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politicians who wrote romance
Showing 81-88 out of 115 results
Fernando Savater
Fernando Savater (born 1947)

professor of philosophy, activist, philosopher, politician

  • Complutense University of Madrid
A decir verdad
Ética para Amador
Etica, Politica, Ciudadania
El Valor De Elegir
Ética a Amador
Childhood regained
Perdonen las molestias
Preguntas de la vida
Pensamientos arriesgados
Etica, política, ciudadanía
Ética para Amador
Etica Como Amor Propio
El contenido de la felicidad
Ensayo sobre Cioran
Mira por dónde
El Jardin De Las Dudas
Los Siete Pecados Capitales
Siete Pecados Capitales
El contenido de la felicidad
La Infancia Recuperada
El Valor de Educar
Último desembarco
La filosofía como anhelo de la revolución y otras intervenciones
Ethique à l'usage de mon fils
Apóstatas razonables
El dialecto de la vida
Idea de Nietzsche
Las Razones del Antimilitarismo
El Jardin De Las Dudas
Ética para Amador
Los diez mandamientos en el siglo XXI
Childhood Regained: The Art of the Storyteller (European Perspectives:  a Series in Social Thought and Cultural Ctiticism)
Contra las patrias
Perdonadme, ortodoxos
San Sebastián
A caballo entre milenios
La filosofía tachada
Politica Para Amador
La lectura apasionada
Sobre vivir
La vida eterna
Instrucciones para olvidar el Quijote y otros ensayos generales
Teoría y presencia de la tortura en España
Jorge Luis Borges
El jardín de las dudas
Filosofia y Sexualidad
El juego de los caballos
Diez Mandamientos En El Siglo XXI, Los
Penser sa vie
A caballo entre milenios
Panfleto contra el todo
Ethique à l'usage de mon fils - Politique à l'usage de mon fils
Misterios gozosos
El gran laberinto
Mira por dónde
Sei kein Idiot
Ultimo Desembarco - Vente a Sinapia
Los siete pecados capitales
El Juego de Los Caballos (Libros del Tiempo)
La Dimension Etica de La Empresa
El Jardin De Las Dudas
Los siete pecados capitales/ The Seven Deadly Sins
Lo universal y lo nacional
Política para Amador
Invitación a la ética
La infancia recuperada
Tu, was du willst
Para la anarquía
Último desembarco ; Vente a Sinapia
Etica Para Amador - Edicion Corregida y Aumentada
Juliano en eleusis (misterio dramático en un prólogo y dos retablos)
Las Preguntas de La Vida
Etica y ciudadanía
Panfleto Contra El Todo
El estado y sus criaturas
El jardín de las dudas
Tu was du willst. Ethik für die Erwachsenen von morgen
La Infancia Recuperada
Sin contemplaciones
Mira Por Donde
Heterodoxias y contracultura
El Dialecto De LA Vida/the Dialect of Life (Plaza & Janes literaria)
Criaturas del aire
La Tarea del Hiroe
La escuela de Platón
Loor al leer
Caronte aguarda
El mito nacionalista
Aquí viven leones
Apología del sofista y otros sofismas
Diccionario del ciudadano sin miedo a saber
Episodios pasionales
Conocer Nietzsche y su obra
Sobras completas
Inpertinencias y desafios
Invitacion a la Etica
Historia de la filosofía sin temor ni temblor
Diccionario filosófico
Caronte Aguarda - Bolsillo
Pour l'éducation
Saliendo al paso
Escritos politeístas
Idea de Nietzche
El jardín de las dudas
Misterio, emoción y riesgo
Dictionnaire philosophique personnel
Instrucciones Para Olvidar El Quijote
Impertinencias y desafíos
La tarea del héroe
Diario de Job
La Hermandad de la Buena Suerte  The Brotherhood of Good Luck
                Autores Espanoles E Iberoamericanos
De los dioses y del mundo
Libre mente
Ética de urgencia
Asi Hablaba Nietzsche
Humanismo Impenitente
La libertad como destino
El gran laberinto. - 1.ed.
La piedad apasionada
Contra Las Patrias (Cuadernos infimos)
El gran fraude
Nihilismo y acción
Tarea del Heroe, La
Despierta y lee
Literatura Y Derecho Ante La Ley
La voluntad disculpada
El traspié
Ο μεγάλος λαβύρινθος
La hermandad de la buena suerte
Los invitados de la princesa
La aventura de pensar
Ultimo desembarco ; Vente a Sinapia
Malos y malditos
Malos y malditos
La música de las letras
Sarcasmos y Agudezas
Darum Erziehung
Las mejores historias sobre caballos
Conciencia y ciudadanía
El arte de ensayar
Homenaje a la Constitución
Solo integral
Perdoname Ortodoxos
La voluntad disculpada
El jardín de las dudas
Contra el separatismo
Dziennik Hioba
Solo integral
De tien geboden
Política para Amador
Die Fragen des Lebens. Fernando Salvater lädt ein in die Welt der Philosophie
Eseu despre Cioran
Despierta y lee
XXII Pregón Taurino de Sevilla
Fernando Savater
Jorge Semprún
Jorge Semprún (1923-2011)

