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critics who wrote biography
Showing 529-536 out of 691 results
Louis Aragon
Louis Aragon (1897-1982)

journalist, politician, poet, art critic, French resistance fighter, historian

  • Lycée Carnot
Pour expliquer ce que j'étais
Jiří Kolár
Henri Matisse
Traité du style
Le paysan de Paris
Les grandes heures
Conversations on the Dresden Gallery
Paysan de Paris
Aventures de Télémaque
Les communistes
Una Ola de Sueños
Anicet or the Panorama
Aragon, de dada au surrealisme, papiers inedits 1917-1931 (les papiers du fonds Doucet)
Le musée Grévin
Le fou d'Elsa
Dos Roymishe rekhṭ eḳzisṭirṭ nishṭ mer
Littératures soviétiques
Le temps traversé
Le Paysan De Paris
Les Cloches De Bale
Holy week
Le crève-coeur
Le Con d'Irène
A history of the USSR
La diane français
Lautréamont et nous
Henri Matisse
La semaine sainte
Le libertinage
Histoire parallèle
Henri Matisse, roman
Œuvres romanesques complètes
Entretiens avec Francis Crémieux
Oeuvres Romanesques Completes Vol. 1
Les chambres
Libertine, The
Choix de poèmes
Apologie du luxe
Elégie à Pablo Neruda
Les poètes
Das Beispiel Courbet
Henry Matisse
Sur Henri Matisse
La mise a mort (French Edition)
Il ne m'est Paris que d'Elsa
Les beaux quartievs
Avez-vous lu Victor Hugo?
Das Beispiel Courbet
Les adieux et autres poèmes
The libertine
Blanche ou L'oubli
A history of the USSR
Entretiens sur le Musée de Dresde
Lettres à Denise
Non, Aragon n'est pas un écrivain engagé!
O Arankon gia ton Ritso
La mise à mort
Adventures Of Telemachus, The
Ouvres Romanesques Completes Vol. 2
La lumiere de Stendhal
Les yeux d'Elsa, par Aragon
Le collaborateur et autres nouvelles
Les collages
Der Pariser Bauer
Le mentir-vrai
Papiers inédits
Le Paysan de Paris
Passengers of Destiny
Le cre ve-coeur, et, Les yeux d'Elsa
L' homme communiste
Les collages
Le mentir-vrai
The libertine
Le nouveau cre  ve-Coeur
Passengers of destiny
Les\Cloches de Bales  Le Monde Reel
Entretiens avec Francis Crémieux
The red front
Le cre  ve-coeur
Hugo, poète réaliste
La\Mise a Mort
Fiche de lecture Le Paysan de Paris
Ecrits sur l'art Moderne
Habitaciones : poema del tiempo que no pasa
Les yeux et la mémoire
Les yeux d'Elsa, Aragon: Des repères pour situer l'auteur, ses écrits, l'oeuvre étudiée
Parlons français et articles de Ce soir
Anicet ou le Panorama
Holy Week
Le voyage de Hollande
Le musée Grévin, poème
Le libertinage
Broce liande
Aurélien ; roman
Holy Week
La culture et les hommes
Anicet ou le panorama, roman
Le musée Grévin, poıeme
Paris Köylüsü
Projet d'histoire littéraire contemporaine
Les deux géants
Contribution au cycle de Gabriel Péri
Élégie à Pablo Neruda
L' Enseigne de Gersaint
Le neveu de M. Duval, suivi d'une lettre d'icelui à l'auteur de ce livre
Hourra l'Oural
Elsa'nin Gozleri
The blue dream
Les aventures de Télémaque
Pasado compuesto
La lumiere de Stendhal ; prosper Merimee, Heinrich von Kleist, marceline Desbordes - Valmore, Jules de la Madelene, Emile Zola, Maurice Barres
Les Beaux Quartiers  Le Monde Reel
Los colages
Die Kommunisten
Les aventures de Te le maque
Le\Mouvement Perpetuel   Feu de Joie  Ecritures Automatique
Le Creve-coeur. Le nouveau Creve-coeur
A history of the USSR from Lenin to Kruschev
Histoire de l'U. R. S. S., 1917 à 1960 ..
Le nouveau crève-caeur
Blanche ou l'oubli
Chroniques de la pluie et du beau temps
L' Homme communiste
L' exemple de Courbet
Une vague de rêves
Aurelien  Le Monde Reel
OEuvres poetiques completes I, II [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (French Edition)
Les poe  tes
Écrits sur l'art moderne
Les adieux et autres poemes
Flesh Unlimited
A History of the USSR, from Lenin to Khrushchev
La lumiıere de Stendhal, Prosper Mérimée, Heinrich von Kleist, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Jules de la Madelıene, Émile Zola, Maurice Barrıes
A history of the USSR from Lenin to Krushchev
Littératures soviétiques
Anicet ou le Panorama   Vol. 3
L' exemple de Courbet
Feu de Joie
La Grande Gaité/Tout ne finit pas par des chansons
Le musée Grévin, poıeme p̀ar  Français La Colıere
Le Musée Grévin
Il ne m'est Paris que d'Elsa
Je n'ai jamais appris a écrire, ou, Les incipit
Aragon, poet of the French resistance
La défense de l'infini
La lumière de Stendhal
Je n'ai jamais appris à écrire
Aragon, une étude
Feu de joie et autres chansons
Aurelien vol. 2
Les beaux quartiers, roman
Le Yaouanc
The a tre/roman
Los colages
Servitude et grandeur des Français
Le roman inachevé [par] Aragon
Les voyageurs de l'impériale, roman
Les Aventures de Télémaque
Réflexions sur Rimbaud
Elégie à Pablo Neruda
Anicet ou le Panorama
Flesh Unlimited
Chroniques du bel canto
The Century Was Young
La Mentir Vrai
La Diane française, suivi de,  En étrange pays dans mon pays lui-même
Los colages
A history of the USSR from Lenin to Khrushchev
La lumière de Stendhal, Prosper Mérimée, Heinrich von Kleist, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Jules de la Madelêne, Émile Zola, Maurice Barrès
Chetyre shaga v bredu
Blance ou l'oubli ; [suivi de Après-dire]
Les communistes
L' armoire à glace un beau soir
En e trange pays dans mon pays lui-me me
Aragon, une étude par Claude Roy
A wave of dreams
Persécuté, persécuteur
Cent ans passent comme un jour
Le communiste et le fou
Il ne m'est Paris que d'Elsa
Les chambres
Je n'ai jamais appris a? e?crire ou Les incipit
En étrange pays dans mon pays lui-même
Lire Frénaud
La défense de l'infini (fragments) ; suivi de, Les aventures de Jean-Foutre La Bite
Abhandlung uber den Stil
Les adieux
Las campanas de Basilea
Lettres à André Breton
Les poètes
J'abats mon jeu
Aragon, un essai par Claude Roy
Le crève-coeur (nouv. éd.)
Les aventures de Télémaque
Les yeux d'Elsa
Escritos de Arte Moderno
Holy Week (La Semaine Sainte)
Le nouveau crève-coeur
La Superletteratura e A. Rimbaud
Apologie du luxe
Feu de joie
Le mouvement perpetuel
Les Communistes
Trois contes ..
Les poètes, poème
Œuvres poétiques complètes
Le mouvement perpétuel
Les Poètes de la revue Fontaine
Je n'ai jamais appris à écrire
L' œuvre poétique
Les adieux et autres poèmes
Le paysan de Paris
Aurélien, roman
Bogatye kvartaly
Lettres à André Breton
Le crève-cœur
Holy Week
Gibelʹ vserʹez
Les aventures de Télémaque
ley de caza
Louis Aragon versei
Le nouveau crève-coeur
The century was young
Financial Mgmt T/B
Mes caravanes, et autres poıemes (1948-1954)
Le nouveau crève-coeur, poèmes
La grande gaîté
Persécuté, persécuteur [par] Aragon
Le cre  ve-coeur
Anicet ou le Panorama
La mise à mort
Le mouvement perpétual.  Précédé de Feu de joie et suivi d'Écriture automatiques
Je n'ai jamais appris à écrire ou Les incipit
Essais de critique génétique
Le paysan de Paris
L' Oeuvre poétique
Residential quarter
Strastna︠i︡a nedel︠i︡a
Gore Vidal
Gore Vidal (1925-2012)

