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philosophers who wrote autobiography
Showing 121-128 out of 143 results
Martin Buber
Martin Buber (1878-1965)

philosopher, existentialist, translator, pedagogue, literary editor, Bible translator, educator, zionist, theologian, librettist

  • University of Vienna, Humboldt University of Berlin
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Ich und du
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Pfade in Utopia
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Die Legende des Baalschem
Ein Land und zwei Völker
Between man and man
Der heilige Weg
Erzählungen der Chassidim
Israel and the world
Ten Rungs
Ben ʻam le-artso
Königtum Gottes
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
On the Bible
Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten
To hallow this life
Gog u-Magog
Martin Buber's 10 Rungs
Bilder von Gut und Böse
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Der grosse maggid und seine nachfolge
Der Glaube der Propheten
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Towards union in Palestine
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen, 1900-1915
The Ten Rungs & The Way Of Man
The writings of Martin Buber
Die jüdische Bewegung
Vom Geist des Judentums
On Judaism
Chinese Tales: Zhuangzi
Die Rede, die Lehre und das Lied
The first Buber
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Hasidism and modern man
Que Es El Hombre ?
Zwei Glaubensweisen
Martin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy
The Great ideas today, 1967
L'éclipse de Dieu
The knowledge of man
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Lesser Ury
Die j©·udische Bewegung
Die jüdische Bewegung: Gesammelte Aufsätze und Ansprachen 1900-1915
The way of response
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Scripture and translation
Ereignisse und Begegnungen
Chassidische Legenden Verbeeld [Een Suite van H.N. Werkman]
Der Jude und sein Judentum
Daniel, Gespräche von der Verwirklichung
The Martin Buber reader
Martin Buber Werke, 22 Bde., Bd.1, Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften (1898-1924)
Buber, The Writings of Martin
Ecstatic Confessions
Reden über das Judentum
Lesser Ury
Das dialogische Prinzip
Philosophical Library Existentialism Collection
I and Tao
Believng Humansm
La vie en dialogue
Schriften Zum Judentum
Chinese tales
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Or ha-ganuz
Hundert chassidische Geschichten
Das Problem des Menschen
Die chassidischen Bücher
Des Baal- Schem- Tow Unterweisung im Umgang mit Gott
l'homme au raifort
Schriften über das Dialogische Prinzip
GOOD AND EVIL. Two Interpretations.
Schriften Zur Zionistischen Politik und Zur Jüdisch-Arabischen Frage
On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Deutung des chassidismus
Israel and Palestine
The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers dialogue
The origin and meaning of Hasidism
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Martin Buber, a centenary volume
Yehudim ṿe-ʻArvim be-Erets Yiśraʾel
Politische Schriften
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
On the Bible
A Believing humanism
Good and Evil, Two Interpretations
La Relation, âme de l'éducation ?
Martin Buber and the theater, including Martin Buber's "mystery play" Elijah
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Schriften Zur Biblischen Religion
Schriften Zur Bibelübersetzung
Lesser Ury
Erzählungen von Engeln, Geistern und Dämonen
Tales of the Hasidim
El Camino del Hombre
Erets li-shene amim
Frühe Kulturkritische und Philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Les récits hassidiques, tome 2
Briefwechsel Martin Buber-Ludwig Strauss, 1913-1953
Der Knecht Gottes
The Knowledge of Man
Worte an die Zeit
Das verborgene licht
For the sake of heaven
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Königtum Gottes
Pirḳe ḥasidut
On the Bible
A believing humanism
Das dialogische Prinzip
The philosophy of Martin Buber
Die Rede, Die Lehre und das Lied
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel Zum 50. Geburtstag
On the Bible;
Chassidismus I
Schriften Zur Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Images of Good and Evil
L'Eclipse de Dieu
Ten Rungs
Gog und Magog
El principio dialógico
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Lesser Ury
Ben ve Sen
Eclipse of God
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Schriften Zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Schuld und Schuldgefühle
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Eclipse de Dios
The Jew
Tales of the Hasidim Later Masters Vol. II
ha-Ruaḥ ṿeha-metsiʼut
Reden über Erziehung
Begegnung. Autobiographische Fragmente
Martin Buber, Bilanz seines Denkens (German Edition)
Tri reci o zidovství
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
An der Wende
Towards Union in Palestine
Einsichten. Aus den Schriften gesammelt
Vom Geist des Judentums
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
On Judaism
Chassidismus III
Vorlesungen Zu Judentum und Christentum
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Confesiones extáticas
Martin Buber
Dialogische Prinzip. Ich und du. Zwiesprache. Die Frage an Den Einzelnen. Elemente des Zwischenmenschlichen. Zur Geschichte des Dialogischen Prinzips
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Schriften Zu Philosophie und Religion
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Cheruth. Eine Rede über Jugend und Religion.
Martin Buber. Den Menschen erfahren
Chassidismus II
Way of Humanity
Schriften Zur Politischen Philosophie und Zur Sozialphilosophie
For the sake of heaven (Harper torchbooks. The Temple library)
Die Schrift
Martin Buber. Worte für jeden Tag
Schriften Zum Christentum
Les récits hassidiques, tome 1
El Conocimiento del Hombre
Die Josefslegende, in acquarellierten Zeichnungen eines unbekannten russischen Juden der Biedermeierzeit
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus
Die Jüdische Bewegung
[Die Schrift]
Die Schrift
Einsichten aus den Schriften Gesammelt (Insel-Bucherei Nr. 573)
Le problème de l'homme
ECLIPSE OF GOD a Critique of the Key 10th Century Philosophies - Existentialism, Crisis Theology, Jungian Psychology
On Judaism
Way of Man
Biblical humanism
Frühe Jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Eclipse of God a Critique of the Key 20th Cent. Philosophies Existentialism Crisis Theology and Jungian Psychology
