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political scientists who wrote autobiography
Showing 17-24 out of 24 results
E. J. Dionne
E. J. Dionne (born 1952)

journalist, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, Harvard University
We are the change we seek
Bush v. Gore
They only look dead
Why the Right Went Wrong
Stand up, fight back
Community works
Community Works
Liberalism for a new century
Souled out
Code Red
Why Americans hate politics
Our Divided Political Heart The Battle For The American Idea In An Age Of Discontent
Souled Out
One nation after Trump
Sacred places, civic purposes
Why Americans Hate Politics
One Nation After Trump
Is American Democracy in Crisis?
The election of 2000
One electorate under God?
Why Americans hate politics
Think And Act Anew How Poverty In America Affects Us All And What We Can Do About It
One Electorate Under God?
Our Divided Political Heart The Battle For The American Idea In An Age Of Discontent
100% Democracy
One Electorate under God?
What's God got to do with the American experiment?
Faith in American Public Life
Code Red
Why the Right Went Wrong
What's God Got to Do with the American Experiment?
United we serve
Code Red
Why Americans hate politics
We Are the Change We Seek
Why Americans Hate Politics
We Are the Change We Seek
The vitality of society rests on the nonprofit sector (Conversations with leaders series)
Work, Retire, Repeat
Community Works
Stand up Fight Back
United we serve
Why the Right Went Wrong
United We Serve
Souled Out
Sacred Places, Civic Purposes
Johan Galtung
Johan Galtung (1930-2024)

mathematician, political scientist, sociologist

  • University of Oslo
Johan uten land
Members of two worlds
Pax Pacifica
War Is Peace
U.S. glasnost
True Worlds
Choose peace
Peace and Development in the Pacific Hemisphere (Institute for Peace)
Global militarization
There are alternatives!
Indicators of social and economic change and their applications
Searching for peace
Gandhi and the World
Peace by peaceful means
Europe in the making
Kultur und Konflikt
Environment, development, and military activity
Nonviolence and Israel/Palestine (Institute for Peace)
More than a curriculum
Papers on Methodology
World politics of peace and war
Global glasnost
Nach dem Kalten Krieg
Macrohistory and macrohistorians
Transarmament and the Cold War
Theory and methods of social research
Solving Conflicts
Transcend and transform
Pacific Essays
Buddhism, a quest for unity and peace
Peace problems
Theory and Method of Social Research
The European Community
European Community
Educational growth and educational disparity
Peace and world structure
Development from above and the blue revolution
Peace, war and defense
Co-operation in Europe
The North/South debate
Sociological theory and social development
On the way to superpower status
What the high school students say
United States foreign policy
On the future of the Mediter[r]anean
Essays in methodology
Johan Galtung
Pax Pacifica
The North/South debate
A structural theory of revolutions
The Lomé Convention and neo-capitalism
Human rights in another key
A concept of development centred on the human being
On the last 2500 years in Western history and some remarks on the coming 500
Essays in peace research
International repertory of institutions specializing in research on peace and disarmament
Theory & Methods of Soc Research
Development, environment and technology
Überleben durch Partnerschaft
Participants in peace-keeping forces
Whats Happening At Fukushima