politician, philosopher

  • Lycée Henri-IV
Adios, Luz De Veranos
La escritura o la vida
LA Escritura O LA Vida/Writing of Life
El Largo Viaje /Witnesses to War
Aquel Domingo/That Beautiful Sunday
Adiós, luz de verano--
Netchaiev Ha Vuelto (Fbula)
Literature or life
What a beautiful Sunday!
Pensar en Europa
Lecriture Ou La Vie
Communism in Spain in the Franco era
Stavisky ..
Adieu, vive clarté--
Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez
Veinte años y un día
La Guerre est finie
Espagnol, niveau collège-lycée
The autobiography of Federico Sanchez and the Communist underground in Spain
Grand voyage
Aquel domingo
Semprun, Wiesel
Vivire Con Su Nombre, Morira Con El Mio
Quel beau dimanche
Le grand voyage
La segunda muerte de Ramón Mercader
La deuxieme mort de ramon mercader
El largo viaje
Federico Sánchez se despide de ustedes
Netschajew kehrt zurück
Autobiographie de Federico Sánchez
Quel beau dimanche !
LA Montana Blanca
El " Stavisky" de Alain Resnais
Mal et modernité
L' écriture ou la vie
L'écriture ou la vie
L' homme européen
Le "Stavisky" d'Alain Resnais
The second death of Ramón Mercader
Der weiße Berg
Der zweite Tod des Ramon Mercader
L' Algarabie
Le mort qu'il faut
Autobiographie de Federico Sanchez
La deuxième mort de Ramón Mercader
L' e vanouissement
Der Tote mit meinem Namen
Montand, la vie continue
Les Sandales
Netchaïev ha vuelto
Si la vie continue--
Die große Reise
Autobiografia de Federico sunchez
La montagne blanche
Netchaiev Ha Vuelto
Le retour de Carola Neher
Federico Sanchez vous salue bien
Was für ein schöner Sonntag
Was war und was ist
To megalo taxidi
Die Ohnmacht
LA Algarabia
Unsre allzu kurzen Sommer
Largo Viaje
Αντίο, φως της νιότης
Federico Sanchez Se Despide De Ustedes
Adieu Vive Clarte
Netchaïev est de retou
Freedom to the Barcelona 34
La\Deuxieme Mort de Ramon Mercader
Ejercicios de supervivencia
Netchai ev est de retour
Netchaïev est de retour--
The cattle truck
L'E ́vanouissement
Ha- Masa' ha-gadol
El desvanecimiento
La segunda muerte de Ramón Mercader / Jorge Semprun
La Guerre est finie, scénario du film d'Alain Resnais
Autobiografia de Federico Sanchez
Lettre sur le pouvoir d'écrire
Une tombe au creux des nuages
La segunda muerte de Ramon Mercader
El largo viaje
A une heure incertaine
Vinte anos e um dia
Montand, la vida continua
La guerre est finie
Miguel Ángel Asturias Rosales
Miguel Ángel Asturias Rosales (1899-1974)

poet, diplomat, journalist, politician, poet lawyer

  • University of Paris, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Leyendas de Guatemala
El papa verde
Viento fuerte
El Señor Presidente
París 1924-1933
The mirror of Lida Sal
Week-end en Guatemala
El hombre que lo tenía todo, todo, todo
El árbol de la cruz
Miguel Angel Asturias, raíz y destino
Sociología guatemalteca
Actos de Fe En Guatemala
Poesía precolombiana
Cuentos y leyendas
Fragmentos de una correspondencia
Mulata de tal
Paris 1924-1933
América Latina
Las Casas: el Obispo de Dios
Leyendas De Guatemala
Comiendo en Hungri?a
Legends of Guatemala
Leyendas de Guatemala/Guatemala Legends
Latino America y otros ensayos
Tres obras
Mulata de Tal
Guatemalan sociology
Hombres de maíz
Comiendo en Hungría
Hombres De Maiz / Men of Maize (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library)
Ojos de los enterrados
La audiencia de los confines
The talking machine
The President
Popol-vuh, o, Libro del consejo de los indios Quichés
Sentimental journey around the Hungarian cuisine
Los cuentos del Cuyito
Der grüne Papst
Mr. President
Sien de alondra
Légendes du Guatemala
Week-end en Guatemala
Cuentos y Leyendas (Fuentes y Estudios de Historia de Asturias)
Week-end in Guatemala
Poesía precolombina
El espejo de Lida Sal
El novelista en la universidad
Poesía precolombina
The bejeweled boy
Edición crítica de las obras completas de Miguel Angel Asturias
Los ojos de los enterrados
Los ojos de los enterrados
Homenaje a Miguel Angel Asturias
Leyendas de Guatemala
Viajes, ensayos y fantasi as
Hombre de Maíz
El papa verde
Retazos Asturianos
Viajes, ensayos y fantasías
Incontro con Miguel Angel Asturias
Los ojos de los enterrados
Hombres de maíz
Sayin Baskan
Lysvaagent foraar
Carta aérea a mis amigos de América
El seSnor presidente
Los ajos de los enterrados
Megkóstoltuk Magyarországot
Guatemala Efsaneleri
Hombres de maíz. --
The Mulatta and Mr Fly
Los Dioses, los héroes y los hombres de Guatemala antigua, o, El libro del consejo, Popol-vuh de los indios quichés
América, fabula de fabulas
Leyendas de Guatemala
Antología poética
Edicion critica de las obras completas de Miguel Angel Asturias
Trois des quatre soleils
Novelas y cuentos de juventud
Oi anthropoi apó kalampoki
El libro del consejo
El Libro del consejo
Leyendas de Guatemala - 112 -
Obras completas
Ejercicios poéticos en forma de soneto sobre temas de Horacio
Teatro 1
Clarivigilia primaveral.--
Viento Fuerte. Novela.
Le Larron qui ne croyait pas au ciel
Obras completas
Páginas de lumbre de Miguel Angel Asturias
El Libro del consejo
Hector Poléo
Las Casas, el obispo de dios
Cartas de amor
Monsieur le Président
Leyendas y poemas
Miguel Angel Asturias
El Hombre Que Lo Tenia Todo Todo Todo (Tres Edades)
Señor Presidente
Lo mejor de mi obra
Poesía precolombina
Leyendas de Guatemala/ Legends of Guatemala (Biblioteca De Autor)
Latinoamérica y otros ensayos
America, fabula de fabulas y otros ensayos
The cyclone
El alhajadito
Hombres de maíz. --
Vendredi des douleurs
El señor presidente
Yesil Papa
The Cyclone (Peter Owen Modern Classics S.)
Hommes de maïs
Viernes de dolores
Monsieur le Président
Los ojos de los enterrados
Leyendas De Guatemala (Intemporales)
Hommage à Miguel Angel Asturias
Monsieur le president
Egoist: An Individualist Review
El problema social del indio y otros textos
Novela y novelistas
Clarivigilia primaveral
Roumanie d'aujourd'hui
Bejeweled Boy
Gözleri Acik Gidenler
Sonetti veneziani
Une certaine mulâtresse
Guatemalada Hafta Tatili
The mulatta and Mr. Fly
Guatemala'da Hafta Tatili
Tres de cuatro soles
Mia kápoia migáda
América, fábula de fábulas y otros ensayos
Week-end au Guatemala
Aspasia de Mileto
Maladrón (epopeya de los Andes verdes)
Viajes, ensayos y fantasiás
L'Homme qui avait tout tout tout…
Antología de Miguel Angel Asturias
Teatro: Chantaje, Dique seco, Soluna, La Audiencia de los Confines
Poèmes indiens
Legendes du Guatemala / Leyendas de Guatemala
Clarivigilia primaveral
Hombres de maíz
Glaza pogrebennykh
Páginas de lumbre de Miguel Angel Asturias
Viajes, ensayos y fantasías
Juan Girador
Gözleri açik gidenler
Die Augen der Begrabenen
Teatro 1 - Miguel Angel Asturias
Obras escogidas
Mulata de tel
Obras completas
Le miroir de lida sal, et autres contes
Viernes de lolores
Clariviglia primaveral
La arquitectura de la vida nueva
Tres de cuatro soles (edición crítica)
Amanecer en el delta del Parana e altre poesie
Ngài ttong throng
Kevod ha-naśi
Megkostoltuk Magyarországot
President, The
Los The Ojos de Los Enterrados
Mi mejor obra
Teatro.  Chantaje.  Dique seco.  Soluna.  La Audiencia de ls Confines
André Malraux
André Malraux (1901-1976)

