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librettists who wrote science fiction
Showing 17-24 out of 29 results
Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)

poet, literary, painter, philosopher, resistance fighter, illustrator, Nobel Prize winner, bookseller, pacifist, librettist

  • Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium, Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren
Das Glasperlenspiel. Sonderausgabe
Narziss und Goldmund
Der Steppenwolf
Peter Camenzind
Klingsors letzter Sommer und andere Erzählungen
Prose works
Unterm Rad
Beneath the Wheel
My belief
The fairy tales of Hermann Hesse
Dank an Goethe
Short stories
Tales of student life
Die Morgenlandfahrt
Traum fahrte
Piktors Verwandlungen
Siddhartha, Demian, and other writings
Späte Prosa
Eine Bibliothek der Weltliteratur
Ernest Hemingway / Knut Hamsun / Hermann Hesse
Hermann Hesse
Die Märchen
Augustus, Der Dichter [and] Ein Mensch mit Namen Ziegler
Schön ist die Jugend
Die dunkle und wilde Seite der Seele: Briefwechsel mit seinem Psychoanalytiker Josef Bernhard Lang 1916 - 1944
Hermann Hesse als Maler
Aus Indien
Drei Erzählungen
Weg nach Innen
Demian / Siddhartha
Der Untergang der "Titanic"
Freude am Garten
Kurgast [und] Die Nürnberger Reise
Hermann Hesse Lesebuch. Erzählungen, Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Bajo LA Rueda
Het Kralenspel
Samtliche Werke
Demian - Siddharta - Der Steppenwolf. Erläuterungen und Materialien
Die Gedichte
Hermann Hesse
Eine Literaturgeschichte in Rezensionen und Aufsätzen
Der Steppenwolf. Erläuterungen und Dokumente
Escritos politicos (1932-1962)
Die Verlobung. Gesammelte Erzählungen II. 1906 - 1908
Die Welt im Buch
Poems; selected and translated from the German by James Wright
Six novels, with other stories and essays
Strange news from another star
Klingsors letzter Sommer
Prosa aus dem Nachlass
Die Kunst des Müßiggangs
Der Zauberer
Politik des Gewissens. Die politischen Schriften in 2 Bänden
Hours in the Garden and Other Poems
Autobiographical writings
Hermann Hesse, 1877-1962
Autobiographical writings
Hours in the garden and other poems
Briefwechsel 1921 bis 1927
Soul of the Age
Gesammelte Erzählungen
Suhrkamp Taschenbücher, Nr.53, Materialien zu Hermann Hesses 'Der Steppenwolf'
Correspondence, Diary Entries and Reflections, 1915-1940
If the war goes on
Pictor's metamorphoses, and other fantasies
Hermann Hesse. Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten. Mit Anmerkungen, Namenregister, Zitat- und Bildnachweis
Berg und See
Magie der Farben
Innen und Außen
Der Pfirsichbaum
Stufen des Lebens
Farbe ist Leben. Eine Auswahl seiner schönsten Aquarelle
Zarathustras Wiederkehr
Narcissus and Goldmund
Beschreibung einer Landschaft. Schweizer Miniaturen
Musik. Betrachtungen, Gedichte, Rezensionen und Briefe
Eduard Mörikes schönste Erzählungen
El Viaje a Oriente/ the Journey to the East
Rosshalde, Roman
Die Kunst des Müssiggangs
Suhrkamp Taschenbücher, Nr.80, Materialien zu Hermann Hesse 'Das Glasperlenspiel'
Tessin. Betrachtungen, Gedichte und Aquarelle des Autors
Beneath the Wheel
Le voyage en Orient
Kindheit und Jugend vor Neunzehnhundert 1
Cuentos Maravillosos
Very German Christmas
Cuentos/ Stories
Bajo las ruedas
Einheit über den Gegensätzen. Religionen und Mythen
Journey to the East
Hesse. Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten
Standen Im Garten
Von Wesen und Herkunft des Glasperlenspiels
Hermann Hesse & Romain Rolland
Wandering; notes and sketches
Narcisse et Goldmund
Nur wer liebt, ist lebendig
Eigensinn macht Spaß. Individuation und Anpassung
Briefwechsel: Hermann Hesse--Thomas Mann
Magie des Buches
Materialien zu Hermann Hesses Siddhartha II. Text über Siddhartha
Wege nach innen. 25 Gedichte
Hesse. Werk und Wirkungsgeschichte
Das Erste Abenteuer
Pequeñas Alegrias
La ruta interior
Correspondencia Hermann Hesse Stefan Zweig
"Ausserhalb des Tages und des Schwindels"
D'une rive à l'autre
Hesse für Gestreßte
Blick nach dem Fernen Osten. Erzählungen, Legenden, Gedichte und Betrachtungen
Hermann Hesse. Schauplätze seines Lebens
Brèves nouvelles de mon jardin (French Edition)
Die schönsten Gedichte
Relatos Esenciales / Essential Stories
Narcisse Et Goldmund
Spiel mit Farben: der Dichter als Maler
Materialien zu Hermann Hesse
Freude am Garten. Betrachtungen, Gedichte und Fotografien
Kleine Freuden
Prodigy, the
Wer lieben kann, ist glücklich. Über die Liebe
Tales of Student Life
Schmetterlinge. Großdruck. Betrachtungen, Erzählungen, Gedichte
Fabulario / The Fairy Tales of Hermann Hesse
Das Leben bestehen. Krisis und Wandlung
Sinclairs Notizbuch
Mit der Reife wird man immer jünger. Romane des Jahrhunderts. Über das Alter
Jahreszeiten. Großdruck
Kinderseele. Erzählung
Die schönsten Erzählungen
Gedichte, die glücklich machen
Vom Baum des Lebens. Ausgewählte Gedichte
Mit Hermann Hesse reisen. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Kindheit des Zauberers
El juego de los abalorios
Hesse / Mann Letters
Tres Momentos De Una Vida/ Three Moments of a Life
Hermann Lauscher
Wunder der Liebe. Liebesgedichte
Mon enfance
Wilk stepowy
Novellen und Gedichte
Unterm rad
Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne. Großdruck. Lebensstufen
Worte des Zauberers
Briefwechsel aus der Nähe
Das Leben bestehen. Krisis und Verwandlung
Die Heimkehr
Musik des Einsamen
Die dunkle und wilde Seite der Seele
The Glass Bead Game
Die schönsten Gedichte von Hermann Hesse. Mit einem Essay des Autors über Gedichte
Zwei Erzählungen
Âuvres complètes
Narziss en Goldmund
Escritos Politicos 1914/1932
Das Lied des Lebens. Die schönsten Gedichte
Briefe an Freunde. Rundbriefe 1946 - 1962 und späte Tagebücher
Jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne. Lebensstufen
Reis naar het Morgenland
Cuentos, 1 - 1. ed.
Narziß und Goldmund [Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Bd.65]
Pictor's metamorphoses
Mit dem Erstaunen fängt es an. Herkunft und Heimat. Natur und Kunst
Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek (SBB), Nr.34, Unterm Rad
Noche de Junio
Hermann Hesse, pittore, [catalogo
Geheimnis der Seele
Wolken. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Beiträge zur Morphologie und Biologie der Wurzelhaare ..
Politik des Gewissens
Schriften zur Literatur
Klingsors letzter Sommer
Der Zauberer. Fragmente zu einem Roman
El Ultimo Verano De Klingsor/klingsor's Last Summer
Briefwechsel / Hermann Hesse ; Stefan Zweig
Das Werk von Hermann Hesse
Siddharta Romanzo Versione Di M Mila
Hesse. Gesammelte Erzählungen. Geschenkausgabe
Stories Of Five Decades
Eigensinn macht Spaß. Großdruck. Individuation und Anpassung. Ein Lesebuch
Materialien zu Hermann Hesses Siddharta I. Texte von Hermann Hesse
The prodigy
Siddharta (Coleccion Edhasa  Literaria)
Die Welt im Buch, Bd.3, Rezensionen und Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1917-1926
Narciso y Goldmundo
La cura
Lektüre für Minuten
Kindheit und Jugend vor Neunzehnhundert 2
Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek (SBB), Nr.16, Demian
Die Nürnberger Reise
Neue deutsche Bücher
Erfahrungen mit dem I Ging
Dziecinstwo czarodzieja
Verliebt in die verrückte Welt. Gedichte, Erzählungen, Betrachtungen
Crisis Pages From a Diary (Noonday)
Bäume. Großdruck. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Hermann Hesse als Maler. Sonderausgabe
Glass Bead Game
Siddhartha Herman Hesse(Annotated Edition)
Siddhartha - Französische Klassiker Auf Französisch (Illustriert) by Heinrich Von Kleist
L'infanzia dell'incantatore (Piccoli saggi)
Hermann Hesse--Thomas Mann Briefwechsel
Poèmes choisis
Siddhartha Illustrated
Die schönsten Märchen
Sotto le Ruote
Paraxena nea apo kapio allo astro
Lektuere Fuer Minuten
Wanderung. Großdruck. Aufzeichnungen
Sidarto. Hinda Poezia Rakonto
Under the Wheels
Vom Baum des Lebens
Eloge de la bêtise
Siddhartha (Annotated)
último Verano de Klingsor
Königs Erläuterungen und Materialien, Bd.86, Narziß und Goldmund
Narzis und Goldmund
Herman Hesse - Bajo Las Ruedas
Drei Erzaḧlungen
Noche de Junio
Der Bettler ; und, Unterbrochene Schulstunde
Siddhartha Illustrated
ultima Estate Di Klingsor
Kinderseele und Der Bettler. Großdruck
Contos Maravilhosos
Herman Lauscher
Elogio de la vejez
Pequeñas alegrías
Páginas de Um Diário
Il coraggio di ogni giorno
Hermann Lauscher
Stories of Five Decades [ Uncorrected Page Proof ]
Siddharta. Großdruck. Eine indische Dichtung
Blick Ins Chaos
Siddhartha (annotated)
Demian by Hermann Hesse
Die Märchen
Gesammelte Schriften. 7 Volumes
Briefe [zwischen] Hermann Hesse [und] Romain Rolland
In sight of chaos
Die Briefe
»Mit dem Vertrauen, daß wir einander nicht verloren gehen können«
En el Balneario
Fabulario/ Fables (Spanish Edition)
Hesse As a Painter
Die Nürnberger Reise
Nella Spa
Peter Camenzind
No Spa
Narcissus and Goldmund
Briefwechsel aus der Nähe [von] Hermann Hesse [und] Karl Kerényi
Klingsors Letzter Sommer
Rastro De Un Sueño
£ltimo verano de Klingsor
Narciso y Goldmundo
Pictor's Metamorphoses
Augustus; Der Dichter; Ein Mensch Mit Namen Ziegler
A Pictorial Biography
Peter Camenzind
Paginas de un Diario
Kingsor's Last Summer
Peter Kamedsid
Lectures per a minuts
Die großen Romane
Very German Christmas
Worte des Zauberers
Weg nach Innen. Vier Erzählungen. 31. - 36. Aufl.
Knulp (Kommentiert)
Hesse. Ausgewählt Werke in sechs Bänden
Fairy Tales
Das Nachtpfauenauge.
Die späten Gedichte
Siddhartha - de Hermann Hesse (Edici
Die Kunst des Mussiggangs
Lecturas para minutos, 2
Tales of Love
Gertrude and I
Hesse für Gestreßte
Rota Interior
Siddhartha a Poem of India
Cuentos de amor
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Das Meisterbuch
Beneath the Wheel
Peter Camenzind
Steppe Wolf
Siddhartha an Indian Tale
El Ultimo Verano de Klingsor y Otras Narraciones (Coleccion Planeta Bolsillo)
Gece Yarısından Sonra Bir Saat - Novalis
Narcisse et Goldmund
Klingsor's Last Summer
Siddhartha Annotated
Die Romane und die grossen Erzählungen
L'horloger du roi
Lebenszeiten. Großdruck. Ein Brevier
Fabulario / Collection of Fables (Narrativas Contemporaneas / Contemporary Narratives)
Correpondencia Entre Dox Guerras
Gertrud, Roman
Poems by Hermann Hesse
Hesse Weg Nach Innen
Luftreisen. Betrachtungen, Gedichte und Bilder über das Fliegen
Siddhartha (Annotated)
Eloge de la vieillesse
Die Marmorsäge / Taedium vitae
Siddhartha : (Annotated Edition)
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Siddhartha (illustriert)
Steppenwolf Di Hermann Hesse
Mit Hesse durch das Jahr
Sous les Roues
Gesta Romanorum
Rotta Dell'entroterra
Klingsors letzter Sommer. Großdruck
Hermann Lauscher
Augustus; Der Dichter; Ein Mensch Mit Namen Ziegler
Siddhartha. Translated by Hilda Rosner
Siddhartha  (World Classics, Unabridged)
Eine Chronik in Bildern
Demian (Spanish Edition)
If the War Goes On ...
Bajo Las Ruedas
In der alten Sonne
Scho n ist die Jugend
The prodigy
Mo i tinh c?ua chang nhac si
Politische Betrachtungen
Au Spa
Siddhartha (illustriert)
Schön Ist Die Jugend
Prosa und Gedichte
Narcissus and Goldmund
Die Morge
Peter Camenzind - Hermann Hesse - Translated by Michael Roloff
Religione e mito
Klingsor'un son yaz♯ł
Gra szklanych paciorków
Il pellegrinaggio in oriente (Italian Edition)
Blick Ins Chaos
Der Blütenzweig
Siddhartha (illustriert)
Rota Interior
Relatos esenciales
Boccaccio. Der Dichter des Dekameron
Favola d'amore
Stunde Hinter Mitternacht ...
Histoires médiévales
The Journey to the East
Aisurukotoga dekiruhitowa shiawaseda
Die Stadt
Cuentos maravillosos
Hermann Hesse
Die Innere Route
Die Märchen
Més lectures per a minuts
Ruta Interior
Gedichte des malers
Herman Lauscher
Die Innere Route
Cartas Escogidas
Journey to the East
Kurgast. Aufzeichnungen von einer Badener Kur
Lobo Estepario
Cuentos de Amor
Hermann Hesse
Demian (Bantam Modern Classics)
Aus Kinderzeiten. Gesammelte Erzählungen I. 1900-1905
Der Lateinschüler. ( Erzählungen in Einzelausgaben)
Stories of Five Decades
Tessiner Bilderbuch
Siddhartha Annotated
Unterm Rad
Die Stadt.
Klingsors Letzter Sommer
The Journey to the East (Peter Owen Modern Classic)
Narziss and Goldmund
Viaje a Oriente
Enfance d'un magicien
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse Illustrated Edition
Schritt Wolf
Blick Ins Chaos
Hermann Lauscher
Narcissus and Goldmund (Peter Owen Modern Classic)
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
To telefteo kalokeri tou klinksor
Bajo las ruedas
Pagine Di un Diario
Escritos sobre literatura
La Leyenda Del Rey Indio
Schon ist Die Jungend
Demian : the Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth
BENEATH THE WHEEL. Translated by Michael Roloff.
Contes Merveilleux
Voyage à Nuremberg
Kurgast, und die Aufzeichnung bei einer Kur in Baden
Singapore dream and other adventures
O lobo e outros contos
Lecturas para minutos, 1
Siddhartha - (Illustriert) by Heinrich Von Kleist
Lektüre für Minuten.  Gedanken aus seinen Büchern und Briefen
Més lectures per a minuts
Inanc Da Sevgi De Aklin Yolunu Izlemez
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Tales Of Student Life Edited, and with an Introduction, by Theodore Ziolkowski. Translated by Ralph Manheim
In the Spa
Alle Bücher dieser Welt
Collective Letters
Baixo as rodas
Kaplicada Bir Konuk
Casanovas Bekehrung. Pater Matthias. Zwei Erzählungen. ( Erzählungen in Einzelausgaben)
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Geschichten aus dem Mittelalter
Umwege, Erzählungen
Steppe Wolf
Eloge de la viellesse
Môi tinh c?ua chang nhac sĩ
Narziss und Golmund
Jahre am Bodensee
El Ultimo Verano de Klingsor
Narziß und Goldmund. Erzählung Von Hermann Hesse (German Edition) 1955
La bibliothèque universelle
En el Balneario
Aus Indien
To Nisi tou onirou ke alla diigimata
Death and the lover
Schön Ist Die Jugend
La leçon interrompue
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Histoires D'amour
Demian, The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth
Cartas Coletivas
Lecture minute
Beneath the Wheel
Demian (préface de Félix Bertaux)
Hermann Hesse über "Narziss und Goldmund"
último Verano de Klingsor
Hermann Lauscher
If the War Goes On
Peter Camenzind. Sonderausgabe
Il Nano
Boncuk Oyunu
Gertrude (Noonday Press, No. N378)
Eigensinn macht Spass
Siddharta. Prologo con resena critica de la obra, vida y obra del autor, y marco historico.