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros I
Wer eine Seele rettet, rettet die Welt
To hallow this life
At the turning
Cuentos Jasidicos
Mein Weg Zum Chassidismus, Erinnerungen Von Martin Buber
Confesiones extáticas
Mythos und Mystik
Schriften Zur Chinesischen Philosophie und Literatur
Schriften Zu Literatur, Theater und Kunst
Recht und Unrecht
Darko shel Miḳra
Daniel; dialogues on realization
Hasidism and Modern Man
Die Jüdische Bewegung
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Tales of the Hasidim
Two letters to Gandhi from Martin Buber and J. L. Magnes
Good and Evil Two Interpretations I Right and Wrong II Images of Good and Evil - Scholar's Choice Edition
Schriften Zum Messianismus
Eine jüdische Hochschule
Martin Buber-Werkausgabe
Die judische bewegung = The Jewish Movement.
Sprachphilosophische Schriften
For the sake of heaven
The knowledge of man. Edited with an introductory essay by Maurice Friedman. Translated from the German by Maurice Friedman and Ronald Gregor Smith.
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Encuentro En El Desfiladero
Juedische Kuenstler
Judíos en la U.R.S.S.
Der utopische Sozialismus
Encounter; autobiographical fragments
Vom Geist des Judentums
Deʻotaṿ ha-ḳedumot shel ha-noʻar
Colpa e sensi di colpa
Mystische Zeugnisse aller Zeiten und Völker
Leket I
Dialogisches Leben
Ben ʻam le-artso
Recht und Unrecht
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
גוג ומגוג
Bet-sefer-gavoha yehudi
Raʻyon ha-geʼulah ba-Ḥasidut
Des Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
Humanismo hebreo y nacionalismo
Martin-Buber Werkausgabe (MBW)
Stationen des Glaubens
Aus Tiefen rufe ich Dich
Martin Buber
Il principio dialogico
On the Bible
Gog u-Magog
Me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Der Glaube der Propheten
Der Weg der Menschen
Rede über das Erzieherische
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Bet sefer gavoha Yehudi
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Gog und Magog
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung
Gabe Herrn Rabbiner Dr. Nobel zum 50. Geburtstag
Pirḳe ḥasidut
Darko shel Miḳra
Das Buch der zwölf
Das Buch der Preisungen
Psalm 130
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Devarim le-zikhro shel Marṭin Buber
Das Buch Rut
Worte an die Jugend
La leggenda del Baal-Scem
Martin Buber (JNUL-Jerusalem)
For the sake of heaven
Die Schrift, zu verdeutschen unternommen
Die Stunde und die Erkenntnis
Das Buch der Preisungen
En la encrucijada
Yo y Tu y Otros Ensayos
Kingship of God
Cuentos Jasidicos. Los Primeros Maestros II
Cuentos Jasidicos. Primeros Maestros I
Recht und Unrecht. Deutung einiger Psalmen
Cuentos jasídicos, los maestros continuadores
A believing humanism
ha- Tsedeḳ ṿeha-ʻavel ʻal-pi tseror mizmore Tehilim
Lettres choisies de Martin Buber, 1899-1965
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. 1
Buber für Atheisten
Pene adam
Zwischen Gesellschaft und Staat
Paths in Utopia
I and thou
Tales of angels, spirits & demons
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
The way of man, according to the teaching of Hasidism
Entsiḳlopedyah ḥinukhit
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Tikvah le-shaah zo
Bücher der Kündung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebes-Geschichten
Auf die Stimme hören
Die Schriften über das dialogische Prinzip
Sionismo y universalidad
Ten rungs
The knowledge of man
Parola e scrittura
Schriften zu Jugend, Erziehung und Bildung
Or ha-ganuz
Die jüdische Bewegung
Zion als Ziel und als Aufgabe
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Der Weg des Menschen nach der chassidischen Lehre
Letters/martin Buber
Leḳet me-otsar ha-ḥasidut
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Les récits hassidiques
Die Vorurteile der Jugend
Leket I
Urdistanz und Beziehung
Martin Buber
On Judaism
Worte an die Zeit
Beʻayat ha-adam
Die Troestung Israels
Mein Weg zum Chassidismus
Opowieści chasydów
Brief an Gandhi
Königtum Gottes
Das Kommende
Ḥilufe igrot be-meshekh shivʻim shanah
Jewish Spirituality
Problem cz¿owieka
Die Juden in der UdSSR
Gog und Magog
Derko shel mikra
The way of man according to the teachings of Hasidism
Right and wrong
Völker/Staaten und Zion
Right and wrong
Martin Buber im Gespräch mit Gott und den Menschen
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Die frage an den einzelnen
Das Problem des Menschen
Gog şi Magog
Estudios sobre judaismo
Droga człowieka według nauczania chasydów
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Good and evil
Palestine, a bi-national state
Die vier Zweige des Mabinogi
Dray reden iber Idenṭum
Kampf um Israel
Martin Buber
Die fünf Bücher der Weisung
Chinesische Geister- und Liebesgeschichten
Drei Reden über das Judentum
Die Schriftwerke
Pene 'adam
Ben ʻam le-artso
From the treasure house of Hassidism
Die chassidische Botschaft
El camí de l'home
Deux types de foi
Imagenes del Bien y del Mal
Drei Legenden
Ekstatischer Konfessionen
Frühe kulturkritische und philosophische Schriften 1891-1924
Bücher der Geschichte
Die Schriftwerke
Tri besjede o židovstvu
Un experimento que no fracasó
Un experimento que no fracasó
Isreal and the World
Vom Geist des Judentums
Pointing the way
Darko shel adam ʻal-pi torat ha-ḥasidut
Das Problem des Menschen
München ehrt Martin Buber
Tales of the Hasidim, Vol. 2
Geschichten von Rabbi Bunam
Dva obraza very
Leket II
Frühe jüdische Schriften 1900-1922
Or ha-ganuz
Bet sefer gavoah Yehudi
Cuentos Jasidicos - Maestros Continuad. II
Khasidskie istorii
Die chassidischen Bücher
On Judaism
Ekstatische Konfessionen
Be-fardes ha-ḥasidut
Zwiesprache. Traktat vom dialogischen Leben
Reden üUber das Judentum
Be-mashber ha-ruaḥ
Sette discorsi sull'ebraismo
Be-sod śiaḥ
Cuentos jasídicos, los primeros maestros
Der Mensch und sein Gebild
Zac mienie Boga
Kalewala das National-Epos der Finnen
Dialogisches Leben
Juedische Kuenstler
Das Buch der Preisungen
Or ha-ganuz
Eclipse de Dios
Opowieści chasydów
Marṭin Buber, meʾah shanah le-huladto
Das Buch im Anfang
Das Buch der Preisungen
Die Geschichten des Rabbi Nachman
The legend of the Baal-Shem
Opowieści chasydów
Zwischen Zeit und Ewigkeit
Martin Buber
Malkhut shamayim
Ereignisse und begegnungen
Velenie dukha
Torat ha-neviʾim
Discorsi sull'educazione
Ich und du
El humanismo hebreo y nuestro tiempo
Niḳolai Ḳoperniḳus 1473-1543
Zu einer neuen Verdeutschung der Schrift
Cass Sunstein
Cass Sunstein (born 1954)

