos / Horse Heaven
Mystery Horse
Tausend Morgen
Early Warning
The best American short stories, 1995
Writers on Writing, Volume II
The Best American Erotica 2005
Thousand Acres
Les Aventures véridiques de Liddie Newton
Private life
A thousand acres
Star Horse
Perestroika in Paris
Writers on writing
Private life
Tor zum Paradies
Best new American voices 2006
The sagas of Icelanders
Some luck
Die Scheune im Schatten
The Age of Grief
Jusqu'au lendemain
Good faith
The life of the body
Jusqu'au lendemain
Champion Horse
Ten Days in the Hills
Secret Horse
Die Grönland- Saga. Roman
Most Important Questions
Gewöhnliche Liebe und Guter Wille. Zwei Novellen
De Buena Fe / Good Faith
Pie in the Sky
Diamond Lane
Dangerous Business
Ten days in the hills
Die Grönland-Saga
Private Life
Le Paradis des chevaux
Some Luck (Last Hundred Years Trilogy)
In den Jahren der Trauer
In goed vertrouwen
A Year at the Races
Why we ride
True Blue
Gee Whiz
All True Travels & Adventures
Lidie Newton. Oder Ein abenteuerliches Frauenleben
De wetten van het land
Strays of Paris
Great American Short Stories
Heredaras La Tierra
Yedek Anahtar
Gee Whiz
Barn Blind
Twenty Yawns
The True subject
Riding Lessons
Strays of Paris
Riding Lessons (an Ellen and Ned Book)
Coffret Jane Smiley, 2 volumes
Taking the Reins (an Ellen & Ned Book)
Good Horse
Un amor cualquiera
Lidie Newton oder Ein abenteuerliches Frauenleben
Las Aventuras De Lydie Newton
All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton
La edad del desconsuelo
Un appartement à New York
Tor zum Paradies
Saddles & Secrets (an Ellen & Ned Book)
Golden Age
Year at the Races
Private life
MyLab Literature Without Pearson EText -- Instant Access -- for a Writer's Introduction to Literature
Horse Heaven
Ordinary Love
Bin Dönüm
Pie in the Sky
Catskill Crafts Artisans of T
Sagas of the Icelanders
Thousand Acres
Life of the Body/With a Pair of Gloves (Deluxe)
James Baldwin
James Baldwin (1924-1987)

poet, playwright, civil rights advocate, essayist, social critic

  • New School, Bowling Green State University
Native sons
I am not your negro
James Baldwin
Native Sons
Langston Hughes [videorecording]
James Baldwin
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
The fire next time
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Notes of a Native Son
Giovanni's Room
The evidence of things not seen
Go Tell It on the Mountain
The Amen Corner
Little Man, Little Man
Nobody Knows My Name
Just Above My Head
Tell me how long the train's been gone
No Name in the Street
Fifty Best American Short Stories
Going to Meet the Man
If Beale Street Could Talk
Best Short Stories -- Advanced Level
Jimmy's Blues and Other Poems
The Devil Finds Work
Vintage Baldwin
Another Country
The price of the ticket
Achievements in Fiction
One Day When I Was Lost
Twice-Told Tales
A rap on race
Blues For Mister Charlie
Sonny's Blues
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Early novels and stories
Notes to Myself My Struggle to Become a Person
Gay Travels
Nothing personal
In my youth
The Cross of Redemption
Black anti-Semitism and Jewish racism
Gypsy & other poems
Schwarz und weiss oder was es heisst, ein Amerikaner zu sein
Malcolm X
Everybody's protest novel
Nada Personal
Nous, les Nègres
This morning, this evening, so soon
The Price of the Ticket
A Dialogue
Plough Quarterly No. 18 - The Art of Community
A Tribute to James Baldwin
James Baldwin
Sie nannten ihn Malcolm X. Ein Drehbuch.
