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scientists who wrote science fiction
Showing 89-96 out of 106 results
Russell Kirk
Russell Kirk (1918-1994)

political scientist, philosopher, literary critic, historian, journalist, peace activist

  • University of St Andrews, Duke University
The Color of Evil
The American cause
The conservative mind, from Burke to Santayana
The Essential Russell Kirk
Beyond the dreams of avarice
The roots of American order
The Portable conservative reader
The conservative mind : from Burke to Eliot / Russell Kirk
Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormity in Literature and Politics
Objections to conservatism
The Dark Descent
Dark Forces
The Surly Sullen Bell
Eliot and His Age
Academic freedom
The Sword of Imagination
Old House of Fear
Lord of the hollow dark
Edmund Burke
A program for conservatives
Ancestral shadows
The Politics of Prudence
America's British culture
John Randolph of Roanoke
The Century's Best Horror Fiction. Volume 2
The political principles of Robert A. Taft
Decadence and Renewal in the Higher Learning
The princess of all lands
Watchers at the strait gate
Redeeming the Time
The wise men know what wicked things are written on the sky
Prospects for conservatives
The intemperate professor
The conservative Constitution
The Assault on religion
Rights and duties
Gateway to the Stoics
St. Andrews
What Shadows We Pursue
A creature of the twilight: his memorials
Randolph of Roanoke
Confessions of a bohemian Tory
The intelligent woman's guide to conservatism
Orestes Brownson
What Is Conservatism?
Fiction # 169
Off the Sand Road
Modern age
Lord Acton on revolution
Muhafazakar Anlayış
Collected Letters of John Randolph to Dr. John Brockenbrough
Government's role in solving societal problems
Russell Kirk's Concise Guide to Conservatism
Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku (born 1947)

theoretical physicist, science communicator, futurist, radio personality, physicist, television personality

  • Harvard University, University of California, Berkeley
Physics of the Impossible
Einstein's Cosmos
Parallel Worlds
Beyond Einstein
The Future of the Mind
To win a nuclear war
Physics of the Future
The Best American Science Writing 2012
The Future of the Mind
La física de lo imposible : ¿podremos ser invisibles, viajar en el tiempo y teletransportarnos?
Physics of the Future
2100 ke ji da wei lai
Fizika nemogućeg
2050 ke huan da cheng zhen
Stephen Hawking
Quantum Field Theory
Nuclear Power
Quarks, Symmetries and Strings
Strings, conformal fields, and topology
The future of humanity
Strings, conformal fields, and M-theory
The God Equation
Introduction to superstrings and M-theory
Im Hyperraum. Eine Reise durch Zeittunnel und Paralleluniversen
Strings, Conformal Fields, and M-Theory
Einstein's Cosmos
Strings, Conformal Fields, and Topology
El futuro de la humanidad : la colonización de Marte, los viajes interestelares, la inmortalidad y nuestro destino más allá de la Tierra - 1. edición.
Star wars
Visions How Science Will Revolutionize the Twenty-First Century (Visions of Science)
Parallel Worlds (Allen Lane Science)
La física del futuro : cómo la ciencia determinará el destino de la humanidad y nuestra vida cotidiana  en el siglo XXII - 1. edición.
Introduction to superstrings
Introduction To Superstrings And Mtheory
Im Paralleluniversum
Die Physik des Bewusstseins
Jenseits von Einstein. Die Suche nach der Theorie des Universums
A Journey Through the Tenth Dimension
Hiperespacio - Una Odisea Cientifica
Parallel Worlds
Geleceğin Fiziği
Paralel Dünyalar
Fisica de Lo Imposible
La física de lo imposible : ¿podremos ser invisibles, viajar en el tiempo y teletransportarnos?
To win a nuclear war
Die Physik der unsichtbaren Dimensionen
Hiperespacio. Una odisea cientifica a traves de los universos paralelos, distorsiones del tiempo y la decima dimension
Universos paralelos
El futuro de nuestra mente
Die Physik der Zukunft
Olanaksizin Fizigi
Insanligin Gelecegi
Abschied von der Erde
Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2020
Introduction to Superstrings
Zihnin Gelecegi
To Win a Nuclear War
Einstein' in Evreni
La Energia Nuclear
Marvin Minsky
Marvin Minsky (1927-2016)

