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poets who wrote science fiction
Showing 97-104 out of 286 results
Stanisław Lem
Stanisław Lem (1921-2006)

philosopher, essayist, satirist, futurist, poet, physician, researcher, playwright

  • Lviv University, Jagiellonian University
Dzienniki gwiazdowe
Głos pana
One Human Minute
The Cyberiad
Mortal Engines
Kongres futurologiczny
Imaginary magnitude
Szpital Przemienienia
Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie
Memoirs of a space traveller
The cosmic carnival of Stanisław Lem
Powrót z gwiazd
Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie
Doskonała próżnia
The Seventh Voyage
Truth and Other Stories
Fantastyka i futurologia
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
A Perfect Vacuum
Obłok Magellana
Phantastik und Futurologie
Głos Lema
Człowiek z Marsa
Return from the Stars
Mortal Engines
SF international 2
Imaginary Magnitude
Soli︠a︡ris ; Ėdem ; Nepobedimyĭ
Ratujmy kosmos, i inne opowiadania
Sobranie sochineniĭ v desi︠a︡ti tomakh
Inwazja z Aldebarana
Bibliothèque du XXIe siècle
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Pokój na ziemi
More Tales of Pirx the Pilot
Summa technologiae
Wielkość urojona
Wizja lokalna
Wysoki zamek
Bajki robotów
Powrót z gwiazd / Głos Pana
Mehr Phantastische Erzählungen
Die phantastischen Erzählungen
Lem über Lem
Die Jagd
The World as Holocaust
Vom Nutzen des Drachen
One Human Minute
Relatos Del Piloto Pirx
Rückkehr von den Sternen
Wie die Welt noch einmal davonkam
Powrót z gwiazd
Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju
Golem XIV
Der Mensch vom Mars
Altruizin und andere kybernetische Beglückungen
His Master's Voice
Rozprawy i szkice
Aventuras estelares del piloto Pirx / Stellar adventures of the Pilot Pirx
Yıldız Güncesi
Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie
Mundos imaginarios - Estuche
Golem XIV [i.e. czternasty]
Dünya'da Barış
Relatos del Piloto Pirx
Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie
Śledztwo ; Katar
Opowiesci o pilocie pirxie
La voix du maitre
Priklyucheniya Ijona Tikhogo
Retour des étoiles
Moj Poglad Na Literature
Mundos imaginarios - Estuche
Filozofia przypadku
Biblioteka XXI veka
Rasa drapieżców
Wizja lokalna
Mémoires d'Ijon Tichy
Perfect Vacuum
Star Diaries
Chain of Chance
Dzienniki gwiazdowe
The Investigation
The Three Electroknights
Listy albo opór materii
Voyages électriques d'ijon tichy
Retorno de las estrellas
Futurological Congress
Wizja lokalna wyd. 2
Futurologicheskij kongress. Osmotr na meste. Mir na zemle
Mortal Engines
Ṭayas he-ḥalal Pirḳes
Three Electroknights
Peace on Earth
Kongres futurologiczny
Sade und die Spieltheorie
Sorusturma - SL9
The Futurological Congress
Powrot z gwiazd
Yildiz Güncesi
Die Entdeckung der Virtualität
Golem XIV
Yildizlardan Dönüs
Professor A. Donda
Ritorno dall'universo
Insanin Bir Dakikasi
Imaginary Magnitude
Biblioteka XXI wieku
Szpital Przemienienia
Kör Talih
El profesor A. Donda
Wysoki zamek
Fantastika i futurologiya. V 2 knigakh
Dönüsüm Hastanesi
Hospital of the Transfiguration
Solaris, Eden, Niezwyciezony
Star Diaries
Der Unbesiegbare. Roman. - Die Jagd. Erzählungen
Sayeret he-ḥalal Nitsaḥon
Yıldızlardan Dönüş
The Chain of Chance (Katar), 1975 / Investigation, 1959 / Memoirs Found in a Bathtub, 1961 / (All in Russian Language)
Zvezdnye dnevniki Iĭona Tikhogo
Summa Technologiae
La Voz del Amo
Gelecekbilim Kongresi
Solaris / „Niezwyciężony“
Sława i Fortuna
Diabeł i arcydzieło
Summa Technologiae
Głos Pana
Pokoj na Ziemi
Summa Technologiae
Star Diaries, The
Vacío perfecto
Philosophie Des Zufalls
Sknocony kryminał
Transfer - SF-Roman
Rasskazy o pilote Pirkse. Fiasko
Solyaris. Edem
El congreso de futurología
Tales of Pirx the Pilot
Kongres futurologiczny ; Maska
Olumlu makineler
Dünya’da Bar??
Peace on Earth
Mehr phantastische Erzählungen
Philosophie des Zufalls
Summa technologiae
Zvezdnye dnevniki Ijona Tikhogo (Vneklassnoe chtenie)
Philosophie des Zufalls. Zu einer empirischen Theorie der Literatur
Mémoires trouvés dans une baignoire
Futurological Congress
El invencible
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
Wysoki Zamek
Küvette Bulunan Günce
Paz en la tierra
Hayali Buyukluk
Fine del mondo alle 8
Mukemmel Bosluk
The Invincible by Stanislaw Lem (1973-01-01)
Lube czasy
Pokój na ziemi
Głos pana
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
Głos Pana
Pokoj na Ziemi
Ciemność i pleśń
Memoirs of a Space Traveler
Relatos del piloto Pirx
Mój pogląd na literaturę
Opowiadania wybrane
Vozvrashchenie so zvezd
Vtorzhenie s Alʹdebarana
Smart obiekt
Szpital Prezemienienia
Le Bréviaire des robots
Das Hohe Schloss
The Magellanic Cloud, 1955. The Man from Mars, 1942. Astronauts, 1951 (IN RUSSIAN) / ( .   .  / Oblok Magellana - Czlowiek z Marsa - Astronauci)
Magellanovo oblako
Pamiȩtnik znaleziony w wannie
Czas nieutracony
Nouvelles aventures d'Ijon Tichy
Die Vergangenheit der Zukunft
Świat na krawędzi
Mémoires trouvés dans une baignoire
Fábulas de robots
Soli͡aris ; Nepobedimyĭ ; Zvezdnye dnevniki Iĭona Tikhogo
La fiebre del heno
Sex wars
Der Unbesiegbare
Vysokyĭ Zamok
Swiat na krawedzi
Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania
Pożytek ze smoka i inne opowiadania
La fiebre del heno
Bomba megabitowa
Iz vospominanii Iiona Tikhogo
Dziury w całym
Technologie und Ethik. Ein Lesebuch
Roger Zelazny
Roger Zelazny (1937-1995)


