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academics who wrote biography
Showing 329-336 out of 1170 results
Wilfried Loth
Wilfried Loth (born 1948)

historian, political scientist

  • Saarland University
Walter Hallstein
Walter Hallstein, der vergessene Europäer?
Walter Hallstein
Charles de Gaulle
Die Teilung der Welt
Die Sowjetunion und die deutsche Frage
Europe, Cold War and Coexistence, 1955-1965
The Making of Détente
Overcoming the Cold War
Der Weg nach Europa
Theorien europäischer Integration
Sozialismus und Internationalismus
Stalin's unwanted child
Die Stalin-Note vom 10. März 1952
Teilungen überwinden
La gouvernance supranationale dans la construction européenne
Experiencing Europe
Stalins ungeliebtes Kind
Katholiken im Kaiserreich
Building Europe
Geschichte Frankreichs im 20. Jahrhundert
Europas Einigung
Europäische Gesellschaft: Grundlagen und Perspektiven (Forschung Politik) (German Edition)
Helsinki, 1. August 1975
Erster Weltkrieg und Dschihad (German Edition)
Documents on the history of European integration
Das europäische Projekt zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts
Tage deutscher Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert
Internationale Geschichte
Verwandlungspolitik: NS-Eliten in der westdeutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaft (German Edition)
Das Kaiserreich. Obrigkeitsstaat und politische Mobilisierung. (Bd. 5)
Crises and Compromises
Ost-West-Konflict und deutsche Frage
Dimensionen internationaler Geschichte
Großer Historischer Weltatlas, 4 Tle. m. Erl.-Bdn., Tl.4, Neueste Zeit
Geschichte der Welt 1945 Bis Heute
Die Anfänge der europäischen Integration 1945-1950
Die Christen und die Entstehung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
Nordrhein-Westfalen in Europa
Entw©ơrfe einer Europ©Þischen Verfassung
Erster Weltkrieg und Dschihad
Geschichte Frankreichs im 20. Jahrhundert
Deutscher Katholizismus im Imbruch zur Moderne
"Freiheit und Würde des Volkes"
Stalin's Unwanted Child
De Gaulle, Deutschland und Europa
Plans for European Union in Great Britain and in Exile 1939-1945 : (Including 107 Documents in Their Original Languages on 3 Microfiches)
Internationale Geschichte
Die Rettung der Welt
Fast eine Revolution
Soziale Reform im Kaiserreich
Transnational Organizations of Political Parties and Pressure Groups in the Struggle for European Union, 1945-1950 : (Including 129 Documents in Their Original Languages on 3 Microfiches)
Struggle for European Union by Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Western European Countries 1945-1950 : (Including 252 Documents in Their Original Languages on 6 Microfiches)
Institutions européennes et identités européennes
Disintegration and Integration in East-Central Europe
Cultures politiques, opinions publiques et intégration européenne
Making of Détente
Wegmarken europäischer Zivilisation
Continental Plans for European Union 1939-1945 : (Including 250 Documents in Their Original Language on 6 Microfiches)
Gershom Scholem
Gershom Scholem (1897-1982)

philosopher, librarian, historian, pedagogue, bibliographer, bibliophile, poet, theologian, Judaic scholar