Peter Panic
One Day When I Was Lost
Later novels
The Price of the Ticket
Evidence of Things Not Seen
James Baldwin Interview With Kay Bonetti
Sokagin Dili Olsa
Fire Next Time
O quarto de Giovanni
El blues de Beale Street
No soy vuestro negro
Nadie Sabe Mi Nombre
Evidence of Things Not Seen
Giovanni'nin Odasi
Ne Zaman Gitti Tren
Notes of a native son
Go Tell It on the Mountain (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
La prochaine fois, le feu
Bir Baska Ülke
The Evidence of Things Not Seen
Jimmy's Blues and Other Poems
Notes of a native son (Bantam modern classic)
Artist's Struggle for Integrity
Go Tell It on the Mountain (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Rassenkampf - Klassenkampf
Das Gesicht der Macht bleibt weiß
James Baldwin
Another Country
Bundan Sonrasi Ates
Zar ba-kefar
L'homme qui meurt
America, why hast thou forsaken us
James Baldwin reading from Giovanni's room and Another country
The evidence of things not seen
Black man in America
A Dialogue
Black anti-Semitism and Jewish racism
Komnata Dzhovanni
ha-Kushi me-Harlem
Gypsy & other poems
Blues for Mr. Charlie
Akuma ga eiga o tsukutta
Karlheinz Deschner
Karlheinz Deschner (1924-2014)

historian, literary critic, theologian, literary historian

  • University of Würzburg
Dornröschenträume und Stallgeruch
Mit Gott und dem Führer
Talente, Dichter, Dilettanten
Der Moloch
Opus Diaboli
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums 1. Die Frühzeit
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.3, Die Alte Kirche
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.7, Das 13. und 14. Jahrhundert
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums
Das Kreuz mit der Kirche
Weltkrieg der Religionen
Der gefälschte Glaube
Der Anti-Katechismus
Oben ohne. Für einen götterlosen Himmel und eine priesterfreie Welt
Für einen Bissen Fleisch
Der Moloch. Eine kritische Geschichte der USA
Der gef alschte Glaube: eine kritische Betrachtung kirchlicher Lehren und ihrer historischen Hintergr unde
Oben ohne
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums. Das 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. 7. Band
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums 3. Die Alte Kirche. Fälschung, Verdummung, Ausbeutung, Vernichtung
Ein Jahrhundert Heilsgeschichte
Kitsch, Konvention und Kunst
Abermals krähte der Hahn. Eine kritische Kirchengeschichte
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.6, Das 11. und 12. Jahrhundert
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.5, 9. und 10. Jahrhundert
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums 6. 11. und 12. Jahrhundert
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.4, Frühmittelalter
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, Bd.2, Die Spätantike
Ein Papst reist zum Tatort
Kirche und Faschismus
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums. Die Spätantike
Abermals krähte der Hahn
Die Politik der Päpste im 20. Jahrhundert
Mit Gott und den Faschisten
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums 5. Neuntes und Zehntes Jahrhundert
Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums 4. Frühmittelalter
Das Christentum im Urteil seiner Gegner
De Kerk En Haar Krus
Der Moloch: "sprecht sanft und tragt immer einen Knuppel bei euch!"
Kirche des Un-Heils
Die Nacht steht um mein Haus
Warum ich aus der Kirche ausgetreten bin
Das Christentum im Urteil seiner Gegner, hrsg. von Karlheinz Deschner
Die Vertreter Gottes
Jesusbilder in theologischer Sicht
Nur Lebendiges schwimmt gegen den Strom
Florenz ohne Sonne
Wer lehrt an deutschen Universitaten?
Arno Schmidt Preis 1988 für Karlheinz Deschner
Das Jahrhundert der Barbarei
Der manipulierte Glaube
Kriminal'naja istorija christianstva
Kitsch, Konvention und Kunst
Wer lehrt an deutschen Universitäten?  Hrsg. von Karlheinz Deschner
Was halten Sie vom Christentum?
La política de los papas en el siglo XX
Schweizer Küche
Das Kreuz mit der Kirche
Talente, Dichter, Dilettanten
Charles Perrault
Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

poet, poet lawyer, collector of fairy tales, critic, art theorist

  • Lycée Saint-Louis, Collège de Beauvais
Mémoires de ma vie
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce siècle
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce siècle
Charles Perrault
En El Mundo De Los Cuentos/the World Of Fairy Tales (Estrella)
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce siecle
Characters historical and panegyrical of the greatest men that have appear'd in France
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant le XVII siecle
Les Contes de ma mère l'Oye
Le chat botté
