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activists who wrote biography
Showing 225-232 out of 255 results
Thomas Szasz
Thomas Szasz (1920-2012)

psychiatrist, academic, human rights activist

  • University of Cincinnati, State University of New York Upstate Medical University
"My madness saved me"
The manufacture of madness
Ceremonial chemistry
Our right to drugs
Psychiatric slavery
The age of madness
The meaning of mind
The therapeutic state
Sex by prescription
Psychiatric justice
Law, liberty, and psychiatry
Karl Kraus and the soul-doctors
Ideology and insanity
The theology of medicine
Liberation by Oppression
A lexicon of lunacy
Thomas Szasz, primary values and major contentions
Cruel compassion
Pain and pleasure
Fatal freedom
The Second Sin
The Myth of Mental Illness
Faith in Freedom
The Medicalization of Everyday Life
Coercion as Cure
The myth of psychotherapy
Words to the wise
The ethics of psychoanalysis
Suicide prohibition
The ethics of psychoanalysis
The untamed tongue
Idéologie et folie ; essais sur la négation des valeurs humanistes dans la psychiatrie d'aujourd'hui
Ceremonial chemistry; the ritual persecution of drug, addicts and pushers /Thomas Szasz
"My madness saved me"
Nuestro Derecho a Las Drogas
The myth of psychotherapy
The myth of psychotherapy
Karl Kraus et les docteurs de l'âme
La théologie de la médecine
Ideology and insanity: essays on the psychiatric dehumanization of man
Ideologia y Enfermedad Mental
Paresis and plunder
Coercion as cure
Liberty Against Power
Idéologie et folie
La persécution rituelle des drogués, boucs émissaires de notre temps
Libertad Fatal
The second sin
Sexe sur  ordonnance
Fatal Freedom
The second sin
Notre droit aux drogues
Theology of Medicine
Le mythe de la maladie mentale
Fabriquer la folie
Le mythe de la drogue
The ethics og psychoanalysis
Teologia De La Medicina
Law, liberty and psychiatry
Psychiatric justice
L' éthique de psychanalyse
Pain and pleasure
Psychiatric justice
Ceremonial chemistry, the ritual persecution of drugs, addicts and pushers
Law, liberty, and psychiatry
The ethics of psychoanalysis
Robinson Jeffers
Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962)

poet, peace activist

  • University of Southern California, Occidental College
Robinson Jeffers, poet, 1887-1987
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The women at Point Sur and other poems by Robinson Jeffers
Roan stallion, Tamar and other poems
Cawdor, a long poem
Dear Judas, and other poems
American Earth
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers
Cawdor and Medea
Poetry, Gongorism, and a thousand years
Stones of the Sur
Selected poems
The women at Point Sur and other poems
Cawdor and other poems
The collected letters of Robinson Jeffers
Jeffers country
The double axe, & other poems, including eleven suppressed poems
Dear Judas and other poems
The Beginning and the End, and Other Poems
The wild god of the world
The wild god of the world
Rock and hawk
I Cannot Lie by Your Fire
The Double axe and other poems
The selected letters of Robinson Jeffers, 1897-1962
Selected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers
Such Counsels You Gave to Me & Other Poems
The women at Point Sur
The women at Point Sur,
Medea, freely adapted from the Medea of Euripides
The double axe
Centennial essays for Robinson Jeffers
Point Alma Venus Manuscripts
The Selected Poems of Robinson Jeffers
El último cantor de Walt Whitman
Be angry at the sun
Roan Stallion, Tamar and Other Poems
Apology for bad dreams
Sch-Not Man Apart
The beginning & the end
Natural music
The selected poetry of Robinson Jeffers
Antologia Robinson Jeffers (El Naranjo)
Dear Judas and other poems
The women at Point Sur
Not Man Apart
George Sterling's death
Hungerfield, and other poems
Robinson Jeffers Poet 1887 1987 a Centen
The beaks of eagles
Selected poems
Dear Judas
Descent to the dead
Give your heart to the hawks
The Women At Point Sur
The double axe & other poems
Tragedy has obligations
Solstice and other poems
Wild God of the World
Give Your Heart To The Hawks and Other Poems
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume Four
ROAN STALLION. TAMAR And Other Poems. Modern Library #118. With a New Introduction by the Author.
Roan stallion, Tamar and other poems
Hungerfield and other poems
El último cantor de Walt Whitman
Such counsels you gave to me & other poems
"What odd expedients" and other poems
Not Man Apart
The selected poetry
All the corn in one barn
The Alpine Christ, & other poems
Selected poetry
The selected poetry of Robinson Jeffers
Poetry, Gongorism and a thousand years
Brides of the south wind
The Alpine Christ
To the stone-cutters
Roan stallion
Songs and heroes
The Alpine Christ & other poems
Z̆eny od mysu Sur
Themes in my poems
The loving shepherdess
Point Lobos
Roan stallion
Be angry at the sun
Thurso's landing and other poems
An artist
Not man apart
Granite & cypress
Flagons and apples
Rhythm and rhyme
Brides of the south wind
Robinson Jeffers
The Alpine Christ
The selected poetry of Robinson Jeffers
The collected letters of Robinson Jeffers
Songs and Heroes
Flagons and apples
For an hour on Christmas eve
The desert
Rhythm and rhyme
The Alpine Christ & other poems
Jeffers country; the seed plots of Robinson Jeffers' poetry
Such counsels you gave to me
Roan stallion, Tamar and other poems
The beginning & the end, and other poems
The Last Conservative (French Fold Broadside Ed.)
Thurso's landing and other poems
Robinson Jeffers, Oh, lovely rock, The beaks of eagles, Ossian's grave
The Alpine Christ
The ocean's tribute
Two consolations
Collection of poetry
Selected poetry
Flagons and apples
The beginning & the end
Poetry of Robinson Jeffers (Swc 1297 1)
The house-dog's grave
Thurso's landing
Thurso's landing, Dear Judas, and other poems
Robinson Jeffers
Point Lobos
Jean Genet
Jean Genet (1910-1986)