jurist, political scientist, economist, lawyer, philosopher

  • Harvard Law School, Harvard College
Legal Reasoning & Political Conflict
The partial Constitution
The Second Bill of Rights
Worst-Case Scenarios
One Case at a Time
Democracy and the problem of free speech
Why Societies Need Dissent (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures)
Radicals in Robes
Laws of Fear 2.0
Free markets and social justice
After the rights revolution
Why nudge
The Cost-Benefit State
Designing democracy
Clones and clones
The offensive Internet
On rumors
Risk and Reason
Constitutional Law
The Bill of Rights in the modern state
Acuerdos carentes de una teoría completa en Derecho Constitucional y otros ensayos
Punitive Damages
The Cost of Rights
First Amendment
#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media
El costo de los derechos
The world according to Star Wars
Too Much Information /
Nudging Health
Choosing Not to Choose: Understanding the Value of Choice
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy
A constitution of many minds
Un pequeño empujón (nudge)
Going to extremes
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy 2007-2008 Case Supplement
Feminism & political theory
Clones and clones : facts and fantasies about human cloning
Behavioral law and economics
Assessing punitive damages
How Change Happens
Constitutional Law 2002 Supplement
Constitutional myth-making
Democracy and the problem of free speech
Constitutional Law 1993 Supplement
Casenote Legal Briefs
Animal rights
La filosofia Nudge
Are judges political?
Valuing life
Animal rights
Nudge. La spinta gentile
Trusting Nudges
Animal Rights
The vote
Constitutional personae
The Federalist
Republiccom 20
Preferences and politics
Economics of Nudge
Can it happen here?
Constitutional Law 2007 (Case Supplement)
Pornography, abortion, surrogacy
Worst-case scenarios
Going to Extremes
Bounded Rationality
This Is Not Normal
Echo Chambers
On Rumors
Punitive damages
Are Judges Political?
Law and Leviathan
The New Gatekeepers
The World According to Star Wars
Do people want optimal deterrence?
The Cost-Benefit Revolution
Riesgo y Razon - Seguridad Ley y Medioambiente
How Change Happens
Constitution of Many Minds
Constitutional law
NSA Report
Animal Rights
Un pequeño empujón
Behavioral Law and Economics
How to Interpret the Constitution
Czy powstanie klon człowieka?
On Freedom
Why groups go to extremes
Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech
Free Markets and Social Justice
Constitutional Law
Dōbutsu no kenri
Interest groups in American public law
Can It Happen Here? Lib/E
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Normal Rationality
Pequeño Empujón : el Impulso Que Necesitas para Tomar Mejores Decisiones Sobre Salud, Dinero y Felicidad/ Nudge
Conspiracy theories & other dangerous ideas
Human Agency and Behavioral Economics
Constitutional Law 2022 Supplement
Can It Happen Here? Authoritarianism in America
Research Handbook on Nudges and Society
Why Nudge?
Why Societies Need Dissent
Advanced Introduction to Behavioral Law and Economics
Default Nudges
Free Markets and Social Justice
Behavioral Science and Public Policy
Averting Catastrophe
Rumorología / On Rumors
Star Wars'a Göre Dünya
Free Markets and Social Justice
Second amendmentmMinimalism
Risk vs. Risk
Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
Cost-Benefit Revolution
Too Much Information
Leyes de miedo
Rumorología / On Rumors
Worst-Case Scenarios
Gesetze der Angst
Does Red Lion still roar?
Valuing Life
Laws of Fear
Laws of Fear
Rumorología / On Rumors
Why Groups Go to Extremes
Leyes de miedo
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America
Punitive Damages
On Rumours
World According to Star Wars
On Rumours
How to Humble a Wingnut and Other Lessons from Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Law and Economics
Ethics of Influence
Riesgo y razón
Choosing Not to Choose
Constitutional Law, Eighth Edition
Rumorología / On Rumors
Las cuentas pendientes del sueño americano
Decisions about Decisions
On Freedom
La revolución en los derechos
Paternalismo libertario
Are Judges Political?
Republic. com 2. 0
Designing Democracy
Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
Law and happiness
Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas
Leyes de miedo
Can It Happen Here?
Economics of Nudge
Punitive damages
Ethics of Influence
Molefi Kete Asante
Molefi Kete Asante (born 1942)


  • University of California, Los Angeles, Pepperdine University
As I run toward Africa
The Afrocentric idea
The African-American atlas
The Egyptian Philosophers
The History of Africa
Erasing racism
Culture and Customs of Egypt (Culture and Customs of Africa)
The book of African names
Contemporary Critical Thought in Africology and Africana Studies
An Afrocentric Manifesto
Malcolm X as cultural hero
The historical and cultural atlas of African Americans
Kemet, Afrocentricity, and knowledge
Encyclopedia of Black studies
Afrocentricity, the theory of social change
Black Truths White Lies Defining Hope Among Black Student Achievers
Transracial communication
100 greatest African Americans
Maulana Karenga An Intellectual Portrait
Rooming in the master's house
The African American people
Rhetoric of Black revolution
Maulana Karenga An Intellectual Portrait
The global intercultural communication reader
Afrocentric Pan Africanist Vision
Cheikh Anta Diop
Global Intercultural Communication Reader
Molefi Kete Asante
Transcendence and the Africana Literary Enterprise
Barack Obama
Race, rhetoric, and identity
Activity Book for Classical Africa
AMA Mazama
100 Greatest African Americans
The Painful Demise of Eurocentrism
Points of View
Language, communication, and rhetoric in Black America
Spear masters
Facing South to Africa
Handbook of international and intercultural communication
Demise of the Inhuman, The
Erasing racism
Afrocentric Idea
History of Africa
The painful demise of eurocentrism
Encyclopedia of African religion
African American History
Global Intercultural Communication Reader
Handbook of Black Studies
Transcultural realities
Spear masters
A guide to African and African-American art
Facing South to Africa
Classical Africa
The American Demagogue
Privileging Communication in an Era of Conflict
Global Masculinities and Manhood
As I Run Toward Africa
African culture
African American People
Demise of the Inhuman
Lynching Barack Obama
African culture
Points of View
African Pyramids of Knowledge
Egyptian Philosophers
The voice of Black rhetoric
African American Culture
Maulana Karenga
Afrocentric Idea Revised
Handbook of intercultural communication
Handbook of Black Studies
Rhetoric of Black Revolution
Essays in honor of an intellectual warrior, Molefi Kete Asante
The scream of blood
Transracial communication (Prentice-Hall speech communication series)
Revolutionary Pedagogy
Handbook of Black studies
Being Human Being
As I Run Toward Africa
The book of African names
Rooming in the Master's House
Socio-cultural conflict between African American and Korean American
Culture and Customs of Egypt
Encyclopedia of African Religion
Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication
Egypt vs. Greece and the American academy
The African American book of names and their meanings
How to talk with people of other races, ethnic groups, and cultures
African and African American communication continuities
African American history
Toward transracial communication
Classical Africa
African culture
The emergence of Black studies
Contemporary public communication, applications
The voice of Black rhetoric: selections
Molefi Kete Asante and Afrocentricity
Erasing racism
Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen (1097-1179)

naturalist, composer, philosopher, illuminator, physician, nun, poet, theologian, abbess, artist, playwright, botanist, mystic, sexologist, polymath