Le petit chaperon rouge
La Belle au bois dormant
Great Cat Tales
Contes des fées
Chat botté
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Le chat botté
Petit chaperon rouge
La Belle au bois dormant
Peter Pan ; La bella durmiente
Contes des fées
Riquet à la houppe
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
The annotated Mother Goose
Parallèle des anciens et des modernes
Contes des fées
Chat botté
Cinderella, and other tales from Perrault
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant le XVII siècle
Chat botté
Riquet à la houppe
Contes de fées
Contes des fées
Le petit Poucet
Contes de fées
La Belle dorment au bois
Le Chat Botté
Belle et le bête
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant le XVII siècle
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
El Gato Con Botas
Cinderella, Puss in Boots, and other favorite tales
Puss in Boots
20 cuentos infantiles clásicos de siempre
La Belle au bois dormant
Le petit Poucet
Contes des fées
Stories of Cats We Love
Petite Chaperon rouge
Contes des feés
Puffin Book of Five Minute Stories
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Petit chaperon rouge
Petit poucet
La Belle au bois dormant
Barbe bleue
L' apologie des femmes
La Barbe Bleue
The tales of Mother Goose
Pensées chrétiennes
Contes des fées
The Story Of The Marquise-Marquis De Banneville (Mla Texts and Translations)
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
La Belle au bois dormant
Le petit Poucet
Storyteller Book
Famous French fairy tales, collected and adapted from the original Perrault by David Stone
Chat botté
Snow White and Other Stories
Contes des fées
Sleeping Beauty and Other Favourite Fairy Tales
Contes des fées
Les contes des fées
Caperucita roja
Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin & Other Stories
Chat botté
Chat botté
La Sirena
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Fairy Tales for Adults
L' apologie des femmes
Contes des fées
La Belle au bois dormant
Greatest Fairy Tales
Chat botté
Le monde merveilleux des contes
Puss In Boots
Peau d'âne
Contes des fées
La belle au bois dormant
Contes des fées
Le Chat botté
Contes des fées
Parallele des anciens et des modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The three wishes
Contes de ma mère l'oye
Contes des fées
Contes de fées
Le Chat botté
Contes des fées
Sleeping Beauty
Popular tales
Cabellos de oro
La Belle au bois dormant
Parallèle des anciens et des modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences
Contes des fées
Histoires ou contes du temps passé
Cuentos De Perrault
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
La belle au bois dormant
Chat botté
Contes des fées
Pensées chrétiennes de Charles Perrault
Pelle d'asino
Contes des fées
Les Murs de Troye ou l'origine du burlesque
La Belle au bois dormant
The glass slipper
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Le petit chaperon rouge
Petite Chaperon rouge
Barba blu, Le fate e Cappuccetto rosso
Cendrillon : Bilingue avec le texte parallèle
Chat botté
Little Red Riding-Hood
Contes De Ma Mere L'Oye
Snow White
Chat botté
Petit Chaperon rouge
Chat botté
Contes des fées
Le petit Poucet
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par Gustave Doré
Cinderella (Tiny Tales)
Caperucita Roja
Petit Chaperon rouge
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par l'art brut
Caperucita Roja
Petit poucet
Çizmeli Kedi - Minikler Için Ünlü Eserler
La Belle au bois dormant
Contes des fées
Puss in Boots
Little Thumb
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Le petit chaperon rouge
Goldilocks ve Üç Ayı-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
Chat botté
Piel De Asno
Contes de fées
Uyuyan Güzel-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
Le vaillant petit tailleur
Characters Historical and Panegyrical of the Greatest Men That Have Appear'd in France, During the Last Century
Four and Twenty Fairy Tales
Tom Thumb
Cowlick Ricky
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par l'art brut
Chuan chang xue de mao
La Cenicienta
Collins Classics
Contes de Charles Perrault
Volshebnye skazki
The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Puss In Boots
Çizmeli Kedi-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
Four and Twenty Fairy Tales
The Master Cat or Puss in Boots
Bella y la Bestia
Le petit Poucet
The Tales of Mother Goose
Perrault's Popular Tales
La Belle au bois dormant
La Belle au bois dormant
Chat botté
Le petit chaperon rouge
Cinderella - Shape Book
Cinderilla or The Little Glass Slipper
La Belle au bois dormant
Contes des fées
La belle au bois dormant
Contes de Fées
