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anthropologists who wrote science fiction
Showing 1-8 out of 12 results
China Miéville
China Miéville (born 1972)

politician, academic, literary critic, blogger, anthropologist, political scientist

  • London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Cambridge
The City & The City
Iron Council
Perdido Street Station
The Scar
Looking for Jake
The Last Days of New Paris
The City & the City
John Constatine, Hellblazer
Dial H.
La città & la città
Un Lun Dun
King Rat
The library book
Looking for Jake and Other Stories
Creatures: Thirty Years of Monsters
This Census-Taker
Pathfinder Chronicles
A Spectre, Haunting
Dial H.
Between Equal Rights
Out of the Ruins
The Future of Public Space
La ciudad de la ciudad
The worst breakfast
Three moments of an explosion
La cicatriz
The Book of Elsewhere
Walrus and the Warwolf
Londons Overthrow
Three Moments of an Explosion: Stories
Children of Cthulhu
The Tain
Natural Causes
El Azogue
Perdido Street Station 2. Der Weber
Los últimos días de Nueva París
The Bestiary
König Ratte
First Men in the Moon
Tragedy of the Worker
Perdido Street Station 1. Die Falter
Red Planets
La estación de la calle Perdido
Elcilik Kenti
Ekim-Rus Devriminin Hikayesi
Il treno degli dèi
Perdido Street Station : Tome 1 (French edition)
Lun Dun
La citta   delle navi
Die letzten Tage von Neu-Paris (German Edition)
Iron Council Set W'Stones
La Cicatriz
Demir Konsey
Perdido Street Station, Tome 1 :
Perdido Sokagi Istasyonu
Kizil Dunyalar
Yeni Paris'in Son Günleri
China Miéville: Critical Essays
La ciudad y la ciudad / The City & the City (Spanish Edition)
Le concile de fer
Dial H the deluxe edition
Illustrated Gormenghast Trilogy
Kraken - Bir Canavarin Anatomisi
Worst Breakfast
Perdido Street Station, Tome 2 :
Miasto I Miasto
En quête de Jake et autres nouvelles (Outre fleuve) (French Edition)
Kral Fare
Sehir ve Sehir
Perdido Street Station : Tome 2 (French edition)
Regele şobolan
Octubre. La historia de la revolución rusa
Mary Doria Russell
Mary Doria Russell (born 1950)

anthropologist, paleontologist, paleoanthropologist

  • University of Michigan, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign
The Sparrow
Children of God
Children of God
Dreamers of the day
A Thread of Grace
The Women of the Copper Country
Eight to five, against
Le moineau de Dieu
Gottes Kinder
Gündüz Düs Görenler
Thread of Grace
Dreamers of the Day
Tanrinin Cocuklari
Pasărea Domnului
Women of the Copper Country
Dreamers of the Day
Steven Erikson
Steven Erikson (born 1959)

anthropologist, archaeologist

  • University of Iowa
Toll the hounds
Memories of ice
Gardens of the Moon
The crippled god
Deadhouse Gates (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Book 2)
The devil delivered and other tales
The Lees Of Laughters End A Tale Of Bauchelain Korbal Broach
Willful Child
Rejoice, a knife to the heart
Willful Child
Willful Child
The Devil delivered
Dust of Dreams
House of Chains
Postscripts #10 - World Horror Convention Special Edition [hc] (Issue 10)
Crack'd pot trail
Forge of darkness
The First Collected Tales Of Bauchelain And Korbal Broach
Gardens of the Moon
This river awakens
Midnight Tides (Malazan Book of the Fallen, Book 5)
The Healthy Dead
The Wurms Of Blearmouth A Tale Of Bauchelain Korbal Broach
Blood Follows
Cinema Futura (edited by Mark Morris)
Fall of light
La tempestad del segador
Swords Against Darkness
Reaper's Gale (Malazan Book of Fallen 7) (Malazan Book of the Fallen)
Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
Second Collected Tales of Bauchelain
The God is Not Willing
Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
Das Spiel der Götter
Das Spiel der Götter
Bauchelain and Korbal Broach
Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach, Vol 1
Im Sturm Des Verderbens
Willful Child Series
Bauchelain and Korbal Broach: Collected Stories v. 1
The Fiends of Nightmaria (The Tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach)
Malazan Book of the Fallen : Books 1-4
Das Spiel der Götter 11. Die Knochenjäger
R. H. Barlow
R. H. Barlow (1918-1951)

anthropologist, linguist, poet, historian

  • University of California, Kansas City Art Institute
Los mexicas y la Triple Alianza
Nombre de Dios, Durango
Fuentes y estudios sobre el México indígena
The extent of the empire of the Culhua Mexico
The extent of the empire of the Culhua Mexica
Codex Azcatitlan
Poems for a competition
Diccionario de elementos fonéticos en escritura jeroglífica
Anales de Tlatelolco
Nombre de Dios, Durango
François Bordes
François Bordes (1919-1981)

anthropologist, archaeologist, prehistorian, geologist

  • University of Paris
Alpheus Hyatt Verrill
Alpheus Hyatt Verrill (1871-1954)

explorer, anthropologist, archaeologist, inventor, ornithologist, naturalist, zoologist, illustrator