  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Humboldt University of Berlin
From Berlin to Jerusalem
Walter Benjamin : the story of a friendship
A life in letters, 1914-1982
Gershom Scholem
Sabbatai Ṣevi
Od davar
Walter Benjamin und sein Engel
Du frankisme au jacobinisme
Devarim be-go
Gershom Shalom
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi R. Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Mi-Berlin li-Yerushalayim
שבתי צבי והתנועה השבתאית בימי חייו
Devarim be-go
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism
Ursprung und Anfänge der Kabbala
Zur Kabbala und ihrer Symbolik
On Jews and Judaism in crisis
The Messianic idea in Judaism and other essays on Jewish spirituality
Von der mystischen Gestalt der Gottheit
„…und alles ist Kabbala“
Judaica 1
Es gibt ein Geheimnis in der Welt
Lamentations of Youth
Greetings from Angelus
Shabtai Tsevi
Aux origines religieuses du judaïsme laïque
Devils, Demons and Souls
Über einige Grundbergriffe des Judentums
The Fullness of Time
ha- Ḳabalah shel Sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafyah
Judaica 2
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
On the possibility of Jewish mysticism in our time & other essays
Ra'yon ha-ge'ulah ba-Kabalah
"Der liebe Gott wohnt im Detail" Briefwechsel 1939-1969 : Briefe und Briefwechsel. Band 8
Reshit ha-ḳabalah (1150-1250)
Retsifut u-mered
Judaica 4
Zohar: The Book of Splendor
Mẹḥḳarim u-meḳorot le-toldot ha-Shabtaʻut ṿe-gilguleha
Alchemie und Kabbala
ha- Ḳabalah bi-Provans
Meḥḳere Ḳabalah
On the Kabbalah and itssymbolism
Das Buch Bahir
Le Nom et les symboles de Dieu dans la mystique juive
Reshit ha-ḳabalah ṿe-sefer ha-Bahir
Mehkere Shabtaut (Kitve Gershom Shalom)
Lenguajes y Cabala / Languages and Kabbalah (Biblioteca De Ensayo / Essay Library)
Avraham Kohen Hirirah, baʻal Shaʻar ha-shamayim
Shedim, ruḥot, u-neshamot
De la création du monde jusqu'à Varsovie
Fidélité et utopie
Kriminologie im Strafprozess: Zur Bedeutung psychologischer, soziologischer und kriminologischer Erkenntnisse für die Strafrechtspraxis (Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft) (German Edition)
Walter Benjamin the Story of a Friend
Das Davidschild
Catalogus Codicum Cabbalisticorum Hebraicorum
Frants Rozentsṿaig ṿe-sifro Kokhav ha-geʾulah
Judaica V
Shabtai Tsevi ṿe-Natan ha-ʻAzati
Briefe, 3 Bde., Bd.3, 1971-1982
Ḳabalat ha-Ari
Ha- Ḳabalah be-Geronah
El Misticismo Extraviado
Leḳeṭ margaliyot
Hay Un Misterio En El Mundo
[Ḳovets tadpisim shel maʾamaraṿ ba-Ḳabalah she-nidpesu be-khitve-ʻet shonim.]
Einige kabbalistische Handschriften im Britischen Museum
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-shabtaʾi Rabi Mordekhai Ashkenazi
Mafteḥot le-khitve ha-pulmus ʻEmden-Aibshits
ha- Mistorin ha-Yehudi ṿeha-ḳabalah
Walter Benjamin et son ange
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Conceptos Basicos del Judaismo, Los
Correspondence, 1939 - 1969
ha- Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Bibliographia Kabbalistica
Osnovnye techenii︠a︡ v evreĭskoĭ mistike
Las Grandes Tendencias de La Mistica Judia
Los Origenes De LA Cabala
ha- Mistorin (ha-misṭiḳah) bikhlal
Jewish gnosticism, Markavah mysticism and Talmudic tradition
Todo Es Cabala
Briefe an Werner Kraft (German Edition)
Studies in mysticism and religion
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940
Judaica 6
Briefe (German Edition)
Judaica III
Sur Jonas, la lamentation et le judaïsme
ha-Raʻyon ha-meshiḥi be-Yiśraʾel
La cábala y su simbolismo
ha-Shelav ha-aḥaron
Ḳabalot Rabi Yaʻaḳov ṿe-Rabi Yitsḥaḳ bene Rabi Yaʻaḳov Hakhohen
Ḳunṭres eleh shemot
Mi-ḥoḳer li-meḳubal
Shirot ṿe-tishbaḥot shel ha-Shabetaʾim
ha-Ḳabalah be-Geronah
De Berlin a Jerusalem
On the Kabbalah and its symbolism
Concetti fondamentali dell'ebraismo
Kabbalistes chrétiens
מגן־דוד: תולדותיו של סמל
Parashat ha-Shabtaʾut
Toldot ha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit
Walter Benjamin. Historia de una amistad
Messianic movements after the expulsion from Spain
ha-Meḳubal Rabi Avraham ben Eliʻezer Haleṿi
Kabała i jej symbolika
Shir shel Yiśraʾel Najarah be-fi ha-Shabtaʾim
Masoret ha-berit
Yiśraʾel Sarug-talmid ha-Ari?
[Biḳoret ʻal Ḳaṭalog ḳitve ha-yad shel Ambrozyana be-Milano me-et Ḳarolo Bernhaymer]
Le-ḥeḳer ḳabalat rabi Yitsḥaḳ ha-Kohen
Żydzi i Niemcy
ha-Ḳabalah shel sefer ha-Temunah ṿe-shel Avraham Abulʻafia
Walter Benjamin - Gershom Scholem Mektuplasmalar 1932-1940
Le-aḥar gerush Sefarad
Meḥabro shel ha-maʾamar ha-mezuyaf bi-leshon sefer ha-Zohar
Report of Prof. G. Scholom in his mission to Europe
Ḥalomotaṿ shel ha-Shabtaʼi Rabi Mordekhai Ashḳenazi
From Frankism to Jacobinism
Kitve Gershom Shalom
Pirḳe-yesod ba-havanat ha-Ḳabalah u-semaleha
Peraḳim le-toldot sifrut ha-ḳabalah
Dr. Yoḥanan Leṿi
קונטרס עלו לשלום
L'idea messianica nell'ebraismo e altri saggi sulla spiritualità ebraica
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʼit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
On Eduard Morike's Nolten the painter & On Rainer Maria Rilke's The notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Mistycyzm żydowski i jego główne kierunki
Śeride sifro shel Rabi Shem Ṭov Ibn Gaʼon ʻal yesodot torat ha-sefirot
Mi-tokh hirhurim ʻal ḥokhmat Yiśraʾel
Los nombres secretos de Walter Benjamin
Shabtai Tsevi ṿeha-tenuʻah ha-Shabtaʾit bi-yeme ḥayaṿ
ha-Ḳabalah bi-Provans
The Messianic idea in Judaism
"... und alles ist Kabbala"
גרשם שלום (תרנ״חי־תשמ״ב)
Sabbatai Sevi ́
Pirḳe yesod be-havanat ha-ḳabalah u-semaleha
Die Geheimnisse der Schöpfung
Jewish mysticism in the Middle Ages
La kabbale
Das Herz der Kabbala. Jüdische Mystik aus zwei Jahrtausenden.
Julia Kristeva
Julia Kristeva (born 1941)