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par Gustave Doré
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Kirmizi Baslikli Kiz - Minikler Için Ünlü Eserler
Renowned History of Little Red Riding Hood
Jack & The Beanstalk
Old-time stories
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Chat botté
Contes des fées
Chat botté
Pensées chrétiennes
La Spiga Readers - Very Easy Readers (A1/A2): Puss in Boots
Cuentos De Charles Perrault/Charles Perrault's Tales (Cuentos Universales / Universal Stories)
Contes des fées
The surprising adventures of Puss in boots ; The history of a little dog ; and The history of a little boy found under a haycock
Contes clàssics de Perrault
Çizmeli Kedi
El Gato con Botas
Classic Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Contes des fées
El gato con botas
Contes des fées
Famous Fairy Tales
Contes des fées
La barbe bleue
Contes des fées
Petit Chaperon rouge
Parmak Çocuk
Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
Sixteen Sisters, Level 16
Chat botté
La Ventafocs
Tales of Charles Perrault
Les contes des fées
Külkedisi-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
Old-Time Stories
Parmak Çocuk - Ünlü Masallar
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Quatre histoires du Petit Chaperon Rouge racontées dans le monde
Rínxols d'Or
The Sleeping Beauty- in Hindi
Chat botté
Caperucita Roja
Beauty and the Beast
Le petit poucet
Histoires Ou Conte Du Temps Passe
La Barbe bleue
Mémoires de ma vie
La bella addormentata
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par l'art brut
La Belle aux bois dormant
Les contes de mon enfance
Cinderella in Silhouettes by Arthur Rackham
Cinderilla or The Little Glass Slipper
La belle au bois dormant
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant le XVII siècle
Mémoires, contes et autres œuvres de Charles Perrault
El gato con botas
Petit Chaperon rouge
The whimsical history of Bluebeard
Contes des fées
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par l'art brut
La Belle au bois dormant
Original Tales of Cinderella
Histories, or Tales of Passed Times. With Morals. Written in French by M. Perrault, and Englished by R. S. Gent. The Third Edition, Corrected. With Cuts to Every Tale
Gestiefelte Kater
The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
Cinderella (Retold by Jane Belk Moncure)
The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault
Tales of Times Past
Pasaku pasaulē
Perrault's Stories
Tales of passed times written for children
Contes des fées
Tales of passed times by Mother Goose
Puss in Boots
Les Fables (French Edition)
Love and Be Wise
Chat botté
Little Red Riding Hood ( Level I and II )
Recueil de plusieurs machines, de nouvelle invention
Stage 1 - Puss in Boots
Kirmizi Baslikli Kiz
Little Thumb
Der gestiefelte Kater
El gat amb botes
Contes des fées
O Livro de Ouro dos Contos de Fadas
Contes des fées
The Tales of Mother Goose
Cizmeli Kedi
El Gato con Botas
Peau d'Âine
Contes des fées
Contes des fées
Puss in Boots / Easy Start Series
La Belle au bois dormant
En Polzet
Bella y la Bestia
Cinderella; Or, the History of the Little Glass Slipper
Uyuyan Guzel
Peau d'Âne
Contes des fées
Cuentos completos
Contes des fées
Le Chat Botté
The sleeping beauty in the wood
Le petit poucet
Contes des fées
Les contes de Ch. Perrault
Peri Masallari
Contes des fées
Les fées
The tales of Mother Goose
Contes / Charles Perrault / Comtesse de Ségur / Illustrés par Gustave Doré, Jules Didier, Gustave Staal et Bertall
Cinderella and Other Stories
La cenicienta / Cinderella
Blue Beard
Puss in Boots
Riquet à la houppe
Cinderella, or The Little Glass Slipper
Contes de fées
Caperucita Roja
Contes des fées
Barba Azul
Cendrillon, et autres contes de fees
Contes des fées
Little Thumb
Cizmeli Kedi; Ünlü Eserler Serisi
Contes merveilleux - Classiques et Contemporains
Simbad El Marino /simbad The Marine (Cuentos Interactivos)
Les Contes de Perrault illustrés par l'art brut
E ma ma de gu shi
Pantomime stories
The Sleeping beauty
Beiluo tong hua =
Contes de ma mère l'Oye
La peinture
Den bestoevlede kat
Sp︠i︡ashcha︠i︡a krasavi︠t︡sa
Cuentos maravillosos
Cuentos de Antano
Puss in Boots
Courses de testes et de bague faittes par le roy et par les princes et seigneurs de sa cour, en l'année 1662
Caperucita roja
The Transvestite Memoirs and the Story of the Marquise-Marquis De Bannevill
Fairy tales
Le burlesque selon les Perrault
Tales of passed times
Diamonds and toads
Bei luo, wang er de tong hua
Les aventures du Chat botté
Pulgaricto Y Otros Cuentos/Tom Thumb and Other Tales
Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper
Mémoires de Ch. Perrault, précédés d'une notice par Paul Lacroix ..