playwright, poet, film director, film editor, military personnel, essayist, political activist

Querelle de Brest
Captif amoureux
Un captif amoureux
Un captif amoureux
Prisoner of Love
Genet à Chatila
Journal du voleur
Le balcon
The declared enemy
Nègres, clownerie
Pompes funèbres
The selected writings of Jean Genet
Haute surveillance
Treasures of the night
Miracle de la rose
Les nègres
Reflections on the theatre, and other writings
Paravents, Les
Lettres à Olga et Marc Barbezat
Lettres à Roger Blin
The maids ; Deathwatch
Lettres au petit Franz
Siah Zangiha
May Day speech
Letters to Roger Blin
The maids
Fragments of the artwork
Jean Genet
Lettres à Roger Blin
Criminal Child
Oeuvres Completes Tome 2
L' atelier d'Alberto Giacometti
Les paravents
Les Nègres au port de la lune
Oeuvres Completes Tome 3
Las Criadas
Les bonnes & Comment jouer Les bonnes
Reflections on the theatre
L' atelier d'Alberto Giacometti
Journal du voleur - Querelle de Brest - Pompes funèbres
Le miracle de la rose
L' enfant criminel et 'Adame Miroir
The blacks, a clown show
The complete poems of Jean Genet
The Maids
Oeuvres complètes, tome 6
Les bonnes et comment jouer les Bonnes
'E  Panagia ton louloudion
Miracle of the rose
Theb lacks
Prisoner of Love
Les honnes
Fragments-- et autres textes
Les Negres
Le Condamné à mort et autres poèmes, suivi de " Le Funambule"
Oeuvres complètes, tome 5
The Balcony
Oeuvres comple  tes
Miracle of the rose
Les bonnes et comment jouer les bonnes
Miracle de la rose
Les Criades
Maids (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Los biombos [obra en diecisiete cuadros
L' ennemi déclaré
LES NEGRES, Pour Jouer Les Negres, clownerie
The gutter in the sky
Gulun Mucizesi
Oeuvres compl etes
O Funambulo
Œuvres complètes
Ciceklerin Meryem Anasi
Cyfres Dramau'r Byd - Morynion, Y (Dramau'r Byd)
Oeuvres complètes
Le bagne
Les nègres, clownerie
Les nègres pour jouer les nègres
Lettre à Leonor fini
Querelle of Brest
Les nègres
Les nègres, clownerie ; Pour jouer "Les nègres"
Les ne  gres, pour jouer les ne  gres
Les Negres
Romans et poèmes
... Esquisse du̓ne civilisation oubliée
Les ne  gres
Oeuvres complètes de Jean Genet
The Balcony
Letters to Roger Blin
The screens
Les nègres.  Précédée de Pour jouer Les nègres
Jean Genet - Poemas
The love song [and] Under sentence of death
Haute surveillance
Les nègres, [précedée de] Pour jouer les nègres
A crianca criminosa
The Screens by Jean Genet (1994-01-20)
Les Negres / Pour Jouer les Negres
Le Balcon
Les ne  gres
Our Lady of the Flowers
Fragments ... et autres textes
The maids ; Deathwatch
The man condemned to death =
I paraventi
Miracle of the Roses
Sevdali Tutsak
Le condamné à mort, suivi de poèmes
Œuvres complètes de Jean Genêt
Tek Basina
Miracle de la rose
The maids, a play
Alberto Giacometti
The Screens
Funeral Rites
Giacometti'nin Atolyesi
Prisoner of love
Lettres à Ibis
The Maids and Deathwatch Two Plays by Jean Genet
Le Balcon (Panorama du Theatre Nouveau, Le Theatre De La Cruaute Vol. 2)
Lettres a   Olga et Marc Barbezat
Journal de voleur
Pompes fune  bres
Les Bonnes
Cenaze Merasimi
Les\Negres Precede de pour Jouer les Negres
Infernos fragmentos
Hirsizin Gunlugu
Acik Dusman
Poems by Jean Genêt: The love song [and] Under Sentence of death
Les nègres. [Précédé de] Pour jouer Les nègres. Photographies de Ernest Scheidegger
L'Atelier d'Alberto Giacomette
Our Lady of the Flowers
Lettres à Roger Blin
Les Nègres, Pour Jouer Les Nègres
Miracle of the Rose
Reflections on the Theatre
L'atelier d'Alberto Giacometti
Histoire des peuples Shoshones-Aztèques
Œuvres complètes de Jean Genet
Miracle of the Rose by Jean Genet (2015-04-11)
Oeuvres Completes II - Notre-Dame Des Fleurs Etc...
Histoire des peuples mayas-quichés
Dusmanul declarat
El funambulista
Les paravents
The maids
The maids
Oeuvres completes
Jean Genet
Notre-Dame des-fleurs
The studio of Giacometti
The screens
The balcony
Le balcon
Jurnalul unui hot
Théâtre complet
Miracle of the rose
Letters to Roger Blin
Le balcon
Santa Maria De Las Flores
Oi doules
Le condamné à mort
Chère madame
Le bagne
The love song [and] Under sentence of death
Querelle de Brest
Miracle de la rose
Briefe an Roger Blin
Our Lady of the Flowers
Lettres à Roger Blin
Les nègres
The complete poems of Jean Genet
Le funambule
The screens
Journal du voleur
ha-Madonah shel ha-Peraḥim
Œuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Un chant d'amour
Our lady of the flowers
Miracle de la rose
La sentence
The Genet transaltions
Tagebuch Eines Diebes
Fan hua sheng mu
Les nègres, clownerie
Les paravents
Tutto il teatro
Les nègres
Chants secrets
The gutter in the sky
Œuvres complètes de Jean Genet
Haute surveillance
Le funambule avec l'enfant criminel
Vingt lithographies pour un livre que j'ai lu
Les bonnes, pièce en un acte
Henning Mankell
Henning Mankell (1948-2015)