Siddhartha (illustriert)
Creatore Di Pioggia
Pequeñas alegrías
Trost der Nacht
Genclik Güzel Sey
Glass Bead Game
Hermann Hesse
Der Blütenzweig
Sota la roda
The Glass Bead Game (Penguin Modern Classics)
Strange News from Another Star
Siddhartha (illustriert)
In der alten Sonne. Erzählung
San Francisco de As¡s
Gertrude, Roman
Klingsor's Last Summer
Aus Indien
SiddharthaSIDDHARTHA by Hesse, Hermann (Author) on Jan-17-1957 Paperback
Prosa aus dem Nachlass
Schön Ist Die Jugend
Mein Glaube
Die Einheit hinter den Gegensätzen
Inland Route
Der Zauberer. Faksimile Der Hanbdschrift Herausgeggeben Von Bernhard Zeller
Hermann Hesse, politische und wirkungsgeschichtliche Aspekte
Journey to the East
Histoires d'amour
Im Nebel
Heumond. ( Erzählungen in Einzelausgaben)
The Glass Bead Game
Siddhartha an Indian Tale
Beneath the Wheel
»Umgaukelt Von Westlichen und Östlichen Ködern«
Narziß und Goldmund
Cuentos Fantásticos
Märchen Von Hermann Hesse
Blick Ins Chaos
Klein ve Wagner
Bericht aus Normalien. Humoristische Erzählungen, Gedichte und Anekdoten
Voyages en Italie
Rosshalde, Erzählung
Eigensinn. Autobiographische Schriften
La infantesa del bruixot
Narcissus and Goldmund
Das erzählerische Werk
Narcisse et Goldmund
Magister Ludi ( the Glass Bead Game)
Contos de Amor
Steppe Wolf
Knulp (Kommentiert)
Gesammelte Briefe 1 - 4
Siddhartha (illustriert)
The seasons of the soul
No Spa
Siddhartha (Spanish Edition)
Seasons of Life
Faiseur de Pluie
Enfance d'un magicien
Bilder aus der Toskana
Unter Den Rädern
Glück. Späte Prosa / Betrachtungen
Hito wa sijyukusuru ni tsurete wakaku naru
Siddhartha Herman Hesse Annotated Edition
Die Welt im Buch, Bd.2, Rezensionen und Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1911-1916
Lecturas para minutos
Siddhartha - (Illustriert)
Emil Kolb
La infantesa del bruixot
Die Welt der Bücher. Romane des Jahrhunderts
Mit Hermann Hesse durch Italien
Romantische Lieder
' Mit dem Erstaunen fängt es an'. Natur und Kunst, Herkunft und Heimat
Siddharta. Eine indische Dichtung
Wer lieben kann, ist glücklich
If the War Goes On ...
Glass Bead Game
Soul of the Age
Unterwegs, Gedichte
Dernier été de Klingsor
Knulp (Kommentiert)
Unterm Rad
Iris: ausgew
Unterm Rad. Roman in der Urfassung
Wonderful Tales
Siddhartha - Französische Klassiker Auf Französisch (Illustriert) by Heinrich Von Kleist
Strange News from Another Star
Narciso e Boccadoro
Knulp (Kommentiert)
By Hermann Hesse Peter Camenzind (Peter Owen modern classics) (New edition)
Narcissus and Goldmund
Lettere Collettive
Mit Der Reife Wird Man Immer Junger
Sobranie sochineniĭ v chetyrekh tomakh
Racconti D'amore
Siddhartha An Indian Tale
Siddhartha (illustriert)
Die Einheit hinter den Gegensätzen. Religionen und Mythen
El caminante
Lettres Collectives
Frühe Prosa
Le dernier été de Klingsor
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse published by Bantam Classics (1981) [Mass Market Paperback]
Steppe Wolf
Klein und Wagner
In the Spa
Bäume. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Paginas de un Diario
Erlebnis in der Knabenzeit
Hesse Augustus Der Dichter
Die Märchen. Großdruck
Narziss Ve Goldmund
Siddhartha (traducido 2022)
Night Peacock
Escritos sobre literatura
Kurgast. Großdruck. Aufzeichnungen von einer Badener Kur
Carklar Arasinda
Steppe Wolf
Siddhartha- an Indian Tale
Gertrude (Peter Owen Modern Classic)
Hermann Hesse - Siddartha
Hermann Hesse - Siddartha
L'Art de l'oisiveté
Kinderseele; und, Ladidel
Histórias de Amor
In Weihnachts Zeiten
Königs Erläuterungen und Materialien, Bd.17, Unterm Rad
Carnets indiens
Sevebilen Mutludur
Siddhartha Annotated
The Journey to the East
Schon Ist Die Jugend (German Edition)
Lectures per a minuts
Seasons of the Soul
Briefe Erweiterte Ausgabe
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Contos Maravilhosos
Contos Maravilhosos
Gertrude and I
Siddhartha Annotated
Siddhartha Annotated
Seasons of the Soul
Unterm Rad
Die Welt der Bücher
Klingsor's Last Summer
L'Homme qui voulait changer le monde, nouvelle édition
Unterwegs, Gedichte
Peter Camenzind
Unterm Rad
De kunst van het ouder worden
Romantische Lieder
Krisis. Ein Stück Tagebuch
Sob a Roda
Cuentos (El Libro De Bolsillo)
Steppe Wolf
Kinderseele Und Ladidel
Narziss and Goldmund
Route Intérieure
Franz von Assisi
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse :(Annotated Edition)
Siddhartha Herman Hesse
Odnowiciel Swiata
Blick ins Chaos
Görkemli Dünya
Steppe Wolf
Peter Camenzind
Die Binnenroute
Cartas Colectivas
Kleine Welt
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse :(Annotated Classics)
Cuentos Maravillosos
Siddhartha - (Illustriert)
Stepnoj volk ( )
Kurgast (IN GERMAN)
Gertrude and I
Gesammelte Briefe, Bd.2, 1922-1935
Peter Camenzind
Narcissus and Goldmund
Le métier d'écrivain
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Description d'un paysage. Miniatures suisses
Die Antwort bist Du selbst. Briefe an junge Menschen
Cuentos de amor
Freunde Am Garten
Krieg und Frieden
ultima Estate Di Klingsor
Die schönsten Erzählungen
Story Without Words
Knulp (Kommentiert)
Am Weg
Siddhartha Annotated
Die Fremdenstadt im Süden
Bajo Las Ruedas
Das erste Abentener
Cuentos de Amor
»≫ Große Zeiten≪ Hinterlassen Große Schutthaufen«
Hermann Lauscher
Siddhartha. eine Indische Dichtung
Erste Abenteur
Spiel mit Farben
Siddhartha Eine Indische Dichtung
Demian, the Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth
Der Weltverbesserer. Doktor Knölges Ende. Zwei Erzählungen
Demian (1970 Bantam Paperback)
Eigensinn. Autobiographische Schriften
Kindheit und Jugend vor Neunzehnhundert
Die Gedichte
Rosshalde (Bantam T7370)
Sob As Rodas
Unterm Rad. Sonderausgabe. Erzählung
Stories of five decades
La Ciudad
Verliebt in die verrückte Welt
Die Officina Bodoni in Montagnola
Narziss und glodmind
Klein und Wagner
Wonderful Tales
Briefwechsel mit Heinrich Wiegand, 1924-1934
Sämtliche Werke
Narziß und Goldmund
Strange News from Another Star And Other Tales
No Spa
Lettres Collectives
Drei Briefe
Ein Jahr voll Freude
Gesammelte Werke. Werkausgabe
Unterm Rad
Aus Indien
Noche de junio
Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Hermann Hesse, Helene Voigt-Diederichs
Schön ist die Jugend. Erzählung
Pages d'un Journal
Klingsors letzter Sommer
Lecturas Para Minutos - 2 Tomos
Traumfährte, neue erzählungen und märchen
Racconti Meravigliosi
Il mio credo
Narciso e Boccadoro
Siddhartha an Indian Tale
The Prodigy (Peter Owen Modern Classic)
Eine Stunde hinter Mitternacht
Das erste Abenteuer
Die Briefe
Narziss und Goldmund. ( Gesammelte Werke in Einzelausgaben)
Siddhartha : (new Edition)
Danksagung und moralisierende Betrachtung
Die Heimkehr
Narciso y Goldmundo (Contemporanea)
Knulp ; Demian ; Siddhartha ; Cuentos (1917-1925). Narrativa completa, tomo 3
Dogu Yolculugu
Knulp (Kommentiert)
Favole Meravigliose
Seiten Eines Tagebuchs
Insel-Kalender für das Jahr 2014
Der vierte Lebenslauf Josef Knechts
Dans le Spa
Klingsor'un Son Yazi
Demian. The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth.Translated M Roloff.
Narziß und Goldmund
Siddhartha Kommentiert
Im presselschen Gartenhaus
Under the Wheels
Love Stories
Klingsors letzer Sommer
Stunden im Garten
Siddhartha (illustriert)
Briefwechsel mit Heinrich Wiegand
Traumfährte. Erzählungen und Märchen
Mit Hermann Hesse durchs Tessin
Sotto le Ruote
Glück: späte Prosa
Narciso e Boccadoro
Knulp; drei Geschichten aus dem Leben Knulps, von Hermann Hesse. Edited with introduction, exercises, notes, and vocabulary by William Diamond and Christel B. Schomaker ...
Último Verão de Klingsor
Weg nach Innen. Vier Erzählungen. 31. - 36. Aufl.
Klingsors letzter Sommer
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse :(Annotated Classics)
Hermann Hesse on Pen and Brush
Collective Letters
Nuevos Cuentos de Amor
Die wunderbare Gesellschaft in der Neujahrsnacht. Erzählungen
Klingsors Letzter Sommer
Hermann Hesse
Der Trauermarsch
Eine Auswahl fur Auslander
Die Morgenlandfahrt. Eine Erzählung
Peter Camenzind
Geschichten aus dem Mittelalter
Im Nebel
World of books
Hermann Lauscher
Prosa aus dem Nachlass
Unterm Rad
Nafsho shel yeled
Narziss und Goldmund
Hesse. Dank an Goethe. Betrachtungen, Rezensionen, Briefe
Enfance d'un magicien
Unterm Rad. Erzählung
Escritos políticos 1914/1932
Magister Ludi
Die Romane und die Großen Erzählungen in acht Bänden
Ho rimazontas ginomaste holo kai neoteroi
Letzte Reife
Stepnoĭ volk
Das Haus der Träume
Liebes Herz!
Die Gedichte
Magie des Buches
Briefe an Freunde
Die spa ten Gedichte
Unterm Rad
Ruta Interior, La
Mroi tình ckua chàng nhạc sĩ
Kleine Welt
The seasons of the soul
Zarathustras Wiederkehr
Hermann Hesse
Spa te Prosa
Dank an Herman Hesse
Klingsor's last summer
Vom baum des lebens
Rigi-Tagebuch, 1945
Cuentos 3
Hermann Hesse: Dichter und Weltbürger
Ein Traum Josef Knechts
Narciso y Golmundo
O vrohopios, O exomologitis, Indiki viographia
Briefe 1945-1962
Bazi Mohrey shishe
Die Romane und die grossen Erzählungen
Über das Glück. Mit Cassette. Sonderausgabe. Betrachtungen und Gedichte
Ohne Wort = Without words
Sinclairs Notizbuch
Mi-taḥat la-galgal
O likos tis Stepas
Der Anfang aller Kunst ist die Liebe
Ruta Interior/the Interior Route
Der Zwerg. Ein Märchen
Die Morgenlandfahrt
Worte des Zauberers
Autobiographical Writings [of] Hermann Hesse
Die Erzählungen und Märchen
Una hora después de medianoche / Hermann Lauscher / Peter Camenzind / Bajo la rueda / Cuentos (1903-1906)
Le Voyage en Orient
Das junge Genie
Aus Kinderzeiten
Der Zwerg
Beschreibung einer Landschaft
Lekture fur Minuten
The highest of all concepts
Der Steppenwolf
Kenupu di sheng yai
"--die Grenzen überfliegen"
Gesta Romanorum
I epistrofi ton Zarathustra
Zwei Idyllen
Narcys i Gol'dmund
Casanovas Bekehrung und Pater Matthias
"Es ging am Anfang nicht leicht mit uns"
Klingsohrs letzter Sommer
Frühe Prosa
Hyōhaku no tamashii (Kunurupu)
Das junge Genie
Der verbannte Ehemann oder Anton Schievelbeyn's ohnfreywillige Reisse nacher Ost-Indien
Politische Bertrachtungen
Regen in Herbst
Nuevos Cuentos De Amor (El Dia Siguiente)
Y Si La Guerra Continua
Indischer Lebenslauf
Hành trình sang Đông Phương =
Danksagung und moralisierende Betrachtung
Ḳismo shel sefer
Igra v biser
Kleine literatuurgeschiedenis
LA Noche De Junio/the Night of June
Narziss und Goldmund
Igra v biser
D'une rive à l'autre
Briefe von Hermann Hesse
Der Lateinschüler
Pang huang shao nian shi
"Sonne und Mond seien freundlich zu Ihnen, liebe Freundin!"
Gertrudis / Rosshalde / Cuentos (1907-1914)
Aus Kinderzeiten, und andere Erza hlungen
Unterm Rad
Piktors Verwandlungen
Beneath the wheel./ctranslated by Michael Roloff
ha-Aḥuzah Roshaldeh
Frühe Prosa
Narciso y Goldmundo - Sin Sobrecubierta
Innen und aussen
Klein und Wagner
Obstinacion - Escritos Autobiograficos
We are like fire
Hermann Hesse--Thomas Mann Briefwechsel
Der vierte Lebenslauf Josef Knechts
Kontrolltheorie in Banachra umen und quadratische Abscha tzungen
Stepnoĭ volk, Siddkhartkha, Puteshestvie k zemle Vostoka
Gesammelte Dichtungen
Hesse shishū
Hermann Hesse, Hans Sturzenegger
Sharin no shita ni
Hermann Hesse - Romain Rolland
Romantische Lieder
Hermann Hesse
Histoires d'amour
Die Erzählungen
Die Landfrage und die Frage der Rechtsgültigkeit der Konzessionen in Südwestafrika
Stepnoĭ volk
Der Steppen Wolf
Hermann Hesse, Emmy Ball-Hennings, Hugo Ball
Kurgast und die 'Aufzeichnungen von einer Kur in Baden'
The journey to the East
The Officina Bodoni in Montagnola
Neue Gedichte
Frühe Prosa
Eine fussreise im herbst
Narziß und Goldmund. Sonderausgabe. Erzählung
To pehnidi me tis hantres
Indien, Wunder und Wirklichkeit
Mein Hermann Hesse
Das erste Abenteuer
Weg nach Innen
Josef Knechts Lebensläufe
Peter Camerzind
Sieben aus Schwaben
Peter Camentseed
Palomnichestvo v stranu vostoka
Eine Bibliothek der Weltliteratur
Musik des Einsamen
Heisai zhi Zhongguo
Heumond ; Aus Kinderzeiten
Prosa aus dem Nachlass
Ksie̜ga obrazów
Cuentos 2
Die Morgendlandfahrt.  Eine Erzählung
Briefwechsel 1921 bis 1927
What could I say to you that would be of value
Indischer Lebenslauf
Vom baum des lebens
Der Lateinschüler
Ein Traum Josef Knechts
In the old Sun
Narḳis ṿe-Goldmund
Hesse as painter
Am weg
Stepnoĭ volk
In Weihnachtszeiten
Unterm Rad
Piktor's Verwandlungen
Gesammelte Briefe
Stepovyj vovk
Poems by Hermann Hesse
Hyōhaku no tamashii (Kunurupu)
In der alten Sonne
Souvenirs d'un européen
Lulu , O erotevmenos neos
Glück: späte Prosa
Der lindenbaum
Unterm Rad
Hermann Hesse - Thomas Mann
Chi to ai
In der alten Sonne und andere Erzählungen
Der Zauberbrunnen
Kohan no atorie
Gra v biser
Panghwang hanŭn hyŏndae
Se Khatere
Narcisse et Goldmund
Stepovyj vovk
Peter Camenzind
Strange news from another star, and other tales
Hra v biser
Sam ŭl sarang hanŭn chŏlmŭnidŭl ege
Liu lang zhe zhi ge
Vom Baum des Lebens
Verehrter grosser Zauberer
Bunte Feier
Aus Indien
Cuentos 1
Lettre à un jeune artiste
Câu chuyuen dòng sông
Peter Camenzind / Unterm Rad
Merkwürdige Nachricht von einem andern Stern
Unterm Rad
Le dernier été de Klingsor
Am Weg
Les Frères du soleil
Heman Hese tong hua gu shi ji =
Gesammelte Schriften
Peṭer Ḳamentsind
Heumond ; Aus Kinderzeiten
Novalis, Dokumente seines Lebens und Sterbens
The Hermann Hesse Reader
Klingsors letzter Sommer
Bilderbuch schilderungen
Lai zi xing hai di xiao xi
Cuentos 4
Eine raffiniert humane Kur
Narkissos ke chrysostomos
El Caminante
Der Lindenbaum
Eine raffiniert humane Kur
Peter Camenzind
Cuentos de amor
Von Poesie und Politik
Gertrud, Roman
Sharin no shita
ha-Ḳayits ha-aḥaron be-ḥayaṿ shel Ḳlinsor
Hra v biser
El lobo estepario / Relatos autobiográficos
The Glass Bead Game
Peter Camenzind
Hermann Hesse--Autoren-Abend in Saarbrücken
Autobiographical writings [of] Hermann Hesse
Die Gedichte von Hermann Hesse
En El Balneario
Hermann Hesse's Magister Ludi (Also Published As the Glass Bead Game)
Les Frères du soleil
Sinclairs Notizbuch
Die Gedichte von Hermann Hesse
Gertrude and I
Hermann Hesse
Bilderbuch schilderungen
Pequeo Mundo
Sobre La Guerra y La Paz
Gesammelte Werke
Weg nach innen
Hermann Hesse zum Gedächtnis
Magister Ludi
Tutoi trke và cô đơn
Đôi bạn chân tình
Hermann Lauscher
Zwischen den Fronten
Taxidi stin anotoli
Aus Indien
Ausgewählte Gedichte
Mein Glaube
Berlie Doherty
Berlie Doherty (born 1943)