playwright, actor, essayist, literary critic, politician, journalist, opinion journalist

  • Phillips Exeter Academy, Sidwell Friends School
Gore Vidal
Two Sisters
Vidal in Venice
Point to Point Navigation
Great American Families
Inventing a Nation (American Icons)
Great American Families
Political Animal
The American presidency
I Told You So
The Luminous Years
Point to Point Navigation
The city and the pillar
Myra Breckinridge
The Other Persuasion
Washington, D.C.
The Smithsonian Institution
Dreaming War
Screening history
Live from Golgotha
Death before Bedtime
Burr: a novel
The Golden Age
Imperial America
The judgment of Paris
The best man
The decline and fall of the American empire
Dark Green, Bright Red
Perpetual war for perpetual peace
Where joy resides
The Selected Essays of Gore Vidal
A search for the king
Virgin Islands
Views from a window
An evening with Richard Nixon
Visit to a small planet
The Last Empire
A thirsty evil
Homage to Daniel Shays
Death Likes it Hot
Clouds and Eclipses
Deadly Sins
The Red-Headed League and other mystery plays
Death in Fifth Position (Mentor Books)
The essential Gore Vidal
Reflections upon a sinking ship
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1957; Featuring *Visit to a Small Planet*
The second American revolution and other essays (1976-1982)
Lincoln (Narratives of a Golden Age)
I Told You So Gore Vidal Talks Politics Interviews With Jon Wiener
At home
Three by Box
Matters of fact and of fiction
Three by Box
Brighton Beach Memoirs (L.A. Theatre Works Audio Theatre Collections)
Thieves fall out
Understanding America's Terrorist Crisis
Rocking the boat
Live for Golgotha
Hollywood (Narratives of a Golden Age)
In a yellow wood
Vidal vs. Mailer
Dangerous voyage
Gore Vidal: Sexually Speaking
The season of comfort
Death likes it hot
Visit to a small planet, and other television plays
A view from the Diners Club
La Invencion de una Nacion
Juliano el Apóstata
Patria E Imperio
At Home: Essays
Death in the fifth position
Das ist nicht Amerika!
Against the beast
Selected Essays
Selected Essays of Gore Vidal (Vintage International)
Conversations with Gore Vidal
The Golden Age (Narratives of Empire)
Pink triangle and yellow star
Death in the fifth position
Golden Bowl
Essential Gore Vidal
1876 (Narratives of a Golden Age)
Best television plays
Ewiger Krieg für ewigen Frieden. Wie Amerika den Hass erntet, den es gesät hat
The best man: a play about politics
Juliano El Apóstata
Three by Gore Vidal
Live from Golgotha
A Search For The King
Rocking the Boat
Live from Golgotha B D/Bx24
Palimpsest B d/Bx24 Custom Header
The Selected Essays of Gore Vidal
The judgment of Paris
La fine della libertà
Rare 1984 ~ Lincoln ~ Gore Vidal ~ Hardcover ~ Dust Jacket
Burr by Gore Vidal (1976-05-03)
To A Small Planet
Death Likes it Hot
I Told You So : Gore Vidal Talks Politics
Gore Vidal X20 D/B
A Thirsty Evil
Best television plays 1956
Visit to a small planet, and other television plays
I Told You So
Visit to a Small Planet
Lincoln Part 2
Lincoln (A novel):
Messiah (A Ballantine reprint)
Lincoln Part 1
Gore Vidal X12 D/B
Myra Breckinridge and Myron
Palimpseste. M'Moires
Myra Breckinridge
Berg and Vidal (Author Speaks)
Two Sisters
Myra Breckinridge
Ensayos 1952-2001
Clouds and Eclipses
A Novel 1876.
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
Bocksgesang. Antworten auf Fragen vor und nach dem 11. September
In a Yellow Wood
Julian, a novel (Signet book)
Live from Golgotha
Gore Vidal's Washington D.C.
The city and the pillar
Inventing a Nation
Institucion Smithsoniana, La
The Best Man -A Play About Politics
Washington D.C.
Washington, D. C.
Sonando La Guerra
Gore Vidal Pack 1 Mixed B S/Wx12
America First!
Three By Box
en direct du golgotha
Death in the Fifth Position
La mort en tenue de soirée
Verde Oscuro, Rojo Vivo/Dark Green, Bright Red
Dangerous journey
Burr by Gore Vidal (1974-11-01)
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
Judgment of Paris
Black List
Myra Breckinridge and Myron
Best Man
Rocking the boat
Conversations with JFK
Dreaming War
Buckley vs. Vidal
Julian -  A Historical  Novel
Vidal X21 Mixed Backlist Bin
Gore Vidal Pack 2 Mixed B S/Wx12
Three by Vidal
Kent ve Tuz
Sex, death, and money
Imperial America
Das goldene Zeitalter
La edad de oro / The Golden Age
La Fin de la liberté
The Smithsonian Institution
1876 a Novel
Permanente oorlog voor permanente vrede
Best of the Nation
Death Before Bedtime
By Gore Vidal - Myra Breckinridge (1905-06-07) [Paperback]
A Search for the King
Sex, death, and money
Death Before Bedtime
Smithsonian Institution
Gore Vidal Mixed B S/Wx12
Messiah - U5022
Le café Julien
Gore Vidal Mixed X24 D/B
Stworzenie s wiata
Ricardo Corazon de Leon
The Best TV Plays
Armageddon Essays 1983 1987
The best man
Hollywood Signed Edition
New world writing
Rocking the boat
The best man
Visit to a small planet
Sexualmente Hablando (Ensayo-Act)
Trubadur króla Ryszarda
Hollywood-Limited Ed
Una Memoria
En Directo del Golgota
Pochemu nas nenavidi︠a︡t?
El Juicio de Paris
Dark green, bright red
Boris Akunin
Boris Akunin (born 1956)