playwright, film director, human rights activist

Jag dör, men minnet lever
Mördare utan ansikte
Danslärarens återkomst
Mannen son log
Kennedys hjärna
Steget efter
Innan frosten
Leopardens öga
Den orolige mannen
Den femte kvinnan
Comédia infantil
Hunden som sprang mot en stjärna
Den vita lejoninnan
Vindens son
Eldens hemlighet
Hundarna i Riga
Minnet av en smutsig ängel
Svenska gummistövlar
Pojken som sov med snö i sin säng
Katten som älskade regn
Italienska skor
Eldens vrede
A darker shade of Sweden
Daisy sisters
Resan till världens ände
Skuggorna växer i skymningen
Eldens gåta
Vita lejoninnan. 2
Die Schatten wachsen in der Dämmerung.
The Rock Blaster
Voor de vorst
OJO DEL LEOPARDO, EL (Spanish Edition)
The Return of the Dancing Master
Pyramiden (av Henning Mankell) [Imported] [Paperback] (Swedish) (Kurt Wallander)
The Rock Blaster
L'home inquiet
Las sombras crecen al atardecer / The shadows grow in the late afternoon
Die Reise ans Ende der Welt.
Before the Frost
Die Schatten wachsen in der Dämmerung.
Chiens de Riga
Mężczyzna, który się uśmiechał
Vita lejoninnan. 1
(6) (Kurt Wallander)
Man Who Smiled
I Die, but the Memory Lives On
Händelse om hösten
The Return of the Dancing Master
Ayazdan Önce
El hombre inquieto (Spanish Edition) (Wallander)
Powrot nauczyciela tanca
Un àngel impur
Le Mystère du feu
Italian Shoes
Joel Gustafsson - Tome 1 - Les Ombres grandissent au crépuscule
The Troubled Man
Le cerveau de Kennedy
L'homme inquiet
Honden van Riga
(3) (Kurt Wallander)
Niespokojny czlowiek pocket
Ett Skritt Etter
One Step Behind
La leona blanca
Henning Mankell Wallander Bundle
White Lioness
Hundarna i Riga
Dwaalsporen (Wallander #5)
Meurtriers sans visage (Seuil Policiers)
Innan Frosten
Innan Frosten  [Imported] [Paperback]
Eye of the Leopard
Le cerveau de Kennedy (French Edition)
Jugar con fuego
Les chaussures italiennes
I sand och i lera
After the Fire
Ossos al jardí
El hombre sonriente
Le chat qui aimait la pluie
El tallafoc
L'home que somreia
Chronicler of the Winds
El gos que corria cap a un estel
Mezczyzna na plazy Smierc fotografa Zima z kryminalem Tom 2
I Die, but the Memory Lives On
Arenes movedisses
Sabates italianes
The Man Who Smiled
Die Reise Ans Ende Der Welt
Wallander's First Case
Return of the Dancing Master
Dogs of Riga
La cinquena dona
Huesos En El Jardin
Vor dem frost
Man from Beijing
O Guerreiro Solitario
Asesinos sin rostro
The Fifth Woman
The Man from Beijing
Meurtriers sans visage
Leopardens öga
Un ángel impuro
Joel Gustafsson - Tome 3 - À l'horizon scintille l'océan
Le chinois
Event in Autumn
Svenska gummistövlar
Der Sprengmeister
Zeit im Dunkeln. Drei Theaterstücke
Fifth Woman
Before the Frost
quinta mujer
Faceless Killers
Eye of the Leopard
Morderca bez twarzy t.1
La lleona blanca