Caught in the Organ Draft
The Bridge Of Light
Treasure of the Golden God
Dirigibles of Death
The American Indian
Minerals, metals and gems
Old civilizations of the new world
Shell collector's handbook
Getting together with Latin America
South and Central American trade conditions of to-day
The real story of the pirate
The boys' book of whalers
The book of camping
Jungle chums
The radio detectives
Harper's Gasoline Engine Book: How the Engine is Made, how to Use it at Home ..
The Home Radio: How to Make and Use it
America's ancient civilizations
Great conquerors of South and Central America
Gasolene Engines; Their Operation, Use and Care: A Comprehensive, Simple and ..
Foods America gave the world
The young collector's handbook
Islands And Their Mysteries
Strange sea shells and their stories
Our Indians
The American Indian, North, South and Central America
Harper's wireless book
The boy collector's handbook
They found gold
The trail of the white Indians
The amateur carpenter
Porto Rico past and present and San Domingo of today
Cuba of today
Isles of spice and palm
The Inquisition
Knots, splices and rope work
How to operate a motor car
My jungle trails
Cuba past and present
The deep sea hunters
Harper's book for young naturalists
The golden city
The real story of the whaler
Strange insects and their stories
Along New England shores
The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1929 Anthology (Amazing Stories Classics)
Before the conquerors
Brain Sinner, The, & Death from the Skies
The radio detectives under the sea
Panama of today
Strange customs, manners, and beliefs
Perfumes and spices, including an account of soaps and cosmetics
Harper's gasoline engine book
The book of the West Indies
Strange birds and their stories
Deep sea hunters in the frozen seas
Smugglers and smuggling
In Morgan's wake
The book of the sailboat
The real Americans
The boys' book of buccaneers
Rivers and their mysteries
Harpers Aircraft Book
In the wake of the buccaneers
Gasolene engines; their operation, use and care
...Strange fish and their stories
The home radio up to date
Secret treasure
The ocean and its mysteries
The Best of Amazing Stories: The 1927 Anthology (Amazing Stories Classics)
Barton's mills
Romantic and historic Virginia
In the Wake of the Buccaneers
The Knots Box Useful Knots For Every Situation Indoors And Out
Through the Crater's Rims
Under Peruvian skies
Thirty years in the jungle
The Book Of The West Indies
The home radio, how to make and use it
The strange story of our earth
The Book of the West Indies
Harper's Wireless Book; How to Use Wireless Electricity in Telegraphing, Telephoning and the Transmission of Power
In the Wake of the Buccaneers
Wonder plants and plant wonders
Deep Sea Hunters
Old Civilizations in the New World
Strange prehistoric animals and their stories..
Wonder creatures of the sea
The heart of old New England
Jury Rig
Harper's Wireless Book
Our Indians
South and Central American Trade Conditions of To-Day Including Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Republic; With Maps and Diagrams
Harper's Gasoline Engine Book
Book of Camping
Book of the Sailboat;
Radio Detectives
Precious Stones and Their Stories - An Article on the History of Gemstones and Their Use
Knots, Splices and Rope-Work
Strange reptiles and their stories..
The American Indian
Harper's Aircraft Book: Why Aeroplanes Fly, How to Make Models, and All About Aircraft, Little and Big
The World of the Giant Ants, Illustrated Edition (Lost World-Lost Race Classics)
South and Central American Trade Conditions of To-day Including Mexico, Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Republic; With Maps and Diagrams
The World of the Giant Ants, Illustrated Edition
Mutiny on the Athol
Carib gold
Harper's Aircraft Book
The Trail of the Cloven Foot
Romantic and historic Maine
The Boys' Book Of Carpentry
Old civilization of the New world
Uncle Abner's legacy
Inca's Treasure House
Into the Green Prism & Wanderers of the Wolf Moon
Romantic and historic Florida
The Radio Detectives Southward Bound
I'll Learn'em
When the Moon Ran Wild
Gasolene Engines; Their Operation, Use and Care; a Comprehensive, Simple and Practical Work Treating of Gasolene Engines for Stationary, Marine or Vehicle Use . .
An American Crusoe
Vampires of the Desert
Strange creatures of the sea
Jamaica of today
West Indies of today
Beyond the Green Prism & Alcatraz of the Starways
American Crusoe
The boy adventurers in the forbidden land
Harper's Book for Young Naturalists
Beyond Infinity & Monsters of the Ray
A-B-C of automobile driving ..
Perfumes and spices, including an account of soaps and cosmetics
The radio detectives in the jungle
My boat trip through the Guiana wilderness
The treasure of Bloody Gut
Never a Dull Moment
The boy adventurers in the land of El Dorado
The boy adventurers in the unknown land
The boys' outdoor vacation book
Pets for pleasure and profit
Porto Rico past and present and San Domingo of today
The ocean and its mysteries
Panama, past and present
The Incas' treasure house
Lost treasure
The home radio
The book of the West Indies
The cruise of the Cormorant
Harper's book for young gardeners
The boys' book of carpentry
South and Central American trade conditions of today
The American Indian
Islands and their mysteries
Eraldo Baldini
Eraldo Baldini (born 1952)