translator, historian, playwright, literary scholar, public figure, editor-in-chief, japanologist, man of letters, literary critic

  • MSU The Institute of Asian and African Studies
Zhizn zamechatelnyh lyudey i zverey. Korotkie istorii o vsyakom raznom
Lyubov K Istorii / Love of History
Nastoyaschaya printsessa i drugie syuzhety
Samyy strashnyy zlodey i drugie syuzhety
Samai︠a︡ tainstvennai︠a︡ taĭna i drugie si︠u︡zhety
Samyĭ strashnyĭ zlodeĭ
Severnyĭ Chasovoĭ i drugie si︠u︡zhety
Foto kak khokku
The death of Achilles
Murder on the Leviathan
Sister Pelagia and the White Bulldog
The Winter Queen
Турецкий гамбит
The Greatest Russian Stories Of Crime And Suspense
Murder on the Leviathan
Special Assignments
Sister Pelagia and the Black Monk
Sister Pelagia and the white bulldog
Sister Pelagia and the red cockerel
Pelagia and the Black Monk (Sister Pelagia Mystery)
He Lover Of Death The Further Adventures Of Erast Fandorin
The Winter queen
Turet͡s︡kiĭ gambit
The Diamond Chariot The Further Adventures Of Erast Fandorin
The Turkish gambit
The Death of Achilles
The Winter Queen (Erast Fandorin Mysteries
She Lover Of Death The Further Adventures Of Erast Fandorin
The Diamond Chariot
Pelagia And The White Bulldog
She Lover Of Death The Further Adventures Of Erast Fandorin
Статский советник
Koronat︠s︡ii︠a︡, ili, posledniĭ iz Romanov
Detskaia kniga
Nefritovye chetki
Pelagiya i belyi bul'dog
Death of Achilles, The
Almaznai︠a︡ kolesnit︠s︡a
Detskai͡a kniga
He Lover Of Death
Pelagii͡a︡ i krasnyĭ petukh
Pelagia And The Red Rooster
Russisches Poker. Fandorin ermittelt
Sister Pelagia and the Red Cockerel
Kladbishchenskie istorii
Смерть Ахиллеса
Murder on the Leviathan
Altyn Tolobas
Turetskii gambit. Roman
Smertʹ na brudershaft
Nie żegnam się
Nefritovye chetki
Pelagiia i belyĭ buldog
El Angel Caido/ the Fallen Angel
Pelagii͡a︡ i belyĭ bulʹdog
The State Counsellor
Kladbischenskie istorii
Ves £ mir teatr
Osobye poruchenii͡a︡
Leviafan. Adaptirovannyi tekst
Devi︠a︡tnyĭ spas
Li͡u︡bovnit͡s︡a smerti
Shpionskii roman
5i︠a︡tikonechnai︠a︡ zvezd*
The Coronation
Special assignments
The State Counsellor
Azazel. Adaptirovannyi tekst. (Biblioteka Zlatousta.)
Pelagia and the white bulldog
Muerte En El Leviatan
Gambito Turco
Li͡u︡bovnik smerti
Pelagia and the white bulldog
The Turkish Gambit (Erast Fandorin Mysteries (Audio))
Smert£ na brudershaft
Pikovyĭ Valet
To Kill a Serpent in the Shell
Sister Pelagia and the red cockerel
In i ian
Schastlivai︠a︡ Rossii︠a︡
Vremena goda
Conspiracion En Moscu/ Moscow Conspiracy
Koronatsiia, ili poslednii iz Romanov
Smertʹ na brudershaft
Smertʹ na brudershaft
Detskaya kniga
Pelagia I Belyi Buldog
Pelagija I Beljyi Buldog
The Death of Achilles
Pelagia i krasnyi petukh
The state counsellor
Vneklassnoe chtenie
Sokol i Lastochka : roman
Pelagia and the White Bulldog
Diamentowa karoca
Die Scho nheit der toten Ma dchen
Istorii︠a︡ Rossiĭskogo Gosudarstva. Ot Ivana III do Borisa Godunova. Mezhdu Azieĭ i Evropoĭ
Vneklassnoe chtenie
Not Saying Goodbye
Znak Kaina
Pelagia & the white bulldog
Nechekhovskai︠a︡ intelligent︠s︡ii︠a︡
Turetskii gambit
Bokh i shelʹma
Planeta Voda
Special Assignments
Pelagia i czerwony kogut
Kvest. Roman i kody k romanu
Vremena goda
Kochanek Śmierci
Skazki dli︠a︡ idiotov
5i︠a︡tikonechnai︠a︡ zvezd*
Turkkilainen Gambiiti
Das Geheimnis der Jadekette
Turetskiy gambit
Sister Pelagia and the black monk
Ne proshchai︠u︡sʹ
Shpionskiĭ roman
Sedmit︠s︡a Trekhglazogo
Tureckij Gambit
Olaneta Woda
Istorii︠a︡ Rossiĭskogo gosudarstva
All the World's a Stage
Prikli︠u︡chenii︠a︡ Mitridata
La regina d'inverno
Koronatsia (Novyi detektiv)
Powieść szpiegowska
Sister Pelagia and the black monk
Gambit turecki
Osobye porucheniia
Intellectual Jokes
Walet pikowy
Ognennyĭ perst
Odinnadt︠s︡atʹ besed o sovremennoĭ russkoĭ proze
State Counsellor
Der Tote im Salonwagen
De dood van Achilles
He Lover of Death
Death of Achilles
Drugoĭ putʹ
Pelagia and the Black Monk
Winter Queen
Pelagia and the Red Rooster
Pelagiya i belyj bul'dog. Pelagiya i chernyj monakh. Pelagiya i krasnyj petukh
Turkish Gambit
Leviathan'da Cinayet
Statskij sovetnik
Lektura nadobowiązkowa
She Lover of Death
Skrzynia na złoto
Murder on the Leviathan
Pelagia and the White Bulldog
Ocobue poryshenia
Chastʹ Evropy
Osobye porucheni︠i︡a
Türk Gambiti
Istorii︠a︡ Rossiĭskogo gosudarstva
Chernyĭ gorod
Türk Hamlesi
Kar Kralicesi
Winter Queen
Almaznaya kolesnitsa
She Lover of Death
Ahhilleus'un Ölümü
Moscow -- Hsin-King
Nefrytowy różaniec
Orekhovyĭ Budda
Statskiĭ sovetnik
Czarne miasto
Destruction and Resurrection of the Empire
Świat jest teatrem
BY Akunin, Boris  [{ Special Assignments
Vdoviĭ plat
Jack of Spades and the Decorator
Skazki dli︠a︡ idiotov
Murder on the Leviathan
Lyubovnik smerti
Ubitʹ zmeenysha
F. M. V 2-kh knigakh. Kniga 2
Sister Pelagia and the White Bulldog
Sister Pelagia and the Black Monk
Książka dla dzieci
Black City
Pelagiya i krasnyj petukh
Special Assignments
Diamond Chariot
Pelagia and White Bulldog
Sister Pelagia and the Red Cockerel
She Lover of Death
She Lover of Death Lib/E
Pelagiya i belyj bul'dog. Pelagiya i Chernyj Monakh
Sokół i Jaskółka
Boris Akunin (komplekt iz 9 knig)
Smertʹ Akhillesa
Smert £ na brudershaft
Jean Cassou
Jean Cassou (1897-1986)

poet, translator, resistance fighter, literary critic, art critic, art historian, literary scholar, official