La Faille souterraine
Journey to the End of the World
Comedia infantil
Pekin'den Gelen Adam
El retorn del professor de ball
Älskade syster
Dogs of Riga
La falsa pista
Chronicler of the Winds
White Lioness
El chino
Treacherous Paradise
Meurtriers Sans Visage/Les Chiens de Riga. Les Deux Premi'res Enqutes Cultes de Wallander R'Unies En 1 Seul Volume
Niespokojny czlowiek
Butterfly Blues
La Quinta Mujer
Les Bottes suédoises
Die italienischen Schuhe
El noi que dormia a la neu
Bir Adim Geriden
Mezczyzna ktory sie usmiechal
Italian Shoes
Morderca bez twarzy
Rock Blaster
Huzursuz Adam
Zweedse laarzen (Dutch Edition)
Viatge a la fi del món
Faceless Killers
Besinci Kadin
Das Auge des Leoparden
Abans de la gelada
La piràmide
De gekwelde man
Chaussures Italiennes(les)
El xinès
Les ombres creixen al capvespre
Comedia infantil
Assassins sense rostre
L'homme inquiet
Le roman de Sofia (Eldens hemlighet / Eldens gåta / Eldens vrede)
Le Chinois
Zapatos italianos
Beyaz Aslan - Kurt Wallander Serisi 3. Bir Kuzey Polisiyesi.
Ölümün Karanlüzü. Mörder ohne Gesicht.
Quinta Mulher
Dans Ögretmeninin Dönüsü
Asesinos sin rostro
Yanlis Yol
El fill del vent
Beyaz Aslan
Henning Mankell Collection
L'home inquiet
An Event in Autumn
Zapatos italianos
Wloskie buty
Mężczyzna, który się uśmiechał
La falsa pista
Cios Szczelina Zima z kryminalem Tom 1
Die weiße Löwin
Der Mann Der Lachelte
Die Brandmauer
Huesos en el jardín
Amb l'alè al clatell
Troubled Man
Karanlik Yüz - Kurt Wallander 1
L'Homme qui souriait
Homem de Beijing
Berättelse på tidens strand
Comèdia infantil
Botes d'aigua sueques
One Step Behind
El cervell de Kennedy
Before the Frost
The Pyramid
Els gossos de Riga
Il ritorno del maestro di danza
El hombre de la dinamita
L'oeil du léopard
Botas de lluvia suecas
Riga'nin Köpekleri
El viatge d'en Joel
Gülümseyen Adam - Kurt Wallander Serisi 4
Man Who Smiled
Fifth Woman
La ira del fuego
Ruzgarlara Soyleyen
De man die glimlachte
Les Bottes suédoises
Return of the Dancing Master
Die flüsternden Seelen
L'ull del Lleopard
Prima del gelo/Innan Frosten
O Homem Que Sorria
Il ragazzo che dormiva con la neve nel letto
Daisy Sisters
Arenas movedizas
Die fünfte Frau - Roman
הסחת דעת
Ndlozy a 4a individual
Fångvårdskolonin som försvann
Mannen på stranden
O Homem de Pequim
Darwins kapten
Les morts de la Saint-Jean
Assassino Sem Rosto
Kennedys hjärna
ha-Kelavim be-Rigah
Der Feind im Schatten
Mördare utan ansikte
Alskade Syster
Wallanders erster Fall
Ich sterbe, aber die Erinnerung lebt
En seglares död
Die fünfte Frau
O krok
De witte leeuwin
Rewitiya ber bi dawiya dinyayeve
Sagan om Isidor
Kennedys hjärna
Die italienischen Schuhe
Lawike ku tevi berfe raza
Mannen som log
Hundarna i Riga
ha-Ish mi-Sin
The pyramid
Mord im Herbst
Mary Daly
Mary Daly (1928-2010)