Der Weg ist das Ziel
The European Community, a superpower in the making
East-West security and cooperation
The struggle for peace
Die Sowjetunion
Imperial Designs
The dialectics of education
Human needs, human rights, and the theory of development
Music and Conflict Transformation
Taidan heiwa e no sentaku
Social outer limits
Strukturelle Gewalt
Deductive thinking and political practice
The dynamics of rank conflict
Global Process and the World in 1980s
A theory of civilization
Whither technical assistance?
Non-territorial actors
Pax Pacifica
On macro-history and Western civilization
Is the legal perspective structure-blind?
Searching for Peace
Is peaceful research possible?
What the high school students say
Investigaciones teóricas
Es gibt Alternativen!
Self-reliance and global interdependence
Es Gibt Alternativen!
Peace by Peaceful Means
Schooling or education?
Reporting Conflict
Social imperialism and sub-imperialism
Trascender la violencia
Achieving peace
Peace and social structure
The specific contribution of peace research to the study of the causes of violence, typologies
Mankind 2000
Vers l'autodéveloppement et l'interdépendance globale
Methodology and Development - Essays in Methodology - Volume III
Images of the world in the year 2000
Human settlements
On the social costs of modernization
Losungsszenarien Fur 100 Konflikte in Aller Welt - der Diagnose-Prognose-Therapie-Ansatz
Alternative life styles in rich countries
Neue friedensstrategische Rollen
Von China Lernen?
Europe in the Making
Agrarian Reform and Rural Development
Literacy, education and schooling--for what?
Menschenrechte anders gesehen
Schooling and future society
United States Diplomacy with North Korea and Vietnam
50 years
The North/South debate
Norge sett utenfra
Insan Haklari <br> Baska Bir Açidan Bakis
Development and intellectual styles
On the relationship between human rights and human needs
Globalizing God
Norge i 1980-årene
Transcend and Transform
EF. En supermagt i verdenssamfundet
Unarmed strategy
Man skal spå om fremtiden
Structural analysis
Fred, vold og imperialisme
Le-hatir et ha-plonṭer
Von China lernen?
Notes on balance of power
After the first years-what?
Social position and social behavior
Überleben Durch Partnerschaft
Forsvar uten militærvesen
Toward self-reliance and global interdependence
The way is the goal
Frieden Mit Friedlichen Mitteln
Human needs as the focus of the social sciences
Peace education and peace
Kapitalistische Großmacht Europa oder Die Gemeinschaft der Konzerne?
The next twenty-five years of peace research
Poor countries vs. rich, poor people vs. rich
Measuring world development
Towards a world peace academy
Hitlerisme, stalinisme, reaganisme
Om og for fredsforskning
Searching for peace
Kan vi laere av kineserne?
The dynamics of conflict, peace and development in African societies
Gandhis politiske etikk
Kann Europa abrüsten?
The theory of conflict and the concept of probability
Critical Peace Studies
Direitos humanos
Methodologie und Ideologie
Hvordan skal det gå med Norge
Peace and social structure
Nachgedanken zum Golfkrieg
60 speeches on war and peace
Frieden mit friedlichen Mitteln
On violence in general and terrorism in particular
Co-operation in Europe
The fall of the US Empire - and then what?
Gandhis Politische Ethik
Gandhi oggi
A Structural Theory of Imperialism
Methodology and ideology
Mankind Two Thousand
Sozialismus XXI
Ci sono alternative
Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger (1923-2023)

