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musicologists who wrote romance
Showing 1-8 out of 10 results
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

philosopher, botanist, composer, choreographer, musicologist, literary, autobiographer, music theorist, pedagogue, naturalist, playwright, encyclopƩdistes, correspondent, political scientist, essayist, music critic

La nouvelle Héloïse
Julie, or, The new Heloise
Of the Social Contract and Other Political Writings
Of the Social Contract and Other Political Writings
Du contrat social
Les confessions
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'ineĢgaliteĢ parmi les hommes
The Social Contract and Discourses
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
ReĢ‚veries du promeneur solitaire
French and English Philosophers
Dictionnaire de musique
Discours sur les sciences et les arts
Oeuvres completes
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau Volume 2
La nouvelle Héloise
The first and second discourses together with the replies to critics and Essay on the origin of languages
Correspondance compleĢ€te de Jean Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau Volume 1
Le devin du village
Collection compleĢ€te des oeuvres
Staat und Gesellschaft
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau Volume 3
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau
A Discourse on Political Economy
Le monde britannique de 1815 à 1931
A discourse on inequality
Basic political writings
Les pensées de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Ecrits sur la musique
Collection complète des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Selections from the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Contrat social: ou principles du droit politique
French and English Philosophers : Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes
Le contrat social
Social Contract
Émile, Or Treatise on Education
Emile or Education
œuvres complètes de J. J. Rousseau, avec des notes historiques ..
emile, ou de l'education
Pages choisies des grands écrivains: J.-J. Rousseau
A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Essai sur l'origine des langues
Religious writings [of] Rousseau
French and English Philosophers : Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes
ConsideĢrations sur le gouvernement de Pologne
On the social contract, with Geneva manuscript and Political economy
Letters on the elements of botany
Lettre à d'Alembert sur les spectacles
Of the social contract, or, Principles of political right & Discourse on political economy
Rousseau, Jean Rousseau. --
Du contrat social, ou Principes du droit politique;: suivi des ..
The Social Contract And Discourse On The Origin Of Inequality
Collection complete des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve
Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau ..
Political writings
Emile On Education, Volume I
The major political writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Correspondance générale de J.-J. Rousseau
Las ensoñaciones del paseante solitario
Concise and Genuine Account of the Dispute Between Mr. Hume and Mr. Rousseau
The Plan for Perpetual Peace, On the Government of Poland, and Other Writings on History and Politics (Collected Writings of Rousseau)
The Confessions of J.J. Rousseau: With The Reveries of the Solitary Walker
La sagesse de Jean-Jacques: fragments des Ź¾ecrits de Rousseau, accompagnŹ¾es de diverses ..
Lettres originales de J.J. Rousseau à Mme. de ... ; à Mme. la maréchale de Luxembourg; à Mr. de ..
Lettres élémentaires sur la botanique
Julie, ou La nouvelle Heloise
Les Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire
The Social Contract
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inegaliteĢ parmi les hommes
The reveries of a solitary
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Emile On Education,Volume III
Essay on the origin of languages and writings related to music
Jean Jaques Rousseau, citoyen de Genève, a Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris ..
Julie, ou La nouvelle Héloïse: ou, La nouvelle Héloïse. Lettres de deux amants
Œuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Oeuvres compleĢ€tes de J.J. Rousseau
Emile, or, On education
Oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau; ou, Recueil de pièces ..
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemente de l'inegalateĢ
Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau: suivies des Reveries du promeneur solitaire
A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind
Extrait du Projet de Paix Perpetuelle
Discours sur l'origine de l'inegalite
Rousseau's Political Writings
Pensées de J. J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève.
Petits chefs-d'oeuvre
Contrat social
The discourses and other political writings
Moby Dick / The Life of Samuel Johnson / The Social Contract / The Odyssey / Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves / Christopher Columbus' Letter Reporting his First Impressions of America / Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Autobiographical, Scientific, Religious, Moral, and Literary Writings (Collected Writings of Rousseau)
Discours qui a remporte' le prix a l'Academie de Dijon, en l'année 1750
La Mondialisation des droits de l'homme
Letter to Beaumont, letters written from the mountain, and related writings
Simulation et fiducie
Devin Du Village, Le/The Village Soothsayer
Discourse on the origins of inequality (second discourse) ; Polemics ; and, Political economy
La nouvelle He loi se
Confessions 1-4
LA Isla Del Dr. Castro
Complete Correspondence
Discourse On The Origin Of Inequality
Lettre a M. D'Alembert sur les spectacles
Lettre à Mr. d'Alembert sur les spectacles
A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality And a Discourse on Political Economy
Les Confessions, tome 1
Mastabas et pyramides d'Egypte, ou, La mort deĢnombreĢe
TraiteĢ des socieĢteĢs aĢ€ responsabiliteĢ limiteĢe
Political Science
Social contract ; Discourse on the virtue most necessary for a hero ; Political fragments ; and, Geneva manuscript
La vie et l'oeuvre de Philippe-Auguste Jeanron
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Rousseau on education
Emile ou l'Education
Discourse on the sciences and arts (first discourse) ; and, Polemics
J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Genève, a Mr. d'Alembert ..
Social contract
Schriften zur Kulturkritik
Jean Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Genève, a Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris ..
Correspondance Complète de Rousseau
Le nouveau Dédale
Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard
Lettres écrites de la montagne.  Premiere[-seconde] partie
Emile 1
L'icone objet d'art ou objet de culte ? actes du colloque de vezelay aout 2000
Lettre à M. D'Alembert sur son article Genève
Emile, ou
The essential Rousseau
The social contract, or, Principles of political right
La botanique de J.J. Rousseau
Pages choisies
Construire la Grande Pyramide
Politics and the arts
The social contract ; and, The discourses
Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Lettres de deux amans
Historia Regional De Sinaloa
Sur L'Economie Politique
Education and Child Rearing
Des enfants juifs en Vendée
She yue lun
French thought in the eighteenth century
Discours qui a remporté le prix a l'Academie de Dijon.  En l'année 1750
Seconde partie des Confessions de J.J. Rousseau.  Tome troisième[-quatrième]
Rousseau on women, love, and family
Social Contract
Discours sur les richesses
Lettre à d'Alembert
Oeuvres Completes. Tome XI A 1758-1759
Julie, ou, La nouvelle Héloise
The miscellaneous works of Mr. J. J. Rousseau
Discours sur l'Origine et les Fondements de l'Inegalite Parmi les Hommes  Avec
Le Lévite d'Ephraïm
Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques.  Dialogues
The Social Contract and other Writings
The Social Contract
Discours Sur l'Origine de l'Inegalite
On The Social Contract
A Luxury of Self-Reproach
Préface de La nouvelle Héloïse
Lettre inédite de J.-J. Rousseau
On the Social Contract
Great Books of the Western World, Volume 38
Les Confessions I
Lettre sur la musique françoise
Les rêveries d'un promeneur solitaire
Morceaux choisis
Fragments inédits
Social Contract and Discourses
Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Emilius And Sophia V4
French and English Philosophers : Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes
Mémoires et Correspondance de Madame d'épinay; Volume 3
Julie Ou La Nouvelle Heloise Tome I
Julie ou La nouvelle Heloïse
Confessions Livres I a VI
Le Nouvelle Héloïse
J.-J. Rousseau
Les Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Lettres écrites de la montagne.  En deux parties
Oeuvres complètes de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Obra Selectas
La Nouvelle Heloise 2*
Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau, suivies des Rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Jean Jacques Entre Socrate et Caton
Dictionnaire de musique
Les enfants du siècle
Les pensées de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve
Dictionnaire de musique
Du Contrat social on principles du droit politique
Ameliore Ton Francais
Social Contract (Great Books in Philosophy)
Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men
TraiteĢs sur la musique
Discourse upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind
Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques
L'Abécédaire du fauvisme
Essai Sur L'Origines DES Langues
Discurso Sobre Las Ciencias y / Contrato Social
Regards Sur le Dictionnaire de Musique de Rousseau
Oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, Volume 9 (French Edition)
Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres
Du contract social
Observations de Jean-Jacques Rousseau de Geneve
Botany : A Study of Pure Curiosity
Discours sur l'origine de l'inégalité--
J. Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Généve, a Christophe de Beaumont, archevêque de Paris, duc de S. Cloud, pair de France, commandeur de l'Ordre du Saint Esprit, proviseur de Sorbonne, etc.
Oeuvres complettes de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Les Integrales De Philo:Rousseau
Oeuvres complètes
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inegalite' parmi les hommes
Preface de La nouvelle Heloïse
Le Parfum et les Larmes
Du contrat social, ou, Principes du droit politique ; Discours sur les sciences et les arts ; Discours sur l'origine de l'inegalite parmi les hommes ; Lettre a M. d'Alembert ; Considerations sur le gouvernement de Pologne ; Lettre a Mgr. de Beaumont, archeveque de Paris
Les confessions [2/2]
Saint-Just-en-ChausseĢe et ses environs
Les Confessions 2
Recueil d'estampes pour La nouvelle Héloïse
Emilio, Ó, de la Educacion...
Discours Sur Lorigine Et Les Fondements (Folio-Essais Series: No.18)
Julie Ou La Nouvelle Heloise Tome II
Les Confessions 1
Institutions chimiques
Les confessions [extraits]
Correspondance complète
Escritos Politicos
Premiere[-seconde] partie des Confessions de J.J.  Rousseau ..
Emile, Julie and Other Writings
Del contrato social
On the Social Contract
J.-J. Rousseau et henriette, jeune parisienne inconnue
Discours sur l'origine
A Discourse on Inequality
The creed of a priest of Savoy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau en Savoie
Correspondance Complete De Jean Jacques Rousseau
Reflexiones de Un Paseante Solitario
Collection complette des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Engineering Science
Social Contract or Principles of Political Right - Illustrated Edition
Introduction aĢ€ l'eĢtude de J. J. Rousseau
Affaires de Corse
Discursos. Sobre La Desigualdad Entre Los Hombres
Confesiones, Las
The Social Contract, a Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, And a Discourse on Political Economy
Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses, the. Rethinking the Western Tradition
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'ine galite  parmi les hommes
Les confessions [1/2]
Discourse on the Origins and Foundations of Inequality Among Men
Escritos Polemicos
The collected writings of Rousseau
The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, ed. from theoriginal manuscripts and authentic editions
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes / Discours sur les sciences et les arts
Emile and the Social Contract
Ensayo sobre el origen de las lenguas
Du Contrat Social (French Edition)
Les rêveries de promeneur solitaire
Rousseau par lui-meme
Narcisse ou L'amant de lui-même
Oeuvres inédites de J.J. Rousseau, suivies d'un supplément à l'histoire de sa vie et de ses ouvrages
Correspondance Complete de Jean Jacques Rousseau (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century,)
Stories of Achievement
Classiques Abreges
Social Contract Theory(Chinese Ed.)
French and English Philosophers
Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar
Oeuvres Completes
Essay on the Origin of Languages and Writings Related to Music (Collected Writings of Rousseau)
Les Confessions (French Edition)
The Essential Writings Of Jeanjacques Rousseau
Les confessions ... suivies des reĢ‚veries du promeneur solitaire ...
Oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Genève
Emile et Sophie ou Les solitaires
Jean-Jacques Rousseau à Venise (1743-1744)
Autobiographical, scientific, religious, moral, and literary writings
Discours Sur l'origine et les Fondemens de l'inégalité Parmi les Hommes
Enlightenment & Nathan the Wise & First and Second Discourses & Candide
Textes choisis et commentés
ill - Teh discourses and other political writings
La nouvelle heloise
The essential writings of Rousseau
Discours sur les sciences et les arts. Discours sur l'origine de l'inegalite
The Social Contract
Ensayo Sobre El Origen De Las Lenguas
vertoog over de ongelijkheid
Julie, or the new Eloise
La "Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard"
Un testament littéraire
La Sagesse de Jean-Jacques
Le citoyen, ou Discours sur l'economie politique
Correspondance de Jean-Jacques Rousseau avec Léonard Usteri
The Essential Rousseau (Essentials)
oeuvres complètes de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Loose-leaf Version of The Making of the West 4e v2, First and Second Discourses, French Revolution and Human Rights
Anayasa Projeleri
Discourse upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire.
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Emile, or Treatise on Education
The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. J. J. Rousseau. In Five Volumes. ... of 5; Volume 4
Contrat Social, Ou, Principes du Droit Politique...
Eloisa, Or, A Series of Original Letters
Discours Sur l'origine et les Fondements de l'inégalité Parmi les Hommes
Le testament de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (février 1763)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag
Émile, Ou de l'éducation. Par J. J. Rousseau, ... of 4; Volume 2
Émile ou de l'Éducation
Discours sur les Sciences et les Arts  Avec
Ingenieurs Wetenskap
Ich sah eine andere Welt
Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Volume 2
L' homme
Oeuvres Completes   Tome II
Voyage Dans la Suisse Française et la Chablais, Avec une Carte
Discourse on Inequality
OEuvres Completes
A Treatise on the Social Compact
Las ensoñaciones del paseante solitario
Du contrat social ou principes du droit politique.
Oeuvres complètes avec les notes de tous les commentateurs - Tome 6
Emile Ou de l'éducation, Volumes 1-2...
Religious writings
Émile, o, Dell'educazione
Icimizde Gezinen Sessizlik
Yalniz Gezerin Düsleri
Toplum Sozlesmesi - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikler
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome V
The Social Contract and Discourse
The minor educational writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Oeuvres complètes avec les notes de tous les commentateurs - Tome 24
Correspondance Generale. Tome XX
Oeuvres politiques
The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Meditations of a Solitary Walker (Classic, 60s)
Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Men
Eloisa : Or, a Series of Original Letters Collected a New Edition
On the Inequality among Mankind
Trois Discours de Jean Jacques...
Du Contrat Social. Publié Avec une Introd. et des Notes Explicatives Par Georges Beaulavon
On the Origin of Inequality; A Discourse on Political Economy
Nouvelle Héloïse, Ou, Lettres de Deux Amans, Habitans d'une Petite Ville Au Pied des Alpes
Julie; Ou la Nouvelle Hiloise
Du contrat social
Du contrat social
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rouseau (ML, 243.1)
Ensayo sobre el origen de las lenguas
La Nouvelle Heloise 1*
PenseĢes d'un esprit droit, et sentimens d'un coeur vertueux. Par J. J. Rousseau. Ouvrage ineĢdit, imprime sur le manuscrit autographe de l'auteur; suivi d'un autre opuscule de Rousseau intituleĢ : Moeurs, caracteĢ€re ..
Du contrat social
The Emile of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes. Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres
Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques
Julie Ya Da Yeni Heloise
Montesquieu & J. -J. Rousseau
Correspondance Generale. Tome VIII
Du Contrat Social
Confessions / 2, Volume 4... (French Edition)
Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman, Tr. from the Fr. of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Ideal empires and republics
Emilius and Sophia
Les Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire, Cartes a Jouer
Pure Curiosity
Dissertation on Political Economy
Les Confessions, livres I à IV (Petits Classiques Larousse) (French Edition)
Nouvelle Héloïse Ou Lettres de Deux Amans, Habitans d'une Petite Ville Au Pied des Alpes, Volumes 1-2...
Rousseau's Émile
Discourse on Political Economy and the Social Contract
J.-J. Rousseau peint par lui-même. Tome 3
Correspondance Generale. Tome IX
Les Confessions - Livres I à IV
Creed of a Priest of Savoy
Émile, ou, de l'Éducation
Insanlar Arasindaki Esitsizligin Kaynagi ve Temelleri Hakkinda Nutuk
Confessions Volume Two
Letters on the Elements of Botany. Addressed to a Lady. by ... J. J. Rousseau. Translated Into English, with Notes, and Twenty-Four Additional ... Edition, with Corrections and Improvements
Works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. in Ten Volumes. Volume the Fourth. of 10; Volume 4
Social Contract and Discourses
OEuvres Complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau. Nouvelle édition, Classée Par Ordre de Matières, . (Voyage à Ermenonville Par Feu M. le Tourneur, Pour Servir de Préface. ) Tome Vingt-Unieme
Oeuvres de M. Rousseau de Geneve
Oeuvres Politiques
The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. J. J. Rousseau. In Five Volumes. ... of 5; Volume 1
Confessions 2
Gateway to the Social Contract
Lettres Écrites de la Montagne
Julie, Ou La Nouvelle Héloïse, Ou Lettres De Deux Amants, Habitans D'une Petite Ville Au Pied Des Alpes
On the Social Contract
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva
Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes. Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres
Confessions of J J Rousseau ¿
Bilimler ve Sanatlar Üzerine Söylev - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Pieces Diverses De J. J. Rousseau V4
Du contract social
Project concerning new symbols for music
Oeuvres Choisies de J.J. Rousseau de Geneve. ... of 7; Volume 4
Reine Fantasque, Conte, Par Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ... Suivi d'un Discours du Même Auteur Sur la Question, Quelle Est la Vertu la Plus Nécessaire Au Héros? & Quels Sont les Héros à Qui Cette Vertu a Manqué?
The Social Contract, or Principles of Political Law
Confessions of J J Rousseau -
Social Contract (Royal Collector's Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
Les confessions de J. J. Rousseau. Tome premier. of 3; Volume 1
Discourse on Inequality
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique
Kulturkritische Und Politische Schriften
Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Escritos constitucionales
Les confessions, les réveries du promeneur solitaire
Contrato Social. Principios Del Derecho Político
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XIV
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Keystone of Democracy
Pygmalion, a Poem. from the French of J. J. Rousseau
Émile; or, Concerning Education
Lettre a Mr. D''Alembert
Confessions of Rousseau
Émile ou De l'éducation
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau, now for the First Time Completely Translated Into English Without Expurgation. Illustrated With a Series of Etchings by Ed. Hedouin; Volume 2
OEuvres Completes
J. -J. Rousseau et Ses Oeuvres
Jean Jaques [sic] Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève, a Christophe de Beaumont, ...
Toplum Sözlesmesi
Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes
Works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. in Ten Volumes. Volume the First. of 10; Volume 1
Correspondance Complète de Jean Jacques Rousseau
The Essential Writings of Rousseau (Modern Library Classics)
Political and Economic Guiding Principles in the Government of the State
Les Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire
The essential Rousseau
Du Contract Social
La\Nouvelle Heloise   1 2 vols
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome IX
Du Contrat Social
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Royal Collector's Edition) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
On the origin of inequality ; A discourse on political economy (Great books foundation)
A dictionary of music
La Nouvelle Heloise in 2 volumes
ā„—Œuvres de M. Rousseau de Gen©Åev
Minor Educational Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Les Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire
Rousseau's Émile: Or, Treatise on Education
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva. Part the First. to Which Are Added, the Reveries of a Solitary Walker. Translated from the French. in Two Volumes... . Second Edition. of 2; Volume 1
Las confesiones
Gizakien arteko desberdintasunaren jatorri eta oinarriei buruzko mintzaldia
The cunning-man
Émile, ou, de l'Éducation
Creed of a Priest of Savoy (Milestones of Thought Series)
Les Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
La nueva Eloísa
[ Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'ineĢgaliteĢ parmi les hommes, suivi de La reine fantasque
Autobiographical, Scientific, Religious, Moral, and Literary Writings
Pages choisies
Correspondance Generale. Tome XII
A Dialogue Between a Man of Letters and Mr. J. J. Rousseau, on the Subject of Romances. Published Since His Eloisa, and Intended as a Preface to That Work. Translated from the French
Émile; or, Concerning Education, Extracts Containing the Principal Elements of Pedagogy Found in the First Three Books
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 2
Yalnizgezerin Dusleri
Toplum Sozlesmesi
Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau, suivies des Rêveries du promeneur solitaire. Tome II
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome I
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
Julie, Ou, la Nouvelle Héloïse
Les Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire
Discurso sobre la economía política
Bruits - Essai Sur l' Économie Politique De La Musique
Émile, Ou de l'éducation. Par J. J. Rousseau, ... of 4; Volume 3
Recueil de Toutes les Pieces Qui Ont Été Publiées a l'occasion du Discours de M. J. J. Rousseau Sur Cette Question Proposée Par l'académie de Dijon Pour le Prix de l'année 1750. Si le Rétablissement des Sciences & des Arts a Contribué À Épurer ...
Lettre a Mr D'Alembert
Discours sur l'économie politique
Lettre de J.J. Rousseau, de Geneve, a M. Grimm, sur la réfutation de son Discours
De la persécution attachée à la vérité et au génie
Emile or Concerning Education
On the Origin of Inequality
The Social Contract and Discourses
Treatise on the Social Compact
Las Ensonaciones del Paseante Solitario
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Pensées de J. J. Rousseau, ... of 2; Volume 2
Correspondance de Jean-Jacques Rousseau Avec léonard Usteri
Jean-Jacques Rousseau; leçons Faites à l'Ecole des Hautes études Sociales
The indispensable Rousseau
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome II
Projét de Paix Perpétuelle
Emilio, O de La Educacion
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Escritos polémicos
Der Gesellschaftsvertrag
The Social Contract and Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Rousseau on international relations
The Social Contract and Discourses
Rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Emile On Education, Volume II
Dillerin Kokeni Ustune Deneme - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Essential Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
El contrato social o Principios de derecho político
Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome VIII
Contrato Social, Ó, Principios Del Derecho Politico ...
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 1
Oeuvres Complétes de J. J. Rousseau, Tome V
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 4
Itiraflar 2
Narcisse Ou l'Amant de Lui-M�me
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire
L'e Ģtat de guerre and Projet de paix perpeĢtuelle
Profession of faith of a Savoyard vicar
Toplum Sözlesmesi veya Siyasi Esaslar
Social Contract
The Political Writings Of Jean Jacques Rousseau - Volumes 1 And 2 I II
Twee brieven over kennis en geluk
A la rencontre de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
E mile
An Inquiry Into the Nature of the Social Contract; Or Principles of Political Right. Translated from the French of John James Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Botaniste Sans Maitre...
Lettres ecrites de la montagne
Le devin du village
The social contract (The Hafner library of classics)
Rousseau's Bekenntnisse, Teil
Discurso Sobre El Origen Y Los Fundamentos De La Desigualdad Entre Los Hombres Y Otros Escritos (Clasicos)
Confessions and Correspondence, Including the Letters to Malesherbes
Nouvelle Héloïse Ou Lettres de Deux Amans ... ...
Œuvres choisies
Emile, or, Concerning education : extracts containing the principal elements of pedagogy found in the first three books
The social contract and other later political writings
The Confessions
OEuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau, Avec des Notes Historiques ... ; Volume 3
Correspondance Generale. Tome V
Social Contract & Discourses
Les Confessions II
Contrato social o principios de derecho político
A Treatise On The Social Compact
Herbarium Rousseau-Aublet
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique Illustree
Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Die Grundsätze des Staatsrechts.
3 Books by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Discourse on Inequality
Lettre à M. d'Alembert sur les spectacles
The Social Contract
Nowa Heloiza
OEuvres Complettes de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève; Volume 31
Les principaux monuments funéraires du Père-Lachaise et autres cimetières de Paris
ÉMILE Ou de L'Éducation
Political Writings Containing the Social Contract, Considerations on the Government of Poland, and Part I of the Constitutional Project For Corsica
Emile (Everyman's Library No. 518)
Emelius Or An Essay on Education
Confessions 7-12 (Classiques Larousse)
La Nouvelle Heloise: Julie, or the New Eloise
The confessions of J. J. Rousseau, ... Part the first. To which are added, The reveries of a solitary walker. Translated from the French. In two volumes. ...
Die Neue Heloise, Dritter Band
Fiche de lecture Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Bilimler ve Sanatlar Üzerine Söylev
Confessions Volume One
OEuvres; Volume 17
Discourse upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind
OEuvres Completes. Tome IX B
Social Contract and the First and Second Discourses
Abhandlung Von Dem Ursprung der Ungleichheit Unter Den Menschen
Oeuvres diverses de Monsieur J.J. Rousseau, de Geneve
Gout Patgracian Mala
The Confessions of J.J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva
Oeuvres Completes : Tome XVI B
Contrato Social
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Du Contrat Social
Escritos polémicos
Rousseau Penseur
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Rousseau et Henriette
Discourse on Inequality
The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Les Confessions, livres I à IV
Testament de Jean Jacques Rousseau...
Complete Dictionary of Music. Consisting of a Copious Explanation of All Words Necessary to a True Knowledge and Understanding of Music. Translated from the Original French of Mons. J. J. Rousseau. by William Waring. Second Edition
empires and repubilic
Julie, Ou la Nouvelle Héloïse, Ou Lettres de Deux Amants, Habitans d'une Petite Ville Au Pied des Alpes
Correspondance Generale. Tome IV
The Social Contract and Discourses
Discours Sur Les Sciences Et Les arts
Oeuvres Complètes, Volume 4...
Contrato Social : ( o Los Principios Del Derecho Político )
ŒOuvres complètes de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Discours Sur L'origine Et Les Fondements De L'inegalite Etc
Works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. in Ten Volumes. Volume the Second. of 10; Volume 2
Collection Complette des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève
Social Contract and Discourses
Julie; ou, La nouvelle Heloise. Lettres de deux amants habitants d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
Plan for Perpetual Peace, on the Government of Poland, and Other Writings on History and Politics
Dictionary of Music. Translated from the French of Mons. J. J. Rousseau. by William Waring
Du Contrat Social
Du contrat social
Collection Complete des Œuvres de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève, Vol. 25: Contenant un Recueil de Lettres sur la Philosophie, la Morale Et la Politique (Classic Reprint) (French Edition)
Une enfance sage dans les années folles
Famous Utopias
Four Plays by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Recueil de Toutes les Pieces Qui Ont Été Publiées a l'Occasion du Discours de M. J. J. Rousseau Sur Cette Question Proposée Par l'Académie de Dijon Pour le Prix de l'Année 1750. Si le Rétablissement des Sciences & des Arts a Contribué À Épurer...
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XV
The Social Contract (A Gateway Edition)
Emile II (extraits)
A Discourse Upon The Origin And The Foundation Of The Inequality Among Mankind
Du Contrat Social, Ou, Principes du Droit Politique
OEuvres; Volume 14
On the social contract ; Discourse on the origin of inequality ; Discourse on political economy
Letters on the Elements of Botany
Correspondance Generale. Tome II
Social Contract
Selections from the Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The First and Second Discourses, Together With Replies to Critics, and Essay on the Origin of Languages
Émile, ou, de l'Éducation
Toplumsal Sözlesme veya Siyasal Hukukun Prensipleri
Julie, or the New Heloise
The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Complete 2 Vol. Set
The living thoughts of Rousseau
uvres de M. Rousseau de Genève
Émile ou De l'éducation, Livres I-II - Prépas scientifiques 2022
Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman, Tr. From the Fr. of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Toplum Sözlesmesi
Toplum Sozlesmesi
Correspondance Generale. Tome I
Lettres Écrites de la Montagne
Profesión de fe del vicario saboyano
Emile, or, Treatise on education
Principes du droit politique
R�veries du Promeneur Solitaire
Du Contrat Social
The Social Contract (Hafner Library of Classics)
The Social Contract & Discourses
The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right
Correspondance Generale. Tomes I a XX
Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques
The Miscellaneous Works of Mr. J. J. Rousseau. In Five Volumes. ... of 5; Volume 3
Rousseau on Education
Discourse upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind
Cartas escritas desde la montaña
Correspondance Generale. Tome VI
Works of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Emilius and Sophia
Emile Ya Da Egitim Üzerine
Bilimler ve Sanatlar Üzerine
Discours Sur l'économie Politique
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome IV
Nouvelle HeĢloiĢˆse
Emile, or On Education
Yalniz Gezerin Hayalleri
Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques - Dialogues
Discurso Sobre el orígen y Los Fundamentos de la Desigualdad de Condiciones Entre Los Hombres
The Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, ... Part the Second. To Which is Added, a new Collection of Letters From the Author. Translated From the French. In Three Volumes. ... of 3; Volume 3
Oeuvres posthumes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire.
Emilio O La Educacion
Dagdan Yazilmis Mektuplar
Bilimler ve Sanatlar Uzerine Soylev - - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Emile, Ou, de L'éducation
The beauties of Rousseau
Rousseau Juge de Jean Jaques
Contrat Social, Ou, Principes du Droit Politique...
Confessions de J. J. Rousseau...
Extraits de J.-J. Rousseau
Project concerning new symbols for music: 1742
Discourse on Inequality
Les confessions II
Emile, extraits I, par jean-jacques Rousseau
Projet de constitution de la Corse
Discours Sur L'origine et les Fondements de L'inegalite
A Discourse, to Which the Prize Was Adjudged by the Academy of Dijon, in the Year 1750, on This Question Proposed by That Academy
Collection Complete des OEuvres de J. J. Rousseau; Volume 20
The Works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. in Ten Volumes. Volume the Fifth. of 10; Volume 5
El contrato social
The Prince , The Leviathan , The Two Treatises of Government , The Social Contract , The Constitution of Pennsylvania
A Lasting Peace Through the Federation of Europe; And, the State of War
Discurso Sobre El Origen y Los Fundamentos D (Clasicos del Pensamiento)
Yalniz Gezerin Düsleri
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XII
Collection Complette des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève
La nouvelle Héloïse, ou lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes; recueillies et publiées par J. J. Rousseau. ... of 7; Volume 6
Discourse on Political Economy and the Social Contract
Oeuvres Complètes de J. J. Rousseau
Considerations Sur Le Gouvernement De Pologne
Discours Sur L'Origine Et Les Fondements De L'Inegalite Parmi Les Hommes
Ekonomi Politik
Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Ed. from Theoriginal Manuscripts and Authentic Editions; Volume 1
Oeuvres Complètes
Correspondance Complète de Rousseau 6
Of the social contract
Discourse upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind
Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men
Julie Ou La Nouvelle Heloise
Correspondance originale et inédite de J.J. Rousseau
The Origin of the Fays
The social contract. An eighteenth-century translation completely revised edition, with an introduction by Charles Frankel
Cristallographie géométrique et radiocristallographie
Julia, ó, la Nueva Heloisa
Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau - Volume II.
Dillerin Kökeni Üstüne Deneme - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XVII
Les pages immortelles de Jean Jacques Rousseau
Les confessions de J. J. Rousseau. ... of 3; Volume 3
Emile, or Treatise on Education
Contrato social
Lettres à M. de Malesherbes
A Discourse on Political Economy
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique Illustree
The Social Contract and Discourses
The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- Complete and Unabridged
The Social Contract
Social Contract
Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar
The Social Contract
Political Writings; Volume 1
Rèveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Citizen of Geneva
Emile for today
Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique Illustrée
Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques
Lettre à Monseigneur de Beaumont. Précédée du Mandement de Monseigneur l'Archevèque de Paris
Emilio o De la educación
Mi disputa con Rousseau
Engineering Science N1
Emile Ou de L'éducation
Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes. Recueillies et publiées par J. J. Rousseau. ... of 6; Volume 5
Confessions Jean-Jacques Rousseau
La Nouvelle Heloise Julie, or the New Eloise. Letters of Two Lovers, Inhabitants of a Small Town At the Foot of the Alps
A Discourse Upon the Origin of Inequality
Religious writings [of] Rosseau
Discours Sur Les Sciences et Les Arts - Discours Sur L'Inegalite (Text in French)
Pensées de J. J. Rousseau
Confessions (1782)
Pacto Social Ó Principios Del Derecho Político
Discourse on Political Economy
The Works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated From the French. In ten Volumes. Volume the Eighth. of 10; Volume 8
Julie; Ou la Nouvelle Hiloise
Discours sur l'origine & les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Du Contrat Social Ou des Principes du Droit Politique
The Collected Works of Jean Jacques Rousseau (or) The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Six Volumes in One
Emilio o De la educación
Ode a Monseigneur le comte de Saxe
Plan for Perpetual Peace, on the Government of Poland, and Other Writings on History and Politics
Insanlar Arasindaki Esitsizligin Temeli ve Kökenleri
Emile -Or- Concerning Education; Extracts
The Confession of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
Body Politic
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique
Discorso Sull'origine e I Fondamenti Della Ineguaglianza Fra gli Uomini
Lettres Originales de J. J. Rousseau À Mme. De ...
Thoughts on education
Choix de textes [établi et commenté par Maxime Nemo]
Collection Complete Des Uvres de J.J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve..: Recueil de Lettres Sur La Philosophie, La Morale, & La Politique... (French Edition)
