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philosophers who wrote autobiography
Showing 113-120 out of 143 results
Jean-Luc Nancy
Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021)


  • University Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, Marc Bloch University
Common Growl
The Creation of the World or Globalization (SUNY Series in Contemporary French Thought)
The Speculative Remark
Le Sens Du Monde
The gravity of thought
The ground of the image
A Finite Thinking (Cultural Memory in the Present)
Sens du monde
The inoperative community
Être singulier pluriel
The Pleasure in Drawing
Politique et au-delà
The Discourse of the Syncope: Logodaedalus (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Multiple Arts
L' oubli de la philosophie
Déconstruction du christianisme
Being Nude The Skin Of Images
God Justice Love Beauty Four Little Dialogues
La communauté désoeuvrée
Identity Fragments Frankness
Le partage des voix
La connaissance des textes
The birth to presence
L' Évidence du film
Une pensée finie
À plus d'un titre
Chroniques philophiques
The fall of sleep
"Un jour, les dieux se retirent--"
La Representacion Prohibida
German Philosophy
Les Muses
La naissance des seins
Sur le commerce des pensées
Who comes after the subject?
Corpus II
El Intruso
58 indices sur le corps
Le Regard du portrait
A l'écoute
Expérience de la liberté
Kiarostami Abbas
Le discours de la syncope
L' expérience de la liberté
La communauté désœuvrée
The truth of democracy
L' impératif catégorique
Chroniques philosophiques
Discours de la Syncope
Maurice Blanchot, passion politique
The Ground of the Image (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
Ego sum
La Pensee Derobee
Excluding the Jew Within Us
Claudio Parmiggiani
El Sentido del Mundo
Tombe de sommeil
Dans quels mondes vivons-nous ?
La Création du monde ou la mondialisation
Identity Fragments Frankness
Technique du présent
Banality of Heidegger
Sur le commerce des pensées
An Inner Silence
Partir, le départ
Passages, les ambassadeurs, suivi de "Etre, c'est être perçu"
La peau fragile du monde
La pensée dérobée
L' "il y a" du rapport sexuel
Disavowed Community
Les Fins de l'homme
Inventions à deux voix
La possibilité d'un monde
La Creacion Del Mundo O La Mundializacion/ Creation of the World or Globalization (Biblioteca Del Presente / Library of the Present)
Le Portrait dans le décor
After Fukushima
L'équivalence des catastrophes (Après Fukushima)
Philosophische Salons
Le poids d'une pensée
La remarque spéculative
The Ground of the Image (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Book 51)
Au fond des images
Un Pensamiento Finito / A Finite Thinking (Pensamiento Critico, Pensamiento Utopico / Critic Thought, Utopian Thought)
Je t'aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément--
Lacanian Ink 30 - Objet a
Atlan, les détrempes
Un trop humain virus
L' extension de l'âme : Descartes =
La communauté affrontée
Des lieux divins suivi de Calcul du poete
Le poids d'une pensée, l'approche
Visitation (de la peinture chrétienne)
The Fall of Sleep
God, Justice, Love, Beauty: Four Little Dialogues
Democracy and Community, Jean-Luc Nancy in Conversation with Peter Engelmann
Juste impossible
Kalkül des Dichters
La déclosion
Ego Sum
Vous désirez?
Sans commune mesure
L'Absolu littéraire
L'autre portrait
Trafic, de clic
Philosophical Chronicles
Dies Irae
Des lieux divins
La communauté désavouée
Le plaisir au dessin
Das Vergessen der Philosophie
Esersiz Ortaklik
La Experiencia De La Libertad
Dieu, la justice, l'amour, la beauté
The fall of sleep
On the Commerce of Thinking
Didactic Poetries
Sans commune mesure: image et texte dans l'art actuel
Sobre El Comercio De Los Pensamientos
L'Equivalence des catastrophes
La communaute deseuvree (Collection "Detroits")
Logiques du capitalisme
La conférence de Heidelberg
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida (1930-2004)

philosopher, literary critic

  • École Normale Supérieure, Harvard University
Oreille de l'autre
L' oreille de l'autre
L' oreille de l'autre
Deconstruction and Pragmatism
De la grammatologie
Specters of Marx
The Derrida Reader
L'écriture et la différence
Geneses, genealogies, genres, and genius
On Touching-Jean-luc Nancy
Live from death row
Acts of Literature
The Work of Mourning
Lost in the Archives
Politiques de l'amitié
Of Spirit
Speech and phenomena, and other essays on Husserl's theory of signs
Limited Inc
Deconstruction in a nutshell
The secret art of Antonin Artaud
The Archeology of the frivolous
H.C. pour la vie, c'est à dire--
For What Tomorrow . .
Archive fever
Ghostly Demarcations
On the name
Archive Fever
On the name
Apprendre à vivre enfin
The other heading
La carte postale
Heidegger et la question
Writing and Difference
Memoires for Paul de Man
The post card
A Derrida reader
Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2 (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Memoirs of the blind
Of grammatology
Acts of religion
Learning to Live Finally
Resistances of psychoanalysis
Le monolinguisme de l'autre
La Voix et le phénomène
Adieu à Emmanuel Lévinas
Échographies de la télévision
Signéponge =
Sovereignties in question
Introduction à "L'Origine de la géométrie" de Husserl
Islam and the West
Margins of philosophy
The Gift of Death, Second Edition & Literature in Secret
Paper Machine (Cultural Memory in the Present)
LA ̓rcheólogie du frivole
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (Thinking in Action) (Thinking in Action)
Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume II (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Archéologie du frivole
Jacques Derrida
A taste for the secret
Margins of philosophy
Nietzsche aus Frankreich
The Animal That Therefore I Am (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy)
Modernism through poststructuralism
Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy
Sur parole
Adieu to Emmanuel Levinas
Etats d'âme de la psychanalyse
Monolingualism of the other, or, The prosthesis of origin
Die Tode von Roland Barthes
Éperons: les styles de Nietzsche
Le toucher, Jean-Luc Nancy
Case Vide
La voix et le phénomene
Questioning Judaism
Donner la mort
Without Alibi (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Who's afraid of philosophy?
Memoirs of the blind
Given time
Rogues: Two Essays on Reason (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Spurs : Nietzsche's styles =
De quoi demain ... Dialogues
The truth in painting
La carte postale
La dissémination
The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy
Of spirit
Fichus (livre non massicoté)
Specters of Marx
Edmund Husserl's Origin of geometry
La voix et le phénomène
Résistances de la psychanalyse
The Death Penalty
Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume I (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Points de suspension
The Truth in painting
La voix et le phenomene
Points...: Interviews, 1974-1994 (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
The beast and the sovereign
Heidegger, Philosophy, and Politics
La\Verite en Peinture
The Last Interview
Espectros De Marx
De l'espirit
La voix et le phénomène
Points . .
Der ununterbrochene Dialog
Copy, archive, signature
Force de loi
Le "concept" du 11 septembre
Echographies of Television
De la grammatologie
Who's afraid of philosophy?
Of grammatology
Gesetzeskraft. Der 'mystische Grund der Autorität'
Cosmopolites de tous les pays, encore un effort!
D'un ton apocalyptique
Dissemination (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Au-delà des apparences
Marx & Sons
Schibboleth pour Paul Celan
La Verdad de la Pintura (Espacios del Saber)
Moscou aller-retour
Marges de la philosophie
Politik der Freundschaft
Donner le temps
Jacques Derrida
Le problème de la genèse dans la philosophie de Husserl
Il Gusto Del Segreto
Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles/Eperons
Acts of religion
Papier machine
Feu la cendre
Deconstruction and criticism
Résistances de la psychanalyse
Leben ist  Uberleben
Du droit à la philosophie
Acts of literature
de La Gramatologia - 5* Edicion (Teoria)
Dar La Muerte
Genèses, généalogies, genres et le génie
Derrida Reader
Mémoires d'aveugle
L' Écriture et la différence
De l'esprit
H. C. for Life, That Is to Say... (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
L'archéologie du frivole
De quoi demain -
Globalizing Critical Theory
Comment vivre ensemble ?