Barba Azul y Otros Cuentos
Contes de fe es
The Surprising Adventures Of Puss In Boots; The History Of A Little Dog; And The History Of A Little Boy Found Under A Haycock
Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de Louis XIV
En El Mundo de Los Cuentos - Estrella
Qing niao
[al-Walad al-qaṣīr
E ma ma de gu shi
Krasnai͡a shapochka
La chasse
Memoires d'un petit poucet
he-ḥatul be-magafayim
Caroli Peralti Academici Francici Comparatio philosophiae primae priscae et novellae
Opuscules sur la langue françoise
Cinderella and The two gifts [proof]
Perrault's tales of long ago
Contes des fées
Zolushka, ili, Khrustalʹnai︠a︡ tufelʹka
Les contes
The ideal fairy tales
Le piú belle fiabe di Perrault
Sipure elef lailah ṿe-lailah
Le chat botté
Pensées chrétiennes de Charles Perrault
Il était une fois-- Perrault
Maçoku me çizme
Le Chat Botte
Kot v sapogakh
The fairy tales of Charles Perrault
The sleeping beauty in the wood
Trois contes de Perrault
Cinderella and the Prince
Der gestiefelte Kater
Das Märchen vom "Gestiefelten Kater"
Contes en prose et en vers
Contes des fées
Mémoires de ma vie
Peau d'Âne
Le Chat Botté
Contes : suivis de Miroir : ou, La métamorphose d'Orante
La Barbe Bleue
Nemuri no mori no ōjo
La belle au bois dormant
Contes de Perrault
Ulaan malgaĭt
The Good child's fairy gift
Sleeping beauty pantomime toy book
El gato con botas
Qyt͡hyl kalapu̇sh
Cuentos Y Fabulas
Lan hu zi mo wang =
Zolotai͡a kniga luchshikh skazok mira
Gaasemors eventyr
The original Mother Goose's melody
Klein Duimpje
Le Petit Poucet
Najpiękniejsze bajki
Cenicienta Y Otros Cuentos/Cinderella and Other Tales
La peinture
Histoires ou contes du temps passé
Perrault's fairy tales
Pulgarcito - Raspunzel
Sleeping Beauty and Other Stories/Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hop O'My Thumb, Ricky With the Tuft, Donkey Skin, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding hood
Le Cabinet des beaux arts
Bluebeard, Cinderella, and other tales
The vindication of wives
al-Hirr Abū al-Jazmah
Festiva ad capita annulumque decursio a Rege Ludovico XIV, principibus, summisque aulae proceribus edita anno M.DC.LXII
Histories or Tales of past times told by Mother Goose
Les contes des fées
Cuentos de Perrault ; nuevamente traducidos
Vse skazki
Contes de ma mère l'Oye
Il était une fois ...
Puss in boots
Les contes des fées
Spi︠a︡shchai︠a︡ krasavit︠s︡a i drugie skazki
Les contes de Perrault
Le maître chat
The Enchanted Palace (Luzac Storytellers)
Hontō ni, kowagaranaku temo iino
Le Petit Chaperon rouge
Les contes de Perrault
Caroli Peralti Academici Francici Comparatio logicae priscae et novellae
La Cenicienta
Histoire de peau d'âne
My book of The  Sleeping Beauty
The Vindication of wives
Blue Beard ; and, Little Red Riding-Hood
he-Ḥatul be-magafayim
Le labyrinthe de Versailles, 1677
Le Cabinet des Beaux Arts, ou, Recueil d'estampes gravées d'apres les tableaux d'un plafond ou les beaux arts sont representés
Cendrillon et autres contes
French fairy tales
Old-time stories
Contes des fées
Mille ans de contes classiques
Mémoires de ma vie
La belle au bois dormant
Le chat botte
Textes sur Lully et l'opéra français
Nouveau recueil de contes des fées contenant
La peinture
More French fairy tales
The sleeping beauty in the wood. Peronella, or, The vanity of human wishes
Les contes. Dossier pédagogique
La bella durmiente
Contes du temps passé
Mon petit coffret des contes de Perrault
Cinderilla, or, The little glass slipper
Les plus beaux contes de Perrault
Les contes de Perrault
Festiva ad capita annulumque decursio
Pulgarcita Y Otros Cuentos Clásicos
Velikie skasochniki devchonkam i malʹchishkam
All the French fairy tales
Histoire de peau d'ane
Riquet a La Houppe
Beihou tong hua ji
Histoire de Charles VI., roi de France
Cinderilla, or, The little glass slipper
La Cenicienta
El gato con botas
Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper
Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant le XVII siècle
Blue Beard, or, The fatal effects of curiosity and disobedience
La Barbe Bleue
The fairy tales of Charles Perrault
Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood
Peau d'âne
Lettres choisies de Messieurs de l'Academie françoise, sur toutes sortes de sujets
The story of Blue Beard
Contes de fées
The Story of Little Red Riding Hood, retold from Perrault
Blue Beard
La Belle au bois dormant
L'Apologie des femmes
Mémoires de ma vie
A new history of Blue Beard
Histoire de la marquise-marquis de Banneville
The sleeping beauty
Contes, tome 2
El relato de amor francés
Boucle d'or
Red Riding Hood
Bluebeard and other fairy tales of Charles Perrault
Kot v sapogakh
The Nursery world
Contes des fée
L︠i︡ubimye skazki Sharl︠i︡a Perro
Algunos cuentos de Perrault
Contes des fées, illustrés
Chuyên thân tiên
Le Petit Chaperon rouge (livre+marionnette)
A new history of Blue Beard
Le labyrinthe de Versailles 1677
Le Cabinet des Beaux Arts, ou, Recueil d'estampes gravés d'après les tableaux d'un plafond ou les beaux arts sont representées
La belle au bois dormant
Blue Beard
L' apologie des femmes
Le banquet des dieux
Labyrinte de Versailles
Histories or tales of past times told by Mother Goose with morals
Le chat botte
The history of Blue Beard and Fatima
Volshebnye skazki
Oeuvres choisies de Ch. Perrault
Little Red Riding Hood
Contes, suivis du Miroir ou la me tamorphose d'Orante, de La peinture, poe  me, et du Labyrinthe de Versailles
Caperucita Roja
Histoire de la marquise-marquis de Banneville [par] Charles Perrault et l'abbé de Choisy
Shui mei ren
Cinderilla: or, The little glass slipper
Diamonds and toads, or, Humility rewarded and pride punished
Contes de Perrault
Les contes de Perrault Barbe-Bleue
Mykola Kostomarov
Mykola Kostomarov (1817-1885)

historian, opinion journalist, critic, poet, historiographer

  • National University of Kharkiv
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavneĭshikh dei︠a︡teleĭ
Bogdan Khmelʹnit︠s︡kīĭ
Russkie nravy
Malorossīĭskīĭ getman Zinovīĭ-Bogdan Khmelʹnit͡s︡kīĭ
Samozvant͡s︡y i proroki
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ee glavneĭshikh dei︠a︡teleĭ
Russkie nravy
Di︠e︡i︠a︡teli russkoĭ t︠s︡erkvi v starinu
Russkaia istoriia v zhizneopisaniiakh
Istoryï͡a Ukraïny v z͡hytï͡epysï͡akh vyznachnïĭshykh ï͡eï dïi͡achiv
Istoricheskie proizvedeniya
Russkai͡a istorīi͡a v ʺzhizneopisanīi͡akh
Istoricheskie proizvedenii︠a︡ ; Avtobiografii︠a︡
Istoryia Ukraïny v zhytiepysiakh vyznachniǐshykh ieï diiachiv
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v ʺzhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v zhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh ee glavneǐshikn dei︠a︡teleǐ
Bogdan Khmelʹnit︠s︡kiĭ
Halerei͡a︡ portretiv
Bogdan Khmelnitski
Istoryi͡a Ukraïny v z͡hyti͡epysi͡akh vyznachnïĭshykh i͡eï dïi͡achiv
Avtobīografīi︠a︡ N.I. Kostomarova
Literaturnoe nasli͡e︡dīe
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavn︠ieĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Istoryi͡a︡ Ukraïny v zhyti͡e︡pysi͡a︡kh vyznachniĭshykh i͡e︡ï dïi͡a︡chiv
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ee glavneĭshikh dei︠a︡teleĭ
Gospodstvo doma sv. Vladimira
Istoryi͡a Ukraïny v z͡hyti͡epysi͡akh vyznachnïĭshykh i͡eï dïi͡achiv
Dieiateli russko tserkvi v starinu
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Di︠e︡i︠a︡teli russkoĭ t︠s︡erkvi v starinu
Di︠e︡i︠a︡teli russkoĭ t︠s︡erkvi v starinu
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v zhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Russische Geschichte in Biographien
Avtobīografīi︠a︡ N.I. Kostomarova
Russkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ v zhizneopisanii︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ N. Kostomarova
Bunt Stenʹki Razina
Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ mifologii︠a︡
O znachenīi kriticheskikh trudov Konstantina Aksakova po russkoĭ istorīi
Kto byl pervyĭ Lzhedimitrīĭ?: istoricheskoe izsli︠e︡dovanīe
Zur Judenfrage ; До юдейського питання
Istoricheskii︠a︡ monografii i issledovanii︠a︡ Nikolai︠a︡ Kostomarova
Slavianskaia mifologiia
Si︠e︡vernorusskii︠a︡ narodopravstva vo vremena udi︠e︡lʹno-vi︠e︡chevago uklada ..