Discurso Sobre las Ciencias y Las Artes
The Social Contract (The Hafner Library of Classics, Number One)
Die neue Helvise
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire 1782)
La Nouvelle Heloise II
Yalniz Gezerin Hayalleri
Toplum Sozlesmesi
Emil Oder Ueber Die Erziehung - Erster Band
Social Contract and Discourses
Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
kPages choisies des grands ecrivains
Lettre à M. Motiers, le 28 mai 1764
Emile -Or- Concerning Education; Extracts
Religious writings
Political writings Volume 1
Œuvres choisies de J.J. Rousseau de Geneve. ... of 7; Volume 2
Siyasal Fragmanlar
On the Origin of Language
Du contrat social. Précédé de La Démocratie selon Rousseau (par Jean-Pierre Siméon)
Project for Perpetual Peace. by J. J. Rousseau, ... Translated from the French, with a Preface by the Translator
Lettres écrites de la montagne. Partie 2
Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag
On philosophy, morality, and religion
Social Contract (100 Copy Collector's Edition)
OEuvres Complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau. Nouvelle édition, Classée Par Ordre de Matières, etc. (Voyage à Ermenonville Par Feu M. le Tourneur, Pour Servir de Préface. ) Tome Vingtieme
Emilio o la educación
Lettres morales
Toplum Sözlesmesi; Ya Da Siyasi Hukukun Ilkelerine Dair - Klasikler
O Contrato Social e outros escritos
Les Confessions I
Collection Complete des OEuvres de J. J. Rousseau; Volume 3
Insanlar arasindaki esitsizligin kaynagi ve temelleri üzerine konusma
Les confessions - Les rêveries d'un promeneur solitaire
OEuvres Complettes de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève; Volume 31
Les confessions
L'esprit de Julie
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva
Du contrat social; ou Principes du droit politique, [suivi de] Arrest de la cour du Parlement qui condamne un Imprime ayant pour titre:Emile, ou de l'Education, [et] Jean Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, a Christophe de Beaumont..
Botanique de J. J. Rousseau, Contenant Tout Ce Qu'il a Écrit Sur Cette Science; l'exposition de la Méthode Botanique de M. de Jussieu; la Manière de Former les Herbiers, Par M. Haüy
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XVI
Lettres Écrites de la Montagne
Du Contrat Social, Edited, with an Introduction & Notes By Ronald Grimsley
Pensamientos de Juan-Jacobo Rousseau, Ciudadano de Ginebra, o Sea, el Espíritu de Este Grande Hombre en Sus Obras Filosóficas, Morales y Políticas
The discourse which carried the praemium at the Academy of Dijon, in MDCCL
Rousseau juge de Jean Jaques [sic.]
Las Confesiones
Correspondance Generale. Tome XI
The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, 2 Volumes
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 5
The Social Contract
Social Contract and Discourse
Emile ou de l'éducation
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Discourse on Inequality
Minor educational writings
Philosophische Bibliothek
The Social Contract and Other Political Writings
Famous Utopias
Oeuvres Completes Vol. 3
Lettres Originales de J. J. Rousseau À Mme. De ...
Harvard Classics; Volume 34
Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
Bilimler ve Sanatlar Uzerine Soylev
As Confissões
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Correspondance Generale. Tome XVIII
Essai Sur le Système de Politique Étrangère de J. J. Rousseau
En Meditant Sur Les Dispo (Folio 2 Euros) (French Edition)
Social Contract
Émile or, Concerning Education, Extracts
Dialogues, reveries d'un promeneur solitaire
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality among Men
Eloisa: Or, a Series of Original Letters, Volume 2
Political Theory Pack
First and Second Discourse, Together With Replies to the Critics and Essays on the Origin of Languages
Julie, Ou La Nouvelle Héloïse, Ou Lettres de Deux Amants, Habitans d'Une Petite Ville Au Pied Des Alpes
Discours sur l'origine de l'inégalité
Politics and the arts, letter to M. d'Alembert on the theatre
Selections from the Confessions and Reveries D'un Promeneur Solitaire
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau ...
Oeuvres complètes de J. J. Rousseau ; avec des éclaircissements et des notes historiques par P.R. Auguis
Social Contract, Books I-Ii
Julie Ou la Nouvelle Héloïse
To koino niko symvolaio, e , Arches politikou dikaiou
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome X
Confessions extraits
Making of the West Volume C & Sources for The Making of the West Volume 2 & Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Œuvres choisies de J.J. Rousseau de Geneve. ... of 7; Volume 5
Emilius and Sophia
La nueva Eloísa
The Social Contract and Discourses
Du Contrat Social
Contrat Social
Écrits sur la musique
The social contract
Kirdan Mektuplar / DaĒ§dan Mektuplar
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XI
Julie, Ou la Nouvelle Héloïse, Ou Lettres de Deux Amants, Habitans d'une Petite Ville Au Pied des Alpes
Famous Utopias
A Origem da Desigualdade Entre os Homens
Contrato Social, o Sea Principios de Derecho Político
Émile ou De l'éducation (Petits Classiques Larousse (43)) (French Edition)
Correspondance Generale. Tome XIX
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome XIII
Confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Emil Oder Ueber Die Erziehung - Zweiter Band
Social Contract
OEuvres; Volume 14
Du Contrat Social
Oeuvres Complètes, Volume 1...
Emile ya da Eğitim Üzerine
Lettres écrites de la Montagne
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva
Collection Complette des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve
Letters on the elements of botany; addressed to a lady
The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, ed. From Theoriginal Manuscripts and Authentic Editions; Volume 2
Du Contract Social, Ou, Principes du Droit Politique
The social contract, & Discourses, (Half-title: Everyman's library, ed. by Ernest Rhys. Philosophy and theology. [no. 660])
Correspondance Rousseau 1-52 HB
Lettres écrites de la montage
Ensayo sobre el origen de las lenguas
Confessions, the Social Contract, Discourse on Inequality, Discourse on Political Economy & Discourse on the Effect of the Arts and Sciences on Morality
Rousseau Juge de Jean-Jacques. Dialogues... . of 2; Volume 1
Correspondance Generale. Tome XIII
Mémoires et Correspondance de Madame d'épinay, où Elle Donne des détails Sur Ses Liaisons Avec Duclos, J. -J. Rousseau, Grimm, Diderot, le Baron d'holbach, Saint-Lambert, Mme. D'houdetot
Philosophy and Theology (Classic Reprint)
Political Writings
Bikario Savoiarraren fede-aitortza
Contratto Sociale
Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Narcisse Ou l'Amant de Lui-M
Esprit, maximes, et principes
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
A Project for Perpetual Peace. by J. J. Rousseau, Citizen of Geneva. Translated from the French, with a Preface by the Translator. the Second Edition
Emile ya da Egitim Uzerine
Émile, ou de l'éducation, par J. J. Rousseau. ... of 4; Volume 1
Dictionnaire de Musique
Cartas desde la Montaña
Vie et œuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique
Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire
Correspondance Generale. Tome XIV
The Spirit of the Laws
Journal Encyclopédique... [ed. Pierre Rousseau]...
Confessions Volume Two
Oeuvres complètes de J. J. Rousseau: mises dans un nouvel ordre, avec des notes historiques et ..
Rousseau Juge de Jean-Jacques. Dialogues... . of 2; Volume 2
Correspondance Generale. Tome X
Vie et oeuvres de J.-J. Rousseau
J.-J. Roussseau ou l'Impossible uniteĢ
Correspondance Generale. Tome XVI
Ensayo Sobre el Origen de Las Lenguas
The social contract
Discurso sobre a origem e os fundamentos da desigualdade entre os homens
Laissons Faire - N. 38 - Octobre 2021
Émile, Ou de l'éducation. Par J. J. Rousseau, ... of 4; Volume 1
Letter to D'Alembert and writings for the theater
Body Politic
Correspondance Generale. Tome III
Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau on Philosophy, Morality, and Religion
Oeuvres Completes de J. J. Rousseau
Index des Fragments autobiographiques et de la Lettre à Voltaire
Diccionario de música
The Social Contract (Collector's Library)
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome III
Du Contrat Social
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes - Discours sur les sciences et les arts
Emili o de l'educació
Confessions 1
Thoughts on different subjects
Toplum Sozlesmesi ya da Siyaset Hukuku Ilkeleri
On the Social Contract
Engineering Science: Memo
The Social Contract - Discourses
Emile, Ou, de L'éducation
Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres
The Harvard Classics Volume 34
Ensayo sobre el origen de las lenguas
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau ... ...
On the Social Contract
Du contrat social, ou principes du droit politique.
Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Men
Le Devin Du Village (Recent Researches in the Music of the Classical Era)
Literature and Science
Du Contract Social
Emilio; Ó, de la Educacion; Volume 1
Origen de La Desigualdad Entre Los Hombres
Du Contract Social; Ou Principes du Droit Politique
Social Contract
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome VI
Correspondance Generale. Tome XV
Theological Works of Thomas Paine
Correspondance complète
Dialogues de Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques ; suivis de Le Lévite d'Ephraïm
Reveries of the Solitary Walker
Rêveries du Promeneur Solitaire
El contrato social
Emile ou De l'éducation
The Government Of Po
Le passeggiate solitarie
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Face Aux Arts Visuels
The Social Contract
Thirty-Eight Plates, with Explanations, Intended to Illustrate Linnaeus's System of Vegetables
Ensayo sobre el origen de las lenguas
Discurso sobre el origen y los fundamentos de la desigualdad entre los hombres
Confessions Volume One
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Collection Complete des Oeuvres
On the Social Contract
Collection Complète des Oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève
Esprit, maximes, et principes de M. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, de Genéve
Thoughts on Different Subjects. by J.J. Rousseau, ... in Two Volumes. ... of 2; Volume 2
Oeuvres Complètes
Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Transl
Du Contrat Social
Oeuvres completes [de] Rousseau
The Annotated Social Contract
Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes. Recueillies et publiées par J. J. Rousseau. ... of 6; Volume 4
Correspondance Generale. Tome XVII
Emilius and Sophia
Confessions of J. J. Rousseau
Lettres Philosphiques
OEuvres Complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau. Nouvelle édition, Classée Par Ordre de Matières, etc. (Voyage à Ermenonville Par Feu M. le Tourneur, Pour Servir de Préface. ) Tome Treizieme. Nouvelle Edition
Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges
Collection Complete des Oeuvres
Les Confessions, livres I à IV, texte intégral
Discours Sur l'origine et les Fondemens de l'inégalité Parmi les Hommes, Par J. J. Rousseau, ...
Discours Sur l'Origine et les Fondements de l'inégalité Parmi les Hommes
The Social Contract and Discourses by Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Oeuvres complètes
A Complete Dictionary of Music. Consisting of a Copious Explanation of all Words Necessary to a True Knowledge and Understanding of Music. Translated ... Rousseau. By William Waring. Second Edition
First & Second Discourses and Social Contract
Emile, Ou, de L'éducation
Oeuvres Completes, II
Discourse upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality among Mankind
Oeuvres Complètes. Tome I
Classique philosophique
Shakai keiyaku ron [The Social Contract]
Lettre À D'alembert Sur Les Spectacles; Texte Revu D'après Les Anciennes Éditions, Avec Une Introd. Et Des Notes (French Edition)
Émile, Ou de l'éducation. Par J. J. Rousseau, ... of 4; Volume 4
Profesión de fe del vicario saboyano
Letter to Beaumont, Letters Written from the Mountain, and Related Writings
OEuvres; Volume 17
Les Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire
Julie, Ou La Nouvelle Héloïse, Ou Lettres De Deux Amants, Habitans D'une Petite Ville Au Pied Des Alpes
On the Social Contract
Correspondance Originale et inédite de J. J. Rousseau
Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Jean Jacques Rousseau's Citations
Itiraflar 1
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau Jean Jacques. Les confessions tome 1
Miroir de la Critique
Labyrinthe de lexicos
Emile - Ya da Egitim Uzerine - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Du Contrat Social (1762)
The Political Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau; Volume II
The Emile of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Las Confesiones
Social Contract and Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
De xing duo luo yu bu ping deng de qi yuan
The reveries of a solitary
Account of Corsica,
Du Contrat Social Ou Principes du Droit Politique
Discours sur l'origine & les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
The Emile of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Catalogue des livres de la bibliothèque de M***
Correspondance Generale. Tome VII
The Creed of a Priest of Savoy
Jean Jaques Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, a Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris ..
The works of J. J. Rousseau
L'Emilio di Rousseau e il problema della sua interpretazione tra '800 e '900
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Collection Complete des Oeuvres de J. -J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve. Tome VII
The Political Writing of Jean Jacques Rousseau Edited Fom the Original Manuscripts and Authentic Editions.( SET 2 Volumes_
Social Contract
Pensées de J. J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Geneve
La botanique de J. J. Rousseau, ornée de soixante-cinq planches, imprimées en couleurs de P. J. Redouté
La Nouvelle HeĢloise, de J.J. Rousseau
Recueil de toutes les pieces qui ont été publiées a l'occasion du discours de M. J.J. Rousseau ..
Julie oder Die neue Heloise
Emile; selections
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau ...
Die neue Heloise
Confession I-IV
Collection complete des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau...
Lettres sur la botanique
Diskurs über die Ungleichheit. Kritische Ausgabe des integralen Textes
Handbuch für mütter..
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Du contrat social
The confessions of J.J. Rousseau
Rousseau's ©mile
Umowa społeczna ; oraz, Uwagi o rzaĢØdzie polskim ; Przedmowa do "Narcyza" ; List o widowiskach ; List o opatrznosĢci ; Listy moralne ; List do arcybiskupa de Beaumont ; Listy do Malesherbesa
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Fragments inedits
Avis aux gens de lettres
Les plus belles lettres
His educational theories selected from "Emile", "Julie" and other writings
Confession I-IV
Contrat social; ou, Principes de droit politique
Du contrat social, ou, Principes de droit politique et autres écrits autour Du contrat social
Pages choisies
Lettres inédites de Jean Jacques Rousseau à Marc Michel Rey
Lettres à M. de Malesherbes
Oeuvres posthumes de J.J. Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Contrat social, ou, Principes du droit politique
Petits chefs-d'oeuvre
Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques, dialogues
Appendix to Grassineau's Musical dictionary, selected from the Dictionnaire de musique of J. J. Rousseau
Über die Erziehung
Les confessions [1/3]
La nouvelle Héloïse
The cunning-man
Emile, ou, De l'éducation
His educational theories selected from Émile, Julie and other writings
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Le devin du village, intermede
Discours qui a remporte' le prix a l'Académie de Dijon, en l'année 1750
Morceaux choisis de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Quelques lettres de J.-J. Rousseau, 1766-1769
KhéĢ‚ Ę°į»›c xã hį»™i
La nouvelle Heloise.  Julie, or, The new Eloise : letters of two lovers : inhabitants of a small town at the foot of the Alps. --
Rousseau par lui-même.  [Présenté par] Georges May
The confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire, suivi de Mon portrait, lettresĢ€ a Malesherbes, notes écrites sur des cartesĢ€ a jouer
La botanique de J.J. Rousseau
Émile, ou, De l'éducation
La nouvelle Héloise
Lettres philosophiques
Discours sur les richesses
Lettre à Mr. d'Alembert sur les spectacles
The humane philosophy of Jean Jacques Rosseau
Oeuvres complètes de J.-J. Rousseau
Oeuvres de M. Rousseau de Genève
Discours sur sciences et arts
Essai sur l'origine des langues, où il est parlé de la mélodie, et de l'imitation musicale
La nuova Eloisa
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau V1
Rousseau's Emile or treatise on education
Mémoires et correspondance de madame d'Épinay: où elle donne des détails sur ses liaisons avec ..
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
An inquiry into the nature of the social contract; or Principles of political right
Les confessions
J.-J. Rousseau
Catechisme de l'honnête-homme, ou, Dialogue entre un caloyer et un homme de bien
J.J. Rousseau-worte
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Le parler canadien et le francĢ§ais universel...
Discours sur l'origine et les fondemens de l'inegalite  parmi les hommes ...
Il pensiero di Jean-Jacques Rousseau
EĢmile for today
Le devin du village
Dissertation sur la musique moderne (Éd. 1743)
Emile oder Von der Erziehung / Emile und Sophie oder Die Einsamen
Lettre inédite de J.-J. Rousseau
La Derniere Héloïse, ou Lettres de Junie Salisbury, recueillies et publiées
Œuvres complètes
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Petits chefs-d'oeuvre de J.-J. Rousseau
Rousseau's Émile
Supplément aux Oeuvres diverses de Mr. J.J. Rousseau
J. Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, a Chritophe [sic] de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris ..
Miscellaneous Works
Extrait d'une lettre e crite de Geneve, en date du 16 fe vrier 1765
Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard
A letter from M. Rousseau, of Geneva, to M. d'Alembert, of Paris, concerning the effects of theatrical entertainments on the manners of mankind
Le devin du village
Émile, ou, De l'éducation
Du contrat sociale, ou, principes du droit politique
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire [par] Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Collection complete des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve
Discurso Sobre La Economia Politica (Clasicos)
The social contract or principles of political right
Les consolations des miseres de ma vie
Political classics. A treatise on the social compact
Emile, of Over de opvoeding
Constitutional Project For Corsica
Deux lettres à M. Le Mareschal duc de luxembourg
Du contrat social, ou, Principes du drout politique
Le citoyen
Jean-Jacques Rousseau en Savoie
Ispoviļø eļø”dŹ¹
Jean Jaques [sic] Rousseau, citoyen de Genéve, a Christophe de Beaumont, archevêque de Paris, duc de St. Cloud, pair de France, commandeur de l'ordre du St. Esprit, proviseur de sorbonne, &c
Minor educational writings
Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire
La reine fantasque
Lettres sur la Suisse
Œuvres de J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Genève
Discours, Lettre sur les spectacles, Extraits
Œuvres diverses
Collection complete des oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau ; avec figures en taile-douce
The social contract
Émile, ou, De l'éducation
Contrat social; ou, Principes de droit politique
El Contrato Social O Principios De Derecho Politico (Clasicos)
Fragmens de Daphnis et Chloé composés du premier acte
Oeuvres choisies
The social contract and Discourses
Les confessions
Essai sur l'origine des langues, ou il est parle de la melodie et de l'imitation musicale
Œuvres de M. Gresset
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
La nouvelle Héloïse ; théâtre ; poésies ; essais littéraires
Emilius and Sophia, or, A new system of education
Profession of faith of a Savoyard vicar
Morceaux choisis
Chan hui lu
Den ensomme vandrers droemmerier
Du Contrat Social (Classiques Francais)
Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Prinzipien des Staatsrechts
Le botaniste sans maitre
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire de Rousseau
On the origin of language
OEuvres et correspondance inédites de J. J. Rousseau
Confessions, extraits ..
Lettres inédites de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques, Dialogues
A discourse, to which the prize was adjudged by the Academy of Dijon, in the year 1750, on this question proposed by that academy: whether the re-establishment of arts and sciences has contributed to purify our morals. By a citizen of Geneva. Translated from the French, by R. Wynne, A.M
ļø Iļø”Uliļø iļø”a, ili, Novaļø iļø”a Ėloiza
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Du contrat social
El contrato social oĢ principios de derecho politico
Vie et oeuvres de J.-J. Rousseau
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Le vicaire savoyard, tiré du livre intitulé Emile de J.J. Rousseau
Oeuvres de J.J. Pousseau, de Genève
Les pensées de J.J. Rousseau
Les confessions [2/3]
Meng yu fang zhu
Lettres ineĢdites de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Emilio, O De La Educacion/ Emile
Confessions, extraits
Letters of an Italian nun and an English gentleman
Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes
Emile, or, Concerning education
Discours Sur L'Origine Et Les Fondements
La première rédaction des Confessions (livres I-IV)
Second supplément à la Collection des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève ...
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Lettres [1728-1778
Du contrat social
Petits chefs-d'oeuvre de J.J. Rousseau
Du contrat social
Du contrat social, et autres oeuvres politiques ..
The morals of Rousseau
Oeuvres completes de J.J. Rousseau
Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady
Considérations sur le gouvernement de Pologne
Oeuvres complètes ...
J. Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Généve, a Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris ..
Second supplément à la Collection des oeuvres de J. J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Les confessions [3/3]
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Eloisa, or, A series of original letters
The discourses and other early political writings
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Lettre à d'Alembert sur les spectacles
Le devin du village
Supplément aux Oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve
Oeuvres complètes de J. J. Rousseau
Preisschriften und Erziehungsplan
Emil, oder, Ueber die Erziehung
Lettres écrits de la montagne
Lettre a   M. d'Alembert sur son article Gene  ve
La nouvelle Héloise
J.-J. Rousseau ou l'Impossible unité
Lettre d'un symphoniste de l'Acadeįøæie royale de Musique à ses camarades de l'orchestre
Lettre de J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Geneve, a Monsieur de Voltaire, concernant le poeme sur le desastre de Lisbonne
La "Profession de foi du Vicaire savoyard" de Jean Jacques Rousseau
Du contrat social, ou, Principes du droit politique
The confessions of J.J. Rousseau, citizen of Geneva
Original letters of J.J. Rousseau, to M. de Malesherbes, M. d'Alembert, Madame la M. de Luxembourg, &c. &c
Private Correspondence of David Hume: With Several Distinguished Persons ..
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Faut-il aller vivre dans les bois?
Les confessions [4/4]
Institutions chimiques
The confessions of J.J. Rousseau, citizen of Geneva.  Part the second
La Derniere Héloise, ou Lettres de Junie Salisbury
Abhandlung über den Ursprung und die Grundlagen der Ungleichheit unter den Menschen
La nouvelle Héloïse
Letters on the elements of botany, addressed to a lady
Lettre d'un symphoniste de l'AcadeĢmie royale de musique aĢ€ ses camarades de l'orchestre
Émile, or, Concerning education
Oeuvres comple  tes de Jean-Jacques
The first and the second discourses together with the replies to critics and The essay on the origin of languages
EĢmile, ou, De l'education
Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau suivies des Rêveries du promeneur solitaire. Tome Premier
A dissertation on political economy
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inegaliteĢ parmi les hommes
Rousseau Selections (The Great Philosophers)
Le Nouvelle Héloïse
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Letters on the elements of botany. Addressed to a lady
The confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-1778
Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques
La nouvelle Héloïse
Tvenne avhandlingar om kulturen och maĢˆnniskan
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Œuvres complettes de J. J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Botany : a study of pure curiosity
MateĢriaux pour la correspondance de J.J. Rousseau
Emil o Ź»al devar ha-įø„inukh
Oeuvres completes de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve
Discours sur l'œconomie politique
Antologia di scritti politici
Dissertation sur la musique moderne
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Jean Jacques Rousseaus bekännelser
Wielka rozprawa o nierownosci stanow pomiędzy ludzmi
Extraits de J.-J. Rousseau
Lusuo zhe li mei wen ji (Dashi zheli meiwen xiliecongshu)
Aux Champs Elysées, ce premier avril
De la Suisse
Jean Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve
Discurso Sobre Las Ciencias Y Las Artes
Julie ou la Nouvelle Héloïse
Projet concernant de nouveaux signes pour la musique
Choix de textes de J.-J. Rousseau
Emile ou de l'éducation. Dossier pédagogique
Del contratto sociale
Du contrat social...; Discours sur les sciences et les arts
J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Genève dans le VIIme. volume de l'Encyclopédie, et particulierement, sur le projet d'établir un thétre de comédie en cette ville
Le devin du village
L'allée de Silvie
Pieces diverses de J.J. Rousseau
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
The confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
ha-Amanah ha-įø„evratit
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
She yue lun
Lettres d'un citoyen de Geneve
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
J.-J. Rousseau et ses oeuvres
Le Nouvelle Héloïse
Emile ou de l'éducation, extraits II
J.-J. Rousseau infirme n'a jamais eu d'enfants
Le contrat social, ou, Principes du droit politique
Oeuvres complettes
Les confessions [3/4]
Lettres de deux amants
Écrits sur la musique
La nouvelle HeĢloiĢˆse: Julie or, The new Eloise
Jean Jacques Rousseaus Glaubensbekenntnis des savoyischen Vikars
Re veries du promeneur solitaire
Appendix to Grassineau's Musical dictionary
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Histoire de Genève
Dictionnaire de musique
Les plus belles lettres
Oeuvres choisies de J.J. Rousseau de Geneve
Lusao chan hui lu
מהה על מוצא הלשונו×Ŗ
Oeuvres inédites suivies d'un supplément à l'histoire de sa vie et de ses ouvrages
Le devin du village
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Original correspondence of Jean Jacques Rousseau with Mad. La Tour de Franqueville, and M. du Peyrou
Pieces diverses
Du contrat social, extraits
Correspondance originale et inédite de J.J. Rousseau, avec Mme. Latour de Franqueville et M. Du ..
EĢmile, Julie and other writings
Political writing
Meng yu fang zhu
Dictionnaire de musique
Principes du droit de la guerre
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Genève, à Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris
A discourse on the origin of inequality ; A discourse on political economy ; The social contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Oeuvres complètes, tome 3
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Diskurs über die Ungleichheit
Deux lettres aĢ€ M. le Mareschal Duc de Luxembourg (20 et 28 janvier 1763), contenant une description de la Suisse, de la PrincipauteĢ de NeuchaĢ‚tel et du Val-de-Travers
Du contrat social, ou, essai sur la forme de la république
Œuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Anecdotes pour servir a la vie de J.J. Rousseau
Lettre de M. Rousseau de Genève
Zou xiang cheng ming zhi jing
Pages choisies des grands écrivains
Choix de textes
The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau
Letters of an Italian nun and an English gentleman
Oeuvres mêlées de Mr. Rousseau, de Genève
Pièces diverses
L'esprit de Julie, ou, Extrait de La nouvelle Héloïse: ouvrage utile à la société et ..
Discourse on the origin and foundations of inequality among men
Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard
Chan hui lu
The confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Discours sur l'économie politique ; Projet de constitution pour la Corse ; Considérations sur le gouvernement de Pologne
Jean Jaques Rousseau, citoyen de GeneĢ€ve, a Christophe de Beaumont, ArcheveĢ‚que de Paris, Duc de St. Cloud, Pair de France, Commandeur de l'Ordre du St. Esprit, Proviseur de Sorbonne, &c
Xin ai lü qi si
Dialogues, rêveries du promeneur solitaire, correspondance
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Œuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Les confessions
Les institutions chymiques de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, à Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris ..
Thoughts of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, citizen of Geneva
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (Second Discourse), Polemics, and Political Economy (Collected Writings of Rousseau)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Pygmalion, scène lyrique
Lettres inédites de Jean Jacques Rousseau à Marc Michel Rey
Recueil de plantes coloriees, pour servir a l'intelligence des lettres elementaires sur la botanique
Julie, ou, La Nouvelle Héloïse
Emile et Sophie, ou, Les solitaires : suivi des Amours de milord Edouard Bomston
Œuvres compleĢ€tes
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Essai sur l'origine des langues
Oeuvres complètes de J.J. Rousseau
J.-J. Rousseau et Malesherbes
La collection Jean-Jacques Rousseau de la bibliothe  que [de] J. Pierpont Morgan
Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau
Original letters of J. J. Rousseau, to M. de Malesherbes, M. d'Alembert, Madame la M. de Luxembourg, &c. &c. With a fac-simile of Rousseau's hand-writing, ... Also, original letters of Butta Fuoco and David Hume. Translated from the French
Discours sur les richesses
An expostulatory letter from J. J. Rousseau
A project for perpetual peace. By J. J. Rousseau, ... Translated from the French, with a preface by the translator
She hui qi yue lun
Histoire de Genève
Rousseaus bekenntnisse aus seiner jugend
L'Etat de guerre
Nouvelles lettres de J.J. Rousseau
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Discours sur l'origine & les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Emil o Ź»al ha-įø„inukh
Le devin du village
Basic political writings
Handbuch f©Ę”r M©Ę”tter, oder Grunds©Þtze der ersten Erziehung der Kinder
Les pages immortelles de J.-J. Rousseau
Project concernant de nouveaux signes pour la musique
Du contrat social
Essai sur l'origine des langues ouĢ€ il est parleĢ de la meĢlodie et de l'imitation musicale
al- IŹ»tiraĢ„faĢ„t
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Morceaux choisis
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Project Concerning New Symbols for Music (Classic Texts in Music Education)
Les confessions
Lectures choisies de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Ouevres complètes
Lettres originales de J.J. Rousseau
La première rédaction des Confessions
Ideal empires and republics
Lettres e crites de la montagne
Chan hui lu
O prichinakh neravenstva
Pensées d'un esprit droit, et Sentiments d'un coeur vertueux. [Avec un avertissement par Villenave]
Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse
Eloisa: or, A series of original letters collected and published
Emilius; Or, an Essay on Education
Letters of an Italian nun and an English gentleman
Emilio; ó, De la educacion
J.-J. Rousseau et Isabelle d'Ivernois
Lettres inédites de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, à Mmes Boy de La Tour et Delessert
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Selections from The confessions and ReĢ‚veries d'un promeneur solitaire
J. J. Rousseau aux ministres d'État
Les confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
La nouvelle Héloíse, ou, Lettres de deux amants
Émile; ou, De l'éducation
Julie oder Die neue Heloise
Lun ren lei bu ping deng de qi yuan he ji chu
Botanical letters from J.J. Rousseau to M. Gouan
La nouvelle He loise, ou, Lettres de deux amans habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
La première rédaction des Confessions
Principes de J. J. Rousseau sur l'eĢducation des enfans
Imīl yā āmūzish va parvarish
Peri tēs koinōnikēs synthēkēs
Letters on the elements of botany, addressed to a lady, by the celebrated J. J. Rousseau. Translated into English, with notes, and twenty-four additional letters, fully explaining the system of Linnæus, by Thomas Martyn, ..
On the Origin of Inequality
Emile oder Über die Erziehung
Dialogues, rêveries, correspondance
Julie, ou, La nouvelle Héloïse
Maximes de J.J. Rousseau, aux amis de la paix, de la raison, & de la vraie liberte .
Discourse on the origin of inequality
Du contrat social ...
Cartas a Sofía
Les confessions [et] Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
A discourse
OEuvres et correspondance inédites de J. J. Rousseau
J.-J. Rousseau et henriette, jeune parisienne inconnue
Discours sur les sciences et les arts.  Deux lettres à Malesherbes. Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Grundlagen des politischen Rechts
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Ideal empires and republics
Julia: or The new Eloisa
Discours = Lettre sur les spectacles
Introduction a l'étude de J.-J. Rousseau
French thought in the eighteenth century
Œuvres complètes
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
MuŹ»Ähidah-yi Ź»imrānÄ«, yā, Uį¹£Å«l-i qānÅ«n-i siyāsÄ«
The confessions of J.J. Rousseau, citizen of Geneva.  Part the first
El Contrato Social, Discursos/social Contracts, Discussions
Emilio; o, Dell'educazione
La botanique de J.J. Rousseau, ornée de soixante-cinq planches, d'après les peintures
A lasting peace through the federation of Europe, and The state of war
Sozialphilosophische und Politische Schriften
Julie, ou, la nouvelle HeĢloiĢˆse
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau
Correspondance de Jean-Jacques Rousseau avec Leonard Usteri
Rousseau's bekenntnisse
A dialogue between a man of letters and Mr. J. J. Rousseau, on the subject of romances
Raccolta di opuseali scientifici scielti da diversi celebri autori francesi ..
Letters on the elements of botany
Du contrat social, o, principes du droit politique
Man bu xia xiang lu =
Narcisse, ou, L'amant de lui-même
Emil; oder, Ueber die erziehung
Jean Jacques Rousseau, citoyen de Genève, a Christophe de Beaumont
Jean Jaques Rousseau, citoyen de Geneve, à Christophe de Beaumont, archevêque de Paris, duc de St. Cloud, pair de France, commandeur de l'ordre du St. Esprit, proviseur de Sorbonne, &c
The confessions of J.J. Rousseau, citizen of Geneva.  In two parts
Ź»Al ha-amanah ha-įø„evratit
Rousseau, judge of Jean-Jacques, dialogues
Le discours sur l'inégalité de Rousseau
L' oeuvre de J.J. Rousseau
Dictionnaire de musique
Disc. orig. et fond. inéqalité
Discours sur les sciences et les arts, suivi de Du contrat social
Letters on the elements of botany, addressed to a lady (i.e. M. de La Tourette)
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Consid. sur gouv. de Pologne
Jean-Jacques Rousseau : Oeuvres complètes, tome 1
Lusuo lun li xiang ren sheng
Die Bekenntnisse / Die Träumereien des einsamen Spaziergängers
Du contrat social: édition comprenant avec le texte définitif les versions primitives de l ..
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique
Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques
Seconde partie des Confessions de J.J. Rousseau ..
Discours sur l'origine de l'ingĢaliteĢ
Les Cnfessions
Œuvres complètes de J. J.Rousseau
Du contrat social. Chronologie et introd. par Pierre Burgelin
Émile, ou, De l'éducation
Reveries of a Solitary Walker
Considerations on the government of Poland
Collection complète des oeuvres de J.J. Rousseau, citoyen de Genève
Les confessions de J.J. Rousseau.  Première[-seconde] partie
La nouvelle HeĢloiĢˆse, ou Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
Letters of an Italian nun and an English gentleman
Les pages immortelles de J.-J. Rousseau
La nouvelle Héloise, ou, Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes
Rousseau, juge de Jean-Jacques, Dialogues
Les reĢ‚veries du promeneur ; Lettres eĢcrites de la montagne ; Le devin de village
Julie, Ou La Nouvelle Héloise, Ou, Lettres De Deux Amants, Habitants D'Une Petite Ville Au Pied Des Alpes
Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
A complete dictionary of music
De l'inégalité parmi les hommes
The discourse which carried the præmium at the Academy of Dijon, in MDCCL
Les confessions. Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Emilius and Sophia
El Contrato Social/ The Social Contract (Biblioteca De Filosofia/ Philosophy Library)
Mein Herz verlangt nach einer vollkommenen Öffnung ...
A treatise on the social compact, or, The principles of politic law
Projets de constitution pour la corse
Oeuvres de M. Rousseau de Genève
Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes
Pensées de J.J. Rousseau
Rêveries du promeneur solitaire
Ueber den Gesellschaftsvertrag oder grundzüge des Staatsrechts
Oeuvres de J.-J. Rousseau de Genève
Alessandro Baricco
Alessandro Baricco (born 1958)

