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poets who wrote romance
Showing 433-440 out of 549 results
William Golding
William Golding (1911-1993)


  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
The pyramid
The Spire
Discursos Premios Nobel
An Egyptian journal
Pincher Martin
To the Ends of the Earth
The Brass Butterfly
The Inheritors
Herr der Fliegen
Fire Down Below
A moving target
The Paper Man
Lord of Flies
Close Quarters
Free Fall (Harvest Book)
William Golding Three Novels
Scorpion God, the
Servants on horse-back, or, A free-people bestrided in their persons and liberties, by worthlesse men
Double Tongue, the
La Cuirasse de feu
Critical Perspective
The Hot Gates
Le dieu scorpion
Sometime Never
Sa Majesté-des-Mouches
Art of the Critic
Rites of passages
Heer van de vliegen
Chute libre
Cible mouvante
New Moulton's Library of Literary Criticism
Los Herederos
Lord of the Flies; Pincher Martin; Rites of Passage
Coup de semonce
Mit doppelter Zunge
Dovy and the Surprise Guests (Artscroll Middos Book)
Sineklerin Tanrisi
Fuego En Las Entranas
La Lengua Oculta
Lord of the Flies
Catal Dil
Lord of the Flies Activity Pack
Activity pack
Gecis Ayinleri - Deniz Üclemesi 1
Serbest Dusus
South Bank show
Lord of the Flies
Golding: Reading and Writing
Lord of the Flies. Vokabularien.
To the Ends of the Earth
C'est Ca! Essentials of French
Les cinq filles Silver
Close Quarters
La nef
Widzialna ciemnosc
Political Economy of the Media
Asagidaki Yangin : Deniz Uclemesi
Modern Critical Interpretations
En Breve
Lord of the Flies SparkNotes Literature Guide
Mini 30 Years on Spec 850459257
La mariposa de latón
LA Construccion De LA Torre
[ [ [ Close Quarters [ CLOSE QUARTERS ] By Golding, William ( Author )Dec-01-1999 Paperback
Władca Much
William Golding in conversation with Stephen Medcalf
Estuche - Trilogía del Mar GOLDING
Spark Notes, Lord of the Flies
Nobel lecture 7 December 1983
Elefteri ptosi
Yan Yana
Görünür Karanlik
How to Piss off a Crappy Roommate
Ceberut Martin
Segye munhak chonjip (19)_Pari taewang
The two deaths of Christopher Martin
Modern Critical Views Series I, 115 Vol. (Ies I)
Trilogie maritime, tome 1
Poetry, Yeats back to Shakespeare
Journal égyptien
בעל זבוב
Anshe ha-neyar
Trilogie maritime, tome 2
Cuerpo a cuerpo
Baʻal zevuv
Nobel lecture, 7 December 1983
Trilogie maritime, tome 3
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)

poet, translator, philosopher, essayist, literary critic

  • University of Lisbon, University of South Africa
The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa & Co
O Banqueiro Anarquista
The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
Probleme des Naturalismus
O guardador de rebanhos
A little larger than the entire universe
Always astonished
Poètes de Lisbonne
Cuentos portugueses
A hora do diabo
A educação do estóico
Pessoa en personne
Os demônios morrem duas vezes
Antinoj (Antinous)
Ficções do interlúdio
The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
The tobacconist
A critical, dual-language edition of Quadras ao gosta popular/Quatrains in the popular style
Poesie di Álvaro de Campos
Mad Fiddler
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Encontro magick ; seguido de A boca do inferno
Sobre literatura y arte
Phernanto Pessoa. K.P. Kavaphēs
Cartas entre Fernando Pessoa e os diretores da "Presença"
Selected English Poems
Livro do desassossego
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Voz Do Silêncio
Selected poems [of] Fernando Pessoa
Suave Es Vivir Solo / How Sweet to Live Alone
Drama en gente : antologia
Yo soy una antologia : 136 autores ficticios - 1. edicion
Páginas de estética e de teoria e crítica literárias
Oeuvres Poetiques
Vida e obras do engenheiro
Paginas Escogidas  Selected Works
                Clasicos Poesia
Ode maritime
A Centenary Pessoa (Aspects of Portugal S.)
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Selected poems by Fernando Pessoa
Obra completa
Odes de Ricardo Reis
The surprise of being
35 sonnets =
Huzursuzluğun Kitabı
I Have More Souls Than One
Sixty Portuguese poems
Fernando Pessoa
A passagem das horas
Moral, Regras de Vida, Condições de Iniciação
Il libro dell'inquietudine
Ensaios políticos
Oda marítima
Contos de Natal portugueses
Fernando Pessoa & Ofélia Queiroz
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos (Ilustrado)
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Banquero Anarquista y Otros Cuentos
Letra Escarlate
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa Pessoa'yi Anlatiyor
O eu profundo e os outros eus
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Anarsist Banker
Obras de António Mora. Volumen 6
13 poemas do amor
Mein Lissabon. Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
O Eu Profundo e Os Outros Eus (Ilustrado)
Baron von Teive
Poesia, 1931-1935
Poesias Inéditas (Ilustrado)
Ksiega niepokoju
El primer Fausto / Todavía más allá del otro océano
El elfo y la princesa
Fernando Pessoa. Anthologie essentielle
Poesía completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poesias inéditas (1919-1930)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
Álvaro de Campos
Cadernos. Volumen 11
Centenary Pessoa
El Primer Fausto
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Páginas de doutrina estética, selecção, pref. e notas de Jorge de Sena
Poesias Inéditas
Obra poetica
O mendigo e outros contos
A educacao do stoico. Volumen 9
Banchiere Anarchico
El banquero anarquista
Uzakliklar, Eski Denizler
La educación del estoico
Libro del desasosiego
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa
Aklin Haysiyeti
Ophelia'ya Mektuplar
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do: (ou para O: )
Antología poética
Poesie di Fernando Pessoa
Os Maias
A língua portuguesa
English Poems
Poesía de Alberto Caeiro
La oligarquía de las bestias y otras ficciones políticas
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El banquero anarquista
O Pastor Amoroso (Ilustrado)
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - X Volume : Imagens Do
Pessoa múltiple
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Alberto Caeiro - Dichtungen
Poesia - Poesie
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares
Obra poética e em prosa
Basibos Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa
L’educació de l’estoic
Wenn das Herz denken könnte...
Sensacionismo e outros ismos. Volumen 10
Fernando Pessoa and Co.
El banquero anarquista
Mein Lissabon
Aforismos y Afines
Heróstrato e a busca da imortalidade
De ontraadselaar
Odes de Ricardo Reis
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Alvaro de Campos. Poesias. Dichtungen
Ich Ich Ich
Carmina pessoana
Um Jantar Muito Original Seguido de a Porta
AntologÍa Del Devenir
Ricardo Reis
Obra Poética de Fernando Pessoa - Caixa
Livro do desasocego. Volumen 12
Faust. Tragèdia subjectiva
Ficciones del interludio
Crónicas de la vida que pasa
No, No Es Cansancio y Otros Poemas Sin Fecha
Contra la democracia
Self-analysis and thirty other poems
Poemes d’Álvaro de Campos
Textos filosóficos
Fernando Pessoa. Poesía I: Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro 1. El guardador de rebaños, el pastor enamorado - 2.ª edición
Toda la gente que conozco
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Başıboş Bir Yolculuktan Notlar
L’educació de l’estoic
Ser todo de todas las maneras
El banquero anarquista y otras ficciones sociales
David Wevill Collected Translations
Mensagem (Portuguese Edition)
Poemes de Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa. Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Los poemas de Alberto Caeiro
Os melhores poemas
Cartas de amor
La confesión de Lucio
Antínoo y otros poemas ingleses
Cartas, visões e outros textos do Sr. Pantaleão
Forever someone else
Os instrumentos do tempo
Sobre el fascismo, la Dictadura Militar y Salazar
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
Stations of the cross
Prensin Ölümü ve Seytanin Saati
Mensagem - Poemas Esotericos
El banquero anarquista y la tirania / The anarchist banker and the tyranny
Libro del desasosiego
Da república (1910-1935)
O assobio da foice
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Cancioneiro (Ilustrado)
Comment les Autres Nous Voient
Livro Do Desassocego : Imagens Do
Il libro dell'inquietudine di Bernardo Soares
Una cena muy original
O interregno
Os fantasmas da gaveta
Algebra der Geheimnisse. Ein Lesebuch
LIVRO DO DESASSOCEGO - V Volume : Imagens Do
Oeuvres poétiques
Fernando Pessoa, nada se sabe tudo se imagina
Poemas esotéricos
Noventa Poemas Ultimos
Alberto Caeiro
L’educació de l’estoic
Chronique de la Vie Qui Passe : Proses Publiees du Vivant de l'auteur I
Lisboa en Pessoa
A nova poesia portuguesa
Cartas a Ophelia
Writings on Art and Poetical Theory
Antologia Poetica (Biblioteca de Poesia)
Contra Salazar
Visage avec masques
Odes de Ricardo Reis
El marinero
Una sola moltitudine
Antinous David & Jonathan
Lisbonne revisitée -Anthologie-
Fernando Pessoa e a filosofia hermética
El banquer anarquista
Obra Completa de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Il poeta è un fingitore
