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poets who wrote romance
Showing 353-360 out of 549 results
Louis Aragon
Louis Aragon (1897-1982)

journalist, politician, poet, art critic, French resistance fighter, historian

  • Lycée Carnot
Œuvres romanesques complètes
Les beaux quartiers, roman
Servitude et grandeur des Français
Henri Matisse
Traité du style
Le paysan de Paris
Les grandes heures
Conversations on the Dresden Gallery
Paysan de Paris
Aventures de Télémaque
Les communistes
Una Ola de Sueños
Anicet or the Panorama
Aragon, de dada au surrealisme, papiers inedits 1917-1931 (les papiers du fonds Doucet)
Le musée Grévin
Le fou d'Elsa
Dos Roymishe rekhṭ eḳzisṭirṭ nishṭ mer
Littératures soviétiques
Le temps traversé
Le Paysan De Paris
Les Cloches De Bale
Holy week
Le crève-coeur
Le Con d'Irène
A history of the USSR
La diane français
Lautréamont et nous
Henri Matisse
La semaine sainte
Le libertinage
Histoire parallèle
Henri Matisse, roman
Entretiens avec Francis Crémieux
Oeuvres Romanesques Completes Vol. 1
Les chambres
Libertine, The
Choix de poèmes
Apologie du luxe
Elégie à Pablo Neruda
Pour expliquer ce que j'étais
Les poètes
Das Beispiel Courbet
Henry Matisse
Sur Henri Matisse
La mise a mort (French Edition)
Il ne m'est Paris que d'Elsa
Les beaux quartievs
Avez-vous lu Victor Hugo?
Das Beispiel Courbet
Les adieux et autres poèmes
The libertine
Blanche ou L'oubli
A history of the USSR
Entretiens sur le Musée de Dresde
Lettres à Denise
Non, Aragon n'est pas un écrivain engagé!
O Arankon gia ton Ritso
La mise à mort
Adventures Of Telemachus, The
Ouvres Romanesques Completes Vol. 2
La lumiere de Stendhal
Les yeux d'Elsa, par Aragon
Le collaborateur et autres nouvelles
Les collages
Der Pariser Bauer
Le mentir-vrai
Papiers inédits
Le Paysan de Paris
Passengers of Destiny
Le cre ve-coeur, et, Les yeux d'Elsa
L' homme communiste
Les collages
Le mentir-vrai
The libertine
Le nouveau cre  ve-Coeur
Passengers of destiny
Les\Cloches de Bales  Le Monde Reel
Entretiens avec Francis Crémieux
The red front
Le cre  ve-coeur
Hugo, poète réaliste
La\Mise a Mort
Fiche de lecture Le Paysan de Paris
Jiří Kolár
Ecrits sur l'art Moderne
Habitaciones : poema del tiempo que no pasa
Les yeux et la mémoire
Les yeux d'Elsa, Aragon: Des repères pour situer l'auteur, ses écrits, l'oeuvre étudiée
Parlons français et articles de Ce soir
Anicet ou le Panorama
Holy Week
Le voyage de Hollande
Le musée Grévin, poème
Le libertinage
Broce liande
Aurélien ; roman
Holy Week
La culture et les hommes
Anicet ou le panorama, roman
Le musée Grévin, poıeme
Paris Köylüsü
Projet d'histoire littéraire contemporaine
Les deux géants
Contribution au cycle de Gabriel Péri
Élégie à Pablo Neruda
L' Enseigne de Gersaint
Le neveu de M. Duval, suivi d'une lettre d'icelui à l'auteur de ce livre
Hourra l'Oural
Elsa'nin Gozleri
The blue dream
Les aventures de Télémaque
Pasado compuesto
La lumiere de Stendhal ; prosper Merimee, Heinrich von Kleist, marceline Desbordes - Valmore, Jules de la Madelene, Emile Zola, Maurice Barres
Les Beaux Quartiers  Le Monde Reel
Los colages
Die Kommunisten
Les aventures de Te le maque
Le\Mouvement Perpetuel   Feu de Joie  Ecritures Automatique
Le Creve-coeur. Le nouveau Creve-coeur
A history of the USSR from Lenin to Kruschev
Histoire de l'U. R. S. S., 1917 à 1960 ..
Le nouveau crève-caeur
Blanche ou l'oubli
Chroniques de la pluie et du beau temps
L' Homme communiste
L' exemple de Courbet
Une vague de rêves
Aurelien  Le Monde Reel
OEuvres poetiques completes I, II [Bibliotheque de la Pleiade] (French Edition)
Les poe  tes
Écrits sur l'art moderne
Les adieux et autres poemes
Flesh Unlimited
A History of the USSR, from Lenin to Khrushchev
La lumiıere de Stendhal, Prosper Mérimée, Heinrich von Kleist, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Jules de la Madelıene, Émile Zola, Maurice Barrıes
A history of the USSR from Lenin to Krushchev
Littératures soviétiques
Anicet ou le Panorama   Vol. 3
L' exemple de Courbet
Feu de Joie
La Grande Gaité/Tout ne finit pas par des chansons
Le musée Grévin, poıeme p̀ar  Français La Colıere
Le Musée Grévin
Il ne m'est Paris que d'Elsa
Je n'ai jamais appris a écrire, ou, Les incipit
Aragon, poet of the French resistance
La défense de l'infini
La lumière de Stendhal
Je n'ai jamais appris à écrire
Aragon, une étude
Feu de joie et autres chansons
Aurelien vol. 2
Le Yaouanc
The a tre/roman
Los colages
Le roman inachevé [par] Aragon
Les voyageurs de l'impériale, roman
Les Aventures de Télémaque
Réflexions sur Rimbaud
Elégie à Pablo Neruda
Anicet ou le Panorama
Flesh Unlimited
Chroniques du bel canto
The Century Was Young
La Mentir Vrai
La Diane française, suivi de,  En étrange pays dans mon pays lui-même
Los colages
A history of the USSR from Lenin to Khrushchev
La lumière de Stendhal, Prosper Mérimée, Heinrich von Kleist, Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, Jules de la Madelêne, Émile Zola, Maurice Barrès
Chetyre shaga v bredu
Blance ou l'oubli ; [suivi de Après-dire]
Les communistes
L' armoire à glace un beau soir
En e trange pays dans mon pays lui-me me
Aragon, une étude par Claude Roy
A wave of dreams
Persécuté, persécuteur
Cent ans passent comme un jour
Le communiste et le fou
Il ne m'est Paris que d'Elsa
Les chambres
Je n'ai jamais appris a? e?crire ou Les incipit
En étrange pays dans mon pays lui-même
Lire Frénaud
La défense de l'infini (fragments) ; suivi de, Les aventures de Jean-Foutre La Bite
Abhandlung uber den Stil
Les adieux
Las campanas de Basilea
Lettres à André Breton
Les poètes
J'abats mon jeu
Aragon, un essai par Claude Roy
Le crève-coeur (nouv. éd.)
Les aventures de Télémaque
Les yeux d'Elsa
Escritos de Arte Moderno
Holy Week (La Semaine Sainte)
Le nouveau crève-coeur
La Superletteratura e A. Rimbaud
Apologie du luxe
Feu de joie
Le mouvement perpetuel
Les Communistes
Trois contes ..
Les poètes, poème
Œuvres poétiques complètes
Le mouvement perpétuel
Les Poètes de la revue Fontaine
Je n'ai jamais appris à écrire
L' œuvre poétique
Les adieux et autres poèmes
Le paysan de Paris
Aurélien, roman
Bogatye kvartaly
Lettres à André Breton
Le crève-cœur
Holy Week
Gibelʹ vserʹez
Les aventures de Télémaque
ley de caza
Louis Aragon versei
Le nouveau crève-coeur
The century was young
Financial Mgmt T/B
Mes caravanes, et autres poıemes (1948-1954)
Le nouveau crève-coeur, poèmes
La grande gaîté
Persécuté, persécuteur [par] Aragon
Le cre  ve-coeur
Anicet ou le Panorama
La mise à mort
Le mouvement perpétual.  Précédé de Feu de joie et suivi d'Écriture automatiques
Je n'ai jamais appris à écrire ou Les incipit
Essais de critique génétique
Le paysan de Paris
L' Oeuvre poétique
Residential quarter
Strastna︠i︡a nedel︠i︡a
Mario Benedetti
Mario Benedetti (1920-2009)