psychoanalyst, sociologist, philosopher, literary critic, linguist

  • Sofia University, Paris 8 University
Hannah Arendt
Seule, une femme
Le génie féminin
Th©♭r©·se, mon amour
Teresa my love
Teresa, My Love
Melanie Klein
Pouvoirs de l'horreur
The portable Kristeva
Strangers to ourselves
Tales of love
Murder in Byzantium
Proust and the Sense of Time
Black Sun
Julia Kristeva, interviews
La révolution du langage poétique
Time and Sense
Desire in language
Revolution in poetic language
Contre la dépression nationale
Le temps sensible
Des Chinoises
Langage, cet inconnu
Soleil noir
Au commencement était l'amour
The samurai
Le texte du roman
Adel Abdessemed
Revolt, She Said (Foreign Agents)
Histoires d'amour
The feminine and the sacred
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
Les nouvelles maladies de l'âme
Marriage As a Fine Art
New Maladies of the Soul
Inferno and paradiso
Au risque de la pensée
Etrangers à nous-mêmes
Enchanted Clock
Le plaisir des formes
The Sense And Nonsense Of Revolt The Powers And Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Hatred and forgiveness
The feminine and the sacred
Desire In Language A Semiotic Approach To Literature And Art
The sense and non-sense of revolt
Le langage, cet inconnu
Desire in language
Passions of Our Time
The old man and the wolves
The enchanted clock
Louise Bourgeois
Intimate Revolt The Powers And The Limits Of Psychoanalysis
Cet incroyable besoin de croire
The Severed Head
Sēmeiōtikē : recherches pour une sémanalyse
The severed head
La haine et le pardon
Europe des cultures et culture européenne
(Re)découvrir l'œuvre de Simone de Beauvoir
Essays in semiotics
La révolte intime
The Kristeva reader
This Incredible Need to Believe
In the beginning was love
Understanding Through Fiction : A Selection from Teresa, My Love
Hannah Arendt
Diversité et culture
Grandir c'est croire
Strangers to Ourselves
Crisis of the European subject
Language - The Unknown
Meurtre à Byzance
Feminine and the Sacred
Lettre au président de la République sur les citoyens en situation de handicap
El texto de la novela
Passions of Our Time
Le Genie Feminin: La Vie, la Folie, les Mots (Folio Essais) (French Edition)
Cinq éloges de la rencontre
Murder in Byzantium
Les samouraïs
Severed Head
La cruauté au féminin
Guerre et paix des sexes
New maladies of the soul
Chroniques du temps sensible
Folle vérité
Stabat Mater
Sens Et Non-Sens de La Revolte
Lumières, religions et raison commune
Sēmeiōtikē = Semiótica
Essays in Semiotics
Sens et non-sens de la révolte
Je me voyage
Trabajo de la Metafora
Die Chinesin
Des expériences intérieures
L'avenir d'une révolte
Introdução à semanálise
História da linguagem
This incredible need to believe
Porvenir de la Revuelta
Langue, discours, société pour Emile Benveniste
Lettre ouverte à Harlem Désir
Tales of Love
Colette, un génie féminin
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Le vieil homme et les loups
La Revolte Intime
Shemesh sheḥorah
Pulsions du temps
La discriminación en Argentina
Essays in semiotics =
Visions capitales
Notre Colette
Kristeva Reader
Leur regard perce nos ombres
Intimate revolt
Langue, discours, société
Zarim le-ʻatsmenu
El lenguaje, ese desconocido
La Traversée des signes
Autour d'Émile Benveniste
Izbrannye trudy
Au risque de la pensée
Georgia O'Keeffe
Murder in Byzantium
L'horloge enchantée
Où en est la théorie littéraire
L'amour de soi et ses avatars
Pŭtuvam sebe si
Épistémologie de la linguistique
Des Chinoises
Ernst Schulin
Ernst Schulin (1929-2017)