A maconaria vista
Un corazón de nadie- RUSTICA
Odes de Ricardo Reis
Hicbir Sey Istememenin Mutlulugu
O umbigo do anjo
Gizemli Bir Maske
Anarsist Banker Seytanin Saati
El camino de la serpiente
Dokumente zur Person und ausgewählte Briefe
Poemas de Álvaro de Campos
Máscaras y paradojas
Ficciones del interludio
Quaresma, descifrador. Relatos policíacos
Complete Works of Álvaro de Campos
VIII - Livro Do Desassocego
Primeiro Fausto (Ilustrado)
Páginas de estética e de teoría e crítica literárias
Textos Portugueses líricois
Ich legte die Maske ab
Very Original Dinner
Philosophical Essays
Una sola moltitudine. Volume primo
Poemes d’Alberto Caeiro
El poeta es un fingidor
Visage avec masques
Der siebte Saal
Argumentos para peliculas
Em redor do A
Canções de beber na obra de Fernando Pessoa
Un disfraz equivocado
Plural como el universo
Sobre o fascismo, a ditadura militar e Salazar
L'hora del diable i altres ficcions
Plural esencial
Páginas íntimas e de auto-interpretação
La educación del estoico
Oh Lissabon, du meine Heimstatt
Apreciações literárias
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
La hora del diablo
Fernando Pessoa, o comércio e a publicidade
Bulmaca Meraklisi Quaresma
Antologia Esencial Edicion Bilingue
La hora del diablo
Arco de Triunfo 1 - Poemas de Alvaro de Campos
O Conto do Vigário
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Quaresma, decifrador
Ein anarchistischer Bankier / Ein ganz ausgefallenes Abendessen. (Wagenbach SALTO)
Felsefi Denemeler
Llibre del desassossec
Fotobibliografia de Fernando Pessoa
Llibre del desassossec
Pessoa inédito
Cuentos de locos
Libro del desasosiego
Crítica, ensayos, artículos y entrevistas
Escritos sobre génio e loucura. Volumen 7
L’educació de l’estoic
L'Heure du Diable
Tabaqueria y Otros Poemas Con Fecha
Imminenza dell'ignoto
Rosea Cruz
Teoría poética
Escritos sobre génio e loucura
Livro de versos
Poemas ingleses
O louco rabequista
Das origens e essência da maçonaria e do seu contributo judaico
Os Portugueses
As múltiplas faces de Fernando Pessoa
Dista ncia constelada
Livro do desassossego
Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa I-IV
Livro do desassossêgo
42 Poemas - Pessoa
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa para todos
Antología de Alvaro de Campos
Lenigma E Le Maschere
Meh ʻaśiti min ha-ḥayim
Crónicas da vida que passa
Portugal, Sebastianismo e Quinto Imperio
Le Livre de l'intranquillité, tome 2
Textos de cri tica e de intervenc ʹa o
A essência do comércio
O marinheiro
Poemas esotéricos
Ficção e teatro
O rosto e as máscaras, textos escolhidos em verso e prosa
Selección Poética
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
Almas e estrelas
Fernando Pessoa
O banqueiro anarquista
Obras em prosa
El marinero
Poèmes français
Algebra der Geheimnisse
Correspondência 1905-1922
A demonstração do indemonstrável
Um jantar muito original seguido de A porta
A passagem das horas
Poemas de Alberto Caeiro
A grande alma portuguesa
Contos completos
Encontro "Magick" de Fernando Pessoa e Aleister Crowley
Destacado e nítido
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Le retour des dieux
Obra poética
Livro do desassossego de Bernardo Soares
Poemas drama ticos
Fernando Pessoa
Mensagem e outros poemas sobre Portugal
La Educacion del Estoico
Antologia poética
Alguma prosa
Apologia do paganismo
Mensagem de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias inéditas
In ons leven tallozen
Antologia poética
Fernando Pessoa, poeta-tradutor de poetas
Cartas de amor de Fernando Pessoa e Ofélia Queiroz
Notas para a recordação do meu Mestre Caeiro
Crítica literária
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
Escritos íntimos, cartas e páginas autobiográficas
Erostrato y La Busqueda de La Inmortalidad
Una sola moltitudine
Fernando Pessoa, o poeta singular e plural
Crónicas intemporias
Correspondência inédita
Ficções do interlúdio/4: poesias de Álvaro de Campos
Prosa de Álvaro de Campos
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simoes
Lo mejor del mundo son los niños
Fernando Pessoa, 50 anos depois de sua morte
Obra essencial de Fernando Pessoa
Ḥanut ha-ṭabaḳ
Paginas de doutrina estética
Obras em prosa
Escritos autobiográficos, automáticos e de reflexão pessoal
A mac ʹonaria vista por Fernando Pessoa
El malestar del presente. Escritos de Antonio Mora
Poesía completa
Como viver ou não em 777 frases de Fernando Pessoa
Contos, fábulas e outras ficções
Cartas de amor a Ophélia Queiroz
ha-Banḳai ha-anarkhisṭ
Cartas a Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues
Vozes da saudade
Fernando Pessoa e a Europa do século XX
Textos de intervenção social e cultural ; A ficção dos heterónimos
Poemas (Intemporales)
The Fernando Pessoa Auction
Tren de cuerda
Politica y profecía
Poesia II
Alguma prosa
Pedacinhos de poemas de Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caeiro)
Poesias inéditas (1930-1935)
O guardador de rebanhos e outros poemas
O Banqueiro Anarquista e outros contos filosóficos
Páginas de pensamento político
O rosto e as máscaras
Provérbios portugueses
Fernando Alberto Reis de Campos Pessoa
Pa ginas de pensamento poli tico
Páginas sobre literatura e estética
Ficções do interlúdio/2: odes de Ricardo Reis. /3: para além do outro oceano de C[oelho] Pacheco
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Homenagem a Fernando Pessoa
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
The collected poems of Álvaro de Campos
Herostrat, die ästhetische Diskussion
Poemas - 619 - Pessoa
Palavras do livro do desassossego
Novas poesias ine ditas
Sociologia do comercio
A galaxy of poets 1888-1935
Paginas Escogidas - Edicion Bilingue -
Mensagem: À memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Pais: Quinto império: cancioneiro
Antologia Esencial
Poesia profética, mágica e espiritual
Elogio da indisciplina
Poemas dramáticos...
Antologia poética de Fernando Pessoa
Marketing em Pessoa
Poesia dos outros eus
Teatro do êxtase
O banqueiro anarquista e outras prosas
Drama En Gente - Antologia / Bilingue
Primeiro Fausto
A procura da verdade oculta
Obras de Jean Seul de Méluret
Crónicas intemporais
O privilégio dos caminhos =
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Completos de Ricardo Reis
Poesia de Fernando Pessoa
A economia em Pessoa
Obras completas de Fernando Pessoa
Quadras ao gosto popular
Fernando Pessoa, o último ano
Mascaras y Paradojas (Coleccion Aforismos)
Livro de viagem
Sebastianismo e Quinto Império
Passo e fico, como o universo
Novas poesias inéditas
Exo rdio em prol da filantropia & da educac ʹa o fi sica
A educação do estóico
A poesia de Alberto Caeiro
Cartas reencontradas de Fernando Pessoa a Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Quadras e outras cantares
O banqueiro anarquista e outros contos de raciocínio
Poemas dramáticos de Fernando Pessoa
Poemas ocultistas
Nas encruzilhadas do mundo e do tempo
"Inscriptions" =
Poesia - Pessoa
Sobre Portugal
Sobre Portugal
Je ne suis personne
Antologia Poetica
Seleção poética [Estudo crítico-biográfico de Maria Aliete Galhoz]
Associações secretas e outros escritos
Palavras de Fernando Pessoa
Poesias de Alvaro de Campos
Fernando Pessoa
Ultimatum e páginas de sociologia política
Ficções do interlúdio/1: poemas completos de Alberto Caeiro
Poemas inéditos destinados ao no. 3 do "Orpheu."
Escritos Autobiograficos, Automaticos y de Reflexion Personal
Poesias ine ditas
Poemas Completos de Álvaro de Campos
A memória do presidente-rei Sidónio Paes
Obra poética
Texto crítico das odes de Fernando Pessoa--Ricardo Reis
Poemas dramáticos. Poemas ingleses. Poemas franceses. Poemas traduzidos
Poesias heterónimos
Poemas inéditos 1915-1920
Ficções do interlúdio
Fernando Pessoa
Poemas Escolhidos
Antologia de poemas Portugeses modernos
Obras em prosa
O poeta fingidor
Hora absurda
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Fernando Pessoa, poète pluriel, 1888-1935
Poemas ingleses
Textos de crítica e de intervenção
Da república (1910-1935)
Ecologia e território
O pensamento vivo de Fernando Pessoa
Livro do desassossego
Poesia inglesa
על העמוד היציב
Poesia 1931-1935 e não datada
O Caminho da Serpente / O Verbo do Arcano Luciferano em Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa, tempo, solidão, hermetismo
Edição crítica de Fernando Pessoa, série maior
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Pela verdade
Teoria da heteronímia
Escritos sobre genio y locura
Selección Poética
O conto do vigário
Mensagem e outros poemas afins
Fernando Pessoa, Le théâtre de l'être
Poemas de Fernando Pessoa
Cartas de Fernando Pessoa a João Gaspar Simões
Textos filosóficos
Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley (1797-1851)

essayist, playwright, biographer, poet

The Evil Image
Seven Masterpieces of Gothic Horror
The Heir Of Mondolfo
Mathilda - A Tale of Taboo Love and Sorrow
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Last Man
The Nightmare Reader
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Prentice Hall
Penny Dreadfuls
Great Horror and Fantasy Collection
The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK TM: 10 Classic Shockers!