Geroi smutnago vremeni
Literaturnoe nasliedie
Russkai︠a︡ respublika
Tvory v dvokh tomakh
Si︠e︡vernorusskīi︠a︡ narodopravstva
Knyhy bytii︠a︡ ukraïnsʹkoho narodu
Kostomarov's "Books of genesis the Ukranian people" ; with commentary by B. Yanisvs'kyi
Slov'i͡a︡nsʹka mifolohii͡a︡
Smutnoe vremi︠a︡ Moskovskago gosudarstva v nachali︠e︡ XVII stoli︠e︡tii︠a︡
Sievernorusskiia narodopravstva
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Ocherk domashneĭ zhizni i nravov velikorusskogo naroda v XVI i XVII stoletii͡a︡kh
Geroi smutnago vremeni
Russkai︠a︡ istorīi︠a︡ v zhizneopisanīi︠a︡kh ei︠a︡ glavni︠e︡ĭshikh di︠e︡i︠a︡teleĭ
Spasiteli Rossii v XVII v
Skot︠s︡kiĭ bunt
O zhizni, byte i nravakh russkogo naroda
Staryĭ spor
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Russkie inorodt͡s︡y
Naukovo-publitsystychni i polemichni pysannia Kostomarova
Sobranie sochineniǐ
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva v 16 i 17 stolietiiakh
Sievernorusskiia narodopravstva
Dve russkie narodnosti
Malorossiǐskiǐ getman Zinoviǐ-Bogdan Khmel'nitskiǐ
Slavi͡a︡nskai͡a︡ mifologīi͡a︡
Istoricheskīi︠a︡ monografīi i izsli︠e︡dovanii︠a︡
Si͡evernorusskīi͡a narodopravstva
Sorok'' li͡e︡t''
Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ mifologii︠a︡
Sievernorusskiia narodopravstva
Zakon Boz͡h︡yĭ
Dvi rusʹki narodnosty
O znachenii kriticheskikh trudov Konstantina Aksakova po russkoĭ istorii
Tvory v dvokh tomakh
Bunt Stenʹki Razina
Lichnostʹ t͡s︡ari͡a︡ Ivana Vasilʹevicha Groznogo ; Povestʹ ob osvobozhdenii Moskvy ot poli͡a︡kov v 1612 godu i izbranie t͡s︡ari͡a︡ Mikhaila ; T͡S︡arevna Sofʹi͡a︡
Sobranie sochineniĭ N.I. Kostomarova
Syn, Kholop, Sorok let
Bunt Stenʹki Razina
Knigi bytiya ukrainskogo naroda
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Knigi bytiia ukrainskogo naroda
Malorossiski getman Zinovi-Bogdan Khmel'nitski
Zemskie sobory
Nachalo Rusi
Dvi rus'ki narodnosty
Ocherk domashnei zhizni i nravov velikorusskago naroda v XVI i XVII stoletiyakh N.I. Kostomarova
Knyhy bytiia ukraïnskoho narodu
Geroi smutnago vremeni
Russkaya istoriya v zhizneopisaniyakh ee glavneishikh deyatelei
Pami︠a︡tniki starinnoĭ russkoĭ literatury
O znachenii kriticheskikh trudov Konstantina Aksakova po russko istorii
Smutnoe vremya Moskovskago gosudarstva v nachale XVII stoletiya
Literaturnoe nasliedie
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Skotskoĭ bunt
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva v XVI i XVII stoletiyakh
Smutnoe vremi͡a︡ Moskovskogo gosudarstva v nachale XVII stoletii͡a︡
Istoricheskīi͡a︡ monografīi i izsli͡e︡dovanīi͡a︡
Istoricheskiia monografii i izsliedovaniia
Deux nationalités russes \
Sobranīe sochinenīĭ N. I. Kostomarova
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva
Russkai͡a istorīi͡a v zhizneopisanīi͡akh ei͡a glavni͡eĭshikh di͡ei͡ateleĭ
Literaturnoe nasli︠e︡dīe
Mogilnyia predaniia
Knyhy bytii︠a︡ ukraïnskoho narodu
Ocherk domashneĭ zhizni i nravov velikorusskago naroda v XVI i XVII stoli︠e︡tīi︠a︡kh
Povi︠e︡stʹ ob osvobozhdenīi Moskvy ot poli︠a︡kov v 1612 godu i izbranīe t︠s︡ari︠a︡ Mikhaila
Russkai͡a istorīi͡a v zhizneopisanīi͡akh ei͡a glavni͡eĭshikh di͡ei͡ateleĭ
Syn ; Khlop ; Sorok let
Ocherk torgovli Moskovskago gosudarstva v XVI i XVII stoli︠e︡tii︠a︡kh
Sobranie sochinenii
Lekt︠s︡īi po russkoĭ istorīi professora N. I. Kostomarova
Iz nashego proshlago, I
Si︠e︡vernorusski︠a︡ narodopravstva vo vremena udi︠e︡lʹno-vi︠e︡chevago uklada
Pisʹmo N. Kostomarova k izdateli︠u︡ "Kolokola"
Dvi rus £ki narodnosty
Byt i nravy russkogo naroda v XVI i XVII stoletii︠a︡kh
Slavi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ mifologīi︠a︡
Le livre de la genèse du peuple ukrainien
Sobranie sochinenii
Knyhy bytii︠a︡ ukraïnsʹkoho narodu
Preemniki Bogdana Khmelʹnit͡skogo
Knyhy bytii Ła ukrai ns £koho narodu ...
