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political scientists who wrote autobiography
Showing 9-16 out of 24 results
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Doris Kearns Goodwin (born 1943)

journalist, historian, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Colby College
Leadership In Turbulent Times
Team of Rivals
Lyndon Johnson and the American dream
The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys
Wait Till Next Year
No Ordinary Time
The Winchester Reader
Great God Pan
Every four years
Wait Till Next Year Reading Group Guide
No Ordinary Time Reading Group Guide
Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)

philosopher, historian, political scientist, essayist, sociologist, political theorist, resistance fighter

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Marburg
Hannah Arendt
Eichmann in Jerusalem
The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Human Condition
Between past and future
Rahel Varnhagen
Men in dark times
On violence
Essays in understanding, 1930-1954
Between Friends
On revolution
Crises of the Republic
Love and Saint Augustine
The Promise of Politics
Lectures on Kant's political philosophy
The Portable Hannah Arendt
The life of the mind
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
The Jewish Writings
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers correspondence, 1926-1969
" Édifier un monde"
Gespräche mit Hannah Arendt
The Jew as pariah
Responsibility and Judgment
Hannah Arendt/Heinrich Blücher
Thinking without a banister
Briefe 1925 bis 1975
Within four walls
The Life of the mind (in 2 vols.)
Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher
--in keinem Besitz verwurzelt
Conferencias Sobre La Filosofia Politica de Kant
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 1
Hannah Arendt, Kurt Blumenfeld
Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik
Les Origines du totalitarisme, tome 2
La Tradicion Oculta
Letters, 1925-1975
Hannah Arendt
Correspondence 1926-1969
Walter Benjamin, Bertolt Brecht
Was ist Politik?
The Life of the Mind (Combined 2 Volumes in 1)
Correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Reflections on Literature and Culture (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Que Es La Politica? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
Die verborgene Tradition
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Die ungarische Revolution und der totalitäre Imperialismus
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
Arendt und Benjamin
Der Briefwechsel 1967-1975
La vida del espiritu
Reflections on literature and culture
Vita activa, ili O dei︠a︡telʹnoĭ zhizni
La disobbedienza civile
Vita activa oder Vom tätigen Leben
Hannah Arendt - Diario Filosofico - Vol 2
Was ist Existenzphilosophie?
Bayna al-māḍī wa-al-mustaqbal
Origenes del Totalitarismo 3
Qu'est-ce que la politique ?
Ich will verstehen
De La Historia a La Accion
Macht Und Gewalt
Una Revision De La Historia Judia
Una Revision de La Historia Judia y Otros Ensayos
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Revolutionary Russia
Origenes del Totalitarismo 1 - Antisemitismo
La Philosophie de l'existence et autres essais
Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers
Lettere 1925-1975
Im/Ts Kreise
Vies politiques
La última entrevista y otras conversaciones
Diccionario de Derecho Civil   Vol. 1
Vida del Espiritu, La
La crise de la culture
La nature du totalitarisme
Que Es La Politica/What is Politics? (Pensamiento Contemporaneo)
I Anthropini Kalastasi
LA Tradicion Oculta/the Hidden Tradition
Hombres En Tiempos de Oscuridad
Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft
Eichmann en Jerusalén
Freedom to Be Free
Die Freiheit, frei zu sein
Briefwechsel 1926-1969
Denken ohne Geländer
Essays und Kommentare 1. Nach Auschwitz
Rahel Varnhagen. Lebensgeschichte einer deutschen Jüdin aus der Romantik
Che cos'è la filosofia dell'esistenza?