The Day They Hanged My Best Friend Jimmy... And 21 Other  Weird Tales
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century
The Ultimate Classic Collection (Picture of Dorian Gray / Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde / Pride and Prejudice / Withering Heights / Great Expectations / Great Gatsby / Frankenstein / Dracula)
Making Humans
The  novels and selected works of Mary Shelley
Detective, Mystery, Crime, and Horror Books on CD
The  letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Fantasy Classics
The Frankenstein Omnibus
Proserpine & Midas
The  journals of Mary Shelley
Graphic Horror
He visto cosas que no creeríais
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
The Penny Dreadfuls: Tales of Horror: Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Picture of Dorian Gray
The  Mary Shelley reader
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818 text)
Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Graphic Classics, Special Edition
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Dracula, Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Rime of the Ancient Mariner & Wuthering Heights 2e & Dracula & Frankenstein 2e & Great Expectations
The Book of the Dead
Creepy Classics
The  journals of Mary Shelley, 1814-1844
Les Evadés des ténèbres
The Norton Anthology of English Literature --Seventh Edition -- Volume 2A
Collected tales and stories
Classic Ghost Stories
Classics 1 : Five Book Set - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, The Picture of Do
Oxford Reading Tree Treetops Classics, Level 17
Five Gothic Masterpieces
Frankenstein 2e & Jane Eyre & Great Expectations & Dead
Classic Horror Omnibus Vol1, Five classic novels of terror
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Si las mujeres mandasen
Mary Shelley's literary lives and other writings
Classic Gothic Horror Collection
Penny Dreadfuls : Tales of Horror
Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Halloween Horror (Diversion Classics)
Gothic Horror Collection: Frankenstein, the Picture of Dorian Gray, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : (Vintage Fiction)
York Notes on "Frankenstein"
Dracula & Frankenstein 2e
Mary Shelley's Plays
Letters of Mary W. Shelley (mostly unpublished)
Tales and stories
Los mejores cuentos románticos
Mary Shelley
Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843
Frankenstein (Oxford Playscripts)
Mathilda And Other Stories
Gothic Horror Classics
Mary; Maria. Also
Frankenstein The Elt Graphic Novel
The Invisible Girl
Flucht aus England
Between the Gothic and the Plague
The  Frankenstein notebooks
Heavy Weather
Frankenstein. 5000 headwords
Frankenstein o El moderno Prometeo
Retold Classic Novel
Frankenstein and the Critics
Frankenstein, Level 1
Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 16: Treetops Classics: Frankenstein
The  romance of Mary W. Shelley, John Howard Payne and Washington Irving
Frankenstein A Guide To The Novel By Mary Shelley
The Fortunes Of Perkin Warbeck A Romance
Beyond the Infinite
Bernie Wrightson's Frankenstein
Jane Eyre & Frankenstein 2e
Dracula and Frankenstein
Frankenstein (Graphic Horror) (Graphic Horror)
Maurice =
History of a six weeks' tour 1817
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
40 Short Stories 3e & Jane Eyre & Frankenstein 2e
Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Insight Text Guide
Frankenstein, Level 3
Frankenstein o el moderno prometeo - 3. ed.
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Frankenstein - El Comic -
Penny Dreadfuls Megapack
Middle Unearthed
Frankenstein and Sexing the Cherry
Tales of Villa Diodati
Sydney Hideous
The Romance of Mary W. Shelley, John Howard Payne and Washington Irving
Kalmus Piano Series 3499 Gretchaninoff Glass Beads 12 Easy Piano Pieces Opus 123
Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley; Volume 1
Essays, Letters From Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 2
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
Mary Shelley. L'uomo in lutto e altri racconti gotici
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus
The  Shelley journals
The Mortal Immortal
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Jane Austen, Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley Handwriting Notebook Set
A Dark and Stormy Night
Rollercoasters: Frankenstein
History of the Earth and Animated Nature
Mary and Maria - Matilda
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 1
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus : (Shelley's Final Revision, 1831)
The Invisible Girl and the Dream Dodo Press
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
La noche de los monstruos - 1. edición
Classics Reimagined, Frankenstein
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
Graphic Revolve Second Pack of 6 PB
The Making of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein"
Poemas de convivencia
Mary Shelley Horror Stories
Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments; 2
Norton Anthology of English Literature, 10e Volumes d + e + F + Frankenstein
Antología de Relatos Románticos Apasionados
Penguin Readers Level 5
The Pilgrims
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein
Frankenstein - SAT Words from Literature
Mary and Maria
Mary Shelley's journals
Hamlet & Frankenstein 2e
Letters of Mary W. Shelley
Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of France
Tales and Stories
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Annotated and Illustrated
Dracula and Frankenstein
Frankenstein Ou le Prométhée Moderne de Mary Shelley, Suivi de le Cas étrange du Docteur Jekyll, Par Robert Louis Stevenson
EDGE : Classics Retold
The Blue Rock Review - Volume 5, Number 1
Thoughts on the Education of Daughters, 1787
Ranger Story Frankenstein
The  choice
Valperga, Vol 1
Heir of Mondolfo
Mary Shelley Horror Stories
Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Frankenstein - CD-audio
Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo
Frankenstein Oder der Moderne Prometheus
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus : (Illustrated)
Racconti Gotici
Sydney Hi' De0 - US
Mary Shelley
Frankenstein (Airmont Classics, CL19)
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France
Cervantes y Lope
Frankenstein Ou le Prom�th�e Moderne
El último hombre
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Illustrated)
Lives of the Most Eminent French Writers; Volume II
Classic Horror Collection
Frankenstein Ou, le Prométhée Moderne (nouvelle Traduction Avec Annotations) (facile à Lire, Police : 12 Pt)
Letters of Mary W. Shelley
Frankenstein (Illustrierte Ausgabe)
Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843; Volume 2
Last Man
Mary A Fiction
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley / 1818 And 1831
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Critical Tradition 3e & Frankenstein 2e
Ribbon Craft Ideas with Instructions
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (stage Version)
Mortal Immortal
Essential Student Texts
On Ghosts
Frankenstein o el Moderno Prometeo
Une histoire de passions
Falkner Annotatsed
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus.
Frankenstein / Frankenstein
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Frankenstein - Kid Classics
Triple Terror
Frankenstein - Large Print
Frankenstein (Stepping Stones - classic)
El Mortal Inmortal y Otras Historias
Letters on Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus
Cu The Prince
Falkner Annotatsed
Frankenstein Large Print
Frankenstein (Step-Up Classic Chillers Ser.)
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus Tail
Contes Gothiques
Frankenstein Thrift Study Edition
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein (oder: der Moderne Prometheus)
Frankenstein Illustrated
Frankenstein Ou le Prométhée Moderne
Proserpine and Midas
Invisible Girl
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. Annotated text with critical essays, chronology, bibliography and Filmography
Crónica de un viaje de seis semanas
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein (Spanish Edition)
Último Hombre Volumen II
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Last Man
The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck, a Romance; Volume 2
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Last Man, by the Author of Frankenstein
Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France; Volume 2
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein Illustarated Classic
Frankenstein Ou le Prométhée Moderne
Horror Stories Collection
Die Unheimlichen
Frankenstein - 2/2
Mary's Five
Frankenstein Annotated
Flowers Pattern for Beginner to Start Knitting
Geschichte Einer Sechswöchigen Reise
Frankenstein ou o moderno prometeo
Frankenstein o el Prometeo moderno
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Frankenstein Graphic Novel
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Frankenstein (second Edition) (norton Critical Editions)
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France; Volume 2
Last Man
Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843; Volume 2
Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . . Volume 3
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein resuturado
Frankenstein, mit 1 Audio-CD
Mary Shelley's the Last Man
Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . . Volume 2
Fucking Frankenstein
The Complete Works of Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley's Plays
Karanlik Yazilar
Oxford Bookworms 3. Frankenstein Mp3 Pack
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Annotated Novel
Frankenstein and Dracula
Frankenstein - Grade 2 -
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Gothic Tales
La Ragazza Invisibile
Valperga, or the Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca, Vol. 3 of 3
Frankenstein, Mathilda, the Last Man
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Son Insan
Frankenstein Annotated
Three Gothic Novels
Frankenstein Novel
Lives of the Most Eminent French Writers
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Total Frankenstein
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus
DIY Wood Pallets Projects
Frankenstein (Bantam Classics)
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein (Newly Illustrated Edition)
Gothic Tales
History of a Six Weeks' Tour
On Ghosts
Ladybird Classics
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mary and Maria, Matilda
Tales and Stories
Last Man
Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus (Paperback)
Mary Shelley's journal
Ölümlü Ölümsüz
Collected Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Tales and Stories
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Tales and Stories
Frankestein - Leer y Crear
The  mourner
Lives of the Most Eminent French Writers
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Historia de un viaje de seis semanas por Francia, Suiza, Alemania y Holanda
Learn French with Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus,
Gotische Geschichten
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus : Includes Extended Excerpt from Unnatural Creatures
Frankenstein Mary Shelley 1818 Edition Complete
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus (Annotated)
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Frankenstein : Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Last Man
Frankenstein Illustrated
Last Man; V. 1
Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus
Valperga Volume 2
Frankenstein, Ou le Prométhée Moderne
Letters of Mary W. Shelley
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for Kids
Modern Prometheus
Mary Shelley. L'uomo in lutto e altri racconti gotici d'amore
Heir of Mondolfo
Racconti Gotici
Short Stories by Mary Shelley
Lodore; 3
Last Man Illustrated
Frankeinstein. Material Auxiliar. Educacion Secundaria
Last Man
Penguin Readers Level 5
Cuentos GÓticos
Frankenstein Mary Shelley 1818
Lodore, by the Author Of 'frankenstein'
Frankenstein (French Edition)
The New Zealand Waste Strategy
Frankenstein, Ou le Prométhée Moderne Volume 2
Frankenstein (Classic Graphic Fiction)
Young Adult ELI Readers - English
Storia Di un Viaggio Di Sei Settimane
Frankenstein; Ou, o Prometheus Moderno
Mary Shelley - The Last Man
Frankenstein Mary Shelley
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus.