  • Lycée Charlemagne, Faculty of Arts of Paris
The concise encyclopedia of symbolism
Une vie pour la liberté
Odilon Redon
Grandeur et infamie de Tolstoi
La tapisserie française et les peintres cartonniers
Historia Ilustrada De La Pintura
Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp
33 sonnets of the Resistance and other poems =
Parti pris
OEuvre lyrique
Le livre de Lazare [roman]
Jean Cassou
Germaine Richier
The concise encyclopaedia of Symbolism
Les  sources du XXe siècle
Panorama des arts plastiques contemporains
The sources of modern art
Grandeur et infamie de Tolstoi
Nouvelles exemplaires
33 sonnets composés au secret
La rose et le vin
Raymond Duchamp-Villon, Marcel Duchamp, Musée national d'art moderne, Paris [7 juin-2 juillet 1967
French drawing of the 20th century
La création artistique
Vilt Tibor
Le temps d'aimer, roman
Les impressionnistes et leur époque
Situation de l'art moderne
La création des mondes
La vida de Felipe II
Le dessin français au 20e siècle
Gateway to the twentieth century
Les inconnus dans la cave
La découverte du nouveau monde
L'Ingénieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche, tome 2
Antoni Clavé
Don Quichotte de la Manche, tome 1
Encyclopédie du symbolisme
Trente-trois sonnets composés au secret
The sources of modern art [by] Jean Cassou, Emile Langui [and] Nikolaus Pevsner
Sonnets of the Resistance and Other Poems (Visible Poets)
Raoul Dufy
Panorama de las artes plásticas contemporáneas
Le temps d'aimer
Yves Alix
Frank Kupka
... Quarante-huit
Les nuits de Musset
Georges Braque, 1882-1963
Trois poètes: Rilke, Milosz, Machado
Dessins des peintres et sculpteurs de l'eċole de Paris
Comme une grande image
Lexikon des Symbolismus
Der Akt in der Malerei
Panorama de la littérature espagnole contemporaine
The female form in painting
Dernières pensées d'un amoureux
Pour la Poésie
Trente-trois sonnets composés au secret, présentés par François La Colère [pseud.]
Cervantes, un hombre y una época
Paul Jenkins.
Art and confrontation
Musique mise en paroles
La clef des songes, roman
Si j'étais un caïd ..
Les enfants sans âge
Mémoires de l'ogre
Les conquistadors
De l'Étoile au Jardin des plantes
33 sonnets compose s au secret
Réflexions sur le commerce des hommes
Les harmonies viennoises
Encyclopedie Du Symbolisme
Les massacres de Paris, roman
Le quarante-huitard
Serge Poliakoff
La découverte du Nouveau monde, vue d'ensemble
Raoul Dufy, poète et artisan
Le voisinage des cavernes
Le centre du monde
Le pays qui n'est à personne
Henri Matisse Carnet de dessins
Ingres et ses contradictions
Entretiens avec Jean Rousselot
Les harmonies viennoises, suivies de Le temps d'aimer
Le bel automne
Ěloge de la folie
La vie de Philippe II
El Greco
Le dessin francais an 10e siecle
Les massacres de Paris
De David à Cézanne
Dessin Francais au xxe siecle
Dessins des peintres et sculpteurs de l'école de Paris
L'École de Paris 1900-1950
French drawing of the XX century
Panorama des arts plastiques contemporains
Mouvement 2.
Mai 68, affiches
Jean Cassou
Trois poètes
Hommage à Alain-Fournier
Comme une grande image
Les enfants sans âge
Le temps d'aimer
Les sources du vingtième siècle
Masterpieces of French painting, seventeenth century
Situation de l'art moderne
Gateway to the twentieth century
La clef des songes
Derniéres pensées d'un amoureux
The madness of Amadis
Jean Cassou y sus amigos
Bonnard (Monographies)
The Sources of the xxth century
33 sonnets composés au secret
Serge Poliakoff
Travaux d'architecture
Antoni Clave.
Un demi-siècle de peinture française
Les sources du vingtième siècle
Art and confrontation
Marcel Gromaire
Les inconnus dans la cave
Le Pillage par les Allemands des oeuvres d'art et des bibliothèques appartenant à des juifs en France
Die Impressionisten und ihre Zeit
Réflexions sur le commerce des hommes
Souvenir de Jacques Villon
Pour la Poésie
Trente-trois sonnets composés au secret
Josué Jéhouda, l'homme et l'oeuvre
Pablo Picasso
Encyklopedia symbolizmu
Correspondencia entre Jean Cassou y Jorge Guillén
Le centre du monde
Jean Cassou
Le pays qui n'est à personne
French drawing of the 20th century
Les Nuits de Musset
Les harmonies viennoises
Les sources du XXe [vingtième] siecle; les arts en Europe de 1884 à 1914
Colm Tóibín
Colm Tóibín (born 1955)