Die Schrift und die Differenz
Chaque fois unique, la fin du monde
The Mal de Archivo
Mensch und Tier. Eine paradoxe Beziehung
Histoire du mensonge
Die Religion
Positions (Question What You Thought Before)
Feu la cendre
The Politics of Friendship (Radical Thinkers) (Radical Thinkers)
De l'hospitalité
Artaud le Moma
La Escritura y La Diferencia
The Beast The Sovereign
Marges de la philosophie
Sprog, materialitet, bevidsthed
Margenes De La Filosofia (Teorema Serie Mayor)
El Siglo Y El Perdon/ the Century and Forgiveness
Dissemination (Continuum Impacts)
Signéponge =
Structure, sign and play in the discourse of the human sciences
Die Stimme und das Phänomen
Lecriture Et La Difference
Marx en jeu
L'Ethique du don: Jacques Derrida et la pensee du don
Vergessen wir nicht die Psychoanalyse
Desconstruccion y Pragmatismo
Diritto, giustizia e interpretazione
La Hospitalidad/ The Hospitality
Marx en jeu
Tarjeta Postal, La
Otro Cabo, El
El porvenir de la profesion, o, La universidad sin condicion (gracias a las "Humanities", lo que podria tener lugar manana)
Reframing the Frame of Reason
Enlouquecer o subjétil
Sur parole
Das andere Kap. Die aufgeschobene Demokratie. Zwei Essays
La verite en peinture
Foi et savoir
The post card
Aprender Por Fin a Vivir
Papel Maquina
L' autre cap ; suivi de La démocratie ajournée
Seelenstände der Psychoanalyse. Das Unmögliche jenseits einer souveränen Grausamkeit
The animal that therefore I am
Ulysse gramophone ; Deux mots pour Joyce
L' ecriture et la difference
Surtout pas de journalistes
Palabra! Instantaneas Filosoficas (Filosofia)
Mal d'archive
Echographies de la télévision
Le parjure peut-être
Adieu à Emmanuel Lévinas
Les yeux de la langue
Vom Geist. Heidegger und die Frage
Geneses, Genealogies, Genres, and Genius: The Secrets of the Archive (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
Déplier Ponge
Le droit à la philosophie du point de vue cosmopolitique
Interpreting signatures (Nietzsche/Heidegger):Two questions
Deconstruction and the question of literature
Penser à ne pas voir
Husserls Weg in die Geschichte am Leitfaden der Geometrie. Ein Kommentar zur Beilage III der 'Krisis'
Adieu. Nachruf auf Emmanuel Levinas
Die unbedingte Universität
Of hospitality
Speech and Phenomena OP
On colleges and philosophy
Tourner les mots
Rights of Inspection
La dissémination
Le monolinguisme de l'autre, ou, La prothèse d'origine
Amicizia e ospitalità
Sauf le nom
De la grammatologie
D'un ton apocalyptique adopté naguère en philosophie
La scrittura e la differenza
Positions (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Como No Hablar
La Voz y El Fenomeno
Adios a Emmanuel Levinas Palabra de Acogida
Politicas de La Amistad
A dessein, le dessin
Du droit à la philosophie
Supplement to Glyph II
Schibboleth. Para Paul Celan
Die Archaeologie DES Frivolen
La Vérité en peinture
La Diseminacion
La Desconstruccion En Las Fronteras De La Filosofia
La religion
Jacques of Derrida of Grammatology
La Voix et le phénomène: introduction au problème du signe dans la phénoménologie de Husserl
Ta paputsia tu van Gogh
Force de loi
Sauf le nom
Writing and Difference
Falschgeld. Zeit geben I
Aporien. Sterben - Auf die 'Grenzen der Wahrheit' gefaßt sein
Antonin Artaud
Y Manana Que?
El Monolinguismo del Otro
Given Time
Responsibilities of Deconstruction (P.L.I.Warwick Journal of Philosophy)
El Lenguaje Y Las Instituciones Filosoficas
Il fattore della verità
Du droit a   la philosophie
El problema de la Génesis en la filosofía de Husserl
Eperson  Les Styles de Nietzsche
No Escribo Sin Luz Artificial
The post card
Ecografias de La Television
Etats d'âme de la psychanalyse
Estados de Animo del Psicoanalisis / Wisiiii
El Tiempo
Gérard Titus-Carmel
L' animal que donc je suis
Speech and phenomena, and other essays on Husserl's theory of signs
La conférence de Heidelberg
Points de suspension
Resistencias del Psicoanalisis / The City Under Suspicion
The post card
Introduccion a El Origen de La Geometria de Husse
Aufzeichnungen eines Blinden. Das Selbstporträt und andere Ruinen
Las Muertes de Roland Barthes
Khra (Incises)
La Universidad Sin Condicion (Minima Trotta)
Moscou aller-retour
Spectres de Marx
New Modernism (Art and Design Vol4 No 3/4)
Marges de la philosophie
Cada Vez Unica, El Fin del Mundo
Daniel J. Boorstin
Daniel J. Boorstin (1914-2004)

librarian, historian, sociologist, lawyer, biographer, philosopher, Librarian of Congress

  • Harvard College, University of Oxford
A lady's life in the Rocky Mountains
The Americans
The discoverers
The Americans, the democratic experience
The Americans, the colonial experience
The image
The lost world of Thomas Jefferson
A history of the United States
The exploring spirit
The Seekers
An American Primer
The Americans, the national experience
Cleopatra's Nose
The Creators
The republic of technology
The discoverers
The genius of American politics
The Americans
America and the image of Europe
The Discoverers
The Daniel J. Boorstin reader
The decline of radicalism
The Seekers
Democracy and its discontents
The sociology of the absurd
Hidden history
The mysterious science of the law
America and the image of Europe reflections on American thought. --
The landmark history of the American people
The Americans: the natioinal experience
The Americans: The Colonial Experience
The Genius of American Politics (Walgreen Foundation Lectures)
The indivisible world
The republic of technology
The Americans
Compendio Historico de Los Estados Unidos
The world encompassed
A history of the United States since 1861
Les Découvreurs
We Americans
Daihakken (Shueisha bunko)
L' image
Los Pensadores
A nation of readers
The Americans
The Library of Congress and the pursuit of happiness
An American primer
The Americans
The Creators (Premium Edition)
Meiguo ren
The fertile verge
Gresham's law, knowledge or information?