Frankenstein, with Online Theory and Criticism Passcode
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus Illystrated Edition
Quilting Projects for Beginners to Try
Frankenstein : (or the Modern Prometheus)
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Mortal Immortal
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Frankenstein (or, The Modern Prometheus). Guild edition
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 6 X 9 , Glossy Finish, Newly Updated, 242 Pages
Tin Woodman of Oz by L. Frank Baum
Frankenstein (Deluxe Hardbound Edition)
History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany and Holland
World's Great Classics
Tales and Stories
Frankenstein Illustrated
Novels of Mary Shelley
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley
Frankenstein, ou, Le Prométhée moderne
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Illustrated
Diario de duelo
Frankenstein - Start Publishing
"Mary, A Fiction  [EasyRead Super Large 24pt Edition]"
Rambles In Germany And Italy In 1840, 1842, And 1843; Volume 1
Frankenstein Oder der Moderne Prometheus
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus
Last Man Annotatedillustrated
Frankenstein's Monster
Contes Gothiques
Oxford Bookworms Library : Stage 3 : 1,000 Headwords : Stage 3
Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus Volume 1
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley
El mortal inmortal / Transformación
Frankenstein / Audio Cd'li - Level 3
Frankenstein Illustrated
Frankenstein - Quick Text
Sewing for Mom
Mounseer Nongtongpaw
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Mathilda / Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley / World Literature Classics / Illustrated with Doodles
Frankenstein Oder der Moderne Prometheus (illustriert)
Frankenstein (Illustrated Classic Editions)
Frankenstein : the 1818 Text
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus - Unabridged
Frankenstein por Bernie Wrightson PDA
Mes rêves n'appartiennent qu'à moi - Lettres de la femme qui
Geschichten und Erzählungen
Gothic Tales
Frankenstein eller den moderne Prometeus
Frankenstein (Adapted for Contemporary Readers)
Último Hombre : Clásico de la Literatura Universal
Frankenstein : (Annotated)
Frankenstein, o el Modern Prometeu
Last Man; Volume II
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Mary Shelley Volume 2
Last Man; Volume III
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Secret Memoirs of Mary Shelley
Candle Tutorial for Mother
Roger Dodsworth and Lodore
Frankenstein Illustrated and Unabridged
Tales and Stories
Frankenstein Collected
Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
Frankenstein - Levels of Understanding
Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Illustrated (Penguin Classics)
Collected Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Gothic Tales
Falkner Annotatsed
The Invisible Man
La transformacion/ Transformation (Biblioteca Del Faro/ Lighthouse Library)
Geschichte Einer Sechswöchigen Reise
Frankenstein (comic)
Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus
12 cuentos infantiles con moraleja que todo niño debe conocer
Sewing Beginners Ideas
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley / 1818 And 1831
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley
Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus (Gothic Horror Classics)
Proserpine and Midas
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus
Racconti Gotici
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus - Handwritten Style
Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. du Bois
Tales and Stories
Aventures de Perkin Warbeck
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus
Modern Prometheus (Annotated)
Frankenstein Annotated
Dinosaurs Knitting Book for Beginners
Gothic Horror Classics Collection
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Last Man
Posthumous Poems
Contos GÓticos
Frankenstein Illustrated
The Story of Frankenstein (Rangers)
Frankenstein and Others
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France; Volume 2
Frankenstein by Georges Bess
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein Illustrated
Frankenstein elementary Reader
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein Oder der Moderne Prometheus (illustriert)
Cervantes y Lope
Frankenstein - the Modern Prometheus
Last Man. Vol 2
On Ghosts
Frankenstein, Stage 3
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Mary Shelley-Volume 1
Short Stories by Mary Shelley.
Frankenstein Plus Best American Essay 2003
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (illustrated)
Modern Prometheus (Annotated)
Tales and Stories Illustrated
Last Man- Vol. 3
Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus (Amazon Classics Edition)
Contes Gothiques
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley (World Literature Classics and Illustrated with Book-End Doodles about Reading)
Frankenstein (Masterpiece Library Edition)
Lives of the Most Eminent French Writers
Mary Shelley Collection
Frankenstein Oder der Moderne Prometheus
Último Hombre
Frankenstein Mary Shelley
Frankenstein Gift Pack - Lined Notebook and Novel
Frankenstein (Webster's Persian (Farsi) Thesaurus Edition)
Son Insan - Klasik Kadinlar
Frankenstein Ou le Prométhée Moderne Illustree
Falkner Annotatsed
Homemade Candle Ideas
Tsg Voices in Dem Am Gov 12e
The Reading of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Proserpine and Midas
Frankenstein; or Modern Prometheus
Gotische Geschichten
Graphic Novel Classics
Gothic Tales by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus
Needle Felting Animals
Valperga Volume 1 Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
FRANKENSTEIN; OR, THE MODERN PROMETHEUS. by Mary Wollstonecraft  Shelley
Frankenstein Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal
Notes to the Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus Annotated and Illustrated Edition
Three Gothic Tales
Frankenstein Ou, o Prometheus Moderno (nova Tradução Com Anotações) (fácil de Ler, Fonte: 12 Pt)
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein for Kids
Cuentos góticos
Legend of Frankenstein
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Illustrated)
Mathilda Annotated and Unabridged
Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus (Annotated)
Contos GÓticos
Clásico de la Literatura Universal : el Último Hombre
Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal . . Volume 1
Story of Frankenstein
Gris Grimly's Frankenstein
Frankenstein Annotated
York Notes Advanced - Frankenstein
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France; Volume 2
Frankenstein (or the Modern Prometheus)
Horror Collection
Easy Classics
Last Man. Vol 1
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Illustrated Edition
Proserpine and Midas (Annotat Ededition)
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Frankenstein (Illustrated Classic Editions)
Prosepine and Midas
Ghostly Tales from the Lost Summer of 1816 - Frankenstein, the Vampyre & Other Stories from the Villa Diodati
Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843; Volume 1
Frankenstein SparkNotes Literature Guide
Mary Shelley the Dover Reader
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
Lives of eminent literary and scientific men of Italy
Oxford Children's Classics
Zonzo Sul Lago Di Como
Contos GÓticos
Approaching Literature 4E & Frankenstein 3E
Frankenstein : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Lodore; 1
Tales and Stories
Travel writing
The Last Man
Frankenstein Annotated
Frankenstein (with Reproduction of the Inside Cover Illustration of the 1831 Edition)
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Illustrated
My best Mary
Cuentos GÓticos
Frankenstein o, il Moderno Prometeo (nuova Traduzione con Annotazioni) (facile Da Leggere, Carattere: 12 Pt)
Frankenstein - MP3
Frankenstein Diaries : The Romantics
Gotische Geschichten
Frankenstein o el moderno prometeo
Frankenstein : by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mary Shelley the Dover Reader
Frankenstein Illustrated
Gotische Geschichten
Quilting Tutorial and Creative Ideas
Frankenstein Oder der Moderne Prometheus Illustriert
Dracula, Frankenstein
Frankenstein Illustrated
Complete Frankenstein : 200-Year Edition : Including Both the 1818 and 1831 Versions, and Bonus Chapter
Frankenstein (Deluxe Edition)
Contos GÓticos
Ke xue guai ren =
Tales and Stories
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley
Last Man
História de Uma Viagem de Seis Semanas
Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley
Evil Eye
Frankenstein - Level 3
Tales and Stories (Collected Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)
IE-Amer Gov/Pol W/CD 12e
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Frankenstein
Literature Compact
Frankenstein Activity Pack
Valperga, or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, prince of Lucca
Frankenstein - Level 5
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus
Matilda, dramas, reviews & essays, prefaces & notes
L'Endeuillée et autres récits
Frankenstein (Regents Illustrated Classics, Level C)
Rambles in Germany and italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843 (Collected Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 2 volumes)
Le Dernier Homme
Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portual (Collected Works of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 2 Volumes)
Frankenstein galvanized
The fortunes of Perkin Warbeck
Franḳenshṭein o Prometeʾus ha-moderni
Mary; Maria; Matilda
Mathilda. Edited by Elizabeth Nitchie
The Life And Letters Of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley V2
Vai Polyester
Study Guide American Gov/Politics Today-TX 06-07 12e Workbook
Amar y revivir
The Journals of Mary Shelley
Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and 1843
Frankenstein, or, The modern promethueus
Verwandlung. Der falsche Vers. Die Trauernde
Posthumous Poems
Apuleius (0124-0169)

philosopher, poet, rhetorician, physician

The garland of flowers
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
The Fable Of Cupid And Psyche
Apulei Apologia sive pro se de magia liber
Cupid & Psyche & Other Tales from the Golden Ass of Apulcius
De philosophia libri
Metamorphoseon libri XI
The Isis-book
El Asno De Oro / The Donkey of Gold
Opera omnia
Oeuvres complètes d'Apulée
The works of Apuleuis
L' asne d'or
The short stories of Apuleius
Cupid and Psyche, and Other Tales from the Golden Ass of Apuleius
Pro se de magia
Opera quae supersunt
Asno de Oro, El
El Asno De Oro
Apuleius' Metamorphoses
The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura
La fable de Psyché
Story of Cupid & Psyche;
Apologia Siue de Magia Liber
The Golden Ass
An Apuleius reader
Amour et Psyché
Amor und Psyche
Lucii Apulei Madaurensis Apologia sive De magia liber et Florida
Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England : Læce Boc
Apulei Opera quae supersunt
L'\Ane d'Or Ou les Metamorphoses
Metamorphoses books VI, 25-32 and VII
Golden Ass
Apuleii opera omnia
Opera Quae Supersunt, Vol. I
Zlatni magarac
L'Ane d'or ou Les métamorphoses
Apologia. Florida. De Deo Socratis (Loeb Classical Library)
Eros and Psyche
Opuscules philosophiques
Opera Quae Supersunt, Vol. II, fasc. 2
Apuleo volgare tradotto
Opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Julianus Floridus ... jussu christianissimi regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini
Opera Quae Supersunt, vol. II, fasc. I
Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Opuscules philosophiques (Du dieu de Socrate, Platon et sa doctrine, Du monde) et fragments
Cupid and Psyche
The Fable of Cupid and Psyche
Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses BooksVI, 25-32 and VII
Psyche und Eros
Opera Quae Supersunt, Vol. III
Apvleio dell'asino d'oro
La favola di amore e psiche
Qvae in toto opere continentvr. L. Apuleij Madaurensis
Apuleii Madavrensis opera omnia qvae exstant
À Propos du Dieu de Socrate
An Apuleius reader
Favola Di Amore e Psiche
Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Metamorphoses books IV 28-35, V and VI 1-24
Metamorphosis, or, The Golden Ass
Apologia Sive Pro Se de Magia Liber
L. Apulei Opera omnia
Eros e Psiqu - SŽrie Espelhos
Apuleii Metamorphoseon Libri Undecim
Amor și Psyche
Du démon Ou Esprit Familier de Socrate...