poet, librettist, playwright

  • Durham University, Upton Hall School FCJ
Granny was a buffer girl
Daughter of the Sea
Dear nobody
Willa and old Miss Annie
Street child
The snake-stone
Holly Starcross
Old Father Christmas
The famous adventures of Jack
The Oxford Book of Bible Stories
White Peak Farm
The midnight man
Tilly Mint tales
Tricky Nellys Birthday Treat
Classic Fairy Tales
Children of Winter
The Humming Machine
The Windspinner
Bella's Den
Fairy Tales
Coconut Comes to School
Blue John
Deep Secret
The Forsaken Merman and Other Story Poems
Sailing Ship Tree
The Frog Prince
Tough luck
Paddiwak and Cosy
The Magical Bicycle
Lorna Doone
The Walker Book of Stories for 6+ Year Olds (Walker Treasuries)
The vinegar jar
The Making of Fingers Finnigan
The goblin baby
Valentines Day
Our Field
The Starburster Stories
Jinnie Ghost
How Green You Are!
Morgan's Field
The golden bird
The Snow Queen (Everystory S.)
Jet scream
The Nutcracker
ZZaap and the wordmaster
Why me?
Animal stories
How Green You Are / Making of Fingers
Stormy Waters
Jeannie Of White Peak Farm
Tilly Mint and the Dodo
A Calf Called Valentine
Flirting with Danger
Running on Ice (Contents)
The company of ghosts
Famous Adventures of Jack
Tales of wonder and magic
De notenkraker
Essential Modern Classics - Spellhorn
Running on Ice
Deep Secret
Paddiwak and Cozy
Far from Home
Haunted Hills
Monster in the Mirror
Jinnie Ghost
Sleeping Beauty in the Forest
Frog Prince
Gambling Habit
Walking on Air
Street Child
Snow White
Blue John
Wild Cat
Far from Home
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
Paddiwak and Cosy
The Wild Swans
Granny Was a Buffer Girl
Seamaiden's Odyssey
Fairy Tales
Jeannie of White Peak Farm
Dear Nobody
Nightmare Two Ghostly Tales
Nightmare : Two Ghostly Tales
Hansel and Gretel
Beauty and the Beast
Willa and Old Miss Annie
Story Chest (Story Chest S.)
Wild Swans
Fairy Tales
Famille a secrets
Profond secret
A beautiful place for a murder
Big bulgy fat black slugs
The three princes
Beauty and the beast
Hansel and Gretel
Cycle Star of Peeling Tower / Children of Winter
Winter Magic
Joe and the dragonosaurus
Sleeping beauty
Berlie Doherty Poster
The Berlie Doherty Author Pack
Cher inconnu
The Starburster Stories
Amin Maalouf
Amin Maalouf (born 1949)