The image, or, What happened to the American dream
A history of the United States
The Creators
An American Primer (Plume)
The landmark history of the American people from Plymouth to Appomattox
Visiting our past
American civilization
The republic of letters
The landmark history of the American people from Appomattox to the moon
Descubridores, Los - Rustica -
The People Look at Radio (America in two centuries, an inventory)
Das image
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire
L' histoire sans frontières
Gresham's law
Daniel J. Boorstin papers
The Portuguese discoverers
Svet otkric a
American civilization; a portrait from the twentieth century
The Americans
Delaware cases, 1792-1830
Daniel J. Boorstin papers
Daniel J. Boorstin papers
The American Image of Europe
The creators
Fa xian zhe
Nariz de Cleopatra, La
Kulleopatura ui ko
Gendai Amerika shakai
Anti-Semitism, a threat to democracy
The sociology of the absurd, or, The application of Professor X
Het imago
Daniel J. Boorstin papers
Gijutsu shakai no mirai
Daniel J. Boorstin papers
Les créateurs
The Americans
Fa xian zhe
Lndmrk His Am Ppl-VL 2
Meiguo ren, min zhu li cheng
The genius of American politics
Meiguo ren, kai tuo li cheng
The decline of radicalism
Amer the Demo-V01
The lost world of Thomas Jefferson
Los Descubridores
Creators Part 2
Amer the Colonial
The Discoveries Part 1 of 3
The need for biography today
Historia de Las Civilizacion 12
The Americans, the colonial experience
Meiguo ren, jian guo li cheng
An American primer
Miguksa ŭi sumŭn iyagi
Amerika seiji no tokushitsu
The Americans
Imeji no jidai
The Discoverers Part 2 of 3
Portrats from Americns
Do it the hard way
The lost world of Thomas Jefferson
The Americans
Amer the Natl-V02
Kajōka shakai
Amer the Natl-V01
The U.S. book of facts, statistics & information for 1967
The Americans, the national experience
The Americans, the democratic experience
Creators Part 1
The Mysterious science of the law
Los descubridores
Democracy and its discontents
The communities of knowledge
Induction of Daniel J. Boorstin as the 12th Librarian of Congress, November 12, 1975, Great Hall, Library of Congress
The Discoverers Part 3 of 3
Amer the Demo-V02
Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou (born 1937)

philosopher, playwright, editor, sociologist, mathematician, scientist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Plato's Republic
Saint Paul
Infinite Thought
Abrégé de métapolitique
The rebirth of history
Théorie du sujet
In praise of love
Etre et l'événement
Concept de modele
Le fini et l’infini
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
Le concept de modèle
Jacques Lacan Past And Present A Dialogue
Handbook of inaesthetics
Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
For a Politics of the Common Good
Second manifesto for philosophy
German Philosophy
On Beckett
Reflections on AntiSemitism
Briefings on existence
What Is a People?
There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship
Can politics be thought?
Philosophy and the Event
Logics of Worlds
Philosophy and the Idea of Communism
Badiou and His Interlocutors
Logiques des mondes
The meaning of Sarkozy
The End
Number and numbers
In praise of theatre
To Live and Think Like Pigs
Theoretical Writings
The Meaning of Sarkozy
L'antisémitisme partout
Ahmed the Philosopher
Division III of Heidegger's Being and Time
Pornographic Age
In Praise of Politics
Calme bloc ici-bas
In Praise of Mathematics
Division III of Heidegger`s Being and Time - the Unanswered Question of Being
Les Citrouilles
Manifesto for philosophy
Plato's Republic
Migrants and Militants
Ahmed The Philosopher Thirtyfour Short Plays For Children Everyone Else
Five lessons on Wagner
Manifeste pour la philosophie
Theoretical Writings
Mathematics of the Transcendental
La philosophie et l'événement
Pocket pantheon
Circonstances 1
Rhapsodie pour le théâtre
Pequeno manual de inestética
Democracy in What State?
Ahmed the Philosopher
Incident at Antioch
Ahmed le Subtil
Collapse Volume 1/I
Éloge de la politique
La relation énigmatique entre philosophie et politique
Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy
Über Metapolitik
알랭 바디우와 철학의 새로운 시작
Althusser et nous
Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel
Our Wound Is Not So Recent
Peut-on penser la politique?
Petit Manuel d'inesthétique
Se Puede Pensar La Politica?
In Praise of Theatre
Versuch, die Jugend zu verderben
Communist Hypothesis
Plato's Republic
The adventure of French philosophy
Political Writings
The communist hypothesis
Images du temps présent
Petit panthéon portatif
Imagenes y Palabras
Théorie de la contradiction
Lacanian Ink 21
Court traité d'ontologie transitoire
I Know There Are So Many of You
Number and Numbers
What Is to Be Done?
Eloge de l'amour
Jean Borreil
Homme, femme, philosophie
Le nombre et les nombres
Philosophy and the Event
Alain Badiou
De l'amour
Wider den globalen Kapitalismus
Philosophy in the present
Was verstehe ich unter Marxismus?
De l'idéologie
Second manifeste pour la philosophie
True Life
Lacanian Ink 19
Batallas Eticas
Philosophie und Aktualität
Ahmed philosophe, suivi de "Ahmed se fâche"
Una descripción sin lugar
Trajectoire inverse
L'idée du communisme
Breve Tratado de Ontologia Transitoria
Le Concept de modıele, introduction ıa une épistémologie matérialiste des mathématiques
Philosophie und Aktualit at: ein Streitgespr ach
Handbook of Inaesthetics (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
San Pablo - La Fundacion del Universalismo
Deleuze Clamor del Ser
Święty Paweł
Imágenes y palabras
El Siglo
L'echarpe rouge
de Un Desastre Oscuro
Philosophy in the present
Manifiesto Por La Filosofia
L'Hypothèse communiste
Reflexiones Sobre Nuestro Tiempo
L' écharpe rouge
D'un désastre obscur sur la fin de la vérité d'état
Filosofia del Presente
Le siècle
Theoretical Writings (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
L'idée du communisme
Ser y El Acontecimiento
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)

aircraft pilot, journalist, illustrator, philosopher

  • Lycée Saint-Louis, Villa St. Jean International School
Vol de nuit
Le petit prince
Terre des hommes
Pilote de guerre
The Ultimate Children's Classic Collection
El Principito
Reader's Digest Best Loved Books for Young Readers--Volume Seven
Airman's odyssey
Lettre à un otage
Letter to a friend
Wartime writings, 1939-1944
Courrier sud
Flug nach Arras
Southern Mail, Night Flight
Lettres à sa mère
El principito
El principito
Romane / Dokumente
Letter to a hostage
The wisdom of the sands
Travels with the Little Prince
The Little Prince Graphic Novel
L Princepico
Inkosana Encinci
Little Prince Medium Journal
O Pequeno Príncipe
Il prenci pignet
el principito
The Little Prince Book of Fun and Adventure
Wind, sand and stars
Il piccolo principe
Les ouvres complètes d'A de Saint-Exupéry
¿Dónde se esconde el cordero de El Principito?
Maly ksiażę
Principito (TD)
El principito (Spanish)
Woorden als sterren
Little Prince Read-Aloud Storybook
Pequeno Pr’ncipe, O
El Principito (Spanish Edition)
ta’ puq mach
The Little Prince Coloring Book
Lettre à un otage
El planeta de los Eolianos
Le Petit Prince sur la planète
Printze txikia
Pequeno Pr’ncipe, O
A Guide for Grown-ups
Piccolo Principe
Letter to a hostage
Flight to Arras
Kucuk Prens
Les labyrinthes du Petit Prince
The wild garden
A guide for grown-ups
A sense of life
Penguin Readers Level 1
Mały Książę
Flight to Arras
Be þam lytlan æþelinge
Le Petit Prince et son jardin
Bidzig Pirens
El planeta de los Óculos
Je découvre les contraires avec le Petit Prince (French Edition)
Un sens à la vie
Worte wie Sterne
Little Prince Small Address Book
" Cher Jean Renoir"
Terre des hommes
Le Petit Prince d'apres l'oeuvre d'Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Ziemia, planeta ludzi
Airman's Odyssey
Der Kleine Prinz
Igl pitschen prenci
Le Petit Prince trouve un ami
Kucuk Prens
I Am the Little Prince / Je Suis Le Petit Prince
Terre des hommes
Flight to Arras
Saint-Exupéry par lui-même
Nachtflug. Limitierte Sonderausgabe
Ël Pëtit Prece: Der kleine Prinz-Borain (amerikanische Sprache, in Westsüdamerika)
Goodnight, Little Prince
Küçük Prens
Der Kleine Prinz / Di Likl Prins
Petit Prince Livre et Audiolivre Mp3
Kucuk Prens ile Renkleri Ogreniyorum
Al-Amir Al Saghir
Terre des hommes
Little Prince Poster
Courrier sud
Le Petit Prince. Avec les dessins de l'auteur.