journalist, television presenter, playwright, musicologist, literary critic, radio personality, film director

  • University of Turin
Omero, Iliade
Oceano mare
Senza Sangue
Castelli Di Rabbia
I barbari
Mr Gwyn
La sposa giovane
L'ánima di Hegel e le mucche del Wisconsin
Questa storia
Mr. Gwyn & Three Times at Dawn
Il genio in fuga
The game
Stories upon Stories
Tre volte all'alba
La storia di Don Giovanni
Una certa idea del mondo
Sterben vor Lachen: Aufs atze zu Mozart, Rossini, Benjamin und Adorno
Il nuovo Barnum
Tierras de cristal
Smith & Wesson
Corpo a corpo
Mondi al limite
Safakta Uc Kez
Okyanus Deniz
Panna mloda
Aistru pilys
1001 Filme.
Novels (City / Novecento / Oceano Mare / Seta)
Ofke Satolari
Partita spagnola
Don Juan; Hepsi Sana Miras Serisi - 10
Ocea (butxaca)
Don Juan
Yarim Kalmis Bir Hayal
Châteaux de la colère
De barbaren
Lo que estábamos buscando
Young Bride
Barnum 2
Seda ; Tierras de cristal
The Game - Oyun
City reading project
Scrittura creativa
La Fenice
Ce que nous cherchons. 33 fragments
La via della narrazione
Romain Rolland
Romain Rolland (1866-1944)