journalist, librettist

  • Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour, Saint Joseph University of Beirut
Premier siècle après Béatrice
Le rocher de Tanios
Ports of call
Balthasar's Odyssey
On Identity
Adriana Mater
Leon El Africano/  Leon The African
Léon, l'Africain
Identités meurtrières
The Gardens of Light
Leo the African
La Roca De Tanios
Çivisi Çıkmış Dünya
León el africano
Le Premier Siècle après Béatrice
Les Identités meurtrières
Le dérèglement du monde
Le périple de Baldassare
Jardins de lumière
Al-hurub al-salibia
Leon El Africano
Die Häfen der Levante
Identidades Asesinas
Léon l'Africain
Las Escalas De Levante/ Ports of call
Les Echelles du Levant
Los jardines de luz
Pour une éducation bilingue
Disordered world
Los jardines de luz/ The Gardens of Light
Le Premier Siecle Apres Beatrice
Origenes / Origins (13/20)
El Viaje De Baldassare / Balthasar's Odyssey
Les jardins de lumière
Samarcanda / Samarkand
León el africano
Leou al-Afriqi
Leon El Africano/ Leo the African
Dany Laferrière à l'Académie française
El Viaje de Baldassare
Léon l'Africain , Samarcande , Les jardins de lumière
Le Periple De Baldassare
Le Labyrinthe des égarés
Der Geograph des Papstes
Der Mann aus Mesopotamien
Mörderische Identitäten
Los Jardines De Luz/ The Gardens of Light (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library)
Leon El Africano/ Leon the African (13/20)
Der Heilige Krieg der Barbaren. Die Kreuzzüge aus der Sicht der Araber
L' amour de loin
Leo Africanus. Der Sklave des Papstes
Leon L'Africain / 10 Audio Compact Discs in French
La roca de Tanios
El Viaje De Baldassare/ Balthasar's Odyssey (13/20)
Las escalas de Levante
Muʻjam al-ḥayawān
Heilige Krieg der Barbaren, Die : Die Kreuzzuge Aus der Sicht der Araber (German text version)
Le Rocher de Tanios
Skala Taniosa
Mawani' al-mashriq
Identidades Asesinas
Der Felsen von Tanios
La Invasion
Dogunun limanlari
Sakhrat tanios
Les échelles du Levant
Leon L'Africain
Los desorientados
Le dérèglement du monde
Ḥadāʼiq al-nūr
Der Felsen des Tanios
Indentites Mertrieres
Un sillón que mira al Sena
León el Africano / Leo Africanus (Spanish Edition)
Leone l'africano
Le périple de Baldassare
Rocher de tanios-6k7-conseille 29.5e/ttc
Rihlat baldasar
Les désorientés
Identidades Asesinas (Libros Singulares (Ls))
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)