Wind, Sand & Stars
Gece Ucusu
Tywysog Bach
Piccolo Principe Bilingue - Libro e Audiolibro in Italiano e Francese
Wind, Sand and Stars
Petit Prince (avec Aquarelles de L'auteur)
Empty Disp/Worlds Short Stor
Insanlarin Dunyasi
Petit Prince
Le Petit Prince pour les enfants
Le petit prince
Kucuk Prens ile Karsitliklari Ogreniyorum
Petit Prince
principito. Un libro carrusel
Courrier sud, suivi de Vol de nuit
Piccolo Principe - Bilingue Italiano-Francese
Pilote de guerre broche 246 pages
Der kleine Prinz 11 erfindet den Zauberbrunnen
Kleine Prinz
The Little Prince for Young Children
Petit Prince
Kucuk Prens'in Buyuk Macera Kitabi
Insanlarin Dunyasi
Vol de nuit
Terre des Hommes
Eimai o mikros prigkipas | Je suis Le Petit Prince | I am The Little Prince
Counting with the Little Prince
Little Prince Carousel
Wind, Sand and Stars
Imparo l'italiano con il Piccolo Principe : Libro, Glossario e Audiolibro
Savas Pilotu
Bonjour, Je Suis Le Petit Prince
Little Prince and Letter to a Hostage
Petit Prince Pop-Up
Kleine Prinz
Little Prince
"Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut"
Pilote de Guerre
Gece Uçuşu
Principito : ( con Ilustraciones a Color )
Little Prince and the Blue Guitar
Day with the Little Prince
Kucuk Prens ile Gorgu Kurallarini Ogreniyorum
El Principito
Little Prince
Flight to Arras (Wings of War)
Petit Prince (Annoté)
Principito - le Petit Prince : Texto Paralelo Bilingüe - Édition Bilingue
Principito : (con Mascarilla)
Piccolo Principe
Kücük Prens ; Yazarin Orijinal Cizimleriyle
Roman le Petit Prince Edition Pocket
Piccolo Principe - Bilingue con Testo Francese a Fronte
Penguin Readers Level 2
El Principito
Wind, sand and stars
Il Piccolo Principe (Tascabili ragazzi)
Der kleine Prinz 08 lüftet das Geheimnis der Rosen
Verità Si Scava Come un Pozzo. Per Capire «Il Piccolo Principe»
Vol de Nuit
Kücük Prens - Kücük Karabalik - Mutlu Prens
Klein Prinsie
El Principito
El Principito
The Little Prince / Stage 4 - B1
Ke Keiki Ali‘i Li‘ili‘i
Little Prince Small Notebook
Petit Prince
Küçük Prens Özel Baskı-Gri
O Principezinho
El planeta de la música
Ecrits de guerre, 1939-1944 ; avec la Lettre à un otage et des témoignages et documents
Livres a Ecouter
War Pilot
Romane. Dokumente
Écrits de guerre, 1939-1944
Gliu Princ'p Picc'rigl
Kücük Prens
Wind, Sand, and Stars
Petit Prince, J'apprivoise Mes émotions
Night flight.
Piccolo Principe - Libro e Audiolibro
Lettre à un otage ; (suivi de) La Paix ou la guerre? ; Le Pilote et les puissances naturelles ; Lettre aux Français
Il Piccolo Principe
Xiao wang zi
Cuento Adaptado e Ilustrado el Principito : (Audiolibro Dramatizado Incluido)
Petit Prince
Night Flight
Œuvres complètes
Courrier sud
Piloto de Guerra
Insanlarin Dünyasi
O Pequeno Príncipe
Küçük Prens
Meet the Little Prince (padded Board Book)
Yel, Kum ve Yildizlar
Piccolo Principe Bilingue - Libro e Audiolibro in Italiano e Francese
Petit Prince - o Pequeno Príncipe : Bilingue Avec le Texte Parallèle - Texto Bilíngue Em Paralelo
La planète de Coppélius
Petit Prince
Vol de Nuit
PequeÑo PrÍncipe
Vol de Nuit
Le Petit Prince
Petit Prince
The Wisdom of the Sands
Literary Assortment #1
Petit Prince - ANTOINE de SAINT-EXUPÉRY - Avec des Aquarelles de l'auteur - Texte Intégral and Illustré
Kucuk Prens - Minikler icin Kisaltilmis
Petit Prince : (Version Française et Illustrations Restaurées)
O Pequeno Príncipe
Night Flight
O Pequeno Príncipe. O Orgøo De Zéfiro
Le Petit Prince
Le petit prince
Ye hang ; ren de da di
El planeta de Jade
El planeta de los Caparazones
Little Prince (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Terre des hommes
Kucuk Prens & siirsel Metin
Little Prince Where Are You, Fox?
Volo di notte
Little Prince Pencil Case
Pequeno Principe - Edicao de Bolso
Lettres a sa mere
Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry : Oeuvre Illustrée - Edition Intégrale Pour Enfants - Dimensions
Der kleine Prinz
Un sens a la vie
Kucuk Prens ile Sayilari Ogreniyorum
Little Prince Around the World
Vol de Nuit
Vol de nuit
El álbum del bebé de El Principito
Introducing the Little Prince
Der kleine Prinz / Le Petit Prince
Der kleine Prinz - Tunkalenmaane. Soninke
Terre des hommes
El Principito
El Principito-Le Petit Price
Night Flight
Mały Książę
O Pequeno Principe
Airman's Odyssey
Il Piccolo Principe (Tascabili Ragazzi)
Je découvre les animaux du Petit Prince
Der Kleine Prinz
Little Prince's Odyssey
Piccolo Principe - o Pequeno Príncipe : Bilingue con Testo a Fronte - Texto Bilíngue Em Paralelo
El principito
İnsanların Dünyası
Gece Uçuşu
Der Kleine Prinz - Sa Leitila Frauja
Piloto de Guerra
Da Gloane Prinz
Petit Prince
Le Petit Prince Album
Insanlarin Dünyasi
Der kleine Prinz 10 hilft dem einsamen Fuchs
La belle histoire du Petit Prince (French Edition)
Der kleine Prinz.
Petit Prince
Der kleine Prinz - Das Vorlesebuch
Manon, danseuse, et autres textes inédits
Terre des Hommes
El planeta del Astrónomo
LITTLE PRINCE / le PETIT PRINCE : Bilingual Version
Insanlarin Dünyasi. Translated by Vedat Günyol.
Little Prince - o Pequeno Príncipe : Bilingual Parallel Text - Texto Bilíngue Em Paralelo
Fiche de lecture Le Petit Prince de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Kucuk Prens  Paperback û 2016
Kucuk Prens - Buyuk Boy
El Principito
Piccolo Principe
Courrier Sud
Wind, Sand, and Stars
Night Flight
Le Petit Prince
Kucuk Prens ile Hayvanlari Taniyorum
Der kleine Prinz 12 löst das Schlangengrufträtsel
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut
Cocuklar Icin Kucuk Prens
Letter to a Hostage
Xiao wang zi
Çocuk Klasikleri Seti
The Little Prince / Stage 2 - A2
Der kleine Prinz
Maly Ksiaze
Kücük Prens
Little Prince Jumbo Puzzle
Lettre à un Otage
Flight to Arras (Modern Classics)
Man kennt nur die Dinge, die man zähmt. Eine Anthologie
Kücük Prens
El Principito
Vol de Nuit
Südkurier. Frühe Schriften.
Courrier Sud
Sense of Life
Airman Odyssey
Learn French Verbs with the Little Prince
Airman's Odyssey
El Principito
Le Petit Prince
The Little Prince  Stage 5
El Principito
De kleine prins
Der kleine Prinz 09 rettet den  Wüstenplaneten
Little Prince Writing Paper
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 1
Vol de Nuit
Kucuk Prens
Petit Prince Autour du Monde?
Little Prince Plants a Seed
Pitschen Prinzi
Toka e Njerëzve... Princi i vogël...
Pages choisies
Terre des hommes.