theologian, philosopher, women's rights activist

  • The Catholic University of America, University of Fribourg
Beyond God the Father
Websters' First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language
Beyond God the Father: toward a philosophy of women's liberation
Pure Lust
Beyond God the Father
The church and the second sex
Quintessence-- realizing the archaic future
Aging in America
The Gender Division of Welfare
Amazon grace
The church and the second sex
Against all odds
Gyn Ecology - The Metaethics of Radical Feminism
Gyn Ecology the Metaethics of Radical Fe
The problem of speculative theology
Le Deuxième sexe conteste
Natural knowledge of God in the philosophy of Jacques Maritain
Anywhere But Here
Gravestone inscriptions from Mount Auburn Catholic Cemetery, Watertown, Massachusetts
Abandoned: profile of Europe's homeless people
Dublin, the Deposed Capital
The Mary Daly reader
Natural knowledge of God in the philosophy of Jacques Maritain
Beyond God the Father Toward a Philosoph
Kyohoe wa che-2 ŭi sŏng
Hananim Abŏji rŭl nŏmŏsŏ
Hananim apachiruru nomoso
Gender and the Welfare State
E. P. Thompson
E. P. Thompson (1924-1993)

historian of Modern Age, historian, journalist, biographer, labor historian, peace activist, anti-nuclear weapons activist

  • University of Cambridge, Dragon School
William Morris
Double exposure
Beyond the frontier
William Morris
The making of the English working class
Witness against the beast
The romantics
Making history
The poverty of theory and other essays
Mad Dogs
Star Wars
The Sykaos papers
The essential E.P. Thompson
The heavy dancers
Whigs and hunters
Writing by Candlelight
Romantics, The
Beyond the Cold War
Family and inheritance
Alien homage
Protest and survive
Warwick University Ltd
The defence of Britain
Albion's fatal tree
La formación de la clase obrera en Inglaterra
The poverty of theory, or An orrery of errors
Britain and the bomb
Beyond The Frontier The Politics Of A Failed Mission
"Alien Homage"
Star Wars
The Poverty of Theory
Customs in common
Unknown Mayhew
The state versus its "enemies"
Infant and Emperor
Zero option
Protest and survive
Protest and survive
Collected poems
The railway
Exterminism and cold war
Protest and survive
Star Wars
Writing by Candelight
Fascist threat to Britain
The new Hungarian peace movement
La Guerre du blé au XVIIIe siècle
The Communism of William Morris
Exterminism and Cold War
The communism of William Morris
La Formacion de La Clase Obrera En Inglaterra
Witness against the beast
Out of apathy
Fascist threat to Britain
Making Working Class Spec
Folklore anthropology and social history
The secret state
Star wars
Agenda Para Una Historia Radical
Human rights and disarmament
Education and experience
Diritti umani e disarmo
Customs in common
Star wars
Visions of History
Albion's Fatal Tree
Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn (1640-1689)