linguist, poet, translator, playwright, librettist

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
Shelley's Revolutionary Year
Political writings including "A defence of poetry."
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Prentice Hall
Great Cat Tales
Shelley's poetry and prose
The letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prometheus unbound
The Complete Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Masque of anarchy
Experiencing Reading
Shelley in Italy
Essays, letters from abroad, translations and fragments
The Cenci
The necessity of atheism
Prose works
Familiar poems, annotated
The Norton Anthology of English Literature --Seventh Edition -- Volume 2A
The major works
Ausgewählte Dichtungen
Drafts for Laon and Cythna, cantos V-XII
With Shelley in Italy
A vindication of natural diet
A philosophical view of reform
The prose works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley on Blasphemy: Being His Letter to Lord Ellenborough, Occasioned by the Sentence which He ..
Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems
Miscellaneous poetry, prose, and translations from Bodleian MS. Shelley adds. c. 4, etc
The Shelley notebook in the Harvard College Library
Prometheus unbound with Adonais, The cloud, Hymn to intellectual beauty and An exhortation
The Faust draft notebook
Early Poems
Peter Bell The Third
An address to the Irish people
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Jane Clairmont
Poems, selected and arranged by S.A. Brooke
Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Homeric Hyms and Prometheus Drafts Notebook
Shelley on Love
The Cenci: A Tragedy in Five Acts
Queen Mab
Queen Mab, with Notes
Select poems of Shelley
Guía literaria de Roma
Select letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley on blasphemy
Hellas: a lyrical drama
Note books of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Shelley Papers
Relics of Shelley
Poems and Prose
The Homeric hymns and Prometheus drafts notebook
Poems from Shelley and Keats
Œuvres poétiques complètes de Shelley [microform]
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Thomas Jefferson Hogg
A choice of Shelley's verse
The Edinburgh Literary Journal, Or, Weekly Register of Criticism and Belles ..
The mask of anarchy 1832
The Hellas notebook
The Daemon of the World
Review of Hogg's "Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff"
Shelley's Skylark
A philosophical view of reform (now printed for the first time)
Shelley and Revolutionary Ireland
The sensitive plant
"Shelley's last notebook"
The Witch of Atlas notebook
Essays and letters
Bodleian MS. Shelley d. 3
Prometheus Bound, Prometheus Unbound
Zastrozzi ; and, St. Irvyne
Harriet & Mary
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Shelley's Pisan winter notebook (1820-1821)
The Edinburgh Literary Journal; Or, Weekly Register of Criticism and Belles Lettres
The best letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Skylark And Adonais, With Other Poems
The Bodleian Shelley manuscripts
A proposal for putting reform to the vote throughout the kingdom
Posthumous fragments of Margaret Nicholson
The complete poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The wandering Jew
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Queen Mab, a philosophical poem, with notes. [reputed to have been given by the author to W ..
A letter to Lord Ellenborough
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. by mrs. Shelley
Select poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 2
Drafts for Laon and Cythna
Red Sky
Selected Poems
Selected Poems
Monte Bianco. Le voci del sublime di P. B Shelley
Shelley's Juliaan en Maddalo
Shelley, The Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe
Selected poetry and prose
Shelley's prose
A letter from Percy B. Shelley to T. Peacock, July, MDCCCXVI
Works, in verse and prose, now first brought together with many pieces not before published
Flucht aus England
Fair-copy manuscripts of Shelley's poems in European and American libraries
Prologue to Hellas
Selected Poetry And Prose Of Shelley
St. Irvyne; or the Rosicrucian
The romantic poets
Poems selected from Percy Bysshe Shelley
Frankenstein and the Critics
The Prometheus unbound notebooks
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley's literary and philosophical criticism
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I
Verse and prose from the manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Select poems
Story of Julia Page, The
To a Sky-lark
English Popular Poetry and Popular Verse
The " Charles the First" draft notebook
Death and Its Mystery - Before Death - Proofs of the Existence of the Soul - Volume I;with Introductory Poems by Emily Dickinson & Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley Memorials
The Esdaile poems
Great Poets
Epipsychildion, 1821
Shelley's 1821-1822 Huntington notebook
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in verse and prose
Prometheus unbound: the text and the drafts
Original poetry
Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue, with other poems
Nature poems
The lyrical poems and translations of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poems for Mindfulness
Hellas, a lyrical drama, reprinted from the original edition of 1822
Letters, containing material never before collected
Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama
Lyrics and minor poems
Sight Singing Do Re Mi and Tikitiki Ti : Volume 1
History of a six weeks' tour 1817
Monte Bianco. Le voci del sublime di Percy Bisshe Shelley
Poetical works 2
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt
South Wind
Love's philosophy
Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems
The complete poetical works of Shelley
Alastor Or The Spirit Of Solitude
The Revolt Of Islam
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley
Selected prose works of Shelley
Shelley's "Devils" notebook
Percy Bysshe Shelley (Illustrated Poets)
Selected Poems
The Romantic Poets
Prometheus Bound & Prometheus Unbound
A Facsimile and Full Transcript of Bodleian MSS. Shelley adds. d. 6 and adds. c. 5 (2 Vol Set) (Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts, Vol 22)
St. Irvyne
Julian And Maddalo A Conversation
Selected Poems
Shelley's prose in the Bodleian manuscripts
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Bodleian Manuscript Shelley, d.3
Selected [works]
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ...
Shelley and His Circle (Volumes Three and Four)
Shelley VIII (Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics)
Oedipus Tyrannus, or, Swellfoot the tyrant
Necessity of Atheism Annotated and Illustrated
Percy Bysshe Shelley Selected by Fiona Sampson
Ode au vent d'Ouest. Adonaïs et autres poèmes
Entfesselte Prometheus. Lyrisches Drama in Vier Akten [and in Verse] ... Deutsch Von A. Graf Wickenburg
Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Volume I
Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Original poetry by Victor & Cazire (Percy Bysshe Shelley & Elizabeth Shelley)  Edited by Richard Garnett
Tales of Villa Diodati
Posthumous poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Poetical Works , Plays,Translations, and Longer Poems
Dipus Tyrannus Or Swellfoot the Tyrant a Tragedy in Two Acts Translated from the Original Doric A Satire in Verse on George IV and Queen Carol
A Lament
Selected Poetry
Adonais, an elegy on the death of John Keats, author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc
Shelley: poetry & prose
Harriet & Mary, being the relations between Percy Bysshe Shelley, Harriet Shelley, Mary Shelley, and Thomas Jefferson Hogg, as shown in letters between them now published for the first time
Review of Hoggs's Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 2
Shelley's Defence of poetry; Browning's Essay on Shelley
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 1
Essays, Letters From Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 2
Prometheus Unbound : Prometheus Unbound
Dramatic poems
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; 5
Defense of Poetry
Select letters
Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne
Death and Its Mystery - after Death - Manifestations and Apparitions of the Dead; the Soul after Death - Volume III;with Introductory Poems by Emily Dickinson & Percy Bysshe Shelley
To a Sky-Lark 20-copy Multiple
Laon and Cythna; or, The revolution of the golden city
Poems of Shelley; an anthology in commemoration of the poet's death the 8th July 1822
Original poetry by Victor & Cazire (Percy Bysshe Shelley & Elizabeth Shelley)
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to William Godwin
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 1
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Robert Southey and other correspondents
Poetical works
The reader's Shelley
The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2
An address to the people on the death of the Princess Charlotte
On the vegetable system of diet
The Magic Garden of My Book House
The minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
The Cyclops
The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selections from the poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Posthumous Poems 1824 (Revolution and Romanticism, 1789-1834)
Essays; Letters From Abroad; Translations And Fragments By Percy Bysshe Shelley V2
Critical prose
The complete poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley : volume 2
The beauties of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, letters from abroad, translation and fragments
Prose works, from the original editions
Shelley's critical prose
Laon and Cythna
A defence of poetry, by P.B. Shelley
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume II
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Poetical Works , Lyrics and Shorter Poems
Prumithiyus taliqan
Selections from the Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
La mascherata dell'anarchia =
Poetry of Shelley
A Refutation of Deism
The Geneva Notebook of Percy Bysshe Shelly: Bodleian Ms. Shelley Adds. E. 16 and Ms. Shelley Adds. C. 4, Folios 63, 65, 71, and 72
A study of Shelley's 'A Defence of Poetry'
Posthumous poems 1824
OEuvres poétiques complètes
Shelley's Poems  (3 vol)
Poemas de convivencia
To A Skylark - Pamphlet
Poetical Works
Selected poems and prose
Adonais, an Elegy on the Death of John Keats
The Revolt of Islam
Literary and philosophical criticism
Alastor, ou, Le génie de la solitude
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 3
Shelley's Epipsychidion und Adonais
The Collected Works of Shelley
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, with his life
Poems and sonnets
El valor de la poesía
Note books
Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The necessity of atheism, and other essays
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 2
Poetical Works
Rosalind and Helen
Adone nella morte di Giovanni Keats, elegia di Percy Bische Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley (English Poets Series)
Shelley & Zastrozzi
The cloud
De l'amour (essais et préfaces choisis)
Poetical Works
Shelley's Defence of poetry
Laon and Cythna
Shelley VI (Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics)
Les Cenci
Selected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
La sensitiva
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 1 and 2] (Volumes 1 and 2)
With Shelley in Italy
Literary and philosophical criticism
Adonais : 1821
Political writings
Selected Works
Love poems of Shelley
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ...
St. Irvyne, or The Rosicrucian
Selected essays on atheism
Queen Mab; a Philosophical Poem
Necessity of Atheism Annotated
Adonais An Elegy On The Death
Ode to the West Wind
Complete Works ( 10 Volumes )
Epipsychidion, verses (ed. by H.B. Forman).: together with Shelley's manuscript draft
Select letters
Laon and Cynthia; or, The Revolution of the golden City
Selected poetry, edited by Neville Rogers.
The Geneva notebook of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley Lyrical Visionary (Illustrated Poetry Anthology Series)
Adone nella morte di Giovanni Keats, elegia di Percy Bische Shelley
Shelley's Poems Volume 1
Essays and Letters
Complete poetical works
Alastor, and other poems
Lines and fragments
The Witch of Atlas
Epipsychidion, 1821
Compositions from Shelley's Prometheus unbound
The dramatic poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley selected
The poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Necessity of Atheism
Esdaile Notebook a Vol of Early Poems
Poetry of Shelley
Selected Letters of the English Romantic Poets
Poetas románticos ingleses
Carta a Maria Gisborne y otros poemas
An Address, to the Irish People (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
OEdipus Tyrannus; Or, Swellfoot the Tyrant, a Tragedy [By P.B. Shelley. Ed. by H.B. Forman.].
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Volume 2
Selected poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poetical Works in Two Volumes
Defensa de la poesia
Letters, Volume 1
Defensa de la poesia
Tales of Villa Diodati
Crane Classics : Shelley
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Complete in One Volume
Shelley; (The Laurel poetry series)
Necessity of Atheism Illustrated
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 3
Selected Poems
The best letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Volume 3
Rosalind and helen, A Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Poems. Selected, with Pref. by Richard Garnett
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
New Shelley letters
A Letter to Lord Ellenborough, Occasioned by the Sentence which (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Prome the e de livre
Popular Songs
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Repr., With Mem., Notes &c
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume III
Trionfo Della Vita...
The complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Necessity of Atheism (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Witch of Atlas
Shelley Birthday Book and Calendar
The Rosicrucian
Mask of Anarchy
Paper on the Revolt of Islam
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 2
Alastor, or, the spirit of solitude, and other poems
Shelley's Prose or the trumpet of a prophecy
Oedipus Tyrannus Or Swellfoot the Tyrant
No despertéis a la serpiente
Shelley and Keats
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 1
Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Notes on sculptures in Rome and Florence
Vindication of Natural Diet
Prometheus Unbound
A Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Banquet of Plato and Other Pieces
The Shelley Birthday Book and Calendar
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Complete poetical works
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley
A lexical concordance to the poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Two essays on vegetarianism
Shelley on love
Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant. A Tragedy. In Two Acts. Translated From the Original Doric (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Shelley companion
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Select Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Address to the Irish People
The Letters Of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Necessity of Atheism-Original Edition(Annotated)
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - the Original Classic Edition
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Bod XXI : Misc. Poetry, Prose, and Translations
Original Poetry; by Victor and Cazire (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Zastrozzi, A Romance (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
An Address to the Irish People (Shelley Society, Second Ser. ; No. 6)
Prometheus Unbound - A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts
Critica Filosofica Y Literaria (Clasicos Del Pensamiento)
Relics of Shelley
Complete Poetical Works, Volume 3
Queen Mab
The works of
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Béatrice Cenci
Prométhée délivré
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener
A defence of poetry
Percy Shelley Classics : a Defence of Poetry
Poetical Works
The Shelley Birthday Book And Calendar
Lírica de Shelley
The Poems of Shelley
Queen Mab, A Philosophical Poem, With Notes. [reputed To Have Been Given By The Author To W. Francis. Wanting The Title-leaf, Dedication And Part Of The Last Leaf]
Selected poems
Poems Written In 1819
The Wandering Jew (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The best of Shelley
A text of Shelley's Prometheus unbound
The Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Vol. 2
Selections from the poems of Shelley
Selected Poetry and Prose
An essay on life
The Masque of Anarchy (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley,
Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (The World's Popular Classics)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Esdaile notebook
Prometheus unbound, and other poems (1820)
Prometheus Unbound
Bod XXI : Misc. Poetry, Prose, and Translations
OEuvres Poétiques Complètes; Volume 2
Queen Mab
Oedipus Tyrannus or Swellfoot the Tyrant
Prometheus Ontboeid Een Lyrisch Drama in Vier Bedrijven
Entfesselte Prometheus
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Promeṭeus, der goel
Selected poetry, prose and letters
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Defence of Poetry and the Four Ages of Poetry
The prose works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Vol 2
Epipsychidion (Shelley Society Second, No 7)
The Mask Of Anarchy Written On The Occasion Of The Massacre At Manchester
Letter to Lord Ellenborough
Prometheus unbound with Adonis, The cloud, Hymn to intellectual beauty, and An exhortation
The Esdaile Notebook
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt; Volume 2
Shelley's Adonais and Alastor
Percy Bysshe Shelley Complete Poems
The Cenci
English Romantic Poets on CD
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translation and Fragments; Volume 2
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt; Volume 2
Posthumous Fragments Of Margaret Nicholson
The Cenci : a Tragedy
Shelley's prose;
A Proposal for Putting Reform to the vote Throughout (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Queen Mab
The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Prose Vol 7
Geneva Papers
Adonais y Otros Poemas
Complete Works of Shelley
Shelley - Poetical Works
The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley (Modern Library, 274.1)
Literary and Philosophical Criticism. Edited with an Introd. by John Shawcross
Alastor, Ou, le Génie de la Solitude; Poème Traduit en Prose Française Avec le Texte Anglais en Regard et des Notes Par A. Beljame
The dramatic poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Alastor, Prometheus Unbound, Adonais and Other Poems
Poems and Lyrics
Shelley's Adonais
Poems of Shelley
Address to the Irish People
Defence of Poetry
Queen Mab and other poems
Revolt of Islam
The wandering Jew, a poem
Shelley's Poetry and Prose
The Complete Poems of Keats and Shelley
Minor poems
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Seçme Şiirler
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Selected poems of P.B. Shelley
Queen Mab
Poetry. Idyls and Stories in Verse
Zastrozzi Annotated
Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. to Which Is Added, a Brief Memoir of the Author
Alastar or the Spirit of Solitude and Other Poems
Poetry of Shelley (Cdl 51059)
Shelley and Keats, contrasted by Guy Boas
Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley Read by Vincent Price (Cdl 51059)
A stage version of Shelley's Cenci
Laon and Cythna, or, The Revolution of the Golden City
Prometeo Liberado
Complete poetical works
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Oxford Edition)
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley's Lost Letters to Harriet
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
To a skylark
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Poetical works
Prometheus Unbound
Promeṭeus, der goyel
Poems published in 1820
OEuvres Poétiques Complètes; Volume 3
Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
Defensa de la poesia
Revolt of Islam
Necessity of Atheism, on Life, and on a Future State
The prose works of Percy Bysshe Shelley from the original editions
Shelley's lost letters to Harriet;
Ode to the West Wind and Other Poems
Laon and Cythna, or, the Revolution of the Golden City
Selected lyrics
Queen Mab
Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (The Cambridge edition of the poets)
Faust Draft Notebook
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley given from his own editions and other authentic sources, collated with many manuscripts and with all editions of authority, together with his prefaces and notes, his poetical translations and fragments and an appendix of Juvenilia
St. Irvyne; or the Rosicrucian
A letter to T. Peacock
The Cenci
A refutation of Deism in a dialogue
Faust Draft Notebook
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume III
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 7 and 8] (Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822)
Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Epipsychidion. Verses Addressed to the Noble and Unfortunate Lady Emilia V______Now imprisoned in the Convent_____ (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Shelley's Poetry (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The Letters Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 2
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volume 4
Rosalind and Helen, a Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems
Proposals for An Association of those Philanthropists, Who Convinced of the Inadequacy of the Moral and Political State of Ireland to produce Benefits which Are Nevertheless Attainable are Willing to Unite to Accomplish Its Regeneration (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Selected Poems (Everyman's Pocket Poets)
Selected poems and prose
Epipsychidion, together with Shelley's manuscript draft
Necessity of Atheism Original Edition(illustrated)
Poems selected and introduced by John Heath-Stubbs
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Complete in One Volume
Shelley Day by Day;
Shelley, Poetry & Prose
Ateizmin Gerekliliği
The selected poetry and prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments, Ed. by Mrs. Shelley
Italian idylls
The works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, from the original editions. Fourth series
Selected poems, essays and letters
The Esdaile notebook
Liberal, Volume 1, Issue 1
Selection from the Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited with a Memoir by Mathilde Blind
Necessity of Atheism
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley . . ; Volume 1
Complete works
The Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Reprinted From The Early Editions, With Memoir, Explanatory Notes, Etc
Poems and Lyrics
St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian. A Romance (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Zastrozzi and St. Irvyne
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Bod XX
Defensa de la poesia
Queen Mab
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 5 and 6] (Volumes 5 and 6)
Complete Poetical Works, Vol 2
With Shelley in Italy
Shelley's Literary and Philosophical Criticism
Lines written among the Euganean Hills
Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822 [Volumes 9 and 10] (Shelley and His Circle, 1773-1822)
Defense of Poetry
Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley : Volume II
Shelley in Italy; an Anthology
Shelley day by day
Selected Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley 2 volumes)
Defensa de la poesía
Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prometheus Unbound
Percy Bysshe Shelley - a Defence of Poetry and Other Essays
OEuvres Poétiques Complètes; Volume 1
Alastor, Or the Spirit Of Solitude
Poetry & prose
Note Books of Percy Bysshe Shelley: From the Originals in the Library of W.K. Bixby
Defence of Poetry
The Esdaile Notebook (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Tres piezas góticas
Poems and lyrics
Zastrozzi & St. Irvyne
A Philosophical View of Reform (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Cenci
Lyrical Poems and Translations of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics. Shelley (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley 3 volumes)
Six hymns of Homer
Peter Bell the Third
The poetical works ... with memoir, explanatory notes, etc
Romantic Poets
Complete works
Bod XIV (The Bodleian Shelley M)
Rosalind and Helen, a Modern Eclogue;
Skylark, and Adonais. with Other Poems . .
Note books of Percy Bysshe Shelley, From the Orginials in the Library of W.K. Bixby (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Posthumous Fragments of margaret Nicholson;  Being poems found amongst the papers of that noted female who attempted the life of the King in1786.  Edited by Joh Fitzvictor (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
The Mask of Anarchy
The complete works of Percy Bysshe Shelley ... ed. by Nathan Haskell Dole
The Esdaile Poems (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley . . ; Volume 2
Prometheus Unbound
The Shelley note-book in the Harvard college library;
Poetry and prose (of) Shelley
New Shelley letters
Selected Poetry & Prose of Percy Bysshe
Wandering Jew. a Poem
Shelley, The Poems of Percy Bysshe (Poets)
Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selections from Shelley's poetry
Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. Reputed to Have Been Given by the Author to W. Francis. Wanting the Title-Leaf, Dedication and Part of the Last Leaf
Shelley's Prose; or, the Trumpet of a Prophecy
Rosalind and Helen
Poems of Shelley : Volume Five
Selected Poems and Prose
Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prose Works, from the Original Editions. Edited, Prefaced and Annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd; 1
Note books of Percy Byshe Shelley
Selections from Shelley and Keats, (The College library) (The College library)
Shelley Selected Works - Shelley
Defence of Poetry an Essay
Narrative Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prometheus Unbound (Collected Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Helley's Poems
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translation and Fragments; Volume 1
Shelley in Italy;
Selected poems
The poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
We pity the plumage, but forget the dying bird
The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Including Materials Never Before Printed in Any ..
The cloud, Skylark, and Ode to the west wind
Adonais XLII
Poems and sonnets
The Shelley notebook in the Harvard college library
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selected poems
The sensitive plant
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to William Godwin
A defense of poetry
Select letters
Queen Mab
Relics of Shelley: Edited by Richard Garnett
The beauties of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poems of Shelley
A una alondra = To a skylark
Queen Mab
The lyrical poems and translations of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Zui mei de shi ge =
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, including the dramas
Xuelai shi xuan
Essays and letters by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sanegoryah ʻal ha-shirah
The Cenci
Poetical works
The poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Alastor ou le génie de la solitude
Letters to Thomas Jefferson Hogg
The revolt of Islam
Poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The narrative poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Selected poems
A selection from the poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Shelley library
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Xuelai xuan ji
Shi bian
The masque of anarchy
The lyric poems of Shelley
The letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Kŭndae Yŏngguk sisŏn
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Pisʹma, statʹi, fragmenty
Selections from Shelley and Keats
Xuelai shu qing shi xuan
Xiao ye qu
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Thomas Jefferson Hogg
The poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prométhée délivré
Poesie scelte
Laon and Cythna, or, The revolution of the golden city
The Complete poetical works of Shelley, including materials never before printed in any edition of the poems
The Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley in Verse and Prose, Now First Brought ..
Poetical works
Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts
Selected poems
Selected prose works of Shelley
Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Jane Clairmont
Complete poetical works
Prose works
The divinity of poetry
Letters to Elizabeth Hitchener
Lyrics and minor poems
Selected poetry
An essay on the vegetable system of diet
The wandering Jew
From a poet's garden
Queen Mab
Posthumous poems of Shelley
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire
To a skylark
Shelley: 'Adonais' and 'A defence of poetry'
Review of Hogg's Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff
Shelley's poems
La Difesa Della Poesia
Shelley's poetical works
Lyrical poems
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, v perevodie K.D. Bal'monta
The complete poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley, the Man and the Poet: The Man and the Poet
The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley's lost letters to Harriet
The Shelley papers
Zastrozzi et St Irvyne
Sidney's Defense of poesy and die Poetik des Aristoteles
Shelley's literary and philosophical criticism
Shelley's poems. In 2 vols
Poetical works
St. Irvyne, or, The Rosicrucian
La sensitiva
Rosalind and Helen
We pity the plumage, but forget the dying bird
The poetical works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
A refutation of deism
Il Prometeo liberato
Poésies choisies
Posthumous fragments of Margaret Nicholson
Select letters of Percy Bysshe Shelly
Lyrics of Shelley
Melvyn Bragg
Melvyn Bragg (born 1939)