Gli XI libri delle metamorfosi
Quae praesenti enchiridio contineantur. L. Apuleii de asino aureo libelli. XI
Apuleius cum commento Beroaldi
Asno de Oro...
Les metamorphoses, ov L'asne d'or
L'âne d'or Ou les Métamorphoses
Amor i Psyche
Metamorfosi [di] Apuleio
El Asno de oro
Fable de Psyche, Figures de Raphael
Apuleii Madaurensis Opera Omnia quae exstant
Gli XI libri delle Metamorfosi / Apuleio ; traduzione di Ferdinando Carlesi ; testo critico riveduto da Nicola Terzaghi
The birth of pleasure
The most pleasant and delectable tale of the marriage of Cupid andPsyche
L'asino d'oro
Métamorphoses Ou l'Ane D'or
Five Works by Apuleius : Apologia, de Deo Socratis, de Dogmate Platonis, Florida,
L'asne d'or, ov Les Metamorphoses de Lvce Apvlee philosophe platonique
Metamorfosis el Asno de Oro
Accipe candidissime lecto[r] philippi Beroaldi viri doctissimi in asinum aureũ. L. Apulei ex Archetypo redimpressa (Arte singulariq[ue] in imprimendis libris industria: honesti uiri Magistri Ioannis Philippi) commentaria ...
L. Apulei Madaurensis floridorum
Daphnis und Chloe / Amor und Psyche
El asno de oro [por] Apuleyo
Apuleius'[peri ermēneiōn]
The transformations of Lucius
Apulei Opera Quae Supersunt ...
Cupid and Psyche and Other Tales from the Golden Ass
Asinus aureus
Les Métamorphoses (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Latine) (French Edition)
On the God of Socrates
Story of Cupid & Psyche
Opera Omnia Ex Fide Optimorum Codicum Aut Primum Aut Denuo Collatorum
The god of Socrates
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis Opera quae supersunt
The Isis-Book - Metamorphoses (Etudes Preliminaires Aux Religions Orientales Dans L'empire Romain , No 11)
Asino d'oro (da Apuleio)
Metamorfozy albo Złoty Osioł
Appuleii opera omnia
ASINO d'ORO Volgarizzato Da Agnolo Firenzola la NOVELLA DELLO STERNUTO Tradotta Da Matteo Boiardo
Ḥamor ha-zahav
Apulée: Métamorphoses, livre XI
asino D'oro
Golden Asse
Asno de ouro o-apuleio
L. Apvleii Madavrensis philosophi Platonici Metamorphoseos
L'Ane d'or (d'après les Métamorphoses)
Du Monde
L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, siue Lusus asini libri XI
Ad Apule: Metamorphoseon librium primum (et secundum)
L'âne D'or
Qvae in toto opere continentvr
Lucii Apulei Metamorphoseen Libri XI
Amor und Psyche; Märchen Von Apulejus. Übertragen Von Eduard Norden, Mit Buchschmuck Von Walter Tiemann
Gli 11 [i.e. undici] libri delle Metamorfosi
Opera Omnia ex fide optimorum codicum aut primum aut denuo collatorum
Opera Quae Supersunt
Die Geschichte Von Dem Mann Im Faß
Cupid and Psyche and other tales from the Golden ass of Apuleius
L. Apuleii metamorphoseos
Platon und seine Lehre
Über die Magie
Istorii vechnoĭ li͡ubvi
Golden Asse of Lucius Apuleius;
Asino D'Oro
Pro se de magia liber (Apologia)
Lucii Apuleii ... Metamorphoseos liber ac nonnulla alia opuscula eiusdem, necnon epitoma Alcinoi in disciplinarum Platonis
Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses
Eros y Psique
Apvlei Apologia
Amour et Psyché
Opera Omnia
Apvleivs Madavrensis Platonicus, serio castigatus
Apvlei Madavrensis platonici Opera omnia qvae exstant
De la Doctrine de Platon
Les Métamorphoses ou l'Ane d'or d'Apulée, avec le Démon de Socrate, avec des remarques. Volume 1
La Metamorfosis O El Asno de Oro
Métamorphoses Ou l'Âne D'or
Amore e Psiche
La metamorfosis
Pétrone, Apulée, Aulu-Gelle
Scipionis Gentilis...
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis de Deo Socratis Liber
The Isis-book (metamorphoses, Book Xi)
Oeuvres complètes d'Apulée
Opuscules philosophiques . Fragments (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Latine) (French Edition)
Goldene Esel
L. Apuleii Madaurensis philosophi Platonici Opera quae quidem extant omnia
Pro se de magia (Apologia)
Lut︠s︡īi︠a︡ Apulei︠a︡ platonicheskoĭ sekty filosofa Prevrashchenīe, ili, Zolotoĭ osel
De Platone et eius dogmate
De Cupidinis et Psyches amoribus fabula anilis
Las metamorfosis, o, El asno de oro
Sul dio di Socrate [di] Apuleio
Opera Omnia
ane D'or
Apologia, o, Discurso sobre la magia en defensa propia
Les Métamorphoses (Collection Des Universites de France Serie Latine) (French Edition)
Baskalasimlar-Altin Esek
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis
Metamorphoses book IV, 1-27
L'asino d'oro di Lvcio Apvleio filosofo platonico
L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, siue Lusus asini libri XI. Floridoru[m] IIII. ; De Deo Socratis I. ; De Philosophia I. ; Asclepius Trismegisti Dialogus eode[m] Apuleio i[n]terprete. Eiusdem Apuleij liber de Dogmatis Platonicis. Eiusde[m] liber de Mundo, que[m] magna ex parte ex lib. Aristotelis eiusde[m] argumenti in latinum traduxit. hic sane liber mutilatus ante nostram impressionem circunferebatur. eum nos fidem antiquisimi codicis secuti, restituimus. multos aut, & quide[m] insigneis errores commisit Apulieus in uertendo hoc libro, quos omneis indicauit Petrus Alcyonius graeca, & latina literatura praestantissimus, & philosophus clarissimus cum librum illum latinitate donaret. Apologiae II. Isagogicus liber Platonicae philosophiae per Alcinou[m] philosophum, graece impressus. nam maluimus hunc graecum imprimere, quam[quam] latinum. cum ineptae tralatione cuiusdam Episcopi Tropiensis barbarus esset..
Zolotoĭ osel
Las Metamorfósis de Apuléo; Volume 1
Lvcii Apvlei Madavrensis Apologia, Sive de Magia Liber et Florida
Altin Esek
Metamorphosen - Asinus Aureus - Apuleius
L.Apvlei Madavrenis opera omnia qvae exstant. E quibus post vltiman P. Colvii editionem
De philosophia libri
Apulee, Les Metamorphoses: Livres VII-XI: 3 (Collection Des Universites De France) (French and Latin Edition)
Lucii Apuleii Madaurensis Platonici philosophi opera
Les metamorphoses
Apologie - Florides
[Set Verwandlungsgeschichten, 2 Bände, Tusculum]
Über Die Welt
Amor und Psyche
Apvleii Madavrensis opera omnia qvæ exstant
Z El asno de oro
El asno de oro
Asinus aureus
Psiché et L'Amour, extrait des Métamorphoses d'Apulée, Philosophe...
L. Apuleii Opera omnia
Opera omnia quae exstant
Il filosofo e la città
Opera.  Interpretatione et notis illustravit
The Apologia and Florida
The Isis-book (Metamorphoses, book XI)
Oeuvres complètes d'Apulée, traduites en français par Victor Bétolaud
Apulei Metamorphoseon libri XI
Operae quae supersunt
Les métamorphoses /ctexte établi par D.S. Robertson et traduit par Paul Vallette
L' interpretazione
Apulei Metamorphoseon
Opera Omnia
Apulei Opera quae supersunt
De deo Socratis = Der Schutzgeist des Sokrates
Apulée, conteur fantastique
De deo Socratis =
Lucii Apuleii Madaurensis platonici philosophi opera
Oeuvres comple tes d'Apule e traduites en franc ʹais par Victor Be tolaud ...