journalist, poet, playwright, politician

La tregua
El ejercicio del criterio
Quién de nosotros
Esta mañana
Historias médicas
Antología poética Benedetti. Selección y prólogo de Joan Manuel Serrat / Benedettis Poetic Anthology. Selection and Prologue by Joan Manuel Serrat
Who among Us?
Spanish Short Stories 1 — Cuentos hispánicos 1
Little stones at my window =
La vida ese paréntesis
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades
Blood pact & other stories
Gracias Por El Fuego
Short stories
Unstill life
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Geografias (Alfaguara Bolsillo)
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Seis cuentos latino-americanos
Con Y Sin Nostalgia
Con o sin nostalgia
Inventario tres
Gracias por el fuego
Despistes y franquezas
Estos poetas son míos
La muerte y otras sorpresas. Seleccion y adaptacion. Leer en español, Nivel 4.
Despistes y franquezas
10 relatos de amor
Critica complice
El Hombre Que Aprendio a Ladrar Y Otros Cuentos/the Man Who Learned to Bark and Other Stories (Encuento)
Poemas de otros
Poemas de la oficina. Poemas del hoyporhoy
Pedro Y El Capitan/ Pedro and the Captain
Inventario Uno - 1976-1985 - Con CD
La realidad y la palabra
Variaciones Sobre el Olvido
Pedro y el capitan
Gracias por el fuego
Historias de la vida. Incluye CD con la lectura de los relatos (Spanish Edition)
Primavera con una esquina rota
Poemas de otros
Inventario uno
Antologia Poetica
Gracias por el fuego
Mundo Que Respiro
Testigo de uno mismo
El porvenir de mi pasado
Relatos fantásticos latinoamericanos
Canciones Del Mas Aca
Gracias Por El Fuego
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Rincón de Haikus
Mini Letras va contigo Coleccionable 1 / Mini Writings Goes With You Collectible 1
Springtime in a Broken Mirror
Primavera con una esquina rota
Existir todavía
Inventario dos
Inventario Uno - 1950-1975 - Con CD
Pedro y el capitán
Gracias por el fuego
Only in the meantime
Nuevo rincón de haikus
El pai s de la cola de paja
Rincón de haikus
Crítica cómplice
Insomnios y duermevelas
Inventario Tres
Yesterday y mañana
Poemas de Otros - 9
Inventario Uno
Vivir adrede
Andamios. - 1.ed.
Vivir adrede
La Muerte y Otras Sorpresas
Adioses y Bienvenidas
Pedro and the captain
Nuestra América frente al V Centenario
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolución posible
Terremoto y después
Pedro y el Capitan
Poemas del hoyporhoy
Cuentos / Stories
Utopías en foco
Corazon Coraza y Otros Poemas
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolucion posible
El Hombre Que Aprendio a Ladrar Y Otros Cuentos (Encuento)
LA Vecina Orilla/the Neighboring Shore
Letras del continente mestizo
Antologia Poetica
El Mundo Que Respiro
El Cumpleanos De Juan Angel
Cuentos Completos (Alianza tres)
Gracias Por El Fuego
Del amor y del exilio
El desexilio y otras conjeturas
Despistes y Franquezas
El escritor latinoamericano y revolución posible
Biografa Para Encontrarme
Only in the Meantime & Office Poems
Poemas de Otros
Primavera Con Una Esquina Rota
Insomnios y duermevelas
La Borra del Cafe Coffee Dregs
Pedro y el capitán
Vivir adrede
Poesía con los jóvenes
Unstill life
La Casa y El Ladrillo
Dos comedias
A dos voces
Los espejos las sombras
Inventario DOS
Poemas de amor hispanoamericanos
A imagen y semejanza
El hombre que aprendió a ladrar y otros quentos
La Borra de Cafe
Pedro E O Capitan
La vida, ese paréntesis (Alfaguara)
Variaciones Sobre El Olvido / Variations on the Forgotten
Pasión de papel
Antología poética
22 contistas em campo
Gracias por el fuego. --
Subdesarrollo y letras de osadia/ Underdevelopment and Daring Writings (El Libro De Bolsillo/ Biblioteca De Autor)
Los espejos y las sombras
La borra del café
Acordes Cotidianos
Puentes Como Liebres
Antología poética
Canciones del más acá
Inventario II
Viento del exilio
Los poetas comunicantes
Buzon Del Tiempo
Todo para El Salvador
Inventario dos
Genio y figura de José Enrique Rodó
Inventario DOS - 1986-1991 - Con CD
Cuentos Escogidos
La muerte y otras sorpresas
El olvida está lleno de memoria
Poesia Con Los Jovenes - Con CD -
La vida ese paréntesis
Defensa propia
La borra del café
Primavera Con Una Esquina Rota/Spring With a Broken Corner
El recurso del supremo patriarca
Letras del continente mestizo
Buzón de tiempo
The Song Book of the Y. W. C. A. Young Women's Christian Associations
Rincón de haikus
El Porvenir de mi pasada
El país de la cola de paja
Inventario I
Poetas de cercanías
Canciones del que no canta/ Songs of the Songless
Esta Manana y Otros Cuentos
Rincón de Haikus
Yildizlar ve sen
La Sirena Viuda  The Widowed Mermaid
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
Quien de Nosotros
Poetas de cercanías
La muerte y otras sorpresas (Alfaguara Bolsillo)
El cumpleaños de Juan Ángel
Biografía para encontrarme
La Vida Ese Parentesis
Pedro y al Capitán
Porvenir de mi pasado, El
Noción de patria
Historias de París
Gracias por el fuego. --
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Antologia natural
Cultura entre dos fuegos
Daniel Viglietti
Cincuenta sonetos
45 años de escritos críticos
Antologia Poetica/poetic Anthology
Escritos políticos (1971-1973)
Vida, Ese Parentesis, La
Poemas de la Oficina
Cuentos completos
Muerte y Otras Sorpresas, La
Genio y figura de José Enrique Rodó
Antología poética
Who among Us?
Buzón de tiempo
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolucio n posible
Historias de París
Esta Manana y Otro Cuentos
Con y sin nostalgia
Perplejidades de Fin de Siglo (Spanish Edition)
Biografía para encontrarme
Quien de Nosotros - Pocket
Springtime in a Broken Mirror
Los poetas communicantes
Esta mañana y otros cuentos
Esta mañana y otros cuentos
Buzon de Tiempo / Mailbox of Time
9 asedios a García Márquez
La casa y el ladrillo
A título de inventario
Quién de nosotros
Inventario uno
Cumpleanos de Juan Angel, El
Crítica cómplice
Genio y figura de Jose  Enrique Rodo
9 asedios a García Márquez
Muerte y Otras Sorpresas
A dos voces
Contra Los Puentes Levadizos - 6 -
Canciones del que no canta
Nocion de Patria/Proximo Projimo
Antología poética
El Recurso del Supremo Patriarca
Peripecia y novela
Unstill life
El olvido está lleno de memoria
Letras del continente mestizo
Gracias por el fuego. --
Sobre artes y oficios
LA Muerte Y Otras Sorpresas/Death and Other Surprises
Cuentos completos
?Quie?n de nosotros?
Yesterday y Manana
Daniel Viglietti, desalambrando
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Quién de nosotros
Mejor es meneallo
Mario Benedetti / edición, Carmen Alemany Bay
Rodó, el pionero que quedó atrás
Memoria y esperanza
El Olvido Esta Lleno de Memorias
La borra del cafe
Testigo de uno mismo
Literatura uruguaya siglo 20
Compañeros del alma
Borra del Café
Cumpleanos De Juan Angel (Alfaguara Bolsillo)
The Rest Is Jungle and Other Stories
Literatura uruguaya siglo XX
Ask Kadinlar ve Hayat
Biografía para encontrarme
Primavera con una esquina rota
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Canciones del que no canta
Subdesarrollo y letras de osadia
Quién de nosotros
Primavera con una esquina rota
Quien De Nosotros/what About Us
El Buzon del Tiempo
Genio y figura de José Enrique Rodó
La vida y otras geografías : Antología de cuentos y poemas
Las Soledades de Babel
La muerte y otras sorpresas/ Death and Other Surprises
Escritos sobre la teologia de la liberación en Latinoamerica
Mario Benedetti
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Literatura Uruguaya Siglo XX
Gracias por el fuego / Thank You for the Fire
Terremoto y dispués
Los poetas comunicantes
La borra del cafe
Pedro y el Capitán
Poemas de amor hispanoamericanos
Borra del Cafe, La
La sirena viuda
Biografía para encontrarme
Kirik Koseli Ilkbahar
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Difesa Dell'allegria
Cuentos Completos De Benedetti
Daniel Viglietti, desalambrado
Poemas de La Oficina Poemas del Hoyporhoy
El Escritor latinoamericano y la revolucón posible
Literatura uruguaya, siglo XX
Gracias por el fuego / Thank You for the Fire
Pedro y El Capitan - Con Guia de Lectura
Inventario : poesía completa, 1950-1985
A DOS Voces
El porvenir de mi pasado
El mejor de los pecados
El mundo que respiro
Defensa propia
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Perplejidades de Fin de Siglo
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Poemas De LA Oficina/Office Poems
Biografía para encontrarme / An Autobiography of Self Discovery
Rodo, el pionero que quedo atras
El país de la cola de paja
La casa y el ladrillo
Acordes Cotidianos
Dos comedias
Buzón de tiempo
Yesterday y mañana
Solo Mientras Tanto
El porvenir de mi pasado
Inventario cuatro
Las soledades de Babel
Letras de emergencia, [1969-1973]
Las Dos caras de la escritura
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Crónicas del 71 [i. e. setenta y uno]
Próximo prójimo
Biografia para Encontrarme
Nuevo rincón de haikus
La muerte y otras sorpresas (Leer en espa?ol, nivel 4)
La Sirena Viuda
Preguntas al azar
Preguntas Al Azar
El país de la cola de paja
Quien de Nosotros
La cultura, ese blanco móvil
Noción de patria ; Próximo prójimo
Muerte y Otras Sorpresas / Death and Other Surprises
Memoria y Esperanza
Primavera con una esquina rota / Mutilated Spring
Inventario 67
Perplejidades de fin de siglo
Cuentos Completos Benedetti / Complete Stories by Benedetti
Testigo de uno mismo
Daniel Viglietti, desalambrando
La borra del cafe
A ras de sueño
Quién de nosotros
Primavera con una esquina rota / Mutilated Spring
Subdesarrollo y letras de osadía
Existir todavía
Cuaderno Cubano
Antología natural
Letras de Emergencia - 8 -
Mario Benedetti: Cuentos/Mario Benedetti
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Cuaderno cubano
Biografía para encontrarme
Vivir adrede
La muerte y otras sorpresas
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
La borra del cafe
Literatura y arte nuevo en Cuba
Hasta aquí
Cotidianas, 1978-1979
Inventario I
Parole sui vetri
El cumplea
Notas sobre algunas formas subsidiarias de la penetración cultural
Materiales de la revista Casa de las Américas de/sobre Mario Benedetti
Nocio n de patria y pro ximo pro jimo
Poemas de la oficina
Noción de patria ; Próximo prójimo
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Todos los cuentos de Mario Benedetti
Sólo mientras tanto (1948-1950)
Jóvenes de esta América
Inventario cuatro
Mejor es meneallo [por] Damocles
Poemas de otros
Puentes como liebres y otros cuentos
Del amor y del exilio
Letras de emergencia
Adioses y bienvenidas
Recuerdos olvidados
Con y sin nostalgia
Escritos políticos (1971-1973)
Mario Benedetti para todos
Poesía trunca
La víspera indeleble
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Datos para el viudo
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolución posible
Un Siglo del relato latinoamericano
El último viaje y otros cuentos
Contra los puentes levadizos, 1965-1966
El país de la cola de paja
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Antología poética
Mejores meneallo "Damocles"
El país de la cola de paja
9 asedios a García Márquez
La borra del café
Pedro y el capita n
Parole sui vetri
El pais de la cola de paja
Rang wo men zhui ru you huo
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Esta man ana y otros cuentos
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Terremoto y después
Antología poética
Inventario 70 [i.e. setenta]
Primavera con una esquina rota
La Muerte hace buena letra
Literatura y arte nuevo en Cuba
El cumpleanos de Juan Angel
A ras de sueño ; Quemar las naves
Quince relatos de la America Latina
Contra los puentes levadizos
La borra del café
Poesías de amor hispanoamericanas
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Mundo que respiro
Puentes como liebres; y otros cuentos
Ida y vuelta. [Teatro]
Notas perdidas
Nuestra América contra el V Centenario
Viento del exilio
al-Ḥulm bi-ṣawt ʻālin
El olvido está lleno de memoria
Siete cuentos de hoy
Mario Benedetti & las artes gráficas
Todos los cuentos de Mario Benedetti
Marcel Proust y otros ensayos
Insomnios y duermevelas
Panorama histórico-literario de nuestra América
Literatura uruguaya siglo XX
La Izquierda
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Cronicas del 71
Yesterday y mañana
Letras de emergencia
Poemas de la oficina
Recuerdos olvidados
Martí y el Uruguay
La casa y el ladrillo, 1976-1977
Sobre Julio Cortázar
Crónicas del 71
Quién de nosotros?
Cuentos de la revolución
Grandes cuentos de América hispana
Gérard de Nerval
Gérard de Nerval (1808-1855)

poet, playwright

Les Filles Du Feu / Les Chimeres
Pandora ; Les amours de Vienne
Aurélia, ou, Le rêve et la vie
Voyage en Orient
The Chimeras
Les chimères
The salt smugglers
Les illuminés
La Bohême galante
De Paris à Cythère
Gérard de Nerval
Les filles du feu
La fille de Thuiskon
God is dead! the gods return
Sylvie : souvenirs du Valois
La Main enchantée
Les confidences de Nicolas
Fortune's fool
Le carnet de Dolbreuse
Poesies Et Souvenirs
Aurélia ; followed by Sylvie
Sylvie, les Chimères (extraits), Aurélia (extraits)
Paris et alentours
The women of Cairo
Sylvie, suivie de
Promenades et souvenirs
De Nerval
Ge rard de Nerval
Les chime  res
Dernières lettres à son père et au docteur Blanche
Sylvie / Aurélia, Gérard de Nerval: Des repères pour situer l'auteur, ses écrits, l'oeuvre étudiée
Selected writings
Aurelia (GF)
Le Prince des sots
Voyage en Orient, tome 2
Contes et facéties
Le marquis de Fayolle
Flâneries extra-parisiennes
Erreur de nom ou le Café du théâtre, comédie vaudeville en I acte (inédite)
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 1
Histoire de la reine du matin
Les Filles Du Feu/Les Chimeres
Les filles du feu, moins Sylvie
Le mythe d'Hiram et l'initiation de Maître Maçon
Oeuvres choisies
La bohème galante
Aurélia et autres contes fantastique [par] Gérard de Nerval
Les Filles du feu suivi de Petits Châteaux de Bohéme et de Odeleltes
Histoire du Calife Hakem
Angélique, précédé de La véritable histoire d'Angélique de Longueval
Aurélia (suivi de) =
Journey to the Orient
Le cabaret de la mère Saguet
Les filles du feu, suivi de Aurélia
Les filles de feu
Daughters of fire
Oeuvres complètes
Le Marquise de Fayolle
Le drame romantique
Sylvie. Dossier pédagogique
Der Fürst der Narren
Voyage en orient 1
Choix de poésies
Auvelia suivi de lettres a Jenny Colon de La Pandora et de Les Chimeres
Voyage En Orient 2
Les vers dorés
Des inédits
Œuvres complètes
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 2
Le temple d'Isis
Les illuminés. Les faux saulniers
Les filles du feu; Les chimères
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 3
Aurélia, précédé des "Illuminés" et de "Pandora"
Erreur de nom
Lettres à Franz Liszt
Les oeuvres complètes de Gérard de Nerval
Poe sies
Erreur de nom ou le Café du théâtre
Nerval par lui-même
Les filles de feu Aurélia
Les chimères et les cydalises
Poésies, La main enchantée, Sylvie, Voyage en Orient
Les Filles De Feu (Classiques Francais)
Aurélia et autres contes fantastiques
Poésies et souvenirs
Les Illuminés
Aurelia/Lettres a Jenny Colon/La Pandora/Les Chimeres
Œuvres choisies
Oeuvres Choisies de Gerard de Nerval - Poesies / Souvenirs de Suisse / Les Nuits d'Octobre / Promenades et Souvenirs / Sylvie / Aurelia
Deux lettres inedites de Gerard de Neval a Ferdinand Sartorius
Prosa e poesia
Sylvie/Les Chimeres/Aurelia*
Le Valois
Lorely : souvenirs d'Allemagne
Les Illuminés
Poe sies, suivies de: Petits chateaux de Bohe me Les nuits d'octobre Promenades et souvenirs La Pandora Contes et face ties
Les chímères
Correspondance (1830-1855)
Selected writings of Gérard deNerval
Lorely, Contes et faceties, Petits chateaux de Boheme
Oeuvres complémentaires de Gérard de Nerval
Œuvres complémentaires de Gérard de Nerval
Sylvie Aurélia, lettres à Aurélia
Die Tempellegende
Poésies et souvenirs [de] Gérard de Nerval
Histoire de la reine du matin & de Soliman prince des genies
Oeuvres complémentaires
Les illumine s; ou, Les pre curseurs du socialisme
Aurélia, ou, Le rêve et la vie
Fortune's fool, thirty-five poems
Deux lettres inedites a Ferdinand Sartorius
Le voyage en orient
Aurélia; ou, Le rêve et la vie; lettres d'amour
Petits châteaux de Bohême
Le Rêve et la vie
Œuvres complètes de Gérard de Nerval
Les illumines
Sylvie/Les Chimeres
Œuvres choisies de Gérard de Nerval
Aurélia, suivi de "Pandora"
Sylvie et autres contes
Oeuvres comple mentaires de Ge rard de Nerval
La sonata du diable, suivie de divers inédits, précédés de la vie de l'auteur, d'une bibliographie de ses oeuvres
Les confidences de Nicolas (Restif de la Bretone)
Gérard de Nerval
Les chimeres. --
[Œuvres complètes] ...
Nerval par lui-même
Jodelet, ou, L'héritier ridicule
Aurélia et lettres à Aurélia
Œuvres choisies de Gérard de Nerval
Souvenirs d'Allemagne
Lettres d'amour à Jenny Colon
Contes de la mort
Œuvres complètes
Le Chariot d'enfant
Sylvie /Gérard de Nerval
Les Maronites
Selected writings
Petits châteaux de Bohême
La main enchantée
Promenades et souvenirs
Voyage en Orient
Léo Burckart (1838-1839)
De Paris à Cythère
Voyages en Europe
Le prince des sots
Lettres des Dioscures
Les illuminés
Les Akkals, l'anti-liban
Oeuvres de Gérard de Neval
La Sonate du diable
Le rêve et la vie ; Les filles du feu ; La Bohème galante
Les filles du feu
Scènes de la vie égyptienne moderne
Pages choisies
Des inédits de Gérard de Nerval
La main enchantée
Deux lettres inédites de Gérard de Nerval à Ferdinand Sartorius
Pages choisies
Faust de Goethe illustré par Delacroix
Le marquis de Fayolle
Han d'Islande
La Santa-Barbara
Les femmes du Caire
Les chimeres. --
Erza hlungen
La Bohème galante
Poèmes d'Outre-Rhin
Les filles du feu
Les illuminés
Le marquis de Fayolle
Les Druses
Correspondance (1830-1855)
Chansons et ballades populaires du Valois
Nouvelles et fantaisies
Gérard de Nerval
La Pandora
Les chimères
uvres choisies de Gérard de Nerval
Œuvres choisies de Gérard de Nerval
Doğu'da seyahat
La Bohême galante..
Voyage en Orient suivi d'Isis
The women of Cairo
Le Généalogie fantastique de Gérard de Nerval
Œuvres complètes de Gérard de Nerval
Les Chimères
D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