Il Piccolo Principe siamo noi
Le Petit Prince. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Principito - lo Esencial Es Invisible a Los Ojos
Kleine Prinz - o Pequeno Príncipe : Zweisprachiger Paralleler Text - Texto Bilíngue Em Paralelo
Petit Prince (1943)
Piccolo Principe
Airman's Odyssey
Küçük Prens
Guide for Grown-Ups
Literary Assortment # 2
Petit Prince (Illustré)
Mały Książę
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 2
Courrier sud
Pilote de Guerre
Kale ...Ama Sen Insansin
Courrier Sud
Princi i vogël
Kucuk Prens ile Bir Gun
Bebekler Icin Kucuk Prens
Wind, Sand and Stars
Une Journee Avec Le Petit Prince
ትንሹ ልዑል
Der kleine Prinz fliegt zu den Sternen Box komplett
Le Petit Prince
O Principezinho
Kucuk Prens ozel Baski
Der kleine Prinz / Le Petit Prince
El Principito
Piccolo Principe
Chel Fiol Prįncipi [le Petit Prince - «il Piccolo Principe»], Edizione Standard
Pilote de guerre
La Eta Princo
Der kleine prinz
Litte Prince
Vol de Nuit
Kücük Prens
Gece Ucusu
Petit Prince
Petit Prince
Kleine Prinz
Kucuk Prens - Bebek Guncesi
Œuvres complètes I, II
La Terre et les hommes
O Pequeno Príncipe - de Kleine Prins : Texto Bilíngue Em Paralelo - Tweetalig Met Parallelle Tekst
Little Prince Family Storybook
PRINCIPITO --Clásico Ilustrado-- COLOR
Kleine Prinz (Farbausgabe)
Maly Ksiaze
Savas Pilotu
Piccolo Principe
Chel Fiol Prįncipi [le Petit Prince - «il Piccolo Principe»], Edizione Di Pregio
Kucuk Prens
El Prinzipin
Piccolo Principe - Libro e Audiolibro
Pilote de guerre
El Principito
Little Prince Family Storybook
Petit Prince
Kucuk Prens 7 - Amicopes Gezegeni
Petit Prince (French Edition)
Flight to Arras
Flight to Arras
El Principito
Kucuk Prens Yapboz Kitabi
Gece Ucusu
Sana Ait Olani Bu Kadar Önemli Yapan Onun Icin Harcadigin Zamandir; Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Petit Prince
Der Kleine Prinz
El Principito-Le Petit Price
Principito - (Spanish Version)
Vuelo Nocturno - Bonus
Nachtflug - Bonus
Der kleine Prinz. Französisch-Deutsch : Le Petit Prince. Français-Allemand
Le Petit Prince
Southern Mail
Le Petit Prince
Night Flight
Bir Rehineye Mektup
Flight to Arras
Lettre à un Otage
Le Petit Prince
Vol de nuit
(ILUSTRADO) (ADAPTADO) un Cuento Adaptado e Ilustrado el Principito : (Audiolibro Dramatizado Incluido)
¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿
Chicotet Príncip : (Valencià)
The Little Prince Photo Album
Little Prince Large Address Book
Principito Español - Inglés, El
Night Flight
Lettres de Saint-Exupéry
Güney Postasi
Petit Prince (avec les Aquarelles de l'auteur en Couleurs)
Wisdom of the Little Prince
Le Petit Prince - Educational Edition
Les oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes de Saint-Exupéry
Courrier sud
Ŏrin wangja
Oeuvres Completes  Carnets Vol. 7
Táa mo'koólame
Lettres a sa mére
Œuvres complètes de Saint-Exupéry
Lettres de Jeunesse a l'Amie Inventee
Zistwar Ti-Prens
Saint Exupéry
Vol de nuit
Oeuvres Completes  Citadelle 2 Vol. 6
Shin'yaku Hoshi no ōjisama
Malkuno zcuro
Le Petit Prince Et Ses Amis
O principezinho
Wind, sand and stars
Pʻokʻrik ishkhaně
Oeuvres Completes  Lettres a sa Mere/ le Petit Prince Vol. 4
Et Heanige Preenske
Worte wie Sterne
Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut
Hoshi no ōjisama =
Den lille Prins
Kanīyān rājakumāraḥ
Die Stadt in der Wüste.
Coffret Saint-Exupéry (4 volumes)
הנסיך הקטן
Xiao wang zi
Le petit prince
Malenʹkiĭ print͡s
Die Naturgewalten
Y tywysog bach
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Lettres à sa mère
Hoàng tu bé
Terre des hommes
Courrier sud
Ziemia, planeta ludzi
Lettre à un Otage
Xiao wang zi Guangdong hua ban =
Lettre à un ôtage
Regulus (Latin)
Ṭisat lailah
Citadelle, extraits
El petit príncep
Der Ḳleyner prints
Night flight
Lettres de Jeunesse (1923 1931)
Lettres de jeunesse
Balaca Şahzadä
"Southern Mail"."Night Flight". "The Wisdom of the Sands" ."Flight to Arras". "The Little Prince". "Wind, Sand and Stars". (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / ( .  .  .  .  . )
El principito
Little Prince Birthday Calendar
El principito
Regulus vel pueri soli sapiunt
Adieu, Saint- Exupery. Unsterblicher kleiner Prinz
Terre des hommes
Vol de nuit
Lettre à un otage, suivi de Un sens à la vie
A Saint-Exupéry reader
Der kleine Prinz. Jubiläumsausgabe
Le manuscrit du Petit Prince
Wind, sand and stars
Nachtflug. Roman. ( Erzähler- Bibliothek)
Mein kleines Fotoalbum. Der Kleine Prinz.