  • Columbia University, Case Western Reserve University
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Nine Princes in Amber
The End of the World -- stories of the apocalypse
Three for tomorrow
This Immortal
Lord of Light
The Mammoth Book of New World Science Fiction
A Night in the Lonesome October
The Guns of Avalon
Lord demon
Cosmic Knights
Sign of the Unicorn
The Last Defender of Camelot
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Science Fiction A to Z
Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Four
Blood of Amber
To die in Italbar
Deus Irae
The New Hugo winners, Volume II
100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories
Damnation Alley
Frost and Fire
Trumps of doom
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two
The Dream Master
Bridge of Ashes
The Great Book of Amber
Doorways in the Sand
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 25 (1963)
Four for tomorrow
Fourth Planet from the Sun
The Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction
Jack of Shadows
Isle of the dead
Isaac Asimov's Near Futures and Far
The doors of his face, the lamps of his mouth
Dilvish, the Damned
Manna from Heaven
My name is legion
Wizard World
The Hugo Winners, Volume Four (1976 - 1979)
The Williamson effect
Creatures of light and darkness
The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction / Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction)
Unicorn Variations
Virtual Unrealities
Bakers Dozen
Science Fiction Masterpieces
Nebula Award Stories
Science Fiction Discoveries
A Dark Travelling
Eye of Cat
Bring me the head of Prince Charming
Wheel of Fortune
The Hand of Oberon (The Chronicles of Amber, Book 4)
Today We Choose a Face
Roger Zelazny's visual guide to Castle Amber
Isaac Asimov's Choice
The courts of chaos
The Mask of Loki
Psycho Shop
Forever after
Today we choose faces ; and, Bridge of ashes
This mortal mountain
Месть роботов
Martian Super Pack
The Adventures of Science Fiction, Vol. 3
Warriors of Blood and Dream
Isle of the Dead / Eye of the Cat
Zvezdnyĭ spidveĭ
Prince of chaos
Knight of shadows
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
The Vampire Archives
Sign of Chaos
Isaac Asimov präsentiert Märchenwelt der Fantasy. Die schönsten Geschichten [20 short stories]
Science Fiction Stories 24
The chronicles of Amber
Fantasy For Good
More of the Best of Science Fiction and Fantasy
My Favorite Fantasy Story
The Last Man on Earth
Mammoth Book of Short Fantasy Novels
The Chronicles of Amber
Black Throne
The Changing Land
The 1987 Annual World's Best SF
A Farce to be Reckoned With
Nebula Award Stories 10
The First Chronicles of Amber
If at Faust you don't succeed
Galaxy Magazine, October 1967
The Hugo Winners, Volume 5
Shadows & Reflections: A Roger Zelazny Tribute Anthology
Here There Be Dragons
Shores Beneath
Galaxy Magazine, February 1975
The Dead Mans Brother
To Spin is Miracle Cat
Home is the hangman
Кровь Амбера ; Знак хаоса
Fiction # 222
Galaxie # 43
Illustrated Roger Zelazny
Seven Tales in Amber: Stories from the Chronicles of Amber Saga
Knight of Shadows; Prince of Chaos
Теперь мы выбираем лица; Рассказы
Kroniki Amberu Tom 2
Fiction # 227
Night Kings and Night Heirs
Galaxy, February 1978
Die Null - Summen - Gesellschaft
galaxie # 53
Остров мертвых ; Дзек-из-тени ; Этот бессмертный
Shadow knight
Net Worth Makeover
For a Breath I Tarry ( SIGNED )
The Chronicles of Amber
Chronicles of Amber
The Chronicles of Amber Volumes I & II
Nochʹ v odinokom Okti͡abre
Amber Kani
The chronicles of Amber
Les princes d'Ambre
The Road to Amber — Volume 6: The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny
Nine Black Doves - Volume 5
The Magic: (october 1961-October 1967) Ten Tales by Roger Zelazny
Zelazny Cover Art
Scarlet Lady
Chronicles of Amber
Immer, Zlaz
Adon ha-or
Fiction # 169
Galaxy, July 1976
Amber Yilliklari 1
The authorized illustrated book of Roger Zelazny
When Pussywillows Last in the Catyard Bloomed and Other Poems
L'enfant de nulle part
Fiction # 157
Last exit to Babylon
Second Chronicles of Amber
Home Is the Hangman/We, in Some Strange Power's Employ, Move on a Rigorous Line/2 Books in One (Tor Science Fiction Doubles, No 21)
Power & Light;The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny
Naked Matador
Best of Roger Zelazny
DEMONS AND DAGGERS; Flashing Swords #5
Roger Zelazny's the Dawn of Amber
Elegy for Angels and Dogs/the Graveyard Heart (Tor Science Fiction, No 24)
To Reign in Hell
Galaxy Magazine, March 1975
Amber Collectors Series III
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1967 (Volume 32, No. 4)
Amor Es Un Numero Imaginario, El
Four Amber Novels
Here There Be Dragons and Way Up High
Amber Collectors Series II
Amber Collector's Series IV (Amber Collector's Ser. 4)
L'univers d'Ambre, Roger Zelazny
Rooms of Paradise
He Who Shapes, the Infinity Box (Tor Doubles, No 12)
The Best of Science Fiction and Fantasy
Galaxie # 90
Galaxie # 33
Princes in Amber (Chronicles of Amber)
The Chronicles of Amber (Chronicles of Amber)
Amber Collectors Series I
Way up high
To Die in Italbar/A Dark Travelling
The Chronicles of Amber Volume I
Coffret Zelazny, 5 volumes
Nebula Awards Three
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018)