journalist, television presenter, politician, biographer, librettist, historian

  • University of Oxford, The Nelson Thomlinson School
The Cumbrian Trilogy
On Giants' Shoulders
The Maid of Buttermere
A Place in England
Richard Burton
A son of war
The Hired Man
For want of a nail
Crystal rooms
Crossing the Lines
The Soldier's Return
The Adventure of English
The silken net
Remember me--
A Place in England
Christmas Child
Love and glory
Soldiers Return Uk
Remember me
Great Artists
The nerve
12 Books That Changed the World
Josh Lawton
Laurence Olivier
Kingdom come
The South Bank Show Final Cut
The Hired Man
The book of books
The sword and the miracle
Autumn manoeuvres
The second inheritance
A time to dance
Speak for England
Cumbria in Verse
Speak for England
The Soldier's Return
The adventure of English
Now is the Time
Without a city wall
Die Erwählte
Land of the lakes
The book of books
For want of a nail
The adventure of English
Die Heimkehr. Roman
Great artists
Kingdom Come
Great artists
My favourite stories of Lakeland
South Bank - the final cut
Grace and Mary
Crystal Rooms
The seventh seal =
John Peel
Richard Burton
Place in England Spb
Crossing the lines
Speak for England
A son of war
The hired man
Routes of English Cds
The Soldier's Return
King Lear in New York Spb
Gai bian shi jie de 12 ben shu
Crossing the Lines (Author's Autobiography)
Josh Lawton
Laurence Olivier
The Adventure of English
The nerve
The Maid of Buttermere
Kingdom come
The Literary island
Crossing the Lines
Andy Warhol
Speak for England
Das fräulein vom See
Love and glory
Sword and the Miracle:, The
A time to dance
Poems for Alan Hancox
On Giants' Shoulders
The hired man
Land of the lakes
The Adventure of English 500 AD-2000
The second inheritance
Autumn manoeuvres
For want of a nail
A place in England
Crystal Rooms 36 Copy Floor Dispenser Spb
Without a city wall
Christmas Child
The silken net
Every inch a king and still playing to the gallery
Joseph Conrad's The Secret agent
Sectarianism and schism in Europe
Crystal rooms
A son of war
Günter Grass
Günter Grass (1927-2015)

lyricist, poet, sculptor, playwright, essayist, autobiographer, painter, graphic artist, altar server, illustrator, printmaker, photographer, artist, librettist

  • Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Berlin University of the Arts
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Die Blechtrommel
Katz und Maus
Günter Grass
Im Krebsgang
Mein Jahrhundert
Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand
Der Butt
On writing and politics, 1967-1983
Örtlich betäubt
Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke
The Günter Grass reader
Zunge zeigen
Too Far Afield
Das Treffen in Telgte
Gunter Grass
Deutschland, einig Vaterland?
Peeling the Onion
Deutscher Lastenausgleich
Grimms Wörter
The Danzig trilogy
Beim Häuten der Zwiebel
Four plays
Im Krebsgang
Selected poems
Beim Häuten der Zwiebel
Cinco Decenios
Fünf Jahrzehnte
The box
Von Buch zu Buch
Vom Abenteuer der Aufklärung
Totes Holz
Der Mensch wird an seiner Dummheit sterben
El rodaballo
Günter Grass
From Germany to Germany
Günter Grass
Danzig 1939, treasures of a destroyed community
Le Tambour
Letzte T anze
In the egg and other poems
Cat and mouse and other writings
Mi siglo
Werkausgabe in zehn Ba nden
G unter Grass: Briefe: 1959 - 1994
Die Springer-Kontroverse
Die Blechtrommel. Diverse Umschlagfarben, unsortiert. Inhalt, Hintergrund, Interpretation
The Call of the Toad
Beim H auten der Zwiebel
Für- und Widerworte
Schreiben nach Auschwitz
Günter Grass.
Fortsetzung folgt--
[The Box : Tales from the Darkroom] [Author
Briefe 1959-1994
Vier Jahrzehnte
Günter Grass
Gebrannte Erde
Günter Grass
Die Box
Ein Schnäppchen namens DDR
Geschenkte Freiheit
Poètica de la narració
On writing and politics
Danziger Trilogie
Totes Holz: ein Nachruf
Teneke trampet
Gestern, vor 50 Jahren
Katz und Maus. Erläuterungen und Materialien
Le tambour
Mit Wasserfarben: Aquarelle
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Ohne Stimme
Il tamburo di latta
Speak out
W orter auf Abruf: 77 Gedichte
Die Rattin
Auf einem anderen Blatt
Günter Grass
Cat and Mouse
Gesammelte Gedichte
Über meinen Lehrer Alfred Döblin
Günter Grass
Hallebardes. Suivi d'un récit de Roberto Saviano
Orlich Betaubt
Unterwegs von Deutschland nach Deutschland
Die Deutschen Und Ihre Dichter
Graphics and writing
Günter Grass
Briefe über die Grenze
Ende und Anfang
Der Autor Als Fragwurdiger Zeuge
Rede über den Standort
Ein weites Feld
Der Schriftsteller als Zeitgenosse
Ortlich Betaubt
L'atelier des metamorphoses
Of all that ends
Speak out!
Der Schriftsteller als Bürger
Rowohlt Taschenbucher
Die Blechtrommel. Erläuterungen und Materialien
Rede vom Verlust
Über meinen Lehrer Döblin, und andere Vorträge
Lektürehilfen Katz und Maus
Katz und Mavs
Onkel, Onkel
Die Rättin
Diesseits und jenseits von Arkadien
On Writing and Politics, 1967-1983
Ausstellung anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Günter Grass
Fünf Jahrzehnte
Teneke trampet
The Future of German Democracy
Kopfgeburten, Oder Die Deutschen Sterben Aus
Widerstand lernen
Cat and Mouse
Letze Tanze
Wort und Bild
Werkausgabe in zehn Bänden
Une rencontre en Westphalie
Paper Passion Perfume for Booklovers
Diálogo sobre la desmemoria, los tabúes y el olvido
De Bot
Ach Butt, dein Märchen geht böse aus
The Flounder
Ratte (la)
Günter Grass
Zeichnungen und Texte 1954-1977
Kedi ve Fare
Teneke Trampet
Poems of Günter Grass; (Penguin modern European poets, D 106)
Etchings and words, 1972-1982
Le chat et la souris
El rodaballo
Les annees de chien.
Vonne Endlichkait
Die Bosen Koche
Werkverzeichnis der Radierungen
Pelando la cebolla (FORMATO GRANDE) (Spanish Edition)
Discursos Premios Nobel
Vonne Endlichkait
El meu segle
Mit Sophie In die Pilze Gegangen
Call of the Toad
Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand
Im krebsgang : eine novelle
Danzig Trilogy
La caja de los deseos
The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising
Gespräche mit Günter Grass
Speak Out!
Günter Grass, Werk und Wirkung
In einem reichen Land: Zeugnisse allt aglichen Leidens an der Gesellschaft
Una Lunga Storia
En crabe
The box
La Ratesa
Der Autor als fragwürdiger Zeuge
Mi Siglo - Bolsillo
Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand
Mariazuehren = Hommageàmarie = Inmarypraise
The plebeians rehearse the uprising
Kot i mysz
Dog Years
Call of the Toad (Harvest Book)
Sobaci gody
Of All That Ends
De Alemania a Alemania. Diario, 1990
El gat i la rata
Últimos bailes
O rtlich Betra ubt
De rokken van de ui
Del diario de un caracol
Partos mentales o los alemanes se extinguen
Uber Meinen Lehrer Doblin Und Andere Vortrage. Lcb-Editionen
Il mio secolo
Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising
The Tin Drum Gunter Grass Cat And Mouse
Drawings and words, 1954-1977
Selected Poems
Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising
El gato y el ratón
Die Ballerina
Fundsachen für Nichtleser
Com els crancs
Flounder, The
Kutu Karanlik Oda Hikyeleri
From the Diary of a Snail
The Gunter Grass Reader
Selected poems
Hundejahre Roman
Wide Field
Sobranie sochineniĭ v chetyrekh tomakh
The box
Günter Grass
Meine Grune Wiese
De Alemania a Alemania. Diario, 1990
Peeling the Onion
Disi Fare
Speak Out! Speeches, Open Letters, Commentaries
Malos presagios
Gedichte und Kurzprosa
Gegen die verstreichende Zeit
Four Plays
Cat & Mouse
Es cuento largo
Pelando la cebolla
Le Turbot
Sexy Asian Men Photobook
Ein Weites Feld
Años de perro
Günter Grass
Anos De Perro
Les annees de chien
Širé pole
Grass Maus
The Tin Drum
Mi siglo
My Century
Del diario de un caracol
Local Anaesthetic
Hochwasser & Noch Zehn Minuten bis Buffalo
Meine grüne Wiese
Just yesterday, fifty years ago
De rokken van de ui
Rotgrüne Reden
Die bösen Köche
Funf Jahrzehnte
From Germany to Germany
Cat and mouse / translated by Ralph Manheim
Local Anaesthetic
Radierungen und Texte 1972-1982
Mon Siecle
La Ballerine
Aufsätze zur Literatur
Peeling the Onion
Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand
Pelures d'oignon
Cat and Mouse : Written by Gunter Grass, 1970 Edition,  Publisher
Speak out! Speeches, open letters, commentaries
Günter Grass
Cat and Mouse
Katz Und Maus
Die Rattin
Sonluluk Üzerine; 1999 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü
Aus dem Tagebuch einer Schnecke
Katz und Maus
Kafadan Dogumlar - Germania
Uber das Selbstversta ndliche
Nobel Konusmasi - Günter Grass
Ortlich Betaubt; Roman
Ach Butt, Dein Marchen Geht Bose Aus
Die Vorzüge der Windhühner. Gedichte und Zeichnungen
A paso de cangrejo
Articulos Y Opiniones 1955-1971 (Obras Completas)
Unerbittliche Freunde / Ein Kritiker / Ein Autor. Ein Kritiker. Ein Autor
Hochwasser / Onkel, Onkel / Noch zehn Minuten bis Buffalo / Die bösen Köche
La ratte
La caixa dels desitjos.
La Ballerine
Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising
Przy obieraniu cebuli
Angestifet, Partei Zu Ergreifen
Dog Years (m963)
New poems
Of All That Ends
Batzarra telgten
Cat and Mouse
Four Plays
Tot pelant la ceba
Ensayos sobre literatura
Rede über das Selbstverständliche
Selected Poems 1956-93 (Faber Poetry)
Tie pi gu
As Galinas De Vento
La Ratte
New Poems (English and German Edition)
SPEAK OUT! Speeches, Open Letters, Commentaries. Translated by Ralph Manheim
Trefpunt Telgte
Der Bürger und seine Stimme
Oertlich Betaeubt
From the Diary of a Snail
Katz und Maus
Traektoriya kraba (Mastera.Sovremennaya proza)
Schaden begrenzen, oder auf die Füsse treten
El gato y el ratón
Sogani Soyarken
Zeichnen und Schreiben
La Ratesa
Luchterhands Loseblatt Lyrik
Günter Grass
New Theatre of Europe 2 - An Anthology
Drawings and Words, 1954-77
Kurbaga Guncesi
Mi Siglo
Uber Das Selbstverstandliche
Die Vorzu ge der Windhu hner
A paso de cangrejo
Auschwitzen'ten Sonra Yazmak; Frankfurt Dersleri
Yengec Yürüyüsü
Günter Grass
Katz und Maus
Dich singe ich, Demokratie
Journal d'un escargot
Die Ballerina
Kopfegburten Oder die Deutchen Sterben Aus
Los Plebeyos Ensayan La Rebelion
Propos d'un sans-patrie
Berlin, un lieu de hasards
Lukovi︠t︡sa pam︠i︡ati
Katz und Maus
Pelando la cebolla
Die Vorzüge der Windhühner
Kopfgeburten oder die Deutschen sterben aus
Die bösen Köche
Die Box
Sämtliche Gedichte 1956-2007
Mein Deutschland
Ledot rosh o ha-Germanim goṿʻim
Ausgewählte Texte
De la finitud
El Gato Y El Raton/ Cat and Mouse (Narrativas Contemporaneas)
Malos presagios
Zunge Aeigen
Calcutta, Zeichnungen
De blikken trom
L'Appel du crapaud
Die Blechtrommel, 23 Audio-CDs
Meri Shatabdi
Essais de critique, 1957-1985
Deutscher Lastenausleich / Two States--One Nation?
Die blechtrommel. Roman
Schreiben Nach Auswitz
Zwei lange Nächte für Günter Grass
Le Turbot
Decojind ceapa
Wenn ich Pilze und Federn sammle
The Flounder (Helen & Kurt Wolff Book)
Ortlich betaubt
Angestiftet, Partei zu ergreifen
Mein Jahrhundert
Lektu>RE - Durchblick
Anestesia local
Une rencontre en Westphalie
Der Traum der Vernunft
The flounder
Altabal alsafih
Örtlich betäubt; Roman
Die Vernichtung der Menschheit hat begonnen
Erlauterungen Und Dokumente (Erlauterungen und Dokumente)
Dokumente zur politischen Wirkung
Beim Häuten der Zwiebel
Günter Grass: Das Milch-Märchen
Katz und Maus
Ein weites Feld
Shenot kelev
El Discurso De La Perdida (Paidos)
Le Tambour
Katz und Maus. 5 CDs
El Diario de Un Caracol
Headbirths, or Germans
El rodaballo
Günter Grass Denkzettel
Años de perro
Die Vorzüge der Windhühner
Der Kampf um die polnische Post
Local Anesthetic
Über das Selbstverständliche
Escribir Despues De Auschwitz
Love Tested
Die Vorzüge der Windhühner
"Schlagt der Äbtissin ein Schnippchen, wählt SPD!"
De Blikken Trommel
Über das Selbstverständliche
Es cuento largo
Da sagte der Butt
Mein Jahrhundert, 12 Audio-CDs
Essays, Reden, Briefe, Kommentare
Günter Grass--Kolekcja
Wörter auf Abruf. 77 Gedichte
Koniec i początek
Años de perro
Toute une histoire
Il tamburo di latta
Uber das Selbstverständliche
Kim i myša
Die Ballerina
Ensayos Sobre Literatura
The Tin Drum, Part 2
In letzter Zeit
Günter Grass
Die Schweinekopfsülze
De Blikken Trommel. Vertaald door Koos Schuur
Mon siècle
Sechs Jahrzehnte
Articulos Y Opiniones 1972-1997 (Obras Completas)
Katz Und Maus (Universal-Bibliothek ; 8317 : Erlauterungen und Dokumente)
Klassische Schullektüre, Katz und Maus
Über das Selbstverständliche
Die Gedichte 1955-1986
תוף הפח
Hallazgos Para No Lectores
Mein Jahrhundert / My Century
Oldenbourg Interpretationen, Bd.16, Die Blechtrommel
Günter Grass
Na ŭi segi
Buriki no taiko
Selected poems
Local Anaesthetic
Grass. Werkausgabe in 16 Bänden. Mit "Die Blechtrommel" als Lesung auf 23 CDs
Dummer August
Local anaesthetic
Dag ha-puṭ
Project sunshine for Japan
Gemischte Klasse
Örtlich betaübt
Freiheit nach Börsenmass - geschenkte Freiheit
An cloigeann muice glóthaithe =
De blikken trommel
Die Vorzüge der Windhühner
Flounder -2
Steine  wälzen
Encuentro en telgte
Onkel, Onkel
Bljašanyi baraban
Dich singe ich Demokratie
Ḳiluf ha-batsal
Lyrische Beute
Traektorija kraba
Danziger Trilogie Von Gunter Grass
Plechový bubínek
Selected poems in German
Toute une histoire
Selected poems
Kopfgeburten Oder Die Deutschen
Four plays: Flood; Mister, mister; Only ten minutes to Buffalo; The wicked cooks
Two States
Blaszany bebenek
ha-Viʻud be-Telgetah
Im Krebsgang. Großdruck. Novelle
Örtlich betaubt
Günter Grass Gespräche 1958-2015
"Wir leben im Ei"
Too far afield
Payaso de agosto
Sacar La Lengua
Die Vorzüge der Windhühner
Marthas Hochzeit
O ̈rtlich betäubt
Der Fall Axel C. Springer am Beispiel Arnold Zweig
Kunst oder Pornographie?
Zhesti︠a︡noĭ baraban
Mi-yomano shel shablul
Cath a Llygoden
Philippe Soupault
Philippe Soupault (1897-1990)

journalist, poet, playwright, librettist, political activist, essayist, critic, radio personality, publisher, artist, drawer, actor, broadcast journalist

Automatic Message, The Magnetic Fields, The Immaculate Conception
Histoires merveilleuses des cinq continents
I'm lying
The Magnetic Fields
Mémoires de l'Oubli
Dernières nuits de Paris
Les dernières nuits de Paris
Vingt mille et un jours
Eugène Labiche
Poésies pour mes amis les enfants
Apprendre à vivre
L' amitié
Alfred de Musset
Poèmes retrouvés, 1918-1981
Ecrits sur l'art du XXe siècle
Voyage d'Horace Pirouelle
Profils perdus
Rose des vents
Le nègre
Écrits de cinéma
Le bon apôtre
Le temps des assassins
Collection fantôme
Age of assassins
Georgia, Epitaphes, Chansons et autres poèmes
Mort de Nick Carter
Lost profiles
Henri Rouseau, le Douanier
Le bar de l'amour
Journal d'un fantôme, vu par A. Alexeieff
Sans phrases, précédé d'un entretien en guise de préf. avec Raphael Cluzel
Les moribunds
Poèmes et poésies
Jean Lurçat
Eugene Labiche
Le roi de la vie et autres nouvelles
Écrits sur la peinture
Georgia  Epitaphes et Chansons
Henri Rousseau
Paolo Uccello
Le vrai André Breton
Les deux cents plus beaux poıemes de la langue française 13e au 19e siıecles choisis par les auditeurs de la Radio-télévision française, présentés par Philippe Soupault et Jean Chouquet
Souvenirs de James Joyce
Le Ne  gre
Henri Rousseau, le douanier
The American influence in France
Poèmes et poésies, 1917-1973
Philippe Soupault
Guillaume Apollinaire
Écrits de cinéma 1918-1931
Les deux cents plus beaux poèmes de la langue française (XIIIe au XIXe siècles)
Le grand homme
Le coeur d'or
Les frères Durandeau
Le vrai André Brenton
Where the Four Winds Blow
Le cœur d'or ..
Eugene Labiche - Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre
Eugène Labiche; sa vie, son oeuvre
Littérature et le reste
En joue! ..
A la dérive
Poemes et Poesies /  1914 1973
Paolo Uccello
Philippe Soupault, le poete
Lautre amont
Journal d'un fantôme
Message de l'île déserte
William Blake
Ode to bombed London = Ode à Londres bombardée
Poésies complètes, 1917-1937
Le nègre
Xialuo wai zhuan
Histoire d'un blanc
Chant du Prince Igor
Guillaume Apollinaire
Philippe Soupault
Les deux cents plus beaux poèmes de la langue française (XIIIe au XIXe siècles)
Poèmes retrouvés, 1918-1981
Eugène Labiche
Philippe Soupault
Écrits de cinéma
Der Neger
Les Deux cents plus beaux poèmes de langue fran6̀aise (xiii au xix siècles) choisis
Carte postale
Souvenirs de James Joyce
Patiences et silences de Philippe Soupault
Poèmes et poésies (1917-1973)
Le Roi de la vie
Corps perdu
Joseph Addison
Joseph Addison (1672-1719)

politician, playwright, poet, journalist, editor, librettist, correspondent, essayist