playwright, essayist, historian, musicologist, biographer, musician, teacher

  • Ɖcole Normale SupĆ©rieure, LycĆ©e Louis-le-Grand
Pierre et Luce
Pierre and Luce
Correspondance (1912-1942)
Mahatma Gandhi
Vie de Ramakrishna
Voyage musical au pays du passeĢ
Vie de TolstoiĢˆ
Colas Breugnon
What Men of Letters Say
Correspondance, 1894-1901
Musiciens d'autrefois
Vie de Michel-Ange
La vie de TolstoiĢˆ
The life of Vivekananda and the universal gospel
Musiciens d'aujourd'hui
Above the battle
The people's theater
The idols
The forerunners
The Fourteenth of July, and Danton: Two Plays of the French Revolution
Some musicians of former days
Mother and son ..
La Montespan
Le theĢaĢ‚tre du peuple
Gandhi et Romain Rolland
Au-dessus de la m©Äel©Øe
Vie de Beethoven
Beethoven the creator
The fourteenth of July, and Danton
Romain Rolland et la N.R.F.
Les origines du the a tre lyrique moderne
Jean-Christophe in Paris: The market-place, Antoinette, The house
Jean-Christophe Journey's End
Le quatorze juillet
Die Wölfe
Jean-Christophe: Journey's End: Love and Friendship, The Burning Bush, The New Dawn
Jean-Christophe Dawn Morning Youth Revolt
La vie de Ramakrishna
Romain Rolland's essays on music
Rolland and Tagore
Two Plays of the French Revolution
Romain Rolland's Jean-Christophe
The Montespan [microform]
Le jeu de l'amour et de la mort
Meister Breugnon
La Vida de Ramakrishna
Richard Strauss et Romain Rolland
Monsieur le Comte
I will not rest
Jean-Christophe in Paris
Au seuil de la derniere porte : Entretiens sur les Évangiles
Bon voisinage
Un Beau visage aĢ€ tous sens
Prophets Of The New India
Ramakrishna, the man-gods, and the universal gospel of Vivekananda
Selected letters of Romain Rolland
Correspondence, Diary Entries and Reflections, 1915-1940
Cur ars picturae apud italos XVI saeculi deciderit
Un beau visage à tous sens (livre non massicoté)
Souvenirs de jeunesse (1866-1900)
De la deĢcadence de la peinture italienne au XVIe sieĢ€cle
Romain Rolland and Gandhi correspondence
The wolves
Goethe und Beethoven
The game of love and death
Le temps viendra
Correspondance Romain Rolland-Maxime Gorki
Jean-Christophe, Volume I
Von Welt zu Welt
Colas Breugnon
Je commence aĢ€ devenir dangereux
Clerambault; Geschichte eines freien Gewissens im Kriege
Pierre et Luce
Choix de lettres aĢ Malwida von Meysenburg
Goethe and Beethoven
Journey Within
ViĢ„rayoĢ„gi SvaĢ„mi ViveĢ„kaĢ„nanda
French Thought in the Eighteenth Century
Correspondance entre Romain Rolland et Charles Baudouin
Beethoven the Creator : The Great Creative Epochs
Le voyage inteĢrieur
Correspondance, 1938-1944
Jean-Christophe--La fin du voyage
Romain Rolland et le mouvement florentin de La Voce
The fourteenth of July
OEuvres Completes
The revolt of the machines
Ming ren chuan
Yan Krisof
Essays on music
Mahatma Gandhi
Au seuil de la dernieĢ€re porte
OEuvres Completes. Tome VI : Biographies Musicales
Voyage aĢ€ Moscou (juin-juillet 1935)
OEuvres Completes
Theatre populaire
La Vie de Vivekananda
Journal des anneĢes de guerre
The soul enchanted
Das leben Tolstois
L' ame enchantee
Vie de Tolstoi
Clerambault The Story Of An Independent Spirit During The War
CheĢ€re Sofia
Vie de Michel-Ange
Les loups
Annette and Sylvie ..
GefaĢˆhrten meines Weges
Le voyage interieur (songe d'une vie)
Le peĢriple
Le Quatorze Juillet
Musiker von Heute
Au-dessus de la me l £ee
Les origines du théâtre lyrique moderne: histoire de l'opéra en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti
Quatorze Juillet
Okouzlená duše
La vie de Tolstoi
Chere Sofia
Cette Ame Ardente  Avec
... Essai sur la mystique et l'action de l'Inde vivante ..
Le seuil
Jean-Christophe Tome X
Gœthe et Beethoven
Les Précurseurs
Stirb und werde
Colas Breugnon (Classic Reprint)
Choix de lettres aĢ€ Malwida von Meysenbug
Jean-Christophe À Paris, Vol. 6
Johann Christof
Clerambault: Histoire d'Une Conscience Libre Pendant La Guerre (French Edition)
Compagnons de route
Au-dessus de la meleĢe
Au-dessus de la meĢ‚lŹ¹ee
Vie de Michel-Ange ; avec un portrait
Jean-Christophe; Volume 8
Inde, journal (1915-1943)
Above The Battle
Vie de Beethoven
Paris als Musikstadt
Richard Strauss   Romain Rolland) correspondence
Above the Battle
Life of Michael Angelo
Ming ren chuan
Salut et Fraternite  Avec
Ludwig van Beethoven, mit 11 Bildnissen
Rabindranath Tagore et Romain Rolland
John Christopher in Paris
Mahatma Gandhi
Je commence a devenir dangereux
Le Cloître de la rue d'Ulm (livre non massicoté), cahier 4
Above the battlefield
Au-Dessus de la Mèlée
Un\Beau Visage a Tous Sens  Avec
Journal des anneĢes de guerre, 1914-1919
Mahātmā Gāndhī
Le\Cloitre de la Rue D'Ulm  Avec
A Colossus Named Vivekananda ; Whose Mission Awaits Completion
Les tragédies de la foi ; St Louis ; Aert ; Le temps viendra =
Pe guy
Romain Rolland par lui-même
Pierre et Luce
D'une rive aĢ€ l'autre
Le\Triomphe de la Raison
Les origines du theĢaĢ‚tre lyrique moderne
Letters of Romain Rolland and Malwida von Meysenbug, 1890-1891
Vie de Michel-Ange
Jean Christophe - Love and Friendship, The Burning Bush, The New Dawn
Les aimeĢes de Beethoven
Un voyage de Jean-Christophe
Luoman Luolan jun yu cao
Le 14 juillet
Voyage musical aux pays du passé
La Vie de Ramakrishna
Yue han {692126} ke li si duo fu
Histoire de l'opera en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti
Sur Berlioz
Histoire de l'opeĢra en Europe avant Lully et Scarlatti
Théâtre de la révolution
Jean-Christophe - I
Vie de Tolstoï
Mahatma Gandhi
Goethe et Beethoven
Świadek epoki
Beethoven, les grandes époques créatrices
Jean-Christophe : Journey's End
Le cloître de la rue d'Ulm, journal de Romain RollandĢ€ a l'École normale (1886-1889) suivi de Quelques lettresĢ€ a sa mĢ€ere et de Credo quia verum
Les origines du theĢaĢ‚tre moderne
Gandhi - Umudun Direnisi
L'Âme Enchantée
Colas Breugnon
Plays of Romain Rolland
Un beau visage a tous sens
Vie de Tolstoï (Annotated)
De la de cadence de la peinture italienne au XVIe sie cle..
Quinze ans de combat (1919-1934)
Correspondance entre Louis Gillet et Romain Rolland
Le theĢatre du peuple [microform]
Essai sur la mystique et l'action de l'Indie vivante
Textes politiques, sociaux, et philosophiques choisis
Empedokles von Agrigent und das Zeitalter des Hasses
A world in birth
The People's Theater. Translated From the French of Romain Rolland by Barrett H. Clark
Musiker von ehedem
Musicians of to-day
Jean-Christophe et Armel
Jean-Christophe de Romain Rolland
Jean-Christophe Tome V
Vida de Beethoven - 155 -
Journal de Vézelay, 1938-1944
Jean-Christophe, Vol. 5
Les preĢcurseurs
Au-dessus de la mêlée
La reĢvolte des machines
Une\Amitie Francaise  Avec
Musicians of To-day
Les leĢonides
Romain Rolland et la musique
Origines du Théâtre Lyrique Moderne
Une amitieĢ francĢ§aise
Cette aĢ‚me ardente..
Le cloître de la rue d'Ulm
Colas Breugnon
De Jean Christophe à Colas Breugnon
L' ame enchantée
L' humble vie heĢroiĢˆque
Empe docle d'Agrigente et l'a ge de la haine
Correspondence (Calderbooks)
Le buisson ardent
L' esprit libre
Le seuil, précédé du Royaume du T.
Meister der Musik
Chetyrnadtļø sļø”atoe iuļø lļø”iļø aļø”
Musikalische Reise ins Land der Vergangenheit
Colas Breugnon
Jean-Christophe II
Tolstoy'un Yasami
Beethoven, a Romain Rolland
Au-dessus de la meĢ‚leĢe
La Révolte des machines
The Fourteenth of July and Danton Two Plays of the French Revolution
Ces jours Lointains
Quinze ans de combat (1919-1934) Volume 1st 1935 [Leather Bound]
Jean-Christophe à Paris. --
Jean-Christophe Tome III
Quatorze Juillet. Danton. les Loups
De la deĢcadence de la peinture italienne au 16e sieĢ€cle (Cur ars picturae italos 16 saeculi deciderit)
L' aĢ‚me enchanteĢe
Yuehan Kelisiduofu
Vidas ejemplares
Jean Christophe - The Market Place, Antoinette, The House
La vie de Beethoven
Jean-Christophe-Dawn, Morning, Youth, Revolt
Voyage en Espagne
Der Triumph der Vernunft
FraĢˆulein Elsa
Mahatma Gandhi – The Man Who Became One With the Universal Being
French thought in the eightenth century
Den hingeschlachteten VoĢˆlkern!
Jean-Christophe; Volume 4
Salut et fraterniteĢ
Les Loups
Printemps Romain  Avec
Jean-Christophe; Volume 7
Leben Michelangelos
ZhiznŹ¹ Betkhovena
Colas Breugnon
Some Musicians of Former Days
Pierre And Luc
Johann Christof
The life of Vivekananda and the universal gospel
Summer ..
Annette et Sylvie
Le voyage intérieur (Songe d'une vie)
Peguy   2 vols
J.-Ch la foire sur place
Romain Rolland on flesh-eating
Die Zeit wird kommen
Above the battlefield
Le 14 juillet
Bo dou
John Christopher: Storm and stress
Anya e s fiu
Aux peuples assassine s
Der Romain Rolland Almanach
Compagnons de route. --
Memoires /  Souvenires de Jeunesse /  Complements /  Fragments du Journal
Ramakrishna ; Christ Younger Brother
Zhan Kristof
Musiciens d'autrefois
Dusza zaczarowana
Yan Krisį¹­of
Qun lang
Le triomphe de la raison
J.-Ch la nouvelle journée
L'âme enchantée
Ludwig van Beethoven
Printemps Romain
Ein Spiel von Tod und Liebe
Jan Kurisutofu
Vie de Tolstoï
J.-Ch les amies
Plays of Romain Rolland
Jean-Christophe; Antoinette
L'âme enchantée
The fourteenth of July
Baili yu Luxi
Les origines du théâtre lyrique moderne
Beethoven the creator
Inde Journal Nineteen Fifteen to Nineteen Forty Three
Musicians of to-day
Meister Breugnon
Qi yue shi si ri
Jan Krzysztof
The life of Ramakrishna
Romain Rolland's essays on music
Zshan įø²risį¹­of
Sobranie sochineniÄ­
Jean-Christophe. Journey's end
Yan Kristof
Retour au palais Farnèse
Pour L'honneur de L'esprit
Vida de Beethoven
Compagnons de route
Les trageĢdies de la foi
Mémoires, et fragments du journal
John Christopher-- Journey's end
L'âme enchantée
Me moires et fragments du journal
Gandi fen dou shi
Jean-Christophe in Paris
Pierre et Luce
Jean-Christophe in Paris
Le triomphe de la raison
Li zhi zhi sheng li
Les origines du théâtre lyrique moderne
Piotr i Łucja
Ocharovannaiļø aļø” dusha
Ai yu si zhi du
D'une Rive a l'Autre  Herman Hess et Romain Rolland /  Correspondance et Fragments du Journal
Jean Christophe   3 vols
Sawāmī Wiwekānanda dī jīwanī
Émile Verhaeren (1855-1916)
MeĢ€re et fils
Le jeu de l'amour et de la moret
The people's theatre
Textes Politiques /  Sociaux & Philosophiques Choisis
Johann Christof am Ziel
Mahatma Gandhi
... Le jeu de L'amour et de la mort
J.-Ch le buisson ardent
John Christopher
J.-Ch l'aube
Li zhi zhi sheng li
Les origines du th©Øe©Äatre lyrique moderne
Life of Vivekananda
Het spel van liefde en dood
Romain Rolland and Gandhi correspondence
Vie de Beethoven
Paroles de Renan à un adolescent
Vida de Tolstói
Voyage musical aux pays du passé
Gandi fen dou shi
Musiciens d'autrefois
Li Liuli
Voyages en Bourgogne (1913-1937)
Jean-Christophe à Paris
Paques fleuries
Au dessus de la mêlée
Above the battle
Le jeu de l'amour et de la mort ...
Musiciens d'aujoud'hui (etc.)
Above the battlefield
Prophets of the new India
Los precursores
Fraulein Elsa
MuzykalŹ¹no-istoricheskoe nasledie
J.-Ch la révolte
J-j Rousseau
Le jeu de l'amour et de la mort
Vie de Beethoven
Jean-Christophe à Paris. --
Shon įø²risį¹­of
Pâques fleuries
Ming ren zhuan =
Pour l'Honneur de l'Esprit  Correspondance /  1898 1914
Jean-Christophe in Paris
Ai er di
La foire sur la place
Musicians of To-Day (Musician's Bookshelf)
Tuo'ersitai zhuan
Beiduofen zhuan
Recueil de Chansons Populaires 6 tomes
The life of Ramakrishna
Muį¹­er un zun
Salut à la Révolution russe
Zshan įø²risį¹­of
Jean-Baptiste Lully
The death of a world ..
Johann Christof
Shinkō no higeki
Goethe und Beethoven
Deux Hommes Se Rencontrent
Romain Rolland et Jean-Richard Bloch
J.-Ch Antoinette
Ai yu si
Dusza zaczarowana
John Christopher in Paris
Beethoven (Library of Music and Musicians)
Das leben Tolstois
Jean Christophe, extraits
Rabindranath Tagore et Romain Rolland
Johann Christofs Jugend
Cur ars picturae apud Italos XVI saeculi deciderit
14-oe Iiļø uļø”liļø aļø”
Vita di Michelangelo
Romain Rolland par lui-même
Le buisson ardent
Théâtre de la Révolution
Liber amicorum Romain Rolland
Okouzlená duše
Poslednie kvartety Betkhovena
Compagnons de route. --
Handel ...
Souvenirs de jeunesse, 1866-1900
Más allá de la contienda y Los precursores
Johann Christof in Paris
Jiyani Beethoven
Aërt, drame en trois actes
Ai yu si de bo dou
John Christopher: Dawn and morning
Pierre et Luce
Mahaį¹­mah Gandi
Pâques fleuries
Hra o lásce a smrti
Some Musicians of Former Days (Musician's Bookshelf)
Beiduofen zhuan =
The life of Vivekananda and the universal gospel
Le jeu de l'amour et de la mort
Les tragédies de la foi
Prophets of the new India
Muį¹­er un zun
TheĢatre de la reĢvolution
Par la revolution, la paix ...
Romain Rolland's essays on music
Migailangqiluo zhuan
Living Thoughts of Rousseau
Choix de lettres à Malwida von Meysenbug (livre non massicoté)
J.-Ch l'adolescent
Nad vřavou válečnou
Dans la maison
L'âme enchantée
Tsį¹æey shį¹æesį¹­er
Yuehan Kelisituofu
Le buisson ardent
Rikhard Shtraus i Romen Rollan
Les\Tragedies de la Foi
Mutter und sohn
Pages choisies
Mahatma Gandhi
Vie de Tolsto©
Romain Rolland
Vidas ejemplares
Beethoven, les grandes époques créatrices
Mahaį¹­ma Gandi
Qi yue shi si ri
Das Leben Michelangelos
Jin dai yin yue jia ping zhuan
Jean-Christophe à Paris. --
Pierre and Luce
Pages choisies
Das Leben G. F. Händels
Ai yu si zhi jiao zhu
Palm Sunday
L'âme enchantée ...
חיי מיכאל אנג׳לו
Jean Christophe
Vie de Michel-Ange
Beethoven Les Grandes Epoques Creatices
Jean-Christophe à Paris. --
Jean-Christophe a Paris
Jean Christophe aĢ€ Paris: dans la maison
Más allá de la contienda
Vie de Michel - Ange
Jan Krzysztof ...
Empedocle d'Agrigente
Empedokles av Agrigentum och hatets tidsaĢŠlder 1918
Petr a Lucie
Ticinesi sul fronte della libertà
J.-Ch le matin
Rabindranath Tagore et Romain Rolland  Lettres et Autres Ecrits
Das Leben Michelangelos
Dan dong
Le temps viendra
Ai yu si de bo dou
Vie de Michel-Ange
Bētōven no shōgai
John Christopher: Journey's end
Les Loups [par] Saint-Just
J.-Ch dans la maison
Walter Scott
Walter Scott (1771-1832)

poet, playwright, linguist, translator, musicologist, biographer, judge, poet lawyer, lawyer, historian, literary critic