translator, poet, literary critic, women's rights activist, journalist

  • Harvard University, Columbia University
The Dispossessed
The Tombs of Atuan
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Lathe of Heaven
The Farthest Shore
Four Ways to Forgiveness
Always Coming Home
The language of the night
Very far away from anywhere else
Other Worlds Than These
The Wind's Twelve Quarters
Caught in the Organ Draft
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings
Orsinian Tales
Catwings return
New Atlantis, The - And Other Novellas of Science Fiction
Alien Contact
The Telling
Planet of Exile
The New Hugo winners, Volume II
Changing planes
Again, Dangerous Visions
The Birthday of the World
Rocannon's World
Amazing stories
The Norton Book of Science Fiction
The Eye of the Heron
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three
The Compass Rose
The Earthsea Trilogy
The Word for World is Forest
The Beginning Place
City of Illusions
Worlds Of Exile And Illusion
Dancing at the Edge of the World
Buffalo gals and other animal presences
The Wild Girls
Dreams must explain themselves
Searoad Chronicles of Klatsand
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
Nebula Award Stories 11
Eye of the Heron
The Unreal And The Real Selected Stories Of Ursula K Le Guin
The Earthsea quartet
The Hugo Winners. Volume 3, Book 2
A Wizard of Earthsea
The Unreal And The Real Selected Stories Volume Two Outer Space Inner Lands
The wave in the mind
Isaac Asimov's utopias
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 9
Damon Knight's Orbit 12
Out of this world
The ones who walk away from Omelas
Words are my matter
The found and the lost
The Future is Female!
Aliens: Recent Encounters
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
Winter's King
Five complete novels
The Future is Female 2!
The Altered I
Ursula K. Le Guin: Hainish Novels and Stories Vol. 1 (LOA #296): Rocannon's World / Planet of Exile / City of Illusions / The Left Hand of  Darkness / ... of America Ursula K. Le Guin Edition)
The Unreal and the Real Volume 1: Volume 1: Where on Earth (Unreal & the Real Vol 1)
Semley's Necklace
Nebula award stories eleven
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin: Hainish Novels and Stories Vol. 2 (LOA #297): The Word for World Is Forest / Five Ways to Forgiveness / The Telling / stories (Library of America Ursula K. Le Guin Edition)
The Field of Vision: A Story (A Wind's Twelve Quarters Story)
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Hainish Novels and Stories: A Library of America Boxed Set
The Wind's Twelve Quarters and The Compass Rose (S.F. Masterworks)
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow
Earthsea revisioned
Science Fiction Stories
Nine Lives
Trip to the Head
Word of Unbinding
Squaring the Circle
Direction of the Road
Darkness Box
Rule of Names
Stars Below
April in Paris
Nebula award stories, eleven
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
Steering the Craft
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
Jane on Her Own
The Other Wind
Lao Tzu
Tales from Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle, Book 5)
Witches & Wizards
Ride on the Red Mare's Back
Fire and stone
Faszination der Science Fiction
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder
Unlocking the Air
Solomon Leviathan's nine hundred and thirty-first trip around the world
Leese Webster
New Dimensions 1 Fourteen Original Science Fiction Stories
Choice Words
Three hainish novels
Way of the water's going
Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight
Fish soup
Cheek by jowl
Das Meer und kleine Fische