mathematician, computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
Turing Option
The society of mind
Semantic information processing
The emotion machine
Computation: finite and infinite machines
Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education (The MIT Press)
Thinking Machines
Het Denken
Computers & Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Nancy Fraser
Nancy Fraser (born 1947)

philosopher, sociologist, political scientist, feminist

  • CUNY Graduate School and University Center
Time and Again
Justice interruptus
Der Streit um Differenz
Scales of justice
Adding insult to injury
Unruly practices
Cannibal Capitalism
Umverteilung oder Anerkennung?
Redistribution or recognition?
Redistribution or Recognition
¿Reconocimiento o redistribución?
Feminism for The 99%
Great Regression
El síntoma Trump
Transnationalizing the Public Sphere
Fortunas del feminismo
Fortunes of feminism
Widerspenstige Praktiken. Macht, Diskurs, Geschlecht. ( Gender Studies)
Cannibal Capitalism
The Old is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born
Revaluing French Feminism
Scales of Justice
                New Directions in Critical Theory Paperback
Die halbierte Gerechtigkeit. Schlüsselbegriffe des postindustriellen Sozialstaates
Scales of Justice
Globalizing Critical Theory
Redistribution or Recognition?
Feminisme per al 99%
Eye of the Pharaoh
Return of the Wolfe
Dilemas de la Justicia en el siglo XXI
Trust Me
Catisan Feminizmler
Prácticas Rebeldes
Seduced by the Handyman
Unruly Practices
Empathy and interaction
D*mn near Perfect
Kapitalaren lantegi ezkutuak
Feminist Contentions
Cellet 4GB MicroSD for Plum boom Smartphone custom flash memory, high-speed transmission, plug and play, with Full Size SD Adapter.
Christmas Comes to Dickens
Foucault in modern power
Mysterious Mrs. Pennybaker
Do You Want Me
Her Timeless Gamble
Drogi feminizmu
Justice Interruptus
Ihtiyaclar Mucadelesi
Secrets of Gable House
Capitalismo. Una conversación desde la Teoría Crítica
Feminist Contentions
Social movements vs. disciplinary bureaucracies
Little Bit of Dickens
Contra la izquierda conservadora
Escalas de justicia
Frank Northern Magill
Frank Northern Magill (1907-1997)