  • Disibodenberg
Expositio super cantica canticorum
Secrets of God
The letters of Hildegard of Bingen
Selected writings
Hildegard of Bingen
Holistic healing
Hildegard of Bingen's book of divine works with letters and songs
Hildegard von Bingen. Heilkraft der Natur. Physica
Das Speyerer Krauterbuch mit den Heilpflanzen Hildegards von Bingen
Hildegardis Bingensis Opera minora
Le livre des subtilités des créatures divines
Hildegard von Bingen's Physica
Mystical writings
Schriften der Hildegard von Bingen
Solutions to Thirty-Eight Questions
Gott schauen
Homilies on the Gospels
Explanatio Regulae S. Benedicti
The wisdom of Hildegard of Bingen
Explanation of the Rule of Benedict
Hildegardis Causae et curae
Hildegardis liber vite meritorum
El arte de sanar de santa Hildegard (Biblioteca de santa Hildegarda)
Hildegard von Bingen
Welt und Mensch
Hildegard of Bingen's unknown language
Hildegard von Bingen's Mystical visions
The windows of faith
Hildegardis Bingensis Liber divinorum operum
Physica S. Hildegardis elementorum
Gebete der heiligen Hildegard
Hildegard of Bingen
Das Buch von den Pflanzen
The personal correspondence of Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen
Le livre des euvres divines
Ursachen und Behandlung der Krankenheit
Schriften der heiligen Hildegard von Bingen
Das Buch von den Tieren
Schriften der Heiligen Hilgegard von Bingen
Creation and Christ
Thesaurus Hildegardis Bingensis
Gott ist am Werk
"Nun höre und lerne, damit du errötest -"
An  anthology
Atlas der Edelsteine und Metalle
Hildegardis Causae et curae
An explanation of the Athanasian Creed
Sant Hildegardten Weissagung vber die Papisten vnd genanten Geistlichen
Opera omnia, ad optimorum liborum fidem edita
Der Weg der Welt
Wörterbuch der unbekannten Sprache (Lingua ignota)
Gott sehen
Wisse die Wege
Two hagiographies
Hildegardis Scivias
Von den Elementen
Rüdesheimer Codex
Heilwissen von den ursachen und der Behandlung von Krankheiten
Hildegard von Bingen
Two chants for Saint Eucharius of Trier
Ordo virtutum =
Three antiphons
Woman mystic
Quellen des Heils
Das Buch von den Vögeln
Der Aebtissin St. Hildegardis myst
Sant Hildegardten Weissagung, vber die Papisten, vnd genanten Geystlichen
Briefe der heiligen Hildegard
Im Feuer der Taube
Das Buch von den Steinen
Der Äbtissen Hildegard von Bingen Ursachen und Behandlung der Krankheiten
Hildegard's healing plants
Ad specta : ac iuris consultiss. virũ D. Henri : Scmidbur : Cancella
El lenguaje secreto de Hildegard Von Bingen
Hildegard von Bingen
Hildegardis Bingensis "Testamentum propheticum"
Sanctae Hildegardis Circulus sapientiae
Das Buch von den Steinen
Causes and cures
Sant Hildegardten Weissagung vber die Papisten vnd genanten Geistlichen
Sant Hildegarten weisagung vber die Papisten vnd genanten geistlichen
Schriften der heiligen Hildegard von Bingen
Les causes et les remèdes
Beten mit Bild und Wort
The letters of Hildegard of Bingen
Sanctae Hildegardis Abbatissae in Monte S. Roberti apud naam fluuium, prope Bingam, sanctissimae virginis & prophetissae, Epistolarum liber
Opuscules monastiques
Two hagiographies
Hildegardis Causae et curae
Sanctae Hildegardis Circulus sapientiae
Les intrigues secrettes des jesuites, traduites du Monita secreta, où l'on a joint L'extrait de la Faculté de theologie de Paris de l'an 1554, et, La prophetie de Sainte Hildegarde, morte en 1181
Songs for the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wisse die Wege
Physica S. Hildegardis
Voice of the blood
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)

linguist, journalist, economist, historian, translator, sociologist, essayist, women's rights activist, philosopher, geographer, suffragist

Harriet Martineau
Society in America
A Round of Stories by the Christmas Fire
Illustrations of political economy
The hour and the man
Eastern life, present and past
The essential faith of the universal church
Autobiography (Nineteenth-Century British Autobiographies)
Letters on mesmerism
Dawn Island
Life in the sick-room
The faith as unfolded by many prophets
Harriet Martineau's letters to Fanny Wedgwood
The 'manifest destiny' of the American union ..
Household education. By Harriet Martineau
Retrospect of Western Travel-3VOLS
A British friendship
Illustrations of political economy
Harriet Martineau
Traditions Of Palestine
Deerbrook, a novel
Harriet Martineau on women
Biographical sketches, 1852-1875
A history of the thirty years' peace, A.D. 1816-1846
The factory controversy
Introduction to the history of the peace, from 1800-1815
Die Gesellschaft und das Sociale Leben in Amerika
Guide To Windermere With Tours To The Neighboring Lakes And Other Interesting Places
The history of England from the commencement of the 19th century to the Crimean War
England and her soldiers
The English lake district
The history of England during the thirty years' peace
History of the peace
A View of the Swamp
Harriet Martineau's writing on British history and military reform
Letters from Ireland
The Crofton boys
The Billow and the Rock
History of England, A.D. 1800-1815
Five years of youth, or, Sense and sentiment
Women, emancipation and literature
Writings on slavery and the American Civil War
Berkeley the banker, or bank notes and bullion
The playfellow
Harriet Martineaus's Autobiography Part Two
How to observe
Poor laws and paupers illustrated
Times of the Saviour
British Rule in India; a Historical Sketch
Suggestions towards the future government of India
Harriet Martineau's writing on the British Empire
What Christmas Is As We Grow Older and Other Stories
A complete guide to the English lakes
Harriet Martineau in the London Daily news
Retrospect of Western Travel-VOL3
The martyr age of the United States of America
The settlers at home
Endowed schools of Ireland
Novelas económicas de H. Martineau
An independent woman's Lake District writings
Devotional exercises
Society In America V1
A description of the English lakes
The History of England From the Commencement of the 19th Century to the Crimean War Volume 4
Health, Husbandry And Handicraft
Forest and game-law tales
Retrospect of Western Travel-VOL1:
Harriet Martineaus's Autobiography Part One
Our farm of two acres
Feats on the fiord, and Merdhin
Society in America; Volume 1
Brooke and Brooke Farm
The English Lakes
Health in the camp
Sowers not reapers
Principle and Practice the Orphan Family
The sickness and health of the people of Bleaburn
Illustrations of political economy
Feats on the fiord or Rolf and Oddo among the pirates
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte 2 Volume Paperback Set
History Of The Peace V1, Being A History Of England From 1816 To 1854
Sketches from life
For each and for all
Biographical sketches, 1852-1868
The young repealer
Providence as manifested through Israel
French wines and politics
The charmed sea, or, Polanders in Siberia
Illustrations of Political Economy
Illustrations of Political Economy, Taxation, Poor Laws and Paupers
The peasant and the prince, a story of the French revolution
Health in the hospital
Life in the wilds
Ella of Garveloch
The Jerseymen meeting
Views of slavery & emancipation
The hamlets
Illustrations of taxation
Illustrations of Political Economy
Prize Essays
Three English Women in America
The children who lived by the Jordan
Retrospect of Western Travel; Volume 2
The Farrers of Budge-Row
Society in America, Volumes 1-2
Harriet Martineau and America
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte; Volume 3
Miss Martineau's popular tales
Illustrations Of Political Economy
Illustrations of Political Economy, Issues 5-8
Society in America; Volume 3
Illustrations of Political Economy; Volume 9
Illustrations of Political Economy
Illustrations of Political Economy - Vol VIII
The parish
Miscellanies; Volume 1
The friends
Illustrations of Political Economy
The three ages
The tendency of strikes and sticks to produce low wages, and of union between masters and men to ensure good wages
An epitome of the positive philosophy and religion  explanatory of the Society of Humanity in the City of New York
The rioters
Briery Creek
The tenth haycock
Homes abroad
The land's end
The park and the paddock
Illustrations of Political Economy
Voyage aux États-Unis
Memorials of Old Haileybury College
Harriet Martineau in London Da
The scholars of Arneside
The moral of many fables
Cinnamon and pearls
History of the Thirty Years' Peace. A, Volume 2
The Hampdens
Society in America; Volume 2
Contes choisis sur l'économie politique. Tome 1
The hill and the valley
Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte; Volume 1
[Letters additional]
Life in the Wilds. the Hill and the Valley. Brooke and Brooke Farm
Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek. the Loom and the Lugger. in Two Parts
Manchester Strike. Cousin Marshall. Ireland
Illustrations of Political Economy
English Lake District
Illustrations of Political Economy
Peasant and the Prince
A tale of the Tyne
Society in America, Volumes 1-2
Eastern Life
Harriet Martineau's autobiography
ha-Mityashvim ʻal ha-i
The children who lived by the Jordan
Prefatory letter to Henry Whitworth, Esq., secretary to the National Assoc. of Factory Occupiers
Harpatḳah ba-Feyord
Two letters on cow-keeping
A Manchester strike
Biographical sketches
The settlers at home
Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek
[Letter to] My dear friend
Harriet Martineau's autobiography
The moral of many fables
[Letter to] My dear friend
Providence as manifested through Israel
Glen of the echoes
Feats on the fjord
Society in America
Corporate tradition and national rights
Voyage aux États-Unis
Biographical sketches
On the duty of studying political economy
Illustrations of political economy
De la société américaine
Six letters from a very high personage
The essential faith of the universal church
Berkeley the banker, or bank notes and bullion
The Factory controversy
[Letter to] My dear friend
A complete guide to the English lakes
The hour and the man
Loom and lugger, or, Weavers and smugglers
[Letter to] My dear friend
Lydia Maria Child
Lydia Maria Child (1802-1880)