Rede am 28. September 1959 bei der Entgegennahme des Lessingpreises der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg
Verdad y mentira en la política - 1. edición
Über das Böse
Origens do totalitarismo
Música para Água Ardente (Portuguese Edition)
Qu'est-ce que la philosophie de l'existence ? Suivi de "L'Existentialisme français"
Participar del món
Between Past and Future
Zwischen Vergangenhei und Zufunft
Istina i laž u politici
Walter Benjamin 1892-1940
Journal de pensée
Vita activa. La condizione umana
Correspondance, 1926-1969
Ensayos de comprensión
Verantwoordelijkheid en oordeel
Considérations morales
Verdade e Política
La condició humana
Briefe 1936-1968
On Lying and Politics
The burden of our time
Denktagebuch. Bd. 1: 1950-1973. Bd. 2
Sobre a Violência
Qualitat Des Lernens Im Internet
Sobre la violència
Sulla rivoluzione
Entre o passado e o futuro - between past and future of the great books of Hannah Arendt in Portuguese
Menschen in finsteren Zeiten
La Promesa De La Politica
Entre el pasado y el futuro
Entre Amigas - Correspondencia
Korzenie totalitaryzmu
OASE 106 : Table Settings
Crises of the Republic
Disput |ber den Totalitarismus: Texte und Briefe (Berichte Und Studien) (German Edition)
Denktagebuch  (2 B ande)
The Modern Challenge to Tradition
On Violence
Zur Zeit. Politische Essays
Escritos judíos
Kant'ın Siyaset Felsefesi Üzerine Dersler
Ich will verstehen
Pensar sem corrimao - Compreender 1953-1975
Life of the Mind
Vom Leben des Geistes. Das Denken / Das Wollen
Crises of the Republic
Insanlik Durumu
Zihnim Yasami; Secme Eserler 9
Über die Revolution
Una revisión de la historia judía y otros ensayos
Wir Juden
Siyasette Yalan
In der Gegenwart. Übungen im politischen Denken 2
Auschwitz et Jérusalem
Eichmann Em Jerusalem
Philosophie contemporaine
Eichmann y el Holocausto
Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Übungen im politischen Denken 1
Eichmann en Xerusalén
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 1 - Antisemitizm
The Life of the Mind (2 vols. Volume I: Thinking, Volume II: Willing)
What Remains
La vie de l'esprit
Totalitarizmin Kaynaklari 2 - Emperyalizm
Fragwürdige Traditionsbestände im politischen Denkender Gegenwart
Das Urteilen. Texte zu Kants politischer Philosophie
LM/Wk Kreise
Hannah Arendt papers
Life of the Mind
La pluralidad del mundo
Im Vertrauen. Briefwechsel 1949 - 1975
Los hombres y el terror
Freedom to Be Free
Set Grote Klassieken – Arendt en Seneca
Siddet Uzerine Secme Eserler 6
Eichmann war von empörender Dummheit
La libertad de ser libres
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Devrim Uzerine
Penser l'événement
Hannah Arendt und Patrizia Nanz über Wahrheit und Politik
Hombres en tiempos de oscuridad
¿Qué es la política?
Crisis De La Republica
El valor de pensar
Kotulugun Siradanligi
La liberté d'être libre
Tiempos presentes
Besuch in Deutschland
Entre amigas
Sur l'antisémitisme :les origines du totalitarisme
Les origines du totalitarisme
Der Liebesbegriff Bei Augustin
Kanto seiji tetsugaku no kōgi
Eichmann in Jerusalem
La mentira en política
Sorumluluk ve Yargı
Wir Flüchtlinge
Sobre la revolución
La promesa de la política / The Promise of Politics
Der Briefwechsel
Diario filosófico 1950-1973
Entre El Pasado Y El Futuro
La vita della mente
"Ich bin Dir halt ein bisschen zu revolutionär"
Eichmann la Ierusalim
Von der Menschlichkeit in finsteren Zeiten
חליפת מכתבים
Ketavim Yehudiyim
Hannah Arendt/Karl Jaspers Briefwechsel, 1926-1969
Sechs Essays
Die verborgene Tradition
Skrytai͡a tradit͡sii͡a
Sur l'antisémitisme
Hartsaʼot ʻal ha-filosofyah ha-poliṭit shel Ḳanṭ
Schreib doch mal hard facts über dich
Rahel Varnhagen
Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin
Wie ich einmal ohne Dich leben soll, mag ich mir nicht vorstellen
Eichmann w Jerozolimie
Desobediència civil
Yesodot ha-ṭoṭaliṭariyut
We Refugees
Journal de pensée
Ich selbst, auch ich tanze
Eichmann Jerusalemen
Timothy Snyder
Timothy Snyder (born 1969)