L. Apuleii Metamorphoseos, siue lusus asini libri XI. Floridoru[m] III.  De deo Socratis I.  De philosophia I. Asclepius Trismegisti dialogus eode[m] Apuleio i[n]terprete.  Eiusdem Apuleii liber de dogmatis platonicis ..
The Apologia and Florida. Tr. By H.E. Butler
De Deo Socratis liber
O chrysos gaidaros, ē, oi Metamorphōseis
Metamorphoseis (4, 28 - 6, 24) Apulée, Métamorphoses (Le conte d'Amour et Psyché) Édition
Apvleivs Madavrensis Platonicus serio castigatus
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis Opera quae supersunt
Das Herbarium Apuleii : nach einer fr©ơh-mittelenglischen fassung
L' asino d'oro
Metamorphoseon libri 11
L' asinu d'oru, traduzione di Matteu Rocca
ApuleI Madaurensis Platonici Opera omnia quae exstant
Lucii Apuleji Madaurensis Platonici philosophi Opera
Apuleius Madaurensis Platonicus serio castigatus
Apuleii Metamorphoseon libri XI
Apvlie Apologia sive Pro se de magia liber
Sor juana Inés de la Cruz
Sor juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695)

poet, religious sister, mathematician, philosopher, composer, playwright, cloistered nun, nun

Poesía lírica
Respuesta a sor Filotea de la Cruz
Poems, protest, and a dream
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
The divine Narcissus =
A Sor Juana anthology
Sor Juana's love poems
Obra selecta
Woman of Genius
Poems, Protest, and a Dream
Three women poets
Antologia poetica
A woman of genius
Obras de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Carta atenagórica y Respuesta a sor Filotea
Los empeños de una casa
A Sor Juana anthology
El divino narciso
The Answer / La Respuesta, Including a Selection of Poems (A Feminist Press Sourcebook)
Inundación castálida
Obras completas de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
The answer
Sueño Melancolico / Melancholy Dream (Poesia E Infancia / Poem and Infancy)
Los empeños de una casa
Carta atenagórica
Primero Sueño - 583 -
El divino Narciso
Soledades  Primero Sueno
                Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolsillo
Pawns of a house =
Sonetos Y Villancicos
House of desires
El Oro del Barroco
Primero sueño
Respuesta a sor Filotea
Primero Sueño Y Otros Escritos (Aula Atlantica)
Poemas de Sor Juana
A woman of genius
The house of trials
Primero Sueño y Otros Textos
Sor Juana's Love Poems (Poemas de Amor)
Pawns of a House/ Los Empenos De Una Casa
El universo de Sor Juana
Antología de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Empeqos de Una Casa -Spanish-
El divino Narciso
Amor es más laberinto (Diferencias / Differences)
Reparos del espejo
Poesia Lirica
Inundación castálida (Diferencias / Differences)
Obras completas de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Poesia, teatro, y prosa
Poesia Lirica
Sor Juana, poet, nun, feminist, enigma
Sor Juana's dream
Obras Completas
Poesías de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Primero Sueño Y Otros Textos (Intemporales)
A Sor Juana anthology
Obras Completas de Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz (III) Autos y Loas
Selected sonnets
Obras Completas I Lirica Personal
Dolor fiero
Selected Sonnets
House Of Desires (Absolute Classics)
El sueno (Biblioteca del estudiante universitario)
Libro de cocina
Obras escogidas
Poesia, teatro y prosa
Dramaticos posteriores a Lope de Vega
Poesías escogidas de sor. Juana Inés de la Cruz
Avto sacramental del divino narciso, por alegorias ..
El Sueno/the Dream
Poemas - Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz
Poemas de la unica poetisa americana, musa dezima, soror Juana Ines de la Cruz ..
Carta de Serafina de Cristo, 1691
Der Traum. Spanisch / Deutsch
Segundo tomo de las obras de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
El Divino Narciso/ the Divine Narcissus
Comedias, sainetes y prosa
Poesía, teatro y prosa
Poemas ineditos, desconocidos y muy raros de Soror Juana Ines de la Cruz, la decima musa
Obras escogidas
Inundación castálida de la única poetisa, musa dézima, Soror Juana Inés de la Cruz
Carta athenagorica de la madre Jvana Ynes de la Crvz religiosa profesa de velo
Loa con la descripción poética del arco que la Catedral de México erigió para honrar al Virrey, conde de Paredes, el año de 1680
Antologia Poetica
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Obra selecta
Carta athenagorica de la madre Juana Ynes de la Cruz religiosa profesa de velo, y choro en el muy religioso Convento de San Geronimo de la ciudad de Mexico ... Trinidad de la Puebla de los Angeles
Poesia teatro y prosa
Obra Selecta - Tomo I
Poesia Lirica
Sonetos (Temes de Consum,)
Versos Profanos
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz para universitarios
Carta athenagorica de la madre Juana Ynes de la Cruz religiosa profesa de velo, y choro en el muy religioso Convento de San Geronimo de la ciudad de Mexico cabeza de la Nueva España, qve imprime, y dedica a la misma sor, Phylotea de la Cruz [pseud.] su estudiosa aficionada en el Convento de la Santissima Trinidad de la Puebla de los Angeles
Autos sacramentales de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Obras selectas de la celebre monja de Mejico, sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Obra Selecta
Obras Escogidas
Prosa Y Versos
Obras completas
Poes©Ưa amorosa
Poesía y teatro
Auto sacramentales
Sonetos y Endechas
Amor es más laberinto
Sonetos y redondillas
Villancicos, que se cantaron en la Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de Mexico. En los maitines de la Purissima Concepcion de Nuestra Señora
Fama y obras póstumas
Primero sueño y otros textos
Poesías escogidas de sor. Juana Inés de la Cruz
Risposta a suor Filotea
Sonetos y villancicos
Los empe
Poesías líricas
Carta atenagórica
Festejo de Los empeños de una casa
Paginas escogidas
Veintiún sonetos de amor y otros poemas
Sátira filosófica
Inundacion castalida de la unica poetisa, musa dezima, Soror Juana Ines de la Cruz
Entre engañosos velos
Páginas escogidas
Fama, y obras posthumas del fenix de Mexico, decima musa, poetisa americana, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, religiosa professa en el convento de San Geronimo de la imperial ciudad de Mexico
Obras completas. Ed., prólogo y notas de Alfonso Méndez Plancarte
Festejo de Los empeños de una casa
Obras completas
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, segundo volumen de sus obras
The pathless grove
Carta de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz a su confesor
The sonnets of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz in English verse
Primero sueño y otros escritos
Fama, y obras posthumas del fénix de México, dezima musa, poetisa americana, sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Poesías completas
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958)


Platero y yo
El romance, rio de la lengua española
Monumento de Amor : Epistolario y Lira
El romance, rio de la lengua española
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
God desired and desiring
Selected writings of Juan Ramón Jiménez
The complete perfectionist
El modernismo
Selección de poemas
Un andaluz de fuego
Libros de Madrid
Canta pájaro lejano
Españoles de tres mundos
Españoles de tres mundos
Diario de un poeta reciencasado
Españoles de tres mundos, viejo mundo, nuevo mundo, otro mundo
Guerra en España
Epistolario I
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Antología poética
The complete perfectionist
Correspondencia Juan Ramón Jiménez--Guillermo de Torre, 1920-1956
Musica De Otros/ the Music of Others
Pájinas escojidas
Short stories
Diario de poeta y mar
Platero and I
Platero y yo / Trescientos poemas
Selected poems
Lírica de una Atlántida. En el otro costado. Una colina meridiana. Dios deseado y deseante. De ríos que se van [1936-1954]
Antolojía poética
Diario De Un Poeta Reciencasado (1916)/Diary of a Newly-Wed Poet (1916)
Pájinas escojidas
Españoles de tres mundos
Platero y yo
Dios deseado y deseante
La realidad invisible
Antologia de J.R. Jimenez
Nueva antolojía
Invisible reality
Antologia Poetica
The Poet And The Sea
Selected Writings of Juan Ramon Jimenez
Selección de cartas, 1899-1958
Poemas y cartas de amor
Fifty Spanish poems
Isla de la simpatía
Libros de prosa
Juan Ramón Jiménez, Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Pär Lagerkvist, Selma Lagerlöf
Baladas de primavera (1907)
Cuadernos de Juan Ramo n Jime nez
Fuego y sentimiento
Historias de la gente
Selected poems
Antologia Poetica (Autores hispanicos)
Antología de prosa lírica
La Realidad Invisible (Textos B)
Libros ineditos de poesia
Juan Ramón Jiménez para niños y niñas-- y otros seres curiosos
Fifty Spanish poems
Platero und ich. Andalusische Elegie
Diano de un poeta reciencasado
Guerra en España
Cuentos de Antolojia / Stories Anthology
El Zataran
Mi Rubén Darío
Three hundred poems, 1903-1953
Jaun Ramón Jiménez
Poemas mágicos y dolientes
Fuego y sentimiento