poet, journalist, geologist, philosopher

Incidents in the life of a slave girl
Over the River and Through the Wood
Frugal housewife
A Romance of the Republic
Hobomok and other writings on Indians
An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans
Letters from New York
The freedmen's book
Boy's Thanksgiving Day
Looking toward sunset
Letters of Lydia Maria Child
The right way, the safe way
Isaac T. Hopper: a true life
The evils of slavery, and the cure of slavery
Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia
The progress of religious ideas
The mother's book
The girl's own book
The family nurse, or, Companion of the frugal housewife, ed. by an eminent physician
Fact and fiction
Girl's Own Book
Lydia Maria Child
The right way the safe way, proved by emancipation in the British West Indies, and elsewhere
The frugal housewife
Good wives
Looking toward sunset
Looking Toward Sunset: From Sources Old and New, Original and Selected
American Women's Literature
Anti-slavery catechism
A Lydia Maria Child reader
The American Frugal Housewife: Dedicated to Those who are Not Ashamed of Economy
Over the river & thro' the woods
Over the river and through the wood
The Magician's Show Box: And Other Stories
Flowers for children
Letters of Lydia Maria Child
The Progress of Religious Ideas: Through Successive Ages. In Three Volumes
Celebrated Women, Or, Biographies of Good Wives
Lydia Maria Child, selected letters, 1817-1880
The family nurse
Fact and Fiction: A Collection of Stories
Philothea: A Grecian Romance
The rebels
The history of the condition of women, in various ages and nations
Authentic anecdotes of American slavery
The family nurse, or, Companion of the American frugal housewife
Letters from New York
The Right Way the Safe Way: Proved by Emancipation in the British West ..
The patriarchal institution
Over the River and Through the Woods
A new flower for children
Collected Works of Lydia Maria Francis Child
The first settlers of New-England, or, Conquest of the Pequods, Narragansets and Pokanokets
Biographies of good wives
The progress of religious ideas
Letters from New York
The progress of religious ideas
The biographies of Lady Russell, and Madame Guyon
The oasis
The Magician's Show Box and Other Stories
Over the River and Through the Woods
Autumnal leaves
The girl's own book
Over the River and Through the Wood/Book and Study Guide (A Reading Rainbow Big Book)
A romance of the republic
Hobomok, a tale of early times
Philothea: a romance
Letters from New York
Over the River and Through the Wood
Bitty Bear's sleigh ride
The family nurse; or, Companion of the frugal housewife
The American Frugal Housewife 12th Edition 1833
Lydia Maria Francis Child correspondence
Authentic anecdotes of American slavery
The history of the condition of women in various ages and nations .
Flowers for children
speeches on political questions
The right way the safe way
The Magician's Show Box and Other Stories
The biographies of Madame de Staël, and Madame Roland
The duty of disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act
Appeal in Favor of That Class of Amer
Anti-slavery catechism
The frugal housewife
The fountain for every day in the year
The family nurse, or, Companion of the frugal housewife
The History Of The Condition Of Women V2
The duty of disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act
Looking toward sunset
The American frugal housewife
Letters from New York
The American frugal housewife
[Incomplete letter to] Dear Friend
The girl's own book
Flowers for children
Memoirs of Madame de Staël, and of Madame Roland. ..
Anti-slavery catechism
The mother's book
The little girl's own book
The girl's own book
Brief history of the condition of women in various ages and nations
Over the river and through the wood
The Frugal Housewife
The right way the safe way, proved by emancipation in the British West Indies, and elsewhere
Appeal in Favor of Africans
Memoirs of Madame de Staël
The American Frugal Housewife
The mother's story book
The American Frugal Housewife
The American frugal housewife
The Magician's Show Box and Other Stories
The frugal housewife
The Mother's Book
Over the River and Through the Woods
The biographies of Madame de Staël
Over the River and Through the Wood: The New England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day
Deeper Wrong
The Progress Of Religious Ideas, Through Successive Ages V3
The American Frugal Housewife
Biographical sketches of great and good men
A Romance of the Republic
The Rebels, or, Boston Before the Revolution
The little girl's own book
Brief history of the condition of women
The Duty of Disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act
The American frugal housewife
A Romance of the Republic
The duty of disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act
[Letter to] Dear Friend
The children of Mount Ida
The coronal
Right Way the Safe Way
The American Frugal Housewife
The American frugal housewife
Hobomok, a Tale of Early Times
Little Girl's Own Book
The American Frugal Housewife
Family Nurse, or, Companion of the Frugal Housewife, Ed. by an Eminent Physician
The Progress of Religious Ideas
Letters from New York
Collected Works of Lydia Maria Francis Child
Philothea : Or, Plato against Epicurus
Letters of Lydia Maria Child
Letters from New York, second series
American Frugal Housewife
The American Frugal Housewife
The collected correspondence of Lydia Maria Child, 1817-1880
Right Way the Safe Way, Proved by Emancipation in the British West Indies, and Elsewhere
Girl's Own Book
Aspirations of the world [microform]
The mother's book
American Frugal Housewife
Letters of Lydia Maria Child, with a biographical introduction by John G. Whittier and an appendix by Wendell Phillips
Frugal Housewife
A romance of the republic
The little girl's own book
Progress of Religious Ideas
The progress of religious ideas, through successive ages
The History of the Condition of Women, in Various Ages and Nations; Volume 2
Better Days Books Frugal Food Bible
Rainbows for Children
Right Way
Freedmen's Book; Volume 2
Good wives
Mrs. Child's letter from New York
The Oasis
Freedmen's Book; Volume 1
Married women: biographies of good wives
Memoirs of Madame de Staël, and of Madame Roland
American Frugal Housewife
Celebrated women
Girl's Own Book
Letters of Lydia Maria Child
Authentic Anecdotes of American Slavery
Looking Toward Sunset
The frugal housewife
Family Nurse