playwright, translator, poet, women's rights activist

The younger brother, or, The amorous jilt
The rover
The works of Aphra Behn
Oroonoko, and other writings
L'intreâque de Philander et Silvia
The works of Aphra Behn
Oroonoko, The rover, and other works
The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn: With Life and Memoirs ..
Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy
An adaptation of the Rover (The banished cavaliers)
The Rover and Other Plays
The Rover
                New Mermaids
Librivox Short Story Collection 047
Selected writings of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
Oroonoko and other stories
Five plays
Selected Poems of Aphra Behn (Fyfield Books)
The Widdow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia
The Rover and Other Plays
Aphra Behn - the Younger Brother
Oroonoko and Other Prose Narratives
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
Zwei englische Farcen
History of the Nun, The
Zwei englische Farcen
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Abdelazer, or, The Moor's revenge
The Royal Slave (and) the Fair jilt
Aphra Behn (1640-1689): Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)
The Rover
Oroonoko & Other Stories (Konemann Classics)
Lover's watch, or, the art of making love
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister
The lucky chance, or, The alderman's bargain
The Roundheads or the Good Old Cause
Oroonoko The Royal Slave
The Widow Ranter, or, The history of Bacon in Virginia
Fair Jilt
The Lover's Watch (Hesperus Classics)
Dutch Lover
Lucky Chance
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Town Fop
The Collected Works of Aphra Behn Volume 1 of 6
Oroonoko by Aphra Behn
Younger Brother
The Roundheads
History of the Nun
Oroonoko Yada Asil Köle
Selected Writings of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The Revenge or a Match in Newgate
The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume II
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister; with the History of Their Adventures in Three Parts The
The works of Aphra Behn
Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The Fair Jilt Or Tarquin And Miranda
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
History of the Nun
[To] poet Bavius
A pindarick on the death of our late sovereign
All the Histories and Novels Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, ... Together With the History of the Life and Memoirs of Mrs. Behn. ... The ... From the Many Errors of Former Impressions
Love-Letters between a Nobleman and His Sister
Oroonoko 0r the Royal Slave Illustrated
A poem humbly dedicated to the great patern of piety and virtue Catherine Queen Dowager, on the death of her dear lord and husband King Charles II
The Works of Aphra Behn, V2
Amorous Prince : The Curious Husband
Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Prologue spoken by Mrs. Cook
The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold
The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
Oroonoko : Or, the Royal Slave
Icon Critical Guides
Oroonoko : or, the Royal Slave
Aphra Behn - the Rover - Part I
The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom
History of the Nun
The novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Love-Letters Between A Nobleman and His Sister
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
Aphra Behn - the False Count
The City Heiress
The rover, or, The banished cavaliers
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister; with the history of their adventures. in three parts. the sixth edition. Volume 1 Of 3
Oroonoko, the Rover and Other Works
Town Fop
Selected writings of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The poems of Aphra Behn
Fair Jilt
Unfortunate Happy Lady
Oroonoko or the Royal Slave Illustrated
Oroonoko the Royal Slave
History of the Nun
Younger Brother
Aphra Behn - the Rover - Part II
City Heiress
A congratulatory poem to His Most Sacred Majesty on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales
A critical old-spelling edition of Aphra Behn's the city heiress
Two tales
Aphra Behn's the luckey chance (1687)
Two congratulatory poems to Their Most Sacred Majesties
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
The Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn with an Introduction By Ernest A. Baker
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn : In Four Volumes
Sir Patient Fancy
Selected Poems
Aphra Behn - The Young King
To the most illustrious Prince Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, on his voyage to his government of Jamaica
The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
Royal Slave Illustrated
The histories and novels of the late ingenious Mrs Behn
Lucky Chance
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister
False Count
Oroonoko & other prose narratives
Sir Patient Fancy
False Count
City Heiress
Oroonoko : The Royal Slave
Oroonoko : or, the Royal Slave
History of the Nun
Unfortunate Happy Lady
Works of Aphra 1640-1689
Oroonoko Prince of Abyssinia
Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, Entire in two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 1
The false count, or, A new way to play an old game
Aphra Behn - The Town Fop
The land of love
Sir Patient Fancy
The Rover Or The Banished Cavaliers
OCR the Rover
The rover
The Unfortunate Happy Lady
Oroonoko : Or, the Royal Slave
Novels of Mrs. Aphra Behn
The ten pleasures of marriage, and the second part, The confession of the new married couple
Dutch Lover
Behn, the Short Fiction of Aphra
The History of the Nun or the Fair Vow Breaker
Sir Patient Fancy
Aphra Behn - the Emperor of the Moon
Dutch Lover
Sir Patient Fancy
Dutch Lover
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V1
Town Fop
Oroonoko, the Rover and Other Stories
All the Histories and Novels Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, Intire in one Volume. ... Together With the History of the Life and Memoirs of ... Fair sex. ... The Sixth Edition, Corrected
Amorous Prince
City Heiress
Amorous Prince
History of the Nun - Large Print
The Adventure of the Black Lady, and the Lucky Mistake (Dodo Press)
A congratulatory poem to the King's Most Sacred Majesty, on the happy birth of the Prince of Wales. By Mrs. A. Behn
Younger Brother
History of the Nun : The Fair Vow-Breaker
Oroonoko or, the Royal Slave
False Count
The Dutch lover
Selected Poems of Aphra Behn
Widow Ranter
Plays Written by the Late Ingenious Mrs. Behn. In Four Volumes. ... The Third Edition. of 4; Volume 2
Fair Jilt
Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister; With the History of Their Adventures. In Three Parts. The Sixth Edition. of 3; Volume 2