playwright, translator, poet, painter, literary critic

  • University of Nottingham, University of London
Women in Love
The Rainbow
Lady Chatterley's Lover
The Lost Girl
The Rinehart Book of Short Stories
The plumed serpent
Aaron's Rod
Lady Chatterlay's Lover
Women in Love
Kuang qing
Sons and Lovers
Great Short Stories of the World
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Vampire Archives
The white peacock
Apropos of Lady Chatterley's lover
The Dark Descent
The Trespasser
Selected literary criticism
Twilight in Italy
Short stories
The Virgin and the Gypsy
The Other Persuasion
England, my England
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
The Prussian officer, and other stories
Guía literaria de Londres
The letters of D.H. Lawrence
The boy in the bush
Guía literaria de Londres
Prentice Hall
The man who died
Love among the haystacks
Studies in classic American literature
D.H. Lawrence
Mr. Noon
The Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Fantasia of the unconscious
England, my England and other stories
The Situation of the Story
The complete short stories [of] D. H. Lawrence
The portable D.H. Lawrence
Rorensu shōsetsushū
The virgin and the gipsy
Etruscan places
Four short novels
Sea and Sardinia
A modern lover
Forms of the Novella
The woman who rode away, and other stories
D.H. Lawrence and Italy
The plumed serpent (Quetzalcoatl)
Short novels
St. Mawr, and The man who died
Love among the haystacks and other stories
Mornings in Mexico
Achievements in Fiction
The complete poems of D.H. Lawrence
The widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Sex, literature and censorship
Twice-Told Tales
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence
Three novellas
Look! We have come through!
Movements in European history
Three plays
Selected letters
The rocking-horse winner
Psychoanalysis and the unconscious and Fantasia of the unconscious
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Second Edition
Selected Stories (Lawrence, D. H.)
Touch and go
Sons And Lovers Volume II
You touched me
The daughter-in-law
Letters to Thomas and Adele Seltzer
Collected letters
Collected Stories
Sons and Lovers
D.H. Lawrence and New Mexico
The plays
Great Classic Stories II
Reflections on the death of a porcupine
Sons And Lovers Volume I
St. Mawr and other stories
A modern lover and other stories
Erotic works of D.H. Lawrence
Lady Chaterley's Lover
The Plumed Serpent Volume II
Oxford Bookworms Library
Snake and other poems
Twilight in Italy and other essays
St. Mawr
Lawrence in love
The virgin and the gipsy and other stories
The Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl
The mortal coil and other stories
Sons and Lovers
The Selected Poems of D. H. Lawrence
Late essays and articles
Wintry Peacock
Dog Stories by James Herriot, Rudyard Kipling, Gerald Durell and others
The Fox; The Captain's Doll; The Ladybird
Los Mejores Relatos Marinos
Sketches of Etruscan places and other Italian essays
Study of Thomas Hardy and other essays
The Fight for Barbara
The Plumed Serpent Volume I
The complete short novels
Complete Short Novels, the
Complete poems
The Fox
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence Parts 1 and 2
Selected Short Stories (English Library)
The Boy in the Bush
Apocalypse and the Writings on Revelation
Women in Love Volume II
Movements in European History
The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
You Touched Me
D.H. Lawrence, three complete novels
Sons and lovers  (and), St Mawr  (and), The fox  (and), The white peacock  (and), Love among the haystacks  (and), The virgin and the gipsy  (and), Lady Chatterley's lover
Mornings in Mexico (Travel Library)
Memoir of Maurice Magnus
Captain's Doll, The
For Sale by Owner
Sea and Sardinia
D. H. Lawrence and Italy: Twilight in Italy
The Dark Sun
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence; Volume II, 1913-16
The letters of D.H. Lawrence & Amy Lowell, 1914-1925
The works of D.H. Lawrence
Great Novels of D H Lawrence
Real Estate Blues
Pornography and obscenity
Phoenix 2
Mr. Noon: D.H. Lawrence's Lost Novel
Ten paintings
Sons and Lovers
The fox
The quest for Rananim
Librivox Short Story Collection 087
Lady Chatterley's Lover, Including 'A Propos of Lady Chatterley's Lover'
Fantasia of the Unconscious and Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
The First and Second Lady Chatterley Novels
Sons and Lovers Parts 1 and 2
Twilight in Italy and Other Essays
Selected poems
Reflections on the death of a porcupine, and other essays
Lady Chatterley's Lover and A Propos of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'
Birds, beasts and flowers
The Fox, The Captain's Doll, The Ladybird
Lawrence: Complete Short Stories
Paul Morel
The Prussian Officer (Creative Short Stories)
Daughters of the Vicar
The Corporate Director's and Officer's Practical Guide
Women in Love Volume I
The Fox
Sketches of Etruscan Places and Other Italian Essays
Princess and other stories
The Rainbow Parts 1 and 2
Fox, The
The Plays Parts 1 and 2
Amants Et Fils
Twilight in Italy
Mr Noon
The Centaur letters
Die Apokalypse
Sons and lovers
We need one another
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence 8 Volume Set
Inglaterra, Mi Inglaterra
I Love A Good Love Story
Sons and Lovers
Most Beautiful Stories Before Christmas
Introductions and reviews
Touch and Go, A Play in Three Acts
Lawrence, The Complete Short Stories of D. H.
Divas and Lovers
The White Peacock
Love among the haystacks & other pieces
The collected short stories [of] D. H. Lawrence
El Aroma de Los Crisantelmo
Lawrence on Hardy and painting
Letters from D.H. Lawrence to Martin Secker, 1911-1930
The Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Apropos of Lady Chatterley's Lover
No one else is Lawrence!
Promenades étrusques
(Seven novels)
Les Filles du pasteur
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence VOL. VII 1928-30
The complete plays of D.H. Lawrence
Selected Essays
St Mawr and Other Stories
The widowing of Mrs. Holroyd and other plays
Understanding fiction -- Second Edition
Amores, poems
The Complete Novels of D. H. Lawrence 11 Volume Set
The Woman Who Rode Away; St. Mawr; The Princess
Femmes Amoureuses
Last poems
Selected poems of D.H. Lawrence
Selected short stories of D. H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers
In your footsteps
Ladybird, The
The Bad Side of Books
Assorted articles
The Penguin great novels of D.H. Lawrence
Mornings in Mexico and other essays
Selected critical writings
Poemas - D. H. Lawrence
L'homme qui aimait les îles
Mornings in Mexico and Etruscan places
The captain's doll
The later D. H. Lawrence
Ten D.H. Lawrence Short Stories
D.H. Lawrence's Stories,Essays and Poems
Complete plays
The symbolic meaning
A selection from Phoenix
The lovely lady
Theatre Arts Monthly
The Poems
Brother And Sister
El Hombre Que Murio
Poems Variorum Vol 2
Zonen en minnaars
Salters-Nuffield advanced biology
The indispensable D. H. Lawrence
The complete short stories
The Selected Works of D.H. Lawrence
The Trespasser
"The Prussian Officer
Twilight in Italy
Spirit of place
Letters to Bertrand Russell
The merry-go-round
A prelude
Filhos e amantes
Phoenix 1
Sons and Lovers
A Obra em Negro. Clássicos de Ouro
Fantasia of the Unconscious
The paintings of D. H. Lawrence
Life with a Capital L
La Beauté malade
Liefde in het hooi
Mr. Noon. Autobiographischer Roman
Atardeceres Etruscos
Living and Loving
The vicar's garden and other stories
Love Poems and Others
Etruskische Orte. Reisetagebücher
Les Filles Du Pasteur
Etruscan places
Sons and Lovers
Selected Poems (Bloomsbury Classic)
Liebende Frauen
Dtv Zweisprachig
The Letters of D. H. Lawrence, Vol. 3, Part. 2: 1916-21
British and American Short Stories
Selected novels and stories
Selected tales
My England
The Love Poems of D.H. Lawrence
The Fox
Sex locked out
The second Lady Chatterley's lover
Selected tales of D.H.Lawrence
Stories for Summer
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
A D.H. Lawrence selection
Virgin and the Gipsy and Other Stories
The Fox
D. H. Lawrence
Western Literary Classics Pack
Monkey Nuts
Die blauen Mokassins
Sons and Lovers
Gallo Escapado, El
Look!  We come through!
D. H. Lawrence on education
Les Deux Principes
The woman who rode away
The Best Short Stories of D.H. Lawrence
Guhahkar yuhlor
Heart of Man
The body of God
The Complete Short Stories, Volume Two
The Last Poems of D. H. Lawrence
Sons & Lovers
El arco iris
Stop What You're Doing and Read... Banned Books
Eight letters to Rachel Annand Taylor
Sons and Lovers (Twelve-Point)
D. H. Lawrence the Dover Reader
Lost Girl
O Ilios
The sayings of D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers
The little town at evening
The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd and the Daughter-in-law
La Vierge Et Le Gitan/the Virgin and the Gypsy
The fox and the virgin and the gipsy
The Fox (Hesperus Classics)
The Mortal coil
A propos of Lady Chatterley's lover, being an essay extended from "My skirmish with Jolly Roger."
L'Homme qui connut la mort
A life in literature
The trespasses
D.H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers
À propos of Lady Chatterley's lover and other essays
Fantasia of the Unconscious
The collected letters of
Lost Girl
Frontera, La
The princess
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
The selected letters of D.H. Lawrence
D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers
Stories, essays, and poems
England, My England
Sons and Lovers
The collected letters of D.H. Lawrence
Tickets, Please!
Sons and lovers
The Works
Selected Poems (Penguin Press 20th Century Poetry)
Sons and Lovers (Annotated)
Prusyali Subay
Bete aur premi
Il purosangue
La mujer perdida
Daughters of the Vicar
The Rainbow (English Library)
Love amoung the haystacks,and other stories
Captain's Doll
Selected Stories by D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers
Fantaisie de l'inconscient
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
England, My England
Lost Girl Annotated
Women in Love V02
Twilight in Italy- by Edgar Rice(Annotated)
The Rainbow
D. H. Lawrence Vol. 2
The Trespasser
Hijos Y Amantes/ Children and Lovers
Lost Girl
The Phoenix edition of D.H. Lawrence
Fox Annotated
Best of D.H. Lawrence (Csa Best of)
Sons and Lovers and other novels
St Mawr
Der Fuchs
Frohe Geister, Eine Englische Familie
Lost Girl Illustrated
Little Novels of Sicily (Novelle Rusticane)
The shadow in the rose garden
Vin ordinaire
The Witch a la Mode
Italian studies
Mornings in Mexico and Etruscan places
Lost Girl Illustrated
The complete poems of D.H. Lawrence ; Collected and edited with an introduction and notes by Vivian de Sola Pinto and Warren Roberts
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Kangaroo Illustrated
Rainbow Annotated Book for Children
England, My England and Other Stories
A collier's Friday night ; The widowing of Mrs Holroyd ; The daughter-in-law ; The fight for Barbara ; Touch and go
Trespasser Illustrated
Goose fair
Ladybird Illustrated
Virgin and the Gypsy
The Tresspasser
Collected Stories
Ladybird Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Three complete novels
Fox Illustrated
Twilight in Italy Classic Illustrated
Etruscan Places: Travels Through Forgotten Italy
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
D. H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers
Anka kusu
'the Vicar's Garden' and Other Stories
Sons and Lovers
Being alive
England, My England
Ladybird Illustrated
Honour and arms
Love Poems and Others
Ladybird [llustrated]
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Illustrated
L' homme qui était mort
L'uomo che amava le isole e L'uome che era morto
Sons and Lovers Annotated (Oxford World's Classics)
Love among the Haystacks Illustrated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Chatarei Fujin no koibito
The House of the Seven Gables with Related Readings
Ile, mon île et autres nouvelles
Nobody loves me
Captain's Doll Classics Illustrated
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
England, My England and Other Stories ,by D. H. Lawrence
The fox
Fantasia and Psychoanalysis
Studies in Classic American Literature
England, My England
Etruscan Places
The white peacock
Mujeres enamoradas
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Night songs
Two marriages
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia
El Amante De L. Chaterley
The Wedding Ring
Paul Morel
The Prussian Officer, and Other Stories
Dream and Other Stories
Sons and Lovers
Fox Illustrated
Birds, Beasts and Flowers; Poems
Some Imagist Poets An Anthology
Twilight in Italy
The Lost Girl
The Married Man
Prussian Officer
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Cat Lovers
Sons and Lovers Illustrated Edition
Ling yü rou di pou bai
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
St. Mawr, together with The princess
Mornings in Mexico
Eight letters by D.H. Lawrence to Rachel Annand Taylor
A Short Story Collection of D. H. Lawrence
Virgin and the Gypsy Illustrated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Apropos of Lady Chatterly's lover
Trespasser Illustrated
Love Poems and Others
Prussian Officer Illustrated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Cambridge edition of the works of D.H. Lawrence
The Prussian Officer
The universe and me
Life with a Capital L
Lady Chatterley's lover prefaced by the author's A propos of Lady Chatterley's lover
Boy in the Bush
Ladybird Illustrated
Ladybird Annotated
Love Among the Haystacks
The Great Short Novels and Stories
The Trespasser
Ogullar ve Sevgililer
D.H. Lawrence's unpublished foreword to "Women in love", 1919
Selected poetry and prose
Blind Man Annotated
Trespasser Illustrated
Dīpoṃ kā premī
The horse dealers daughter
Philip Pearlstein. 20 September-8 November 1970
The plumed serpent, [by] D.H. Lawrence
Liefde tussen de hooibergen
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Mornings in Mexico
Studies in Classic American Literature
Pornographie et Obscenité
D.H. Lawrence and Robert Graves
Mornings in Mexico and Other Essays
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
A propos of Lady Chatterly's lover and other essays
Sea and Sardinia
Sea and Sardinia
Man Who Died
Plays Volume 1 Ed Schwartze
Le serpent à plumes / D. H. Lawrence
Mediterranean in January
St Mawr
The White Peacock
Women in Love Volume 1 of 2 2132-A
Woman Who Rode Away
Sons and Lovers
Poems collected for young people
Second best
Rainbow and Women in Love
Trespasser Illustrated
Ölen Adam. Translated by Bilge Karasu.
Selected poems, chosen with an introduction by W.E. Williams
Fanny And Annie
Man Who Loved Islands
The triumph of the machine
The body of God [by] D.H. Lawrence
Trespasser Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy
New Poems
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence Annotated Novel
Twilight in Italy
Ladybird Illustrated
Ladybird Illustrated
A Collíers̀ Friday night
One lover among many
Monkey Nuts
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Three poems
The ladybird
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Her Secret Needs - 3 Classic Novels of Feminine Passion
The man who loved islands
Olen Adam
Queed, a novel,
Phoenix 11
Shades of Spring Annotated
Ladybird Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Odour of Chrysanthemums Original Edition (Illustrated)
Pornography and so on
Sea and Sardinia
Birds, beast and flowers - poems
When I went to the circus
Jimmy and the Desperate Woman (Bloomsbury Classic)
Lost Girl Illustrated
Men in print
The blind man
England, My England
Captain's Doll
Sons and Lovers (Nelson Graded Readers)
Fox Illustrated
A collier's Friday night
Lost Girl
Odour of Chrysanthemums Illustrated
Sketches of Etruscan Places
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Odour of Chrysanthemums Illustrated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Rawdon's roof
Rocking-Horse Winner
Twilight in Italy
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
Modern Lover Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Annotated Romantic
The Love-Makers
The complete short stories
White Stocking
Woman Who Rode Away
The Trespasser    By : D. H. Lawrence
The man who loved islands, and other stories
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Complete Short Stories D H Lawrence Volume 1
Poems selected for young people
Sons and Lovers Annotated Coming of Age Fiction
Kayip Kiz
Amants et fils - L'Homme et la poupée - L'Amant de Lady Chatterley
Ladybird Illustrated
Twilight in Italy
Sons and Love Illustrated
D. H. Lawrence and Italy
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Fragment of Stained Glass
D.H. Lawrence's letter to "The Laughing horse"
Mornings in Mexico
Full score
Introductions and Reviews
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Princess (Illustrated)
Blind Man Original Classic Edition (Annotated)
The great short novels and stories of D. H. Lawrence
The Fox.
Look! We Have Come Through!
Trespasser Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Twilight In Italy
De man die gestorven was
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of D. H. Lawrence-Three Novelettes-'Glad Ghosts, ' the Man Who Died, ' the Border Line'-And Five Short St