politician, film director, film editor, art historian, journalist, art critic, playwright, archaeologist, resistance fighter

  • Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Lycée Turgot
La voie royale
Œuvres complètes
Condition humaine
Tentation de l'Occident
La condition humaine
G. Braque
Les conquérants
The metamorphosis of the gods
Man's Fate (La Condition Humaine)
Felled oaks; conversation with De Gaulle
Tête d'obsidienne
Temps du mépris
Las voces del silencio
Man's Fate
Man's fate (La condition humaine)
La Politique, la culture
Noyers de l'Altenburg
La Condition Humaine
Le musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale
Carnet d'URSS
La métamorphose des dieux, tome 3
The conquerors
Les chênes qu'on abat
Les Noyers de l'Altenburg
La métamorphose des dieux, tome 2
Man's fate =
L'Espoir, texte intégral, dossier
Le Triangle noir. Laclos.Goya.Saint-Just
Oeuvre, tome 4
Oeuvres, tome 3
La Condition humaine (coffret 8 CD)
Le musée imaginaire
Les Conquérants
Le Musee Imaginaire
L'Homme Précaire et la Littérature
Euvres completes
Le Temps du mépris
Le temps du mépris
Carnet d'URSS
Les Chênes qu'on abat
La Condition Humaine (Textes Francais Classiques Et Modernes Series)
La reine de Saba
La Voie royale
Malraux par lui-même
La Condition Humaine, texte intégral, dossier
La tête d'obsidienne
The conquerors
Journal d'un Cure de Campagne
La condition humaine
Oraisons funèbres
Carnet du front populaire
La Voie Royale
Les Hôtes de passage
Le miroir des limbes
L' homme précaire et la littérature
La Condition Humaine
La Condicion Humana
La voie royale
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 2
Psychologie de l'art
La condition humaine, extraits
Mans Estate
The walnut trees of Altenburg
Fallen Oaks: conversation with DeGaulle
La grande pitié des monuments de France
Les voix du silence
Man's fate =
La métamorphose des dieux
Lazare, Le Miroir des limbes
André Malraux, entretiens avec Tadao Takemoto
The Metamorphosis of the Gods
Les voix du silence
Oeuvres Completes, Vol. 1
Antimemoires (Le Miroir Des Limbes I)
Psychologie de l'art
Les chenes qu'on abat..
Andre Malraux, entretiens avec Tadao Takemoto ;
Storm in Shanghai
The Way of the Kings (Hesperus Modern Voices)
The voices of silence
La tentation de l'Occident
Oeuvres Completes, Vol.3
The royal way
Man's Fate (La Condition Humaine)
Les\Chenes Qu'on Abat
La Voie Royale
La\Tentation de L'Occident
The kingdom of farfelu
Dessins de Goya au Musée du Prado
Le\Triangle Noir Laclos / Goysa / Saint Just
Sce  nes choisies
The psychology of art
L' avvenire della cultura
Vermeer De Delft
La voie royale
La Condition Humaine*
La metamorphose des dieux
La tentation de l'Occident, Royaume-farfelu
Le musée imaginaire
La condition humaine
Discours prononcés à l'Assemblée nationale (1945-1976)
Les conquérants, roman
La\Metamorphose des Dieux  L'Surnaturel Vol. 1
Condicion Humana (Discontinuados)
Les\Hotes de Passage  Comprend les 3 Premiers Chapitres du Tome 2 de Le Memoir des Limbes
The temptation of the Est
La condition humaine
Cuceritorii ; Calea regala
Fallen oaks
Sierra de Teruel
Museum without walls
La Corde et les Souris avec Les Hotes de Passage / Les Chenes Qu'On Abat / La Tete d'Obsidienne / Lazare
Le triangle noir
La tete d'obsidienne
Esquisse d'une psychologie du cinéma
La corde et les souris
Malraux par lui-me me
Voie Royale
Lunes en papier
André Malraux
Condicion Humana, La
L' Irréel
Musée imaginaire
La voie royale
The Walnut Trees of Altenburg
The voices of silence
Condition humaine
Les réalités et les comédies du monde
Man's estate
LA Condicion Humana
Vida de Napoleon
The case for De Gaulle
The voices of silence
Reflexions sur les arts plastiques
Via Real, La
La corde et les souris
Monde Chretien
Le\Miroir des Limbes  La Corde et les Souris Vol. 2
Collection of critical essays
Man's Estate
Oraisons Funebres Discours Prononces par l'Auteur / 1958 1965
Storm in Shanghai
The Royal Way
Le métamorphose des dieux
Condition humaine
Hôtes de passage
L'univers farfelu d'André Malraux
Le triangle noir
Days of Contempt
Man's Estate
Voie royale
The psychology of art
Grands Discours 1946-1973 (3 Audio Compact Discs in French)
L' intemporel
Psychologie der Kunst
La condition humaine
La condition humaine
Man's estate
Malraux par lui-même
Le temps du mépris
Lettres choisies
Malraux par lui-même
Andre Malraux
Les conquérants
Man's estate
The royal way
Psychologie de l'art
La tentation de l'Occident, suivi de La voie royale
Écrits farfelus
Days of wrath
Les chênes qu'on abat ...
The conquerors
Préface [à L'amant de Lady Chatterley de D.H. Lawrence]
Malraux par lui-meme
Les conquerants
Oraisons funebres
Palavras no Brasil =
Man's fate (La condition humaine)
Days of wrath
The conquerors
[Oeuvre romanesque]
La tentation de l'occident
D'une jeunesse Européene
Scènes choisies
The conquerors
Die Andenvölker
La voie royale
Scènes choisies
Psychologie de l'art
Man's fate
Les marronniers de Boulogne
Les noyers de l'Altenburg
Sierra de Teruel
Scènes choisies
La tentation de l'Occident. --
Voie royale
Days of contempt
Oraisons funèbres
La tentation de l'occident ; Royaume-Farfelu ; Lunes en papier
Man's fate
La tentation de l'Occident. --
Man's hope
Les conquérants
André Malraux
The fascist threat to culture
Oraisons funèbres
Lidský úděl
Le triangle noir
La lutte avec l'ange
Malraux par lui-même
Le triangle noir
Los que fueron a España
Guerre et fraternité =
Oraisons funèbres
Pages choisies
Days of contempt
Ḥaye enosh
La condition humaine
La condition humaine
Les conquérantes
La voie royale
Gevelde eiken
Les chênes qu'on abat--
Le musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale
La voie royal
The conquerors
Le musée imaginaire
La condition humaine
Les conquérants
Lectures choisies
Malraux, être et dire
André Malraux
Romans: Les conquérants.  La condition humaine.  L'espoir
Days of wrath
La voie royale
Romans: Les conquérants; La voie royale; La condition humaine; L'espoir
Le musée imaginaire de la sculpture mondiale
Le miroir des limbes ; hôtes de Passage
La Civilità veneziana nell'età barocca
Paroles et écrits politiques 1947-1972 inédits
Les conquérants
Universum der Kunst, Das hellenistische Griechenland
La voie royale. Les puissance du desert
Les conquérants
Arte, ciencia y libertad
L'homme précaire et la littérature
La condition humaine
El Museo Imaginario
The temptation of the West
Universum der Kunst, Ausklang des Mittelalters, 1380-1500
La conditione humaine
Les conquʹerants
Six entretiens avec Andre Malraux sur des ecrivains de son temps (1959-1975)
Man's estate
R. K. Narayan
R. K. Narayan (1906-2001)