Aphra Behn's Oroonoko
Town Fop
OROONOKO or the ROYAL SLAVE Illustrated
Oroonoko - Publishing People Series
History of Oronooko; or, the Royal Slave. a Novel. Containing a Variety of Entertaining Passages. Published by Charles Gildon. the Ninth Edition Corrected
Sir Patient Fancy
Younger Brother
Lucky Chance : An Alderman's Bargain
Lucky Chance
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
The Rover
Town Fop : Sir Timothy Tawdrey
The Forced Marriage Or The Jealous Bridegroom
Amorous Prince
Two tales
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V4
Emperor of the Moon. As Now Acting with Applause at the Theatre-Royal in Smock-Alley
City Heiress
City Heiress
History of the Nun : The Fair Vow-Breaker
Oroonoko (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Lucky Chance
A congratulatory poem to Her Sacred Majesty, Queen Mary upon her arrival in England
Oroonoko Illustrated
Town Fop
English Nights Entertainments. The History of Oroonoko; or, the Royal Slave. Written Originally by Mrs. Behn, and Revised by Mrs. Griffiths
The rover
Novels Of Mrs. Aphra Behn
Aphra Behn - The City Heiress
The novels of Mrs Aphra Behn
Lycidus the Lover in Fashion
A Pindaric poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet
A poem to Sir Roger L'Estrange on his third part of the history of the times
El Aventurero, La heredera burguesa/The Rover, The City-Heiress
The Feign'd Curtizans Or A Nights Intrigue
Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister; With the History of Their Adventures. In Three Parts
Oroonoko or the Royal Slave Illustrated
City Heiress
The Works Of Aphra Behn Vol II
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V2
The Emperor of the Moon. A Dialogue-pantomime, Written by Mrs. Behn; With Alterations, and the Addition of Several Airs, Duets, and Choruses, Selected ... as Performed at the Patagonian Theatre
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister with the History of Their Adventures in Three Parts the Eighth Edition
The town-fopp, or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey
Histories, novels, and translations
False Count
A congratulatory poem to Her Most Sacred Majesty on the universal hopes of all loyal persons for a Prince of Wales
Unfortunate Happy Lady
Plays, histories, and novels
A pindarick poem on the happy coronation of His Most Sacred Majesty James II, and his illustrious consort Queen Mary
The poems of Aphra Behn
The young king, or, The mistake
A poem humbly dedicated to the great pattern of piety and virtue, Catherine, Queen Dowager, on the death of her dear lord and husband, King Charles II
Plays 1682-1696
Fair Jilt
The Works of Aphra Behn
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband
Works of Aphra Behn Vol. 1
Younger Brother
The emperor of the moon
City Heiress
Fair Jilt
Works of Aphra Behn
The Plays, Histories And Novels Of The Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn With Life And Memoirs V3
Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister
The fair jilt, or, The history of Prince Tarquin and Miranda
The young king, or, the mistake
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband
Love in many masks
Rover (Approaching Literature)
A farce call'd the false count, or, A new way to play an old game
The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrigue
Oroonoko; or, The history of the royal slave
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
A Pindaric poem to the Reverend Doctor Burnet, 1689
The Rover, Or, the Banish'd Cavaliers
The feign'd curtizans, or, A nights intrique
The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, entire in two volumes
Seventeen histories and novels
The city-heiress, or, Sir Timothy Treat-all
The Ten pleasures of marriage and the second part The confession of the new married couple
Lycidus; or, The lover in fashion
[All the histories and novels]
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, entire in one volume ..
The histories and novels of the late ingenious Mrs Behn: in one volume
The luckey chance, or, An alderman's bargain
A poem humbly dedicated to the great patern of piety and virtue Catherine Queen Dowager
Love in many masks: as altered by J. P. Kemble, from Mrs. Behn's Rover, and first acted ... March 8th, 1790
Young Jemmy: or, The princely shepherd
The dramatic works of Mrs. Behn
Sir Patient Fancy
The uncollected verse of Aphra Behn
The lives of sundry notorious villains, memorable for their base and abominable actions
Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
The Ten pleasures of marriage and the second part The confession of the new married couple
The Works of Aphra Behn
Love in many masks
English nights entertainments. The history of Oroonoko; or, the royal slave. Written originally by Mrs. Behn, and revised by Mrs. Griffiths
The feign'd curtizans, or, a nights intrigue
The history of Oronooko
The younger brother: or, The amourous jilt
The debauchee, or, The credulous cuckold
[The histories and novels of Mrs. A. Behn]
The false count, or, A new way to play an old game
Sir Patient Fancy
Three histories ..
Love in many masks
The Widdow Ranter, or, The history of bacon in Virginia
The lucky mistake
Abdelazer, or, The Moor's revenge
The wandring beauty
Poems upon several occasions
Poems upon several occasions ; with, A voyage to the Island of Love, 1684
The uncollected verse of Aphra Behn
The emperor of the moon
Prologue to Romulus
The ten pleasures of marriage
The lady's looking-glass, to dress herself by, or, The whole art of charming
The novels of Aphra Behn
Poems upon several occasions
The rover: or, The banish'd cavaliers
The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn, intire in two volumes
The amorous prince, or, The curious husband
The emperor of the moon
All the histories and novels written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn
Abdelazer, or the Moors revenge
Cleonice, princess of Bithynia
Love in many masks: as altered by J. P. Kemble, from Mrs. Behn's Rover, and first acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, March 8th, 1790
Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister
The city-heiress: or, Sir Timothy Treat-all
A prologue to her new play called Like father, like son, or, The mistaken brothers
The Roundheads, or, The good old cause
The unfortunate bride, or, The Blind lady a beauty
The second part of The rover
The rover, or, The banish't cavaliers
The forc'd marriage, or, The jealous bridegroom ...
The plays, histories, and novels of the ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn
The counterfeit bridegroom, or, The defeated widow
Magnus Hirschfeld
Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935)