The American Frugal Housewife, by MRS.Childs and Samuel Williams
Letters from New York
Looking Toward Sunset
Letters of Lydia Maria Child
Memoirs of Madame de Staël
Sketches from real life
Evenings in New England
Brief History of the Condition of Women
American Frugal Housewife
A Romance of the Republic
Collected Works of Lydia Maria Francis Child
American Frugal Housewife
The freedmen's book
The Little Girl'S Own Book
American Frugal Housewife
Progress of Religious Ideas
Letters From New York
The American Frugal Housewife
Correspondence Between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia
Romance of the Republic
A Lydia Maria Child reader
The girl's own book
The Girl's Own Book
Brief History of the Condition of Women
History of the Condition of Women, in Various Ages and Nations; Volume I
World's Great Classics : The Magician's Show Box
Memoirs of Madame de Staël, and of Madame Roland
The Duty of Disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 9, An Appeal To The Legislators Of Massachusetts
Over the River and Through the Wood
The Freedmen's Book; Volume 1
Over the River and Through the Wood
Freedmen's Book; Volume 1
[Paper fragment] To L. Maria Child with the respects of Samuel May
The biographies of Madame de Staël, and Madame Roland
The patriarchal institution
[Letter to] Dear Mr. Higginson
[Incomplete letter to Lydia Maria Child]
[Letter to] My dear friend
The Golden ball
Fact and fiction
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] My Dear Madam
[Letter to] Dear Ladies
Authentic anecdotes of American slavery
[Letter to] Dear Caroline
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Sir
[Incomplete letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Mr. May
[Letter to] My Dear Friend
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
The frugal housewife
[Letter to] Dear Friend
Rainbows for children
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Dear David
Flowers for children
The ticket
[Letter to] Friend Higginson
[Letter to] Friend Higginson
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
The patriarchal institution, as described by members of its own family
[Incomplete letter to Lydia Maria Child]
National Hymn
[Letter to] Dearest Child
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
[Letter to] Mr. & Mrs. Childs [sic], Dear Friends
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Chapman
[Letter to] My Dear Madam
[Letter to] Dear Madam
Good little Mitty
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] My Dear Madam
Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia
[Letter to] Dear Henrietta
[Incomplete letter to Lydia Maria Child]
[Letter to Lydia Maria Child]
The rebels, or, Boston before the Revolution
The right way the safe way
[Letter to] Dear Friend Garrison
[Letter to unknown recipient]
[Letter to] Dear Madam
[Letter to] Dear Mr. Walcutt [sic]
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
[Letter to] Dear Henrietta
[Letter to] Friend Wallcut
[Letter] To the Board of the Massachusetts Anti Slavery Society
[Letter to] Dear Caroline
[Letter to] Dear Lucy
[Incomplete letter to] My dear Mrs. Child
Moral lessons in verse
[Letter to] Mr. Colman
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Chapman
[Letter to] Mr. Walcutt [sic]
[Letter to] My dear blessed Maria!
Works of Lydia Maria Childs [sic]
[Letter to] My dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Friend
Biography of Lady Russell
Celebrated women, or, Biographies of good wives
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Chapman
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
The mother's book
The happy grandmother
[Letter to] Messrs [James] Munroe & Co
[Incomplete letter to Augusta King]
[Letter to] Dear Sir
The duty of disobedience to the Fugitive slave act
[Letter to] Mr. Yerrinton
[Letter to] My Dear Friend Lucy
[Letter to] Dear Friend Garrison
[Letter to] My dear Friend
[Letter to Anne Warren Weston?] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Chapman
Emiliy Parker, or, Impulse, not principle
[Letter to]Dear Madam
Letters from New York
[Incomplete letter to] Mrs. Child, Dear Madam
[Letter to] Mr. May, Dear Sir
The magician's show box
[Letter to Maria Weston Chapman]
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Dear Caroline
[Letter to] My dear Mrs Childs [sic]
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] My dear friend
On the management and education of children
[Invitation to the 29th Subscription Anniversary]
Good wives
[Letter to] Dear Friend Phillips
[Letter to] Esteemed Friend
[Letter to] Mr. May
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
[Letter to Lydia Maria Child]
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Child
Das Buch der Mutter
Memorial R.G.S.
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Chapman
Rose Marian, and the flower fairies
The little girl's own book
The American frugal housewife
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Mr. Moody, Dear Sir
[Letter to] My dear Mrs. Child
Aspirations of the world
[Letter to] Dear Friend
The power of kindness and other stories
[Letter to] Dear Charlotte
The right way the safe way
The coronal
A new flower for children
[Letter to] Dear Friend
Flowers for children
[Incomplete letter to Maria Weston Chapman?]
[Letter to] L. Maria Child, Dear Friend
[Letter to] Friend May
Biographical sketches of great and good men
[Letter to] Dear Mrs C.
[Letter to] Yes, dear friend
The right way the safe way, proved by emancipation in the British West Indies, and elsewhere
[Letter to Maria Weston Chapman]
The Christ-child and other stories
Looking toward sunset
[Letter] To Rev. Mr. Lothrop, Dear Sir
[Two letters to] Mr. Sargent, Dear Sir
[Letter to] Dear Francis
[Letter to] Mrs. May
The brother and sister
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Dear Husband
The power of kindness
[Publisher statement]
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Curtis
[Letter to] Dear Sir
The family nurse, or, Companion of the frugal housewife
Letters from New York
[Letter to] Dear Friend Walcutt [sic]
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
[Letter to] Friend Garrison
The boy's heaven
[Letter to] Dear friend
[Letter to] Esteemed Friend
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Miss Stevenson
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Friend
[Letter to] Dear Mrs. Chapman
André Maurois
André Maurois (1885-1967)