Primeros libros de poesia
Con el carbón del sol (selección)
Luz de la atencio n (1918-1923)
La Estacion Total Con Las Canciones De La Nueva Luz (Nuevos textos sagrados)
Libros inéditos de poesía
Música de otros
Piedra y cielo
Stories of Life and Death
Política poética
Invisible Reality (1917-1920, 1924)
Tercera antolojía poética (1898-1953)
El silencio de oro
Dios deseado y deseante (animal de fondo) con numerosos poemas inéditos
Light and shadows
Dios deseado y deseante
Vida y muerte de mamá Pura
Forty poems
Mi Rubén Darío
Política poética
Y para recordar por qué he venido
Arias tristes
Cancio n
Elegías puras y lamentables
Eternidades, 1916-1917
Sevilla en Juan Ramón Jiménez
Verde Verderol/Green Greenery
Primeras prosas
Olvidos de Granada
Españoles de tres mundos: Viejo Mundo, Nuevo Mundo, otro mundo
Poesía en prosa y verso (1902-1932)
Naked music
Pajinas escojidas
Voces de mi copla
La colina de los chopos
Eternidades, 1916-1917
Ríos que se van
Platero and I
Fifty Spanish poems
Prosa lírica
Cuadernos de Juan Ramo n Jiminez
Spiritual Sonnets/Sonetos Espirituales
Ellos, de mi propia sangre
Platero and I
Retratos líricos
Con el carbón del sol
Juan Ramón Jiménez, Gallego José Luis
Antología de prosa crítica
Diary of a newlywed poet
Antolojía poética
Por el cristal amarillo
Paginas Escojidas - Verso
Olvidanzas, 1906-1907
Primeros libros de poesía
Diario de un poeta reciencasado
El eco de Unamuno
Segunda antolojía poética
Antologia Poetica / Poetic Anthology
35 Poemas del mar
La Florida en Juan Ramón Jiménez [por] Ana Rosa Núñez
Hijo de la alegri a
Isla de la simpatía
Estío (1915)
El modernismo
El Iris Magico/ The Magic Iris
Poemas májicos y dolientes (1909)
Platero y yo
Platero and I Paperback
Selected writings
Poesía escojida III (1913-1936)
Estética y ética estética
Antolojía jeneral en prosa (1898-1954)
La colina de los chopos
Poesía escojida
Diario de poeta y mar
Baladas para después (1901-1913)
300 poemas
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915)
Espanoles de tres mundos, viejo mundo, nuevo mundo, otro mundo
Stories of life and death
Poesía en prosa y verso (1902-1932)
Antología general
Prosas crit́icas
Cinco poemas
Antolojia poetica. --
Pli︠a︡tero i i︠a︡
Lírica de una Atlántida
Selección de prosa lírica
Una colina meridiana, 1942-1950
Eternidades, 1916-1917
Segunda Antologia Poetica
Tercera antoloji?a poe?tica, 1898-1953
Elejías (1907-1908)
Españoles de tres mundos
Edición del centenario
Para Ninos
Melancolía (1910-1911)
Nueva antolojía poética
Pli︠a︡tero i i︠a︡
Mi Primer Platero
Primeras prosas (1898-1908)
Voces de mi copla
El trabajo gustoso
Juan Ramon Jimenez Three Hundred Poems, 1903-53
Segunda antolojía poética (1898-1918)
Animal de fondo
La muerte
The naked book
En el otro costado
Eternidades, 1916-1917
Segunda Antologia Poetica (Poesia)
La poesía cubana en 1936
Diaro de poeta y mar
Espacio y tiempo
Libros de prosa
Tercera antolojía poética, 1898-1953
Sonetos espirítuales (1914-1915)
Spiritual sonnets =
[Cuadernos quincenales]
Diario de un poeta recién casado (1916)
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915). --
Diario de un poeta reciencasado
Poesía no escrita
Españoles de tres mundos: Viejo mundo, nueno mundo, otro mundo
Diario de un poeta recién casado (1916)
Estío (1915)
Españoles de tres mundos
Poemas escogidos
El modernismo
Piedra y cielo
Baladas para después (1901-1913)
Sonetos espirituales, 1914-1915
Segunda antolojía poética (1898-1918)
Piedra y Cielo
Primeros libros de poesía
Piedra y cielo
Isla de la simpatía
Guerra en España, 1936-1953
Diario De Un Poeta Reciencasado 1916 / Diary of the Newlywed Poet 1916
Piedra y cielo
Estudios sobre Juan Ramón Jiménez
La colina de los chopos
Isla de la simpatía
Naked music
Olvidos de Granada, 1924-1928
Olvidos de Granada
Poemas revividos del tiempo de Moguer
Trescientos Poemas
Versos para Federico
Poesía escogida (1908-1912)
Poemas impersonales
Poesias escojidas (1899-1917)
Platero y Yo
Españoles de tres mundos
Poemas májicos y dolientes (1909)
Elogio de Puerto Rico
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915). --
Estetica y etica estetica
Voces de mi copla
Cartas literarias
Eternidades, 1916-1917
Antolojia poetica. --
Libros inéditos de poesía
El Senor De LA Coca
Diario de poeta y mar
Olvidanzas, 1906-1907
El trabajo gustoso
Antología poética
Retratos líricos
Poesía escogida II
Elejías andaluzas
Platero and I/Platero y Yo
Poesía escogida (1908-1912)
Por el cristal amarillo
Elegías (1908-1910)
La estación total con las Canciones de la nueva luz (1923-1936)
La corriente infinita
Diario de un poeta recién casado (1916-1917)
Cuentos De Antologia
Con el carbón del sol
Primeros libros de poesía
Obras selectas 1
La soledad sonora (1908)
Baladas de primavera (1907)
La Florida en Juan Ramon Jimenez
El zaratán
Xiao mao lu yu wo
Leyenda (1896-1956)
Estio (1915)
Platero and I/Platero y Yo
Eternidades, verso 1916-1917
Libros de poesia
Correspondencia Juan Ramón Jiménez / Guillermo de Torre
Sessantotto canzoni
Platero y yo
Por obra del instante
Selected writings
Poesía escogida IV
Platero y yo
Ispant︠s︡y trekh mirov
Selected writings of Juan Ramón Jiménez
Sonetos Espirituales
Segunda antolojía poética (1898-1918)
Nueva antolojia
Libros de poesía
La Estación total
Antolojia poetica. --
Antologia Poetica 2 - Juan Ramon Jimenez
Canta Pajaro Lejano (Austral Juvenil)
Segunda antolojia poetica, 1898-1918
Los mil mejores aforismos de Juan Ramón Jiménez
Ο Πλατέρο κι εγώ
Fifty Spanish Poems
Belleza (en verso) 1917-1923
Fifty Spanish Poems
The flower scenes
Tercera Antologia Poetica 1898-1953
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915)
Stein und Himmel. Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Spanisch / Deutsch
Platero y Yo
Sonetos espirituales (1914-1915)
Time ; & Space
Piedra y cielo
Selected writings of Juan Ramón Jiménez. Translated by H.R. Hays. Edited with pref. by Eugenio Florit
Pájinas escojidas
Diario de un poeta reciencasado (1916)
Eternidades, verso (1916-1917)
Elegías Puras y Lamentables
Platero y Yo
Obra poética
Primeros poemas
Elegías puras y lamentables
Tes poemas ineditos de Juan Ramon Jimenez en recuerdo y homenaje a Zenobia Camprubi Aymar
El andarín de su órbita
Historias y cuentos
Los cuadernos
Obras de Juan Ramón Jiménez
Diario íntimo
Poemas en prosa, II & III
Libros de Madrid
Fuego y sentimiento
Eternidades, 1916-1917
Cuentos de antolojía
Ciego ante ciegos
Animal de fondo (1949)
Los mejores versos de Juan Ramón Jiménez
Tercera antolojía poética (1898-1953)
Hijo de la alegría
Sonetos espirítuales (1914-1915)
Antologia poetica de Juan Ramon Jimenez (1898-1953)
Poesías de Juan Ramón Jiménez
El trabajo gustoso
Pajinas escojidas
Juan Ramón Jiménez en Cuba
Pájinas escojidas
Estetica y etica estetica
Poesie e prose
Homenaje a Juan Ramón Jiménez
Poesías últimas escojidas (1918-1958)
Autobiograf©Ưa y artes po©♭ticas
I canti di Coral Gables
Historias y cuentos
Sonetos espirituales
El jardinero
Luz de la atención
Belleza (en verso) 1917-1923
Las hojas verdes (1906) ; Baladas de primavera (1907)
Primeros libros de poesía
Antología poética (1898-1953)
Segunda antolojía poética, (1898-1918)
Verso y prosa
Estío (1915)
El burro político
El zaratán, 19 grabados de Alberto Beltrán
Selección de cartas, 1899-1958
Piedra y cielo, 1917-1918
Poesía, árbol joven y eterno
Segunda antolojia poetica, 1898-1918
Romances de Coral Gables (1939-1942)
Libros ineditos de poesia
Segunda antolojía poética (1898-1918)
Dios deseado y deseante
La corriente infinita
Crítica paralela
Trescientos poemas
22 poemas de arte menor
Antologia Poetica
Diario de poeta y mar
Olvidos de Granada, 1924-1928
Nueva antolojía
Rimas, 1900-1902
Jardines lejanos
Olvidanzas (1906-1907)
Arias tristes
Canta pájaro lejano
Critica paralela
Mi Primer Libro de Poemas
Juan Ramón Jiménez
Poesía (en verso) (1917-1923)
Baladas de amor
John Masefield
John Masefield (1878-1967)

poet, journalist

  • Warwick School
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Captain Margaret
John Masefield
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction
The midnight folk
Sea life in Nelson's time
Jim Davis
Sard Harker
John M. Synge
The old front line
The poems and plays of John Masefield
Philip the King
William Shakespeare
The story of a round-house, and other poems
Familiar poems, annotated
A mainsail haul
Dead Ned
The tragedy of Pompey the Great
Shakespeare & spiritual life
Right Royal
Some memories of W. B. Yeats
John Masefield's Letters from the front, 1915-1917
Good Friday
Reynard the Fox or The Ghost Heath Run
Letters to Margaret Bridges, 1915-1919
An English prose miscellany
Enslaved, and other poems
Martin Hyde
Now That You Asked
The faithful
Tristan and Isolt
Thanks before going
A tarpaulin muster
New chum
Grace before ploughing
The Battle of the Somme
A sailor's garland
Good Friday; a play in verse
The tragedy of Nan
The street of to-day
The Wanderer of Liverpool