Fox Illustrated
The Rockinghorse Winner
Söhne und Liebhaber.
The White Peacock
Selected works
L'homme qui etait mort
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Selected Poetry
D. H. Lawrence Omnibus
The Prussian Officer (Cambridge Lawrence)
Collected letters
Twilight in Italy
Dirty words
Selected Novels of D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence - the Trespasser
The Lost Girl
Woman Who Rode Away : And Other Stories
England, My England
Fire and other poems
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
L' amazone fugitive
Twilight in Italy
Corasmin and the parrots
Odour of Chrysanthemums Illustrated
Asik Kadinlar
Glad ghosts
Etruscan Places
Sons and Lovers
St Mawr and
Love among the Haystacks Illustrated
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
LADY CHATTERLY'S LOVER - Complete Bestsellers - Volume 1, number 8
The trespasser
Twilight in Italy David Herbert Lawrence (Illustrated)
The Rainbow (Twelve-Point)
Ladybird Annotated
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence - [Annotated Version] - Bentley Loft Classics Books
John Thomas and Lady Jane
Ladybird Illustrated
Collected Short Stories
To donets tou thanatou
The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories (G-59)
Ak Tavus Kusu
We need one another
Mornings in Mexico [by] D.H. Lawrence
Raven and Other Poems
The Lost Girl
Ladybird Illustrated
Trespasser by David Herbert Lawrence (Illustrated Edition)
The Rainbow and Women in Love
The boy in the bush [by] D.H. Lawrence and M.L. Skinner
Almond blossom
Study of Thomas Hardy
Les Filles du pasteur
Captain's Doll
Pride and Prejudice (Illustrated) / Lady Chatterley's Lover
Die Frau, die davonritt
Sea and Sardinia
Ladybird Illustrated
Lawrence in love: letters to Louie Burrows
Princess (Illustrated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
D H Lawrence Selected Works
Last poems by D. H. Lawrence
"The Lovely Lady" and Other Stories
L' ufficiale prussiano
Cai hong
Complete Poems Volume 2
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
Plumed Serpent
Hijos y amantes
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and lovers ; Women in love ; Love among the haystacks ; Lady Chatterley's lover
Samson and Delilah
Sons and Lovers  .  By : D. H. Lawrence
Ladybird Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Prologue to Women in love
The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd
THE PORTABLE / by D.H. Lawrence ; edited and with an introduction by Diana Trilling
Christs in the Tirol
Two poems: Twilight
Fantasia of the unconscious and Psychoanalysis and the unconscious
Sea and Sardinia
Twilight in Italy
Selected poetry and non-fictionalprose
Sons and Lovers
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Ladybird Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Second Best
The reality of peace
Ladybird Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Psikanaliz ve Bilincdisi
Jimmy and the desperate woman & other stories
Mornings in Mexican
El Jardin De Las Hesperides
Daughters of the Vicar
The Cambridge edition of the letters and works of D.H. Lawrence
Phoenix, the posthumous papers of D.H. Lawrence
Sons and lovers
White Peacock
'Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious' and 'Fantasia of the Unconscious'
Horse Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Bakire ile Çingene
D.H. Lawrence's letters to Bertrand Russell
Sea and Sardinia
Sons and Lovers
Lost Girl Illustrated
The ladybird ; The fox ; The captain's doll
New Poems
Sea and Sardinia
Captains Doll Annotated
Tu Me Acariciaste Y Otros Relatos
The Virgin and the Gipsy
Trespasser Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Cizgiyi Asmak
Foreword to Pansies
The lost girl  By : D. H. Lawrence
Ladybird IllustratedThe Ladybird Illustrated
Ladybird Illustrated
Cuentos prohibidos para leer en la intimidad
Twilight in Italy
England, My England and Other Stories
Baron Corvo
The Hopi snake dance
Modern Lover
Lost Girl
The collected short stories
A letter
Love poems
White peacock
Sons and Lovers Women In Love Love Among T
Rainbow, The
D. H. Lawrence giftset
Love among the Haystacks Illustrated
Lost Girl (Illustrated)
The making of Women in love
Der Regenbogen. Roman
My skirmish with jolly Roger
The Trespasser
Wu ru qi tu de nu ren
Deniz ve Sardinya Adasi
Lady Chatterlem's Lover
Woman Who Rode Away Illustrated
Blind Man Annotated
Her Turn
On education
Sons and Lovers
The Wintry Peacock (Hesperus Modern Voices)
Poems , by D. H. Lawrence
Söhne und Liebhaber
Virgen y el Gitano
Kangaroo Illustrated
Twilight in Italy
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Indians and entertainment
The fox
Husbands and Sons
Virgin and the Gipsy Illustrated and Annotated
The Captain_s Doll
Der weisse Pfau
Spiel des Unbewussten
Love among the Haystacks Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia
Sons and Lovers
Three plays
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Wintry Peacock
Virgin and the Gipsy
Look! We Have Come Through
The woman who rode away
The Plumed Serpent
Laady Chatterley's Lover
The Prussian Officer and Other Stories (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Birds, Beasts, and Flowers
Love Among the Haystacks
Lost Girl(James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction 1920) Illustrated
Love Poems and Others
White Stocking
England : My England
The Short Novels Volume Two
Etruscan places
New Poems
Captains Doll
Sea and Sardinia
Sons and Lovers (Annotated)
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
St Mawr
White Peacock
Plumed Serpent
Figli e Amanti Illustrata
Sons and & Lovers.
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Captains Doll
Virgin and the Gipsy
Rawdon's Roof
Prussian Officer
Sons and lovers, (Harper's modern classics)
Complete Poems by Lawrence
Virgin and the Gipsy
Sex, literature and censorship
Sons and Lovers
Touch and Go
Old Adam
St. Mawr and The Virgin and the Gypsy
Sex,Literature and Censorship
St. Mawr
Trespasser Illustrated
Ladybird Annotated
Plumed Serpent
Wintry Peacock
Er qing niao
Lost Girl
A propos of 'Lady Chatterley's lover,'
New Eve and Old Adam (Annotated)
Snake and Other Poems
En el erial
Lady Chatterley
Daughters of the Vicar
Love among the Haystacks Illustared
Pansies, poems
El hombre y el muñeco
Twilight in Italy (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Trespasser Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
La mujer que se fue a caballo
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Daughters of the Vicar
Love among the Haystacks
Touch and Go
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Daughters of the Vicar
Canguro / En el erial
El oficial prusiano
The plumed serpent
Movements in European History
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Primrose Path
Sons and Lovers
England, My England
Twilight in Italy
Trespasser (Illustrated)
Prussian Officer
Modern Lover
New Poems
The White Peacock.
Stories, Essays, and Poems
Touch and Go
Love Poems and Others (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
La vierge et le gitan
Fox Annotated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Love among the Haystacks
Sons and Lovers
Twilight in Italy (The Travellers Library)
Eshet ha-ben
The rainbow
Odour of Chrysanthemums Illustrated
Modern Lover
Man Who Died
Man Who Died
Zai ai qing zhong
Lost Girl Illustrataed
Trespasser - Large Print Edition
Lost Girl
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Look! We Have Come Through
Touch and Go
Twilight in Italy : Discovering Hidden Italy with David Herbert Lawrence
Plumed Serpent
The Complete Short Stories
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Love among the Haystacks
Olum Halkasi
Trespasser (Illustrated)
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Love Poems and Others
Girl Lost in Dreem
Plumed Serpent
Etruscan places
Lost Girl Illustrated
Twilight in Italy by Edgar Rice(Annotated)
England, My England and Other Stories
The Fox, The Captain's Doll & The Ladybird
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Twilight in Italy
Prussian Officer and the White Stocking
England, My England
Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine
Le Cheval ensorcelé
Love among the Haystacks Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated)
Captain's Doll
Plumed Serpent
Daughters of the Vicar
Rainbow Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Rawdon's Roof
Plumed Serpent
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
D.H. Lawrence's unpublished foreword to "Women in love", 1919
Mornings in Mexico and Etruscan Places
Mornings in Mexico
The spirit of place
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
Ladybird Illustrated
Lost Girl( Illustrated Edition)
St. Mawr
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Lost Girl
The White Peacock
Ladybird (Illustrated)
Man Who Died
Sons and Lovers
Prussian Officer
Shadow in the Rose Garden
White Peacock
Prussian Officer
Women in Love
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and Lovers (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Twilight in Italy
St. Mawr
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and Lovers
White Peacock
Aaron's Rod
Banim ṿe-ohavim
Sons and lovers
Twilight in Italy
Love among the Haystacks
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Shades of Spring
Virgin and the Gypsy
Thorn in the Flesh
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Full Score
Studies in Classic American Literature
Captain's Doll
The rocking horse winner
The Lovely Lady and Other Stories (Nelson Graded Readers)
Jack im Buschland
Captain's Doll (Illustrated)
Fanny and Annie
Twilight in Italy
Love Poems and Others
Mexikanischer Morgen und Italienische Dammerung
St. Mawr
Blind Man (Illustrated)
Sick Collier
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
The Complete Short Stories of D. H. Lawrence, Vol. 3
A letter from Cornwall (January 5, 1916)
The Complete Short Stories Vol. 3
Sons and lovers. Introduction by John Macy.
Captain's Doll
Rainbow Annotated Edition
Letters of D. H. Lawrence Pt. 1, Vol. 3
St. Mawr
Prussian Officer
Á propos of Lady Chatterley's lover
Lost Girl
Woman Who Rode Away Illustrated
Daughters of the Vicar
Princess Illustrated
Trespasser Illustrated
Modern Lover
Rawdon's Roof
New Eve and Old Adam
Ten poems
England, My England
The Virgin and the gipsy
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Love among the Haystacks Annotated
Ladybird Illustrated
Wintry Peacock
Paintings of D. H. Lawrence
Trespasser Illustrated
Plumed Serpent
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Look! We Have Come Through!
Twilight in Italy
The Woman Who Rode Away (Evergreen Books. no. 10.)
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd; a Drama in Three Acts
Three Plays (Classics)
Lost Girl
Twilight in Italy
The Woman Who Rode Away
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence (Viking trade paperback)
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Mi ai =
Nouvelles Completes. Tome I
Twilight in Italy
Ladybird Illustrated
England, My England Annotated (Superb Classics Edition)
Sons & Lovers
Love among the Haystacks
Prussian Officer
Woman In Love
Reflections on the death of a porcupine
Christs in the Tirol
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
St. Mawr, and The man who died
Blind Man (Illustrated)
Twilight in Italy by David Herbert Lawrence
Captains Doll Annotated
Love among the Haystacks
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Sons and Lovers
Virgin and the Gipsy
Figli e Amanti - Classici Della Letteratura - (Edizione Italiana)
The virgin and the gipsy
Ladybird (illustrated)
Sons and Lovers (100 Copy Limited Edition)
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
St Mawr
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Birds, beasts and flowers
Rainbow by David Herbert Lawrence Illustrated
Plumed Serpent
Mother and Daughter
Studies in classic American literature (Doubleday anchor book)
Keeping Barbara
The woman who rode away
Caccipōyina maniṣi
Poemas escogidos
Ladybird (Illustrated)
Fox Illustrated
Lost Girl
Horse Dealers Daughter
Lost Girl
Plumed Serpent
Trespasser Illustrated
Captain's Doll
La serpiente emplumada / El amante de lady Chatterley
Sons and Lovers (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Cerdeña y el mar
D. H. Lawrence - Kangaroo
Selected literary criticism
Lost Girl
Captain's Doll
Plumed Serpent
Shades of Spring - Large Print
Vin ordinaire
Lady Chatterley's Lover + Sons and Lovers + Women In Love D. H. Lawrence
Lost Girl (Annotated)
Virgin and the Gipsy
Widowing of Mrs Holroyd
Sons And Lovers, St Mawr, The Fox, the White Peacock, Love among the Haystacks, the Virgin and The Gypsy, Lady Chatterley's Lover
Selected literary criticism
We Love Winter
St Mawr
The White Peacock (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Prussian Officer Annotated
New Eve and Old Adam
Twilight in Italy
Works of D.H. Lawrence
Twilight in Italy (Annotated)
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
St Mawr
Look! We Have Come Through!
The plumed serpent
Captains Doll Annotated
Lost Girl
Touch and Go
Thorn in the Flesh
The triumph of the machine
Collected Short Stories: v. 3
Trespasser Illustrated
Twilight in Italy (Illustrated)
Ladybird Illustrated
New Eve and Old Adam
Plumed Serpent
Her Turn
Second Best
Twilight in Italy
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Twilight in Italy
Virgin and the Gipsy Illustared
Birds, Beasts and Flowers
A Propos of Lady Chatterley's Lover and Other Essays
The Lost Girl
Figli e Amanti
Prussian Officer
Ladybird (Illustrated Edition)
Trespasser Annotated
Man Who Died
Four short novels
Amores (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Assorted articles
Rainbow Illustrated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Kangaroo Illustrated
Captains Doll Annotated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Rainbow (Illustrated Edition)
The Prussian Officer
Mexikanischer Morgen
Kangaroo Annotated
Twilight in Italy
Odour of Chrysanthemums - Large Print Edition
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Mother and Daughter
St. Mawr
Pansies, June, 1929
Figli e Amanti Illustrata
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Lost Girl
Sons and Lovers (Modern Library 1928)
St. Mawr
Sons and Lovers Illustrated Edition
Mornings in Mexico
Rocking Horse Winner and Other Stories
Samson and Delilah
Old Adam
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Selected letters (Anchor books)
ha-Ḳeshet be-ʻanan
Princess Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Virgin and the Gipsy
The Collected Short Stories of D. H. Lawrence
Daughters of the Vicar
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Love among the Haystacks Annotated
Sons and Lovers Illstrated
The Plumed Serpent
Trespasser by David Herbert Lawrence (Illustrated Edition)V
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Ladybird (Illustrated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Lost Girl
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Modern Lover
Plumed Serpent
Ile mon île et autres nouvelles
Twilight in Italy
Woman Who Rode Away Illustrated
Love among the Haystacks
Lost Girl Illustrated
Primrose Path
Colliers Friday Night
Captains Doll: (Finest Illustration)
Sons and Lovers (Modern Library 1928)
This is number seven of the Woburn books, being Rawdon's roof
El zorro y otras historias
Virgin and the Gypsy Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Works of D. H. Lawrence (15 Works)
White Peacock
Love among the Haystacks
Love among the Haystacks
Kangaroo Illustrated
Twilight in Italy
Lady Chatterley
Plumed Serpent by D H Lawrence (1950-01-03)
Captain's Doll
Lost Girl Illustrated
Modern Lover Annotated
Ladybird Annotated
st maun and the man who died
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
Women in Love
Trespasser (Illustrated)
Modern Lover
You Touched Me
Love among the Haystacks
Twilight in Italy
Virgin and the Gipsy
Sea and Sardinia
Man Who Died
Blind Man
Modern Lover
Fata pierdută
Plumed Serpent
Fox Annotated
You Touched Me
Sex, Literature, and Censorship
Blue Moccassins
The Rainbow
Yu ju de zui ren
Trespasser Illustrated
Mother and Daughter
Modern Lover
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence (Viking trade paperback)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Captains Doll
Lost Girl
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
St. Mawr and the Man Who Died
Laughing horse
L'homme et la poupée
The life of J. Middleton Murry by J.C.
Mother and Daughter
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
A propos of Lady Chatterley's lover
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Captain's Doll
White Peacock
Very Selected
Seven Great British Short Novels
The Lost Girl (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Plumed Serpent
Daughter of the Vicar Unique Annotated
Wedding Ring
Sons and Lovers (Illustrated Edition)
Sons and Lovers
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated Edition
Second Best
Touch and Go
Women in Love, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Sons and Lovers (Omnibus Edition)
D. H. Lawrence Collection, Volume II
St Mawr