  • University of Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh School of Law
The Talisman
The Antiquary
The Bride of Lammermoor
The Evil Image
The Garden of Romance
Selected English Short Stories (Nineteenth Century)
The lay of the last minstrel
Ivanhoe: A Romance
The Siege Of Malta And Bizarro
Essays on chivalry, romance, and the drama
Ivanhoe. .
The miscellaneous prose works of Sir Walter Scott
The miscellaneous prose works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Tristrem
Essays in chivalry, romance, and the drama
The Crusades
The lady of the lake
The pirate
Guy Mannering
The Abbot
Waverley novels
The monastery
Tales of a grandfather
The fair maid of Perth
The fortunes of Nigel
The Black Dwarf
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
The journal of Sir Walter Scott
Minstrelsy of the Scottish border
Chronicles of the Canongate
Anne of Geierstein, or, The maiden of the mist
A study of the short story
The Waverley Novels
Fireside Al's Treasury of Classic Stories
Castle Dangerous
Guy Mannering, or, The astrologer
Classic Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories
The Monastery Volume II
sir walter scott
The Book of the Dead
The surgeon's daughter. Castle dangerous
The letters of Sir Walter Scott
The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, emperor of the French
Christmas in the olden time
Ballads and lyrical pieces
The fair maid of Perth, or, St. Valentine's Day
A second letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal, from Malachi Malagrowther, Esq
The bride of Lammermoor; and, A legend of Montrose
Nephrology For Lawyers
The lives of the novelists
The vision of Don Roderick
Ivanhoe Volume I
Count Robert of Paris
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The Norton Anthology of English Literature --Seventh Edition -- Volume 2A
Scott's Marmion
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott...: in twenty-eight volumes. 22, Tales of a ..
St. Ronan's well
Classic Ghost Stories
The Edinburgh edition of the Waverley novels
The Lady of the Lake: A Poem
Ivanhoe Volume II
A letter to the editor of the Edinburgh Weekly journal
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte V2
The lay of the last minstrel. Illustr. ed
Chronicles of the Canongate
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
A criticism of 'Natural law in the spiritual world' by Professor Drummond
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror and Other Tales
A second letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal
A third letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal, from Malachi Malagrowther, Esq
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: With a Preliminary View of the French Revolution
Caledonia, descriped by Scott, Burns, and Ramsay
The Dramatic Works Of John Dryden
Shorter Fiction
The lady of the lake: With Introduction, Various Readings, and the Editor's ..
The Lord of the Isles: A Poem
Tales of a Scottish grandfather
Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories Taken from Scottish History ... 2d Series
The Monastery: The Abbot
Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories Taken from the History of France
critical and miscellaneous essays
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte V1
Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories Taken from Scottish History. Humbly ..
Woodstock, or, The cavalier
Wishbone classics
The lord of the Isles: a poem. With notes, and life of the author
The poetical works of sir Walter Scott. With prefatory notice by W. Sharp
Vascular Surgery For Lawyers
The Betrothed
Old Mortality
International Short Stories from England
Marmion, a tale of Flodden Field
Scottish Stories
Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel: Cantos I-[vi.]
The Lay of the Last Minstrel: A Poem
The wisdom of Sir Walter
The Surgeon's Daughter: Castle Dangerous and Glossary
Biographical memoirs of eminent novelists, and other distinguished persons
A letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal, from Malachi Malagrowther, Esq
Elderly Care Medicine For Lawyers
Waverley; or, 'Tis sixty years since ...
Biographical Memoirs
The beauties of Sir Walter Scott, and Thomas Moore, esquire
A third letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal
Histoire de France Racontee Par Un Grand-pere a Son Petit-fils
Familiar letters of Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott's Woodstock
Scot t's lay of the last minstrel
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet
Woodstock; Or, The Cavalier: A Tale of the Year Sixteen Hundred and Fifty-one
Thoughts on the proposed change of currency, and other late alterations, as they affect, or are intended to affect, the kingdom of Scotland
The Waverley Novels: With the Author's Last Corrections and Additions
Introductions And Notes From The Magnum Opus Edition 1829-33
Clinical Care For Lawyers
Heart of Midlothian
The Highland clans. With A particular account of Rob Roy and the MacGregors
Waverley poetry
Rokeby: A Poem
Selected Poems of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake
Manners, customs, and history of the Highlanders of Scotland
Old Mortality, Volume 1
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Volume 1
Miscellaneous prose works
World Education: A Discussion of the Favorable Conditions for a World ..
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. V1
Count Robert of Paris and The surgeon's daughter
Secret history of the court of James the First
Psychiatry For Lawyers (Medico-Legal Practitioner Series)
The Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels (Modern Scottish Writers)
Ivanhoe (Classic)
Memoirs of JOhn Dryden
The Vision of Don Roderick, The Field of Waterloo, and Other Poems
Tales of my landlord
The fair maid of Perth, or, Saint Valentine's Day
Selections from the Poems of Sir Walter Scott
The lay of the last minstrel, a poem, in six cantos
The lady of the lake
The history of Scotland
histoire d'ecosse
The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
A legend of the wars of Montrose
The Works Of John Dryden
The lay of the last minstrel, including the original notes of the author, unabridged
Classics Illustrated #13
The British Drama: Comprehending the Best Plays in the English Language
Manners, customs and history of the Highlanders of Scotland ; Historical account of the clan MacGregor
The genius and wisdom of Sir Walter Scott
Quentin Durward
Rokeby; The lord of the isles; The bridal of Triermain; Miscellaneous poems, indexes, etc.
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. V2
Stories from Scottish history
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott
Tales of my landlord, Second series. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott...: in twenty-eight volumes. 11, Life of ..
The poetical works of sir Walter Scott. With all his intrs. and notes; also ..
Walter Scott Selected Poems
Familiar letters
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart., containing Lay of the last ministrel, Marmion, Lady of the lake, Don Roderick, Rokeby, Ballads, lyrics, and songs
Oncology For Lawyers
Tales of the crusaders
Tales of my landlord
Letters on demonology and witchcraft, addressed to J.G. Lockhart
The field of Waterloo
Poetical Works: With a Biographical & Critical Memoir
The Fair maid of Perth
Quentin Dorward. Aivengo.
Quentin Durward
The downfall of Napoleon
Bride of Lammermoor
The works of Sir Walter Scott
critical and miscellaneous essays fo sir walter scott
Catalogue of the library at Abbotsford ..
Supernatural Short Stories of Sir Walter Scott
Halidon Hill
Legend of Montrose
The Waverly anecdotes
The life of John Dryden
Paul's letters to his kinsfolk
Urology For Lawyers
Guy Mannering; or, the Astrologer
Autobiography of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Old Mortality
Anne of Geierstein or the maiden of the mist.  Count Robert of Paris
The Waverley Anecdotes
The lady of the lake, by sir W. Scott, with all his intrs. and notes, various readings, and the ..
The Tapestried Chamber and the Legend of Montrose
Das Kloster
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: With Prefatory Notice, Biographical ..
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: with the author's introductions and notes
Introductions, and Notes and Illustrations
The Betrothed A Tale of the Crusaders
Respiratory Disorders For Lawyers
My Math, Gr 4, Vol. 2, Indiana
Meditation & Arbitration For Lawyers
The journal of Sir Walter Scott, 1825-32
Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories Taken Fom Scottish History. ... 3d Series
Gynaecology For Lawyers
Tales of My Landlord
The Lay of the Last Minstrel: A Poem; With, Ballads and Lyrical Pieces
Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland,  with descriptive illustrations
Peveril of the peak
The two drovers, and other stories
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott: From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
Tales of a Grandfather: Being Stories Taken from Scottish and French History ..
Saint Ronan's well
Description of the regalia of Scotland
the novels
The Abbot, Being the Sequel of the Monastery
The Pirate
The Edinburgh Annual Register, for 1808-26
The bride of Lammermoor
Walter Scott's Werke
Guy Mannering; or, the Astrologer
The Contemporary Atlantic
Kenilworth (1821) : (Traducteur: Auguste Jean Baptiste Defauconpret)
The Miscellaneous Prose Works Of Sir Walter Scott V7
Quentin Durward; Ivanhoe; Kenilworth
France And Belgium
Siege of Malta
The Lady of the Lake
Readings for the young
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Sir Walter Scott - Ivanhoe
The vision of Don Roderick and other poems
Jolie Fille de Perth : Traducteur
Wendy, Master of Art
Introductions, and Notes and Illustrations to the Novels, Tales, and ..
The Waverley Anecdotes
The Pirate
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Selected poems
Tales of My Landlord
The correspondence of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Robert Maturin
The Journal Of Sir Walter Scott V1
Rob Roy; The heart of Mid-Lothian
The History of Tom Jones. A Foundling
Tales of my landlord
Walter Scott
Diamonds from Scott
Introductions and Notes from the Magnum Opus, 1829-33
English minstrelsy
The Bride of Lammermoor
Ministrelsy of the Scottish Border Volume II
Ivanhoe 2cs
Periodical Criticism
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume I
Moredun; a tale of the twelve hundred and ten
Ivanhoe - Part 1
the miscellaneous prose works of sir walter scott, bart. vol vi
Poetical works
Anne of Geierstein and the Pirate
Religious discourses
Frankenstein and the Critics
Ivanhoe: A Romance
Waverley, Volume 12, Part 2
Tales from French history
Walter Scott, Shorter Poems
Journal of Walter Scott
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott ...
The works of Sir Walter Scott
Legend of Montrose
The Gospel restored
Religious discourses
Ivanhoe, ein historischer Roman
The Waverley novels, with the author's last corrections, and additions
The Lady of the Lake;
Rob Roy
Scotland and the waverley novels
Tales of a grandfather
Woodstock Ou le Cavalier : Traducteur
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume V
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
The sayings of Sir Walter Scott
Aventures de Nigel : Traducteur
The Waverly Anecdotes V1
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Surgeon's Daughter
The poetical works of Walter Scott
Life Of Napoleon Buonaparte V3
I Puritani di Scozia
The Lord of the Isles
Rob Roy
Provincial Antiquities of Scotland
The Highland Widow
Journal, from the original manuscript at Abbotsford
Tales of chivalry and the olden time
The minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Familiar letters of Sir Walter Scott. --
Woodstock, or, The cavalier
The novels of Sir Walter Scott
British History, Historical Novels, and Historical Plays
Tales of a grandfather
Scott's Marmion and Burke's Reflections on the revolution in France
The Lady of the Lake
Landscape-historical illustrations of Scotland, and the Waverley novels
Tales of my landlord, third series
Fortunes of Nigel
Description of the regalia of Scotland
The Valancourt Book of Victorian Christmas Ghost Stories
Accident And Emergency For Lawyers
The Lord of the Isles
The Highland widow
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume III
Periodical Criticism By Sir Walter Scott V2
The Miscellaneous Works Of Sir Walter Scott
St. Ronan's Well
Hermetica - Vol 1
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 1
The Dramatic Works of John Dryden, Volume 1
Lucia Di Lammermoor
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet
Castle Dangerous, appendix, etc.; Early poems and The lay of the last minstrel
The bridal of Triermain, Harold the dauntless, Field of Waterloo, and other poems
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, including introd. and notes
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume IV
The bride of Lammermoor and Keepsake stories and Chronicle of Canongate
Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists
The poetical works of Walter Scott, esq
Ivanhoe Kidnapped (Library Edition)
The lay of the last minstrel
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, Volume 1
The Surgeon's Daughter
Manners, Customs & History of the Highlanders of Scotland
The Waverley gallery
Hitchhiking With An Angel
Quentin Durward, or, The fortunate Scotsman
Bride of Lammermoor
The Life Of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor Of The French V2
Reliquiae Trotcosienses
The pirate ; The fortunes of Nigel
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume II
The complete poetical works of Scott
Waverley, Volume 12, Part 1
Stories From Waverley For Children
Rob Roy
Les aventures de Nigel
The poems and ballads of Sir Walter Scott
Redgauntlet - Part 1
The complete poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Miscellaneous poems
St. Ronan's Well
The miscellaneous works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
The Fortunes of Nigel
The Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
The prefaces to the Waverley novels
The Tapestried Chamber
Guy Mannering
Woodstock, or, The cavalier
Waverley novels. (Abbotsford ed.).
The talisman
Tales Of A Grandfather V2
Works of Jonathan Swift
Woodstock [and] The fair maid of Perth
Redgauntlet - Part 2
Oeuvres de Walter Scott
Sir Walter's verse
Lady of the Lake
Harold the Dauntless
General Practitioner & Negligence (Medico-legal Practitioner)
A legend of Montrose
Sir Walter Scott Lectures 1940-1948
The lady of the lake
Guy Mannering
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Royal characters from the works of Sir Walter Scott
The monastery
Some Poems
Waverley Novels, Volume 17
The Surgeon's Daughter
Robin Hood
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart, Volume 12
Ballads and lyrical pieces
Waverley novels
Lyrics, Dramas And Miscellaneous Pieces
St. Ronan's well
Tales of the Crusaders Talisman Etc., Etc. (New Century Library)
Rob Roy
Poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet
Woodstock Ou le Cavalier Annoté
Pirate Annoté
Halidon Hill
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott
The Waverley Novels
Rokeby, in six cantos
The bride of Lammermoor and The black dwarf
Marmion And The Lord Of The Isles
Alice Brand
The Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Fair Maid of Perth - Part 1
The Lady of the Lake
Ivanhoe (The Academy Classics) (Abridged and Edited by J. C. Tressler) (The Academy Classics)
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy Of The Scottish Border V4
The Abbot - Part 1
The poetry contained in the novels, tales, and romances of the author of Waverley
Journal of Sir Walter Scott : Volume 1
The surgeon's daughter
Guy Mannering
The history of Scotland
The lady of the lake
Scott's Poems, The Lady of the Lake part III cantos V & VI/ with introduction, notes, and glossarial index
Count Robert of Paris
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 4
St. Ronan's well
Oeuvres complètes
The Memoirs of Robert Carey, Earl of Monmouth.
The Complete poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Scott's Ivanhoe a Romance (Macmillan's Pocket Classics)
Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott
Short stories
The Pirate - Part 2
The Waverley novels
Old Mortality
Waverly Novels
Waverley novels, with all his introductions and notes
Waverley Novels ...: Red-Gauntlet
St Ronan's Well
The voyage of the Pharos
The Bannatyne miscellany
Castle Dangerous
Rob Roy
Chronological Notes of Scottish Affairs, from 1680 Till 1701
Chronicles of the Canongate
Guy Mannering (Everyman's Library)
Ivanhoe -Reader's Enrichment Series (Reader's Enrichment Series)
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
The Fortunes of Nigel - Part 2
Bride of Lammermoor
The fortunes of Nigel
The Works of Sir Walter Scott: The Abbot
The Lady of the Lake and Other Poems
The fortunes of Nigel
Memoirs Of Jonathan Swift, D. D., Dean Of St. Patrick's, Dublin, Volumes 1-2
Quentin Durward
Jing hun ji
Ivanhoe, Part 2
The Waverley novels
Ivanhoe. Roman
Mediation and Arbitration
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott the New Annotated Edition
Selections from the prose of Sir Walter Scott
Chronicles of the Canogate
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott With A Memoir (Ten Volumes in Five VOL. V)
Chronicles of the Canongate
A Legend of Montrose LT
Fair maid of Perth ; and Woodstock
The Ettricke garland
Caledonian Comet
Tales of a grandfather
Woodstock Ou le Cavalier Illustré
Tales of chivalry and the olden time
The Pirate (Sir Walter Scott's Collector's Edition)
La viuda montañesa. - Los dos arreadores.
Tales of a Grandfather
Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the Mist
Tales of a grandfather (history of Scotland)
Fortunes of Nigel
Legend of Montrose
The Pirate
St. Ronan's Well
Die Schwärmer
The monastery
Ivanhoe (illustriert)
Lady of the Lake
Short stories by Sir Walter Scott
Waverley Novels ...
Le Connétable de Chester. [Des fiancés]
Sakesun jie hou ying xiong lue
Sir Walter Scott Novels Ivanhoe Vol 1
Guy Mannering
Tales of a grandfather
OLD MORTALITY. New Century Library, Vol. V
Letters of Sir Walter Scott
Tales of a Grandfather
The monastery
The Surgeon's Daughter
Guy Mannering
Poetical works
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
Bride of Lammermoor
Guy Mannering, or, The astrologer
The pirate
The Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland
The doom of Devorgoil
Old Mortality, Volume 2
Old Morality - Part 2
Poetical works
Guy Mannering, or, The astrologer
The betrothed
Redgauntlet : a Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Chronicles of the Canongate, etc
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
The fair maid of Perth
Waverley Novels, Volume 4
Ivanhoe (Annotated)
Ivanhoe a Romance by Sir Walter Scott
Old Mortality; The Heart of Mid-Lothian
The Abbot Waverley Novels Vol 1 (The Abbot Waverley Novels, Volume 1)
The lay of the last minstrel
Guy Mannering
Tales of my landlord, first series, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham
The Works of Jonathan Swift, Containing Additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems, With Notes, and a Life of the Author, by W. Scott
Count Robert of Paris
Castle Dangerous
The fortunes of Nigel
Hermetica - Vol 3
The Talisman
Journal of Sir Walter Scott : Volume 2
Waverley Novels, Volume 24
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott
The story of Rob Roy
Life of Napoleon Bounaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 1
Shi wang Licha
The Abbot, Volume II
Walter Scots romane
The Abbott ; Kenilworth ; The pirate
The fair maid of Perth
Waverley Novels, Volumes 20-21
Count Robert Of Paris and The Surgeons Daughter
Life of Napoleon
Old Mortality
Redgauntlet Volume II
Familiar letters of Sir Walter Scott
The Antiquary and The Black Dwarf--The Waverly Novels
Shigutuo jie zuo ben shi
The Supernatural Short Stories of Sir Walter Scott
A Legend of Montrose
The history of Scotland
Sir Walter Scott
Crónicas de Canongate, Las
Old Morality
Hermetica volume 2 (Hermetica)
Sir Walter's post-bag
Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels
The Lady of the Lake
The talisman
Tales of the crusaders
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Chronicles of the Canongate
Old mortality
The Lady of the lake, and Vision of Don Roderick
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott
Tales of the crusaders
Jian di yuan yang
The Heart of Midlothian; The Monastery
Ėdinburgskaļø iļø”a temniļø tļø”sa
I puritani di Scozia
Lammermurskaļø iļø”a nevesta ; Legenda o Montroze
The Life Of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor Of The French
Old Mortality, Volume 1
Some Poems
St. Ronan's Well. By : Sir Walter Scott  Waverley Novels
Guy Mannering (The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, Volume 4)
Thoughts on the proposed change of currency (Scottish reprints)
St. Valentine's day
Old Morality - Part 1
The bride of Lammermoor and The surgeon's daughter
Saint Ronan's well
Ballantyne's Novelist's Library, Volume 4
Fair Maid of Perth
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
[The Waverley novels]
The Heart Of Midlothian
Guy Mannering - Part 1
Marmion, by Sir W. Scott. with All His Intrs. , and the Editor's Notes. Illustr. by B. Foster and J. Gilbert
The field of Waterloo
The talisman
Lettre de Sir Walter Scott et reĢponse du GeĢneĢral Gourgaud
Ivanhoe (Clasicos Para Ninos)
The Lady of the Lake/ with annotations; for use in public and high schools
Jian di yuan yang
A Collection Of Scarce And Valuable Tracts On The Most Entertaining Subjects
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet
Ivanhoe Annotated
The Tales of a Grandfather Vol I
Selected Poems
O GolŹ¹dsmitiļø eļø” i ego tvorenÄ«iļø aļø”khŹŗ
Tales of a Grandfather
Redgauntlet : A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Paul's letters to his kinsfolk
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott.  Including introduction and notes
The heart of Midlothian
The Talisman
IVANHOE, a Romance
Count Robert of Paris - Part 1
Lay of the Last Minstrel/ edited with introduction and notes
Chronicles of the Canongate
ŠŠµŠ²ŠµŃŃ‚Š° Š›Š°Š¼Š¼ŠµŃ€Š¼ŃƒŃ€Š°; Bride of Lammermoor
The Waverley Novels
The Waverly dramas
Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer
Guy Mannering, or, The astrologer
The Bride of Lammermoor, A Legend of Montrose, the Chronicles of the Canongate and Keepsake Stories
St. Ronan's well
Tales of a grandfather
The Tapestried Chamber
Ivanhoe a Romance
The Waverley Novels Melrose Edition Old Mortality
Woodstock Ou le Cavalier
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
Dziewica z jeziora
Ivanhoe Volume I
The border antiquities of England and Scotland
The Pirate - Part 1
Old Mortality
Redgauntlet: A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Quentin Durward
Poetical Works
A collection of scarce and valuable tracts, on the most interesting and entertaining subjects
Guy Mannering - Volume II
Talisman, etc.
The letters of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe to Robert Chambers, 1821-45
Lady of the Lake
Ivanhoe : a Romance
Hermetica volume 4 (Hermetica)
St. Ronan's Well
The Edinburgh Annual Register, Volume 13
St. Ronan's Well. By : Sir Walter Scott  Waverley Novels
Old Mortality (Collins New classics series-no.617)
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French
Journal of Sir Walter Scott
The Fortunes of Nigel. The Border Edition Volume XIV
The Fortunes of Nigel
The Lady of the lake
Lady of the Lake
Seiji shōsetsu, bairai yokun
The pirate
Chronicles of the Canongate
Provincial antiquities of Scotland
Old Mortality, Volume 2
The Bride Of Lammermoor, Volume 8
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Count Robert of Paris
Kenilworth Annoté
New landlord's tales, or, Jedediah in the south
Oeuvres complètes de Sir Walter Scott
The Abbot
The lay of the last minstrel
The lady of the lake
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Tales Of A Grandfather
Bride of Lammermoor : (Annotated Edition)
Robin Hood
Guy Mannering Volume I
Ivanhoe (A Washington Square Press Book, W219)
The Lady of the Lake
Waverley Novels, Volume 12
Ivanhoe (New Pocket Classics)
Guy Mannering
Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe
The lay of the last minstrel
St. Ronan's Well
St. Ronan's Well - Part 1
Castle Dangerous & The surgeon's daughter
The fair maid of Perth; or, St. Valentine's day ...
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet
The Abbot - Part 2
The Dramatic Works of J. W. Goethe
Ivanhoe (illustriert)
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
The Talisman
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
St. Ronan's Well. By : Sir Walter Scott
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe
Tales of a grandfather
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake
The black dwarf ; Ivanhoe ; The heart of Midlothian
Peveril of the peak [and] Quentin Durward
The complete poetical works
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Guy Mannering
Ivanhoe Annotated
Count Robert of Paris - Part 2
Castle Dangerous
The Lady Of The Lake
The Talisman
Hai dao
Two hours with Ivanhoe...
Guy Mannering
Tales of a Grandfather
Ivanhoe Annotated
PieĢœkne dziewczeĢœ z Perth
Count Robert of Paris
The Monastery
Peveril Of The Peak with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang Waverley Novels Border Edition v.30
The pirate
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet
Red Gauntlet; A Tale Of The Eighteenth Century
The Waverley Novels Vol 8 - THE BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR ( Melrose Edition )
The Lyrics and ballads of Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott Collection
Border Edition The Fortunes of Nigel Vol II (Ten Etchings)
Guy Mannering (Annotated)
Count Robert of Paris
A Memoir Of The Life And Writings Of The Late William Taylor Of Norwich V2
The pirate
Prison d'Édinbourg Annoté
Redgauntlet (Volume 18)
Poetical works
My Aunt Margaret´s Mirror
Chronicles of the Canongate; The Highland Widow; The Two Drovers
Castle Dangerous
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 3
Ivanhoe a Romance
Ivanhoe; a romance
The fortunes of Nigel
The Miscellaneous Prose Works, Volume 2
Old Mortality
Waverley Novels Volume 25
Guy Mannering
The Lady of the lake
Le Talisman
The Talisman, a tale of the crusaders
The Lord of the Isles
The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, emperor of the French
The Pirate
The Redgauntlet
Talisman and Castle Dangerous
Legend of Montrose
Fortunes of Nigel
Chronicles of the Canongate
A legend of Montrose
Kenilworth and Fair Maid of Perth
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The Waverly novels
Waverley Novels: Count Robert of Paris. the Surgeon's Daughter
The miscellaneous works
The Fair Maid of Perth - Part 2
The Bride Of Lammermoor
St Valentine's Day or the Fair Maid of Perth
The pirate
Peneril Of The Peak
The poems and plays of Sir Walter Scott
Letters on demonology and witchcraft addressed to J.G. Lockhart, Esq
Scott on himself
The Bride of Lammermoor, and The Black Dwarf
The pirate
The vision of Don Roderick
Ivanhoe. The monastery. The two drovers [and] My Aunt Margaret's mirror
Guy Mannering - Part 2
Mizuumi no reijin
Shi zi jun ying xiong ji
The Miscellaneous Prose Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart...
Nain Noir
The Lady of the lake
Peveril of the peak ; The betrothed
The Lord of the Isles : a poem
A legend of Montrose
Red Gauntlet and Quentin Durward
The Miscellaneous Works
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Guy Mannering
The Bride Of Lammermoor And A Legend Of Montrose
Waverly Novels; Volume 1
Memoirs of Jonathan Swift
The Monastery (Volume 10)
The Fortunes of Nigel
Guy Mannering, the astrologer ; Anne of Geierstein, or, The maiden of the mist
Old mortality. The black dwarf. A legend of Montrose [and] The surgeon's daughter
From the tales of a grandfather
Robin Hood
Bride of Lammermoor
Ivanhoe No. 16 Everyman's Library
Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue
Tales of the Crusaders
Prison D'Édinbourg
Waverley Novels, Volume 16
The Heart of Midlothian. Everyman's Library No. 134.
Guy Mannering
Ivanhoe (illustriert)
The lady of the lake
Poetical works
The Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott Vol. I
The Bride of Lammermoor
Halidon Hill
Castle dangerous ; and, The surgeon's daughter
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish border
The works of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake
Religious discourses
The bride of Lammermoor ; The talisman
The tales of a grandfather
Quentin Durward
Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to His Friend in London ..
The Chronicles of the Canongate
Prison D'Édinbourg
The Surgeon's Daughter and Castle Dangerous [the Illustrated Waverley novels]
A letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal
Lady of the Lake
Château Dangereux (1832) : (Traducteur: M Albert Montémont)
THE TALES OF A GRANDFATHER. Being the History of Scotland From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Rebellion of 1745-46.
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
The monastery, and Chronicles of the Canongate
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Château Dangereux Annoté
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 7
La fiancée de Lammermoor
The Romantic Poems of Sir Walter Scott
The Waverley Novels V7
Waverley Novels, Volume 6
St. Ronan's Well
French Prose and Poetry 1850-1900
Bride of Lammermoor
IVANHOE, Great Illustrated Classics
Imayō chōka, kojō no bijin
Count Robert of Paris
The Modern British Drama
Jolie Fille de Perth
Highland Widow
The Lord of the isles
Waverley novels
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
St. Ronan's Well
The doom of Devorgoil : a melodrama ; Auchindrane, or, The Ayrshire tragedy
Letters on demonology and witchcraft, addressed to J.G. Lockhart
The  Bride of Lammermoor
The lady of the lake
Proceedings in a court martial held upon John, Master of Sinclair
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Letters on demonology and witchcraft. Addressed to J. G. Lockhart, Esq
Waverley Novels
Manners, Customs, and History of the Highlanders of Scotland
Old Mortality (Everyman Paperbacks)
St. Ronan's well
Le nain noir
The talisman
Die Erstürmung von Selama, oder, Die Rache
New love-poems
Thoughts On The Proposed Change Of Currency, And Other Late Alterations, As They Affect, Or Are Intended To Affect, The Kingdom Of Scotland. [signed ... Editor Of The Edinburgh Weekly Journal, From
Lives of the Novelists
The Waverley Novels 'Melrose Edition' - 24 - Count Robert Of Paris
Private letters of the seventeenth century
Tales of my landlord
The journal of Sir Walter Scott
The Waverley novels
Secret History Of The Court Of James The First V2
The Betrothed and the Talisman
The fair maid of Perth
Ivanhoe (Annotated)
St Ronans Well Volume 17 Melrose Edition of the Waverley Novels
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet
Tales of my landlord
Leben Napoleon Bonaparte's Kaiser der Franzosen
The lady of the lake
The Journal Of Sir Walter Scott
Tales of My Landlord [1st Series]; 4
Analysis of the Character of Napoleon Bonaparte
Fortunes of Nigel
The heart of Midlothian [and] The bride of Lammermoor
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
The Antiquary. Old mortality
Quentin Durward
The bride of Lammermoor
The monastery
Scott's Ivanhoe
Waverley Novels, Vol. IV
The Fair maid of Perth
The Antiquary - Part 2
The Waverley Novels, Volume 5
The Lady of the Lake
The fortunes of Nigel
Count Robert of Paris
Old Mortality
Legend of Montrose
The fair maid of Perth
The surgeon's daughter
Illustrations of Northern Antiquities from the Earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances
Talisman, The
The works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
Count Robert of Paris
Ivanhoe ; The heart of Midlothian ; Old mortality ; The black dwarf
Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated)
The monastery
Scott's Marmion and Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France
Quentin Durward
Taisei katsugeki, shunsō kiwa
Edinburgh Edition of Walter Scott's 'Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border'
Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue
Waverley Novels
Rob Roy
Legend of Montrose
The Talisman (Volume 20)
The Complete Poetical Works of Scott
The lay of the last minstrel
Memoirs of the Marchioness de la Rochejaquelein
Harold the Dauntless
Ivanhoe-- a romance
The Legend of Montrose
Waverley Novels
A collection of scarce and valuable tracts
Guy Mannering Or The Astrologer . The Waverley Novels. Melrose Edition. Volume 2.
Old mortality
Lochinvar 20-copy Multiple
The Lady of the lake
The pirate ...
Northern Antiquities
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 1
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
Friede Von Utrecht. Verhandlungen Zwischen England, Frankreich, Dem Kaiser und Den Generalstaaten 1710-1713
Ivanhoe and Other Novels
Ivanhoe Volume I
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Sir Walter Scott on novelists and fiction
The Surgeon's Daughter Chronicles of the Canongate
Abbott and Woodstock
Bride of Lammermoor
A Collection Of Scarce And Valuable Tracts, On The Most Interesting And Entertaining Subjects
The Modern British drama
Paul's letters to his kinsfolk
Life of Napoleon
Ivanhoe (Classic, Audio)
The Bride of Lammermoor
The Abbot [and] Kenilworth
Waverley Novels ...
Waverley and St. Ronan's Well
The heart of Midlothian
The Fortunes of Nigel
Life Of Jonathan Swift
The Monastery
Chronicles of the Canongate
The Monastery
Ivanhoe Annotated
Ivanhoe (Classic Pocket)
The life of John Dryden
St. Ronan's Well - Part 2
Sakesun jie hou ying xiong lue
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 9
Lady of the Lake : (Annotated Edition)
Abbot; Volume 2
The surgeon's daughter and Quentin Durward
St. Ronan's Well
The fortunes of Nigel
The monastery
Waverley Novels, Volume 3
Paul's Letters to His Kinsfolk
Guy Mannering
Guy Mannering
Journal of Sir Walter Scott
Peveril Of The Peak with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang Waverley Novels Border Edition v.29
Guy Mannering
Jolie Fille de Perth Annoté
Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the Mist
Northern lights, or, a voyage in the lighthouse yacht to Nova Zembla and the Lord knows where in the summer of 1814
Ivanhoe A Romance
Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott
Altar Stairs. A little book of prayer
Scott's Complete Poetical Works
The monastery
The lady of the lake
Old Christmastide
Robin Hood (Grandes Aventuras)
Journal of Sir Walter Scott 2 Volume Set
The Heart Of Midlothian
The Talisman
The Fair Maid of Perth, and Other Chronicles of the Canongate Including the Highland Widow
Guy Mannering the Astrologer
The Fortunes of Nigel ; Quentin Durward ; St. Ronan's well
The talisman./ Sir Walter Scott
Surgeon's Daughter
Guy Mannering
Ivanhoe (Diversion Illustrated Classics)
The Vision of Don Roderick
Guy Mannering
Guy Mannering
The letters of Sir Walter Scott
The Talisman
IVANHOE a Romance
Hermetic volume 3 (Hermetica)
The talisman
The lady of the lake
Soirées d'Abbotsford
Waverly - Rob-Roy - La Fiancée de Lammermoor
The regalia of Scotland
Sir Walter Scott's The Lady of the lake
The abbot
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. 5 Volumes
The Lay of the Last Minstrel by Sir Walter Scott Bart with All His Introductions and Notes Various Readings and the Editors Notes
uvres de Walter Scott
Luxi zhuan
Guy Mannering
The Miscellaneous Prose Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Bart: Life Of Swift
Scott's Ivanhoe
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
The monastery
Old Mortality
Rob Roy
The private letter books of Sir Walter Scott
St. Ronan's well
Heart of Midlothian
Chronicles of the Canongate
Guy Mannering (Illustrated Pocket Classic)
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
The lord of the isles
Quentin Durward
Marmion. By : Sir Walter Scott,Bart. introduction By : William Stewart Rose
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Ballantyne's Novelist's Library, Volume 10
The talisman
Black Dwarf, a Legend of Montrose, Count Robert of Paris, and the Surgeon's Daughter