Esther and Berenice
The war and the future
John Masefield's Great War
In glad thanksgiving
St. George and the dragon
The Everlasting Mercy and The Widow in the Bye Street
A book of discoveries
Verse plays
Letters of John Masefield to Florence Lamont
The nine days wonder
Live and kicking Ned: a continuation of the tale of dead Ned
On the Spanish Main, or
Bird of Dawning or the Fortune of the Sea
End and beginning
In the mill
The daffodil fields
The captive of the smugglers
The bluebells
The taking of Helen
Essays, moral and polite
Sonnets of good cheer to the Lena Ashwell players
Lollingdon Downs, and other poems, with sonnets
The sea poems
The Conway, from her foundation to the present day
A generation risen
Sonnets and poems
The dream
Letters to Reyna
The box of delights, or When the wolves were running
The tragedy of Nan, and other plays
The Ledbury scene
Lost endeavour
A poem and two plays
Dauber & Reynard the fox
The Locked Chest: And The Sweeps of Ninety-eight, Two One Act Plays
The witch
King Cole; The dream, and other poems
Dampier's Voyages
Recent prose
Lyrists of the Restoration
Poems by John Nasefield
King Cole
Poems and plays
The passing strange
St. Katherine of Ledbury
Shopping in Oxford
Fire of Life
I want!  I want!  Introd. by Geoffrey Faber
Poems by John Masefield
Minnie Maylow's story
My favourite English poems
Collected poems
With the living voice
The trial of Jesus
Midsummer night
The Campden Wonder
The country scene
Spunyarn Sea Poetry And Prose
A letter from Pontus
Lines on the tercentary of Harvard University
The Everlasting Mercy
Poems of John Masefield
A king's daugther
John Ruskin
South and East
Some words spoken in grateful memory of Sir Ronald Ross, poet and scientist
A tale of Troy
The coming of Christ
A play of St. George
Old Raiger
Epilogue for the dancers
Dauber and The Daffodil Fields
Poetry -by- John Masefield
Salt-water ballad
The Widow in the bye Street (Collected Works of John Masefield)
Selected Poems
Eggs and baker
A book of both sorts: selections from verse and prose of John Masefield
Chronicles of the Pilgrim fathers
Poems of John Masefield
Lollingdon downs and other Poems (Collected Works of John Masefield)
Selected Poems (Dodo Press)
Words spoken at the music room, Boar's Hill, in the afternoon of November 5th, 1930, at a festival designed in the honour of William Butler Yeats, poet
LibriVox Short Story Collection 091
From 'A 'Macbeth' production'
Words and verses spoken in the garden of the Bemerton Rectory, near Salisbury, in the afternoon of Tuesday, June 6th, 1933
Words spoken at the opening of the gateway set up at Hawksmoor nature reserve near Cheadle, Staffs., in memory of John Richard Beech Masefield, on Saturday, October 21st, 1933
Children's Books of Yesterday
The Year's at the Spring; an Anthology of Recent Poetry
Victorious Troy, or, The hurrying angel
The Poems and Plays of John Masefield
Ode by John Masefield, Poet Laureate, recited by Lady Keeble, on the opening of the Stratford Memorial Theatre by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., on Saturday April 23 1932
John Masefield
Irrweg für Carlotta
The Wanderer of Liverpool
Prose plays
The taking of Helen,
Ballads and Poems (Collected Works of John Masefield)
The Wanderer
Lyrics of Ben Johnson, Beaumont, and Fletcher
My faith in woman suffrage
The taking of the Gry
The Poems and Plays of John Masefield, Volume 2
A fox's day
King Cole and other poems
Ballads (Collected Works of John Masefield)
Multidude and solitude
So long to learn
Poem expressing thanks to Nicolai Legat
Seezigeuner Gry
An Elizabethan theatre in London
A Macbeth production
The hawbucks
A book of prose selections
Salt water ballads and poems
Captain Margaret
The dream, and other poems
Good Friday and other Poems (Collected Works of John Masefield)
Traum Von Juanita
Natalie Maisie and Pavilastukay
The University
Tribute to ballet in poems
In praise of nurses
Natalie Maisie
Rare TRISTAN AND ISOLT A Play in Verse - Macmillan, New York
A Christmas carol
Melloney Holtspur, or, The pangs of love
Ruskin the prophet
Badon Parchments
Gautama the enlightened
Selected Poems
The square peg
Jim Davis and other sea stories
Jim Davis
Philip, the king
Reynard the fox
William Shakespeare
The bird of dawning
The locked chest and The sweeps of ninety-eight
Some words spoken in grateful memory of Sir Ronald Ross poet and scientist at a meeting commemorating Mosquito Day (21st August, 1897) at the Ross Institute of Tropical Hygiene, Keppel Street, Gower Street, on Monday, 5th July, 1948, with a few corrections and additions
Lines spoken by John Masefield at the tercentenary of Harvard University 18 September 1936
John Mansfield
The tragedy of Nan
Reynard the fox, or, The Ghost heath run
The collected works of John Masefield
John Mansfield Reading Sea Fever and Other Poems (Swc 1147)
The Oxford recitations, containing
Multitude and solitude
Berattelsen om dode Ned
Land workers
Poems by John Masefield
The street of to-day
The street of to-day
A sailor's garland
Martin Hyde, the duke's messenger
Lost endeavor
Volání moře
Enslaved, and other poems
Lan gu niang de bei ju
The collected poems of John Masefield
New chum
Selected poems
Melloney Holtspur
The everlasting mercy
The Conway
So long to learn
Dauber and Reynard the fox
A Berkshire carol
The collected poems of John Masefield
John Masefield reading his poetry
The story of a round-house, and other poems
The collected poems of John Masefield
A Foundation Day address
The poems and plays of John Masefield .
Some verses to some Germans
John Ruskin
Right Royal
What can be done by speakers of verse today
Melloney Holtspur
A study for a ballad of the galley rowers
The story of Ossian
The everlasting mercy
Sonnets and poems
Reynard the fox
The coming of Christ
The new figurehead
The tragedy of Pompey the Great
Lollington Downs, and other poems with sonnets
Shakespeare & spiritual life
The Wanderer of Liverpool
Thanks before going
Grace before ploughing
Dead Ned
A letter from Pontus and other verse
The cold Cotswolds
Eggs and baker, or, The days of trial
John Masefield compositions
The western Hudson shore
Lan gu niang de bei ju
The street of to-day
Selected poems
The tragedy of Nan
Sard Harker
The blacksmith
The twentyfive days
Selected poems
The taking of the Gry
A masque of Liverpool
[Words spoken to the Right Worshipful the Mayor
Badon parchments
El poema Rosas de John Masefield
A seaman's prayer
A tale of Troy
חבורת חצות
With the living voice
The story of a round-house, and other poems
The bird of dawning
Conquer; a tale of the Nika rebellion in Byzantium
The racer
In the mill
The western Hudson shore
Das magische Kästchen
For the sailors
Some verses to some Germans
A letter from Pontus and other verse
On the arts of delight
The midnight folk
A mainsail haul
Sonnets of good cheer to the Lena Ashwell Players
End and beginning
Lan gu niang di bei ju
Reynard the fox
A tarpaulin muster
[Masefield's poems
South and east
My faith in woman suffrage
The everlasting mercy, and The widow in the Bye street
The country scene
The river
Words spoken at the unveiling of the memorials to the poets John Keats and Percy Shelley
Collected Poems and Plays (Collected Works of John Masefield 2 volumes)
Lines for the opening of the National Book League
The Cold Cotswolds
With the living voice
Words spoken at the Music Room, Boar's Hill
The meaning of Christ
The racer
The Ledbury scene
Copy of a letter to Florence Lamont about his Tercentenary ode
Dead Ned and Live and kicking Ned
Poems, complete in one volume
On the hill
Lyrists of the Restoration from Sir Edward Sherburne to William Congreve
Victorious Troy
The Wanderer
Selected poems
Three poems
The daffodil fields
A king's daughter
Letters from the front
Ballads and poems
The hawbucks
The tragedy of Pompey the Great
The trial of Jesus
My faith in woman suffrage
Lyrics of Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher
The everlasting mercy
John M. Synge
The dream
The country scene in poems
Dionne Brand
Dionne Brand (born 1953)

poet, film director

  • University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
In Another Place, Not Here
At the Full and Change of the Moon
A Map to the Door of No Return
What We All Long For
Bread Out of Stone
Sans Souci, and Other Stories
Earth Magic
No Language is Neutral
Land to light on
The Blue Clerk
Rivers Have Sources, Trees Have Roots
Chronicles of the Hostile Sun
"We're rooted here and they can't pull us up"
Autobiography of the Autobiography of Reading
Love Enough
The Journey Prize Stories 19
No margins
Luminous Ink
Earth Magic
Bread Out of Stone
Bread Out of Stone
Unpublished City
What We All Long for / Love Enough Bundle
In This City
No burden to carry
Fierce Departures
Luce ostinata = Tenacious light
What We All Long For
Winter epigrams
A kind of perfect speech
Primitive offensive
'Fore day morning
Sight specific