Jules de Goncourt
Jules de Goncourt (1830-1870)

historian, diarist, literary critic, art historian

  • Lycée Condorcet
Histoire de Marie-Antoinette
La duchesse de Chateauroux et ses soeurs
French XVIII century painters
Gavarni : l'homme et l'oeuvre
Germinie Lacerteux
Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
Paris and the arts, 1851-1896
Histoire de la société française pendant le Directoire
Lettres de Jules de Goncourt: fac-similé de lettre. Portrait d'après un ..
De Ivoren Kooi
L'amour au dix-huitième siècle
Lettres de Jules de Goncourt: fac-simile? de lettre. Portrait d'apre?s un e?mail de Claudius Popelin
Madame Gervaisais
La femme au dix-huitieme siecle
Selections from Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
Sister Philomène
Arts et artistes
Journal des Goncourt
L' Italie d'hier
Journal des Goncourt - Mémoires de la Vie Littéraire
Pages From the Goncourt Journal
Journal des Goncourt, tome 1
Journal des Goncourt, tome 2
Confidantes of a King
The Confidantes of a King
Sister Philomene
Woman of the Eighteenth Century
Journal des Goncourt, tome 3
Manette Salomon
Renée Mauperin
Lettres de Jules de Goncourt
Les Goncourt en verve
Madame Pompadour. Ein Lebensbild
Lettres de Jules de Goncourt
Journal des Goncourt - tome 3 - NE
Manette Salomon
art du XVIIIme Siècle
La Lorette
Woman of the Eighteenth Century
Lettres de Jules de Goncourt
Journal des Goncourt
Soeur Philomène
Selections from Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
Madame Pompadour
The Confidantes Of A King
Journal des Goncourt - tome 3 - NE
art du Xviiime Siècle; Volume 3
Renée Mauperin
Journal of the de Goncourts; Pages from a Great Diary, Being Extracts from the Journal des Goncourt
Renee Mauperin [Christmas Summary Classics]
Renee Mauperin
Briefe der Marquise von Pompadour
... Manette Salomon
Idées et sensations
Les hommes de lettres
Lettres .
Journal des Goncourt
Portraits intimes du dix-huitième siècle
Préfaces et manifestes littéraires
Renée Mauperin
Renée Mauperin
Die Liebe im 18 Jahrhundert
Journal des Goncourt: mémoires de la vie littéraire
Pages choisies des auteurs contemporains: E. et J. de Goncourt
La duchesse de Châteauroux et ses soeurs: Avec des lettres et documents ...
Quelques créatures de ce temps: Nouvelles
Journal des Goncourt: mémoires de la vie littéraire
Portraits intimes du dix-huitième siècle
Renée Mauperin
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński
Gustaw Herling-Grudziński (1919-2000)

journalist, literary critic, poet

  • University of Warsaw
Inny świat
Volcano and Miracle
Dziennik pisany nocą
Dziennik pisany noca̜
Najkrótszy przewodnik po sobie samym
Dziennik pisany nocą 1980-1983
Dziennik pisany nocą 1980-1983
The island
The noonday cemetery and other stories
Inny Swiat
Podróż do Burmy
Godzina cieni
Sześć medalionów i Srebrna Szkatułka
Upiory rewolucji
Wedrowiec cmentarny
Żywi i umarli
Pięć dialogów
Dziennik pisany nocą, 1989-1992
Skrzydła ołtarza
Un Monde à part
Pisma zebrane
Don Ildebrando
Da Gorki a Pasternak
Wyjścia z milczenia
Variations sur les ténèbres. Suivi d'un entretien avec Edith de la Héronnière
Rozmowy w Neapolu
Podzwonne dla dzwonnika
Portret wenecki
Opowiadania zebrane
Die Insel
Rozmowy w Dragonei
Drugie przjście
Gorący oddech pustyni
Dziennik pisany nocą, 1971-1972
Biala noc milosci. Opowiadania
A world apart
Żywi i umarli
Błogosławiona, święta
Książę niezłomny
Dziennik pisany nocą, 1997-1999
Drugie przyjście, oraz inne opowiadania i szkice
Recenzje, szkice, rozprawy literackie 1947-1956
Upiory rewolucji
Inny świat
Wieża i inne opowiadania
Biała noc miłości
Dziennik pisany nocą
Podróż do Burmy
Godzina cieni
Recenzje, szkice, rozprawy literackie 1935-1946
Tagebuch bei Nacht geschrieben
Eurokomunizm - dwa głosy
Recenzje, szkice, rozprawy literackie 1957-1998
W oczach pisarzy
Wiek biblijny i śmierć
Wędrowiec cmentarny