Mały Książę
Lettres à l'inconnue
Malý princ
Oeuvres Completes, Volume II
Malenʹkiĭ prin︠t︡s
Pilote de guerre
Agldun amẓẓan
Inkosana encane
Dee tjliena Prinz
Dictionnaire des Grandes Oeuvres de la Litterature Francaise
Lettres a? sa me?re
Malenʹkiĭ print͡s
Ṭayas ḳerav
Pilota di guerra
Les plus beaux manuscrits de Saint Exupéry
El Principito
Lettres à l'amie inventée
Un\Sens a la Vie
Lettres a sa mere. --
Letter aux Americains
Lettres de jeunesse, 1923-1931
Saint Exupéry inédits
Terre des hommes
Briefe an seine Mutter
Au revoir Saint-Ex
Piloto de guerra
Saint-Exupéry par lui-même
Album Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Den Lille Prinsen
Je découvre la belle journée du Petit Prince
al-Amīr al-ṣaghīr
Oeuvres Completes  Lettres a un Otage. Un Sens a la Vie/ Lettres de Jeunesse Vol. 3
Saint Exupéry
Oeuvres Completes  Courrier Sud/ Terre des Hommes Vol. 1
Ŏrin wangja
Cõi người ta =
Oeuvres completes
ha-Nasikh ha-ḳaṭan
Briefe an seine Mutter
Gece uçuşu
Mwana Mdogo Wa Mfalme (Le Petit Prince)
Le Petit prince trouve un amie
Un sens à a vie
Le Petit Prince voyage
Pages choises
Cahiers Saint-Exupéry, tome 1
Küçük Prens
Worte wie Sterne
Lettres a sa mere
Courrier sud
Lettres a un Otage
Oeuvres Completes
An prionsa beag
Die schönsten Zitate von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Ecrits De Guerre, 1939-1944
Principito - de Lujo
Le Petit Prince cherche un ami
Malenʹkiĭ print︠s︡
O principezinho
Shi jie jing dian ming zhu jing xuan
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Al-Amir al-Sagheer
De la poesía moderna francesa, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Malý princ
El libro de las virtudes de El Principito
Lettre à un otage
Little Prince Wall Calendar
Cõi ngưxoi ta
Küçük prens
Le petit prince avec las dessins de l'auteur
Lettres a sa mere. --
Amiro Zcuro [aramäisch (syrisch)]
Little Prince Notebook
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Wind, sand und sterne
Der Kleine Prinz (German)
al-Amīr al-ṣaghīr
Was du gibst, macht dich nicht ärmer. Eine Anthologie
Courrier sud
A day with the little prince
The Little Prince (1943). Flight to Arras (1942) (Malenkij prints. Voennyj letchik)
Noční let
O Prenzipet Prince Aragonese
Oeuvres Completes  Citadelle 1 Vol. 5
Sochinenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
טיסת לילה
An Proinsa Beag
Wind, sand and stars
... Wind, sand und sterne
Wind, Sand und Sterne
Little Prince Diary
Le Petit Prince  French language edition
Imparo a Contare Con Il Piccolo Principe
Lettres de jeunesse à l'amie inventée, 1923-1931
Herbert Edward Read
Herbert Edward Read (1893-1968)

art historian, poet, philosopher, anarchist, literary critic, critic

  • University of Leeds
Henry Moore
The Philosophy of Modern Art
Education Through Art
A concise history of modern painting
The green child
A concise history of modern sculpture
A One-Man Manifesto
The art of sculpture
Art and industry
The meaning of art
Art Now
Collected essays in literary criticism
Paul Klee on modern art
Henry Moore
Art and society
The contrary experience
English prose style
The Philosophy of Anarchism
The grass roots of art
The forms of things unknown
Anarchy and order
Green Child
Icon and idea
Phases of English poetry
Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists
Psychology and Alchemy
Reason and romanticism
Icon and idea
Art and industry
To hell with culture, and other essays on art and society
Art and alienation
Kunst, Kultur und Anarchie
The true voice of feeling
On beauty
Annals of innocence and experience
The practice of design
Existentialism, Marxism, and anarchism
Form in Modern Poetry
Henry Moore
A letter to a young painter
Pursuits & verdicts
A concise history of modern sculpture
Form in modern poetry
Henry Moore
English stained glass
A concise history of modern painting
Form in Gothic
A concise history of modern painting
English Prose Style
Art and industry
Between The Riccall And The Rye Selected Writings On Ryedale From Herbert Reads Poetry And Prose
In retreat
This way delight: A book of poetry for the young;
The book of art
The green child
Contemporary British art
Unit 1
The knapsack
A concise history of modern sculpture
The nature of literature
The English vision
Poetry and anarchism
The nude
The tenth muse
The innocent eye
Art and the evolution of man
Ashley Havinden and the art of publicity
The cult of sincerity
The Anatomy Of Art
Freedom, is it a crime?
Art and Industry
The origins of form in art
Essential communism
The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists
Essays in literary criticism: particular studies
Klee (1879-1940)
Contemporary British art
La Decima Musa
The weathering of art
A world within a war
News from Thrush Green
The true voice of feeling
The art of sculpture
Historia de La Pintura Moderna
This way, delight
Lord Byron at the opera
A concise history of modern sculpture
Reason and romanticism
Histoire de la peinture moderne
The sense of glory
In defence of Shelley and other essays
Selected Poetry
Diccionario Del Arte Y Los Artistas
Coleridge as critic
Icon and idea
Julien Benda and the new humanism
Form in modern poetry
Ben Nicholson
The styles of European art
Modern Sculpture
In defence of Shelley
The art of Jean Arp
Jan Le Witt
Modern art and French decadence
Histoire de la peinture moderne
Reason and romanticism
In retreat
T. S. E., a memoir
Thirty-five poems
Design and tradition
Annals of innocence and experience
Staffordshire pottery figures
The Thames and Hudson dictionary of art and artists
The Green Child
The redemption of the robot
Coleridge as critic
The grassroots of art
Encyclopaedia of the arts
Paul Nash
Phases of English poetry
In defence of Shelley & other essays
The redemption of the robot
The sense of glory
Annals of innocence and experience
Concise History of Modern Painting
Lynn Chadwick
The end of a war
In Defense of Shelley and Other Essays
Edvard Munch
The anatomy of art
Nature of Literature
The Forms Of Things Unknown
Poetry and experience
Aristotle's mother
The sense of glory
The quest and the quarry
Meaning of Art
The place of art in a university
Eric Gill
In Defence Of Shelley And Other Essays
Five European Sculptors
Tenth Muse
Child art
The art of sculpture
The Innocent Eye
Johannes Vermeer
The London Book Of English Prose (1931)
The significance of children's art
Icon and Idea
The art of Jean Arp
The innocent eye
The Creative arts in American education
World Within a War
Staffordshire pottery figures
The practice of design
Hans Richter
Design and tradition
The styles of European art
The politics of the unpolitical
Gauguin (1848-1903)
The art of sculpture
The sense of glory: essays in criticism
Conflicts in contemporary art
Edvard Munch
Surrealism. Edited with an introd. by Herbert Read. Contributions by Andre Breton [and others]
Grass Roots of Art
Poetry and experience
The Thrones of Earth and Heaven
A letter to a young painter
Moderne malerkunst
The parliament of women
Concise History of Modern Painting
Poems ; 1914-1934
The book of art
Pursuits & verdicts
The meaning of art
The ethics of power
Education for peace
The politics of the unpolitical
To hell with culture
Lynn Chadwick
Culture and education in world order
Art and industry
The styles of European art
Jan Le Witt
Icon and idea
The education of free men
The true voice
Collected poems 1913-25.
Collected poems
Essays in literary criticism
Coleridge as critic
Coleridge as critic
Poems 1914-1934
In defence of Shelley & other essays
The place of art in a university
Yi shu de yi yi
Mutations of the phoenix
The sense of glory
High noon and darkest night
Mutations of the phoenix
Redemption Robot
Henry Moore
Reason and romanticism
Form in modern poetry
English stained glass
This way delight
The cult of sincerity
The grass roots of art
In retreat
The parliament of women
The politics of the unpolitical
Naked warriors
The education of free men
English prose style
Henry Moore, sculptor
Selected writings
Collected Poems
A coat of many colours
Escultura Moderna, La
Philosophy of Modern Art
A world within a war
The True voice of feeling
Education for peace
The paradox of anarchism
Form in modern poetry. --
Contemporary British art
The forms of things unknown
The Thames and Hudson encyclopaedia of the arts
Psychopathology of reaction in the arts
The London book of English prose
Collected essays in literary criticism
Zum 85. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, 26. Juli 1960
Collected essays in literary criticism
English stained glass
A Tribute to Herbert Read, 1893-1968
A coat of many colours
The Art of Sculpture
Art and society
Letters from Sooke
A concise history of modern painting
English prose style
El Arte de La Escultura
The Limits of Permissiveness in Art
Selected Writings, Poetry and Criticism / with a Foreword by Allen Tate
Collected poems
Art and Society
The London book of English prose
Art and industry
The London book of English verse, selected by Herbert Read and Bonamy Dobrée
Art and the evolution of man
The London book of English verse
The London book of English verse
Sense of Glory
Paul Nash
An Introduction to Herbert Read's Work by Several Hands
Art education
Carta a Un Joven Pintor
Selected writings
Xian dai hui hua jian shi
Tribute to Wordsworth
Freedom, is it a crime?
Selected writings
Selected writings
Henry Moore, sculpture and drawings
The meaning of art
The true voice of feeling
The London book of English verse
Icon and idea
Selected writings
Contemporary British Art
The redemption of the robot
Kandinsky (1866-1944)
Modern sculpture
La Nina Verde
Kandinsky (1866-1944)
The Contrary Experience
The art of Jean Arp
The anthology of English prose
Imagen e idea
The end of a war
English prose style
A Modern Szobraszat
A concise history of modern painting
The contrary experience
The art of sculpture
Form in modern poetry
Poems, 1914-1934
A coat of many colours
DuMont's Künstlerlexikon
Collected poems / by Herbert Read
Moon's Farm
The philosophy of modern art
A arte de agora, agora
Moon's Farm, and poems mostly elegiac
Collected poems, 1913-25
Pintura actual
In Retreat
Art and industry, the principles of industrial design
English prose style
Art and industry
The quest and the quarry
Art now
Naked warriors
Freedom, is it a crime?