No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters
The Best of Galaxy 2
World Split Open
Nebula Award Stories 10
Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazin 22. Folge
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (The Last Interview Series)
The Books of Earthsea
Tehanu (The Earthsea Cycle, Book 4)
Wild oats and fireweed
Going out with peacocks and other poems
A visit from Dr. Katz
New Magics
Tom Mouse
A reader's companion to The hobbit and the lord of the rings
Hard words, and other poems
New Dimensions 1 Fourteen Original Science Fiction Stories
Cat dreams
The Daughter of Odren (Kindle Single)
Ursula K. Le Guin : Annals of the Western Shore
Always Coming Home
Sixty Odd
Galaxy Science Fiction, Vol. 35, No. 12
Poems from the Book of Hours
Late in the Day
Incredible good fortune
Tales of the Catwings
The Visionary, Wonders Hidden
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Three (1974-1975)
Wild angels
Collected Novels of José Saramago
Walking in Cornwall
Univers 04
Dialogues With Northwest Writers (Northwest Review Book)
Space Crone
Ilit Azoulay
The adventure of Cobbler's rune
Edge of Awe
The visionary
The Princess And The Goblin
Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction
Am Anfang war der Beutel
El día antes de la revolución
Gulliver's travels with related readings
Catwings Complete Collection
Finding my elegy
Historia de Terramar 2
L'effet Churten
Bifrost N78
Five Ways to Forgiveness
From elfland to Poughkeepsie
Dümeni Yaraticiliga Kirmak
Goldmann Fantasy Foliant Ⅰ
So far so good
More tales of the Catwings
Terra Oscura
Portland Review Spring 2017
The complete Orsinia
Ursula K. le Guin
Earthsea & The Left Hand of Darkness
Aardzee 2
Le Commencement De Nulle Part
Gwilans Harp and Intracom (Swc 1556)
La saga di Terramare
Dreams must explain themselves and other essays, 1972-2004
Historias de Terramar I
Ursula Le Guin: A Critical Study
Nebula Award Stories: v. 11
Verlorene Paradiese
Good Trip
Escritoras y escritura
Uçsuz Bucaksız
Dünyanin Kiyisinda Dans
Les Voltigeurs de Gy
Ursula K. le Guin : Five Novels
I sogni si spiegano da soli
Conversaciones sobre la escritura
Sözcüklerdir Bütün Derdim
Yazma Üzerine Sohbetler
Gobshite Quarterly 2023, #41/42
Blue moon over Thurman Street
Next Revolution
Gigamesh 44
Jane on Her Own
The Selected Short Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin Boxed Set
The Selected Short Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin Boxed Set: The Found and the Lost; The Unreal and the Real
Madurar a Karhide
Los mundos de Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K Le Guin
A Very Long Way from Anywhere Else
Soloman Leviathan
Univers 08
A Mão Esquerda da Escuridão
Speaking of the Fantastic
Clarkesworld Issue 90
Vor der Revolution
Simdilik Her Sey Yolunda Son Siirler 2014-2018
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Two (1973)
A Lesson plan book for Catwings (Innovations, experiencing literature in the classroom)
Kadinlar Ruyalar Ejderhalar
The Shobies' Story
Direction of the road
Nine Lives
Ursula K. Le Guin's The Phoenix & Gish Jen's The Water Faucet Vision
החוף הרחוק ביותר
הקברים של אטואן
Alejandro El Esplendido y Los Alagatos
El eterno regreso a casa
Wynn Bullock
A woman writing, or The fisherwoman's daughter
Aardzee omnibus
Love Stories
Ozherelʹe planet Ėkumeny
Rybak iz Vnutrimorʹi︠a︡
הקוסם מארץ ־ים
The Blind Geometer/the New Atlantis (Tor Double Novel, No 13)
Dreams must explain themselves
Gwilans Harp
The water is wide
Le sorcier de Terremer : Collection
In the Red Zone
Out here
Emergencias de lo poshumano
Peter Dickinson
Peter Dickinson (1927-2015)