  • Maharaja's College, Mysore, Madras Christian College Higher Secondary School
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Temptation Ridge
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
The Ramayana
The Guide
Swami and Friends
Malgudi days
The Vintage Book of Indian Writing 1947-1997
Gods, demons and others
Waiting for the Mahatma
The financial expert
The painter of signs
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
My dateless diary
The Mahabharata
My days
The English teacher
A tiger for Malgudi
Under the banyan tree and other stories
The bachelor of arts
The world of Nagaraj
The man-eater of Malgudi
The grandmother's tale and selected stories
A horse and two goats
Talkative man
Mr. Sampath
A Tiger for Malgudi (Twentieth-Century Classics)
Mr. Sampath, the printer of Malgudi
The Mahabharata
Modern Short Stories
The financial expert
The Abduction of Sita (Penguin Epics)
Malgudi Landscapes
A Tiger for Malgudi (King Penguin)
The dark room
The vendor of sweets
The Painter of Signs
Malgudi Days (Penguin Classics)
The Ramayana
The dark room
Le peintre d'enseignes
Malgudi Günleri
Magic of Malgudi
Astrologers Day
Malgudi Days (Twentieth-Century Classics)
Swami and friends
An astrologer's day
Financial Expert
Talkative Man
Dans la chambre obscure
Ilahlar Iblisler ve Digerleri
The very best of R.K. Narayan
More Tales From Malgudi
An Astrologers Day
Under the banyan tree
Vadachya Zadakhali Ani Itar Katha
The Painter of Signs
Under the Banyan Tree and Other Stories
Le professeur d'anglais
Talkative Man (King Penguin)
The painter of signs
Mr. Sampath--The Printer of Malgudi
The Bachelor of Arts
Sous le banian et autres histoires
Under the Banyan Tree
The English Teacher
The bachelor of arts
The printer of Malgudi
My days
The vendor of sweets
Swami and Friends (Phoenix Fiction Series)
The world of Malgudi
Mr. Sampath
A town called Malgudi
Mr Sampath-the Printer of Malgudi
The guide
A Writer's Nightmare
Mr. Sampath--The Printer of Malgudi, The Financial Expert, Waiting for the Mahatma (Everyman's Library)
The Vendor of Sweets
Gods, Demons and Others
The grandmother's tale
The Financial Expert
A story-teller's world
The Ramayana
Mahabharata (Kairos Literatura)
The Painter of Signs
The Bachelor of Arts
Mr. Sampath--the Printer of Malgudi (Phoenix Fiction Series)
The Dark Room
The World of Nagaraj
Swami and Friends
The man-eater of Malgudi
Tales From Malgudi
Mr. Sanpath
My days
The Ramayana
Malgudi Adventures
A Tiger for Malgudi
The Mahabharata
Swami and Friends, The Bachelor of Arts, The Dark Room, The English Teacher (Everyman's Library Classics & Contemporary Classics)
Waiting for the Mahatma
My days
Mr. Sampath
My Days
Reluctant guru
Swami And Friends The Bachelor Of Arts The Dark Room The English Teacher Four Novels
The Man-Eater of Malgudi (Twentieth-Century Classics)
Dark Room
Salt & sawdust
Emerald Route
The Man-eater of Malgudi
RK Narayan Omnibus
Malgudi Days
The Vendor of Sweets
Indian thought
The Dark Room
Malgudi Omnibus
Swami and friends
El Vendedor De Dulces
Tiger for Malgudi NW 284
Indian Epics Retold
A Malgudi omnibus
The vendor of sweets
Malgudi Days
The Grandmother's Tale
The Financial Expert
Malgudi days
The Man-Eater of Malgudi
Financial Expert
The Mahabarata
Tigr dli︠a︡ Malʹgudi
Gods, Demons, and Men
The Vendor of Sweets
Swami and friends
The Guide
Malgudi Days
My Days
The man-eater of Malgudi
The financial expert
El Licenciado
The Guide
Grateful to life & death.
The Vendor of Sweets
Lawley Road and other stories
The emerald route
Grateful to life & death
Swami y Sus Amigos
A Town Called Malgudi
Swami and Friends
Memories of Malgudi
Mini Modern Classics A Breath Of Lucifer
Malgudi Schooldays
Mr. Sampath
ο σουάμι και οι φίλοι
Mr Sampath
Waiting for the Mahatma
Grandmother`s Tale
Under the Banyan Tree
Gods Demons and Others Retold by RK Narayan 2000 New Reprint
The magic of Malgudi
Gods,demons & others
Printer of Malgudi
The man-eater of Malgudi
My Dateless Diary
El Guia
The sweet-vendor
The guide
Malgudi Days II
El Profesor de Ingles
Iṅgliśa ṭīcara
Under the Banyan Tree and Other Stories
Gods, Demons, and Men
The Ramayana
The Rāmayāna
The World Of Nagarai -
Mr. Sampath
Aspettando il Mahatma
Penṭara kī prema kahānī
Notes from the hinterland
The Vendor of Sweets [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] R K Narayan
The printer of Malgudi.
Waiting for the Mahatma. --
The Bachelor of Arts
Waiting for the Mahatma
My Days
The man-eater of Malgudi
Financial Expert
The Financial Expert
Moreh ha-derekh
The World of Malgudi
Tiger for Malgudi
Malgudi Schooldays (Most Puffin Iconic and Essentilals Books)
Grateful to life & death
Mālaguḍī kā prinṭara
Astrologers Day and Other Stories
Mémoires d'un Indien du sud
Lawley Road
Mālaguḍī kī kahāniyām̐
Swami and friends
Esperando Al Mahatma
Tsipiyah la-Mahaṭamah
Lawley Road and other stories
Malgudi Schooldays
Man-Eater of Malgudi
Abduction of Sita
Vendor of Sweets
Under the Banyan Tree & Other Stories
The writerly life
En attendant le Mahatma
An astrologer's day and other stories
The Financial Expert
Under the banyan tree
Il Laureato
Next Sunday
Talkative man
Old and new
Dark Room (Novel in HINDI)
Gods, demons, and others, (Compass books)
The financial expert [a novel
Gods, demons and others
Grandmother's Tale and Selected Stories
Writerly Life
The Financial expert, a novel
Le peintre d'enseignes
The man-eater of Malgudi
The man-eater of Malgudi
Esperando al Mahatma
The Mahabharata 2006 Paper Reprint, Deluxe
The Financial Expert
My Days
Waiting for the Mahatma
Gods, demons, and others
Sous le banian
Talkative man
The guide
The financial expert;with an intro. by Graham Greene
Un tigre pour Malgudi
The man-eater of Malgudi
Khrai lœ̄i khao čha rū
Swami and friends, a novel of Malgudi
Le conte de grand-mère
The Ramayana
Swami ve arkadaslari
Edmondo de Amicis
Edmondo de Amicis (1846-1908)