historian, literary critic, political scientist, academic

  • Brown University, University of Oxford
The Red Prince
On Tyranny
The Road to Unfreedom
Our Malady
Black earth
Thinking the Twentieth Century
The Reconstruction of Nations
Nationalism, Marxism, and modern Central Europe
Sketches from a secret war
Power of the Powerless
Understanding Ukraine
The Wall around the West
The Balkans as Europe, 1821-1914
Journey into the Land of the Zeks and Back
Stalin and Europe
Toward Xenopolis
On Freedom
Getting Lead-Bottomed Administrators Excited about School Library Media Centers
Rėkanstrukt͡syi͡a nat͡syĭ
Inhuman Land
Eddie Dying
Tautų rekonstrukcija
Sobre la tirania
Under Swiss Protection
William Graham Sumner
William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist, philosopher, political theorist, economist

  • Yale College
Alexander Hamilton And Robert Fulton
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The financier and the finances of the American Revolution
A history of American currency
andrew jackson
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what He Did with Them
A History of American Currency: With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper ..
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before ..
The Conquest of the United States by Spain: A Lecture Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale ..
The challenge of facts
Protectionism: The -ism which Teaches that Waste Makes Wealth
Earth-hunger and other essays
The conquest of the United States by Spain
Problems in political economy
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before the International ..
On liberty, society, and politics
The forgotten man
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
Protection and revenue in 1877
War and other essays
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what ..
Folkways - A Study Of The Sociological Importance Of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores And Morals
Forgotten Man and Other Essays
A History of American Currency (Business Classics)
The science of society
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
The forgotten man's almanac
A History of American Currency
Social Darwinism
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on tariff reform of the Reform club in the city of New York. June 2nd, 1906
Sumner today
A history of American currency
Essays of William Graham Sumner
The Predominant Issue
Soziale Pflichten, oder was die Klassen der Gesellschaft einander schuldig sind
Essays and Lectures-The Forgotten Man
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V1
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Hamilton
The challenge of facts, and other essays
Robert Morris
Andrew Jackson as a public man
A history of American currency
American Finance
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V2
Robert Morris
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
Alexander Hamilton
History of American Currency : With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper Money
Advancing social and political organization in the United States
Collected essays in political and social science
Specimans of investment securities
War and other essays. by William Graham Sumner. Edited with int
The science of society
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man, What He Was, What Chances He Had and What He Did with Them
War, and other essays ..
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States [microform]
The English bank restriction and The bullion report of June 8, 1810
A History of Banking in Germany & Austria-Hungary, in the Netherlands, in the Scandinavian Nations, in Japan & China
Folkways and mores
History of Banking in the Latin Nations
Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages. mann
Selected essays of William Graham Sumner
The challenge of facts and other essays
A history of American currency with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money
On Plutocracy
Discipline and other essays from the collected works of William Graham Sumner
What social classes owe to each other
American finance
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The coin shilling of Massachusetts Bay
Andrew Jackson
The conquest of the United States by Spain
What social classes owe to each other
Problems in political economy
The first century of the Republic
The forgotten man, rediscovered after fifty years
Collected essays in political and social science
Political economy and political science
A History of banking in all the leading nations
Protection and revenue, in 1877
A history of American currency
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on Tariff Reform of the Reform Club in the City of New York, June 2nd, 1906
Social Darwinism
Peter Schweizer
Peter Schweizer (born 1964)