Ivanhoe the Waverley Novels
Ivanhoe, [by] Sir Walter Scott
The fortunes of Nigel ; Count Robert of Paris
Fortunes of Nigel
The Antiquary - Part 1
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Ivanhoe A Romance EVERYMANS LIBRARY # 16
The lay of the last minstrel
Scott on Waterloo
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
Jie hou ying xiong
Riwāyat Qalb al-Asad
Surgeon's Daughter
Minstrelsy of the Scottish border
Peveril of the Peak, Quentin Durward (Edition de Luxe)
The monastery
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 1
Sir Walter Scott - The Lady Of The Lake
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
The monastery
The Works of Jonathan Swift
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 2
Guy Mannering, the Monastery, and Chronicles of the Canongate
Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland
Tales and romances, of the Author of Waverley
Wendy's Revenge
The field of Waterloo ; a poem
Castle dangerous
The Complete Poetical Works of Scott. Cambridge Ed.
Letters On Demonology And Witchcraft: Addressed To J. G. Lockhart, Esq
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Guy Mannering
The Fortunes of Nigel (Waverly Novels)
The Talisman (Everyman's Library #144)
Ballads and lyrical pieces
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet
Guy Mannering, or The astrologer
The Betrothed
The heart of midlothian
Heart of Midlothian
The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, emperor of the French
The monastery
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
Fair Maid of Perth
Memoirs of John Dryden
Woodstock - Part 2
The Works of Jonathan Swift
A Legend Of Montrose
Complete Works
The Bride Of Lammermoor
The Lady of the Lake
A legend of Montrose
El pirata (La punta del iceberg)
Waverley Novels Volume 33 ST Ronans Well Volume 1
Ivanhoe Volume II
Woodstock, or the Cavalier (Volume 21)
Roberto, conde de Paris
The lady of the lake
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Fortunes of Nigel
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
Red gauntlet
The Surgeon's Daughter, And Castle Dangerous
Chronicles Of The Canongate
Manners, Customs and History of the Highlanders of Scotland
Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue
The Lay Of The Last Minstrel. Intr. And Canto 1. With Notes. Ed. By W.t. Jeffcott And G.j. Tossell
Comte Robert de Paris
Robin Hood
Woodstock. Waverley Novel. Border Edition. Vol 20.
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
The journal of Sir Walter Scott, 1825-32
Guy Mannering, ó El astrologo
Waverly anecdotes
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French, with a preliminary view of the French Revolution
Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe
The fortunes of Nigel
Waverley Novels
Old Mortality
The Waverley novels, by Sir Walter Scott, complete in 12 vol., printed from the latest English ed., embracing the author\'s last corrections, prefaces & notes
Ivanhoe and Robb Roy
The Lay Of The Last Minstrel And The Lady Of The Lake
Ivanhoe (Annotated)
Quentin Durward
Guy Mannering the Astrologer
Peveril of the Peak and the Bride of Lammermoor
The Heart of Midlothian
Quentin Durward; Ivanhoe; Kenilworth
The Lady of the Lake
The Fortunes of Nigel - Part 1
The fair maid of Perth
The heart of Midlothian
The fair maid of Perth
Waverley Novels
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Waverly novels
A letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal, from Malachi Malagrowther, Esq. on the proposed change of currency, and other late alterations, as they affect, or are intended to affect, the kingdom of Scotland
The Dramatic Works of John Dryden, V1
Saemmtliche Werke
The surgeon's daughter and Castle Dangerous
The Miscellaneous Prose Works Of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake, Edited by Alfred M. Hitchcock
Guy Mannering
Legend of Montrose ; The talisman and The antiquary
Historical, legendary and romantic tales from the works of Sir Walter Scott
Memoirs of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin
A Legend of Montrose
The talisman
Wandering Willie's tale
Les Chroniques de la Canongate
Shi zi jun ying xiong ji
Peveril of the Peak, By : Sir Walter Scott. Waverley novels-Historical novel : With steel plates from desing By
Legend of Montrose The Black Dwarf Sir Walter Scott 1901 New Century Library
Old Mortality (Everyman's Library, No. 137)
St. Ronan's well [and] Redgauntlet
The Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Old mortality
Carols from the Coal-Fields
Scott's Marmion and Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France
Fair Maid of Perth
Ivanhoe A Romance
Readings for the Young from the Works of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; Volume 1
Lady of the Lake
Chronicles of the Canongate
Ivanhoe a Romance
Catalogue of the Library at Abbotsford
Sammtliche Werke
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 3
Old Mortality. Nelson's Edition De Luxe [Deluxe]
Ancient British Drama
Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Antiquary (Everyman's Library, 126)
Chronicles of the Canongate; Volume 2
The lyrics and ballads of Sir Walter Scott
Bride of Lammermoor
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Count Robert of Paris
St. Ronan's Well
Guy Mannering, or The Astrologer (Nelson's New Century Library Series)
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Black Dwarf; and a Legend of Montrose
The Lady of the Lake with all his Introductions, Various Readings, and the Editor s Notes
Château Dangereux
Guy Mannering, or, the Astrologer; Volume 3
Handbook to the Bible
Wendy Award
La prison d'Édimbourg
Die Kammer Mit Dem Wandteppich
The talisman
Quintín Durward
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
History of Scotland for Junior Classes
Genius and Wisdom of Sir Walter Scott
Introductions and Notes from the Magnum Opus
Antiquary. by the Author Of 'waverley'
Waverly Novels
Secret History of the Court of James the First
Marmion. with Intr. , Notes, Map, and Glossary, for the Use of Schools, [Ed. ] by E. E. Morris
Queenhoo-Hall: A Romance ; and Ancient Times, A Drama Volume 4
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The Lady of the Lake
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Count Robert of Paris
Tapestried Chamber, and Death of the Laird's Jock
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Kventin Dorvard
Bridal of Triermain, or the Vale of St John
Guy Mannering
Guy Mannering
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Great Men and Famous Deeds
Tales of Terror and Wonder
Lady of the Lake
Ch�teau Dangereux
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Wandering Willie's Tale
Rob Roy [by Sir W. Scott]. with the Author's Last Notes and Additions
The Scottish exiles, rendered into prose, from Sir Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake
Mobilization and Reassembly of Genetic Information
Lady of the Lake
Journal of Sir Walter Scott
Nigels Schicksale
Surgeon's Daughter
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Tales of a Grandfather : Being the History of Scotland from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Rebellion, 1745-46
The Waverley Dramas
Thoughts on the Proposed Change of Currency, and Other Late Alterations, as They Affect, or Are Intended to Affect, the Kingdom of Scotland. [signed ... Editor of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal, from
Ivanhoe (Italian-Edition)
Ivanhoe (Annotated)
Defensa de la nación escocesa
Bride of Lammermoore
Tales of a Grandfather; Volume 4
Scott's the Lady of the Lake (The MacMillan Pocket Classics)
Tales of a Grandfather
Guy Mannering
The Betrothed
Wandering Willie's Tale
The Fortunes of Nigel
The Downfall of Napoleon
The lay of the Last Minstrel
Les Aventures de Nigel
Kenil Worth a Romance Vol. I
History of Scotland; Volume 2
Bride of Lammermoor
Waverley Novels
Ivanhoe, 1819 (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / (Ajvengo)
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte: With a Preliminary View of the French Revolution, Volume II (Large Print Edition)
Life of Jonathan Swift
Vision of Don Roderick
Tales of a Grandfather
The Antiquary
Bride of Lammermoor
Los Puritanos de Escócia
Ivanhoe (Now Age Illustrated III)
The Bride of Lammermoor I
Chronicles of the Canongate; VOL. II
Ivanhoe (Spanish-Edition)
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 1
Antiquary Vol. I
The heart of Midlothian
Diamonds from the Waverley Mines
The story of our English Bible
Waverley anecdotes
Talisman Illustrated Classic Edition
Guy Mannering, Oder der Astrolog, Siebenter Band
Tales of My Landlord; Volume 2
Heart of Midlothian
An evening with Scott (The nutshell library, ed. by S. Cody)
Black Dwarf
Rob Roy
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Schloss Douglas Am Blutsumpf
Rob Roy (Library of Classics) (Import)
Abt - Zweiter Band
History of Scotland; Volume 2
Correspondence of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Robert Maturim
Nain Noir
Lady of the Lake
Guy Mannering; Volume 1
The talisman, (Everyman's library, ed. by Ernest Rhys. Fiction)
Guy Mannering (The Waverley Novels, Volume 3)
Lady of the Lake
The Abbot; Kenilworth
Tales of a Grandfather : Being Stories Taken from Scottish History
Lady of the Lake
Redgauntlet : A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Fair Maid of Perth
The Heart of Midlothian
Woodstock (Fine Art Scott)
Histoire D'ecosse
Lady of the Lake, a poem in 6 Cantos
Rebecca, the Jewess
Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts on the Most Entertaining Subjects
Lady of the Lake, by Sir W. Scott, with All His Intrs. and Notes, Various Readings, and the Editor's Notes
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Fortunes Of Nigel, The ( 2 Volumes )
Life of John Dryden
The Tapestried Chamber; Or, the Lady in the Sacque
Guy Mannering
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Monastery (illustrated)
Old Mortality
Walter Scott - My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Walter Scott - Marmion
Waverley Novels ...
La habitación tapizada
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
From the Tales of a grandfather
Waverley Novels
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
An evening with Scott (The nutshell library, ed. by S. Cody)
Famous Authors
Die Hochlandhexe, ein Kind der Sünde
Ivanhoe (Classic Reprint)
St. Ronan's Well; Volume I
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. by the Author Of 'waverley'
El talismán
Guy Mannering
Bat ha-nasikh ha-noŹ»azah
St. Valentine's day ; or the fair maid of Perth
Verenica iz Lamermura
The lay of the Last Minstrel
Legend of Montrose
Works of Sir Walter Scott
The lay of the last minstrel
The  heart of Mid-Lothian
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 2
Tales of a Grandfather; Being the History of Scotland from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Rebellion, 1745-46. New Ed. , with Introd. by Archdeacon Farrar
Scott's Poems. the Lay of the Last Minstrel. with Intr., Notes and Glossary by J.S. Phillpotts
Doom of Devorgoil, a Melo-Drama. Auchindrane; or, the Ayrshire Tragedy
Tales of a Grandfather : Being the History of Scotland
Waverly Novels
Scotland; V. 1
Vida de Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperador de Los Franceses
Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the Most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects
Surgeon's Daughter
The British Drama
Lady of the Lake/ with Annotations; for Use in Public and High Schools
Briefe Uber Damonologie und Hexerei
Woodstock, Ó, el Caballero
The book of Waverley gems
Queenhoo-Hall : a Romance
Woodstock : or, The Cavalier
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Marmion and Lord of the Isles
The talisman
Tales of a Grandfather
Ballantyne's Novelist's Library, Volume 9
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
Wit and wisdom from the Waverley novels
Poetical Works. With all his Introductions and Notes; Also Various Readings and the Editor's Notes
St Ronan's Well; VOL. III
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
Proceed with Caution
The Antiquary
Die Hochlandhexe, ein Kind der Sünde
Bride of Lammermoor
Count Robert of Paris
Fair Maid of Perth
Graf Mit Dem Zweiten Gesicht, Hochlandehre, der Zauberspiegel
Black Dwarf
Chronicles of the canongate
Novels and Poems of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake
Ivanhoe. Material Auxiliar. Educacio Primaria
Lady of the Lake
Walter Scott's Sämmtliche Werke, Vierundzwanzigster Band, Dritte Auflage
Lives of Eminent Novelists and Dramatists
Journal, 1825-32
Oeuvres de Walter Scott
The Monastery
Ivanhoe (Illustrated)
Tales of My Landlord
Rob Roy -- Volume 01
Pirate. by the Author Of 'waverley'
Heart of Midlothian
St. Ronan's Well
Walter Scott's Sämmtliche Werke. Dritter Band. der Pirat. Zweite Vermehrte Auflage
Ballads and Lyrical Pieces
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French; Volume V
Leben von Napoleon Buonaparte, Kaiser von Frankreich
Ivanhoe - II
Life of Swift
Waverley Novels
Surgeon's Daughter, and Castle Dangerous
Quentin Durward
Waverley Illustrated Classic Edition
Ivanhoe (A Bancroft Classic)
The Lady of the Lake
Doom of Devorgoil, a Melo-Drama. Auchindrane; or, the Ayrshire Tragedy
Memoirs of the Marchioness de La Rochejaquelein
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft (Annotated)
Pirat - Zweiter Band
The Fair maid of Perth ; Anne of Geierstein ; The surgeon's daughter ; Castle dangerous
Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Quentin Durward
Old mortality (Illustrated Scott)
Sir Walter's post-bag;
Scotland (Volume One) by Sir Walter Scott (2002-12-07)
Black Dwarf
Rob Roy; Volume II
Lady of the Lake
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Novels, Tales and Romances of the Author of Waverley; Volume 8
The Pirate
Heart of Midlothian Illustrated
Rob Roy (Everyman's library)
Altertümler - Zweiter Band
Black Dwarf; and a Legend of Montrose
Chronicles of the Canongate
Poetical works
Novels and Romances of the Author of Waverley
Waverley Novels, Volume 15
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Castle Dangerous
The Young Folk's Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe (Illustrated)
Lady of the Lake Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Lung Cancer
Lady of the Lake
Charles le Téméraire, Ou Anne de Geierstein, la Fille du Brouillard
Count Robert of Paris (The Waverley Novels)
Redgauntlet. Dent edition
Bride of Lammermoor
KENILWORTH Intr. W.M. Parker
Robin der Rote - der Bandenführer der Hochlande - Erster Band
The Pirate; VOL. I
Marmion : A Tale of Flodden Field
Lives of the Novelists
Highland Widow
The complete poetical works of Sir Walter Scott (The Cambridge edition of the poets)
Old Mortality
Donna Del Lago
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott With A Memoir (Ten Volumes in Five VOL. II)
Waverly Novels; Volume 1
First Blood : Birth of the Vampire
Existence of Evil Spirits Proved
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 1
Tales of My Landlord; Volume 4
Count Robert of Paris
Scott's lady of the lake (Standard English classics)
History of Scotland
The heart of Midlothian
The heart of Midlothian
Ivanhoe a Romance
Oeuvres de Walter Scott
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Lady of the Lake ...
Heart of Mi-Lothian Vol II
Fortunes of Nigel
Guy Mannering
Guy Mannering; or, the Astrologer
Count Robert of Paris .
Napoleon Bonaparte
The Fortunes of Nigel
Life of Jonathan Swift
Lady of the Lake, the Lord of the Isles, the Lay of the Last Minstrel, and Marmion. with Poems, Notes, &c
Lady of the Lake, by Sir W. Scott, with All His Intrs. and Notes, Various Readings, and the Editor's Notes
Lord of the Isles
The Abbot
Tales of a Grandfather; Volume 4
Kenil Worth a Romance Vol. I
Waverley Novels
Rob Roy and selected poems
The journal of Sir Walter Scott
The Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott Baronet
The Messiahship or Great Demonstration
Rob Roy
Guy Mannering (Everyman's library ; no. 133)
Lady of the Lake
Schloß Douglas Am Blutsumpf
The Heart of Mid-Lothian; The Monastery
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott's the Heart of Midlothian
Works of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake
New Century Library, The Works of Sir Walter Scott, Vol. XIX
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott; Volume 1
The Lady of the lake
Dramatic Works of John Dryden
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 8
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Miroir de Ma Tante Marguerite : (Littérature Écossaise)
The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Volume 2
Robin der Rote - Zweiter Band
Graf Robert Von Paris
Ivanhoe,a Romance AnnotatedWalter
Fair Maid of Perth
Wit and wisdom from the Waverly novels
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; Volume 2
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Ivanhoé Édition Originale
The parts of speech
Ivanhoe (illustriert)
The talisman, a tale of the crusaders
Fair Maid of Perth; or, St. Valentine's Day
The lady of the lake, (Merrill's English texts)
Guy Mannering; ó, El astrologo
The lord of the isles
Old Mortality
Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama
Lady of the Lake
Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works of Sir Walter Scott. with an Intr. Memoir by W. B. Scott
Bridal of Triermain, or the Vale of St John [by Sir W. Scott. in Verse]
The field of Waterloo
The letters of Malachi Malagrowther
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Monastery Annotated
St Valentine's Day; or, the Fair Maid of Perth
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated
Prose Works
The Heart of Midlothian (Everyman's Library)
Schwarze Zwerg
Memoirs of the Duke of Sully, Prime Minister to Henry the Great; Volume 1
Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 2
Marius the Epicurean
The lady of the lake, (Merrill's English texts)
Lay of the Last Minstrel/ Edited with Introduction and Notes
The pirate
Surgeon's Daughter. Castle Dangerous. Index and Glossary, Characters Introduced and Principal Incidents. 1860
Old Mortality
Fortunes of Nigel
Restoration of the Ancient Gospel
Ivanhoe a Romance
Tales of My Landlord
Antiquary; VOL. II
Scott's Poems, the Lady of the Lake Part III Cantos V & VI/ with Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index
The talisman (Great illustrated classics)
Dame Del Lago. .
Ivanhoe (Great illustrated classics)
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Canto Del Último Trovador
The bridal of Triermain,or, The vale of St. John
Guy Mannering
Provincial Antiquities of Scotland
Waverley Novels
Count Robert of Paris
Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Works of John Dryden
Border Antiquities of England and Scotland
Letters on Demonology and Wtichcraft
The Monastery
Il racconto dello specchio misterioso
Autobiography of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott - Vol. III
Tales of my landlord, fourth and last series
The Pirate
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; Volume 3
Bride of Lammermoor
Demonology and Witchcraft
Lady of the Lake
Anna Von Geierstein - Zweiter Band
Waverly Novels; Volume 45
The heart of Scott's poetry
Rob Roy and Selected Poems
Rob Roy
Rob Roy; Volume II
Robin Hood
Ivanhoe (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
The border exploits
The journal of Sir Walter Scott, 1827-28
Abt - Zweiter Band
Lady of the Lake
Ivanhoe. by Sir W. Scott Bart. with All His Illustrations and Notes
Bride of Lammermoor
Lay of the Last Minstrel. Intr. and Canto 1. with Notes. Ed. by W. T. Jeffcott and G. J. Tossell
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Waverley Novels
The Vision of Don Roderick: A Poem
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 7
St. Ronan's Well
Vision of Don Roderick
The trial of Effie Deans
The lay of the Last Minstrel
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Lady of the Lake
Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Antiquary
Tales of a grandfather
Rob Roy; The Heart of Mid-Lothian
Tom Jones, Ou, l'Enfant Trouve; Volume 4
Bob Roy
Ivanhoe. with Illustr. by M. Riou [and Others]
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier. a Tale of the Year Sixteen Hundred and Fifty-One; Volume I
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet, Volume 8
Cuentos Sobrenaturales
Tales of My Landlord, Third Series
The Downfall of Napoleon
The lay of the last minstrel
History of Scotland for Junior Classes
Bride of Lammermoor
The Abbot
Woodstock : Or, the Cavalier
Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Tales of chivalry and the olden time
The pirate
Rob Roy
Tales of My Landlord
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French
Eterna mortalidad
Ivanhoe - Der schwarze Ritter
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 2
Red Gauntlet
Waverley Novels, Library Edition
Ivanhoe; ossia, Il ritorno del crociato
IvanhoeĢ et autres romans
Die Erstürmung von Selama. T. 1-3 : oder, Die Rache
Waverley Novels, Volume 19
Chronicles of the Canongate
Guy Mannering
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott
Ivanhoe Illustrated by Edward a. Wilson
[The  Waverley novels]  With introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang
The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Intr. and Canto 1. with Notes. Ed. by W.T. Jeffcott and G.J. Tossell
The Edinburgh Annual Register, Volume 12
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 2
Diamonds from the Waverley Mines
Das Fräulein vom See
The Lay of the Last Minstrel, a Poem
Scott's Poems. the Lay of the Last Minstrel. with Intr., Notes and Glossary by J.S. Phillpotts
Count Robert of Paris
Ivanhoe (Signet Classics (Pb))
Border Antiquities of England and Scotland
Kenilworth; Volume I
Hermetica, Part 1
St. Ronan's Well
Guy Mannering or the Astrologer
Peveril, or, The peak, or, The loves of Julian and Alice
Lady of the Lake
Highland Widow
Gefährliche Schloss
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
The Heart of Midlothian.  Everyman's Library No. 134.
Paul's Letters to His Kinsfolk
The talisman
Count Robert of Paris
Herz Von Midlothian - Erster Band
Vois-tu Ce Que Je Vois Le Chateau Hante
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
Tales of a grandfather,
The Antiquary EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY # 126
Scott's Lady of the Lake
The betrothed
The talisman./ Sir Walter Scott;
Tales of the Crusaders
The Heart of Midlothian
The Waverley Novels - Volume 2
Ivanhoe, Vol. 4
Success Engl Lang Lrn Hmath 2010 C2
The week-end Scott
Chronicles of the Canongate; Highland Widow; Two Drovers; Surgeon's Daughter; My Aunt Margaret's Mirror; Tapestried Chamber
Woodstock : or, The Cavalier
The Bride of Lammermoor and a Legend of Montrose
Guy Mannering
Messiahship, or, Great Demonstration
Historia de Los Demonios y de Las Brujas
Works of Sir Walter Scott
The life of Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of the French
El Monasterio
The Highland Clans. with a Particular Account of Rob Roy and the Macgregors
The Vision of Don Roderick
Ivanhoe, Vol. 1
Old Mortality
Scott's Lady of the lake, (Lettered on cover: Standard English Classics)
Old Mortality
The Fair Maid of Perth or Saint Valentines Day
The poetical works of Walter Scott, Esq
Guy Mannering or the Astrologer
Count Robert of Paris
Castle dangerous
The Fine Art Scott Vol. 4 Rob Roy
Graf Robert Von Paris
Surgeon's Daughter, and Castle Dangerous
Novelas Completas de Sir Walter Scott
Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott, Bart ...
The Bride of Lammermoor
The house of Aspen
Tales of My Landlord
Tales of My Landlord : Fourth and Last Series
Lady of the Lake
Waverly Novels
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe; or, The Knight Templar
St. Valentine's Day
Old Mortality
Waverly Novels
Robin Hood
The Waverley Novels, Volume 11
Old Mortality
Marmion. : Scott, Walter. Marmion
Ivanhoe a Romance
Jour de Saint-Valentin Ou la Jolie Fille de Perth
Waverly Novels
Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Late William Taylor of Norwich ...
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 9
Ivanhoe Illustrated
The Talisman
Guy Mannering
Old Mortality
Vida de Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperador de Los Franceses
Works, including the Waverley novels and the poems
The Fortunes of Nigel (Volume 14)
Pirate; Volume 2
Tales of a grandfather, third series
Essays On Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama
Old Mortality
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Red Gauntlet
Waverley Novels
The life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
Red Gauntlet
Bride of Lammermoor and Legend of Montrose
Lives of the novelists
Dramatic works of Goethe: comprising Faust [pt. 1] Iphigenia in Tauris, Torquato Tasso, Edmont, tr. by Anna Swanwick. And Goetz von Berlichingen, tr. ... Scott, and carefully rev. by Henry G. Bohn
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Lady of the Lake
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott Annotated Novel
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart... . : Biographical Memoirs
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Guy Mannering
Guy Mannering
Robin der Rothe. Erster Theil
Autobiography of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
The Talisman (Collins' Clear-Type Press)
Antiquary.  The Tapestried Chamber.  Death of Laird's Jack.  Rob Roy
Kenilworth ; St. Ronan's well
Pirate; Volume 2
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 1
Waverly Novels; Volume 43
Description of the Regalia of Scotland
Minstrelsy of the Scottish border
The Talisman (The Waverley Novels)
Ivanhoe Illustrated
The lady of the lake
The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Heart of Midlothian : (Aberdeen Classics Collection)
Vision of Don Roderick
Lady of the Lake
The life of John Dryden
Kenilworth (Kingston library)
Charles le Téméraire, Ou Anne de Geierstein, la Fille du Brouillard
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Chronicles of the Canongate
Ivanhoe (illustrated)
Waverley Novels
Guy Mannering - der Roman Eines Sterndeuters - Zweiter Band
Waverley Novels
Pat. Pend
Bride of Lammermoor
Woodstock Oder der Ritter
Rob Roy
Kenilworth; Volume I
The doom of Devorgoil
"The  lone shieling"
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Old Mortality
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott,
The fair maid of Perth
"Letters ; Recollections of Sir Walter Scott By Mrs, Hughes (of uffington) Edited By Horace G. Hutchinson"
Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama
Count Robert of Paris
The Edinburgh Annual Register
The Novels and Poems of Sir Walter Scott
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated Edition
Ivanhoe (Lake Illustrated Classics, Collection 4)
Rob Roy
Goetz of Berlichingen, with the Ironhand
Ivanhoe ( Legendary Classics )
Novels of Tobias Smollett
Ivanhoe (Everyman's library-no.16)
Ivanhoe (Great Illustrated Classics)
Ivanhoe - CucaĀ–a
Altertümler - Zweiter Band
Tales of a grandfather
Rob Roy
Walter Scott's Romane. Aus Dem Englischen. Dritter Theil
Lay of the Last Minstrel, Including the Original Notes of the Author, Unabridged. with an Introd. by A. D. Innes
Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Late William Taylor of Norwich ... Containing His Correspondence of Many Years with the Late Robert Southey, Esq. , and Original Letters from Sir Walter Scott, and Other Eminent Literary Men; Volume 1
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The Betrothed
Waverly Novels; Volume I
Ivanhoe - der Schwarze Ritter
Black Dwarf
The abbot
The Waverley novels
Tales of My Landlord
Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird's Jock
Fair Maid of Perth
Sir Walter Scott's the Lady of the Lake
Robin des Bois
The prose works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
Ivanhoe Illustrated
The surgeon's daughter and Castle Dangerous
St. Valentine's day; or, The fair maid of Perth
Páginas de oro de Sir Walter Scott, ó sea Retrato imparcial de Napoleon
Ivanhoe O El Cruzado
Robin der Rothe
Poetical Works; with the Author's Introductions and Notes; Edited by J. Logie Robertson
The Bride of Lammermoor
The Antiquary
The waverly novels
Die beiden Viehtreiber / The Two Drovers. Erzählung. .
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Redgauntlet ("Andrew Lang edition.")
Rob Roy -- Complete
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Novels and Romances of the Author of Waverley; Volume 24
Waverley (Edition 1838)
Schwarze Zwerg
Guy Mannering - or the Astrologer
Die Braut Von Lammermoor
Guy Mannering or the Astrologer
Démonologie et sorcellerie
Quentin Durward
Legend of Montrose
Oficial Aventurero; Volume 1
Ho Gouys Mannerink
The select poetical works of Sir Walter Scott ...
Oeuvres de Walter Scott; Volume 23
Comte Robert de Paris
Miscellaneous Prose Works; Volume 21
Ivanhoe; a Romance; Volume II
Tales of Wonder;; V. 1
The Antiquary
The talisman
Waverley Novels
Fortune of Nigel
Waverley Novels
Old Mortality
Works of Jonathan Swift
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Ivanhoe Vol. 1
Life of Jonathan Swift
From Gileskirk to Greyfriars
Schwarze Zwerg
Wild Huntsman & Other Poems
The complete poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Lady of the Lake
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; Volume 2
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
Demonology and Witchcraft
Asedio Del Castillo
Waverly Novels
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 3
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
Chronicles of the Canongate
The lady of the lake
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume V
Sir Walter Scott's the Lady of the Lake
Fortunes of Nigel
Old Mortality
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott; Volume 2
Quentin Durward
Soirées ďabbotsford : chroniques et nouvelles : recueillies dans les salons
Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, from the Earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Romances; Being an Abstract of the Book of Heroes, and Nibelungen Lay;
Peveril of the peak ; Redgauntlet ; The betrothed
Surgeon's daughter, etc.
Ivanhoe (Illustrated)
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Walter Scott
Ivanhoe a Romance
Quentin Durward
Lord of the Isles
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Including The Lay of the Last Minstrel; Marmion; The Lady of the Lake; The Vision of Don Roderick; Rokeby; Lord of the Isles; Miscellaneous Pieces; Bridal of Triermain, Etc. Etc. With a Memoir of the Author (Author's Edition).
Miscellaneous Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart Periodical Criticism. 2, Romance
The songs and ballads of Sir Walter Scott
The abbot,
The waverly novels
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The journal of Sir Walter Scott ... The text revised from a photostat in the National Library of Scotland
The Waverley novels
Lai du Dernier Ménestrel
The Works of Sir Walter Scott
Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels - 30-Volume Set
Scott's Novels
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Waverley Novels; Volume 4
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
Abt - Erster Band
Fortunes of Nigel
Black Dwarf
The Sir Walter Scott manuscripts from the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
Poetical Works; With the Author's Introductions and Notes; Edited by J. Logie Robertson
légende de Montrose (Annoté)
El anticuario
Surgeon's Daughter
The Monastary
The Vision of Don Roderick
Waverley Annotated and Unabridged
The fortunes of Nigel
The poetical works .
The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale ..
St. Ronan's Well
Lady of the Lake
TOPModel Malbuch
Ivanhoe a Romance by Walter Scott
Works of Sir Walter Scott
Hints addressed to the inhabitants of Edinburgh, and others, in prospect of His Majesty's visit
The Talisman (1905)
Wisdom of Sir Walter
The Works of Sir Walter Scott, 48 Vol. Set
The lady of the lake
Tales of a Grandfather;
Kenilworth [microform]
Red Cap Tales Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
Surgeon's Daughter
The talisman
Poetical Works
Ivanhoe (Portuguese-Edition)
Ivanhoé - Texte Abrégé
Waverley Novels
Fiancée de Lammermoor
The Fortunes of Nigel
Guy Mannering (Nelsons Classics)
Schöne Mädchen Von Perth
Trial of Duncan Terig, Alias Clerk, and Alexander Bane MacDonald for the Murder of Arthur Davis, Sergeant in General Guise's Regiment of Foot
Dramatic Works of John Dryden
Oeuvres Poétiques de Walter Scott, 2...
Waverly Novels
Tales of the Crusaders; VOL. II
The Lay of the Last Minstrel
Guy Mannering, or, the Astrologer; Volume 3
St Ronans Well
Quentin Durward
Sir Walter Scott's Waverley
St. Ronan's Well; Volume III
Talisman (Walterillustrated Edition)
Tales of a Grandfather, Volumen 23
Guy Mannering
The Talisman
Guy Mannering - der Roman Eines Sterndeuters - Band
Kenilworth, Volume 2
Wit and wisdom of Walter Scott
Tales of the Crusaders; VOL. III
Talisman Illustrated
Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
Wisdom of Sir Walter
The Betrothed
Memoirs of the Count de Grammont, Containing the History of the English Court under Charles II
Abt - Erster Band
Wild Huntsman & Other Poems
Some unpublished letters of Sir Walter Scott, from the collection in the Brotherton library
Works (48 Volumes)
The Waverley Novels, Volume 1
Lady of the Lake: (Illustrated World Classic)
Walter Scott's Sämmtliche Werke, Vierundzwanzigster Band, Dritte Auflage
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 2
Waverly Novels; Volume 2
The journal of Sir Walter Scott, 1825-26
Two Stories
The Lady of the Lake
Guy Mannering
The life of John Dryden
Tales of a Grandfather Being Histories Taken from Scottish History [, 1
Tales of a Grandfather : 1St [-4Th] Series : Being Stories Taken from Scottish History
The vision of Don Roderick
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Bride of Lammermoor
The Surgeon's Daughter and Castle Dangerous
Oeuvres Poétiques de Walter Scott, 2...
Anna Von Geierstein - Erster Band
Lady of the Lake
Waverly Novels; the Monastery; Volume I
History of Scotland
Schwarze Zwerg
Lady of the Lake
Comte Robert de Paris (Edition 1838)
Downfall of Napoleon
Bride of Lammermoor
The complete poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Lay of the Last Minstrel, and the Lady of the Lake. with Intrs. and Notes Byf. T. Palgrave. from the Globe Ed. of Scott's Poetical Works
Lay of the Last Minstrel, a Poem, in Six Cantos. Edited by Margaret Andrews Allen
Waverley Novels, Library Edition
Talisman( Illustrated Edition)
Surgeon's Daughter; Castle Dangerous, and Glossary
The monastery
Manners, Customs and History of the Highlanders of Scotland; Historical Account of the Clan MacGregor
Rob Roy (Collins New classics series-no.615)
The lay of the last minstrel, Marmion, The Lake of the lake
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Rokeby, Don Roderick, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs. Notes, and Life of the Author
Lady of the Lake
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Volume 3
Guy Mannering No. 133 Everyman's Library
The Bride Of Lammermoor (Sir Walter Scott's Collector's Edition)
Demonology and witchcraft
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Volume I-V
Lady of the Lake
Tales of a Grandfather. Second Series
Donna Del Lago
Bannatyne Manuscript; Volume 9
Quentin Durward, Ivanhoe & Kenilworth
Scott's lady of the lake by Sir Walter Scott
Tales of My Landlord, .
Ivanhoe (New Pocket Classics)
Robin der Rote - der Bandenführer der Hochlande - Erster Band
Kenilworth, (Everyman's library, ed. by Ernest Rhys. Fiction)
Saint Ronan's Well
Tales of My Landlord; Volume 2
El Pirata
The life of Napoleon, emperor of the French
Letters On Demonology and Witchcraft
Ivanhoe; a Romance; Volume II
Die Verlobten - Erster Band
Guy Mannering - der Roman Eines Sterndeuters - Zweiter Band
Herz Von Midlothian - Zweiter Band
St. Ronan's Well
Waverley Anecdotes,
Tales of a Grandfather. Second Series. ; Volume II
Schwarze Zwerg
Schöne Mädchen Von Perth
The Lady of the Lake
Fortunes of Nigel
The Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
Waverley Novels
Legend of Montrose
Guy Mannering Ou l'Astrologue