politician, journalist, poet

  • Military Academy of Modena
Love And Gymnastics
Cuore: Libro per i ragazzi
Ricordi di Parigi
Ricordi del 1870-71
Cuore di Edmondo de Amicis
The heart of boyhood
Spain and the Spaniards
La Carrozza di tutti
La maestrina degli operai, racconto..
La vita militare: bozzetti
Cuore: The Heart Of A Boy (UNESCO Collection of Representative Works: European)
Roma capitale
Memories of London
Holland and Its People
Military life in Italy
Un salotto fiorentino del secolo scorso
ha- Lev
Pagine militari
España (Como Nos Vieron)
La lettera anonima
Italienske soldaterhistorier, efter Edmondo de Amicis
Istanbul 1874
Ricordi di Londra di Edmondo de Amicis, seguíti da Una visita ai quartieri poveri di Londra di L. Simonin
Alle porte d'Italia
The heart of a boy
Un incontro ...
Il vino
Souvenirs de Paris et de Londres
La vita militare
Impresiones sobre la Argentina
A Great Day and College Friends
Alle porte d'Italia
Costantinopoli di Edmondo de Amicis
In America
La maestrina degli operai
Viaggio in Sicilia
Pagine sparse
Il romanzo d'un maestro
Gli amici
Cuore, an Italian schoolboy's journal
A boy's life at school (Cuore)
La lettera anonima
La Vita Militare
In America
The Heart of a boy = Cuore
Spain and the Spaniards
Ultime pagine di Edmondo de Amicis ..
Non si sgomentino le signore--
Dunya Cocuk Klasikleri-Cocuk Kalbi
The Heart of Boyhood
La battaglia di Solferino e San Martino
Lotte civili
Cocuk Kalbi
Il romanzo d'un maestro
La maestrina degli operai
My last friend dog Dick
Cocuk Kalbi
Ai de jiao yu
Cocuk Kalbi; Tam Metin
Non si sgomentino le signore...
Ai de jiao yu
I miei viaggi
Ricordi Di Parigi
Le Maroc
Çocuk Kalbi
Spain and the Spaniards
Ai de jiao yu
Cocuk Kalbi
L' idioma gentile
Ricordi del 1870-71
Torino 1880
Ai de jiao yu
Nederland en zijn bewoners
Corazon  Edition
Capo d'anno: pagine parlate
Gli amici
On blue water
Spain Volume II
España, viaje durante el reinado de Don Amadeo I.: Viaje durante el reinado ..
Impresiones de América
Novelle di Edmondo De Amicis 1872 [Leather Bound]
Un incontro ..
Cocuk Kalbi-Gencler Icin
Cuore. Ediz. illustrata
Fra infanzia e scuola
Emmanuel-Philibert à Pignerol
College Friends
Liefde en gymnastiek
Constantinople; Volume 1
Ricordi d'infanzia e di scuola
Se un dì un viaggiatore--
Nederland en zijn bewoners
Inviato speciale
Cocuk Kalbi - B2 Yabancilar Icin
Ai de jiao yu =
I Lettori di Manoscritti
Ritratti letterari
Nel regno del Cervino ..
Cocuk Kalbi - Oda Yayinlari
Olanda (German Edition)
Bakanlar ve Gorenler Butun Eserleri 5
Amore e ginnastica
Ritratti Letterari
Amore e ginnastica e altri racconti
Cocuk Kalbi-Remzi
1874 [I.e. Binsekizyüzyetmişdört] de Istanbul
Gli amici di Edmondo de Amicis ..
Impressioni di Roma
Spain Volume I
Spain Complete
Ai de jiao yu
Le tre capitali
Primo maggio
Ritratti letterari e Nuovi ritratti letterari ed artistici
Fra infanzia e scuola
Xiao chao xie yuan =
Pagine sparse
Osservazioni sulla questione sociale
Costantinopoli ...
La vita militare, bozzetti
Ritratti Letterari
La carrozza di tutti
Sobre o oceano
La vida militar, bocetos (2.a série)
Gli azzurri e i rossi
Dos harts
Nel giardino della follia
Poesie di Edmondo de Amicis
Ai de jiao yu
A meydele, ṿos hoṭ geraṭeṿet a tsug
Pagine allegre
Le livre est sorti
Nuovi ritratti letterari ed artistici
Un dramma nella scuola
Il "Re delle bambole"
L' inimico
La mia officina
Nel regno del Cervino
Ren ai de jiao yu
Poesie de Edmondo De Amicis
Corazo n
Ai fanciulli irredenti ; Padri e figli
Consigli e moniti
Pagine sparse
Nel giardino della follia
Ai nemici del socialismo
La vita militare
La carrozza di tutti
Guntai seikatsu
Qi tong liu qian li xun mu ji
Alle porte d'Italia
Di ḳrafṭ fun liebe
Retratos litterarios
Amore e ginnastica
ספורי אדמונדו דה אמיציס
Holland and its people
Ricordi di Parigi
Le Maroc
Ai de jiao yu =
Primo maggio
Capo d'anno
A meydele, ṿos hoṭ geraṭeṿet a tsug
L'idioma gentile...
Il romanzo d'un maestro
Les Thermopyles vaudoises
Racconti del Cuore
Pensieri e sentimenti di un socialista
Manuel Menendez
La vita militare
Min ha-Apeninim ṿe-ʻad ha-Andim
Scritti per La lettura, 1902-1908
Ho  stratiotēs
Impressioni di Roma
Fra scuola e casa
Ricordi del 1870-71
Širdis (Cuore) verté Mataz Grigonis
Het Zeelandgevoel
Novelle .
Morocco; its people and places
Lavoratori alle urne!
Ricordi d'infanzia e di scuola seguiti da Bambole e marionette -- Gente minima -- Piccoli studenti -- Adolescenti -- Due di spade e due di cuori
L'idioma gentile...
Per l'idea
Il " Re delle bambole"
Nel regno dell' amore
Nel regno dell'amore
La carrozza di tutti
Il 1° maggio
Ai ragazzi, discorsi
Won by a woman
Letture scelte dalle opere di Edmondo de Amicis
Ricordi d'infanzia e di scuola
Pagine militari
Le tre capitali
Hē Kōnstantinoupolis
Cinematografo cerebrale
Opere scelte
Los amigos
Lotte civili
L'infirmier de Tata
Lotte civili
Amore e ginnastica
Se un dì un viaggiatore--
Gli amici di Edmondo de Amicis ...
La vida militar
Amore e ginnastica
Guo ke zhi hua
Ai de xue xiao
A mia madre e altre poesie
Çocuk kalibi
Collaboratori del socialismo
Studenty i sot︠s︡ialʹnyĭ vopros
Il socialismo in famiglia
דאס גוטע קינד
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)