historian of Modern Age, historian, editor

  • University of Göttingen
Kaiser Karl V
Walther Rathenau
Walther Rathenau im Spiegel seines Moskauer Nachlasses
Die Französische Revolution
Burckhardts Potenzen- und Sturmlehre
Handelsstaat England
Traditionskritik und Rekonstruktionsversuch
Arbeit an der Geschichte
Geschichtswissenschaft in unserem Jahrhundert
Die weltgeschichtliche Erfassung des Orients bei Hegel und Ranke
Hermann Heimpel und die deutsche Nationalgeschichtsschreibung
'The  most historical of all peoples'
Historie und Internationale Wissenschaftsbeziehungen
Julius August Bewer
Julius August Bewer (1877-1953)

protestant theologian

Henry Preserved Smith
The history of the New Testament canon in the Syrian church
The prophets
The ge'ullah in the book of Ruth
The religion of the Bible
The literature of the Old Testament in its historical development
Ancient Babylonian parallels to the prophecies of Haggai
Zur Literarkritik des Buches Ruth
The Prophets
The children of Israel and their land
The problem of Deuteronomy
The gap between Ezra, chapters 1 and 2
Die Anfänge des nationalen Jahweglaubens
The literature of the Old Testament
The psychological study of the words of Jesus, especially of his Parables
Harper's annotated Bible
Two suggestions on Prov 30 31 and Zech 9 16
The authority of the Old Testament
The story of Hosea's marriage
Wincenty Pol
Wincenty Pol (1807-1872)

poet, geographer, ethnographer

  • Lviv University
Jan Kiliński, szewc-pułkownik
Pamiętnik do literatury polskiej XIX wieku
Volkslieder der Polen
Pieśń o ziemi naszej
Poezyje: Nowe popr. i powiekszone wyd
Dzieła poetyckie
Pieni Janusza /c[Tekst oprac. wedug wydania z roku 1833 i 1863 Stefan Vrtel-Wierczyski]
Historyczny obszar polski
Pieśni Janusza
Dzieła poetyckie
Poezyje Wincentego Pola
Prace z etnografii pólnocnych stoków Karpat
Dziea wierszem i proz
Dziea wierszem i proz
Listy z ziemi naszej
Dzieła poetyckie
Wybór poezji
Dzieła poetyckie
Piesn o domu naszym
Wybór poezji
Dzieła poetyckie
Dzieła Wincentego Pola
Pieśni Janusza
Рыцарский рапсод с представления. Mohort
Dzieła poetyckie Wincentego Pola
Dzieła wierszem i prozą
Pieśń o domu naszym
Obrazy z życia i z podróży
Dzieła poetyckie
Dzieła poetyckie
Dzieła poetyckie
Dzieła poetyckie
Pieśń o ziemi naszej oraz liryki wybrane
Rok myśliwca
John Rechy
John Rechy (born 1931)

