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academics who wrote biography
Showing 321-328 out of 1170 results
Paul Nahin
Paul Nahin (born 1940)


  • Stanford University, California Institute of Technology
The logician and the engineer
Oliver Heaviside
Microcosmic Tales
An imaginary tale
Great Science Fiction
The science of radio
Dr. Euler's fabulous formula
Space Mail, Volume II
Time machines
When Least Is Best
Will You Be Alive Ten Years From Now And Numerous Other Curious Questions In Probability
Duelling Idiots and Other Probability Puzzlers
Chases and Escapes
Digital Dice
Holy Sci-Fi!
Mrs. Perkins's electric quilt
Inside Interesting Integrals
Time travel
How to Fall Slower Than Gravity
Time Machine Tales
In Pursuit of Zeta-3
Transients for Electrical Engineers
In praise of simple physics
Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons
Analog Science Fiction and Fact, June 1980, Featuring *The Humanoid Universe* (Volume C, No. 6)
Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)

psychiatrist, philosopher, academic, sex educator, psychoanalyst

  • University of Vienna
Leidenschaft der Jugend
Reich speaks of Freud
Record of a friendship
Passion of youth
American Odyssey
Beyond Psychology
Where's the Truth?
Passion of Youth
Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf
Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus
The murder of Christ
Listen, little man!
American odyssey
Beyond psychology
Entdeckung des Orgons
The bion experiments on the origin of life
Selected writings
The bioelectrical investigation of sexuality and anxiety
Textes Cles de Psychanalyse
Children of the future
Record of a friendship
Ether, God and devil. --
Selected writings, an introduction to orgonomy
Charactr Analysis
The function of the orgasm
Early writings
People in trouble
Genitality in the theory and therapy of neurosis
Was ist Klassenbewusstsein?
Function of the Orgasm
People In Trouble (Emotional Plague of Mankind)
Ether God and Devil & Cosmic Superimposition
Mass Psychology of Fascism
The function of the orgasm: sex-economic problems of biological energy
Der sexuelle Kampf der Jugend
The function of the orgasm
The cancer biopathy
Funksiyon-E Orgazm: Kashf-E Energi-Ye Orgon: The Function of the Orgasm
Die Entdeckung Des Orgons Erster Teil Die Funktion Des Orgasmus
Selected Writings of Wilhelm Reich
La Funcion del Orgasmo
Where's the truth?
Pasion De Juventud
The invasion of compulsory sex-morality
Listen, Little Man!
Dinle Kucuk adam
Cinsel devrim
Der Krebs
Die Farbenmischung für Druckereien (Steindruck, Buchdruck, Lichtdruck)
The Function of Orgasm
The impulsive character, and other writings
MURDER OF CHRIST P (Emotional Plague of Mankind)
The function of the orgasm
Early Writings, Vol. 1
La Révolution sexuelle
The Function of the Orgasm; Sex-economic Problems of Biological Energy
Cancer Biopathy
Die Entdeckung des Orgons 2. Der Krebs
Selected Writings
Ibsen's Peer Gynt
Der triebhafte Charakter
Murder of Christ
Reden An Den Kleinen Mann
Where's the Truth?
Cinsellik Üzerine
Fasizmin Kitle Psikolojisi
L' irruption de la morale sexuelle
Early Writings
Hernia obturatoria
Menschen Em Staat
Cancer Biopathy
Berühmte jüdengemeinden des osmanischen Reiches
La superposition cosmique
The Function of the Orgasm
The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality : Written by Wilhelm Reich, 1971 Edition, Publisher
Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety
La révolution sexuelle pour une autonomie caractérielle de l'homme
Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality
Der Schwur
Karakter Analizi
Premiers écrits
¡Escucha, hombrecillo!
Early Writings
Wilhelm Reich Seti
Listen, little man!
People in Trouble
Reich Speaks of Freud
Massenpsychologie des Faschismus
Reich Freudu̓ Anlatiyor
Character Analysis Third Enlarged Edition 1949
La Revolution Sexuelle
L'Ether, Dieu et le diable. Le Fonctionnalisme orgonomique
Les hommes dans l'Etat
Orgonomischer Funktionalismus
Dinle Kucuk Adam
Analisis del Caracter (Paidos Studio)
Contact with Space
Cinsel Devrim
Le Meurtre du Christ
Sexualerregung und Sexualbefriedigung
Cancer Biopathy
L' analyse caractérielle
Sexual Revolution
The discovery of the orgone
Insanin dogÌŒadaki yeri
Selected Writings
Wilhelm Reich Character-analysis Third, Enlarged Edition
[Works of Wilhelm Reich
Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality
Ä°çindeki Sesi Dinle
Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of Neurosis
Autorität und Familie
Écoute, petit homme!
Wilhelm Reich über Sigmund Freud
Listen, little man!  With illus. by William Steig
Orgazmin Islevi
Die Funktion des Orgasmus
Bion experiments on the cancer problem [and] Drei Versuche am statischen Elektroskop
La funcio n del orgasmo
Frühe Schriften
Children of the Future
Cinsel ahlakin boygostermesi
The function of the orgasm
Dialektischer Materialismus und Psychoanalyse
Rede an den kleinen Mann
Bioelectrical Investigation of Sexuality and Anxiety
Reich Speaks of Freud
The impulsive character, and other writings
The mass psychology of fascism,
The Oranur experiment
Dinle Kücük Adam
Genitality in the Theory and Therapy of Neurosis
Der Einbruch der sexuellen Zwangsmoral
Character Analysis
Character analysis
Selected Sex-Pol essays, 1934-37
Ether, God and Devil and Cosmic Superimposition
Diyalektik Materyalizm ve Psikanaliz
Children of the Future
Einbruch der Sexualmoral
Reich speaks out on Freud
Listen, Little Man!
Character Analysis
Bion Experiments on the Origins of Life
Cosmic superimposition
Otroci Prihodnosti
Character Analysis.
The Bion Experiments
Psychoanalyse und Politik
Rede an Den Kleinen Mann
La révolution sexuelle, pour une autonomie caractérielle de l'homme
Character analysis
Was ist Klassenbewusstsein?
Reich speaks of Freud
Psychischer Kontakt und vegatitive Strömung
Menschen im Staat
Psicoanalisi e marxismo
Character analysis
Wilhelm Reich - Selected Writings
The mass psychology of fascism
Il Tic Come Equivalente Della Masturbazione
Psychologie de masse du fascisme
Rede an den kleinen Mann
Ausgewählte Schriften
L'irruption de la morale sexuelle
The discovery of the orgone
Die Funktion des Orgasmus zur Psychopathologie und zur Sociologie des Geschlechtslebens
Passion de jeunesse. Une autobiographie, 1897-1922
Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus
Sex-pol, la revolución sexual
Reich Speaks of Freud
Nancy Isenberg
Nancy Isenberg (born 1957)