poet, politician, librettist, dramaturge, playwright

  • Harrow School
Works (Romeo and Juliet / Julius Caesar / King Richard the Third / Merchant of Venice / The School for Scandal / King Lear)
A trip to Scarborough
The works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The speeches of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Filipino martyrs
Six plays
The Rivals / The School for Scandal / The Critic
Speeches Of The Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The beauties of Sheridan
Erotica: The Elegies of Propertius, The Satyricon of Petronius and The Kisses of Johannes ...
The works of the late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Rivals The Duenna A Trip To Scarborough The School For Scandal The Critic
The School for Scandal and Other Plays
A comparative statement of the two bills, for the better government of the British possessions in India, brought into Parliament by Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt
Wuthering Heights / The Pilgrim's Progress / The Peloponnesian War / The School for Scandal
The School for Scandal
                York Notes Advanced
Sheridan's plays
The dramatic works of Sheridan
The plays & poems of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
St. Patrick's day: or, the scheming lieutenant
A Trip to Scarborough / The Critic
Sheridan's plays
The camp
The Governess
The speech of Richard Brinsley Sheridan in the House of Commons, (8th December 1802)
Classic Comedies
St. Patrick's day [or, The scheming lieutenant
The Critic, Or, A Tragedy Rehearsed: A Dramatic Piece in Three Acts as it is ...
Dramatic works
The humorous plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Rivals, and The School for Scandal
The letters of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Forty Thieves A Grand Melo-dramatic Romance
The Rivals And Polly Honeycombe George Colman Edited By David A Brewer
Dramatic Works of Sheridan and Goldsmith with Goldsmiths Poems
The speech of R. B. Sheridan Esq. in the House of Commons, December 8, 1802, on the army estimates. And, The speech of The Right Hon. Henry Addington, Chancellor of the Exchequer, December 10, 1802, upon the financial state of the country
The works of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The school for scandal, 1780
The Rivals / The School for Scandal
The Rivals
The Duenna
The School for Scandal and Other Plays
Dramatic works
The Dramatic Works Of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Sheridan's plays now printed as he wrote them
The speeches of ... Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with a sketch of his life, ed. by a ..
Four Georgian and Pre-Revolutionary Plays
Plays & poems
The Plays of Sheridan
St. Patrick's Day Or the Scheming Lieutenant  & The Duenna,  A Comic Opera
Sheridan's Plays, the Rivals and the School for Scandal
The origins of The school for scandal
Trip to Scarborough
La escuela de la murmuración
St. Patrick's Day; or, the Scheming Lieutenant : a Farce in One Act
Complete Plays (Everyman's Library)
The Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Sheridan's Plays Now Printed As He Wrote Them and His Mother's Unpublished Comedy, a Journey to Bath
Liberty & peace
Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Volume 1
A comparative statement of the two bills, for the better government of the British possessions in India
The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan: With a Biographical and ...
School for Scandal and Other Plays
Dramatic Works
The genuine speech of Mr Sheridan, delivered in the House of Commons, on a charge of high crimes and misdemeanors, against Warren Hastings... late Governor General of Bengal, for extortion, perfidy, and cruelty, to the princesses, and other branches of the royal family of Oude
Sheridan's address to the people
The Governess, a Comic Opera
The Real and Genuine School for Scandal, a Comedy; Acted with Bursts of Applause, at the Theatres in London and Dublin. Written by Brinsley Sheridan, Esquire
Dramatic Works of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Greek comic verse
Speech of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. in the House of Commons of Great Britain, on Thursday, January 31st, 1799, in reply to Mr. Pitt's speech on the union with Ireland
The Plays of Sheridan. Everyman's Library No. 95
The celebrated speech of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq., in Westminster-Hall on the 3d, 6th, 10th, and 13th of June 1788, on his summing up the evidence on the Begum charge against Warren Hastings, Esquire
A comparative statement of the two bills, for the better government of the British possessions in India, brought into Parliament by Mr. Fox and Mr. ... observations. By R. B. Sheridan, Esq.
The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Works of the Right Honorable Richard Brinsley Sheridan, With a Memoir by James P. Brown, M.D., Containing Extracts From the Life by Thomas Moore
Sheridan's tragic play of Pizarro, or, The Spaniards in Peru
The Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan: Dramas, Poems, Translations ...
Works of ... Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Collected by T. Moore
The letters of Richard Brinsley Sheridan;
Works of the Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Duenna
Three English Comedies
La escuela de la murmuración
Pizarro: or, the Spaniards in Peru
Report of the Celebrated Speech Delivered by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Works Of The Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan,
Heavenly hell
The speech of R.B. Sheridan, Esq. (which continued four days) before the High Court of Parliament, on Tuesday 3d, Friday 6th, Tuesday 10th, and Friday 13th of June, 1788, on summing up the evidence of the Begum charge against Warren Hastings, Esq