  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
The weathermonger
The blue hawk
The devil's children
The Weathermonger
The devil's children
HEARTSEASE (Changes No, 2)
WEATHERMONGER (The Changes Book No. 3)
King and joker
Sleep and his brother
The yellow room conspiracy
The ropemaker
Imaginary Lands
Walking dead
Perfect Gallows
Annerton Pit
Death of a unicorn
The lively dead
The Kin
One foot in the grave
Some deaths before dying
Merlin dreams
The green gene
The seventh raven
The tears of the salamander
Giant cold
Shadow of a hero
Emma Tupper's diary
Inside Grandad
Po's story
A bone from a dry sea
The poison oracle
The dancing bear
The glass-sided ants' nest
Noli's story
The lizard in the cup
A bone from a dry sea
Mana's story
The gift
A box of nothing
Chuck and Danielle
Angel Isle
The Old English Peep Show
Play dead
A Pride of Heroes
The last houseparty
The Last House-party
The iron lion
City of gold and other stories from the Old Testament
The flight of dragons
The Lion Tamer's Daughter and Other Stories
City of gold and other stories from the Old Testament
Horse-drawn Carriages and Sleighs
Peter Dickinson's Suth's story
The Lion Tamer's Daughter
The Changes
The Seals
Time and the clockmice, etcetera
The dancing bear
Mana's Story (Kin)
City of gold
A summer in the twenties
Lord Berners
A Bone from a Dry Sea (21st Century Reference)
Skin deep
Chance, luck & destiny
The fires of autumn
Lennox Berkeley And Friends Writings Letters And Interviews
Angel Isle
Music Education In Crisis The Bernarr Rainbow Lectures And Other Assessments
Der Tanzbär
Die Kinder des Mondfalken 2. Ko und Mana
The sinful stones
Der Buschkrieger
Die Kinder des Mondfalken 2. Nolis Geschichte
Die Kinder des Mondfalken 3. Kos Geschichte
Mole Hole
The Music of Lennox Berkeley
Chance, luck, & destiny
The Gift Boat
Die Kinder des Mondfalken 4. Manas Geschichte
A Bone from the Dry Sea
Earth and air
In The Palace Of The Khans
Un Barco De Regalo/a Ship for Present
Tears of the Salamander
Peter Dickinson's the Kin
The gift
El Clan - Primera Parte
El Clan (Infantil Y Juvenil)
La Mort et son frère
Emma Tupper's diary
The iron lion
World Stages, Local Audiences: Essays on Performance, Place and Politics (Theatre: Theory-Practice-Performance)
Get More Money from Social Security
Retour chez les vivants
DEVIL'S CHILDREN (The Changes Trilogy, No 1)
La Tribu, tome 3
The kin
The Flight of the Dragons
Green gene
Suth und Noli. Die Kinder des Mondfalken 1
Po's Story (Kin)
La Cuerda Del Tiempo (Infantil Y Juvenil)
Elementals  Water Collected by Peter Dickinson and Robin McKinley
Time and the Clockmice
Helden scharenweise =
El fósil perdido
Play dead
La Ville d'or et autres récits de l'Ancien Testament
The dancing bear
Die Kinder des Mondfalken 1. Suths Geschichte
The sinful stones
La Tribu
Get More Money from Social Security 1982
Cascades - "AK"
The Kin
Screening Gender, Framing Genre
Hundreds and hundreds
Healer (Laurel Leaf Suspense)
Tulku (Magic Quest)
Die Kinder des Mondfalken 1. Suth und Noli
Martin of Tours
Five diversions, for keyboard instruments [sic]
El Pensamiento/Heartsense
Der blaue Falke
Paraphrase II (1967) for piano
The dry heart
Seventh Raven, the (Plus)
The poison oracle
The tears of the salamander
Three pieces, for four groups
Five forgeries
My Familes Changing Us Co Edt
El Traficante De Climas/the Weathermonger
Der Geisterjäger
King and joker
Your Retirement
Recorder music
Return of the Antelope
Sleep and his brother
Fanfares and elegies, for brass and organ
Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits
City of Gold & Other Stories
The lizard in the cup
City of Gold & Other Sto
Chuck and Danielle
Gigante de Hielo, El
The Judas tree
Three complaints, for voices and instruments
Sebastiano Vassalli
Sebastiano Vassalli (1941-2015)