politician, political scientist, diplomat, entrepreneur, pedagogue, autobiographer, businessperson, foreign minister

  • George Washington Educational Campus, City College of New York
American foreign policy
World order
On China
The troubled partnership
Nuclear weapons and foreign policy
White House years
Years of renewal
Does America need a foreign policy?
For the Record
American foreign policy
Years of upheaval
The necessity for choice
On China
Nuclear Security
For the record
American Foreign Policy
Ending the Vietnam War
White House years
On China Henry Kissinger
Years of Upheaval
Years of Renewal
Does The 21st Century Belong To China Kissinger And Zakaria Vs Ferguson And Li The Munk Debate On China
The Age of A.I.
Problems of national strategy
Meaning of History
Reflections, October 2001
World Order
Kissinger on Kissinger
White House years
Das Gleichgewicht der Grossmächte
Years of Upheaval
Troubled Partnership (Atlantic Policy Study)
The export of nuclear technology
The global challenge and international cooperation
Hanʼguk ŭi wigi '87, 88
The National Security Council
Les Malentendus Transatlantiques
Global consensus and economic development
China - 1. edición
Les malentendus transalantiques
The White House Years
White Youse Years Special Income
World Restored Europe After Napoleon
American Foreign Policy
Zhu Rongji on the Record : The Road to Reform
Le chemin de la paix ; essai
Report of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America
White House Years Reprint Income
Debate Entre El Vino Y La Cerveza Y Otros Papeles De Cocina
Mafhūm al-siyāsah al-khārijīyah al-Amrīkīyah
Die Herausforderung Amerikas. Weltpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert
Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America's Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War
Crisis : The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises
Les années de renouveau
Problems Of National Strategy
La Nouvelle Puissance Américaine
Die Vernunft der Nationen
Years of upheaval
Kissinger Report
Issues on My Mind
The Kissinger transcripts
Major statements on Latin America
Lun Zhongguo
The troubled partnership
Nuclear nonproliferation
New Russian Diplomacy
Henry Kissinger the Complete Memoirs e-Book Boxed Set
Does America Need a Foreign Policy?
The Transatlantic crisis
Hemispheric cooperation for development
Beyaz Saray Yillarim
Nuclear Weapons and the Peace Movement
Problems of National Strategy
America and Asia
Global peace, the Middle East, and the United States
Years of Upheaval
A la maison blanche (1968-1973)
Kissinger Transcripts
Kernwaffen und Auswärtige Politik
Kisshinjā hakushi Nihon no 21-seiki o yogensuru
Zhu Rongji on the Record
Southern Africa and the United States, an agenda for cooperation
The United States and Japan in a changing world
Years of Renewal
Human rights and the Western Hemisphere
Diplomacia, La
On China
Memoiren Bd. I. 1968-1973
Building an enduring foreign policy
The Troubled Partnership
Wo men wu pan le Zhongguo
U.S. and Soviet Policies Toward Asia and Implications for the Korean Peninsula
Zhongguo jiang cheng ba 21 shi ji ma?
Report of Secretary of State Kissinger on his visits to Latin America, Western Europe, and Africa
Statement, May 9, 1975, Washington, D.C
Reconsideracion Del Nuevo Orden Mundial
The troubled partnership
Henry Kissinger
Years of Renewal
Les Années orageuses, tome 2
Henry A. Kissinger speaks on Communist parties in Western Europe,  challenge to the West, at the Conference on Italy and Eurocommunism, sponsored by the Hoover Institution and the American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D. C., June 9, 1977
American Foreign Policy
Years of Upheaval
The United States and Latin America, the new opportunity
Years of Upheaval
Problems of National Strategy
Kissinger the Negotiator
American unity and the national interest
Latin America, Europe, and Africa
Bureaucracy, politics, and strategy
Problems of National Strategy (A Book of Readings)
NATO, the next thirty years
Communist parties in western Europe
Henry Kissinger Foreign Policy e-Book Boxed Set
United States and Middle Eastern policy in a changing global arena
The United States and Africa, strengthening the relationship
The industrial democracies, the imperative of cooperation
Monetary Policy and Defense of the "Grey Areas"
White House Years
Statement, December 3, 1974, [Washington, D.C.]
White House Years
Orden mundial
Cohesion of industrial democracies, precondition for global progress
Ordinea mondiala
Lee Kuan Yew
Years of Upheaval
Egypt-Israel agreement
The future of America's foreign policy
American Foreign Policy
Strategic trends towards the 21st century
Kakuheiki to gaikō seisaku
al-Bārzānī wa-Kīsinjir wa-al-dawlah al-Kurdīyah
Henry Kissinger papers
Three addresses on foreign policy
"We will never abandon Israel"
O Kitae
Da wai jiao
Poni︠a︡tʹ Putina
שנותי בבית הלבן
נשק גרעיני ומדיניות חוץ
La Diplomacia (Diplomacy)
Wo yan zhong de Zhou Enlai
Hanʼguk ŭi wigi 87, 88
Lezioni di politica di Henry Kissinger
À la Maison Blanche
Communist parties in western Europe
A nova América Latina
Memoiren 1973-1974 Band 2
I︠A︡dernoe oruzhie i vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika
Stanet li XXI vek vekom Kita︠i︡a
The necessity for choice
The troubled partnership
American foreign policy
Nuzhna li Amerike vneshni︠a︡i︠a︡ politika?
Bārazānī wa-Kīsinjir wa-al-dawlah al-Kurdīyah
Cass Sunstein
Cass Sunstein (born 1954)