poet, journalist, playwright, literary critic, teacher, essayist

  • University College Dublin, St Peter's College, Wexford
Love in a Dark Time
Lady Gregory's toothbrush
Francis Bacon
Mad, bad, dangerous to know
Boston's Apollo - John Singer Sargent and Thomas McKeller
Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know
John S. Beckett
Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know
Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know
Mothers and sons
The story of the night
The Blackwater lightship
The master
Mothers and Sons
The Irish famine
The empty family
Finbars Hotel
The sign of the cross
The testament of Mary
The heather blazing
Nora Webster
Homage to Barcelona
Nora Webster
Seeing Is Believing
The Irish Famine
Beauty in a Broken Place
Picador New Writing
New Ways to Kill Your Mother
Homage to Barcelona
The South
The Heather Blazing
The Blackwater lightship
The South
Looking Writing Reading Looking
Very Irish Christmas
Fighting France
                Modern Voices
Empty Family
The sign of the cross, travels in Catholic Europe
The Heather Blazing
Mothers and Sons
The Sign of the Cross
The Magician
Blackwater Lightship, The
Bad Blood
House of names
The Blackwater Lightship
Testament of Mary
The trial of the generals
El amor en tiempos oscuros y otras historias sobre vidas y literatura gay / Love in a Dark Time
House of Names
The Penguin book of Irish fiction
The Testament Of Mary
Picador Shots
Bad blood
The Kilfenora Teaboy
Walking along the border
[Nora Webster]  [published
The South
Beauty in a broken place
Soho Square (Soho Square)
Bad blood
Henry James and American painting
Histoire de la nuit
The Irish famine
All a novelist needs
Day in May
On Elizabeth Bishop
The Guinness Book of Ireland
Crashing Cathedrals
Vinegar Hill
Blackwater Lightship
The Heather Blazing
Book of Evidence
New ways to kill your mother
House of Names
Le Bateau-phare de Blackwater
The South
South, the
One Hundred Years of James Joyce?s Hb
Die Geschichte der Nacht
Das Feuerschiff von Blackwater
The Blackwater Lightship
Nora Webster
Heather Blazing
Sean Scully
Histoire de la nuit
casa de los nombres
The Dead Girls
Mothers and Sons
House of names
El Faro de Blackwater
Nora Webster
Le Bâteau phare de Blackwater
Peter Liversidge - Twofold
Martyrs and metaphors
El testamento de María
Mothers and Sons
Homage to Barcelona
On Dracula
On Elizabeth Bishop
Use of reason
Brooklyn EXPORT
Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know
Blackwater Lightship
The Sign of the Cross
Event Horizon
New Writing from Ireland
On Elizabeth Bishop
Lady Gregory's Toothbrush
House of Names
Pale Sister
Sons + fathers
Nora Webster
Soho Square six
Amore in un tempo oscuro
The Blackwater Lightship (Great Irish Writers, 3)
The Heather Blazing
Nora Webster
Meryem'in Tanikligi
Madres e hijos
Mala Sangre
Isimler Evi
Light of Day
The Master
Crónica de la noche
Nora Webster
El faro de Blackwater
In lovely blueness
Irish Famine
Henry James Novel
The Story of the Night
Story of the Night
Mu˜tter und So˜hne
Sean Scully - Walls of Aran
The Kilfenora teaboy
Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know
Miss Grief and Other Stories
Het kruisteken
Nuola Weibusite
Het lichtschip van Blackwater
The street
Le maître
Beauty in a broken place
Albert, Ernest & the Titanic
Nuevas maneras de matar a tu madre
Hei shui deng ta chuan
Martyrs and metaphors
John Freeman
John Freeman (born 1974)

literary critic

  • Swarthmore College
How To Read A Novelist
Tales of two cities
Down Deep
Ted Talks
How to Read a Novelist
Land of Opportunity
Dear Sally and Andy
Building Block
Remaking Memory
Out of the Box
Ted Talks
Exit Strategies
Granta 110
Ten Years Later
Going Back
The Photographer's Guide to Black & White
Granta 117
                Granta The Magazine of New Writing
Photography The New Complete Guide To Taking Photographs From Basic Composition To The Latest Digital Techniques
The story of Doctor Dolittle [adaptation]
Taking Great Photographs
New Performance/New Writing
Digital SLR Handbook
Taking Great Photos
Granta 121
The Photographer's Guide to Light
Team teaching in Britain
The comforter: or A comfortable treatise