Jane Addams
Jane Addams (1860-1935)

journalist, philosopher, women's rights activist, autobiographer, social reformer, social critic, suffragette, peace activist, human rights activist, political theorist, sociologist

  • Rockford University
20 Years at Hull House
Women at the Hague
The spirit of youth and the city streets
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
The selected papers of Jane Addams / edited by Mary Lynn McCree Bryan, Barbara Bair, and Maree de Angury
Peace and bread in time of war
My friend, Julia Lathrop
Jane Addams: a centennial reader
The long road of woman's memory
The second twenty years at Hull-House, September 1909 to September 1929, with a record of a growing world consciousness
The Overthrow of the War System
Newer ideals of peace
Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays
The Jane Addams papers, 1860-1960
Harrap French Media Dictionary
Democracy And Social Ethics (The Works Of Jane Addams)
On education
Peace and Bread in Time of War
Jane Addams's writings on peace
What I Owe to My Father
Philanthropy Social Progress
Hull-House maps and papers
Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays ... Delivered Before the School of Applied Ethics ...
The social thought of Jane Addams
Dietary studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896
Jane Addams on education
Writings on peace
Democracy and Social Ethics
Spirit of Youth and the City Streets, The
Muckraking & 1912 Election and the Power of Progressivism & Muller v. Oregon & Twenty Years at Hull-House
Era of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1945 & Twenty Years at Hull-House & Harlem Renaissance
Peace and bread in time of war
Jane Addams' Essays and Speeches
Jane Addams' account of her interview with the foreign ministers of Europe
The excellent becomes the permanent
Forty years at Hull-House
The Spirit of Youth and City Streets (Illini Book)
Extraordinary Women: Jane Adams
Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
On Education
Peace and Bread in Time of War
Confessions of Nat Turner & Judith Sargent Murray & Twenty Years at Hull-House & César Chávez & John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry & Martin Luther ... Civil Rights Struggle of the 1950s and 1960s
Forty Years at Hull-House
Long Road of Woman's Memory
Democràcia i ètica social
The Spirit of Youth and City Streets (Illini Book) by Jane Addams (1989-08-01)
On Education
Selected Papers of Jane Addams : Vol. 2
The spirit of youth and the city streets / by Jane Addams
Jane Addams
Women and public housekeeping
Peace and Bread in Time of War
New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Selected Papers of Jane Addams Vol. 3 : Vol. 3
Democràcia i ètica social
Newer ideals of peace. by Jane Addams .
The social thought of J. Addams
Newer ideals of peace
Selected Papers of Jane Addams : Vol. 1
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil (Perfect Library)
The housing problem in Chicago
The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
The Social Thought of Jane Addams
Atlantic Classics
A function of the social settlements
Twenty Years At Full House
A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Philanthropy and social progress
Philanthropy and social progress
Veinte Años en Hull House. Jane Addams
Weight Watchers Freestyle Air Fryer Cookbook 2021
Selected Papers of Jane Addams Vol. 3
The Child, the clinic, and the court
Social Application of Religion
The Second Twenty Years at Hull-House
Jane Addams
The Spirit of Youth
The Long Road of Woman's Memory [microform]
The Excellent Becomes the Permanent
The essence of Jane Addams's Twenty years at Hull Hsouse
Newer Ideals of Peace
Jane Addams on peace, war, and international understanding, 1899-1932
Excellent Becomes the Permanent
...Woman and the larger citizenship...
Forty Years at Hull-House
My Friend, Julia Lathrop
The clash in Nevada
Social consequences of business depressions
A new conscience and an ancient evil
Newer ideals of peace
What I owe to my father
Democracy and social ethics
Jane Addams' account of her interviews with the foreign ministers of Europe
A new conscience and an ancient evil
A challenge to the contemporary church
A centennial reader
Philanthropy and social progress
Social control
Twenty years at Hull-House
Why women should vote
Lynching and rape
The modern city and the municipal franchise for women
The modern city and the municipal franchise for women
Why women should vote
Jane Addams
The spirit of youth and the city streets
The long road of woman's memory
Peace and bread in time of war
A centennial reader
Philanthropy and social progress
The spirit of youth and the city streets
Newer ideals of peace
The overthrow of the war system
The subjective value of a social settlement
Funeral services for Mary Hawes Wilmarth at Hubbard Woods, Illinois, August 30, 1919
Child labor legislation
1912 Election & 20 Years at Hull House & Black Protest & Scopes Trial
A function of the social settlement
A function of the social settlement
The Child, the clinic, and the court
Romano Guardini
Romano Guardini (1885-1968)

Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher

  • University of Tübingen, University of Bonn
Stationen und Rückblicke
Watch For The Light
Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal
The conversion of Augustine
Vom Leben des Glaubens
The saints in daily Christian life
The living God
Letters from Lake Como
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The Faith and modern man
The End of the Modern World
The Art of Praying
Von heiligen Zeichen
The essential Guardini
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
The rosary of Our Lady
Jesus Christus
The Lord
Der Gegensatz
Meditations before Mass
Die Existenz des Christen
Vom Sinn der Kirche
The church and the Catholic, and The spirit of the liturgy
The death of Socrates
Vom Sinn der Schwermut
Das Christusbild der paulinischen und johanneischen Schriften
And the Word dwelt among us
Pascal for our time
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins. Eine Interpretation der Duineser Elegien
Angefochtene Zuversicht
Das Gebet des Herrn
The inner life of Jesus
Eternal life
The humanity of Christ
Unterscheidung des Christlichen
Das Ende der Neuzeit / Die Macht. Ein Versuch zur Orientierung / Versuch einer Wegweisung
The wisdom of the Psalms
The Lord's prayer
Vom lebendigen Gott
Wurzeln eines grossen Lebenswerks
Hölderlin. Weltbild und Frömmigkeit
Werke. Tugenden. Meditationen über Gestalten sittlichen Lebens
Liturgie und liturgische Bildung
La puissance
Die Verantwortung der Universität
Power and responsibility
Dantes Göttliche Komödie
La mort de Socrate ; interprétation des dialogues philosophiques Euthyphron, Apologie, Criton, Phédon
Le commencement de toutes choses
Johanneische Botschaft
Sacred signs
La fin des temps modernes
Die Annahme seiner Selbst
De la mélancolie
Die Lebensalter. Ihre ethische und pädagogische Bedeutung
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
The Lord
The Death Of Socrates, An Interpretation Of The Platonic Dialogues
Living the drama of faith
Vorschule des Betens
Liberté, grâce et destinée
Learning the virtues that lead you to God
Romano Guardini
Religiöse Gestalten in Dostojewskijs Werk
Freiheit und Verantwortung
Theologische Briefe an einen Freund
Prayers from theology
Die Annahme seiner selbst / Den Menschen erkennt nur, wer von Gott weiß
Berichte über mein Leben
Der Dienst am Nächsten in Gefahr
Le Seigneur ; méditations sur la personne et la vie de Jésus-Christ
Ehe und Jungfräulichkeit
The church of the Lord
Vergib uns unsere Schuld, wie auch wir vergeben unsern Schuldigern. Cassette
Morale au-délà des interdits
The virtues; on forms of moral life
The End of the Modern World
Das Recht des werdenden Menschenlebens
La messe
Sacred signs
Weisheit der Psalmen
Geistliche Schriftauslegung
Initiation à la prière
Der Tod des Sokrates
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik: eine theologisch-politische Besinnung
La messe
Liturgische Bildung
El Señor
The humanity of Christ
L' esprit de la liturgie
Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis
Das Wesen des Christentums
Discorso sull'opera d'arte
Gebet und wahrheit
Briefe vom Comer See
The focus of freedom
Las Etapas de la Vida
The last things: concerning death, purification after death, resurrection, judgment, and eternity
L'exégèse chrétienne aujourd'hui
Der Blick auf das Ganze
Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament
Royaume de Dieu et liberté de l'homme
Die Macht
Predigten zum Kirchenjahr
Les âges de la vie
Religiöse Erfahrung und Glaube
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
Rilke's Duino elegies
Wahrheit des Denkens und Wahrheit des Tuns
Der Anfang aller Dinge
Der Weg zum Menschwerden
Gläubiges Dasein. Die Annahme seiner selbst
Der Herr
The art of praying
Preparing yourself for Mass
Sorge um den Menschen
Gottes Angesicht suchen
Psaumes et Fêtes
The world and the person
Die letzten Dinge
L' image de Jésus-Christ dans le Nouveau Testament
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
La puissance
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
Briefe über Selbstbildung
O Senhor
Vom Geist der Liturgie
Die Lebensalter
Auf dem Wege
Nähe des Herrn
Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus
Engel. Theologische Betrachtungen
Unterscheidung des Christlichen, in 3 Bdn., Bd.3, Gestalten
Berichte über mein Leben. Autobiographische Aufzeichnungen (Schriften der katholischen Akademie in Bayern , Band 116)
Sorge um den Menschen, Bd.2
Vision und Dichtung
Religion und Offenbarung
Landschaft der Ewigkeit
Rilke's Dunino elegies
Christliches Bewusstsein
Einladung ins Heilige
Der Sonntag, gestern, heute und immer
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
Letzten Dinge
Wurzeln eines großen Lebenswerks 4. Aufsätze und kleine Schriften
The Church and the Catholic ...