philosopher, essayist, historian, literary critic, biographer, critic

  • Lycée Pierre-Corneille
Aspects de la biographie
Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror
Memoirs, 1885-1967
Proust; a biography
Histoire de la France
Magiciens et logiciens
The art of happiness
General Bramble
Lafayette in America
Patapoufs et Filifers
Un art de vivre
Marshall Lyautey
The Edwardian era
Call no man happy
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble
De Proust a Camus
Cinq visages de l'amour
Napoleon and his world
The collected stories of André Maurois
Introduction à la méthode de Paul Valéry
Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo
À la recherche de Marcel Proust
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
Die besten Kurzgeschichten
Nouvelles extra-terrestres et imaginaires
The miracle of America
Poets and prophets
An illustrated history of Germany
En Amérique
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac
La France change de viasage
Histoire des Etats-Unis
D'Aragon à Montherland
Édouard VII et son temps
Cours de bonheur conjugal
Frédéric Chopin
Les Titans ou les trois Dumas
Atmosphere of Love
Portrait de la France et des Français
Le chapitre suivant
To an unknown lady
Les discours du docteur O'Grady / Les silences du colonel Bramble / Nouveaux discours du docteur O'Grady
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
3 letters on the English
Alexandre Dumas
Choses nues
I remember, I remember
Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de Victor Hugo ; Les trois Dumas
Lecture, mon doux plaisir
Ten Droll Tales ...
La vie de Sir Alexander Fleming
Cecil Rhodes
Private Universe
Rouen dévasté
Tragédie en France
Journal d'un tour en Amérique latine
J.L. David
Versailles aux lumières
La vie de Disraëli
Poésie et action
The miracle of France
Un essai sur Dickens
Proust: portrait of a genius
Woman without love
Les Anglais
Petite histoire de l'espèce humaine (fragments)
Portrait d'une actrice (Mrs. Siddons)
Les silences du colonel Bramble
My Latin-American diary
Don Juan
Public libraries and their mission
The Chelsea way, or, Marcel in England
Le monde de Marcel Proust
Adrienne, ou, La vie de Madame de La Fayette
L' Amérique inattendue
Selections from André Maurois
Chantiers américains
Les roses de septembre
La Conquête de l'Angleterre par les Normands
A history of the USA
Conseils a un jeune Français partant pour l'Angleterre
Maurois reader
An illustrated history of England
Points of View
Why France fell
Histoire de l'Angleterre
Andrâe Maurois:Prométhée, ou, La vie de Balzac ; Olympio, ou, La vie de
Sentiments & coutumes
De la bruyère a Proust
Prophets and poets
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
Sept Visages De L'Amour
The women of Paris
La jeunesse devant notre temps
Bernard Quesnay
Cercle de famille
La Comtesse de Castiglione
From the New Freedom to the New Frontier
Ariel ; ou, la vie de Shelley
Art of Writing
Les Trois Dumas
États-Unis 39
The battle of France
Disraeli, a picture of the Victorian age
Captains and kings
Etudes littéraires
Lecture mon doux plaisir
Etudes Litteraires II (2)
Les bourgeois de Witzheim
Au commencement était l'action
The battle of France
De Gide a   Sartre
Napoléon et l'Empire, 1769, 1815, 1821...
Discours et Nouveaux Discours du Docteur O'grady...
L' instinct du bonheur
Espoirs et souvenirs
Terre promise
Washington, the life of a patriot
Pis £ma neznakomke
Voyage au pays des Articoles
Les trois Dumas
Études anglaises ..
Etudes Anglaises
Open letter to a young man.
Lafayette in America
The next chapter
Estudios literarios
Ricochets Miniature Tales of Human Life
Etudes littéraires
Memoires I
Shao nian Gede zhi chuang zao
Destins exemplaires
Lian ai yu xi sheng
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Ce que je crois
Meïpe; ou, La delivrance
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire
Amours a Londres
Études littéraires ..
Siskolarla Siskalar
Points of view from Kipling to Graham Greene
Histoire de l'Allemagne
Profiles of Great Men
Memoires Tome II
Morceaux choisis
L' Angleterre romantique
Histoire de l'allemagne
Falanxi zhi bei ju
Prophets and poets
The women of Paris
Louis XIV à Versailles
Le roman de George Sand et de Chopin
Dialogues sur le commandement
Ni ange, ni bête
Prophets and Poets
Lettres a l'inconnue
Toujours l'inattendu arrive
Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Victor Hugo and His World (A Studio Book)
Ai di fen wei
Les mondes imaginaires: Meïpe--Les souffrances du jeune Werther--Par la faute de M. de Balzac--Portrait dúne actrice--Les derniers jours de Pompéi
Le diner sous les marrouniers
La conversation
Open letter to a young man
Retour en France
Les mondes impossibles
La vie de Disraëli
Victor Hugo and His World
Jahrmarkt in Neuilly
Nu wang de shui tu
Les nouveaux discours du Docteur O'Grady
Pour piano seul
Mes songes que voici ..
Whatever Gods may be
Histoire parallèle des U.S.A. 1917-1960.
Le côté de Chelsea
Sonbahar Gülleri
The rôle of art in life and law
Memoires I
Soixante ans de ma vie littéraire, suivi de Le Rôle de l'écrivain dans le monde d'aujourd'hui
"Sur le vif"
Falanxi tong shi
The Ten Commandments
Falanxi de bei ju
Le pays des 36,000 [i.e.trente-six mille] volontés
Le poème de Versailles
Profiles of great men
E ́tudes américaines ..
La machine à lire les pensées
Illustrated History
Nouvelles directions de la littérature française
Falanxi zhan xian
Maurois on Biography
Le peseur d'âmes
Frankrigs Tragedie
Bailun de tong nian
Mon ami Léger
Trois portraits de femmes
Prophets and Poets
Weiduoliya shi dai Ying gong wai shi
The miracle of England
Victor Hugo and his world
La Vie de Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte
Histoire de la France
al-Lūrd Bayrūn ʻāshiq nafsih
Illustrated History
Stroj na čtení myšlenek
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Rio de Janeiro
Nouvelles directions de la litte rature franc ʹaise
Oeuvres Completes Tome IV - Bernard Quesnay / Terre Promise / Toujours L'Inattendu Arrive (French Edition)
Les origines de la guerre de 1939
Omanut ha-niśuʼin ha-meʼusharim
Les discours du docteur O'Grady
Au commencement était l'action
Aux innocents les mains pleines
Conseils à un jeune Français partant pour les États-Unis
לבו של ביירון
Oeuvres Completes Tome I - Les Silences du Colonel Bramble / Les Discours du Docteur O'Grady / A La Recherche de Bramble / Les Nouveaux Discours du ... Francais / Ni Ange, Ni Bete (French Edition)
Oeuvres Completes Tome VII - Les Mondes Impossibles / Les Mondes Imaginaires / Tu ne Commettras Point D'Adultere (French Edition)
Verzichte auf das Absolute
Divre yeme Tsarfat
Lettres a L'inconnue
Premiers contes
A time for silence
Sifriyot tsiburiyot u-sheliḥutan
Whatever gods maybe
Ravān sanj
Textes choisis de André Maurois
Discours de réception à l'Académie française et Réponse de M. André Chevrillon
Atarashiki taisen
3 letters on the English
A la recherche de Marcel Proust
Les silences du colonel Bramble
Etats-Unis 39
Lettre ouverte à un jeune homme sur la conduite de la vie
Chefs-d'œuvre des aquarellistes anglais
Lyautey ...
The art of living
Lettres à l'inconnue
Prophets and poets
Oeuvres Completes Tome VIII - Chateaubriand / Alain / Tourgueniev (French Edition)
Les discours du Dr. O'Grady
Toujours l'inattendu arrive et autres nouvelles
O lásce a přátelství
ha-Mishmanaʾim ṿeha-Mirzanaʾim
Antología de poetas franceses contemporáneos
Bernard Quesnay
A history of the U.S.A. from Wilson to Kennedy
André Maurois habla de libros y bibliotecas
Le Tour du monde du rire
Me moires
Portrait d'un ami qui s'appelait moi
Andre Maurois
Kekkon yūjō kōfuku
Ḥug ha-mishpaḥah
Literaturnye portrety
L' Anglaise et d'autres femmes
Oeuvres Completes Tome V - Dialogues sur le Commandement / Lyautey / Mes Songes que Voici / La Conversation (French Edition)
Chateaubriand, poet, statesman, lover
The collected stories of André Maurois
Pisʹma neznakomke
André Maurois, 1885-1985
La biblioteca pública y su misión
Oeuvres Completes Tome XV - Ariel ou la Vie de Shelley / Prefaces Litteraires / Le Diner sous les Marronniers / Une Carriere (French Edition)
Ariel, ou, La vie de Shelley
Dialogues des vivants
Oeuvres Completes Tome XVI - Olympio ou la Vie de Victor Hugo (French Edition)
Le cercle de famille ; L'instinct du bonheur
Rozhdenie znamenitosti
Rodinný kruh
Kerem ha-ḳesamim
Illustrated History
Divre yeme Angliyah
Victor Hugo and his world
Die Geschichte Amerikas
Victor Hugo and his world
Lettres à l'inconnue
La conversation
Climats ; Bernard Quesnay, suivi de dix nouvelles
Le cinquantenaire du Colonel Bramble
Le côté de Chelsea
Robert et Elizabeth Browning
Les silences du colonel Bramble
La Vie de Disraëli
Journal d'un tour en Suisse
Études anglaises
Sept visages de l'amour
Œuvres complètes
Die Kunst zu leben
Illustrated History
Binyamin Franḳlin u-milḥemet ha-ʻatsmaʾut shel Ameriḳah
A Unitarian states his case
Jen člověk
Oeuvres Completes Tome VI - Aspects de la Biographie / Byron (French Edition)
Mortimer J. Adler
Mortimer J. Adler (1902-2001)