encyclopedist, editor, library scientist

  • Columbia University, University of Southern California
Survey of Science Fiction Literature/With Bibliographic Supplement
Science fiction, alien encounter
Survey of science fiction literature
Survey of science fiction literature
Great Events from History II
Magill's survey of science
Magill's survey of science
Magill's Survey of Science. : b Applied Science.  n Set.  n 6 vols.
Magill's Survey of Science. Earth Science Series. (Physical Properties of Minerals- Rock Magnetism, Volume 4 1681-2224)
Magill's survey of science
Masterplots, 18 Volume Edition
Magill's survey of world literature
Magill's survey of American literature
Masterplots, Various Editions
Masterpieces of world literature in digest form
Cyclopedia of world authors
Chronology of Twentieth-Century History
Great Lives from History
Masterplots II
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots, 15 Volume Combined Edition
Magill's Literary Annual, 1986: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1985
Magill's Literary Annual 1982
Magill's Literary Annual, 1988
Critical survey of long fiction
Magill's Literary Annual, 1978
Masterplots II, Poetry Series
Magill's Literary Annual, 1987
Magill's Literary Annual, 1989
Magill's Literary Annual, 1985
Magill's Literary Annual, 1983
Magill's Literary Annual 1984: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1983
Masterpieces of Latino literature
Magill's Literary Annual 1979
Masterpieces of Christian literature in summary form
Masterplots II
Dictionary of World Biography
Masterplots cyclopedia of world authors
Cyclopedia of literary characters II
Notable poets
Critical Survey of Long Fiction
Survey of contemporary literature
Cyclopedia of literary characters
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots Ii/Volumes 7-8-9-10
Magill's survey of cinema--English language films, second series
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1983
Masterplots; combined editions
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1984
Masterplots 1965 annual
English novel, Conrad to Woolf
1,300 critical evaluations of selected novels and plays
Magill's Survey of World Literature
Masterpieces of Catholic literature, in summary form
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1985
Magill's Quotations in Context, First Series
Magill's Survey of Cinema
Critical survey of long fiction
Masterplots 1967 annual
Masterplots II, Poetry Series
Critical Survey of Mystery and Detective Fiction
Masterplots 1966 annual
The American presidents
Magill's Cinema Annual 1995
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1982 (Magill's Cinema Annual)
Magill's quotations in context, second series
Masterplots 1968 annual
Masterplots 1969 annual
Critical survey of drama
Masterplots 1971 annual
Masterplots 1970 annual
Magill's Survey of American Literature
Magill's quotations in context
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill's Cinema Annual 1997
Great Women Writers
American literature, colonial age to 1890
Great events from history
Magill's Literary Annual 1994
The Nobel Prize Winners
Masterplots II
Magill's Literary Annual 1981 (Magill's Literary Annual)
Magill's survey of cinema--English language films, first series
Masterplots 1964 annual
Critical Survey of Short Fiction Authors Pas-Z
Tru - Z. - S. 7793-8507
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1990
Notable Poets
Masterplots II
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1989
Res - Sol. - S. 6385-7072
Magill's Literary Annual 1995
Great Events from History
Masterplots 2 (British & Commonwealth)
Survey of contemporary literature
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1988
Great lives from history
Dictionart of World Biography Set (Dictionary of World Biography)
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1993
Masterplots cyclopedia of literary characters
Masterplots II, Drama Series
Magill index to masterplots
Let - Mid, 4283-497O
Masterpieces of world philosophy in summary form
Critical survey of literary theory
Critical Survey of Poetry English Language Series
Out - Res. - S. 5693-6384
Masterpieces of World Literature
Magill's Literary Annual, 1993: Essay-Reviews of 200 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1992
Masterpieces of Catholic literature
Magill's Literary Annual 1997
Magill's Cinema Annual 1994
I Kn - Let. - S. 3587-4282
Great lives from history
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1991
Masterplots: English fiction series
Chronology of twentieth-century history
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1992
Critical survey of long fiction
Critical survey of long fiction
Gar - I Do. - S. 2863-3586
Notable poets
Magill's survey of cinema, foreign language films
Survey of Science Fiction Literature
A - Bey. - S. 1-688
Masterpieces of world literature
English literature, Middle Ages to 1800
Great women writers
Magill's Cinema Annual 1986
Magill's bibliography of literary criticism
Masterplots II / Drama series
Critical Survey of Literary Theory
Survey of modern fantasy literature
Great lives from history
Col - Edg. - S. 1413-2138
Magill's Survey of Science
Short story writers
Critical survey of drama
Magill's Literary Annual 1996
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form, Series 2
Magill's Cinema Annual, 1987
Masterpieces of women's literature
Masterplots: European fiction series
Masterpieces of American literature
Mid - Out. - S. 4971-5692
Magill books index : all authorized editions, 1949-1980, by title and by author
Great Events from History II: Ecology and the Environment Series
Magill Index to Masterplots
Masterplots II
Magill's Survey of Cinema English Language Films, First Series, Volume IV (Sca-Z, Indexes)
Magill index to critical surveys
The Nobel Prize winners
Cyclopedia of world authors
Great lives from history
Masterplots 1980 Annual. Grolier's Literary Annual Essay Reviews of 100 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1979
Masterplots II
Magill's History Annual, 1983
Great events from history: Ancient and medieval series
Masterplots 1973 annual
American literature, realism to 1945
Christian Spirituality
Great Events From History Volume 4
The Middle Ages
Masterplots II Women's Literature Series (Masterplots II)
Magill index to Great lives from history
Great lives from history
Cyclopedia of world authors II
The Renaissance (Dictionary of World Biography Series, Vol 3)
World Philosophy Essay Reviews of 225 Major Works
Magill's Literary Annual, 1992
Masterpieces of world philosophy