The Speeches of ... Richard Brinsley Sheridan, With a Sketch of His Life, Ed. by a Constitutional Friend
Plays by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Clio's Protest; or, 'the Picture' Varnished, with Other Poems
The speeches of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
A Letter to the Most Insolent man Alive
Selections from Comedies and Speeches; Also Verses to the Memory of Garrick and Anecdotes and Witty Sayings
St. Patrick's Day
Plays. With an Introd. by Henry Morley
The Plays & Poems of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, edited with introductions, appendices and bibliographies by R. Crompton Rhodes.
Death of Mr. Fox
Songs, Duets, Trios, &c. in The Duenna; or, the Double Elopement. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. The Eighteenth Edition
Works of the Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Songs, Duets, Trios, &c. in the Duenna; Or, the Double Elopement. as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, in Covent-Garden. Written by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. the Twenty Seventh Edition
The critic
Works of the Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan : In Two Volumes
Plays by Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Memoirs Of The Life Of The Right Honorable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The Plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan; Volume 1
Plays & poems
The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Plays. with an Introd. by Henry Morley
The speech of R.B. Sheridan, Esq., member for Stafford, on Wednesday, the 7th of February, 1787, in bringing forward the fourth charge against Warren Hastings, Esq., relative to the Begums of Oude
The Plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Everyman's Library, No. 95)
The speech of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. in the House of Commons, (8th December 1802) on the motion for the army establ[i]shment for the ensuing year
The dramatic works of R. B. Sheridan, Esq. Containing, The school for scandal. The rivals. The duenna. The critic. Together with the life of the author, also a critic upon his plays, and history of the English drama
Rehearsing a tragedy
Sheridan, The rivals, The school for scandal
Richard Brinsley Sheridan letters to Hester Jane Ogle Sheridan
The plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
An ode to scandal ; together with, A portrait
Eyewitness accounts in 1900 of the Philippine revolution, the Filipino-American War and the U.S. occupation of the Philippines
A new song in The duenna, sung by Mr Leoni
Six plays
Substance of ...[his] speech at a meeting of the electors of the city of Westminster, at the Crown & Anchor tavern, Sept. 18, 1806
The legislative independence of Ireland vindicated: in a speech of Mr. Sheridan's on the Irish propositions, in the British House of Commons. To which is annexed an authentic copy of the twenty resolutions, on the Irish commercial intercourse; as they passed that House, on the 30th of May, 1785; ..
The works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Memoir of the life of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox ...
The plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
La duegne et le juif Portugais
The dramatic works of R.B. Sheridan, Esq. containing, The school for scandal, the rivals, The duenna, The critic
The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Oeuvres de Shéridan
The plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
A comparative statement of the two bills, for the better government of the British possessions in India
Mr. Sheridan's speech addressed to a number of gentlemen assembled with a view of considering the best means to establish one good theatre in this city
Brodie's notes
School for Scandal
Die lästerschule
The legislative independence of Ireland vindicated
The school for scandal and the critic
The plays of R. B. Sheridan
Songs duetts, choruses, &c. in a new and appropiate [sic] entertainment, called The glorious first of June
Die La sterschule
St. Patrick's day
The dramatic works of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The plays & poems of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
The tears of genius. A monody
The critic, or, A tragedy rehearsed
The speech of R. B. Sheridan
Songs, duets, trios, &c. in The duenna
Sheridan.  L'école de la médisance.  La critique
The forty thieves
Plays now printed as he wrote them and his mother's unpublished comedy, A journey to Bath
The forty thieves
Dramatic works...
A volume of plays
La escuela del escandolo
An ode to the genius of scandal
The rivals
The forty thieves
The School for scandal
A letter to William Eden, Esq
La escuela de la murmuración
Dramatic Works, 1775-99 (World's Classics)
Songs, duets, trios, & c. in the Duenna; or, The double elopement
The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Here's to the maiden of bashful fifteen
The plays of Richard Sheridan
Les rivaux
The plays of Sheridan
L'école de la médisance
Sheridan's Leben und Schriften
Dramatic works
Sheridan's plays
Theater playbill for "Pizarro, or, The Death of Rolla" and "Miss in Her Teens, or, The Medley of Lovers" at the Theatre, Washington, D.C., August 24, 1822
Selections from comedies and speeches
A letter to the most insolent man alive
Songs duetts, choruses, &c. in a new and appropriate entertainment, called The glorious first of June
The complete plays
La escuela del escándalo
An address to Richard Brinsley Sheriden, Esq
The governess, a comic opera
An Impartial statement of the inhuman cruelties discovered! in the Coldbath-Fields Prison
The dramatic works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Verses to the memory of Garrick
L' école de la médisance
An ode to Scandal together with a Portrait
Isabel Alçada
Isabel Alçada (born 1950)