philosopher, educator

  • Columbia University
Gateway to the great books
How to read a book
Aristotle for Everybody
Great Books of the Western World
Reforming Education
We Hold These Truths
How to think about God
The Great Ideas
The Negro in American History
Biology, psychology, and medicine
Ten philosophical mistakes
Art, the arts, and the great ideas
The four dimensions of philosophy
Imaginative literature 2
Great ideas from the great books
The Great Ideas
The time of our lives
Philosopher at large
Foundations of science and mathematics
Great Ideas Today
The common sense of politics
How to speak, how to listen
Great treasury of Western thought
Haves without have-nots
The development of political theory and government
Religion and theology
Philosophy (The Great Ideas Program - No. 10)
Ethics, the study of moral values
The idea of freedom
Liu da guan nian
A general introduction to the great books and to a liberal education
The Great Ideas, Volume 2
What man has made of man
The revolution in education
Platonism & positivism in psychology
The Great Ideas, Volume 1
The conditions of philosophy
Desires, right & wrong
Philosophy of law and jurisprudence
Poetry and politics
Gateway to the great books
How to think about the great ideas
The New Encyclopaedi
A guidebook to learning
Adler's philosophical dictionary
Truth in religion
Imaginative literature I
Paideia problems and possibilities
The angels and us
The Paideia program
Six Great Ideas
The four dimensions of philosophy
A vision of the future
Art and prudence
How to think about war and peace
The American testament
Dialectic (International Library of Philosophy)
Imaginative literature II
Some questions about language
Imaginative literature 1
Six great ideas
The Great ideas today, 1963
The Great Ideas Today 1982
A dialectic of morals
The Great Ideas Today 1983
Music appreciation
Six Great Ideas
A second look in the rear-view mirror
The great ideas today, 1970
The difference of man and the difference it makes
The Great Ideas Today 1981
We hold these truths
We Are Holding the President Hostage
Saint Thomas and the gentiles
How to prove there is a God
The Great ideas today, 1994
The Great ideas
The Great ideas today, 1994
The Great Ideas Today 1984
The Paideia program
Great books of the western world
Art and Prudence. A study in practical philosophy
The time of our lives; the ethics of common sense
Los Angeles y Nosotros
Art, the Arts, and the Great Ideas
Problems for Thomists
A dialectic of morals
Saint Thomas and the Gentiles
How to Read a Book
The Aspen letters
The Great ideas
Philosopher at large
The philosophy and science of man as a foundation for ethics and politics
The Great Ideas Today 1984 and 1985
Common Sense of Politics
Adler's Philosophical Dictionary
Gateway to Great Books Vol. 7
What man has made of man
The difference of man and the difference it makes
Saint Thomas and the Gentiles
Two essays on docility
the difference of man and the difference it makes
How to Read a Book (The Art of Getting A Liberal Education)
Aristotle for Everybody
Kitaplari Nasil Okumali
Ru he yue du yi ben shu
The Great ideas today, 1977
Poetry and politics
Paideia Program
Desires, right and wrong
The Great ideas
Imaginative literature II : from Cervantes to Dostoevsky
An Introduction to the Great Books and to a Liberal Education
How to Speak, How to Listen
How to think about war and peace
Biology, Psychology, and Medicine
Great Ideas From the Great Books
How to think about war and peace
Dialectic of Morals
Saint Thomas and the gentiles, under the auspices of the Aristotelian society of Marquette university
The Annals of America Volume 8 1850 - 1857 A House Dividing
Angels and Us
Saint Thomas and the Gentiles, under the Auspices of the Aristotelian Society of Marquette University
Diez Errores Filosoficos
Aristotle for Everybody Difficult Though
The Revolutionary years
How to Think about the Great Ideas
The Great ideas
How to Think about God
A dialectic of morals
How to Read a Book
Crime, Law, and Social Science
The Great ideas today, 1979
The Conditions of Philosophy
How to Speak How to Listen
The capitalist revolution
Religion and Theology
The difference of man and the difference it makes
The Great ideas today, 1978
Biology, Psychology, and Medicine Volume 9 of the Great Ideas Program
Platonism and Positivism in Psychology
Paideia Proposal
A general introduction to the great books and to a liberal education
How to Read a Book
The Negro in American History
The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes
The Great Ideas Today - 1986 - Britannica Great Books
Ru he yue du yi ben shu
Problems for thomists
Aristotle Vols I and II (Britannica Library of Great Books of the Western World)
Imaginative literature
Foundations of Science and Mathematics
Great Books of the Western World- Volume 48- Melville
Como Pensar Acerca De Dios: Una Guia Para El Pagano Del Siglo/How to Think About God
The great ideas today 1965
Kak chitatʹ knigi
The Development of Political Theory and Government
The Great Ideas Program, Volume 5 Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudence
The Great ideas program
Hierarchy; commencement address 1940
The Idea of Freedom
Imaginative literature II
The Revolution in Education
The Great ideas today, 1968
Six Great Ideas
The Negro in American History
The Great Ideas Program-Imaginative Literature From Homer to Shakespeare 1
Philosophy, (The Great ideas program)
The Annals of America Volume 18
Ten Philosophical Mistakes
The Great Ideas Today - 1987 - Britannica Great Books
The Great ideas
The Great ideas today
Annals of America 1976-1987 (21 volumes, 1-19 1976)
Seis Grandes Ideas/Six Great Ideas (49943)
The Great ideas
The Negro in American History
The Great Ideas Today - 1993 - Britannica Great Books
The Great Ideas program
The democratic revolution
Art And Prudence -  A Study In Practical Philosophy
The Great Ideas Today - 1991 - Britannica Great Books
How to Think About God A guide for the 20th-Century Pagan
The Great Ideas Today 1995 (Great Ideas Today)
The social sciences today
The Great ideas
Crime Law and Social Science