jurist, political scientist, economist, lawyer, philosopher

  • Harvard Law School, Harvard College
Legal Reasoning & Political Conflict
The partial Constitution
The Second Bill of Rights
Worst-Case Scenarios
One Case at a Time
Democracy and the problem of free speech
Why Societies Need Dissent (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures)
Radicals in Robes
Laws of Fear 2.0
Free markets and social justice
After the rights revolution
Why nudge
The Cost-Benefit State
Designing democracy
Clones and clones
The offensive Internet
On rumors
Risk and Reason
Constitutional Law
The Bill of Rights in the modern state
Acuerdos carentes de una teoría completa en Derecho Constitucional y otros ensayos
Punitive Damages
The Cost of Rights
First Amendment
#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media
El costo de los derechos
The world according to Star Wars
Too Much Information /
Nudging Health
Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value of Choice
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy
A constitution of many minds
Un pequeño empujón (nudge)
Going to extremes
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy 2007-2008 Case Supplement
Feminism & political theory
Clones and clones : facts and fantasies about human cloning
Behavioral law and economics
Assessing punitive damages
How Change Happens
Constitutional Law 2002 Supplement
Constitutional myth-making
Democracy and the problem of free speech
Constitutional Law 1993 Supplement
Casenote Legal Briefs
Animal rights
La filosofia Nudge
Are judges political?
Valuing life
Animal rights
Nudge. La spinta gentile
Trusting Nudges
Animal Rights
The vote
Constitutional personae
The Federalist
Republiccom 20
Preferences and politics
Economics of Nudge
Can it happen here?
Constitutional Law 2007 (Case Supplement)
Pornography, abortion, surrogacy
Worst-case scenarios
Going to Extremes
Bounded Rationality
This Is Not Normal
Echo Chambers
On Rumors
Punitive damages
Are Judges Political?
Law and Leviathan
The New Gatekeepers
The World According to Star Wars
Do people want optimal deterrence?
The Cost-Benefit Revolution
Riesgo y Razon - Seguridad Ley y Medioambiente
How Change Happens
Constitution of Many Minds
Constitutional law
NSA Report
Animal Rights
Un pequeño empujón
Behavioral Law and Economics
How to Interpret the Constitution
Czy powstanie klon człowieka?
On Freedom
Why groups go to extremes
Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech
Free Markets and Social Justice
Constitutional Law
Dōbutsu no kenri
Interest groups in American public law
Can It Happen Here? Lib/E
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Normal Rationality
Pequeño Empujón : el Impulso Que Necesitas para Tomar Mejores Decisiones Sobre Salud, Dinero y Felicidad/ Nudge
Conspiracy theories & other dangerous ideas
Human Agency and Behavioral Economics
Constitutional Law 2022 Supplement
Can It Happen Here? Authoritarianism in America
Research Handbook on Nudges and Society
Why Nudge?
Why Societies Need Dissent
Advanced Introduction to Behavioral Law and Economics
Default Nudges
Free Markets and Social Justice
Behavioral Science and Public Policy
Averting Catastrophe
Rumorología / On Rumors
Star Wars'a Göre Dünya
Free Markets and Social Justice
Second amendmentmMinimalism
Risk vs. Risk
Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
Cost-Benefit Revolution
Too Much Information
Leyes de miedo
Rumorología / On Rumors
Worst-Case Scenarios
Gesetze der Angst
Does Red Lion still roar?
Valuing Life
Laws of Fear
Laws of Fear
Rumorología / On Rumors
Why Groups Go to Extremes
Leyes de miedo
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Punitive Damages
On Rumours
World According to Star Wars
On Rumours
How to Humble a Wingnut and Other Lessons from Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Law and Economics
Ethics of Influence
Riesgo y razón
Choosing Not to Choose
Constitutional Law, Eighth Edition
Rumorología / On Rumors
Las cuentas pendientes del sueño americano
Decisions about Decisions
On Freedom
La revolución en los derechos
Paternalismo libertario
Are Judges Political?
Republic. com 2. 0
Designing Democracy
Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
Law and happiness
Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas
Leyes de miedo
Can It Happen Here?
Economics of Nudge
Punitive damages
Ethics of Influence
Manning Marable
Manning Marable (1950-2011)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist

  • University of Maryland, Earlham College
W.E.B. DuBois, Black radical democrat
Beyond Black and White
Race, reform and rebellion
Malcolm X
Black American Politics
How capitalism underdeveloped Black America
From the grassroots
Speaking truth to power
Freedom on my mind
The Crisis of Color and Democracy
Black Leadership
Black liberation in conservative America
African-American thought
The Portable Malcolm X Reader
Beyond Boundaries
Let Nobody Turn Us Around
Souls of W. E. B. du Bois
The great wells of democracy
The Autobiography Of Medgar Evers
African and Caribbean politics
Barack Obama and African American empowerment
Seeking higher ground
Beyond Race
African-American thought
The new Black renaissance
Race, Politics and Power
Living Black history
Race matters in the new labor movement
Transnational Blackness Navigating The Global Color Line
The New Black Renaissance
Beyond Black and White
Black politics in transition
Black routes to Islam
New social movements in the African diaspora
Black Genders and Sexualities
                Critical Black Studies
Black America
Black America
What Black America Thinks
Dispatches from the ebony tower
Rethinking the seventies
On being black
Race and Labor Matters in the New U.S. Economy
Speaking Truth To Power
Speaking Power to Truth
Black Leadership
Great Wells of Democracy
Souls, Volume II, No. 3
Souls Vol. 1, Bk. 4
Barack Obama and African American Empowerment
The road toward effective Black power
Race, difference, and the historical imagination
Living Black History
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
Race and Class 39/4: Black Fundamentalism
Souls Vol. 3
Black Routes to Islam
From the Grassroots
Dispatches from the Ebony Tower
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives
New Black Renaissance
Racializing justice, disenfranchising lives
Souls Vol. 1, No. 2
The destruction of black higher education
The fire this time
Toward independent Black politics
Reaganism, racism, and reaction
Through the prism of race and class
The question of genocide
Obama and African American empowerment macmillan
Race, class and conflict
Edward Said
Edward Said (1935-2003)

literary critic, journalist, philosopher, musicologist, political scientist, translator, researcher