politician, historian

  • University of Lisbon, Boston University
Uma visita à corte do rei D. Dinis
Um Trono para Dois Irmãos
Uma Ilha de Sonho
O Sabor da Liberdade
O Dia do Terramoto
Uma Viagem ao Tempo dos Castelos
Uma aventura nas férias da Páscoa
Uma aventura no teatro
Uma aventura no bosque
Uma aventura na Noite das Bruxas
Mistérios da Flandres
Em Roma Sê Romano
A terra será redonda?
Uma aventura na escola
Uma aventura perigosa
Uma aventura no Algarve
Uma aventura no Inverno
Uma aventura no deserto
Um Cheirinho de Canela
Uma aventura em Evoramonte
Tufão nos Mares da China
Uma aventura no Ribatejo
No Coração da África Misteriosa
Uma aventura no Pulo do Lobo
Os jovens e a leitura nas vésperas do século XXI
Uma Aventura na Mina
Uma aventura na cidade
O Ano da Peste Negra
Uma aventura na Amazónia
Uma aventura em Lisboa
Viagem à Índia
Histórias e lendas da Europa
Mataram o Rei!
Brasil! Brasil!
Uma aventura musical
Uma Aventura em Espanha
Uma Aventura na Quinta das Lágrimas
Uma Aventura Fantástica
Uma Aventura na Biblioteca
Uma Aventura no Castelo dos Ventos
Uma Aventura no Porto
Uma Aventura na Casa Assombrada
Uma Aventura Alarmante
Diário secreto da Camila
Uma Aventura Secreta
Uma Aventura debaixo da Terra
Uma Aventura nas Férias Grandes
Uma Aventura na Terra e no Mar
Uma Aventura no Egipto
Uma Aventura no Verão
Uma Aventura no Carnaval
O tapete mágico
Uma Aventura no Estádio
Uma Aventura na falésia
Uma Aventura nas férias de Natal
Uma Aventura na Televisão
Uma Aventura em França
Uma Aventura em Viagem
Uma Aventura na Serra da Estrela
O Dia do Terramoto
História de Portugal
Uma Aventura entre Douro e Minho
Uma Aventura no Supermercado
Uma Aventura na Praia
Uma Aventura nas Ilhas de Cabo Verde
Uma Aventura nos Açores
Ler ou não ler eis a questão
Uma Aventura no Palácio da Pena
Uma Aventura em Macau
Uma aventura no Algarve
Uma Aventura no Comboio Volume 48
Uma Aventura no Caminho do Javali
Uma Aventura No Bosque
Missão Impossível
Uma Aventura Na Escola
Navio Mistério
Uma Aventura no Ribatejo
Rãs, Príncipes e Feiticeiros– oito histórias dos oito países que falam português
Uma Aventura no Labirinto Misterioso Volume 49
O Lobo Prateado Oito histórias tradicionais com mensagens universais (Portuguese Edition)
Uma Aventura Entre as Duas Margens do Rio