historian, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, George Washington University
The Bushes
Throw them all out
Do As I Say (Not As I Do)
Clinton cash
Reagan's war
Architects of ruin
Clinton Cash
Friendly spies
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Reagan's war
Reagan's War
Architects of ruin
The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Secret Empires
Makers and takers
Secret empires
Der Schutz der Rechtsverwirklichung im anglesächsischen Rechtskreis
Profiles in Corruption
Shepherds, workers, intellectuals
Systematisch Lösungen finden. Ein Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk für Praktiker
Systematisch Lösungen realisieren
Landmark speeches of the American conservative movement
Imago Imperatorum
The Bushes
Secret empires
Les nouveaux espions (Friendly Spies)
The Bushes
Architects of Ruin
Architects of ruin : how big government liberals wrecked the global economy--and how they'll do it again if no one stops them
Victory, czyli, Zwycięstwo
The Bushes
Benedict Anderson
Benedict Anderson (1936-2015)

political scientist, anthropologist, philosopher, historian

  • Eton College, Cornell University
A life beyond the boundaries
Imagined communities
Under Three Flags
The spectre of comparisons
Mythology and the tolerance of the Javanese
The Fate of Rural Hell: Asceticism and Desire in Buddhist Thailand
In the mirror
Language and power
Violence and the State in Suharto's Indonesia
Coming To Terms With The Nation Ethnic Classification In Modern China
Exploration and irony in studies of Siam over forty years
Indonesia Journal
Java in a time of revolution
Indonesia Journal
Pramoedya Ananta Toer and his work
City in Transgression
Culture and politics in Indonesia
Indonesia Journal
Bibliography of Indonesian publications
Mencari demokrasi
Buried Cities
A preliminary analysis of the October 1, 1965
Indonesia - April 1994
In the Mirror
Why counting counts
Mapping the Nation
Buried City
Indonesia Journal
A Preliminary Analysis of the October 1, 1965 Coup in Indonesia
Long-distance nationalism
Java in a Time of Revolution
Spectre of Comparisons
Indonesia - April 2003
Java in a time of revolution
Indonesia Journal - April 2006
Indonesia Journal - October 2007
City in Geography
Imagined communities revisited
Indonesia Journal - April 2007
Life Beyond Boundaries
Some Aspects of Indonesian Politics Under the Japanese Occupation
Xiang xiang de gong tong ti
City in Transgression
City in Geography
Sinirlari Asarak Yasamak - Bir Sosyal Bilimcinin Yasamindan Anilar
Indonesia Journal - April 2008
Buried City, Unearthing Teufelsberg
Indonesia Journal - October 2006
Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia
Indonesia Journal, October 1969, Volume 8
Indonesia - April 2004
Interpreting Indonesian politics
Religion and social ethos in Indonesia
Some aspects of Indonesian politics under the Japanese occupation: 1944-1945
Indonesia - October 2003
Sukarno, Marxisme, dan Bahaya Pemfosilan
Bruce Ackerman
Bruce Ackerman (born 1943)

philosopher, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Yale Law School
We the People
The failure of the founding fathers
We the People
Clean coal/dirty air
The stakeholder society
Private property and the Constitution
Perspectives on property law
Is NAFTA constitutional?
Voting with dollars
We the People
The uncertain search for environmental quality
Before the next attack
Reconstructing American law
Case Against Lameduck Impeachment
Bush V. Gore
What Brown v. Board of Education should have said
The temporal horizons of justice
Social justice in the liberal state
El Futuro de La Revolucion Liberal
Het recht van de moraal
The decline and fall of the American republic
Deliberation Day
La Politica del Dialogo Liberal
Economic foundations of property law
The dilemma of liberal democracy, and its constitutional solution?
Xin xing min zhu de xian zheng gai zao
Fundamentos y alcances del control judicial de constitucionalidad
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas (1943-2016)

political scientist

  • University of Manchester, Harvard University
Karl Marx
Karl Marx and the Anarchists
Culture and the State
Alien politics
Rational choice Marxism
Marxism and Scientific Socialism