Magill's Bibliography of literary criticism
Critical survey of poetry
Critical Survey of Drama
Critical survey of drama
English literature--romanticism to 1945
*Great events from history
Magill's Literary Annual, 1990 (Magill's Literary Annual)
Masterpieces of world literature
Great Events from History 2
Chronology of twentieth-century history
English Literature
Critical survey of short fiction
Critical Survey of Drama  Vol 5
Masterpieces of Catholic literature in summary form edited by Frank N. Magill with associate editors A. Robert Caponigri [and] Thomas P. Neill
Masterpieces of Christian literature
Magill's history of North America
Critical Survey of Poetry
Critical survey of poetry
Great Events From History Volume 2
Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Vol. 6 (Sti-Z) (Applied Science Series, Volume 6)
American novel, Crane to Faulkner
Masterplots II
Masterplots II
Great events from history
American novel, Brown to James
Magill index to critical surveys
Masterplots II
Masterplots 2
Critical Survey of Short Fiction
English novel, Richardson to Hardy
Magill's Literary Annual History and Biography, 1985
American Presidents the Office and the Men
Survey of social science
Magill's Cinema Annual
Great events from history
Great events from history: American series
U.S. Government Leaders
Survey of social science
Great events from history
Psychology Basics
Critical survey of drama
Critical survey of poetry
Masterplots 1981 Annual. Grolier's Literary Annual Essay Reviews of 100 Outstanding Books Published in the United States During 1980
Magill's Medical Guide
Magill Books Index
Magill's Literary Annual 1980
The Ancient World
American Novel Brown to James (Magill Surveys)
Great lives from history
The American presidents : the office and the men
Magill's American film guide
Masterplots II
Contemporary Literary Scene
Masterplots II, # 7.
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form, Series 4
Masterplots; best Masterplots, 1954-1962
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 2 - 423-864 Authors -COW-Gua
Magill Index to Great Lives from History: With Additional Citations for the "Principal Personages" Found in Great Events from History
Survey of social science
Critical survey of long fiction
Buddhism (Magill Bibliographies)
Masterpieces of African-American literature
International Encyclopedia of Psychology
Magill's survey of science
20th Century Go-N
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 3 (Foreign Language Series, Authors Lax-Sarr)
Magill's Literary Annual History and Biography 1984
International Encyclopedia of Government and Politics
Dictionary of World Biography
Critical survey of poetry
The Great Scientists (Grolier Fundamentals of Science Series)
Masterplots II
Critical survey of short fiction
Magill's history of Europe
The Great scientists
17th and 18th Centuries
Magill's survey of science
Literature and Film (Magill Bibliographies)
Great lives from history
Magill's survey of science
Twentieth Century Great Athletes
Great Lives from History
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 5 (English Language Series Authors Shaw - Z)
Cinema great directors
English Literature Middle Ages to 1800 (Magill surveys)
Masterpieces of Christian literature in summary form
English literature, Shakespeare
Masterplots; comprehensive library edition: two thousand and ten plot stories and essay reviews from the world's fine literature
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 1 (Foreign Language Series, Authors A-Dod)
Psychology basics
Middle Ages
Masterplots: American Fiction Series
Critical survey of short fiction
20th Century O-Z
Masterpieces of Catholic literature in summary form
Chronology of European history, 15,000 B.C. to 1997
Magill index to masterplots
Dictionary of world biography
Cinema--the novel into film
Masterplots II Women's Literature Series
Great Events from History II
Critical Survey of Drama, Foreign Language Series (Foreign Language)
Masterplots: British Fiction Series
Victorian Political Biography (Magill Bibliographies)
Magill's survey of science
Magill index to great lives from history
Magill's survey of science
Masterpieces of world philosophy in summary form
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 5 Sit-Z
Masterplots II
Masterpieces of world literature in digest form
Critical Survey of Drama  Vol 5
The Nobel Prize winners
Masterplots II
Magill's American film guide
Masterpieces of catholic literature in summary form. Ed. by Frank N. Magill. Associate ed. A. Robert Caponigri, Thomas P. Neill
Masterpieces of World Philosophy
American Novel, Crane to Faulkner
Great lives from history
Chronology of Twentieth Century History
20th Century A-GI
Critical survey of mystery and detective fiction
Critical survey of long fiction
Critical survey of drama
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill's survey of science
Masterplots 11
Masterplots II. Poetry series
Magill's literary annual, 2007
Magill's cinema annual
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 3 - Authors Hal-Mas
International Encyclopedia of Sociology
Magill's literary annual, 2006
The Nobel Prize winners
Magill Survey of Science Fiction Literature Volume IV
Great women writers
The Nobel Prize winners
International encyclopedia of sociology
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 4 Mic-She
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 2 (Foreign Language Series Authors Don - Lag)
Great Lives From History American Series Volume 2 Com-Ham
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 5 (Foreign Language Series Essays, Index)
World Philosophy
Victorian Poetry (Magill Bibliographies)
Masterpieces of World Philosophy
Cyclopedia of world authors
Cinema the Novel into Film
Magill's literary annual, 1980
Magill's survey of science [v. 2]
Magill's American film guide
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 1  - English Language Series - Authors - A-Con
Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Volume 4 (Foreign Language Series:  Authors Sart-Z)
Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Vol. 4 (Las-Pho) (Applied Science Series, 4)
World philosophy
Masterplots 1966 annual
Magill's quotations n context, second series
Masterplots II
Masterpices of world literature
Masterplots Complete
Magill's literary annual, 2008
International Sociology
Masterplots comprehensive library edition
Masterplots II
Critical Survey of Drama, Volume 6 (English Language Series - Essays, Index)
Kip S. Thorne
Kip S. Thorne (born 1940)