The Photographer's Guide to Portraits (The Photographer's Guide To...)
The photographer's manual
The Photographer's Guide to Composition (Photographer's Guide)
How to take great photographs
How To Take Great Photographs With A Film Camera A Practical Guide To The Techniques Of Film Photography Shown In Over 400 Stepbystep Examples
The complete guide to taking great photographs
Scifi Art Now
The Tyranny of E-mail
Portrait Drawing
Lights and shadows of Melbourne life
Granta 112
Best New Writing on Arrival
The Handbook of Photography
Practical Photography
There's a Revolution Outside, My Love
Client Management for Solicitors
Approaches to Actor Training
The Moderns
How to Take Great Photographs
Insulin Resistance
The Photographer's Guide to Landscapes
Biblical Virtues
Granta 123
35mm photography
The Photographer's Guide to Nudes
London Revealed
The Greatest Shows on Earth
Photographing children
Flight at Lower Levels
Face to Face With John Freeman
Suppressed and Incredible Inventions
A portrait of George Moore in a study of his work
Tales of Two Planets
Freeman's Change
Buenos Fotografias
Poems New and Old
This beautiful land
Penguin Book of the Modern American Short Story
The Metropolitan Opera Stories of the Great Operas, Volume 2 (Metropolitan Opera)
Parish register of Arksey
The apologie for the conformable ministers of England, for their subscription to the present church gouernement
Making the economy work
Hay-fever; a key to the allergic disorders
The Photographer's Manual
Como Hacer Buenas Fotografias / How to Take Great Photographs
Mark and the Secret Caverns
Dictionary of the Undoing
Tales of Two Planets
Metropolitan Opera Stories of the Great Operas
Freeman's California
London revealed
Lighting for Interiors
Das große Buch der Fotografie. Schritt für Schritt zum gelungenen Foto
Poetry in English now
Greatest Shows on Earth
Complete Practical Guide to Digital and Classic Photography
The Complete Guide to Taking Great Photographs
Manual de fotografía digital SLR
Illustrated Practical Guide to Digital and Classic Photography
Herbal Therapeutics
Tales of Two Americas
How to Read a Novelist
Tales of Two Americas
Freeman's Power
Creative Writing
John Freeman's letters
Forgotten Rebel
Poems from the Mind
Bilston Wesleyan methodism
Freeman's Animals
Oriental Land of the Free
The best of young Spanish language novelists =
De terreur van e-mail
The photographers manual
Edgar Rice Burroughs's Tarzan of the apes
100% Biodegradable Comic Collection 4
Freeman's Family
This Beautiful Land Britain
Going Back
Create Your Own Woodland Garden
Punch and holy water
Client Management for Solicitors
Tracing the footprints
Best of 100% Biodegradable Comic Anthology 1
A new letter from Windsor
Freeman's : Home
Jim Harrison : Complete Poems
Security and the CSCE Process
The photograpers manual
House Calls
Lights and Shadows of Melbourne Life
Best of 100% Biodegradable Comic Anthology 2
Approaches to Actor Training
Landscape with Portraits
Black Waves in Cardiff Bay
Going Home
Freeman's Home
Wind, Trees
English Portraits and Essays
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Ninth Edition)
Documenting the making process
Red Path; a Narrative, and the Wounded Bird
Down Deep : Captain Charles R. MacVean, U.S. Navy , PhD
Coasts of Britain
John Freeman
Digital SLR Handbook
Bir Yazar Nasil Okunur?; Cagdas Dünya Edebiyatindan Yazarlarla Söylesiler
Freeman's Love
Poems New and Old
Tales of Two Americas
A reply to the memorandum of the East India Company, or, An insight into British India
The local factor in Black Country parliamentary elections, 1885-1910
The moderns
New Performance/New Writing
Superheroes Annual
Freeman's Love
Organizational Ecology
Security and the CSCE Process
Plato's Peach
The F word
Literature and locality
This beautiful land, Britain
Portrait of George Moore in a Study of H
Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet
Black Country folk
Freeman's California
Coasts of Britain
Blood, Sweat and Theory
Herman Melville,
Gay Dilemma and Your Church
Tyranny of E-Mail
Life Of The Rev. William Kirby ... Rector Of Barham
Guia Completa de Fotografia
Giorgio Bàrberi Squarotti
Giorgio Bàrberi Squarotti (1929-2017)