playwright, literary critic, journalist

  • University of Texas at El Paso
The sexual outlaw
About my life and the kept woman
City of Night
The Life and Adventures of Lyle Clemens
The fourth angel
Marilyn's Daughter
The Coming of the Night
Gay roots
Bodies and Souls
After the blue hour
This day's death
The miraculous day of Amalia Gómez
The Vampires
Beneath the skin
Our lady of Babylon
Fourth Angel
Mysteries and Desires - Searching the Worlds of John Rechy
Margarita Engle
Margarita Engle (born 1951)

agronomist, botanist, poet, cynologist

The Lightning Dreamer Cubas Greatest Abolitionist
The flying girl
Enchanted air
Soaring Earth
Enchanted Air : Two Cultures, Two Wings
Aire Encantado : Dos Culturas, Dos Alas
The Surrender Tree
Summer birds
Tropical secrets
Singing to Cuba
Because of Shoe and other dog stories
Dancing Hands
The Poet-Slave of Cuba
Hurricane dancers
When you wander
Mountain dog
The firefly letters
Drum dream girl
Enchanted Air
The Lightning Dreamer
Dreams From Many Rivers
The wild book
With a star in my hand
Tiny rabbit's big wish
Lion Island
Hurricane dancers
Silver people
The firefly letters
Forest world
Tu Corazón, Mi Cielo
Destiny Finds Her Way
Miguel y su valiente caballero
Manos Que Bailan
La selva
All the way to Havana
Light for All
Miguel's Brave Knight
Pregón de Frutas (Song of Frutas)
Jazz owls
Tropical Secrets
Your Heart, My Sky
A Song of Frutas
Forest World
Wings in the Wild (Spanish Edition)
Singing with Elephants
Wings in the Wild
The Poet Slave of Cuba
A dog named Haku
Tiny Rabbit's Big Wish
Escultora de la Luz
IMPERFECT : poems about mistakes
Dancing Hands
Lion Island
Dog Named Haku
Día Del Agua
Jazz Owls
Qiao da meng xiang de nü hai
Surrender Tree
Wild Book
Singing with Elephants
Singing with Elephants 6-Copy SIGNED Prepack W L-Card
Firefly Letters
Mountain Dog
Canto de Los Elefantes
Joven Aviadora
Your Heart, My Sky
Luz para Todos
Flying Girl
Una niña, un tambor, un sueño
Drum Dream Girl
Firefly Letters
Miguel y Su Valiente Caballero
Isla de Leones
Sky Painter
Eloísa's Musical Window
All the Way to Havana
Silver People
Con una Estrella en la Mano
Wild Dreamers (Spanish Edition)
Summer Birds The Butterflies of Maria Merian
Tierra Al Vuelo
día Del Agua (Water Day)
Isla de Leones
Dreams from Many Rivers
Surrender Tree/el árbol de la Rendición
Destiny Finds Her Way
Summer Birds
Hurricane Dancers
Rima's Rebellion
Water Day
Water Day
With a Star in My Hand
Luz para Todos (Light for All)
Song of Frutas
Soaring Earth
Wild Dreamers
Silver People
With a Star in My Hand
Tiny Rabbit's Big Wish
Wings in the Wild
Mountain Dog
Poet Slave of Cuba
Sculptor of Light
Lightning Dreamer
The sky painter
Eloísa y Su Ventanita Musical (Eloísa's Musical Window)
Selva (Forest World)
Morning Star Horse
Cantando con Elefantes / Singing with Elephants
Lion Island
Rebelión de Rima
Wild Book
Rebelión de Rima Marín
Drum Dream Girl
Tropical Secrets
Aire Encantado
Rima's Rebellion
Silver People
The firefly letters
Singing with Elephants
Forest World
Lion Island
Alas Salvajes (Wings in the Wild)
With a Star in My Hand