Fantasia of the Unconscious
İtalya'da Alacakaranlık
Twilight in Italy- by Edgar Rice(Annotated)
Sons and Lovers Annotated(illustrated Edition)
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
White Peacock
You Touched Me
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence
The Rainbow. Heron Collected Works of D H Lawrence
Love among the Haystacks
Odour of Chrysanthemums Illustrated
Ladybird (Illustrated)
Lost Girl
The selected letters of D.H. Lawrence (Great letters series)
L'homme qui était mort
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Ladybird Annotated
White Peacock
Virgin and the Gipsy
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Twilight in Italy
The plumed serpent
The ladybird
Cai hong
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Sea and Sardinia
Sons and Lovers (The Modern Library, No. 333)
The plumed serpent
Plumed Serpent V23
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Rainbow( Illustrated Edition)
Twilight in Italy
Twilight in Italy (Illustrated)
White Peacock
New Poems
St. Mawr
Memoirs of the  Foreign Legion
England, My England, and Other Stories
Kangaroo Illustrated Edition
White Peacock
Last poems
Modern Lover
Movements in European History (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
England, My England
Lost Girl Annotated
Ladybird Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Captain's Doll by David Herbert Lawrence(Annotated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Samson and Delilah
Prussian Officer
Prussian Officer
Selected literary criticism,
Italian studies
Mananas en Mexico
An original poem
Etruscan Places
El hombre que amaba las islas
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Ladybird Annotated
Level 5 Pack
England, My England
Sons And Lovers
An excerpt from Lady Chatterley's lover
The Fox
Plumed Serpent
Fox Illustrated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Rainbow Annotated
Prussian Officer
Sons and Lovers
Aaron's Rod. Heron Collected Works of D H Lawrence
A propos of Lady Chatterley's lover
The married man
Modern Lover & Other
Trespasser Illustrated
Virgin and the Gypsy Annotated
Man Who Died
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Trespasser - Large Print
Fanny and Annie
The White Peacock
Sons And Lovers
La segunda Lady Chatterley
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Prussian Officer : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Lost Girl Illustrated
Captains Doll by David Herbert Lawrence (Illustrated Edition)
The man who died
Touch and Go (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Ladybird Annotated
Rainbow Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious
The Indispensable
A propósito de Lady Chatterley
Sons and Lovers (Classic Novels of World Literature)
Trespasser Illustrated
Ladybird (Illustrated Edition)
Sons and Lovers
Fantasia of the Unconscious
White Peacock
The rainbow
The rainbow
Sea and Sardinia
The plumed serpent
Twilight in Italy(Illustrated Edition)
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Full Score
Sons and Lovers (1000 Copy Limited Edition)
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Illustrated
England, My England and Other Stories Annotated and Unabridged
Mornings in Mexico
Lost Girl
Virgin and the Gipsy
Sons and Lovers
The Rainbow. Phoenix Edition
Selected literary criticism
Virgin and the Gipsy Illustrated
Twilight in Italy
England, My England
White Peacock
D.H. Lawrence Three Plays
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Fantasia of the Unconscious
The Rainbow and Women in Love
Gencianas Bavaras e outros poemas
Ladybird Annotated
Fox Illustrated
Modern Lover
Birds, Beasts and Flowers; Poems
Wintry Peacock
Selected Literary Criticism
Studies in classic American literature
Plumed Serpent
Daughters of the Vicar David Herbert Lawrence
My skirmish with jolly Roger
Ladybird Annotated
Daughter of the Vicar by Lawerance(Annotated)
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious
Prussian Officer (Annotated)
Blind Man (Illustrated)
Odour of Chrysanthemums
The Fox
Sons and Lovers
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Etruscan Places
Complete travel writing
La vierge et le gitan
Harman Yerinde Ask
Lost Girl
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Prussian Officer Annotated
Trespasser Illustrated
Ladybird Annotated
D.H. Lawrence's letters to Bertrand Russell
Ladybird Annotated
Captain's Doll
Blind Man
Prussian Officer
Mujeres enamoradas
La Nouvelle Ève et le vieil Adam
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Prussian Officer
St. Mawr
Ladybird (Illustrated Edition)
Goose Fair
Fanny and Annie
Touch and Go
Ladybird Llustrated
The Rainbow.
The trespasser
Look! We Have Come Through! (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Chatarei Fujin no koibito ; Tentōmushi ; Itaria no hakumei ; Shi
The white peacock
Trespasser Illustrated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
England, My England Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia
Prussian Officer
Man Who Died
The merry-go-round
Fox Annotated
Captain's Doll
Sea and Sardinia
Ladybird( Illustrated Edition)
Sea and Sardinia
Bay : A Book of Poems
Sons and Lovers
Plumed Serpent
White Stocking
The ship of death and other poems
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Shades of Spring
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
White Peacock
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Kangaroo (Illustrated)
Studies in classic American literature
Blind Man
Captains Doll
Stories, essays and poems
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and Lovers IllustratedD. H.
Virgin and the Gipsy
Twilight in Italy
COLLECTED POEMS. Volume I. Rhyming Poems.
Adaları Seven Adam
Sons And Lovers - Stage 4
Lost Girl
Kangaroo Illustrated
Captain's Doll
The white peacock
Women in love
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy
Captain's Doll
Twilight in Italy
The White Peacock (Dodo Press)
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
Kangaroo Annotated
Twilight in Italy
Lost Girl Illustrated
Trespasser Illustrated
Captains Doll by David Herbert Lawrence (Illustrated Edition)
Selected literary criticism of D. H. Lawrence
The Rainbow By D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers
St Mawr
Women in love ; The ladybird ; The man who died ; The captain's doll ; The rainbow
Captains Doll Illustrated
Lao lun si zhong pian xiao shuo xuan
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Look! We Have Come Through!
Rainbow by David Herbert Lawrence Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy
England, My England
Trespasser Annotaed
Short Novels
Ogullar ve Sevgililer - Oglak Y.
Plumed Serpent Illustrated
Ladybird Illustrated
Shades of Spring
Captain's Doll
Twilight in Italy
Lost Girl
Fantasia of the Unconscious - Large Print
Blind Man - Large Print
You Touched Me
Look! We Have Come Through!
Lost Girl Illustrated
Captains Doll by David Herbert Lawrence Illustrated (Noble Classic)
Lost Girl
Sea and Sardinia
Modern Lover
Prussian Officer
Wintry Peacock
Sea and Sardinia
Ch'aet'ŏlli puin ŭi sarang
The Virgin and The Gipsy
Ladybird Ilustrated
The plumed serpent
Sons and Lovers
Twilight in Italy
Fox, Captain's Doll, Ladybird
Kangaroo Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Rainbow by David Herbert Lawrence Illustrated
Sick Collier
England, My England
Phoenix. Part One
Look We Have Come Through
Fox Illustrated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Prussian Officer
Qi ma er qu de fu ren
The Prussian Officer
Modern Lover Annotated
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd : A Drama in Three Acts
Fox Illustrated
Ladybird by D. H. Lawrence
La vara de Aaron
Virgin and the Gipsy
Maṭeh Aharon
Asik Kadinlar
New Eve and Old Adam
Twilight in Italy and Other Essays
Lost Girl
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated Edition)
England, My England and Other Stories Annotated
Trespasser Illustrated
Prussian Officer
Virgin and the Gipsy
St Mawr & the Man Who Died
Touch and Go
Sons and lovers
Ladybird Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Twilight in Italy by David Herbert Lawrence
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Mother and Daughter
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Sea and Sardinia
White Peacock
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Primrose Path
El hombre que amaba las islas
Set of Three Books by D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Pornography and so on
Dirty words
The Plumed Serpent
Fills i amants
New Poems
Sons and Lovers (New Edition)
Sons and lovers
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
Las hijas del vicario
Primrose Path
Women in Love (Webster's French Thesaurus Edition)
Horse-Dealer's Daughter : (Annotated Edition)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Twilight in Italy
Virgin and the Gipsy
Daughters of the Vicar
Captain´s Doll
Love among the Haystacks
Odour of Chrysanthemums - Original Edition
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Lost Girl
Etudes sur la littérature classique américaine
Prussian Officer (Annotated)
Kangaroo Illustrated
Fox Annotated and Unabridged
Lost Girl (annotated)
Blind Man
Man Who Died
La verge d'Aaron
Bungaku to moraru
COLLECTED POEMS. Volume I. Rhyming Poems.
Captains Doll
Second Best - Publishing People Series
Studies in Classic American Literature
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers Annoated
Ladybird Annotated
Sons and Lovers : (Barnes and Noble Classics Series)
Twilight in Italy
Sex locked out
Touch and Go
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
Twilight in Italy
Kangaroo Illustrated
Fox Annotated
Look! We Have Come Through!
Captain's Doll
Odour of Chrysanthemums
The White Peacock
War films
A colliers friday night
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Sons and Lovers
Twilight in Italy
Man Who Died
Lost Girl
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotaed
Monkey Nuts
Classici americani
Ḳaṿ ha-gevul
Selected Essays
The Rocking Horse Winner (Dramascripts)
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Kangaroo Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Annotated Edition
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Sea and Sardinia
Twilight in Italy
Fantasia of the Unconscious Ilustrated
Canguro, novela
D. H. Lawrence the Dover Reader
Kangaroo Illustrated
Ladybird Annotated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Daughters of the Vicar
St. Mawr
The Ladybird : The Fox
Love among the Haystacks
The Captain's Doll
Sons and Lovers Illustrated Edition
Monkey Nuts
Virgin and the Gipsy by David Herbert Lawrence
Captain's Doll
Full Score
Lost Girl Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Lady Chatterley's Lover (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Captain's Doll
Great novels of D.H. Lawrence
Love among the Haystacks
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Mortal Coil
The Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
The White Peacock
Selected tales
Die blauen Mokassins
Sons and Lovers (annotated)
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Twilight in Italy
Phoenix. Part Two
The Complete Short Stories of D.H Lawrence Volume Three
Figli e Amanti Illustrata
The Lost Girl
Nouvelles Completes. Tome II
Ladybird Illustrated
Prussian Officer
All Things Are Possible
The Lost Girl
Fox, The
The Prussian Officer
Man Who Died
New Eve and Old Adam (Annotated)
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Birds, Beasts and Flowers
Ladybird - Publishing People Series
Twilight in Italy (Compass Book C102)
Figli e Amanti' Illustrata
The New decameron
Lost Girl Illustrated
Rainbow (Illustrated)
Love among the Haystacks Illustrated
Lady Chatterly's Lover
England, My England
England, My England
Sons and Lovers (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Lady Chatterley's Lover!
Ladybird (Illustrated)
Ladybird (Illustrated Edition)
Love among the Haystacks
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Mornings in Mexico
Full Score
Twilight in Italy
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Assorted articles
Women in love, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Man Who Died
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Sons and Lovers
Lost Girl
Centaur Letters (Humanities Research)
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
England, My England
Goose Fair
The Trespasser (Phoneix Edition)
Rainbow by David Herbert Lawrence Illustrated
Rainbow Illustrated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
The Lost Girl
Studies in classic American literature
Figli e Amanti
D. H. Lawrence
Aaron's Rod
Twilight in Italy
Fragment of Stained Glass - Publishing People Series
Virgin and the Gipsy
Love Among the Haystack and Other Stories
The nightingale
Sons and Lovers, Women in Love
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Estudios sobre literatura clasica norteamericana
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale
Woman Who Rode Away
Fox Annotated
The Woman Who Rode Away 1928 [Leather Bound]
Love among the Haystacks
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Lost Girl
Autumn in New Mexico & other poems
Selected Poems
Sons and Lovers (Webster's Italian Thesaurus Edition)
Masigat gevul
Lost Girl Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy (Annotated)
Prussian Officer
Lost Girl
Blue Moccassins - Large Print
Man Who Died
Princess (Illustrated)
The Lost Girl
Lost Girl Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious David Herbert Lawrence Annotated
Life Concise Volume
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Thorn in the Flesh - Publishing People Series
The Complete Poems of D.H. Lawrence. Collected and edited with an introduction and notes by Vivian de Sola Pinto and Warren Roberts [Volumes I and II]
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Twilight in Italy
Blind Man
Femmes amoureuses, tome 1 et 2
Er zi yu qing ren
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
New Eve and Old Adam
Collier's Friday Night
Rorensu shōsetsushū
Virgin and the Gipsy
Lost Girl
Sea and Sardinia
The borderline
Studies in Classic American Literature
Fox, the Captain's Doll, the Ladybird
England, My England
The Complete Short Stories of D H Lawrence
La mujer que se fué a caballo
New Poems (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Twilight in Italy- by Edgar Rice(Annotated)
You Touched Me
Lost Girl
The Complete Short Stories Vol. 1.
Sex, Literature, and Censorship
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and Lovers (Illustrated Edition)
England My England
Lady Bird
The boy in the bush
Pornography and obscenity
Blue Moccassins
Virgin and the Gipsy - Large Print
Delilah and Mr. Bircumshaw
The Trespasser
Thorn in the Flesh (Annotated)
Thorn in the Flesh (Annotated)
Coriolanus Illustrated
England, My England
Samson and Delilah
Sons and Lovers Annotated and Unabridged
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Kangaroo Illustrate
Kangaroo (Illustrated)
Figli e Amanti
Indians and an Englishman
Trespasser Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated Edition)
Princess Illustrated
Captain's Doll
Figli e Amanti (Classici Della Letteratura) (Edizione Italiana)
The Complete Short Stories, Vol. I
Renʼai shishū
England : My England
Prussian Officer Annotated
Lost Girl
Captain's Doll
Wintry Peacock
Twilight in Italy
Woman in Love
Four short novels
Essays & Belles-Lettres
The Ship of Death and Other Poems
Captains Doll: (Finest Illustration)
Birds, Beasts and Flowers; Poems
Le Navire de mort et autres poèmes
Sea and Sardinia
Lost Girl Illustrated
Selected Poems
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Studies in Classic American Literature
Love among the Haystacks by David Herbert Lawrence
Der gelibṭer fun Leydi Tshaṭerli
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Prussian Officer
D. H. Lawrence
Sea and Sardinia (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Captain's Doll (Illustrated)
Sons and Lovers
Lost Girl
The rainbow with an introduction by Richard Aldington
El zorro y otras historias
Virgin and the Gipsy Illustrated
Sons and Lovers (Illustrated)
Man Who Died
The Complete Short Stories, Volume One
Studies in Classic American Literature
Love Among The Haystacks
The Plumed Serpent
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Virgin and the Gipsy - Large Print Edition
Selected tales
Rainbow and Women in Love
Lost Girl(James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction 1920) Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Plumed Serpent
The Rainbow (QPB Edition, 1995)
Kadin Asik Olursa
Trespasser Annotated
Plumed Serpent
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Figli e Amanti Illustrata
Poems (Pocket edition of the works of D. H. Lawrence)
The Lost Girl
El zorro y otras historias
Ladybird Annotated
Captain's Doll
Prussian Officer
Figli e Amanti Illustrata : (Classici Della Letteratura e Della Narrativa Contemporanee)
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Thorn in the Flesh
Birds, beasts and flowers
Ladybird Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Trespasser Illustrated
Lost Girl
Touch and Go
Captain's Doll