  • Rutgers University, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Fallen Founder
The Problem of Democracy
White trash
Sex and citizenship in antebellum America
Left Elsewhere
Mortal remains
Questioning bodies in Shakespeare's Rome
White Trash
White Trash
Gender and the Law
Sex and Citizenship in Antebellum America
White Trash Lib/E
Rip Van Winkle's Republic
Tayari Jones
Tayari Jones (born 1970)

  • University of Iowa, Arizona State University
Mighty justice
Black Folk Could Fly
An American Marriage
The untelling
Hitting a Straight Lick with a Crooked Stick
Leaving Atlanta
Silver Sparrow
Shelf Discovery
American Marriage
Silver Sparrow
Atlanta Noir
American Marriage
The Untelling
Un matrimonio americano (AdN) (Adn Alianza De Novelas) (Spanish Edition)
Leaving Atlanta
Untitled HarperCollins Publishers
Leaving Atlanta (Perfidos E Iluminadas)
Silver Sparrow
Nasze malzenstwo
Black Folk Could Fly - Selected Writings by Randall Kenan
Atlanta Noir
Un mariage américain
Silver Sparrow
José Antonio Vidal Castaño
José Antonio Vidal Castaño (born 1940)


La memoria reprimida
El sargento Fabra
Exiliados republicanos en Septfonds (1939)
Santiago Calatrava, València, 2-20 juny 1986
La España del maquis (1936-1965)
El soroll de la Memòria
Alister McGrath
Alister McGrath (born 1953)