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. , Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Don Roderick, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs
St. Ronan's Well (The Highland Edition)
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. by the Author Of 'waverley'
The Lady of the Lake
St. Ronan's Well; Volume III
Gospel Restored
The miscellaneous prose works of Sir Walter Scott
A brief historical introduction to the Memoirs of the Duke of Sully
Waverly Novels
Lady of the Lake
Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume III
Guy Mannering
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
The lay of the last minstrel, Marmion
Count Robert of Paris
Castle Dangerous & The surgeon's daughter
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Description of the regalia of Scotland
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: With the Author's Introductions and Notes (Classic Reprint)
Chronicles of the Canongate; VOL. II
Guy Mannering
Ivanhoe a Romance
Walter Scott's Romane
The Legend of Montrose and the Black Dwarf [The Waverley Novels, Vol. 6]
The Heart of Midlothian
The Talisman a Tale of the Crusaders
Chronicles of the Canongate and the Highland Widow
Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the Most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects
Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott, Bart ...
Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Talisman
Tales of a Grandfather;
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Waverley Novels by Sir Walter Scott, Bart
St Ronans Well
Memorials of the Haliburtons
Tales of the Crusaders
Walter Scott's Sämmtliche Werke
Tales of My Landlord; Volume 4
Works of Walter Scott, Esq
The bride of Lammermoor
Pigen ved soen
Bride of Lammermoor
Old Mortality
Ivanhoe a Romance
St Ronans Well
The Talisman
La dame del lago...
The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. by the Author of 'Waverley'
Sir Walter Scott's Woodstock
Ivanhoe a Romance
Pirate. by the Author Of 'waverley'
Tales of My Landlord,
Demonology and Witchcraft
The Fine Art Scott Vol. 8 Bride of Lammermoor
Woodstock, or, the Cavaliar
Works of Walter Scott
The Messiahship, Or, Great Demonstration
Die Hochlandhexe
Count Robert Of Paris Volume II
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte; Volume II
The Letters of Sir Walter Scott 1808-1811
Lady of the Lake
Redgauntlet (Everyman's Library Fiction Series #141)
Lady of the Lake
The Fortunes of Nigel
Ivanhoe and Other Novels
Some unpublished letters of Sir Walter Scott
The talisman
St Ronan's Well; VOL. III
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 2
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. , Containing Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, Lady of the Lake, Don Roderick, Rokeby, Ballads, Lyrics, and Songs
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Hermetica - Vol2
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Waverley et autres romans
Waverley novels Volume 1
Scott's Ivanhoe
Bride of Lammermoor
Sakexun jie hou ying xiong lue
Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel
Fragmenta Herculanensia
The Lady of the Lake - The Lake English Classics
Tales of a Grandfather; Being the History of Scotland from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Rebellion, 1745-46. New Ed. , with Introd. by Archdeacon Farrar
Tales of a Grandfather, Volumen 23
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated by Walter Scott
Tales of a Grandfather
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Chronicles of the Canongate
Minstrelsy of the Scottish border
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. Harper's Stereotype Edition; Harper's Stereotype Edition
Old Mortality
St Valentine's Day; or, the Fair Maid of Perth
The antiquary
The Talisman ; The two drovers ; My Aunt Margaret's mirror ; Death of the laird's jock ; Woodstock ; Count Robert of Paris
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 1
The bride of Lammermoor ; A legend of Montrose
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 1
Tales of the Crusaders
Waverley Novels
The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare...
Selahaddin Eyyubi ve Arslan Yürekli Richard
Lay of the Last Minstrel
The Waverley Novels Vol 20 - THE TALISMAN ( Melrose Edition )
St Valentine's Day; Or, The Fair Maid of Perth.
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Tales of a Grandfather
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 2
Antiquary, Volume 2
The lay of the last minstrel
Poetical Works, with Extracts from Her Literary Correspondence. Edited by Walter Scott . . ; Volume 3
Tales of a grandfather
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Fianc�e de Lammermoor
The heart of Midlothian
A Legend of Montrose
Scotland; Volume 2
Bride of Lammermoor
Surgeon's Daughter, and Castle Dangerous
Surgeon's Daughter
Count Robert of Paris (The Waverly Novels, Volume XXIX)
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Miscellaneous Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Bride of Lammermoor
Château Périlleux
Scott, poetical works
Lady of the Lake
Guy Mannering, or, the Astrologer; Volume 1
Messiahship, or, Great Demonstration
The lay of the last minstrel
Memoirs of John Dryden
The Lady of the Lake
The Heart of Midlothian
Tales Of A Grandfather
TOPModel Coloring Book
Waverley Übersetzer
Readings from Sir Walter Scott. the Talisman, Ivanhoe, Anne of Geierstein, and Marmion. with Notes, &c
Dame du Lac
Redgauntlet (Everyman's Library No. 141)
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Poetical Works ...
The Abbot; VOL. II
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, With a Memoir
Agricultural population and production
Oeuvres de Walter Scott; Volume 25
Goetz of Berlichingen, with the Ironhand
Marmion, a Tale of Flodden Field
Waverley Novels
Nain Noir...
The poetical works of Walter Scott
Scott's interleaved Waverley novels
Chronicles of the canongate
Wild huntsman & other poems
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Perveril of the Peak
Ivanhoe : a Romance
Robin Hood
Tales of My Landlord; 1
Waverly Novels; Volume I
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
Sir Walter Scott - Ivanhoe
Wendy's Revenge
Tales of My Landlord
Historical Romances of the Author of Waverley; Volume 15
Scott's Poems, the Lady of the Lake Part III Cantos V & VI/ with Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index
Goetz of Berlichingen, with the Ironhand
The talisman
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French
Castle Dangerous
The Lady of the Lake
The Fortunes of Nigel; VOL. II
Fortunes of Nigel
Caledonia, Descriped by Scott, Burns, and Ramsay. with Illus. by John MacWhirter
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Old Mortality : Complete
Guy Mannering
The Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Marmion. with Intr. , Notes, Map, and Glossary, for the Use of Schools, [Ed. ] by E. E. Morris
Prison D'edimbourg...
The week-end Scott
The Doom of Devorgoil, a Melo-Drama. Auchindrane; Or, the Ayrshire Tragedy
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott ...
Life of Dryden
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 3
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Rob Roy
Ivanhoe : A Romance
Robin des Bois
Ivanhoe (the Windermere Series)
A Night in the Grave - Or, the Devil's Receipt
Guy Mannering
Fair Maid of Perth
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte; Volume VI
The Lady of the lake
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 5
Ivanhoe a Romance
St. Ronan's Well.  Vol 1 Only.
Guy Mannering
The Journal of Sir Walter Scott
Prose Works
l�gende de Montrose
Bride of Lammermoor
Ivanhoe (Scholastic Library Edition, T200)
Mision de Don Rodrigo
Waverly Novels; Volume 1
Downfall of Napoleon
Robin des Bois
Antiquary -- Volume 01
Ivanhoe International Collectors Library
fortunes of nigel
Scott's Lady of the Lake
Connétable de Chester...
Hermetica - Vol4
The lay of the last minstrel
Biographical Memoirs
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 1
Ivanhoe Illustrated by Water Scott
Ivanhoe (Illustrated)
Rob Roy
Heart of Midlothian
Count Robert of Paris
House of Aspen
Scott's Poems. the Lay of the Last Minstrel. with Intr. , Notes and Glossary by J. S. Phillpotts
Chants Populaires des Frontières Méridionales de L'ecosse, 3...
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. by the Author Of 'waverley'
Tales of a grandfather : being stories taken from Scottish history
Woodstock - Part 1
Waverly, or, Sixty Years Since
Walter Scott's Romane
Antiquary, Volume 2
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Redgauntlet : A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Letters on Demonology & Wtichcraft
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Old Mortality
The black dwarf & A legend of Montrose
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
Guy Mannering
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume IV
Bride of Lammermoor
The Betrothed
Scott's lady of the lake
Mary Stuart's Fortune and End : The Monastery & The Abbot  - Illustrated
Antiquary; VOL. I
Military Memoirs of the Great Civil War, Being the Military Memoirs of J. G.; And an Account of the Earl of Glencairn's Expedition, as General of His
Talisman Illustrated
Legend of Montrose
The Monastery
Stories from Scottish history
Guy Mannering #131 Collins Pocket Classics
Lay of the Last Minstrel; Volume 2
Saint Ronan's Well
Poetical Works
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft: Large Print
The Vision of Don Roderick
Novia de Lammermoor
The heart of Midlothian (Rinehart editions)
Religious Discourses [microform]
El pirata
Guy Mannering
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
The journal of Sir Walter Scott, from the original manuscript at Abbotsford ..
Mémoires politiques et littéraires sur la vie et les ouvrages de Jonathan Swift
The lord of the isles
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; Volume 1
Guy Mannering
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Ivanhoe The Fine Art Scott Vol. 9
Waverley Anecdotes,
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet, Volume 9
Ivanhoe. Abridged and Edited with Introd., Notes, Glossary, Etc.
Tales of a Grandfather
Waverly Novels
Thoughts on the Proposed Change of Currency, and Other Late Alterations, As They Affect, or Are Intended to Affect, the Kingdom of Scotland
Manners, Customs and History of the Highlanders of Scotland; Historical Account of the Clan MacGregor
Anna Von Geierstein - Erster Band
Robin Hood
Lives of Eminent Novelists and Dramatists
Waverley Novels by Sir Walter Scott, Bart
The Pirate; VOL. II
Selahattin Eyyubi ve Aslan Yurekli Richard
Altertümler - Erster Band
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte; Volume VI
The doom of Devorgoil, a melo-drama.  Auchindrane; or, The Ayrshire tragedy
Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Nain Noir
Redgauntlet : A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Waverley Novels : Tales of My Landlord. Fourth and Last Series
My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
Changed Life
Red Gauntlet; a Tale of the Eighteenth Century
La Verdad sobre los Demonios y las Brujas
Waverly Novels
Canto Del Último Trovador
Lady of the Lake
Old Mortality; Volume 1
The Highland Widow And Other Tales. The Temple Edition Of The Waverley Novels Vol. Xli
Guy Mannering
Historical Romances of the Author of Waverley
Poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet, with a biographical and critical memoir by Francis Turner Palgrave
Rob Roy; 3
History of Scotland; Volume 1
Historical Romances of the Author of Waverley; Volume 15
Works of Walter Scott, Esq
Chronicles of the Canongate
Ivanhoe Illustrated
Talisman Illustrated
Count Robert of Paris
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume I
The complete poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
The Talisman
Legend of Montrose
Works, Including the Waverley Novels and the Poems
Wisdom of Sir Walter
The betrothed.  Chronicles of the canongate.  The highland widow.  The Talisman.  Castle Dangerous
Old Mortality
Journal of Sir Walter Scott
Fair Maid of Perth
The Lord of the Isles
Dame du Lac
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart; Volume X
Minstrelsy of the Scottish border, consisting of historical and romantic ballads, collected in the southern counties of Scotland
Lady of the Lake - Large Print
The bride of Lammermoor ; A legend of Montrose
Chronicles of the Canongate
The Waverley novels
Woodstock (Fine Art Scott)
Old mortality (Library of Classics)
The talisman, etc., etc
The Abbot
St. Ronan's Well
Beauties of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Woodstock, oder, der Ritter
Twelve Sketches
Lady of the Lake
The Fortunes of Nigel
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Waverley Übersetzer
Marmion. with Intr., Notes, Map, and Glossary, for the Use of Schools, [ed.] by E.E. Morris
The Fair Maid of Perth. Illustrated by D.C. Smyth
Talisman Illustrated
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated Edition
Tales of a Grandfather
Ivanhoe By Sir Walter Scott
The Pirate
Count Robert of Paris
Vision of Don Roderick, the Field of Waterloo, and Other Poems
History of Scotland
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart; Volume X
A letter to the editor of the Edinburgh weekly journal, from Malachi Malagrowther, Esq
Rob Roy (Illustrated)
Demonology and Witchcraft
Robin der Rote - Zweiter Band
St. Ronan's Well
Guy Mannering
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
Rob Roy -- Volume 02
Tales of a grandfather
Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
As It Was Told to Me
Bride of Lammermoor
Tales of a Grandfather
Guy Mannering, or, the Astrologer; Volume 2
The lady of the lake, and other poems
Tales and verses from Sir Walter Scott
St. Ronan's Well
Legend of the Wars of Montrose
Ivanhoe - A Romance
Scott's lady of the lake (Standard English classics)
Redgauntlet. Volgarizzato Dal Prof. G. Barbieri
Lai du Dernier Ménestrel
Marmion (Classic Reprint)
Tales of the Crusaders
Oeuvres de Walter Scott
The Existence of Evil Spirits Proved - As Their Agency, Particularly in Relation to the Human Race
Nain Noir
Lady of the Lake by Walter Scott
The Surgeon's Daughter and Castle Dangerous
The Antiquary
Pirat - Erster Band
Historical Romances of the Author of Waverley; Volume 15
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott; Volume II
Talisman (illustrated)
Chronicles of the Canongate; Volume 2
Tales of a Grandfather Being Stories Taken from Scottish History. Second Series. Humbly Inscribed to Hugh Littlejohn, Esq. in Two Vols
Lay of the Poor Fiddler; a Parody on the Lay of the Last Minstrel
The Letters of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe to Robert Chambers, 1821-45: With Original Memoranda of Sir Walter Scott (Classic Reprint)
Guy Mannering or the Astrologer
Marmion. with Intr., Notes, Map, and Glossary, for the Use of Schools, [ed.] by E.E. Morris
Legend of Montrose-Classic Original(annotated)
Demonology and Witchcraft
The Lady of the Lake
Waverley; Volume II
Verdadera Historia de Los Demonios y de Las Brujas
Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists
The Heart of Midlothian (Gift Classics)
The romantic poems of Sir Walter Scott
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Works of John Dryden
Count Robert of Paris and The Surgeon's Daughter
Scott's poems, The lady of the lake
Surgeon's daughter (from Chronicles of the Canongate); Castle dangerous
Poetical works
Oeuvres complètes
Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border; Volume 3
Tales of a Grandfather
Talisman, etc. , Etc
Legend of Montrose
The Monastery
Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since, and Woodstock; or, The Cavalier (Scott's Waverley Novels, The Household Edition)
Pirate; Volume 2
Siege of Malta and Bizarro
Pirate (1821)
Marmion : A Tale of Flodden Field
Noiva de Lammermoor
The Highland Widow
Tales of My Landlord; Volume I
Harold the Dauntless
The Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works of Sir Walter Scott. with an Intr. Memoir by W.B. Scott
Talisman Illustrated
The Abbot
Miroir de Ma Tante Marguerite; Walter Scott
Scotland (Volume Two) by Sir Walter Scott (2002-12-07)
Secret history of the court of James the First
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet
Robin Hood
The two drovers
The lord of the isles
Ėdinburgskaiļø aļø” temnitļø sļø”a
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated and Unabridged
Highland Widow
Redgauntlet : A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
The works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
Vieillard des Tombeaux
Fortunes of Nigel
The Works of John Dryden
Guy Mannering, or, the Astrologer; Volume 2
Sir Walter Scott's Woodstock
Old Mortality
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
From Montrose to Culloden
Bride of Lammermoor
Lady of the Lake. a Poem
Tales of the Crusaders
Guy Mannering
Bride of Lammermoore
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Scott's Ivanhoe
Favorite works of Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe Retold and Illustrated By Skillete
Fortunes of Nigel
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 4
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Waverly Novels
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Bride of Lammermoor
History of Scotland; V. 1
Novels and Poems of Sir Walter Scott
Journal of Sir Walter Scott
Eaux de Saint-Ronan
Fair Maid of Perth
Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake
Woodstock or The Cavalier
Black Dwarf
Hermetica : The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings Which Contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings Ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus [Volume One]
Life of John Dryden
Guy Mannering Or The Astrologer Vol. I
Waverley Anecdotes,
The Tailsman
The Works of John Dryden: Illustrated with Notes, Historical, Critical, and Explanatory, and a ..
Waverley Novels
Bride of Lammermoor
Nain Noir
Puritains D'ecosse...
Tales of a Grandfather : 1St [-4Th] Series : Being Stories Taken from Scottish History
Waverley Novels
Talisman Illustrated
Scott's Poems. the Lay of the Last Minstrel. with Intr. , Notes and Glossary by J. S. Phillpotts
Scott's Lady of the lake
The monastery
Guy Mannering Vol 1
Old Mortality (Everyman's library-no.137)
Waverly Novels (Classic Reprint)
The miscellaneous prose works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ...
Highland Widow/Two Drovers/Surgeon's Daughter/My Aunt Margaret's Mirror/Tapestried Chamber (Chronicles of the Canongate)
Miscellaneous Poems
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated Classic Edition
The Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Volume 2; volumes 4-5
Fair Maid of Perth
Redgauntlet (Everyman's Library Edition No.141)
The antiquary
Lady of the Lake
The Complete Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott The Cambridge Edition of the Poets
Bride of Lammermoor
Woodstock, Ó, el Caballero
A Legend of Montrose and the Black Dwarf
Tales of a Grandfather
The Pirate
Kloster - Zweiter Band
The Heart Of Midlothian
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Le Pirate
Bride of Lammermoor
Woodstock (Waverley novels)
Black Dwarf
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Tales of my landlord: Second series, collected and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham [pseud.] ..
The lady of the lake
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Marmion : A Tale of Flodden Field
Surgeon's Daughter
Lady of the Lake : (Finest Illustration)
The Fine Art Scott The Heart of Midlothian by Sir Walter Scott
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border - Volume II (Esprios Classics)
St. Ronan's well, or, The fatal effects of a clandestine marriage
Storia delle crociate; ovvero, Riccardo Cuor di Leone
Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since
Tales and Romances
Guy Mannering; Or, the Gipsey's Prophecy. a Musical Play in Three Acts
Count Robert of Paris
Guy Mannering
Robin des Bois
Three Novels
Guy Mannering, ó El astrólogo
Guy Mannering the Astrologer
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
The Heart of Midlothian
Scot t's Rokeby
Tales of a Grandfather
Reliquiae Trotcosienses
Bride of Lammermoor
Guy Mannering
Pirat - Zweiter Band
The Waverly novels
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French
The Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Marmion. with Intr., Notes, Map, and Glossary, for the Use of Schools, [ed.] by E.E. Morris
Guy Mannering
Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
The monastery
Demonology and Witchcraft
Dramatic Works of John Dryden Vol. I. with a Life of the Author
Aventures de Nigel
Quintín Durward Ó el Escocés en la Corte de Luis Xi...
Fortunes of Nigel
Marmion. with Intr., Notes, Map, and Glossary, for the Use of Schools, [ed.] by E.E. Morris
Tales of a Grandfather
Waverly Novels; Volume 1
The Betrothed
The tallisman
Marmion; a tale of Flodden Field
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Ivanhoe a Romance (Macmillan's Pocket Classics)
Wlater Scott's Sämmtliche Werke, Dritte Auflage, Einundzwanzigster Band
Kloster - Erster Band
Tales of My Landlord; Volume I
The journal of Sir Walter Scott, 1829-32
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Graf Mit Dem Zweiten Gesicht, Hochlandehre, der Zauberspiegel
Bannatyne Manuscript; Volume II
The Waverley novels
Talisman :(illustrated Edition)
Count Robert of Paris
Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and the Drama
Provincial antiquities and picturesque scenery of Scotland
Oeuvres de Walter Scott; Volume 1
Works of John Dryden
Guy Mannering
Waverley Novels
Works of Sir Walter Scott
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
Lady of the Lake Complete Illustrated and Unabridged Edition
Old Mortality
Château Dangereux
Legend of Montrose
The border antiquities of England and Scotland
The lay of the last minstrel
Works of Jonathan Swift
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ; Volume V
Guy Mannering Or The Astrologer
Tales of a grandfather
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Bride of Lammermoor
Doom of Devorgoil, a Melo-Drama. Auchindrane; or, the Ayrshire Tragedy
Lay of the Last Minstrel, Cantos 1 - 6
Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Tales of a grandfather
Tales of the Crusaders
Antiquary; VOL. I
Demonology and Witchcraft
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Illustrated by Walter Scott
The Bridge of Lammermoor
Ivanhoe (King Classics) (Illustrated Classics #15)
Familiar letters of Sir Walter Scott
Works of Sir Walter Scott
The talisman
Waverley Novels
Poetical works
Talisman Illustrated
Ivanhoe,a Romance Annotated
Lady of the Lake
Fortunes of Nigel; Volume 2
Lady of the Lake
Tales of My Landlord,
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
The Heart of Midlothian (The Waverley Novels)
Woodstock, or, the Cavalier
Some Poems
Guy Mannering
Woodstock, or, the Cavalier
The Works Of Sir Walter Scott
Oeuvres De Walter Scott: Le Chateau Périlleux... (French Edition)
Lady of the Lake Illustrated
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft (illustrated Edition)
Chronicles of the Canongate
The Poeticcal Works
Works of Jonathan Swift
Marmion, A Tale of Flodden Field
Woodstock, or, the Cavalier
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
The lady of the lake
The lord of the isles
Waverley, or, 'Tis sixty years since ; Woodstock, or, The cavalier
Bride of Lammermoor
Fiancée de Lammermoor
Siege of the Castle
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
Mary Stuart's Fortune and End : The Monastery & The Abbot  - Illustrated Edition
Chronicles of the Canongate; VOL. I
The Antiquarian
Nigel; or, the Crown Jewels, a Play in Five Acts
The Heart Of Midlothian
Robin Hood
Legend of Montrose
The Temple Edition of the Waverley Novels
Castle dangerous
The complete works of Sir Walter Scott
The Pirate. by the Author of 'waverley'
The Vision of Don Roderick; a poem.
History of Scotland; Volume 1
Heart of Midlothian
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Volume II
Lady of the Lake, the Lord of the Isles, the Lay of the Last Minstrel, and Marmion. with Poems, Notes, &c
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott; Volume 1
Der Pirat
The Works of John Dryden, now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes Volume 1
Spiritual Jurisdiction in Reformation Scotland
Letters Hitherto Unpublished
Waverly Novels
Bride of Lammermoor
Die Chronik Von Canongate
Marmion : A Tale of Flodden Field
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Volume II
The heart of Midlothian (Collins classics)
International Short Stories (Volume II: English)
Bride of Lammermoor. Legend of Montrose
Oeuvres de Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott
Redgauntlet, volume 2. Heron Collected Works of Scott
Waverley Novels ...
Walter Scott's sämtliche Romane
Die Verlobten - Zweiter Band
Connétable de Chester...
Redgauntlet, a Tale of the Eighteenth Century
The Messiahship, Or, Great Demonstration
Comte Robert de Paris
Legend of Montrose
Der schwarze Zwerg
Waverly Novels
Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, : On the Most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects
Ivanhoe; a Romance
The works of Sir Walter Scott, including the Waverley novels and the poems
Tales of a Grandfather;
Lady of the Lake. a Poem
Herz Von Midlothian - Zweiter Band
Ivanhoe- A Romance
Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French Vol. 6
Memoirs of the Insurrection in Scotland in 1715 / by John, Master of Sinclair, from the Original Manuscript in the Possession of the Earl of Rosslyn; with Notes by Sir Walter Scott
Complete Works of Sir Walter Scott
Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected
The works of Sir Walter Scott
Count Robert of Paris
The betrothed
Jian di yuan yang
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Waverly Novels
Rob Roy (Everyman's library)
The surgeon's daughter
Antiquary; VOL. III
Lady of Lake Annotated
Marmion : a Tale of Flodden Field
Ivanhoe (Illustrated)
Guy Mannering
Waverley Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since (A Signet Classic)
Red Gauntlet
Exposition of the Revelation of Jesus Christ
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Scott's poems
The works
Ivanhoe (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Vold's Tale
Robin der Rote
The Lady of the Lake (The Riverside Litearture Series 1936)
Bride of Lammermoor
Count Robert of Paris (1876 )
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Ivanhoe Illustrated
El talismán
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border
Die Jungfrau Vom See
Chronicles of the Canongate
La Viuda de Las Montanas (Las Novelas del Verano)
The Fortunes of Nigel
Surgeon's Daughter
Chroniques de la Canongate
Fortunes of Nigel
Works, Including the Waverley Novels and the Poems
The vision of Don Roderick
The Poetical Works Of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet; Volume 7
Guy Mannering
Fortunes of Nigel
Surgeon's Daughter
Schloß Douglas Am Blutsumpf
History of Scotland
Poetical works
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Songs and lyrics
Wishbone Classic #12 Ivanhoe
Albyn's anthology, or, A select collection of the melodies & vocal poetry peculiar to Scotland & the Isles
Bride of Lammermoor
The Bannatyne Manuscript; Volume 4
Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
Heart of Midlothian
Count Robert of Paris
Memoirs of the Insurrection in Scotland In 1715
The Betrothed - A Tale Of The Crusades
Sir Walter Scott's The Lady of the Lake
Ivanhoe Illustrated by Water Scott
Lady of the Lake
Woodstock; or, The cavalier,
The heart of Midlothian (Everyman's library)
Heart of Mid-Lothian
The Fortunes of Nigel
Demonology and Witchcraft
Heart of Midlothian
Lady of the Lake
O Mosteiro
Waverley Novels
Anne of Geierstein
General Practitoner and the Law of Negligence
The Fine art Scott Fortunes of Nigel by Sir Walter Scott
Tales of a Grandfather
Robin Hood
Narrative of the Life of Sir Walter Scott Bart, Begun By Himself and Continued By J.G. Lockhart
Pirat - Erster Band
Ivanhoe (Regent Classics.)
Айвенго; Ivanhoe (Russian Edition)
Peveril. The black dwarf. A legend of Montrose
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Antiquary : Volume 02
Waverley Gallery of the Principal Female Characters in Sir Walter Scott's Romances
Bride of Lammermoor
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Complete Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
Fortunes of Nigel
Ellery Queen's Poetic Justice
Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott : Complete in One Volume, with All His Introductions and Notes
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. ; Volume V
Prison D'edimbourg...
The abbot
The vision of Don Roderick, a poem
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: With a Sketch of His Life
Tales and verse from Sir Walter Scott
Les Dauphins Sont Nos Amis
No Title Exists
Chronicles of the Canangate
Scott's narrative poetry
Waverley ; Guy Mannering ; The Antiquary
The monastery ; The abbot
The works of Scott
The lady of the lake
The bride of Lammermoor and The Black Dwarf
The poetical works of Walter Scott
Waverley Novels, Volume 12, Part B
Terufat ha-pelaŹ¼im
A second letter to the editor of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal, from Malachi Malagrowther [i.e. Sir Walter Scott],on the proposed change of currency, and other late alterations, as they affect, or are intended to affect, the kingdom of Scotland
The complete poetical and dramatic works of Sir Walter Scott
Royal characters from the works of Sir Walter Scott, historical and romantic
The Life of Napoleon, Emperor of the French: With a Preliminary View of the ..
The letters of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe to Robert Chambers, 1821-45
Guy Mannerring, or, the Astrologer
Memoir of Mt. Walter Scott, Citizen and Plaisterer of London: With an Account of the Blue Coat ..
The heart of Scott's poetry
The two drovers
Historical romances of the Author of Waverley
The lady of the lake, cantos 1 to 6, with introd., sketch of life, notes, and glossarial index
Scotland ; with a supplementary chapter of recent events
In the olden time
The poems and plays of Sir Walter Scott
The Talisman and other stories
An cloch oĢrtha
Tales of a Grandfather: Being the History of Scotland from the Earliest Period to the Close of ..
Scott's verse romances
The Abbot: Being a Sequel to the Monastery
Hermetica, Part 4
The complete poetical and dramatic works of Sir Walter Scott : with an introductory memoir by William B Scott
The antiquary ; and, The black dwarf
The works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
The bride of Lammermoor. The surgeon's daughter. The bethothed. Chronicles of the Canongate. The highland widow
The Combat
Fortunes of Nigel ; St. Ronan's well
Periodical criticism
Castle Dangerous (Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels S.)
The monastery with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang
The poetical works of Walter Scott, Esq
The poems and ballads of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Reliquiae Trotcosienses
Buscadores De Tesoros / Treasure Hunters
The Keepsake Stories
Walter Scott's auserlesene Werke
Hermetica, Part 2
TĢ£eliĢ„samena, athavaĢ„, TaĢ„viĢ„ja
St. Roman's well
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer  Complete
Harold the Dauntless and Dramatic Poems
Panna Gezernj
The poetical works of Walter Scott, complete in one volume
Guy Mannering, oder Der Astrolog
The Monaster. Chronicles of the Canongate
Hermetica, Part 3
Sir Walter Scott, the long-forgotten melody
Scott's Guy Mannering
Waverley Novels: Volume 8
Redgauntlet A Tale of the Eighteenth Century
The hearth of Midlothian
Word pictures from Scott
Tales of grand father
The Waverley pageant
Faros. Viaje Alrededor De Escocia En 1814 (El Pensil)
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, with introduction and notes
Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected
Sir Walter Scott, (selections)
The visionary, nos. I, II, III
Ivanhoe   Part 1 Of 2
The novels of Sir Walter Scott ; with introductions and notes by the author
La promessa sposa di Lammermoor, o, Nuovi racconti del mio ostiere
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet
Peveril of the peak ; The antiquary
Quentin Durward, Ivanhoe and Kenilworth
Thoughts concerning man's condition and duties in this life, and his hopes in the world to come ..
Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott
Poems and plays
The letters of Sir Walter Scott and Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe to Robert Chambers, 1821-45
Kenilworth. The pirate
La fiancée. L'officier de Fortune
Historical illustrations of the prose and poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
Waverley Novels, Volume 12, Part A
The Story of Prince Charlie
Redgauntlet ; Anne of Geierstein
The Fortunes Of Nigel - Vol I
Bonnie Prince Charlie and the '45
Le vieillard des tombeaux
Selections from the Lady of the lake
Letters on demonolgy and witchcraft
A letter to the author of Waverley, Ivanhoe, &c. on the moral tendency of those popular works
Weird Tales by Scottish Writers 1900
Ballads of Sir Walter Scott
St. Ronan's Well. Redgauntlet
The heart of Midlothian ; The surgeon's daughter ; Castle dangerous
Rob Roy ; A legend of Montrose ; The bridge of Lammermoor ; The monastery
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.: Complete in One Volume : with ..
English Minstrelsy: Being a Selection of Fugitive Poetry from the Best ..
The Waverley Novels, by Sir Walter Scott, Vol. 7
The dance of death, and other poems
An apology for tales of terror
Waverley ; Guy Mannering
Waverley Novels: Volume 2
Woodstock ; Old Mortality
Rob Roy ; The pirate
The visionary
Ivanhoe ; The abbot
The romance of Scott : his home, his work, his country
The Pirate: A Melo Dramatic Romance, in Three Acts
The private
The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes
An evening with Scott ..
Narrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott
The Antiquary Vol.Ii
Letters on Natural Magic / Addressed to Sir Walter Scott by Sir David Brewster
Chivalry, romance, and the drama
Ivanhoe   Part 2 Of 2
Songs and lyrics. Chosen and edited by Herbert Grierson
Qventin Durward
Essay on chivalry
The Waverly novels of Sir Walter Scott
Lammermurskaiļø aļø” nevesta ; Legenda o Montroze
The heart of the Midlothian
Rob Roy, Loch Lomond, Stirling and Trossachs
Le monastère
lady fo the lake
Redgauntlet Vol.1
Scott's poetical works
Lucia Di Lammermoor...
Tales of the Chivalry and the Olden Time
The Talisman
The poetical works of Scott
Ivanhoe (Ill. Classics S)
Jing hun ji
Los Mecs Juegan a Carteros
The betrothed ; The talisman ; Chronicles of the Canongate
Songs of Scott
Narrative of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart
Heart Of Mi-Lothian - Vol Ii
Ivanhoe (Swc 2076)
The Lay of the Last Minstrel (See F4)
Provincial antiquities
Paul's letters
Scott's works
Guy Mannering ; Quentin Durward
Tales Of The Crusaders The Betrothed And Chronicles Of The Canongate
Highland widow ; Two drovers, &c
Der Talisman
The poems of Sir Walter Scott
The Antiquary Vol.I
Kenilworth ; Fair maid of Perth
The story of Ivanhoe for children
The monastery ; The heart of Midlothian
Ivanhoe (Classics for Kids)
Black dwarf ; Legend of Montrose ; Bride of Lammermoor
The lay of the last ministrel
Waverly ; The monastery
The miscellaneous prose works of Sir Walter Scott; containing biographical memoirs,with notes
Private letters of the seventeenth century
Northern Antiquities and an Abstract of the Eyrbyggja Saga
Provincial antiquities of Scotland
A critical edition of "The lay of the last minstrel" by Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe - retold by Mary Farrer
Selections from Poems
Richard en Palestine
Le vieillard des tombeaux
Quentin Durwood
The bride of Lammermoor and The Black Dwarf. Waverley Novels Border Edition v14
Religious Discourses By A Layman
Sir Walter Scott on CD ROM
Ivanhoe A Romance
Sir Walter Scott on novels and fiction
Songs and lyrics of Sir Walter Scott
Ballads and lyriad poems
Oeuvres choisies
Mário de Andrade
MƔrio de Andrade (1893-1945)