Re lian
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Sons and Lovers (Illustrated Edition)
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Vtg D.H. Lawrence / A Modern Lover / First U.S. Edition, 1934
Sons and Lovers by D.H.Lawrence
Virgin and the Gypsy
Etruscan places
Love among the Haystacks
White Peacock
Monkey Nuts - Publishing People Series
THE SHORT NOVELS Vol Two (The Phoenix Edition)
Captains Doll Annotated and Illustrated (Penguin Classic)
Ladybird (Illustrated)
England, My England
Thorn in the Flesh
Captain's Doll
The real thing
Plumed Serpent by D H Lawrence (January 03,1950)
The Rocking-Horse Winner
Shades of Spring
Love among the Haystacks
Sons and Lovers (C37)
Die Frau, die davonritt
La Vierge et le gitan
Sons and Lovers
Bay : A Book of Poems
Daughters of the Vicar
P'aeni wa Aeni
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated Edition)
Selected Stories
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Look! We Have Come Through
En un tranvía español y otros poemas
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Virgin and the Gipsy
Fantasia of the Unconscious
D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers
L'homme qui aimait les îles
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Daughters of the Vicar
Twilight in Italy(Annotated)
Twilight in Italy (Annotated)
Prussian Officer Illustrated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Virgin and the Gypsy
England, My England
D.H. Lawrence
The Virgin and the Gypsy
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Pornography and obscenity
Sons and Lovers (Modern Library Number 333)
O oficial prussiano
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Ladybird Annotated
Virgin and the Gipsy
Blind Man
D.H. Lawrence -  The White Peacock
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Virgin and the Gipsy
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Selected Short Stories
The white peacock
Three complete novels
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Rainbow (Illustrated)
Plumed Serpent
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and Lovers : (Introduction by John Macy)
Mortal Coil
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Sea and Sardinia -- with an Introduction By Richard Aldington
Love Among the Haystacks, & Other Stories (Avon pocket-size books, 248)
St Mawr and The Virgin and The Gipsy
Sons And Lovers
Twilight in Italy
Sea and Sardinia
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Touch and Go : A Play in Three Acts
St Mawr
Blind Man
White Stocking
New Poems
Captains Doll
Lost Girl(Annotated)
Twilight in Italy- by Edgar Rice(Annotated)
Sea and Sardinia
Lost Girl
L'home que va morir
Xing yu mei
D. H. Lawrence and Nottinghamshire 1885-1930
The Ladybird Illustrated
The Trespasser
The Prussian Officer
Sons and Lovers
Twilight in Italy (Illustrated)
England, My England
You Touched Me
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Virgin and the Gipsy
The White Peacock - First Edition, Second Impression
The lost girl
The man who died
The letters of D.H. Lawrence
The White Peacock
The Rainbow. Heron Collected Works of D H Lawrence
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious
The White Peacock. Heron Collected Works of D H Lawrence
Kangaroo Illustrated
Princess (Illustrated)
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Lost Girl
Virgin and the Gipsy
Love among the Haystacks
Unpublished foreword to "Women in love" 1919
Ladybird Annotated
White Stocking
Man Who Died
Sea & Sardinia
The Rainbow AND Women in Love - Selection of Critical Essays (Casebook Series)
ha-Betulah ṿeha-tsoʻani
Modern Lover
Verliebte Frauen
Lost Girl Illustrated
Fox Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious
You Touched Me
Shades of Spring
Old Adam
The white peacock (Crosscurrents: modern fiction)
The symbolic meaning
The collected letters of D.H. Lawrence
Tortoises (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Virgin and the Gipsy
Sea and Sardinia
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Sons and Lovers
Plumed Serpent
HACER EL AMOR CON MUSICA [Próxima aparición]
Love among the Haystacks Illustrated
Lost Girl Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious (annotated)
The rainbow
Plumed Serpent
Twilight in Italy
Ladybird Illustrated
New Poems
Modern Lover
The symbolic meaning
Captain's Doll
Kangaroo Illustrated
You Touched Me
Sons and Lovers
Captain's Doll
Primrose Path - Large Print
La serpiente emplumada
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Sons and Lovers
Blind Man Annotated
Rainbow Illustrated
Mother and Daughter
Prussian Officer
Love Among The Haystacks and Other Stories
Sons and Lovers
Sons and Lovers
Lost Girl
New Eve and Old Adam - Large Print
Défense de Lady Chatterley
Lady Chatterley's Lover (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The blind man
Ladybird Illustrated
Reflection on the Death of a Porcupine
Ladybird Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
Trespasser: (Illustrated)
Old Adam
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious
Liebe, Sex und Emanzipation
Trespasser Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated Edition)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Etruscan places
Plumed Serpent
Daughters of the Vicar
Virgin and the Gipsy
Love Poems and Others
Aaron's Rod
À propos of Lady Chatterley's lover
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Captains Doll Annotated
Selected stories
Sons and Lovers - First Edition 1913
Love among the Haystacks (Annotated)
Trespasser Illustrated
Goose Fair
Lost Girl
White Stocking
Virgin and the Gipsy
Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine
Nashim ohavot
Sous l'étoile du chien
Ladybird Annotated
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Mother and Daughter (Annotated)
White Peacock
The portable D. H. Lawrence, (The Viking portable library)
Lost Girl
Ladybird Illustrated
Sea and Sardinia
Second Best
Sons and Lovers Text , Background, and Criticism (viking critical library)
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Great Novels of D. H. Lawrence
St. Mawr
Fox Illustrated
Sons and Lovers
The Rainbow (Modern Library #128)
England, my England
Captain's Doll Illustrated
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Trespasser (Illustrated)
Monkey Nuts
Sons and Lovers
Twilight in Italy
Twilight in Italy
Wintry Peacock
[Publisher's dummy for Etruscan places by D. H. Lawrence]
El zorro y otras historias
Selected poems
Etruscan places
Ons and Lovers - the Original Classics(Annotated)
Sons and Lovers
St Mawr
Mortal Coil
Modern Lover
England, My England
Fantasia of the unconscious
Ladybird Illustrated
St. Mawr
You Touched Me
Du hast mich angefaßt. Die schönsten Liebesgeschichten
The woman who rode away and other stories
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Ogullar ve Sevgililer
Mornings in Mexico
England, My England
Estudios sobre literatura clasica norteamericana
st maun and the man who died
Shadow in the Rose Garden
Mother and Daughter
Primrose Path
St. Mawr
THE RAINBOW - complete unabridged.
The Trespasser Pocket Edition D H Lawrence 1950
The portable D. H. Lawrence
Re lian
Ogullar ve Sevgililer
Lost Girl Illustrated
White Peacock
Blind Man
Samson and Delilah
Lost Girl
Virgin and the Gipsy
Plumed Serpent
Selected tales
The White Peacock
Inglaterra, Inglaterra mía y otros relatos
L'home que va morir
Virgin and the Gipsy
Sons and Lovers
Sons and lovers
Trespasser by David Herbert Lawrence (Illustrated Edition)
Trespasser Annotated
Twilight in Italy
The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of D. H. Lawrence-Three Novelettes-'Glad Ghosts, ' 'The Man Who Died, ' 'The Border Line'-And Five Short
The Prussian Officer
Cerdeña y el mar
The Ladybird
Phoenix II
Trespasser by David Herbert Lawrence Illustrated (Noble Classics)
Mortal Coil
Virgin and the Gipsy
Goose Fair
Modern Lover
Shinda otoko
Synir Og Elskendur
Twilight in Italy
Lost Girl
The virgin and the gipsy
The Lost Girl
Best of D.H. Lawrence
Sons and Lovers (annotated)
Lost Girl (Illustrated Edition)
White Peacock
Mortal Coil
Plumed Serpent
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Everybody"s Lamb
The White Peacock
Meʹshavah shei leidi Cheterlei
Etruscan Places
Sons and lovers
Virgin and the Gipsy Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Captain's Doll Annotated
Rainbow (Annotated)
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Man Who Died
Stories, Essays, and Poems
The Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl
ha-Geveret ha-neḥmadah
Fox Annotated
Rainbow Annotated
Old Adam
Prussian Officer
Love among the Haystacks
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Lady Chatterley's Lover, Including 'a Propos of Lady Chatterley's Lover' Illustrated
Prussian Officer Illustrated
Plumed Serpent Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Captain's Doll
The lovely lady
Kangaroo Illustrated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Sea and Sardinia
The White Peacock
Kangaroo Illustrated
Etruskische Stätten
Fox Illustrated
Prussian Officer and Other Stories
Fragment of Stained Glass
Le renard
Studies in Classic American Literature
Chatarei Fujin no koibito ; Tentōmushi ; Itaria no hakumei ; Shi
Zapakh khrizantem
Fantaisie de l'inconscient Illustré
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
The letters of D.H. Lawrence,
Sons And Lovers (A Signet Book)
The Fox
A prelude
Women in Love Illustraed
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Prussian Officer
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
St. Mawr
Fantasia of the Unconscious
England, My England
Sons and Lover
Twilight in Italy
Phoenix. The Posthumous Papers
Lost Girl Illustrated
Essential D. H. Lawrence
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Selected Short Stories
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Fox Annotated and Unabridged
Woman Who Rode Away, St. Mawr, the Princess
England My England
Fox, The
Etruscan places
Bakire ile Cingene
England, My England
The Trespasser (Collected Works of D.H. Lawrence)
Rainbow : (Annotated Edition)
Ladybird Illustrated
Love among the Haystacks
The last laugh
The Rainbow
Paul Morel
Horse-Dealer's Daughter Illustrated
Sons and Lovers (Illustrated Edition)
Fox Illustrated
Love among the Haystacks - Large Print
The letters of D. H. Lawrence
The Woman Who Rode Away
Virgin and the Gipsy
Fantasia of the unconscious and
Trespasser Illustrated
Sons and Lovers is a 1913 novel
Virgin and the Gipsy
Lost Girl Annotated
Sons and Lovers (Annotated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Lost Girl
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Trespasser Annotated
You Touched Me
Thorn in the Flesh
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
The man who died (104a)
Filhos e amantes
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Ladybird Annotated
Plumed Serpent
Ladybird Illustrated
Plumed Serpent
St. Mawr
Virgin and the Gipsy
Lost Girl
Meʼahavah shel Ledi Ts'eṭerli
Love poems
Twilight in Italy (Webster's English Thesaurus Edition)
The lost girl
The fox
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Twilight in Italy by David Herbert Lawrence(Annotated)
Sons and Lovers by David Herbert Lawrence
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
Fragment of Stained Glass
Figli Ed Amanti
Sons and Lovers
The Plumed Serpent ( Quetzalcoatl ) Intro. By William York Tindall
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated Edition)
Sons and Lovers Ilusturated
Sons and Lovers
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Woman Who Rode Away
Sons And Lovers
Sea and Sardinia
Lost Girl Illustrated
The Plumped Serpent
Phoenix. Part One
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Illustrated
St Mawr
New Eve and Old Adam
Modern Lover
Captain's Doll
Rawdons Roof
England My England
Virgin and the Gypsy Illustrated
Trespasser Annotated and Unabridged
Sons and Lovers
Daughters of the Vicar
Sons and Lovers (Modern Library, 109.1)
Captain's Doll
Fox Annotated
Mortal Coil
St Mawr
Look We Have Come Through
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Fox Annotated
Lost Girl
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Blue Moccasins
Modern Lover
England, My England
Fragment of Stained Glass - Large Print
Sons and Lovers
The Trespasser
Sons and Lovers
Old Adam
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious (Illustrated Edition)
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Monkey Nuts
New Eve and Old Adam
Sons and Lovers (The Observer Classic of the Month Library)
The escaped cock
Fanny and Annie
England, my England, and other stories
Sons and lovers
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Fanny and Annie
Twilight in Italy
The Portable D.H. Lawrence - Eight Novelettes and Stories Plus the Rainbow - Women in Love - and Poetry, Travel, Letters, Essays
Six novels of Thomas Hardy and the real tragedy
Some Imagist Poets an Anthology
Selected Essays (Twentieth Century Classics)
All Things Are Possible (Living Time Thought)
Lady Chatterleyin Asigi
Ogullar ve Sevgililer
Fox Annotated
Trespasser Illustrated
Love Poems and Others
Sons and Lovers
Prussian Officer
Rainbow Annotated
Rawdon's Roof
SONS AND LOVERS. Modern Library Series No. 109.
New poems
Selected Tales
Twilight in Italy Illustrated
Fantasia of the Unconscious
England, My England
St Mawr Annotated
Captains Doll Annotated
Rainbow Illustrated
Trespasser Annotated
'The Fox', 'The Captain's Doll' and 'The Ladybird'
Captain's Doll
Prussian Officer
Etruscan places,
Sons and Lovers
Meʼahavah shel ledi Ts'eṭerli
Lost Girl Illustrated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
The Complete Poems of D. H. Lawrence in Two Volumes
Assorted Articles
Sea and Sardinia
Sex literature and censorship
Trespasser Illustrated
Trespasser Illustrated
Primrose Path
Virgin and the Gypsy
El hombre que murió
Prussian Officer
Omnibus (Complete & Unabridged) - Women in Love, The Ladybird, The Man Who Died, The Captain's Doll, The Rainbow
Sons and Lovers by D.H. Lawrence (Viking trade paperback)
Sardaigne et Méditerranée
White Stocking
Captain_s Doll
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Complete short stories
La Serpiente Emplumada
Shades of Spring
Sons and lovers
New Eve and Old Adam
Shades of Spring
Odour of Chrysanthemums
Twilight in Italy
Captain's Doll
The Complete Short Stories
Love among the Haystacks
England, My England
Rainbow Illustrated
New Eve and Old Adam
Look! We Have Come Through!
Reflections on the death of a porcupine and other essays
Modern Lover
Lost Girl
Rawdons Roof
Wintry Peacock
EL ARCO IRIS [Spanish]
Sea and Sardinia
Sons and Lovers Illustrated Edition by D. H. Lawrence
Virgin and the Gypsy Illustrated
Sons and Lovers Annotated
Love among the Haystacks
Lady Chatterley's Trial
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Fanny and Annie - Publishing People Series
Goose Fair - Large Print
Sons and Lovers
Twilight in Italy
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Fox Illustrated
Two Short Stories
Sea and Sardinia
Kangaroo Annotataed
Married Man a Play in Four Actc
Touch and Go : A Play in Three Acts
Giovanni Verga
The ladybird ; The fox ; The captain's doll
Lost Girl
Inglaterra, Inglaterra mía y otros relatos
Sons and Lovers Illustrated
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Lost Girl Annotated
Horse-Dealer's Daughter
Sea and Sardinia
The Lost Girl
The Virgin and The Gipsy
Kangaroo Illustrated
Twilight in Italy Annotated
Lost Girl Annotated
Virgin and the Gipsy
Lost Girl
Touch and Go
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
Sons and Lovers (Complete Works Series) 1968 Hardcover Import by Heron Books, London
El pavo real blanco
Captain's Doll
Sons and Lovers
Daughters of the Vicar
Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd
Love among the haystacks & other pieces
White Peacock
England, My England
Women in Love Ilustrated
The plays of D. H. Lawrence
Twilight in Italy
Virgin and the Gipsy Annotated
Kangaroo (annotated)
Fantasia of the Unconscious Annotated
Sons+and+Lovers Annotated
England, My England
The Trespasser
New Mexico
Twilight in Italy
Princess Illustrated
Kangaroo Illustrated
Complete Unexpurgated Authentic Authorized Edition Lady Chatterley's Lover
Plumed Serpent
Sons and Lovers (illustrated Edition)
Princess (Illustrated)
Prussian Officer
The Fox
Rainbow Illustrated
The plumed serpent
The collected poems of D. H. Lawrence.
Kangaroo (Illustrated Edition)
England, My England and Other Stories Annotated and Unabridged
Trespasser Annotated
Sons and lovers
England, My England and Other Stories
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Plumed Serpent
The Plumed Serpent -- Quetzalcoatl
Phoenix II
Figli e Amanti Illustrata
Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories Annotated
Sick Collier
Women in Love
Captain's Doll
White Stocking
Monkey Nuts
John Galsworthy
The Fox by D. H. Lawrence (2009-03-14)
SONS AND LOVERS , Modern Library 353
Birds, Beasts and the the Third Thing
El arco iris /Mujeres enamoradas
La mujer perdida / La vara de Aarón
El pavo real blanco / El transgresor / Hijos y amantes
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1623-1673)