theologian, educator, church historian, chemist, philosopher, priest, biochemist

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
A life of John Calvin
J.I. Packer
The Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Modern Christian Thought
To Know and Serve God
The Blackwell encyclopedia of modern Christian thought
Thomas F. Torrance
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
Emil Brunner
Emil Brunner
Emil Brunner
C. S. Lewis
The SPCK handbook of Anglican theologians
C.S. Lewis
Reformation thought
Christian theology
In the beginning
Science of God
A passion for truth
I believe
Scientific Theology
Iustitia Dei
What Was God Doing on the Cross?
A Brief History of Heaven
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelicalism and the future of Christianity
The Future of Christianity
The Genesis of Doctrine
Explaining your faith
Christianity's dangerous idea
The journey
The genesis of doctrine
The Unknown God
The Intellectual World of C.S. Lewis
The reenchantment of nature
The making of modern German Christology
Christian spirituality
Understanding doctrine
Science & Religion
Theology for Amateurs
Glimpsing the face of God
Surprised by meaning
The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation
Beyond the Quiet Time
A Cloud of Witnesses
The renewal of Anglicanism
Roots That Refresh
The Christian theology reader
The J.I. Packer collection
What was God doing on the cross?
Christian theology
Understanding Jesus
The twilight of atheism
The Living God
The enigma of the cross
Reformation Thought
Niv Bible Handbook
The Open Secret
Chosen ones
Reformation thought
Suffering & God
Power religion
History of Apologetics
Darwinism and the divine
Re-Imagining Nature
The Christian Theology Reader
Understanding the Trinity
The foundations of dialogue in science and religion
The passionate intellect
The making of modern German christology, 1750-1990
A fine-tuned universe
Springboard of Faith
Justification by faith
The Complete Topical Guide to the Bible
The Christian Theology Reader
Lion, the Dove, and the Lamb, Revised Edition
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader Set
Darwinism and the Divine
Christian History: An Introduction
The Unknown God
The Dawkins Delusion?
Christian Theology Reader
Iustitia Dei
Darkness shall fall
Narrative apologetics
Faith And Creeds A Guide For Study And Devotion
Christian Literature
Luther's theology of the cross
Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Dawkins delusion
Luther's Theology of the Cross
Christianity's Dangerous Idea
Science and religion
The order of things
Christian Theology
The Christian theology reader
Christian Theology Reader
Christian literature
Dawkins' GOD
Spirituality in an age of change
The Dawkins delusion?
Trinitarian Theology of Nature
Iustitia Dei: A History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification
Explaining your faith without losing your friends
Mere Discipleship
The mystery of the cross
Historical Theology
Reformation Thought
Intellectuals Don't Need God and Other Modern Myths
Christian Theology, 6e National EPub Inclusive Access
Roots That Refresh
An introduction to Christianity
Lord and Saviour
Making sense of the cross
Christian History
Territories of Human Reason
Why Are We Here?
Open Secret
Jesus Christ
Theology Set
Christian Belief
Understand your Bible from Adam to Zion
Christian Life and Hope
Territories of Human Reason
Why God won't go away
Chosen Ones
Why Is There Suffering?
Order of Things
Re-Imagining Nature
Doubt in perspective
Darkness Shall Fall
Science and the Doctrine of Creation
Spirit of Grace
Historical Theology
Intellectual World of C. S. Lewis
The Hodder dictionary of Bible themes
Studies in doctrine
Inventing the universe
The Futures of evangelicalism
Intellectuals don't need God and other modern myths
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought
Christian Spirituality
NIV Bible Commentary
The big question
Enriching Our Vision of Reality
Knowing Christ
Why god won't go away
Mere apologetics
Mere Apologetics
Brief History of Heaven
Flight of the Outcasts
The Zondervan handbook of Christian beliefs
The Landscape of Faith: An Explorer's Guide to the Christian Creeds
Roman Catholicism
Doing theology for the people of God
Christian History
Scientific Theology : Nature
Christian Theology
The Blackwell companion to Protestantism
The NIV Bible companion
Dawkins' GOD
The Re-enchantment of Nature
NIV Bible Commentary
The spirit of grace
The Christian life and hope
Bridge Building
El Acompañante biblico NVI
The future of Atheism
Historical theology
The enigma of the cross
Dawkins God
Christian Spirituality
The sunnier side of doubt
Passion for the Gospel
Knowing Christ
The Making of Modern German Christology
Arcic II and justification
Chosen ones
NIV Thematic Reference Bible
Evangelical Anglicans
Doing theology for the people of God
Understanding Doctrine
Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith
Journey Through Suffering
Antonia Arslan
Antonia Arslan (born 1938)

anthropologist, translator

  • University of Padua
Ishtar 2
Masseria delle allodole
Writing to delight
Dame, galline e regine
Dino Buzzati tra fantastico e realistico
La memoria e l'intelligenza
Romanzo storico, d'appendice, di consumo
Enrico Pea
La casa de las alondras
Invito alla lettura di Dino Buzzati
Il libro di Mush
Il crimine dei crimini
Artoytneri agarakÄ›
Il concetto che ne informa
La masseria delle allodole
La strada di Smirne
Skylark Farm (Vintage)
Maria Antonietta Macciocchi
Maria Antonietta Macciocchi (1922-2007)

journalist, politician

  • Sapienza University of Rome
L' amante della rivoluzione
Dopo Marx, aprile
Deux mille ans de bonheur
Cara Eleonora
Duemila anni di felicità
Après Marx, avril
Dalla Cina
Lettere dall'interno del P.C.I. a Louis Althusser
Letters from inside the Italian Communist Party to Louis Althusser
Fasizmin analizi
Jungfrauen, Mütter und ein Führer
Mussolinis kvinder
Daily life in revolutionary China
De la France
Pour Gramsci
Polemiche sulla Cina ..
La forza degli Italiani
De la Chine
De la Chine
Per Gramsci
Pour Gramsci
Di là dalle porte di bronzo
Daily Life in Revolutionary China
La talpa francese
Letters from Inside the Communist Party to Louis Althusser
Daily life in revolutionary China. --
La donna nera
De la France
Lettres de l'inte rieur du parti
De la France
Daily life in revolutionary China
Le Donne secondo Wojtyla
Les Femmes et leurs maîtres
Di là dalle porte di bronzo