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
Out of Place
Covering Islam
The politics of dispossession
Peace and its discontents
Representations of the intellectual
Culture and imperialism
The end of the peace process
The question of Palestine
From Oslo to Iraq and the roadmap
After the last sky
The world, the text, and the critic
Parallels and Paradoxes
On late style
Reflections on exile and other essays
The Edward Said reader
Acts of aggression
Emily Jacir
Joseph Conrad and the fiction of autobiography
Humanism and democratic criticism
Freud and the Non-European
Musical elaborations
Power, politics, and culture
I saw Ramallah
Blaming the Victims
Music at the limits
Interviews With Edward W. Said
Culture and Resistance
Musical elaborations
Literature and Society
Selected Works of Edward Said
Paradoxical citizenship
Am falschen Ort. Autobiografie
The pen and the sword
Waiting for the Barbarians
Authority and Transgression in Opera (The Empson Lectures)
La Pluma y La Espada
Hispanic New York
The Palestine question and the American context
Musical writings
La cuestión palestina
Heart of Darkness
Edward Said on Palestine
La Posmodernidad
Musical elaborations
Mona Hatoum
Cronicas Palestinas / The End of the Peace Process
Yitsugim shel ha-inṭeleḳṭuʼal
Power, Politics, and Culture
Anthro 139, Anthropology of Media
Iktidar, Siyaset ve Kültür
Humanizm ve Demokratik Elestiri
A Profile of the Palestinian people
President's lecture
Música al límite
Lun wan qi feng ge
Elaboraciones musicales
Israel,al-Iraq,al-wilayat al-mutaheda
Haberlerin aginda Islam
Música al límite
Kültür ve Direnis
Grand Street 60
Sürgün Üzerine Düşünceler
Paralellikler ve Paradokslar
Müzik Üzerine Görüsler
al-Wāqiʻ al-Filasṭīnī
The Palestine question and the American context
Elaboraciones musicales
Edward Said
Little Mountain
Culture and Resistance
Gec Donem Uslubu
Kultur ve Direnis
A house of many mansions
Estilo Tardio (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
"Ghazzah-Ariha," salam Amriki
Hümanizm ve Demokratik Elestiri
Reflections On Exile
Nuevas Cronicas Palestinas (Ensayo-Cro)
Said on Opera
Bing xing yu diao gui
Question of Palestine
Uslu 2
Late Style
Politics and Revelation
Khiyānat al-muthaqqafīn
He visto Ramala
Palestina Existe!/ Palestine Exist! (Investigacion/ Investigation)
Idwārd Saʻīd
Humanism and Democratic Criticism
Qaḍīyah al-Filasṭīnīyah wa-al-mujtamaʻ al-Amīrikī
Intellectual work
Songs of an Eastern Humanist
Yeats and decolonization
Poder, política y cultura
Sheʾelat Falesṭin
Kis Ruhu
Muzikal Nakislar
Yazinsal Elestiri Soylesiler
The Selected Works of Edward Said, 1966 - 2006
Taʻqībāt ʻalá al-Istishrāq
Parallels and Paradoxes
Baslangiclar - Niyet ve Yontem
Paralelismos Y Paradojas
Representing the colonized
Grand Street #70
Bao dao Yisilan
Dianooumenoi kai exousia
Gaza y Jerico - Pax Americana
Conversations with Edward Said (Conversations With)
La Loi du plus fort
Nationalism, colonialism, and literature
Representaciones del intelectual
Der wohltemperierte Satz. Musik, Interpretation und Kritik
A contre-voie
Ren wen zhu yi yu min zhu pi ping
Parallèles et Paradoxes
The Arabs today: alternatives for tomorrow
Reaction and Counterrevolution in the Contemporary Arab World
Humanism and Democratic Criticism (Columbia Themes in Philosophy)
Two Studies on the Palesinians Today and American Policy
Edward Said with Salman Rushdie
Isrāʼīl, al-ʻIrāq, al-Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah
Kultur und Imperialismus
Krivotvorenje islama
Isrāʾil, al-ʻIrāq, al-Wilayāt al-Muttaḥidah
Latent and manifest Orientalism
Humanismo Y Critica Democratica
Ghazzah-Arīḥā salām Amrīkī
Representaciones Del Intelectual
Ūslū 2
Combates e utopias
Taʻqībāt ʻalá al-Istishrāq
Edward Said
From silence to sound, back again
E. H. Carr
E. H. Carr (1892-1982)

historian, journalist, diplomat, political scientist, professor, politician

  • University of Cambridge
Dostoevsky, 1821-1881
The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 3
The romantic exiles
Studies in revolution
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923
Michael Bakunin
The new society
The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War
German-Soviet relations between the two World Wars, 1919-1939
Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926. Volume 2
From Napoleon to Stalin and other essays
The Russian Revolution
What is history?
The twilight of comintern, 1930-1935
The interregnum, 1923-1924
International Relations Between the Two World Wars, 1919-39
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 1
Socialism in One Country, 1924-1936. Volume 1
The October Revolution: before and after
Conditions of peace
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 3
The Soviet impact on the western world
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 2
German-Soviet Relations Between the Two World Wars (Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History)
Nationalism and after
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 2
The october revolution
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 1
Socialism in One Country 1924-1926. Volume 3
Essays in honour of E.H. Carr
Propaganda in international politics
1917: before and after
Democracy in international affairs
Grundlagen eins dauernden Friedens
The moral foundations for world order
The future of nations
Guerra y revolución
Public opinion as a safeguard of peace
International relations since the peace treatiies
The Russian revolution and the peasant
La révolution bolchevique, 1917-1923
Karl Marx
The future of international government
History of Russia
Nations ou fédéralisme
Jane Addams
Jane Addams (1860-1935)

journalist, philosopher, women's rights activist, autobiographer, social reformer, social critic, suffragette, peace activist, human rights activist, political theorist, sociologist