cultural anthropologist, playwright

W. Michael Gear
W. Michael Gear (born 1955)

anthropologist, archaeologist, historian

  • Colorado State University
The way of Spider
The Artifact (Daw Book Collectors)
The Way of Spider (Spider Trilogy, No. 2)
The web of spider
Alpha Enigma
The warriors of spider
Fourth Quadrant : The Wyoming Chronicles
After The Eagle Has Fallen : The Wyoming Chronicles
People of the Weeping Eye (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Fifteen)
People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past, Book One)
People of the Sea (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Five)
The Visitant
People of the Silence (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Eight)
People of the Moon (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Thirteen)
People of the Lakes (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Six)
People of the River (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Four)
People of the Fire (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Two)
People of the Lightning (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Seven)
People of the Nightland (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Fourteen)
People of the raven
People of the Thunder (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Sixteen)
People of the Mist (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Nine)
People of the Earth (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Three)
People of the Owl (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Eleven)
People of the Longhouse (North America's Forgotten Past, Book Seventeen)
The warriors of spider
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
People of the Morning Star: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book One of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past 21)
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
Coming of the Storm (Contact - The Battle for America #1)
Coming of the Storm : Book One of Contact
People of the songtrail
People of the Thunder
People of the Mist
People of the Sea
People of the Masks
                North Americas Forgotten Past
Moon Hunt
People of the Lightning
The Broken Land
People of the Black Sun
Moon Hunt: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Three of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Earth
People of the Morning Star
People of the Weeping Eye
Sun Born: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Two of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Canyons
Moon Hunt
The Foundation
Sun Born: A People of Cahokia Novel (Book Two of the Morning Star Series) (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Wolf (North America's Forgotten Past)
People of the Longhouse: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
Star Path
People of the River
Children of the Dawnland
Broken Land
People of the Longhouse
People of the Sea
Dark inheritance
People of the Lakes
Sun born
People of the Songtrail
Copper Falcon
Fire the Sky Bk. 2 : Book Two of Contact
Vikings in North America
People of the Fire: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
People of the River: A Novel of North America's Forgotten Past
Raising Abel
People of the Sea
Flight Of The Hawk : The Plains
People of the Earth
People of the Fire
Star Path
People of the Weeping Eye
Dawn Country
Novels of North America's Forgotten Past
People of the Moon
People of the Weeping Eye
It Sleeps in Me
Summoning God
People of the Nightland
People of the Masks
People of the Nightland
Betrayal : The Lost Life of Jesus
People of the Longhouse
People of the Wolf
People of the Mist
Lightning Shell
Dead Man's Doll
Implacable Alpha
People of the Wolf
Broken Land
Fracture Event
Fire the Sky : Book Two of Contact
Big Horn Legacy
People of the Songtrail
Bone Walker
People of the Thunder
People of the Lakes
Coyote Summer
This Scorched Earth
Dark Inheritance
People of the Silence
This scorched earth
People of the Lightning
People of the Thunder
Children of the Dawnland
People of the Earth
People of the Morning Star
Coming of the storm
People of the Owl
The Betrayal : The Lost Life of Jesus
Panther's Scream
Panther's Scream : Saga of the Mountain Sage, Book Three
Coyote Summer
Morning River : Saga of the Mountain Sage, Book One
Morning River
People of the Moon
People of the Raven
Athena's Wrath
Coyote Summer
Coyote Summer : Saga of the Mountain Sage, Book Four
Implacable Alpha
White Mist Dog : Saga of the Mountain Sage, Book Two
La tribu de la tierra
Broken Land
Athena Unleashed
Summoning God
Spinnenfa den
Children of the Dawnland
Long Ride Home
People of the Longhouse
Long Ride Home
Big Horn Legacy
Morning River
Flight of the Hawk
Athena Factor
Flight of the Hawk
Dusk Country
Genesis Athena
Dawn Country