philosopher, physicist, poet, essayist, lady-in-waiting

Assaulted and Pursued Chastity
The blazing world and other writings
The description of a new world, called the blazing world and other writings
Bell in Campo
Margaret Cavendish
Margaret Cavendish
The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing World
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
Political writings / Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of New Castle ; edited by Susan James
Paper bodies
The Cavalier in Exile: Being the Lives of the First Dvke & Dvtchess of Newcastle
Observations upon experimental philosophy
The Description of a New World, Called The Blazing World
The Description of New Blazing World and Other Writings (N Y U Press Women's Classics)
Sociable letters
Sociable letters, 1664
The convent of pleasure and other plays
Bell in Campo and The Sociable Companions (Broadview Literary Texts)
The Blazing World and Other Writings
The sociable companions, or, The female wits
The life of William Cavendish
The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle
Grounds of natural philosophy
The lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret Duchess of Newcastle
Observations upon Experimental Philosophy, Abridged
The life of the Duke of Newcastle
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle; to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life
"The Convent of Pleasure" and Other Plays
The cavalier and his lady
The lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Sociable Letters
Poems and fancies, 1653
The description of a new world
Philosophical letters
The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World (Broadview Editions)
Assaulted And Pursued Chastity
The life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the true relation of my birth, breeding and life
The Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle
The philosophical and physical opinions
The Contract
The life of the (1st) Duke of Newcastle, & other writings
CCXI sociable letters
Orations of divers sorts accommodated to divers places
De vita et rebus gestis nobilissimi illustrissimique principis, Guilielmi ducis Novo-Castrensis, commentarii
Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places
Blazing World Anotated
Blazing World an Illustrated
The life of William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle
The Blazing World
The lives of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, and of his wife, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Blazing World Illustrated
Lives of William Cavendishe, Duke of Newcastle
Grounds of natural philosophy : divided into thirteen parts: with an appendix containing five parts
Blazing World an Annotated
Blazing World Annatoted Version
Philosophical letters
The life of the thrice noble, high, and puissant prince William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle ..
Poems, or, several fancies in verse
A true relation of the birth, breeding, and life, of Margaret Cavendish, duchess of Newcastle
Blazing World Llustrated
Orations of divers sorts, accommodated to divers places. VVritten by the thrice noble, illustrious, and excellent princess, the Dutchess of Newcastle
Blazing World Be Annotated
Blazing World Annotated
Ground of natural philosophy
The philosphical and physical opinions
The Blazing World
The cavalier and his lady
The cavalier in exile
The worlds olio
Poems, and fancies
The sociable companions
Natures pictures drawn by fancies pencil to the life
The presence
Poems and phancies
CCXI sociable letters
Poems, or, Several fancies in verse
A piece of a play
The Life of the thrice noble High and Puissant Prince, William Cavendish, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle ...
The life of the Duke of Newcastle and other writings
The description of a new world, called the blazing world
The Life of the Duke of Newcastle
The life of William Cavendish
Poems and fancies, 1653
The convent of pleasure
The bridals
Plays never before printed
Poems and fancies
Paul Éluard
Paul Éluard (1895-1952)