literary critic, professor, poet

  • University of Milan
The swan
Il neoitaliano
Amore lontano
L' alcova elettrica
Tout l'or du monde
La notte del lupo
La chimera
The swan
Terra d'acque
Il cigno
Ombre e destini
Il robot di Natale e altri racconti
Cuore di pietra
Stella avvelenata
La chimera
La notte della cometa
La morte di Marx e altri racconti
Tempo di màssacro
Sangue e suolo
Il cigno
Gli italiani sono gli altri
The Night of the Comet
Il mio Piemonte
Un infinito numero
Il Lago d'Orta
Le due chiese
Io, Partenope
Il millennio che muore
Marco e Mattio
Comprare il sole
Un nulla pieno di storie
Dio il diavolo e la mosca nel grande caldo dei prossimi mille anni
L' italiano
Tempo di mıassacro
Abitare il vento
Il confine
L' oro del mondo
L' arrivo della lozione
a a
Archeologia del presente
Frigyes Karinthy
Frigyes Karinthy (1887-1938)

translator, poet, playwright, Esperantist, journalist

A journey round my skull
Je dénonce l'humanité
Esik a hó
Így irtok ti
Le Cirque
Így írtok ti
Voyage autour de mon crâne
Görbe tükör
Holnap reggel
Gyermekkori naplók
Norda vento (novelkolekto)
Ki kérdezett--?
Irói intimitások
Nem mondhatom el senkinek
Az elátkozott munkáskisasszony
Idomított világ
Cele douǎ suflete ale Oliviei
Grave and gay
Válogatott müvei
Soliloquies in the bath
Please sir!
Mennyei riport ; Utazás a koponyám körül
A delejes halál
Tanár úr kérem
Szavak pergőtüzében
Magyarázom a bizonyitványom
Címszavak a Nagy enciklopédiához
Nem mondhatom el senkinek
Voyage to Faremido
Felvesznek a csecsemőklinikára
Utazás Faremidóba
The drama
A kutya szimulál
Följelentem az emberiséget
Egy nőt szeretni
Együgyü lexikon
Számadás a tálentomról
Utazás Faremidóba, Capillária
Az ezerarcú lélek és Telma Titusz kialtványa
Nézzék meg ezt a fotográfiát
Így írtok ti
Új lélektan
Karinthy Frigyes munkái
Avantgárd színművek
Betegek és orvosok
Hölgyeim és uraim
Válogatott müvei
Könnyed társalgás
Gurul a pénz
Maria Galina
Maria Galina (born 1958)

