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artists who wrote science fiction
Showing 1-8 out of 163 results
Fred T. Jane
Fred T. Jane (1865-1916)

journalist, historian, illustrator, politician

  • Exeter School
The final war
Jane's Fighting Ships
The Frankenstein Omnibus
Jane's All the Worlds Aircraft
Heresies of sea power
Jane's Fighting Ships
Your navy as a fighting machine
Blake of the "Rattlesnake": Or, The Man who Saved England : a Story of ..
The British battle fleet
Blake of the "Rattlesnake", or, The man who saved England
How to play the "Naval War Game"
Jane's Fighting Ships 1905/6 (A Reprint of the 1906/6 Edition of Fighting Ships)
The violet flame
Jane's fighting ships, 1966-67
The Imperial Japanese Navy (Conway's Naval History After 1850)
The Imperial Japanese Navy
Imperial Russian navy
Jane's fighting ships 1914
Warships at a Glance
Your navy as a fighting machine
Jane's historical aircraft, 1902-1916
The Imperial Russian Navy (Conway's Naval History After 1850)
Heresies of Sea Power
The world's warships 1915
Silhouettes of British fighting ships
The Imperial Japanese Navy
Jane's encyclopedia of aviation
Blake of the Rattlesnake
Jane's fighting ships, 1905/6
Janes All the Worlds Airships, 1909
All the World's Fighting Ships
Heresies of Sea Power
Jane's fighting ships, 1906/7
The torpedo in peace and war
Jane's All the World's Aircraft
Jane's fighting ships
Jane's all the world's fighting ships
Jane's major companies of Europe
Blake of the "Rattlesnake"
Jane's pocket aeronautical dictionary
Jane's all the world's aircraft
Fighting ships
Jane's fighting ships
All the World's Aircraft 1974-75 (Jane's Yearbooks)
All the world's fighting ships
Jane's surface skimmers
Jane's historical aircraft, 1902-1916
Jane's fighting aircraft of World War II
Annika Scheffel
Annika Scheffel (born 1983)

performance artist, artist

Bevor alles verschwindet
Sommer auf Solupp
Hier ist es schön
Acht Betrachtungen
Nelli und der Nebelort
Wundersame Weihnachten
Winter auf Solupp
Robert N. Charrette
Robert N. Charrette (born 1953)

illustrator, role-playing game designer

Shadowrun 03
Choose your enemies carefully
Battletech 28
Wolf Pack
Battletech 25
Initiation to war
A Knight Among Knaves
A King Beneath the Mountain
Wizard of Bones
Shadowrun 19
Shadowrun (Roc)
Just Compensation
Eye of the Serpent (Chronicle of Aelwyn)
Enfrentate A La Realidad
Heir to the Dragon
Wolves on the Border
A prince among men
Escoge Con Cuidado A Tus Enemigos
Wolves on the Border
Choose Your Enemies Carefullly
Chronik von Aelwyn 01. Der Turm der Zeit
Schattenkrieg- Trilogie 3. Ritter des Zwielichts
Chretien De Troyes
Chronik von Aelwyn 02. Das Schlangenauge
Nunca Pactes Con Un Dragon
Wolf pack
Schattenkrieg- Trilogie 1. Prinz des Dunkels
Wolf pack
Heir to the Dragon
Schattenkrieg- Trilogie 2. König des Unheils
Chronik von Aelwyn 03. Der magische Pakt
Fiore Dei Liberi's Armizare
A Prince Among Men
Wolves on the Border
King Beneath the Mountain
Prince among Men
Heir to the Dragon
Knight among Knaves
Méfie-toi des dragons--
Battletech (Roc)
Find your own truth
Shadowrun Legends : Choose Your Enemies Carefully
Et trouve ta vérité!
Attention aux elfes!
Michael Marrak
Michael Marrak (born 1965)


Der Agnostische Saal 1
Lord Gamma
Der Kanon mechanischer Seelen
Quo Vadis, Armageddon?
NOVA Science Fiction Magazin 23
Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
Alpheus Hyatt Verrill (1871-1954)

explorer, anthropologist, archaeologist, inventor, ornithologist, naturalist, zoologist, illustrator