  • Rockford University
20 Years at Hull House
Women at the Hague
The spirit of youth and the city streets
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
The selected papers of Jane Addams / edited by Mary Lynn McCree Bryan, Barbara Bair, and Maree de Angury
Peace and bread in time of war
My friend, Julia Lathrop
Jane Addams: a centennial reader
The long road of woman's memory
The second twenty years at Hull-House, September 1909 to September 1929, with a record of a growing world consciousness
The Overthrow of the War System
Newer ideals of peace
Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays
The Jane Addams papers, 1860-1960
Harrap French Media Dictionary
Democracy And Social Ethics (The Works Of Jane Addams)
On education
Peace and Bread in Time of War
Jane Addams's writings on peace
What I Owe to My Father
Philanthropy Social Progress
Hull-House maps and papers
Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays ... Delivered Before the School of Applied Ethics ...
The social thought of Jane Addams
Dietary studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896
Jane Addams on education
Writings on peace
Democracy and Social Ethics
Spirit of Youth and the City Streets, The
Muckraking & 1912 Election and the Power of Progressivism & Muller v. Oregon & Twenty Years at Hull-House
Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1945 & Twenty Years at Hull-House & Harlem Renaissance
Peace and bread in time of war
Jane Addams' Essays and Speeches
Jane Addams' account of her interview with the foreign ministers of Europe
The excellent becomes the permanent
Forty years at Hull-House
The Spirit of Youth and City Streets (Illini Book)
Extraordinary Women: Jane Adams
Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
On Education
Peace and Bread in Time of War
Confessions of Nat Turner & Judith Sargent Murray & Twenty Years at Hull-House & César Chávez & John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry & Martin Luther ... Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s
Forty Years at Hull-House
Long Road of Woman's Memory
Democràcia i ètica social
The Spirit of Youth and City Streets (Illini Book) by Jane Addams (1989-08-01)
On Education
Selected Papers of Jane Addams : Vol. 2
The spirit of youth and the city streets / by Jane Addams
Jane Addams
Women and public housekeeping
Peace and Bread in Time of War
New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Selected Papers of Jane Addams Vol. 3 : Vol. 3
Democràcia i ètica social
Newer ideals of peace. by Jane Addams .
The social thought of J. Addams
Newer ideals of peace
Selected Papers of Jane Addams : Vol. 1
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil (Perfect Library)
The housing problem in Chicago
The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
The Social Thought of Jane Addams
Atlantic Classics
A function of the social settlements
Twenty Years At Full House
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Philanthropy and social progress
Philanthropy and social progress
Veinte Años en Hull House. Jane Addams
Weight Watchers Freestyle Air Fryer Cookbook 2021
Selected Papers of Jane Addams Vol. 3
The Child, the clinic, and the court
Social Application of Religion
The Second Twenty Years at Hull-House
Jane Addams
The Spirit of Youth
The Long Road of Woman's Memory [microform]
The Excellent Becomes the Permanent
The essence of Jane Addams's Twenty years at Hull Hsouse
Newer Ideals of Peace
Jane Addams on peace, war, and international understanding, 1899-1932
Excellent Becomes the Permanent
...Woman and the larger citizenship...
Forty Years at Hull-House
My Friend, Julia Lathrop
The clash in Nevada
Social consequences of business depressions
A new conscience and an ancient evil
Newer ideals of peace
What I owe to my father
Democracy and social ethics
Jane Addams' account of her interviews with the foreign ministers of Europe
A new conscience and an ancient evil
A challenge to the contemporary church
A centennial reader
Philanthropy and social progress
Social control
Twenty years at Hull-House
Why women should vote
Lynching and rape
The modern city and the municipal franchise for women
The modern city and the municipal franchise for women
Why women should vote
Jane Addams
The spirit of youth and the city streets
The long road of woman's memory
Peace and bread in time of war
A centennial reader
Philanthropy and social progress
The spirit of youth and the city streets
Newer ideals of peace
The overthrow of the war system
The subjective value of a social settlement
Funeral services for Mary Hawes Wilmarth at Hubbard Woods, Illinois, August 30, 1919
Child labor legislation
1912 Election & 20 Years at Hull House & Black Protest & Scopes Trial
A function of the social settlement
A function of the social settlement
The Child, the clinic, and the court