translator, poet, critic, hydrobiologist

  • Odesa University
James Krüss
James Krüss (1926-1997)

poet, playwright, translator, journalist

Junior Great Books -- Series 4, Book 2
Coming home from the war, an idyll
My great-grandfather, the heroes, and I
Mein Urgrossvater und ich
Johnny Longnose
Hü und Hoppla / Ein Fall für Mimi und Olli.
Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen.
Eagle and dove
The happy islands behind the winds
Letters to Pauline
Wake Up Its Easter
A holiday with Henriette
Bongos Abenteuer.
Vorlesen mit der Maus - Die größten Helden aus der Sendung mit der Maus
Pauline and the prince in the wind
The proud wooden drummer
Timm Tahler
Letters to Pauline
The zoo that grew
Wie macht man goldnen Apfelsaft?
Der Weihnachtspapagei. Lesestufe 3 für das 3./4. Schuljahr.
Three by three
The lighthouse on the lobster cliffs
Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen. Sonderausgabe
Return to the happy islands
Der wohltemperierte Leierkasten. 12 x 12 Gedichte für Kinder, Eltern und andere Leute
Freunde von den Hummerklippen, oder, Die Höhle der weissen Taube
Our favorite things
The animal parade
Mein Urgroßvater und ich
Im Affenzahn mit der Bimmelbahn
James' Tierleben
Das Heidehasen-Malbuch
3 x 3: three by three
Die Weihnachtsmaus
Signal Molly, oder, Die Reise auf der Kuh
Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen. Das Buch zum Film
Das Puppenfest
Hü und Hoppla
Henriette Bimmelbahn und ihre Freunde - Der große James Krüss Bilderbuchschatz
Letters to Pauline
Es war einmal ein mann
Der Leuchtturm auf den Hummerklippen
Wir zeichnen Tiere - Kritzelbuch
Was kocht die Maus in ihren Haus?
Eine lustige Froschreise
The talking machine
Das Riesen-Mameladenbrot
Die Fabelinsel
Florentine on Holiday
Three by Three
Eagle and dove
Der Harmlos
Said the Hen to the Chick
Heimkehr aus dem Kriege
Alle Kinder dieser Erde
Sally's red sash
Der Harmlos: Fruhe Jahre
Der kleine Doppeldecker - Spielbox
Der Reisepudel Archibald
Der wohltemperierte Leierkasten
Spatzenlügen und andere seltsame Begebenheiten
Hanselmann reist um die Welt
Ein-, Eich- & Mondhorn
Naivität und Kunstverstand
Mein Urgroßvater und ich
3 x 3 an einem Tag
Abschied von den Hummerklippen
Mein urgrosvater, die Helden und Ich
Siehst du bei Nacht die Sterne
Christoffel und sein Schimmelchen
Mein Urgroßvater und ich
Three by three
Mein Urgroßvater, die Helden und ich
My great-grandfather and I
Es war einmal ein Kind
Von Anfang bis Zebra
Die kleinen Fferde heissen Fohlen
Der fliegende Teppich
Hü und Hoppla
Die Hirtenflöte
Im Krug zum Grünen Walfisch
Timm Thaler oder Das verkaufte Lachen.
Gäste auf den Hummerklippen
Paulina y el príncipe del viento
Wake up, it's Easter!
Tim Taler, abo prodanyj smich
Naïeve schilders zien ons land
Seht her, ich bin der Hansel
Henriette Bimmelbahn.
ha-Yeled she-makhar et tseḥoḳo
Story of the Hen and the Egg
Bongos Abenteuer
El águila y la paloma
Inselgeschichten zum Selberlesen und Vorlesen
Submarine Fred
Das deutsche Lied in Modellen
Deät stek fan 'et huun en 't ai
Friesische Gedichte aus West-, Ost- und Nordfriesland
Der Weihnachtspapagei