  • University of Oxford, Charterhouse School
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall
A study of the short story
Essays in criticism and literary theory
The Spectator
Sir Roger de Coverley
The evidences of the Christian religion
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
The free-holder
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
The thoughts of a Tory author, concerning the press
The Spectator
Essays and Tales
Essays of Joseph Addison
Selections from the "Spectator"
Sir Roger de Coverley
The Free-holder, Or, Political Essays: Or Political Essays
The evidences of the Christian religion. To which are added, several discourses against atheism ..
Miscellaneous works
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the Years, 1701, 1702, 1703
Criticisms on Paradise Lost
The campaign: a poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough
Charles the Third of Spain
The miscellaneous works of Joseph Addison
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers, from the Spectator
The works of the Right Honorable Joseph Addison
Miscellaneous works in verse and prose
The works of Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverley papers in the Spectator
The Evidences of the Christian Religion
Days with Sir Roger de Coverly
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The Spectator
The Spectator; selected essays.  With an introd. and notes.  By Alex. Charles Ewald
The Spectator
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The works of Joseph Addison
Criticisms on Paradise lost
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The Spectator [by Addison and others]
The Evidences of the Christian Religion: With Additional Discourses on the ..
Essays and Tales
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals
Select essays of Addison
Addison and Steele
The Miscellaneous works in verse and prose, of the right honourable Joseph Addision
The Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Addison: In Four Volumes
The Free-holder, Or, Political Essays
The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; in ..
Evidences of Christianity
The Spectator [by Addison and others]
Remarks on several parts of Italy
Essays and tales
Selections from the Tatler and the Spectator of Steele and Addison
The Spectator
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Addison, Steele, Budgell
The De Coverley papers
The Spectator. v. 1-5
The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
A discourse on ancient and modern learning
Eighteenth Century Plays
The drummer
The Spectator
Charles the Third of Spain
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's club by Richard Steele & Joseph Addison
Charles the Third of Spain
Selected Essays of Joseph Addison
Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Essays of Joseph Addison
Miscellaneous works
Essays and tales
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Guardian, with Notes, and General Indexes: Complete in One Volume
Addison and Steele
Miscellaneous works
The Spectator Vol. Two
Critical essays from the 'Spectator'
Criticisms on Paradise lost
The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley, from The spectator
The commerce of everyday life
The spectator
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
The drummer
Select essays, together with Macaulay's essay on Addison's life and writings
The poetical works
Selections from the Tatler
The guardian
The Spectator Volume 2
Evidences of the Christian Religion with Additional Discourses on the Being and Attributes of God and the Other Important Doctrines of Natural and Revealed Religion
The Spectator
Addison. Criticisms on Paradise lost
Selections from papers contributed to the Spectator
Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays And Poetical Fragments, Tending To Amuse The Fancy And Inculcate Morality
The Spectator
The Spectator -  Vol II
Days with Sir Roger de Coverly
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V5
Selections from Addison's papers in the Spectator
The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay\'s Fables; and Somerville\'s Chase
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late right honorable Joseph Addison, esq
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V1
Works, including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's edition
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V6
The Addisonian miscellany
The Spectator, Volume 1, Part 2
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Coverley Papers from the Spectator
The poetical works of ... Joseph Addison: With a life of the author
Essays of Joseph Addison
Charles the Third of Spain
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V3
Criticism on Milton
The Spectator
The works of the late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq;...
The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899
The miscellaneous works in verse and prose of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The Spectator
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V4
The Spectator
Essays of Joseph Addison
The works, including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's ed
The Spectator: With a Biographical and Critical Preface, and Explanatory Notes ...
Some portions of essays contributed to the Spectator
The letters of Joseph Addison
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost
Caton en Utica
The Works Of Joseph Addison V3
Miscellaneous works
The spectator
Addison's hymn
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals, London 1726
The Right Honorable Joseph Addison V2
The Spectator, Volume 1, Part 1
Works, with notes by Richard Hurd
Selections from the writings of Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers, from the Spectator
Cato, a tragedy in five acts
The Spectator
The Spectator
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost
The poetical works of Joseph Addison. Gay's Fables. and Somerville's Chase
Essays of Joseph Addison
Selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator, ed. by T. Arnold
The Spectator
The works of Joseph Addison
History, opinions, and lucubrations, of Isaac Bickerstaff, esq
Criticism on Milton's Paradise Lost, from the Spectator, 1711-12
Cato a Tragedy in Five Acts
The free-holder, or, Political essays
Sir Roger de Coverly: Essays from the Spectator
The evidences of the Christian religion
The campaign: a poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough
The Spectator Volume One
The Spectator
The Spectator
Critique on Paradise Lost
De Coverly Papers
Le spectateur, ou le Socrate moderne, où l'on voit un portrait naïf des moeurs de ce siècle: ou ...
Le spectateur, ou le Socrate moderne, où l'on voit un portrait naïf des moeurs de ce siècle: ou ...
The spectator
Addison's criticism on 'Paradise lost', with notes
The late tryal and conviction of Count Tariff
Joseph Addison and Richard Steele
The vision of Mirzah
The Sir Roger De Coverly Papers from the Spectator, London
The Spectator
Criticism on Milton
The Spectator
The Spectator
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
The Spectator. v. 1-5
Criticisms on Milton
The Spectator
The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq: Revised and Corrected
The miscellaneous works in verse and prose...
A dream of the painters
Selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator
The Spectator - Volume 2
The Spectator in four volumes
Goldsmith's Deserted village, Cowper's Task (Book III, The garden), and the De Coverley papers (from the Spectator)
The drummer, or, The haunted-house: a comedy
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Maxims, observations, and reflections, moral,  political, and divine
Sir Roger de Coverley: Consisting of the Papers Relating to Sir Roger which Were Originally ...
Musarum anglicanarum analecta: sive Poemata quædam melioris notæe, seu hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita ...
Il tamburo
Coverley Papers from the Spectator
Essays of Joseph Addison
The Sir Roger de Coverly Papers.
Miscellanies in verse and prose
The beauties of the Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians
Addison's hymn
The Spectator ...
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost From 'The Spectator' 31 December, 1711- 3 May, 1712 ...
Sir Roger de Coverly: Or, the Merry Christmas. A Dramatic Entertainment of ...
An Essay upon Milton's imitations of the ancients in his 'Paradise lost'; with some observations on the 'Paradise regained'
The beauties of the Spectator, Tatler and Guardian
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise lost
Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
The Christian poet
The Town Talk: The Fish Pool, the Plebeian, the Old Whig, the Spinster, &c.
The Tatler and The Guardian
Addison: Selections from Addison's Papers Contributed to the Spectator
The dramatick works of Joseph Addison
The Spectator
The Works Of The Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Volume 6
The Town Talk: The Fish Pool, the Plebeian, the Old Whig, the Spinster, &c.
Sir Roger De Coverley and Other Essays from the Spectator
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
A dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
A poem to His Majesty, presented to the lord keeper
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. In four volumes
Criticism on Milton's Paradise lost, from 'The spectator.' 31 December, 1711-3 May, 1712
The Spectator
Sir Roger de Coverley
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Essays of Joseph Addison
The Tatler and Guardian
Narrative and descriptive essays
Sir Roger de Coverley: Essays from the "Spectator."
Deserted Village, the Task, and Sir Roger de Coverley [microform]
The Guardian
Days With Sir Roger de Coverley
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers in the Spectator
The letters of Joseph Addison
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
The Spectator
English Humorists of the Eighteenth (18th) Century
The mind of the Spectator under the editorship of Addison & Steele
Sir Roger de Coverley, Essays from the Spectator: Essays from the Spectator
The Guardian
The Addisonian miscellany
The Spectator: With Notes and a General Index
The letters of Joseph Addison
The Poetical Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Remarks on several parts of Italy
Poems on several occasions
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club
The Spectator, with illustrative notes
The Spectator
The present state of the war, and the necessity of an augmentation, consider'd
The Spectator
Der Getreue Hofmeister, sorgfältige Vormund und neue Mentor, oder, Einige Discurse über die Sitten der gegenwärtigen Zeit
The Spectator
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
Selections from Addison and Steele
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers from the Spectator
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
The Guardian
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The Spectator
Selections from Addison and Steele
De Coverley papaers
Addison: Selections from Addison's Papers Contributed to the Spectator
Selections from the works of Joseph Addison
Catón en Utica
The Spectator
The Spectator; Essays Joseph Addison and Richard With an Introd, and Notes By John Morrison (Classic Reprint)
Sir Roger de Coverley, essays from the Spectator
The guardian ...
The Spectator
The late tryal and conviction of Count Tariff
A letter from Italy
Selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator
Selections from Joseph Addison
Remarks on several parts of Italy in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
An essay by Joseph Addison, The trial of the wine-brewers
The evidences of the Christian religion ...
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose
Addison's essays from the 'Spectator'
Days with Roger de Coverley
An essay
Spectator Papers
The works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The campaign
Sir Roger de Coverley papers in the Spectator
Remarks on several parts of Italy
Notes upon the twelve books of Milton's Paradise lost
Coverley papers
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The works
An essay on friendship
Il Catone
The poems of Addison and John Philips
The Spectator. ...
The political creed of a Tory-malecontent
The Spectator in London
Mr. Addison's dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
The Spectator
Sir Roger de Coverley, and other essays from the Spectator [by] Joseph Addison [and] Richard Steele
The drummer, or, The haunted house
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, esq
Coverly Papers from the Spectator
The miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
A discourse on ancient and modern learning. By the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; First published from an original manuscript of Mr. Addison's, prepared and corrected by himself
Essays. Chosen and edited by John Richard Green
Free-holder Or Political Essays (The Works Of Joseph Addison)
The old Whig. Numb. I
Reasons offer'd against the continuance of the Bank
The Spectator ...
The miscellaneous works in verse and prose of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
The free-holder, or, Political essays
A Familiar explanation of the poetical works of Milton
The evidences of the Christian religion
A letter from Italy
Musarum Anglicanarum analecta, sive, Poemata quaedam melioris notae, seu hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita
Domestic happiness portrayed, or, A repository for those who are and those who are not married
Essays on Joseph Addison
The letters
The vision of Marraton
Sir Roger de Coverley and the Spectator's Club
The drummer, or, The haunted house
Essays of Joseph Addison
To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his picture of the King
Selected Essays from the Tatler, the Spectator and the Guardian
Of the Christian religion. By Joseph Addison, Esq
Poetical works, with the life of the author
Addison's Sir Roger de Coverley, from The spectator
The Spectator
The Tatler, and the Guardian
Criticism on Paradise Lost
Tom Folio
Caton d'Utique
The Spectator
The campaign
The beauties of Addison
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Le Spectateur
The papers of Joseph Addison, Esq. in the Tatler, Spectator, Guardian, and Freeholder. Together with his treatise on the Christian religion. To which are prefixed Tickell's life of the author, and extracts from Dr. Johnson's remarks ... In four volumes. ..
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers, from the Spectator
The select Spectator; or, A selection of moral and religious papers from the Spectator
The vision of Mirzah
The Spectator, Volume 1, Part 1
The Coverley papers from the 'Spectator'
An essay by Joseph Addison
Mr. Addison's dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
The Free-holder
The dramatick works of Joseph Addison
The Christian poet
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverley, and other essays from the Spectator
Selections from the Spectator
The Tatler
The works of Joseph Addison
Poems on several occasions
The Works of Joseph Addison
Three setts of medals illustrated by the ancient poets in the foregoing dialogues
The poetical works of Joseph Addison
Miscellanies, in verse and prose
Oratio. Nova philosophia veteri præferenda est
Diálogos sobre la utilidad de las medallas antiguas, principalmente por la conexîon que tienen con los poetas griegos y latinos
Addison and Steele, selections from the Tatler and the Spectator
Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, &c. in the Years 1701, 1702, 1703: By Joseph Addison, Esq
The present state of the war, and the necessity of an augmentation, consider'd
Expeditio militaris Addisoniana, poema, Duci de Malborough inscriptum. Latinè reddidit, T.G
The spectator
The dramatic works of the late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq. Containing, Cato. ... Rosamond. ... The drummer: ... Now first collected into one volume
The drummer; or, The haunted house
Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise Lost
To Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, with the tragedy of Cato, Nov. 1714. To Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his picture of the King
A letter from Italy to the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Halifax, 1701
The Tatler
Musarum anglicanarum analecta: sive Poemata quædam melioris notæe, seu hactenus inedita, seu ..
Tragedy of Cato
Dialogues upon the usefulness of ancient medals, especially in relation to the Latin and Greek poets
A Select Collection of the Psalms of David
Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the late right honorable Joseph Addison, esq, in three volumes
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c
A discourse on antient and modern learning
The Tatler
The vision of Mirza
The Miscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverly and other essays
Sir Roger de Coverly and other essays from the Spectator
The poems of Joseph Addison
The Guardian
The evidences of the Christian religion
Maxims, observations and reflections
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The poetical works of the right honourable Joseph Addison, Esq
Interesting anecdotes, memoirs, allegories, essays, and poetical fragments
Essays of Joseph Addison
The Works of the late Right Honorable Joseph Addison, Esq
The works of Joseph Addison
The Resurrection
Mr. Addison's dissertation upon the most celebrated Roman poets
Selections from the Tatler and the Spectator
The works of Joseph Addison; including the whole contents of Bp. Hurd's edition, with letters and other pieces not found in any previous collection
Days with Sir Roger de Coverley
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c., in the years 1701, 1702, 1703
The works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison
The essays of Addison
Sir Roger de Coverly
The campaign, a poem, to ... the Duke of Marlborough
The Sir Roger de Coverley papers
The Everlasting club
Spectator papers
Mr. Addison's fine ode to Dr. Thomas Burnet, on his sacred theory of the earth
The campaign
Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c., in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 ...
Sir Roger de Coverley