Lebendiger Geist
La Mere du Seigneur
The word of God on faith, hope and charity. Translated by Stella Lange
El Servicio Al Projimo En Peligro
In Spiegel und Gleichnis, Bilder und Gedanken
Der Herr
Sorge um den Menschen, Bd.1
Pascal; ou, Le drame de la conscience chrétienne
Der Engel in Dantes Göttlicher Komödie
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung ; Gegenwart und Geheimnis
The last things
The life of faith
Das Wesen des Christentums ; Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn
Den Menschen erkennt nur wer von Gott weiss
Grundlegung der Bildungslehre. Versuch einer Bestimmung des Pädagogisch- Eigentlichen
The Conversion of Augustine (Fraditio)
Der Glaube in unserer Zeit
Systembildende Elemente in der Theologie Bonaventuras
Kultbild und Andachtsbild
Die Mutter des Herrn
Power and responsibility
Johanneische Botschaft / Jesus Christus. Geistliches Wort
Der Rosenkranz Unserer Lieben Frau
Vie de la foi
Der Raum der Meditation
Der Mensch und der Glaube
Wurzeln eines großen Lebenswerks, 2 Bde., Bd.3, 1930-1948
Le rosaire de Notre Dame
Die Lehre des Heil
Vom Wesen Katholischer Weltanschauung
Die offenbarung
Libertad, Gracia y Destino
Dante, visionnaire de l'éternité
Worte zur Trauung
In Spiegel und Gleichnis
Studi su Dante
Freedom, grace and destiny
Die kirche des Herrn
Das Ende der Neuzeit
Begegnung und Bildung
Christianisme et culture
Die Bekehrung des heiligen Aurelius Augustinus
Wunder und Zeichen
The saints in daily Christian life
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
The way of the cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Welt und Person
Initiation a la priere
The conversion of Augustin
La coscienza
Unterscheidung des Christlichen, in 3 Bdn., Bd.2, Aus dem Bereich der Theologie
Initiation à la prière
De la mélancolie
Der Glaube als Überwindung
La Aceptacion de Si Mismo
Le monde et la personne
Auslegungen des Glaubens
Christliches Bewußtsein
Deutscher Psalter / Theologische Gebete
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
Der Kreuzweg unseres Herrn und Heilandes
Die menschliche Wirklichkeit des Herrn
Lob des Buches
The way of the cross ..
Über Wilhelm Raabes Stopfkuchen
Les fins dernières
L' univers religieux de Dostoïevski
L' esprit de la liturgie
Nur wer Gott kennt, kennt den Menschen
Das wesen des Christentums
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik
Italienische Reisen. Meditationen zu Landschaften
The world and the person
Prière et vérité
Zu Rainer Maria Rilkes deutung des daseins
Contraste, El
Les âges de la vie
Der Tod des Socrates
Una Etica Para Nuestro Tiempo
Wille und Wahrheit
Rilke's Duino elegies
Grundlegung der Bildungslehre
Cartas Sobre Autoformacion
The humanity of christ
Die Mutter des Herrn
Der heilige Franziskus
Der Tod des Sokrates
The death of Socrates
Der Bericht über das Leben des heiligen Franz von Assisi, oder, Der Spiegel der Vollkommenheit
Nähe des Herrn
Libertà, grazia, destino
Wahrheit und Ordnung
The way of the cross of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Essenza del cristianesimo
The Lord's prayer
Gesù Cristo
Form und Sinn der Landschaft in den Dichtungen Hölderlins
Beten im Gottesdienst der Gemeinde
Les fins dernieres
Die bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus
Unterscheidung des Christlichen
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The Conversion of Augustine
Freedom, grace, and destiny
Prayer in practice
Versuche über die Gestaltung der heiligen Messe
Vom Sinn der Kirche
Über Wilhelm Raabes Stopfkuchen
Stationen und Rückblicke
The humanity of Christ
Kontemplation unter Bäumen.
La cuestion judia
Liturgische Bildung
Die Annahme seiner selbst
Power and responsibility
The last things
Tod, auferstehung, ewigkeit
Der Herr
The humanity of Christ
Gedeutetes Dasein
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
La muerte de Sócrates
Die Macht
Freedom, grace, and destiny
Die Lehre des Heil
Christliches Bewusstsein
Der Gegensatz
The focus of freedom
Pascal; ou, Le drame de la conscience chrétienne
O posvátných znameních
Jesus Christus
Prayer in practice
Der Anfang aller Dinge; Meditationen über Genesis, Kapital I-III
Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis
Das Wesen des Christentums
Těžkomyslnost a její smysl
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
The faith of modern man
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
Vom Leben des Glaubens
Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal
Meditations on Jesus Christ
The Lord
La Mere du Seigneur
Lauterkeit des Blicks
Prayers for theology
Von heiligen Zeichen
La existencia del cristiano
Welt und Person
Opere di Romano Guardini
Der Heilbringer in Mythos, Offenbarung und Politik
The Life of faith
The life of faith
Freedom, grace, and destiny
The conversion of Augustine
Europa, werkelijkheid en opgave
Liturgie jako hra
Tre scritti sull'università
The church and the Catholic, and The spirit of the liturgy
Les sens et la connaissance de Dieu
Rilke's Duino elegies
Vom Sinn der Schwermut
Gegenwart und Geheimnis
Meditations before Mass
Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins
The spirit of the liturgy
O živém Bohu
Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament
The humanity of Christ
Christliches Bewusstsein
In Spiegel und Gleichnis
The Church and the Catholic
The world and the person
Über das Wesen des Kunstwerks
The death of Socrates
Die Existenz des Christen
The church of the Lord
Gehalten von Gottes Hand
Pascal for our time
Meditations before mass
Sprache, Dichtung, Deutung
Vom Geist der Liturgie
The end of the modern world
Power and responsibility
Theologische Gebete
Der Gegensatz
The wisdom of the Psalms
Briefe über Selbstbildung
Il Signore
Systembildende Elemente in der Theologie Bonaventuras
The death of Socrates