physician, psychologist, LGBTQ rights activist, film director

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Strasbourg
Von einst bis jetzt
Research on love between men
Der erotische Verkleidungstrieb (Die Transvestiten)
Störungen im Sexualstoffwechsel mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Impotenz
Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes
Die Transvestiten
Das Ergebnis der statistischen Untersuchungen über den Prozentsatz der Homosexuellen
In memory of the one hundredth birthday anniversary of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
Bibliothek der Sexualwissenschaft
Künstliche Verjüngung, künstliche Geschlechtsumwandlung
The Homosexuality of Men and Women
Sexual History of the World War, The
Sittengeschichte des Zweiten Weltkrieges
Was muss das Volk vom Dritten Geschlecht wissen!
Les homosexuels de Berlin
Women east and west
Sexual pathology study of derangements of the sexual instinct
Geschlechtliche Entwicklungsstörungen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Onanie
Men and Woman the World Journey of a Sexologist
Naturgesetze der Liebe
Eros in Prison
Die Kenntnis der homosexuellen Natur eine sittliche Forderung
Sexualpsychologie und Volkspsychologie
Sex in human relationships
Geschlecht und Verbrechen
Sittengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Was eint und trennt das Menschengeschlecht?
Sexual Anomalies
Curious sex customs in the far East
Sexuelle Zwischenstufen
Sexual anomalies and perversions
Sittengeschichte der jüngsten Zeit
Magnus Hirschfeld, Leben und Werk
Was jede Frau vom Wahlrecht wissen muss!
Verstaatlichung des gesundheitswesens
Warum hassen uns die völker?
Warum hassen uns die völker?
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreissigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet
Sexual anomalies and perversions
Sexual pathology, being a study of the abnormalities of the sexual functions
Sittengeschichte der Nachkriegszeit
Die Vergeistigung des Geschlechtstriebs
Anomalies et perversions sexuelles
Sexual anomalies
Geschlechtskunde auf Grund dreissigjähriger Forschung und Erfahrung bearbeitet
Sexualerziehung; der weg durch natürlichkeit zur neuen moral