politician, poet, French resistance fighter

  • Lycée Colbert
À toute épreuve
Capitale de la douleur
Letters to Gala
Sculptures ne  gres
Lettres à Gala, 1924-1948
A Pablo Picasso
Au rendez-vous allemand
Derniers poèmes d'amour de Paul Eluard
Ralentir travaux
A Moral Lesson
Unbroken poetry II =
L'Art De L'Orthographe (Le Bescherelle)
Donner à voir
Love, Poetry
Oeuvres complètes
Anthologie Eluard
Donner a Voir
Correspondance 1919-1944
Paul Éluard
La Vie immédiate, suivi de "L'Evidence poétique" et "La Rose publique"
La jarre peut-elle être plus belle que l'eau?
Capital of pain
Derniers poèmes d'amour
Selected poems
Mains Libres
Poesía y verdad 1942 = Poésie et vérité 1942
Love, poetry =
Une leçon de morale
Ombres et soleil =
Capitale de la douleur, suivi de L'amour la poésie
Lettres à Joë Bousquet
Les derniers poèmes d'amour
152 proverbes mis au gout du jour
Poèmes pour tous ; choix de poèmes 1917-1952
Eluard : Oeuvres complètes, tome 1
Les malheurs des immortels
Le poète et son ombre
Une longue réflexion amoureuse
Oeuvres Completes 2
Corps mémorable
Le dur désir de durer
Selected writings
Poèmes politiques
Lettres de jeunesse
Last love poems of Paul Eluard
La\Vie Immediate /  l'Evidence Poetique /  la Rose
Les Frères voyants
Souvenirs de la maison des fous
L'\Immaculee Conception
Une lec ʹon de morale
Au rendez-vous allemand, suivi de "Poésie et vérité 1942"
L' amour la poésie
Une leçon de morale, poèmes
Dignes de vivre
Le lit, la table
152 proverbs adapted to the taste of the day =
Un soupçon
Éluard, livre d'identité
Le poète et son ombre - NE
La poésie du passé, de Philippe de Thaun, XIIe siècle à Cyrano de Bergerac XVIIe siècle
Poésie involontaire et poésie intentionnelle
Poésies, 1913-1926
Poe sie ininterrompue II
A l'intérieur de la vue
En avril 1944
Paul Eluard
A toute ʹepreuve
Une\Lecon de Morale
Œuvres complètes ..
Poesie Interrompue
Dans Paris il y a...
La\Jarre Peut Elle Etre Plus Belle Que l'Eau
Derniers Poemes d'Amour
Tout dire
Souvenirs de la maison des fous
Les sentiers et les routes de la poésie
La Poésie du passé, de Philippe de Thaun 12e siècle à Cyrano de Bergerac 17e siècle
Liberté j'écris ton nom
Donner à voir, di Eluard
Trauer schönes Antlitz
Poésie ininterrompue
Poesie /  1913 1926
Le devoir et l'inquiétude
Corps me morable
Le livre ouvert (1938-1944)
152 proverbes mis au goût du jour =
Lingères légères
La po©♭sie du pass©♭
Les armes de la douleur
50 Qaṣīdat ḥubb ..
Poèmes pour tous
Paul Eluard
Poemes politiques
Poesie Ininterrompue
Quelques-uns des mots qui jusqu'ici m'étaient mystérieusement interdits
La vie immediate
Deux poèmes [par] Paul Éluard & René Char
Cours naturel
Le Dur Desir De Durer
Poèmes pour tous, choix de poèmes 1917-1952
Une longue re flexion amoureuse
El Poeta y Su Sombra
L' amour
Le Livre ouvert
Donner à voir
Paul Eluard
Le phénix
La poésie du passé
Pour vivre ici
Au nom de la liberte
Schwestern der Hoffnung
The immaculate conception
El Amor y La Poesia
Anthologie des écrits sur l'art
La poésie du passé
Archives du Nord / le Labyrinthe du Monde Vol. 2
Cartas A Gala
Les Sentiers et les Routes de la Poésie
Première anthologie vivante de la poésie du passé
La Poésie du passé
Seconde nature
La poesie du passe
Lettres de jeunesse : avec des poèmes inédits
Derniers poèmes d'amour de Paul Éluard
Last love poems of Paul Eluard
Doubles d'ombre
Doll and the Doll at Play
Capitale de la douleur & l'amour la poésie
Anthologie des écrits sur l'art
Chanson complète
Premiers poèmes, 1913-1921
Le poe  te et son ombre
Lettres de jeunesse vec des poèmes inédits
La Vie immédiate
Le Dur désir de durer, poèmes
Jacques Villon
Jeux vagues, la Poupée
La rose publique
Les dessous d'une vie
Poe sies, 1913-1926
Lettres de jeunesse avec des poe  mes ine dits
Poésie interrompue
Le poèt et son ombre
Work of the Painter
Oeuvres Completes /  1945 1953   Vol. 2
Poe sie ininterrompue
Le meilleur choix de poèmes est celui que l'on fait pour soi, 1818-1918
Poésie et vérité, 1942
Capitale de la Douleur & l'Amour la Poesie
La jarre peut-elle être plus belle que l'eau? (1930-1938)
Oeuvres comple?tes ..
Oeuvres Completes, Vol. 1
Les nécessités de la vie et les conséquences des rêves
Capitale de la douleur
Paul Éluard
Derniers poèmes d'amour
Les sept poèmes d'amour en guerre
Derniers poèmes d'amour de Paul Eluard
La Poésie du passé
Le phénix
De la musique encore et toujours!
Paul Éluard
Paul Eluard, poète né à Saint-Denis
Diccionario abreviado del surrealismo (La Biblioteca Azul serie mínima) (Spanish Edition)
Poésie involontaire et poésie intentionnelle
Lettres de jeunesse
Les animaux et leurs hommes
Le devoir
Choix de poèmes
Le bestiaire
Anthologie des écrits sur l'art
Choix de poèmes
Poesie ininterrompue. --
Love, poetry =
Dignes de vivre
L'Enfant qui ne voulait pas grandir (Kid 3-9 ans) (French Edition)
Le meilleur choix de poèmes est celui que l'on fait pour soi, 1818-1918
Poésie involontaire et poésie intentionnelle
Thorns of thunder
Les yeux fertiles
Le devoir et l'inquiétude
Objet des mots et des images
Paul Éluard
Výbor básní
Oyeblikkets Spel
Paul Eluard
A Pablo Picasso
Au rendez-vous Allemand
Le lit, la table
Le dur désir de durer
Paul Eluard et ses amis peintres, 1895-1952
Les nécessités de la vie et les conséquences des rêves ; précédé d'Exemples
Paul Éluard
Les yeux fertiles
Capitale de la douleur
L'amour la poésie
Premiers poèmes
Automatic Message, The Magnetic Fields, The Immaculate Conception
La poésie du passé
Les sentiers et les routes de la poesie
Une longue réflexion amoureuse
Jean Froissart
Jean Froissart (1336-1409)

chronicler, historian, canon, poet, heraldist

L'épinette amoureuse
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
The Chronicle of Froissart, Volume I
Chroniques de J. Froissart
The chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
Oeuvres de Froissart
Jean Froissart
The boy's Froissart
Chronicle and romance
Stories from Froissart
Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
The Chronicles of Froissart
Froissart in Britain
Poésies de J. Froissart: extraites de deux manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du roi et publiées pour ..
The Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Etc
Chronicle and Fiction
The chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc
The chronicles of Sir John Froissart condensed for young readers
La prison amoureuse =
Chroniques de Froissart
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
Froissart's Chronicles
The Chronicles of Froissart
Oeuvres de Froissart, publiées avec les variantes des divers manuscrits par ... le baron Kervyn de Lettenhove ...
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries
Chronique de France, d'Angleterre et de Bretagne
Honour & arms
Ballades et rondeaux
The chronicles of England, France, Spain etc. etc.
The first volum of Sir Johan Froyssart of The chronycles of Englande/Fraunce/Spayne
Histoire et chronique
Froissarts cronycles
Le joli buisson de Jonece
Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the Adjoining Countries: From the Latter Part of the ...
The chronicles of England, France, Spain, and other places adjoining
Chronicle and Romance
Oeuvres-poésies, publiées par Aug. Scheler
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
L'espinette amoureuse ed.2002
Chronicle and Fiction
Voyage en Béarn
The lyric poems of Jehan Froissart
The chronicles of England, France and Spain
A shorter Froissart
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
Le premier livre des chroniques de Jehan Froissart
Chronicle and romance
Œuvres de Froissart
Le paradis d'amour
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV
El Príncipe Negro en Alava
Here begynnith the firste volum of Syr Iohn Froissart
Here begynneth the first volum of Sir Iohan Froyssart of the Cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flau[n]ders and other places adioynynge
Les chroniques de J. Froissart
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV
Passages from Froissart
The antient chronicles of Sir John Froissart
Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of England, France and the adjoining countries
The Youth's historical gift
Poe sies de J. Froissart
Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
The Chronicles of Sir John Froissart
Collection de chroniques, mémoires et autres documents
Froissart's chronicles
Chronicle of Froissart (Volumes 27-32)
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
Histoires de Froissart
Les chroniques
The chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc., etc
[ Here begynneth the first volum of Sir Johan Froyssart
"Dits" et "De bats"
Les chroniques de sire Jean Froissart
The days of Chivalry
The thirde and fourthe boke of Sir Johan Froyssart
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV
Les plus belles chroniques de Jean Froissart
Voyage en Béarn
Illuminated illustrations of Froissart
Voyage en Beárn
Frossardus et Cominaeus
[ Chroniques de Froissart]
The chronicles of Froissart
Here begynneth the third and fourthe boke of Sir John Froissart of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spaygne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flaunders and other places adioynyng
The story of Bruges, Ghent and Ypres
Froissart's cronycles
Le premier [second, tiers, qvart] volvme de l'histoire et croniqve
The chronicles of England, France and Spain
La guerre de cent ans
L' espinette amoureuse
The chronicles of England, France, Spain andother places adjoining
The chronicles of Jean Froissart in Lord Berners' translation
Of the batayle of Crécy between the Kyng of England & the French Kyng
Le premier livre des chroniques de Jehan Froissart
Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
Les plus belles histoires de Messire Jean Froissart
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
A paralel of times and events
Here begynneth the thirde and fourthe boke of sir Iohn̄ Froissart of the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spaygne, Portyngale, Scotlande, Bretayne, Flaunders, and other places adioynyng, translated out of Frenche in to englysshe by Iohan Bourchier knyght lorde Berners, deputie generall of ye kynges towne of Calais and marchesse of the same, at the co[m]maundement of our most highe redouted souerayne lorde kyng Henry the eyght, kynge of Englande and of Fraüce [sic] [and] highe defender of the Christen faithe. [et]c
Chronicles (Classics)
[Here begynneth the first volum of sir Johan Froyssartof the cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotland, Bretayne, Flaunders and other places adjoynynge
Frossardi, nobilissimi scriptoris gallici, Historiarvm opvs omne
"Dits" et "débats"
The chronicles of Jean Froissart
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries
L'espinette amoureuse
Chronicles of England, France, Spain
Oeuvres de Froissart
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
The Chronicles of Froissart
Frossardi, nobilissimi scriptoris Gallici, Historiarum opus omne
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
The chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Here begynneth the prologe of Syr Johan Froissart of the Chronicles of Fraunce, Inglande, and other places adjoynynge
Les chroniques de sire Jean Froissart
The story of Bruges, Ghent and Ypres
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Les chroniques de J. Froissart
Le premier livre des chroniques de Jehan Froissart
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries
An epitome of Frossard, or, A summarie collection of the most memorable histories contained in his chronicle, chiefly concerning the state of England and France ...
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
Oeuvres de Froissart
The boy's Froissart
Chronicles of England, France, Spain
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
The lyric poems of Jehan Froissart
Le joli buisson de Jeunesse
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV
Le paradis d'amour ; L'orloge amoureus
Le premier [second, tiers, qvart] volvme de l'histoire et croniqve
The days of chivalry
Froissarts cronycles
Ci sensieut vn trettie de moralite qui sappelle le temple dnnour
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries
Chroniques de Jean Froissart
Sir John Froissart's chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
Duo Gallicarum rerum scriptores nobilissimi. Frossardus In breuem historiarum memorabilium epitomen contractus
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henri IV
Chroniques de J. Froissart, publiées pour la Société par Siméon Luce
Œuvres de Froissart
The chronicles of Jean Froissart
Duo Gallicarum rerum scriptores nobilissimi
Stories from Froissart
La Guerre de cent ans
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries
Maurice Baring
Maurice Baring (1874-1945)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, war correspondent

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Daphne Adeane
Macbeth and Related Readings
The mainsprings of Russia
Diminutive dramas
What I saw in Russia
Puppet Show of Memory
The lonely lady of Dulwich
Sarah Bernhardt
An outline of Russian literature
Lost diaries
A year in Russia
R.F.C., H.Q., 1914-1918
Letters from the Near East 1909 and 1912
In my end is my beginning
The coat without seam
Robert Peckham
Passing by
Lost lectures
Russian essays and stories
The Russian people
Timber's leave
Russian essays and stories
Translations: ancient and modern
Round the world in any number of days
Friday's Business
Dead letters
Cat's cradle
With the Russians in Manchuria
Darby and Joan
Friday's business
The blue rose
In memoriam
Maurice Baring restored
The puppet show of memory
Dead letters
Punch and Judy, & other essays
The Russian people
His Majesty's embassy and other plays
Half a minutes silence and other stories
The Collected Poems of Maurice Baring
Landmarks in Russian literature
Dear animated bust
Tinker's leave
Have you anything to declare?
Robert Peckham
The glass mender
French literature
Palamon and Arcite
The grey stocking and other plays
Forget-me-not and Lily of the Valley
W.D. dinner July 12, 1923
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Poems, 1914-1917
The causes of the failure of the Russian Revolution
Orpheus in Mayfair
Blue rose fairy book
Comfortless memory
The collected poems
The grey stocking
Primary Sources Historical Collections The Mainsprings Of Russia With A Foreword By T S
Gaston De Foix
Pastels and other rhymes
The Black Prince & Other Poems
Cecil Spencer
Dead letters
Passing by
Ivo Grenfell, October 8, 1926
The glass mender and
Maurice Baring
Poems: 1892-1929
Gaston de Foix: And Other Plays
Sonnets and short poems
The story of forget-me-not and lily of the valley
Punch and Judy
The Black Prince
The collected poems of Maurice Baring
Orpheus in Mayfair and Other Stories and Sketches
I. M. H
Lost diaries
The glass mender and other stories
The mainsprings of Russia
Lost lectures
With the Russians in Manchuria
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Darby and Joan
Diminutive dramas
Gilbert and Sullivan
La solitaire de Dulwich
The Russian people
Dead letters
Sarah Bernhardt
Blue rose fairy book
The grey stocking, and other plays
The grey stocking, a other plays
Goethe and Victor Hugo
Prophet of Wales
In my end is my beginning
An outline of Russian literature
Dead letters
The Black Prince, and other poems
Ten diminutive dramas
Dead letter
Coat without seam
Habent sua fata libelli
Robert Peckham
Maurice Baring restored, selections from his work
Translations (found in a commonplace book)
Brochure on the subject Literature, the world of imagination
What I saw in Russia
Have you anything to declare?
Translations, ancient & modern (with originals)
His Majesty's embassy
The puppet show of memory
Flying Corps Headquarters, 1914-1918 (Echoes of War)
The oxford book of Russian verse
Half a minute's silence
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Daphne Adeane
When they love
Russian lyrics
Diminutive dramas
A year in Russia
La princesse Blanche
Sarah Bernhardt
Half a minute's silence, and other stories
Landmarks in Russian literature
A triangle, passages from three notebooks
The lonely lady of Dulwich
Unreliable History
Passing by
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Selected poems of Maurice Baring
An outline of Russian literature
A triangle