physicist, astronomer, astrophysicist

  • California Institute of Technology, Princeton University
The science of Interstellar
The future of spacetime
Quantum measurement
Xing ji xiao ying
Black Holes
Black holes and time warps
Modern classical physics optics, fluids, plasmas, elasticity, relativity, and statistical physics
Relativistic stellar structure and dynamics
Black holes
Trous noirs et distorsions du temps
The rotation and pulsation of general relativistic stellar models
Mayres trypes kai strevlōseis tou chronou
Agujeros negros y tiempo curvo
Gravitational collapse
Jim Al-Khalili
Jim Al-Khalili (born 1962)

physicist, science communicator, professor, theoretical physicist, television presenter

  • University of Surrey, Priory School
The House of Wisdom
Black Holes, Wormholes & Time Machines
The House of Wisdom
50 Teoras Cientficas Revolucionarias E Imaginativas
The Euroschool Lectures on Physics with Exotic Beams, Vol. II
What's Next?
What the Future Looks Like
Joy of Science
Lectures on flavor physics
Life on the Edge
Atom (Icon Science)
La physique - L'essentiel tout simplement
Schwarze Löcher, Wurmlöcher und Zeitmaschinen
Quantum Mechanics
Mapping Science
Black holes, wormholes, and time machines
Schwarze Löcher, Wurmlöcher und Zeitmaschinen (German Edition)
La fisica del diavolo. Maxwell, Schrodinger, Einstein e i paraossi
Im Haus der Weisheit
Life on the Edge
Aliens : Science Asks
The World According to Physics
Halo Nuclei
World According to Physics
Paradoks Bilimin En Buyuk Dokuz Bilmecesi
Know It All Energy
Kuantum Sinirinda Yasam
Quantum Mechanics (a Ladybird Expert Book)
Life on the Edge
Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines
Mae and Marco's Space Journey
Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines, Second Edition
El mundo según la física
El mundo según la física
Lawrence M. Krauss
Lawrence M. Krauss (born 1954)

astronomer, physicist, astrophysicist, theoretical physicist

  • Carleton University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Beyond Star Trek
A Universe from Nothing
The  physics of Star trek
What Are You Optimistic About?
Hiding in the Mirror
The greatest story ever told--so far
Baryon number violation at the electroweak scale
War on Science
Fear of Physics
The Greatest Story Ever Told - So Far
Fear of physics
Quantum Man
Quantum Man Richard Feynmans Life In Science
ريتشارد فاينمان
Fear of physics
Hiding in the mirror
Beyond Star Trek
The fifth essence
Miedo a la Fisica
1000 Lashes
The fifth essence
The Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far
Quantum Man
Historia de Un Atomo
La physique de Star trek, ou, Comment visiter l'univers en pyjama
Greatest Story Ever Told--So Far, The
CMB Anisotropies Two Years after Cobe
De wereld van Star Trek
Quantum Man : Richard Feynman's Life in Science
Fear of Physics
Richie Doodles
Known Unknowns
Study Guide
Beyond Star Trek
Ein Universum aus Nichts
Edge of Knowledge
The Physics of Climate Change
Şimdiye Kadar Anlatılmış En İyi Hikaye
Kuantum Adam
"Nehmen wir an, die Kuh ist eine Kugel .̤"