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computer scientists who wrote science fiction
Showing 33-39 out of 39 results
Ian Livingstone
Ian Livingstone (born 1949)

entrepreneur, video game developer, role-playing game designer

  • Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, University of Manchester
Blood of the Zombies
                Fighting Fantasy
Trial of Champions
Dicing with Dragons
City of Thieves
Legend of Zagor
Darkmoon's Curse
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Computer Tape:'Spectrum'
Return to Firetop Mountain
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Temple of terror
Freeway fighter
Armies of death
Adventures of Goldhawk
Eye of the Dragon
Casket of Souls
Island of the Lizard King
Crypt of the Sorcerer
Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Caverns of the Snow Witch
Island of the Lizard King
Howl of the Werewolf
Deathtrap Dungeon
Family Games
The Forest of Doom
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Colouring Book
The Dungeon on Blood Island
Deathtrap Dungeon Colouring Book
City of Thieves Colouring Book
The demon spider
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Sega Pro Master
Brain teasers
Forest of Doom Colouring Book
Le Labyrinthe de la mort
Brain Teasers
Slaves of the Abyss
Caverns of the snow witch
Midnight Rogue
Assassins of Allansia
Magic Realms
La sorcière des neiges
History of Videogames
Dice Men
L'épreuve des champions
La forêt de la malédiction
Le Sorcier de la Montagne de Feu
Board Games in 100 Moves
The Forest of Doom Computer Tape:'Commodore 64'
Laberinto Mortal/Deathtrap Dungeon
En la ciudad perdida
Mudworm swamp
Espacio Asesino (Lucha Ficcion/Space Assassin)
The Forest of Doom Computer Tape:'Spectrum'
A Floresta da morte
El guerrero de la autopista
Ghost Road
Chris Metzen
Chris Metzen (born 1973)

comics artist, voice actor, visual artist, computer scientist, graphic designer, video game designer, television producer, video game director, casting director

Transformers Rise of Optimus Prime
World of Warcraft
Snow Fight: A Warcraft Tale
The Art of Blizzard Entertainment
Warcraft - Of Blood and Honor
Auroboros : Coils of the Serpent
Warcraft, the roleplaying game
Marvin Minsky
Marvin Minsky (1927-2016)

mathematician, computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher

  • Harvard University, Princeton University
Turing Option
The society of mind
Semantic information processing
The emotion machine
Computation: finite and infinite machines
Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education (The MIT Press)
Thinking Machines
Het Denken
Computers & Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Raymond Kurzweil
Raymond Kurzweil (born 1948)

inventor, computer scientist, entrepreneur, scientist, futurist, artificial intelligence researcher, philosopher

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Digital Rapture
The Singularity Is Near
Spiritualities, Ethics, and Implications of Human Enhancement and Artificial Intelligence
Humanite 2.0
Danielle : Includes the Companion Book How You Can Be a Danielle
The Singularity Is Near
The age of spiritual machines
The age of intelligent machines
Visions of the Future
The age of intelligent machines
The 10% solution for a healthy life
The age of spiritual machines
How to Create a Mind
Fantastic voyage
The Age of Spiritual Machines
After Shock
How to Create a Mind
Homo sapiens. Leben im 21. Jahrhundert. Was bleibt vom Menschen?
Singularity Is Nearer
Singularity Is Near
How to Create a Mind
The eternal e-customer
Era de Las Maquinas Espirituales La
Fantastic voyage
Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine
How to Create a Mind
Virtually Human
Age of Spiritual Machines
Intelligent Universe
Age of Intelligent Machines Video
A Chronicle of Ideas
La era de las máquinas espirituales
Die Intelligenz der Evolution Wenn Mensch und Computer verschmelzen
Danielle Lib/E
The age of spiritual machines : when computers exceed human intelligence
İnsanlık 2.0
Bir Zihin Yaratmak
Lawrence Lessig
Lawrence Lessig (born 1961)

jurist, political activist, lawyer, computer scientist, politician, professor, teacher

  • University of Cambridge, Yale Law School
America, Compromised (Berlin Family Lectures)
They Don't Represent Us
Democracy Vouchers
Free culture
Republic, lost
The Future of Ideas
Man of high fidelity
El código 2.0
Republic, lost
Fidelity and Constraint
L'avenir des idées
The USA is Lesterland
El código y otras leyes del ciberespacio
Citizens Divided
Cut/Film As Found Object In Contemporary Video
Good Faith Collaboration
One Way Forward
Kayip Cumhuriyet
Creative economies
Democracy Days
Fidelity to the Constitution
Kurieitibu komonzu
Douglas Hofstadtesr
Douglas Hofstadtesr (born 1945)

philosopher, computer scientist, physicist

  • Stanford University, University of Oregon
The Mind's I
Metamagical Themas
Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies
Gödel, Escher, Bach
Le Ton beau de Marot
I Am a Strange Loop
Metafont, Metamathematics, and Metaphysics
A Bouquet for the Gardener
Piano Music
Shakespeare's plays weren't written by him, but by someone else of the same name
Butterfly in the Quantum World
Rhapsody on a theme by Clément Marot
To Light the Flame of Reason
The Tumult of Inner Voices or What Is the Meaning of the Word 'I'? (Grace A. Tanner Lecture in Human Values, 1982)
Christos Papadimitriou
Christos Papadimitriou (born 1949)

mathematician, computer scientist, musician

  • Princeton University, National Technical University of Athens
Złożoność obliczeniowa
Combinatorial optimization
Logicomix - An Epic Search for Truth
Computational complexity
Theory of DB Concurr Con 27-1
The theory of database concurrency control
Turing (a Novel about Computation)