Caught in the Organ Draft
The Bridge Of Light
Treasure of the Golden God
Dirigibles of Death
The American Indian
Minerals, metals and gems
Old civilizations of the new world
Shell collector's handbook
Getting together with Latin America
South and Central American trade conditions of to-day
The real story of the pirate
The boys' book of whalers
The book of camping
Jungle chums
The radio detectives
Harper's Gasoline Engine Book: How the Engine is Made, how to Use it at Home ..
The Home Radio: How to Make and Use it
America's ancient civilizations
Great conquerors of South and Central America
Gasolene Engines; Their Operation, Use and Care: A Comprehensive, Simple and ..
Foods America gave the world
The young collector's handbook
Islands And Their Mysteries
Strange sea shells and their stories
Our Indians
The American Indian, North, South and Central America
Harper's wireless book
The boy collector's handbook
They found gold
The trail of the white Indians
The amateur carpenter
Porto Rico past and present and San Domingo of today
Cuba of today
Isles of spice and palm
The Inquisition
Knots, splices and rope work
How to operate a motor car
My jungle trails
Cuba past and present
The deep sea hunters
Harper's book for young naturalists
The golden city
The real story of the whaler
Strange insects and their stories
Along New England shores
The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1929 Anthology (Amazing Stories Classics)
Before the conquerors
Brain Sinner, The, & Death from the Skies
The radio detectives under the sea
Panama of today
Strange customs, manners, and beliefs
Perfumes and spices, including an account of soaps and cosmetics
Harper's gasoline engine book
The book of the West Indies
Strange birds and their stories
Deep sea hunters in the frozen seas
Smugglers and smuggling
In Morgan's wake
The book of the sailboat
The real Americans
The boys' book of buccaneers
Rivers and their mysteries
Harpers Aircraft Book
In the wake of the buccaneers
Gasolene engines; their operation, use and care
...Strange fish and their stories
The home radio up to date
Secret treasure
The ocean and its mysteries
The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1927 Anthology (Amazing Stories Classics)
Barton's mills
Romantic and historic Virginia
In the Wake of the Buccaneers
The Knots Box Useful Knots For Every Situation Indoors And Out
Through the Crater's Rims
Under Peruvian skies
Thirty years in the jungle
The Book Of The West Indies
The home radio, how to make and use it
The strange story of our earth
The Book of the West Indies
Harper's Wireless Book; How to Use Wireless Electricity in Telegraphing, Telephoning and the Transmission of Power
In the Wake of the Buccaneers
Wonder plants and plant wonders
Deep Sea Hunters
Old Civilizations in the New World
Strange prehistoric animals and their stories..
Wonder creatures of the sea
The heart of old New England
Jury Rig
Harper's Wireless Book
Our Indians
South and Central American Trade Conditions of To-Day Including Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Republic; With Maps and Diagrams
Harper's Gasoline Engine Book
Book of Camping
Book of the Sailboat;
Radio Detectives
Precious Stones and Their Stories - An Article on the History of Gemstones and Their Use
Knots, Splices and Rope-Work
Strange reptiles and their stories..
The American Indian
Harper's Aircraft Book: Why Aeroplanes Fly, How to Make Models, and All About Aircraft, Little and Big
The World of the Giant Ants, Illustrated Edition (Lost World-Lost Race Classics)
South and Central American Trade Conditions of To-day Including Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Republic; With Maps and Diagrams
The World of the Giant Ants, Illustrated Edition
Mutiny on the Athol
Carib gold
Harper's Aircraft Book
The Trail of the Cloven Foot
Romantic and historic Maine
The Boys' Book Of Carpentry
Old civilization of the New world
Uncle Abner's legacy
Inca's Treasure House
Into the Green Prism & Wanderers of the Wolf Moon
Romantic and historic Florida
The Radio Detectives Southward Bound
I'll Learn'em
When the Moon Ran Wild
Gasolene Engines; Their Operation, Use and Care; a Comprehensive, Simple and Practical Work Treating of Gasolene Engines for Stationary, Marine or Vehicle Use . .
An American Crusoe
Vampires of the Desert
Strange creatures of the sea
Jamaica of today
West Indies of today
Beyond the Green Prism & Alcatraz of the Starways
American Crusoe
The boy adventurers in the forbidden land
Harper's Book for Young Naturalists
Beyond Infinity & Monsters of the Ray
A-B-C of automobile driving ..
Perfumes and spices, including an account of soaps and cosmetics
The radio detectives in the jungle
My boat trip through the Guiana wilderness
The treasure of Bloody Gut
Never a Dull Moment
The boy adventurers in the land of El Dorado
The boy adventurers in the unknown land
The boys' outdoor vacation book
Pets for pleasure and profit
Porto Rico past and present and San Domingo of today
The ocean and its mysteries
Panama, past and present
The Incas' treasure house
Lost treasure
The home radio
The book of the West Indies
The cruise of the Cormorant
Harper's book for young gardeners
The boys' book of carpentry
South and Central American trade conditions of today
The American Indian
Islands and their mysteries
Gérard Moncomble
Gérard Moncomble (born 1951)


  • University of Picardie Jules Verne
Stephen McCranie
Stephen McCranie (born 1986)

illustrator, penciller

Paul Scheerbart
Paul Scheerbart (1863-1915)

poet, drawer, illustrator

The perpetual motion machine
Lesabéndio, ein Asteroïden-Roman
Liwûna und Kaidôh - Ein Seelenroman
Die Entwicklung des Luftmilitarismus und die Auflösung der europäischen Land-heere, Festungen und Seeflotten
The Gray Cloth
70 trillionen Weltgrüsse
Der Aufgang zur Sonne
Tarub, Bagdads berühmte Köchin
Glass architecture
Paul Scheerbart--Briefwechsel mit Max Bruns 1898-1903 und andere Dokumente
Das graue Tuch und zehn Prozent Weiss
Das graue Tuch und zehn Prozent Weiss
Glass! Love!! Perpetual motion!!!
Paul Scheerbart
Die sichtbaren Bewohner anderer Weltkörper
Die Mopsiade
Münchhausen und Clarissa
Revolutionäre Theater-Bibliothek
Der Alte Orient
Glasarchitektur & Glashausbriefe
Gesammelte Arbeiten für das Theater
Rakkóx der Billionär
Farbenhäuser und Lichtgewächse
Das neue Venedig - Ein Reiseerlebnis
L'évolution du militarisme aérien et la dissolution des infanteries, forteresses et flottes maritimes européennes
Na prost!
Paul Scheerbart und Bruno Taut
Von Zimmer Zu Zimmer
Das Lachen ist verboten--
Die Mopsiade
Ich liebe Dich!
Le sabe ndio
Marduk - eine Assyrische Burg-Novelette
Dichterische Hauptwerke
L'Architecture de verre
Astrale Novelletten
Die grosse Revolution
Meine Welt ist nicht von Pappe
Das grosse licht
Liebes- und Schmollbriefe
Immer mutig!
Gesammelte Werke
Katerpoesie und Die Mopsiade
Münchhausens Wiederkehr
Regierungsfreundliche Schauspiele
Immer mutig!
Mořský had
Von Zimmer zu Zimmer
Das graue Tuch und zehn Prozent Weiss
Eine Einführung in sein Werk
Unverantwortliche Gedichte