poet, philosopher, literary critic

  • University of Turin
Cronaca e letteratura
Addio alla poesia del cuore
Il mito e il sacro
Le cortesie e le audaci imprese
La quarta triade
Addio alla poesia del cuore
La poesia italiana contemporanea dal Carducci ai giorni nostri, con appendice di poeti stranieri
Ottocento ribelle
Ludovico Ariosto / Giorgio Bárberi Squarotti . Torquato Tasso
Le donne al potere e altre interpretazioni
Il codice di Babele
Storia della civiltà letteraria italiana
L' orologio d'Italia
Ludovico Ariosto / Giorgio Bárberi Squarotti. Torquato Tasso / Sergio Zatti
Il tragico cristiano
Gli inferi e il labirinto
Il gesto improbabile
L' orologio d'Italia
Il potere delle parola
Giovanni Verga
I Classici italiani
La cultura e la poesia italiana del dopoguerra
In nome di Beatrice e altre voci
L' onore in corte
L' ombra di Argo
Le colline, i maestri, gli dei
La scena del mondo
Natura e storia nella letteratura italiana fra Otto e Novecento
La forma tragica del "Pimcipe" e altri saggi sul Machiavelli
Il potere della parola
La poesia italiana contemporanea
Lo specchio che deforma
Teoria e prove dello stile del Manzoni
Simboli e strutture della poesia del Pascoli
Trionfi d'inverno
La narrativa italiana del dopoguerra
Giovanni Verga
In nome di Beatrice e altre voce
Simboli e strutture della poesia del Pascoli
Letteratura e critica
Camíllo Sbarbaro
Machiavelli o la scelta della letteratura
La poesia italiana contemporanea dal Carducci ai nostri giorni, con appendice di poeti stranieri
Il potere della parola
La teoria e le interpretazioni
L' artificio dell'eternita
Il romanzo contro la storia
Poesia e narrativa del secondo novecento
Il potere della paroza
Camillo Sbarbaro
La poesia italiana contemporanea dal Carducci ai nostri giorni
Invito alla lettura di Gabriele d'Annunzio
L' ombra di Argo
I miti e il sacro
Simboli e strutture della poesia del Pascoli
Parodia e pensiero
Poesia e narrative del secondo novecento
La letteratura instabile
Prospettive sui Promessi sposi
La cultura e la poesia italiana del dopoguerra
I sambuchi di San Sebastiano
Da Gerico
Poesia e ideologia borghese
Fine dell'idillio: da Dante a Marino
E se permette faremo qualche radioscopia
Il terzo giorno
In vista del porto
Tutto l'Inferno
Il sistema della narrativa
Critica dantesca
La forma e la vita
La zona dolente
Invito alla lettura di Gabriele D'Annunzio
Dal tramonto dell'ermetismo alla neoavanguardia
I doni e la speranza
Fine dell'idillio
Poesia e narrativa del secondo Novecento
La forma e la vita
La narrativa italiana del dopoguerra
Le sorti del "tragico"
Il tragico nel mondo borghese
Teoria e prove dello stile del Manzoni
Giovanni Verga
Trionfi d'inverno
Dall'anima al sottosuolo
Il sogno della letteratura
Le capricciose ambagi della letteratura
Il canone della letteratura
Dal fondo del tempio
L' artificio dell'eternità
Prospettive sul Furioso
La scrittura verso il nulla
Le sorti del tragico
L'ombra di Argo
Il sogno e l'epica
La forma tragica del "Principe" e altri saggi sul Machiavelli
Gli inferi e il libirinto
La poesia italiana contemporanea dal Carducci ai nostri giorni
Letteratura e critica
Il romanzo contro la storia
Le maschere dell'eroe
Luoghi e forme della lirica
Il gesto improbabile
La poesia del Novecento
Tasso e l'Europa
La narrativa italiana del dopoguerra
Natura e storia nella litteratura italiana fra Otto e Novecento
Poesia e narrativa del secondo Novecento
La poesia del Novecento
Io non sono un poeta
Machiavelli, o, La scelta della letteratura
La poesia italiana contemporanea dal Carducci aigiorni nostri
Natura e storia nella letteratura italiana fra otto e novecento
Di testo in testo. Racconto, romanzo. Per le Scuole superiori
Laberinto d'amore (1966-1971)
Il marinaio del Mar Nero e altre poesie
Dalla bocca della balena
Ritratto di intellettuale
Camillo Sbarbaro
In un altro regno
Notizie dalla vita
Shōtarō Ikenami
Shōtarō Ikenami (1923-1990)