poet, journalist, photographer, musicologist, art critic, pianist

Correspondência Mário de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade
Correspondência Mário de Andrade and Murilo Rubião
Macunaíma, o, herói sem nenhum caráter
Mário, Otávio
De SaĢƒo Paulo
DancĢ§as dramaĢticas do Brasil
Portinari, amico mio
IntroducĢ§aĢƒo aĢ€ esteĢtica musical
A enciclopeĢdia brasileira
MaĢrio e o piroteĢcnico aprendiz
Aspectos das artes plaśticas no Brasil
MaĢrio de Andrade escreve cartas a Alceu, Meyer e outros
"Tudo está tão bom, tão gostoso--"
CorrespondeĢ‚ncia MaĢrio de Andrade & Tarsila do Amaral
Namoros com a medicina
Música de feitiçaria no Brasil
71 [I.e. setenta e uma] cartas de Mario de Andrade
Ensaio sôbre a música brasileira
Mario de Andrade
Querida Henriqueta
Modinhas imperiais
Aimer, verbe intransitif
Mário de Andrade e Sérgio Buarque de Holanda
A imagem de MaĢrio
Será o Benedito!
Mário de Andrade escreve cartas a Alceu, Meyer e outros, coligidas e anotadas por Lygia Fernandes
O turista aprendiz
SeraĢ o Benedito!
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Prudente de Moraes, neto 1924/36. Literatura de idéias / Prudente de Moraes Neto ; [organização] Georgina Koifman
Ensaio sobre musica brasileira
Querida Henriqueta : Cartas de Mario de Andrade a Henrique Lisboa
MaĢrio de Andrade
DancĢ§as dramaĢticas do Brasil
Clan do Jabotí
MacunaiĢma e a viagem grandota
MuĢsica, doce muĢsica ..
Cartas de trabalho
A arte religiosa no Brasil
Aspectos da literatura brasileira
A licĢ§aĢƒo do amigo
A expressaĢƒo musical dos Estados Unidos
Macunai ma o hero i sem nenhum cara ter
Ensaio soĢ‚bre a muĢsica brasileira
Padre Jesuino do Monte Carmelo [por] Mario de Andrade
O baile das quatro artes
O empalhador de passarinho
DicionaĢrio musical brasileiro
O banquete
Popular music and song in Brazil
Correspondente contumaz
Pequena história da música
Pequena histoĢria da muĢsica
Pio & Mário
FotoĢgrafo e turista aprendiz
Namoros com a medicina
O movimento modernista
Cartas a Murilo Miranda (1934-1945)
A muĢsica e a cancĢ§aĢƒo populares no Brasil
Cartas de MaĢrio de Andrade a Luis da Camara Cascudo
Vida literaĢria
Aspectos da musica brasileira
Cartas de MaĢrio de Andrade a Alvaro Lins
Aspectos da literatura brasileira
"Eu sou trezentos, sou trezentos-e-cincoenta"
Aspectos das artes plaĢsticas no Brasil
Aspectos da muĢsica brasileira
"Eu sou trezentos, sou trezentos e cincoenta"
Contos novos
Padre Jesuíno do Monte Carmelo
Os melhores poemas de Mário de Andrade ; seleção de Gilda de Mello e Souza
MuĢsica do Brasil
Poemas da negra
Os filhos da Candinha
Taxi e croĢ‚nicas no DiaĢrio nacional
A licĢ§aĢƒo do guru
Compendio de historia da musica
Padre JesuiĢno do Monte Carmelo
O empalhador de passarinho
Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter
CorrespondeĢ‚ncia MaĢrio de Andrade & Manuel Bandeira
Entrevistas e depoimentos
Frederico Paciência
Musica, doce musica
Cartas de MaĢrio de Andrade a Manuel Bandeira
Vida do cantador
Música do Brasil
Poesias Completas - Mario De Andrade
MuĢsica e jornalismo
Quatro pessoas
Primeros cuentos de diez maestros latinoamericanos
Os melhores contos
To Love, Intransitive verb
Ideologias da libertação nacional
Mário de Andrade
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Alceu Amoroso Lima
Cartas a um jovem escritor
Mario de Andrade e seus dois pintores
Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter
Sejamos todos musicais
Obra imatura
Amar, Verbo Intransitivo
Poesias completas
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Luis da Camara Cascudo
Pauliceia Desvairada - Frantic São Paulo (bilingual Edition)
Apprentice Tourist
O Modernismo no Museu de Arte Brasileira
Sera o Benedito! - Coleção Dedinho de Prosa
A geração de Cabral
Brazilian poets
Cantos populares do Brasil
Mário de Andrade hoje
Macunaíma : ( o Herói Sem Nenhum Caráter )
A escrava que não é isaura
Música de feitiçaria no Brasil
Os melhores contos
Macunaíma, o Herói Sem Nenhum Caráter (Edição Ilustrada)
Macunaima, O Heroi sem Nenhum Carater
Na noite grávida de punhais
Táxi e crônicas no Diário Nacional
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Henriqueta Lisboa
Inda bebo no copo dos outros
Cartas e um jovem escritor
Cartas de Mario de Andrade a Prudente de Moraes, neto, 1924-36
Aspectos do folclore brasileiro
Brazilian sculpture
Os contos de Belazarte
Arte & literatura
Mário de Andrade, cartas de trabalho
Mário de Andrade
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Luiz Camillo de Oliveira Netto
Contos novos
Macunaima O Heroi Sem Nenhum Carater
Compendio de historia da musica
Poesias completas
O Canto armado
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & escritores/artistas argentinos
Hallucinated City
Na noite grávida de punhais
Clan do Jabotí
Cartas de Mario de Andrade a Prudente de Moraes, Neto, 1924/36
Obra escogida
Balança, trombeta e battleship, ou, O descobrimento da alma
Pequena história da música
... Belazarte (contos)
Quatro pessoas
Há uma Gota de Sangue em Cada Poema
Os filhos da Candinha
Obra imatura
PoesiĢas completas
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Luis da Camara Cascudo
Cartas a um jovem escritor
Frederico PacieĢ‚ncia
Hallucinated city. Paulicea desvairada
Mário de Andrade e(m) Campos dos Goitacazes
Contos novos
Taxi e croĢ‚nicas no DiaĢrio nacional
Regina Opisso
Regina Opisso (1879-1965)

journalist, musicologist

Una mujer fatal
La mujer que huyó del amor
Flor de pasión
El soto del cerezal
La muchacha del Oeste
¡Me basto yo!
Lirios abandonados
Una mujer de Hollywood
Nuestra tía Evelyn
La hermanita de los pobres
La venganza de una mujer
La venganza de Luisa Marín
La señorita Amanda
El fantasma de Ferbeling
¡Cásate conmigo!
Un tesoro para la mujer
La tragedia de Leonora
Cuentos del domingo
Cuentos holandeses
Isidore of Seville
Isidore of Seville (0559-0636)

musicologist, philosopher, music theorist, Catholic priest, historian, polymath, Catholic bishop

Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarvm sive Originvm libri XX
Divi Isidori Hispal. episcopi opera
Isidorus ethimologiarum ; Idem de summo bono
Isidori Iunioris Hispalensis Episcopi Liber etimologiarum ad Braulionem Cesar Augustanum Episcopum scriptus incipit foeliciter
Incipit liber primus etymologiaru[m] sancti Isidori hispalensis episcopi
Etymologiarvm sive Originvm libri XX
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive Originvm libri XX
Traité de la nature
Etymologies, book II
Isidore of Seville
Der althochdeutsche Isidor
Liber De ordine creaturarum
Sancti Isidori Episcopi Hispalensis De ecclesiasticis officiis
The letters of St. Isidore of Seville
Sancti Isidori... Opera omnia quae extant
Chronicon D. Isidori archiep. Hisp. emendatum, scholiisq[ue] illustratum
De dignitate sacerdotum
S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi De haeresibus liber
De summo bono
Expositio in Vetus Testamentum Genesis
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Etymologiarum sive originum libri XX
Etymologiarum libri xx
Etymologiarum sive originum, libri 20
Etymologiarum III, de mathematica
Isidori ivnioris episcopi hispalensis Historia Gothorvm Wandalorvm Sveborvm ad a. DCXXIV
Isidore of Seville: the medical writings
Isidori ivnioris episcopi hispalensis Chronica maiora ed. primum a. DCXV
Isidorus Hispalensis sententiae
El "De viris illustribus" de Isidoro de Sevilla
Opera omnia
Isidori Etymologiae
El "De viris illustribus" de Isidoro de Sevilla
Etimologie o origini
De ortu et obitu patrum =
S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Hispaniarvm doctoris Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis De natura rerum liber
De summo bono lib. III
La colección canónica Hispana. --
Etimologias (Auteurs latins du Moyen Age)
Opera e vetustis exemplaribus emendata
Der althochdeutsche Isidor
De natura rerum liber
Cõtenta in hoc libello
De summo bono libri tres
Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis ...
De responsione mundi et de astrorum ordinatione
Geschichte der Gothen, Vandalen, Sueven
Libri duo
De summo bono lib. III
Isidori Ivnioris Hispalensis Episcopi liber Etimologiarvm
Historia de regibus Gothorum, Vandolorum et Suevorum
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Synonyma
Dialogus siue synonima ysidori de homine et ratione
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Originum libri viginti ex antiquitate eruti
Der althochdeutsche Isidor
Historias y Testamento político
Isidori iunioris Hispalensis episcopi prologus in librum de responsione mundi & astrorum ordinatione
Opera omnia quae extant
Sancti Isidori, hispalensis episcopi, opera omnia
[Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu, Soliloquia]
S. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi liber de variis quaestionibus adversus ludaeos seu ceteros infideles vel plenosque haereticos iudaizantes ex utroque Testamento collectus
S. Isidori hispalensis episcopi ... opera omnia
Opera omnia
Synonima Isidori de homine [et] ratione com colloquio peccatoris [et] crucifixi
Opera omnia
Isidore of Seville's History of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi
De nature rerum liber
Etymologiarvm Sive Originvm Libri Xx, Volumes 1-2...
Sancti Isidori Hispalensis episcopi opera omnia
Annales hildesheimenses
Etymologiarum libri XX
Incipit tabula Primi libri q[ui] dicitur speculu[m] Isidori de summo bono
Dialogus siue synonima Isidori de homine et ratione
Sancti Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Opera omnia quae extant
Here be the gathered counsailes of Saincte Isidorie to informe man howe he shulde flee vices and folowe vertues
Etymologiae. Add: De summo bono
Le livre des nombres =
Etymologiarum; sive, Originum libri XX
Soliloquiorum de angustia et miseria hominis
Isidori iunioris Hispalensis Episcopi prologus in librum De responsione mundi & astrorum ordinatione
Synonyma de regimine vitae praesentis
Isidore of Seville's History of the kings of the Goths, Vandals, and Suevi
Isidorus Hispalensis Chronica
Ethimologiarum: liber IIII: de medicina
Sancti Isidori, hispalensis episcopi, opera omnia Romae anno Domini MDCCXCVII excusa
Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarvm Sive Originvm...
La uĢltima carta de Isidoro de Sevilla
Dialogus siue synonima Isidori de homine et ratione
Sancti Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Opera Omnia
Etymologiarum libri XX
Sancti Isidori... opera omnia quae extant
Opera omnia
Los tres libros de las Sentencias
The medical writings
S. Isidori hispalensis episcopi De haeresibus liber
De summo bono lib. III
Isidori Hispalensis Chronica
Opera omnia
Opera omnia
The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville
Opera omnia
Opera omnia
Las historias de los godos, vándalos y suevos de Isidoro de Sevilla
Beati Isidori Hispalenensis archiepiscopi, De officijs ecclesiasticis libri duo
Opera omnia
Isidori Hispalensis episcopi Liber differentiarum (II)
Opera omnia
Codex toletanus (nune matritensis) 15
La "Cronaca Volgare" isidoriana
Isidori Hispalensis versus
Synonyma de regimine vitae praesentis
De summo bono libri tres
De summo bono lib. III
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Sylvia Townsend Warner (1893-1978)

linguist, poet, musicologist, translator

Mr. Fortune's Maggot
Short stories
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
The Music at Long Verney
Stories from the New Yorker, 1950-1960
The innocent and the guilty
The corner that held them
Summer will show
Fahrenheit 451 and Related Readings
Collected Poems
The diaries of Sylvia Townsend Warner
Scenes of childhood
One thing leading to another
Swans on an autumn river
Selected poems
Lolly Willowes
I'll stand by you
T. H. White:A Biography
The element of lavishness
After the death of Don Juan
The innocent and the guilty: stories
Kingdoms of Elfin
One thing leading to another, and other stories
Flint Anchor
Four in Hand
Winter in the air
The cat's cradle-book
Mr. Fortune's Maggot
Scenes of childhood and other stories
True Heart
Kingdoms of Elfin (Handheld Classics Book 5)
A garland of straw
After the Death of Don Juan
A stranger with bag and other stories
The Flint Anchor
Jane Austen
Les royaumes des elfes (French Edition)
The true heart
Laura Willowes
A spirit rises
Twelve poems
Jane Austen, 1775-1817
The flint anchor, a novel.
Winter in the air, and other stories
The Museum of Cheats
A Stranger with a Bag and other stories
Swans on an Autumn
Opus 7
Stranger with a Bag
Looly Willowes
Sylvia Townsend Warner Selected Poems
Selected Stories
Sylvia Townsend Warner
The Portrait of a Tortoise
Winter in the Air
Sylvia and David
A spirit rises, stories
Mister Fortunes letztes Paradies
English Climate : Wartime Stories
Of Cats and Elfins
Conversation Gambits
Music at Long Verney
The espalier
Swans on an autumn river
Scenes of Childhood
Kingdoms of Elfin (A Delta book)
Spirit Rises
Mr Fortune's Maggot
Mr. Fortune
Letters Between Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland
A Stranger With a Bag
Doll's House and Other Stories
Warner S a Stranger with a Bag
Jane Austen (Bibliographical series of supplements to British Book News on writers and their work)
Kingdoms of Elfin
Winter in the Air
The Salutation
Sketches from nature
The cat's cradle book
Sketches from nature
The museum of cheats
Two conversation pieces
Elinor Barley
Jane Austen
24 short stories
Some world far from ours
The Barnards of Loseby
A Garland of Straw and other stories
Le coeur pur
Winter in the Air and other stories
Two poems
A spirit rises
Azrael & other poems
Jane Austen
A moral ending and other stories
With the hunted
This our brother
Lolly Willowes, and, Mr. Fortune's Maggot
Time importuned
Two conversation pieces
Mr. Fortune's maggot
Two poems
Whether a dove or a seagull
New collected poems
The museum of cheats, and other stories