film critic

Seishun wasuremono
Ikenami Shotaro (Sakkka no jiden)
Shin watashi no saigetsu
Tokyo no jokei
Otoko no keifu
Sengoku to bakumatsu
Matagorō no shunjū
Ikenami Shōtarō no otoko no keifu
Tōkyō no jōkei
Kaisō no Jan Gyaban
Master Assassin
Bridge of Darkness
Bakumatsu Shinsengumi (幕末 新選組)
Hitokiri Hanjiro (人斬り半次郎 1 - 幕末編)
Yami no kariudo (闇の狩人 - 上巻)
Joi uchi (上意討ち)
Kenkaku Shobai Volume15 - Nijūbangiri (剣客商売 15巻 二十番斬り)
Bridge of darkness
Kumokiri Nizaemon (雲霧 仁左衛門)
Kiếm khách liệt truyện
Kenkaku Shobai Volume10 Haru no arashi (剣客商売10巻 春の嵐)
Supai bushidō (スパイ武士道)
Kenkaku Shobai volume 2 - Tsujigiri (剣客商売 2巻 辻斬り)
Den'en no bifu
Kenkaku shōbai volume13 Hamon (剣客商売 13巻 波紋)
Hitokiri Hanjirō (人斬り半次郎 2 - 賊将編)
Ninja Justice
Bakumatsu Shinsengumi
Furansu eiga ryokō
Kondō Isami hakusho
Amigasa Ju be (編笠十兵衛)
Runowāru no ie = La Maison de Renoir
Baian midarekumo
Sono otoko
Yoake no hoshi
Eiyū Nippon
Kenkaku shōbai
Sukurīn no shiki
Sanada sōdō
Nobunaga to Hideyoshi to Ieyasu
Koroshi no yonin
Baian ryōri goyomi
Hitokiri Hanjiro (Nihon rekishi bungakkan)
Otoko no sahō
Onibi (鬼火)
Ikenami Shōtarō no eiga no hon
Watakushi no tabi
Kenkaku Syobai volume7 - Kakure mino (剣客商売 7巻 隠れ蓑)
Chūshingura to Nihon no adauchi
Samurai gekijō
Kumo nagareyuku
Kenshin Business "11" Game [In Japanese Language]
Edo kochizu sampo
Horibe Yasubē
Baian midaregumo
Yoru no senshi
Kenkaku Shobai volume 9 - Machibuse (剣客商売 9巻 待ち伏せ)
Sukurin no shiki: Ikenami Shotaro no "eiga nikki"
Otoko no rizumu
Saigo no eiga nikki =
Edo kiriezu sanpo
Sengoku gensōkyoku
Onihei hanka-cho
Hi no kuni no shiro
Ikenami Shōtaroō no firumu jinsei
Bakumatsu yūgekitai
Saigō Takamori
Onihei hankachō
Sake to sakana to tabi no sora
Yami wa shitteiru
Nihon kenkakuden
Watakushi no saigetsu
Ikenami Shōtarō tanpen shōsetsu zenshū
Shiroi oni
Ikenami Shotaro no shunkashuto
Edo kiriezu sanpo
Rasuto shīn no yumeoi
Nukiuchi Hankurō
Hitokiri Hanjirō
Baian arijigoku
Wakaki shishi
Shokutaku no tsubuyaki
Sanada taiheiki
Tabi to jigazō
Baian harikuyō
Aji to eiga no saijiki
Sanada taiheiki
Hi no kuni no shiro
Genroku ittōryū
Yoi nioi no suru ichiya
Furansu eiga ryokō
Baian fuyushigure
Chō no senki
Ninja Tanba Daisuke
Shinobi no onna
Eiga o taberu
Otoko no rizumu
Manzoku manzoku
Kagerō no otoko
Shinsōban midori no Orinpia
Shokutaku no jōkei
Otoko no keifu
Nichiyōbi no manʾnenhitsu
Otoko no hizu
Ru pasutan =
Baian kagebōshi
Chō no senki
Baian midarekumo
Eiga o miru to toku o suru
Ken no tenchi
Shiroi oni
Yoake no burandē
Watakushi ga umareta hi
Edo no ankokugai
Shinobi no kaze
Abare ōkami
Otoko no monshō
Honoo no bushi
Nukiuchi Hankurō
Nobunaga to Hideyoshi to Ieyasu
Sakuran ; Zokushō
Shinobi no hata
Onihei hankachō no sekai
Shinobi no kaze
Hitokiri Hanjirō
Sanpo no toki nani ka tabetakunatte
Ken no tenchi
Watakushi no sukurīn & sutēji
Un no ya
Chō no senki
Kenpō Ipparyū
Ginza Namiki-dōri
Onihei hankachō
Kagerō no otoko
Watakushi no tabi
Rekishi o saguru, jinsei o saguru
Rojiura ninjō
Kenkaku shōbai, hamon
Kenkaku gunzō
Ikenami Shōtarō no Ginza nikki, zen
Hiden no koe
Shokutaku no tsubuyaki
Koroshi no yonin
Onihei hankachō
shinnen no futatsu no wakare
Sono otoko
Nichiyōbi no manʼnenhitsu
Ada-uchi gunzō
Ken kyaku gun zou
Shōsetsu no sanpo michi
Onihei hankachō
Saigo no Jon Uein
Baian moyaigasa
Sakki : Onihei hankachō hissatsu shikakenin kessakushū
Rain of Donremii   ISBN
Yume no kaidan
Otoko no monsho
Sono otoko
Shinobi no hata
Seishun wasuremono
Ichinen no fūkei